Delta V Chapter 1
- 2 years ago
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The Fortune was fortunate, to still be in one piece.
Three bladders high on the port side on levels two and three and a quarter of the way forward from the stern of the ship and near the dome had ruptured outwards into space. The outer hull plates had split open under pressure of being pulled apart.
Four bladders on the starboard side, about a third of the way back from the bow and down on levels eight and nine had ruptured. The hull had proven to be weakest at these points, and it had compressed when the nose of the ship tried to turn in the clockwise direction.
Fortunately, the bridges and walls between the hulls that divided the bladders into segments were designed to flex as part of the dampening and cooling systems. So, the inner shell didn’t feel the full brunt of the ship bending, as it twisted.
Only three segments, one on level two on the port side and the others on level nine in the Transporter hold and the one above on level eight on the starboard side, ruptured on the inside first. They flooded into the adjoining compartments.
The two bladders on the starboard side, flooded into the adjoining compartments first as the compression caused the water to breach the inner hull by popping plates inwards. Most of the water was then sucked back out as the outer plate crumpled and breached.
Fortunately, the decompression had almost completed. Hence, the contents of the rooms were not forcibly dragged into the outer hull wall when the vacuum of space sucked the water out. The internal bulkhead doors for the bay that held a transporter and the cargo hold on the level above that were breached, held.
The breaches on the top and port side of level two were more devastating as far as Professor William Essco and Dr Tammy Bell were concerned. It was their bedroom, that was flooded. Luckily, for them, the inner hull popped a seam on the top section of the wall.
At a central support and three-quarters of the way up the wall, the top corner of a middle plate let go. Luckily only a third of the water from the bladder emptied into their room. More importantly, the outer hull had held for that bladder. The bladder on the level below had taken the pressure off when it split first.
The couple had been rudely woken when the strap down alarms had sounded through the ship. Tammy started bitching, and Essco told her to, “Shut the fuck up!”
They both went silent as they felt the gravity shift and knew the jump was imminent. They lay side by side as they waited and then felt the change as the ship jumped. Barely three breaths later they felt the gravity change as the ship re-entered normal space.
Essco sighed in relief, but he sighed too soon. Abruptly, he found he was thrown into Tammy and was crushed down on her. Tammy found she was jammed into the net and half off the bed. Essco’s full weight was bearing down on her with such force that she couldn’t draw a breath. Tammy groaned in agony as she felt a rib snap under the enormous pressure.
Then the room shook and shuddered when the bladders burst. Essco was tossed back off Tammy. They both heard the metal wall on Essco’s side of the bed groan and then a popping sound. Freezing water started spraying into the room.
The room and the walls shuddered again. Then the corner of plate ripped like paper away from the wall by at least to least 10mm and more water gush in. Unfortunately, at this time, the sprinkler system also activated and drenched them from above.
As the gravity stabilised, Tammy was able to release the net and fell to the floor with a splash. Tammy, cussing up a storm as she shivered, slopped across the floor in the ankle-deep pool of water to the door.
Tammy slammed her hand onto the sensor plate, but the door wouldn’t open. She screamed for all she was worth and banged on the door and the plate. Tepid water rained down on her, and the freezing water had risen to her mid-calves.
Finally, the sprinklers stopped, but the water kept rising and was now knee-deep. Essco, who was still sitting on the bed, was now cursing, swearing, and calling Ben a bloody idiot as the water lapped the top of the bed.
After pounding on the door for several more minutes, the temperature of the water had Tammy heading to the bathroom. She found a couple of try towels in the top of a cupboard and wrapped them around herself.
The water was still rising and pouring into the room from the gap in the wall platting. Everything was soaked. The highest, driest spot was the desk, so Tammy crawled up on it and wrapped her freezing body in the towels, bitching and swearing about incompetent ship crews.
Essco managed to get his cupboard open. He stripped as he was shivering as hard as Tammy was. He put on a dry shirt and his coat. Carrying his pants, he sloshed over to the desk and sat on it beside Tammy.
He cursed and swore as he tried to get his long pants on without getting them wet. He had to sit on the opposite corner of the desk alcove with his feet up on the desk. He constantly called into the comm to get someone to get them out of the room.
Lee’s voice finally answered. “Professor, are you and Dr Bell, okay?” Lee asked.
“No, we fucking are not. It’s fucking wet and freezing in here. Get us the fuck out of here,” Essco screamed into the comm.
“Professor, do you still have water coming into the room?” Lee asked, calmly.
