Frankie free porn video

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Frankie was the first girl I was attracted to. We met when I started university – she was my chemistry lab partner. She had short trendy brunette hair, sparkling green eyes that twinkled when she smiled and the most gorgeous soft pink lips that pouted ever so slightly. She always dressed well and kept up with the latest trends that made the other girls in my class envy her.  

We shared the same interests in music and film and would try and organise nights out with people from the same degree course as us. Before I met her I was convinced I was only attracted to men.   The thought of being with a girl never crossed my mind before her.  

Frankie and I attracted a lot of attention when we hung out together.   We were both 18 and most boys used to tell us we were the hottest girls in our course – which wasn’t hard since the course was 70% male.   She was thin framed and was 5 ft 6.   Her body was very petite and proportionate to her height and she kept in shape by doing yoga.   She also had been a dancer since she was 6.

I on the other hand am 5 ft 4 curvy from the waist down. I have a large - but attractive - ass which fills out jeans perfectly but can also be a pain because my waist is small so trousers never seem to fit properly. My chest is smaller in comparison. I fit a 32C bra which sounds big but isn’t really.  

Frankie was a notorious flirt; she constantly had boys around her trying their hardest to impress her.   She was one of those girls who had what many guys call the potential to be “filthy” in bed.   She was never slutty but was provocative and she had a certain sexy charm which could make me jealous.

One weekend she decided to throw a party at her flat and had invited our friends from the course.


“Mia, you should bring your stuff over to my place and we can both get ready together before everyone arrives.” She said during our chem. lab.

“Yeah that’s a brilliant idea and I could help you set up as well if you want.” I replied.

“You may as well stay over too, save you getting a taxi home.”

“Awww thanks, you think Michelle will mind?” I asked. Michelle was Frankie’s flatmate. They both came from the same town in England and attended universities here in Glasgow, Scotland so they decided to get a flat together when they moved up to university.

“She’s not going to be there. She’s going home for her boyfriend’s birthday that weekend.”

Brilliant – I was going to get Frankie all to myself that night.   I didn’t hate Michelle but she did have a possessive hold over Frankie that I found irritating even to this day.  

I was counting the days to the party.   I had chosen my outfit and packed my stuff for sleeping over.   I arrived early as promised to help set up and get changed there.   When Frankie opened the door I was blown away.   Her hair was done up and she was wearing a thin blue dressing gown that was tied loosely around her waist.   I could almost see through the fabric.

She had a huge smile on her face as she let me in and threw her arms around me.   I wasn’t sure if I was just imagining it but I swear I could feel her nipples against me when she hugged me once I got inside her flat.

“I’m so glad u came round early Mia, you can help me choose what to wear. But before that we should have something to drink!”

(Just so you all know I really can’t handle my booze.   One glass of wine and I am anybody’s – but being at uni I was really testing my alcohol tolerance: two glasses of wine and I’m anybody’s! )

Frankie poured us a large measure of Vodka and cola each and we took it into her room.  

“What are you wearing tonight Mia?”

“I just brought this,” I said pulling out a grey, floaty and feminine vest top and skinny jeans.   “I brought my black stilettos too.”

“Aww, amazing.   I still don’t know what to wear,” replied Frankie.  

That girl really didn’t know how superb she was.   “Are you kidding? You could wear a sack and still look sexy.”

“Stop messing about.”

“I’m serious Frankie; you look amazing all the time.”   The drinks were bringing out my overt honesty.

“Thanks Mia,” she said while touching my knee “that really means a lot to me coming from you.”

I was too busy hyperventilating at the feeling of her warm hand on my leg to find out what she meant by her comment.   She quickly got up and looked like she randomly picked something out of her wardrobe.   I stood up and made to head to the bathroom to get changed.

“Where are you going?” she asked confused.

“To the bathroom to get changed...”

“Just get changed in here.   It’s not like we haven’t got changed in front of each other at the gym. Anyway, I need you to help me with my dress.”

