Delta V Chapter 1
- 2 years ago
- 53
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We had arrived.
One hundred and sixty very excited women and twenty kids disembarked the Fortune. We had docked up to one of the naval ships that patrolled Delta space. They were the guys that my younger brother Rick, wanted to join, the Delta Space Police Force or DSPF.
We women ranged in age from eighteen to thirty-four years. We were all different shapes, heights, races and religions. The two things we had in common were that we were female and single. About fifteen of the women had kids under the age of ten, and all of us had skills of some degree.
Even the twenty or so under-twenties had skills, even if it was because they were raised on farms. These towns were being built to house new communities, and from what I’d read, farm skills were definitely a commodity that was required. The Giants from what I had read needed to be introduced to more modern farm methods.
They had been stuck in a more hunter-farmer society until Queen Lee had rescued them. They did have higher education but couldn’t develop the technologies because of some spell that I didn’t understand, had stopped them.
I had read just about any information I could find on Harmony and the race called Giants that we would be living with. We were also told that many of the other races from Utopia would also be residing in the Twin Cities, and I found them all fascinating.
They even had dragons on Harmony, and these fascinated me no end since reptiles were my thing. I wanted to learn about their history of development. They were also considered sentient, and this really boggled my mind.
Some of the girls had skills in running small businesses and arts and crafts, and I could see their contribution as well. I didn’t believe that everyone had to have a degree, just be good at something that contributed to the community.
After talking to a few of the girls, I could see why they were picked. Whoever was doing the selecting obviously had a bigger picture in mind than just helping some randy male Genteli and Giants find bedmates, as that was just the bonus from what I could deduce.
Barb and I were to boost their science team. We were to learn about the evolution of the species currently on the continent and to work out how we would help make sure they were around for our great-great-grandkids to see in the wild.
I was really looking forward to my new job. If I could score a guy who wanted me too, then that would be the icing on the cake. I got the impression that while our contracts were for two years, this was really a lifelong commitment if we wished to make it one.
I had learnt that most of us have very little holding us to the old world. I’d miss my mum Dana, but she had a new husband, and she had decided that even though she could have come with me, she was happy with her lot. Vince had even managed to knock her up before I left, so they were over the Moon.
She was only forty-two and more than happy to be a mum again. My seventeen-year-old brother Rick said that he’d come and visit when he was old enough. Vince treated mum and Rick really good, even though he wasn’t Rick’s biological father and I knew Rick liked him in return.
Vince even emailed me and promised that he would love and look after our family. I knew that he loved them both, and that was what was important to me. He had recently gotten a new job and was working as a data analyst for the same company that had hired me.
He was one happy guy when I talked to them from the Moon. The new job and its pay meant mum didn’t have to work and his new hours meant that he could coach Rick’s cricket team. He had once played State cricket, too.
In the six years, he had been with mum, he had been a great help in getting me selected and taught me a lot about the game. I liked the guy. I actually found their happiness a little depressing at the time, but the fact they were happy for me getting the opportunity to chase my dream was also warming.
I guess that’s all part of being a family and growing up.
We went to Rubyvale.
One hundred and twenty of us were ferried down to a Transport Station that was located on the Rubyvale side of the Jade Bridge. Ten of the women had kids, and we were told that there were schools for them. The rest were going to an island called Rahia Island on Utopia, the home of the Giants. Oops, sorry, the Grandteli, as they called themselves.
Utopia was Harmony’s twin, and there was a lot of speculation on how Harmony got into this orbit, but that wasn’t my field of interest. Utopia was where our explorers first landed, and it was occupied so we couldn’t colonise it. Harmony, however, only had the dragons, and as Queen Lee owned half of this planet, she had said we could come from Earth, as long as we abided by her charter.
Most of the girls who were going to Rahia Island had teaching, industrial and or trade experience. They were going to help set up new industries on the island and a Trade School.
