- 2 years ago
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Laura is just another girl ... who blossoms into womanhood ... a near sexual relationship, with one of her fellow college students, is just the start. She leaves on her big EO, spending time globe trotting ... taking work whenever and wherever she can ... meeting up with what she thinks is a very handsome ... very nice Nigerian guy ... she finds herself finishing up in a rather seedy outback town ... meeting up with some very unsavoury characters...
Prologue Just how far would you go to help your husband? Well I guess there would be many different answers ... some would go a long way, and some would perhaps do nothing. We would have to look at each individual circumstance. Ok here’s Laura Humphrey’s response.
Laura married Tony three years ago. It’s been a very happy marriage ... and most of all, devoted and in love
“If that was the case why did she do what she did?”
Good question, not too sure I have the answer ... perhaps it was that love and devotion ... and wanting to protect him that she did what she did. Anyhow enough from me ... here is her story just as she told it ... you be the judge ... would you go so far?
Charlie Lynch was a bastard ... a real smug arrogant bastard. Until a few months ago he’d been my boss ... as it happens he was, and still is Tony’s boss ... the creep. No, no not Tony ... Charlie Lynch.
You see Charlie and I go back, we were at school together. Back then he was a real good looking smooth kind of a guy. Women just fell over themselves, almost peeing their pants just to be with him ... and yes I confess I was one such young girl ... but whoow was he something.
Real good looks, thick mop of black hair ... like a god from Greek mythology, nothing like the man he is today ... no one would believe it was the same person, hair now thinning, a waist line that is expanding with each year, round face and jowl like chin.
The problem he has, is he still thinks in the past, thinks all the females are as eager to be with him as they were then ... sad news is Charlie they are not.
He does however have a couple of things on his side.
He married the boss’s daughter, a rather plain dowdy, sour faced woman, who rarely if ever smiles. No one could understand how a good looking guy that he was, married a girl like that ... she was the complete opposite to everyone’s expectations ... but marry her his did, and with it went a good job as manager for a transport company ... a very big transport company, perhaps that’s what the big attraction was. Of course we all thought it had been for other reasons ... you know, got her up the duff, but there never did follow any children.
As I was saying, he and I were at school together, and I like most of the others lusted after him, dreamed and fantasised about him.
He was slowly working his way through the girls, screwing one after the other, but once he’d had his way, that was it, it was on to the next one.
It was soon my turn ... the school dance was coming up, and he needed a partner, who better than Laura Singleton
“Hmmm yes she needs a bit of this” he thought to himself, rubbing his hard crotch, his mind running riot at the thought of putting it up me.
Naturally when asked if I’d like to be his partner at the dance, I had no hesitation in saying most enthusiastically yes.
At the dance itself, most of his attention was toward me, he still managed to find time to flirt with some of the other girls though ... I mean it was in his nature ... like that scorpion story...”Yeah I promise not to sting you...” Or a car salesman saying “Trust me I’m a car salesman” now that is a contradiction in terms ... sorry all you car people.
It was like all school dances, the sly alcoholic drinks, and the odd drag on a joint out back, trying to waft the smoke and smell away ... and keeping an eye out for patrolling teachers.
“Here let’s take a walk outside, get some fresh air hun ... what do you think?”
I thought it was an excellent idea ... and told him so.
The great big satisfied smile on his face told me what he really had in mind, and it wasn’t just fresh air We made our way to the exit, I was pretty sure no one had seen us, they were all far too involved dancing and having to good a time to see Charlie and I sneak outside.
The outside area, especially the entrance/exit area was well lit ... and well lit was not what we wanted ... not for what Charlie had on his mind.
“This way” he said, grabbing my hand and almost dragging me after him.
My short tight fitting skirt made it almost impossible to keep up with him ... my hi heels clicking and clacking as I stumbled along behind.
He led me around the corner where there was shadow and darkness ... perhaps we should have gone further ... like around the back ... but Charlie was eager to get it up, and decided here was good enough.
He pushed me against the wall, and was at it straight away. His hands at the back of my neck, pulling my mouth and lips to his ... we were hungry, mouth and lips kissing with a ferocious lust, our tongues in each other’s mouth.
His hand found my breast, and began to squeeze and massage.
“Oh Laura ... Laura you’re fantastic ... just fantastic ... I’ve waited ages to do this” he gasped and then began to kiss again before I could answer.
He tugged my blouse from out of my skirt band, and his hand found its way up to my breasts, pushing my bra aside to feel the warm bare tit ... a tit that was now all firm and a nipple that was real hard.
“Awwww shit ... shit ... Laura ... Laura” he managed to mumble, as he sucked in some air before more lustful kissing. I was just as bad as he was, as I pulled his mouth and lips to mine, god my heart pounded, and I have to say I had a very wet pussy right then.
Forgetting my breast, his hand went under the hem of my skirt, working up my thigh, and down my panties, before finding what he was really after ... that very wet cunt.
“Ohhh god” he hissed, pushing his finger inside and finding it wet already.
“Ohhh my fucking god” he hissed again, his finger working furiously
“Oh god Charlie ... Charlie is this right ... I’m not too sure we should be doing this” I said.
“Ohhh sweetheart of course it’s right ... it’s gona feel good for both of us ... trust me ... you do trust me ... don’t you?” he said, his finger still working inside me ... fast and furious.
“Oh yes Charlie, yes ... yes ... I do ... I do ... its ... It’s just that I’m scared ... I’ve ... I’ve never done it before” I stammered, but that finger of his was making me feel giddy, I’d never felt or experienced anything like this before.
His response was to press his mouth and lips to mine and so we continued to kiss passionately.
