LifelineChapter 14 free porn video

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I arrived at the county lockup before breakfast was served. The guard let me bring in an unopened container of yogurt and a bottle of skim milk for my client. Desmond "Tiny" Huntley grinned when he came in and sat down across from me. His grin grew when he saw he had a choice of a healthy breakfast instead of the runny eggs, grits, bacon and coffee that were served every morning at the jail.

"You'll be going home today," I said. He was pulling the top off the yogurt and he stopped. He raised his eyes to mine and just stared.

"That ain't something you screw with a man about," he said.

"No, it isn't," I agreed. "The charges will be dropped by no later than this afternoon. I'll call your sister and your girlfriend to let them know when they can pick you up."

Huntley seemed stunned by the news. Twice he opened his mouth to speak only to close it without a syllable escaping his lips.

"What the hell happened?" he finally asked.

I laid it out for him in minute detail – from the bogus videotape to the corrupt photo ID to the falsified statement from the hotel clerk.

"So that's what was going on yesterday," he said, shaking his head. "About noon, they dragged me out of my rack and sent me down for a photograph. No one would tell me why. Even the guards I've ... come to an arrangement with ... either wouldn't or couldn't tell me. Man, that's messed up."

"More than you know," I said with a sigh. "Look, I'm going to try to get the charges dismissed with prejudice because of vengeful prosecution. That means they can never refile the murder charge against you again. I'm not sure that whoever takes over the office won't come after you on some other bullshit charge but it won't be for the murder of Biff Wells if I can swing it. I can't promise it will go that way but that is what I'll shoot for."

Huntley nodded briefly and then tilted his head.

"What do you mean 'whoever takes over that office?'" he asked. "Has your wife been promoted to judge?"

"She'll likely be forced to resign at the least," I told him. "She might be charged with a crime. We're not sure yet."

"Nah," he said, shaking his head firmly. "No way she had a hand in this. I told you, Bro, she had dozens of chances to cut corners and she never took them. It's like I said, if she filed the paper on me it was because she had evidence that I done it."

"I don't believe she was involved but ultimately it will land at her feet anyway," I told him. "You know how it works. Dwyer still has supporters in town and they will make a fuss. There are more than a few lawyers in town who hate Elizabeth and at least one of them will have the balls to go to the state bar. The state bar will have to suspend her license while they investigate. This is some serious stuff. It isn't like she fixed a parking ticket for a friend. Someone on the Task Force wanted you to be executed for felony murder and they went to great lengths to get it this far. To be honest, if I wasn't such a shitty defense attorney, it might have succeeded."

"You're telling me that I'm going to be set free and then you call yourself a shitty attorney," Huntley said, shaking his head again. "I'd hate to see what a good attorney would have done."

"A good attorney would have waited for a deposition with the witness," I explained. "By that time, the cops would have firmed up the ID. Someone would have read his statement and noticed that you are not overweight. They would have corrected that imperfection and given him a current picture of you to make certain he could ID you on sight. I only caught this because I wanted every piece of evidence the state had and I forced them to give it to me. As soon as I read the statement from the clerk, I made them give me the video from the hotel. One look at that told me that everything was based on a lie."

Huntley was again shaking his head. He hadn't touched his yogurt or his milk.

"Do you know who set me up?" he asked in a quiet voice.

I shook my head.

"I violated a judicial decree and gave the file to Elizabeth last night," I admitted. "She's going through it but she won't have time to make any headway before she's suspended. Right now, every member of the Task Force is under suspicion. It should make your outside job a little easier."

"I made a decision while I was sitting here," Huntley said. "I knew I didn't kill Wells but there are a lot of other things I done that could have landed me in this spot if one or two things be different. I'm out. I promised my lady that if I got out of this one, I was done. We're packing up and moving. She got family in Texas and that's where we're headed. I'm going to start a business with some of the money we got and stay clean."