We had a running betting book that they would all be married before the year was out and pregnant once their tags stopped working. There was one bet going that the whole darn lot of us would be. There were even jokes about us all being mail-ordered brides, but we just hadn’t picked our guy, yet.
A comment said, to have been overheard by one of the girls had us all believing this, but I didn’t hear any comments that any of them were opposed to this idea. While the job ad didn’t say we were picked as possible brides, the implication was that we were welcome to become permanent residents once our contracts were up.
Half of us were to be housed in Opal City, and the other half stayed on the Rubyvale side of the river. When we got off the transporter, we were met at the Customs Station. We were told to remove metal objects and walk through a scanner. We had to do this all the time on Earth if using planes, so no one thought much about the procedure.
We got to the other side to see our welcoming committee. I took one look at the gorgeous redheaded woman and knew without being told whom she was, our Queen Lee. I thought it was cool that a tradie chick from Queensland was the Queen Wizard of two planets.
My eyes then lighted on her spunky husband Sean Watson and their new wife, Donny. Sean was from Brisbane as well and had come to Delta as the Captain of the Army team. He was a Lord Wizard and a smart guy, as he had Engineering Degrees, like Lee. Donny was a teacher and a faerie shapeshifter and had only recently joined the pair.
My eyes then flicked to the guy I recognised as the Wizard for Opal City, Justin Ubobo. He was a real honey, and I didn’t think I’d have any trouble spreading my legs for him. It was a shame he was taken by the woman who was as tall as I was, a giantess called Gemma, who was his Apprentice Wizard.
Justin was Wizard Allan Ubobo’s oldest son. Allan was the Captain and navigator of the first ship from Earth that mad it to Utopia. Their ship, the GJ10, had been a tiny Explorer ship that had wrecked on Utopia four years before the Fortune set out. Allan had then married Princess Darla of Antalia, which was one of their southern continents. He has since become an apprentice wizard, and he and Darla had married to Prince Zak de Kay.
Zak was the brother of King Aeron de Kay of Davinia one of Utopia’s northern continents. Aeron was also a wizard, and he was married to Yuko Maki. Yuko was a Biochemist and Food Engineer from Japan, and she was shield Mage like Zak. They also married Karri Watson, Sean Watson’s sister. Karri was Aeron’s Apprentice and an Electrical Engineer.
After Allan had been shipwrecked, Justin was left on Earth to bring up his half brothers and sisters, the twins Jamie and Jennie, Brad, Tyson, Arial, Kim and the youngest Barbie. From what I had read and heard while on the ship, Justin had done a slap-up job of it.
I was informed that the people beside Justin were, Alec Shaman, a healer and his wives, Kim and Nyoni. The girls were still in University. I already knew Kim was Justin’s half-sister and Alec’s apprentice wizard. Nyoni was from the shapeshifter or Therian race like Donny. Alec was Rubyvale’s Wizard, and Justin was Opal City’s.
I also recognised Kyle Vella and his husband, Tony. They were from Earth and Kyle was Lee’s second cousin from America and the Gold Wizard. Tony was from New Zealand and Kyle’s apprentice wizard. They were married to Debora, a Geneticist from Earth and Piper who was a computer programmer who was Nyoni’s older half-sister.
The sister’s mother, Selin, was the Queen of the Therians and a Weather Mage. I found their race intriguing and decided that in the future, I would have to learn more about them as the concept of being able to change one’s gender and form, totally intrigued me. They sure made up an eclectic group of people.
I eyed off the guy called Alec, he had a similar body type and dark red hair colour as the hunk I was looking for. From a distance, he looked a lot like him, but I knew he wasn’t my hunk. Mine was a little broader and taller, and I felt that he was older. So, I deduced that my hunk came from Rahia Island and was possibly even a relative.
The welcoming committee did their job, and the girls going to Opal City were hustled off onto an airship for the short trip to their new homes. The airship reminded me of a more modern and compact form of a Zeppelin. I heard the locals call it the flying bus.
