Alien Pest ControlChapter 2
- 2 years ago
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The chemical analysis of the atmosphere inside the pod was FLUORINE! Apparently, these people breathed fluorine, and that is why the living compartment was lined with polyethylene, one of the few plastics virtually unaffected by fluorine at a comfortable temperature.
The beings inside were dead. They had probably committed suicide when it became certain that they would be captured. The bodies were wrapped in polyethylene film and shipped to a morgue equipped to handle such exotic creatures. Examination of the bodies showed that they did, indeed, breathe fluorine. About the only thing of real interest was that two of the bodies appeared to be male and the third was female, but that was only an educated guess.
Meanwhile, there was a great mystery about the pod, because there was no way in or out that could be found. However, once the chamber was cleared of fluorine, there were a lot of potentially useful bits of technology in there. One item we guessed was an FTL radio. We could hardly wait for the answer on that, because, if it was, then we could have an FTL radar just around the corner. Such a device would make a quantum jump in our fighting capability. Not only that, FTL radio was a great boon.
The problem we had to worry about was that these beings had reported home on our successful attack, and that might bring more attackers after Truse. Jacob pointed that out to HO'gor and HO'lang. That same day, a crash construction campaign was started to build fighting quality spaceships. Replicators were used wherever possible and the Trusans soon had a fleet of spaceships very similar to the human's ships.
While this was going on, 'Michael' was repaired. All five of the Earth ships were equipped with fully programmed food replicators—they were even producing the first meat that the humans had eaten in several years, because there had never been any cattle, etc. on the moon.
There was a replicator in the torpedo room which could replicate the new style torpedoes and the cruise missiles. Each gun was equipped with a replicator in its magazine, so they never had to fear running out of ammunition as long as their nuclear reactor system was functioning.
Janet popped another bit of news to them one night: she was pregnant. At this stage, there was no way to know which of her husbands was the father, but neither one cared. Three people walked a little lighter for a while, even though no adjustment had been made to the internal gravity.
Another piece of good news was that Abner no longer was troubled by an ulcer he'd had for over seven years. Every doctor he had consulted told him that he was stuck with it, because it was too small to be treated surgically, and the drugs for ulcer treatment didn't work on his kind of ulcer. In fact, every one of them had some sort of minor ache or pain that had not bothered them since they had been on this adventure. They did not know what to give credit to, but all were happy with the results.
The humans stayed in the Truse system until the Trusans were confident that they could beat off any return by the fluorine breathers. During this time, it was found that one of the devices was, indeed, an FTL radio. It was replicated so that the humans could take one back to Earth. The Trusans were not familiar with radar, so the humans were probably going to solve the FTL radar problem first, but the Trusans were still working on it. They certainly had more manpower to put into the effort.
Jacob suggested that several of their electronics experts travel to Earth to join in the project there, since a lot of the test equipment and such was already in place. The invitation was declined because the Trusans had an aversion to traveling out of their system. Nobody knew the reason, but a Trusan just got very nauseated at the thought of leaving his home planet for more than a few hours, or a couple of days at the most.
They never expected to use FTL flight, but would use the new spaceship fleet to protect their system and planet. The humans bid their new friends goodbye and headed back to Earth.
Even though they knew, intellectually, that it would happen, they still were surprised when it took them no more time to get home from Truse, 28 light years away, than it did to fly to Alpha Centauri that first time. There was a big celebration when they got home, and an even bigger celebration when they told of defeating the alien spaceship. The replicator and FTL radio were icing on the cake, especially when the replicator turned out an acceptable hamburger the first time.
Janet was fully examined by a gynecologist and pronounced to be thoroughly pregnant. Two of the other women in the fleet were also pregnant, so they had their own party. The husbands were invited, of course.
Until the FTL radar was available, there was no way to know of another attack soon enough unless somebody was there to see the attackers and could give warning. The only practical solution that anybody could think of was to have patrolling spaceships out beyond the orbit of Pluto to give warning by FTL radio.
