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Ziua urmatoare ne-am facut planul sa mergem la plaja, ne-am echipa corespunzator apoi am luat-o la pas sa cautam o plaja cu mai putin agitatie eventual cu ceva nudism.
Am luat-o de-a lungul apei cautand un loc propice dorintelor noastre, am tot mers de-a lungul coastei vreo 20-25 de minute cu picioarele prin apa pana am ajuns la o stanca ce iesea aproape pana apa, era lovita ocazional de valuri, am presupus ca nu multi indraznesc sa treaca de zona asta. Am trecut repede pe langa stanca si ne-am trezit pe o plaja aproape goala, in departare de mai zareau cateva cupluri, probabil tot in cautarea linistii si discretiei.
Ne-am gasit si noi un loc si ne-am intins prosoapele, ne-am lasat straiele si ne-am apucat sa ne ungem un pic. Ruxandra avea un micro costum de baie, genul ala care are un petic mic in zona intima iar topul era doar cat sa-i acopere sfarcurile. Topul oricum l-a dat jos imediat ce am inceput sa o dau cu lotiune. Am acoperit-o toata cu un strat gras uleios pe spate, pe coapse pe sani. Luceau strasnic formele ei voluptoase sub razele soarelui.
Parea goala doar cu sforicica aia intre picioare care-i acoperea doar deschiderea pizdulicei.
Ne-am intins unul langa altul gata sa prindem tot soarele si sa ne bucuram de liniste.
Am tot alternat momentele sub soarele toropitoa al greciei cu scaldatul in apa turcoaz racoritoare.
Dupa cateva schimburi de soare cu mare Ruxandra m-a rugat sa o ung din nou cu lotiune, am inceput sa o dau pe tatele ei mari si grele, apoi am masat-o pe bucile ei mari si rotunde, am bagat lotiune pana in gaura fundului.
Ne-am intins apoi, unul langa altul si mi-am intins mana intre picioarele ei desfacuta si am inceput sa-i frec cu pofta lindicul.
Nu dupa mult timp, am auzit un " Hello" de sus cu voce puternica.
Imediat am deschis amandoi ochii si am zarit o silueta neagra, masiva imperecheata cu un zambet larg unde contrasta o dantura alba.
Ne-am ridicat in fund sa vedem ce voia individul. Era un tip de culoare masiv inalt cred ca se apropia de 2 metri, o constitutie solida, nici gras dar nici musculos, chipul afisa un zambet cald si vesel, avea pe el doar o pereche de bermude gen trei-sferturi cu o pereche de slapi. Era un vanzator ambulant, vindea bratari si coliere colorate, facute manual, fabricate din sforicele colorate.
Pentru cateva momente, si eu si ea, am fost un pic blocati si intimidati, eu cu o erectie strasnica ce impungea prin slipul de baie iar Ruxandra aproape goala, incerca sa-si acopere tringhiul carnos cu acei microbikini dupa ce ma jucasem cu lindicul ei.
Tipul s-a prezentat zambind vesel, ca si cum nu ar fi vazut nimic, il chema Solomon si tot ind**ga ceva de "hakuna matata". Bratarile si colierele erau "hakuna matata", adica alungau grijile si belele, am aflat mai tarziu acasa cautand pe internet ce insemna termenul respectiv.
Trecand momentul jenant de la inceput, Ruxandra s-a arata foarte entuziasmata de podoabele lucrate manual si a inceput sa se uite printre ele, sa-si aleaga niste combinatii de culori.
Ca un bun negustor, i-a oferit si un discount Ruxandrei, doar sa cumparam mai multe.
Ne-am dat la vorba cat s-a uitat Ruxandra prin claia de podoabe colorate, am aflat ca e din nigeria, ca toata vara umbla pe plaje si vinde astfel de suveniruri turistilor.
Ruxandra si-a ales 2 bratari si un colier pe care am platit in total 8 euro, Solomon s-a oferit sa i lege pe maini bratarile, acesteea se prindeau printr-un nod special care cerea un pic de indemanare in realizarea lui.
Solomon s-a lasat jos langa Ruxandra si i-a cerut politicos sa intinda mana spre el. Solomon se uita insistent cand spre sanii mari si luciosi cand spre ochii verzi ai Ruxandrei.
Din pozitia in care statea o vedea pe Ruxandra in toata splendoarea, era aproape goala in fata acestui tip necunoscut, doar petecul ala mic de material mai statea intre privirea lui Solomon si goliciunea completa a sotiei.
Solomon poate putin surprins de situatie a inceput sa faca complimente, spunandu-i Ruxandrei ca e foarte frumoasa iar mie ca sunt foarte norocos ca am o asemenea sotie.
Era la cativa centimetri de sanii ei voluptosi legand bratarile pe mana ei dreapta, era o situatie un pic bizara, eu si Ruxy unul langa altul in fund si Solomon aplecat un pic deasupra ei legand bratarile alea.
Odata terminata operatiunea, Solomon s-a dat un pic in spate si privea satisfacut, nu stiu acum daca admira formele Ruxandrei sau felul in care se asezau bratarile la incheietura ei.
De data asta Solomon a facut o remarca care a a facut-o pe Ruxandra sa treasara, i-a spus ca are niste sani foarte frumosi iar Ruxandra i-a multumit timida si politicoasa.
Solomon ezita sa se ridice de jos, o admira in continuare pe Ruxandra zambind. In momentul ala i-am aruncat o privire Ruxandrei, ne-am intalnit privirile si am constientizat ca si ea incepe sa gandeasca la ce ma gandesc eu.
Am aruncat o privire in jur pe plaja sa ma asigur de discretie si ca nu atragem priviri apoi i-am spus lui Solomon ca poate sa-i mangaie sanii daca vrea.
Solomon s-a apropiat incet privind de parca nu stia de unde sa inceapa si i-a apucat sanul stang cu mana ca si cum l-ar fi cantarit. Pe cat de mari erau sanii Ruxandrei pe atat de mari erau mainile lui Solomon.
Zambetul alb al lui Solomon era din ce in ce mai stralucitor, Ruxandra s-a lasat pe spate in coate, pe jumatate ridicata, cu sanii expusi, ca Solomon sa-i poata admira si atinge in voie.
Ruxandra perversa cum e ea in general l-a intrebat pe Solomon despre scula lui, daca e adevarat ca tipii de culoare au puli mari. Solomon a ranjit in momentul ala, parca il intrebase ceva absurd, apoi raspunde cu o alta intrebare, "Wanna see it" ?
Ruxandra si eu am raspuns impreuna simultan ca da, eram amandoi curiosi, cu toate ca era destul de logica ca un tip de dimensiunile lui si aiba o pula pe masura.
Solomon s-a ridicat in picioare si a tras bermudele largi in jos.... !!! Nu am termen de comparatie sa spun ce s-a ivit de acolo, un membru urias, gros, flasc, atarna dintre picioarele lui, era ceva monstruos, era cat mana mea cred.
Ruxandra privea stupefiata, nu se asteptase la asa ceva, era cea mai mare scula pe care o vazusem vreodata. Ruxandrei ii luceau ochii insa era ceva impletit cu teama de mosntrul ala. Nu voiam sa ma gandesc cum ar arata erecta pula aia gigantica.
Ruxandra fascinata l-a invitat pe Solomon sa mai ramana cu noi, sa ne cunoastem un pic. Solomon foarte incantat, nu a stat deloc pe ganduri, si-a dat de tot panatlonii jos, i-a intins pe nisip in dreapta Ruxandrei si s-a intins langa noi pe o parte cu fata spre mine si Ruxandra. Astfel ea era flancata de amandoi din laterale. Pula lui Solomon atarna maiestuos pe coapsa lui ajungand pana jos pe nisip.
Am vorbit despre noi, de faptul ca noi suntem un cuplu deschis, despre Ruxandra si despre faptul ca ea are acordul meu sa o faca si cu alti barbati.
Solomon nu s-a aratat deloc surprins, am aflat astfel despre el ca nu de putine ori a avut experiente de genul, ca a avut experiente sexuale cu destule cupluri deschise catre directia asta.
Ruxandra nu-si lua ochii de la madularul flasc al lui Solomon, marturisesc ca si eu eram fascinat. Din motive diferite dar asta e mai putin important.
Am mai zabovit un pic sporovaind cu Solomon care era un tip foarte jovial si incantator, apoi Ruxandra s-a ridicat sa mearga din nou spre apa, l-a invitat si pe el sa-i ofere companie.
S-au ridicat amandoi si au luat-o agale spre apa, se vedeau tyare ciudat din spate, ea tipa miniona plinuta cu fund mare si Solomon urias, masiv, negru cu pula aia uriasa care-i atarna intre picioare.
Era incitant sa o privesc pe Ruxandra alaturi de negrul asta impozant, o vedeam chicotind aproape de el in valuri acolo cu mainile sub apa, mi-am dat seama ca ii verifica scula lui Solomon in discretia valurilor.
In scurt timp au iesit, am remarcat faptul ca tatele mari ale Ruxandrei nu erau la o inaltime mare desupra pulii lui Solomon care acum nu mai atarna, statea oracum orizontal un pic aplecat in jos, cred ca din cauza greutatii ei mari.
S-au asezat din nou jos, unul langa altul. M-am ridicat sa o dau pe Ruxandra din nou cu crema dar privindu-l pe Solomon ce pofticios se uita i-am spus sa o dea el cu lotiune.
A reactionat imediat si a turnat din abundenta pe trupul ei lotiune apoi a inceput sa intinda tacticos pe gat, pe burta, pe coapse. Ruxandra i-a facut semn sa nu fie timid, a tras snurul ce prindea petecul de material dintre picioarele ei si a scos la lumina pizdulicea carnoasa.
Solomon i-a desfacut coapsele sa expuna pizda ei carnoasa si a inceput sa o frece cu mainile lui uriase. Cand degetele lui mari au desfacut pizda ei carnoasa Ruxandra a gemut de placere, era deja uda si excitata cu gandul la monstrul de pula a lui Solomon.

