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Copyright © 2006 Texas Refugee. All rights reserved.

Author’s Note: on second thought, I don’t have anything say at this point. Just start reading and I’ll meet you at the end.

~~~~~ * o0o * ~~~~~

At this precise moment I am in a darkened motel room, sitting in the desk chair that I have quietly placed next to the bed watching my wife Margaret as she sleeps.

The room is not completely dark. There is just enough light that I can see the features on her face as she gently breathes in and out. She is not in a deep sleep, only lightly dozing until I slip into bed beside her. Margaret doesn’t know it but I do this a lot, watch her in her sleep. She would think that I am being silly if she found out, but I love to do it. The serenity on her face as she sleeps makes my heart ache with love and I marvel at how beautiful she is.

Her hair has fallen forward, partially obscuring my view of the face that I love so much. It is a deep chestnut brown that only recently has begun to show streaks of grey, but in this light it looks almost black as it lies in contrast to the creamy paleness of her skin. My wife’s skin is flawless and it is only in the harshest of light that you can see the tiny wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

Margaret is not fashion model Hollywood celebrity beautiful. Physically she is the type of woman that when she walks down the street men will look at her and think to themselves ‘very, very nice,’ and five seconds later forget that they seen her.

For me every other woman in the world pales by comparison to her beauty.

I have known Margaret all of my life. I am just as amazed as Margaret is at how our lives have suddenly intersected. It was unplanned, unintentional, but I will get down on my knees every day and thank God for the love that Margaret and I have discovered for each other. Maybe it has always been there and we didn’t realize it until now.

Margaret and I were married yesterday morning in the Methodist church where I grew up as a child. We stood before the alter in the empty sanctuary with the janitor and church secretary for official witnesses as the pastor said the words that legally joined us together and spiritually blessed our union. It was all over in ten minutes as Margaret and I exchanged rings then kissed quickly on the lips and made our good-byes.

We went home and began packing. We were ready to take this next step to continue living our lives together, forever holding on to each other.

This morning we locked the door to the house and dropped off the keys with a folder of information at the next door neighbors. Their two junior high kids will look after the house while we are gone, tending the garden, watering the plants, taking in the mail and that sort of thing. We will send a check to the kids every week until we return.

We are headed to Atlanta but we’re not in a rush. We are taking all the back roads that we can find, stopping to enjoy the breath taking scenery that this country has to offer. We don’t know how long we will stay in Atlanta. It may be overnight or it might be several weeks. That decision will be made after we get there. My wife and I will turn in the rental car then catch a flight to London to begin our official honeymoon. But until then Margaret and I will leisurely make our way south and every night I will watch her sleep.

I know exactly what is about to happen. It will be the same thing that happens every night.

I will quietly put the chair back where it came from. I will take my clothes off and as softly as possible I will slide under the covers to lie next to Margaret. Even this slightest disturbance is enough to wake her. She will turn over to look at me, eyelids half open, smiling and my wife will say to me, ‘I want you to fuck me.’

I will lay on top her and her legs will separate so that my hips can fall down between her thighs. Margaret will take my cock in her hand and line it up with her opening and I will slide into her. There will not be any foreplay, there is no need. Her cunt will already be dripping in anticipation of my entry into her body.

My cock has only been inside of two women and it has been fifteen long and lonely years since my first wife explosively ended our marriage and tried to emotionally destroy me. Margaret’s cunt has only held two different cocks in her lifetime. It has been so long since her husband died that her cunt couldn’t remember what it felt like to grasp a cock and squeeze until it twitches and leaves a large load of sperm inside of her.

Once we are joined together Margaret will kiss me along the side of my neck and across the shoulder. With my cock buried deep into her we will rub our bodies against each other, her breasts against my chest, hard rhythmic pressure of groin against groin until I pull my hips back then quickly push back into her. My wife will moan quietly in pleasure and place her hands on my hips and encourage me to push harder, faster, deeper, her face buried in the crook of my neck. Margaret’s moans and cries will increase as my cock is repeatedly shoved into her over and over, faster and faster until she convulses and goes rigid. When she does this, pulse after pulse of sperm will come out of the end of my cock and fill all the remaining space in her cunt but there will not be enough room so it will be forced out to drip down onto the sheet below.

