Margaret free porn video

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margaret by romantic_for_u

"I'll have my attorney make something up." He said.

I laughed then replied. "Your lawyer is good at that. Mine will eat him alive." I said not knowing what attorney I'd find to represent me but knowing women always win out in a divorce.

"Speaking of making things up I'll tell my attorney that you've been fucking your secretary for years." I quipped.

"You can't prove that." He quickly replied.

I gave him a dirty look then answered. "We just see about that."

I then turned and ran up the stairs locking the bedroom door after slamming it shut.

As I ran some cold water on a wash rag to sooth my hand and cheek I thought about what he had just said. Why would he say I can't prove he's fucking his secretary unless there was something to be proven.

Barry's secretary is just about my exact opposite. Connie is very thin and has small tits. Her long flowing auburn hair is usually tied up in a bun with a hair pin holding it firmly in place. She's probably the most conservative dresser I've ever seen always wearing skirts that end at or just below her knee or business slacks and usually a sweater or some matching blazer. I doubt she owns a pair of heels higher than three inches let alone something that would scream fuck me when worn.

Never the less Barry was immediately put on the defensive when I even remotely mentioned the possibility of him having an affair with Connie. It certainly would explain some of why he wasn't giving me the sexual attention I felt I deserved. Before now that possibility never dawned on me but I was sure as hell going to look into it. I could eat him alive in divorce court if it turned out he was fucking that little tart.

As I lay down I recalled the last time he went up state to watch a college game. He and his zombie buddies stayed over and watched the Sunday Pro Games before driving the three hours back home. He wouldn't be expected until late Sunday night.

I'd have the whole weekend to myself. And with no credit cards to use for shopping I'd have to fall back on my newest favorite thing to do and that is finding strange cock to suck and fuck.

The blare of a car horn woke me from a rather restless sleep around five thirty the next morning. I heard the front door slam shut and knew he and his buddies were off to State for a weekend football fest.

I rolled over and went back to sleep with visions of big cock dancing in my head.

Bright streams of sunlight shown through the small opening in the d****s on my bed room window ending a very erotic dream I was having about fucking several men. Damn I thought I should have closed them tighter wanting to see how my dream ended.

I glanced over at the clock which in bright red numerals said ten forty one. I giggled to myself as I thought time for this lady to get up and start planning her own weekend fest. A cock fest.

As I stared at my reflection in the bath room mirror I noticed that the red welt on my cheek and the finger dents in my wrist had all but disappeared. The only remaining scar I carried from last nights fight with Barry was a red line through my palm where my purse strap had scorched my delicate flesh.

Combing my hair out I slipped on a silky robe and headed down to the kitchen.

Barry had left a note on the counter. "Sorry about last night Peg. Let's talk when I get back tomorrow." He had written.

So after ripping my credit cards from me then slapping me around now he wanted to talk. I was still mad as hell and decided that unless our talk lead to a complete apology he could as I suggested last night "go fuck him self."

As I sat having coffee and a muffin I was thinking about my visit with Sam the afternoon before. While his slaps hurt as much as Barry's had Sam's were delivered in the heat of passion and to be quite honest I rather enjoyed the pain that came with Sam's cracks across my naked ass. Barry and I had engaged in what he termed rough sex before but his rough sex would be considered playful when compared with Sam's sharp slaps.

I decided it would be fun to explore that direction a little further. My problem was that all the men I was seeing on the side usually had other things to do on a Saturday. Sam was most likely getting ready to tee off and Mark well he was most likely sleeping in after a Friday night of heavy partying. Then Franklin came to mind. I hadn't asked him what he did on weekends because I wasn't really planning on calling him again. But since I'd decided to explore having rough sex a little more Franklin's huge cock inserted almost anywhere would certainly be considered rough sex.

"Oh shit my purse." I thought. What if Barry had taken the time to thoroughly go through all the compartments after I'd run off to my room last night.

I went into the den and found it laying on the sofa. Flipping it open I slipped my hand inside the tiny compartment along the side and found Franklin's business card. "Whew." I said then thought I lucked out there.

Since the night before last when he and I had fucked outside Flannagan's in his car I'd thought more than once about how it might feel with his massive cock shoved down my throat. The idea of having him throat fuck me with his thirteen inch cock sent my mind into over drive.

His cell phone rang twice before he answered. "Franklin speaking." He said answering my call.

It's Margaret." I replied and when he didn't answer I said. "From Flannagan's the other night."

"Oh yeah." He said some what surprised that I was calling.

I decided to get right to the point. "What cha ya up to today?" I asked.

"Nothing special." He answered.

