Crime Will Cost You
- 2 years ago
- 31
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Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story.
Michael greeted me with obvious relief.
‘Oh! You’re here! Great! Great! Where have you been? It’s almost time to start! You look great! Where are the grips? Props! Get the props in place! Someone call Gary! The spotlight is too dull. Lights! We need lights, lights, lights! Glitter and pizzazz! This is big time, babies, and this is going to be the…best…show…ever!’ The strain of show time was displayed on his face. Michael took his job as backstage manager very seriously.
I made a show of fanning myself. ‘Oh, wow, I’m hot. Feeling kinda faint, you know? Woozy. I think I need some water.’
Michael’s eyes widened and he shrieked. He twisted and shouted, ‘Water! Cold water for Erica right now! Get the smelling salts! Grab the crash cart!’
Then Chrissie said, ‘Knock it off, Michael. Can’t you see she’s teasing you?’
Michael paused for a second, looking at me. I nodded.
‘She’s right. I was just having some fun,’ I said.
Michael stalked away, muttering.
I turned to Chrissie. ‘Hmmpphh. Party pooper,’ I said.
Chrissie pitched her voice really high. ‘Hmmpphh. Party pooper!’ Then she rolled her eyes.
‘Whatever,’ I said. Nothing like a little pre-show bickering to settle one’s nerves.
Of course, I would have expected her to be in a better mood for Day Two. Chrissie was, after all, ahead of the rest of us by two letters. She had yet to experience any effects whatsoever, whereas Laura, Tonya and I had been through two levels of bimbification and two spins of the accessory wheel.
For my part, I wasn’t going to give Chrissie the satisfaction of showing how royally pissed I was about my changes. My entire midsection had been bimbified, so my hips and ass were swelled and rounded, and my waist had been pinched in. My fingernails, toenails and lips were all the same shade of metallic hot pink, and my nipples were now pierced. The most embarrassing changes, however, were my hair, which was now permanently gathered into two long blonde pigtails that dangled from the top of my head all the way down to my waist, and my lips, which were now swelled and rewired into a super sensitive erogenous zone.
Tonya and Laura hadn’t been much luckier. Tonya’s hair was now big and platinum, and she looked like a bimbo stripper. Besides the bimboed midsection, she now sported a tongue piercing and bimbo red fingernails, toenails and lips. She had also received vagina bumps right next to her clit, and a simple ten-foot walk left her looking slightly dazed. Laura’s red hair was long and straight, and her fingers, toes and lips matched it. She also had a bimbified midsection, and, although she didn’t have vagina bumps like Tonya, she did have a pierced clit. Also, her nipples had been super sensitized, and the simple act of wearing a bra was giving Laura a dreamy look on her face. The three of us were turning into horny little bimbos, and Chrissie was going to run away with this thing if at least one of us didn’t get it together soon.
We stood around without talking, with Laura, Tonya and I trying not to move too much. It was almost a relief when Michael rushed toward us, panting, ‘Five minutes! Five minutes! Biff is already out there, okay, sweeties? Five minutes! Big time, cuties! Best show ever!’
I put a hand to my forehead. ‘Oh! Woozy…’
Michael looked panic-stricken.
I grinned. ‘Kidding,’ I said.
Michael stalked away, muttering under his breath. The others gave me disapproving looks.
Soon we heard the music cue up, and then Biff was talking. ‘Good evening, and welcome back to Bimbomania! Our latest playoff matches members of the ‘Night at the Museum’ gang against each other, and so far it’s been an entertaining contest! Christine has been large and in charge with it, but she’s not so far ahead that she can afford to relax. Nosireebob! Particularly since Day 2 is when we turn…up…the…heat! So, let’s bring our girls back out for another day of bimbifying goodness. Girls, come on down!’
