Love Never Dies - Chapter 7 free porn video

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Traffic was light that Friday evening and I made good time. It was 7:01 when I parked the car in the garage and switched off the engine. I removed the phone from my pocket, preparing to text Gaynor, when it beep-beeped. The words on the screen told me: 1 message from Gaynor. I opened it and read:

Just to let you know I’ve sent an email xx

I hit the reply button and sent: 

Got here this minute. No problems. Will read mail and reply ASAP. Love R xx

In my office, I put on spectacles as the computer whirred into action. I had fifteen emails in the inbox and Gaynor’s was on top. I opened it immediately, eagerly.

My dear Richard

I so enjoyed our few hours together today and, to be honest, I didn’t want you to leave. I only spent ten minutes or so with Charlie after you left because, truthfully, I wanted to be on my own with my thoughts. And I wanted to send this message. Strangely, when I’m writing to you, I feel as though we’re close and not separated by miles. Know what I mean?

Anyway, honey, it WAS lovely and I’m glad you persuaded me to go along with our meeting. That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped panicking or I’m no longer a scaredy cat. I still have worries about being hurt, Richard. I’m truly not sure where we’re headed but I do know there’s still powerful feelings between us. I could feel it today and I know you did, too. Your eyes tell me a lot, darling.

Okay, so we’ve decided to meet again on Tuesday and I’ve had a few thoughts about that. There’s a couple of nice places around here where we could eat lunch if you don’t mind coming all the way to me. If not, we’ll make it The Toad’s Hollow again. Think about it and let me know. Make it around 11 to 11:30 if you can.

By the way, is there anyone you can trust to have my phone number? Whatever happens from now, I’d like to keep in contact and if something should happen to you I’d like someone to let me know. I’ve already given your mobile phone number to Charlie for the same reason. She’d ring or text you if I end up in hospital or something. Don’t mean to seem morbid but we never know, do we?

Another thought just struck me: does Veronica use your computer? I mean, is it safe to send these personal messages?

Okay, I’ll stop waffling now and get myself a bite to eat. Oh, that reminds me, I never said thank you for the lunch and drinks. Forgive me - and, while I’m at it, also forgive my tears. Really can’t understand what came over me like that. It’s years and years since I cried but I guess I was a little tired and emotional having not slept much recently. Hopefully, I’ll sleep better tonight.

On that note, nite nite Richard


Gaynor xx

PS: The hug was wonderful and I nearly turned the little kiss into a full-blown smacker XX

I smiled at the postscript and then read the whole message again. I sat back in my chair and considered my reply. It didn’t take long before I wrote:

Dear Gaynor

Yes, meeting again was wonderful and the hours just flew by. We still have so much to catch up on. I mean, we hardly got to talk about you and what’s been happening with you over all these years. What I do know is that you’re still extremely attractive in both looks and personality. I enjoyed being with you and I, too, found it very, very hard to leave.

Ah, the hug! God, just to feel you in my arms again, to feel your gorgeous body pressed against mine and to smell your sweet warmth… it was bliss and heaven rolled into one. And the kiss! I can feel and taste your lips on mine even now, although it was but a fleeting peck. Must say, I’m rather out of practice on the “full-blown smacker” skills. Perhaps you can show me how it’s done!

Right (down boy!) onward: I will drive straight to you on Tuesday and I look forward to dining out somewhere new. And don’t worry about thanking me for buying lunch: it’s my pleasure and I know you appreciate it, so no need for words.

Tuesday is a regular golf day for me, so I should manage to get to you before 11:30. I’m playing golf with Mick tomorrow (for real this time!) and I’ll give him your phone number. I’m sure, like Charlie, he’s most suited and certainly can be trusted should anything untoward happen. (God forbid anything should when we’ve just met again. That would be too cruel).

After today’s reunion I hope you can now relax and sleep properly. Please, DON’T worry about anything (no, Veronica doesn’t use my computer or phone) and I’ll see you on Tuesday (wish it was tomorrow - greedy, aren’t I?).


Your Richard xxx

PS: This 11th will surely be a much happier day than the awful one back in my foolish youth xxx

I tapped on ‘send’ and then saved Gaynor’s message and my own reply to the special GR folder. I scanned down the other waiting messages but there was nothing urgent or even important. 

A rumble from my stomach reminded me that I’d eaten only a sandwich for lunch. It was now 7:33. Could I rustle up some food before Veronica got home? What if she was early, what would be my excuse for eating here and not at the golf club? Oh what a tangled web… 

I switched off the computer, decided I could at least have another sandwich to appease my hunger, and made my way downstairs. A chunk of cheese in a bread roll and a mug of instant coffee later, I sat in the lounge and switched on the radio. 

No, I screamed in my head, it can’t be. But it was: Gladys Knight and the Pips!


I awoke, startled, in darkness. I was sprawled on the couch, the radio played in the background and I was aware of the door opening. The room flooded with blinding light and I shielded my eyes with an arm..