It was decided to use four of the spaceships for a continuous patrol, and the fifth spaceship would act as a reserve if danger was sighted. The duty would be rotated so that each ship was patrolling for four weeks and home on Earth for two weeks. This should space out what could become onerous duty. Janet and the other women were not so far along in their pregnancy that they could not still serve on their ships with their husbands. This saved a lot of bent feelings.
Time passed and Janet was finding that her pregnancy began to interfere with her duties aboard 'Michael, ' so she decided to stay home the next time 'Michael' was scheduled to go on patrol. Jacob and Bill, her other husband, were not happy at being separated from Janet, and sex had little to do with it. In this kind of duty, 'Michael' could function well enough without Janet, so there was no need to juggle crews. However, the situation could get a little bit tight when both men wanted to be present for Janet's delivery of their new son. People on the other ships agreed to adjust their schedules to accommodate the birth, especially when the crew of 'Michael' agreed to reciprocate the favor.
The baby was born with no complications after a 12-hour labor. Janet named the baby John, after her father. Neither husband objected and John was off to a flying start.
Bill was a little older than Jacob, and his hair had begun to show traces of gray. However, people began to notice that his hair was turning back to its original very dark brown. Bill was teased unmercifully about dying his hair, though there was nothing around for him to use. The reason for the color change was not found, and it was eventually ignored, which made Bill very happy.
Abner was much older than most of the men, and he had a few wrinkles. He was the only ex-Navy man left who had been an officer. However, he had never actually served aboard a ship so it hardly counted. The important point was that he had a few facial wrinkles, but they started to disappear. He already looked 20 years younger than he did before the aliens had originally attacked Earth. Now, that really attracted the attention of everyone, especially the women. Again, there was no explanation for the change. His wife also noticed that Abner's sex drive was significantly increasing. She didn't say anything, yet, but it would not be long before she mentioned it to her female friends.
On top of everything else, a few bald heads started sprouting a fuzz. This was something that could not possibly escape notice among the men. Everybody also noted the coincidence that these former baldies were all members of a spaceship crew. The evidence was mounting up, so everyone with an obvious outward change was asked to come in for a thorough physical exam. This would include a genetic check, since they had the equipment, and it was all automatic.
What in the Hell!?! Every person checked, male or female, showed the same kind of genetic change from their original chart taken when they joined the crew sent to Luna. These were all people who were members of the spaceship crews. Dammit, a crosscheck had to be made. Everybody else was asked to come in for a genetic check, and none of them showed the change exhibited by the first sampling. Not only that, they still had the minor aches and pains they'd had in the last few years, yet, the spaceship crews were literally in perfect health. The difference obviously had something to do with the spaceships, but what was it?
Jacob answered, "We are really sorry if we have done something wrong. We are new to this sector of the galaxy, so we do not know the proper procedures. Please advise us what to do." "OK, now I understand. The first thing we have to do is to get you out of that emergency lane you are blocking. Can you navigate in close quarters?" "Yes, I am sure that we can do what is needed. Just give me the coordinates of where you want us relative to our current position. We will move as soon as you...
The little fleet jumped to an unoccupied area well out on the galactic arm. There was no time during the transit, so they had to plan a course of action after they arrived. No one was so foolish as to believe that just their two small ships were enough to defeat a whole civilization—this was just a scouting mission. A thorough sweep of the volume of space, 100 million klicks in radius, showed one spaceship, but it did not look like the kind that they had been fighting. This ship was moving...
"Oh, Shit! Abner, take your squadron after the fighters, and we'll go after the mother ship." Jacob's four ships started to jump almost before Jacob had completed his order. He didn't hear Abner's reply, but Jacob was sure that Abner would know what to do. Jacob's squadron jumped in to help Obgor and Brund with the attack on the mother ship. Obgor and Brund didn't need any help. They had already dumped four nuclear warheads on the enemy and were raking the ship with torpedoes as fast...