The tuxedoed beefcakes once more formed an honor guard of sorts as we entered the stage. We had each been given individual outfits to wear, and, although all the outfits consisted of a miniskirt, knotted halter-top and high heels, each exhibited an individual theme. Laura was introduced first, and she made her demure way out dressed in an adorable schoolgirl outfit, her perfect red hair swaying in step with her hips. Tonya was next, her mass of blonde hair flowing down her back. She was dressed in the glittery sequins of a stripper. I was introduced next, and I walked onstage with my long dangling pigtails bobbing in time with my cheerleader skirt. Chrissie was last. Her black hair wasn’t as extreme as the rest of ours, but she was still looking adorably hot in her Sailor Moon anime outfit.
We were now gathered on stage. Various signs could be seen throughout the audience in support of one contestant or another. One sign stated, ‘LAURA = HOT HOT HOT!’ Another sign said, ‘Tonya…blondes have more fun!’ One half-wit held a sign that said, ‘Nice pigtails, Erica! Your IQ is HAIR today but gone tomorrow!’ I obviously had an adoring public.
We listened to Biff drone on endlessly, but, finally, we got down to the business of the day…the next event.
‘Alright, cuties,’ said Biff. ‘It’s time! The next event is known by our regular viewers as the ‘No Blow’.’ Biff paused as the crowd burst into applause.
While Biff waited for quiet, a girl wearing a sexy nurse’s outfit walked over and stood next to him. Her crisp white uniform was tight and short, and her cleavage bulged through the V-neck. She was holding a pink injection gun and a cloth pack that appeared to hold four injection cartridges.
‘This is Nurse Suzi,’ said Biff. ‘She had to change her name because the doctors got nervous working around anyone named ‘Sue!’ Right? Right?’ Biff did a quick little soft-shoe as a drum rimshot sounded over the speakers. The audience groaned appreciatively.
Biff finished his dance step and smiled. ‘Well, enough of this frivolity. We’ve got some girls to bimbo! Now, ladies, here’s what you’ll be dealing with. Nurse Suzi is injecting you each with a secret hormone specifically created by those hardworking scientists at Blonde Concepts and linked to your individual chromosomal makeup. This hormone is concentrated to work specifically with your taste buds and in synch with your swallowing instinct as well.’
Suzi stepped up to Tonya and selected a cartridge. She popped the cartridge into the pink injection gun and moved Tonya’s mass of blonde hair from the back of her neck. Then she pressed the business end of the injector against the base of Tonya’s neck and pressed. Tonya jumped, a surprised look on her face, as a sudden ‘pfft’ of hair was heard. Suzi smiled and replaced the cartridge as she moved on to Laura.
‘Now, this won’t cause you any trouble by itself, although your food may taste a little, ah, strange for the next day or two. Nope, the true challenge comes in a different package.’
As Biff talked, the stage began to whirr and rotate once more, sliding smoothly into place. Behind Biff, a long transparent container came into view, fully the length across the back of the stage. The container was designed of completely see-through plastic. It was approximately eight feet high and about eight feet wide as well, and it had to be around one hundred feet long, although it was ‘S’ shaped, so as to be able to fit on stage. It was, for all intents and purposes, a transparent hallway. Inside the transparent hallway, at regular intervals, sat four of the beefcakes. Each beefcake was shirtless, although wearing the black tuxedo pants. They looked delicious. The four
muscled men were receiving injections from women who were dressed in a similar manner to Suzi.
‘Those hunks are receiving pheromone shots,’ continued Biff. ‘Those pheromones are geared to activate the hormones migrating to your mouth glands. The closer you get to those pheromones, the stronger the effect they have on you.’
I felt Suzi’s hand on my shoulder and sudden pressure against the back of my neck. I gasped and jumped as the hormones were air-injected into me.
‘Oh!’ I said, pigtails bouncing.
Biff flashed a grin, then continued. ‘The bottom line is this, ladies. The pheromones and hormones are specially designed by those clever fellows from Blonde Concepts, and the closer you get to the gentlemen, the more you are going to want to swallow their semen. You four are going to start at the beginning of the plastic hallway and walk through. You’ll pass each gentleman as you do so, and, trust me, you’ll feel the effects. Each gentleman has a stronger concentration of pheromones than the one before, so it’ll get harder and harder to simply walk by. Once your lips have touched one of the gentleman’s penises, then you have lost and will receive a letter and a trip to the accessory wheel! If you manage to make it through without stopping to dally, then you receive a pass for the round. As you can see, it is actually possible to have multiple winners this time!’