"Well how would ya like to come over to my place and shove that big beautiful cock of yours down my hot little MILF throat." I said.

"Love to Margaret. But what about your hubby?" He asked.

I giggled then said. "Gone for the weekend."

"I'm there babe." Franklin immediately said.

I gave him the address and said "I'll unlock the front door when you get here just let your self in."

"Be there in an hour." He instantly replied in a rather excited tone of voice.

As we hung up I suddenly realized that I had just given my address to a man I hardly knew. And on top of that I had some rather nosy neighbors who would be more than a little interested in why a six foot eight inch black stud was walking up to my front door. I should have told him to carry a brief case or some papers so I could explain that he was an insurance salesman or something if an explanation was necessary later. But the deed was done and in a little over an hour he'd be showing up with that awesome cock to try and stuff it down my throat.

At least I had an hour to get ready. I dashed out to the Benz and grabbed my shopping bags from the day before. Once back inside I headed up to my room. I made my bed carefully soothing the white down comforter across the wide mattress. Since I had gotten straight to the point with Franklin earlier I decided to get straight to the point when he arrived.

I pulled the free pair of lace ankle socks from the box holding the red heels I'd bought from Billie and slipped them on my sexy feet. Since I wasn't planning on doing much walking I went for the white ankle strap stilettos. I figured perhaps I'd get a chance to dance a little before these incredible fuck me shoes were pointed toward the ceiling. Moving to the bath room I applied more dark mascara then I should have and chose the richest red lip stick I owned. I was certain my hair would be messed up shortly after he arrived so I just used my fingernails to fluff it and tease it around my sexy face.

Tying my white silk robe tight around my body covered everything it needed but left little to the imagination since my luscious tits were perfectly outlined by the silk fabric. My nipples already hard poked at the silk like twin invitations.

Moving back into the bed room I surveyed my look. A wide smile acknowledged that I looked the part. A sexy MILF porn star waiting for her big black stud to arrive with his incredible throat busting cock.

I had planned on going down stairs to greet my challenge as he slipped through the door but as I neared the top of the stairs my plan was dashed as I heard the door open then quickly close.

I suppose the top of the stair would have to do.

"Margaret?" His voice said before I even saw him.

I struck as sexy a pose as I could at the top of the stairs then said. "Up here sexy."

As he appeared at the bottom of the long wide staircase his eyes got bigger then saucers and his mouth dropped open. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed looking up at me.

"What're ya waiting for stud?" I asked shifting my hips from one side to the other.

Franklin bounded up the stairs taking two at a time his wide smile showing off gleaming white teeth. One monstrous hand sliding along the railing.

As he neared the top I turned and started toward my bedroom. "This way." I said looking over my shoulder.

He followed me into the bed room and I said. "Close the door."

Once I heard the latch close I turned and smiled at him. "How's that big beautiful cock?" I asked.

Franklin grasped his massive cock through his slacks which by now was already getting hard. "It's ready for some sweet suckin." He replied.

I parted my mouth and moistened my red lips with the tip of my tongue. "You wanna use this hot mouth to please your big cock?" I asked.

Franklin stood speechless just nodding his agreement.

I teased him some more tilting my head back slightly I ran a fingernail from my lips down over my chin and onto my sexy neck. "You gonna shove that big beautiful cock all the way down my throat?" I asked.

Speechless he nodded again.

I let my fingernail slip down between my lush tits and said. "You gonna fill my gullet with hot sticky cum?"

"Fuck YES!" He exclaimed.

I let my fingernail slid down and pulled the silk belt holding my robe tightly around my body. It easily slipped open and the silk fell open in front. His eyes nearly popped from their sockets as he first got to lustfully stare at my tits and shaven pussy below.

As I moved my hands up and slid the silk off my shoulders I whispered. "Well then get over here and get ya some of this sweet stuff."

Before my robe made it to the floor Franklin was touching me. His enormous hands easily covered most of my lush firm tits and he played with their fullness while his eyes scoured the rest of my sexy body.

Franklin towers over me being at least a foot or more taller than me. I looked up into his dark eyes high above. Absolute lust was all that shown in his eyes. His tongue moved out and licked his full lips.

I reached up to his neck and began slowly undoing each button on his shirt exposing perfectly defined muscles and hairless dark flesh. Reaching the bottom button I undid that final one the let my hand slid down to softly grasp his huge erection feeling not only the massive length but also the enormous girth.

My fingernails traveled back up lightly scratching his naked flesh letting them linger on the oversized muscles on his chest. My soft fingers slipped up to grasp the fabric just below the collar then slid his shirt out and off his shoulders.