Essco looked at the wall. The water was now a slow trickle. “Yes, but it’s not pouring in like it was. The bloody bed is swimming in it. We are stuck on the fucking desk. Get us the hell out of here, you stupid bitch,” he said venomously.
“Professor, the hull has been breached in several places near you. We can’t open your door until the hull is resealed and we can drain your room. You are just going to have to sit tight and try to stay warm.”
“It could be several hours before we can get to you. There is a lot of damage to the ship. But you are high on our priority list. I have at least been able to turn the air valves back on to your room. I’ll get back to you when I know more, Lee out.”
Essco kept bitching into the comm, but he soon realised Lee had shut him down. He’d not seen Tammy blanch when Lee explained about the air being turned back on. Tammy had thought it was getting stuffy and she realised that if it had been off much longer, she would have died of asphyxiation.
The couple had to sit tight and wait four very long, wet and cold hours. Lee checked in with them every half hour, put up with the first part of the tirade she received from Essco for her trouble and then shut the comm down.
It wasn’t her favourite call to make.
The engineering crews were working hard.
As Lee had said, getting to Tammy and Essco was a priority, and the crew was working hard at getting the recirculation system fixed so they could pump the water out the room and let the couple out.
Fixing the water bulkhead compartments was not an easy job. They had to empty the bladder below or above the one, they wanted to fix. The recirculation system was designed to continually circulate the water. Each compartment was pumped into the next. Then the next one was emptied and so on.
This meant that if a compartment developed a leak or the water tested badly, then the water could be moved. The water went to the next bladder or back to the recycler, so that section was bypassed until fixed.
Four compartments on each of the levels could be emptied so the work crew could enter into the system. They had to suit up into pressurised suites, the same suits they wore if they ever had to go outside of the ship. This allowed them to swim through the compartments if they had to, to get to the damaged one.
In one way, their luck had held, as one of the compartments breached on Essco’s side was the one that had the access door. Bones, Ryan and Anita, were suited up and entered the cell after cycling through the entrance chamber.
They found no actual structural damage. The flexible struts and side walls had done their job. However, the seams in the hull plates had popped a section of the plate out. They could replace this plate from this side, but they would need to go outside later and replace the ceramic coating and add extra welds. They couldn’t do that until the ship was stopped or at least slowed.
Bones and Ryan cleaned up the hole and using magnetic clamps, they seated the new Ozlium sheet and welded it into place. Because of the nature of Ozlium, you can’t use a standard welder. A unique high frequency, plasma welder, was required.
It was a slow job welding in the thicker sheets, used for the outer hull. If the required thickness in the plates weren’t maintained, then the plate could fail. While Bones welded in the new plate, Ryan ran the scanner over all the seams and wasn’t happy with a couple of them, so he patched them up as well.
Anita scanned all the bolts and seals around the valves and pipes between the segments to check their integrity. She had to break one pipe and fit a new seal. She also replaced a stressed pipe where the flexible coupling had been damaged when the water blew out before she was happy.
They wiped down the segment to remove contaminates while they drained the compartment either above them or beside them into another cell. They then opened the personal hatch and dragged all their equipment through it, into the next cell, either above them or beside them. Then they started all over again.
The fatigued team finely got to the compartment outside Essco room three hours later. Anita had opened the valves to drain the tank back to the recycler. They had worked their way up so that when they got to the half-filled segment, she could drain it, so they could enter.
When the occupants of the room heard them moving around in the bladder, they yelled at them, “Get us the fuck out of the room.” Essco included plenty of nasty threats if the team didn’t move their arses to do it. Tammy mostly pleaded them to hurry.
Anita and the guys ignored them and got on with the job. They very much would have liked to leave them there by the time they finished.
The team checked that the outer plates were structurally sound. Once happy, Bones drilled a hole in the bottom of the inner hull plate, and Anita hooked up a hose and pump to the hole, so they could drain the room into the recycling system faster.
Bones and Ryan started fixing the plate. The magnetic clamps were able to pull the sheet back into position so they could weld it. They would have to check it from the room’s side as well before the bladder was refilled.
Essco and Tammy were constantly bitching about the smells and smoke the boys were creating in the room. Then the pump began making an unhappy noise, so Anita turned it off. She checked the hole to find it was blocked on the other side. She yelled at Essco to unblock the hole from his side.
To which he told her, “Unblock the fucking hole yourself. And get me the fuck out of here.” He wasn’t going to get into the freezing water.