“Oh, hello Richard. Didn’t know whether you were still up.” 

Veronica had switched on the lights and now walked over and looked down at my prone figure. I blinked to focus bleary eyes and mumbled, “Hi sweetheart, what time is it?”

“Just after 11:30. Obviously you’ve been sleeping. Had a good day, did you?”

“Hmm, yes,” I said, swinging my legs off the couch and sitting upright to stretch my spine. “Very good, thanks. And you?”

Veronica sat in an armchair opposite me, flipped off her heeled shoes and bent to rub her toes. I noticed her feet and legs were bare. Unusual for her not to wear stockings or tights. She looked up at me and smiled. “Yes, a very good day thanks.”

I waited for an expansion on the comment but Veronica just leaned back into the chair, her skirt rumpled up to her naked mid-thigh. She stretched her arms towards the ceiling, yawning, and I watched her breasts perk up within her roomy sweater.

“Fancy a nightcap?” I asked. “A brandy or something?”

“Are you having one?” And before I could reply, she said, “Yes, I will thanks. Scotch and dry ginger, please. With ice.”

At the drinks cabinet, I mixed Veronica’s tipple, poured myself a generous brandy and went into the kitchen for ice. I plopped two cubes in each glass and carried them back into the lounge. I handed Veronica her drink, returned to my seat, sipped, and then placed the glass on the table at the side of the couch.

Veronica stood and walked over to me. She leaned to place her glass alongside mine and, hands on my knees, parted my legs and knelt between them. She settled onto her right buttock, arm resting on my left thigh, and slid her left hand up my right trouser leg, tickling my shin with her fingernails. She sighed, deep and loud, and looked up at me. Her blue eyes stared into mine. I smiled down at her and waited.

Veronica withdrew her hand from within my trouser leg, wriggled her hips into a closer position, and snuggled her head into my lap. Her left hand now settled high on my thigh, her thumb very close to my groin.

“Are you alright, Veronica?” I asked, softly.

She didn’t reply, just breathed heavily. I reached for my glass and swallowed some of the fiery liquid.

“Remember what I told you about Helen?” Veronica suddenly said, raising her head and almost immediately letting it drop back into my lap before I could answer.

“Course I do. If you mean her… um, advances.”

“Hmm,” she said, nodding, her nose in close proximity to my cock. She gave my right thigh a nonchalant rub and said, “We had a good talk tonight. I thought we needed to get things out in the open. I mean, not for everybody in the world, just between us.”

“I understand,” I said and waited.

“Yes, of course you would.” Veronica fell silent again and I assumed she was contemplating her next words. But everything went quiet.

I broke the silence. After all, I was intrigued about this relationship my wife was developing. “So, what happened? What did you say?” 

Veronica pushed away from my lap, sat up on her haunches and reached for her drink. She gulped and a dribble ran down her chin, which she brushed with a forefinger and licked it dry.

“If you don’t mind, Richard, I don’t want to go into any great detail.” She drank some more, replaced the glass on the table and rested her hands on my knees. “In a nutshell, I don’t think I’m bi-sexual. I think I might be asexual.”

That had me reaching for my glass. I drank and asked, “What makes you say that?”

Veronica leant her weight on my knees and boosted herself upright. I thought I heard her knees creak. She collected her glass and walked across the room and sat in the armchair again. “Don’t say anything until I’ve finished with what I’ve got to tell you. No interruptions. Okay, Richard.?”

I nodded.

Veronica ran a finger around and around the rim of her glass, clearly thinking and composing herself. She began, still looking down at her glass, “When Helen and I kissed, it was quite… well, different and exciting, I suppose. Nice and soft, you know.” She looked up at me and quickly down again. She’d got my attention. “It was the same when she first fondled my breasts and sucked my nipples. I quite liked the feel of hers, as well. But…” Veronica took a deep breath…“when we got naked on her bed and she started to feel me… oh dear… when she started to touch me down there, I sort of froze.” She shook her head. “I didn’t want her touching me there. And I didn’t want to touch her, either.”

Veronica looked at me now. “I think you’re right Richard: I am frigid.”

Silence filled the room. I didn’t know what to do. Didn’t really know what I was thinking. My mind was in a whirl.

Veronica broke the silence. “What are you thinking?”

I shook my head. “I’m not sure. I’m trying to understand what’s going on with you. Until recently, we hadn’t had sex or even talked about it for years and years. Then, out of the blue, you came on to me and gave me a handjob, just like in the old days, and you also confessed to me how you’d had a fear of getting pregnant again. That’s why you stopped making love.”

Veronica nodded and I drained my glass before continuing. “Then you told me about Helen and… well, here we are. You think you’re asexual.” I shook my head. “I don’t know what to make of it, Veronica, I really don’t.”

“Nor me,” she said softly and finished her drink, chewing on the last remnants of ice. “Do you think I need help?”