"I'm glad to hear that," I said. I was sincere in my sentiments. "You and I both know you've beaten the odds to this point. I know you're 38 years old. I know you've been doing what you were doing since you were 12 or 13. That's a hell of a long time in the life."

"Most kids don't see 18," Huntley said. "They get popped by the cops or a rival gang or OD on the shit they're supposed to be slinging."

"Well, I'll tell your lady to start packing when I give her a call," I said, standing up.

"Wait for a minute, Ben," he said. I stopped and looked down, expecting a thank you or some other words of appreciation. I truly hoped this would be the last time I had any sort of conversation with Desmond "Tiny" Huntley.

"Sit down for a minute, could you?" he said. I shrugged and resumed my seat. "Look, another week or two in here ain't going to hurt me none. Hell, six more months in here wouldn't be a start on the time I got coming to me. Hold off on doing whatever you got planned until you can get your lady in the clear. I ain't talking sending me to the needle but I can do a while longer if you need the time to fix things for her."

"You're innocent," I said.

His reply was eerily reminiscent to words I had spoken to Lucinda Barrett the first time I'd met her.

"I didn't do this but I damned sure ain't innocent," he told me. "If you can get me out before Christmas, I can do the time if it helps. I owe you that much."

He stood and knocked on the door to be led back to his cell before I could formulate a reply. His yogurt and milk sat opened but untouched on the table in front of me.

I sat in the jail parking lot, still contemplating Huntley's words. He was willing to stay in jail for another month in order to give Elizabeth a chance to get into the clear. Elizabeth would have sold a lung to put Desmond Huntley in prison and he was willing to give her a hand.

It made no sense to me. The buzzing of my cell phone sent my thoughts scattering.

"Where are you?" Michelle asked urgently.

"At the jail," I answered.

"You need to get your ass back here," my paralegal ordered me. "Judge Castille has been waiting for you since eight o'clock."

"Why?" I wondered. "There was nothing on the schedule."

Michelle was silent. It dawned on me that word of the prosecution's conduct had spread through the courthouse.

"Michelle?" I asked. "Was there something on the schedule I was unaware of?"

"Uh, no," she answered hesitantly. "This is something that came up this morning. I don't know why but he's been calling here since I came in. He wants you there immediately. Judge Valasik is also looking for you. You need to get back here."

"They're just going to have to wait for me," I said. "Whatever they want me for can wait. I have other things scheduled this morning. If they call again, let them know I won't be available until after lunch."

I heard Michelle's breathing through the phone line.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked.

"I'm positive," I replied. "They can't just schedule something and expect me to drop everything to do their bidding. I will be in Judge Castille's chambers at one."

"Not his chambers," Michelle stated. "He wants to see you in his courtroom."

"Shit," I muttered. That meant he planned a full hearing. Jane must have come forward to drop the charges. That would put Elizabeth back on the clock.

I arrived at the county courthouse a few minutes after I hung up from Michelle's call. I didn't head to my office. Instead, I walked into the prosecutor's digs and asked to see my wife. The woman at the front office blinked at me owlishly and I saw a hubbub of activity from the young lawyers who worked in Elizabeth's office. The woman finally picked up a phone and dialed Elizabeth's extension. I didn't hear the conversation but very shortly my wife appeared and I was buzzed through the security door.

Elizabeth looked harried as she motioned me into her office.

"I don't have long," she said as I sat down. I wondered if she expected me to conduct my business from my knees like a supplicant to the queen.

"You might have longer than you thought," I replied.

"Ben, I have everyone available trying to figure out what happened," she informed me. It was news that I already suspected from the assistant prosecutor's racing around like their asses were on fire. "Have the charges been dropped? Jane called to alert me this morning. Is that why you're here?"

Elizabeth's vocal cadence was quicker than I normally heard. She was nervous and hopped up on coffee.

"Sit down for a minute," I instructed. "I need to talk to you and I want your undivided attention for a few moments."