When she is able to move once again, my wife will hold my face in her hands and gently kiss me on the lips and whisper, ‘Please fuck me again.’

I will fuck her again.

And again and again and again until we fall asleep wrapped in each other arms.

In the morning I will wake up to find Margaret lying on her side, eyes open, lips smiling. My wife will raise her leg and move over on top of me until her thighs are straddling my hips. One hand will grasp my cock and pull on it until it is pointing straight up. Her other hand will find a path through her hair to her opening. She will sit up then gently and slowly slide down my cock as it pushes its’ way inside.

When I am buried as deep as I can go, Margaret will sit there in the morning sun for a moment, our eyes locked on each other, our lips holding a smile of satisfaction at the glorious feeling that we are experiencing. As my wife’s hips begin to gently rock back and forth and up and down, my hands will lightly explore her breasts, the curve of her jaw, the gentle swelling of her hips.

For what will feel like hours, Margaret and I will push against each other, watching each other, gently making love until my wife’s head rolls back and her eyelids flutter and she sighs and I leave behind a fresh load of sperm inside of her. My wife will lean forward and lie on my chest and whimper in pleasure as I gently stroke her back and hold her close.

After we get cleaned up and eat breakfast, Margaret and I will begin another day’s drive in the general direction of Atlanta.

We share everything, every thought, every emotion, every need. We have always been comfortable around each other but now if there is silence we don’t notice. We have reached the point where we are content with each other. We don’t have that anxious need to fill every moment with sound. My favorite thing is to sit on the sofa as Margaret lies down, her head in my lap as she falls asleep in the quiet and I gently stroke her hair.

Sometime in the afternoon we will find a place that is out of the way, far away from where anyone can see us. Margaret will get down on her knees in front of me and take my cock into her mouth. My wife’s head will bob up and down and she will suck and nurse on my cock until I shoot thick streams of my sperm into her mouth. Margaret will swallow, then lick my cock clean and stand up to hug me and whisper ‘thank you’ into my ear.

Or I might bend her over at the waist and my wife will spread her feet apart so that I can stand behind her, between her legs and push my cock into her already d
ripping cunt. My hips will slap against the cheeks of Margaret’s ass as I fuck her and she grunts uncontrollably. I will throw my arms around her waist and pull her hips back against me as I grunt along with her and our orgasms will come together.

My sperm will drip from Margaret’s cunt but she will pull up her panties in an effort to trap it inside of her. My wife tells me that she loves the feeling of holding my sperm inside of her cunt. We will hold hands as we walk back to the car and kiss just before we get in and continue our journey to the next motel. There we will turn the lights off and get into bed. In the dark my wife will say to me, ‘I want you to fuck me.’

The private joke that Margaret and I share is that you have practice safe sex or else you might fall off the dining room table.

Margaret and I do not use any form of birth control. If she should become pregnant we will be deliriously happy but we accept the fact that at this point in our lives it is probably not going to happen. Only one time did she share her deepest feelings about this.

Margaret was already outside standing on the back deck when I came out to join her. She was looking at something in the distance, her arms crossed and holding herself. When she heard me she slowly turned and gave me a half smile. There were tears in her eyes that had not yet begun to fall. She put out her arms and pulled me close, held me tight and whispered in my ear.

‘I would give anything to have your child.’

Margaret and I touch each other. We touch each other a lot. It is not just the touch of fucking. It is the uncontrollable need to feel that warmth of skin against our fingertips. It is an unconscious craving that forces my hand to delicately stroke the inside of my wife’s thigh. She is driven to lovingly kiss my eyelid, or that spot on my neck just behind my earlobe.