My group of sixty were staying in Rubyvale. Barb and Jill decided to share an apartment and Foxy, and I got our own flats, to our delight. While we hadn’t minded sharing a bed, we both liked having our own space, plus we were hoping to find a bit of male companionship for the other sides of our beds.
I wasn’t happy that Pauline was in our group. I felt that I hadn’t heard the last of her. She was assigned to Aquatics, so wasn’t on my team. I was thankful for this, at least.
Alec actually escorted my friends and I to our new berths and reminded us that the dining room would serve us three meals a day as part of our rent. Some of the items in the Replicator were free, and the others we had to pay for.
They did have several shops already set up that would sell us staples and other grocery items if we wanted to cook for ourselves. They even had coffee and chocolate from Utopia. We could also purchase locally made clothing, furniture, housewares, electronics and other such items, from the Mercantile.
Alex pointed out the location of the replicators and made sure we were recognised by the system. We had already been issued our new Mads. They were a combination of communication and datapad and also weatherproof. I thought they were amazingly versatile.
Our bank accounts were set up, and our money from home should be in them if we had asked for it to be transferred, along with our two weeks of pay that covered the flight here from Earth. The girls and I thought it was cool that we had gotten paid for sitting our arses while we flew through sixty light-years of space.
To enter our rooms, we just had to be wearing our Mads, so don’t leave home without it. Our Cargo would be dropped off in the next couple of days, and we would be notified when we could pick it up, or we could leave it in storage. If we had items to sell, we were to go see the B&C Office, and they would help us out.
Alec also reminded us that there was a big party being held in Clarksville in a week on Easter weekend. If we had taken a fancy to anyone on the dating website, it might be an idea to let them know and find out if they were going to be there.
My room was down the hall from the other girls, and Alec dropped me off last. I had to ask, “Hey, Alec, do you have an older brother or cousin by chance?”
He grinned at me and answered, “I, in fact, have five male cousins, and three of them are living here now. One that is younger than me is still on Rahia Island.”
“My oldest cousin, Nathan, has moved to live in Benson, the new settlement in Aurora. He is engaged to the leader of the Science team, Professor Roslyn Gilberto. You should also make sure you contact her and the other Science Team leaders at some stage. I’ll make sure you have their contacts details.”
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It was a hectic three weeks for the crew of the Fortune. Tahoora and Esky were back on board for the last week as was Nick and Sung. They were busily getting the cargo on board and Esky was getting the rundown on what was involved in running this ship. In between, they were interviewing the new crewmembers. Unbeknown to the potential employee’s Lee, Sean, Tony or Kyle sat in on all their interviews. They had even vetted the applications before they even got that far. They had thousands of...
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Hello, people, this is my first post over here. I have been an avid reader on this site. So I thought of sharing my stories with a dash of my fantasy with you all. I have taken the title of the story from a movie named by the same. And maybe my further stories too would be titled like this only, inspired by a movie title. So with no further delay lemme start off with my indulgence of experience. P.S Have patience with story plot because I will be very descriptive. As I don’t like...
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?Come on, Peter, I want to go,? complained Eduardo in his high, fey voice. ?We need to get to the party so that we can leave the party and come back. I?m so sick of partying.??Yeah, yeah. I?m working on it,? I said. I knew that Eduardo?s real voice wasn?t the lilting, lispy intonation he used around me but I never bothered to call him out on it. I guess it?s what girls like. Some girls, anyway.?You?ve been messing with your hair for like 15 minutes, you little slut. I want to go.?I hated it...
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Adison looked over at the hunk, Justin Ubobo. The other girls were making eyes at him, not that she could blame them. He had taken to wearing the jumpsuits from the replicator, and if any guy could pull off looking good in one, he sure did. So far, she hadn’t seen him pick any of the other girls out for special attention. He was always polite but treated them equally. She thought of his younger brother Brad. He was damn near as hunky as his older brother. Brad wore the jumpsuits too. He...
