Love Never Dies - Chapter 1 free porn video

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I blinked, leaned forward to peer at the message on my computer screen, and then settled back into my chair. I shook my head and muttered, “Well I never.”

I’d been quite stunned when I saw the name in my inbox, didn’t really believe it was true. Then I clicked on it and the familiar "Facebook" panel came up. Gaynor sent you a message, was the heading over the sender’s thumbnail picture. It read:

Hi Richard, spotted you here on Facebook and was shocked to see you looking so thin and unwell. Are you OK? Gaynor.

Okay, I knew my Facebook portrait wasn’t the best. Agreed, I appeared drawn and serious and I had been told it would frighten children. I’d previously pledged to change it and this was probably the push I needed. But ill? Not me, I was fit and couldn’t remember the last time I’d visited the doctor’s surgery.

Now I looked at Gaynor’s portrait. Yes, it was definitely her: Gaynor Reid. A little plumper in the face but I couldn’t mistake those chocolate-drop eyes, the caramel-coloured skin tone and black curls. Though the hair did seem tighter to her scalp than I remembered. It seemed the years had been kind to her beauty. And how many years is it? 

I calculated, thinking back. More than 30, maybe even 35, since we last met. 

I studied the face some more. A playful smile creased the corners of her mouth, the full lips a pale pink. I could sense the softness of her kiss even now, after all these years. Then I smiled, noticing the gold hoops which dangled from her earlobes. Had she never stopped wearing them?

“To reply to this message, follow the link below… ”

I clicked and typed in the reply panel: 

Well, hello there. What a surprise after all these years. You’re right about my pic, horrid. But I’m not ill, just ugly and older. I’ll try to improve things with a less stern photo soon. Anyway, trust you’re well. You certainly look it. Always were a beauty. Let me know if the new pic works. Richard.

I pressed send and put the original message into my saved box. 

A scan through my picture files came up with one slightly less hideous and I replaced it on my page. Funny this, I thought, I was contemplating leaving Facebook and then a blast from the past drops onto my screen.

Reclining in my chair, I cast my mind back to younger more vibrant days. Foolish and headstrong, stubborn days, too. Times when I could have done with an older head on young shoulders, more patience and understanding, less selfishness, more consideration. In retrospect, I wonder how many men, and women, would say the same about their lives. The majority? Everybody?

I brought Gaynor’s message back up and stared again at her photograph. Oh Gaynor, Gaynor, what a waste. What might have been, eh?

She was only twenty-two, three years younger than me, when we parted. Oh, we saw each a few times for another year or so but, really, once I moved north, that was it. I was chasing a career: ambitious, determined, strong-willed and ready to rule the world. The move north was for a better position, higher pay and another step up the career ladder.

“Come with me, Gaynor,” I said. At least three times I asked. I really wanted her with me but I wasn’t going to beg. Three times was more than enough. I took her refusal as a sign that she didn’t really love me. Or, at least, not as much as I loved her.

Now, looking at her face on my screen, I refreshed my thoughts on why she’d rejected me? Over the years, I frequently thought about Gaynor and our parting, until I finally saw sense, recognizing that she had been justified. In hindsight, her refusal was perfectly reasonable. She had been in the middle of nursing training and sitting examinations and I remember her saying that we also needed to consider her career, not just mine. But, back then, I was stubborn and selfish and didn’t begin to consider her needs. It was, foolishly, all about me, me, me…

I removed my spectacles and, with thumb and forefinger, rubbed the bridge of my nose. I needed specs for reading and working on the computer but, otherwise, my eyesight was okay. If only my foresight had been as good back then. Perhaps I wouldn’t have rushed into marriage with Veronica.

I married barely two years after I’d walked away from Gaynor. I was 27. Truthfully, apart from the birth of twin daughters, the marriage has provided little joy for either of us. Veronica was ecstatic with the twins. It meant she’d got two children and she didn’t want any more. Importantly for her, it also meant she didn’t need to have sex with me. 

So, I dedicated my time and energies to my career and was successful. Veronica appreciated the finer things my money could buy - the cars, the clothes, the houses and holidays in far-flung exotic places. In return, she played the role of a supportive wife. She was a fine hostess at dinner parties and always attentive to my needs, except in the bedroom. Forced to be celibate at home, I had a few discreet dalliances and, if she did know about them, Veronica chose to ignore my occasional unfaithful moments.

Once the twins had married and left the nest, Veronica and I simply carried on our comfortable lifestyle: a couple of close friends following our own hobbies and interests but never sharing any bedroom antics. Divorce was never mentioned or wanted. We had become experts at presenting a loving public image for our acquaintances and family and, behind closed doors, settled for a quiet, undemanding life.

So, that was the situation when Gaynor’s unexpected message arrived via cyberspace. At the age of fifty-seven, I was enjoying early retirement - and staring at the photograph of an old flame. No, that’s not right. Gaynor was not an old flame, she was the love of my life. Our time together was sixteen months of my best and most satisfying relationship with a woman. She was bright, funny, energetic, caring and daring. She was also beautiful with a great body, warm and enticing and so very, very sexy.

I again rocked back in my chair, closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander…


It was a typical February night, windy and cold but, thankfully, dry. I stood at the bar with friends, chatting about mundane men things: you know, sex, sports, beer, sex, music, sex and sex in movies. 

I can’t remember the exact topic under debate, probably sex, when the door opened and a blast of cold air whipped through the bar. I automatically turned my head and watched the group of new customers enter. They were young, three girls and a lanky boy, but my eyes locked on the tallest girl. She scanned the room and caught me staring at her. Before I could avert my gaze, her lips parted in a tentative smile, showing tips of brilliant white teeth. I smiled back and she turned away when one of the other girls said, “Let’s sit over in that corner.”

The bar wasn’t busy and I watched the group spread themselves around their chosen corner table, removing their winter coats and placing them on unoccupied chairs and stools. The tall girl shrugged off her mid-calf black coat, folded it neatly, and bent to place it on a low stool. Her black mini skirt stretched tight across generous hips and the hem rode high but still preserved her modesty. She wore white knee-length boots, black tights, and a purple wool sweater which strained to contain a huge bust.

“You’re drooling,” said Mick, nudging me in the ribs.

“What? Yeah, well… ” I mumbled, still looking at the girl. “She’s gorgeous.”

“Which one?”

“The tall one,” I whispered, “in the white boots.”

“White boots? You mean big tits,” said Mick. “They’re enormous.”

