On Forgetting Ch 06
- 2 years ago
- 15
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I arrived at the county lockup before breakfast was served. The guard let me bring in an unopened container of yogurt and a bottle of skim milk for my client. Desmond "Tiny" Huntley grinned when he came in and sat down across from me. His grin grew when he saw he had a choice of a healthy breakfast instead of the runny eggs, grits, bacon and coffee that were served every morning at the jail.
"You'll be going home today," I said. He was pulling the top off the yogurt and he stopped. He raised his eyes to mine and just stared.
"That ain't something you screw with a man about," he said.
"No, it isn't," I agreed. "The charges will be dropped by no later than this afternoon. I'll call your sister and your girlfriend to let them know when they can pick you up."
Huntley seemed stunned by the news. Twice he opened his mouth to speak only to close it without a syllable escaping his lips.
"What the hell happened?" he finally asked.
I laid it out for him in minute detail – from the bogus videotape to the corrupt photo ID to the falsified statement from the hotel clerk.
"So that's what was going on yesterday," he said, shaking his head. "About noon, they dragged me out of my rack and sent me down for a photograph. No one would tell me why. Even the guards I've ... come to an arrangement with ... either wouldn't or couldn't tell me. Man, that's messed up."
"More than you know," I said with a sigh. "Look, I'm going to try to get the charges dismissed with prejudice because of vengeful prosecution. That means they can never refile the murder charge against you again. I'm not sure that whoever takes over the office won't come after you on some other bullshit charge but it won't be for the murder of Biff Wells if I can swing it. I can't promise it will go that way but that is what I'll shoot for."
Huntley nodded briefly and then tilted his head.
"What do you mean 'whoever takes over that office?'" he asked. "Has your wife been promoted to judge?"
"She'll likely be forced to resign at the least," I told him. "She might be charged with a crime. We're not sure yet."
"Nah," he said, shaking his head firmly. "No way she had a hand in this. I told you, Bro, she had dozens of chances to cut corners and she never took them. It's like I said, if she filed the paper on me it was because she had evidence that I done it."
"I don't believe she was involved but ultimately it will land at her feet anyway," I told him. "You know how it works. Dwyer still has supporters in town and they will make a fuss. There are more than a few lawyers in town who hate Elizabeth and at least one of them will have the balls to go to the state bar. The state bar will have to suspend her license while they investigate. This is some serious stuff. It isn't like she fixed a parking ticket for a friend. Someone on the Task Force wanted you to be executed for felony murder and they went to great lengths to get it this far. To be honest, if I wasn't such a shitty defense attorney, it might have succeeded."
"You're telling me that I'm going to be set free and then you call yourself a shitty attorney," Huntley said, shaking his head again. "I'd hate to see what a good attorney would have done."
"A good attorney would have waited for a deposition with the witness," I explained. "By that time, the cops would have firmed up the ID. Someone would have read his statement and noticed that you are not overweight. They would have corrected that imperfection and given him a current picture of you to make certain he could ID you on sight. I only caught this because I wanted every piece of evidence the state had and I forced them to give it to me. As soon as I read the statement from the clerk, I made them give me the video from the hotel. One look at that told me that everything was based on a lie."
Huntley was again shaking his head. He hadn't touched his yogurt or his milk.
"Do you know who set me up?" he asked in a quiet voice.
I shook my head.
"I violated a judicial decree and gave the file to Elizabeth last night," I admitted. "She's going through it but she won't have time to make any headway before she's suspended. Right now, every member of the Task Force is under suspicion. It should make your outside job a little easier."
"I made a decision while I was sitting here," Huntley said. "I knew I didn't kill Wells but there are a lot of other things I done that could have landed me in this spot if one or two things be different. I'm out. I promised my lady that if I got out of this one, I was done. We're packing up and moving. She got family in Texas and that's where we're headed. I'm going to start a business with some of the money we got and stay clean."