Franklin's eyes were fixed on mine as I let my hands move out over his broad strong shoulders then down the bulging muscles in his arms. "What an incredibly strong body." I said as my palms slipped along his forearms the veins pressed tightly against his skin by the rock hard muscles beneath.

His enormous hands captured my tiny delicate hands and he slowly brought both to his throbbing cock.

"I can't wait to suck this beautiful cock." I whispered.

I used one hand to massage the entire length while my other worked to undo this belt then the clasp holding his slacks firmly around his waist.

Franklin cupped then lifted my tits high on my chest as his eyes carefully inspected each pleasure orb. His thumbs roughly slid across the taut erect nipples sending a shiver through my body.

With his slacks laying open I slowly crouched before this incredible black stud until I was balanced on the balls of my feet before his throbbing loins.

My deft fingers pulled the tap of his zipper down and his hands moved to his hips to slid the fabric off his ass and down. His slacks fell to the floor around his feet exposing his gargantuan cock. Franklin wore no under shorts so his incredible cock swung away from his loins nearly slapping me in the face.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed as the enormous length and girth was presented for my close inspection.

Circling or at least trying to circle the shaft near the base my tiny fingers didn't even come close to surrounding it. My other hand slid up the inside of his thigh to capture two tennis ball size testicles held firmly in his awesome nut sack. His cock felt heavy in my hand and while completely engorged with his rich red blood it still hung down from his loins from the shear weight of it.

I closed my hand around the shaft at the base then slowly stroked up toward the head. It only took seconds but it felt like minutes until my delicate fingers slipped over the velvety smooth flesh of his wide flaring corona.

"Soft hands." Franklin remarked as my fingers slipped upward over the head of his cock. Towering before me one hand holding his pulsing cock up the other softly massaging his massive balls I leaned forward and before extending my tongue I whispered. "I crave your taste."

My tongue began on his nut sack then made a slow sensual slide up along the throbbing shaft. His bulging urethra pressing into the moist flesh as it moved.

Franklin moaned softly as I flicked my tongue at the sensitive flesh where his circumcision scar blended into the velvety soft flesh of his corona. I flattened my tongue against the head and was rewarded with a tiny droplet of pre cum which oozed from the slit at the tip.

His fluid tasted sweet and sour at the same time it's thick consistency allowing me to coat most of his cock head with the incredible juice.

I leaned back and gazed up over his throbbing cock and into his wide eyes. Licking my lips I whispered. "I can't wait to feel this glorious cock head buried in my throat.

As I lowered the head and opened my lips wide my salivary glands involuntarily released lubricating spit. Franklin's huge hands came to rest on his hips as I slowly pressed his flaring cock head against my bright red lips.

My flesh stretched tight at the corners of my mouth as I opened wider to accept the widest part of his cock. The smooth corona slipped beyond my soft wet red lips.

Franklin's eyes were fixed on mine as I sucked hard on just the head his dark very curly patch of pubic hair a good foot from my face.

My soft hand gripped him near the base as I moved my head forward toward my goal. I wanted that curly patch tickling my nose and happily accepted the challenge of swallowing a foot of black cock.

His cock head wedged into the back of my throat leaving me eight inches from my goal.

"Swallow it!" Franklin pleaded.

I relaxed my throat muscles and pressed forward. Instantly my gag reflex kicked in and I pulled back slightly to allow it to subside. Swallowing his cock was going to be harder then I thought but I craved the feeling of his throbbing head and half his shaft buried down my throat.

I knew that if I succeeded I would be able to deep throat any other cock because I was holding the longest fattest hottest cock on the planet between my moist red lips.

I pressed forward again and fought back the urge to gag. His throbbing head made the bend and began moving down my hot moist throat.

"That's it!" Franklin exclaimed as his rock hard cock turned the corner toward my stomach. The feeling was incredible I could feel his bulging cock head stretching my flesh pulling the skin along my sexy neck tight as I moved forward forcing him deeper and deeper.

My mouth was filled with cock shaft and it lubricated every inch making him slip deeper with each passing moment. I looked at his pubic mound the curly patch now a scant four inches or so from my nose. My eyes were filled with erotic tears and I knew my mascara would soon be streaming down my cheeks heightening the visual images Franklin was entranced by.

"Go for it!" Franklin said.

My chest began to burn and I knew that if I didn't make one final plunge toward my goal I'd have to pull back to fill my lungs with life sustaining oxygen and start at the beginning. I ignored my lungs and pressed him deeper in my throat. Three two one inch separated me from my goal. His scent now clearly wafting into my nostrils a musty scent of lust.