Oh yes I was scared ... but I was also hungry for it ... and what he was doing, was making it very difficult, if not impossible to stop ... or say no. My fingers tightened around his thick head of hair, and I pulled and pressed my mouth to his, eating and biting, tongues delving.
He stopped his finger fucking long enough to tug and pull my panties down ... they were now around my knees ... then continued to finger fuck me.
Now it was starting to dawn on me, there’s a big difference between my fantasies and the real thing ... I was scared ... because in a moment or so he was going to get it up.
“I know you’re concerned my love ... it’s only natural ... it’s your first time ... but trust me ... it’s gona be all right ... I’ll be real careful”
“Oh god Charlie ... I don’t know ... you’ll be careful ... won’t you ... promise”
“Yea ... yeah ... I promise ... I wouldn’t do anything to harm you ... you’re the one for me ... I just want to protect and love you” he said, smothering any further response from me by further kissing.
I heard the zip on his fly as he pulled it down ... my body tensed, and my heart and pulse rate rose ... oh god this was it.
He placed the hard throbbing monster ... and I can testify that he did have a good sized dick ... on my stomach, pressing it into my soft belly, squirming and gyrating.
I was so confused that at first I thought he had put it up, but it was his finger inside me, not his dick.
He kissed and licked my ear murmuring, “I think you’re ready for it love ... I’m gona put it up now ... you ok with that?”
“Yes ... yes” I murmured
“Ok what I want you to do is spread your legs wide apart, as far as you can”
“Yes ... yes” I sighed “Oh god”
“Don’t worry it’s gona be great ... you just have to trust me ... and you do trust me don’t you?”
Once again I affirmed that I did trust him.
“Ok let’s do it” he said pushing back.
He had his cock in his hand, and teasingly pressed and brushed it over my thigh first, prior to putting it up ... he was just about to put it in ... I’m not too sure if I felt the hard head touch my pussy lips or not ... I’m pretty certain he did not get any part of it in, but that’s as far as he got.
Voices were coming from around the corner ... the voices of two teachers ... one male ... one female.
“God hurry ... put that thing away” I said in a hushed panicky voice, not wanting to be heard, and pushing him away.
“No ... no I can get it up first, stop panicking” he replied, now angry.
“Don’t be stupid ... there’s a couple of teachers just around the corner ... they’ll be coming this way stupid” I said, still in a hoarse whisper, and hurriedly pulling my knickers back up.
“Don’t call me stupid you slack bitch ... I could have given you a good fucking before they come round here ... god what you like?”
“Give me a good fucking ... and slack bitch eh?” I replied “Is that all I am to you a slack bitch?”
“Of course ... you didn’t really take any notice of all that other shit I spun ... did you?”
I just stared at him, a little stunned, how stupid can a girl get
“Ha you did, didn’t you ... then you really are a slack bitch ... all I ever wanted to do was give you a good fuck ... that’s all slack bitches like you deserve ... a good fuck ... and don’t tell me you weren’t up for it ... because you were” he said chuckling and smiling I’d managed to get my panties back in position, my blouse tucked back in my waist, and my breast back into the cup ... then ran my fingers through my hair.
He in the mean time had tucked his cock back in his trousers as was zipping up his fly. We stood for a while waiting to see what the two teachers were going to do. They chatted and smoked, then went back inside.
“See ... I told you ... I could have had it up ... had a good fuck, and no one would know”
“Yeah well at least I now know how it really is between us ... you really showed your true colours eh?”
“And you now know your true pedigree, a cheap slut ... even a whore”
I guess it had been a near thing ... I shudder to think what it would have been like just to be another notch on his bed ... another cheap slut ... well he never got this cheap slut.
I had little to do with him from then on ... although he did claim me as one of his conquests, as I learned from other students ... well let him have his little fantasy ... he really wasn’t worth it.
From school I went on an overseas trip, adventure, and yes I did eventually lose my virginity to what I thought at the time was a very nice well presented Nigerian guy ... named Leo Ndigwi. He was well mannered and a gentleman, always courteous and was maybe about five years older than me.
I met him in London ... in order to make a living as I went, I took temping jobs for various companies ... we met up at the offices of Stine, Barford and Fleming ... an accounting firm. We had passed each other in corridors and offices and he was always charming and courteous ... I thought he was a little shy ... and was surprised when one day at the coffee dispenser, he plucked up the courage to ask me out, just a meal he said. But as it turned out we started to have quite a few meals out, and before long we had a pretty heavy thing going. I moved in to his flat, and we shared expenses ... which was great for a girl on a rather limited income.
When we had first met up, I’d told Leo what my plans had been, to get around the world and see as many places as possible before returning home ... he was aware of all this beforehand.
I was now at the point where I felt it was time to move on. I was surprised when Leo came to me and said
“It must be getting near to time for you to move on Laura?”
“Funny you should mention that Leo ... I was about to discuss it with you ... you must be a mind reader or something ... why do you ask?’
“Well my time here is about up also ... I too have to return home ... to Nigeria ... ever been there?”
I confessed that I hadn’t.
“Would you like to make a stop over there on your world tour?”
I admitted it had never been a country on my must visit list.
However there was a certain logic behind it, I got to visit a country I knew little or nothing about, but I did have a chaperone, in the form of Leo, who was from there ... first stop off was a major city, after all we both needed jobs. We decided on the city of Abuja ... a newer and upcoming city, where we thought we had the best chance in our search for employment ... we were right.
It was all new and exciting for me ... a job, a good man, places to visit and some good night life ... I really felt great and glad I’d come along for the ride. Alas just when you think it’s all going well ... it suddenly turns dark and stormy.
I’d sensed a change in Leo ... and when he came to me and said he’d like to go back to his home town ... that was the time it all as they say “Turned to custard”
He assured me that I would like the town, small by comparison to where we were now, but real people. He eventually talked me into going with him ... after all this was a place and area he was born, brought up in so it must be good...
