Fear & Arousal free porn video

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I slam the door behind me with a large sigh. Getting home after a long day, I fall onto my bed desperate for peace. I put on some music trying to empty my mind for at least a minute or two. DING My phone vibrates in my pocket, sending a surprising jolt up my leg. I unlock it and see a message from my deputy manager.

“Fucking seriously? Am I not allowed to have two seconds to myself?” I bellow at my phone. I decide to ignore it. I am tired of dealing with everybody else’s issues. I deserve some time to myself. I throw my phone on the bed, and as I do it vibrates again. 

“Ok that’s it, she needs to let me breathe!” I exclaim to the room grabbing my phone ready to give her a piece of my mind. But as I see the notification, I realise it isn’t a message from her, but from someone, I am much more glad to hear from. 

“Hey sweet cheeks, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, I have the whole evening planned out, trust me it’s going to be fun!”

Suddenly, my mood changes to a much more cheerful aspect.

“Hey, I’m looking forward to seeing you too. What do you have planned for us?” I reply trying not to seem too eager, which I obviously am. 

James and I haven’t seen each other in over two weeks. I think about him a lot, maybe slightly too much, and he seems to always be naked when I picture him in my mind. In my defence that is how I usually see him.

I kick off my shoes, undress out of my work clothes and unhook my bra giving me that feeling that every woman knows, that just says ‘Aaahhh, now I can relax and be me.’

I lie in bed with the feel of my new silk bed sheets on my back, and my phone in my hand waiting for his answer. The sound of Lewis Capaldi’s Before you go playing on the TV in the corner of the room. I can tell that the neighbours are home by the smell of the building. Indian people make great neighbours. They make the place smell of roasted cumin and cardamom.

I stare blankly at the small screen in my hand wondering what I will be doing twenty-four hours from now. Even when I picture James and myself in a public place, he is still naked! I close my eyes and visualize his muscular torso covered in small curly dark hairs; his deep sultry eyes staring into mine with that look of envy on his face, and his smooth pale buttocks usually with a red mark in the shape of my hand on top of his long athletic legs. I can feel my envy rising. I have a glimpse of thought on what is in my bedside draw. My hand seems to be naturally approaching my inner thighs. DING my phone vibrates falling out of my hand, snapping me back to where I am.

“You will find out tomorrow, you know I hate spoilers!” he replies.

“Oh come on, at least tell me where we are going so I know how to dress,” I text back

“We’re going to Plymouth, wear something casual and sexy and you will be just fine,” he texts back immediately with a winky face, which is by far his favourite emoji.

“You said I look sexy in everything I wear!” I reply with the same winky face.

“And I stand by that opinion! I will pick you up at 6 pm, good night xx”

“Night see you tomorrow x,” I answer before putting my phone to charge, and my fingers seem to advance themselves back to my inner thigh.

I close my eyes as my fingers circle my craved clitoris. My thoughts returning to what it is like to feel James’ tongue stroking my labia; the way he kisses my legs as he lowers his head towards me, the sensation of his coarse beard scratching my thighs and of course the amazing feeling of the warmth from his breath surrounding my vagina.

I rub my fingers along my slit, feeling my juices pour out of me. I insert two wet fingers splitting the folds of my engorged lips, Imagining them to be James’ instead of mine. I hear his voice inside my head, and the way he moans my name while he pleasures me. “Oh Sarah, oh Sarah cum for me…” I shove as deep as I can, faster every time following the beat of my heart.

I want to cum. With my fingers still inside me, I use my thumb, flicking my clitoris, practically pinching. Finally, I feel the climax flow through my entire body, with the anticipation of what lies with tomorrow’s adventure.




As we turn a corner, James lifts his right arm pointing to the end of the street, “That’s where we’re going!” he says gleefully.

As I peer to where he is pointing, I see it clear as day. An old rusting southern American style farm barn surrounded by people in monster suits; a werewolf with glowing red eyes guarding the front entrance, Frankenstein’s monster with an impaled axe in his left shoulder taking people’s tickets, and a huge green and black spider in the centre of the front window surrounded by cobwebs.

“A haunted house, really?” I say, with a smile on my face and a slight unease tone to my voice.

“I knew you would be like that! Come on it will be fun!” James answers hopefully.

“You think so? These things are always tacky and predictable.”

“I wouldn’t know, I have never done one, which is why I thought we could try it out tonight, even if it ends up being ‘tacky and predictable’ ( he said in a mocking quote). We will still get a laugh out of it.”