Ruxandra s-a apucat cu mana de pula lui si a inceput sa-i frece madularul pe care nu-l putea cuprindea cu mana, se vedea cum puloiul ala se marea si crestea in mana ei.
In scurt timp Ruxandra era toata unsa din nou, de sus pana jos pe fata cu lotiune dar si foarte excitata. Statea cu picioarele desfacute intre noi, un picior peste mine si altul peste Solomon si isi desfacea pizda excitata cu ambele maini.
Le-am spus ca ar fi mai bine sa retragem intr-un loc mai adapostit si mai umbros, apoi ne-am ridicat toti si ne-am asezat la umbra aproape de stancile ce margineau latura cu plajele populate.
Ruxandra nu a stat mult pe ganduri, sa pus in fata lui trevor si cu ambele maini a inceput sa-i faca o laba lui Solomon.
M-am postat in spatele ei in genunchi, i-am desfacut bucile si am inceput sa o ling in cur si in pizda, stiam ca o sa aiba nevoie de lubrifiere suplimentara daca avea de gand sa ia pula aia in ea.
E de prisos sa spun cum arata maciuca aia acum ca era erecta, nu se ridica in sus, statea la orizontala dar era gigantica.
M-am ridicat apoi si i-am facut semn lui Solomon ca e pregatita pentru el daca vrea sa o fute. Acesta s-a mutat in spatele ei si si-a potrivit cu mana pula spre pzda Ruxandrei si a inceput sa o impinga usor, putin cate putin pizda ei larga. Ruxandra are o pizda destul de larga, ne place sa ne jucam cu dubla penetrare si uneori mai facem si fisting, pizda ei e una care poate primi usor puli de dimensiuni mari, mataranga lui Solomon era mai mult decat primise vreodata.
Putin cate putin, in gemetele ei sacadate a primit-o pana la jumate, apoi Solomon a inceput sa o pompeze usor, se vedea cum pizda ei adera la puli lui groasa labiile pizdii cuprindeau cu greu grosimea lui.
Am luat-o in brate, si-a pus capul pe umarul meu si i-am ridicat un picior sa poate primi mai usor pula lui.
A futut-o incet dar vartos, cu ritm precis, se vedea ca stie ce face si cum se manevreaza o femeie. Ruxandra urla si gemea de placere la fiecare impingere, era prima pula neagra a ei, si ce pulaaaa.
Ritmul era un pic mai accelerat dar Ruxandra tot nu putea primi toata pula in ea, nici nu credeam ca o sa reuseasca.
I-am lasat-o pe maini lui Solomon si m-am asezat alaturi sa privesc.
Si-a scos pula din ea si s-a asezat pe spate pe prosop cu pula in sus apoi a invitat-o sa se aseze ea deasupra sa dicteze ea cat de mult intra pula in ea.
Ruxandra s-a infipt in madularul gros dar ca si inainte nu-l putea dovedi pe tot, gemea ca o curva in calduri in timp ce pizda ei muncea sa primeasca monstrul ala.
N-a rezistat mult si valuri de orgasm au inceput sa-i strabata trupul, tremura din toate incheieturile si era terminata. Nu-l putea dovedi pe Solomon, era pentru prima data cand se intampla asa ceva, de obicei barbatii sunt aceia care nu pot dovedi poftele Ruxandrei.
Ruxandra frustrata voia sa-l termine pe Solomon, a inceput un mix de laba combinat cu supt pula sa-l faca pe Solomon sa termine. Era deliciosa cu cata dedicare se chinuia sa-l faca pe Solomon sa spermeze.
Intr-un final a reusit sa-l faca sa ejaculeze, oh, si ce valuri, cantitatea de sperma era proportionala cu marimea pulii. Ruxandra, cuminte a primit pe fata si in gura jeturile fierbinti si albe, ii citeam multumirea pe chip, faptul ca a reusit sa-l termine era o realizare pentru ea in momentul ala.