"I'm glad to hear that," I said. I was sincere in my sentiments. "You and I both know you've beaten the odds to this point. I know you're 38 years old. I know you've been doing what you were doing since you were 12 or 13. That's a hell of a long time in the life."
"Most kids don't see 18," Huntley said. "They get popped by the cops or a rival gang or OD on the shit they're supposed to be slinging."
"Well, I'll tell your lady to start packing when I give her a call," I said, standing up.
"Wait for a minute, Ben," he said. I stopped and looked down, expecting a thank you or some other words of appreciation. I truly hoped this would be the last time I had any sort of conversation with Desmond "Tiny" Huntley.
"Sit down for a minute, could you?" he said. I shrugged and resumed my seat. "Look, another week or two in here ain't going to hurt me none. Hell, six more months in here wouldn't be a start on the time I got coming to me. Hold off on doing whatever you got planned until you can get your lady in the clear. I ain't talking sending me to the needle but I can do a while longer if you need the time to fix things for her."
"You're innocent," I said.
His reply was eerily reminiscent to words I had spoken to Lucinda Barrett the first time I'd met her.
"I didn't do this but I damned sure ain't innocent," he told me. "If you can get me out before Christmas, I can do the time if it helps. I owe you that much."
He stood and knocked on the door to be led back to his cell before I could formulate a reply. His yogurt and milk sat opened but untouched on the table in front of me.
I sat in the jail parking lot, still contemplating Huntley's words. He was willing to stay in jail for another month in order to give Elizabeth a chance to get into the clear. Elizabeth would have sold a lung to put Desmond Huntley in prison and he was willing to give her a hand.
It made no sense to me. The buzzing of my cell phone sent my thoughts scattering.
"Where are you?" Michelle asked urgently.
"At the jail," I answered.
"You need to get your ass back here," my paralegal ordered me. "Judge Castille has been waiting for you since eight o'clock."
"Why?" I wondered. "There was nothing on the schedule."
Michelle was silent. It dawned on me that word of the prosecution's conduct had spread through the courthouse.
"Michelle?" I asked. "Was there something on the schedule I was unaware of?"
"Uh, no," she answered hesitantly. "This is something that came up this morning. I don't know why but he's been calling here since I came in. He wants you there immediately. Judge Valasik is also looking for you. You need to get back here."
"They're just going to have to wait for me," I said. "Whatever they want me for can wait. I have other things scheduled this morning. If they call again, let them know I won't be available until after lunch."
I heard Michelle's breathing through the phone line.
"Are you sure about this?" she asked.
"I'm positive," I replied. "They can't just schedule something and expect me to drop everything to do their bidding. I will be in Judge Castille's chambers at one."
"Not his chambers," Michelle stated. "He wants to see you in his courtroom."
"Shit," I muttered. That meant he planned a full hearing. Jane must have come forward to drop the charges. That would put Elizabeth back on the clock.
I arrived at the county courthouse a few minutes after I hung up from Michelle's call. I didn't head to my office. Instead, I walked into the prosecutor's digs and asked to see my wife. The woman at the front office blinked at me owlishly and I saw a hubbub of activity from the young lawyers who worked in Elizabeth's office. The woman finally picked up a phone and dialed Elizabeth's extension. I didn't hear the conversation but very shortly my wife appeared and I was buzzed through the security door.
Elizabeth looked harried as she motioned me into her office.
"I don't have long," she said as I sat down. I wondered if she expected me to conduct my business from my knees like a supplicant to the queen.
"You might have longer than you thought," I replied.
"Ben, I have everyone available trying to figure out what happened," she informed me. It was news that I already suspected from the assistant prosecutor's racing around like their asses were on fire. "Have the charges been dropped? Jane called to alert me this morning. Is that why you're here?"
Elizabeth's vocal cadence was quicker than I normally heard. She was nervous and hopped up on coffee.
"Sit down for a minute," I instructed. "I need to talk to you and I want your undivided attention for a few moments."