Just as my nose touched pubic hair my lungs took control. My need for oxygen over took my craving for his beautiful black cock. I pulled back and in a millisecond his cock slipped from my mouth. A long string of hot saliva extending from the tip back to my lower lip. I sucked hard for air and in doing so sucked most of my spit back into my mouth.

"God damn woman!" Franklin hissed.

As I repeatedly filled my lungs and exhaled I surveyed my work. His entire cock from the nut sack to the very tip was glistening with my fluids. The engorged shaft pulsing with rich red blood coursing through the matrix of veins along the thirteen inches of cock before me. The velvety soft flesh of his corona and the incredible cock head shimmering with a coating of saliva.

Catching my breath as much as a good cock sucker can I pulled him to my lips. My tongue massaged the head and corona as my soft hand stroked the entire length of his throbbing shaft.

I used my flattened tongue to circle his corona several time then licked from half shaft up to the tip.

"I love the taste of your cock." I whispered before sucking him between my red lips again.

Knowing I could reach my goal I pressed him deep again. His cock wedged against my throat then slipped around the bend toward my gullet.

In half the time it took the first time my nose was nestled into his curly pubic mound. Not just touching but buried in the thick black hair.

"Yeah!" Franklin exclaimed as I massaged his throbbing cock head with my throat muscles.

I pulled back again letting him slip from my oral grasp and began stroking his massive cock with both hands.

"I want you to throat fuck me." I whispered.

With out releasing my sensual grip on his shaft I rose from my crouch and looked up into his eyes.

"Use my throat for your pleasure." I whispered as I released his cock and stepped back to the bed.

Franklin stood there watching me as I lay down on the soft white comforter and d****d my head over the edge.

Even though he was now upside down to my eyes view his wide smile acknowledged that he understood that I was offering him my throat in what ever way he wanted to use it.

His massive frame moved closer as he grasped his cock and lifted it toward my face I opened my lips inviting him to assault me orally.

My oral fuck flesh now straight and in perfect alignment with his gargantuan cock I brought my hands up to roughly grope at my full tits and rock hard nipples.

His cock head pierced my lips then slipped back popping from the ruby red flesh with a resounding pop. Franklin would take his time before impaling me with his beautiful black fuck tool. He moved forward again pressing a little more throbbing shaft between my lips.

As he withdrew this time he whispered. "I love how it feels sliding along your hot tongue."

I extended my moist tongue and let him rock back and forth massaging the top of his cock head and the velvety smooth corona.

But I knew that soon enough he'd want to feel my burning throat surrounding his sensitive cock head and as he pressed forward again he entered that burning flesh.

My eyes watched as his heavy nut sack drew closer and closer to my face and his cock plunged deeper and deeper into my throat.

My hands moved from my tits up to my neck where I was able to feel him going deeper inside. I could actually feel his flaring corona moving down and I kept my fingers pressed against my neck moving them along with his widest part.

Franklin leaned forward a bit and reached down to grope my tits roughly squeezing their lush firm fullness and pinching the rock hard nipples at their core.

He thrust forward with his hips bringing his nut sack against my nose eyes and forehead.

I had what I craved from the first time I'd touched him His absolutely beautiful massive cock was buried in my throat. I swallowed hoping to give him the gentle throat massage his cock deserved but it's size did not allow much movement of my muscles which were stretched to their limit.

He pulled back knowing that while I craved his throat fucking I also needed to breath. As he slipped from my mouth I took as much oxygen into my lungs as I could then reached around to grasp his ass.

"Fuck my mouth." I begged.

His cock was resting against my lips as he grasped my tits hard then thrust inside. In a second he was buried in my throat again and his tennis ball size balls slapped against my face.

I had begged him to fuck me and that's exactly what he did. Knowing my throat could and would accept his massive fuck tool Franklin began fucking my mouth like it was a searing wet throbbing cunt.

Between plunges I was able to encourage him screaming. "Fuck" or "Hard" or "Fast" each time his cock head slipped from my mouth.

I dug my sexy nails into his tight ass cheeks pulling him toward me as he assaulted my mouth.

His balls now drawn up tight against his cock shaft slapped against my eyes each time he drove his beautiful black cock down my throat.

I knew he was beginning to feel the urges. I knew he was tingling through out his loins. I knew he would be pumping thick sweet and sour cum into my mouth shortly.

He pulled back and stroked his massive cock twice. As he did I demanded. "Cum in my throat!"

His cock slowly impaled me and as his balls came to rest against my face he groaned deeply. I could feel his urethra surge as those cum filled balls pumped his sweet nectar toward the tip.