As he spoke, the latest object of my desire, accompanied by the lanky guy, walked towards where I was standing. She didn’t as much walk as flow, long strides setting her hips gently swaying and breasts trembling within the confines of her tight sweater. Curly black hair framed a stunning face. Skin the colour of caramel, she had chocolate-button eyes, a dainty nose and full pink lips. I was smitten. 

I breathed in her warmth and scent, light yet heady, as she stood at my side, offering me a small smile. I smiled back and nodded, unable to resist a quick peek at the swell of her two orbs. The V-neck of her sweater dipped low enough to offer a teasing glimpse of her spectacular cleavage.

From the other side of the counter, looking at the girl’s big bust, old Arthur asked, “What can I get you?” 

She greeted him with, “Hi, I’m up here,” and flashed her dazzling Hollywood teeth in a big smile. She had a sultry, husky voice. I melted. “We’d like three dry white wines and a beer, please.”

“Which one?” asked Arthur, indicating with a sweep of his gnarled hand the five pumps which offered different beers. He struggled to keep his gaze on her face.

“Oh, I don’t really know.” She looked along the counter at the line of pumps and then turned to me. “What would you recommend?”

I looked into her eyes. They were sparkling, roaming over my features and I’m sure she was amused. Probably because my mouth was gaping.

“Oh, which one? Well, depends on your friend’s taste really,” I said, nodding at the silent lanky guy by her side. “Strong or light?”

“It’s for me,” she throated quietly and looked at the glass in my hand. “What’s that you’re drinking?” Before I could reply, she added, “Can I have a taste?”

“Sure.” I proffered the pint pot.

“Thanks,” she said and reached out with both hands, grasping it before I could release my hold. Her soft palm was warm on the cool back of my hand. She raised the glass to her lips, eyes looking over the rim at me. She sipped, withdrew her mouth and swallowed, hands still gripping. She waited a second or two, shook her head and said, “No, ugh, too strong, too bitter,” and removed her hands. 

She looked back at the waiting Arthur, smiled again and said, “I’ll stick to the wine but Barry here will have a pint of what he’s drinking, thanks.”

It was my turn to chuckle. I raised my glass to drink but the cheeky girl put a hand on my forearm, stopping me. “Sorry, I’ve left some lipstick on your glass.”

I glanced down, saw deposits of lip-shaped pink on the far rim and smiled. “It might improve the taste,” I said and turned the glass. I took a swallow, lightly smacked my lips and said, “Yep, much better thanks.”

Her husky, low laugh was accompanied by a widening of her brilliant eyes and a quivering under her sweater. She offered her hand, the nails painted pale pink to match her lips. “I’m Gaynor,” she said as I tried not to grip too firmly.

“Richard,” I said. “Pleased to meet you.”

“Mmm, likewise. You a regular here?”

“Pretty much, three or four times a week. This your first time? Haven’t seen you before.”

She nodded and gently, slowly freed her hand as Arthur put their drinks on the counter. Lanky guy Barry paid.

“Yes, first time in here. But I don’t think it’ll be the last.” She gave a fleeting smile and turned to pick up two of the wine glasses. 

“Right, that’s good,” I said.

She looked directly into my eyes. Fleshy lips parted, this time for a full headlights-on smile which uncovered her perfect white teeth. Gaynor paused, as if considering her next comment, then nodded her head a couple of times. “Hmmm. Must get back to the girls,” she said. “C’mon Barry.” 

After a few steps, she looked over a shoulder at me and said, “Byeee.” 

“Bye, Gaynor,” I muttered as firm buttocks swung their way back to the corner table.

“Bloody hell, Richard,” said Mick. “Reckon you’re in there, boy.”

I didn’t comment but leaned back against the bar, looked down at the lipstick smudges on my glass and then back up at Gaynor, sitting in the corner. She was looking at me and raised her full wine glass in salutation. I nodded, raised my nearly-empty glass…


In my office upstairs at home, two days after Gaynor’s surprise contact, I opened up my computer. Gaynor’s name was in my inbox again. My heart thumped in my chest. Hang on, Richard, I thought, it’s only a message from an old friend. Calm down.

Eagerly, I clicked on her name and the Facebook panel appeared. 

Subject: Picture change

Well, yes, picture is a bit better. Not so scary now! As for being old and ugly, it doesn't really matter what the subject looks like. If they are a good person that's what really counts. I’ve always thought that men look better than women as they age. Are you still planning to retire to the coast when the time comes. Or has that ideal changed over the years? Nice to ‘talk’ again, Gaynor.

I read it through three times. A couple of things bothered me.

Being a good person, not looks, is what really counts. Is that some sort of reproach? Or does she think, after all, that I’m ugly but a good person? 

And retire to the coast? I couldn’t remember that plan but, then again, it’s some thirty-five years since Gaynor and I last talked. Did we really discuss such things way back then?

I thought for a few minutes, mentally composing a reply. When I’d decided on my message, I suddenly wondered whether I should wait a few days before sending it. Don’t appear too eager to correspond. But why not? I argued with myself. Enough wasted years have gone by. Ah, there you have it: wasted years. What are you expecting to happen? Hoping to happen?

I slumped back in my chair, staring at the few words on the screen. From somewhere out there, Gaynor had sat, typed and sent me two messages. Something had prompted her to get in touch after all these years. Surely it wasn’t just because I looked ill on my Facebook picture. Anyway, in the first place, why would she be looking for me on Facebook?

I put on my spectacles, pulled the keyboard towards me and started to type in the reply box:

Hi again, glad you find latest pic not too scary. I never did take a good photo but you, on the other hand, always did. I take your point about looks being secondary to what a person is like - but, in the mating game, appearances get a head start. You must know that. And, as for the ageing process favouring men, just compare our two pictures! I honestly cannot remember discussing retiring to the sea. Anyway, no it’s not happening. In fact, I’ve already retired (early I know). What about you? Are you still working? Still nursing? Or are you a married lady of leisure? Nice to catch up. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Richard.

Satisfied that I’d said enough to encourage a reply, I clicked “send” and off it went into cyberspace. A little bit of my heart went with it, too…


I turned down the volume on the television and answered the telephone on the fourth ring. My “Hello” was met by a husky voice. “Hello Richard, thought I’d give you a quick call before I go to bed. I’m knackered. It’s been one hell of a week but at least I’ve got three days off now.”

I checked my wristwatch: it was just after ten at night. “What time did you finish?”

“Oh, about twenty minutes ago. A couple of the girls have gone for a drink but I came straight home. I need my beauty sleep.”

“You must sleep a lot to be that beautiful.”

“Flatterer,” she said and I could hear her stifling a yawn. “Sorry, Richard, but I really am tired.”