I quickly took of my day clothes and slipped on my outfit for that night. Frankie glanced at me from the corner of her eye. I felt a blush awkwardly creep onto my cheeks.

“Your body is amazing.”

I thought I was hearing things.


“I said your body is amazing Mia.”

“Thanks.” I mumbled.   I hated empty compliments and it felt worse coming from her.

Frankie turned her back to me and took off her robe.   She was completely naked.   I felt my jaw drop to the floor. Her skin was so smooth and supple and her arse was staggeringly pert; you could just cup it in your hands.

She stood in her dress and pulled it up over her remarkable naked ass.   Her hands looped through the spaghetti straps elegantly.   It was like watching a peep show in reverse.   She looked over her shoulder at me, beckoning me to her.

The dress’s zip started at the top of her ass crack and I could see down it when I went to do her up.   She smelled irresistible and I forced myself not to kiss her neck.   Being that close to her was making me light headed.

I stepped back and turned away from her – I didn’t want her to think I was some pervert ogling her.   I excused myself to the toilet and almost ran there.   The bathroom was opposite her bedroom and I locked over the door, scared that she would see me in this fluster.   I ran the cold water and stared at myself.

What are you doing?   I thought.   Get a grip it’s just a stupid phase. Everyone gets curious at uni. I chanted this in my head over and over until I had calmed down.

I walked out of the bathroom and into Frankie’s room.   She wasn’t there.   Then I heard the music start from the living room.   She walked in and it was like slow motion in the movies. She stood at the door looking amazing in her little black mini-dress that was clinging to her like a second skin – no wonder she wasn’t wearing knickers! I started my chant again and focused on doing my make-up and fixing my hair.

The atmosphere felt electric and Frankie sat next to me in front of the mirror putting on her sexy black eyeliner and applying mascara.   Her sparkling green eyes stood out a mile now and looked very feline.  

She smiled at me and we started giggling like kids. The tension was broken and I continued to sip my drink.   I was just about finished when almost choked on my Vodka and cola. Looking in the mirror I could see up Frankie’s dress. I could see the skin below her abdomen and the thin landing strip of her Brazilian wax.

“Everything okay?” she enquired.

“Yeh fine but you better not sit down all night.”

She looked in the mirror and immediately crossed her legs. She bit her bottom lip in embarrassment and her cheeks turned red.   We giggled nervously and tried to shake it off.


  A few hours later the party was in full swing. Drinks were flowing, the music was blaring and everyone was merry but I still couldn’t shake the image of Frankie’s naked body.   It was plainly obvious I wanted her. I lusted for her and the boys at the party were no competition for her in my mind.  

As the hostess and the hottest person in the room the attention was always on her.   I wanted her to pay that sort of attention to me.   We crossed paths as I was heading into the kitchen and she was walking back from the bathroom.

“Having fun?” I asked.

“Yeh, its going well don’t you think?”

“So, any of the guys take your fancy?”

“Not really Mia, they still act like a bunch of horny teenagers. It gets a bit annoying and repetitive.   I want something more exciting.” She gave off a cheeky laugh and poured an extra large measure of Vodka in my glass.

“You know that they are a bunch of horny teenagers though.” I replied looking down at the glass. It seemed like 90% vodka to 10% soda and tasted like 200% vodka to me.

She rolled her eyes at me and I couldn’t help but laugh.   The alcohol was having a huge effect on me.   I was getting the giggles and I became really horny every time Frankie so much as looked at me.   She took my hand and led me into the living room where a bunch of folk had started dancing.  

Frankie pulled me into the centre of the crowd with her and we both joined in.   A banging hip-hop number came on and Frankie started whooping loudly.   It was her favourite song in the charts and every time it came on in a club she’d drag me to the dance floor and dance sexily with me.   She quickly took my drink off me and put in down in the window ledge.