I began to feel the tingle of panic as I realized the nature of this event. My lips were super sensitive! This wasn’t fair!
The sound of a ringing cell phone interrupted my panic attack. For the first time, I realized that Biff was carrying a sleek, colorful cell phone on his belt. The phone had a blinking red light that was flashing to the beat of the phone’s ring. Biff made a show of answering the phone.
‘Biff Brewster,’ he said.
Everyone watched breathlessly as Biff listened, then nodded. Finally, he turned and looked at me.
‘This is Mister Big. He is the ultimate authority on Bimbomania!’ said Biff. The audience gave an awed clap.
Biff continued. ‘Mister Big is aware of your plight, Erica. And he is offering a deal of sorts.
A deal?
‘Mister Big said you may have your lips numbed for the next event if you agree to have your eyebrows shaped and neuromuscularly repositioned into a higher arch.’
The crowd began to buzz while I mulled over the offer. My lips were already tingling and, although I had full control of myself, I wasn’t happy about trying to walk through that long hallway with my lips feeling like a hotbed of temptation. However, my eyebrows would be enhanced, making me look like a perpetually surprised ditz. A rock and a hard place. Dammit.
‘Well, Erica?’ said Biff.
I clenched my teeth. I couldn’t afford another letter. ‘Alright, Biff. I’ll take the deal.’
The crowd applauded as he spoke dramatically into the phone. ‘Mister Big…Erica will take the deal!’ He slid the phone back into place and put his arm around me, then turned to face the camera. ‘Erica is having her eyebrows enhanced so that she can numb her lips! Will this strategy help her win the event? We’ll see the results of the enhancement and begin the next event when we come back!’ Then the camera turned off and Biff deflated.
Two tuxedoed beefcakes quickly escorted me backstage. Once again I found myself sitting across from Roadkill, the ex-biker techie who had earlier done my hair and nails.
‘Hello again,’ he said.
‘Grrrrrrr. Hello again,’ I said.
‘Open up,’ he said.
I opened my mouth and he laid strips of thin metal mesh along my top and bottom lips. The adhesive on the strips held them in place.
‘Press your lips together. Good…you’ll feel current running through the strips, and it will feel weird, but it can’t hurt you. While that’s happening, I’m setting the neuro-strips on your eyebrows for restructuring. This won’t hurt either, but it’s going to feel buzzy up there while it’s happening.’
I felt Roadkill pressing something against my eyebrows. Then his fingers were gone, but I could still feel the strips. Then I gasped as I felt current running through both sets of strips. Roadkill was watching a monitor that appeared to have my eyebrows showing onscreen, and he was using the mouse to change the shapes on the screen. As he did so, I felt an increase in the sensations in my eyebrows. It was making me feel light-headed, and I began breathing deeper to avoid feeling nauseous.
I was really starting to feel dizzy, but all at once, it stopped. Roadkill removed the strips, and, judging by the way the strip removal didn’t cause me to explode into orgasm, I deduced that my lips were indeed not the super sensitive sources of embarrassment they had been earlier. For now, anyway. I nodded in satisfaction. ‘Thank you, Roadkill. Much better.’
The muscular Roadkill chuckled. ‘Don’t thank me yet, babe,’ he said, handing me a mirror.
I swore. I had known they were going to adjust my eyebrows, but my eyebrows were so arched and rounded now that the effect even caused my eyes to be opened just slightly wider than normal. I looked stunned. Grrrrrrrr!
I was escorted back onstage, and the camera came back to life. Chrissie had to step just outside the pan range of the camera, as she couldn’t stop laughing at my perpetually surprised look. I really wanted to hurt her.
Biff put his arm around my shoulders and showed me off to the home viewers. ‘Welcome back, Erica! Our techs certainly did excellent work!’ The crowd applauded.
