Crime Will Cost You
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story.
Hips wriggling, I made my way backstage.
Chrissie and Tonya were sitting together. Chrissie looked me over as I approached. ‘Hey, slut,’ said Chrissie, ‘we were just talking about you. We were trying to figure out what bimbo name we’re going to give you after you lose today.’
I gave her a very unladylike gesture. ‘Pretty confident talk from a girl who can’t keep her knees together,’ I said.
Chrissie flushed at the mention of her knees, which were spread invitingly far apart at the moment due to her sitting state. Then she made a show of looking at Tonya. ‘Barbi is good. It would be traditional, even,’ she said.
Tonya shook her head. Her knees were pressed together, and her bare feet were spread wide on the floor, her red toenails pointing inward. She and I were suffering from the same unrelenting heat. ‘Nah,’ she said, ‘too common. Let’s go with something cute, like Bambi.’
I gave Tonya a sweet smile. ‘How about ‘Bunny’?’ I said.
Tonya scowled at me, then looked at her bare toes. She obviously didn’t appreciate the sideways reference to her growing bunny ears or hyper-fertility.
Chrissie looked at me and shook her head. ‘Cute. Well, good thing your lips are so sensitive. They’ll be perfect for the five-dollar blowjobs you’ll be giving. Meoooowwww!’
‘You wish,’ I said, smirking at her helpless meow. ‘They’ll be too busy laughing at your pink perm and…and meowing to…to…ohhhhh…ohhhhhhhhh…!’
I shuddered as pure pleasure unexpectedly rushed through my belly. It was a random orgasm, and I couldn’t stop it. My knees weakened as I moaned in helpless pleasure, and suddenly I was leaning on Chrissie as I tried to ride it out. The unfamiliar weight of my heavy breasts threw me off, however, and I tumbled across Chrissie’s lap.
Chrissie put a hand on my upper back so I couldn’t get up. Her other hand slid under my mini-skirt and was cupping my rounded bottom.
‘Well, now,’ said Chrissie, ‘look at this lovely bimbo ass.’ Then she flipped my mini-skirt up and began to spank my bare ass red.
I squealed in indignity as she reddened my ass. ‘Oh! Stop! Ow! Oh! Stop! Oh! You’re dead! Oh! Quit! Ow! Oh! No more! Ow! Stop! No mas! Oh! Please! Ow! Quit! Oh!’ I squealed and wriggled, but I couldn’t get free.
Fortunately, Michael- the stage manager- arrived. He began shrieking like a banshee, ‘Ladies, please! Ladies! Ladies!’ He was waving his arms and his face was changing colors. His stress level appeared to be reaching new heights. Finally, probably out of concern for Michael’s blood pressure, Chrissie gave me a final smack on my ass and rolled me off her lap.
I landed with an undignified thump on my burning ass. I rubbed my rounded cheeks tenderly, and tried not to let Tonya and Chrissie see me blushing bright red, my eyes wet. I definitely didn’t want Chrissie to see how aroused I had gotten from the embarrassing spanking. I was so gonna get Chrissie.
Finally it occurred to me that there were only three of us here. ‘Do either of you idiots know where Lori is?’ I asked.
There was a moment of silence. Then Chrissie said, ‘Oh, shit…’ and Tonya jumped to her feet. Michael instructed several assistants to find the bimboed girl, and Chrissie, Tonya and I immediately went searching as well, although Tonya had some trouble walking quickly because of her vagina bumps. Right then, however, an assistant opened a storage door, and just inside we could see a stacked, curvy girl on her knees in front of a stagehand. She was topless and holding her heavy boobs together with her hands, while the stagehand was naked from the waist down and semi-squatting in front of the girl. His hands were on her shoulders for leverage as pumped his cock between those huge boobs. The girl was Lori.
Lori was oblivious and didn’t notice us, and the stagehand was too far gone to care. Suddenly Lori gave a delighted squeal and slid her head down to take his cock in her mouth. He clutched her shoulders and began moaning, and it was obvious he was cumming in Lori’s mouth. Lori’s cheeks and throat worked, making it obvious she was swallowing his semen as fast as he was pumping it into her mouth, and her frantic moans suggested she was orgasming as well. The rest of us looked at each other and shrugged. At least we knew where she was.
Chrissie said to Michael, ‘Aren’t you going to say something? Can the stagehands just do the bimbos any time they want?’
Michael shrugged. ‘It’s a perk. Besides, the guy’s on break. Union rules, you know?’
