Delta V Chapter 1
- 2 years ago
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The next day the wizards had to go through the same crap again when the Americans arrived.
Lee took an instant dislike to the man who was leading this party. To start with, he wasn’t a scientist; he was a General from the Army. He was a big man who had gone to fat and who was very full of himself.
Lee noted the large paunch and thinning hair, red nose and pale complexion that suggested an office worker who liked to eat and drink to excess. She also noted that he didn’t seem well-liked by the other scientists.
Her Rookie, Jameela Durrani that looked after the Watches answered her mental queries and informed her that the guy was on their Yellow list bordering on Orange.
She was not happy when she had to go through the same crap about the immunisations. “Young woman, we have the best immunisation programs in the world, we don’t require your immunisations,” he stated, looking down on Lee.
Lee looked at him and the belligerent expression on his face. Not taking her eyes off him, she spoke into her Mad, “President Benson, please Arty.” (Arty was the computer that Kyle had built her.)
She waited a few moments. “Who is this?” Came back a voice they could all hear.
“President Tom Benson, this is Lee Watson, The Jade Queen Wizard of the Delta Pavonis Star System. I’m contacting you to ask you why I shouldn’t revoke your contract for settlement on Harmony?”
“How did you get this number? This is the Red Phone?” the voice said to her, amazement was obvious in his voice.
“I’m a bloody Wizard, how do you think I got your number?” Lee said in exasperation.
“Let me talk to the Lord Wizard if you’re a wizard?” the voice replied.
Lee looked at her dad and then Sean and grinned. Sean spoke up, “Hi Tom, Lord Wizard Sean Watson here, we seem to have a problem with your scientists. They refuse to be immunised, and my lovely wife, Queen Lee wishes to send them home.”
“You can’t do that!” exclaimed the General.
Lee looked at him and narrowed her eyes, “Darlin’, I can do whatever the fuck I want to do.”
“General Jones, is that you?” the voice from her Mad asked.
“Yes sir, we have just arrived on Harmony,” the General answered. He knew the President’s voice and suspected he really was talking to him.
“Tom, tell your people to comply with the charter, or I send the lot of them home,” Lee said.
The General butted in, “We haven’t tested your immunisations so we will not be injected with anything that we haven’t tested first.”
“Is that your last word on the issue, General Jones?” Lee said sweetly.
“It is,” he said, puffing up with self-importance. He had strict orders, and he would comply with them. Plus, he didn’t like the attitude of this woman, who was trying to tell him what he could and couldn’t do.
“Fine, then you can explain to Tom, face to face, why you are in his office,” Lee said.
She and the General disappeared.
The scientist looked around for the General and Lee. Pete, Sean and the other wizards were grinning at each other and chuckling at Lee.
The General’s aide said to Sean, “What the hell! Where did they go?”
“I believe my wife took your General Jones to visit with the President of your United States,” Sean told the group deadpan.
“She can do that?” the aide asked in wide-eyed amazement.
“Oh yes she can,” Pete answered. “My daughter tends to take people at their word. Also, if she tells you it will be her way, then it will be her way or the highway. She is very passionate about her charter and that it will be followed to the letter.”
They waited a couple of minutes and then Sean’s Mad beeped. “Yes, Lee?” he answered. The scientists gathered around excitedly to listen. Not one of them was unhappy with the Generals disappearance.
“Sean, sweetie, can you find a chick in the group called Gilberto?”
“I’m Professor Roslyn Gilberto,” a woman said as she stepped forward. She was a tall, very handsome woman of African descent. Sean guesses she was in her mid-thirties and the manifest said she was unmarried.
A certain Giant’s face popped into his mind, and he decided a meeting would have to be arranged. She also had the tell-tale glow, and he knew she at least would be staying.
“Roslyn, it’s Tom Benson here, you have been promoted. Alpha, alpha, alpha. Please comply with the wishes of the wizards,” he said from Sean’s Mad.
“Yes sir, zeta, zeta, zeta, out,” she said. Sean looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “He was telling me ‘or else’,” she told him. “We are to comply with your wishes and my response was that I would.”
She grinned at Sean, “She really did take the General to the President’s office, didn’t she?”