The Earther fleet returned to normal space south of the star's pole and far enough out that they had plenty of time to decelerate to a relative standstill vis a vie the star. The first step was to listen to the FTL radio to determine if these were the FBs. Indeed they were, so the next step was to contact them and try to put a stop to the senseless campaign of extermination the FBs were following. The Earthers did not want to exterminate the FBs, but they would if the FBs refused to stop...
Elleron was what the Earthers considered to be a "normal" fluorine planet. It had the usual relatively flat terrain with few, if any, mountains. There was one continent with one large "ocean." The ocean was made up of an organo-fluorine compound, but they could not tell exactly which one without taking a sample for analysis. This was too dangerous, so the Earthers just skipped it. There were only two detected cities on the planet, but both appeared to cover approximately one-third the...
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JJ smiled to herself as she released the mental connection to Jim. 24 hours before she had simply been an average reserve medical officer getting back in the swing of things after a reserve drill weekend. JJ didn't know if she would have rated herself as ordinary but certainly not extraordinary. JJ was anything but ordinary now and she knew it. She had just had a conversation in her mind with a man over five miles away. She had reached inside a patient today and fixed a torn liver, healed...
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The next few days are boring for Serori. She and Jo hang out both at school and at home. They watch videos and play with themselves like they have for the past year. But no matter what Serori does, she just can’t get that little white room out of her head. Several times when they masturbated, she sucked on her dildo, pretending to suck someone off through the wall. Jo never really catches on, and if she does, she doesn’t say anything about it. The strange thing is, Jo hasn’t mentioned the...
With a pile of dead aliens in front of us, the next question was what do we do now? Well, while we surely had a few minutes, the obvious thing was to see what we could loot from the aliens that might be useful to us. We had replaced the spent magazines in our rifles with fresh ones, so there was little excuse to put it off any longer. We still were very cautious as we approached the dead aliens. For one thing, we did not know if there were any more of the critters left in the flying box....
Some people believe we have been watched from afar for a long time now. Most of us think those stories are nonsense and make-believe. Aliens, beings from far away planets, who have been following our development, abducting people for scientific research. Uhu, and pigs fly, you’d probably react. But as with most stories, there are a few truths to it. Only it’s not one alien race that has been watching us. There is a whole universe out there, a society formed of different space faring races, far...
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JJ took a deep breath and said, "Mom, Dad, and Uncle Bran." She paused for a moment looking at them. "I have a big favor to ask but first I need to tell you something that happened to me. To us I guess I should say because the girls are involved too. Last weekend was a drill weekend with the reserves and something happened." She paused again before saying, "This is going to be pretty unbelievable but it is true. I will try to show you at the same time I am telling you so you will...
Indeed, it had become a long night. Serori managed to get back before Jo did from the movies. Of course she didn’t tell the best friend what she had done or that she had even left. After dinner the two did their usual of watching a little porn and getting themselves off. Normally that is what it took for them to go to sleep, but for Serori it just wasn’t enough. Now she lies in her bed, listening to the sound of her best friend’s light breathing and starring up at the empty ceiling. Her...
This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...
This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...
Warning: My stories include lesbian themed rape and torture. This isn’t BSDM practicing “safe, sane, and consensual” It is rape. It is torture. There are few happy endings here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! I do not condone rape or torture ... except for fictional characters in fictional stories. Arrival - Ri’xon The acrid smell of fried electronics fills the air. Damn government contractors! Greedy bastards cut every corner, just to save a credit. My ears drop as I survey the damage. The...
Jim arrived at JJ's before 5:00 PM with Chinese take-out and a six-pack of Seven-Up. Jim hadn't checked with her about supper or the sodas. He decided to surprise her. That should be possible if he just didn't tell her. Surprises were fun. Jim heard the imperative, "AND I GET TO GO FIRST," as he opened the car door and he had to smile. 48 hours earlier he couldn't have even imagined a conversation between a mother and daughter about which would get to make love to him first. Well, he...