Anita stuck the plasma drill back in the hole and drilled until it was clear. She then hooked the pump up again. Essco was not happy later when he found out she had drilled through his favourite Italian Leather briefcase, which had been sucked over the hole. Being immersed in the water hadn’t done it much good either.
They finally got the room down to soggy carpet so the door could be opened once the wall was sealed from their side.
Lee commed Essco and told him to try the door. Essco and Tammy were relieved to see the medical staff waiting for them to escort them to sickbay.
Kim Mc Nee, the afternoonshift welder, entered the room as soon as the couple were gone. She checked and patched the inside wall of the room. Her fix didn’t do a lot for the paint job, but the whole room was going to have to be stripped anyways so Kim wasn’t too concerned.
Anita’s team took another hour to get the other repairs completed on this side of the ship and were finally able to vacate the bladders. They were all glad that they were fit and healthy as it had been a mammoth task.
They finally headed off for some food, caught up on the gossip and then headed for their beds.
Tammy ended up in sickbay with hypothermia.
Due to her low body weight and the immersion, she ended up developing pneumonia. She was very sick for several weeks.
Once Essco was confirmed well, and he had eaten, he was moved to one of the bunkrooms that had a spare bed. The occupant, after ten minutes of Essco’s company, promptly moved in with one of the other men, who had an unoccupied bunk.
The crew on the other side of the ship found more problems caused by the compression of the vessel, and it took them an extra two hours to get their necessary repairs completed. They had more work to do later due to the compartments being flooded.
Seven hours after the jump, they finally had the water and sewerage systems back online to a much-relieved crew’s relief. Unflushed toilets can be very unpleasant after nearly nine hours of not working.
A big problem they couldn’t fix immediately was the Dome. The outer segment on Essco’s side was breached when the seal with the hull split. Because of the thickness of the dome, it didn’t stretch so well, so the hull had to give.
Plants don’t survive any better than humans in the vacuum of outer space. The crew’s problem was, they couldn’t enter the section to even put in a temporary patch on the inside unless they emptied the inner section first.
For some reason, the designers hadn’t put a double airlock between the outer and middle dome sections. The crew would have to fix the seal and the hull section from the outside, once they had the ship stopped. So, for now, that segment of the dome had to remain sealed.
Kyle, Brendan and Sung had spent five very tiring hours getting the ship out of the spin. The hull breaches and the sheer size of the ship meant they had to slow the vessel gradually, so it wasn’t flexed any more than necessary. It was a team effort to finally have the craft going in one direction again.
Trying to drive a ship of this size manually was not fun. They constantly had to alter the speeds and positions of the eight Ionic Drives to get the ship, so that it was rolling in one plane and not wobbling as it had been. Then they had to stop the ship from spinning from starboard to stern.
The strange motions added to the new gravitational effects by Futura played hell with the compensators as well as making it difficult for the repair crews as the ship shifted around them and the gravity fluctuated. The poor robotic cleaners and the human ones ended up cleaning up a lot of vomit.
During this mammoth effort, Eze and Alison Burt, one of the other navigators had finally worked out where they were. As they hadn’t totally mapped all the system, it had taken some time. They used the feeds from the three probes that triangulated Futura and Tychy to achieve this feat.
Due to the accident, the crew leaders of the staff, Sean, Lee and the Captain had a meeting at 15:00 hours, twelve hours after the disaster. They had the most critical systems repaired, and the crew members who could were having a much-needed rest.
Eze reported that they had worked out that if the Helm got the ship stopped in the next couple of days, they could do the repairs to the hull. It would then take them another four days or so and a few course alterations to get into orbit around Futura.
This, of course, caused a buzz around the table. They were not supposed to be here. The ship was supposed to be at Tyche, two-AU in the opposite direction.
The Captain didn’t really give a shit about being at the wrong planet. What he cared about was that for them to be where they were someone had tampered with his ship. He was a very pissed-off man. Someone was going to have to pay.
Doc Von had informed the meeting that they had one dead man, two critically injured, one with hypothermia and one in a comma. Five other people had broken bones, and another three had concussions but would be fine in a couple of days.
A dozen or more of the crew were generally bashed up with cuts, strains and bruises, but they were mobile. The most worrying was the missing man, as no one had been able to locate Rodger Bartlett.
The report from Robby wasn’t good either. The Vets had to put down two goats. One was pregnant with twins and the other their best milker.
The boar had also died. He had broken ribs, which had pierced his lung and damaged his heart. The next oldest hog wouldn’t be ready for service for at least two months, and this will put Robby’s breeding schedule way behind.