The stagehand apparently finished filling Lori’s mouth, and he slid his cock out of her mouth. Then he smiled and patted her head.
‘Thanks, babe,’ he said. Then he slid his pants back on, gave us a nod, and sauntered back to work.
Lori wiped her mouth and then looked for her top. She was humming. Finally, she noticed us staring at her and she giggled. ‘Oh! Hi guys!’
‘Laura,’ said Chrissie, ‘that’s the third one today. The show hasn’t even started yet.’
Lori giggled. ‘I know, I know. It just, you know, happened! ‘Sides, it felt soooooooo good on my boobs, you know?’ The fact that Lori’s nipples were still hard was obvious from the way they pressed out against her tight top.
‘Laura,’ said Tonya, handing something to Lori, ‘You forgot to put on your bra.’
Lori blinked twice, then said, ‘Ohhhhhhh! I wondered why they felt so bouncy. Thanks, Tonya! I’ll just stick it in my purse!’
The veins on Chrissie’s forehead were standing out. The pink-permed ex-leader of our gang wasn’t well equipped to deal with bimbified socialites.
I gave Chrissie a cold smile. ‘At least you know what you have to look forward to,’ I said.
A few feet away from us, Lori waved to someone on the other side of the stage. ‘Hey, cutie!’ she said. ‘Yeah, you! What did you mean when you said you wanted to wear my ass as a hat?’
‘Good evening, and welcome back to the greatest game show in the world. Brought to you by Blonde Concepts, it’s Bimbomania! And here’s the host of the show…Biff Brewster!’
As soon as the unseen Paul’s voice announced his name, Biff made his way on stage. His even teeth sparkled as he stepped up and waved to some unidentified people in the audience. Then he pointed to someone and winked. Finally, he focused on the camera.
‘Good evening, Chrystal Heights, and welcome back to Bimbomania, where the only good bimbo…is any bimbo! Yes, brought to you by those good folks at Blonde Concepts, Bimbomania is here to please!’
Biff waited for the crowd to settle down.
‘Alrighty,’ said Biff, ‘tonight we continue the contest waged against each other by the Museum Heist Gone Wrong Gang, and so far, it has been a doozy! Christine leads the pack right now with just three letters, while Erica and Tonya hover on the brink of elimination with four letters each. Laura was the first to be eliminated last night, and she has visited…’ Biff cupped his ear.
‘The Bimbo Throne!’ shouted the audience in one voice.
‘That’s right, the Bimbo Throne!’ said Biff. ‘Laura is now called ‘Lori’ and she is the hottest, horniest little bimbo you’ve ever seen! And tonight, at least one of our contestants will join her!’
The crowd cheered and stomped their feet. Biff knew exactly how to play an audience.
‘Alrighty, then, let’s get down to business!’ said Biff. ‘It’s time for the next round. As you can see, our catfight ring is back.’ Behind Biff, the stage whirred and shifted, and the fight ring was visible once again.
‘This round is the Orgasm Battle, or, as long-time viewers call it, the Cum One, Cum All round. You three will enter the ring and attempt to bring
each other to orgasm. Anyone having three orgasms loses and must leave the ring. Leaving the ring voluntarily counts as an orgasm. There can be no scratching or violence, unless the person being scratched or hurt enjoys that sexually. Those are the only rules. Three orgasms and you’re out! Good luck in there.’
Tonya and I screeched, ‘What?!?’ simultaneously. Were they crazy? There was no way Tonya and I could compete against Christine fairly in a match like that! Not with our enhanced libidos! And I had random orgasms! This was not fair!
Then the stage filled with the sound of a ringing phone. Biff reached down to his belt and plucked off his cell phone. He made a show of answering it.
‘This is Biff Brewster,’ he said. Then he nodded and said, ‘Yes, sir, I’ll tell them now.’ He looked up from the phone.
‘This is Mister Big,’ said Biff. ‘As you recall, he is the ultimate authority of Bimbomania!’ There was awed applause. ‘Mister Big has authorized me to tell you, Erica and Tonya, that he is aware of your situation. Mister Big states that you can have your erotic enhancement muted temporarily to your previous levels if you agree to have your breasts further enhanced by one cup size. You have sixty seconds to decide.’
Shit. Another cup size?!? I was now an E-cup thanks to the earlier enhancement, and I was still trying to get used to them. One more cup size would put me close to utterly ridiculous. They wouldn’t be completely over-sized, but there was no way in the world anyone would ever take me seriously with that kind of rack. Still, what choice did I have?