“I’m sure we will,” I answer, seeing the excitement on his face and not wanting it to dissipate.

We approach the entrance hearing the sound of curdling screams coming from what I hope is a sound speaker, the smell of artificial smoke in the air, and a crowd of people trying to get in.

“Hello, don’t you look particularly fresh?” says a man in an expensive-looking vampire costume with a creepy voice, which didn’t seem to be faked.

“I’m feeling as fresh as a nineties Will Smith,” James answers the vampire, evidently thinking his response was funnier than it really was, but I still give him a comforting grin.

“Do you have your tickets, my brave youngsters?”

“Yeah, here you are, count,” James says putting his hand in his pocket

“Excuse me?” he asked rhetorically, obviously offended.

“Count, as in Count Dracula…” James says raising his eyebrows.

“Oh, of course, my apologies, enter at your own risk,” he says, taking the tickets out of James’ hand gesturing us towards the entry.

We enter the old hauntingly decorated barn holding each other arm in arm. A sudden flash of memory of last night’s excitement comes to my mind as his fingers grabbed mine. The doors shut behind us. Instantly, there seems to be an uneasy weariness in the air. From the outside, we could see loads of people around us, and now we seem to be alone, very alone.

The only light in the room comes from a few lit candles on the side of the walls. I can smell an odour of iron in the air, the floor under my shoes seems squishy which is oddly disconcerting and I can hear a faint laugh coming from the other end of the room.

“Ok, come on let’s move forwards,” James says with a smile and, if I heard correctly, a sense of worry in his voice.

We walk slowly forwards, neither of us sure where to go or what to do. Somehow, it seems colder in here than it did outside. Just as I open my mouth to say something, a swarm of bats come flying through us, startling the both of us. I feel James’ hand grabbing the side of my hip slightly pulling me towards him. Was that instinct meant to protect me or himself I’m not sure?

“Were those real?” I exclaim dubiously.

“No, they can’t have been,” James answered sceptically, noticeably asking himself the same question.

“Is this thing a maze or do we just go straightforward?” 

“Honestly, I have no idea when I booked the place I assumed it was going to be cheesy and funny, but my opinion is rapidly changing,” he says anxiously.

“Ooh, getting scared, are we?”

“Don’t be silly, woman, I just AAHH!” Suddenly, an unusually tall, large-chested strong man wearing a Friday the 13th Jason costume jumps at us from nowhere. A machete covered in blood in one hand and grabbing James’ shirt by his chest with the other.

“Are you ready to die?” he screams in our faces, like a mad man.

We both jump backwards in horror with loud screams coming from the both of us. Jason slowly disappears back into the darkness chuckling, mostly at, I assume, James’ scream that was a lot more feminine than I’m sure he would have liked.

“What were you saying about not being scared?” I tease him.

“Oh please, at this rate we are going to have to buy you new underwear.”

“Is that your way of trying to get into my pants? Because if so, you have found better ways in the past.”

“And will in the future!” he says taking me by my waist, gently approaching his chest to mine. Our lips draw together, and he kisses me passionately moving his hands slowly up my back; laying one around the back of my neck. I feel the tips of his fingers going through my hair. Simultaneously, his tongue embraces my own; I suddenly feel warmer, more relaxed, safer.

Forgetting where we are, I place my right hand on his thigh and slowly rise to his crotch. I instantly feel that he has an erection.

“I’m hoping that I’m the one who provoked this and not Jason!” I say grabbing it tightly.

“Oh, I’m pretty sure it was you!” he says going in for another kiss.

“No no, come on we need to move forwards if we are ever going to get out of here,” I say putting my finger on his lips.

I step in front of him knowing that he will be admiring my behind. I turn to look at him and yes I was right. I look him in the eyes giving him a wink. An image of his naked body on top of me appears in my mind again. I’m looking forward to going home already.





We take a few steps forward and see that we have the option of two doorways. One to the left with black silk blocking the view of the other side and the one to the right is a rusty old wooden door with a dark knocker in the shape of a decomposing hand.

“Which do we take?” James asks me, evidently not wanting to make the decision himself.

“I think we are supposed to take one each unless you’re too scared.” 

“Keep that up and you’re going to end up with a smacked bottom!” he says with a cheeky grin as he walks to the wooden door.

“See you in a minute.”