She stared at me but finally took a seat. I stood and closed her office door.
"You might have longer than you think," I said again. "Has Jane introduced a motion to dismiss the charges?"
Elizabeth continued to stare at me for a long moment.
"That's your job," she informed me as though I was an idiot.
"OK," I said. "That's good. I'm not going to make that motion either."
"That's career suicide!" Elizabeth practically shouted. "You will be disbarred the moment Desmond Huntley files a complaint."
"Desmond is not going to file a complaint," I said.
"Of course he will!" Elizabeth countered.
"Desmond is not going to file a complaint," I repeated. "I just came from the jail. We talked and he understands the situation."
"You convinced Huntley to sit in jail to give me time to fix this?" Elizabeth asked incredulously. "Ben, you are going to lose your law license."
"I didn't ask him to do anything," I said. "He offered. I told him about the photo array and the picture on the web site. I explained to him that someone in the prosecutor's office or on the task force had set him up. The first thing he said was that it wasn't you. I told him that it might not have been you but that you were still going to take the fall."
"Might not have been?" Elizabeth asked in a tight voice.
I shrugged.
"Like I said last night, ultimately this falls at your feet," I said. "Not only are you the one the sitting at the big desk but you were the one in charge of the task force. Add in your obsession with Huntley and you have this mess. Regardless of how it turns out, this is going to take a huge bite out of your credibility. You might as well accept that there are going to be people – a lot of people, actually – who will always think you had a hand in circumventing justice."
Elizabeth had paled at my clinical description of the facts. I could tell that she didn't like it but I also knew it didn't change the situation in the slightest.
"So, Huntley is willing to lend you a hand," I continued.
The news didn't add to Elizabeth's happiness.
"I do not want to be beholden to a drug dealer," she stated. "I will not cut him a break on his next arrest."
"Former drug dealer," I replied with a sigh. "That's the other thing. He has given me until the week before Christmas to file the paperwork to get him released. Once he is released, his family is moving out of the area. He will no longer be a problem for you."
"Just for someone else," Elizabeth muttered.
"This is what I meant by the word 'obsession, '" I pointed out. "He's throwing you a lifeline. He's willing to sit in jail for another month to give you a shot to pull this department out of the shitter and you're bitching about it."
My wife glared at me across the desk but I didn't blink or look away. It caught her by surprise, I think.
"So, you have until the week before Christmas," I said, as I stood. "December 17th, I'm going to file a motion to suppress the identification and to drop the charges. That gives you three weeks you didn't have this morning."
I stopped when I got to the door and turned to her.
"When this is said and done, you're going to wish you had Desmond Huntley running the drug trade in this city," I said. "He's predictable and he's calculating. He only kills those who need to be killed. There will be a war to claim the turf and the winner is going to be the guy who is most willing to kill indiscriminately. You might want to keep that in mind."
Judge Castille glared at me when I opened the door to his courtroom. Jane Cummings turned in her seat and I noticed Judge Valasik was sitting in the gallery. She shifted around to add her baleful gaze in my direction. I ignored them all as I walked to the defense table, put my briefcase down and took a seat.
"I'm glad you could join us, Mr. Wallace," Judge Castille said.
"Thank you for verifying my availability before scheduling this, Your Honor," I said.
Judge Castille continued to stare at me for a moment before he smiled.
"OK, you're right," he said. "I expected you to be beating on my chambers door when I arrived this morning. When you weren't, I thought it would only be a matter of time."
"I was visiting with my client this morning," I said. "I do that twice a week, Your Honor. I feel it is imperative that Mr. Huntley be kept abreast of the happenings on the case."
"Of course, Mr. Wallace," Judge Castille said. "I apologize for my tone. Now, I understand that you have something for the court's consideration."
I glanced at Jane for a moment before turning back to Judge Castille.
"No, Your Honor," I said. I tried to put as much confusion in my voice as I could. Jane's head jerked so fast in my direction I was surprised that she didn't get whiplash.
