Hotwife Peste Noapte free porn video

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Este ora 5 jumatate dimineata. Stau intins pe canapea cu un pahar de wiskey intr-o mana si telecomanda in cealalta. N-am avut somn toata noaptea. Sotioara mea iubita a urcat la ora 21 in taxi si a plecat spre petrecerea aniversara a unei foste colege de facultate. Ma asteptam sa fie inapoi pana la ora 3. Dar nu a fost. Si acum iata-ma. Are telefonul inchis. N-am reusit sa dau de ea toata noaptea. Mi-am promis ca nu o sa ma panichez.
Se aude usa inchizandu-se. Inchid televizorul si o astept. La noi in casa se inta direct in sufragerie, acolo unde stateam eu. Iau o gura mare din licoarea castanie si ii spun:
- Buna dimineata!
Sotioara mea venea pe 7 carari pocnind din tocuri si tinandu-si cu greu echilibrul. Se aseaza langa mine pe canapea, tolanita jumatate pe mine. Duhnea a bautura si a inca ceva...
- Hei, iubitule!
- Stii cat e ceasul, nu?
- Daaa! Ti-a fost dor de mine!!! spuse ea varand vapori de alcool inspre mine.
- Aproape ca imi faceam griji.
- Awww... dar stii ca n-ai de ce! Pot sa am grija de mine!
- Vad! ii spun eu in timp ce ii privesc clatinatul din cap. O petrecere reusita? Si mai iau o gura din bautura.
- Ce? Aaa! Da! Petrecerea! Foarte reusita.
- Povesteste-mi.
- Mai tii minte taxiul in care am plecat? M-am urcat in spate. La jumatatea drumului era un stop interminabil. Ma plictisisem asa ca m-am dat jos si m-am urcat in fata ca sa pot povesti cu soferul.
Eu am o rabdare sinistra. Viata m-a pus in atatea situatii incat n-o sa-mi pierd cumpatul la o poveste nebuneasca a sotiei mele.
- Continua, draga mea.
- Mi-a povestit ca e un barbat simplu, venit din provincie, care munceste din greu sa isi intretina viata mizera. Ma stii cum sunt miloasa! L-am luat in brate ca sa il calmez. Ceva in vocea lui era irezistibil. I-am zis ca facem un ocol. Am vrut ca si el sa aiba o seara frumoasa. L-am ghidat pana am ajuns intr-o parcare intunecata. I-am zis sa opreasca si apoi...
- Continua...
- I-am platit cursa. I-am dat o hartie de 200.
- Din banii mei.
- Din banii tai. Dupa care am iesit din masina, am facut un ocol si am ajuns la geamul lui. L-am rugat sa opreasca farurile si sa deschida usa. S-a codit putin dar m-a ascultat. I-am zis dupa ca ii mai dau 100 daca isi da scaunul mai in spate.
- Tot banii mei.
- Numai la bani te gandesti, prostutule. Mi-am ridicat rochia si m-am asezat peste el. L-am apucat de cap, i-am bagat fata intre sanii mei iar el si-a pus mainile pe fundul meu gol.
- Nu purtai chiloti, nu?
- Bineinteles ca nu!! si rade prostesc.
- Continua.
- M-a sarutat puternic pe sani in timp ce degetele lui imi lucrau la pizda.
- Esti foarte vulgara.
- Si iti place, deci suge-o! si iar rade prostesc. I-am dat jos pantalonii si chilotii. Iubitule, o avea imensa! Din pacate nu era prea rezistent. L-am calarit vreo 5 minute si am simtit cum isi da drumul in mine. Ne-am sarutat cu foc vreo 5 minute dupa, fara sa-l scot din mine si am simtit ca e tare dinnou. Am iesit din masina si i-am spus ca ma grabesc dar mi-a pus mana in gat si m-a aruncat in masina. Stii cat de mult imi pac barbatii dominanti. A dat scaunul pe spate si acum eu stateam intinsa sub el lasandu-ma penetrata. Din cauza faptului ca inca imi tinea mana in gat mi-am dat drumul de doua ori in 3 minute. El a simtit asta si s-a excitat. A scos-o din mine si a frecat-o pana mi-a acoperit sanii de sperma lui calda. M-a dat afara ca si cum nu s-ar fi intamplat nimic si mi-a urat o seara buna. Asa ca m-am aranjat si am plecat asa cum eram spre petrecere. 15 minute a durat drumul.
In timp ce imi spune toate astea, sotioara mea ajunge deja in genunchi si cu mana pe pantalonii mei.
- Vad ca iti place ce iti povestesc.
Eu ma abtin de la orice replica.
- Am ajuns la petrecere si ghici cine era acolo! Radu!
Cine pizda ma-sii e radu? Imi zic in sinea mea.
- Stii ca noi am fost apropiati. Mi-a zambit, m-a imbratisat si m-a sarutat pe buze. Sunt sigura ca din greseala.
- Da... in pula mea din greseala.
- Poftim?