I push aside the black silk and walk through the doorway. The room is very bright. My eyes take time to adjust to the light. As my vision clears, I see myself in front of me, and to my left, and to my right. There are about thirty reflections of myself staring at me. I am in a house of mirrors.

I turn to look behind myself. What was a doorway of silk is now also a mirror. I can’t hear a thing, literally anything besides the sound of my own heart beating. I can’t see anything besides the look of fear and confusion on my face staring at me from every angle. I feel anxious, claustrophobic, and I can swear someone is watching me. 

I attempt to walk forward and I immediately hit my face against a mirror. I feel the pain rushing through my nose and the impatience rising inside me. Seeing the moving portrait of my frightened and now bloody face staring back at me everywhere I look is certainly not helping.

I am stuck, and I can’t see a way out. My whole body is now shaking, “James, James, can you hear me?“ I call out in fear. 

All of a sudden, a mirror shatters into pieces, making me scream in confusion. My hands cover my eyes as I turn on the spot in panic. I can feel the anxiety rising in me as I can my heart beating against my chest.

This is nothing like a haunted house I have been in before. 

“I want out! If anyone can hear me please let me out of here!” I shout in no particular direction.

No answer...

I hate this, why the hell did James bring me here and now he has left me! I’m gonna kill him when I see him. If I see him, that is.

“This is ridiculous I need to get out of here,” I tell myself as my breath fastens and my chest seems heavier. I put my hands on the mirrors in front of me searching for a doorknob, a latch, or some way of getting me out of this horrible place. 

An idea swiftly comes to my mind, the broken mirror! I look to my right and see what is now a gaping hole in the middle of a forest of glass. I walk slowly towards it, making sure I don’t ram my head into any more mirrors. I approach the gap which is only half my height. I can’t see the other side. It is nothing but darkness. I can now hear something, something like music; like the sound of a toy of some sort. I bend down and pass through what seems like the entry to a dark cave.




I pace, crouched down towards what I hope is going to be an exit. There is a bitterly cold breeze which tells me I am close to being outside. I can still hear that strange music. I know I have heard it somewhere before. I can smell that odour of iron in the air again. I just want to be home. I come up to what seems to be a child’s bedroom. I stand up, wondering how can I not be outside by now? 

There isn’t much light around me, but I can see blue and yellow wallpaper on the walls, a rusty white crib, an open chest surrounded with old used up toys, a green door and the source of the music.

A jack-in-the-box is on the floor, perfectly centred on the carpet in front of me, playing that infamous tune. I bend down to take a closer look; my curiosity overwhelming my fear. As I do so the music stops and the little puppet jumps out startling me. I fall down onto my behind, hurting myself. I lift myself up, feeling stupid and ashamed when suddenly I see something else.

Standing in front of me is a man holding a dagger dressed like a killer clown. The frizzy red hair, rubber nose of the same colour, oversized boots, and blood dripping from his weapon. 

I am yet to move. I am frozen like a deer in headlights. “Look, I don’t want any more of this. I just want to leave,” I cry desperately.

He stares into my eyes opening his mouth slowly, and out comes a deep chilling laugh making my blood curdle. He looks at his knife and back at me. Without warning, he leaps towards me. My instincts kicking in, I scream with the power of a banshee and jump out of the way towards the green door I had noticed on the way in. I slam all of my weight into it and pass through.

I am outside. The moon shines bright between dark clouds. I am lying on a bed of cold damp grass. I can hear the music from the funfair close by with laughter of children. I take in a deep breath and suddenly remember what I was running for. I look behind me expecting the clown to still be chasing me, but nothing is there. I can see the doorway that I passed through. The door is closed and seems to be intact.

I don’t understand. Did the door shut by itself or did someone shut it behind me? My curiosity takes the better of me and I open the door slowly and peek my head through. The room is empty besides a few haystacks and a bucket of water in the corner of the room, no wallpaper, no crib and most of all no killer clown…

“Where the hell have you been?”  James’ voice shouts coming from behind me.





I stay crouched in the wet overgrown grass, staring at him in confusion, paralysed by the questions spiralling in my mind.

“Sarah, what happened to you? Why are you here? I have been looking everywhere for you!” he asks concerned and confused.

I feel like I have suffered a recent blow to the head. I try and think of what happened to me in the last ten minutes, but it all seems strangely fuzzy and out of place.

“I… I don’t know. I was scared so I ran. From what I can’t remember, and somehow I ended up here.” This being the best answer I can give him right now.