The glare that Judge Castille had let fall off his face returned in full force.
"It was my understanding that you would be presenting a motion to withdraw the charges," he said.
"No, Your Honor," I said. "I'm not sure where your information came from but it was incorrect."
"Miss Lipscomb, please stop and take a break," the judge told the court reporter. He waited until she was gone before he motioned for the bailiff to exit and lock the door behind him. Then he turned to me.
"What in the hell is going on here?" he asked.
"I don't know, Your Honor," I answered.
"That is such crap," The Honorable Lisa Valasik muttered from behind me.
"We're off the record here," Judge Castille pointed out. "I have the full story from Ms. Cummings and Judge Valasik. I know that your wife is in a bit of a jam but you need to step up here, Ben. I need to do the right thing and so do you."
"To be blunt, Your Honor, I don't," I said. "The prosecution can drop the charges but I don't foresee that happening, given the circumstances. Short of a motion from me or the prosecution, there is nothing you can do. I spent most of this morning researching this very point. I have not received a copy of a motion of dismissal from the prosecution and I have no intent to introduce one at this point."
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her mom died young after having her and her father taught her to be proud she made it without a mom. she was standing at 5' 2" and her dark brown hair fell at her thighs and eyes shone soft brown but full of life. she was slender and curves that made you look twice from a glance to see if it was what you thought. wore a size lager clothes to hide her growing curves of puberty. Nate was a 7th grader who tried to smoothly be the first to earn her interest. she was an only child and he was...
I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I should feel guilty with both of my children laying upstairs in a hospital room. But I don't. I know this man will take care of them and I have nothing to worry about. We'd just gotten to the elevators when he asked if he could call me Mildred. What an odd question. Then I realized that in all our conversations I'd been referred to as Wes and Les's Mom. Even Sam calls me Mom. I realized that's what I'd become. Mom. Oh, the minister and a...
Dear Friends, Welcome to one more story from my side. And if you have not read my earlier stories then please click on the name BABECDTS and it will display all the stories. or email me on So Thank you for the overwhelming response I got to my previous story Vacation of a bored housewife, where Sneha has a lot of fun on her solo trip and is satisfied. I got a lot of mails and chats from my readers and during one of that I decided to write one more wild experience of Sneha and as usual, you all...
Tony and his wife are looking for a babysitter and they’re interviewing candidates. Kylie Quinn has decided to apply for the job, but Tony’s wife is out. He decides to do the interview himself. He explains to Kylie that he’s looked over her resume and he sees that she has no experience but she does have a record. Kylie won’t take no for an answer when Tony declines to hire her. She starts unbuttoning her shirt as she explains that she has other qualifications for the...
xmoviesforyouJames hoped he was not arranging his own death. The inner room of the palace was crowded. He had chosen it, and not the throne room, as it was more secure. Two extra rings of guards could be set up around them, keeping trouble out ... or in. Mostly in. He let his gaze wander around the room as he sat in what he considered his "spare throne". Every noble and officer, from both the island and the mainland, stood before him. Every important male, called to a gathering of an importance they...
Erik exhaled noisily as he exited the room, placed his hand to his lips and stared blankly into space. "I cannot believe what just happened in there! We kissed! We touched! Oh mon Dieu! We just did those things in front of Meg and her mother! Merde!" The look on his face half smirk, half grimace. "She touched my face and still, she smiled at me and kissed me." The smirk and the grimace replaced by a look of stunned realization. His eyes slipped closed. He relived and reveled in the...
I was on my back on an air mattress, Nancy’s bed not yet having been delivered. Good thing, actually, as Nancy, rubbing the head of my cock vigorously against her clitoris, burst forth – squirting - in orgasm with another near pint of ejaculate, gushing down over my cock and loins, mixing with the pussy juices already lingering on my cock and pubic hair. I gasped from the heat of Nancy’s squirt and then arched my back, driving my cock as deep into Nancy as I could, each of us thrusting against...