I shrugged. “Why? Help for what? You’ve not had any problems since the girls were born, have you? You didn’t miss sex, did you? For whatever reason or reasons, some people just don’t need sex, Veronica. And now, after all these years… well, let’s face it, we’re both knocking on a bit. What’s so different, other than you’ve had this strange… oh, I don’t know what to call it… affair, happening, with Helen?”

Veronica nodded, thoughtfully. Eventually, she looked up at me and a thin smile creased the corners of her lipstick-free mouth. “You’re a wonderful husband Richard. I’m sure not many men would have put up with me. Not for all these years. What, no sex, no hanky-panky! They’d have been off like a shot.” 

It was my turn to grin. “Don’t forget, I’ve had some fun outside the marriage bed. I didn’t exactly abstain, you know.”

“No, you didn’t,” said Veronica, standing and walking towards me. She held out her hands, palms up, and I reached to entwine our fingers. “But, come on Richard, those occasional dalliances weren’t like making regular love with your wife, were they? They were just a physical, sexual release because our bed was cold. Somehow, I always knew you’d come home to me, God knows why.” 

She paused and squeezed my fingers. “I never believed you were really looking for someone else. You never looked for a permanent replacement, did you? Am I right?”

I looked into Veronica’s blue eyes and they morphed into chocolate drops, the eye-lids coated a pale blue. Her tanned skin became caramel coloured, her hair in tight black curls and the lips fuller and crimson. I smiled. “You’re right, Veronica. I never looked for anyone else. C’mon, let’s have one more drink and then get to sleep. I’m playing golf in the morning.”

Veronica leaned down to kiss my cheek. “Thank you, Richard. You have another drink; I’m off to bed.” 

She released my hands and walked out of the room, leaving the door open.


Tuesday morning I drove straight to Gaynor’s house. No sham appearance at the golf club this time. Trusty Mick was my alibi if required but he’d raised his eyebrows when I gave him Gaynor’s phone number and told him why he’d got it.

“This sounds serious, Richard,” he said. “Hope you know what you’re doing.” I smiled.

Now I pulled up on the gravel driveway and, with my pulse rate flying, eased out of my car. I was both excited and nervous, much like a young man on his first date with the girl of his dreams. It was 11:14 and I hoped I wasn’t too early. At the maroon door, I spotted a bell push and thumbed it. A tune I didn’t recognise played distantly somewhere above me.

I wiped my sweaty palms on my trousers - black again, but my sports shirt was pale blue - and I heard rapid footsteps thumping down the stairs. A fiddle with the lock and the door was swung open and there before me was… a petite lady with dirty blonde hair framing a pixie face. A big grin spread across her face.

“Hi Richard,” she said breathlessly. Her accent was refined and she stood on tip-toes to air-kiss on either side of my face. “I’m Charlie. C’mon up, Gaynor’s just had a shower.”

I immediately envisaged a naked Gaynor under jets of warm water, soapy bubbles sliding over her breasts and down her tummy, between her legs and…

“I’ve heard so much about you,” said Charlie, bounding up the stairs. Her rear was firm in tight blue jeans. “After all these years it’s good to finally meet you. Seen photos, of course, but they’re from way back, aren’t they? You’re still looking good, by the way.”

At the top of the stairs, she turned and smiled again at me. “Go on into the lounge, down there on the right.” She put a playful hand to her mouth, her eyes shining brightly. “Silly me, there I go again. Course you know where it is. Never mind me, I’m a bit of an air-head. Would you like a drink? I was just about to make coffee?”

“Yes, coffee would be fine,” I said, finally getting to speak as I followed Charlie along the corridor.

“I’m in here, Richard.” 

The husky tone came from the kitchen and Charlie shrugged her shoulders. “Not in the lounge then,” she said and we carried on to the kitchen.

Gaynor was barefoot, her toenails painted deep crimson. A silky white wrap, belted at the waist, clung to her graceful curves. The curls on her head were damp and she looked over her shoulder, a gold hoop swinging at her cheek, and smiled. “Hi,” she said and turned back to concentrate on pouring hot water into three mugs. She added milk, stirred the mixture and used a spoon to point at one of the mugs. “That’s yours, Richard, no sugar.”

“Thanks,” I said and picked it up. The mug was decorated with a cartoon golfer and I grinned at the inscription: ‘World’s best golfer.’

“Gaynor bought that specially for you,” said Charlie brightly. “She hasn’t washed the mug you used last week, so she got this one for you. Nice, eh?”

“Charlotte!” said Gaynor, exasperation in her voice. She exhaled and shook her head. “You do let your mouth run away, don’t you?”

“What? Oh…” Charlie raised a hand to her mouth. “About not washing…”

“Yes,” interrupted Gaynor and she looked at me. “Don’t take any notice of Charlie, she often speaks before engaging brain. C’mon, let’s get comfortable.”

