Crime: Bimbomania! Ch. 02 free porn video

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Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story.


Round Two

We were one event into Bimbomania, and Chrissie was the only one of us not affected yet. Michael, the young Asian man who was the backstage manager, had given us an hour to get used to our new piercings and bimbified midsections.

I was personally glad of the time. It would take me longer than an hour to get used to walking and moving with wider hips, a swelled rounded ass and a tiny pinched waist, but the hour would help. In particular, I needed to get used to the rings hanging freely from my nipples. Even if I won the whole thing, the rings were permanently attached to my nipples.

As I headed back toward the stage, I paused briefly to see how the event had affected our odds. Apparently a great deal of betting took place as to the final results of the show, and Vegas actively updated the odds after each event. Chrissie had opened as the early favorite at five-to-one odds, with myself and Laura tied at second with seven-to-one odds. Tonya had been last with nine-to-one odds. After the first event, however, Chrissie was now at three-to-one odds, with Laura behind her at five-to-one and Tonya still at seven-to-one. I had dropped to nine-to-one. Apparently the sight of the other three actively working together against me had convinced Vegas that I didn’t have a chance.

I wandered toward backstage and noticed Chrissie, Laura and Tonya talking together. It was strange to see, considering that they were rivals once we were all back onstage, but at least they had a healthy attitude about it. With each other, anyway, with me, not so much. But that was to be expected, I supposed.

Chrissie looked at me as I walked by. She let her eyes drop to my bimbified midsection, then up to my newly pierced nipples, even though a loose top covered them. ‘Well, Erica,’ she said, ‘a nice start.’

I gave her a flat stare. ‘Enjoy it, bitch,’ I said. ‘You’ll look like this soon enough.’

Chrissie gave me a smug smile. ‘Oh, you shouldn’t knock it, Erica. It’s a good look for you,’ she said.

I opened my mouth to reply, but the ten-minute bell sounded, so I didn’t bother. We gathered backstage once more to change into the outfits for the next event. As we exited the changing rooms, we realized that, although each of our outfits consisted of a mini-skirt and knotted halter-top over a thong and bra, each of us displayed a separate color. Chrissie was once again in black, Laura was all in red, Tonya was in gold and I was once again in green. Stupid game show!

Michael was positively giddy as we emerged from the dressing rooms. ‘Great! Great! You guys look fantastic! Poise, ladies! Keep your poise! Laura, chin up! Make those eyes smolder! Shoulders back, Tonya! Show off those perky things! Chrissie, stick out that ass, girl! Shake what your momma gave you! Erica, for the love of Buddha, smile, honey! Smile! Oh! Good heavens, honey, stop smiling! You look positively ghastly! Go for mysterious instead!’

Chrissie rolled her eyes. We filed past the anxious Michael onto the stage, taking our places next to Biff, the host of Bimbomania. Biff had a cell of makeup-wielding assistants surrounding him like a giant carnivorous plant. Powder filled the air and within moments we were all coughing and fanning our faces. Someone turned on a giant backstage fan and suddenly the powder was gone, but so was any semblance of our hairstyles. Biff shrieked even louder than we did and the fan was quickly shut off. Another army of assistants rushed out with brushes and hairspray to fix our hair, and we were soon ready for the cruel spotlights once more.


‘Three and two and…go!’

‘Hello, and welcome back to Bimbomania! I’m your host, Biff Brewster, and we’re ready to begin the next round of television’s best game show!’ Biff indicated the electronic scoreboard. ‘As you can see, Christine has won the only event so far, the Catfight!’ Biff paused as the crowd applauded. ‘So now we move on to the next event…the Obstacle Course! Or, as long-time viewers call it, the Strip’N Dip!’

There was an electronic hum and the high-tech stage began to shift. Sections of the stage slid away and were replaced by other sections with various objects on them. Bimbomania was very proud of the high-tech edge they brought to the game show genre, and the shifting stage was one area where that cutting edge technology shined. As the sections slid together, it soon formed an obstacle course with various challenges, including a stripper’s pole, a trampoline, a pool with transparent sides and filled with a clear liquid, and a machine of some sort that was about waist high. The four of us glanced at Biff expectantly.