They had also lost five laying hens and the day’s eggs. All of the tossing about would most likely upset the rest of the hens, and they would probably stop laying. The current batch of eggs that were due to hatch had also died when the incubator failed.
Other members of the crew also had lovely holidays. Lady Mary Nash took the other two Lieutenants’ home with her. She had been having fun screwing them both on alternate nights on the ships. Nads and Ace had a lovely time with Mary. Both were surprised to find she was only a couple of years older than they were. The boys did have quick visits with their families but otherwise stayed with Mary. They were fine with them both fucking Mary together but a bit more hesitant about getting...
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We had arrived. One hundred and sixty very excited women and twenty kids disembarked the Fortune. We had docked up to one of the naval ships that patrolled Delta space. They were the guys that my younger brother Rick, wanted to join, the Delta Space Police Force or DSPF. We women ranged in age from eighteen to thirty-four years. We were all different shapes, heights, races and religions. The two things we had in common were that we were female and single. About fifteen of the women had kids...
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It was a hectic three weeks for the crew of the Fortune. Tahoora and Esky were back on board for the last week as was Nick and Sung. They were busily getting the cargo on board and Esky was getting the rundown on what was involved in running this ship. In between, they were interviewing the new crewmembers. Unbeknown to the potential employee’s Lee, Sean, Tony or Kyle sat in on all their interviews. They had even vetted the applications before they even got that far. They had thousands of...
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~~ Delta - Aug/02 - (Earth - Feb/2095) ~~ Jahn didn’t enjoy the trip through the mountains. While his leg got better, it had been many years since he had physically exerted himself on suck a walk. The Giants forced a faster pace than he had maintained in the previous weeks of walking. His leg had meant that he stopped for as long as he walked. What muscle tone he had redeveloped was lost in his fever. At least now, after eight days of walking, he was actually keeping up with them, sort of....
It had been a busy week getting prepared for the Fortune’s second return. Esky had gotten the trip down to two weeks in flight, and they had decided on only one week in a dock on each leg. So, they had a six-week turnaround. Their new Employment agency on Earth had already picked and notified the next group. Now that Lee and Co could order the supplies they wanted to be delivered to the Moon, the ship didn’t have to wait at the space station for the orders to be filled. Justin and Lee had...
Lee had found herself in a sticky situation. When Justin went to vault over the box he was standing in front of, he placed both hands on the lid and then halted. They all heard the ‘click, click’. He looked down to find the lid lifting up under his hands. “No,” screamed Jahn again. “They are my boxes, you can’t have them,” he yelled in frustration and sent an immobilising spell at Justin. Justin blinked out of the way and reappearing in front of Kim, ready to protect her. She stepped up...
The wizards had a busy week building three new compounds. Gary, Gavin and Jim were busy churning out domes. They had already completed the domes in the UN Compound, and the crews had fitted them out ready for Robert, Pete, Antonio, Kostya and their families and support people to move into. The UN delegates were busy moving in to get ready for the first two ships from the Australasian and the North American blocks. The personnel from the Delta Space Police Force were also shifted to free up...
The next day the wizards had to go through the same crap again when the Americans arrived. Lee took an instant dislike to the man who was leading this party. To start with, he wasn’t a scientist; he was a General from the Army. He was a big man who had gone to fat and who was very full of himself. Lee noted the large paunch and thinning hair, red nose and pale complexion that suggested an office worker who liked to eat and drink to excess. She also noted that he didn’t seem well-liked by...
Sean and Lee headed for the diner. They found their regular chairs were vacant and waiting for them. So, they both grabbed some of the chicken dish from the bain-maries and joined the table. “Ah, the love birds have come up for air,” Kyle said. Lee set her plate down and then turned and thumped Kyle in the arm as he had sat next to her. Kyle rubbed his arm, “Hey, what was that for?” “You knew, didn’t you? You knew Gerald was related to Carl!” she specified. Kyle suddenly realised what...
Rodger was worried about them going to either planet. He had been told not to let Lee step foot on the planet. His uncle wouldn’t be happy if she did. The problem was that he didn’t know which planet, as he hadn’t been told that there was two. He was also having trouble finding Lee alone. Nor had he come up with a good way to get rid of her. Rodger wasn’t game to go for a frontal attack as he didn’t think it would go well for him, not after the last attempt. There was no way he wanted to...
Lee had a fascination with the crocs. She had a large female who had acquired a new mate living on her island. The dragons used to hunt them, and Lee believed the larger mate she had might have had fallen victim to them. The new male was smaller, so he was also younger. Lee suspected he had followed the female here and she had decided to keep him. He seemed perfectly happy to have her too. She wasn’t sure, if they were natives or if they had been brought here. She considered them one of...