Ne-am trezit toti trei zambind unul la altul incantati, Solomon a alinat-o pe Ruxandra explicand ca e nevoie de exercitiu sa o poata primi pe toata.
S-a oferit apoi sa o "antreneze" in directia asta daca e de acord.
Curiosi am intrebat in ce consta asta. Solomon a explicat ca are metode prin care pregateste pizdulicea inainte apoi o sa o poate primi pe toata.
Ruxandra parea extrem de dornica sa incerce, parca o starnise mai mult lucrul asta.
Voia sa incerce, voia sa simta tot madularul ala in ea.
Solomon a zis ca doar daca i-o las pe Ruxandra 2 nopti pe mana lui poate face asta, moment in care eu si Ruxandra ne-am uitat unul la altul intrebator.
Mie nu-mi suradea deloc ideea stiind ca o sa fie singura, nu fusesem despartiti niciodata pentru vreo aventura sexuala si nici nu aveam de gand sa schimbam ceva. Ruxandra curioasa a inceput sa ma aline spunand ca sunt doar 2 nopti, ca i-ar prinde bine si ca m-ar recompensa pe masura apoi.
M-am lasat greu indupelcat, cred ca si Solomon observase chiar daca nu intelegea o iota din romana noastra. Am incuviintat pana la urma, fara nicio tragere de inima. Ma motiva doar faptul ca o sa aibe pizda mai larga dupa experienta asta.
Ne-am adunat hainele, ne-am imbracat apoi dupa o imbratisare lunga cu Ruxandra ne-am luat la revedere. Am ramas pe loc privind formele voluptoase ale Ruxandrei se indepartau la bratul gigantului de culoare.
M-am intors singur la hotel pe 4 carari, parca eram beat, am tot zabovit pe stradutele laturalnice doar cu gandul la Ruxandra si la faptul ca o lasasem in compania lui Solomon.
Ajuns aproape de asfintit acasa, am intrat sub dus unde la fel am zabovit, daor sa re marc erectia puternica ce mi-o provoca starea actuala.
M-am trantit dezbracat in mijlocul patului si am inceput sa-mi frec pula frenetic.
La un moment dat telefonul a inceput sa sune, la celalalt capat era Ruxandra, cu o voce soptita ma intreba ce fac. I-am raspus sincer ca ma masturbam cu gandul la pizda ei penetrata de pula uriasa a lui Solomon.
Cu o voce sexy imi spune ca are o surpriza pentru mine, apoi imediat deschide imediat apel video. Disting silueta goala a sotiei mele intr-o camera semi-intunecata, in fundal un pat mare ravasit, nu foarte imbietor.
Imi spune sa nu fac niciun zgomot apoi plaseaza telefonul undeva pe o comoda sau ceva ca vedeam aproape in intregime camera destul de mare in care se afla. Imi trimite un sarut apoi dispare. Pula imi zvacnea in mana, mai tare ca niciodata incercand sa aud zgomotele venite dinspre telefon.
Nu dupa mult timp am inceput sa aud voci, m-a surprins faptul ca distingeam 2 voci barbatesti, una cu siguranta era a lui Solomon care vorbea cu un alt tip.
Incercam sa prind ceva din cuvintele vorbite in slang-ul acela specific, vorbeau de Ruxandra, Solomon ii spunea tipul cum a agatat-o, ii lauda veleitatile de curva si ca o sa fie foarte misto sa-l ajute sa-i largeasca gaurile. Ruxandra era sub dus iar ei vorbeau despre ce o sa-i faca atunci cand o sa iasa.
Vocile celor 2 au inceput sa se paropie, imediat am zarit silueta masiva a lui Solomon aparand in cadru, cu pula aceea imensa flasca, atarnand maiestuos. Solomon era gol pusca pregatit de actiune, ulterior in planul mai indepartat un alt tip de culoare, gol si el, isi face aparitia si partenerul de dialog, si el dotat cu cal, totusi nu avea dimensiunile lui Solomon.
Amandoi pareau foarte incantati si nerabdatori de ce ii asteapta.
In scurt timp apare in cadru si sotia mea draga, goala si uda, se vedea ca nu folosise prosop sa se stearga, era inca uda de sub dus, pielea ii lucea in lumina aceea difuza si arata delicios.
Mi-era frica pentru ea, ma temeam pentru integritatea ei in momentul ala, stiam ca-i va fi greu cu cei doi, mai ales ca nu stiam daca ea stia ca Solomon isi va mai aduce un amic.
Mi-am dat seama imediat din reactia ei ca stia ce o asteapta si ca facuse deja cunostinta cu tipul cel nou.
Imediat ce a intrat in camera cei doi au tabarat practic pe ea, Solomon s-a postat in spatele ei a cuprins-o cu bratele puternice si a inceput sa o mameleasca, celalalt negru a venit din fata si a inceput sa o sarute frecand-o la pizda.
Gemete de placere au inceput sa se auda din directia ei, era fericita, imi placea ce aud.
Solomon si-a lasat mainile in jos, a prins-o pe Ruxandra de coapse si a ridicat-o in aer pur si simplu ca pe un fulg, acum o tinea cu coapsele desfacute si cu pizda expusa exact in fata celuilalt tip care s-a coborat lingand-o pana la pizda ei. Gemetele au devenit mai intense din parte Ruxandrei, tipul o lingea bine in pizda si nu fusese niciodata manevrata asa.
Asa a avut primul orgasm, suspendata in bratele lui Solomon si celalat tip lingand-o in pizda.
Solomon a lasat-o jos si au indemnat-o sa stea in genunchi sa le suga pulile, s-a conformat imediat si am auzit-o scuipand si flegmand pe pulile alea uriase alternand de la una la alta.