In an instant my throat was coated with searing hot thick cum. It had no taste since it was way beyond my taste buds but its heat and thick consistency left no doubt that he was cumming.

"I'm cumming!" Franklin confirmed what I already knew.

He pulled back a little as another wad of sticky thick cum shot into me. With each successive spurt he pulled back a little until his incredible taste finally coated my taste buds. I swallowed every drop his beautiful cock offered. His twitching hips moving back a little each time another shot filled me.

"Cock sucker!" Franklin exclaimed as he cock began oozing the final few drops of sticky cum.

His cock head was now the only part remaining beyond my lips and I swirled his cum load around the flaring head with my tongue and cheeks. As he pulled back a thick string of sweet cum extended from my lips to his cock head. When if broke it fell down along the bridge of my nose giving me a sexy tattoo of this incredible throat fucking session.

He grasped his still rock had cock and slapped it against my chin splashing cum on my neck and lips.
The End

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...Both Donna and her son were breathing hard, as things quieted down. She sat there panting, her breast heaving under her soiled blouse, intermittently looking at his cock, and back up at his face. Her fist still gripped his cock and remained somewhat in motion, pumping erratically, trying to make him shoot more. But it was all over. Panting, Mike looked down, gazing in awe at what she made him do. He looked at his freshly shot jit dripping from her jacking hand and her beautiful, panting...

3 years ago
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Caught in the act

The other day it was unseasonably warm, so I had the doors and windows open to take full advantage of the fresh air. My wife was at work, and having the house to myself I did what I often do - logged into xHamster and began enjoying myself.About half way through my session, I heard the doorbell ring. With a sudden chill down my spine, I realized that the front door was open with just the screen door locked, and the way I was sitting I had my back to the door. Whoever was there might well...

3 years ago
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HEIRLOOM: "Something of special value handed on from one generation or person to another generation or person." The name is John Theodore Chance and I'm the baby of the family. My older brother is Ethan Edward and my older sister is Mary Kate. My father is William; his favorite movie star is John Wayne so he decided to name us after characters from three of the "Duke's" movies. Shame on you if you don't recognize the names and don't know which movies the characters were in; your...

2 years ago
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One On The Way Part 2

On Saturday morning, Ryan was alone sitting at his kitchen table enjoying his morning coffee and cigarette. Normally, Belinda was with him but she got a call from her job offering her some overtime and she bolted. As he smoked, he thought about Belinda's newest request. It seems that dressing in lingerie wasn't enough for her, she wanted to see him in a wig and makeup.While dressing in lingerie was definitely out of his comfort zone, this newest suggestion went way beyond what he was prepared...

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Andrews Girl Goes Black

Larry and Andrew had been friends for about 9 to 12 months. Larry was black, 6 ft tall with dark skin. Andrew was white a little taller than Larry. Andrew was dating Jen, she was Asian probably 5’ 3” with long dark hair and a tight little body. Priya was Indian about the same height as Jen with brown skin, shoulder length black hair, and a very nice little body also. Jen was very much in love with Andrew but very flirty with Larry. Larry thought she was being nice and didn’t think too much...

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Mallorys in Control PART I

I come from a pretty normal family, I have a 24 year old sister, my mom and my dad are still together and I have a dog, his names Leon. My dad's an international sales representative for Dyson vacuums and my mom is a professor at the University of Arizona, so I guess you could say we're not struggling that much when it comes to surviving. My sister is off working for some company that works with providing better education for poverty ridden schools, I don't know all the details about what...

4 years ago
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Tricked With a Pill 1

My roommate Nick asked me if I wanted to go out and have some fun. I told him I had no money to have any fun. He said we could have fun on someone else’s dime. “How in hell are we going to do that?” “I got ways – believe me.” “Like what, for instance?” “You ever wonder how the other half lives?” “You got wealthy friends who’ll cover for us?” “Not that other half – a different one.” “So what do I gotta do for this?” “Take a pill – that’s all.” “Take a pill? Are you fucking serious?...

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Anu with her uncle

Hi everybody, this is Tania, I am writing this experience on behalf of my close friend Anuradha who liked my narrations. She is from Andhra Pradesh and resembles Tabu the actress. She has a sexy frame and looks that can turn any head. I will now take her place as I narrate this true incidents. I and my mother who looks like my elder sister stay in Hyderabad; my father passed away a couple of months ago. I was in the 2nd yr when this happened. I and my mother (Radha) went to our native (My...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Girlfriend And My Cousin Sister

Hey guys I’m dev with my first story I know you guys are going to enjoy this story for sure and thodi badi story hai but I knw yea sach hai I knw mai barobar nahi likh paya hu phali story hai isliye Like ayenge tho aache lagega muje Mai mumbai se hu but mera gaon bihar hai or bat tabhi ki hai jab mai thandi k time pe gaon gaya tha aysa nahi hai mai pheli bar gaya tha jab phale jata tha tab ek ladki thi humare ghar k samne uske age 17hai and meri 21 vho kaafi goori hai bht jaada mast lagti hai...