‘Grrrrrrr. Fine, I’ll take the deal,’ I said.
‘Me, too,’ said Tonya.
‘Mister Big,’ said Biff, in dramatic fashion, ‘Erica and Tonya will both take the deal.’ Then he listened again, nodding. He looked up once more.
‘Erica and Tonya,’ said Biff. ‘Mister Big is aware that both of you have received enhanced sensations from your lips and vagina bumps respectively. Mister Big states that he will allow them to be muted if you agree to have ‘BIMBO’ tattooed on your buttocks in large capital letters, either cheek you prefer. You have sixty seconds to decide.’
A big bimbo tattoo? Ouch. Forget it. I wasn’t advertising my condition any more than I had too. I would just have to be careful not to let Chrissie or Tonya use my lips against me.
Tonya’s teeth were clenched. ‘I’ll take the deal,’ she said. I couldn’t blame her. Vagina bumps would be a bitch in an orgasm battle.
‘No, thank you,’ I said. ‘No deal.’ The audience began to murmur.
‘Mister Big…Tonya will take the deal. Erica has refused the deal,’ said Biff. He listened some more, then lifted his head.
‘Erica,’ said Biff, ‘Mister Big is offering to block your random orgasm stimulator temporarily if you agree to accept a permanent lisp. You have sixty seconds to decide.’
Dammit. This one was tougher. I wasn’t getting that many random orgasms a day…chances are I wouldn’t get one now. But if I did…no, I didn’t really have a choice. It would take only one ill-timed random and I was a permanent bimbo.
‘Alright. I accept the deal,’ I said.
‘Mister Big…Erica has accepted the deal!’
Stupid game show.
‘Back so soon, babe?’ said Roadkill, the only tech I didn’t want to do something really bad to.
I plopped down at his workstation, obviously not happy. ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m back. Just do whatever you have to do. Grrrrrrrr.’
I had already gotten the extra cup size, and I really doubted I could feel any more bimboey. My hugely swelled boobs were pressed together and barely contained in a spandex top. Roadkill just chuckled, however.
‘Aw, don’t worry about it,’ said Roadkill. ‘Hell, Venessa Montagne is a GG, and she doesn’t have any problems with them.’
‘Yeah, yeah, I know,’ I grumbled, ‘but she makes her living off them.’
Roadkill chuckled. ‘True. Now, I’m putting this helmet on you, as well as attaching wires to you at various important places. There’s a lot of settings on here, and they’re all important, so don’t touch anything. This is going to mute your sex drive and random orgasms, and it’s also going to give you a lisp. That’s a lot for one session, so don’t move, okay?’
I started to nod, then changed my mind and spoke instead. ‘Yes, I’ve got it.’
‘Good,’ said Roadkill, ‘then let’s get started.’
Soon I was wired up and ready to go. ‘Alright,’ said Roadkill, ‘here it comes.’ A moment later, I felt the helmet getting very warm, so I remained absolutely still.
After a minute or so, Roadkill checked his readings and was apparently satisfied. He turned off the machine and removed the helmet and wires.
‘There you go,’ he said. ‘That should keep you from humping anybody’s leg for a little while, anyway.’
‘Vewy twue,’ I said. Then I froze and blinked incredulously. ‘Vewy twue?!?’
Roadkill chuckled. ‘Hey, the lisp is adorable on you, darlin’.’
I stamped my foot in frustration. ‘It ith not!’
Dammit. I wasn’t going to win this argument.
Tonya was already back when I got back on-stage. Her now F-sized boobs combined with her big hair and short height gave her a borderline parody look. She was hot in a big-boobs-dumb-blonde way, and it was obvious this infuriated her. Numerous orgasms appeared to be muting her irritability, however. Her hands were cupping her now tattooed ass.
‘Alright, girls,’ said Biff, ‘it’s time to get in the ring for the Orgasm Battle!’
I sighed and got in the ring. This would likely be my last event. Tonya and Chrissie would gang up on me immediately, and there was no way I could hold off the two of them indefinitely. The Bimbo Throne was dangerously close now.
Biff indicated that we needed to strip once again, so Chrissie, Tonya and I slipped out of our outfits. Once again we were naked on national television. Several techs descended upon us then and wrapped some kind of clear tape on us on various parts of our body. The tape wasn’t visible and didn’t inhibit our movement in any way. They also spread some kind of warm lubricant in our pussies and rear openings.