De fiecare data cand scotea cate o pula din gura acestea erau mai tari si mai baloase, pe coaiele lui Solomon se vedea deja cum se prelingeau bule de scuipat.
Baietii s-au inteles apoi, sa o futa negrul cel nou primul, sa o largeasca si sa o ude bine pentru ca Solomon sa poata intra mai usor in ea ulterior.
Proaspata cunostinta s-a intins pe pat cu parul in sus iar Ruxandra s-a pus deasupra lui, primind in ea intreaga pula, pana la coaie. Solomon era si el aproape, ii tinea bucile deschsie Ruxandrei si o mai plesnea peste fund.
Zgomote delicioase scoatea pizda ei cand cobora pana la baza madularului, era fleasca in pizda dupa cum se auzea. Imi facuse o pofta strasnica iar eu eram singur in camera cu Ruxandra cine stie prin ce buncar cu 2 negri care-i rupeau pizdulicea.
Tipul cel nou o pompa puternic iar Solomon o plesnea peste fund mai tare parca incercand sa o motiveze. O foloseau ca pe o curva autentica pe draga mea sotie iar ea savura fiecare moment.
Eram uimit de felul in care Ruxandra facea sa dispara puloiul ala imens la ea in pizda, gemetele erau pe masura, ocazional din pizda ei primitoare ieseau valuri de lichid, stropea de placere, se observa cu usurinta faptul ca udase tot in jurul ei.
La un moment dat prietenul lui Solomon a dat-o la o parte si a pus-o din nou in genunchi, apoi intr-o combinatie de muie cu laba si-a dat drumul pe fata ei. Eram uimit de cat de perversa era Ruxandra, i-a curatat tacticos si cu grija pula individului de fiecare picatura de lichid seminal.
Au facut schimb imediat, Solomon a inceput sa-si frece monstruld e buzele ei sa-l intareasca sa-l faca erect, era cat mana mea sula lui Solomon, Ruxandra abia putea sa-i cuprinda capul pulii in gura. Ochii ii luceau plini de dorinta sexuala, mormaia un "Fuck me" sacadat.
Solomon nu a mai stat pe ganduri, sula era erecta si pregatita sa-i largeasca si mai mult pizda pofticioasa.
A pus-o capra cu mainile in pat, i-a ridicat fundul sus apoi si-a potrivit madularul in pizda ei, de data asta a intrat mai usor in ea, se dilatase anterior pe madularul prietenului.
Solomon a inceput sa o pompeze usor, din ce in ce mai adanc, cu fiecare impingere intra mai mult in ea, Ruxandra urla ca si cum era trasa in teapa "Deeper, deeeper!!"
Solomon se conforma si intra incet dar sigur intra mai adanc in pizda ei, nu-mi venea sa cred cat de mult intrase in ea pula uriasa a lui Solomon, o luase aproape pe toata, trebuia sa fie super larga in momentul ala, era ca si cum ar face fisting, Ruxy are o pizda destul de larga insa eu credeam ca puloiul ala e prea mult pentru ea.
Exact cand ma gandeam la lucrul asta ma inceput sa aud coaiele lui solomon care se loveau in Ruxandra, era semn ca intrase toata, pana la coaie.
Privind la Ruxandra care se futea ca un star porno cu cei doi negri am inceput si eu sa ejaculez, aveam coaiele pline, m-am stropit pana sus pe piept in valuri, a fost ca o explozie, am ejaculat multa sperma. Chiar si dupa explozia asta pula mi-a ramas in continuare teapana, eram cu ochii pironiti in ecranul telefonului, imi simteam scula cum zvacnea in continuare.
Prietenul lui Solomon isi revenise si el si s-a cocotat in pat in fata ei, fluturand pula prin fata Ruxandrei dupa care fara vreun avertisment i-a bagat-o in gura si a inceput sa o futa bine.
Pur si simplu o rupeau, amandoi, Solomon ii largea pizda iar prietenul o futea in gura.
Imi placea sa o vad largita dar ma si temeam pentru integritatea ei, despre largit vorbisem de ceva timp, era ceva ce ne doream amandoi sa experimentam pe pizdulicea ei, totusi nu ne inchipuiam ca o sa fie asa.
Solomon se vedea ca era foarte experimentat, fiind posesorul acelei scule stia ca trebuie sa pregateasca, sa umezeasca sa largeasca incet.
Ruxandrei nu parea sa-i mai faca vreun rau pula lui Solomon, se obijnuise si pizda ei cu marimea lui, aluneca mai usor in ea, mai ales dupa fiecare stropeala a ei.
Au intors-o apoi cu fata in sus, pe marginea patului Solomon i-a desfacut picioarele si a inceput sa o futa din nou, iar prietenul s-a postat pe vine deasupra fetei ei, coaiele lui mari atarnau pe fata ei, s-a mai lasat un pic pe fata de parca voia sa o sufoce cu ele, dar mi-am dat seama ca Ruxandra il lingea in cur in timp ce el isi facea laba.
Ma excita groaznic sa o admir in ipostaza aceea, sotia mea cuminte, cea care avea grija de mine, de casa, de copil, se futea ca o curva cu 2 negri.
Cred ca avea pizda galeata in momentul ala, pula lui Solomon isi facuse loc in intregime in ea,
Au ridicat-o de pe pat Solomon a luat-o direct asa infipta in pula lui uriasa, o tinea in brate infipta in puloiul ala imens iar tovarasul lui s-a proptit in spatele ei, facand-o sandvis sa o i-o bage in cur.
Ruxandra gemea si tipa de placere intre cele 2 puli, in timp ce pardoseala se uda de la sucurile ce curgeau din pizda ei.
Au futut-o asa pana si-au dat amandoi drumul in ea, au umplut-o si in pizda si in cur.
Au lasat-o apoi pe pat, ravasita, largita, fututa, satisfacuta. Era terminata, nu am vazut-o asa niciodata, e genul de femeie care cere mereu mai mult, de data asta nu, era gata.