She stared at me but finally took a seat. I stood and closed her office door.

"You might have longer than you think," I said again. "Has Jane introduced a motion to dismiss the charges?"

Elizabeth continued to stare at me for a long moment.

"That's your job," she informed me as though I was an idiot.

"OK," I said. "That's good. I'm not going to make that motion either."

"That's career suicide!" Elizabeth practically shouted. "You will be disbarred the moment Desmond Huntley files a complaint."

"Desmond is not going to file a complaint," I said.

"Of course he will!" Elizabeth countered.

"Desmond is not going to file a complaint," I repeated. "I just came from the jail. We talked and he understands the situation."

"You convinced Huntley to sit in jail to give me time to fix this?" Elizabeth asked incredulously. "Ben, you are going to lose your law license."

"I didn't ask him to do anything," I said. "He offered. I told him about the photo array and the picture on the web site. I explained to him that someone in the prosecutor's office or on the task force had set him up. The first thing he said was that it wasn't you. I told him that it might not have been you but that you were still going to take the fall."

"Might not have been?" Elizabeth asked in a tight voice.

I shrugged.

"Like I said last night, ultimately this falls at your feet," I said. "Not only are you the one the sitting at the big desk but you were the one in charge of the task force. Add in your obsession with Huntley and you have this mess. Regardless of how it turns out, this is going to take a huge bite out of your credibility. You might as well accept that there are going to be people – a lot of people, actually – who will always think you had a hand in circumventing justice."

Elizabeth had paled at my clinical description of the facts. I could tell that she didn't like it but I also knew it didn't change the situation in the slightest.

"So, Huntley is willing to lend you a hand," I continued.

The news didn't add to Elizabeth's happiness.

"I do not want to be beholden to a drug dealer," she stated. "I will not cut him a break on his next arrest."

"Former drug dealer," I replied with a sigh. "That's the other thing. He has given me until the week before Christmas to file the paperwork to get him released. Once he is released, his family is moving out of the area. He will no longer be a problem for you."

"Just for someone else," Elizabeth muttered.

"This is what I meant by the word 'obsession, '" I pointed out. "He's throwing you a lifeline. He's willing to sit in jail for another month to give you a shot to pull this department out of the shitter and you're bitching about it."

My wife glared at me across the desk but I didn't blink or look away. It caught her by surprise, I think.

"So, you have until the week before Christmas," I said, as I stood. "December 17th, I'm going to file a motion to suppress the identification and to drop the charges. That gives you three weeks you didn't have this morning."

I stopped when I got to the door and turned to her.

"When this is said and done, you're going to wish you had Desmond Huntley running the drug trade in this city," I said. "He's predictable and he's calculating. He only kills those who need to be killed. There will be a war to claim the turf and the winner is going to be the guy who is most willing to kill indiscriminately. You might want to keep that in mind."

Judge Castille glared at me when I opened the door to his courtroom. Jane Cummings turned in her seat and I noticed Judge Valasik was sitting in the gallery. She shifted around to add her baleful gaze in my direction. I ignored them all as I walked to the defense table, put my briefcase down and took a seat.

"I'm glad you could join us, Mr. Wallace," Judge Castille said.

"Thank you for verifying my availability before scheduling this, Your Honor," I said.

Judge Castille continued to stare at me for a moment before he smiled.

"OK, you're right," he said. "I expected you to be beating on my chambers door when I arrived this morning. When you weren't, I thought it would only be a matter of time."

"I was visiting with my client this morning," I said. "I do that twice a week, Your Honor. I feel it is imperative that Mr. Huntley be kept abreast of the happenings on the case."

"Of course, Mr. Wallace," Judge Castille said. "I apologize for my tone. Now, I understand that you have something for the court's consideration."

I glanced at Jane for a moment before turning back to Judge Castille.