Gaynor led the way into the lounge, where she and I sat in the chairs in the bay-window. Across the room on the left side of the doorway, Charlie perched on the edge of the large couch, elbows on knees, both hands holding her coffee mug to her lips. She blew gently on the liquid, glancing between Gaynor and me. “Do you play a lot of golf, Richard?” she asked.

“A fair amount, three or four times a week. Not so often in the winter.”

“Hmm. I had a good friend, Evan, he played a lot of golf all the year round. But he spent most of the winter in Spain or America or somewhere sunny, anyway. Didn’t he Gaynor?”

Gaynor nodded. “Yes, he did.”

“But he was mega rich,” continued Charlie. “Nice man but… oh, well…” The sentence trailed away while she drank some coffee.

I raised a quizzical eyebrow at Gaynor and she said quietly, “Evan died a couple of years back, heart attack on a golf course in Spain.”

“Portugal,” said Charlie quietly. “It was Portugal.”

Silence descended and I broke it. “Well, I’m sorry for you, losing a friend like that.”

Charlie looked at me. “Thanks, but at least he died doing something he liked doing. One of the things he liked, anyway.” She smiled broadly, conspiratorially, at Gaynor before draining the last of her coffee. “Okay, I’ll be off then,” she declared and stood to place her empty mug on the glass-topped coffee table in the middle of the room. “I’ll no doubt see you again sometime, Richard. Have a good day now. See you later, Gaynor.”

“Byee,” said Gaynor at the retreating back. Charlie’s footsteps thundered down the stairs and the door closed with a thud. Gaynor laughed, her bosom quivering as she reclined in the chair. “That was Charlotte.”

“Quite a character, isn’t she? Chatty little ball of fire.”

Gaynor nodded, put her mug on the small table between our chairs, and stretched out her toned legs. “You can say that again,” she said as she exhaled deeply, lowered her legs and rested her heels on the carpet. “That business about the mug from last week… oh, okay, alright, I haven’t washed it.” 

She gently shook her head and ran fingers through her hair. “I know it’s daft but I just wanted something to remind me of you being here. I could see where your lips had been… you know, just a small coffee stain on the rim.” She frowned, as if not believing what she was about to reveal. “In fact, until this morning, I left it here on this table. I still haven’t washed it but I will. Soon. Honest.”

I reached across to hold her left hand. “I think that’s lovely. I’m surprised about it, but I do think it’s lovely. And this…” I lifted the golfer mug in the air, “is very nice, it really is. A nice thought.”

“Thought you’d like it.” Gaynor smiled, exposing the tips of her gleaming white teeth. She leaned forward, peered down into my mug and said, “Looks like you’ve finished with that. I’ve got something else you might like. Come with me.”

Gaynor stood, still holding my hand, and led me out of the room, down the corridor and pushed open the door to the bedroom. It was large, airy and sumptuous with a warming thick-pile mauve carpet, fitted wardrobes and a king-size bed. Sunlight streamed through the bay window under which a leather couch was home to a giant blue and white teddy bear. The walls were painted off-white and dotted with black-framed pictures. More of Gaynor’s work, I assumed.

Without speaking, Gaynor turned to face me, put her hands on my waist and looked expectantly into my eyes. She blinked and the tip of her tongue moistened her slightly-parted crimson lips. I needed no more bidding. Our lips met, meshed and melted together. Gaynor’s hands glided up my back and she pulled me closer as I wrapped my arms around her, the warmth of her body radiating through the thin, silky gown. My cock stirred, coming alive, as Gaynor’s tongue slipped wetly, softly, slowly between my teeth and toured my mouth. I gently sucked on it and then slithered my tongue home. We licked and flicked, poked and sucked and, unbidden, I heard myself whimper: the purr of a kitten being stroked.

Gaynor broke off the kiss, tilted her head back, and her eyes searched mine for a second or two. Quickly, fiercely, she pressed her lips back onto mine and hugged me with surprising strength. Our tongues again coiled and weaved and licked inside saliva-drenched mouths. Gaynor’s tummy and thighs pressed against me and I guessed she could feel my hardening and twitching arousal. I certainly could.

This time, I ended the kiss. We both sighed, breathed heavily, and Gaynor relaxed her arms to bring her hands up to my face. Her left hand stroked my cheek, the fingertips of her right hand wiped softly across my lips. I linked my fingers at the base of her spine and pulled her into my groin.

“I didn’t think you’d forgotten how to share a full-blown smacker,” she said in a low, husky, sensual timbre.

“Forgot no, just out of practice.”

“Really? Why’s that?” Before I could reply, Gaynor said, “Sorry, no, forget that. I don’t want to know.”

I planted a kiss among the damp curls on the top of her head and squeezed her. “It’s alright,” I said. “I suppose we’ve been married that long we just don’t smooch anymore. In fact, to be perfectly honest, we don’t…”

I paused and Gaynor gazed up at me, her beautiful brown eyes examining my face. “You don’t what?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Not now, not yet. Maybe another day, eh?”

