Delta Developement free porn video

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Delta Development by Paula Hello! My name is Paula Stephanie Mangione; I was hoping someone would stop by today, I want to share my unique life story with you. We can walk back to my loft in Midtown. It is a hot steamy afternoon here in Manhattan. You would think in the year of 2043 they would have figured out how to cover this city with a dome. Let me show you a dress I was thinking of purchasing in the window of this cute boutique first. It's beautiful isn't it! Oh look at my hair! The humidity here is making it curl. I like it straighter but you can't fight Mother Nature you know! You want to know one of my secrets? Even though I look to be in my early twenties, but really I am in my mid thirties. Most women would love to have my face and figure: most men just want to figure how to get me in bed! I recently broke up with the first boyfriend I ever had. You can say I was a late bloomer in the boyfriend department. He told me I gave him the best sex of his life. I seemed to know just how to turn a man on! Quite honestly he was just interested in partying and sex. I wanted a relationship. Believe it or not, even multiple orgasms can get boring once and a while. Well here we are at my place, just let me open the door. Please make yourself comfortable. I will slip into something more comfortable. Now there's a line from the past!..... All right now, that's better. Well the best way to explain my story is to let you listen to the words of my former wife as she explains how it all started. Yes that's right, I said my ex-wife. Katie is her name and she is the main reason I am who I am now. My ex being one for detail left nothing to chance and kept detailed records in her diary. In it was a detailed step-by-step, day-by-day description of my transformation. After confronting her with the evidence she had no way of denying what she had done to me. As part of our divorce settlement I had her record a 3d video about the whole conspiracy. I wanted a record of why and how she had changed my sex. Katie was forced to record this in my lawyer's office. You should have seen the face on the men in the office as she detailed the whole affair. Now I had evidence in her own words about what she had done to me just in case in a few years she somehow gets amnesia!. Now get comfy this will take some time. Let me turn the volume up a little so you can hear it better. I will skip the legal jargon parts at the beginning and start it from where Katie got her grand idea. (Katie giving a narration) "Well I was at lunch with my friend Jane Day. I had hired a private detective to trail Paul. I was showing Jane what the private detective had discovered about Paul". "Jane" I said to her "look at these pictures, they were taken on six consecutive Thursday afternoons. Each of the pictures showed some red- haired bimbo kneeling in front of Paul, giving him oral sex! Look one week she is dressed as a cheerleader, than a harem girl, next a go-go dancer, a nurse and then a Playboy bunny. This one is the most outrageous, a mermaid!" Jane I said "Good thing she has a nurse's uniform because Paul is going to need to be nursed back to health after I got done with him!" Jane ever the skeptic said to me "How do you know it is Paul not some other guy," She pointed out "You can't see the guy's face; the picture was shot looking down the top of the man's head!," I told her "Jane I know Paul's build. I know it is him," I told her and remember I have a copy of the corporate charges that Paul paid for the room with," "You certainly have him by the balls now Katie! You can divorce him and take at least half of the business!" she laughed. Then Jane looked me straight in the eye and said, "Or maybe save your attorney's fees and take all of the business's money from him!" I told her "Paul is a jerk for cheating on me but he is not an idiot". I reminded her of how I got to this point in my life. How Paul and I met in grad school; we both were working on our MBA degrees. We were instantly attracted to each other. As we dated we discovered we both were "only" children born into families where both our parents and our grandparents were only children. We were very close to our parents. We had a lot of friends but no immediate family. I liked that because I had heard what family could do to marriages and businesses. Paul was the man of my dreams or so I thought. Paul's mom owned a couple of small woman's clothing boutiques, his dad was an oil man. His mom's boutiques catered to some of New Orleans's most powerful and richest woman. My parents owned three decent sized home furniture stores. We lived comfortably and my parents were content and did not want to grow their business any larger. Paul's father, like mine died shortly after he received his undergraduate degree. Both of us lost our mothers shortly after we graduated with our MBA's. We wed about a year later and merged our family's businesses. Surprisingly Paul knew quite a bit about running a women's boutique. He knew nothing about the home furnishing business though. I did and after we wed I began running both the boutiques and home furniture business under one corporate flag. Of course Paul took the title president, because he was the man, but I really was the driving force. We were young and dreamed big. Paul was good at finance, and I was great at what the consumers wanted to buy. Over the next seven years; we built our stores into regional giants, operating in 24 different states. We employ over 750 people and just had our new corporate office built to our personal specifications. Paul and I wanted to start a family too. I thought I could have it all. Children, a husband and of course our businesses. We tried and tried and tried but I couldn't get pregnant. Eventually we went to a specialist who broke the news that Paul had a very low sperm count and he was very unlikely to be able to father children. I might be able to get pregnant using other methods but I wasn't ready for that yet. We kept trying, but I never did get pregnant. The doctor suggested if other methods of impregnation were not acceptable we could start thinking about adoption as an option. I was secretly angry at Paul for not being man enough to father a child. I decided to reinvest my energies back into the business. I wanted more control of the business. I knew this agitated Paul; he really felt the man should make all the final decisions. But what did he really know about women's clothing or home d?cor. To him it was about power and money. Paul started to become more distant about a year and a half ago. I thought it was because of my desire to take more control of our company. Perhaps he looked at me like a threat. Paul was convinced our customer service was causing slow sales in our business. Paul announced a plan where he was going to tour all of our stores pretending to be a shopper to see how our customer service was. Paul thought our management team was too comfortable, to complacent about our flattened sales . Paul particularly disliked the new young Vice President of customer services Matt Daniels, that I hired Paul thought Matt was a womanizer and wasn't paying attention to the job he was hired for. I think Matt is a very good looking man and has the desires of any normal young man. So he flirts with the women in the office. If they didn't make an issue of it why should I? Matt really is a very sexy looking man. Any way I started teasing Paul about his idea. He couldn't just show up in our stores pretending to be a customer. All the store managers knew who he was. I told him we could have a stage makeup artist disguise him before he would go in to the stores Of course he would need extra work if he was going to check out the boutiques. We could hire stage makeup artist to disguise Paul as a woman. Nothing flashy just an everyday housewife look. Those stores were doing the poorest after all. Paul could also visit the furniture stores as a young newly wed. They could attach a pregnancy form to him and he could go shopping for the baby's nursery needs. You know a crib and dresser ect. New Orleans has always been a city that attracted many cross dressers around Halloween and Mardi Gras, so something like this wouldn't be out of the ordinary. I told Paul we can do the make over at the corporate office but he couldn't wear anything too sexy, after all I didn't want Matt hitting on my husband! Paul got really agitated and blurted out he meant he could interview customers of the stores face to face and get feed back about our service and product satisfaction. I told him to relax it was just a joke! Paul decided he was going to our out of state stores and then work back closer to home as time went on. I thought this was Paul's scheme of how to get rid of Matt. No matter what the data would show, Paul could blame everything on Matt. Paul decided he would leave on Wednesday mornings and return early Friday evenings. I only began to suspect an affair after I found a corporate credit card statement that was mysteriously placed on my desk one day. Someone had highlighted charges for the same New Orleans hotel for five weeks in a row. The day was always a Wednesday and Thursday the days Paul was supposed to be on the road. That is when I hired the private detective. I knew Jane being my best friend would be able to help me with this dilemma. Jane finally cut me off and said, "Listen Katie, instead of divorcing the cheat, do you want to take a chance on taking complete control of ownership of the corporation?" Jane was never one of Paul's big supporters. Jane told me she could introduce me to an excellent lawyer. Her name was Ellen Turnbul. Jane guaranteed me Ellen Turnbul would be the best person to help me. Jane asked me "Remember Anne Hopkins? Her husband was worth about $850 million dollars but wouldn't spend any of it on her. The guy was so cheap wouldn't even hire a domestic to help Anne with the household chores. He thought Anne could easily do everything needed to keep a clean household because she didn't work" Jane added. I told Jane, of course I remember Anne from the Bankfield Country Club. She and I were members. Anne wasn't a close friend but if we saw each other we would always say hello. Jane continued, "I heard through another friend, Anne was told by one of Nelsons jilted conquests, Nelson had a new lover. Anne and hired Ellen Turnbul. Ellen had set up a sting operation and walked in on them as they made love. Ellen was taking video for evidence. Nelson was caught with his new young secretary fooling around after hours in his office; they were doing it on his desk! That was just the begining of Nelson's problems. Jane added " Ellen Turnbul won the rights to examine Nelson's company's books to establish alimony and found some possible money laundering going on within his company. Ellen threatened to expose Nelson to his family, friends and the board of directors if he didn't take Ellen's deal. Ellen promised Nelson he would be fairly taken care of, but only if Nelson signed away complete control of all his companies to Anne in lieu of a signed agreement from Ellen promising not exposing Nelson Enterprise to state and federal prosecutors. Probably the thought of being broke, behind bars and someone's plaything in jail convinced Nelson to sign over the entire business to Anne. Nelson has not been heard from since!" I remember saying, "Wow, I had heard Nelson was killed in some remote part of the Amazon jungle on business and that is how Anne gained control. At least that is how the obituary about Nelson read," Jane looked at me and said, "Well all I know is Nelson "The Cheapskate" is gone and Anne has never looked happier! She has been dating many interesting men and even hired the domestic Nelson wouldn't pay for. The domestic lives at her house full time and takes complete care of the household. Now Anne is living the life of a Queen". I told Jane "I would love to keep all of our businesses and money but how?" I asked her if she could arrange a meeting between Ellen Turnbul and I ? "Maybe a similar sting operation would do the trick," I said. "I would consider it an honor," Jane told me. "Women against the men, let the better gender win!" "If they knew all we go through for them," Jane added. With a quick call from her cell an afternoon meeting with Turnbul was arranged for that day. Jane gave me Turnbul's card with her address on it and smiled at me. "This is a decision that will change your life Katie" Jane said. With that said we ate a wonderful lunch. I remember entering offices of Ellen Turnbul for the first time. It was such an impressive looking office building. A four story refurbished building