Delta Developements Chapters 7 free porn video

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Chapter 7. That's when I heard something rustle behind my seat. There had been some blankets in the back but I didn't pay any attention to them when I got into the car. Now I heard a voice coming from directly behind me, a voice of a man! Suddenly a man just popped up and said, "Hello Ladies! Now just stay calm and drive like there isn't an escaped criminal with a loaded gun pointed at you. Just to let you two babes know, I escaped from prison earlier today. One of you fine looking ladies forgot to lock your car door. Too bad for you but FANTASTIC for me!" He laughed. I looked over at my wife who looked very scared. "Easy Katie, do as he says," I managed to squeak out. "That's right Katie just do as I says" the creep mimicked me." Now drive to your house Katie. Judging by the way you two babes look, the type of car this is, you two must be real life rich bitches! Isn't that right Katie?" Hey what's your name by the way? Red," he says to me as I can feel the gun pushed in to the back of my neck. Before I can answer Katie blurts out, "Paula and just leave her alone!" I looked at Katie in shock! Why did she say Paula? "Oh! you're a feisty one Katie! You speak for your friend. I like a nice feisty girl to have sex with! You are just be my type... KATIE!" The escaped felon continued, "I haven't been alone without a woman for nine years. And now I am going to bed two today! This IS my lucky day!" "Remember, don't make any fast moves, or I may just kill you both instead. I can always highjack another car and kidnap some other chick. And keep your hands where I can see them. I don't want either of you two try to calling the cops for help," he mused. "Let me think, on second thought, yea, maybe I should have you keep driving out to the country somewhere. I can just kill you both and steal this car. No that may be too messy. Wait I have a better idea. You two babes look very rich. I'll let you call your husbands and have you tell them I want ransom money. Yea that's it lots of money. Then when they come and pay for you two, I will kill them have my sex time after and then kill you both too!! I was almost hyperventilating listening to this crazy guy. I started whimpering a little when Katie blurts out, "Paula's husband is on a business trip with mine, and she is staying with me." "You won't be able to contact either of them as they are in a dessert in Australia. We rich babes don't have access to our men's cash, so you may as well let us out, take the car and leave us alone" my wife tried to reason with him. "Your house is empty, perfect. I thought I was going have to kill someone's husband at least! Now Katie, you just shut up and drive to your house then. Get us there quickly too. Pull into the garage and shut the door so neighbors will not see us. Until then shut your damn mouth or Red will meet her maker" he threatened me! I was so afraid I think I was going to wet myself. My wife did as she was told and drove us to our house. Katie pulled straight into the garage and I looked into the side view mirror seeing the last of daylight as the door slammed shut. We slowly got out of the car; hands held high. I thought about trying to run out of the side door in the garage but the heels I had on made that impossible. Along with the fact this scum would probably kill my wife. Instead Katie, the maniac and I entered into our house, the house I had not seen in months. And now I was going to die there that night I figured. I looked back and saw our intruder was carrying a duffle bag with him. He dropped it on the floor and by the sound it made hitting the floor there was something very heavy in it. "Ok ladies" the creep said to us as we walk into the kitchen and sit down. He suddenly blurts out no in there instead pointing to the family room. This guy was not only crazy but he was a very tall muscular looking man. We walked into our family room with the creep following behind us. He pointed to the couch and we sat down next to each other. He plopped down on a chair he brought from the kitchen. He reached into the duffle bag and took out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Katie's right hand to table next to the couch. He then cuffed her ankles together so she wasn't able to walk. He did the same to me on the other side of the couch. He said to us "You two... don't forget I was serving life for killing my old lady, so killing chicks doesn't bother me. If I kill a couple more what can they do make it 3 life sentences?" he laughed. Then walking back over to me he un-cuffed me. "Ok now stand up Paula" he barked, followed by a sinister laugh. I did as he said. I stood straight up, as he looks me over. I felt so afraid, so ashamed to be gawked at, so vulnerable! To come through everything, I have and now to die in my own home. It just isn't fair I think to myself. I hear him say, "Paula, take off your pretty little dress real slow for me. Make me want you. Make it so I won't want to kill you like I am feeling right now!" "I don't know what you mean," I said though the tears that started to fall down my cheeks. "Strip for me honey, strip for your NEW MAN! PAULA!" he yells at me. Then he added, "With a body like yours I am sure you know what you can do to a man." "BUT,But I am a ma, oh man,...married ma. Married to a man! I don't do things like that even with him!" I protested. My wife added in a defiant tone, "Don't do anything Paula, he is just a coward trying to scare us!" That only makes the madman turn toward Katie and laughingly say "You are a tough little filly, but now I am going to have to punish you. You remind me of my dead wife". He raised his gun pointing it at her. Oh my god! he is going to kill her I thought. "LOOK," I yell at the top of my lungs. "LOOK AT ME." He turned to see I had my dress down to my waist and was gyrating my hips in a circle, licking my lips. I turned so he could see my behind. I slowly wiggled my butt allowing the dress to fall to the floor. Then I stood straight up letting my dress I had been to strip joints before, I could fake this I said to myself. He walked back toward my wife, un-cuffed her and just yelled at her to get behind me.. I began to dance again gracefully kicking my dress out of the way. I slowly turned and bent over giving him a full view of my pantied behind. I unbuckled the straps of my shoes, stood up and bent back some. Then I seductively flipped my shoes off one foot at a time. I turned away from him and faced my wife. Looking her and the fear in her eyes. I bent slightly forward at my hips. I know he is getting a good view I didn't care, I wanted to save us from being killed. Putting my thumbs under the waistband of my hose I seductively pulled them down my legs. I did a little twist and showed him a full-frontal view of then I bent backward a bit again. I lowered myself put one leg out at a time and finished pulling my hose off. I stood straight up again and placed my hands on my hips and gyrated again letting out a high pitched moan. Then to my surprise Katie moved behind me and unsnapped my bra and expertly pulled the straps down my arms letting the bra fall to the ground. My breasts were fully exposed. I felt flushed and my nipples hardened due to her touch and my fear. Then I felt Katie's hands moving down my sides stopping at my panties! I knew what was coming, my knees grew weak as I felt Katie pull down my panty and let it fall down my legs and onto the floor. I was now completely naked and the man looking at me smiling. I now had the same view those strippers at the club had, only the view of a stripper looking at a man ogling her, how demeaning I thought to myself. I looked straight at him smiling licking my lips but suddenly froze as he walked in our direction with that bag and his gun still in his hand gun pointed toward us. The Creep tells me, "Now reach in the bag Paula sweetie, and pull out all the handcuffs. I took six or seven pairs from prison where I killed the guard making my escape. I thought they might come in handy." "Now Katie you strip off all your clothes too, no need to dance though," he sinisterly laughed. Katie stripped quickly exposing her beautiful womanly body to the madman. As I gazed at her nakedness, I thought, Katie looks great. She must have been working out a lot while I was rehabbing. She looks thinner, and in much better shape. Her arms thinner though showed muscle definition that for some reason was turning me on. Her breasts? Did she have a boob job? She looked as good as I did. I caught myself as I felt some jealousy. Jealous of my wife having as nice as boobs as me? Being a man, I knew her body and face were not quite as seductive as mine. I was the hotter looking one. This guy would be so pissed if he knew I was a man recovering from cancer not a woman I mused. "Hey You Paula, get with it!" the crazy man screams at me jolting me out of my strange thoughts. "Katie put your hands behind you, do it now!" he shouted. "That's it. Now put those cuffs back on her Paula" he ordered me. "Now put a pair around her ankles? nice, you won't be running anywhere KATIE!" He then did the same things to me as I did to Katie. Cuffed with my hands behind my back and at my ankles. He forced us to face each other only inches apart. "Now Katie and Paula I have another surprise for you two girls. I also stole a video camera. I am going to take some video of you two, OK?" he says with a grin. In his bag there was a small camera, which he took out. Raising it up to his eye he says "Action" like we know what he wants us to do? He barked at us, "I want Katie to lick your tits Paula!". I look into my wife's eyes and she looks like she is going to tell this jerk to go to hell. Fearing this guy could kill us I whisper to her, "It's ok Katie, just do as he says for now," as I pushed my chest toward her. She slowly bends down a bit, opened her mouth and began as the maniac had demanded. I felt her mouth on my left nipple. Katie teased my hardening nipple with her tongue. She even gently bit it some. I immediately feel sensations like I have never felt before. I felt my knees going forward like I was squirming. Like a little girl trying not to pee