A venit la telefon, mi-a transmis un pupic si mi-a comunicat ca ne vedem maine la plaja apoi mi-a inchis conexiunea. Eram in continuare perplex sub influenta celor vazute.
Am adormit greu, m-am foit toata noaptea in pat cu o mie de ganduri si m-am trezit la fel de devreme. Abia asteptam sa o revad pe Ruxandra, am ajuns la plaja foarte devreme, eram teleghidat. Am asteptat indelung pe plaja cu gandurile amestecate si ravasite, parca trecuse o eternitate de cand stateam pe plaja asteptand. Trecusem de amiaza iar Ruxadnra inca nu aparuse, deja eram ingrijorat, ganduri negre si regret imi umpleau capul.
Am zarit-o la un moment dat, de fapt pe Solomon l-am zarit primul in departare, era destul de contrastant, Ruxandra era agatata de bratul lui si se deplasau agale cu gleznele prin apa.
Apropiindu-se o tot auzeam chicotind si zambind, in timp ce au mi-am impus sa-mi tin cumpatul si emotiile in frau.
S-au apropiat, Ruxandra m-a sarutat apoi Solomon mi-a stans mana si mi-a multumit.
Am mai vorbit un pic despre banalitati apoi Solomon si-a luat ramas bun spunand ca abia asteapta sa ne revedem.
Ramasi singuri o priveam pe Ruxandra, inca mut. Ea zambea in continuare un zambet sexy pervers.
Nu m-am putut abtine si am intrebat-o de ce a durat asa de mult pana a venit.
La raspunsul ei nu ma asteptam, de dimineata Ruxandra a avut parte de un gangbang, Solomon si-a chemat prietenii si au futut-o toti pe rand, au folosit-o ca pe o curva, i-au dat muie, au futut-o in cur si in pizda pe rand. Mi-a arata pizda dupa aceea, si-a tras slipul intr-o parte sa-mi arate pizda umflata rosie, apoi a tras de labii sa o desfaca, se largise, putea sa faca fisting cu usurinta acum la cat de mult se desfacea.