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MindFuck of The Hermaphrodite

Authors note: this is the TG part of a larger story adapted to stand alone. Synopsis of other things: Imagine a world where the superpower gene and the gay/transgender gene are one and the same. For some time a demon called Talon is seeking to enslave New York, corrupting its heroes and releasing its villains. MindFuck of The Hermaphrodite By Topaz172 New York The Mayor of New York glared impotently at his 18 year old son, or rather his Master did. It had been it's...

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Tabitha Sterns First Time

Note : This story is completely fictional! Tabitha Stern was originally from Nashville, Tennessee. She lived there until she was four, then moved to Los Angeles to be with her mother, and then moved back to Tennessee again when she was fifteen. A few years later she was in L.A. once again, this time to stay. It was her time in L.A. that lead to her becoming a porn star by the time she was eighteen. She’d had manysexual experiences by that time, of course, but the first time was the most...

First Time
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The BDSM club1

Everything written here is a pure sexual fantasy. If any scenery reminds you of something you have seen you should blame yourself only! The following story is hardcore, extreme female debasing piece of erotic literature. You have the tags in front of you and I believe you will be able to see wheather or not it is to your liking before you read it rate it. Consider yourself warned! Introduction: Girls from the BDSM club prepare for a naked paintball tournament Part I: Paintball...

2 years ago
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Anticipated Arrival

I open my eyes and everything seems blurry at first, I soon realise where I am, in an aeroplane. Wow, had time flown so quickly that I was here already? The last 12 hours have flown by and now it’s nearly time to meet him, I’ve just travelled half way around the world to meet someone I have never met. But he is so special, sincere, heart-warming and heart wrenching simultaneously. We’ve spent a long time talking online, growing as individuals and together and today I am finally taking that leap...

1 year ago
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Grandmothers house

"How long has it been since we visited nana," Ashlyn asked her mother while thumbing though a magazine!?! "Oh, at least two years," her mother replied quickly while maneuvering their car through the busy city traffic, "it was just six months after dad died, so it's been just about two years!!!" "Don't you think we should have called her first," Ashlyn asked seriously, "what if she's out of town or something, we'll look pretty dopey driving five hundred miles for nothing!!!" Her mother gave a...

3 years ago
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An Office Fantasy Part 1

 I burst into the office. "Where is that slut, Neil?"Startled, my husband looks up to see me. We have been happily married for twenty-five years. Our sex life has only gotten better over the years. I am wearing a very short red skirt with a slit on the left side. My matching blouse is buttoned to just below my full breasts. As I enter, slamming the door, I catch a glimpse of nude nylon attached to a red garter."W-W-Who, sweetie?""Do not give me that crap, Neil. You know who."I walk around his...

Office Sex
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Kerala houseboat pleasure 2007

I had been in india for 2 weeks. I had travelled from mumbai by train and driven all round kerala with my indian guide. My guide took me to meet the houseboat that was to be my home for then next 6 days. I was looking forward to the tranquillity of the backwaters of kerala after a pretty hectic but wonderful past 2 weeks. The crew of the boat were a very willing trio. They helped load my luggage and with great pride sowed me round the small but very well appointed boat. The main man, who i...

3 years ago
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Ann AccidentWhy had she waited so long, Anna wondered as she jogged down the hall, slowing to a fast walk when she saw other girls coming in and out of classrooms, trying to look normal. On any normal day she would have just gone when she needed to, before it became a problem— but today had been different. Leave it to Mr. Toba to show an interesting movie for once in his pathetic little life, she thought, cursing him as she passed the door to the vice principal’s office. ?Where are you off to...

1 year ago
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The botanist 2 blondes and a blindfold

Having done very well at school I had several scholarships to choose from when I wrote my final exams. I decided to take up and offer from Callahan University , as I wanted to experience living in another country and all that goes with it. My chosen field was botany and Callahan had a reputation as one of the leading universities in the field.   The first couple of months in Callahan were a blur of getting use to a different live and the people around me. I really felt at home...

Straight Sex
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Caught in a Trap

The sitting room was probably big enough to fit Joanne’s entire apartment into it without touching the sides, but it still felt like a cage to her. She paced its length, one step for each tick of the obnoxiously loud grandfather clock on the east wall, reminding herself again and again that the only thing she could do right now was wait. Because all the other plans were crazy. She couldn’t go to the police, she didn’t have anything even approaching the kind of proof that could get them through...