Most of the time we don’t even know that we are touching. We sit next to each other in the pew every Sunday morning, our fingers intertwined and hidden by our thighs that are pressing against each other. Every evening we prepare dinner together and always end up standing next to each other, our shoulders touching as we work. If we go out to a restaurant we always sit on the same of the table. When we watch TV we will sit on the sofa with my arms around my wife’s shoulders. Margaret will rest her head on my chest and her hand will drift down until it slides into my pants and gently cradle my balls.

I love to lie behind Margaret just before drifting off to sleep. My cheek will be pressed against the back of her neck with one arm around her waist, holding her close to me. My other hand is lower, cupping her mound, my fingers caught in the tangle of her hair.

I had come back to this town to find something, but I didn’t know what. I wasn’t even sure if that was the real reason, or if I was deluding myself about my life at that point. But I am dead certain about the reason I stayed.

My plan was to take Margaret to dinner and then go back to the hotel because I was exhausted from the long drive. But she scolded me for spending good money on a hotel when she was rattling around in that empty house all by herself. I could stay in her son’s old room and she would have someone to share a pot of coffee with in the morning. I did go back to the hotel that night but the next morning I called and said if the offer was still good, I was on my way.

I never left her home.

I did the things I wanted each day and Margaret had her own full schedule but we still found ways to spend time together. Margaret would take me out and show me the sights and I was both pleased and dismayed at how our small hometown had changed over the years. Most of my friends had moved away for college and never looked back, just like myself, only returning for family events. Birthdays, weddings, fiftieth anniversaries and finally the funerals.

I did find one of our old gang. He was married and living in the next town down the highway, a twenty minute drive. I took him and his wife to dinner and we entertained her with stories of all the stupid things we had done together. She was laughing when she said that we were lucky to still be alive. It was fun to reminisce about our youth but in the end we were both painfully aware that we no longer had anything in common.

I began to spend more time with Margaret and less time trying to find my childhood. Margaret slowly cut things out of her schedule until we were spending almost every moment of the day with each other.

Contentment was something I had never experienced in my life. The comfort I felt came not from Margaret’s home and its’ furnishings, but from Margaret herself. Inch by inch, moment by moment, Margaret was becoming an important…the most important…part of my life.

Margaret would give me a quick kiss on the check each night before going to her bedroom and closing the door. Each morning I saw her face light up with smiles when I would stumble into the kitchen and she handed me that first cup of coffee for the day. When she had something to do that day that didn’t include me, I felt extreme disappointment. Soon Margaret was giving me her little cheek kisses for no reason at all.

Our feelings for each other came spilling out on my birthday.

Birthdays have never been important to me. From living alone, most years I had forgotten mine until months after the fact. Margaret was adamant. As long as I lived under her roof, we would celebrate birthdays. Her plan was to take me out to an elegant restaurant for dinner and then go someplace to see if we could still remember how to dance.

She was surprised when I told her what I really wanted for my birthday but said that with some modifications she would make it happen.

The morning of my birthday, Margaret said that she needed to get a few things at the store. The weather was nice and the things to pick up were small so we decided to walk the ten blocks to the grocery store. On our way back I had noticed a teenaged couple that was walking behind us. Even with our backs to them it was obvious that they deeply in love with each other. We stopped at the corner, waiting for the traffic to clear when I heard the boy whisper to his girlfriend.

‘I’m going to hold your hand just like that for the rest of our lives.’

I glanced down and was startled to discover that Margaret and I were holding hands. I looked up to Margaret’s face. Either she hadn’t heard the comment or chose not to acknowledge it. She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye with a smile and gently squeezed my hand when it was time to cross the street.

At lunch I protested that birthdays were simply not worth the effort, especially mine. In all the years that I have known her, this was the only time I ever have seen Margaret become even remotely angry with me. The thought that I might upset Margaret caused me great distress and I gave in.

Later that afternoon I told Margaret I had some errands to run and would be back later. When I had picked up what I needed, I went to the neighbor’s house. I had secretly made arrangements the day before. After I told them what I needed, they slowly smiled and said they would be glad to help. I hung out with them for a couple of hours and got to know them a little better. I used their guest bathroom to take a shower and make myself presentable. For the first time in months, I put on a suit and tie. At the appropriate time the neighbors wished me luck and I walked back to Margaret’s house.