‘The Blonde Concepts techs are taping micro-sensors to your bodies,’ said Biff, speaking for the audience’s benefit as well as ours. ‘These tiny sensors monitor your various vital signs and send wireless signals to our computers. Regardless of whether you react to the sensations or not, the signals from your body will signify when you are achieving orgasm, so feel free to let out some sexy moans, ladies…trying to hide them won’t help you! Also, the lubricant being spread so liberally across your more intimate orifices is a special compound that lubricates, but also increases sensations in those areas. You will find yourself able to orgasm multiple times quite easily, so don’t think an orgasm is a one-and-done deal here. After all, this is Bimbomania!’
We made our way to separate corners. Even across the ring, I could see ‘BIMBO’ clearly spelled out on Tonya’s bare left ass cheek. Chrissie simply stared at me with a smirk until she caught my eyes. Once she knew I was looking at her, she pointed at me, then rolled her eyes in a ditzy fashion and twirled her hair in her fingers. Cute.
This was it. I took several deep breaths and tried to relax my pounding heart. I blocked out the crowd noise and got ready to rumble.
Then the bell sounded.
Tonya and Chrissie immediately began making their way towards me. I slid along the ropes, trying desperately to figure out a plan. Tonya and I had muted sensations, but we were still more sensitive than average. Tonya was on the verge of elimination as well as I. If I went after Chrissie, there was a chance that Tonya would help me rather than try to fight the bigger girl one-on-one after I was eliminated. It was a weak plan, but it was the only idea I had.
I launched myself at Chrissie and brought her to the matt. Desper
ation gave me strength as I planted a forearm on her swelled boobs and slid two fingers into her lubricated pussy. The surprised look on her face was priceless as she realized I had fingers fully inside her. I began to pump my fingers back and forth inside her pussy, and Chrissie shuddered and moaned at the unexpected pleasure. Her thighs unconsciously parted more, giving me more access, and I felt a thrilling rush of success. It was working! It was working!
And then Tonya rolled me off and straddled my belly.
I squealed and tried to roll Tonya off me, but then Chrissie was there, pinning my legs. There was a brief flurry of movement, and then Tonya was pinning my wrists over my head, still straddling my belly but on her knees now, and Chrissie, who I couldn’t see, was directly behind Tonya, her shoulders holding my knees up and apart, giving her full unblocked access to my pussy. I couldn’t move.
‘Well, slut,’ said Chrissie, ‘look at you, legs spread again. I think you need some satisfaction.’
‘Thcwew you!’ I said. Stupid lisp.
‘Good idea,’ said Chrissie. She was purring.
My eyes widened and I gasped as I felt my pussy penetrated by Chrissie’s fingers. Then my belly muscles began to twitch and jump as her fingers slid back-and-forth inside me. I squirmed, but with my knees spread apart by her shoulders, all that accomplished was wriggling my hips.
My first orgasm came embarrassingly quickly. I felt it building and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Suddenly my back was arching and I was moaning like a slut in heat as my body shuddered and wriggled under Chrissie’s ministrations. I couldn’t see her, but her ministrations were turning me into a wet mess. She continued to stroke her fingers over my clit through my orgasm, and I realized the second orgasm would come even quicker.
‘Awwww, poor Erica,’ said Tonya, ‘you’re gonna be bimboed soon, just like Lori.’ Then she leaned in close, her elbows on the ground just above my shoulders, and she pressed her lips against mine. My eyes widened as my still sensitive lips suddenly sent even more pleasure signals to my already overloaded girl parts. The kiss was smart in the sense that I had turned down the deal to desensitize my lips, but it was unexpected as well, as Tonya was straight. Too late I realized what she was doing, and then I was moaning into the kiss as my body shuddered through my second orgasm.
Still on her elbows and knees, restraining my wrists with her hands, Tonya gave me a mean smirk. ‘Are you ready for number three?’ she asked, and I knew it was coming soon. I was helpless to move, and I couldn’t withstand Chrissie’s fingers for long. Already my tired belly muscles were twitching once more for an impending orgasm, and I knew it was over. I couldn’t stop it. I was going to be a bimbo.
Then Chrissie’s fingers were gone. I felt a moment of loss, then realized something was up. Chrissie was pushing my thighs up even further and she was wrapping her arms around my thighs, but it seemed like she was sliding them under Tonya as well. Suddenly Tonya’s boobs were pressing against my face and I felt her trying to struggle.
‘Hey!’ said Tonya, ‘Chrissie! What are you doing?!?’
There was no answer, and all I could feel was some kind of weird struggle going on between my spread legs. Then Tonya suddenly gasped.