- Nimic, nimic. Si dupa?
- Am baut cateva shot-uri cu el, doua beri si ne-am dus sa dansam. Din pacate el nu prea stie sa danseze asa ca a stat mai tot timpul cu mainile pe fundul meu. Asta e. Stii ca sunt intelegatoare asa ca l-am lasa. Dar ce n-am putut sa trec cu vederea era pula lui care ma impungea din pantaloni.
Deja mi-a luat-o si mie in mana. N-o s-o opresc acum.
- Am spus ca eu nu pot sa accept asa ceva si a trebuie sa faca ceva in legatura cu asta. M-a luat de mana si m-a tras pana in toaleta barbatilor. M-a prins de par si a incuiat usa. Mi-a spus sa ma pun in genunchi si...
- Si tu te-ai pus.
- Exact. A scos-o din pantaloni. La fel de groasa pe cat mi-o aminteam. I-am spus ca nu cred ca pot sa fac asta, dar mi-a spus ca nu e inselat daca doar ii sug coaiele. Am rasuflat usurata si am inceput sa i le ling in timp ce i-o frecam. Totusi m-a fraierit. Mi-a zis sa deschid gura si sa scot limba. M-a prins de cap si a inceput sa ma futa in gura pana si-a dat drumul. I se scurgea de la mine din gura pe jos. M-a luat de par si mi-a zis ca nu am voie sa fac risipa. Asa ca a trebuit sa ling toata sperma care s-a varsat de pe podea. Oh... vad ca asta te face si mai tare! Asa... unde eram? A, da! M-am ridicat, m-am sters, mi-am clatit gura si m-am intors la petrecere. Toate buna numai ca pe la ora 2 am obosit si m-am asezat la o masa. Oh, baby, devi atat de tare cand iti povestesc toate astea.
Nu spun nimic. Sotia mea ma priveste aproape crucis si imi povesteste cum a fost fututa toata noaptea de diferiti barbati. Nu pot sa zic ca-mi place. E pur si simplu ca un film porno. Cu o super actrita in el. Sotia mea este o femeie inalta, picioare lungi, par blond, chip angelic. Oh, chipul ei. O tarfa nesatula cu un chip de inger. Sani mari, nu perfect rotunzi dar deloc lasati, fund bombat si, evident, poarta cea mai scumpa vestimentatie. Rochia mulata, argintie, fara bretele ii scoate in evidenta corpul perfect. Pantofii cu toc o alungesc si o fac sa para si mai sexy decat este. De parca n-ar fi de ajuns.
- Am comandat un pahar cu apa si pana sa apuc sa-l duc la gura simt o mana pe umar. M-am speriat. Langa mine s-a proptit probabil cel mai sexy tip de pe acolo. Inalt, plin de muschi, tricou mulat negru, scos direct din revista. Si ce crezi ca-mi spune?
- ...
- "Super petrecere, nu?" Am dat din cap. Ce era sa fac? Eram extenuata! Dupa a continuat: "pacat ca toata lumea se distreaza mai bine in nu stiu ce club". Nu mai tin minte exact. Ideea e ca m-am trezit afara de la party si mergand spre masina lui. Stii ca sunt dornica de distractie. Se pare, totusi, ca la masina mai erau inca doi baieti. Sau 3? Nu... erau doi. Am mers ceva cu masina, am urcat pe niste scari dar, iubi, sa stii ca nu mi-a placut! Era lumina, clubul era mic, maxim 6 metrii, fara muzica si mai era si un pat acolo.
- O, Doamne...
- Asa. M-am dezbracat la intrare, stii ca sunt politicoasa, m-am asezat pe pat si a inceput
- Taci!
O iau de par, o ridic, o iau de solduri si o arunc pe canapea in locul meu. Ii departez picioarele, ii pun mana in gat si ii spun:
- Am sa te tratez asa cum meriti.
Nici nu stiu cat de atenta mai e. Pute toata a sloboz dar e inca umeda. Sunt tare ca piatra asa ca ma bag direct in ea. E cald, e moale, e putin ciudat. Ma obijnuiesc repede cu ideea si incep sa o fut in timp ce ea geme inabusit. Observ ca n-am sorti de izbanda. E prea larga si uda sa mai simt ceva. Cred ca i-au bagat doua odata in pizda. Ii ridic si mai mult picioarele si i le tin lipite de umeri. Si curul ei e largit. Totusi aici se mai simte ceva. Si culmea, nici nu si-au dat drumul in curul ei. Perfect. O mai fut o vreme cu nervi, cu palme, cu scuipaturi si pana ii curge tot rimelul de pe fata. Simt ca o sa-mi dau si eu drumul. Imi bag limba adanc pe gatul ei si ma imping bine. Gata. Nu mai pot. Explodez in ea si simt ca m-am scapat de toate frustrarile. Ma uit la ea. Doarme dusa. Ma duc si eu sa ma culc. Buna dimineata, tarfo!
Doar doua intrebari mai raman: Cum a ajuns sotioara mea acasa si cum de avea machiajul intact?