that was a half a city block long by half the block behind it. A parking ramp designated for employees or clients of The Turnbul professional group was next to the building. The building marquee read The Turnbul Group, founded by Dr. Ellen Turnbul. I was confused since Jane said Turnbull was a lawyer not a doctor. When I entered the building I looked at the directory. All the names were female and services offered there ranged from healthcare to legal needs. I thought maybe Jane meant Dr.Turnbul could recommend a good lawyer? As I entered the building, the reception area was filled with the aroma of fresh cut flowers and the sound tranquilizing music was in the background. It reminded me of being young out in the fields near our house and smelling the early spring flowers. Everything about this office screamed first class and feminine. I was glad I was there. After I signed in the young woman receptionist told me Dr. Turnbull was waiting for me and to please follow her to Dr. Turnbul's conference room where I met Dr. Ellen Turnbul for the very first time. Quite honestly she did not look like what I was expecting. Ellen was this older not so well dressed lady in a lab coat. She must have been in her sixties. As she greeted me I detected some sort of foreign accent. As she shook my hand though I felt warmth radiating from her touch though. After we sat, Ellen asked my why I was there and what was in the envelope I was holding so tightly. I told her of Paul's unfaithfulness showing her the pictures of Paul in the hotel. I began to cry uncontrollably as Ellen looked at the photos. I cried for several minutes when Ellen gave me a gentle hug that helped me regain my composure. I blurted out "Ms. Turnbul are you even a lawyer like my friend said or what. I saw the sign on the outside of the building refers to you as a doctor not a lawyer!" Ellen calmly said, "Well my dear, I have both a law degree and a medical degree. When I was younger in my country I was told to be a good girl, grow up get married and have babies. I rebelled against that whole idea. I love children and men, but I wanted to be in control of my life. Not subservient to a husband. By the time I was twenty I immigrated to the United States worked many odd jobs as I spent the next fifteen years studying for a law and medical degree. Both help me in my current profession you see. I quickly learned the law favors men and if you are in a divorce situation most men do not want to do the just and honorable thing; which of course is to take care of his spouse and children properly. I find my medical degree has helped me to change certain men's minds to understand their wives or girlfriends better". As Dr. Turnbul was explaining this to me her phone rang and she apologized for the interruption. Dr. Turnbul had to speak privately to this person. Ellen handed me a couple of a couple glossy fashion magazines to look at while she was gone. The fashions in them were beautiful, everything from formal wear, wedding gowns, foundational wear to bathing suits. What was more striking were the models. None of them looked familiar but were definitely "A" list talent. The second magazine she gave me startled me after I opened it. I thought at first Dr. Turnbul gave it to me by mistake. It was some sort of pornographic magazine. It had the same models as the other magazine but now they were nearly or fully naked. Dressed in exquisite lingerie, each model having her own layout, filled with pages that would turn most men's faces red or hard in the pants. The first model, dressed in a pretty yellow baby doll nighty was shown on page 22. By page 28 she had been met by an unbelievably good looking man, who had her naked and performing various sexual acts. There were at least eight different women in this magazine and from what I saw each had sex at some point in her layout. I was turning red as Dr. Turnbul came back in as I quickly shut the book and I tried not to act flustered. Dr. Turnbul let out a little laugh and said I must have looked into magazine number two because I was so flushed. I was taken back with her lighthearted way of joking with me. I said, "Dr. you must have mixed me up with some else. I do not want to do some kind of fantasy lay out to get even with Paul. I want a divorce!" Patiently Dr. Turnbul said, yes she knew that. She asked me if I thought those models were beautiful. I said yes. Dr. Turnbul agreed saying both the men and women were some of the most attractive models in the world. Then she got quiet, leaned over toward me, looked me in the eyes and said "Dear one, all the models in these magazines are men! Or they used to be! I thought Turnbul was crazy, I have seen transsexuals in pictures or on 3d Vid before and none looked like these girls". Dr. Turnbul asked "Please turn to page 142 of the second magazine". When I did I saw a lovely girl who looked to be in her twenties, perfectly proportioned wearing very lacy matching peach colored bra, garter belt, stockings with high heels but no panties. In the subsequent pictures she is performing various sexual acts with a man who was so good looking he made John Jenett look ordinary. "Katie look closely at the girl, you actually know her. But you knew her as a him" Turnbul said. "Her name is Nelly Hopkins; you would have known him as Nelson!" You could have knocked me over with a feather. As I looked at the woman in the picture in closer detail I could see a resemblance. I continued to turn the pages watching Nelson be undressed by the hunk of a man. Not only giving him oral sex but also watched as the hunk massaged her breasts and vagina?! In one picture Nelly is shown in an office, then is picked up and carried to a desk and laid down on top of it. Eventually the hunk finishes his love making to Nelson by inserting the biggest penis I have ever seen on a man right into her! Turnbul added that scene was a request from his wife. She wanted Nelson to know what it feels like having sex on his back and on a desk instead of being on top. I was shocked but not as shocked as when the lights were turned down a screen dropped from the ceiling and the very actions I saw in photographs were now being shown on 3d Vid. This time I could hear Nelly and the man, Nelly moaning in pleasure the man groaning as he inserts his penis into her. Then Nelson whimpering and even letting out a soft yelp, but eventually yelling out when he began what I assume was an orgasm. What happened next was sheer poetic justice. Anne Hopkins entered the room and confronting Nelson. Only at this time Nelson was the girl, a beautiful girl named Nellie, the office secretary. Nellie Hopkins office slut to be more exact!. I learned that the room where all this was shot was Nelson?s former office. Anne berated him, letting him know she was going to tell everyone they knew that he is a transsexual slut. Ann was going to expose him to his family, friends and most importantly to Nelson his board of directors and vice presidents of his own company. All of whom were powerful men in the community. Ann was going to tell everyone that Nelson had a sex change and did not really die in a plane crash! Nellie, the former Nelson, began to cry and beg Anne?s forgiveness. Anne only belittled her saying things like ?Now you can give your father the grandson he has always wanted. Wouldn?t that be cute. You can now be your daddy?s little girl. You can have a son who could become the heir to your family?s fortune. Or maybe you can become one of the girls in the typing pool? No one would recognize you! You always liked your girls in short skirts and heels. Nellie you can have sex with any one the vice presidents of the company friends way you did with their secretaries. There may be nice single guy you could marry. Or even better your father can walk you down the isle in your wedding gown and give you away to your husband!" Anne went on for at least 10 minutes teasing and ridiculing Nelson. All during this time the hunk of a man just stood there looking down at the floor stroking himself to keep hard. By the end of the video the new Nellie had accepted her fate, signed the papers giving Ann complete control of his assets and agreed to live with Ann as her domestic. What I found the most shocking was after all the papers are signed there is a M?nage Trios between Ann, the new Nelson and the Hunk with Ann getting intercourse first, then using a strap on penis to please Nellie. It was all too much for me to believe. I told Dr. Turnbul I do not know what kind of scam she was trying to pull but there is no way that woman was Nelson Hopkins. I told her I would be going. "Mrs. Mangione this is no scam. Please sit just for one moment," Dr. Turnbul asked me. From another entrance in the office and to my shock, entered Anne along with "Nellie", the supposed Nelson. Both women dressed impeccable well wearing Vera Lang dress. The new Nelson spoke first telling me she was actually Nelson Hopkins. She has come to understand that Ann loved her so much she actually rescued her from either an early grave, or worse, a prison sentence for money laundering. Ann spoke next explaining to me she too was an unbeliever but over the next half hour told me of Dr. Turnbul?s techniques, options and success stories. This followed by another 3 D vid documentary detailing other men?s dramatic changes. Dr. Turnbul explained how I could have all of my wealth along with making Paul my male servant or going all they way like what Anne did to Nelson. I could make Paul a complete female? Even capable of becoming pregnant and giving birth! I asked Dr. Turnbul what would be the cost of something like that, pointing toward Nellie; I meant a complete change of sex with the capabilities of getting pregnant. I was told by Dr. Turnbul complete sex reassignment, using the latest laser surgical techniques, transplantation of human female reproductive system, breast enhancement medicines, voice box restructuring, along with other estrogen based drugs and postoperative care it would be in the neighborhood of five million dollars. I thought for a few moments and after I realized that would be less than one percent of our net worth, I boldly said let?s to do it! I asked Dr. Turnbul how soon and how fast can we make these arrangements. I must admit I giggled later at the thought of Paul having his first cycle, or eventually getting pregnant and having a baby. He wasn?t man enough to father one but maybe he will become woman enough to birth one! . I asked the doctor could I pick out the hunk that will eventually deflower "Paula" when she is able to have sex! I want to set him up just like he has been doing to me. I want Paula to give oral sex to a stud and then be carried off to a bed, be undressed, and deflowered! Paula could sleep on the wet side of the bed then! And with that the wheels of Paul?s transformation to Paula were put into motion. Over the next couple of hours Dr. Turnbul explained all that was needed from me in order to facilitate Paul?s transformation. We had to attack his very manhood. Dr. Turnbul told me to put some special powder in his drinks at dinner and breakfast. This combination would make him horny as a teenager for the first eleven days but suddenly on the eleventh day make it impossible for him to get an erection while Paul would still be over the top horny! After the eleventh day I was to call Dr. Turnbul for treatment! I remember lying in bed on the twelfth night, almost laughing out loud when Paul lamented "I don?t get it, for the past week we have had so much sex we were like honeymooners. Now I can?t seem to get it up for you honey. I told Paul it happens to every man once in a while. Maybe he was just tired. I remember thinking that the powder worked just clockwork, for eleven days I had to spread my legs, used my mouth or masturbate that man to relieve his insatiable appetite for sex. Dr. Turnbul told me to put up with it the best I could. What was really happening was the introduction of some very strong hormones into Paul?s body. The "cocktail of drugs" increased his libido exponentially at first as advertised, but with each of his orgasms it released a small amount of an designer drugs that would change all that. After the eleventh day it would build up in his system and eliminate his ability to produce an erection. His libido would still be skyrocketing but he would not be able to receive any relief. As an extra bonus each time the cocktail was released, the drugs caused Paul to become extremely susceptible to accepting suggestions. Oh did I have some suggestions for that rat! I wanted to humiliate him. On the tenth I told Paul of a made up fantasy of mine. Knowing my husband?s soon to be fate, I told Paul I had always wanted to have a lesbian