her panties and doing a little dance. But truthfully, though fearing for my life I loved the feelings I was experiencing. I felt butterflies in my tummy, I felt like it was getting hotter and hotter in the room. I also felt a twitch down in my voided area several times, I knew I was getting wet down there; just like Turnbul said I may. Katie looked up grinning at me licked her lips and moved to my other breast. Truthfully I felt like I was melting. I didn't know it could feel like this. I let out an involuntary coo. A few more minutes go by and I begin to quiver. Our captor comes behind me and unlocks my hands and says; " Now Paula as Katie continues to suck your nipple, you rub your left tit slowly." I did as instruct and secretly was loving it. Was I some kind of pervert I thought? We are about to get killed and I am pleasuring myself? I must be a pervert. "Now let your right hand, drop in between your legs. I knew what he wanted me to do. I know I have what looks like a vagina but it is only a void but again I do as he says. I continue rubbing my left breast as Katie sucks the right and slowly let my hands drift down my hips. Internally I feel a connection between my breasts and my voided area. This must be how women feel during sex. I feel my whole body is transmitting pleasure signals to my brain all at once. I let my left- hand slip underneath my voided area. I stop at the fleshy folds, I felt myself quiver again and moan softly after I let my finger push between my folds. They are as sensitive as the tip of my penis is or was, I thought. I begin rubbing my right middle finger in and out. I am very wet down there and continued to masturbate myself, my eyes closed, me moaning out loud my wife suckling at my left nipple. What a scene this guy was getting I thought to myself. I feel like I am going over the edge like when I had a penis and I was about to ejaculate. I didn't know what to expect. Can I still ejaculate? Will I somehow start squirting seaman out and this guy will figure out I am a man and kill me? Everything came to an abrupt stop as I hear a loud crashing sound behind me. Startled I raised my hands to my wife's head and pushed her from my breast. I turned slowly to look behind me, I hadn't heard the "directors" voice for a couple of minutes and thought he may have dropped the camera. Even better maybe he had a heart attack and died I prayed. To my shock he had placed the camera on a tripod by our side and the thud I had heard was the belt buckle from his pants hitting the floor. He had taken off all his clothes and was naked with a very large thick extended penis pointed at my wife and I that he was stroking. It was dripping pre-cum and I could tell he wanted some action but a different kind of action than I have ever had and very soon. "Good job Paula, but I want you to un-handcuff Katie. I am so turned on by you two. You both look good enough to eat, eat out," he says looking at me while licking his lips! "Wait, you want to eat me out?" I ask in my shaky feminine voice.. The beast retorted, "Well it looks like my big man down there has you all hot and bothered Paula! Tell you what I am going to do. I am going to take a quick leak and come back to give you all of it as long as that is what you are begging for!" I remember my captor leaving the room and my wife whispered to me. "Paul, why did you say anything to him. Now what are you going to do?" "Katie, I want to try and save us! That's what I am doing" I bitched back irritatingly. My response only made her mad. I knew I shouldn't have said anything in such a mean tone. With my eyes drifting downward to the floor I changed my tune. I softly said "Look, if that means I have to do something for this maniac to get him off then I will. He seems to like me. Maybe I can buy us enough time to escape. I think he thinks I am a woman. Maybe I can, well what I mean is, um well." I Stammered. "Katie there is something I haven't told you. I think Turnbul left a little more room down there than we thought originally" I said hesitantly. "Paul what the hell are you talking about?" Katie asked. "Well when I was in the hospital, I..umm. I did a little um... a little exploring at nighttime a few times while I was recouping. Well I think there is a deeper pocket that's all. You see my first couple of weeks to make sure my voided area stayed open, the nurses a couple times a day used some type of thing, well they inserted different sized things, well kind of like a dildo I guess you call them. "What?" said my astonished wife. Well the on my last treatment one of them forgot it on a tray and I secretly kept it to well explore myself if you will. Only explore... that's it. Not to pleasure myself. I just want to see how deep my pocket thing was. It didn't hurt and sometimes it felt ok you know? Like when I stuck it in as far as I could. It was probably like 10 inches or so. I used it like a science project tool thing. You know what I mean? Katie just looked at me with a look of disgust as she realized I had used that "thing" to masturbate like a woman. "Yea, sure, like a long scientific tool thing, PAULA." Before I could explain any further our kidnapper returned singing, "Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, I am wearing my birthday suit today and I am going to get the daily double today!" I scanned our intruder over as he walked toward us singing his crazy birthday song. The crazy man had reddish colored hair like me. However, his was cut very short. He had deep green colored eyes. I figured he must be Irish. The monster was a very large and muscular man probably six and a half feet tall. Cut like he had lifted weights all his life. He probably he worked out in prison a lot if figured. Truthfully, I thought his muscles might have muscles! He also had an extremely lot of body hair. As my wife would say, He was a man's man. That was for sure. He stood there in all his naked glory, and his penis seemly grew even more Erect and bigger as he looked at me. It must have been ten inches long, thick like a cucumber, dripping of pre-ejaculation fluid. It made mine look like a boy's in comparison. Well if I had one still, I cried in my thoughts. I looked up at him and he smiled knowing he caught me staring at his penis. I felt myself blushing profusely. I decided I had to take control of the situation even though I was very afraid of him. I wiggled my behind and jiggled my front, right up to him, fell to my knees and began rubbing his manhood with both my manicured hands hoping for the best. I looked at my hands as I touched his penis. I had lost so much weight my fingers and hands seemed so thin so lady like as my mom would say. I was wearing women's jewelry, even some poor woman's engagement ring and wedding band. I was feeling humiliated doing that in front of my wife. I gave some thought to biting his penis so hard he would recoil in pain. Maybe even bite so hard, I would bite his penis right off! But then I thought if I wasn't fast or bit hard enough, he might just be in terrific pain but also have enough strength to still kill Katie and me. Kneeling in front of my tormentor, I know what I had to do. I looked up into his eyes and showed myself to surrender by lowering my eyes. I dutifully leaned forward and opened my mouth slightly. I slowly licked the tip of his penis tasting his pre-cum saltiness as it touched my tongue. I continued to lick around the rest of the glans of his monstrous penis. After feeling him rock back some to my manipulations of his frenulum I began to lick my way down the thick shaft of this maniac' penis. I could feel the veins on his penis as I did so. My captor spread his legs wider making my way easier to reach his balls. I kept slowly moving down until I was at the base of his penis. I began to lick his right ball, then his left. I could feel his shaft rub up against the top of my nose. He smelled like my expense soap. As I did all of those things with my mouth and tongue, I reached behind this crazy man and rubbed each of his butt cheeks. I hoped he was enjoying himself. If he was we might live for one more day. Then I thought to myself this is disgusting; this man was so he hairy! Even his ass was covered with a fine hair! I continued regardless. Then for some reason I found myself intrigued with how tight his ass muscles were. I grabbed his left thigh it too was all muscle. I thought this guy is a muscle machine. I felt so dainty next to him. I noticed I was feeling flushed, I couldn't believe I was felt wetness down below. I was getting turned on by this! I had to focus. This monster could easily kill Katie and me if he isn't happy with my blowjob. I remember telling myself focus, pay attention, I had to lick more, suck more passionately. Eventually he began to moan, I knew he was close to ejaculating. I pulled back off his penis. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed it forward. My chin hit the tip as I tried to take it in my mouth. It was all wet and sticky but I had no choice but to finish him. I got his penis back into my mouth and started to make my assault again. I looked up in his eyes. I look longingly up at him as if pleading with him. He just smiled at me. I closed my eyes and sucked harder. He began to moan again. The creep yelled for Katie to pick up the video camera and start shooting. Katie did as she was told. I kept moving my mouth up and down his shaft faster and faster. I glanced up at him one last time., I tried to express to him how much I desired him. My reward was he pushed his penis further back in my mouth when I felt it. My heart was pounding, I was fighting thoughts of me being turned on again, but I couldn't this time. Dammed hormones I thought. I submitted my will and began to moan too. I know I looked and sounded like a woman as I did this. Finally, I felt his leg muscles tighten I knew it was almost over. I felt another quiver between my legs! I only hoped Katie thought my moaning was part of an act. The bum let out some mighty strange noises as he began to reach his climax exploding in my mouth. A great release of seamen came spurting out. I tasted his seed as he filled my mouth to its brim. I had no choice but to swallow. I looked up at his face. He was looking down at me smiling as we made eye contact. The beast released my head and my mouth slowly slid down his softening penis. Finally, as I let his penis out of my mouth, I turned from him only to see Katie, still taking video of me. She put down the camera and looked shocked. My wife probably couldn't believe what I had done. Here was her husband willfully giving a blow job to another man. At least she didn't know I had gotten very wet down in my 'voided area" I thought to myself. Katie must really think I was a wimp now. Anyway, the joke was on the crook. I may look like a babe right now, but I was just as male as he was! End of Chapter 7. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 8 "Good girl Paula, that was good very good for now!" the maniac complimented me. "Now get your pretty little ass up to the shower before I deflower you right here in front of your friend," he threatened me. "Oh and brush your teeth at least 3 times and use some mouthwash too." He said, I think to try to humiliate me. I stood up. The taste of this man still in my mouth. I was embarrassed at what I had done in front of my wife. I looked him in the eyes as if I wasn't terrified. The ass hole took one quick step my way and I coward! I quickly turned and ran toward the stairs. Then I thought of something and ran faster up the stairs hoping to leave the mad man downstairs. I knew what I had to do. I didn't stop when I heard him whistle and say slow down! Or even when he yelled at Katie to get her ass moving! Unfortunately, I tripped on my way up and the other two caught up to me. When we reached the upstairs, we told to go into the master bedroom together. As we walked into the room, he barked "Now sexy, hurry and get into that bathroom to freshen up! We may be making love on that bed soon!" As I walked into the bath, I turned to look behind me as I shut the door, I could see him grabbing the house phone and putting it in that dammed bag of his. As I turned on the shower I began to cry. Will I walk out of the shower and see this pervert having sex with my wife? Or will he grab me and try something on me? Or even worse, will he want a threesome? Making love to another man along with my wife participating? That may be too much for me to handle. I hurried as best as possible. After brushing my teeth three times and using mouth wash another five times. I emerged from the bathroom only to see my wife naked and laying on our bed. I thought the criminal had used her already! However, I saw him on the other side of the room walking in circles and talking on Katie's cell phone. I saw our purses on the floor, the creep must have run down stairs and grabbed our purses in order to take our phones. The jerk hung up when he saw me. He smiled and said "Ok pretty ladies come over here" pointing to the floor in front of him. We did as we were told. "Now face each other and get real close". I walked up to my wife who was essentially my height and faced her face to face. He yelled "I said, face each other and GET CLOSER, MUCH CLOSER!". I quickly pushed my breasts right into hers, my tummy into hers. Even our private areas pressed together. "Now put your arms around her," he yelled at me. I didn't see what he did but I felt it and heard it. I felt and heard the sound of handcuffs and as he snapped them on my wrists and then her's. "Go ahead and kiss each other, I like to see girl on girl action!" he laughed. I did as I was told, kissing my wife for the first time in 7 months. It felt good to be touching her but instead of a hard on I could feel my nipples become erect! To my surprise I felt a familiar yearning in my tummy. Again I could feel myself getting wet between my legs. I was getting turned on all over again! It started slowly but spread throughout my lower torso. I kept kissing her saying nothing, not knowing how she felt about all this. "Now for your ankles ladies and within seconds we were cuffed together at our ankles too. Rifling through Katie's purse again he said "Well, well look at all this money you have in your purse Katie" he said to my wife. "Must be $20,000 in here. You must be one loaded babe. I think I will just borrow it and do a little shopping for you girls, bye bye. Be back shortly, then we will a lot of fun!" he laughed. "You two can get to know one another even better now. I can see our red-haired friend is already turned on Katie, I can see her nipples are hard." the monster teased me. He placed his hand on the side of my right hip, then slowly ran his hand forward then down to my voided area. I felt his finger spit the folds that covered my void. It sent shock waves up my spine. He gently massaged me that way for about a minute or so. I wanted to explode with pleasure then I did! I let out a load moan showing my satisfaction, I just couldn't help myself. If I were a woman, I would be some kind of screamer. "Just as I thought!" The criminal laughed. I was turned on. My wife didn't say a thing. Katie knew what he meant. She kept on kissing me even as he left the room. Katie realizing, he left when she suddenly pulled her head away from mine and said, "How could you let him do this to us, you didn't fight like a man should!" "Instead you gave him a blow job and now you let him do this to us?" I fought back "I was going to try and hurt him but I was afraid he would kill us" I pleaded. "I was going to bite his dick off when I started, but I was afraid if I didn't hurt him badly enough, he would harm us" I said with tears in my eyes. So I, I, I blew him!" I did it for us Katie. "That was how you kept us safe. You gave our tormentor a blow job. I think you enjoyed it," she retorted. "You even moaned like a woman when you were sucking his dick. And you just did it again when he touched you a minute ago. I used to make that same sound when we made love remember?" she said. "No, I mean yes, I mean he just caught me by surprise!" I countered. "Please Katie we are in a crazy position. Let me turn you on, I can still make you feel good" I began to move up and down rubbing her breasts with my own. I knew she liked her breasts massaged and nipples sucked on. I hoped I might start to get her turned on. I tried but she didn't seem interested. "Please Katie can't we enjoy whatever time we have together even if it is like this? Don't you love me anymore?" I pleaded. "Paul you look like and feel like a woman now. Real women don't turn me on. The only hair on your body is the long red hair you have on your head. A man has a penis. You don't have a penis. What You have looks to me like a vagina. You weigh less than me now but you have bigger tits than me. You have a body any woman would die for Paul" Katie said. Then out of nowhere she yelled at me, "FACE FACTS PAUL, RIGHT NOW YOU ARE MORE WOMAN THAN MAN!" Not wanting to face the reality of what Katie was saying I argued "What about when we made love with me dressed a woman? You seemed very turned on then Katie. You told me that was your secret fantasy!" I pleaded with her as I started to cry. 'Besides, you know I only look like this because of the cancer. Katie I will be back to my old self in a few months. Turnbull said she can reinsert a dick into me, and remove my breasts. My hair can be cut and dyed. Please let's make the most of this moment we have together" I begged her as tears fell freely from my eyes. This may be the last time we can touch." "Paul that night was a fantasy this is reality. You even cry like a woman now," Katie said with disgust. She added more saying, "When I came to pick you up today I didn't find a husband but another woman. Your hair was dyed and curled. Your make up is flawless, your nails polished. You allowed yourself to be dressed head to toe as a woman. You even had all the right accessories and I could smell you were wearing expensive perfume! How could that happen without your cooperation? You are still wearing that engagement ring and wedding band. You expect me to believe someone at the clinic actually made a mistake and got you dressed up that way without you cooperating?" I saw the lacy bra and panties you were wearing! " You even said you "explored" your body on occasion in the hospital. Did you find yourself an attractive female Paula!, Did you orgasm? Mmmm? Were you fantasizing about making love to men Paula as you explored?! WELL?" she chided me. "I am a victim, I had cancer, I was just too tired I..I...I?" I was too stunned to explain anything after hearing her blast me like that. We didn't talk again for some time. We just stood face to face, bound by the handcuffs waiting for god forsaken loser to return and only he knew what he would do to us. After what seemed like hours but was really only probably was a couple, our captor appeared at the doorway again. Just as before he took off all his clothes. I could easily see his hard on as he faced us. He was a big man and had a huge penis, a penis I sucked. He undid our handcuffs and told us to sit on the bed next to each other. I was so mad I refused to look at my wife. I noticed some bags near the door and it wasn't long until he told us what he did. "Ladies I have been fantasizing about making love to a woman for nine long years. I always like to see my women in some sort of costume to turn me on. I have purchased some pretty things for you two to wear. I bought silky things, soft things, and girly things, things that you girls like wearing, and wearing them will turn me on! Now who wants to play nurse and doctor, or be a go go dancer? There was a costume for a harem girl, a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader and an Indian princess. "You" he said pointing to me, "Put on this harem girl's outfit. I think your master needs servicing, NOW!" I slowly got up and with my hands shaking, took the costume from him. I looked at the material; it was quite soft and sheer. "Can I get dressed in the bathroom?" I asked him. "No put it on right now, in front of me I want to watch" he laughed. I looked over at my wife; she had a look of disdain for me in her eyes. What could I do? I was so nervous being watched by this creep. I wanted to live even if Katie had some kind of death wish. I struggled with the bra. Putting my arms through the straps was the easy part. I leaned forward letting my breasts