~~ Delta - Aug/02 - (Earth - Feb/2095) ~~ Jahn didn’t enjoy the trip through the mountains. While his leg got better, it had been many years since he had physically exerted himself on suck a walk. The Giants forced a faster pace than he had maintained in the previous weeks of walking. His leg had meant that he stopped for as long as he walked. What muscle tone he had redeveloped was lost in his fever. At least now, after eight days of walking, he was actually keeping up with them, sort of....
It had been a busy week getting prepared for the Fortune’s second return. Esky had gotten the trip down to two weeks in flight, and they had decided on only one week in a dock on each leg. So, they had a six-week turnaround. Their new Employment agency on Earth had already picked and notified the next group. Now that Lee and Co could order the supplies they wanted to be delivered to the Moon, the ship didn’t have to wait at the space station for the orders to be filled. Justin and Lee had...
Lee had found herself in a sticky situation. When Justin went to vault over the box he was standing in front of, he placed both hands on the lid and then halted. They all heard the ‘click, click’. He looked down to find the lid lifting up under his hands. “No,” screamed Jahn again. “They are my boxes, you can’t have them,” he yelled in frustration and sent an immobilising spell at Justin. Justin blinked out of the way and reappearing in front of Kim, ready to protect her. She stepped up...
The wizards had a busy week building three new compounds. Gary, Gavin and Jim were busy churning out domes. They had already completed the domes in the UN Compound, and the crews had fitted them out ready for Robert, Pete, Antonio, Kostya and their families and support people to move into. The UN delegates were busy moving in to get ready for the first two ships from the Australasian and the North American blocks. The personnel from the Delta Space Police Force were also shifted to free up...
The next day the wizards had to go through the same crap again when the Americans arrived. Lee took an instant dislike to the man who was leading this party. To start with, he wasn’t a scientist; he was a General from the Army. He was a big man who had gone to fat and who was very full of himself. Lee noted the large paunch and thinning hair, red nose and pale complexion that suggested an office worker who liked to eat and drink to excess. She also noted that he didn’t seem well-liked by...
Lee rubbed her stomach. She now looked more as if she was five months pregnant and she agreed with Von that she would be lucky to make it to the twelve weeks. Sean had managed to do the deed, and Donny was pregnant. She couldn’t shift to male or any of her other forms other than faerie while pregnant. Lee hadn’t tried. She was happy to wait until she had Jackson before she experimented. Sparky and her village had been amazed when Lee transformed into a faerie for them. “Damn mum, I always...
Lee had a shift to get through. Damn, she had once laughed at Kyle’s ability to ‘fuck like a rabbit all night long’. However, after the last couple of nights with her hunky Lieutenant, she was beginning to believe Kyle wasn’t the only exception to the rule, after all. From her experiences, having a guy get it up more than twice in one night was rare. She had never had one perform four times in fewer hours, and she really couldn’t remember how many orgasms she had. In the past, she had been...
Sean and Lee headed for the diner. They found their regular chairs were vacant and waiting for them. So, they both grabbed some of the chicken dish from the bain-maries and joined the table. “Ah, the love birds have come up for air,” Kyle said. Lee set her plate down and then turned and thumped Kyle in the arm as he had sat next to her. Kyle rubbed his arm, “Hey, what was that for?” “You knew, didn’t you? You knew Gerald was related to Carl!” she specified. Kyle suddenly realised what...
~~ Delta - Nov/02 - (Earth - May/2095) ~~ I spent the rest of the Thursday getting through a pile of work. I sorted out the times to interview the people on Alec’s list over the three days I’d be in Clarksville. Many of them had indicated they would be at the party and asked if it would be easier to meet me there and I had agreed. I learnt the heads of the four Earth colonies would also be there and asked them if they would like to meet up with me as well. After a bit of round-robin, we...