“That’s okay. I’m glad you rang. It’s always nice to hear your voice, even between yawns.”

The sound of another sharp intake of breath filled my ear. “Right, sorry, but I honestly don’t think I can keep awake much longer. Anyway, what I rang for, have you still got the day off tomorrow? Am I gonna see you?”

“Yes and yes. Thought we might have a ride out to get some lunch in an out of the way romantic place. That okay?”

“Mmm, sounds like a plan. But let’s wait until tomorrow, eh, see how I am? Can you come round about eleven? That’ll give me plenty of time to sleep and get myself presentable for you.”

“Yep, eleven’s fine by me.”

“Okay, honey. Sleep well and dream of me. Night, night.”

I laughed. “Okay Gaynor, my love, see you in the morning.”

The sound of a loud “pwah” kiss was followed by the click of disconnection. I smiled and replaced the receiver and looked forward to receiving a few proper kisses. 


It was minutes before eleven when I tapped on the door of Gaynor’s apartment. I couldn’t hear any signs of life and was about to knock again when that husky voice said, “Just a moment, be right with you.”

I heard a key turning in the lock. With the door slightly open, Gaynor peered round and looked through the gap.“Oh, good, it is you,” she said and stood back, opening the door wide to admit me. When she had closed it, I turned and my heart thumped against my chest and my eyes popped.

Gaynor was barefoot but what I noticed first was the pink satin negligee that clung to her body, highlighting every curve, hill and hollow. It was knee length, square-cut across the chest and somehow held up by the thinnest of straps. The delightful swell of Gaynor’s proud bosom was mouth-watering, her nipples two jutting points clearly visible beneath the soft material. As she came to me, her body warmth and scent wafted into my nostrils. We embraced and I tasted the peppermint of her toothpaste as our tongues danced and twirled together.

Gaynor broke off from our kiss, leaning back into my arms and turning up her brown eyes to gaze into my face. She wore no lipstick but her eyelids were lightly coated a pale blue, her long lashes and brows natural black. She smiled broadly, her teeth a brilliant white against her skin tone.

“I love you,” she said in a throaty whisper which had my cock twitching.

“Love you, too,” I managed, croaking and grinning.

She smiled again. “What’s it been now, five months?”

Today was July 17 and I quickly did the calculation. “Yep, just over five months since you walked into the bar and my life.”

“Hmmm,” she said. “Well, I’m thinking if we’re to carry on this relationship, there’s something we need to know.”

I frowned, my hands gripping her waist as she gently thrust her groin into my growing hardness. “What would that be?” I asked.

Gaynor studied my face, pecked my lips softly, and looked again into my eyes. “I can feel that you know,” she said, wiggling against me. “But what we need to know is if we’re compatible. At least,” she smiled, “that’s what I want to know. What about you?”

I swallowed, wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her into me. I nestled a cheek against her head, took a deep breath and inhaled the lingering aroma of her shampoo. “Do you mean what I think you mean?”

A chuckle rose up from somewhere near my shoulder blade. “I think we’re on the same page,” she said and a hand brushed across my trouser front before settling on my hip.

“Right,” I said, clearing my throat. “But I’ve not come prepared.”

“That’s okay,” she said. “We can do it the old-fashioned way.”

“You mean … ”

“Yes,” she cut in, “I’ll trust you to pull out.” And she leaned back again and put both hands to the side of my face before planting her lips firmly on mine. “I’m going into the bedroom now. If you want the toilet, you know where it is.”

I nodded and released my hold on her lower back. I watched her swaying hips cross the room and then went to the bathroom. My cock was quite firm as I peed. I wasn’t a virgin but I sure felt like one at that point. I shook my penis and my head at the same time as I thought: How lucky can you be? A gorgeous girl like Gaynor is just a few feet away, waiting for you in her bed.

I swilled my hands under the warm water, dried them and looked into the mirror over the wash basin. I smoothed a hand through my fair hair and muttered to my reflection, “Lucky bastard,” and set off for the bedroom. 

When I entered, Gaynor had her back to me and was looking out of the narrow window. She leant with both hands on the window sill as I walked up and circled my arms around her waist and nuzzled the side of her neck.

“Mmmm,” she said. “It looks a beautiful day out there,” and she turned to face me, raising her arms to drape them around my neck.

“It is,” I said.

“Shall we go out?”

The words stabbed at my heart. “What?” I said, panicking that Gaynor had changed her mind.

She grinned and patted my cheek with her right hand. “Just teasing, honey,” she said and tugged to lift my sports shirt out of my waistband. “Let’s get these clothes off.”

I lifted the shirt over my head, tossed it onto a chair, and then sat on the bed to remove my shoes and socks. Gaynor stood at my side and ruffled a hand through my hair, resting the other on my naked shoulder. It was soft and warm against my cool skin.

Footwear removed, I sat upright and Gaynor guided my head to rest on the velvety shelf of her glorious chest. The steadily undulating twin peaks were soft and yet firm against my cheek. Her rising scent was intoxicating and my cock twitched and pulsed against my trousers. Gaynor kissed the hair on the top of my head and said, “You feel so nice against my tits.” She paused and then whispered into my ear, “My nipples need attention.”

I raised my face from the soft warmth of her pillows. She slipped the thin straps off her shoulders and down below her elbows, raised her arms free and let the negligee slither south to bunch at her hips.

“Oh my God,” I muttered, looking for the first time at Gaynor’s naked tits. Long brown nipples, surrounded by darker areolae, stood proudly on top of the globes. I placed a hand each side of the sumptuous mounds, the skin silky in my palms. I dipped my head and took a firm nipple in my mouth, swept my tongue over it, around it, and then gently sucked. Gaynor moaned and she adjusted her stance, putting a long leg either side of my right thigh.

I switched to the other nipple, my wet tongue feeling the hardness of the bud as I closed my mouth and sucked. I flicked fingers over the other nipple and squeezed it, pulled it, and Gaynor’s hands settled on my head. I continued to alternately suck one breast and massage the other until Gaynor eased me away. 

“Enough, enough,” she huskily said. “Oooh that was good, Richard, very good,” and kissed my brow. “Let’s get your pants off.”

I started to unbuckle my belt but Gaynor grasped my wrists and shook her head, sending her curls flopping and bouncing around her face. She took over, crouched between my legs and undid the belt, popped a button and unzipped my fly. I helpfully raised my hips as she pulled my trousers down, over my thighs and knees to puddle at my feet. My cock was thick inside my briefs and Gaynor brushed a hand along the bulge. A wet spot was visible and she delved between her own squatting thighs and announced, “That’s both of us wet.”