"No, Your Honor," I said. I tried to put as much confusion in my voice as I could. Jane's head jerked so fast in my direction I was surprised that she didn't get whiplash.

The glare that Judge Castille had let fall off his face returned in full force.

"It was my understanding that you would be presenting a motion to withdraw the charges," he said.

"No, Your Honor," I said. "I'm not sure where your information came from but it was incorrect."

"Miss Lipscomb, please stop and take a break," the judge told the court reporter. He waited until she was gone before he motioned for the bailiff to exit and lock the door behind him. Then he turned to me.

"What in the hell is going on here?" he asked.

"I don't know, Your Honor," I answered.

"That is such crap," The Honorable Lisa Valasik muttered from behind me.

"We're off the record here," Judge Castille pointed out. "I have the full story from Ms. Cummings and Judge Valasik. I know that your wife is in a bit of a jam but you need to step up here, Ben. I need to do the right thing and so do you."

"To be blunt, Your Honor, I don't," I said. "The prosecution can drop the charges but I don't foresee that happening, given the circumstances. Short of a motion from me or the prosecution, there is nothing you can do. I spent most of this morning researching this very point. I have not received a copy of a motion of dismissal from the prosecution and I have no intent to introduce one at this point."

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MommysGirl Sinn Sage Alex De La Flor StrapMom

Alex De La Flor is chilling on the couch when her step-mom, Sinn Sage, crashes down beside her and announces that she’s got a date tonight. Alex is upset since Sinn has been spending WAY more time lately on these dates than hanging out with her. She knows Sinn has been having a tough time since breaking up with her dad and Alex swears she is just watching out for her… Despite these concerns, Sinn insists that she needs to get herself back out on the market – and Alex...

3 years ago
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Extra Change

Once upon a time, Mountain Dew did a commercial called ‘Change’, and I was struck by how closely it resembles the beginning of many of the stories here. I’d link to it, but, well, Literotica no likey. Anyway, what follows is my take. I’m curious what directions others would pursue, anyone else care to write about ‘what happens next’? * Chris stopped next to the vending machine as Zack fed in some money. ‘Too bad she dumped you.’ ‘She didn’t dump me,’ Zack replied defensively, punching the...

3 years ago
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Rape Toys

Rape Toys By Llabmik Chapter 1 – Naked Ambition Lola, the weather girl for channel 69, was making a career move in her favouriteposition: on her back with her legs spread. Between her naked thighs, Melissa,the station manager's daughter, was licking Lola's achingly erect clit withskill and true tonguing stamina. Some things require a woman's touch. Flushed and gasping, nipples erect,Lola's body shook with orgasm after orgasm. Melissa's sweetly sucking lipsand deftly flicking tongue were done...

1 year ago
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Faithful Vistions

"Wake up Astoria, you need to save them!" I had been getting these flashes of a man yelling at me in everyone of my dreams lately. They all say the same thing. But who am I supposed to save when I can't even keep a stable job or a roof over my head? I sit up from the makeshift but I made for myself between two buildings. A bar, which sounded open by the lock bard playing the only song people seemed to ask for here, and the Inn. As I climbed out of the tent, I fixed my ratty clothes and tied my...

3 years ago
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my wifes new friend

My wife an I have had talks about having sex with another man she whould like a big black man. well one night we wentout with my brother in law friend. my wife had talked about sucking his dick she thought it would be big,I also am black but a brown color she said she wanted a dark black man who would domantate her.Well we were at the bar and drinking we danced and my wife said to be im going to take terry to the car for some fun Isaid lets go to the house i told terry we were going to leave an...

2 years ago
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My Freshman Year of college part 4

Daddy stood...tall and imposing, his cock still erect and throbbing, glistening with our combined juices. Daddy then slid onto the bed beside me and softly called "Sammie ", in a blur Sammie leaped onto the bed as Daddy grabbed ahold on me and without effort pulled me atop him and quickly had me positioned so that his huge cock pressed at my puckered asshole..I shuddered and groaned aloud as he gently eased the huge head in, followed slowly by inch after throbbing inch of his cock,"...