Biff finally released me and I stomped my way behind Laura.
‘Alright, girls, it’s time to get ready,’ said Biff. ‘Let’s make our way over to the hallway entrance.’
We walked to the entrance of the transparent hallway. The hallway was actually a sealed rectangular cube, apparently with its own air supply. It was designed to keep the air in, presumably so the ‘pheromones’ or whatever the hell Biff called them couldn’t escape. I mentally shrugged. It sounded more like a head game than anything else. There was probably some gas or something in there that would make us dazed or giggly, and the viewers and Biff could get off thinking we were getting horny. Whatever. I had taken care of any risk I had when I had agreed to let them numb my lips, so I wasn’t actually worried about this one. A small part of me actually wished it was true in the sense that watching Chrissie get helplessly horny and start giving a guy a blowjob on national television would have been absolutely the best thing ever.
They herded the four of us into the first section of the hallway, then closed the door behind us. Since the door, like the walls, was transparent, they could still see us, of course, and we could see them. As we watched, they locked the door. The only way out of this cubed hallway was the door on the other end. All we had to do was walk there past the four supposedly hopped-up-on-pheromones guys.
We could see the first guy sitting in a chair one section over, maybe twenty or thirty feet from us. The funny thing was, it seemed like we could smell him from where we were, but in a good way. In fact, that scent was actually making my mouth water. The others wriggled a little bit, and I had a feeling the scent was having a similar effect on them. We all breathed in a little deeper, and suddenly nipples were springing up and thighs were being pressed together.
Holy shit, this guy smelled good. We all took a tentative step forward, and our hips were already beginning to wriggle. I could feel my tongue sliding over my numb lips. I could actually picture this guy’s cock in my mouth, and gawd, that was exactly what I needed.
And that was when the beefcake stood and ripped his Velcro pants off in a single move. His glorious cock stood at attention for the world’s and ours’ viewing pleasure.
My reverie was snapped by Tonya’s outcry. Tonya dashed toward the beefcake, and that had the effect of opening the floodgat
es. As one, we all ran for the suddenly frightened beefcake. His eyes widened and he backed up, then turned to run for the far door, but it was too late. The wave of bimbified women swept over him, and he was buried in an avalanche of wet, slurping mouths. The beefcake was no longer visible under the licking, slurping, fighting women writhing on top of him, each trying to slide their mouths over his thick member.
Because of her head start, Tonya had reached the naked beefcake before the rest of us, and that gave her the advantage. Tonya had her lips wrapped firmly around the man’s thick shaft, and she held his hips so tightly that it was impossible to dislodge her. The rest of us had a moment of panic so intense that it appeared we would physically attack Tonya. Then it occurred to us nearly simultaneously that there was another man not far away…and he had a penis.
Laura was in the best initial position and was a step ahead of Chrissie and I. Despite our high heels, we sprinted down the plastic hallway toward the second beefcake. The second beefcake had seen his compatriot disappear under the pile of women and had started down the hallway to help his colleague, but now he back-pedaled quickly as he realized we were racing in his direction. He turned to run, but he stumbled over his feet momentarily, and that was all we needed. Laura grabbed the back of his pants, which, being held together with Velcro, came off in her hands, leaving him naked. That slowed him enough that we were able to catch him from behind and tackle him to the ground. He tried to crawl away on his hands and knees, but our combined weight stopped him. We rolled him to his back, but it was Laura who managed to slide her mouth over his cock. Her head began to bob up and down as she sucked his member desperately.
Chrissie and I shrieked in frustration, realizing that this semen-wielding cock was unavailable as well. We were preparing to push Laura away when we became suddenly aware of the heady scent indicating that two more lovely penises had arrived. The last two beefcakes, apparently realizing what was happening, had arrived to help control the situation. This was fine with Chrissie and I.
I dropped to my knees in front of the man on the left while Chrissie ripped the pants off the guy on the right. I reached out and pulled the waistband of the pants in front of me and I was rewarded with the static sound of Velcro parting. I caught my breath as the cock in front of me hardened inches from my warm, wet mouth. Next to me, Chrissie’s black hair was already bobbing back and forth.