My mind ran riot with images of the sopping pussy that awaited me. A pussy I had yet to see.

“Oh my,” said Gaynor as she tugged the waistband of my briefs to expose my pulsating member. She worked my briefs all the way down and I lifted my feet clear of them and my trousers. I was naked and Gaynor used a thumb to spread my pre-cum around the engorged head. She gripped my hard shaft and slowly stroked it, licked her lips and looked up at me. “Very nice,” she said and then kissed the tip before releasing it and standing.

Her bountiful breasts wobbled as she stood and inserted her thumbs into the waist of the bunched up negligee and eased it over her hips, wiggling and letting it fall at her feet. 

My heart pounded again and my pulse rate went through the roof. Dark curls of pubic hair camouflaged her pussy, tucked away in the gap between Gaynor’s long, lean and firm thighs. Instinctively, I reached out and cupped under her mound, my palm pressing against her hairy softness and my middle finger sliding along the concealed slit. It was wet, warm and oh so soft.

“On the bed,” said Gaynor.

I obeyed and lay on my back, watching as Gaynor climbed aboard and knelt, knees together. Sitting back on her heels, she reached for my cock and slowly and lightly stroked it with thumb and fingertips. Her tits bobbed in unison. I placed a hand on her thigh and Gaynor sighed. She released my cock, leaving it to throb on my stomach and, leaning on her straight left arm, she ran the fingers of her right hand feather soft around my chest and nipples. 

She leaned in for a kiss and I pulled her down, lifting my left leg over the backs of her knees. The kiss went on and on: lips mashing, tongues seeking and flicking, sighs and whimpers escaping on hot breaths, hands roaming and bodies wriggling and pressing together.

Eventually, we came up for air and I gently eased Gaynor on to her back. She opened her legs and I positioned myself between them, arms rigid at the sides of her body and her tits lazing against my forearms. My erection was full, rising proudly above the horizontal. But I slid down the bed, my hands tracing patterns along Gaynor’s stomach, hips and thighs until I could look upon her pussy. 

It was exquisite.

The neat slit was slightly open, a hint of pink, and glistening. I rested my left hand on her mound, fingers playing among her curly hairs and thumb gently seeking her clit. I used the forefinger of my right hand to gently probe and tease her labia. Gaynor spread her thighs wider and her vulva opened up delightfully, like a rose greeting the sun. Her lips were pink petals and I just had to lean in to kiss this alluring, divine flower.

I lapped my tongue along the lubricated opening, pressing and rubbing my thumb around her expanding bud. “Oh my, oh my,” she gasped and I probed further with my finger and sank it into her hole, knuckle deep. Up and down, up and down it slid in the juicy entrance.

Gaynor flapped her thighs against my head. “Now, Richard, now… I want you now. Bury your cock in me… C’mon, please, now.”

Knees wide apart, ankles resting on the bed, she grasped my arms and pulled. I hurried into position, cock poised for penetration. But Gaynor reached down between us, took hold and guided my head to her opening. I pressed forward and… oh, wonders of wonders, I slipped into paradise. A wet dark place I’d never visited before.

“Yes, that’s it,” sighed Gaynor, hands pulling on my buttocks and bucking her hips to set the pace and rhythm. “Give me that lovely cock. Oh, Richard, Richard.”

She was so soft in there, so wet and warm and welcoming. I plunged and withdrew, making the strokes as long as physically possible. I looked down: Gaynor’s eyelids were tightly closed, she was biting her lower lip and her mighty globes were jiggling and swaying with each piston stroke I made in her dark tunnel. I sank slowly down until our bodies moulded together, still pumping my hips. I’d never felt anything like this. I wanted to be sucked up her love tunnel deep into her being: not just my cock, but all of me, body, soul and mind. 

Gaynor’s hands left my buttocks and she put her arms around my back, finger tips scraping my shoulders and spine as she rocked and rolled under me. I kissed her neck and she murmured in my ear.

“Just there, just like that, oh yes, that’s it… don’t stop, just like that… keep going.”

Gaynor thrust to meet me, my cock fully inserted, until her body stiffened. She held her breath, her nails clawing me as I pressed my pulsating tube in her depth. Suddenly and loudly, she gasped, air burst from between her lips and she writhed and bucked, her pelvis banging hard against mine. When she subsided with another huge contented sigh, I felt her juices soaking my length. She opened her eyes and a grin parted her lips. Sweat bubbled on her brow and upper lip.

“Wow, Richard, that was good, really good. It really was, thank you.” 

That massaged my ego and I smiled. “Glad you enjoyed it,” I said. “But we’re not finished yet.”

I resumed my journey up and down her sopping cavern knowing that I was nearly done. The thrill of Gaynor’s orgasm had sent my cock pulsating wildly and my tightening balls warned me of the impending climax. Sure enough, within seconds, Gaynor’s eyes popped wide open as I expanded and hardened against her tunnel walls.

Gaynor contracted her vagina muscles, gripping me passionately, and met my thrusts: once, twice, three times… that was it. I hastily pulled out and Gaynor’s right hand grasped me. She pulled and tugged my juice-coated cock, rapidly drawing huge spurts and splashes of cum which sprayed her soft belly and lovely tits as I grunted and shuddered.

Gaynor chuckled. “Bloody hell, Richard, that’s a whole lot of stuff. It’s a good job you pulled out in time or I’d be pregnant for sure.”

My breathing was ragged but I managed to smile before collapsing by her side, a leg draped across her thighs. We stayed like that for a few minutes, recovering, until Gaynor turned her head, kissed my sweaty brow and said, “I think we’re compatible, don’t you?”

I placed my hand on her cheek and we joined for a soft, lingering kiss. No tongue explorations, just lips exchanging love back and forth.

“Hmmm,” I said, “I haven’t got any complaints. You’re wonderful.” I kissed the soft tip of her nose and then added, “But, that might have been a fluke. I think I’d like to have another trial to be absolutely sure.”

Gaynor snorted and looked into my twinkling eyes. “I’ll clean up your mess,” she said, fingers trailing through the drying semen on her body, “and let you take me for lunch. I’m starving. Then, if you still need assurance, we can come back here and have three or four more test runs. How’s that sound?”


A rap, rap on my office door brought me back to reality, to the here and now. Veronica always knocks on the door, not wanting to intrude, as if I was still the big boss business man.

“Yes, Veronica,” I said, clicking to bring up on screen an e-mail from Amazon offering cut-price thrillers for Kindles.

The door opened and she said, “You haven’t forgotten we’re out for dinner tonight, have you?”