‘Okay, ladies, here’s what you’re going to do!’ said Biff. Suddenly a hologram of the stage set appeared in front of Biff. A dotted line showed our assigned path through the obstacles. ‘Each of you have your own path initially. At the sound of the bell, you will sprint forward until you get to the pole. You will stop at that point and remove your halter-top. Once you do that, you will twirl around the pole three times. Put your heart into it, ladies, you may be doing it for a living one day soon! Now, after the twirl, you will move down the path to the machine. Once there, you will remove your skirt and drop to your hands and knees. Notice the top is open? Well, any part of your body that goes above that height will disqualify you immediately. The only way to avoid that is by crawling through on your elbows and knees! Of course, the path through the machine is fifteen feet long, and as you go through the machine, mechanical arms will be activated, resulting in fifteen feet of spanking goodness! Once you exit the machine, you will race to the trampoline! Once there, you will remove your bra and then proceed to bounce for ten seconds. You must bounce a minimum height or face disqualification, so don’t skimp on the bounce, cuties! At the end of ten seconds, the green light will flash and you’ll race to the final obstacle…the pool of baby oil! The pool is the only common area for all the paths. While you are in the pool, you may not strike or gauge your opponents in any way, but anything else goes! So if one of your opponents is in front of you, feel free to tackle them! On the other side is a bell with a rope hanging from it. The first one of you to ring the bell wins this round! So, ladies, get ready to race!’

I fumed as I got into position. This was ridiculous! We had just gotten bimbified midsections and various piercings, and we were expected to race? This was not fair!

A bell sounded, and suddenly lights were flashing everywhere. I took off down the path, not stopping until I finally came to the golden pole. I whipped off my knotted halter-top, wincing slightly as I felt the pressure against my newly-pierced nipples. I dropped my top, grabbed the pole and twirled around three quick times. I let go of the pole and tried to dash away, but I stumbled and had to wait for the dizziness to pass.

Moments later my head cleared, so I made my way to the spanking machine. I stripped off my skirt, then dropped to my elbows and knees. I was still wearing a thong, but for all intents and purposes, my bare ass was in the air as I wriggled my humiliating way into the machine. If I got a chance, I was going to grab Biff by the throat and hold his head under the jello or baby oil or whatever the hell was in the pool.

I was wriggling my way through the machine when suddenly I gasped, my bare ass stinging. I had just been forcefully swatted by a mechanical hand! Then I gasped as I was spanked again, then again. My ass was burning! I wanted to stop to rub my poor bottom, but I had to move. I quickly wriggled through as those mechanical hands swatted me again and a
gain. I finally emerged from the end of the machine and got to my feet, hands on my reddened, stinging ass. Stupid machine!

I made my way down the path to the next stop, the trampolines. I stripped off my bra, baring my newly-pierced boobs. I leaped onto the trampoline and began bouncing. The audience began cheering appreciatively as I bounced for the requisite time. The height I reached while bouncing let me see that I was the first one to the trampolines, so I had the lead heading for the final obstacle.

I leaped off the trampoline and raced for the pool of baby oil. I got to the edge of the pool and quickly stripped off my thong. Naked, I jumped into the tank.

The baby oil was approximately knee-high. I began wading towards the other side, trying to duck step, but suddenly something barreled into me from behind, and I fell face-first into the baby oil. I got to my knees, sputtering, completely covered in baby oil. Tonya was standing there, also covered with the lubricant.

Tonya tried to get around me, and I scrambled up and tried to grab her. She tried to pull away at the same time, and we both fell on our butts. Then Laura was there and suddenly the three of us were slipping and sliding all over as we tried to wrestle our naked way to the bell. The crowd was cheering exuberantly as the three of us put on what must have looked like an erotic wrestling match. I was mad at myself for doing exactly what the crowd had wanted, but there didn’t seem to be any other way of getting to the rope.