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Hotwife writes about her first visit to the gloryh

My husband and I were visiting DC in anticipation of trying something new and a bit naughty. My husband had mentioned to me how he thought it would be really hot for us to visit a gloryhole party where he could watch me play with mystery men behind a gloryhole wall. Admittedly, I was reluctant; I had never attended a party like this before and certainly not on the insistence of my partner! This was crazy, most guys I dated were insanely jealous and I had no idea how this was going to play...

4 years ago
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Hotwife Orgy part 3

Mistress went around the circle and grabbed each of us by the penis and pulled at our balls. “You will continue to masturbate each other” she said, “I will tell you when you can stop.” My little head was sore as my jerk partner began pulling again. Having lost my passion, my brain took over and I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. What was happening? Real men, real husbands don’t let their wives have sex with other men, I thought. What if my friends found out? What about my family? No...

4 years ago
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Hotwife Orgy part 2

“Pay attention, Cuck” surfer man snapped. “Every cocksman here has at least 8 inches and every cocksman here will be fucking your wife. I was speechless. She would never go for that. “Oh, and one more thing, we’ll be pounding every hole.” No way, I thought, Shelley has never let me touch her anally, there was no way that she would allow complete strangers to fuck her in the ass…would she?All the studs paraded by shaking their huge manly cocks and making derogatory comments. Finally the last guy...

3 years ago
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Hotwife play talk

My cell phone buzzed next to me while I laid in bed watching some TV. The k**s had been put to bed hours ago and my beautiful wife had gone out with her sister for the night. Wondering who was texting me at midnight I glanced at my phone only to see my wife's name pop up."Hi babe. s*s went home out with another friend." The text said. "Another friend?" I thought, "Who?" "I think you'd like him," the next text said. Immediately my cock jumped. My wife new my fantasies of her acting like a...

2 years ago
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Hotwife travels for work

Not long ago my wife was traveling around the state on day trips with her coworker, Tim. I encouraged her to have some fun during their trips! She texted me as they traveled one day. What would he do if I just sucked his dick while he drove?:)Find out! I encouraged. Not long after I received a text that said..he's much longer than I expected:) I was so happy that my wife had sucked her coworkers cock!! I'm sure Tim was shocked at first, but she said that he...

4 years ago
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Hotwife in Public

About 8 or 9 years ago, I answered a Craigslist ad from a couple--back when you could still do that. They were seeking a "Hung Stud to Fuck Hot Milf Wife." The husband was in his early 50s, but the wife was in her late 30s at the time. They'd been married for about eight years, and the husband had had cuckold fantasies the whole time. He was a fairly typical cuckold. He was rich, went to a big college, and he had a smaller than average dick.Well, I traded pics with them for a few weeks, and...

4 years ago
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Hotwife fantasy finally comes true

It was a month of uncertainty, trying to explain and asking for forgiveness, she asked if I wanted a divorce. Of course not, that was the last thing I wanted. I was still in love with my wife and had to figure a way of showing her. She finally started to accept my transgressions and decided to work on restoring the marriage. We took a long weekend and drove down to the coast just to get away for a couple of days. That weekend we made love like never before, especially when she would...