After a flight of some 2 hours in an old two engined death trap ... we arrived, and my heart just sank ... god what had I come to. Leo of course was full of enthusiasm, pointing out the places where had grown up. We stayed at a rather dubious hotel ... apparently his family had moved away three years previously ... obviously for better pickings, and far better life style.
“I want to take you out tonight, show you off and show you some of the places I used to visit in my youth”
Yeah how exciting, I thought to myself ... what could possibly be interesting here?
We turned up at ... well a rather sleazy bar. “The Mustard Pot” “Yeah I know it looks nothing from the outside ... but I assure you, you get the best fried chicken meal here in all Nigeria” adding “If not the world ... it belongs to a friend of mine ... Rick Chukwa.
“Yeah whoow I am impressed” I think my sardonic response was lost on Leo As it turned out he was right, the chicken was the best, but I had to question the class of customer, and the working staff, well I mean scantily clad women, mixing with the customers, draping themselves over them ... it was quite obvious what it was all about.
“Yeah I know” said Leo, indicating to the women, and knowing what I was thinking.
“But they make good money ... there’s a gold mine and an oil field not too far from here ... tonight is a quiet night, but when the miners and drillers get time off this is where they make for”
“Yeah ... I can imagine” I replied A booming voice resonated across the room
“Leo ... Leo my very good friend ... hi”
I turned and saw a big broad shouldered Nigerian guy striding toward us.
It was like two brothers meeting, handshakes and man hugs.
He was very black, no surprise, and he was very, very good looking, he had that “IT” factor, a girl couldn’t help be feel a tingling down there ... whoow. He was dressed in a fine linen suit, open neck shirt, and smart shoes ... it didn’t come from a Target store ... and must have cost a fortune.
Leo introduced us ... but the way he looked me up and down, kind off worried me ... his eyed scanned me top to bottom ... and that smile, disarming ... but could be dangerous ... but then what was I scared of?
Hi Laura ... I’m Richard Chukwa ... Rick to all my friends ... I hope I can be your friend Laura” offering his hand
“Yes of course Richard ... I mean Rick” taking his hand.
His eyes bore into me, and his hand held mine longer than it should have.
“Barman drinks all round” he shouted, and inviting all of us to sit There followed a session of drinking and questions and answers ... where was I from and how had I met Leo ... but all the time his eyes never seemed to shift from looking me over, whenever I crossed my legs, his eyes were there, looking at my thighs ... I guess I did stand out, white, with tanned skin and blond ... a hot and sought after commodity in these parts.
By the time we left, I was quite light headed, and needed the support of Leo to get me back to our hotel ... we made hot delicious love that night.
After a month I was starting to get restless, and there wasn’t any work forthcoming, Leo was paying the bills, it couldn’t go on.
Leo found a job which was part time, didn’t pay much but it did help. It kept him away from me for a few hours during the day, it was becoming boring, as there was little to do in the area, most were working in the oil fields or mining ... in the mean time people just went their way ... whatever that may be. It wasn’t as if it was an interesting little town, never on the tourist list. Having wandered the main street, time and time again, I was becoming a little bored with the routine, this was not what I intended for an overseas trip.
“The Mustard Pot” came into view, as I sauntered up the street.
Perhaps a cold drink, spend some time in there, kill the boredom, all came to mind.
I pushed through the door and a cold blast of air from the air-conditioning hit me.
Hmmmm this was better already, as I made for the bar, and hitched up on the bar stool. I ordered a fruit juice ... cold. It wasn’t the busy part of the day ... a couple or three of the regulars ... a girl or two hanging around and hoping to score.
I ordered an orange juice ... cold
“Well ... well ... look who’s here”
It was Rick ... never one to miss an opportunity.
I gave him a cordial smile “Hi Rick, and how you doing?”
“Oh much ... much better now that you’re here” he replied, scanning the area before adding “And no Leo ... so where’s Leo?” a very cheerful grin on his face.
I took a moment to ponder, and look him straight in the eye ... what was going on inside him ... as if I didn’t know.
“Well Rick he’s working ... someone has to keep the cash flow going ... and at present it’s him”
I saw a smile on his face, and that mind of his working overtime, “Yeah well we should really do something about that ... don’t you think ... I mean get you some work as well ... perhaps a business that you both can work”
“Oh yeah ... and what did you have in mind?”
He looked away from me and said “Well I have a business contact who is good with small businesses, a business broker, a bit of an expert in his field ... I could give him a call ... he could have something on his books, you and Leo could have a chat with him ... see if what he’s got suits you”
I eyed him suspiciously. “You’re kidding aren’t you? Why do you want to help Leo and I”
“Well Leo is a good friend ... we go back a ways. Brought up around here ... and besides I like you” his face beamed ... he had a smile ... but so did the crocodile.
He moved in close ... too close. My heart began to pound, this guy was dangerous ... I wanted, yet didn’t want him ... I feared him ... not the terrified fear ... it was the power he seemed to have over me ... could I control it ... that was the question.
He slid one arm around my back, drawing me close, holding me tight. The other hand went behind my neck, and drew my mouth to his, my lips upon his lips. I made no resistance, my arms flew around his neck, pulling his mouth to mine, our kissing was passionate and filled with hunger and lust ... our tongues pushed and delved. The hand behind my back, slid to my ass, massaging and squeezing it, when he pressed against me, I could feel his hardened manhood ... his hips gyrated, making sure I got the message ... oh I got the message all right.
With great effort I pushed away ... I was gasping for air.