Then the bell sounded, and suddenly lights and horns were going off. Naked and covered head-to-toe with baby oil, Tonya, Laura and I looked over at the rope. Chrissie stood there, naked and smirking, her fingers still gripping the bell pull.

Shit. Chrissie had won again.

Several beefcakes helped Chrissie out of the pool while the crowd went berserk with applause. They began to towel her off as Biff stepped up, thousand-watt smile in place.

‘Congratulations, Christine!’ he said. ‘Two events, two victories! What’s your secret?’

Chrissie displayed a beatific smile. ‘Well, Biff, I just kept plugging away at it. I just knew that I wasn’t going to quit, no matter what!’

‘Well, Chrissie, you’ve won the right to watch your opponents go through the second level of Bimbomania bimbification! Paul, tell the girls and the audience what to expect!’

The unseen baritone came to life once more. ‘Certainly, Biff! Looking pretty makes you feel pretty, so Tonya, Laura and Erica, it’s time for those bimbo staples. It’s time to get your hair, nails and lip color done! Even now, Blonde Concepts’ computers are analyzing your features to ensure the perfect color and style for your ultimate bimbo appearance. Blonde Concepts, where the only good bimbo…is any bimbo!’

Still naked and covered with baby oil, Tonya, Laura and I slowly exited the pool. The electronic scoreboard updated as we did so, and now read:





Chrissie was still untouched and the rest of us now had to get a second level of bimbification.

Several tuxedoed beefcakes escorted us towards the impromptu salon built backstage. The crowd applauded as we made our way out. Biff watched us go, then turned back to the camera.

‘That’s right, bimbomaniacs, when you come back, our girls will be showing off their new hairstyles, sexy nails and lovely lip color. What will the Bimbomania computer select for them? And what’s the theme for this round’s accessory wheel? You’ll find out following these messages!’


Tonya, Laura and I were cleaned, then whisked off- naked- to separate salon stations. Although they were small, each station was a sleek, cutting-edge triumph of modern age machinery and hair treatment. At least, I hoped that was the case. This was my hair they were doing, dammit.

I looked at the station tech as I sat down. He was a big guy, with even larger muscles than the tuxedoed beefcake that had escorted me off the stage. He looked up from his monitor as I arrived, then nodded as I sat down.

‘So you’re the guy doing my hair?’ I said, with as much attitude as I could muster. I couldn’t believe I had to get my hair and nails done while naked. ‘You’re not what I expected.’

‘I’m doing your nails, too,’ he said, in a gruff voice that sounded like it had a difficult time emerging from the guy’s thick chest.

I raised my eyebrows. ‘You look more like a biker than a beautician,’ I said.

‘I was a biker,’ he said. ‘This pays better.’

‘Oh,’ I said.

The tech continued looking at the monitor in front of him. Then he chuckled. ‘The computer finally decided on your look. You’re going to be adorable,’ he said. ‘Sit back and lock your seat belt.’

I leaned back in my chair and hooked the belt in the chair across my waist. The tech pressed a button and the belt tightened firmly across my recently-bimbified tight midsection. Then the chair leaned backwards as the huge head piece came down, although the headpiece didn’t cover my head.

The tech circled around the workstation and brushed something onto my lips. He then began stroking some sort of vibrating hairbrush through my hair. It left my scalp tingling. Then he went over my lips with some sort of electronic pen. Finally, he nodded and drew the bowl down the rest of the way.

The bowl suction-sealed along my hairline, but apparently there was a little door, because the tech kept reaching in and arranging things. Several chemicals washed through my hair and over my scalp, and I could feel the tech’s fingers in my hair repeatedly. This definitely wasn’t your usual salon session.

He finally left the machine alone to work on my hair. The tech then flipped little slotted attachments up from the arms of the chair I was sitting in. He had me slide my fingers into the slots. I couldn’t see, but apparently he had similar attachments on the footrest, because I felt something sliding over my bare toes. He must have pressed some buttons then, because I felt new machinery kick in and the slots tightened somewhat around my fingers and toes.

‘Don’t worry,’ said the tech. ‘It won’t take long.’