I stood on the porch in front of her door with a bottle of wine in one hand and a small bouquet of flowers in the other. Margaret had been very vague about the details of what she had planned and this left me with no idea of what to expect. After minutes of nerve wracking indecision, I finally decided to follow Lady Macbeth’s advice to ‘screw your courage to the sticking-place,’ and rang the doorbell before I ran away in panic.

I knew that Margaret was a
n attractive woman but I was not prepared for the vision that opened the door for me. It literally took my breath away.

Margaret was wearing her little black dress. It was velvet and stopped well above her knees. For the first time I became painfully aware of how nice her legs are. A small single strand of pearls circled her neck. Her relaxed smile was one of total comfort.

There was music in her voice when she said, ‘Good, my date is finally here,’ and stepped aside to let me in. Before I could hand her the wine and flowers, she slipped her arms around my waist and gently pulled me close. Instead of the usual peck on the check, Margaret gave me a slow, lingering kiss on the lips.

She took the things out of my hands and pointed to the living room.

‘Why don’t you pick out some music, dinner will be ready in just a minute.’

I was captivated by the rhythmic movement of Margaret’s hips and ass as she walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Less than a minute later she returned and said, ‘Dinner is served.’

She hooked her arm into mine and led me into the dinning room. Once again I was stunned. The dining table was set with white linen and gleaming sliver and crystal that I had not seen before. The table is actually large enough to seat eight comfortably, but the place settings were at the corner of one end where we would be close to each other. The lights were off and there were at least two dozen candles of various shapes and sizes that were lit and spread around the room.

The dinner was delicious…I think…I’m not sure. I was so enthralled by Margaret that I honestly don’t remember eating. After dinner she wouldn’t let me help clear the table, she gestured toward to the living room and said, ‘You’re not getting off that easy. I said I wanted dancing and by God, there will be dancing. Go in there and get some music ready.’

I didn’t trust my ability to move in time with the music and not make a fool of myself so I selected several albums of very slow and soft music. When Margaret came into the room she lit several candles and turned off the lamps. She came to me and put one arm around my waist. She held the other one out to the side and we began to dance. After several numbers we were no longer dancing. We were standing wrapped in each other’s arms, swaying to the music that we could barely hear.

Margaret raised her head and kissed me. Long and slow, it seemed that the kiss lasted for hours and left me wanting more. She let go of me and stepped back. She held her hands clasped together in front of her, looking down at the floor. She took a deep breath then let it out and looked up at me. Her smile was full of hope when she said, ‘I am in love with you.’

Robert is my best friend. It seems inadequate to describe him in those terms, he so much more than that. I have also known Robert all of my life. We were next door neighbors as children and did everything together. We were both the ‘only child’ so we became the brothers that our parents couldn’t give us. We laughed and played and got into trouble together. We built a tree house in my backyard under the watchful eye of my grandfather. We painted Robert’s bedroom bright red when his parents were out for the day. We each kept a toothbrush at the other ones’ house.

I am two years older than Robert but that has never been a factor in our relationship. We have always been equals. I went away to college and two years later Robert joined me on campus as a freshman.

Three months after school started I found Robert late one night as he was coming out of the fraternity house. I drug him into the bushes around back and literally kicked the shit out of him. I brought him back from the emergency room after getting his two cracked ribs tapped up and took him with me to my dorm room.

When my roommate began yelling, ‘I don’t want that drunken asshole coming around here any more,’ I went to his closet and began throwing his clothes out of the window. I told him that if he was still standing there when I was done, he was going out the window after them.

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Sandwich Bar GirlChapter 3

Tess and I strolled down the street after visiting the lingerie shop, just holding hands at the moment which was quite a strange sight considering the difference in our ages. I would point out a girl or woman and ask Tess about them. I pointed out a young girl who was wearing a bikini top and a pair of tight shorts and asked Tess "Do you think she's a virgin?" I think she was too shocked by the question to answer me. Then we walked past a young mother pushing a pram. My question was a...