“Sarah, I have been looking for you for over an hour! What were you running from? Did somebody hurt you?” James asks putting his warm hands on my cheeks making me realise how cold I am.

“Look, I don’t know exactly- wait did you say AN HOUR?” I answer befuddled by what he had just said.

“Yeah, at least! I have been walking around the whole fair looking for you!”

“OK, now I really want to go home. Can you please take me home?” 

“Of course, come on the car is not far,”  he says, giving me his hand to pull me up.

The car ride home is uncomfortable and awkward. James keeps asking me questions to which I don’t know the answers. I am not hurt in any physical way except for a slight pain I have in my nose, and yet I feel odd, invaded and lonely.

We park in front of my apartment.

“Come on, let’s get to bed, I’m sure you will feel a lot better in the morning,” he says trying to console me.

We enter my flat. I have never been so happy to be home. I immediately undress and crawl into bed covering myself with the soft blankets. Seeing the framed pictures of my family and friends on my wall, and having James here with me makes my sense of loneliness easier to bear.

“Come sit with me.” I lift the covers, inviting him in.

“Happy to.” He climbs in beside me, wearing nothing but boxer shorts.

He sits next to me taking my hand grasping my fingers in between his. I shift myself closer to him appreciating his warmth. He kisses me on my cheek. I put my chest up against his; my breasts pressing against his pectoral muscles. He wraps his arms around me holding me tight. I can feel his penis hardening against my thigh. His embrace, his scent, his presence make me feel so much better. Like how I believe I deserve to feel.

As we lie there together, my fingers wandering through his thick curly hair, I hear him release a low groan.

I know he wants me, I can tell. I still feel anxious from today’s events that I cannot explain. The back of my mind is trying to focus on answers; trying to figure out why I was alone outside and had been gone for so long without realisation. But I want to forget about it all, and I know the best way to do so.

I move my hand down to his cheek and move my lips closer to his.

“Do you want to go to sleep?” he asks in his gentle voice.

“No, definitely not,” I take off my bra while keeping eye contact making him understand my attention.

I climb on to his body, and grab my breasts. “Suck on them,” I say with a surprisingly forceful tone. He does not argue. His lips surround my rigid nipple and suck like a hungry infant.

I rub myself against his crotch feeling his cock pulsing between my lips. The feel of his frenulum against my clitoris moving easier now that I am wet. “Look at me,” I say looking down to him. I want him to see the pleasure he gives me, the way he makes me feel. His stare hits my eyes. With his lips around my nipple and his fingers pinching the other. I moan through the slight pain. He lets go and tries to kiss me. I grab his throat slightly squeezing his Adam's apple, and push him down onto the bed. I kiss him, my tongue swirling inside his mouth with my hand intact on his throat and my other holding his body down. I want to feel in control. I refuse to be played with.

“I want you inside me, now!” I exclaim, lifting my hips waiting for him to do as he is told.

“Your wish is my command,” he answers with a quirky grin that could not have been more badly timed.

“Just do as I say!” I grab his penis and position it perfectly under my yearning vagina.

I do not need to tell him I am in charge. A simple look in the eye says it all, and his misjudged humour quickly fades.



Chapter six



Our clothes abandoned on the floor, the smell of sex already in the air, and my boyfriend under my authority, I press the weight of my body down, taking the full length of his cock inside me. My anxiety fading with every stroke of his pulsing manhood against every nerve of my insides.

“Give me your tongue!” I lower myself turning my head towards his mouth, indicating I want his tongue around my ear. He grabs my earlobe with his moist lips, sucking, licking, giving me chills on the entire right side of my body. I move my hips faster and faster, wanting his cock inside me more than it already is. I pin him to the bed with my hands around his wrist. I smile hearing him shudder in pain as my nails dig into his skin. My body is so sensitive and alive.

“Come on, James, make me cum!” I exclaim in between moans of pleasure.

He reads my command with a sense of obedience. He penetrates me with fury. Deep and rapid, with the desperation of climax painted on his face.

My legs tremble with the anticipating orgasm. I can feel every muscle inside my crotch tightening. My body starts to vibrate as the orgasm rises inside me.

James lets out a scream of gratification and exhaustion, and I feel his sperm swimming inside me. This was the last action I desired. My body lets out an electrifying orgasm. I scream in pleasure without a single sound coming out of my mouth.