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Cumfilled Surprise Ch 04

WOW! Carl had shown me just how good it could feel. I still the taste of his cum in my mouth and my pussy, my whole body, had a relaxing but tingly feeling. I walked in the house, smiled at Mom and went to my room. I could hardly believe what just happened on my front porch. My first ever orgasm from a guy! I did not know what to do next. I mean I wanted to bring Carl inside but knew that would be a disaster. I could not sleep and finally decided to call Stacy. She had given herself to her...

2 years ago
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Watching Mom

We live in a colony of government quarters on rent from the original allotte.We are middle class family. My father is an employee of a private firm, while mother is a home maker. Speaking about my mother, boy’s flock around our house just to have a glimpse of her. She used to maintain her body well. Her face was beautiful my mother is just 35 this year but even then you would be surprised looking at her saying that she was just 28. Most men would get erection it they saw her in any clothes may...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 346

I managed to quietly leave without getting tangled with the cluster of reporters massed at the administration building, waiting for some official word. As I drove south through C-ville over the last bridge leaving town, there must have been every police car the town owned and every officer they had was on site. With the officers, there were eight - maybe ten - people standing beside the cars in cuffs with an assortment of bags. The rumors were true. It was scuttle-butt that there were...

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Getting to know you

Hi Here are a few questions so I can get to know you better Please answer them as honestly as you can and omit any which don’t make sense or are irrelevant Thank you It will make our time together that much more interesting and prevent us wasting time and getting the wrong ideas from each other about our likes and dislikes Steve PERSONAL How old are you now? How old were you when you lost your virginity Where did you lose it – behind the bike shed, in a car, in bed (Whose...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 11 The Last Semester

January, 1985, Chicago, Illinois My friends filtered back into town during the week, with Sofia returning on Thursday. Tanya had left on Wednesday as planned, with a promise that we would see each other sometime over the summer, or sooner if her father had business in Chicago. On Friday, Kara and I went to buy our books. We didn’t have any classes in common, though Julia, Dave, and Cindi would be in my microcomputers class, and Wen would be in my compiler class. For my electives, Staci would...

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Violated and abused pt 2

"Oh I think this one isn't happy to see us use his sister. Cut her loose and bring her over here." Without delay she was released but instead of running away, the knife being held above her stopped her from struggling. She was pulled up and thrown to the floor almost perfectly placed between Paul's legs. She looked up at her brother and could see he was trying to escape but as she looked back at him she could see he was really frightened. "Time to calm your brother bitch! I want you...

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My First Sex With Gf

Hello ISS readers. This is Arjun from Patna. I live in Boring road and doing my Master from Patna University. I am 23 years old and my height is 5’11″. I have got Ethitical body with 7″ dick size. I dont have much friends here so i used to do social networking all time i.e. Facebook, WhatsApp,instagram,etc..   So here the story begin….jab mai grad. 3rd year me tha tht time mujhe 1 wrong no. Se call aaya.. Baat karne pe pta chala saamne se koi ladki thi from same city itself… Mne baat kari.. fir...

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Two sides to every cycle

This is a fictional story. I tried to write it from both sides.It's a vicious cycle. The dominant or aggressive male responds to submissive behavior with domination. The more submissive the behavior, the more aggressive the alpha male becomes in his domination. The chemicals released into his system make him more aggressive and dominant, in other words, more alpha. On the other side, the submissive responds to domination by becoming more submissive. The more assertive the dominance, the more...

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Tommy Gets Fitted

Tommy Gets Fitted                                                                Jonathon StarionTommy Jenson was a simple mild man who was not looking for trouble but it always seemed to find him. Yes, wherever he went woman would make it a point to pinch his little cheeks or rub their fingers through his growth of light brown curly hair. Light brown eyes completed the nice looking accountants facial features. What made Tommy standout was he was a little shorter than most men in their...

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Highway Stranger in the Rain

Its early spring with the first april shower overhead covering the roads. Im riding down highway 64 on the way home when I notice a leggy brunette looking under the smoking hood of her sportscar. She is wearing heals and a short dress with buttons all the way is unbuttoned revealing a little cleavage. She is using a newspaper to try to keep the rain from covering her completely. She has this damsil in distress look. Im not about to let someone else "rescue her." So i pull over in...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 4 Wednesday Morning

Editor’s Note: The next documents contain further transcripts of meetings and patient interviews written by Dr Koehler Snr (Psychiatrist). Notes of Meeting, Wednesday, 12/1; 9:07am, Nurse Cassandra ((Discussion about other patients deleted)) Dr K: So what about Bec Freeman in 6? N.C: According to Night Shift, she had a troubled night. In the evening they discovered she’d made a mess in the room, smearing ketchup all over the wall. Dr K: What did it look like? N.C: Huh? Dr K: The...