“No dear,” I lied. “No rush is there?”

“Well, you’ve got to get ready and the taxi is coming at 7:30. We promised Geoff and Margaret that we’d be there no later than eight.”

I glanced at the clock in the top corner of my computer: 6:30. “Okay dear, I’ll wrap up now and get a shower.”

She nodded. “Right. I’ve laid out your new blue suit and that nice pale blue dress shirt. And there’s a choice of ties. Think you can manage to select one?”

I didn’t look at her but scrolled down the Amazon offers. “Mmm, yes dear, of course,” I said as she backed away, leaving the door ajar. That was Veronica’s signal that my time was up and I’d better get a move on.

I heard her footsteps retreat along the corridor and I clicked back for another look at Gaynor’s picture. I studied it, sighed softly, rubbed a hand over my bristly chin and thought: I wonder where she is now. Wonder what’s she’s doing tonight. I sighed at my next thought: Not going to some boring dinner party with a bunch of pseudo prats.

I blew a kiss at Gaynor’s picture and switched off the computer.

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Love Never Dies Chapter 10

Ending a loving relationship, particularly for the second time, is more complicated than disconnecting a phone call. Over the previous thirty-plus years, memories of Gaynor had frequently popped into my mind. Something or somewhere - a smell, a sight, a song - triggered recollections. But now, this second time around, I couldn’t get through even one single day without thinking about her. Maybe it was because it was all too fresh, that it had just happened. I tried recollecting whether it was...

Love Stories
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Love Never Dies Chapter 7

Traffic was light that Friday evening and I made good time. It was 7:01 when I parked the car in the garage and switched off the engine. I removed the phone from my pocket, preparing to text Gaynor, when it beep-beeped. The words on the screen told me: 1 message from Gaynor. I opened it and read: Just to let you know I’ve sent an email xx I hit the reply button and sent:  Got here this minute. No problems. Will read mail and reply ASAP. Love R xx In my office, I put on spectacles as the...

Love Stories
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The Devil Never Dies

It happens to everyone. That moment you glance across the crowded room, and suddenly your pupils lock with a sinful pair of azure eyes. The stranger's razor cheekbones highlight the devilish grin sliding into place. He holds a whisky glass or did before the rich golden brown color vanishes down his throat. He strides in your direction, stepping to the music. Unconsciously, of course. He can't help himself. Man's got a sense of rhythm that infuses his being. And now he's so close you can almost...

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Love Never Dies Pt 07

This story is based on personal experience. My thanks to the readers who have accompanied me this far. And special heartfelt thanks to those who have encouraged me along the way with their comments and votes. ~~~~~~~ NOW TRAFFIC was light that Friday evening and I made good time. It was 7:01 when I parked the car in the garage and switched off the engine. I removed the phone from my pocket, preparing to text Gaynor, when it beep-beeped. The words on the screen told me: 1 message from Gaynor....

4 years ago
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A Love That Never Dies

Friday, October 11, 2013It was a Friday night and I was sitting in my outdoor hot tub, naked and alone. On the edge of the hot tub was my scotch. It wasn't the cheap stuff; I drink Glen Morangie or Glenfiddich. When I was younger and didn't have much money, I drank the cheap stuff; now that I have some money, I prefer single malt scotch.It really didn't matter how good the scotch was, or how nice and warm the hot tub was, or how much privacy I had with a solid eight foot masonry fence around my...

4 years ago
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Cum Candies

Cum Candies By SG [email protected]        I decided to take a short break from my main writing project that I’m working on to play with this story. I wanted to try out a couple different writing styles and ideas that had formed in my head. As always, I greatly appreciate any feed back, thoughts and ideas you can give.        So I guess this all started a couple days back. One could argue that this all began at age thirteen when I first discovered my passion for exhibitionism among other...

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Love Never Dies Chapter 3

Over dinner - one of Veronica’s casserole creations which pleased the taste buds but left me in the dark as to all of its ingredients - she suddenly asked, “Do you miss having sex?” My wine glass was at my lips but I paused and looked across the dining table at my wife. Her head was slightly bowed and she seemed to be absently playing with her food, stirring it with a fork. “That’s an odd thing to ask,” I said. “What’s brought it on?” Veronica didn’t look up but continued to toy with her plate...

Love Stories
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Love Never Dies Pt 03

This story is based on fact and personal experience. Big Cock Fantasy readers will be familiar with the emerging character of Gaynor. As always, I hope you have a stimulating read. Comments are appreciated. ~~~~~~~ NOW OVER dinner – one of Veronica’s casserole creations which pleased the taste buds but left me in the dark as to all of its ingredients – she suddenly asked: ‘Do you miss having sex?’ My wine glass was at my lips but I paused and looked across the dining table at my wife. Her...

4 years ago
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Love Never Dies Chapter 8

The place Gaynor selected for our late lunch was only a few minutes drive away, a quaint country inn with thatched-roof, low black beams, leaded windows and highly-polished hardwood flooring. Prints of hunting scenes, highlighting red coats and dappled dogs, adorned the walls and the stoutly-padded seats made wooden chairs surprisingly comfortable. A few customers still lingered over their meals or drinks and some of them turned their heads as Gaynor, her tote bag bouncing at her right hip,...

Love Stories
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Love Never Dies Chapter 2

It had been another warm Tuesday and I’d played a reasonable round of golf, followed by a steak meal in the clubhouse. The company was good and the conversation, as usual, light. Occasionally, politics and finances reared their ugly cantankerous heads but, generally, we steered away from contentious topics. Our ingredients were mainly golf, other sports, sex and jokes. Never anything really personal. My old friend Mick was a member of the group which regularly played on Tuesdays. We’d kept in...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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HotMovies Parodies

Are you fucking horny as hell and ready to get off to the kind of content that speaks to you? Well, mother fucker? What the hell are you in the mood for? Midgets? Lactating midgets? Midgets that are put on a spinning pedestal and suck dick while zooming around in circles?Oh, you are horny for parody adult films, eh? You may think that there is not a place you can go to get your parody XXX films fix, but I want you to know that you’re fucking wrong! Because once you head over to Hot...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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True Liove Never Dies

I was in the United States Air Force at that time, and was assigned to the country of the Dominican Republic. There I became acquainted with a family gathering, and I became like family. So much that when a tragedy came to one of my favorite families in 1978. I agreed to take one of the children into my home. After all I was alone and had a extra bedroom. So Maria at the age of thirteen, moved in with me. We got along well from the beginning. Plus Maria had family dropping by at my...