I shuddered as I slid my mouth over the head of that cock, and I wrapped my lips tightly around that shaft. Everything else was simply background noise as the taste of that cock filled my mouth. My mouth was wet and tight, and I slid my lips up and down that shaft. My breathing was ragged as I felt his cock hardening even more in my mouth, and suddenly I saw flashes of color as hot cum began to fill my mouth. My eyes widened and I squealed around his cock as I orgasmed, a series of hot, shuddering, twitching climaxes that wracked my body as my belly filled with hot cum. Even with my belly full, however, I couldn’t stop, and my vision blurred as I felt myself pulled away from that hot, luscious cock.
Twenty minutes later we were back on stage, although we were much more subdued at this point. We looked at the ground, our cheeks still flushed from our exertions. Well, mostly from our exertions. Biff was explaining to the audience why we had gone berserk.
‘Well, that certainly was a sight to see! It seems the tech that performed the calculations for the injections accidentally shifted a decimal point in the wrong direction, and as a result, our girls received far more hormones than they were supposed to, along with the gentlemen receiving far too many pheromones. The effect on our girls was simply spectacular, though, wouldn’t you say? Unfortunately, it was far more than their poor little addled minds could handle, and, therefore, we have no winners for this round. Christine shall receive her first round of Bimbomania bimbification, and the other girls will receive their third! And then…the accessory wheel! Paul, why don’t you tell the girls what they can expect?’
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Crimes Against Femmanity Part 1 Dear Madam Editor of Sissy Life Magazine and to the Madam citizens of Femkind, here is my story, my warranted punishment, and my growth as a small insignificant piece in Your glorious cultured society. Ma'am's, I hope if you do decide to publish my story in your magazine, that Madam readers of Femkind can find some joy in my story. Lucky literate males, I hope you can learn from my crimes and continue to serve your Femkind overlords well. THE BEFORE...
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EPILOGUE: It has been like over a year since I like last wrote to Sissy Life Magazine. Madam Editor has contacted me for a follow-up and I'm totally super excited! I write this as a very lucky and loving sissy daughter to an amazing Lawyer Mommy. The adoption process went just as smooth as Mommy promised, She's like always true to Her word! I will never forget the day Mommy came home with the official paperwork because it was the greatest day of my life! I heard Her key turn the...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Hips wriggling, I made my way backstage. Chrissie and Tonya were sitting together. Chrissie looked me over as I approached. ‘Hey, slut,’ said Chrissie, ‘we were just talking about you. We were trying to figure out what bimbo name we’re going to give you after you lose...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Round Seven- ENDGAME TonyaB…I…M…B…O LauraB…I…M…B…O EricaB…I…M…B…x ChristineB…I…M…B…x The scoreboard told the whole story. Tonya and Laura- now Lori- had visited the Bimbo Throne, and they were now the ultimate bimbos. Tonya had big blonde hair all the way down to her...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Round Two We were one event into Bimbomania, and Chrissie was the only one of us not affected yet. Michael, the young Asian man who was the backstage manager, had given us an hour to get used to our new piercings and bimbified midsections. I was personally glad of the...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- I arrived backstage in a high state of agitation. Alright, I was horny. It was impossible to concentrate. My skin felt hot. I could smell everybody. I was in heat. My overdeveloped bimbo body was reacting to everything, and it all felt good. I wanted more. My clothes felt...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. I had never seen a carving quite like it before. A good foot-and-a-half tall, the carving was that of a naked woman on her knees, but in pleasure rather than in supplication. Her knees were spread wide and both hands were laying on her sex. Her head was back, eyes closed, her mouth open...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis: A museum heist has unexpected results. * I was not happy about Chrissie getting the dildo stuck in my ass. Just standing around was an exercise in humility, and don’t...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. * I was not in a good mood when I woke up the following morning. Trying to sleep with several inches of dildo stuck in my mouth- and another eight inches protruding from my mouth-...