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I had taken over driving, just mulling shit over.“Nothing much. Do you wanna see where that goes?” There was a sign: Naturist Beach. Clothing Optional.I pulled up just past the turn off. Renee was looking back at it. She turned to me blushing and bit down on her grin.“Well?” I challenged her. After the shit she pulled with Keith the other night, I was fucking game if she was.“Hmm, that’d be interesting,” she said.I shrugged. “We’ve got plenty of time. It isn’t much further to the lake house. We...

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Bored and just us, we wondered what to do with a k**less night. I was still thinking of the fantasy my wife had told me the night before, had totally turned me on that she had thought like that. Had always had the Paul fantasy myself as she had been comfortable with him and of course his big cock and he had always been very attracted to her. We started playin some poker ... It was her night to kick my butt so told her the night was hers. I am feeling like a naughty girl and being bad for you...

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Hotwife peste noapte

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Hotwife finds more than she Wanted

My husband was gone for the week and I was just too hot to stay home alone. I had tried the videos and various toys, but nothing seemed to work. I decided to take it upon myself to see what kind of action I could find. I took a long, hot shower to get myself in the mood. Now, what to wear. First my purple thong. Matching bra that is cut very low. You can see the brown of my nipples at the edge. I decided on a short, red leather miniskirt. Very low cut white blouse. Top it off with my five inch...

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Hotwife Bull and Cuck walk into a bar

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HotWife Amber The Clients Part 2

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Hotwife Amber The Clients

Amber arrived at the Dutch Brothers' headquarters excited to see Jesse. She had spoken to Jesse on the phone a few times and liked him. They had both flirted on the phone occasionally when they talked and Amber was a bit nervous to meet him. She was hoping he was at lease as good looking as all the other Dutch Brothers employee she had met during her last trip up to their headquarters. It seemed to Amber that Dutch Brothers only hire attractive employees. Amber walked into the relaxing space of...

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Hotwife writes about her first visit to the gloryh

My husband and I were visiting DC in anticipation of trying something new and a bit naughty. My husband had mentioned to me how he thought it would be really hot for us to visit a gloryhole party where he could watch me play with mystery men behind a gloryhole wall. Admittedly, I was reluctant; I had never attended a party like this before and certainly not on the insistence of my partner! This was crazy, most guys I dated were insanely jealous and I had no idea how this was going to play...

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Hotwife Orgy part 3

Mistress went around the circle and grabbed each of us by the penis and pulled at our balls. “You will continue to masturbate each other” she said, “I will tell you when you can stop.” My little head was sore as my jerk partner began pulling again. Having lost my passion, my brain took over and I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. What was happening? Real men, real husbands don’t let their wives have sex with other men, I thought. What if my friends found out? What about my family? No...

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Hotwife Orgy part 2

“Pay attention, Cuck” surfer man snapped. “Every cocksman here has at least 8 inches and every cocksman here will be fucking your wife. I was speechless. She would never go for that. “Oh, and one more thing, we’ll be pounding every hole.” No way, I thought, Shelley has never let me touch her anally, there was no way that she would allow complete strangers to fuck her in the ass…would she?All the studs paraded by shaking their huge manly cocks and making derogatory comments. Finally the last guy...

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Hotwife play talk

My cell phone buzzed next to me while I laid in bed watching some TV. The k**s had been put to bed hours ago and my beautiful wife had gone out with her sister for the night. Wondering who was texting me at midnight I glanced at my phone only to see my wife's name pop up."Hi babe. s*s went home out with another friend." The text said. "Another friend?" I thought, "Who?" "I think you'd like him," the next text said. Immediately my cock jumped. My wife new my fantasies of her acting like a...

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Hotwife travels for work

Not long ago my wife was traveling around the state on day trips with her coworker, Tim. I encouraged her to have some fun during their trips! She texted me as they traveled one day. What would he do if I just sucked his dick while he drove?:)Find out! I encouraged. Not long after I received a text that said..he's much longer than I expected:) I was so happy that my wife had sucked her coworkers cock!! I'm sure Tim was shocked at first, but she said that he...