Essco was not pleased. As Essco had suspected, the committee had decided on Tychy as the next destination. He did not intend to be stuck on Tychy for the next nine to twelve months. He needed to establish contact with the people on Futura. To set up mining of the energy crystals, so they could ship them home. He planned to be a wealthy man. He intended to live out the rest of his life with a revolving harem of big boobed young girls to look after his every need. He hated it when his plans...
The three dads, the von Holton’s, Henry, Captain Clark and Vincent, were sitting in Lee’s old room when they took the cover off. “Hi, Kids, were back, did you have fun while we were jabbering?” Robert asked. “Yep Lee and I were discussing how to make absent dads miserable. But then Sean went and spoiled it by reminding me, I was going to be a dad real soon too,” Kyle said as he grinned at the cringes made by Pete and Antonio. “I assume that discussion is best left until another day,” Lee...
Things were a bit different on this trip. The crews had elected a floating work schedule. As long as the work was done, they did it as required. In engineering, they all helped each other. Lee and Bing taught everyone how to perform necessary engine checks. Lee, Bing and Terry while aboard would still do the main checks and repairs, but the others could help by taking a short night shift every few nights to do the simple walk around checks. Hydroponics elected for a similar loose roster as...
The transporter’s next stop was Tuath in Davinia. The soldiers of the military transporter caused a bit of an incident when they went to Tuath a couple of days later. They had been given a 24-hour pass and were looking around town when they had come upon the military barracks. They stopped to watch the local soldiers train. As far as they were concerned, they were bumbling idiots. They had been laughing as the soldiers had been going over an obstacle course, which they all considered...
The group had decided to head to Clarksville today. They didn’t bother packing much, as Sean explained to the visitors, they could get everything they needed from the replicator. Anne and Karri asked if they could scan in their favourite clothes. Lee told them to collect what they wished but did warn them if they go into the replicator and then other people could access them as well. Neither woman had any problem with this outcome. Karri joked she hoped the women weren’t after the latest...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Hector and Juan grabbed me and held me tight, as Tito game over and tore the blouse open popping all of the buttons off. He found the recording devices and ripped them off me, but kept them active. Then he undid my bra and took it off me exposing my bare breast. The Bar Adventure Aftermath – Coerced into the Sex Trade It’s been some time since I wrote a story. This occurred right after “My Bar Adventure” story. I didn’t write about it earlier because it was a very...
Sex With StrangerChapter Four: The Aftermath, Officer Dan Dan Morley was a normal guy, married eighteen years with a seventeen year old daughter and fifteen years on the police force. He had been tempted plenty of times to take advantage of his position as a cop to profit sexually and in other ways but had always resisted other than maybe accepting a donut or cup of coffee here and there through the years usually in return for a favor from him. Surprisingly, up until the last few years, he and his...
It was about ten in the morning and I had just woken. I was lying in bed trying to let my eyes focus after waking from a deep sleep. I noticed there is a crack of sunlight sneaking through the blackout curtains. It was refracting against the cut glass ceiling fixture making the light burst into a thousand colors. I could hear Ann breathing rhythmically beside me. She doesn't snore, she purrs, unlike me. I can wake the dead when I cut loose. Thinking to myself, as I gently pulled down the covers...
Group SexThe Day Tucker Became His Sister - Aftermath By Wolverine Six months after Peter and Dash defeated the Entity, life around Tucker's house had finally come as close to normal as it would ever be. Nothing would ever be the same as before, but no one could expect that. Tucker finally accepted the death of his father, who had died at his hands. Fear still possessed much of him though. Tucker knew that somewhere within him were a mindless slut and an agent of darkness. Whitney, or...
Sunday - the aftermath I woke up Monday morning after a long night of dreams. The front of my underwear wet and sticky. Wet dreams, like a teenager. At least I was lucky in my dreams. Reality was a frustrating bitch. My dreams starting coming back to me. I could see Mrs. Richards under me. I remember taking pleasure watching my dick push those big lips apart and then slide all the way in. She was tight and moaning. I doubt the dream was a long one. In any case, now I needed a shower and fresh...
Reluctance"Okay everyone, listen up." Sergeant Budzinski's voice echoed in the large room as he stepped off of the transporter pad. "I need all of the sponsors to collect their concubine's ID cards, make a list of dependents under fourteen that are to be picked up, and detail everyone's medical needs." Private Williams approached Budzinski juggling an armful of the ship's PDA units. "If each of you sponsors will use one of these handheld pads then processing the lists will be easier and faster....