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Gerald went back to his bedroom, but he wasn't planning on going back to sleep. He hadn't yet figured out what the mysterious "Mary" had in mind, but he knew he had to stay alert. He felt like he had when his wife had thrown him a surprise birthday party a few years before. He had found out about it a few days in advance, but played along and tried to act surprised when he walked into the darkened room full of his friends. But he knew this could develop into a serious situation,...
When Gerald got back from dropping Mary off at her apartment, he crashed into bed. Two hours later, when his alarm went off he rolled out of bed just long enough to log onto his computer and send his boss an email telling him that he would be taking the day off. Then he crawled back under the covers and slept until noon. When he finally shook off the cobwebs, he spent the rest of the day thinking about what he would do to Kim that night. His attitude toward her was totally different than...
It took Gerald most of the next day to get back to normal. By the time he went to the airport to pick up Susan, he felt he was almost back to the controlled, boring Gerald that she would be expecting. Apparently he was right, because she did not seem to notice anything unusual in his behavior. He soon realized that was because she was so excited about how successful her trip had been that all she could do was talk about herself and the conference and the new people she had met. Later that...
Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter Nine -- Hair of the Dog Back in the bed room Christie and Kimberly laid out my outfit for my first round of golf in drag. I put on a pair of pink silk bikini panties and a matching pink silk bra. Kimberly put breast forms in the bra that looked like real breasts; they even had nipples. I put on a short-sleeved pink golf shirt, but balked at the short black skirt that lay on the bed. "I can't wear that; I never saw a skirt that short. Everybody will see...
The cool crisp wind made Lilly cover her face momentairly before she turned around to watch as her mother waved a hand then sped off in the car. She sighed as she pulled out the handle on the small suitcase and slumpled her backpack over her shoulder. She was staying the night with Ashley and some other friends for three nights. Ashley was having a sleepover to celebrate them all turning 18, Ashley being the last. She came up the stepway to a large oak door,and knocked three times. The door...
LesbianSeveral years ago I worked for a car dealership. My boss was an attractive nicely built white man in his mid 40s. I had fantasized about him with my fingers in my ass many nights, but he was married, so I figured I wouldnt even bother trying.I had noticed that he had started staying at the office later than normal. One night I was getting ready to lock up and realized he was still in his office. I went over to ask him if I should just let him lock up, and realized that he was very stressed. We...
Hey Guys! I hope you like the last story . But this story is going to be a crossover of some of my . So, if you haven’t read those, please read them and then read this story. Disha, Maya and Me had a great threesome sex. All credit goes to the blackmailer. At the same time, I was also worried about what will be the next thing he will be asking us to do. Also, I was confused about was the blackmailer a girl or a boy. I and Disha slept together the night. The next day when we got up. Disha gave...
On the belt, they have a saying: Minerals are controlled by capitalists, flesh is controlled by entrepreneurs. They say it's because people preferred the competition of smaller businesses and therefore put corporations at a disadvantage to small businesses. However, it was actually a government regulation put in place in an attempt to distribute more evenly throughout the belt. Either way, anyone with money for decent ship and a few licenses and tickets could start trading the...
My thighs feel all sticky, as if I have been swimming in salt water, and it has dried on them. I start to scratch, and realize my hands are bound to the chair arms. Suddenly fully awake, I remember where I am. Your last question comes back to me, all in a rush. “Do you trust me?” I had replied, a little too quickly, “Completely.” Though that wasn’t strictly true. I had some misgivings at totally relinquishing control. But I had quieted them, saying to myself, it’s only for the weekend, and she...
BDSMConfessions It was a restless night that night, my mind churning over the events, the engagement, the kiss Gavin watching as Debbie tried to seduce me , in truth I could not make much sense of any of it. I woke up reasonable early the next morning well in truth Melissa woke me tugging at my arm to get me up. "Morning Darling," I said slipping out of bed. I grabbed my overnight bag that I had brought over with me. I pulled out a pair of jeans and pushed my legs into them, I took a...