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Debbie Learns All About Pain And Pleasure

Debbie woke early on Saturday morning just as it was getting light. She'd slept like a log and as she opened her eyes the only thing on her mind was the caning her mum promised she was going to give her today.Her hands where she'd been caned at school yesterday were barely tingling now. But her striped palms were still an angry red and she felt the excitement down below as she looked at them remembering her thrashing.   She rang Mike at the usual time. This was after he'd been on his morning...

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panty jack off

Last night began as a night of just drinking and chillen with the friends. After a couple hours it was time to head to bed. I was horny as fuck trying to find a chick to fuck. Sadly I had no luck so I just said fuck it and crashed out. I went to my homies daughters room to knock out. She is away so I had her room. She is hott tall brunette hair, probably 36b. I'm laying in her bed rubbing my hard 8.5in cock. Then I decide to go threw her drawers. I find a nice lace red and black thong. I sniff...

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Daughters First

Daughter's FirstWhen I was much younger, I would sneak into adult bookstores, hoping no one would see me. I would walk around, check out the videos but ultimately would go into a video booth where I would watch what I wouldn't dare to bring home. What I didn't realize at the time was that a seed had been planted that over the years silently grew in my mind.Getting married, getting busy and having a daughter brought all that to a screeching halt as my time was taken up fully with the...

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When Life Is Shattered II

Constant Vigilance With his word she stepped in. Harry proceeded to the kitchen, “I am getting me something to drink,” he said over his shoulder, “You want anything.” “No mister Potter…” The voice froze Harry in his tracks. With trepidation and fear he turned to look at Susan. It was not Susan. Harry stood face to face with the killer of his Godfather, Bellatrix Lestrange. At the same tine both people grabbed for this wands. His stomach plummeted as he realized his wand was...

1 year ago
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Desire reconnected

I knew going for a quiet drink with Terry would be anything but ‘quiet’ it just never works out that way. I didn’t really want to go out, I seem to stay in a lot more these days. Terry was not taking no for an answer tonight.“Come on, Jez, we ain’t met up for ages, we need a good chinwag. You need to get yourself back in the game mate. It’s been nearly a year now since….”The ‘since’ he is referring to is the break up of my marriage to Denise. We had been together nearly ten years after meeting...

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Awakening to gorg bondage saline injection a

Stumbling into the kitchen to eat still groggy after ten hours of sleep she wiggles up on a stool, the wife looks and asks what she want to consume and she responds she wants scrambled eggs. The wife serves Mitch some eggs and broccoli and a hungry sports babe scoffs it up then relaxes gazing into space, I walk behind her and squeeze her shoulders and she leans her head back concerned why she is so tired. We discover she does not remember the previous night of torment but she is aware her pussy...

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A Day in the Life

I arrived home from school to hear my mother humming away on her sewing machine, in her shop downstairs. She was a professional seamstress for a number of men's clothiers in the area. She also made women's formal wear as well as alterations on all clothing. My dad was an over the road trucker and would be gone three to five days a week delivering widgets to and from Detroit to surrounding out of state factories. Katie (my mom) was thirty four years young, stood five feet eight inches tall....

2 years ago
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Visit to the ABS

Visit to the ABSDriving down to Berlin NJ I had to pickup parts for my truck. I passed by the Red Barn ABS I haven't been there in a year. Feeling horny continued down got my parts decided to stop on my way back to watch a couple video and shoot a couple loads.Went inside start looking around at all the toys and magazine. When out of the bathroom came a CD. He had a blond wig a red corset with black thong and red garter belt with black stocking and 6" spiked heels. He walked looking at the...

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Bleach Fight

Introduction Welcome to the Bleach fight were all the sexy ladies of Bleach fight to be the sexiest of them all. And some of the lovely ladies joining use are Orihime Inoue Yoruichi Shihouin Matsumoto Rangiku Rukia Kuchiki Kūkaku Shiba Tatsuki Arisawa Yuzu Kurosaki Karin Kurosaki Lisa Yadōmaru Hiyori Sarugaki Lirin Ururu Tsumugiya Mashiro Kuna Chizuru Honshou Harivel Neliel Soi Fong Cirucci Thunderwitch Momo Hinamori Ise Nanao

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