Those of the household who were unaware of what happened last night jerked in shock. As before, they at first automatically assumed the worst with these words, and did not equate them with the Reginald they knew. Frances explained to them, “Girls, the operative word is ‘slept’, as in going to sleep, not ‘slept’ as in having sex. The poor woman had trouble sleeping after all the events of the day, and Reg did what was wanted to make her comfortable; did you not, Reg?” “I did that, my...
I can think of no better way to get even with you for your little clit tweak while I was ordering dinner, than making you wait for your climax. I was planning on teasing you, as it were, but now I’m out for revenge. As I start to recover from my climax, our appetizer arrives and is set on the table. When the waiter leaves, I reach up and with my fingers take a hold of one of the shrimp. Dipping it into the cocktail sauce, I bring it to my lips, slipping a little bit into my mouth in a...
My First time Dominated Part 2 Master David said you have had a lot to digest Today so why don't you finish dinner and get an early night as your real training starts tomorrow your find nighties in your room I will be in to say good night in a while. Master Ron walked over and kissed me and said good night Sandra anne and slapped my arse to move me along. So at 7.30 pm like a child I was sent to bed. I found a frilly nighty in white silk it came to my knees I was worried how...
Claire Rooz is on the pedestal and is about to get six cream pies loaded up into her ass. All the men make sure her pussy is ready and lubed up for landing. Rico is the first to lube himself up and enter Claire’s sweet ass. She seemed so quiet, but once a few dicks got in her and her inner freak was coming out to play! The cocksmen take turns on Claire’s tight ass. The cocksmen take Claire for a ride as they fuck her in all kinds of positions, even using a hitachi on her pussy until they’re...
xmoviesforyouI let Greta into the room in the morning. I wasn’t really surprised to find Honey gone when I got up in the morning. Greta sat me on the bed and informed me that Bea and Cora helped her pack. Honey had appeared in their room hysterical. She explained that she had behaved very badly. My reactions and look of horror had snapped her out of whatever spell she had been under. She couldn’t believe that she had done what she had. She told them she couldn’t face me. So they helped her pack and...
Lydia Black and HoneyMilk are real-life girlfriends with a serious kink. Lydia loves to watch Honey get fucked by a man. These inked sluts are both satisfied as Honeymilks big natural tits bounce up and down as she gets her tight pussy fucked. Lydia watches but can’t help but reach in and play with her partners clit and squeeze the balls as Honeymilk takes this dick deep down her throat. She is more of an aroused voyeur than a true cuck. After 2 cumshots and some cum swapping, this sexy duo is...
xmoviesforyouThanks to b0b for beta reading this! Knave Angela – Drakin Castle, The Haunted Forest I sprang to my lover and sex slave, Sophia, fear hammering in my heart. Xera’s cum dribbled down Sophia’s thighs along with the plant’s nectar-jizz. She had been fucked by a cock. She was an acolyte of Saphique, Goddess of Virgins. She had sworn an oath when she became a novice of Saphique, promising to never touch a man sexually. If she did, she lost her magic. And she had cum dripping out of her. Ever...
Noah did his best to sneak back to his seat, but the entire classroom had their eyes on his large frame. It was at times like these that he regretted having gained so much muscle over the summer while working on his father’s farm. He couldn’t fade into the shadows when the situation called for it. “That’s tough man,” the guy sitting next to him said to him in a whisper. “Normally professors don’t really care, but she is famous for being tough. You might not even get your phone back.” With a...
When I got home, I noticed the answering machine had a new message. A pleasant female voice asked me to call their call center at an 800 number. When I called I was a little nervous to discover that the credit security people were at the number given. When I stammered out my particulars, they informed me that I had left my credit card at the last place I visited. Cool! Another chance to go back to see Marisa! I strolled back into the store just as the lights were being turned off, Marisa...