romp. I asked him if he would like to watch me as I did something like that? Paul quickly agreed it would turn him on if I did that. I told him though it would be cheating if I did have sex with another woman, but maybe he help me with this fantasy? Paul was so horny he quickly told me he would help in whatever way he could. That night I tried to give him a blowjob for the first time ever for agreeing to help me live out my fantasy. Paul enjoyed it so much but was extremely irritated her could not get When we laid down to sleep I told him when he gets up in the morning to take a long hot bath instead of a shower. I had another surprise for him in the morning. He probably thought I would give him another blowjob. I thought if Paul actually did as I suggested I would continue my game. Evidently the rat had no real defense against my suggestions evidently. As I awoke I heard the tub being filled in our bedroom bathroom. Paul had gone down stairs to get something so I quickly got out of bed and made my way in the bathroom. I added some special bath soaps into the bath water that Dr. Turnbul had given me. As Paul entered the bathroom I quickly got on my knees and began to suck his penis just like the night before. Again he moaned how great it felt. As he was about to orgasm I stopped and I looked up into his eyes I blurted out "Honey my fantasy is for you to pretend to be the other woman!" ?I am secretly turned on by seeing men in drag. That is why suggested you tour our stores dressed in women?s clothes! Please Paul, I want you to become a girl for me today!? Paul of course tried to play cute and said well he would look silly in women?s clothes but why not finish what I had started? That is when I took control. I then said sternly, "Paul I want you to soak in the tub for twenty minutes. I put some scented bubble bath soaps into the water that will make you smell nice and take all that ugly man hair off your body. When you get out of the bath water, shower off and you can watch all that ugly man hair go down the drain! Dry yourself off, and then come into our room where I have some soft and silky lingerie for you to put on along with some beautiful clothes. After that I will apply your make up and wig and other accessories. I have just their daintiest anklet for you wear. Then we will play girlfriends for a while!" Without any hesitancy in my voice I said, "Get into that tub now young lady!" To my amazement he turned red but said nothing and my "fantasy" of lesbian day fun was coming true. After his bath I told him to tuck his thing up between his legs and put on the flesh colored ?Tuck It Pretty Panty? I purchased from a local specialty cross dresser store. As he tucked everything in place I said, "Paul look you don?t have a penis! You are a woman just like me because I don?t have a penis either! Paul looked into the dressing mirror and seemed mesmerized. I didn?t know if it was the drugs he was taking or if he was about to cry. He saw what I saw. A smooth V shaped patch of lacy flesh color but no manly bulge! The panty curved swiftly upward between his hairless legs leaving him looking so vulnerable! Paul?s breasts were next. I affixed each breast on to Paul?s chest and instantly they molded to Paul?s hairless chest giving him a nice "C" cup. The breasts were designed to adhere securely to skin as they warmed to body temperature. No smelly glue just body heat and they just hung to his chest as if he had grown them himself. You would have thought he grew them himself. As Paul bent over to pick up his bra off the bed the breasts swayed with his body. Paul slid each arm through the bra straps he gently bent forward placing each breast delicately into the bra cups as he adjusted the straps. He almost looked like a real woman getting dressed!. Paul asked for help snapping the clasps in the back but I told him to reach behind himself and just stretch the bra strap until he could feel the clasps. Paul did it like a pro after a few tries. I watched in amazement as Paul?s chest looked indistinguishable from a real woman?s. I think he was stunned too, as he starred in the mirror. Paul looked so cute in his panty and bra set. I insisted on a lacy garter belt and sheer peach colored stockings. Paul was actually looking feminine. As he stepped into his dress and heels I nearly started to laugh as he asked me to zip his dress closed in back. I then told him to sit at my makeup vanity. I did his makeup for him and gently lowered his wig. He was staring at his reflection in the vanity mirror as I reached for the stunned man?s right hand , then his left and carefully filed each of his nails. Then opening a set of false finger nails I went back to work on his hands. I placed a new nail over each of Paul?s newly filed nails and pushed down ever so gently. Paul seemed to want to protest but as he opened his mouth, I quickly told him ? A woman needs nice looking hands and nails are where you begin. Remember my dear, you are a woman today," With that he closed his painted lips and I finished his manicure using a nice soft pink color with a French tip style. Paul?s expression was priceless as he looked at his right hand as I reached for his left. I took off his manly wedding band and replaced it with a copy of my engagement ring and wedding band. ?Now your hands look so lady like Paul. If we go out for drinks later the men will leave you alone knowing you are married? I teased. I finished off his transformation with his accessories. A dainty pearl anklet, matching necklace, earrings and bracelet really girled him up. Paul was not a tall man and kept his weight in check. I saw the possibilities of him turning out as good as Nelson Hopkins. I wanted to humiliate the cheater so I told him first we were going to play girlfriends and have a tea party. If he didn?t play along perhaps we could go out to a restaurant for lunch instead, do some afternoon shopping, eat dinner out and then go to a night club later that evening for dancing, drinks and of course men! Wouldn?t it be fun to dance with some men Paul? Paul quickly followed my lead as we sat for tea and chat. We discussed how we met our husbands. I told Paul how I met my husband but he had to make up a completely different story for his. What kind of kisser is he? When did she have sex for the first time? I could tell Paul was mortified when I asked him questions about what sexual positions he liked best. How large his hubby?s penis was. Does she give him blowjobs? Does Paula like the taste of her husband? Then I told "her" of my fantasy about wanting to make love to a woman. I leaned over to Paul, grabbing the back of his head roughly and pulled him toward me and started kissing him. I was the aggressor now. We kissed each other a lot while I rubbed his new breasts. I slowly moved down his body reaching up under the hem of his dress and began rubbing the inside of his thighs. I could hear him breath faster. I knew he was enjoying the gentle massage I was giving him. He even let out a soft moan. I stopped suddenly leaving him with a sad expression on his face. I had other little petting sessions through out the day to keep his libido and hopes high. The only time Paul got rebellious was later that day after I told him to change into a yellow baby doll outfit for bed. I liked the way the yellow panty and bra set looked and wanted to see it on him. I told him do not remove the tuck away panty so no penis bulge will show. There was my man wearing nothing but his bra and panties, what a wimp I thought to myself. I dabbed perfume on his wrists, behind his ears and behind his knees. I told him it is called Womanly Passion and I want to see how passionate my woman can be! " I want you smelling pretty for me" I teased him. I then told him to go lay down on our bed where I wanted to make love to him. Paul did as he was told and when I joined him in our bed I began by kissing him all over his body. I was treating him like the women he was to become. I stopped after a few minutes and reached into my nightstand drawer. I pulled out a big pink colored penis vibrator and turned it on. The look on Paul?s face was priceless. He was about to say something when I put my finger to his lips and began rubbing his freshly shaven legs with the vibrator giving him a massage. Just because it looked like a penis didn?t mean I was going to shove up into him I told him or perhaps I will I teased! I massaged the underneath part of his torso, pressing hard when I was near his anus opening. I almost laughed as I massaged the front of his thighs with our "friend" and heard Paul moan very quietly and spread his legs open a little wider to allow me to rub the inside of his legs more. Paul even lifted his ass up inviting me to rub the bottom of his behind more, which I did of course! By this time I was hearing the sounds of pleasurable moans. As I rubbed my "penis" against his tiny tucked pantied penis, his moans of pleasure increased in volume. Like the saying goes when in Rome do as the Romans. It only took several more minutes of stimulation in that area for Paul to begin to squeeze his legs together and tighten around the Vibrator. Paul let out several soft girly squeals of pleasure as he had his orgasm. Then he started again but louder, then a minute later a loud shouting release the likes I had never seen him have before! I swear the whole thing lasted over five minutes. I thought to myself Paul might have experienced a multiple orgasm! Paul lay there as I held him closely. He had a few tears in his eyes and just moaned as I held him. Finally letting him go I helped him undress, I was amazed there was no cum in his panties. He didn?t even notice. I knew he had a orgasmed several times. This was some drug Turnbul used. I had more outfits for Paul to try on that I took from my downtown boutique. Paul did not protest any longer as he modeled many dresses, blouses and skirts. Sexy undies, stockings, lots of shoes and jewelry for me that night. We played fashion show with Paul as the star. He even wore a one-piece bathing suit then a very skimpy bikini! I used the vibrator on him again while he was wearing the bikini and to my surprise he multiple orgasmed again. The funniest outfit he wore was a maternity dress complete with a special pad that made it looked like he was about eight months pregnant. Paul was such a good girl submitting to my "fantasy" . After all the orgasms I told Paul I noticed he wasn?t getting hard or even ejaculating. I think something was wrong with him. I told him for his own good he has to see a doctor. Paul did what most men would do; he protested. In fact he told me there probably was nothing wrong with him after all and he didn?t need to see any doctors. I think having no body hair was embarrassing him and he did not anyone else to see it. However I insisted and he dutifully backed down. The next morning I set up our appointment with a doctor of internal medicine whose specialty is erectile dysfunction, named Turnbul! I told him lucky for us Dr. Turnbul was available that afternoon. I remember Paul saying as we walked into the office of Dr. Turnbul the building was quite impressive and he liked the architecture. As I led Paul into Turnbul?s office the first thing he noticed all the fresh cut flowers and the music. He commented on the pictures on the walls and the smell of the flowers in the office calling it rather feminine for a doctor who specializes in erectile dysfunction . I quietly mentioned he didn?t mind being girly the day before. Paul did not say another thing only blushed and kept quiet. As we signed in I noticed Paul checking out the secretary? boobs. She was wearing a rather low cut blouse exposing her ample sized breasts. I couldn?t wait to get even with this dog. Cindy the buxomly receptionist eventually called us. As we approached her she smiled at and asked if we would follow her. As she led us to an examination room I couldn?t help notice what a wonderful figure she had. I also saw how Paul was getting an eye full of her behind. He was still horny but couldn?t do anything about it! I thought oh what a shame? Not! However if he had known Cindy was formally Carl he would have ran out of the office! Cindy told us Dr. Turnbul would be right in. I noticed Cindy looking at Paul with a strange look on her face. I wondered if she wanted to warn him of what was coming! When Dr. Turnbul entered the room Paul?s reaction to her was "She?s a woman doctor. What do you know about men?s problems?!" A faux pa that even Paul knew he shouldn?t have said. Dr. Turnbul not even looking up from Paul?s chart just said, "I get that reaction often". "Now then", speaking slowly and looking Paul in the eyes, "You seem to be having a problem with your penis