When she came back she stood behind me and started grinding her hips in time with the beat.   I could feel her against my back moving rhythmically with the music, her crotch against my ass.   Frankie then slid her hands on my waist and pulled me in time with her.   The alcohol had relaxed me so I didn’t go into complete overdrive while it was happening – I just enjoyed every second of it.

The boys began cheering and the looks they were giving us only intensified the thrill I was getting from being so close to her. She spun me around to face her and she started grinding on me again.   Her dress began to ride up and I could see the eager looks the guys had as they watched the black material move towards her ass.  

Instinctively I placed my hands at the hem of her dress and slid it back down, grazing the back of her thighs as I did so. She looked at me shocked and my heart plummeted.   I didn’t know what to do or say.   I had blown it completely. She would forever think I was some kind of freak.

Frankie took a slight step back and adjusted herself properly and then continued to dance along pretending as if nothing had happened.   I felt like I humiliated myself so I picked up my drink and walked out of the room.  


I stumbled into the bathroom, placed down the lid if the toilet and sat down.   I put my face in my hands and tried to stop the tears from creeping out.   I tried not to cry the best I could because my face becomes sore and red and I didn’t need people to know I was upset.  

After a few minutes I could feel my stomach turn.   The last thing I needed was to be sick.   I ran to the sink and filled my cup with water.   Trying not to think about the knot in my stomach I took tiny sips of water in order to shake the nausea.

I just about found my composure when there was a knock at the door.

“Mia – its Frankie – are you okay? Can u let me in?”

I unlocked the door and opened it slightly.   She pushed her way in and locked the door over again.

“Mia, are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” I sniffed.   “I just feel a little sick that’s all.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gave you so much to drink. I know how you’re a lightweight,” she teased.

“Are you angry with me? Do you want me to leave?”

“What are you talking about Mia? Why would I be angry with you?”

She seemed genuine so I realised I must have got it wrong. “You’re not pissed off that I pulled your dress down in front of everyone?”

“What? Of course not! I’d much rather that than expose myself to all the guys here.” she laughed. “I actually should have thanked you for it.   I was just so embarrassed that I thought everyone got a good look and my bits.”

I felt like a weight floated off my shoulders and I relaxed a little.   “Well u would have given them a good view, prancing about with no knickers on!” I chuckled.

“I know! How daft of me! Next time I won’t care about having a VPL and I’ll make sure I put some pants on!” she giggled.   “It was kinda fun though. I feel sexy with no knickers. Have u ever went commando Mia?”

“Don’t be silly. I feel weird with no pants on. I’d get so paranoid.”

“I have to admit though - and this isn’t the drink talking – I liked it when u touched me.”

I was transfixed to the ground.

“When you pulled my dress down, your fingers grazed my thighs and it felt lovely.”

“Really?” I gulped.

“Yeh, I’ve been really turned on since then.” She came towards me and tucked a lock of my long hair behind my ear.

“Well I was actually turned on since you got dressed. You do have an amazing body Mia – I told you that before.”

I looked into her magical green cat-eyes and saw that she was being honest.     Our faces were centimetres apart. I could feel her warm breath against my skin and I smelled the scent of her cherry lip-gloss.   Everything felt like it was building up to this moment. I stood my ground hoping she would see that I felt the same way as her if not more.

I leaned in closer straightening up to meet her height and looked at her face as she closed her eyes. This was my moment. I skimmed my thumb against her lips gently then kissed her softly. My lips tingled from the electricity of the kiss and I felt her respond to me. She kissed me back a little harder, almost hungrily.

I opened my lips a little as her tongue entered my mouth. She seemed impatient as the kiss got deeper. She took my hands in hers and placed them on her pert ass wanting me to touch her there.   I squeezed lightly and I felt her moan as we kissed.   She had her hands on my shoulders intertwining her fingers in my long thick hair. I felt every nerve at the back of my neck notice.

Suddenly we heard voices at the door. Someone knocked and shouted drunkenly, “Anyone in there? I’m choakin’ for a piss.”