2 years ago
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Eddies sexual adventurespt1

Eddie was waiting for the girl to show up after waiting a good 20min a black tinted window suv pulls up the back doors open and Eddie jumps in. “heyy sexy girl-------“ Eddie looked at two guys naked next to he can see their fully erected dick “what the fuck” Eddie says then he trys to leave he get grab by one of the guys right next to him. They were huge like fuck Eddie tried to struggle and scream but he got closer and closer toward the man holding him. “suck my cock u slut u Gonne keep me...

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Love Never Dies Chapter 4

I could have cried, or at least roared out in pain and anguish. I wanted to beat my chest and bellow to the skies, howling out my frustration. The e-mail from Gaynor stabbed at my heart, sliced me open and exposed me as a conceited, arrogant fool. At least, that’s what I was, way back then.  Long ago, I realised what a huge mistake I’d made by walking away from her. I loved her but, at that time, I was too young and driven, too selfish and self-centred. Too determined to have my own way. Some...

Love Stories
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Love Never Dies Chapter 9

We sat in Gaynor’s lounge but not in the usual chairs in the bay window. This time, Gaynor was stretched out on the four-seater leather couch, her back resting against a cushion and her bare feet in my lap. I was in my all-black golf attire and Gaynor was wrapped in a white cotton bathrobe, her legs bare from below the knees. She held a mug of steaming coffee in both hands, gently blowing over the rim, and I balanced my ‘world’s best golfer’ mug on the arm of the couch. “So,” she broke the...

Love Stories
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Love Never Dies Chapter 6

Thursday night I hardly slept. I was like a child on Christmas Eve, excited and desperate for morning to arrive so that I could open my gifts. But I wasn’t a child. I was less than a month from my fifty-eighth birthday and my special present was a meeting with Gaynor. I lay quite still for most of the night but my mind restlessly darted from one memory to another: some from years back, others just snippets from our phone conversation and the written messages. I’d thought about Gaynor at...

Love Stories
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Love Never Dies Pt 01

This series is based on fact but I am indebted to Caroline Covington and her masterful creation ‘Vera’ for the inspiration to write it. If you read my Big Cock Fantasy, you will recognise the character of Gaynor. As always, I hope you have an enjoyable read and comments are appreciated. ~~~~~~~ I BLINKED, leaned forward to peer at the message on my computer screen and then settled back into my chair. I shook my head and muttered: ‘Well I never.’ I’d been quite stunned when I saw the name in...

4 years ago
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Love Never Dies Pt 04

This story is based on personal experience. Big Cock Fantasy readers will have met Gaynor – but not like this! As always, I hope you have a stimulating read and thanks to those who are riding all the way to the terminus. It’s some distance off. Nice to have company. Comments are appreciated. ~~~~~~~ NOW I COULD have cried, or at least roared out in pain and anguish. I wanted to beat my chest and bellow to the skies, roaring out my frustration. The e-mail from Gaynor stabbed at my heart,...

3 years ago
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Love Never Dies Pt 06

This story is special to me and based on personal experience. Thanks to the readers who have journeyed this far. Your company is very much appreciated. ~~~~~~~ NOW THURSDAY night I hardly slept. I was like a child on Christmas Eve, excited and desperate for morning to arrive so that I could open my gifts. But I wasn’t a child. I was less than a month from my 58th birthday and my special present was a meeting with Gaynor. I lay quite still for most of the night but my mind restlessly darted...

4 years ago
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Love Never Dies Chapter 5

I arrived home only minutes before Veronica, and I helped unload the shopping bags from her car and carried them through to the kitchen where the kettle was already boiling. I made tea for Veronica and a mug of instant coffee for myself. Leaving Veronica to put away the groceries, I went out on to the patio. I was greeted by the sun peeping over the fringe of a cloud. It was pleasantly warm and when Veronica joined me, carrying her tea and a magazine, she had changed into knee-length cotton...

Love Stories
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Old Love Never Dies

By: AWC Phil and Bella knew each other since they met in 9th grade; freshmen at the high school. They went steady and at 18 tied the knot and got married. 4 years before marriage and another 5 years after marriage and then all of a sudden Bella decided that she should leave Phil for another man, who she knew before knowing Phil and she had been in touch with him ever since. What a fucking joke!! A couple of months of doldrums after the divorce and then Phil decided to fuck off the fucking...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 52

Eddie was hugging me when I woke up the next morning. While we slept in the same bed, we were too tired to do anything else. The evening on the boat had wiped us out and as hard as we tried, we just weren't into making love. I slipped from under his arm and went to the bathroom. After taking care of my bladder, I jumped into the shower. While I shampooed my hair, Eddie came in and stood in front of the toilet. "Don't you dare flush until I'm finished," I yelled. Eddie laughed and then...

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Love Never Dies Pt 08

This story, based on personal experience, is approaching its conclusion. Thanks to the readers who have kept me company. Comments have been, and are, most welcome. Don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong – Ella Fitzgerald. ~~~~~~~ NOW THE place Gaynor selected for our late lunch was only a few minutes’ drive away, a quaint country inn with thatched-roof, low beams, leaded windows and highly-polished hardwood...

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Love Never Dies Pt 05

This story is special to me and based on personal experience. Thanks to those readers who are riding all the way to the terminus. It’s still a distance off. Nice to have your company and comments. ~~~~~~~ NOW I ARRIVED home only minutes before Veronica and I helped unload the shopping bags from her car and carry them through to the kitchen where the kettle was already boiling. I made tea for Veronica and a mug of instant coffee for myself. Leaving Veronica to put away the groceries, I went...

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Oldies but Goodies

They were worried about me becoming independent and being able to support myself, but I was determined to do just that. My parents had retired by then and I didn't want to become a burden to them. I told them I was going to get a job and get my own place. Easier said than done. I wasn't being picky about the jobs I was willing to take either. I was willing to do anything for a paycheck, but every place I went there were plenty of others wanting the same position even if it was a dish...

1 year ago
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Digital PlayGround Parodies

People have this totally wrong image of depraved porn addicts. They think we’re just a bunch of humorless creeps jerking off in dank basements, our only utterances the primal grunts and groans of men, little more than apes, caving in to their basest desires. Well, those people have never heard me cranking it to the parody pornos over at Digital Playground. That shit is sexy and laugh-out-loud hilarious.Parody scenes can be a quick and easy way for porn studios to cash in on current trends....