‘Easy for you to say,’ I said. ‘It’s not your hair.’

He chuckled, then pushed a few more buttons. After several minutes, he checked his numbers. Apparently satisfied with what he saw, he strapped some darkened goggles over my eyes and then lifted the bowl off my head. Then I could feel tugging and pulling on my hair, but the darkened goggles prevented me from seeing anything at all.

‘I’m shaping your hair right now,’ he said. ‘I have to do something with all this extra length.’

Extra length? Shit.

After an eternity, the goggles finally came off and my fingers and toes were freed from their respective slots. ‘Alright,’ said the biker/tech, ‘You’re done.’

I stood up slowly. I could already feel lengths of hair on my shoulders and back, which was not a good sign. I looked down at my fingers and toes and shook my head, sighing. My fingernails were a good half-inch or so past my fingertips now. And, along with my toes, a bright, metallic hot pink. It was the sort of color a high-school girl would wear.

‘Dammit,’ I said, ‘This is too fucking embarrassing.’

‘I wouldn’t be so sure of that, honey,’ said the tech. ‘You haven’t seen your hair yet.’

Oh, that really didn’t sound good.

My jaw tightened. I looked at the tech. ‘Do I want to see it, hair dresser guy?’

‘My name is Roadkill. And I doubt you want to see it,’ he said cheerfully. He pressed a button. ‘I’m moving the mirror into place for you.’

A full-length mirror slid out from the station and rotated into place directly in front of me. And Roadkill had been right.

I looked at my image with widened eyes. My brown hair was gone. It was now a bright golden blonde.
But the color wasn’t the only thing that had been changed.

My hair was now gathered into two pigtails on the top of my head, each slightly back and to the side. These embarrassingly blonde pigtails went all the way down to my tiny waist. And my lips were the same embarrassing shade of metallic hot pink as my nails. Everytime I moved, my pigtails bobbed cheerfully. I looked like an adorable fetish model.

My heart was pounding. ‘Roadkill,’ I said, ‘Did you have to do such a damn good job?’

‘What can I say?’ he said. ‘I’m an artist. I love my work. The pigtails are permanent, by the way. That’s part of what took so long. Your hair was being ‘programmed’ to grow like that, so to speak. You’ll save a fortune on styling, but you can’t change it. You’ll stay adorable whether you like it or not. Heh.’

I said some very unladylike things then. After I exhausted my vocabulary of swear words, Roadkill tapped his biker knowledge to offer me a few more, plus some variations of ones that I knew.

‘You’re a good student,’ said Roadkill. ‘You would have probably made a decent biker chick. I didn’t give you all the possible words, though. I kept some in reserve.’

‘Kept them in reserve?’ I said. ‘Why?’

‘Because I haven’t given you the outfit you get to wear yet.’


I stomped my way back towards the stage, my pigtails bobbing. Roadkill had kept some very vicious swear words in reserve for me, and I was glad. I had used them moments after I was given my outfit. I was now wearing a red-plaid mini-skirt, a white blouse crop-top that was knotted just under my boobs, and white tights that stopped two inches lower than the hem of my mini-skirt. The bastards were playing my outfit to my hair and giving me a ditzy schoolgirl look. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Tonya and Laura were waiting for me so we could all go back onstage together. Their sullen looks told me they weren’t any happier about their changes than I was. Then I realized their outfits were just as embarrassing as mine.

Laura’s hair was still red, but it’s auburn color truly shined now. Her salon tech had obviously realized that Laura already had good hair, so the tech simply amplified what she already had. Laura’s hair was now completely straight, all the way down to her ass and her bangs were cut in a perfectly straight symmetrical line micro-spaces above her matching eyebrows. Not a single hair was out of place, and the color was breathtakingly spectacular. Laura’s lips were a sultry deep red, and her fingers and toes were a perfectly matching shade. She was wearing a black choker around her throat, and a laced black bustier showed off her tiny waist and gave her cleavage. The white-fringed black miniskirt, along with the black fishnet stockings that came to just below the hem of her skirt, identified her outfit as that of a French maid. It was actually hot as hell on Laura, and that made me smirk.