I look out in front of me, seeing the mirror on the wall and feel the panic rising inside me once again. I hear a sound of shattering glass in the back of my mind and the sound of odd playful music.

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The husband has been out of the picture for a long time now. Only you and your son in his early twenties live together and the nights can be lonely. Recently you cannot help but notice your son, now much more grown, getting out of the shower with just his boxers on as his muscles seem to catch your eye. Every time you try to act like you are not looking, however recently you cannot help it as the both of you talk to each other in full on conversations while he stands in front of you almost...

4 years ago
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Building Arousal

"Amy, we're leaving!" I heard faintly through a heavy sleep. "Amy?" My mum was shouting up the stairs at me. My eyes quickly opened, and I was as alert as I could be, still half asleep. "Yeah okay..." I shouted back. "Don't forget that the builders are here working outside the house!" "Yeah okay," I answered again. "We'll be out all day, bye!" I heard the front door slam shut and I looked over to my phone. It was 10:30 and I was supposed to be meeting a friend in town at 13:00. This was too...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Peppermint Arousal

THWAP! Once more, the thick leather belt fell across my ass. The blow was light, barely enough to make a sound, barely enough to sting. THWAP! It wasn't about the individual strokes. Not at all. It was about the cumulative effect. THWAP! Try it yourself. Take a thick leather belt, and swing it lightly at your ass or thigh, about once every five or six seconds. Just enough to sting a little and make a sound. Go on, try it. For about a minute. THWAP! How's that feel? Burns like hell,...

3 years ago
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Fear or Excitement

Andrea the sexy five foot two blonde haired sub missive, had by now began to develop a trust and open relationship with her Master Ray, even to the point where she agreed to meet at a local coffee shop just before they closed at 8.00pm. She wore what he had directed her to wear, a front full button down Lacy effect dress with loose weave pattern which allowed her nipples to peek through, this dress stopped six inches above her knee and the main body of the lower skirt part was much more dense...

4 years ago
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Fearless Phil

Philip was initiated into the world of women's needs and his own power when he was only fourteen. His young aunt discovered him abusing himself in the shower at the family's beach cottage one afternoon when she returned from sunning herself on the crowded shore. "My god," she said aloud when she saw his upright prong with his fist about it. "Don't waste that." Quickly she peeled off her one-piece bathing suit and slithered into the curtained stall beside the blushing boy who stood...

2 years ago
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Fearful And Unforgetful Sex With Cousin

Hello to all Indian Sex Stories Reader. I am very grateful to all of those who have read my previous stories and send their comments to me. I write true stories that have been happened to me. I am now writing another true incident, though I wished to not disclose u, but reading true stories of many guys in this site, I thought, why not I also make it open. As I said previously, My Sweet Sister in Law-Preeti, was the one who explored my sex-longing ness, and made me her pet whore. But this is a...

4 years ago
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Fear of the unknown

4 years later........ This case has been the toughest on all of us. No leads, no witnesses it just seems like they vanished into thin air! The police chief took a deep breath and continued, "As always there have been false leads, maybe to throw us off their trail or maybe it's just people looking for the reward money. We may never know in fact we may never......" A knock penetrated the room. The chief yells at his secretary for letting people into the building when it was supposed to be...

3 years ago
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Fear and Self Loathing at Pride

Growing up a gay girl in a small Bible Belt town was not easy, trust me. I tried it and cannot recommend it to anyone. In fairness, that was almost 20 years ago and it was harder then.(Sorry, I lapsed into "Get off my lawn" mode.)These days, lesbianism has attained a certain cachet. It's nearly impossible now to watch a movie orTV program without a lesbian (always an attractive one, I must add). Hell, we've replaced the wacky neighbor on sitcoms.(Suck it, Mr. Roper!) In my day, the closest...

2 years ago
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Fear of Flying

Preface- I am the editor/co-author on this story. Notlooking5 was the creator of the story and other author. It was her brain child. Credit where credit is due. I was flattered that she asked me to assist her on writing this erotic literary work of fiction dealing with FemDom and other realted topics. It is rather lengthy, so hope you have the patience to read it throuhly. Please enjoy! I can’t believe this is happening to me! How did I get in this humiliating position? After my arrival at JFK...

1 year ago
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Fear Becomes Desire

Divina woke up Saturday morning and gathered her things for her mini-trip. She showered, cleaned, shaved, and then dressed for a day in the sun. The sun was just coming up when Divina got in her car with her bags was bringing. She checked her phone for directions and was on her way. When she found where she was going, she parked and grabbed her gear. Today was a day of being alone in nature and target practice. She got out of the car and just went for a walk to set up and think. After...