working properly Paul?" That stopped Paul right in his tracks and he mumbled something about not being able to get an erection. Dr. Turnbul and Paul talked for a few more minutes. Turnbul asked Paul to drop his drawers so she may take a physical look at Paul?s penis. I thought he may object with me in the room but he did as requested and let his pants and underpants drop to the floor exposing his hairless lower body and of course his penis. "Do you not like body hair like most virile men Paul?" Dr. Turnbull asked after noticing his hairless gams. Paul blushed and said it was a side effect of something he ate. All the while I watched Dr. Turnbul examining Paul?s dick. She rubbed up and down but it was as flaccid as a wet noodle. It almost seemed to me like Dr. Turnbul was trying to play with Paul?s organ, manipulating it in every direction to get it to erect. She excused herself only to return with another woman. The woman who returned with Dr. Turnbul was young and extremely attractive. Paul with his pants and underwear still around his ankles turned a red as a beet. Turnbul introduced the woman as Dr. Newton. She specializes in cases like this and she would like to examine you Paul if that would be all right. Paul was mortified, but agreed. This hot looking doctor was rubbing his dick, rubbing it every which way and nothing was happening. I could see Paul looking down her blouse and see her bra and two good sized breasts bouncing around but could still not get hard. The whole whole time Paul was as red as a beat. The doctors excused themselves to have a consultation. Dr. Turnbul returned to ask if we might be able to stay for a while, as Dr. Newton wanted to run some tests. Dr. Turnbul said there doesn?t appear to be physical damage to Paul?s penis. Although there looked to be a rash at the base of Paul?s penis. She asked Paul about it as he turned five shades of red said her didn?t have any idea what caused the rash. I knew it was probably the special tucking panty Paul had worn for day before. Paul had developed diaper rash! After Paul pulled his underwear and pants back up Cindy the young secretary re-entered the room. She escorted Paul to another exam room asking me to wait here. In the other room Paul was told the gowns, footsies, and hair bonnets were in the closet on the shelf where he could also hang up his clothes and he was to remove his underwear. With that said Cindy left the room. Paul undressed and reached into the closet door only to discover everything was pink. Paul told me later he just stood there looking at the closet full of pink gowns and such when Dr. Newton entered and seeing the naked hairless man standing there she turned around and apologized. Dr. Newton told him the laundry mixed up their order and those were all they had! Making matter?s worse the laundry service delivered maternity wear and all the gowns had little sayings like baby on board, mommy?s little helper, all of them had a stork logo. Dr. Newton apologized but insisted Paul was to put on the gown, footsies, and a hairnet so they can move on with the exam in a sterile environment. Paul told me he reluctantly did as the doctor asked and was led out into the hallway. How humiliated Paul looked as they stopped by the room I was waiting in. I was going to escort Paul into the new examination room. He saw me staring at the maternity gown he was wearing. I whispered in Paul?s ear teasing him saying you didn?t tell me you?re pregnant!" Paul started to yell at me but stopped suddenly and calmly explained about the laundry mix up. Oh he was going to pay for mistreating me by his yelling I thought to myself. We were led into the exam room with a table that looked like it belonged in an OBYGN office. Dr. Newton asked Paul to please sit on the exam table and put his feet in the stirrups. Paul looked hesitantly at me but did as he was requested to do. Once on the table and his feet placed in the stirrups the table began to lean back and the stirrups spread wider. Dr. Newton was going to need some high definition images at the inside of Paul?s pubic area to be sure there isn?t some sort of internal damage or tumors. I thought to myself well Paul get used to those stirrups. Many of your future exams will include them! After about ten minutes Dr. Newton turned off the machine and tilted Paul back up and said she will read the results of the test, confer with Dr. Turnbul and be back in about twenty minutes. I remember it was much longer than twenty minutes and how many times Paul said what if its cancer? What if I die? Paul was in a state of near hysteria when Dr. Turnbul walked back into the room. A grim faced doctor confirmed Paul?s greatest fears, it was cancer! A cancer called Prostate Spirilextradual. It is the most deadly type of cancer there is, usually killing its victim in four days or less. Prostate Spirilextradual is an extremely testosterone sensitive attacking cancer affecting only men. The cancer cells feed on the abundant testosterone in a man?s body and consume all the free hormone very quickly. Then it always moves up to attack a mans prostrate gland. As the initial cancer cells begin to attack the prostrate, the cells send a chemical message to all the new Spirilextradual cells that are growing exponentially to begin to move to all other internal organs. Within hours of implantation of the cells in the prostrate gland the cancer begins to grow spindles out of a mans prostate gland. The spindles intertwine themselves around the vascular system of the man and make their way to the internal organs of the man and wrapping themselves around the heart muscle. This leads to stopping the heart and thus death within five days. There are hundreds of these spindles that run from the initial tumor in the prostrate making it almost impossible to save its victims life; unless it is detected in its infancy, which thankfully Paul?s is. I remember seeing Paul start to cry, tears running down his face. Dr. Turnbul told Paul if given the right treatment immediately she feels she can save Paul?s life. Dr. Turnbul said she has had success in saving 163 out of 203 patients in the past three years. However before they can save Paul?s life he would first have to sign his medical release forms now or look for another surgeon who could save him. Dr. Turnbul will gave Paul all of his records and it would take at least a few days to find another qualified doctor There are only three doctors in the United States and two in Canada that could perform this kind of surgery. However as she explained to Paul he may be dead before he can even see another doctor. Paul was a white as a ghost. His face was full of fear. Paul?s eyes were glassy from his tears. I Remember Dr. Turnbul saying how very susceptible to suggestions Paul would become as the drugs took over his body. The thought of sudden death terrified Paul. Paul then said the magic words we all were waiting for! "All right doctor lets do it"! He exclaimed. Paul was so anxious to get going. He asked what hospital should we go to? Dr. Turnbul told him she had all the necessary equipment was here in her clinic and surgery center. All the surgery and recovery can be done on these premises. We have a surgical and recovery wing on the third floor wing. The center was as good as any hospital she told Paul. As soon as the paperwork is signed they would begin saving Paul?s life. Before signing all the paper work Paul asked Dr. Turnbul to tell him exactly what the surgery would entail in more detail. As Paul and I listened Dr. Turnbul told us, "As with any surgery there are no guarantee of success". Dr. Turnbul told Paul "If the Prostate Spirilextradual Spindles are more developed then we think, It would be too late already. Dr. Turnbul said she assumed the prostrate gland is already under attack based on Paul?s limp penis and lack of ejaculation the night before. Turnbul explained the spindles usually head ?North? however it is evident some of the spindles have probably moved ?South? due to Paul?s inability to gain an erection.. The spindles probably have already wrapped around the urethra and the muscles in his penis all the way to its tip. Turnbul told Paul the longer she talked the closer the spindles are moving toward his other more vital internal organs particularly his heart. However Turnbul continued explaining to Paul ?If when we begin the surgery and the urethra and penile muscles are already to far entwined with spindles I will have to do what is called a Peniloptomy. In layman?s terms Paul, I would have to remove your penis, scrotum and prostate. I would then save the skin from around the penile muscle and create a pocket or what I refer to as the "Voided Area". You will need the pocket for the future. It will be where you will have a penis reinserted after we defeat the cancer. In order to protect your urethra, it will be shortened and brought out inside of but toward the front of your voided area. I will make sure it is tipped somewhat backward. This allows the urine to flow backward out and away from the voided area helping to prevent infection. You will have to be very careful with your personal hygiene especially at first Paul. It is not natural for you to sit and urinate. Because of the voided pocket that I will have to create you may cause a severe infection and die a very quick death from that Paul . Paul listened and just stared into space. If what was just explained previously was not hard enough on Paul this is where it really got dicey. Dr. Turnbul described the rest of Paul?s post- surgical look to him. In order to limit the chance of a bacterial infection Dr. Turnbul also would have to create two skin folds in the front of the voided area. She has learned through previous surgical failures the bacterial infections were much more dangerous to patients with Prostate Spirilextradual. Unfortunately until she began to cover the opening of the voided area, to protect the urethra all of the first twenty-five men with Prostate Spirilextradual she operated on died of urinary tract bacterial infections. Dr. Turnbul told Paul she tried to bring the urethra out behind the voided area but it lead to those terrible infections. Turnbul looked straight at Paul saying, "To the untrained eye Paul, ah my voided area may look something like a vaginal opening," Doctor Turnbul said ?Yes Paul, even to a trained eye some may mistake you for having female genitalia. Dialysis could be an option if you refused the plastic surgery. Unfortunately only one in the fifteen other patients who had taken the dialysis option survived more than two weeks. The other one died of other dialysis related infections two months later". "The good news is when you are completely healed, in about six to seven months; you could have a donor penis inserted into your voided area. With modern surgical techniques available today, all 163 of our surviving patients have chosen to have a donor penis inserted into their void. Many have gone on to have healthy children with their partners. So planning for a family will still be an option for you. You see Paul, ah, with the knowledge of the body that we have at my clinic, the advancements in laser surgery, and cryopreserving of healthy organs, we can remove any body part for usage later. So all is not lost if your penis is removed. In a half of a year or so you will be enjoying sex like never before!" Dr. Turnbul proudly stated. I knew from watching Paul he was only partially listening to Dr. Turnbul at first. As she continued I noticed his eyes widen and he wanted to interrupt her but he waited until she was done talking. I remember Paul suddenly blurted out, "Dr. Turnbul, really you might have to cut off my penis, leaving me with hole? And then you will cover it with folds of skin that will make it look something like a women?s vulva, because you are afraid my urethra may become infected with a infection that would kill me? But if this surgery is successful you can insert a penis back into the hole later right?" Dr. Turnbul in a very patient voice answered Paul by saying " Paul, ah, I prefer you say Voided Area or Void rather than hole. However, if you want to die, keep delaying. Time is running out for you. Remember if you refuse immediate treatment from me and want to go to another doctor fine, but they will find everything I have and maybe offer you no hope". Dr. Turnbul re-emphasized, "The next best doctor who specializes in cases of Prostate Spirilextradual Spindles practices in Seattle, Washington". "It would take at least a day maybe longer to get to get a flight out there to see him. You may be dead before he examines you Paul". That last statement did it to Paul. He was brought to tears, realizing Dr. Turnbul was right. Paul said in a