‘Oh! Chrissie! You b-bitch! S-stop that! That…ohhhhhh…!’ said Tonya. And suddenly it made sense. I knew what was happening.
Chrissie was double-crossing Tonya. Chrissie had gotten me to two orgasms, but stopped before the third because she was using my legs for leverage as she reached around and laced her fingers together above Tonya’s ass. She had pinned Tonya to me and Chrissie was now licking Tonya’s clit from behind. It was a horribly clever move, as it pinned both Tonya and I, and gave Chrissie full access to both our pussies. She was eliminating both of us simultaneously.
My heart was still racing from my two orgasms and having naked Tonya shuddering on top of my naked body was strangely erotic, but I only had a small window of opportunity. Tonya moaned, then squealed as she wriggled on top of me in the throes of orgasm. My bare feet were laying over Chrissie’s bare shoulders, and Chrissie’s shoulders were pressing against the back of my thighs. No doubt the viewers were enjoying themselves, but it gave me an idea.
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EPILOGUE: It has been like over a year since I like last wrote to Sissy Life Magazine. Madam Editor has contacted me for a follow-up and I'm totally super excited! I write this as a very lucky and loving sissy daughter to an amazing Lawyer Mommy. The adoption process went just as smooth as Mommy promised, She's like always true to Her word! I will never forget the day Mommy came home with the official paperwork because it was the greatest day of my life! I heard Her key turn the...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Round Seven- ENDGAME TonyaB…I…M…B…O LauraB…I…M…B…O EricaB…I…M…B…x ChristineB…I…M…B…x The scoreboard told the whole story. Tonya and Laura- now Lori- had visited the Bimbo Throne, and they were now the ultimate bimbos. Tonya had big blonde hair all the way down to her...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Round Two We were one event into Bimbomania, and Chrissie was the only one of us not affected yet. Michael, the young Asian man who was the backstage manager, had given us an hour to get used to our new piercings and bimbified midsections. I was personally glad of the...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- I arrived backstage in a high state of agitation. Alright, I was horny. It was impossible to concentrate. My skin felt hot. I could smell everybody. I was in heat. My overdeveloped bimbo body was reacting to everything, and it all felt good. I wanted more. My clothes felt...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. —————————- Michael greeted me with obvious relief. ‘Oh! You’re here! Great! Great! Where have you been? It’s almost time to start! You look great! Where are the grips? Props! Get the props in place! Someone call Gary! The spotlight is too dull. Lights! We need lights, lights, lights!...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. I had never seen a carving quite like it before. A good foot-and-a-half tall, the carving was that of a naked woman on her knees, but in pleasure rather than in supplication. Her knees were spread wide and both hands were laying on her sex. Her head was back, eyes closed, her mouth open...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis: A museum heist has unexpected results. * I was not happy about Chrissie getting the dildo stuck in my ass. Just standing around was an exercise in humility, and don’t...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. * I was not in a good mood when I woke up the following morning. Trying to sleep with several inches of dildo stuck in my mouth- and another eight inches protruding from my mouth-...
They rode together in awkward silence to his opulent flat by the river. He led the bashful young girl into the foyer of the ritzy apartment, enjoying her wide eyed stares at his wealth. He had barely closed the door when he pulled her close to him. He kissed her hungrily on her full red lips, holding her tense young body against his until she relaxed. He led her to a large easy chair, and pulled her onto his lap as he sat down. He kissed her again, longer and with more control, chewing each...
I was running a property management course for prospective landlords at a hotel recently. Sitting in the front row were three very pretty girls, about twenty-five to thirty years-old. They were dressed smartly and looked as if they were related, all with shapely figures and shoulder-length brown hair. During the day I got to talk to them in the coffee breaks and over lunch. It turned out they were sisters, Susan aged twenty-three, Katie, twenty-five and Olivia, the oldest at...
SpankingBefore we start: This story was originally written with the girl’s age specified as twelve because at that age the man would have been sentenced to life – often with a recommendation as to how long should be served - over that age the sentence is shorter and I felt less likely for the blackmail to work. But SOL is hosted in Canada and they will not accept descriptions of sex with girls under fourteen. So whatever my opinion I’ve altered or removed age references. We have a caravan which we let...
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The first week of November found Steven Fitzgerald in the drab little room that served as his office in the larger law firm. His place, as a junior associate, he owed in no small part to his wife. Susan had done nothing directly, but her connection to him and his father-in-law’s insurance business had made him more attractive than the plethora of other recent law school graduates. He had performed only adequately until the sunburst of the Hamilton murder trial. In many ways, the Hamilton...