Rodger was worried about them going to either planet. He had been told not to let Lee step foot on the planet. His uncle wouldn’t be happy if she did. The problem was that he didn’t know which planet, as he hadn’t been told that there was two. He was also having trouble finding Lee alone. Nor had he come up with a good way to get rid of her. Rodger wasn’t game to go for a frontal attack as he didn’t think it would go well for him, not after the last attempt. There was no way he wanted to...
Lee had a fascination with the crocs. She had a large female who had acquired a new mate living on her island. The dragons used to hunt them, and Lee believed the larger mate she had might have had fallen victim to them. The new male was smaller, so he was also younger. Lee suspected he had followed the female here and she had decided to keep him. He seemed perfectly happy to have her too. She wasn’t sure, if they were natives or if they had been brought here. She considered them one of...
Essco was not pleased. As Essco had suspected, the committee had decided on Tychy as the next destination. He did not intend to be stuck on Tychy for the next nine to twelve months. He needed to establish contact with the people on Futura. To set up mining of the energy crystals, so they could ship them home. He planned to be a wealthy man. He intended to live out the rest of his life with a revolving harem of big boobed young girls to look after his every need. He hated it when his plans...
Captain Nick Clark was walking around his ship. The damn thing pretty much ran without him, since Lee had played with the systems. The first week went by so fast. He had been able to get all his logs up-to-date and even found some quality time for Sung. The fact she had agreed to marry him and move to Clarksville hadn’t hurt his excellent mood either. She had loved the ring Berny had made for him. The ship’s crew were setting up for the first jump before he knew it. Even with the reduced...
The three dads, the von Holton’s, Henry, Captain Clark and Vincent, were sitting in Lee’s old room when they took the cover off. “Hi, Kids, were back, did you have fun while we were jabbering?” Robert asked. “Yep Lee and I were discussing how to make absent dads miserable. But then Sean went and spoiled it by reminding me, I was going to be a dad real soon too,” Kyle said as he grinned at the cringes made by Pete and Antonio. “I assume that discussion is best left until another day,” Lee...
Things were a bit different on this trip. The crews had elected a floating work schedule. As long as the work was done, they did it as required. In engineering, they all helped each other. Lee and Bing taught everyone how to perform necessary engine checks. Lee, Bing and Terry while aboard would still do the main checks and repairs, but the others could help by taking a short night shift every few nights to do the simple walk around checks. Hydroponics elected for a similar loose roster as...
Just graduated from the British School of Aerospace Navigation, I stared at my new ship, HMS Harmony. Being a pilot was my life long dream, and today I am living it. "Hello Captain Valentine." A voice echoes through the controll room as I enter. The synthetic voice sounded like a sweet secretary rather than an A.I. program. "I am Blossom, your personal A.I. system for helping pilot. Please state your full name."
Remix, Chapter 4 : Harmony. By Brevdravis Wardrobe was beginning to become a problem for James. Dejectedly, he tried pair after pair of his pants, noting how each of them reached the same point on his legs before they became uncomfortably tight. They were not too long, since he had not lost a centimeter of his height, but the crushing sensation about his hips made the garments virtually unwearable. Admitting defeat, he retrieved the pair of sweatpants that he had worn...
The Retirement Home Lessons Learned - Harmony Achieved As Kathy arrived home for the night, she couldn't help but to wonder what Pete had in store for her. She went ahead and got ready for bed as instructed, and hoped that Pete would be able to remove the lock from her special panties, so she could be free of the nasty pad she had dealt with all day long. She was happy that this was not something she had to experience on monthly basis, and considered how lucky men and...
The food is getting cold ?Men are not good,? ?????????????????????????? ??Men are not evil, ? ?????????????????????????? ??Men are both good and evil,? ?????????????????????????? ??Achieve both, ? ?????????????????????????? ??and you will achieve harmony? ? The Path of Man The food is getting cold. Where the hell is that idiot? Jill berates herself for thinking such things, but facts are facts. Everyday, Jill would rush home from work and cook dinner for her master. The dinner which...