quiet voice was, "pass me your pen so I can sign these papers". Paul?s transition to womanhood had begun by his own hand! The pen is mightier than the penis I thought to myself! Dr. Turnbull left with the signed papers and told us she would get a nurse who would take Paul to the surgical wing immediately. As the two of us sat waiting for a nurse to come to get Paul ready for surgery he asked me at least a dozen times, Dr. Turnbul said she may have to remove my penis right? She would give me something that looks like a vagina, right? I said yes each time but he was irritating me. As he continued to babble about his blasted penis all I could think about was pretty Paula in that peach colored matching bra and panty set I saw Nellie wearing in Dr. Turnbul?s brochure. A lacy pushup style from Maiden Form with lacy rumba panties! Paul was going to pay for his unfaithfulness! The nurse finally came and Paul was wheeled into the surgical wing and admitted immediately. Then Paul was whisked off to surgery faster than I thought possible. As I saw the door close to the surgical area I thought to myself, now the fun begins! Dr. Turnbul had explained to me just prior to surgery she would actually remove Paul?s penis muscle, scrotum and prostrate gland. Using an old surgical technique of saving the excess skin from the penis she surgically would create a labia minor and the labia major, making a lovely mons pubis. Since Paul was on the "Ultimate Plan", Dr. Turnbul would transplant a complete set of female reproductive organs. The complete reproductive system came from the same donor, a young woman about twenty years old who unfortunately died in a car crash. Dr. Turnbul would bring the tip of Paul?s urethra out just lower than his new clitoris and thus he would look just like any other woman. The rest of the reproductive organs would be given to Paul so he would have a vaginal canal, cervix, uterus and two fallopian tubes connected to his new ovaries holding his eggs. All these organs working in unison for Paul?s pleasure and fertility when that time comes. Dr. Turnbul explained to me forty years ago transsexual surgery couldn?t transplant reproductive organs like she would do for Paul. In reality she only needed a very small portion of Paul?s skin for plastic surgery to create the proper exterior of Paula?s new genital area. Telling him he would have a "pocket" would help explain his new vaginal canal if he began to explore his new opening at some time. Of course the vaginal canal leads right to his new womb. A womb that will make it possible for Paula to carry her babies just like any other genetic woman. No doctor will ever be able to tell Paula once was a man. Even better, since the donor was a virgin, Paula was to be a true virgin! Dr. Turnbull added within six or seven months Paula would be ovulating and if her egg is not fertilized, she will have her monthly menstruation cycle every twenty-eight days. If her egg is fertilized, a new life will enter this world! Paula could have all the children she so desired! This amazing surgery was like nothing I could have imagined. After surgery as a groggy Paul tried to awake from his operation for Prostate Spirilextradual Spindle Removal Surgery, I remember looking at him and whispering, "Paula wake up, Paula wake up". I stopped calling him Paula when I saw his eyes finally open. The first thing he said when he awoke was, did he make it? "Yes honey Dr. Turnbul said she thinks she was able to remove all the cancer" I lied. I remember Paul saying he felt like he was run over by a car, I thought if he only knew. "We will talk more later when you are up to it Paul" I told him. At that moment he was wearing a very tight binder that helped keep everything in place and was on some very strong painkillers. Each day a little more of Paul?s personality came back and after a week the level of painkillers were reduced enough that Paul finally was coherent enough to ask the pivotal question. I had come to the clinic as usual around 9:30 a.m. and I saw Paul was sitting up in a chair for the first time. I remember telling him how good he looked. After the nurse left we started some small talk. Paul broke off from the small talk and wanted to know if everything was all right at work, home and with me. Then out of no where he blurts out "Did they remove my penis or not? I can?t see past the bandages and can?t tell." I could see the apprehension on his face waiting for my reply. I told him Dr. Turnbul said the operation was a success but unfortunately the spindles from the Prostate Spirilextradual Spindles had spread throughout the muscles around his penis and past his prostrate and were headed for his internal organs. It made it impossible to save his penis, scrotum and prostate. Paul had a strange look on his face when he heard the news and then I saw a tear drop run down his cheek. I reminded Paul Dr. Turnbul has had tremendous success with plastic surgery and in six or eight months I was sure he could look at the options the doctor talked about. Paul said that was true and other men have had this procedure and they have become parents. I thought to myself, yes, good mommies, but not good daddies! With that said a nurse came back in Paul?s room and told Paul later that day she would return later with a catheter and would have to begin to dilate Paul?s "voided area". The nurse told Paul about the catheter and explained what was to be done with Paul nodding his head trying to comprehend what she meant. He nodded at her like he understood but in reality I knew he had no idea what was about to happen to him. Indecently, Dr. Turnbul had explained to me post surgically, Paul?s vagina would have this process done for about a couple of weeks. In the old days this procedure was done for months. Then it had to be done at least monthly for the rest of transsexual?s life. Paul?s vaginal opening would never close like in those days, but rather it just needed some stretching of the interior muscle tissue in the vaginal canal due to the cryo- perserving process of the organs Paul was receiving. It also will help Paul to get used to the feeling of being penetrated. Something his new sex would require for pleasure. His voided area will be gently spread open and a increasing larger dilator would be inserted each day. The sensation of something entering into him will actually give him pleasure after the first day or two. Paul may even achieve an orgasm, we will just have to watch his face during the process. For the rest of the morning and early afternoon Paul and I talked ate a light lunch and watch 3d Vid television together. Exactly at 1:30 pm a couple of beautiful looking nurses came into our room smiling at Paul and saying ? Ok dear its time we check your incisions and do our "magic"! The blond haired nurse said, "Now I know this may tingle a little bit but you want everything working properly right honey? They put Paul back into bed and had him to lay flat. They placed a sheet over him and a bed pad under him explaining there may be some leakage due to surgery, but they will change everything after they are finished. They wanted Paul to pull his legs toward his body and keep his knees up the best he could. They gently folded the bed sheet back over the top part of his body. I was sitting in a chair at the front of the bed and to my surprise I had quite the view looking back toward my husband. As they removed all the bandages I caught myself from saying something I might regret. If I didn?t know this was Paul they were working on I would have thought it was a woman. I could see Paul?s vagina and I was shocked! To my surprise there was no swelling or discoloration of his skin. Even though I knew Doctor Turnbull removed his penis, I was stunned to see a vagina between his legs. Nothing but two hairless legs forming a v shape up to a vagina; not what I was used to seeing while looking at him. I could clearly see his vaginal lips and his anus opening; Amazing I thought to myself it looks as natural as any woman?s genitalia. I could hear Paul?s breathing change a little bit as the nurses washed around the surgical area. Paul asked the nurses if everything was all right. One of the nurses said, "The surgery to create your voided area couldn?t looked better". I just blushed and held back a laugh. After they finished talking, Paul looked at me and asked a simple question, what did it look like down there. "Well honey to tell you the truth it does look a lot different from what I am used to seeing between your legs. There is no denying you do have a voided look, but this is just the first part of the process and we must look at the positives. You are alive and the prognosis is good. You will have to keep trying to get better and Dr. Turnbul will take care of the rest. As I was talking to him, I noticed his eyes closing, the painkillers were making him groggy and Paul fell asleep. The nurses just went about their business, dilating Paul?s new vagina. Over the next couple of days many tears were shed, lies were told and plans were made. Just as Dr. Turnbul had said to me after the first couple of days of being dilated, Paul was not complaining about his voided area much. I notice the catheter they were using by the end of the week was much bigger than the first and Paul was taking it in quite well. By the end of the week as they inserted the larger catheter, I asked Paul if he were in pain? Paul said he could tolerate it. Paul?s voice seemed to go up octave as he said that. I also noticed a look of pleasure on his face as he shut his eyes and a couple of times I heard him make a cooing noise. No he was definitely not in pain. I knew then he was actually getting some kind of enjoyment out of the procedure. By the end of the second week they were using a 10 inch long dilator on Paul. But by that week?s end Paul was told the dilations were done. Paul seemed a little sad looking, and asked the nurses are they sure, because he could stand the pain if they needed more time. Paul was told he could start working out the rest of his body now instead in order to regain his weight and strength. Paul was to continue talking the medicines designed to kill any lingering Spirilextradual cells. He was told if everything keeps looking good he would go home within a month?s time. Paul started his workouts working out religiously, wanting to leave the hospital as soon as possible. Things didn?t go good for him though. Paul complained to me as each day passed he was actually losing weight and was getting weaker not stronger! Paul saw his weight loss reach 15 pounds before approaching Dr. Turnbull. "Dr. how can this be happening to me? I am weighing in at less than 150 pounds. Even though I am lifting weights daily I am not even able to lift as much as a week ago. My chest muscles are bothering me too doctor. I think I pulled a muscle or something," Paul whined to the doctor. The good doctor said, "Perhaps we should take a few more tests to insure us you are in good health". " I will ask Dr. Newton to run some exams on you immediately. I will discuss the results with your wife and you when we get them this afternoon," she finished saying. We actually had to wait until the next day for "the results". Paul was extremely nervous about what was going on. When I came to the clinic the next day, Dr. Turnbull asked if she might have a private consultation with me in her office. Turnbull told me Paul was healing fine and due to the fact his calorie intake has been cut along with the special drugs to heighten his metabolism and his rigorous exercise routine Paul has been losing weight right on schedule. Paul is actually getting weaker not stronger due to the effects of the female hormones he has been on for a while now! Dr. Turnbull added, "Mrs. Mangione I believe the pre and postoperative drugs are having their desired affects. Paul is showing tenderness in his breast tissue, meaning his breasts are beginning to grow. Now I believe it is time to tell him of his ?unfortunate setback," We both started laughing. This is so much fun I thought to myself. Dr. Turnbul said she will proceed with the rhinoplasty, Adam?s apple removal, and voice box surgery along with some other facial cosmetic surgeries. All under the guise of removing a new Spirilextradual tumor that has unfortunately located itself near his sinus cavity"! Paul was resting in his bed reading a book when we walked in. I explained to him Dr. Turnbull wanted to explain the results of Dr. Newton?s exam. With that Dr. Turnbull with a concerned look on her face said, "Paul, ah, although the tests show no new growth of Spirilextradual cells in your pelvic area, which is great news, results from an upper body scan are extremely bad. A few Spirilextradu