1 year ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 4

Jared's scheme to rid trophy-wife Tabitha of her step-daughter's blackmailing influence is reaching its raunchy naked climax...At least Sorrel did not have to bend too far to access the head of the towering phallus, Tabitha thought. She stared in bizarre fascination as her step-daughter gobbled Jared into her mouth and guzzled busily on him, hamstrings stretched tautly and bum thrusting behind. Tabitha had never considered herself a malicious person, but a unique sense of triumph welled up...

1 year ago
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Sucky VacationChapter 6

Jeff jogged up to the table while his family was just sitting down at for dinner. He and Shawna had showered before leaving the room, so at least he didn’t smell like sex. They had parted ways at the bar by the pool where her mother, Nessa, had greeted her daughter with a hug and Jeff with a knowing smirk. He briefly returned Nessa’s greeting then gave Shawna one last kiss on the cheek before escaping with his face burning like he was sunburnt. It was just too weird that Shawna’s mother knew...

3 years ago
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Most Memorable Experience Of My Life

Dear all, I am a regular reader of ISS and wanted to post my true experience during my college time when I was 19 years old I am now 33during my college days I was staying at my Nani’s house as my college was far away from my parents place around 50 km. in my grand ma’s place 2 of my uncle, Mami and their baby were staying with me. My younger uncle was married for 3 years and they had a small baby 4/5 months during that time. I was in 2nd year graduation and was a very shy boy during those...

3 years ago
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Unusual Experience With StrangerTurnedFriend

I am not sure how many of you are aware of an app named ‘Whisper’. Here you can talk to other people anonymously. Most of the people use this app for sex chatting. You will find many guys on this app. Some guys, being desperate, pose as a female and then act like a lesbian, to talk to another girl. Sometimes I install that app when I get bored or when my wife is away and I have nothing to do at home. Last month I installed that app for a few days as my wife was at her parent’s place. I posted a...

1 year ago
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Babysitting 06

We, the girls and I, after having out little parties were going to have our big party tonight. Now you have to understand that we promised her parents that we would not have any boys or alcohol in the house, but like many promises that people make, they usually get broken and ours was no exception.Other than our close group of eight, we invited another fifteen girls that were friends with the different girls during our years in high school. They were popular, pretty and enjoyed parties that we...

2 years ago
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Grocery store

Almost every day I see him walking past my apartment. I don't know where he's heading. He walks with his head down. He never looks around. His face is not cheerful. A little sad even. Maybe I should ask him once how he is doing. Invite him for a cup of tea. He certainly lives in the neighborhood. Sometimes I see him at the grocery store on the other side of the neighborhood. That I haven not seen him for months, I only realize that when I stand behind him in line at the supermarket. He has his...

2 years ago
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I Love My Mother 8211 Part 1 Beginning

Hi readers..! This is my first ever story anywhere..So pardon me if I am wayward. I have been a regular reader of may stories here..Incest, aunties etc..But let me honest to you most seem like fiction. I am not a stud, my dick is not abnormally huge, I am not the smartest boy..I am just normal (24 years of age). In this story..I do not go about having sex with my mother directly..I have read stories where a boy sees his mother and has sex…I find that weird. Here I would like to share my lust...

1 year ago
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Double Team Supreme

There was something incredibly hot about having sex with Mel, my girlfriend Michelle's sister, that made me think about practically nothing else until I did it again. Michelle was still my favorite, and I had no intention to let Mel take her place or anything, but I had never been able to stay focused on one girl as it was. Michelle not only knew that fact but had suggested I bang her sister in the first place (though alcohol may have played a role). In fact, Michelle was in the next room over...