Poor Tonya. She had had blonde hair, and her tech had taken it a step further. Tonya now had hair that was so platinum that it was actually white. Her hair had also been styled into truly big hair, which spilled over her shoulders and all the way down her back. She was going to be spending an hour a day just drying her hair. Bright red lips centered themselves in the middle of her blonde mass, and her fingers and toes were the same matching shade of red. Tonya’s outfit consisted of stretchy, glittering sequins as she walked around in a Vegas showgirl outfit. I laughed, because between the hair and the outfit, Tonya probably looked the most like a bimbo of all of us right now.

Tonya and Laura glared at my laugh. Then they looked me up and down in an obvious way and smirked.

‘Sexy,’ said Tonya.

‘Adorable,’ said Laura.

‘Bite me,’ I said.

Michael held us by the stage door while we waited for the callback. The applause was overwhelming as Michael let us go back onstage one-by-one. Chrissie watched us come back, her eyes going over Tonya and Laura briefly, but lighting up when she saw me. She was obviously loving my helpless growingly bimbo look.

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Crime PunishmentChapter 3

The Reverend Thomas McManus, former auxiliary bishop of the Arch Diocese of Brooklyn, was dying of the pancreatic cancer that had eaten from that organ into the rest of his pain-racked body. Every twenty minutes, the little drug-dispensing machine would whirl a revolution and dispense a drop of morphine into his IV drip. Morphine and the small female hand laid over his were his only pain relief. The hand belonged to Maryann, who had been, in every physical sense, Mrs. McManus for the last...

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Crime PunishmentChapter 4

The first week of November found Steven Fitzgerald in the drab little room that served as his office in the larger law firm. His place, as a junior associate, he owed in no small part to his wife. Susan had done nothing directly, but her connection to him and his father-in-law’s insurance business had made him more attractive than the plethora of other recent law school graduates. He had performed only adequately until the sunburst of the Hamilton murder trial. In many ways, the Hamilton...

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Crime PunishmentChapter 7

Susan Fitzgerald Singleton found herself in an uncomfortable situation. She had never envisioned seeking the services of a private investigator, but she was told that Hartman and Hartman were the best. They came highly recommended by her sister Mary, a prominent New York attorney. Susan suspected that Mary was using the PI firm to keep track of her wayward husband. Mary told Susan not to be misled by the firm name; there was only one Hartman. “Theresa Hartman’s the least conspicuous person...

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Crime PunishmentChapter 9 Cast the First Stone

The Offices of Kopf & Bradley were on the fortieth floor looking down on Madison Avenue. It was Election day in the off-year as Susan Singleton and three other partners met with Edward Kincade; his executive assistant, Carrie Wilson; and Tony Greco, the governor’s political advisor. Fred Bradley as the senior partner present was summarizing what the parties had agreed would be the ongoing strategy. “Susan will be on leave of absence for the next year through the gubernatorial election....

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Crime PunishmentChapter 11

(I’d like to thank Ken for a final proof of this.) It took two weeks, but Lynda was ready. The first thing that Monday morning she did exactly as Steven had asked, she made an appointment to see the US Attorney for just after five that afternoon. “I’m going to need time to set things up. When you speak to her just tell her what I asked you to, no more and no less,” he said. “What if she asks me questions?” “You shrug. You have no idea. I was being very secretive. Remember less is more in...

4 years ago
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Crime And Punishment Home EditionChapter 2 Confrontation

Gerald went back to his bedroom, but he wasn't planning on going back to sleep. He hadn't yet figured out what the mysterious "Mary" had in mind, but he knew he had to stay alert. He felt like he had when his wife had thrown him a surprise birthday party a few years before. He had found out about it a few days in advance, but played along and tried to act surprised when he walked into the darkened room full of his friends. But he knew this could develop into a serious situation,...