2 years ago
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Hotwife Night Out

The weather was hot and humid, and I was feeling the same way as I was getting ready for the night. My husband was traveling afar on a three-day business conference and told me to have a good time while he was away. Taking his advice, a smile crossed my lips as I glanced in the mirror, confirming that the allure was very much there, confident that my calculated plan for the evening would culminate my every expectation.The short black skirt I chose to wear left nothing to the imagination as it...

Group Sex
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Hotwife in hot tub

We both were in a mood to party having spent too many weekends working on the home projects – which never seem to end. So when Paul, who Marie had been talking to each other on AOL and the phone for over a year, told her he would be heading up to Connecticut and passing through Washington, it was decided she would meet him for dinner. Although she had never met Paul, Marie felt very comfortable meeting him alone because of their prior conversations. The day of the dinner Paul...

4 years ago
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Hotwife in Stockings

Walking backwards through the party I bumped into her, she was absolutely stunning, instead of frowning she was smiling, she had beautiful blue eyes and without taking my eyes away I was dying to look down at her little dress and see her legs and heels. She held my arm steadying herself and as I instantly apologized. She said I was very bad and could make it up to her by giving her one of the drinks I was carrying. She looked back as she walked away, my wife’s drink in her hand and smiled but I...

4 years ago
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My Wife and the Pest Control Man Revised Edited

After my Sally was sure he was curiously gawking at them, she feigned shock and loudly shouted, “Are you staring I my breast? Oh my God, you are staring at my breast, and not only that you are getting an erection.” Mr. Evans turned three shades of red, and I was sure he was going into cardiac arrest. There was total silence in the library as everyone looked on in astonishment. Sally tossed the form back at him and stomped out of the library. We momentarily locked eyes as she passed my table...

3 years ago
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Pest Control

It was at the Autumn meeting that the strange story of the ‘fang’ in our ‘Black Museum’ emerged. The museum is really a collection of oddities from round the globe where our members have worked, but ‘the Fang’ is quite famous amongst our members, mostly for it’s being among the military bits and pieces. We’d had a damned good Dinner and the Speeches were made, presentations presented and the Port was whizzing round when the Chairman stood and asked ‘Any new Reports this year?’ These ‘reports’...

3 years ago
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Hotwifes First Threesome

“What about this one?”“That’s a guy,” I said.“A guy?  Like she’s trans?  How can you tell?  She looks like a woman to me,” Stela said.“It is a woman.  It’s a guy with fake pictures online pretending to be a woman,” I answered.“Ew.  Gross.  How can you tell?”“They’re all professional photos.  There isn’t a single candid shot,” I answered.We were lying naked in bed.  The window was open so we could feel the sea breeze and hear the sound of the crashing surf.  Our bodies were sticky with sweat...

1 year ago
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Hotwife XXX spells out a huge part of their formula right there in the title: the XXX tells you it’s porno, and the Hotwife tells you it’s going to have a cuckold and wife-sharing theme. That’s arguably the easiest part of the equation, something that anybody with a camera could at least try to throw together. The big question is how well they’re able to pull it off. Considering these guys are pulling a few hundred thousand visitors per month, it’s a safe bet these guys know what they’re doing....

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Teen Slut And The Sex Pest Next Door

Louise was sunbathing in her parents’ back garden. Clad only in a two-piece bikini with a floral design, the exposed, tawny skin of her sleek body glistened with sweat.Fury surged through her and quiet curses sounded in her throat while her hands clamped into fists at her sides. She was furious with her father. Who did the pedantic old codger think he was, telling her what to do?“You’re not cadging off me anymore. Go get a job. No sex before marriage. If you end up pregnant, you’re out the...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pest

Teacher's Pest by: Anne O'Nonymous Teaching in any school is a difficult task, and being a substitute, filling in near the end of a school year, can be even more arduous. Karen Martin knew this quite well, although she had been away from the classroom for quite a while pursuing a Master's degree in Education. Students' names to learn, their quirks, school rules, etc. All combined to make for difficulties, plus she was taking the place of another teacher in a subject she hadn't...