Well, that lack of families for low status Utorians was a good place to start. Besides, if we did work on the idea of families for everybody, it would give us a good start on breaking up the authoritarian attitude that the Utorians seemed to be wed to. There was one thing for damned sure: we were going to Utor to exact some sort of retribution for their attack on us. I hoped that we could do it without killing a lot of Utorians, but I did plan to eliminate the bosses who were trying to bully...
Joe adjusted the speed of the HAF-1 to match the speed of the chip carrier. That alone was a great argument in favor of us adopting the flying box for our air force. The flying box was able to maintain its position in the air at least as well as a human helicopter, so Joe just held his position until the chip carrier had dumped its load. As soon as it departed, Joe dropped to 50 feet above the factories roof and moved slowly in until Sam shouted for him to stop. Joe held the position while...
This ambush was different because we had 10 new people along to give us a total of 22 shooters. We had so many because I wanted to be sure of adequate backup in case the new people contracted some new form of "buck fever" and froze when they should have been shooting. We went in with four flying boxes: HAF-1 and HAF-2 in case we needed firepower and HAF-3 and HAF-4 for overnight accommodations. It was a problem hiding that many of the flying boxes, but I thought that we did an acceptable...
Jim Bronson woke slowly Monday morning and judging from the light through the windows it was just after sunrise. He was normally an early riser but this morning he just lay in bed thinking. He needed to do a recap of the weekend just to see if he was nuts or if it was some crazy dream. In his mind Jim walked through the steps after he had exited the canyon to the camp site again. Yep, everything was still the same. He reviewed all the poking and prodding at the army base then the threats from...
After some long talks with Jake, Jeff and Chuck came to me with an outline of a plan. Basically, they wanted to visit Norfolk or another naval base and literally pick up a submarine. Jake claimed to be able to build a tractor beam that would fit on a flying boxcar and be strong enough to lift a submarine from the water. Given that, they wanted to bring it to Worcester and put it in the water of the lake next to our home. They would convert the submarine to a spaceship complete with ray guns...
Este ora 5 jumatate dimineata. Stau intins pe canapea cu un pahar de wiskey intr-o mana si telecomanda in cealalta. N-am avut somn toata noaptea. Sotioara mea iubita a urcat la ora 21 in taxi si a plecat spre petrecerea aniversara a unei foste colege de facultate. Ma asteptam sa fie inapoi pana la ora 3. Dar nu a fost. Si acum iata-ma. Are telefonul inchis. N-am reusit sa dau de ea toata noaptea. Mi-am promis ca nu o sa ma panichez. Se aude usa inchizandu-se. Inchid televizorul si o astept. La...
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Centuries ago our world was visited by an advanced race of aliens, explores on a cosmic journey of discovery. These strange visitors found earth and its primitive inhabitants fascinating so much so that they spent many years living amongst us, studying us,helping us, guiding our development. If you are wondering why your history books never mentioned the time Copernicus got the idea for a heliocentric model of the universe from an alien slug creature it's probably because these particular alien...
She stood up, the surface beneath her soft, cushioned and apparently organic. She took two, three steps. That was as far as she got before whip like tentacles shot from the surface beneath her and ensnared her wrists and ankles. She was yanked onto her back and her limbs bound to the floor spread eagle. She struggled only momentarily, immediately realizing that any attempt to free herself would be a waste of precious energy. After mere minutes, the first creature entered the vast chamber in...
Introduction: She tried to run…they taught her to fuck She awoke to find herself in overwhelmingly unfamiliar surroundings. Nothing was even vaguely identifiable as being of earth. Her heart sprinted, adrenaline surged through her, her breathing coming in panicked gasps. As she looked around for a way out of this bizarre environment, she became aware of being covered in a slick substance. She was saturated in it. Her stomach turned at the sight and she vigorously began trying to wipe it from...
The grand space vessel under the mighty Weyland corporation settled down on an unknown planet after finding it quite hospitable for human life and full of valuable resources of the scientific kind. Since it was a planet deemed fit for a colony, only futas were sent to swiftly populate the planet in a more enjoyable manner as opposed to artificial insemination. But that's not all they did. They found more in the form of alien eggs and their rather large, oddly sexy slumbering matriarch......