Susan Fitzgerald Singleton found herself in an uncomfortable situation. She had never envisioned seeking the services of a private investigator, but she was told that Hartman and Hartman were the best. They came highly recommended by her sister Mary, a prominent New York attorney. Susan suspected that Mary was using the PI firm to keep track of her wayward husband. Mary told Susan not to be misled by the firm name; there was only one Hartman. “Theresa Hartman’s the least conspicuous person...
The Offices of Kopf & Bradley were on the fortieth floor looking down on Madison Avenue. It was Election day in the off-year as Susan Singleton and three other partners met with Edward Kincade; his executive assistant, Carrie Wilson; and Tony Greco, the governor’s political advisor. Fred Bradley as the senior partner present was summarizing what the parties had agreed would be the ongoing strategy. “Susan will be on leave of absence for the next year through the gubernatorial election....
(I’d like to thank Ken for a final proof of this.) It took two weeks, but Lynda was ready. The first thing that Monday morning she did exactly as Steven had asked, she made an appointment to see the US Attorney for just after five that afternoon. “I’m going to need time to set things up. When you speak to her just tell her what I asked you to, no more and no less,” he said. “What if she asks me questions?” “You shrug. You have no idea. I was being very secretive. Remember less is more in...
Gerald went back to his bedroom, but he wasn't planning on going back to sleep. He hadn't yet figured out what the mysterious "Mary" had in mind, but he knew he had to stay alert. He felt like he had when his wife had thrown him a surprise birthday party a few years before. He had found out about it a few days in advance, but played along and tried to act surprised when he walked into the darkened room full of his friends. But he knew this could develop into a serious situation,...
When Gerald got back from dropping Mary off at her apartment, he crashed into bed. Two hours later, when his alarm went off he rolled out of bed just long enough to log onto his computer and send his boss an email telling him that he would be taking the day off. Then he crawled back under the covers and slept until noon. When he finally shook off the cobwebs, he spent the rest of the day thinking about what he would do to Kim that night. His attitude toward her was totally different than...
It took Gerald most of the next day to get back to normal. By the time he went to the airport to pick up Susan, he felt he was almost back to the controlled, boring Gerald that she would be expecting. Apparently he was right, because she did not seem to notice anything unusual in his behavior. He soon realized that was because she was so excited about how successful her trip had been that all she could do was talk about herself and the conference and the new people she had met. Later that...
Wednesday was a day off from each other and from the case, mostly because Penny had work to do. She had class early and had to catch up on homework. When she had come visiting me at the station, she'd just awoken from her night's sleep. So, after a brief nestling nap, coming down from a sexual height I had never reached before, and she probably hadn't either, Penny gently nudged me out the door. One item of the case made me pause at her borrowed 1967 red Mustang convertible. I jotted down...
CHAPTER 40: THE FANTASY FEST WEEKEND BEGINSAfter both Mom and Helen had decided they would make the commitment to take Tim’s challenge for Fantasy Fest to the maximum they could, we were freed up to openly discuss, speculate, conjecture, and fantasize about what form those challenges might take. The time we spent together, whether in the kennel or the house or the yard, seemed to be dominated by that conversation. Tim, of course, would have no part of those discussions. That man was...
As an experienced 4x4 tourist guide I am often requested to undertake personalized tours into the African bush for smaller groups with specific requirements. Being an independent operator I am entirely flexible and can usually accommodate everyone’s needs for which I charge a basic daily rate over and above the tour expenses. Recently I received this unusual email from two Scandinavian ladies who requested a proposal for a relaxing three week tour to some of the central African game reserves...
ReluctanceOne night you were late coming home from work, so I decided to do some online shopping. I bought some new clothes and shoes, and some movies for us to watch together. Then I found this great lingerie store that had millions of items. I bought a few things I knew you would love to see me in, and I decided to keep my order a secret until it came.Two weeks later I finally have my new lingerie, and I can’t wait to tease you.You arrive home from work, and as you get to the door you see a note on it...
Straight SexThis is my first posted story, please critique it good or bad comments all are welcome, definitely need the criticism, thank you. It was a quarter to five, almost time for Rachel to get off work. I had been planning this all week. I finished tying the last rope to the bedpost when I heard the front door close. I rushed out of the bedroom and closed the door. I walked over to her and placed a kiss on her dark tan cheek. I looked down at her business blouse, her top buttons popped open and her...