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Delta Sodality Chapter 5 New Beginning

Chapter 5 - New Beginning After a full day in the lab with Dr. Juno the following Monday, Kristina sat down at her desk and pulled out the sat phone from its spot in the drawer. "Do you have what you need from Dr. Juno?" the voice asked. "Yes, I was able to reproduce the solution exactly today in the lab." "Very good." The connection went dead, and Kristina returned the phone to her desk drawer, aware that she had just sentenced the na?ve doctor to death. It was time to go h...

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Delta Nights

The darkness was cooler, and concealing. The bugs were worse, but then they were pretty bad most of the time. We could take our time in the darkness and move almost silently. The others, who had a lot to do and only a few hours before dawn to do it, lacked the luxury of time and planning. By dusk we’d be ready to move out. Then began the waiting. Preparedness was something we took for granted, in ourselves and each other. This man might spend a couple of minutes putting unnecessary touches to...

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Delta OriginalChapter 20 Unwanted Visitors

The Crews aboard the Firefly and the Dragonfly didn’t have a merry Christmas. Due to the hurriedness of their departure, both crews were seriously understaffed for an eleven-week round trip voyage. Their two-day trip to test-fly the ships had suddenly turned into a nightmare. The two ships were military ships designed to transport small elite troops. They had cabin space for seventy-two personal, twelve being crew. Each ship had three eighteen-seater transporters that had four missile...

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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Jumping to Baal

Towards the middle of the week, they jumped to Baal. Baal was about the same size of Tychy and was a hot volcanic planet with a toxic atmosphere very similar in composition to Venus. The axial tilt was not as significant as Venuses being approximately one hundred and thirty-two degrees. This meant that it spun in the same direction as the other planets, unlike our Venus. It looked like a dirty red-brown and yellow ball from space, due to the high iron content and the volcanic ash in its...

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Delta OriginalChapter 11 Jumping to the Asteroid Belt

Lee, Sean and Miss Piggy were up on the observation deck. They were looking at the array of rocks that were passing overhead. The ship had slowed down considerably. The asteroids looked like clouds passing overhead with a slow breeze pushing them even though it was the ship that was moving the slightly faster of the two. Lee pointed at one. “That’s a bit weird,” she said. “If I didn’t know better, I would have said that one had been cut by a high-powered photon laser torch.” “Which one?”...

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Delta OriginalChapter 4 Allans Story

Allan was thinking about how he ended up in this situation. It had taken the ship eighteen days to get up to speed for the first warp-jump. Allan had spent a lot of that time fucking Glenda. They had been on board five days before he took her the first time. She had been walking down the hall towards him. He had opened his cabin door and stepped in. As Glenda went to go past, he grabbed her arm and dragged her into the room. He palmed the door closed and pushed her against it. He locked...

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Delta OriginalChapter 18 On Delta

Carther was looking at the work done by his people. The transporter depot now looked like a place for visitors to come to. They had even set up a hotel, shops and warehouses. The infrastructure owned by the city and they leased it out. There were still buildings being erected, but he, Aeron and the Queen who happily backed his projects, were happy with the progress. Since he now kept the Army busy with community jobs, he didn’t have any more deserters or resignations. Apparently, his people...

1 year ago
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Tamaras continued developement

The next morning Tamara awoke in a dreamy state. She felt the warm silk sheets glide over her nipples as she turned. The delicious sensations aroused her. In her dreamy half sleeping state she fantasized someone drawing the sheets off her body. Suddenly, she was aware of someone in the bed with her. It all began rushing back to her. “Oh my god, he’s still here!” she thought. Slowly, she moved away from him. Sensing she was awake, he placed his hand softy on the small of her back. “Let me give...