1 year ago
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Crime And Punishment Home EditionChapter 3 Kims Turn

When Gerald got back from dropping Mary off at her apartment, he crashed into bed. Two hours later, when his alarm went off he rolled out of bed just long enough to log onto his computer and send his boss an email telling him that he would be taking the day off. Then he crawled back under the covers and slept until noon. When he finally shook off the cobwebs, he spent the rest of the day thinking about what he would do to Kim that night. His attitude toward her was totally different than...

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Crime And Punishment Home EditionChapter 4 Alls Well That Ends Well

It took Gerald most of the next day to get back to normal. By the time he went to the airport to pick up Susan, he felt he was almost back to the controlled, boring Gerald that she would be expecting. Apparently he was right, because she did not seem to notice anything unusual in his behavior. He soon realized that was because she was so excited about how successful her trip had been that all she could do was talk about herself and the conference and the new people she had met. Later that...

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A Wicked Addiction

He jumped slightly as the co-worker slapped him on the back “hey Jerry, another long night?”. Jerry looked up at the tall slim man who appeared to be around 24 years old “Yeah, you could say that.” Jerry grinned and then stretched back in his seat, “How about you?”. “You know me I live to party.” The two shared a chuckle then went back to work. Jerry hated his job, he hated typing all day long writing sensless computer codes for someone elses profit, it just didn’t make sense to him. He did...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 99

Adam and his group were halfway to the university when something else popped into his mind. "Damn," he muttered. Erin looked over as she pulled out a pen and paper. "What is it?" she asked. "I'll jot it down so you don't forget again." Adam couldn't help but smile. Karlie, their personal assistant, had conscripted an assistant of her own. "The meeting with, uh, hell, the guy Cassie is working with," Adam said. "I can't even remember his name, let alone when it is set up. If...

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No Strings Attached Chapter Three

Chapter 3 The Dinner Date It’s Day Two of my five-day stay. This evening I have promised to come over and take you out for dinner, somewhere really smart. Having called from the hotel to make a reservation, I call you to tell you exactly what to wear and to instruct you to wait for me on the street outside your apartment at eight thirty. As you come out of your building, I am parked along the street, watching you on the sidewalk. You are in high heels, a very short, tight black skirt and a...

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Wifes FunChapter 3

I heard a car pull up outside and its door shut so I got up and headed for the back door, and opened it just as Jason reached the porch. "Damn it man, she was right that you would answer the door in panties" he said as he came up the stairs. "Got any beer" as he eyed my bulging panties where the chastity cage was showing though the white cotton panties. "Sure thing, got beer and some whisky, come on in as I guess we got a few things to talk about" I replied as he walked past me into...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Carmen Valentina Payback With Pleasure

Hell hath no fury when a woman is horny… or something like that, right? My curvy hotwife Carmen Valentina is looking sexy in her lingerie as she gets herself dolled up. But it’s not for me. Its so she can fuck her friend Shelly’s boyfriend – Jovan Jordan. Sally cheated on my wife in college & apparently my wife’s grudge hasn’t budged. Plus Jovan supposedly has a massive cock. She is going to make a video to show Shelly, at least I get to watch right?...

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Le Petite Mort Part II

[email protected] A little story of the taboo that might have happened. With an Afterword. I knew my thoughts were naughty and taboo; Me thinking about sucking off Dad, and then maybe…just maybe…even more than that. I mean, after all, it was my Dad…and my Mom. What would Mom think? Just as important: what would Dad think? I dreamed of Dad’s erect cock and watching Mom attending to it. I wanted some of that, too. I was a very naughty young woman who enjoyed naughty things and...

1 year ago
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The Art of Seduction

You often hear People refer to High School as "The Greatest Time in your life". I personally didn't see it that way....until the day everything changed.The day started out normal. I drifted through my classes and at Mid Day I silently slipped into the Cafeteria. I had packed a Tuna Fish Sandwich earlier that morning...or more accurately two slices of bread and a tupperware container full of Tuna in Mayonnaise. You see by waiting until lunch to make the Sandwich you avoid the inevitable Soggy...