Sunday morning Jessie got up at went downstairs to watch whatever sports were on. He had been a sports fanatic all his life. If it involved anything physical and testosterone laced, he was all over it. He decided to skip his shower today and sat himself down comfortably on the couch. Jessie flipped to the football game and quickly caught up on what was going on. For some reason though, he couldn't get into the game. He decided to flip the channels some, tough man,...
I'm 60, recently divorced and horny just about all ofthe time. It rained today; the tale end of HurricaneIvan passed over the Cape. I needed to get out of theconverted cottage in Eastham where I've lived for thepast year. I retired, left Boston and my selfish k**safter the divorce. IThe cottage, some small savings,my car and my pension are all that survived thenastiness. I drove the short distance over to theocean and parked just beyond a now-closed restaurantwhere the surf was easily...
Mona Azar has just toured an apartment that Tony has on the market, and she loves everything about it except for the price. When Tony tries to push Mona into signing the lease at his price, she asks to use the restroom. When Mona returns to resume negotiations, she’s decked out in sheer pink lingerie that hugs every one of her luscious curves. Tony tries to rebuff Mona’s advances, but she lays it all on the line: He lowers the price and approves her, and she lets him fuck the shit...
xmoviesforyouShe had found the ropes and the magazines by accident. They were hidden under Art’s bed, along with magazines of naked girlsThe girlie mags didn’t interest her half as much as these did.Where Art had got them from, heavens only knew. But it was easy to see why they were hidden.As she flicked through them, she felt something strange happen. She was actually getting incredibly turned on. She had no idea why, but it was a fact.It wasn’t the girls. They did nothing for her, but the ropes the girls...
I'm still too young and don't know very much about sex. My friends older sister talks to us sometimes and tells us how it works, but obviously I have no experience. I live with just my mom went away a year ago. My dad works hard and takes good care of me. He never does anything sexy with me. But every so often he goes out with his buddies and comes home and passes out from drinking too much I guess. Like this last weekend he did it again after playing poker. I had a nightmare and went to his...
IncestI drive a lot for my job sometimes in the city, more often in out of the way places. It’s not a bad job, I get to meet lots of interesting people and go places that I never knew existed, but it can get pretty boring sitting behind the wheel for hours on end. Sometimes I get sleepy and have to crank up the radio, open a window and slap myself a couple times to stay awake. Other times my mind wanders and before I know it my pants are getting too tight and I have to touch myself….at...
Straight SexMeredith sat in her study at Buxton House and stared at the door to Liam’s room. Of course, it was a double door. Even if she opened her side, it would need to be opened from his side as well. She thought of going to open it and see if it was already open from the other side. Instead, she picked up her phone. The little study was equipped just as she’d requested from Erich. Only more so. The desk was an elegant mahogany, polished to a high shine. A blotter protected it from anything she...
Hi! This is Vatsal back again with the continuation of my previous part. Without any further delay, let’s start it. After the hot steamy sex while massaging my aunt Sheetal, I was lying beside her and caressing her cheek and lips. We were talking about how it just happened between us. The aroma of fresh cum and sweat mixed with oil were intoxicating. I slowly moved my hand down on my aunt’s little dry cunt which was slightly open with the fuck she just received from me. I always had an eye on...
IncestOnly eighteen hours had passed between when last I had entered this room and now. It was only under Sir’s direct order that I was in there now, eyes downcast at the young woman that sat shivering on the couch in front of me. Despite her being a disheveled mess, she was, otherwise, pretty enough. She had dressed in the way that he had liked, draped in a rich, red silk that suited her and was plunged scandalously low in the back. There were diamonds on her fingers and at her lobes, and diamonds...
"I don't know, sweetheart. All it says is be ready at 5 and pack a weekend bag!""Ready for what?""I don't know!""Well what does the invitation say?" You shout down the stairs at me. "I just told you. That's all it said!""You are remarkably unhelpful" you complain and retreat back into the bedroom. Pondering what to pack for a weekend we don't know where, attending an event that is a complete mystery. My bag was easy to pack, a few pairs of pants and button down shirts. Easy as pie. There's a...