We giggled and adjusted ourselves looking at each other the entire time.

“I want to do this again Mia.”

“So do I Frankie.”

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She was flipping through the stations more quickly than she usually did, until something caught her attention. She quickly switched back and was surprised to find a scene that had her leaning forward in her seat and almost immediately had her juices flowing. It was of a woman sucking on a huge cock…drooling and stroking it as the man held her head and fucked her face. When this channel was added she didn’t know, but she instinctively thought of the *teddy bear* Sam had dropped off the...

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PennyChapter 7

Peter saw nothing of her. He drove to the Central Car Park which was almost deserted at that time in the morning. He went up the ramp to where Sainsbury’s was situated. He remembered what Penny had said about kindly souls helping people out. There was no sign of her. He wandered off in the direction of the Market Place and then St Mary’s Street. Nothing! Shortly after seven his phone rang. “Dad! I’ve found her!” “Where?” “Southampton Road. You know that big red brick building on the left,...

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Family Fun

FAMILY FUN(by Eros)Part 1. Tina opened the door to find her older brother standing on the front doorstep, surrounded by a pile of suitcases. "Ray!", she beamed affectionately, "Hi! How are you?" "Fine, Tina! Real fine!" smiled Ray, giving his sister a big friendly hug. He lifted her bodily off the ground, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her strongly against his powerful, muscular body. Tina marvelled at the strength of her brother's grip. He had always been the athletic type, and...

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Lost empire 33

0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste 0908 - Tara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry To grow -------- Lucy Derrick's eyes were wide, he'd already finished Conner and was already working on Ace's? Looking around Derrick called, "Mary? I damn sure hope you are keeping tabs on me!" "Yes sire," came Mary's voice from the air. "I still have you on tracking...

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Love n the Library 2

“Sasha go to my bedroom in the back. I will handle this.” Claire tells her. Sasha quickly gathered up her clothes and scurried to the bedroom. Claire grabbed a short robe that barely covered her full hips and walked to the door. Claire twists the knob and lets the door fly open. There stood a tall, dark and handsome man. His olive skin and boyish looks took her by surprise. His stature was 6’7 and he was at least 250 lbs. He was sexy and manly and she wondered if she fucking should share her...

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Almost Caught And Forced To Watch Cheating Wife

It was our monthly weekend away. My wife was going to visit her friend Karla and I was going out of town to see my friends in another city. At least that's what she thought. Really, I would be using the precious time alone to indulge in my secret addiction. I kissed her on the cheek and said goodbye as we both got into our cars and drove off.I did my usual trick of driving round the block before parking a couple streets over and carefully sneaking back into the house. Once inside I hurried...

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The MissionChapter 6 Parallel beings

Charles was hard at work trying to formulate a plan to change the mind of Allie's father the emperor. The only problem was that damn law, there had to be a way to get around it. Sighing Charles thought there was also the problem of what else he'd found out about, he was about to tell Alatem when his body out of sync with time had tried to kill him. He looked over at the red haired beauty he thought that she would be more immune to the effect by now but then again she was pregnant no telling...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 33 History

“So, tell us about the first Masters of Culverin!” said Jenny. She had taken a tortilla and was piling on some of the spicy beef and veggie mix. Jack smiled and wagged a finger at her, and then began working on his own tortilla. “After dinner. I will tell you two things now, though.” Jenny’s family chuckled; their youngest hated to wait for anything. “First, at the time, the 1790s and early 1800s, this was the frontier. When Jacob showed up here, western and central North Carolina was the...

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College Lesbian Hazing Test

“Alright you fucking sluts,” boomed the sorority president, Jess, “we’re gonna find out which of you whores are fuckin dykes!”Jess continued with instructions. Each girl was to sit on a paper towel naked and watch 10 minutes of lesbian porn. Anyone with a wet towel would be severely punished.Katie was bisexual (although somewhat in denial about it), and had not yet come out to her conservative, homophobic parents, and wouldn’t have dared to act on her impulses. She had tried to suppress her...