“Okay, in your own time,” she almost whispered. 

I smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. I wasn’t fooled and nor was she. Instinct told me that Gaynor knew exactly what I’d been poised to relate.

Instead, she promptly switched the conversation. Hands locked at the nape of my neck, she leaned back in my arms, her groin thrusting into me, and said, “Right, I got you into my bedroom for a couple of reasons. The first mission has been accomplished: a couple of lovely smackers. So now, Richard my love, I hope you’ll agree to the second part.” 

She raised an eyebrow. I coughed to clear my drying throat and hoarsely muttered, “Anything you say, Gaynor.”

“Anything? Wow.” She chuckled throatily and released her hold on my neck, skimmed her palms over my cheeks, along my shoulders and down my arms. She reached behind her in search of my hands and I happily let her link them at our sides. “What I would like, before we go out for lunch, is to lay down with you and have a cuddle. Is that okay? You’re a married man so just say if it isn’t. I’ll understand.”

My heart thumped, mouth dried and pulse soared. I thought I’d lost the power of speech and, all the time, Gaynor’s gaze probed my eyes, seeking my soul. I still hadn’t managed to speak when she tugged my hands and led me three slow paces to the bedside. “I’ll take that as a yes, then,” she said.

We sat, side by side. “Take your shoes off, Richard.”

I bent to remove my slip-ons and Gaynor stood, walked around the bed and the mattress wobbled as she climbed aboard. I stood, turned and looked at her resting on her side, head propped on her right hand. Her mighty breasts threatened to burst through the constraints of her tight gown and the outlined curve of her hip flowed into sleek thigh and a visible, slender lower leg. The gown had fallen open above the knee, providing a tantalising glimpse of Gaynor’s smooth, inner right thigh. In a come-hither move, she tapped the white duvet cover with her left hand and I scrambled into place.

I mirrored her pose, head propped on my left hand, and placed my other hand on her hip. I offered a nervous smile and Gaynor responded, eyes twinkling. No words were needed as our bodies merged. I closed my eyes and slid my hand down and round to rest on a firm buttock. Gaynor did likewise and our lips united for more whimpering, fervent, tongue-lapping kisses.

Eventually - and I’d no idea how long we’d been locked in our hungry embrace - we had to surface for air. I was sure my lips were swollen and bruised.

“There’s something else now,” said Gaynor, eyes again locked on mine.

“There is?”

“Mmm, yes.” She licked her lips. They had to be tender, too. “I know you like country music now. What about John Denver?”

“Yes,” I said, “but, as it happens, I don’t have any of his CDs. Just a couple of his hit songs on compilations. That sort of thing.”

Gaynor rolled away from my clutches and sat up, the now-open neckline exposing much of her chest and the glorious swell of her cleavage. “I don’t know whether you’ve heard this one,” she said, inserting a disc into a machine which sat on the night stand. The CD started to play and Gaynor adjusted the volume and said, “I’ll just move it along to the right track. It’s number six.”

Correct track selected, Gaynor resumed her position, facing me, a hand on my shoulder. I replaced my right hand on her soft hip as an unfamiliar piano introduction tinkled into the room. I didn’t know the tune. Gaynor’s gaze never left my eyes, her lips pursed, as Denver’s melliferous voice washed over us, singing about being able to look in your eyes again and lay in your arms.

At that opening line, I gasped and thought my heart would burst. Gaynor put a forefinger on my lips and lightly traced around them as the poignant words continued to stream around us.

I held my breath now, a lump in my throat. Gaynor’s finger left my lips and traced a pattern up my face and smoothed along an eyebrow, her soft, warm palm resting on my cheek. The appropriate words of Denver’s love song kept pouring into my astounded brain all the way to the final lines.

At the final note, only the sound of our breathing was left. I had Gaynor’s hip under my hand, her face inches from mine, a position I never imagined I would be in again. I could think of only one thing to say, “Play it again, please.” She twisted her body, pushed a button and turned back as the piano introduction started.

Gaynor, hand on my shoulder, eased me on to my back and then pulled my shirt free of my trouser waist band. Head snuggled into the crook of my shoulder and neck, she wormed her left arm under my shirt and settled her hand in the middle of my chest. I hugged her close and cupped my right hand on the side of her neck, my thumb caressing her jawline.

I closed my eyes, felt Gaynor’s chest undulating with every warm breath, and listened to the song. Gaynor bent her left leg at the knee and draped it across my thighs and tenderly kissed my neck.

In this embrace, a warm enfolding that I never dreamed I would experience again, a tear escaped my right eye, trickled down my cheek and at the next line… about waking up each morning with you by my side… my breath caught in my throat and I choked and sobbed, almost without sound. Gaynor nuzzled into me and a tear dropped on my neck. Quietly we lay crying, lost in our own thoughts, united in our love.

At the song’s end, Gaynor snuffled and spoke into my chest. “Lovely, eh?”