fall into the cups the way I had seen my wife do so many times before. Once I felt them touch the soft material of the cup I managed to reach behind myself and clasp the garment closed. I reached for the panties, so little material I thought. I stood on one leg with the other going between the waistband. I pulled it up slightly and then repeated the process with my other leg. I slowly slipped it up my legs. As I reached my waist, I thought at least my nakedness was covered. The rest of the outfit was easy. Silky harem pants and top. Both pieces were see through and hid Nothing though. My footwear were ballet slippers. The slippers were so feminine and somehow he guessed my shoe size correctly. The outfit was a powder blue and light pink creation. It screamed girly and I looked very girly wearing it. "Come here" he said to Katie, handing her a video camera. "I want you to be camera woman again while I fuck your friend." She stood behind him with the camera as he approached me. I wanted to run, hit him tell him I was really a man, anything but be touched by him. In the end I froze, stood still as he walked up to me with his penis hard and pointing straight at me, dripping of pre-cum again. He put his hands on my face pulling me roughly toward him as he pressed his lips on mine. He ran his fingers through my long hair. Then running his hands down my back he massaged and actually gently squeezed my ass. I was frightened and didn't want to respond but though he was rough, he had a gentle touch somehow. The emotions and his touch were tuning me on! I felt such a strong sexual urge deep inside me. I did not have the will to stop. I felt him pushing me back toward the bed stopping just before it. Then with a gentle push I fell backward on the bed. I pushed myself up and laid my head on the pillow. The creep quickly joined me on the bed. He positioned himself so he could grab my feet. I felt him remove my slippers, then he tugged at my harem pants pulling them down throwing them to the floor. I could feel his thumbs pushing against my tummy as he reached under my pantie's waistband and quickly but gently pulled them off too! I knew what my fate was, but I was to afraid to fight or even yell stop. My top was removed quickly; my bra never stood a chance. I was naked before this man once again. A man who wanted to fuck me! He told me to get out of bed for a second. He did the same and we stared at each other by the side of the bed. Then he reached toward me gently but forcibly picked me back up the way John did so many years ago. He began to rub my bottom and kiss me slowly. The monster rubbed my bottom for a few minutes. Again rubbing in between my voided area. I felt myself again melting in pleasure, and quiver in my most private of areas. Suddenly he stopped and laid me back down on my bed. Did I do something wrong I thought? As he climbed in the bed, he positioned himself between my legs I knew I didn't. I also knew I was very wet. There was no denying this maniac. Bending forward he licked then suckled my breasts, my nipples extended out as they could. I felt a wave after wave of pleasure run though my chest down to my groin. I had never felt anything like that before. Not even when Katie had done so. The pressure of his weight on my breasts as he sucked on them was blowing my mind. I arched my back in pleasure. I felt his fingers separating the folds of my voided area. I panicked for a second then I felt electricity running through me. I willfully arched my back even more as I felt his finger push up into me. Then he easily slid his two more fingers into my "Voided Area". I was so wet down there, I felt like there was a fountain between my legs. I was stunned at my thoughts. I felt the same sexual urges I would have with my wife when we were making love. This time it was me surrendering myself though. I was willfully participating in sex with this creep and ashamed to admit I was loving it! Then a thought hit me like a load of bricks, I wanted to feel something in my voided area, I felt a longing to be filled! I knew what that meant. I was to be filled by this lunatic's big thick penis! He was playing me like a violin. My voided area getting even wetter at the thought of being filled. I could feel muscles I didn't know I have contract back and forth. I was quivering, I was bucking, I was moaning loudly, I was acting like a woman in heat, I didn't care! I just wanted to be filled! I know I should have screamed for him to stop but I was experiencing pleasure that I didn't know existed. I had been in a hospital for seven months. I hadn't had intimate human contact since before I got sick. I missed being touched even if it was by this man. All this time I had my eyes closed. I started out pretending this man was Katie. He was a she and I was making love to her. It was the only way I thought I could get through it at first. But eventually I started enjoying the creeps manipulations of my "Voided Area". As I moaned, I was about to say please don't stop, but that was when move he put his big hand under me and literally flipped me over. "Get up on your hands and knees, Paula," he grunted to me. "No, not doggie style, please don't...." that wasn't my fantasy but my voice trailed off when I felt his hands move under my breasts and begin to massage them. "When I get done with you, you will be barking at the moon and you will really be my bitch," the mad man laughed. I felt him lean on top of my back and truthfully, I liked the contact of his skin on mine. He moved his hands to my hips and massaged them both. I felt like I would melt right into the mattress. It was an incredible feeling. All I could say was "ooooooo" in a high pitched squeal, as I bit my lip. It was so pleasurable; I had no idea this is how a man made a woman feel. Then a random thought raced through my mind. Wait, I am not really a woman, I am a man, or I was a man, no I am a, I am a, I am a ......ooooooo, oh my god" I yelled. I felt his penis enter into my "Voided Area". Oh my god! It was so soft, but so hard and so, so, so thick! I was dripping wet but I was afraid he may rip me in two. This man was actually pushing that monster in me! A penis in me.. but I am I thought to myself again. As he pushed his penis deeper into me, I thought I am a, no a man! I didn't care as I pushed my ass back toward him. When I did that I felt him push completely into me. I opened my eyes wide in astonishment. I could see my wife was still taking video, this time standing at the head of our bed. I could see her smiling. I don't know if she was smiling out of fear or what. I really didn't care at the moment, I was on fire. I had electricity running between my breasts down to my "Voided Area". I was moaning louder and louder, I yelled in out pleasure several times. The feeling was building so fast. I felt like I wanted to ejaculate but I didn't have a penis anymore. I had to have release from these feelings I thought! I was so turned on then it hit me; something so strong I quivered, I felt those unknown muscles contract on to his wonderfully thick and long penis. I began to cry, I loved it so much. I let out a couple of loud "yelps!" My "Voided Area" pulsating uncontrollably and I could feel him pull his penis in and out, in and out! He did some kind of bucking with his hips. His breathing increased rapidly and he groaned as I could feel his dick begin to spasm and he released his semen into me. Only this time it was in my "Voided Area" and I did start barking, to show him my appreciation! I knew at that moment I had been fucked like a woman. Somehow Turnbull made my "Voided Area" big enough to have this man's thick, ten-inch penis inserted into it. She also gave me the ability for my "Voided Area" to feel what it must feel like for a woman to have sex as a woman. I fell forward as I felt his dick pull out of me. I lay there thinking about what I must look like on tape. Me with my long hair, big tits, little waist, and what for now looked and acted like a ... a....a..pussy. I had a pussy I giggled to myself, then screamed NO WAY to myself. Still I felt so very satisfied! Then reality came slapping me in the face again, The monster ordered me to take a shower again and to clean up. "I like my women smelling as good as they look" the beast said. Fear again gripped me again the reality brought me out of my bliss. Our situation weighing on my mind. I walked into my bathroom and showered as instructed but I cried most of the way through it. I didn't know why. I actually enjoyed the sex but it felt good to cry. I was emotionally spent. As I got out of the shower and stared at myself in the mirror. I realized I had no makeup to put on. What could I do now? I continued to dry off when I heard a gentle knock on the door. It was Katie; she thought I might need a little help. We didn't speak; she grabbed some of her make up from the cabinet and re-did my face. She brushed my hair and she led me out into our bedroom. Whispering she said, " He's just outside in the hallway do as I tell you" Katie pointed to the bed and said loudly " Put those things on." My heart dropped about a mile, I recognized the clothes. It was a playboy bunny outfit. I stared at the small leotard; it was powder blue, dark black pantyhose. There were even bunny ears, and a black bowtie. I was also to wear heels that looked impossible to wear and walk still. Everything was laid out on the bed for me. It was eerily like what my mother had done for me at the start of my emersion as a high school girl. I walked over and did what Katie told me to do. How embarrassing it was to dress in these clothes by my wife of all people, I was her husband! I started with the panty it was a thong style and lacy. I then put on the sheer dark hose. I stepped into the bunny outfit and pulled it up my legs and torso finally over my breasts. So much of my breasts were exposed it was scary. There was a built-in bra and I needed to shift my breasts a a few times to get myself comfortable. Katie zipped me up from the back. I had given up trying to hide my breasts with more material and just moved on. The dammed ears and bow tie were next, followed by the heels. I looked into the mirror. I looked like a teen age boy's wet dream. I looked at my