Chapter 2. Paul's transition to womanhood had begun by his own hand! The pen is mightier than the penis! I thought to myself. Dr. Turnbull left with the signed papers and told us she would get a nurse who would take Paul to the surgical wing and straight to the operating room. As the two of us sat waiting for a nurse to come Paul asked me at least a dozen times, Dr. Turnbul said she may have to remove my penis, right? She would give me something that looks like a vagina,...
Mid Story Prologue: Well now what do you think my friend? Crazy twist of fate? Just punishment for my sins? Remember at the time of my second cancer surgery I was only concerned with staying alive. I didn't know there was a diabolical plot being executed as my "Just Punishment" for being unfaithful to my wife. Life is full of unseen twists. I guess the old saying is right "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" From here until the end of my tale I want to shift the...
Chapter 4 A couple of weeks later on a Sunday, Katie had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with me. Katie actually worked out alongside me during my afternoon workout. She could bench press more than me; leg lift more than me and last on the treadmill longer than me! It was hard to comprehend my wife was stronger than me now. I knew I was rehabbing still but to be the weaker one of the two of us really stunned me. It showed I still had a lot of time in front of me before I was...
Chapter 5 My dad was a man's man and I knew he will never accept what I had done. As I approached the kitchen I could hear my mom and dad talking and laughing. I knew they were laughing about me. Not in a joking way, in a way that meant what a Fem! What a wimp! What a panty waist! As I entered the kitchen my father spoke first. "So, you're going to Tommy's skating party eh? Are there going to be any girls there?" he asked teasing me. "Dad its Joe's party. I am meeting Tommy to...
Chapter 6. As I woke up the next morning, I was feeling good for the first time since I was diagnosed with Systema Genitale Masculinum Spirilextradual. I felt I was finally accepting my situation with my cancer and the effects it has had on my body in a more positive manner. Last night I think my subconscious brought up the memory to me of my emersion experience as a teenage girl for one reason. It didn't destroy my life. I overcame what my mom had exposed me to and went on to...
Chapter 7. That's when I heard something rustle behind my seat. There had been some blankets in the back but I didn't pay any attention to them when I got into the car. Now I heard a voice coming from directly behind me, a voice of a man! Suddenly a man just popped up and said, "Hello Ladies! Now just stay calm and drive like there isn't an escaped criminal with a loaded gun pointed at you. Just to let you two babes know, I escaped from prison earlier today. One of you fine...
Chapter 9. Final Chapter "Oh, you are right Reggie, she is beautiful. You will make a beautiful bride, Paula!" The woman left the room and disappeared from earshot. "What" I yelled. "Bride I can't be a bride I'm a Ma" "Already married!" Katie broke in cutting me off in mid-sentence. "Her husband won't stand for it!" The visiting man said to the maniac, "Don't worry Reggie, Michele will get them prettied up and I will officiate the wedding, by the time her old man finds out, you...
The Firefly had to alter their course in order to bleed off their speed. Being down a fore drive meant they had to increase the size of their loop to approach Futura to bleed off more speed. They still hadn’t gotten the other engine working. The drive engineer said they didn’t have replacement parts for the engine. Their spares were still sitting on the dock at the space station. The replicator hadn’t been loaded with them, and he’d have to bastardise one of the aft engines to get it...
Justin was wandering around the halls of the ship. He didn’t have a destination in mind; he was just walking and thinking about his dad. He had been mourning his father for over four years. He had been shocked when he was given the vid from a woman call Glenda saying it was from his dad. He watched it with excitement at first and then with anger the second time. Apparently, his dad had been stranded on a planet. He had married again and had another three kids with three more on the way. Two...
So here he was, on a starship with his family crossing solar systems to go find his dad. He still couldn’t believe he had gotten a job in Utopia and a berth on the ship. When the girls tried to convince him to send in a resume’, he had been very reluctant. If their dad wanted them, then why didn’t he send for them? The twins decided that they would just go and find out. The other kids also agreed. They wanted to find their dad too. Justin grinned and wondered if the people doing the hiring...