Before he could answer, Lee did. “Sean, darling, can you and dad get those people processed? Tom has asked me to stay for coffee and a chat, I’ll be back in a couple of hours, okay. Remind them we have a meeting at 15:00 U-hours,” said Lee.
“Yes, dear, enjoy your visit. I think your dad and I have things under control here, bye,” replied Sean and closed his Mad.
“Is General Jones coming back?” the aide asked.
“He will need to do a lot of sucking up if he thinks Lee will bring him back,” Sean said.
The aide grinned and put out his hand to Sean, “My name is Ray Leyland. If he is true to form, he won’t be back.”
Sean laughed and then got the visitors organised for their immunisations, accounts and a Hotel room. They had little trouble with the rest of them after Roslyn contacted the ship and passed on the Presidents wishes.
For her part, she was delighted to be in charge as the control had been handed back to the scientists.
She would have to thank Lee personally later.
Lee was standing in the President’s office with the bemused General at her side.
She had blinked him to the Ambassador’s dome first. Then she had Ring transported him to Robert’s dome, before blinking him to the Oval Office. The General was supposed to find out how the Rings worked, but he later found his implant had stopped recording from when she first blinked him until he stood in front of the President.
“Hi Tom, apologies for the sudden appearance,” Lee said.
Ten Security Service Agents suddenly burst into the room, and Lee found she was surrounded by guns pointing at her.
“Get on the floor, down, down, down,” screamed the officer in charge. She had sent them in a panic when she and the General registered as being in the office.
The General and the President dropped as ordered. When Lee didn’t move, one of the men opened-fired on her, with an automatic pistol. They then all ducked as the bullets ricocheted off her and around the room. One of the men screamed at them to stop shooting.
Then one of the bullets hit the man who had shot at her, and he went down screaming. The others held fire as ordered and stared at the woman who was just standing there with her hands-on hips looking at them with disgust and shaking her head.
Lee then smiled at the lead officer, “Settle petal, if I had wanted to harm Tom, I wouldn’t still be standing here. You would never have seen me come or go.”
She then disappeared and sent the agents into a serious panic as they looked around the room trying to find her. They each found they were immobilised and then their guns suddenly disappeared.
Lee reappeared beside the General, who was gingerly gaining his feet. “I don’t like guns being pointed at me,” she told the agents. “If I release you, will you behave in a civilised manner?”
Tom stood; he believed that if she did wish to hurt him, as she had said, it would have been all over before the agents had entered the room. “Gentleman, Queen Lee is my guest, you will stand down,” he said with authority.
The leader looked at the President and found he could move his head but not otherwise move, “Are you sure, sir, this is a hostage situation.”
Tom shook his head, “Your Majesty, I do believe you have no intention of harming the General or me, is this correct?”
Lee looked at the General then back at the president and smiled, “Well, you are safe, but I’m still making my mind up about your obnoxious General.”
Tom grinned back her. The General wasn’t his choice either, so he couldn’t blame her for having good taste. “Ross, I believe there is no threat here. You are to stand down,” he ordered the officer.
“Can we at least stay to make sure?” Ross asked his heart was still racing, and his hands felt naked without his gun being in it.
“Please do, I have no objections to you staying,” Lee replied and waved her hand around the room.
The men suddenly found they could move again. They all looked at Lee in amazement. Several even stepped back away from her. Two others went to the aid of the down man.
The young man who had told the others to stop shooting said, “Are you really a Queen now?”
Lee was standing in front of them wearing her standard ship jumpsuit. Her lovely red hair was plaited down her back, and she wore no discernible make-up. The men all decided she didn’t need it and quite a few, felt their cocks stirring as they recognised her from the vid’s they had all seen, of her. She was even sexier in person they decided.
Lee turned her bling on, and several men had to shield their eyes from the glow coming off her. Even the General took several steps away from her. She was seriously creeping him out.
Lee moved over to the downed man, and they watched her warily. She placed a hand over his thigh, and they all saw her glow brighten then dim. She turned off her bling and plucked the bullet from the wound. She handed the man the bullet. “Souvenir,” she said and grinned.