wife and she was looking me up and down. She had a fake smile on her face. I think I detected a glint of jealousy in her eyes. I scanned myself in her three-way closet mirror. I turned around slowly. I had a nice looking ass and nice breasts I thought for a man. I thought to myself I would make a fine looking bunny if I were female. Finally looking behind me I noticed with the bunny tale extenuating the middle of my ass I knew where my captors eyes would be fixed! We walked out of our room and the crazy one was waiting for us in the hallway. All he was wearing was a bathrobe. My bathrobe! It was way too small for him but none the less he was wearing it. "You" he said looking me. " Walk in front of me so I can keep an eye on you" he said with a smile. "Katie, you walk in front of your friend. She moved in front of me. "Now that's my little bunny" he said referring to me! "You look good enough to eat..out" he said as he put his hand on the small of my back and led us to the steps. I thought that joke is getting old fast. "I love saying that," he laughed talking to himself. Making our way back down the steps he explained he wanted to play the role of Hugh Hefner the 4th. He is the editor of Playboy Magazine. His great, great, great grandfather started the magazine back around 1959. My wife was naked and was to be his playmate of the month toy. I was to play a waitress bunny, willing to be admired and serve the two of them drinks. We made our way to the entertainment room as our game continued. I had to ask "Hugh" and his guest what they were drinking and I had to pretend to take their order. The monster gave me a pink pen and a small pastel colored notebook to write in. I did what I was told and made them their drinks. I noticed my wife drank her drink rather fast and "Hugh" quickly ordered her another one. I turned to go back to the bar and the bastard pinched my behind. I quickly got to the bar hoping he would order another for himself. I knew I had some cleaning stuff behind the bar and I figured if he got drunk I would slip some of that stuff in his drink and poison him! Unfortunately the only one getting drunk was my wife. After her third drink she started getting stupid. My wife started to order me around like I was a little servant girl. Telling me to go and get some dusting done in the room. Katie handed me a feather duster and spanked my ass a little and said get moving. While trying to act cute Katie dropped her fourth drink on the floor and the glass broke. She had the nerve to tell me to pick up the glass before someone stepped on it. I told her "You dropped the glass, YOU PICK UP THE FUCKING GLASS!" In a blink of an eye, our kidnapper picked me up carried me to the couch. He sat down while placing me over his knees and began to spank me! "You will do as you are instructed young lady. You will be a good girl and pick up the glass, do you understand me," he yelled at me. All the while he kept hitting my ass. At first, I refused to answer him, that only got him madder. After about a minute more passed before the pain was too much for me and I gave in. "Alright, I will pick up the fucking glass" I cried. "Not only that but say you were a bad girl and deserved to be spanked," he tormented me more. "No Way!" I stammered out between tears. "I am not a bad girl," The madman just kept spanking me. I couldn't take any more of the pain. Finally, I submitted and blurted out, " Please, I was a bad girl and needed to be spanked but now I will be a good girl and do as I am told". "Call me your daddy ask your daddy nicely," he demanded. I had no resolve left "Please daddy, your little girl is sorry, I will be a good girl and cleanup, for you and nice Miss Katie," I pleaded. I heard my wife tell him she should be allowed to put me over her knee and spank me too for being so rude to her. He didn't answer her, but picked me up and brought me to my wife who was seated on the couch. He placed me over her lap held me down and she proceeded to spank me for another minute. "Stop Katie, you're hurting me," I yelled. Katie only stopped when the maniac told her that was enough. How humiliating not only being spanked by a criminal but by my wife too! I got off her lap only to notice my captor had opened his robe and was sporting another hard on. This guy was too much I thought. How can he get hard so fast? When I had my penis, I needed a few hours or longer to even think about sex. If Matt Daniels was all man like Katie quipped this guy is Superman I thought! I quickly passed by him to pick up the glass. I bent forward from my waist to pick up the glass, forgetting woman do not bend over that way especially wearing what I was wearing. That was when I felt something push against my ass and then down my right leg. Then the bastard grabbed my hips and pushed himself between my legs! I tried to move forward out of his reach but when I did, I inadvertently pushed backward trying to gain my balance and moved backward even more. I heard my wife laugh and tell him to make love to "his funny bunny". I was pissed at her behavior but figured it was the alcohol. She never could handle more than one drink. The bastard was holding by my hips now and I knew what he wanted. I surrendered my will again. I knew I had to play along to keep him from killing us. I felt his left hand move to my tummy. His right hand was higher on my back. I realized the creep was looking for the zipper to my costume. He found his target and the sound of being unzipped is all I heard. A feeling of panic washed over me. I had to keep calm I told myself. I was afraid but for some reason also getting turned on again. I was so confused. What was wrong with me! It wasn't long until I felt my costume being pulled down my body. The beast tossed it on the floor. The maniac's right hand pushed its way under the waistband of my panties and pantyhose. He expertly pulled them both down at once. I knew where this was leading. I had to step out of my heels or face tripping on the material at my feet. His left hand moved up from my tummy to my left breast. Then he turned me to face him. The maniac looked down at me a began to kiss me passionately. He messaged my left breast while he pushed his penis into my tummy, it pushed up pointing toward my breasts. He pulled me closer to him as he kissed me. I could feel his hardness and the pre-cum being released from its tip. The wetness allowed his tool to rub up and down acting as lubricant. I found myself liking that feeling. Again I thought how I hated myself for being turned on by this man. Again I felt that yearning in my "Voided Area" all the way up my torso to my breasts. Women have this whole-body experience thing. While us men feel in our penis mostly. I began moving up and down a little letting him rub his tool on my tummy to my breasts. I let out several small squeals. I couldn't help it, not with all that attention I was experiencing. I felt a small orgasm as my captor stopped kissing and lifted me off the floor up to face him eye to eye. As he lifted me up I felt his dick bend downward and push between my legs. He began to kiss me passionately. I felt his beard and its scratchiness. I felt so small being held up by him. I felt his hand reach for my right wrist and lead my hand in the direction of his hard on. I was shaking with fear as I touched his member. It was so hard, so big, but the skin was so soft. His penis was much bigger than mine had been. I began to massage it quickly hoping to blow his load in my hand. Unfortunately for me he had other ideas. He laid me back to the floor. He knelt down and pushed himself between my legs missionary style. Massaging my "Voided Area" with his penis and kissing me passionately, he knew I wanted sexual release. I felt a second orgasm slightly stronger than my first when he began to suck my nipples. I moaned in pleasure only louder than the last time and I heard my wife yell "Rid'er cowboy!" I was embarrassed but I didn't really care if Katie was watching any longer. The mad man slowly pushed his penis past the folds of my void and into me for the second time that day. It was so delicious what I was feeling. I looked up and to my surprise my wife was squatting over me as told me to lick her pussy! I did as I was told as I watched the monster's mouth move toward my wife's tits. As she lowered herself more on me I couldn't see anything any longer but I darted my tongue in and out of her very quickly. I could feel my captor begin to tighten and I knew he was about to ejaculate into me. I heard my wife scream with pleasure. I had never heard her yell like that before and it was just enough to push me over the edge. My third and final orgasm was a mind blower. I pictured what this must look like to a casual observer. They would see a threesome with two girls and a guy. But I knew better, it really was two guys and a girl! For the next two days I kept doing whatever it took to keep the beast happy. I was dressed up in so many costumes, each time I had to service the creep. I used my hands, mouth or my "Voided Area", whatever it took. I kept looking for him to slip up but he didn't. Each night he handcuffed Katie and I together and then cuffed us to the couch where we slept. On Sunday morning I woke up to the doorbell ringing. Someone was at the door. It must be the cops; someone at work must have tipped them off because no one had heard from Katie! We were to finally be freed of this nightmare!! I heard the asshole say "MMM I wonder who that could be ladies, you just stay there and let me get it," he laughed as he looked at us cuffed together. I heard the door open and I heard a man and a women's voice. I heard footsteps of people walk into our hallway. The footsteps were getting closer. Then I looked over to the entrance of the family room and I saw two people. No police just a man and a woman standing there looking at us naked and cuffed together. I was so embarrassed. "Oh, you are right Reggie, she is beautiful. You will make a beautiful bride, Paula!" The woman left the room and disappeared from earshot. Katie just looked like she was to stunned to talk. She had a stupid smile on her face. I on the other hand yelled, "What, NO WAY! A bride I can't be a bride I'm a Ma End of Chapter 8