ToysWhen finally her breathing slowed down she asked:“What do you mean by that?”Alex stayed silent for a moment.“You did love what you’ve been doing some minutes ago?”Crystal dropped on the couch, her body still tingling, nipples hard and erect, the wetness between her thighs still growing.“Well yes. I’ve … I’ve been imaging to do something like this for a while.”Why did she say that? It was true, but she had never confessed her fantasies to even her closest friends. And fantasies she had a lot!...
The Beauty of Buses.txt I had made a Commercial Bus trip to North Carolina to be with my Mother for a few days. What would’ve been a nine-hour drive became a thirty-four hour trip. Mother needed an immediate surgery for a blockage in one of her corroded arteries, but she survived the operation and was all right when I had to leave. I remembered that SEPTA (South East Pennsylvania Trust Authority) had a bus that went out that way. I could be home before the Commercial bus arrived at the Philly...
Love StoriesThe first home I purchased was about two blocks from a school. I had no idea how this would affect my dismal sex life.I came home early from work on a Thursday afternoon and discovered a couple of legal age using my bedroom for their pleasure. As I walked in they both heard me and tried to cover their bodies.She was cute and had the typical hard, petite body. He looked like he was a swimmer, lean.I was upset and it showed. I told them I was going to call the police for breaking into my house....
The next morning when Kathy awakened, at first she didn't open her eyes. It took a moment but then she remembered what had happened the night before. Remarkably, she was still cradled in Ken's powerful arm and his hand was still cupping her soft breast. Keeping her eyes closed, she tried to snuggle her body even closer to his, then finally opened her eyes and quickly checked the clock. It was only five-thirty, so she had some time to play before she had to go to work. Ken was still asleep...
At breakfast we discussed all the differing concerns. I did have some breakfast stuff around. Eggs and milk in the fridge, but we had to use the microwave to defrost the bacon I kept in the freezer along with the concentrated OJ. Plenty of bread for toast – sandwiches were my forte. Kirsten had us all be seated while she used some of the left over chicken and a couple slices of American cheese to make some surprisingly good omelets. It was rare, when we were together, that Kirsten allowed...
I blinked, leaned forward to peer at the message on my computer screen, and then settled back into my chair. I shook my head and muttered, “Well I never.” I’d been quite stunned when I saw the name in my inbox, didn’t really believe it was true. Then I clicked on it and the familiar "Facebook" panel came up. Gaynor sent you a message, was the heading over the sender’s thumbnail picture. It read: Hi Richard, spotted you here on Facebook and was shocked to see you looking so thin and unwell. Are...
Love StoriesMission Impossible? Chapter 10 "We are waiting, princess," Tad shouted from a table in the center of the deserted nightclub. A very un-lady like retort came to mind; Amber bit her lip. She simply tugged at her mini skirt's hem once more then she jogged from the dressing room out to center stage. Her crimson crop top with white piping proudly displayed the team name Cavaliers in bold white script across her chest while the low-rise matching skirt barely covered her red...
From the ensuite peter heard a gentle knock on the family bedroom door over the sound of the tv. "Come in", he called i'm just in the bathroom."D*d?" his s*n jack called out."Just a minute!", too much to drink last night meant a very full bladder and needs must. As he stood he noticed the reflection in the mirror. His s*n had picked up one of the ankle restraints, which where still attached to the bedposts from last night, and was looking thoughtfully at it. Peter in his haste had forgotten...
PART ONE: CAUGHT IN THE ACT 100% fiction! Since turning 18 (I am 19 now), my relationship with my mother had strained to its breaking point. We argued about everything including how much I was on the phone, my average grades, and the clothes I wore. But as teenagers often do, I disobeyed my mother and bought many revealing outfits. These included sundresses, short skirts, push-up bras, thongs, stay-up stockings, etc. I figured that since I had a job at a clothing store and I earned my own...
IncestIntroduction: Husbands away and his wife needs a man Polly, Sandy & Steve We had a delightful dinner at a local pub that was within walking distance of their unit so there was no worries about drinking and driving. We took advantage of that by having three bottles of wine between us. Walking home all of us dressed in shorts and tees, Steve was in the middle and he put his arms around both of us as we laughed and joked the few hundred metres through the failing light back to the unit. With...
Chapter Five The next afternoon I didn’t see very much of my sister. Pat and mom were in her room going through her clothes seeing which ones still fit and talking about what they needed to buy. I was glad to see mom treating her like a daughter again. At dinner they were still talking planning a shopping trip for the weekend. I kind of tuned out the list of stores and outfits. Dad seemed a little more relaxed as well. I’m sure he was glad to see mom acting happier. The rest of...