The agent looked at his leg to see a small round scar and accepted the still blood wet bullet from Lee in wonder. The other agents looked at the healed leg and then at her incredulously.
The General looked at Lee as she stood and came back towards him and the President. He had met some powerful people in his time, but he was beginning to realise that he had butted heads with the wrong lady. The tight-lipped look she sent his way also suggested that he wasn’t going back to Harmony in a hurry and her next words confirmed it.
“Tom, who is to take over from the General?” Lee asked.
“Professor Roslyn Gilberto is the head scientist,” Tom told her. He too had seen the vids of Lee. He was a smart enough man to not, butt heads with her on this issue, especial after what he had just witnessed in his own office.
They all watched and listened as Lee spoke into the device on her arm. Tom added his two cents worth and invited Lee to stay for coffee. She fascinated him, and he believed some serious grovelling was in order.
Once the conversation was over, he then told the General to go be debriefed. They all watched as he left the office. The young officer who has spoken before asked Lee, “Did we really just speak with the people on Harmony as if they were next door?”
Lee tipped her head and looked at him, “Come here.” She beckoned to him, and he found himself walking up to her. She touched him on the forehead, and the others watched him shiver.
Several smirked at the obvious hard-on the man now had. “What’s your name?” she asked him as she removed her hand.
“Special Agent Oliver Edwards,” he answered and shivered again.
“Hey Tom, can I have him?” Lee asked.
“I beg your pardon?” Tom said, not sure in which way she wished to ‘have him’.
Lee grinned at Tom reading his thoughts and told him and the other agents, “He is a shield mage.” They obviously didn’t understand. Lee looked at his commanding officer, “Do you find that he never leads his people into dangerous situations and has a reputation of warning them of danger?”
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Hello, people, this is my first post over here. I have been an avid reader on this site. So I thought of sharing my stories with a dash of my fantasy with you all. I have taken the title of the story from a movie named by the same. And maybe my further stories too would be titled like this only, inspired by a movie title. So with no further delay lemme start off with my indulgence of experience. P.S Have patience with story plot because I will be very descriptive. As I don’t like...
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Lee rubbed her stomach. She now looked more as if she was five months pregnant and she agreed with Von that she would be lucky to make it to the twelve weeks. Sean had managed to do the deed, and Donny was pregnant. She couldn’t shift to male or any of her other forms other than faerie while pregnant. Lee hadn’t tried. She was happy to wait until she had Jackson before she experimented. Sparky and her village had been amazed when Lee transformed into a faerie for them. “Damn mum, I always...
Lee had a shift to get through. Damn, she had once laughed at Kyle’s ability to ‘fuck like a rabbit all night long’. However, after the last couple of nights with her hunky Lieutenant, she was beginning to believe Kyle wasn’t the only exception to the rule, after all. From her experiences, having a guy get it up more than twice in one night was rare. She had never had one perform four times in fewer hours, and she really couldn’t remember how many orgasms she had. In the past, she had been...
Sean and Lee headed for the diner. They found their regular chairs were vacant and waiting for them. So, they both grabbed some of the chicken dish from the bain-maries and joined the table. “Ah, the love birds have come up for air,” Kyle said. Lee set her plate down and then turned and thumped Kyle in the arm as he had sat next to her. Kyle rubbed his arm, “Hey, what was that for?” “You knew, didn’t you? You knew Gerald was related to Carl!” she specified. Kyle suddenly realised what...
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Rodger was worried about them going to either planet. He had been told not to let Lee step foot on the planet. His uncle wouldn’t be happy if she did. The problem was that he didn’t know which planet, as he hadn’t been told that there was two. He was also having trouble finding Lee alone. Nor had he come up with a good way to get rid of her. Rodger wasn’t game to go for a frontal attack as he didn’t think it would go well for him, not after the last attempt. There was no way he wanted to...
Lee had a fascination with the crocs. She had a large female who had acquired a new mate living on her island. The dragons used to hunt them, and Lee believed the larger mate she had might have had fallen victim to them. The new male was smaller, so he was also younger. Lee suspected he had followed the female here and she had decided to keep him. He seemed perfectly happy to have her too. She wasn’t sure, if they were natives or if they had been brought here. She considered them one of...