2 years ago
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Ritu ki mast chudai barsat ki wo raat

Hi Iss readrs Kaise hai aap log Meri story Barsaat ki wo raat par aap logo ka bahut aacha responce mila kai logo ne uska english translet bhi manga par meri english itni aachi nahi isliye mujhe maf kar de.aur kuch log ne janna chaha ki maine Priya ki chhoti bahan yani ki Ritu ko kaisi bhi ek majedar story hai.jaisa ki Priya ke ghar mera aana jana tha.aur uski shaadi ke baad bhi maine aksar uske ghar jata tha Ritu ki age kabir 22 yr ki hogi wo ek samnye hight health ki gori uske boobs...

3 years ago
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Meri Jivani 8211 Part 3

Hi… M akky 5’10” height ksrati bdan. Pichli baar mene bataya tha ki kis trh maine pinki ki seal todi. Abhi pinki ko gye adha ghanta hi hua tha ki nisha bhabhi aa gyi. N- kya baat h dusri mulakat m hi kunwari choot maar li. A-are wo sb to thik h pr is sofa cover ka kya krun. N- hey bhagwaan… Ise utar k dhobi ko de aa.. Pr tu h to kismat wala kya kachchi choot mili h.. Kitni baar choda. A- 2 baar usme hi usse chala nhi ja rha tha. N- haan maine dekha jate hue lngda rhi thi.. To tu to mri hi bs...

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Not My Fault

I am a traveling salesman and it takes me a little over two weeks to cover my route. Each of my trips means living in hotels, and eating meals in restaurants. A long time back, my wife and I decided to have a committed relationship, and so far, I have not succumbed to the temptation of good looking, willing ladies. So during these trips, I spend most my non-business hours by myself. My end-of-the-day routine is a visit to the hotel gym, a shower, and dinner. This is usually followed by a visit...

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The girl next door

This is an entire true story, not really, which I am going to expose here All the events happened with me are being described truly and names here are also original. My name is Nadeem . I am 28 and live in Lahore. My father is has dead and mother is an house woman. We have a middle class status. We have neighbours next to us. They were four members. A mother 2 daughters and 2 boys. Her older daughter Nusart was married and lived in Sailkot. The other sister named Nudrat was studying in college...

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Findest Du Mich Zu Dick

For some reason, Sophie had always been drawn to Asian men. Growing up in a small town, there were none around, but that didn't stop her from fantasizing. Spending hours watching K-dramas and Japanese anime, she grew to love Asia even more. When college finally rolled around, she decided she wanted to go to a university in Tokyo. Needless to say, her parents weren't thrilled with her packing up and moving around the world. A college in the US was what they wanted, but nothing could stop her....

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The office

It was one of those dreary mornings and you felt the weight of the world on your shoulders, another day sitting in your chair, staring at a computer screen, listening to people moaning about this about that....It makes it even more depressing as the weather is turning colder and the mornings so dark....Once you are up, having your breakfast your mood changes, and your mind starts to wander....insomuch that that damp feeling between your legs is evident on your fresh white knickers.It's only a...

3 years ago
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Pendants of Aeternitas An Epilogue

Pendants of Aeternitas: An Epilogue by BobH (c) 2012 Note: My thanks to Zapper for allowing me to write this coda to his tale. For anyone reading this who hasn't read his story - and though I don't know why you wouldn't, I'm sure there'll be a few of you who haven't- what you need to know is that Mark Thompson believes he has stopped a body thief from stealing his wife Susan's body. He is wrong. What Mark doesn't know is that the thief not only stole his wife's body but also...

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FantasyMassage Brett Rossi Jasmine Jae Georgia Jones Bring Your Daughter To Work Day

Brett Rossi is hurrying to put on her shoes, glancing around as though she’s afraid to be caught by someone. She is successful with putting on her shoes and is just about to leave when her step-daughter, Georgia Jones, calls her out from behind. Georgia asks just where Brett thinks she’s going. She knows that today is Bring Your Daughter to Work Day and that it’s an important school project. Georgia is clearly enjoying having caught her step-mother trying to sneak out to avoid...