This novella is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and Runnergirl. The story has two perfect halves, a male and female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy’s feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie’s perspective. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the two characters intersect and thus this is unique venture. Only by reading Emmy’s and Robbie’s stories, will the reader get the...
Several weeks had gone by since Susan and Bonnie had gotten together that night. Susan heard that Bonnie had found a girlfriend, and they were dating. She had seen Bonnie in the bar, and they had exchanged a few words here and there, but Bonnie said nothing about the girlfriend, or about the two of them playing again. Although Susan was a little disappointed as she felt they had had fun, she knew Bonnie was looking for a relationship, and she really wasn't.About a month after that first night,...
MasturbationI sat in disbelief at what my brother was telling me. David actually wanted me to have sex with his wife! His voice cut through my bewilderment. "We've been trying to make a baby for the last six years man, and when we got the tests back last week, it really knocked the wind out of my sails." I looked at his face and watched the tears build up in his eyes. "I'll go get you another drink." I said, glad of the excuse to leave him alone with his pain. "Thanks." I inched my way out of...
The second part of a real event that happened to me in the past, when lust clouds our judgement Disclaimer: This story is based on an event in my life that actually happened, so I thought why not share it. If you like, ill be more than happy to continue with the story! Anyway, happy reading! The plane touched down in the place I was born and raised: Los Angeles, California. Of course, I wasn’t thinking about being back home. I was thinking about E3. It has always been my dream to go there,...
I’m not sure how it all started but I got chatting to a guy on line about sexual preferences and this progressed to discussing if either of us had been with another man. Neither of us had, and neither of us wanted to back down the bravado. We were actually getting excited by the role-play were acting out when on line and texting. To the point where we agreed to meet; if nothing happened, fine, but there would be no pressure.The day came, and I arrived at his hotel, where Paul was staying while...
SUSAN I couldn’t believe it. That ungrateful, little shrimp had blown me off and left with that bitch that slapped him on the ass yesterday. I’ll be damned if she gets Jay. I’ll teach him who’s better. He’ll see. I was all ready to ask for relief from Jay again when we made it to biology but I had lost the mood. He, however, seemed like he was raring to go, his hard penis leading the way into the classroom. How brazen can you get? When our eyes met, I turned away. I didn’t want to look at...
I'm a gay man who loves to suck cock. Redundant, you might think, but not all gay men love to suck cock. Go figure! But I do, so when I first heard about gloryholes, I thought that sounded great. I could suck a guy's cock, never have to see his face or body, never have to form a relationship of any kind, and in the end I'd get a mouthful of warm, thick cum, no strings attached. And the guy on the other side of the wall would get a great blowjob, and all he would care about is the warm wet mouth...
Note: All characters and areas portrayed in this story are purely fictitious, and are a product of my imagination. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead is strictly coincidental. 34. A Funny Kind of Day ‘Charlie, if I lose my grip on this ladder, we will never catch up to this boat.’ ‘Then it is a good thing I have it anchored to the bottom of the ocean, isn’t it Ann.’ ‘God dammit, Charlie, if you did not fuck so well, I’d kill your sorry ass.’ ‘Just remember, babe, I am keeping sea...
Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. Where Angels Fear to Tread - Part I By A. K. Remenko Chapter One - Pam In retrospect I'm glad things turned out the way they did; I never had it so good! At the time however, it was frankly upsetting and I came very close to walking away...
Ricky Rascal is working from home when his girlfriend, Anie Darling, emerges from the bedroom wearing nothing but one of Ricky’s shirts. Grabbing a lollipop, Annie observes the situation and tries to determine the best course of action to get her needs met. She decides to tackle Ricky’s inattention head on with an approach that may not be subtle, but which is effective. Strutting to the mirror that Ricky can see just out of the corner of his eye, Anie peels off her shirt and slips...
xmoviesforyouLETTER FROM ITHACA ? Dear Shoeblossom, ? I am worried that my BDSM tendencies were created by my Mother, who I still live with. For instance, my butt is still stinging from the other night, when I got home late from work. "Leland, where have you been?"Mother asked me. She is a striking woman, and once won the Cayuga County Joan Collins look-alike contest. ? "Mother, the bus was late...I wish you'd let me get a driver's license." Really. I'm thirty-three years old, Shoeblossom, and Mother won't...