4 years ago
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My Lovely Geeta

By : Premasatish Hello to all I am Satish here and am posting my one experience I had with my neighbour. I was on official work in Bangalore and my company had arranged a flat for me to stay. It was on the top floor with access to the terrace. My neighbours were a Bengali family. They were friendly to me and on festivals they would give me sweets etc. Geeta was a very good looking lady of 32 yrs with firm breasts and buttocks. I would sleep on the terrace as it was summer at that time. It was...

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Princes and Pawns Ch2

Taressi and Marquaise followed the page to their master’s chambers in silence, it had appeared obvious to them both that Count Tomas was needed by her majesty. They had retired from the hall to prepare his chamber for him. As they filtered through the darkly lit halls of the palace, the only noise was the footfalls of the page and occasional rustle of the diathermanous skirts they both wore. Taressi could not believe such opulence as they passed through the gilded halls of royalty. She could...

4 years ago
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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 11

My head hurt when I woke up; I knew I'd dreamed of voices but I couldn't remember what was said. That's the last time I take those to go to sleep, I thought to myself and rolled out of bed, the bright sunlight shining through my windows stabbing my eyes. Aunt Claire had left a note on the fridge saying she'd gone out with some friends and she'd be back later tonight, a hastily written cell phone number below her writing if I needed to reach her; she hated cell phones. I had the house...

1 year ago
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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 1

59 days until the concert. Naruto laid on his bed and pulled his headband over his eyes, arms folded and fantasized about the day he would lose his virginity. He never really thought about the same girl but it was always an experience that would run in his head for days at a time. Hinata stood outside Naruto's door with her sister Hanabi, index fingers pressed together silently procrastinating. "Why did you need me to come with you to ask Naruto to the concert?" asked Hanabi who...

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Finally saw friends wife

My friend’s wife, Allison, has always been a hot commodity in my circle of friends. She has big C cups, a pretty face, and has always been generally fit. Unfortunately, she and her husband Tom are quite modest, and she rarely flirts or even shows off her cleavage. When we go to the beach together, she will be the only woman there in a one-piece swimsuit, despite her amazing body. I’ve known Tom and Allison since college (25+ years), and though I’ve always lusted after her body, I’ve never been...

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Two Pantyhosed Guys I wrote this over 15 years a

Title: Pantyhose Guys Part1 I had first contact with a fellow pantyhose wearer through the chat room. I was just looking around watching the conversations develop, stroking my nylon encased thighs, adding a comment here and there when a new person entered the chat room. ‘Hi, I am rather new to all this. I love to wear pantyhose as often as I can and was wondering if there are any guys here who would like to meet in real life?’ This looked too good to be true as I had been thinking about...

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You Just Been Angelad Ch 03

I had just taken one of my sabbaticals landing back home I found my enthusiasm rebuilding for the upcoming encounters. Gathering information bringing all things to the point I could make contact. The mailing was accomplished that’s why I was back home. Perhaps picking the client was the beginning but it was a wonderful moment in this process. Finding them was highly secretive I was the only one knowing the whole process. I knew less involved less would ever be found out. His mail was running...

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The Nun

Admittedly, I'm an alcoholic, though recovering now. In my early thirties my addiction to alcohol had reached its peak and I was on a slippery slide downhill. I had become a blackout drunk, unpleasant to be around, at best. Old friends shunned me and when I wasn't drunk, I was physically ill with the DTs. The only cure was to get drunk again. A merry-go-round of horror, familiar to any drunk who has survived long enough.I did odd jobs as infrequently as possible to pay for my habit. I lived...

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The best part of the best job Part 1

This story is dedicated to countrygirl40. I see her as the woman in this piece of pure erotic fiction. Enjoy!One of the advantages of living in a community that is a tourist destination is that you meet a steady stream of new and interesting people. I have had a number of jobs, some of which were better than others for meeting ladies. The best, however, was probably working as a concierge for the local 5 star hotel. The job had its downside, like having to deal with jerks who thought I should...

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Medical examination

A true storyI was circumcised at 19. My first sexual experience if you can call it that was when I was in the process of joining the Army. I had to have a complete medical examination. I had just turned 18.13:20I went to a Doctors. The Doctor was a much older guy. As i was just a young k** who didnt know any better. Anyway Nurse first older woman in her 40s i would guess certain tests height, etc the weight test she told me to remove my clothes. I left my underware on. She then told me...