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Semper FiChapter 4 The Huntress

October 19th was Kieu-Linh's sixteenth birthday. They celebrated with a small tinned cake which Hitch had picked up over the Summer from Mountain City. He'd bartered for it, not in anticipation of consuming it, but because he expected he could probably trade it later for something of more value, such treats rare from what he'd seen. With a long shelf-life and a dwindling supply of such things available, Hitch had wagered that it would be worth significantly more the following Spring than...

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AndyChapter 3

Andy had been fairly frugal during his four and a half years aboard the Albatross. He didn’t gamble, only drank a little, and his biggest expense was on women in nearly every port. He had a respectable sum in the bank. So the first thing he did in Sydney that late September day in 1932 when he was paid off was find a comfortable hotel near The Domain and book in for five nights. He spent two days at the Australian Museum, finding that he was more interested in the myriad artefacts than in...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 14Blake was waiting on Dan finish a phone call so he decided to check thebalance in his savings account. "Wow!" he said when he saw the figure onhis computer screen."Something wrong?" Dan asked as he put his phone down and walked towardsthe teen."No, it was just the surprise at seeing how much my savings have grown,"replied Blake."Do you mind if I look?" Dan asked. Blake said that he didn't and turnedhis screen slightly so that Dan could see better. "That's quite...

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From the Past a PresentChapter 5 Past present and future

Explanation of a British term. 'end' a colloquial for the male penis, as in 'getting your end away' i.e. having sex. I phoned Ann on the Tuesday. I had been down to the south coast, leaving at five thirty in the morning and got home at just after seven in the evening. I didn't feel like cooking for myself so decided on going out for an Indian meal. It was without conscious thought that I picked up the phone to ask Ann if she would join me. "Hello David. It's lovely to hear from...

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the boy that sells beach towels

the boy who sells towels walks a week in a nearly empty beach. just me and a few other people to sunbathe. few tourists and the boy did not sell anything. walk for hours without result. This morning, the boy stopped to talk with me. on the beach just us two. said "I can sit next to you?" I said "sit down" We talked about the weather conditions are not favorable for the tourists and the guy asked if I live in the place. I covered my nakedness with bikini...

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Karlas Brainwashing Room 2 A weird punishment to break a stubborn lesbian slave

Please, read the prequels if you like this Story: PREQUEL - Karla’s Descent to Hell – The beginning YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 1 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 2 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 3 of 3 You can read previously - Karla’s Brainwashing...

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3am Ex GirlFriend Booty Call Lesbian

Knock! Knock! Knock!'What the fuck! It's 3A. M.! ' Raven thought as she tied her robe closed as she ran for the door.Knock! Knock! Knock!"Alright! I'm fuckin' coming," She shouted angrily.She throw the door opened and was shocked at who it was. There stood Abbey, her ex-girlfriend, of all people!Abbey had left her two months ago for this Asian girl she meet at work. The break-up was messy and it really hurt Raven. In, fact is was only a couple of weeks ago she stop spraying Abbey's perfume on...

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“Are you going to have your second orgasm this afternoon for me? “You were masturbating like a madman while he was fucking me. “Did watching me take eleven-inches turn you on? “It obviously did because you didn’t last long at all. “And he was watching you while he was fucking me. “While I was having his eleven-inch cock watching you masturbate turned me on even more. “And the noise you made when you came was very exciting for all of us. “I know I promised he could give you blow job...

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My very sexy life the beginning of the end

Introduction: im pretty much frustrated sexually and i know alot of it has to do with my abuse so im just going to write it here so i can stop creeping my boyfriend out with my dirty bedroom talk and roleplaying It was the night before my first day of pre-kindergarten, and i was 4, about to turn 5. My dad was gone, So that left me, my 8-year old sister, Loraine and my mom homeless because she never kept a job and we ended up living with my grandmother in her trailer with my two uncles also. My...