4 years ago
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A Different Way That COVID Affected My Family

I'm Sue and what I'm about to tell you is the most insane and wildest thing that has ever happened in my life, well, our lives, actually, and I'm not sure we can ever go back to the family we were before.Everyone is aware of this ridiculous pandemic going on with Covid19 and, of course, all the restrictions that go along with a pandemic of this type.It was May 2020, and New York City and surrounding areas, including the area we live in, was in complete lockdown. Jack, my husband, and I were...

2 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 18

Mark Blakely was roused from a sound sleep shortly after noon by a keyed-up Steve Foster furiously shaking the exhausted young deputy, at the same time rasping in a coarse whisper: "For Christ sake, wake up will you, guy? Wake up... all hell's broken loose... !" "Wha... ? What's wrong?" Mark confusedly stammered, bolting upright in the guest-room bed to stare blankly at his obviously distraught friend. "What the hell is it... ?" "Easy, keep your voice down!" Steve gestured with...

1 year ago
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Amatorium Here I was, standing in the large marble room, on the second floorof The Temple. As my tired fingers were shaping the clay, I finally hadthe time to be with my own thoughts. No sounds, no bothering from the mastersand no distraction. My imagination was slaved in the cold earth matter but my mindwas free to rove in my memories from the past months. What was going tohappen with me? Why me in first place? The questions started to flow in my head like a mountain rivercurrent. The...

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Mere Dost Sundar Ki Sundar Biwi Heena Part I Cheating

Hi Friends! I am Suraj, a Married Man from Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India, Age-35 Height 5′ 10″ Physically Well Built up with Strong Personality. My Friends and Dear & Near always call me Surya. Yeh ek real story hey jab hum college students huva karte thhe. Hum 10-15 Tuffani Ladko ka ek group huva karta thha. Humare Friends Circle me ek Ladka huva karta thha jiska naam thha Sundar. Jaisa uska naam thha vaise hi vo bahut hi Sundar hey. Ekdum chocolaty. Ladkiya use dekh kar hi lattoo ho jaati...

3 years ago
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Shanti Aunty Is A Sex Goddess

Hi friends, Rakesh is back again . This incident happened with me few months back . As you know I am doing b.Tech in a government college in Odisha . I am not much of a good student so I was not allotted a seat in the college hostel so I used to live in a rented house . Aunty used to live few blocks away from my place . Once I was sitting in my balcony and noticed Shanti aunty was standing in their balcony as their balcony can be clearly seen from my balcony . She was in a red saree and was...

1 year ago
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My Sister Get Fucked By Her Friend And Then From Me

My sister get fucked by her Friend and then from me. I friend myself Krishna I am in FYBCOM and my Sister is in TYBCOM. She is two years elder then me she is awesome looking girls she mostly wear western style girl mostly wearing long T-shirt Only and nothing thing else she is fair looking hair straight and middle size boobs and ass no hair on body and name Divya. This story start before her exam was going to start She and her one friend used to come for study in afternoon in my house everyone...

2 years ago
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2011 summer break

I am going to refer to my sister son as Matt. Matt and my sister were met by me at the airport. They both spent the weekend with me while we got Matt settled into my guest room. Matt and I dropped my sister off at the airport Sunday afternoon. For the next week I would go to work and when I got home Matt would be either on the beach, or, in my basement playing video games. My basement is divided into to two rooms split with a wall that has a pass-through bar. On one side of my basement is...

1 year ago
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A Recipe for Aunt Jane

Well, I know I said that Kendra was my last "Aunt Jane/Seasons of Change" derived story, but well, there is another one in the works. Dunno how long it will take because life is happening right now, and the story concept seems pretty challenging to pull off. Already, I've had to trash hours of work because I found myself taking the "easy" way out. Anyway, I have been corresponding with Brandy Dewinter on the concept and got into a basic discussion of Aunt Jane's character and make...