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Hotwife in Public

About 8 or 9 years ago, I answered a Craigslist ad from a couple--back when you could still do that. They were seeking a "Hung Stud to Fuck Hot Milf Wife." The husband was in his early 50s, but the wife was in her late 30s at the time. They'd been married for about eight years, and the husband had had cuckold fantasies the whole time. He was a fairly typical cuckold. He was rich, went to a big college, and he had a smaller than average dick.Well, I traded pics with them for a few weeks, and...

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Hotwife fantasy finally comes true

It was a month of uncertainty, trying to explain and asking for forgiveness, she asked if I wanted a divorce. Of course not, that was the last thing I wanted. I was still in love with my wife and had to figure a way of showing her. She finally started to accept my transgressions and decided to work on restoring the marriage. We took a long weekend and drove down to the coast just to get away for a couple of days. That weekend we made love like never before, especially when she would...

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Hotwife Night Out

The weather was hot and humid, and I was feeling the same way as I was getting ready for the night. My husband was traveling afar on a three-day business conference and told me to have a good time while he was away. Taking his advice, a smile crossed my lips as I glanced in the mirror, confirming that the allure was very much there, confident that my calculated plan for the evening would culminate my every expectation.The short black skirt I chose to wear left nothing to the imagination as it...

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Hotwife in hot tub

We both were in a mood to party having spent too many weekends working on the home projects – which never seem to end. So when Paul, who Marie had been talking to each other on AOL and the phone for over a year, told her he would be heading up to Connecticut and passing through Washington, it was decided she would meet him for dinner. Although she had never met Paul, Marie felt very comfortable meeting him alone because of their prior conversations. The day of the dinner Paul...

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Hotwife in Stockings

Walking backwards through the party I bumped into her, she was absolutely stunning, instead of frowning she was smiling, she had beautiful blue eyes and without taking my eyes away I was dying to look down at her little dress and see her legs and heels. She held my arm steadying herself and as I instantly apologized. She said I was very bad and could make it up to her by giving her one of the drinks I was carrying. She looked back as she walked away, my wife’s drink in her hand and smiled but I...

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Data Transfer

Data Transfer By Rachelle Walker Bill Hartford scanned the screen in front of him. The programming codes would seem like hieroglyphics to most people, but Bill could understand them easier than reading the local paper. He scrolled down looking for errors in the codes, something that would ease his mind as to the malfunction that plagued him earlier in the day. Three years of 80 hour work weeks now hung in the...

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Prima data cu o femeie de 34 de ani

Ce-ti poti dori la 19 ani cind vezi femei frumoase la tot pasul? Unde sa te duci pentru prima data cind te simti super-excitat de experientele erotice mai mult sau mai putin inflorite ale colegilor de serviciu? Oare ce trebuia sa fac? Doream din tot sufletul o femeie coapta, sa o am, sa ma ia si sa faca ce stie mai bine cu mine....Nu aveam decit 19 ani, ma masturbam din cind in cind, dar nu reuseam sa sparg gheata. Nu ma asteptam ca Mihai, prietenul si colegul meu de serviciu, un tip bine, la...

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Madmast Akansha Ko Data Structures Sikha Dala

Mera naam Sujay hai aur meri umr 26 saal hai. Maine aaj tak sirf 1 hi ladki ke saath ke saath sex aur 1 ladki ke saath sirf nude kissing ki hai. Jo anumbhav main abhi apko bataane jaa raha hun woh us ladki ka hai jo meri dusri wali thi. Uske saath main lagbagh 5-6 baar sex kar chuka hun par uske sath hua mera pehla sex main kabhi bhul nahi sakta. Dosto ye tab ki baat hai jab mera degree ka dusra saal khatam hone ko tha. Aapko andaza aa hi gaya hoga ki meri umr karib 21-22 saal thi. Main bahut...

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Data Entry Error

Data Entry Error By Elisabeth Kensington Chapter 1 Courtney Taylor balled up his sweater and wedged it between the seat back and bus window. The vibrations of the bus no longer jostling his brain, he let his thoughts drift in hopes that his mind would relax enough to let him sleep. It was a long ride and good sleep would make it pass that much quicker. He thought about how all this came to be. The scholarship notice he found in the guidance office was...

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January 1, 2318 Syva had two reasons to celebrate the New Year. In less than three hours – precisely at 2:48AM – she would finally be eighteen years old. Her many years languishing at the bottom of her class in terms of grades – her lone shining beauty mixed in with the children of the dregs of society – would soon come to an end. This was due to the second reason to celebrate the New Year: She would finally become eligible for her own dataport. She had done plenty of research on the...

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Cupidatat soluta lor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id elit nisl. Vivamus dignissim sed sem vitae iaculis. Nunc et auctor purus, quis dignissim massa. Suspendisse ac ipsum pretium, faucibus velit vel, imperdiet orci. Donec viverra, purus vestibulum pharetra efficitur, massa metus gravida leo, quis porta eros quam vel tellus. Nam vel justo dolor. Sed malesuada accumsan libero. Nullam sit amet arcu ut velit iaculis mattis. Curabitur ante sem, commodo nec nunc eget, suscipit cursus...