“Beautiful,” I said, using the back of my hand to wipe away tears.

Gaynor used her left hand for a similar mopping up process. “So, do we now have two songs?” 

I thought for a few seconds. “Gladys will always be a part of us,” I said, my left hand rubbing Gaynor’s spine. “But, this one… I don’t even know what’s it called.”

“For You,” she whispered.

“Oh, well, there you are then…” I swallowed, fighting my emotions. “After all these years adrift, it’s just so perfect.”

Gaynor lifted her head and looked up at me. “Adrift you said, not apart?”

Inwardly I smiled. This smart girl misses nothing. “Yes, adrift,” I confirmed. “We’ve never really been away from each other, not apart. We’ve always had each other in our minds and hearts. We’ve just been drifting, off course.”

“And now? What now? We’re here, in each other’s arms. But, is it too late, Richard?”


I shuffled along, head bowed, and barely avoided bumping into other pedestrians as I made my miserable way to the railway station.

It started to rain but I didn’t care. My thoughts were on Gaynor, on me, on why she wouldn’t join me in the north. What’s wrong with her? She must know I love her!

The station concourse, dark and gloomy, loomed up ahead. How bloody typical, I thought. A miserable rainy day, a depressing railway station and the girl I love has refused yet again to move north with me. Oh fuck it! Fuck her! Fuck everything!

I approached the ticket booth and fished in my pocket for the fare. There was a short queue at the window. One lady clutched the hand of a small boy who was looking around him, a finger up his nose. She slapped his hand away, ordering, “Stop that, Timmy.” He stood only as tall as her knees. She must have seemed like giant of a woman but he simply looked up at her and then back down at the offending finger.

In front of them, a young man and girl bought their tickets and quickly turned from the window. They clutched hands and started a fast-paced walk towards their platform. 

“Hurry,” I heard him say. “If we miss this train we’ve got another two hours to wait.”

“I know,” she said, her head turned to look at him. “But we’ve got each other for company.”

Her sweet breathless voice echoed through my mind: “We’ve got each other…”

Shit! Stupid bastard! I turned from the booth and hurried out into the rain and headed back towards the bar. I weaved and swerved between people under umbrellas, broke into a trot, and cursed as endless traffic rumbled along. I was marooned, hopping impatiently from foot to foot on the wrong side of the road, across from the bar where I’d stupidly left Gaynor.

Impatience got the better of me and I made a dash for it, the puddled rain water splashing up my trouser legs. I made it to the other side with one lone taxi driver yelling, “Stupid bastard,” as he braked. Agreed, yes, you’re right, mate! I am one stupid bastard.

I pushed open the door, virtually barged into the room, chest heaving, rainwater dripping off my hair and down my neck. I looked over to the corner table on my right. Nothing, nobody. No, dammit, she’s got to be here! She must be!

I scanned the almost-deserted room, foolishly thinking and praying that she’d moved to another seat. No chance. Perhaps she’s in the toilet. Desperate now, I walked towards the counter and old Arthur studied my progress and shook his head as I approached.

“She’s gone, lad,” he said. He carried on talking, something about how he thought I was catching a train, but I wasn’t hearing too good. All I knew was that Gaynor wasn’t here. I’d come back, ready to agree that we should try a long-distance relationship. We shouldn’t just part. Let’s try, at least.

Now, I inhaled deeply, coughed and spluttered when the dry smoke of the bar hit the back of my burning throat, and turned again for the exit. It’s an omen, I told myself. I convinced myself that we weren’t meant to be. I pushed through the door and turned up the collar of my jacket. I was fully aware now that it was raining and cursed under my breath and started off once more for the bleak railway station.

No more turning back, I thought. Too late for that.


“Is it too late?” Denver was now singing about ‘a cowboy and a lady’ and I stared up at the ceiling. Gaynor’s body was so warm and inviting under her thin gown. “That’s a very difficult question, Petal.”

Her left hand tapped once on my chest. “I know it is. And I don’t expect an answer. I don’t think we even know the answer. Not yet, anyway.”

We lay quite still, just our chests moving with shallow breaths and my left hand gently smoothing across her back. I could have stayed like that for ever. I wanted with all my heart to stay cocooned with My Gaynor.

“You’re sweating,” she said, withdrawing her arm from under my shirt and sitting up She looked down at my face. “Take your shirt off.”

I sat up and pulled the shirt over my head. “Oh, what the hell,” said Gaynor and swung her legs off the bed and stood, facing me. She untied the belt and her gown gaped open, giving me a glimpse of her toned stomach and white lace panties. She let the silky garment slip off her shoulders and slither to the floor and dazzled me with a bright white smile. “Don’t stare with your mouth open. Get those trousers off, Richard. And the socks, this isn’t an audition for a porn movie.”

I laughed, obeyed and walked across the room to leave my clothes next to the teddy bear in the bay window. I returned to the bed and Gaynor, reclining in lacy white bra and panties, said: “Still wearing briefs, then. Not into boxers?”