1 year ago
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Fear the Toad

The Toad backed up his material to the Cloud - all his investigation files and his recordings of subsequent encounters, then he checked his cameras for the third time, eagerly anticipating the arrival of his next "guest". Even though he knew, he consulted his diary to see who was coming to visit tonight then prepared her impromptu stage. He cleared space on his living room floor leaving the sheepskin rug in place. She would need room to perform for him he knew. The Toad closed his eyes and...

3 years ago
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Fear of Falling In Love

Shane pulled up to his sister's house, parking his truck in front of the mailbox. He stepped out, grabbing his duffel, and started toward the house. "Three women in one house, two that aren't my sister, all college girls, and I'm here for a week," Shane said to himself. He looked up towards the heavens, mouthing "Thank you, God," before ringing the doorbell. The door swung open, and one of his sister's roommates stood there. Kelly, he remembered seeing her in a picture, stood about...

1 year ago
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Fear of Falling ApartChapter 2

The next morning, Jessica woke up, feeling rested and fulfilled for the first time all week. "Mmm, I never thought a dream involving yard work could be so much fun." She walked into the bathroom, brushing her teeth and starting the shower. As her robe fell off her shoulders, she shuddered, feeling the material touching every inch of her exposed skin as it fell, like thousands of tiny, sensual touches. She pulled her panties down, noticing how soaked they were. "Oh god, I'm getting wet...

4 years ago
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Fear of Falling ApartChapter 3

Shane, Kelly and Ally stood in shock, looking at the unconscious Jessica, then at each other. Shane was the first to speak. "Alright, I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I'm out of here. Kelly, Ally, please get my clothes, and Jessica's." Shane was wiping himself and Jessica as clean as he could with the sheets. Ally and Kelly ran back in, and dressed Jessica while Shane got dressed. Kelly looked at Shane. "Shane, I'm so sorry, I thought it would be fun, but something...

1 year ago
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Fear of Falling ApartChapter 4

Shane woke up before the sun was coming up. He noticed that something was different. Somehow, in the middle of the night, Kelly and he had changed positions, and he was in the middle of the bed now. He was spooning Kelly while Jessica was behind him, her arm draped of her two bedmates. He considered moving around, or trying to get up, but decided against it. "Hell, if it doesn't freak them out..." But, he knew that this wasn't right. What would people say if it got out? What would his...

1 year ago
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Fear of Falling ApartChapter 5

Shane was sitting in the living room, watching Saturday morning cartoons and eating cold French toast. He heard the noises coming from Jessica's room, and he was fighting the urge to go look. Whatever was going on was their thing, and it would stay that way until they asked him to join. "Damn, I hope they ask soon." He heard them scream together, and then the noise died down. "At least I know Kelly will have someone to pass the time while I'm gone," he chuckled to himself. He heard a...

1 year ago
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Fear of FallingIn Love

Shane pulled up to his sister’s house, parking his truck in front of the mailbox. He stepped out, grabbing his duffel, and started toward the house. “Three women in one house, two that aren’t my sister, all college girls, and I’m here for a week,” Shane said to himself. He looked up towards the heavens, mouthing “Thank you, God,” before ringing the doorbell. The door swung open, and one of his sister’s roommates stood there. Kelly, he remembered seeing her in a picture, stood about 5'4",...

2 years ago
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Frigid Wife Becomes Aroused

I guess that my story starts pretty much like the story of many other men. I am 40 years old, married to Lena , she is also 40 years old. We have been married for 11 years now. We have 2 gorgeous kids, a boy and a girl. At first our sex life was good. We had a lot of it, it wasn’t monotonous. My wife is a little reserved in sex matters, but she agreed to try new things as long as they were not too strange. Since this period of good sex was rather short, we did not get to try many new things. ...

2 years ago
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Girl Aroused

She woke, stretched, shuddered, gritted her teeth, squeezed her vaginal muscles and expelled a slim, silvery device, shivered, licked it and put it on the table beside her bed, smiling and thoroughly aroused, dripping, quivering, her nipples distended and clit trembling, ready for another lover. She crawled across the carpeted floor, leaving a trail of slime, made sure the gnarled dildo was on securely, licked its domed head and then mounted the modified Sybian machine, swung her long leg...