Essco was not pleased. As Essco had suspected, the committee had decided on Tychy as the next destination. He did not intend to be stuck on Tychy for the next nine to twelve months. He needed to establish contact with the people on Futura. To set up mining of the energy crystals, so they could ship them home. He planned to be a wealthy man. He intended to live out the rest of his life with a revolving harem of big boobed young girls to look after his every need. He hated it when his plans...
Captain Nick Clark was walking around his ship. The damn thing pretty much ran without him, since Lee had played with the systems. The first week went by so fast. He had been able to get all his logs up-to-date and even found some quality time for Sung. The fact she had agreed to marry him and move to Clarksville hadn’t hurt his excellent mood either. She had loved the ring Berny had made for him. The ship’s crew were setting up for the first jump before he knew it. Even with the reduced...
The three dads, the von Holton’s, Henry, Captain Clark and Vincent, were sitting in Lee’s old room when they took the cover off. “Hi, Kids, were back, did you have fun while we were jabbering?” Robert asked. “Yep Lee and I were discussing how to make absent dads miserable. But then Sean went and spoiled it by reminding me, I was going to be a dad real soon too,” Kyle said as he grinned at the cringes made by Pete and Antonio. “I assume that discussion is best left until another day,” Lee...
Things were a bit different on this trip. The crews had elected a floating work schedule. As long as the work was done, they did it as required. In engineering, they all helped each other. Lee and Bing taught everyone how to perform necessary engine checks. Lee, Bing and Terry while aboard would still do the main checks and repairs, but the others could help by taking a short night shift every few nights to do the simple walk around checks. Hydroponics elected for a similar loose roster as...
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We finished out the evening and Homer started to put his old Gibson in its case. I told him, "Homer, old buddy, if I was you I'd lock your git box in Walt's office. I don't know what shit we got coming but I do not think your musical instrument would make it through a good fight." A couple of good old boys came up and told me while we were taking a break and said as how there was a whole bunch of weirdoes hanging around the parking lot. So I warned Homer. Now I really got Homer's...
David Barry awoke with a start. Was that a dog licking his face? Surely not – he didn't own a dog. Then he felt a hand groping his crotch through his pants. He opened his eyes to see Tiffany's gorgeous blue eyes searching his face. Her tongue was swirling around his ear. He looked around at unexpected surroundings – the inside of a sleek, modern railway car. Slowly, his sleepy fog began to dissipate. "Um, Tiff," he said, wiping sleep-induced drool from the corner of his mouth, "isn't...
The hotel restaurant was the perfect venue for Dave and Tiffany to end their first day in Washington. The waiter had seated them and poured glasses of ice water. Dave squinted at the menu. "Figured out what you want?" Tiffany asked. "Well, I'm a meat and potatoes sort of guy," he replied. Tiffany nearly choked on her water. "You could have fooled me," she laughed, "I seem to recall you being a whipped cream and raw bacon sort of guy..." Dave's thoughts drifted back to their...
The new spaceship was christened 'Michael' in honor of Janet's brother who didn't make it to his bar mitzvah. The first flight of the 'Michael' was to Earth to come up with the kind of guns that Jacob was looking for. They found just what Jacob wanted already mounted on several ships. They were the Gatling Gun defense against incoming missiles. These guns fired depleted uranium slugs and had a tremendous muzzle velocity. The kinetic energy released when one of these slugs impacted under...
The chemical analysis of the atmosphere inside the pod was FLUORINE! Apparently, these people breathed fluorine, and that is why the living compartment was lined with polyethylene, one of the few plastics virtually unaffected by fluorine at a comfortable temperature. The beings inside were dead. They had probably committed suicide when it became certain that they would be captured. The bodies were wrapped in polyethylene film and shipped to a morgue equipped to handle such exotic creatures....
Jacob answered, "We are really sorry if we have done something wrong. We are new to this sector of the galaxy, so we do not know the proper procedures. Please advise us what to do." "OK, now I understand. The first thing we have to do is to get you out of that emergency lane you are blocking. Can you navigate in close quarters?" "Yes, I am sure that we can do what is needed. Just give me the coordinates of where you want us relative to our current position. We will move as soon as you...