Jock Tales---The AftermathI head back to the showers after Parker leaves, and suds up pretty quick. I was hungry—and not just for food. I announce that the official party will be down at the diner, and mom said they would have extra help for the expected crowd. By the time I finish up, most of the b o y 's had left, and I went wandering back to the field to get my lil bro. He and his three mgr buddies, along with some other volunteers were busy in the stands picking up the trash left behind. I...
Why I Became a Man: The Aftermath By Heather St. Claire TO: Robin Bryson, CEO FROM: Dr. Emilio Sanchez, Medical Director DATE: February 23, 2090 RE: Resignation Robin, please consider this memo to be my resignation from the Body Exchange Institute, effective two weeks from today. I can no longer be part of an organization I cannot ethically support. In all of our promotional materials, we claim to be dedicated to the highest standards of client care. That claim seems especially...
A Brief History of the Events Leading up to and Following What Is Now Referred to As The Sssification of the White Man In late 2012, the world changed thanks to a great man. Evil, yes. Misguided, probably. Dr. Omar Bell is not a good man, but he is a great one. He is so great, in fact, that he completely altered the course of history. No other man, villain or hero, can claim to have changed the world as much. As everyone knows by this point, Dr. Bell (a...
--- I Dream of Demie 23 - The Aftermath (MF, magic, mc, nc) by Krosis of the Collective --- I floated in darkness, disembodied, bereft of myself. Demie and I had been forced to kiss by the mind control power of her brother, Eros, who had somehow been trapped in a Playstation 4 as the video game Eroji. Someone was screaming. I couldn't hear it so much as feel it., anguish. If I still had my heart, it would hurt to hear this sound. It was Demie! I had never heard her like that...
Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. If you're interested in editing, I have another 45000 words so far, and could use some pre-post feedback. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest,...
Janey, Julie, and Sir – The discussion and the aftermath – From The Upgrade [Reader beware: Intense sexual action.] After Natasha and Eddie left for home, Julie explains her love of Eddies bottom, with Janey’s assistance. Stroke, FFM, Incest, sisters, water sports, anal I was in the shower, relishing in the warm water, when I was joined by the sisters. I decided then to ask Julie about her infatuation with Eddie’s, and before that, Kitten’s, ass parts. I told her what I noticed when she was...
Sunday – the aftermath I woke up Monday morning after a long night of dreams. The front of my underwear wet and sticky. Wet dreams, like a teenager. At least I was lucky in my dreams. Reality was a frustrating bitch. My dreams starting coming back to me. I could see Mrs. Richards under me. I remember taking pleasure watching my dick push those big lips apart and then slide all the way in. She was tight and moaning. I doubt the dream was a long one. In any case, now I needed a shower and fresh...
I took a walk after breakfast. There was still no word from Liz despite a couple of texts from me. Apart from some fresh air I also needed to clear my head. The last twenty-four hours seemed to have been one long fuck-fest, not that I was complaining. Amy had been insatiable. I had never met anyone like her before.After her spanking I had fucked her over the table; still using the hairbrush on her thigh as I tugged on her hair. She screamed all the way through it. Then she took me to her room...
IncestAftermath by Nicole Larson My head was pounding–absolutely pounding–when I woke up. A spear of sunlight had shot through an errant slat in my vertical blinds and lanced right into my eye, waking me up. The pain was close to unbearable, but I didn’t have the strength to stand, or even move, other than to drape a hand over my eyes. I told myself to go back to sleep. Too early to deal with a hangover, especially one of the epic proportions this one seemed to be taking on. It was as I was falling...
My First Time Dressed as a Girl,(PT 2) Aftermath Hi Reposting an account of how I got started XXXdressing so that the first month is properly documented because it was what set my behavior for the next three decades).(The events of this story are true and reflect what happened thirty years ago the first time I went all out and dressed as a female. The conversations in it may not be completely accurate, as this was a long time ago, but are as accurate as my memory of these past events can...
Sometimes we do things that have no rhyme or reason. We just do it without thinking. My name is Jillian Springston and I and my family live in a small town in Southern Indiana. If there were such a magazine called the "All American family", the four of us could well be on the cover. By the four of us, I refer to myself and my husband of nineteen years Jake; my daughter Lisa and my son Brian,who just graduated from high school this past June. I of course am on the high end of thirty something,...