“No ... no ... god no” I eventually managed to gasp. “I can’t do this”
He merely smiled, giving a wicked chuckle. “Of course you can Laura ... you want it ... I want it ... we both want it to happen” he said stepping close again, grabbing me back into his arms, and crushing his mouth and lips to mine once again, and again I responded ... hungry and lustful.
One of his hands was on my ass, squeezing, as the other hand slid between my thighs, rubbing my pussy area.
“Come on ... let’s go into my office it’s nice and quiet, big desk for you to bend over and a big couch ... you’d like that wouldn’t you?, let’s go?”
Taking my hand, he led me toward the office, with that big desk, and big couch. My stomach churned, my heart and pulse raced, my legs felt weak. As we approached, the door was wide open, I could see the desk he wanted me to bend over, and then the couch came into view ... I pulled free.
“No ... no ... I can’t do this ... it’s not ... it’s just not right”
Turning back toward me he said. “Of course it’s right honey ... it’s what we both want ... you want it just as much as me, I felt it in your kiss ... you’re hungry and eager for it ... come on love, the desk beckons” a smile upon his face, his hand outstretched, fingers beckoning to me. “Come on love ... come on” he said his voice calm and [censored].
My feet were frozen; I just stared at him, unable to move, like some animal caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. I had backed away some distance. He took a step closer, his fingers still beckoning me, his voice calm quiet and calming.
“That’s the way ... we can do this, you and I ... it’s going to be magic ... and an experience you’ve never had before ... you’ll see ... I promise” another step toward me, hand outstretched.
My eyes centred on the big desk ... images passing through my mind, my body bent and stretched over it, my naked ass and legs wide apart, Rick coming up behind me, assuring me it was all going to be good ... then the feel of his big hard cock as he enters me ... it’s fullness ... ohhhhhhh.
I shake my head, clear the images, and back away.
“No ... no ... no ... I can’t, I won’t” I say to him, and continue to back away.
He laughs. “No dear ... no you want it ... we both know that ... it’s no good denying it”
“Nooooooo” I said firmly, “Never” and turned toward the door.
“You can run Laura ... but you can’t hide from your emotions ... sooner or later you’ll be back ... you’ll see” continuing to laugh Outside I supported myself against the warm brick of the building, my heart still pounding. I took deep, slow breaths ... trying to calm myself.
God how could I ... he was right, I had wanted it ... in that moment we were together ... I really wanted it ... my pussy had been wet, was still wet at the thought ... in fact still was wet. I could quite easily at that moment gone back in and beg for it, but I kept strong ... and on shaky weak legs I walked away.
I took refuge in our dilapidated hotel room ... the place we called home these days. The temperamental air-con was doing its best to keep the room cool ... at least is was better than the outside temperature...
I could not but help think about what had almost happened that afternoon ... it wasn’t so much I was scared about Rick ... it was about me ... I was scared about what I was capable of doing when this guy was near me.
When Leo eventually finished his work and returned home, it was hard for me to settle. I fidgeted and could not keep still, I just did not know if I should tell him ... or how to go about it ... eventually.
“Hey sweetheart ... what’s up ... you’ve been jumping around like a cat on hot bricks ... something wrong ... you can tell me?”
Of course he knew something was wrong ... how could he not ... with me acting as I was.
“Oh shit ... oh shit, I just don’t know how to tell you this” I replied, staring out of the window.
I admitted everything ... left nothing out, from going in to coming out.
“But I swear ... that’s a far as it got ... we never... (Pause) we never did actually do it”
“You mean fuck ... you and he never fucked, is that right?”
“That’s right we never got that far” I murmured
“But you wanted to, didn’t you?”
God what could I say ... if I was to be truthful.
“Yes ... yes I did ... I was tempted” then adding “But I never ... I never went that far”
He looked away from me, deep in thought, before turning back.
“Ok ... ok I believe that ... I should have known Rick ... he always did want to prove a point ... even when we were kids, everything I had he wanted, especially women, like he had to prove a point ... we’ve been mates for years ... like brothers, but he never changes ... like the scorpion ... now he wants’ you”
I wasn’t too convinced he believed me ... and to be fair ... I could understand if he didn’t ... but the truth was I hadn’t.
I should have known Rick wasn’t going to give up. I made a point of not going to his bar; I guess I didn’t trust myself as well as him ... I kept the temptation at arm’s length.
The flowers and notes were left at the reception, and Rick no doubt, knew the receptionist wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to read the messages therein.
“Sweetheart that was the best sex, and most memorable afternoon I have ever spent with a woman ... we must do it again sometime ... soon”
The next day again similar message with more flowers
“Oh god what can I say each time the sex just gets better, love you xxxxx”
Three days, three bunches of flowers and three messages, and all implying I had sex with him ... well he must have a very long dick to reach all the way from the club to our room.
Then one night Leo came to me
“Hey Rick has offered us a business proposition”
“Yea what kind of proposition” I asked.
“Well one we can run ourselves ... pretty easy money ... and let’s be fair we need the cash”
“Yeah but what’s the deal, what do we do ... and I don’t have the cash to invest into any business deal” I replied.
“No ... no there’s no upfront money ... Rick can take care of all that ... we can pay him back from the profits”
“Yeah well I’d feel a lot happier if I knew before hand what the deal is”
Somehow I knew if Rick was involved it was a scheme that would involve me ... the fox at work, wanting to get to the chickens.
“We have to meet up with him tomorrow ... at the bar, he’s got his guy he wants’ us to meet ... explain all about it”
I still wasn’t happy about it ... but agreed to go along and meet this guy Rick was his all charming self ... like the wolf or smiling crocodile. It was supposed to be a business deal and Leo had me dress nice, black dress, short, and black stocking. I should have known then what this business deal was all about ... I’d never worn stockings out here ... so why now ... well it was business, and we had to put on an impression ... crossing my legs in front of Rick brought an all new meaning.