Stacy woke up, she had no idea where she was, but it was a large room that she figured was a garage. She noticed that there were other girls there too. They were all dressed in red. Stacy looked down and noticed she was dressed the same. The big roller door opened and the bright light hurt her eyes. There were about 12 men who walked in, Stacy looked around more awake now and scanned the room. There were 6 girls and 12 men, then she realized that they were all split up into 6 different...
Adult HumorConfessions of a Libertine I knew as soon as I saw her that she could see right into me. It would only be a matter of time before we got to the truth. She was married, with a kid, ambitious but bored, hungry for variety and excitement. She was liberated and liked women as much as men. She was wasted on her 'vanilla' loving husband. She knew about me. She understood completely. I could tell by the way she eyed me up and down, noticing details I thought I could get away with, that...
Regina (Joanna Angel) is excited to be moving into a new house with her two best friends, Cady (Rocky Emerson) and Gretchen (Maddy May). They can’t wait to get started on all the amazing social media content that they plan to produce at the house. As they get settled, Regina tells the girls a story about the house’s previous resident, Jamie Jane, an adult film actress and social media star who mysteriously fell off the online map without any explanation. Regina then goes to her room...
xmoviesforyouJoyce sat in the rocking recliner busy on her kindle. Richard had retreated to the apartment bedroom for a long overdue nap. I sat on the couch trying to watch television. Five hours had passed since my sexual romp with my in-laws. My head was on a swivel, one minute I’d be glancing at the television, the next I’d be looking over at my mother in-law.Few words were spoken between us since I had shared the shower with Joyce. She seemed to be in a trance with her eyes on her kindle. Each time I...
Hello my name is Raj Shah. I’m from Mumbai… My maids name is Punam… Let me tell you about her.. She is dark in complexion with fair sized boobs and big round ass. I’m a teenager. I have a normal body, so like us all are very eager for sex and other stuff… My house is in the suburbs. Last Saturday my parents decided to go to Shirdi… I could not accompany them due to some assignments.. They left on Saturday night.. I was home alone and i enjoyed my night…. Watched porn videos, masturbated. I...
Nobody answered the doorbell and the front door was locked. Alex had already let him know that he might be running late for their bi-weekly meeting, as he still had a few things that needed to be taken care of in the University lab. Johnathan walked around the back, and lifted one of the flat stones that lay at the foot of the large chestnut tree that that towered over the back yard, and picked up the key under it. It wasn't the first time Alex was running a bit late, but he knew how to get in....
SpankingAfter seeing the Jonshons out, she locked her room and set up her own protection formations. Once she was sure that her suite was secure, she pulled out the piece of worm meat she’d shown them and offered it to Sharp Eyes. The bird took the flesh and consumed it while she went about her nightly practices. Two hours later, she put out the lights and went to sleep. The next morning, Ki Jung wakes up to find her friend Sharp Eyes has grown. Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that while...
Nata Lee Reddit, aka r/NataLee! I don’t exactly know if you’re on the lookout for the next hottest model on the market, then I have a real treat for you today. I’m going to show you one of the hottest babes that has ever walked the earth. She’s called Nata Lee, AKA Natalya Krasavina, AKA Natasha. It doesn’t matter what you call her since she’s definitely one of the most beautiful girls in the entire world. Once you notice that, what you call her will be the last thing on your mind. Anyway,...
Reddit NSFW ListMera nam roopa hai bat un dino ke hai jab mere umar 16 sal ke the hamare pados me rahul bhaiya rehte the unki shadi nahe hue the wo ek school me teacher the unki umar kareb 28 sal ke how ge wo badiya english bolte the wo mujse english me he bat karte the or hamare gar jab wo school se aate tow aaksar sham ke chai hamare yaha he pete mare mummy unse kafi aache dosti how gaye the mare pitaji roz sham ko 8 baje he kam se aate khana khate or sojate or subh 7baje mujhe school lee jate or dophar me...