“No, always briefs,” I said, and removed my wristwatch and placed it on the bedside table.

“Mmm,” said Gaynor as we resumed our positions, “this is much better.”

We were virtually naked and the contact of flesh on flesh sent tingles down my spine. I shivered with delight as Gaynor’s hand slowly roamed over my body and thighs. Her featherlight touch set my cock twitching and it twitched even more when my right hand settled on the swell of her spectacular breasts. They were barely contained in the half-cups and Gaynor sighed when my fingers found and toyed with a firm nipple.

We combined for more ardent kissing, fondling, caressing: I was in heaven. The years fell away, we were young again, cast back to a sublime time when our love knew no limits or restrictions, when our hearts beat as one and our loins were eager, sturdy and rampant.

Denver had stopped singing now and my balls were aching. I knew my cock had leaked but, seemingly with tacit agreement, we avoided the most intimate of touches. Oh, it would have been so easy to slide aside Gaynor’s bit of cloth, reveal her dark bush, and delve once more into the delights of her moist sex.

And, just once, Gaynor allowed her hand to glide over the bulge in my briefs, causing her to murmur and dip her tongue furiously into my mouth.

Finally, we paused and looked into each other’s eyes, our noses almost touching. I was first to speak. “I think we’ve got the same thought, Gaynor.”

“Yes, I know what you want and I want it, too.” She kissed the tip of my nose. “But let’s not rush anything.” She suddenly chuckled, giggled, breaking the serious mood. “Crikey, listen to that. Don’t rush… it’s been more than thirty-two bloody years since I held you like this.” We both laughed now and her mighty bosom jiggled furiously, threatening to spill out of her bra.

As the laughter subsided, Gaynor wiped a tear from her eye. “At least this is a happy tear on the eleventh,” she said. I kissed her moist brow and she squeezed my waist. “Okay, my old love, I think it’s time you took me to lunch, don’t you?”

“Hmm, suppose so, I think you’re right.”

A rumble came up from her stomach. “See, indeed I am right. I need feeding as well as loving. What time is it?”

I stretched out an arm and picked up my wristwatch. I squinted at the dial and said, “It’s 1:46. Is that too late to get lunch?”

Gaynor shook her head. “No, the place I’m thinking off serves meals all afternoon till about 3:30. It’s not far. We’ll have a quick shower and get off. Okay?”

“Sure. Who’s having the first shower?”

Gaynor grinned. “The lady, of course.”

“Of course, silly me.”

“But first, Richard, I want one last favour from you.” She rolled onto her back and spread her legs. In a soft, haltering, husky voice she said, “Just for a minute, come and lay on top of me, like you used to do.”

I knelt between her legs, leaned forward, my hands either side of her head and lowered my body until my fat cock pressed against her mound. Only flimsy pieces of cloth, and our resolve, prevented the ultimate completion of our reunion. We kissed passionately again and Gaynor thrust up her hips and wrapped her arms tightly around my back.

I nuzzled into her neck, a gold hoop pressing on my temple, and whispered into her ear, “Thank you Gaynor.”

“Thank you,” she said and slackened her grip on me. “Now, let me up or we might go too far and I’ll miss lunch.” She pushed on my chest, smiling broadly and I dismounted. 

Gaynor pressed play on the CD machine before walking to the door. She stopped and turned to face me. She unhooked her bra and let the straps fall off her shoulders before pulling it completely free with her right hand and waving it above her head. “Tar, rar,” she sang, swaying her hips and setting her gorgeous breasts rippling. It was my turn to smile broadly.

She turned away but looked back over her shoulder. “You earned that little peep for being so restrained, Richard,” she said. “Not that you haven’t seen them many times before, of course.”

“Not for a very, very long time, Petal. And they’re still beautiful,” I said.

“Petal, eh? I’ve told you before, butterfly wings is more like it now. Anyway, perhaps one day…” 

And she went off for her shower, leaving me squatting on the bed, a smile on my face, love pounding in my heart and Denver singing about ‘some days are diamonds.’ 

You got that right, John!


NOTE: If you are not familiar with John Denver’s beautiful love song “For You” there are several versions on YouTube. And one on my Lush profile page.

Same as Love Never Dies - Chapter 7 Videos

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Love Never Dies Chapter 8

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Anal WifeChapter 10 Oldies But Goodies

Among Susan's more interesting romances was the occasion of her mother's birthday. Charley had decided early not to attend the party, and Susan was left to fend for herself. At the party was an old high school flame, and it was with Joe Bender that Susan discovered yet another aspect of anal love. As the party neared a close, and since Charley had dropped Susan there -- she was to call for her ride home -- it was only natural that Joe ask Susan if she would like a lift home. She accepted....