2 years ago
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LPN Nurse

LPN Nurse.I'm Donna. I'm on the taller side about 5' 10'. Black hair and black eyes. I have been told I have pouty lips, dick sucking lips by some. I kind of like that depending on how it's said to me. A girl likes to hear she's good looking and sexy. I have 34 C maybe D tits depending on my weight which I try to watch. I go to the gym as often as I can. I have mixed feelings about my tits because my nipples are rather big, well lets say huge and a little on the darker side. I have several...

3 years ago
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Regretful Encounter Part 8211 2

Hey ISS readers! I’m Jon again and as I’ve promised… I’m back with the 2nd part of my story ‘Regretful Encounter’.. I’m happy with the kind of support you’ve given to my previous story.. ‘Regretful Encounter -making love with lonely mom’I received lots of e-mails appreciating my work.. I’m thankful to all those who liked my story and also to those who’ve been critical of it…please please let me know your thoughts so that I could improve my without further ado..I shall...

4 years ago
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Caught in the Act

“Oh fuck off, will you Alex?” It was the first time I’d ever seen anyone having sex for real. The first time I’d seen a woman naked, come to that, though all I could actually see was a pair of long, smooth legs wrapped around Dave’s hairy backside. He had stopped thrusting to turn his head and shout at me, and I heard the woman – I think it was Katy, from finance – moan something to the effect that she would very much like him to continue. I mumbled some apology, face burning, and quickly...

First Time
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My Submission into Latex

My Submission into Latex This is my first attempt at a please let me know if you would like me to continue it! ([email protected]) "I'm an adult! This is how I want to look! Just leave me alone!" Lisa screamed at me and walked out of the living room. I heard the front door slam, then the squealing of tires as she sped off from the driveway. I looked after her, my mouth hanging open, my retort stopping before it began. I was flabbergasted. My daughter was barely...

4 years ago
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Call boy indore

Hi, ISS padne baali sabhi ladkiyaan, aunty, bhabhaiyon, ko Ronit ka piyaar bhara namaskaar, mera naam Ronit hai age 28 aur jaati se, sarir se, kram se, is nature men females ko sex men satisfied karne ke liye hi paida hua hoon, mere lund ki size 9 inch hai jin ladkiyaan, aunty, bhabhaiyon ko mene aabhi tak choda hai bo hi samajh sakti hai mere lund ki mahima, main jigolo hoon aur Indore me rahta hoon, pahle main Delhi gaya tha study ke liye, wahin se maine jigolo ka kaam suru kiya tha par Delhi...

3 years ago
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Secret Panel Niki

Secret Panel - NikiNiki was bent over a pillow on the floor. She was naked with her skinny legs spread wide. Niki was holding her firm butt cheeks open… waiting for her lover. Where was he? Why was he delaying their fun? Her tiny ass hole was pulsing with hunger. She couldn’t wait! Niki heard a faint noise. Thank goodness… it was finally pleasure time!---Niki lived in a NYC apartment building. There were six large apartments on his floor. One day she was looking for something in her...

2 years ago
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This is a true account of some of my later experiences with my dog

I don’t know what bestiality is like for most people, but for me I had some difficulty dealing with the morality of it. It took me a long time to come to terms with who I was. And to be honest, that is when I truly lost all inhibitions, let loose and really had fun. I had at this point had experience with several different dogs, but my last dog, Goliath, lived up to his name. He was huge. He was a tan bull mastiff, ad I believe I loved him most. He really had a good personality. Anyway, I...

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Dont Judge a Book Part 2 Chapter 22

 The evening of Sunday 17th JuneI got home from Veronica’s around six p.m. and wasn’t remotely surprised that the drive was empty, with no sign of Jill’s car there. Still absent, just like when I’d arrived home two days ago on Friday night and I’d patiently waited at home before heading out and watching her first try-out as a club manager.I smiled a wry smile to myself. Of course, she wasn’t back yet. Unlike Veronica, Jill had outgrown her motherly responsibilities and only had a husband to...