3 years ago
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Wow ThanksChapter 17 Arising Aroused

Before I went to bed that Saturday night after Thanksgiving, I should record one other small event. After leaving Lissa's room, I met Denise at the door. We'd only made it a few steps down the hall when she grabbed me and kissed me square on the lips. Hard. Passionately. Deliberately in view of her daughter's partially open door, so that Lissa called out, "hey, no messin around! Don't make me come out there and supervise!" When Lissa did this, Denise chuckled throatily, and broke the...

4 years ago
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Permanently Aroused

I wake up. Slowly rising from the bed, I put my hands to my skull tenderly, feeling as though I’ve gone a few rounds with a jackhammer in a head butting contest. That’s weird, I think to myself. I didn’t have anything to drink last night. Ambling along at an old mans pace, I shuffle into the kitchen to get some coffee brewing. The place is pretty clean, I’m single but always prepared for female company, finding that I do better at winning their affections when I don’t look like a slob. Reaching...

2 years ago
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Caught Embarrassed Aroused

So.. This is a little tale of mine, one of my more embarrassing ventures for your enjoyment. While I was very turned on, I've never been so red...So it all started out with me watching porn.. Funny enough right?I was sitting there one morning.. On an off day.. Started browsing.. Found some JOI... With a Mistress in latex... Title being something along the lines of risky don't get caught.. Never considered myself an exhibitionist but perhaps I am... She proceeded to instruct me to remove all my...

3 years ago
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Copyright © 2002 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. I was in my bedroom. As thoughts of you flooded my mind. The heat from the advancing sunlight had made the bedroom heat up. Then I realized that I should put something cooler on. I scampered out of my blue jeans. Lifted my blouse and grasped my bra....

1 year ago
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FilthyTaboo Brianna Rose Are You A Grower Or A Show8217er

Man, I (Johnny The Kid) got a big fucking mouth. My step aunt Brianna Rose came into town & I was just sitting down to have a nice wiz when my bro called me. We got to chatting – bro shit ya know – and I tell him, I’ma bang the fat knockers right off my stepmom and he’s all like ‘you’re full of shit bro!’ Truth is I probably was bullshitting a bit, but I didn’t realize Brianna overheard the convo! Embarrassingly she calls me out and strangely...

1 year ago
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Sam Falls Even Further From Grace

© Copyright 2002 It is rare for me to revisit a cast of characters, generally once a story is completed I move on to the next. However, in this case there has been such a demand for a follow on story that I felt compelled to attempt it. I'm afraid it is a little long and starts very slow. Scorpio00155 It had been two months since my wife Sam's fall from grace with the man Steve in a night club. That night had been one of shock, guilt and inexplicable excitement for both of us. In...

3 years ago
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Shock and Awe0

By co-authors Phyllisroger It was long ago or was it yesterday. Finally, after a long day it was time for some rest and recreation…heavy on “recreation.” My home was empty except for me and my favorite large dog. I was feeling randy. When the air came through the open door I could tell. My cunt was wet and the air cooled me, only making me more hot and ready to go upstairs with Duke…my large black lab. OMG, we were a team and we joined…as in joined…together for fun whenever we had the...

2 years ago
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The Storms Arrival

It was a quiet time at the beach. The period after spring break and the summer crowds. The families were gone and the kids back to school. The white sandy beach was wind swept clean of foot prints along the emerald clear waters of the Gulf. The normally white puffy clouds were racing across the blue sky as a humid breeze churned up the waves.In waning dusk, Alison stood staring at the horizon with the grey trees ascending towards aphotic clouds from the looming storm. The humid southerly wind...

2 years ago
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Redbook escort AshleyMature Meth Queen Part I

I first met "Ashley", who's real name was Wanda, in September of 2008. After searching Redbook for a mature, sexy lady who liked to have a drink or two, I called Ashley to set-up an appointment the following day. Her voice was very upbeat and cheerful yet very soft and sexy sounding. We agreed to meet at 9 the next morning so I offered to bring a fresh cup of Starbucks for us and some Bailey's to add to it. I always enjoyed ladies who drank and smoked as I saw that as a sexy and naughty...

1 year ago
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Pete and Amy Part 2

This third weekend back at school started with the girls coming over so we could get ready. We usually showered and shaved, and made sure we didn’t miss any spots through inspections and touch ups. Usually it was Robin, Charlotte and I with Madison talking to us from our room or standing in the doorway just chatting and watching our little ritual. This weekend however, after talking to Robin and Charlotte we talked Maddi into joining us. She had always been worried about upsetting Robin or...