Same as Delta Developements Chapters 7 Videos

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Delta Sodality Chapter 6 A Death in the Family

Chapter 6 - A Death in the Family Three months later "Kristina, hey it's Saoirse." "Hello Saoirse, how are you?" "Fine, I guess... Do you have time to talk?" "Sure, what's up?" Kristina asked, sitting up in her chair, her antennae up and alert. "It's my dad. He died of a heart attack at the mill today. Just dropped dead there in front of all his coworkers." "Oh my god, Saoirse! I... I'm so sorry!" "Holy hell that fucker Minos! How could he be so stupid? We...

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Delta OriginalChapter 3 Christmas Prep

Adison looked over at the hunk, Justin Ubobo. The other girls were making eyes at him, not that she could blame them. He had taken to wearing the jumpsuits from the replicator, and if any guy could pull off looking good in one, he sure did. So far, she hadn’t seen him pick any of the other girls out for special attention. He was always polite but treated them equally. She thought of his younger brother Brad. He was damn near as hunky as his older brother. Brad wore the jumpsuits too. He...

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Delta OriginalChapter 17 A Bath

~~ Delta - Aug/02 - (Earth - Feb/2095) ~~ Jahn didn’t enjoy the trip through the mountains. While his leg got better, it had been many years since he had physically exerted himself on suck a walk. The Giants forced a faster pace than he had maintained in the previous weeks of walking. His leg had meant that he stopped for as long as he walked. What muscle tone he had redeveloped was lost in his fever. At least now, after eight days of walking, he was actually keeping up with them, sort of....