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Group fuck with oldies in train

Hello. I am Madhu. I am married, 26 years with figure 38-28-36. This is true story happened with me in last December. I went to meet my friends in Goa and stayed there for a week. Christmas was just one day ahead, so I wanted to enjoy in goa. But I had to urgently return to my place Daund. It was overnight journey and I got easy tickets. I presumed that no rush will be there and easily get sleeper without reservation. I was right. It was rush towards goa but not for return way. I caught train...

2 years ago
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A Loving Wife Dies Painful Truths

Terminal woman makes a last confessionIt is indeed a very old story but it is one that must be told again and remembered. A life time of love and happiness, and a loving family is very important to all of us. I only wish this was fiction.She was dying. The last days were here. After 3 years of cancer, she was at the end of her fight. The Doctor that had broke the cancer news to us way back then broke it to the survivorsOur four c***dren:Our oldest son, Paul, 40, his Wife Joan 36, with three...

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My Love For Them Never Dies

I have a bit of a confession to make and I sometimes try to keep it suppressed and that is I love transgender ladies. I don't care for cross-dressers just transgender ladies and furthermore I am straight. I really love those who are what are referred to as passable female I believe. This love for the transgender ladies came about when I had a relationship with a non-genetic lady. We made for an odd pair in my view because she was classy and me I am always in Wranglers boots or...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 36

After cleaning the boat, I decided to take a shower and lay down before dinner. When I was finished in the head, I slipped on a long tee shirt, went to the master stateroom and stretched out on the bed. I was alone for about a half an hour and almost asleep when I felt someone crawl into bed with me. "You still awake, Little-bit?" Brad asked as he circled my waist with his arm. I rolled onto my back and said, "Sort of." "Are you tired?" Brad said as his hand slid down my stomach to...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 40

It felt good to be home, back in our house and on solid ground. I helped Eddie and Dad unload the van, sorted the dirty clothes and took my suitcase to my room. Once my bag was emptied and everything was put away, I flopped on my bed. After kicking off my boat shoes, I pulled my legs onto the bed and nestled my head into my pillow. I lay quietly for a while, got up and removed my clothes, putting on an old comfy tee shirt. I went out to the living room and sat on the floor, my back against...

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Davis dies the hardway

WARNING! EXTREME TORTURE, GORE DESCRIPTIONS AND WATER SPORT REFERENCES LURK INSIDE THIS LEMON THAT WAS COMISSIONED BY CHIBI BIYOMON!!!!! "So this is the guy you want me to kill?" Mia asked, looking at a picture of Davis. "Yes, he had been a real nuissance for way too long." TK told her, placing his hand gently over Kari's. "He went too faar, when he tried to get me, by making Veemon rape Gatomon." Kari explained, slamming her fist against the desk of Mia. "Very well, I'll do my...

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Finding Happiness After Love Dies

I pushed myself away from my desk in frustrated boredom. I am sick of this job and the people I have to work with. Almost all of them are lazy and work harder to get out of their assigned work than they would if they actually did it. The first fifteen years I had worked here I did my work then went around and took work off other's desks to help, to be a team player. It got to where they would just drop folders off on my desk even if it were assigned to them. It has gotten to where if I even...

1 year ago
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Group Fuck with Oldies

Hi. I am Anjali. I am a divorcee, 32 years with figure 38-28-38. This is story happened with me in last December. I went to meet my friends in Bangalore. It was new year time, so I wanted to enjoy in Bangalore. But I had to urgently return to my place Chennai. It was overnight journey and I got easy tickets. I presumed that no rush will be there and easily get sleeper without reservation. I was right. It was rush towards Bangalore but not for return way. I caught night train. I entered the...

Group Sex
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Finding Happiness After Love Dies

I pushed myself away from my desk in frustrated boredom. I am sick of this job and the people I have to work with. Almost all of them are lazy and work harder to get out of their assigned work than they would if they actually did it. The first fifteen years I had worked here I did my work then went around and took work off other’s desks to help, to be a team player. It got to where they would just drop folders off on my desk even if it were assigned to them. It has gotten to where if I even...

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The Rise of Jade ForceChapter 4 Colonel Nguyen Dies

May 1, 1975 Colonel Wynn finished assembling his rifle after having cleaned it. He had placed second in a shooting competition, right behind Sergeant Major Washington. They had tied in the regular round and had to go into a second and third round before a winner was declared. He now had a nice little second place trophy. After each competitor was eliminated, they had returned to the ready room to clean their weapons. Because of the extra competition rounds, he and the Sergeant Major been...

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Delta OriginalChapter 13 Diesel

A couple of days later, Justin dropped in on the Anzacs. Several of them jumped when Justin suddenly appeared. “Sorry, we need to get a bell so we can ring it before we appear,” Justin said with a big grin. “I hope you don’t mind, but my old mate Diesel expressed a wish to see my family again. Would anyone mind if I borrow him? I can bring him back tomorrow.” Trish laughed at the look of hope on Diesel’s face. “I don’t think it would be a problem, Justin. We are already months ahead of our...

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Capture Candies

Your name is John Doe. You are a 20 year old college student at the local university. You live with her stepmom Cathy and her two daughters, Krissy and Missy. And you have just recieved a special box. It looked like a normal box of chocolate balls, but you knew better. The chocolates, if consumed by the fairer sex, would make them obey your every order as if it was normal. They were also super powerful, so it would only take a single ball to enslave a woman. They could never run out, assuring...

Mind Control
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Oldies but Goodies

When you fit stair-lifts for a living, you have to be good with elderly widows.After the first year, I'd calculated that one in eight of them was going to make a pass at me, unprompted. And that average figure seemed to keep up. More or less a weekly occurrence.Mostly, it was just embarrassing - the toothless grins, the wrinkled elbows, the croaky voices. Sometimes it would start with a discreet offer of tea or coffee ('something hot'). Or the classic 'slipping into something loose' (yik!)....

2 years ago
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Anal WifeChapter 10 Oldies But Goodies

Among Susan's more interesting romances was the occasion of her mother's birthday. Charley had decided early not to attend the party, and Susan was left to fend for herself. At the party was an old high school flame, and it was with Joe Bender that Susan discovered yet another aspect of anal love. As the party neared a close, and since Charley had dropped Susan there -- she was to call for her ride home -- it was only natural that Joe ask Susan if she would like a lift home. She accepted....

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Daddies Little Toy

Daddies Little Toy I hated to be late but the hotel was not in a part of town I was familiarwith and even though I had dropped you back last night to the same addressfollowing our dinner, coming from the opposite direction was proving quitethe challenge.  Making matters worse was that it was extremely hard tolook for directions when a voice inside my head kept saying again and again, "thisis going to be so wild and so great."  I glanced at my watch notingthat it read 1030pm. I remembered...