Jorge' looked at the two adults and two teens as he stepped into the kitchen with a slight smile. He recognized what the flushed faces and that peculiar tang in the air meant. Kim and Blake blushed as they saw Jorge's understanding of the situation but JJ only shrugged. Jim smiled back at Jorge' but put his finger over his lips warning the young Mexican not to speak. "All of you, help me here for a moment," Jim thought to JJ and the girls. "I need to have them listen next door for...
For the following week Serori can’t get back to the store. She has a myriad of things she has do from Dinn responsibilities to school activities to planned events with Jo and her family. After a few days, she really needs to suck some cock in order to get herself off. Her time with Jo is productive but not as much as she’d like. Of course she gets off, but not like she would in the store with a cock in her mouth. Then finally a day comes when she has a three hour window to get away from...
Now that Serori’s obligations are over, she finds herself with a lot more time. She thought the session on cock sucking she did when she found a break would hold her over—it didn’t. Instead, it had left her wanting more. Here she is, a sex-crazed, blow job giving alien girl, and she’s addicted. “I’m glad to see you’re back on a regular basis,” Bear says as he leans casually against the counter. Serori smiles at him. “It’s good to be back.” “I’m sure the customers will be glad to have you...
Serori is back the next night, still high from her first anal experience. She doesn’t know what extents she is able to go to sexually, but so far she is enjoying each new level she obtains. Now if only she could find her mystery man so that he can fuck her ass too. She is in the last room for no more than a minute or two before there is a cock sticking through one of the holes. She pulls the stool over and sits down before wrapping her hand around it. Then leaning forward, opens her mouth...
I suppose that one could say that this was an eclectic lot. There were Caucasians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. There was a slight majority of Whites, but not enough for them to dominate the scene. In other words, the crowd was about what one might have seen at any place in a Massachusetts city before the advent of the aliens. I introduced the three of us and explained why we were in Worcester. We were immediately challenged as liars by one of the men in the crowd because everybody knew...
** This is my second attempt to complete this fast-growing, rather out-of-control novella — I might get around to finishing it one day, but thought I would get it out there, so you can see what you think. It is a hybrid sex novel / sci-fi novel / odd mix of things. Comments are very welcome.** * I took a breather about 100m short of the summit and surveyed the scene. This was probably my favourite part of the country, a green valley with tiny specks below me, which were farms and cars on the...
Pete was concerned. He nibbled on a nail and paced the little bedroom while looking down at the sleeping woman on the bed. She hadn’t moved in hours but her breathing was steady and she didn’t seem to have a fever. He had found her in the woods three days earlier and carried her all the way back to his cabin. It had been hard work since she was heavier than she looked.He figured her to be around five feet eight inches, she was quite tall and, without sounding too perverted, she had a killer...
Monster Sex--- Alien Possession 2 (MF, mc, oral, inter, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Szx'ee and Wantu'u floated above the brick and mortar of the sprawling human cityscape, bored silly. For many days now they had watched the humans go about their lives, but none of it made any sense. Why would they get up with the rising of the sun, and then on some days they did not? Some humans lived in large domiciles, but others seemed to have no fixed place to rest, hunkering down in the...
“Oh shit, she is so tight.” Grunting his declaration of first man in. The others did not say much, but once inside of her, the two that had secured her legs released their grip. A new fear settled in, one that was validated when she saw the two of them with video cameras, capturing the moment for future jerk off sessions and possibly some internet fame. Number five, the first one in was relentless and thoughtlessly pounded her. Akemi wondered if he fucked his girlfriends this way as her...
Introduction: Akemi was just one, but her experience mimics that of the others. She plays a victim, but that is her strategy. Something about it satisfies her lust, her inner craving, one that ultimately changes lives and quite possibly the footprint of the human race on this planet. He forced his way onto her, blindly prodding her with his depraved cock. He had no care other than to get it in. For Akemi, there was no escape, two men pinned her arms and head down while two more grappled with...