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Delta Kappa Magnum Fraternity vs the Anders Sisters

Note: This story contains explicit sexual content and is for adults only. It should not be read by people who are offended by such material or are not legally allowed to access such material. All characters in this story are over the age of 18 years old. By the second day of their vacation the sisters were fed up with the brothers of Delta Kappa Magnum. They were each professionals in their mid twenties, and they had come to the beach to soak up some sun and forget about their worries. They had...

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Delta Delta Tie

My job was actually pretty easy. You see, I just needed the right set-up. As it happened, it was waiting for me to pounce. At the end of the semester, a small group of students stay behind. Those without other boarding, those who need to stay due to bad grades or just those without nowhere to go. With security at a minimum then, it's the best time to strike. Working as a gardener at the campus, I got to see all of the students and learn who would be around. All I had to do was wait for the time...

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Delta Developement Chapter 1

Delta Development by Paula Chapter One Hello! My name is Paula Stephanie Mangione; I was hoping you would stop by today! Just let me grab my purse and we can walk back to my loft in Midtown and share a nice meal while you learn of my story. It is a hot here in Manhattan today isn't it? You would think in the year of 2043 they would have figured out how to cover this city with a dome. I will give you a tiny tidbit about me. Even though I look to be in my early twenties, I am in...

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Delta Gamma Delta Knows How to Party

?Come on, Peter, I want to go,? complained Eduardo in his high, fey voice. ?We need to get to the party so that we can leave the party and come back. I?m so sick of partying.??Yeah, yeah. I?m working on it,? I said. I knew that Eduardo?s real voice wasn?t the lilting, lispy intonation he used around me but I never bothered to call him out on it. I guess it?s what girls like. Some girls, anyway.?You?ve been messing with your hair for like 15 minutes, you little slut. I want to go.?I hated it...

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Delta Sodality Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Counseling - Two Months Later - "So, you'll be moving to New York, how exciting," she said, taking a note on her legal pad. "Yeah, I managed to get all my credits done in the fall semester, so I graduate in December, then head to Manhattan right after New Years to start." "And your father is coming to the ceremony," she continued. "He is, as far as I know." Saoirse pulled the hem of her dress down again and crossed her legs back the other way. She had become...

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Delta OriginalChapter 3 Christmas Prep

Adison looked over at the hunk, Justin Ubobo. The other girls were making eyes at him, not that she could blame them. He had taken to wearing the jumpsuits from the replicator, and if any guy could pull off looking good in one, he sure did. So far, she hadn’t seen him pick any of the other girls out for special attention. He was always polite but treated them equally. She thought of his younger brother Brad. He was damn near as hunky as his older brother. Brad wore the jumpsuits too. He...

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Delta OriginalChapter 17 A Bath

~~ Delta - Aug/02 - (Earth - Feb/2095) ~~ Jahn didn’t enjoy the trip through the mountains. While his leg got better, it had been many years since he had physically exerted himself on suck a walk. The Giants forced a faster pace than he had maintained in the previous weeks of walking. His leg had meant that he stopped for as long as he walked. What muscle tone he had redeveloped was lost in his fever. At least now, after eight days of walking, he was actually keeping up with them, sort of....

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Delta OriginalChapter 19 Fortune Returns

It had been a busy week getting prepared for the Fortune’s second return. Esky had gotten the trip down to two weeks in flight, and they had decided on only one week in a dock on each leg. So, they had a six-week turnaround. Their new Employment agency on Earth had already picked and notified the next group. Now that Lee and Co could order the supplies they wanted to be delivered to the Moon, the ship didn’t have to wait at the space station for the orders to be filled. Justin and Lee had...

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Delta OriginalChapter 26 Warrior Queen

Lee had found herself in a sticky situation. When Justin went to vault over the box he was standing in front of, he placed both hands on the lid and then halted. They all heard the ‘click, click’. He looked down to find the lid lifting up under his hands. “No,” screamed Jahn again. “They are my boxes, you can’t have them,” he yelled in frustration and sent an immobilising spell at Justin. Justin blinked out of the way and reappearing in front of Kim, ready to protect her. She stepped up...

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Delta OriginalChapter 6 Building

The wizards had a busy week building three new compounds. Gary, Gavin and Jim were busy churning out domes. They had already completed the domes in the UN Compound, and the crews had fitted them out ready for Robert, Pete, Antonio, Kostya and their families and support people to move into. The UN delegates were busy moving in to get ready for the first two ships from the Australasian and the North American blocks. The personnel from the Delta Space Police Force were also shifted to free up...

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Delta OriginalChapter 11 Pest Removal

The next day the wizards had to go through the same crap again when the Americans arrived. Lee took an instant dislike to the man who was leading this party. To start with, he wasn’t a scientist; he was a General from the Army. He was a big man who had gone to fat and who was very full of himself. Lee noted the large paunch and thinning hair, red nose and pale complexion that suggested an office worker who liked to eat and drink to excess. She also noted that he didn’t seem well-liked by...

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Delta OriginalChapter 22 The European Unity

Lee rubbed her stomach. She now looked more as if she was five months pregnant and she agreed with Von that she would be lucky to make it to the twelve weeks. Sean had managed to do the deed, and Donny was pregnant. She couldn’t shift to male or any of her other forms other than faerie while pregnant. Lee hadn’t tried. She was happy to wait until she had Jackson before she experimented. Sparky and her village had been amazed when Lee transformed into a faerie for them. “Damn mum, I always...

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Delta OriginalChapter 12 The ship meeting

Lee had a shift to get through. Damn, she had once laughed at Kyle’s ability to ‘fuck like a rabbit all night long’. However, after the last couple of nights with her hunky Lieutenant, she was beginning to believe Kyle wasn’t the only exception to the rule, after all. From her experiences, having a guy get it up more than twice in one night was rare. She had never had one perform four times in fewer hours, and she really couldn’t remember how many orgasms she had. In the past, she had been...

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Delta OriginalChapter 21 Kyle Commits

Sean and Lee headed for the diner. They found their regular chairs were vacant and waiting for them. So, they both grabbed some of the chicken dish from the bain-maries and joined the table. “Ah, the love birds have come up for air,” Kyle said. Lee set her plate down and then turned and thumped Kyle in the arm as he had sat next to her. Kyle rubbed his arm, “Hey, what was that for?” “You knew, didn’t you? You knew Gerald was related to Carl!” she specified. Kyle suddenly realised what...

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Delta TrixyChapter 9 The Party

~~ Delta - Nov/02 - (Earth - May/2095) ~~ I spent the rest of the Thursday getting through a pile of work. I sorted out the times to interview the people on Alec’s list over the three days I’d be in Clarksville. Many of them had indicated they would be at the party and asked if it would be easier to meet me there and I had agreed. I learnt the heads of the four Earth colonies would also be there and asked them if they would like to meet up with me as well. After a bit of round-robin, we...

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Delta OriginalChapter 10Sickness

Rodger was worried about them going to either planet. He had been told not to let Lee step foot on the planet. His uncle wouldn’t be happy if she did. The problem was that he didn’t know which planet, as he hadn’t been told that there was two. He was also having trouble finding Lee alone. Nor had he come up with a good way to get rid of her. Rodger wasn’t game to go for a frontal attack as he didn’t think it would go well for him, not after the last attempt. There was no way he wanted to...

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Delta TrixyChapter 21 Crocs

Lee had a fascination with the crocs. She had a large female who had acquired a new mate living on her island. The dragons used to hunt them, and Lee believed the larger mate she had might have had fallen victim to them. The new male was smaller, so he was also younger. Lee suspected he had followed the female here and she had decided to keep him. He seemed perfectly happy to have her too. She wasn’t sure, if they were natives or if they had been brought here. She considered them one of...

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Delta OriginalChapter 16 Catastrophe

Essco was not pleased. As Essco had suspected, the committee had decided on Tychy as the next destination. He did not intend to be stuck on Tychy for the next nine to twelve months. He needed to establish contact with the people on Futura. To set up mining of the energy crystals, so they could ship them home. He planned to be a wealthy man. He intended to live out the rest of his life with a revolving harem of big boobed young girls to look after his every need. He hated it when his plans...

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Delta OriginalChapter 8 The Trip Home

Captain Nick Clark was walking around his ship. The damn thing pretty much ran without him, since Lee had played with the systems. The first week went by so fast. He had been able to get all his logs up-to-date and even found some quality time for Sung. The fact she had agreed to marry him and move to Clarksville hadn’t hurt his excellent mood either. She had loved the ring Berny had made for him. The ship’s crew were setting up for the first jump before he knew it. Even with the reduced...

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Delta OriginalChapter 13 Loopholes

The three dads, the von Holton’s, Henry, Captain Clark and Vincent, were sitting in Lee’s old room when they took the cover off. “Hi, Kids, were back, did you have fun while we were jabbering?” Robert asked. “Yep Lee and I were discussing how to make absent dads miserable. But then Sean went and spoiled it by reminding me, I was going to be a dad real soon too,” Kyle said as he grinned at the cringes made by Pete and Antonio. “I assume that discussion is best left until another day,” Lee...