“I have someone for you and Leo to meet Laura ... through here” he said standing and offering his hand.
“Er where are we going” I asked
“You’ll see ... he’s the guy who is gona make you and Leo a lot of money”
“What about Leo. Shouldn’t he be in on this as well?” I asked “After all if it’s a business deal”
“Yeah ... yeah sure he is ... but we’ve er split into two groups ... I show Leo the figures first, Toad ... well that’s his nickname ... real name Larry Iwhoha ... he’s good ... he wants to show you the other side of the business.
I looked at Leo, who just shrugged and said “Well I guess so”
I went with him down a passage to a room ... the room was quite large and furnished with three chairs and a large couch, along with other suitable pieces of furniture, as we entered a man stood and greeted us. He was black, large in stature, and rotund and sweating, even the big rotating ceiling fan couldn’t keep him from sweating He quickly introduced himself as Larry Iwhoha, better known as Larry (The Toad) ... and the name suited him well, that’s exactly what he looked like ... a big fat toad his shaved black head was just plonked on top of his shoulders, no neck ... there was a brief conversation between this Larry the toad and Rick ... all in Nigerian, so I had no idea what it was all about.
“Ok ... I’ll leave you two to sort it all out ... sing out when you’re done”
“Would you like a drink?” he offered
“Er no ... no thank you ... I prefer to get on with this business deal” I replied.
He swirled the ice in his glass, then swallowed it and the whiskey in one go.
: kamal EDITOR: Stacey Hi Dear Friends, Names Changed….He…He I am kamal 26 years old bi-sexual. Thou my preference is straight sex with women, I equally loves gay sex. My first exposure to sex was gay sex only at the age of 30. Till my age of 30 I never thought of a gay sex. All it happened to make my career. In 2008 I joined one company as Technical Director and work there till date. It was a growing organization having its branch office in US, Singapore, and India. I was appointed to...
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So we were walking through the forest one day. My father was out fishing and looking for a good spot next to the river while I lingered behind him. That day I wore Dr. Marten's boots, black nylons, a black thong that was more like a string, a short black skirt, no bra (had smaller tits back then), a t-shirt, and a blue hoodie with a "daddy's girl" print on it.He finally found a spot and started fishing. I was quite bored and the book I brought was not interesting. Finally I had to go to pee so...
Mother in law gangbanged at the beach part 3In the morning Sam went to check on Wendy and to tell her that Ben and Gary were waiting to stretch that tight cunt of hers with both of their cocks in her cunt, Sam lifted the flap to the tent and saw Wendy laying between her two brothers asleep, she was covered in dry cum from head to foot. Wendy was lying on her side with Glenn's cock still in her hand while Jimmy was behind her with his cock stuck to her arse after it had plopped out her arse...
‘I want to see you naked,’ he whispers, just as I’m about to suggest he move on. Fuck! He’s even reading the signals correctly. He leaves a trail of kisses down my stomach as he locates the zipper on the side of my skirt and pulls it down. I lift my ass off the bed so he can slide my skirt over my hips and then I raise my feet up so he can remove it completely. With my skirt gone, I spread my legs and watch Jeremy kneel on the bed between my thighs. Nuzzling his face against the front of my...
By All Accounts By Sissie Maid Cuckold By all accounts Ted Jefferies was a normal American husband. He had a great job as Technical Officer with Zanex Corporation, made good money and had prestige in the company. He had worked for Zanex for more than 7 years and was well respected by everyone and recognized as a man who could solve problems. His boss, Terrance Cummings placed high value on Ted's abilities and looked for him to go on special missions and solve unsolvable problems for...
“So you have to go with her?” Ada asked him. Knowing what Ada truly wanted and desired Angus looked at her wishful face. He also wished, right then and there, that he too could be with both women at the very same time, once again. He still felt unsure of what he’d done with them but upon seeing her and how she appeared those feelings seemed to dissipate. Seeing as he wasn’t really that kind of man who “whored” around like he with two women it was to him to make a decision if he was an immoral...
MatureHello, all, I’m a novice reader of the sex story and felt I’d share my sexual experience with my girlfriend to you all. I would love to hook up with girls and aunties. You can hit me up at I have a lot of sexual fantasies to fulfill and I promise I will give you a good sexual experience. I wanna have really passionate sex so ping me and I’ll reply you back and we shall decide the stuff. This sex story happened when I was in college second year. I loved a girl since I joined college and...
This chapter is in moderation. The chapter content will be available again soon. Thank you for your patience!
Ye kahani hai meri bua aur meri meri pehli kahani Mast Mami Ki hot chudai sab ko pasand aayi aapka feedback pake maine socha ki aap sabke sath mera dusra real experience batu, Pahaile mai apne bareme batadu name Maddy age 26 height 5.8″ fair I regularly exercise in home so my body is well maintained weight 64. Mai Pune me rehta hoon I work in IT company. Mujhe meri umar ke females se jyada badi umar ke females me interest hai jitni badi uamr utha jyada maja no age bar koi bhi female Widod,...
So as Jacky was going through his story about how we ended up in this shop, I started to look around. I found that my initial belief that the shop was just a hair dresser was completely wrong. The shop was split in two, long ways, with the left side having about four stations for regular hair work, two stations for nails and a couple of closed rooms for massages, waxing and tanning. The right side had several racks of all sorts of women’s clothes including lingerie, dresses, shoes, wigs and...
CrossdressingI was thinking to myself one day while lying in bed. If men think with there dicks, what do women think with? I realize that not all girls have this nympho desire or nothing. But, you see, I know some who like to be bad, do bad things. Are we just that type? I was trying to come up with a story to write. A good one. Then what do I think about doing to someone. But noooo. I go start to the sex. It was like saying: heyyy, no waiting here! And hurry up I need some! Went to this chat room. And...