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Delta OriginalChapter 19 Fortune Returns

It had been a busy week getting prepared for the Fortune’s second return. Esky had gotten the trip down to two weeks in flight, and they had decided on only one week in a dock on each leg. So, they had a six-week turnaround. Their new Employment agency on Earth had already picked and notified the next group. Now that Lee and Co could order the supplies they wanted to be delivered to the Moon, the ship didn’t have to wait at the space station for the orders to be filled. Justin and Lee had...

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Delta OriginalChapter 26 Warrior Queen

Lee had found herself in a sticky situation. When Justin went to vault over the box he was standing in front of, he placed both hands on the lid and then halted. They all heard the ‘click, click’. He looked down to find the lid lifting up under his hands. “No,” screamed Jahn again. “They are my boxes, you can’t have them,” he yelled in frustration and sent an immobilising spell at Justin. Justin blinked out of the way and reappearing in front of Kim, ready to protect her. She stepped up...

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Delta OriginalChapter 6 Building

The wizards had a busy week building three new compounds. Gary, Gavin and Jim were busy churning out domes. They had already completed the domes in the UN Compound, and the crews had fitted them out ready for Robert, Pete, Antonio, Kostya and their families and support people to move into. The UN delegates were busy moving in to get ready for the first two ships from the Australasian and the North American blocks. The personnel from the Delta Space Police Force were also shifted to free up...

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Delta OriginalChapter 11 Pest Removal

The next day the wizards had to go through the same crap again when the Americans arrived. Lee took an instant dislike to the man who was leading this party. To start with, he wasn’t a scientist; he was a General from the Army. He was a big man who had gone to fat and who was very full of himself. Lee noted the large paunch and thinning hair, red nose and pale complexion that suggested an office worker who liked to eat and drink to excess. She also noted that he didn’t seem well-liked by...

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Delta OriginalChapter 22 The European Unity

Lee rubbed her stomach. She now looked more as if she was five months pregnant and she agreed with Von that she would be lucky to make it to the twelve weeks. Sean had managed to do the deed, and Donny was pregnant. She couldn’t shift to male or any of her other forms other than faerie while pregnant. Lee hadn’t tried. She was happy to wait until she had Jackson before she experimented. Sparky and her village had been amazed when Lee transformed into a faerie for them. “Damn mum, I always...

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Delta OriginalChapter 12 The ship meeting

Lee had a shift to get through. Damn, she had once laughed at Kyle’s ability to ‘fuck like a rabbit all night long’. However, after the last couple of nights with her hunky Lieutenant, she was beginning to believe Kyle wasn’t the only exception to the rule, after all. From her experiences, having a guy get it up more than twice in one night was rare. She had never had one perform four times in fewer hours, and she really couldn’t remember how many orgasms she had. In the past, she had been...

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Delta OriginalChapter 21 Kyle Commits

Sean and Lee headed for the diner. They found their regular chairs were vacant and waiting for them. So, they both grabbed some of the chicken dish from the bain-maries and joined the table. “Ah, the love birds have come up for air,” Kyle said. Lee set her plate down and then turned and thumped Kyle in the arm as he had sat next to her. Kyle rubbed his arm, “Hey, what was that for?” “You knew, didn’t you? You knew Gerald was related to Carl!” she specified. Kyle suddenly realised what...

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Delta TrixyChapter 9 The Party

~~ Delta - Nov/02 - (Earth - May/2095) ~~ I spent the rest of the Thursday getting through a pile of work. I sorted out the times to interview the people on Alec’s list over the three days I’d be in Clarksville. Many of them had indicated they would be at the party and asked if it would be easier to meet me there and I had agreed. I learnt the heads of the four Earth colonies would also be there and asked them if they would like to meet up with me as well. After a bit of round-robin, we...

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Delta OriginalChapter 10Sickness

Rodger was worried about them going to either planet. He had been told not to let Lee step foot on the planet. His uncle wouldn’t be happy if she did. The problem was that he didn’t know which planet, as he hadn’t been told that there was two. He was also having trouble finding Lee alone. Nor had he come up with a good way to get rid of her. Rodger wasn’t game to go for a frontal attack as he didn’t think it would go well for him, not after the last attempt. There was no way he wanted to...

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Delta TrixyChapter 21 Crocs

Lee had a fascination with the crocs. She had a large female who had acquired a new mate living on her island. The dragons used to hunt them, and Lee believed the larger mate she had might have had fallen victim to them. The new male was smaller, so he was also younger. Lee suspected he had followed the female here and she had decided to keep him. He seemed perfectly happy to have her too. She wasn’t sure, if they were natives or if they had been brought here. She considered them one of...

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Delta OriginalChapter 16 Catastrophe

Essco was not pleased. As Essco had suspected, the committee had decided on Tychy as the next destination. He did not intend to be stuck on Tychy for the next nine to twelve months. He needed to establish contact with the people on Futura. To set up mining of the energy crystals, so they could ship them home. He planned to be a wealthy man. He intended to live out the rest of his life with a revolving harem of big boobed young girls to look after his every need. He hated it when his plans...

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Delta OriginalChapter 8 The Trip Home

Captain Nick Clark was walking around his ship. The damn thing pretty much ran without him, since Lee had played with the systems. The first week went by so fast. He had been able to get all his logs up-to-date and even found some quality time for Sung. The fact she had agreed to marry him and move to Clarksville hadn’t hurt his excellent mood either. She had loved the ring Berny had made for him. The ship’s crew were setting up for the first jump before he knew it. Even with the reduced...

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Delta OriginalChapter 13 Loopholes

The three dads, the von Holton’s, Henry, Captain Clark and Vincent, were sitting in Lee’s old room when they took the cover off. “Hi, Kids, were back, did you have fun while we were jabbering?” Robert asked. “Yep Lee and I were discussing how to make absent dads miserable. But then Sean went and spoiled it by reminding me, I was going to be a dad real soon too,” Kyle said as he grinned at the cringes made by Pete and Antonio. “I assume that discussion is best left until another day,” Lee...

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Delta OriginalChapter 2 Tammy

Things were a bit different on this trip. The crews had elected a floating work schedule. As long as the work was done, they did it as required. In engineering, they all helped each other. Lee and Bing taught everyone how to perform necessary engine checks. Lee, Bing and Terry while aboard would still do the main checks and repairs, but the others could help by taking a short night shift every few nights to do the simple walk around checks. Hydroponics elected for a similar loose roster as...

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Delta Developement Chapter 2

Chapter 2. Paul's transition to womanhood had begun by his own hand! The pen is mightier than the penis! I thought to myself. Dr. Turnbull left with the signed papers and told us she would get a nurse who would take Paul to the surgical wing and straight to the operating room. As the two of us sat waiting for a nurse to come Paul asked me at least a dozen times, Dr. Turnbul said she may have to remove my penis, right? She would give me something that looks like a vagina,...

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Delta Developement Chapter 4

Chapter 4 A couple of weeks later on a Sunday, Katie had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with me. Katie actually worked out alongside me during my afternoon workout. She could bench press more than me; leg lift more than me and last on the treadmill longer than me! It was hard to comprehend my wife was stronger than me now. I knew I was rehabbing still but to be the weaker one of the two of us really stunned me. It showed I still had a lot of time in front of me before I was...