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Delta OriginalChapter 2 Tammy

Things were a bit different on this trip. The crews had elected a floating work schedule. As long as the work was done, they did it as required. In engineering, they all helped each other. Lee and Bing taught everyone how to perform necessary engine checks. Lee, Bing and Terry while aboard would still do the main checks and repairs, but the others could help by taking a short night shift every few nights to do the simple walk around checks. Hydroponics elected for a similar loose roster as...

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Delta Developement Chapter 2

Chapter 2. Paul's transition to womanhood had begun by his own hand! The pen is mightier than the penis! I thought to myself. Dr. Turnbull left with the signed papers and told us she would get a nurse who would take Paul to the surgical wing and straight to the operating room. As the two of us sat waiting for a nurse to come Paul asked me at least a dozen times, Dr. Turnbul said she may have to remove my penis, right? She would give me something that looks like a vagina,...

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Delta Developement Chapter 3

Mid Story Prologue: Well now what do you think my friend? Crazy twist of fate? Just punishment for my sins? Remember at the time of my second cancer surgery I was only concerned with staying alive. I didn't know there was a diabolical plot being executed as my "Just Punishment" for being unfaithful to my wife. Life is full of unseen twists. I guess the old saying is right "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" From here until the end of my tale I want to shift the...

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Delta Developement Chapter 4

Chapter 4 A couple of weeks later on a Sunday, Katie had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with me. Katie actually worked out alongside me during my afternoon workout. She could bench press more than me; leg lift more than me and last on the treadmill longer than me! It was hard to comprehend my wife was stronger than me now. I knew I was rehabbing still but to be the weaker one of the two of us really stunned me. It showed I still had a lot of time in front of me before I was...

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Delta Developement Chapter 5

Chapter 5 My dad was a man's man and I knew he will never accept what I had done. As I approached the kitchen I could hear my mom and dad talking and laughing. I knew they were laughing about me. Not in a joking way, in a way that meant what a Fem! What a wimp! What a panty waist! As I entered the kitchen my father spoke first. "So, you're going to Tommy's skating party eh? Are there going to be any girls there?" he asked teasing me. "Dad its Joe's party. I am meeting Tommy to...

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Delta Developement Chapter Chapter 6

Chapter 6. As I woke up the next morning, I was feeling good for the first time since I was diagnosed with Systema Genitale Masculinum Spirilextradual. I felt I was finally accepting my situation with my cancer and the effects it has had on my body in a more positive manner. Last night I think my subconscious brought up the memory to me of my emersion experience as a teenage girl for one reason. It didn't destroy my life. I overcame what my mom had exposed me to and went on to...

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Delta Developements Chapters 7

Chapter 7. That's when I heard something rustle behind my seat. There had been some blankets in the back but I didn't pay any attention to them when I got into the car. Now I heard a voice coming from directly behind me, a voice of a man! Suddenly a man just popped up and said, "Hello Ladies! Now just stay calm and drive like there isn't an escaped criminal with a loaded gun pointed at you. Just to let you two babes know, I escaped from prison earlier today. One of you fine...

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Delta Developement Chapter 9 Final

Chapter 9. Final Chapter "Oh, you are right Reggie, she is beautiful. You will make a beautiful bride, Paula!" The woman left the room and disappeared from earshot. "What" I yelled. "Bride I can't be a bride I'm a Ma" "Already married!" Katie broke in cutting me off in mid-sentence. "Her husband won't stand for it!" The visiting man said to the maniac, "Don't worry Reggie, Michele will get them prettied up and I will officiate the wedding, by the time her old man finds out, you...

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Delta OriginalChapter 21 Bombs Away

The Firefly had to alter their course in order to bleed off their speed. Being down a fore drive meant they had to increase the size of their loop to approach Futura to bleed off more speed. They still hadn’t gotten the other engine working. The drive engineer said they didn’t have replacement parts for the engine. Their spares were still sitting on the dock at the space station. The replicator hadn’t been loaded with them, and he’d have to bastardise one of the aft engines to get it...

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Delta OriginalChapter 1 Teenagers

Justin was wandering around the halls of the ship. He didn’t have a destination in mind; he was just walking and thinking about his dad. He had been mourning his father for over four years. He had been shocked when he was given the vid from a woman call Glenda saying it was from his dad. He watched it with excitement at first and then with anger the second time. Apparently, his dad had been stranded on a planet. He had married again and had another three kids with three more on the way. Two...

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Delta OriginalChapter 2 Traveling

So here he was, on a starship with his family crossing solar systems to go find his dad. He still couldn’t believe he had gotten a job in Utopia and a berth on the ship. When the girls tried to convince him to send in a resume’, he had been very reluctant. If their dad wanted them, then why didn’t he send for them? The twins decided that they would just go and find out. The other kids also agreed. They wanted to find their dad too. Justin grinned and wondered if the people doing the hiring...

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Delta OriginalChapter 4 Christmas Aboard

In the morning, Justin wasn’t that surprised to find Kim curled up in his arms. Not long after they moved into the flat, he often found her in his bed. He had gotten so used to it he didn’t even wake when she crawled in with him anymore. She had told him she always felt safest when with him as she had dreams. Considering the stories that Tyson and the girls had eventually told him of what Paul tried to do on several occasions, he wasn’t that surprised. He had to go back to wearing his...

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Delta OriginalChapter 5 Gifts

Carol collared Tyson. He was taking a break for some lunch. She told him that she had a gift for him. He was a bit surprised, “I didn’t get you anything, sorry.” She smiled at him, “Oh, I think you can give me something I want.” A bit bewildered, he said, “What?” She smiled and taking his hand, she led him to her room. Her little sister had agreed to not come and annoy them. Carols family was headed for Copperton. She knew if she didn’t cart Tyson off soon, she would never find out...

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Delta OriginalChapter 6 The Crash

The Navigator was surprised to find he was still alive. He was beat-up, but all limbs were still attached and working sort of. He hurt just about everywhere. When he touched his head, his fingers came away sticky. He had a decent size gash just above his right temple and an egg-sized lump. He also noted the dried blood on the side of his lower leg where something had sliced him when it went past. He had strapped in an aisle seat towards the back of the transporter when he realised, they...

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Delta OriginalChapter 7 A New Home

The last week aboard the Fortune sped-by for the Ubobo’s. The Ubobo family kept the crew, and other passengers entertained every night with their music. The night they celebrated New Year’s Eve; the crew informed them it was actually going into July on Utopia. But they may as well enjoy the celebration anyway. Everyone did their level best to do so. The five oldest members of the Ubobo clan also managed to find someone else to celebrate with as well. The boys were amused by the starry-eyed...

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Delta OriginalChapter 8 Rookies

For the Ubobo’s, their first Sunday in Utopia was an interesting day. Lee had arranged a meeting with their father. She had transported them all to Watson Island to meet their other siblings and his husband and wife. The whole family had been shocked when Glenda told them he had one of each. Allan was very nervous at meeting his older children after more than four years of absence. Zak and Darla had to fuck him to exhaustion to get him to stop stressing the night before. When Lee and Sean...

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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Going to Work

Come the Monday, Justin, Stella and Stanley found themselves going off to work. The rest of the kids were taken to a testing centre with the other new Earth kids and some other new arrivals to Futura from the local populations. This was so the school system could decide where they fit in and what they wanted to do. The kids told Justin of the weird tests they did over that next three school days. They, in fact, did very few written tests. Most of the tests involved doing some activity or...

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Delta OriginalChapter 10 Mages

“Hey son, do you feel up to some visitors?” “Hey dad, so are you guys finally ready to come to visit?” Sean asked back excitedly. “Yes, your mother and sister have been nagging me incessantly for weeks and so have Antonio and Pete. We have things pretty much under control as far as the land allocation is going. As we’ve already told everyone we’re in, it’s now up to them.” “As you know, Australia and North America are in. West Europe and Russia will probably be signed up in the next couple...

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Delta OriginalChapter 11 Karri

“Karri your turn,” Lee said gently. Karri looked at her brother with apprehension in her eyes. Sean walked over to her and took her hands. “Sis you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. It will be a big change for you.” “That box is an Apprentice Wizard’s Box. You will become Aeron’s apprentice. You probably won’t be able to go home for long, if you accept this responsibility. You will become a protector of the Keltrian people and feel compelled to come back here. We think the...

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Delta OriginalChapter 12 Disappointment

Jahn finally found the cavern entrance after three weeks (Utopian time) of walking and searching. He had managed to find eggs, nuts, berries and some tuber roots, so he didn’t starve to death. He even managed on the third night to set some simple snares he remembered how to make and spell. He caught an animal he believed was related to the reptii back on Jahnville. It was the size of a small to a medium-sized dog but had hooves like a pig. Since he had no difficulties lighting a fire with...

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Delta OriginalChapter 13 Randy Fathers

The group had decided to head to Clarksville today. They didn’t bother packing much, as Sean explained to the visitors, they could get everything they needed from the replicator. Anne and Karri asked if they could scan in their favourite clothes. Lee told them to collect what they wished but did warn them if they go into the replicator and then other people could access them as well. Neither woman had any problem with this outcome. Karri joked she hoped the women weren’t after the latest...

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