First off, the POV will switch in between different characters. Each with their own perverted storylines in how and why they are corrupting those around them into debauchery and sex. Feel free to send suggestions and what you would like to see!
BDSMDear fellow readers, please recall that I had ended part 3 of the story, stating that my mom’s friend Indra came weeping on a second Saturday , a govt. holiday, by afternoon. On the said day my dad was out of station & I was just lying on his cot , being tired after physical education class in the morning, at school. She came near our room door along with my mom, carrying a plastic cover. My mom was disturbed seeing her friend crying & told her to get into the room, as my mom was following...
IncestShower Sex By Blueheatt him&hellip, ____We laid in bed talking naked. She asked me to tell her one of my hot stories. She loved them, and they got her hot. She rated them by hot, hotter and hottest. I rated them by wet, wetter and wettest, because she was my hot story indicator. I noticed a pattern, any story with two women licking, fucking and having any kind of sex, she got the wettest. I wondered if she had a hidden desire to have sex with a woman again. I knew she had been with a woman...
Hi, this is your favorite Kishore again. It has been a while since I posted any messages, and thought I should get back to this excitement of sharing what ever little I know in this world of relationships. I used to stay in row houses during my teen age life. The area for washing and drying clothes used to be common for about 6 houses in the compound where I lived. From the bathroom area of my house, I can clearly visualize the wash area through the gaps available between my bathroom door and...
I decided I'd walk over to her place. It wasn't far and it was a nice day. Once dressed I picked up the bag and headed out the door. I arrived just before 8. She answered the door in her dressing gown. "darling" she said and we kissed each other on both cheeks as I entered. I stood in the hall. The flat had high ceilings. We went to the kitchen. We discussed proceedings over tea and toast. Showers were a must. I had a lot of shaving to do. That would take some time. There was one...
Hi Friends , I am fan ISS from past 2 years daily i will visit ISS a tleast once.This is my first story please excuse if you find any mistakes.To say about me am Sagar , 25 years,,5.8′ height average looking guy working in MNC Bangalore from past 3 years.Since my childhood I was very reserved so I didnt have any girlfriend .I use to get tempted always after reading the stories here and I was eagerly looking for opportunity have such a romantic session. Girl name was Rohini 22 years old. Lets...
The Lear jet touched down softly and the blur of African bush slowed down to recognisable shapes. Majestic Camel-thorn trees mixed with Mopani and Baobab stretched towards the Mountains in the distance. The heat was visible from the air-conditioned coolness of the plane. It was Jenny and Paul’s first visit to Africa but the trip was clouded from the word go. Paul was here to investigate yet another investment opportunity and insisted that Jenny accompany him on the trip as his duty-bound...
IAfter the bare-chest episode which Mandy probably thought had shocked her mother, I wasn’t sure if she would go through with our Saturday afternoon arrangement. She thought she held all the cards, unaware that while she played the role of bashful, hesitant virgin, all was not lost in my world because I had begun a sordid – yes, that’s the word – relationship with the far more accommodating Mrs Hubert.I phoned her on the Friday to check that we were still on for it and she gave me a quiet and...
Straight Sexmargaret by romantic_for_u"I'll have my attorney make something up." He said. I laughed then replied. "Your lawyer is good at that. Mine will eat him alive." I said not knowing what attorney I'd find to represent me but knowing women always win out in a divorce. "Speaking of making things up I'll tell my attorney that you've been fucking your secretary for years." I quipped. "You can't prove that." He quickly replied. I gave him a dirty look then answered. "We just see about that." I then...
“Only if it pleases you baby.” “It pleases me very much. Tell me some more about them baby,” Sarah asks in the afterglow after our mutual orgasm. “You know I have a thing about bisexual men. And I love watching another man blowing your thick, nine-inch erection.” “They are both very attractive men in their late-twenties, with toned bodies,” I tell Sarah as I show her some pics on my phone. “Good asses. Both of them,” she smiles at the first pic. “And impressive erections. And look what his...
The Sheriff Apparently this so called sheriff had brought other young women to this secluded place before, the look on his face had changed from a lustful man, to one possessed with the intent on having his way with me! He helped me up and out of the water, dried my feet and helped me back into my heels. I was able for the first time to get a good look at his manliness? The shock and awe left me stunned!.. OMG! It was huge, but this had not fully registered? It was erect but I would find...
Jaszby Cowlishaw had made a great success in America but he was still haunted by things that happened to him in Lockley, a small town in Derbyshire, England. The problem was, as a schoolboy, Jaszby tended to fall hopelessly in love at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately, he fell for the meanest most spiteful girls in the school. There was one girl in particular who thought it great sport to toy with his affections and then make it into a big joke. His last name being Cowlishaw didn’t help the...
Lily had removed her own socks from her mouth in that time, but didn’t even attempt to run. She just rolled over onto her back, pulled her legs to her chest and argued: “I didn’t want that part, I’ve never tried and honestly never wanted to try it. You didn’t even get lube!”. “Don’t worry about it, one of your housemates surely has some.”, I replied, grabbing her ankles and folding her in half. Lily just looked at me, slightly teary-eyed, considering the impact my wish-fulfillment using her...
Cody, being of legal drinking age, offered me one of his beers to ease my nerves in preparation of finally losing my virginity -- to the family pet! He turned on the big-screen living room TV and soon a porno was playing, porn actresses' moans echoing through the house. My brother cheered as a huge-titted porn star's face was nutted on by one of the male porn stars. I watched from the kitchen, sipping my beer and petting Bones on the head. He sniffed under my short flowered dress,...