2 years ago
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My first time with Aunt Holly

Her nephew, Jake, peered from his room and was watching her as she continued pacing. She wore a cream sation gown with the belt tied loosely at her waist. Her breasts hung freely under the thin satin of her gown and Jake watched them sway with each step. Her legs were smooth and shapely and Jake could barely see the bottom of her ass cheeks, where her gown ended. He was feeling so turned on. He was only 16 and jerked off many times but had never been with a woman before. Holly caught a glimpse...

3 years ago
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Mondays session with Camille

Camille had messaged me to say that her husband had left for work and to come over, I was sat in my car when she messaged me. She told me that she was dressed in her bath robe with nothing on underneath. Reading this I started to get hard. I always park about 10 minutes or so away from her place, this gives us a window should her husband return for whatever reason and it has worked in the past. I approached the door and let myself in, Camille leaves the door open whenever she knows I'm coming...

3 years ago
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329s Trip to Doeville

329’s Trip to Doeville by Yorts NestChapter 1 – 329 is arrested.Ilana sat at her desk and decided it was time to pick a reserve name for the weekly Saturday window display.  No ‘volunteer’ tourist had shown up yet, but it was still fairly early.  However, she knew Sheriff Yorts would tan her backside if she didn’t have a candidate selected by the time he came in.  He might even decide to pick her.Deputy Dawg stopped at the doorway entrance and said ?We have a bogy.  Rita (waitress at local...

1 year ago
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Best friends girlfriend

My name is Steve and when I was a senior in college I worked part-time in a movie theatre to support my monthly rent. It was an easy job. Just sitting round watching movies, and being a good friend to the head manager(Carla) made it easier. Carla had young brother(Dave), who was a senior in high school that worked with me on weekends. Quickly we became best-friends. Being 21 and buying beers, and having my own apartment, I was like a god to Dave. He came over to my apartment every chance he...

First Time
3 years ago
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Sex In Goa With Indian Sex Stories Storyreader

Hi how are you all iss story readers… All Male and female me fir ek story le kar hajir hu apko aur entertain krne ke liye or jyada maja dene ke liye.. Mera name Meet he.. Aur me ahmedabad gujarat se hu..jo log pehli baar meri story read kr rahe he unko meri details de deta hu.. I m 26 yr old..doing business in ahmedabad..i m single… So now all readers me aab story pe ata hu.. Ya baat 1week pehle ki he.. Mene meri last story post ki”muslim housewife ki chudai”..uske baad muje kafi logo ke mail...

3 years ago
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The Meeting of My PrideChapter 2

As I fucked Eleanor, we were both aware of the several sets of eyes watching our every action, Me, I was more aware of Charlady's jealousy in her eyes than any of my older trainees. For Eleanor it was the humiliated look of defeat on Jerry's face as he knew he would soon be eating cream pie directly from his wife's well fucked cunt. I was mildly aware of the interest and pent up passions of some of the other's, Paul and Roger in particular, I could not help but feel they longed to be in...

2 years ago
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The Old night watchman and the two girls

At that age one does not know what or why, just the deep rooted feeling nature instills in us to ensure the continuence of the species.In another way, the sex hormones kick-in and we, or I have a whole new set of powerful feelings to contend with.My earliest recollection was as a girl, down on the waterfront with another girlfriend. We were playing in huge concrete pipes, which were piled three high and measured more than one meters in circumferance, I know because we could stand up inside...

1 year ago
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Living in a Pub

Abby Stone got out of her battered mini in the car park of the Coach and Horses. The weather was dull and drizzling, and twilight was just a few moments away, which matched her sombre mood. She was feeling a little depressed after her meeting with the Regional Manager at the brewery. He had been very nice and very sympathetic with her dilemma. But he had pointed out that under the present economic conditions, the brewery were having to consider closing some of the managed houses. The increasing...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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A Source of Warmth

Introduction: A new arrival and a late night warms up a mortuary technician. His name was Thomas Saniuqa. Theyd just wheeled him in on a bed at 4.50pm. Damn it, that means Im working overtime on my own AGAIN. I grumbled as I looked at his profile on the clipboard. Hmm, thirty-five years old and still unmarried? He was evidently very successful, too – CEO of a fairly large IT company Id heard about. I had to wonder what was going to happen to the company without him. I glanced down at him. He...

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