2 years ago
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Discovered by a Black Guy

I should preface this story by saying I've never identified myself as homosexual, but sometimes after being locked up in chastity for a long time combined with crossdressing, I must admit to some fantasies involving other men.I never expected anything to ever actually happen, and it's my own fault really. I had been paying a beautiful, very sexually fetish driven woman for her chastity services online. She had a pretty good system. She had me mail her one of the keys to my lock and then she...

3 years ago
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Good girls dont wear panties Part 02

Continuing from were we left off in part 1……We drove to the address given to Joan by the hosts Mike and Barbara we drove up to the gate and sought to be buzzed in which took a few minutes as the party was in full swing. We finally got buzzed in and we drove down the driveway to the house and we were greeted by Barbara who was dressed very provocatively. We were handed wine and introduced to everyone.Joan and Barbara were not the only women dressed provocatively but Joan and Barbara in a...

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Nuit Coquine by Manonlez

Time ago, one year or so, I met one of the most (if not the most) sweet, kind, polite and sensitive woman on this site. She writes stories. In French. I wanted to congratulate her for her first year on this site, staying yet (at least to me) as sweet, kind, polite and sensitive as when I met her in spite of being treated as ‘viande’ (as she says) by some users ‘so called persons’. I like her stories and I think it’s a shame that they can be read only by people who understand French while...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter III The Knight and The Knob

Alice disappeared, or rather her reflection did, the moment the door flew open.“I had to make sure you’re not getting into trouble,” the knight announced, eyeing her suspiciously.  Just then Alice recalled the words of the Cheshire Cat. ‘Something about tea and cakes,’ she thought, wondering if it was helpful advice or simply madness as so much seemed to be since she’d left the comfort of the stream bank to pursue the tiny sailing ship. Just then she realized that the other Alice had left her...

First Time
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Annies Rape

I slide a finger up her cunt and feel how tight and dry she is, this bitch hasn’t had any dick in a long time, but that’s about to change. I spit on her twat and start to work my finger back into her cunt. With my finger deep in her cunt I start slapping her ass making it red and causing her to beg for me to stop. I tell her to shut the fuck up and slap her in the back of the head, “you belong to me now bitch and you will do what I want you to, you understand me Cunt?”, I slap her hard...

4 years ago
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So Night Follows DayChapter 17

“Ice is forming on the tips of my wings. Unheeded warnings, I thought I’d thought of everything. No navigator to find my way home. Unladen, empty, and turned to stone. A soul in tension that’s learning to fly. Condition grounded, but determined to try. Can’t keep my eyes from the circling skies. Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I.” -Pink Floyd, “Learning to Fly“ Susan’s Log: Stardate ... eh, fuck it. They just made them up on the show, anyway. I’ve been traveling through...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 292

With 30 minutes to spare, I spent it looking at emails, and I was getting a ton of them. All the emails that originated from the college division were coded. I only looked at those starred important and responded if needed. Cindy handled the rest or added notes and then sent them to me. Then there was the shocker in the form of a folder from Amy Lockerman. The folder contained a link to the State Department email server, instructions with using my old military ID number as login and a...

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The Creators Chapter 5 Redux

LUCILLA The alarm bells tolled from every tower in the palace, the yells of men and the clanking of armor sounded from every corridor and stairwell. I kept my cloak wrapped tightly around me, trying to conceal the glowing patterns that laced my skin from toe to chin. I had a fortune in gold and jewelry tucked away in my sack, but that would hardly do me any good if the royal guard stopped us. I grabbed Julia by the wrist and pulled her from the corridor as a squad of heavily-armored knights...

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BlacksOnBlondes Holly Hendrix 04302019

When Holly Hendrix discovered her boyfriend Andy was cheating on her (with Holly’s sister, no less), she knew it was time to get even! So Holly took Andy’s credit card, got on a plane, and took a little vacation. Holly also rented a beautiful condo with one goal in mind: to find a big-dicked dude to rail the shit out of her sweet pussy and tight, tight butthole. It didn’t take too long for her to get Jason over! Holly even left the front door open so Jason could let himself in...