It was Saturday night and I was invited to a party in an upscale neighborhood. In order to get into the building I had to get past a security guard and voice admitted elevator. Once on the f******nth floor I was admitted to a very gracefully furnished apartment, anyone that was some one was their and mingling. Since I was trying to meet people and enhance my business, I mingled also. Soon I found myself talking to a very handsome young man in his mid twenties, I'm some what older...never mind...
This is the Gods honest truth. When my wife and I were dating I had this strange feeling Everytime I saw a guy checking her out. My wife is five foot three and one hundred pounds, her tits are firm little thirty four B cups and her legs are absolutely gorgeous. She had a thigh gap before I even knew what that was. Well back to when we dated. I'd always convenience her to wear outfits that showed her body off. Very short skirts and shorts and never a bra. I didn't understand my feelings when I'd...
Note : This story is completely fictional! AM 21 years old ,living with my family sis & sis sandy is hot sexy girl,every male in collage knew her she's fucken sweet she's 19 .mam & dad travels alot,they both work in the same company. we lived in a very larg house full of green & have a nice pool.Our maid called roba,she's 40 years old,rounded ass big breast..when mam & dad r away she come & sleep with us to make sure that every thing is clean, wake us up to go to collage,making food...
IncestMy son had turned sixteen at the beginning of the week, but he had wanted to delay any celebration until Friday when his best friend, Paul, also turned sixteen. The plan was for them to hang out with friends and finish off the day with a sleepover in my house.Friday night, the boys were playing video games in my son’s room while I figured out where they would be sleeping. More boys than I had expected had shown up so one of them was going to have to sleep in my room. Brad, who I already knew...
TabooA number of years ago, an old girlfriend and I were drunkenly confessing some of the things we got up too in our past.My girlfriend Bev confessed that as a young girl, She always prefered her father to give her a bath, rather than her mother.When I asked why, she told me it was because he always washed her whole body with his hands, even her private parts. But her mother always stopped at them, and told her to wash your bits.She even confessed this carried on right up to her body developing....
By: Akash It was dream come true for me. I have not thought things will take such turn of events. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Akash from Kathmandu. I have been reading ISS for quite long and have wanked off myself in number of occasions. I even surf ISS in my mobile and masturbate in toilet back to story. I’m normal built guy with average looks and bit protruded belly but people meeting me admire my humbleness rather then spending praising words for my body. I work for prestigious...
Hi ISS readers, first of all thanks for giving courage to write what happened in my life ! I came across this site while searching Google and this site really made me excited, I never thought there be this much people involving sexual relationship with their own mother! One such incident happened in my life too, and I’m very happy to share with you all, About my mother, she is a normal women, working in a private company, she look fair and beautiful, and her eyes are very attractive! She...
Incest"Valentine, man the eighty!" Sanchez ordered. "Command reports the marines are reinforcing the units on this flanks. At least two platoons heading this way!" "What about the tanks?" Zen asked as another laser shot slammed into their barrier, burning through another section of their rapidly crumbling defensive emplacement with enough energy left over to peel a layer off the front of their turret. "Fuck the tanks!" Sanchez replied. "Our job is to protect the infantry, not ourselves....
My wife and I went to Turkey on holiday, at the time I was 32 and my wife was 29 I knew that the heat and relaxing atmosphere would make her so horny. We had been swinging for about 3 years in our local clubs, but this was the first time we had been holiday since we started swinging. On about the 2nd day Jane ( my wife), and I were lying round the pool, she was wearing a very skimpy blue bikini, and was lying on the sunbeds just chilling, . After a while I noticed 3 young lads who were about 19...
Someone must have been following her for some time, because one morning while out shopping in Suntec, they came up behind her Someone must have been following her for some time, because one morning while out shopping in Suntec, they came up behind her and jabbed her in the small of the back with a taser. The jolt spurted through her voluntary nervous system, and she crumpled bonelessly to the floor. Her attacker pocketed the taser - disguised as a cellphone - and bent down over her: her...
It was my first day at college, and I went to check out my room and meet my roommate. There was this beautiful blonde girl standing in my room, so I double checked the door number. It was my room so I went in. I said, “Hello!” She asked, “Who are you?” I said, “John.” She said her name was Rebecca. Rebecca asked what I was doing here, and I told her this was my room. I then asked her what she was doing here and she told me it was her room. “I’m going to speak to the rep about this,” she said....
FetishWell, looks like first episode was cut short. No where does it say only so many words!! Let’s me tell you another one of my thoughts, stories. Not that i FUCKING matter to you or anyone else. It’s just a way to express ones self. And because believe it or not. I enjoy writing my thoughts down. No One reads anymore. I see the odd person these days with a book of any relevance in their hands. School book only because they are in school. Romance novel. Randomly if I drive past a bus stop or a...
So that night at the party, everyone came, (as expected), including my girlfriend, Samantha. Now the only reason I am dating her is because of what happened that faithful day on the bus at the last day of school. I was in a really bad mood. By the time my friend Spencer got off the bus, I just wanted to get home. Right at that moment, Samantha moved and sat down right next to me. “What are you doing?” I asked. “I wanted to sit next to you.” She replied. “Why” I asked...
Kelsey smiled in satisfaction as she approached the last stop on her paper route. Today was her fourteenth birthday; she'd been sure to tell all her customers about it, and the tips this week had been incredible. In fact, she'd made more today than she usually made in a month. Her customers liked her... she was always friendly and polite, and she gave them good service, always making sure their papers went where they wanted them, to places protected from the weather and convenient to the...