1 year ago
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Hotwifing pt1

I could feel the head. He smeared it up and down where his mouth had just been, slick with my spit and now some of his Jon never joins in. He never even speaks. He always sits quietly in the corner of the room, watching. He wants to be there. He wants to see. Sometimes I see him with his cock out, but even that is a rarity. Usually he strokes it through his pants, edging the whole time. It’s as if he wants to be a fly on the wall and for us to forget he is even there. It’s usually a...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 11 Pest Removal

The next day the wizards had to go through the same crap again when the Americans arrived. Lee took an instant dislike to the man who was leading this party. To start with, he wasn’t a scientist; he was a General from the Army. He was a big man who had gone to fat and who was very full of himself. Lee noted the large paunch and thinning hair, red nose and pale complexion that suggested an office worker who liked to eat and drink to excess. She also noted that he didn’t seem well-liked by...

4 years ago
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Gold Plated Garbage TruckChapter 4 Pest Control

We finished out the evening and Homer started to put his old Gibson in its case. I told him, "Homer, old buddy, if I was you I'd lock your git box in Walt's office. I don't know what shit we got coming but I do not think your musical instrument would make it through a good fight." A couple of good old boys came up and told me while we were taking a break and said as how there was a whole bunch of weirdoes hanging around the parking lot. So I warned Homer. Now I really got Homer's...

3 years ago
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Teachers PestChapter 2

David Barry awoke with a start. Was that a dog licking his face? Surely not – he didn't own a dog. Then he felt a hand groping his crotch through his pants. He opened his eyes to see Tiffany's gorgeous blue eyes searching his face. Her tongue was swirling around his ear. He looked around at unexpected surroundings – the inside of a sleek, modern railway car. Slowly, his sleepy fog began to dissipate. "Um, Tiff," he said, wiping sleep-induced drool from the corner of his mouth, "isn't...

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Teachers PestChapter 3 Flashing DC

The hotel restaurant was the perfect venue for Dave and Tiffany to end their first day in Washington. The waiter had seated them and poured glasses of ice water. Dave squinted at the menu. "Figured out what you want?" Tiffany asked. "Well, I'm a meat and potatoes sort of guy," he replied. Tiffany nearly choked on her water. "You could have fooled me," she laughed, "I seem to recall you being a whipped cream and raw bacon sort of guy..." Dave's thoughts drifted back to their...

2 years ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 2

The new spaceship was christened 'Michael' in honor of Janet's brother who didn't make it to his bar mitzvah. The first flight of the 'Michael' was to Earth to come up with the kind of guns that Jacob was looking for. They found just what Jacob wanted already mounted on several ships. They were the Gatling Gun defense against incoming missiles. These guns fired depleted uranium slugs and had a tremendous muzzle velocity. The kinetic energy released when one of these slugs impacted under...

5 years ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 3

The chemical analysis of the atmosphere inside the pod was FLUORINE! Apparently, these people breathed fluorine, and that is why the living compartment was lined with polyethylene, one of the few plastics virtually unaffected by fluorine at a comfortable temperature. The beings inside were dead. They had probably committed suicide when it became certain that they would be captured. The bodies were wrapped in polyethylene film and shipped to a morgue equipped to handle such exotic creatures....

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Alien Pest ControlChapter 4

Jacob answered, "We are really sorry if we have done something wrong. We are new to this sector of the galaxy, so we do not know the proper procedures. Please advise us what to do." "OK, now I understand. The first thing we have to do is to get you out of that emergency lane you are blocking. Can you navigate in close quarters?" "Yes, I am sure that we can do what is needed. Just give me the coordinates of where you want us relative to our current position. We will move as soon as you...

4 years ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 5

The little fleet jumped to an unoccupied area well out on the galactic arm. There was no time during the transit, so they had to plan a course of action after they arrived. No one was so foolish as to believe that just their two small ships were enough to defeat a whole civilization—this was just a scouting mission. A thorough sweep of the volume of space, 100 million klicks in radius, showed one spaceship, but it did not look like the kind that they had been fighting. This ship was moving...

4 years ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 6

"Oh, Shit! Abner, take your squadron after the fighters, and we'll go after the mother ship." Jacob's four ships started to jump almost before Jacob had completed his order. He didn't hear Abner's reply, but Jacob was sure that Abner would know what to do. Jacob's squadron jumped in to help Obgor and Brund with the attack on the mother ship. Obgor and Brund didn't need any help. They had already dumped four nuclear warheads on the enemy and were raking the ship with torpedoes as fast...

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