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Love Dies Not Lust

Hello…ISS readers …All names in this are changed due to privacy concern I’m pratham from Mysuru (karnataka) .I’m 21 yrs old. I’m bit flirty n naughty. For this everyone liked to chat with me.. u can send your feed back to Eagerly waiting for your feedback !! As this is my First story on ISS And my girlfriend, deeksha (name changed) from Mangaluru 20 years and she was staying in Mysuru for her graduation .she took a room for rent to live because she don’t like to live in a Hostel . We were a...

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Gabriela dies Village Murder

Amazon Gabriela -  Vanquished Lesbian                        6-9-2008I knew almost immediately Eve's new friend Gabriela was trouble. Gabriela was one of those beautiful women that took your breath away and at the same time made you grit your teeth. She was medium height and slim, toned into an incredible shape that you see maybe once in your lifetime. A shapely neck holding her gorgeous face at a confident angle. You could tell she was a no nonsense bitch and took no shit from anyone. Arms...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 8 The Night Jerry Dies Part 1

Jerry watches the approaching storm clouds through the window of the print shop where he works. An hour before quitting time, he is finishing up a few jobs and getting his end-of-the-week clean-up duties done. His mind has not been on work this afternoon. He's meeting Allen after work, and it's all he can think about.Allen called him last night, telling him he scored the acid they will take tonight at Allen's apartment. They will meet at a restaurant to get a good meal in their stomachs, then...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 8 The Night Jerry Dies Part 2

Allen peeks his head into the bathroom. "Hello? Is anyone awake in there?""Yeah, I'm awake. I've been having some really heavy hallucinations."Allen walks over by the tub, kneeling beside it. "How are you feeling, baby? I came in here earlier, and you were crying your heart out. I thought it best to not disturb you.""Oh wow, Allen... I was talking with this girl... she's inside me... I've seen her before. It was so incredible... She told me our name is Jillian. We like to be called Jill."Allen...

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Karmas a Bitch and Then Someone Dies

We were informed that the jury had reached a verdict and were waiting for them to come back into the court room. There is an undercurrent of noise running through the court; it's subtle and muted, but you can hear people talking. They are all wondering if I will be sent to prison; I'm wondering the same thing. Will I be acquitted or sent to jail? I hope to be released, but it really doesn't make a lot of difference. Freedom would be much better than incarceration but either way it goes, I...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 50

I heard giggling and woke up. It was still dark in the salon, but I could see Erin and Frank as they scurried to the door leading to the cockpit. "What time is it Erin?" I asked, sitting up and trying to adjust to the darkness. "Four o'clock," Erin said. "Why did you to get up so early?" Erin told Frank to wait a minute, came over to me and whispered, "We've been up all night, Jen. Frank and I have been making love all night." I giggled. "You two are going to be beat...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 21

The next week seemed to drag as I waited for Sunday and the chance to go fishing with my brother and the others. I was glad we were going to have the Gordon's along to teach us, but I also would liked it if it was just the family so I could go topless. My brother and I ran every morning before school. I started leaving my bedroom door open a lot more and would get all giddy when Eddie saw me prancing around in my underwear or naked. Because we were so busy with school and sports, my brother...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 39

I wasn't all that interested in the movie and decided to have a little fun. I started to rub Brad's leg, slowly working my way from his knee to his crotch and back. Brad slipped the arm he had on my shoulders down, cupped my boob and began to massage it through my top. I slid my hand over his hard cock and squeezed it through his cotton shorts, moving my fingers along its length. "Are you playing with my brother's dick?" Kathy asked, giggling. "Yeah and he's playing with my tit," I...

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By Wazza I was just 10 year old when my mother went to live with her sister Daddy said she Loved her sister very much but she would come and visit us now and then. I liked living with my Daddy as he let me do things that I wanted to do. But Daddy had a big surprise in for me, as just after my 10th birthday when Mummy left us Daddy said I am going to take you shopping for some new things to wear, I was so happy as he said “you will really love what I am going to get you”. So on Friday we...

5 years ago
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Parodies in Pink

This may be archived anywhere, in full or just-a-few. Remember though to give credit to where credit is due. Parodies in Pink By Pretzelgirl ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Thayer and French, Service and Moore; How to acknowledge these poets galore? From Shel Silverstein to the great Doctor Seuss Like goddesses ancient, they are my muse. Then Jennifer Adams and also Bill Hart, Inspired this somewhat; they did their part. My debt to these authors must be confessed: "Without whom I couldn't...

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Daddies Double Cum

My new blended family was me and my two step-daddies; perversity developed a fresh category, bi daddies and their whorette daughters....Family, it’s who you are, right? Well when I was young, it was nuclear; you know the standard one with two biological parents. I didn’t need a DNA test, I looked like my mum. The same chin, the exact sharpish nose, honeyed blonde hair and her sparkling light blue eyes. As a teenager thankfully I got her great boobs too. A nuclear family alright, very...

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Daddies Princess Pie

?Come on girl legs apart now, do a little dance for me. Yeah that’s good swing those little balls bitch. Keep dancing for daddy show me you can do it.?Jordan arched her pretty little ass and spread her slender legs wide showing a full on view of her cock and balls. She moved her hips up and down and swayed them from right to left. Her small balls danced with the movement, she looked so cute.?You look so much better with those things shaved baby, daddies done a good job hasn’t he? Will have to...

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Ladies Things

A plain white bra. Firstly, because he would be able to hide it under his clothes. Secondly (and most importantly) because it would help with the nipple problem. They've been getting tender and sore. He's a bit older than I was when I first started wearing bras, so I felt confident that he would be able to manage it. Obviously he never imagined he'd have to ever wear one, but then I never expected to be buying ladies' underwear for my son. It goes both ways. Anyway I worried he would...

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You are sleeping in your bed, having a great dream about you and Angelina Jolie in a very swanky hotel in Venice, having wild sex on the balcony, overlooking the canals. The dream ends. You think you hear a tiny little voice say, "And sprinkle this one good. I think Peter and Wendy need something to break the logjam. This one will do nicely." In your sleep-stupor, you open one eye a bit and see a glowing moth hovering over your bed. The moth's body looks strangely like a person. Then you go...

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The Neverending Dare Game

The four of them had been inseparable, best friends since elementary school. Now, having just graduated from high school, it made perfect sense for them to get an apartment together in the city. On their first night in the apartment, Stace breaks open a bottle of champagne and calls for an apartment meeting. Stace was the ringleader of the group, she had the strongest personality and usually had set the tone for their activities together. She was a curvaceous brunette with a rockabilly style,...

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