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Totad Maney Aunty Jote Kaamadata

Hi, this s veeresh here, 24year, I completed engineering graduate my native village is near from belagavi…If any unsatisfied women and single aunties want a secret and secure sex please contact me mail me at I’ll give u full satisfaction. This s my first story I’ll write it in kannada….. Idu 3yr hinde naded nijawad ghatane nann story heroin sunanda aunty……Age 36….Nodoke swalp black adre aval nijawad soundary gottagiddu nan avalna bettale nodidagle nanag gottagiddu aval henta beauty anta…Dappa...

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The Prince of AsDatan

Warning: The following story contains elements of bondage, mind control, and slavery. Don't read if those are elements you'd prefer to avoid. The teeming multitudes converged on the stadium, and Prince Aman let himself move with the flow. The Wizard-King Satim had decreed a week of celebration in honor of his seventeenth year on the throne, today being the fourth. After three days of games and feasting, the entire city buzzed with excited speculation about what would come next. Rumor...

4 years ago
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Modata tanu vadandi

Hi name is krishna im studying inter second year I am poor in maths so I go to my friends house to study in my class girls are so bad not looking good one day a new admission came she is lavanya my child pal she is very good looking girl tiny tits and good structure of ass and hip (now i continue in telugu)tanu nanu chusi navindi nenu kuda oka smile icha tanu na dagaraku vachi nuvu e colleagea naku chepaneleda anichepi vellipoindi taruvata nenu tana intiki maths nerchukovadaniki ravacha ani...

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Android OmnibusChapter 3 Datatronics

Our story begins to take off with one man, Michael Collins, who because of no fault of his own, wakes up one morning only to discover that his reality has been turned upside down. He, in fact, is an android. Up until this point, Michael had assumed that his entire life was real. He had a good job, a loving girlfriend, and good friends. But who was to tell him how much of it was real? Waking up that fateful day, Michael discovered something which was absolutely real to him. He was...

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Android OmnibusChapter 13 The Intrinsic Knowledge Database

An Intrinsic Knowledge Database are special sets of files within Michael which provide basic information. How to open a door, how to tie his shoes, that 2+2=4, grass is normally green, the sky is normally blue, and red means stop why green means go. Yellow, in this case does not necessarily mean go very fast. Julie, Chip, and Becky followed Michael downstairs to the basement. He positioned them both next to his worktable as he carefully removed their skull caps. Next, he picked up two...

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I had left home when I was 18. I got a good job when I left school and was to able to afford my own place. Life at home wasn’t so hot, my father was an alcoholic and my mother turned a blind eye to all his faults. I couldn’t wait to leave, and lived happily in my own place for 5 years. My only regret was leaving my little sister, Ankita, behind. Ankita and I had always been close. I hated leaving her in that house with my parents but she always seemed to be round at mine. I didn’t mind, as far...

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Introduction: [email protected] First off let me introduce myself as Alexandra. Im 19 years old and Im a virgin. I am currently taking college classes and enjoy them for the most part. Im about 5 feet and 4 inches tall. I weigh about 125 pounds. I have a size 36 C breast. I have an older brother named Kevin, and both mom and dad in my life. (Patty & Justin) Ive always had a thing for my brother! Little did I know the camping trip we were going to take this weekend would make all my dreams come...

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The Hucow Database

The Hucow database is a CPU hard-drive that details the entire process of a world's conversion of its entire female population into humanoid livestock. It includes: Instructions on how to implement the Hucow conversion process including blueprints and facilities necessary to begin conversion as well as the funds to do so. Information on the varying forms of livestock and pets (such as ponygirls for pulling carts, cowgirls for breeding and milk production, and as Nekos (cat-girls) for keeping...

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The Case of the Mauve Database

Some of you may remember my postings as Kokepelli. After a 2600 mile move to a new job, I decided to go back to using a human name. Getting settled left little time to write, but here is my first offering from my new home. It was intended as a comedy, but didn't seem to end up quite that way. It was inspired by a Dilbert cartoon, and went downhill from there :) Enjoy ----------------------------------------------- The Case of the Mauve Database by Sarah...

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emailprotected Ch 05

Chapter 5 And If You Call In The Next Half Hour… Jayce shifted in the waiting room chair. The whole place seemed so sterile, more like a hospital than a psychiatrist’s office. Possibly on purpose, the walls all blended together, not a solid corner in sight, even the chairs and shelves had only curved edges. With the exception of the new magazines on the table, everything was white, and that’s what made Jayce uneasy. The speaker on the wall chirped to life. ‘Jayce Winslow.’ He looked around...

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prima data cu fiul meu

uhhh ahh fute-ma bine da cu pula in mine nu mai ma lasă dragul meu, îmi place pula ta o ai mare e mai buna decât a lui tactu... așa iubire răsfață-ma ce crezi ca eu nu pot, da dragul meu fa ma sa urlu, lovește si încerca sa te miști mai repede, fute ma in ciuda. așa te vreau... nu te oprii vreau ca acesta pula sa o simt in mine sa ma rupă... așa dragule da nu mai pot, așa sa ma doară pizda ca sa nu mai îmi trebuiască pe tactul,. împing mai tare in pula lui Daniel. Fiul meu care are 19 ani... e...

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