2 years ago
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Daddies Little Toy

Daddies Little Toy I hated to be late but the hotel was not in a part of town I was familiarwith and even though I had dropped you back last night to the same addressfollowing our dinner, coming from the opposite direction was proving quitethe challenge.  Making matters worse was that it was extremely hard tolook for directions when a voice inside my head kept saying again and again, "thisis going to be so wild and so great."  I glanced at my watch notingthat it read 1030pm. I remembered...

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Gabriela dies Village Murder

Amazon Gabriela -  Vanquished Lesbian                        6-9-2008I knew almost immediately Eve's new friend Gabriela was trouble. Gabriela was one of those beautiful women that took your breath away and at the same time made you grit your teeth. She was medium height and slim, toned into an incredible shape that you see maybe once in your lifetime. A shapely neck holding her gorgeous face at a confident angle. You could tell she was a no nonsense bitch and took no shit from anyone. Arms...

3 years ago
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A TRANS Formation Chapter 8 The Night Jerry Dies Part 1

Jerry watches the approaching storm clouds through the window of the print shop where he works. An hour before quitting time, he is finishing up a few jobs and getting his end-of-the-week clean-up duties done. His mind has not been on work this afternoon. He's meeting Allen after work, and it's all he can think about.Allen called him last night, telling him he scored the acid they will take tonight at Allen's apartment. They will meet at a restaurant to get a good meal in their stomachs, then...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 8 The Night Jerry Dies Part 2

Allen peeks his head into the bathroom. "Hello? Is anyone awake in there?""Yeah, I'm awake. I've been having some really heavy hallucinations."Allen walks over by the tub, kneeling beside it. "How are you feeling, baby? I came in here earlier, and you were crying your heart out. I thought it best to not disturb you.""Oh wow, Allen... I was talking with this girl... she's inside me... I've seen her before. It was so incredible... She told me our name is Jillian. We like to be called Jill."Allen...

2 years ago
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Karmas a Bitch and Then Someone Dies

We were informed that the jury had reached a verdict and were waiting for them to come back into the court room. There is an undercurrent of noise running through the court; it's subtle and muted, but you can hear people talking. They are all wondering if I will be sent to prison; I'm wondering the same thing. Will I be acquitted or sent to jail? I hope to be released, but it really doesn't make a lot of difference. Freedom would be much better than incarceration but either way it goes, I...

3 years ago
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Loverboy Ricky

It’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager….   Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him.    It was summertime...

1 year ago
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Loverboy Ricky

It’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager….   Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him.    It...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 50

I heard giggling and woke up. It was still dark in the salon, but I could see Erin and Frank as they scurried to the door leading to the cockpit. "What time is it Erin?" I asked, sitting up and trying to adjust to the darkness. "Four o'clock," Erin said. "Why did you to get up so early?" Erin told Frank to wait a minute, came over to me and whispered, "We've been up all night, Jen. Frank and I have been making love all night." I giggled. "You two are going to be beat...

3 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 21

The next week seemed to drag as I waited for Sunday and the chance to go fishing with my brother and the others. I was glad we were going to have the Gordon's along to teach us, but I also would liked it if it was just the family so I could go topless. My brother and I ran every morning before school. I started leaving my bedroom door open a lot more and would get all giddy when Eddie saw me prancing around in my underwear or naked. Because we were so busy with school and sports, my brother...

4 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 39

I wasn't all that interested in the movie and decided to have a little fun. I started to rub Brad's leg, slowly working my way from his knee to his crotch and back. Brad slipped the arm he had on my shoulders down, cupped my boob and began to massage it through my top. I slid my hand over his hard cock and squeezed it through his cotton shorts, moving my fingers along its length. "Are you playing with my brother's dick?" Kathy asked, giggling. "Yeah and he's playing with my tit," I...

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By Wazza I was just 10 year old when my mother went to live with her sister Daddy said she Loved her sister very much but she would come and visit us now and then. I liked living with my Daddy as he let me do things that I wanted to do. But Daddy had a big surprise in for me, as just after my 10th birthday when Mummy left us Daddy said I am going to take you shopping for some new things to wear, I was so happy as he said “you will really love what I am going to get you”. So on Friday we...

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Parodies in Pink

This may be archived anywhere, in full or just-a-few. Remember though to give credit to where credit is due. Parodies in Pink By Pretzelgirl ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Thayer and French, Service and Moore; How to acknowledge these poets galore? From Shel Silverstein to the great Doctor Seuss Like goddesses ancient, they are my muse. Then Jennifer Adams and also Bill Hart, Inspired this somewhat; they did their part. My debt to these authors must be confessed: "Without whom I couldn't...

1 year ago
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Daddies Double Cum

My new blended family was me and my two step-daddies; perversity developed a fresh category, bi daddies and their whorette daughters....Family, it’s who you are, right? Well when I was young, it was nuclear; you know the standard one with two biological parents. I didn’t need a DNA test, I looked like my mum. The same chin, the exact sharpish nose, honeyed blonde hair and her sparkling light blue eyes. As a teenager thankfully I got her great boobs too. A nuclear family alright, very...

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