Hello everyone. I’m a regular reader of ISS. I like the incest, maid servant, office teacher categories. I’m from a middle class family in a village. I’m so much attracted to sex from my childhood itself. I’m not so well built but I’m good looking. I’m going to narrate a true story happened some 4 years back. It happened when I was studying for my first year B tech. My neighbour asked me to give tuitions for her daughter for physics n chemistry for the +2 class. Her daughter was one of the...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Michael greeted me with obvious relief. ‘Oh! You’re here! Great! Great! Where have you been? It’s almost time to start! You look great! Where are the grips? Props! Get the props in place! Someone call Gary! The spotlight is too dull. Lights! We need lights, lights, lights!...
In this sensual Penthouse lesbian scene, horny Milf Tiffany Rousso cums to the beautiful Alexis Crystal’s rescue with her experienced lips, hands, and sex toy she just happens to keep handy in her purse. Alexis can’t resist the cougar’s advances and she’s soon bending over her desk to get some pussy play from behind. While returning the favor, the busty blonde has her bring out the pink vibrator for extra pleasure which she introduces to Alexis’ asshole making her...
xmoviesforyouYou had a long day at work, and after you come home you decide to go for a nice walk around the neighborhood. Little do you know I am at your house in your room terrorizing your dirty panties and tugging on my stiffy fantasizing about my Mature Goddess Mom. You come in from your nice stroll, and get right to your yoga exercises. Mid-way through your yoga, you notice things have been a little too quiet and that I have been no where to be found since you came home, so naturally you became...
Note : this story is completely fictional! My mother is a very sexy woman. She stands 5 feet tall and has shoulder length red hair. I love the color of her green eyes, and the way she pouts her ruby reds lips at me when she is mad. Her breasts are perfect handfuls of delight and her heart shaped ass is just what a man is looking for in a woman. By the way her name is Karen. She had me at a very young age and was left to raise me alone with the help of her parents. I never knew my father nor do...
IncestHi, I'm Katie Richardson and I'm being punished. Everyone thinks I did something bad to Sister Mary Margaret, but they can't prove any of it. Well, that doesn't seem to matter to my stepmother, Dora Lee, she told me I'd have to stay in my room all afternoon unless I was willing to give Sister Mary Margaret back. Hah, now that I'm 14, cruel and unusual punishment just won't work on me anymore. Nope, why, I bet I could stay in my room a whole day without breaking down. Anyhow, it all...
By the weekend of the prom, nearly every person in our town had either heard about or actually seen the photo of Caitlin in the newspaper. Most people were content to be happy and pleased with the photo. To others, a bigger question arose as to just who was this girl, just transferred from another country, and how did she manage to get her picture in an advertisement that was in newspapers across half the country. But all could agree that who ever she was, she had managed to bring some very...
Part 3 I signed the contract and handed it back to my wife, well my Mistress now I guess. She took it from me and said ‘Good girl’ ‘As you will have seen you are now Philippa, now go and get all your male clothes.’ ‘Can I get dressed’ I said. She slapped me hard across the cheek. ‘When you speak it will be respectfully and always address me as Mistress or I will make you remember’ ‘Sorry Mistress, may...
CrossdressingThe name is Damon Edwards. A tall, good-looking young black man living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. And I’m surrounded by the fakest people on the planet. They’re everywhere I go. At the library. At school. At church. At the Westgate Mall. Like I said, they’re everywhere I go. Must be something in the water or something. As a brother who’s keeping it real, it’s getting increasingly hard to live. I try not to let these haters get to me, but there are too many of them. And they try too...
***************************** This story was inspired by the Natalie Mars Video "My Robot wife" on ***************************** INITIATE BOOT UP SEQUENCE.......FEMBOT 69... Wait what's happening....I'm....I'm...!!!! REINITIATE BOOT UP SQUENCE.....FEMBOT 69. Yes I remember now, I'm a pleasure bot...programmed to give pleasure.....but wait that's not me.....I'm.....what am I? YOU ARE FEMBOT 69....FANTASY SHEMALE....PROGRAMMED TO PLEASURE YOUR SUPERIORS. But...
There was a soft knock on the door to his chambers. Who the hell wants to see me this late? Brandyn had told his guards explicitly to not let anyone see him tonight. He sighed, arranging the various maps into piles on his desk “Come in,” Brandyn said, rising. His left hand rested on the pommel of the dagger belted to his side. You can never be too cautious in times of war. The door opened, and in walked a shadowy figure. As it glided into the warm lamplight, the outline materialized into...
About once a month, my wife has a girls night out with several friends. They typically do happy hours, book clubs, wine tastings, movies or just hang out at someone's house and drink and tell stories. I love it because when these ladies get together, my wife always comes home horny as hell. Basically, it is a win-win. A couple months ago they were all out at a wine bar for a wine tasting and things got crazier and later than normal so she and another friend needed a sober driver to get everyone...
"How's your bum, Charley?" Gallie asked. The four, Charley, Bob, Sally and Gallie were sitting around the dining table in a small hotel in Exeter and the chairs were wooden and hard. "One of these days, you'll find out. I'll get my own back." Charley was in good humour. Her bum was tender and she knew she would fidget around on the seat a good deal before the meal was over. "You two lied to Bob about my enjoying the caning. You knew how long it took me to get over that and yet you...
I had just returned from college to my mother, step father and younger sisters house in small town Idaho. I had moved away five years earlier with my Father when Mom and Dad divorced. I attended college in California and money was tight for all of us so it just didn't work out for me to travel back to see them in Idaho. Now that I had graduated and before starting my new job, I was going to take the summer off and relax and spend some time with them. My last holiday fling before moving away and...
IncestAlice was never the sort of person to care much what other people thought about her strange appearance. The tattoos and the piercings were certainly her business and not a concern for others. The fact that she liked black best of all and always wore a silver cross around her pretty neck didn't make her a freak like the druggies over on Mission. Her parents had pretty much disowned her ever since the accident with the fire at the day-care center. No matter how much she protested her innocence...