The little fleet jumped to an unoccupied area well out on the galactic arm. There was no time during the transit, so they had to plan a course of action after they arrived. No one was so foolish as to believe that just their two small ships were enough to defeat a whole civilization—this was just a scouting mission. A thorough sweep of the volume of space, 100 million klicks in radius, showed one spaceship, but it did not look like the kind that they had been fighting. This ship was moving...
"Oh, Shit! Abner, take your squadron after the fighters, and we'll go after the mother ship." Jacob's four ships started to jump almost before Jacob had completed his order. He didn't hear Abner's reply, but Jacob was sure that Abner would know what to do. Jacob's squadron jumped in to help Obgor and Brund with the attack on the mother ship. Obgor and Brund didn't need any help. They had already dumped four nuclear warheads on the enemy and were raking the ship with torpedoes as fast...
There were still four places that Eevar had found that needed attention, so the fleet left to look at the nearest one of those. When they got close enough, they realized that the planet they were approaching was a relative small gas giant. At least, that was what it looked like as they approached. Out of curiosity, Jacob transported a sampling flask into the atmosphere and brought it back for analysis. The planet's atmosphere was a mixture of ammonia, nitrogen, and hydrogen. The atmosphere...
The Earther fleet returned to normal space south of the star's pole and far enough out that they had plenty of time to decelerate to a relative standstill vis a vie the star. The first step was to listen to the FTL radio to determine if these were the FBs. Indeed they were, so the next step was to contact them and try to put a stop to the senseless campaign of extermination the FBs were following. The Earthers did not want to exterminate the FBs, but they would if the FBs refused to stop...
Elleron was what the Earthers considered to be a "normal" fluorine planet. It had the usual relatively flat terrain with few, if any, mountains. There was one continent with one large "ocean." The ocean was made up of an organo-fluorine compound, but they could not tell exactly which one without taking a sample for analysis. This was too dangerous, so the Earthers just skipped it. There were only two detected cities on the planet, but both appeared to cover approximately one-third the...
Chapter 2. Paul's transition to womanhood had begun by his own hand! The pen is mightier than the penis! I thought to myself. Dr. Turnbull left with the signed papers and told us she would get a nurse who would take Paul to the surgical wing and straight to the operating room. As the two of us sat waiting for a nurse to come Paul asked me at least a dozen times, Dr. Turnbul said she may have to remove my penis, right? She would give me something that looks like a vagina,...
Mid Story Prologue: Well now what do you think my friend? Crazy twist of fate? Just punishment for my sins? Remember at the time of my second cancer surgery I was only concerned with staying alive. I didn't know there was a diabolical plot being executed as my "Just Punishment" for being unfaithful to my wife. Life is full of unseen twists. I guess the old saying is right "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" From here until the end of my tale I want to shift the...
Chapter 4 A couple of weeks later on a Sunday, Katie had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with me. Katie actually worked out alongside me during my afternoon workout. She could bench press more than me; leg lift more than me and last on the treadmill longer than me! It was hard to comprehend my wife was stronger than me now. I knew I was rehabbing still but to be the weaker one of the two of us really stunned me. It showed I still had a lot of time in front of me before I was...
Chapter 5 My dad was a man's man and I knew he will never accept what I had done. As I approached the kitchen I could hear my mom and dad talking and laughing. I knew they were laughing about me. Not in a joking way, in a way that meant what a Fem! What a wimp! What a panty waist! As I entered the kitchen my father spoke first. "So, you're going to Tommy's skating party eh? Are there going to be any girls there?" he asked teasing me. "Dad its Joe's party. I am meeting Tommy to...
Chapter 6. As I woke up the next morning, I was feeling good for the first time since I was diagnosed with Systema Genitale Masculinum Spirilextradual. I felt I was finally accepting my situation with my cancer and the effects it has had on my body in a more positive manner. Last night I think my subconscious brought up the memory to me of my emersion experience as a teenage girl for one reason. It didn't destroy my life. I overcame what my mom had exposed me to and went on to...