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Delta Developement Chapter 3

Mid Story Prologue: Well now what do you think my friend? Crazy twist of fate? Just punishment for my sins? Remember at the time of my second cancer surgery I was only concerned with staying alive. I didn't know there was a diabolical plot being executed as my "Just Punishment" for being unfaithful to my wife. Life is full of unseen twists. I guess the old saying is right "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" From here until the end of my tale I want to shift the...

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Delta Developement Chapter 5

Chapter 5 My dad was a man's man and I knew he will never accept what I had done. As I approached the kitchen I could hear my mom and dad talking and laughing. I knew they were laughing about me. Not in a joking way, in a way that meant what a Fem! What a wimp! What a panty waist! As I entered the kitchen my father spoke first. "So, you're going to Tommy's skating party eh? Are there going to be any girls there?" he asked teasing me. "Dad its Joe's party. I am meeting Tommy to...

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Delta Developement Chapter Chapter 6

Chapter 6. As I woke up the next morning, I was feeling good for the first time since I was diagnosed with Systema Genitale Masculinum Spirilextradual. I felt I was finally accepting my situation with my cancer and the effects it has had on my body in a more positive manner. Last night I think my subconscious brought up the memory to me of my emersion experience as a teenage girl for one reason. It didn't destroy my life. I overcame what my mom had exposed me to and went on to...

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Delta Developement Chapter 9 Final

Chapter 9. Final Chapter "Oh, you are right Reggie, she is beautiful. You will make a beautiful bride, Paula!" The woman left the room and disappeared from earshot. "What" I yelled. "Bride I can't be a bride I'm a Ma" "Already married!" Katie broke in cutting me off in mid-sentence. "Her husband won't stand for it!" The visiting man said to the maniac, "Don't worry Reggie, Michele will get them prettied up and I will officiate the wedding, by the time her old man finds out, you...

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Delta OriginalChapter 21 Bombs Away

The Firefly had to alter their course in order to bleed off their speed. Being down a fore drive meant they had to increase the size of their loop to approach Futura to bleed off more speed. They still hadn’t gotten the other engine working. The drive engineer said they didn’t have replacement parts for the engine. Their spares were still sitting on the dock at the space station. The replicator hadn’t been loaded with them, and he’d have to bastardise one of the aft engines to get it...

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Delta OriginalChapter 1 Teenagers

Justin was wandering around the halls of the ship. He didn’t have a destination in mind; he was just walking and thinking about his dad. He had been mourning his father for over four years. He had been shocked when he was given the vid from a woman call Glenda saying it was from his dad. He watched it with excitement at first and then with anger the second time. Apparently, his dad had been stranded on a planet. He had married again and had another three kids with three more on the way. Two...

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Delta OriginalChapter 2 Traveling

So here he was, on a starship with his family crossing solar systems to go find his dad. He still couldn’t believe he had gotten a job in Utopia and a berth on the ship. When the girls tried to convince him to send in a resume’, he had been very reluctant. If their dad wanted them, then why didn’t he send for them? The twins decided that they would just go and find out. The other kids also agreed. They wanted to find their dad too. Justin grinned and wondered if the people doing the hiring...

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Delta OriginalChapter 4 Christmas Aboard

In the morning, Justin wasn’t that surprised to find Kim curled up in his arms. Not long after they moved into the flat, he often found her in his bed. He had gotten so used to it he didn’t even wake when she crawled in with him anymore. She had told him she always felt safest when with him as she had dreams. Considering the stories that Tyson and the girls had eventually told him of what Paul tried to do on several occasions, he wasn’t that surprised. He had to go back to wearing his...

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Delta OriginalChapter 5 Gifts

Carol collared Tyson. He was taking a break for some lunch. She told him that she had a gift for him. He was a bit surprised, “I didn’t get you anything, sorry.” She smiled at him, “Oh, I think you can give me something I want.” A bit bewildered, he said, “What?” She smiled and taking his hand, she led him to her room. Her little sister had agreed to not come and annoy them. Carols family was headed for Copperton. She knew if she didn’t cart Tyson off soon, she would never find out...

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Delta OriginalChapter 6 The Crash

The Navigator was surprised to find he was still alive. He was beat-up, but all limbs were still attached and working sort of. He hurt just about everywhere. When he touched his head, his fingers came away sticky. He had a decent size gash just above his right temple and an egg-sized lump. He also noted the dried blood on the side of his lower leg where something had sliced him when it went past. He had strapped in an aisle seat towards the back of the transporter when he realised, they...

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Delta OriginalChapter 7 A New Home

The last week aboard the Fortune sped-by for the Ubobo’s. The Ubobo family kept the crew, and other passengers entertained every night with their music. The night they celebrated New Year’s Eve; the crew informed them it was actually going into July on Utopia. But they may as well enjoy the celebration anyway. Everyone did their level best to do so. The five oldest members of the Ubobo clan also managed to find someone else to celebrate with as well. The boys were amused by the starry-eyed...

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Delta OriginalChapter 8 Rookies

For the Ubobo’s, their first Sunday in Utopia was an interesting day. Lee had arranged a meeting with their father. She had transported them all to Watson Island to meet their other siblings and his husband and wife. The whole family had been shocked when Glenda told them he had one of each. Allan was very nervous at meeting his older children after more than four years of absence. Zak and Darla had to fuck him to exhaustion to get him to stop stressing the night before. When Lee and Sean...

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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Going to Work

Come the Monday, Justin, Stella and Stanley found themselves going off to work. The rest of the kids were taken to a testing centre with the other new Earth kids and some other new arrivals to Futura from the local populations. This was so the school system could decide where they fit in and what they wanted to do. The kids told Justin of the weird tests they did over that next three school days. They, in fact, did very few written tests. Most of the tests involved doing some activity or...

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Delta OriginalChapter 10 Mages

“Hey son, do you feel up to some visitors?” “Hey dad, so are you guys finally ready to come to visit?” Sean asked back excitedly. “Yes, your mother and sister have been nagging me incessantly for weeks and so have Antonio and Pete. We have things pretty much under control as far as the land allocation is going. As we’ve already told everyone we’re in, it’s now up to them.” “As you know, Australia and North America are in. West Europe and Russia will probably be signed up in the next couple...

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Delta OriginalChapter 11 Karri

“Karri your turn,” Lee said gently. Karri looked at her brother with apprehension in her eyes. Sean walked over to her and took her hands. “Sis you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. It will be a big change for you.” “That box is an Apprentice Wizard’s Box. You will become Aeron’s apprentice. You probably won’t be able to go home for long, if you accept this responsibility. You will become a protector of the Keltrian people and feel compelled to come back here. We think the...

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Delta OriginalChapter 12 Disappointment

Jahn finally found the cavern entrance after three weeks (Utopian time) of walking and searching. He had managed to find eggs, nuts, berries and some tuber roots, so he didn’t starve to death. He even managed on the third night to set some simple snares he remembered how to make and spell. He caught an animal he believed was related to the reptii back on Jahnville. It was the size of a small to a medium-sized dog but had hooves like a pig. Since he had no difficulties lighting a fire with...

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Delta OriginalChapter 13 Randy Fathers

The group had decided to head to Clarksville today. They didn’t bother packing much, as Sean explained to the visitors, they could get everything they needed from the replicator. Anne and Karri asked if they could scan in their favourite clothes. Lee told them to collect what they wished but did warn them if they go into the replicator and then other people could access them as well. Neither woman had any problem with this outcome. Karri joked she hoped the women weren’t after the latest...

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