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The Armoury

They found their entrance into the hotel servant’s corridor without meeting anyone. Her driver quickly ushered her into a small hallway off the main servant’s stairs and headed for the area, which contained an old iron door. She remembered this door from earlier times when the two of them used to run amok inside the hotel’s vast network of passages. “In here, quickly.” Her driver spoke harshly. “Someone’s coming up the corridor from around the corner.” The two of them quickly darted into what...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 19 Multiple Discoveries

Mary flashed on our private channel that she just had the same discussion with Rex that I’d just had with Joni. She noted that Melody’s ‘proclamation’ somewhat reinforced Rex’s fears. Before I could even kiss Joni, I felt HER insecurities flare back up too. “Do you want to have a meeting with everyone to talk this out before we continue?” I asked firmly. “I think so ... can I see how Sheila and Jeremy feel about it?” I grinned and nodded, “Sure. Go ahead and mentally call them.” She...

3 years ago
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In The Beginning Chapter 5

TinaI hadn’t expected that. Before last night, I had only ever had an orgasm from playing with my clitoris. Tonight, Luke hadn’t been touching my vagina. Of course, I needed all the other bits to build up to that, but I had never had an orgasm, even from the times I had penetrated myself with my fingers unless I used my clitoris. I was still in a bit of a daze when Luke turned over and lay me on his bed. He kissed me on my lips and looked at me for a second. When I smiled, he returned it and...

College Sex
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An unexpected seduction 3

She got out of bed gingerly, wincing as the movement brought on searing pain through her lower body. Those two men had really worked her over, and as good as it had felt at the time, she needed some pain meds now. She felt uncomfortable to be alone in Jack’s room; the stillness in the air telling her she was probably alone in his apartment. She wondered for a second where her two lovers had gone, but a small part of her was relieved that she didn’t need to face them again right away. She...

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Tarak Mehata Ka Hot Chasma Part 8

Hi dosto me sandy fir se aap logo ke saamne meri kahani ka agla part pesh kar rah hu .. Shama kare ki me paart ko toda time laga pesh karne ke liye .. Meri divorce ki date thi is liye me nahi kar paya .. Muje bohat sari mahilao kaa is bar repya aya aur meri story unhe bohat hi jyada pasand aai hai.. Me sabhi readers ka dhanya waad karta hu ki aap logone mujw itna pyar diya aur meri story ko itna pasand kiya .. .. Chalo aap logo ka time jyada na lere huye me story par aata hu.. Pichli kahani me...

2 years ago
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Meeting Curtis Pt 2 Rehab

Introduction: Curtis has a realization and gets closer to the main character. wake up Wednesday morning, my hair and make-up a mess, and roll out of bed, landing on my ass. It wakes me up a little, but not much, and I get up to take a shower. I grab a towel and open my door, walking down the hall to the bathroom and stop dead in my tracks. I forgot about Curtis, who is now sprawled out on the couch in his boxers, his pale chest bare for my eyes. Hes snoring softly, and I smile softly before...

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Dost ki wife

Hello friends. Kaise ho me rohit. Phirse apni adhuri baat aaj puri. Karne ja raha hu. Me aapko phir se mera parichay dedu. Mera naam rohit he. Aur meri pehla experience jo likha tha asha he ki apko pasand aaya hoga. Vaha mene sirf aadhi baat batayi thi. To aaj puri bata deta hu. Mere dost ki biwiki bahut der tak chudai ki thi. Phir hum dono uske bathroom me gaye the. Tab bhi mera lund bahut tight tha… pehli bar divya ki chudai ke bad bhi voh bhukha tha.. Tabhi divya ne bathroom me phir se kaha...

4 years ago
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Theres Something About My Sons Girlfriends 8

The trouble with old vintage cars is that they can be rather unreliable, and my mechanical skills left a lot to be desired. In retrospect, I should not have driven it this evening, but, to be fair, I wasn't expecting to use it as a getaway car from the adventures at Susie's place, and it appeared that I was about to pay the price for that decision. "Oh, hello Anna." I said, as Jennifer's mother got out of her car and walked towards me with a surprised look on her face. "Jerry, I thought you'd...


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