Dan lives in a nicely secluded house by the sea, somewhere on the south coast of England. In his early thirties he runs his mail order company MOG from home, happy to be enjoying himself after a number of years slogging away in the city. He's no gym bunny, but was fortunate to be born with a good overall physique, broad shoulders and a good bum. Once a month or so he travels off to different parts of the world to talk to suppliers and look at ways to expand his catalogue. Occasionally a...
I watched the code as it flickered and flowed and finally moved with it. It was almost simple to move around the security and into the system. I moved to one side to watch the data flow with the constant guard and security programs streaming past. I dove into the stream and headed to a hub to retrieve the location of the files I wanted. I moved away and deeper into the flow and kept going until I reached an interface. I gathered the data I had come for and slipped away. I sat back as I reached...
Scarlett Mae is in the midst of a Twitchxxx livestream, complete with subscriber voice chat. She notices that it’s getting pretty hot in the room, so she starts by turning on her fan while her miniskirt rides up and flashes her camel toe. Her viewers encourage her to start stripping, and she eventually agrees to take her shirt and skirt off as long as she covers everything with her hair. Eventually, her viewers coax her to show a tit. Emboldened, they talk Scarlett into pulling her...
xmoviesforyouI imagine how one evening in bed you kneel above me with a thigh on either side of my head. Gently caressing your vulva pressing it together as you slide your fingers up its length when you sensually spread your labia my hands slide up to the base of your breasts lifting one in each hand while you stimulate the top of your clitoris.When your breathing starts to rise I roll your nipples between my thumb and fore-finger increasing the pressure as you rub your clit more intensely and a slight...
Mera nam Raju (22 year old) hai our me originaly Mumbai se rehnevala hoo. Mai Goa mai ek Paint company mai kam karta tha aur meri salary bhi thik thak thi. Mane company ke pas hi flat le liya tha jisme 3 rooms, kitchen, hall, aur room mai attaached toilet bathrooms the. Mai flat pe akela hone ke karan bohot porn movies dekhta. Meri girlfriend bhi thi Ajani, jiske sath mai maje uthata. Ye bat mere gharvaloko malun nahi thi. Ek din uncle ka phone aya ki unki beti Divya (29 years) aur uski dost...
Okay, to wrestlers and wrestling purists please accept my apologies for any mistakes or inaccuracies in this story. I am not a wrestler and can only work through visualization so I’m sure there are many glaring deficiencies. To wrestlers and wrestling purists (and anyone else) who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story...
Hi,Everyone! I am Nisha from typical Indian family. I am the boring person you ever see in your school,college and office. I am 24 now and still virgin. Having a boyfriend in India considered as gravest sin. Parents were never supportive to have a boyfriend. What should i do? I have no courage to ask a boy! But everyone has their day , we have to be patient. I am positive for that.The day has come , I have completed my and got admission in America for my Masters. Whoa! finally i am...
You came into my dreams again this afternoon. I was hoping you would. Your hair was much longer than when I saw you last, falling between your shoulders and cut in a fringe in the front. I thought it was quite lovely. You were dressed in soft pink, in a dress whose straps fell around your shoulders. We walked down the streets as we always did a long time ago. You were talking about yourself and I was just trying to keep from putting my arms around you. Even in my dreams I could feel my...
I had known him for ages, but nothing ever came of it. Personal circumstances for both of us prevented any desires we may have had from surfacing, then one day we bumped into each other in the crisp section of our local supermarket.He looked hot and I knew I wanted him. We talked for a bit and went our separate ways. I couldn't get him out of my head. I knew he was seeing someone, so was I, but it didn't stop me feeling the need to fuck him.I knew he was a bit of a horny bastard and so after a...
Today to school I wore my button up white blouse and skirt. I heard music and followed my ears to where the music class was still practicing. I looked in the window and saw him. Nathan stood facing me doing a solo. He was playing a very big instrument ( insert dirty thought here). He has shaggy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I have had a crush on him for a while now and was always looking for opportunities to be alone with him. The conductor waved his hands and said "that's enough...