2 years ago
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My Sister the Nun ch 4

"You are kidding?" "Ten forty-five. Be there with bells, or balls on. Don't let me down." "We can get another motel room, if you want Jess?" "No I want to do it in the orchard. I always loved it when we fucked under all of the trees." The waitress was just passing when she heard the word "fucked" and stood there with her mouth hanging open." Jessica looked back at her flashing her gorgeous green eyes, smiling and asked in her little girl voice, "Don't you...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 39 Reconnecting

November 19, 1990, Columbus, Ohio “Hi,” Tracey said when she opened the door to their walk-up apartment in a gentrified section of Columbus. We hugged. “Hi. How are you?” I asked as she let me into the apartment. We sat down in the living room and Tracey poured tea for both of us. It was an affectation that all of my friends had developed hanging around me, or, if they hadn’t personally, one they always had available for me. “About as well as can be expected,” she said. “And your...

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Joint Wife Of Father And Son

  My name is Shahid. I am 22 years old Insurance salesman, six feet tall, fair and handsome. I have decided never to marry. My decision is the result of the decision made by my Abbu (father). Abbu, Rasheed Khan decided to marry again after the death of my mother Shazia when she was 40 years old. Abbu was 53 then and then he met thsi slut Shabnam, a gorgeous woman. She was 34 when my Abbu married her.   The whole Mohalla (locality) gossipped about this couple. My step mother Shabnam was a sex...

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Part 4

My Husbands overseas business trip After putting my daughter to bed thursday evening I made my to relax in bed as well. While watching a movie I received a message from Frans asking if we still on for tomorrow midday. I replied say yes and that I'm looking forward to it. We exchanged a number of messages and soon it became very flirtatious and sexual and Frans and I were soon sexting. My pussy was soaking wet as I rubbed up and down soon bring myself to climax. Frans sent me a short video of...

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Begging On All

I pick you up at the airport. As I usher you into my car, I’ve order you to open your leather trench coat so that I can observe if you have followed my specific instructions on what you were to wear to meet me. Unfastening the belt of your coat, you reveal to me the clothing you were to wear… what little you had been allowed to that is – nipple chain, forest green lace crotchless panties with matching garter belt and stockings. I slowly reach over and tug on the chain, your...

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Love Punishment

I come sneaking through the door three hours past curfew, walking on tip-toe to keep from waking up my master. I'm wearing a short black skirt and a teal Hollister polo with a blue thong and bra underneath. I slip my flip-flops off beside the door and close the door behind me softly. I sneak quietly into the living room, not knowing that he's waiting for me. I jump in surprise when he clears his throat, my eyes flying toward the direction of the noise. "Come here." He says firmly and I can feel...

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Perfect Family

I suppose I'm nothing out of the ordinary except that somehow eighteen years ago I married the most beautiful girl in the world. Why she picked me, and she did pick me was still a mystery. Then as now her smile will light up my universe and it hasn't dimmed with time. She gave me two beautiful daughters who I have to say must have inherited all her genes and none of mine. She tells me she gone up a dress size over the years but I can't see it, perhaps her bust might be a cup size bigger...

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Christmas Eve

I was driving home Christmas Eve last year, it was late, a crowd of us from the office had been out drinking and partying. The trouble was I was one of the designated drivers, I drew one of the short straws, literally, and so I had to watch everyone else get legless, and various single and married colleagues paired off for that annual event the 'Christmas Party No Strings Fuck'. How some of them managed to even get as far as the bedroom or the car park in the case of the married ones,...

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Black men love Beckys

Black men love Beckys by Angela Collins Preamble:- This story was inspired by a piece of very hard-core interracial porn I recently saw. The size and quantity, although unbelievable, were real ! ************************************************************************ As a man, I used to love watching porn. I was a white, heterosexual man with a medium sized dick, but I liked mixed race porn where the Black man had a huge dick and knew what to do with it to bring his usually...

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