Wife Lovers
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Stiffkey BluesChapter 7 Return From The Pub

Madeleine was shivering, cold and wet, on the floor of the pump tower. She had been half drowned by her terrifying experience in the sluice and while the woman that had pulled her from the water had taken the trouble to wrap her in some old sacking, her clothes were still soaking wet and she was shivering with cold. She had been dragged over to one of the other pillars and tied against it, to stop her, as the woman had said, getting into any more trouble. Krysta had been rewarded for the...

1 year ago
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The Pool Boy

My brother was in college and had this swimming pool service business where he would go around and clean the pools and check the chemical levels and all that stuff. Well the business did really well and he had hired some guys from his school but sometimes they would not show up or get behind. Then he would call on me to help out. I did not mind this too much. He had done all this on a shoe string budget. he paid me well so I did not mind. He needed me to fill in for most of the summer. I had...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 14

As Kelly stumbled into the restaurant, Ed examined her, hardly believing what his eyes were telling him. Her hair was wild and she acted like she was drunk. Looking at her, it appeared that she was in a state of shock and unaware of her surroundings. She even walked past the table where he was sitting before standing next to a chair at the counter. Martha immediately greeted her, “Hello, Kelly.” It took Kelly a moment to remember that she had been at her wedding and several more moments to...

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Maa Ki Chudai Yatra

Dosto ye Kahani mere Our mere maa ke bare mai hai . Dosto mere papa ka death bachpan mai he ho gaya tha our tab se he mai apne maa ko dusro mardo ki bhuk metate hue dekh raha hu . Mere ma ka naam hai kamini. Uska figure hai 40 -36-44. Rang sawla hai par dekhne mai kamal ki bangalan hai .uske baal gand se neche tak hai . Maine apna pehla chudai apne maa ke sath he keya tha use chudai bahut pasand hai . Wo chudte waqt gandi harkate karna our gandi galiya dena Our sab kuch bhul ke samne wale ko...

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The Monster

Introduction: Our intro into swapping The Monster #1 His Story Part One An Introduction and seduction This is a story about our introduction to swapping. Were 50ish and our neighbors are in their 30ies. Me, Frank WM, 6, 210 lbs with a 6 dick & my wife Bonnie WF, 5, 140 lbs with soft 38 DS Roger & Shellie hes a WM, 6 4, slim & tanned with a really big cock shes a WF, 5 8, about 140 lbs with hard 42 DDS It was about 6:30 in the evening and we were sitting at the table having just finished...

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Mask of a Hero Face of a Champion Alternate Ending

Rhea has defeated Ursula and fucked her ass in front of the crowd. Kai, Ursula's fiance, has left in disgust, but Ursula could still get her back. I return to the locker room, naked and humiliated. Rhea soon follows, dressed in street clothes: leather jacket, sweat-dotted tank top, open-toe heels. I instinctively look down at her feet, which were in my mouth only minutes ago as she made an example of me. My asshole pulses with hot pain.Rhea gathers her bag as if nothing happened. But after the...

4 years ago
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Young Hypnotist Jesse Day 2

They both got off the school bus together and headed down the driveway to their house. He was going to ask her if she was coming over to his room but figured he would find out if yesterdays command worked. Jesse got up to his room and tossed his bookbag over in the corner and set about getting his room ready for Anna. Ten minutes later Anna knocked on his door and said “Hey, Jesse you ready to practice your hypnotism skills again today” “Yes” he said “Here you go I got the headphones ready...

2 years ago
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Anyone up for a game of pool

I got a call from my sweetheart about spending a week house-sitting for his parents while they were away on vacation. I said yes, thought it would be fun spending time in the house where he grew up. I met him at the home with my overnight bag in hand, knocked on the door and he opened it with a big smile on his face. That was the first time I had been there so I was curious about it. He opened the door and let me in, took my bag and asked me to follow him to the bedroom. It was a small ranch...

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