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Necromancer of KemmrillChapter 5

Arakel awoke at about the same time as Saern, Dai and Dorn began to ascend the mountain, and he began to prepare himself for the day. Today, of all the days of his long life, would be the most important, certainly since the Ryu-Sincar swept through the Isle of Dreams. He opened his wardrobe, and pulled on a rust-splotched quilted shirt, and then a pair of cotton trousers. Over that he pulled on a chain mail shirt and trousers, the steel links polished until they shone. A black-enameled steel...

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The Story Of Lakshmi And Raj Kiran

I was living a dream through the week I was lakshman an average feminine looking science student. By the weekends I was living as lakshmi/lucky, mr.Prasad’s concubine. I would regularly visit his house and by now was quite used to it. Plus the sex was awesome and prasad was so mature and loving. He would spend endless hours in beautifying me and soon I began loving to get waxed (the skin shines better when you wax than with hair removal creams). My hair had grown to my shoulder, curling as it...

Gay Male
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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 4

Adelaide squealed. She dug her fingers into Sherry’s calf. Talsy and Sherry were laid out sweating in a mess on the twisted up sheets. I had Adelaide’s hips in my hands and our feet on the carpet as I fucked her from behind. Every part of her was the right shape and felt amazing in my hands. I squeezed her hips and rolled my hands to her ass. I lifted her more as I fucked her. “You like that?” Talsy leaned over Sherry and ran fingernails from Adelaide’s ear to her chin. “He’s pounding you...

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Pool Party

Chris woke up to the sound of laughter out by the pool. It was about 11:30, his room was flooded with warm yellow sun light. He sat up in bed, wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked out the window. His mom Carrie, sister Krista, and two other women were sitting by the pool drinking and smoking. He rubbed his eyes again and saw that they were all topless, and his sister was completely naked. Interesting.He knew that his mother would never invite any one over who wasn't comfortable or discreet...

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Mom why am I stuck with you

Its the day of the punishment as Jake and Samantha are dropped off to a cheap hotel that Kevin had booked for them to live in from now till they figure their differences out. Their bags are sent inside the room as they are handed their keys. Jake looks at his mom with disgust as he unlocks the door. As he enters the room he is in shock as he couldn't believe what his dad booked for them. The room is fairly small and has an average sized bed in the middle of it. Inside it has a closet, where...

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Secret Lives Part 5

Secret Lives - Part 5 Joanne Foxcourt, 2005 Forward Welcome to part 5 of my story about Melissa "Josh" Stevens. If you haven't read the first four parts (chapters 1-20), then you should because what happens here won't make a lot of sense otherwise. This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for...

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Beautiful Lee

It all started the weekend before last. I bought a house – my first house. In the Navy I always lived in apartments, so I saved a lot of money. I usually ended up saving over a thousand dollars a month once I made First Class. Plus I received an inheritance from my grandmother. So, I bought a very nice three bedrooms, two bath, 2,100 square foot house, just for me. Thirty-eight years old, and finally my very own place. I hired a handful of sailors and their wives or girlfriends to help me move...

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I Love My Cheating Husband

My husband cheats on me. And I love it. Now, most women would say, ‘what a horrible thing to do to the woman you love and that I should leave him’. But they don’t really understand. I’m ok with it. I don’t just accept it, I love it! When my husband and I are making love his attention is completely on me. Always attentive to my needs and desires and when we make love he ravishes me, completely. He always makes sure I cum at least three times if not more and eats pussy like it’s his last meal....

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Demigod of WarChapter 33

Day 120: John’s shoulders ached. As did his back. And buttocks. Hell, even his toes hurt. He had no idea how long they’d been rowing, but guessed it had been a couple of hours at least. Modi sat on the bench opposite his and was matching his new boss stroke for stroke. So long as he was still conscious, John refused to let one of his men get the best of him. Each of them had a chained slave seated on the bench, closer to the hull. Both of those men were already beyond exhaustion. Neither was...

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