Lowborn Ch. 02 free porn video

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Mindblind came to, feeling rain on his face and grass beneath his back. With a great deal of effort, he managed to open his eyes and sit up. His vision swam, and he could feel the knots beneath his hair when he reflexively rubbed his head. A glance up revealed the reason for his current location.

By some twist of fate, when the slaver had knocked him out, he’d fallen through the large double window upstairs. It swung open in the wind, illuminated by fitful light from the lanterns inside. From there, he must have bounced off the roof of the back room of the brothel, to the ground below. The back door stood open as well, banging against the frame.

He had no idea how long he’d been out, but he couldn’t hear any sounds of struggle from within the brothel. With his senses returning, he managed to stand, feeling mud slithering down his back and buttocks. By the time he reached the back door, he was walking steadily, although he had a pounding headache.

A few groans were the only sounds he could hear as he passed through the dimly lit storage room into the brothel. The scene was much as he remembered it, with the guards lying dead. The slaver he’d knocked through the railing sprawled lifeless on a decorative table. The Madame was unconscious behind her counter, though she was moving a little and groaned as Cerebus walked past. He couldn’t see any bruises or blood, and assumed that she’d fainted.

He climbed the stairs, his eyes focused on the door to Delly’s room, which still stood open. It quite nearly cost him his life, because two doors down from her room, a woman popped out with a dagger in hand.

She pulled her stab, missing him as he put up his arms in a weak defense. “You’re not one of them,” she guessed.

Still wary, he answered, “No.”

The woman had coal-dark hair, cut short, and wore only a long shirt that barely reached her upper thighs. The garment was soaked through, probably from the rain, and did little to hide her small breasts, which were still quite substantial for her petite frame.

Even as he evaluated her, her eyes took him in as well. Her eyebrows popped up for a second when she glanced between his legs, and she let out a curious little grunt.

“How long have they been gone?” He finally asked.

“A few minutes. I managed to jump out a window before they could grab me.” She saw his eyes focus on Delly’s door again, and shook her head.

“They took her?”

“No,” she answered, her eyes already telling him what he didn’t want to know.

Cerebus hurried to Delly’s door, and found her lying on the floor in a pool of blood, next to an equally lifeless slaver.

The woman walked up next to him and said, “She took one of the bastard sons with her. Stabbed him in the tripes.”

Even though he knew that it would probably anger the Madame, Cerebus lifted Delly to the bed, and covered her with a sheet. The woman who ran the place would just have to buy a new bed. He wasn’t going to leave her lying on the floor.

“She’s probably one of the lucky ones,” the dark-haired woman remarked.

Anger flared in him as he spun to see the woman holding a towel. He fought down the burst of emotion, because he knew that she was right. He accepted the towel to get as much of the mud off of him as possible before dressing.

“I’m gonna go get dressed,” she said, echoing his thoughts.

Mindblind avoided looking at the lifeless body of the prostitute on the bed as he dressed in his wet, clammy clothing. The other woman returned as Cerebus was pulling on his boots. Now dressed in dark clothing, stiff with leather slabs that served as protective armor, her feminine charms were mostly hidden. She walked close and whispered, “Time to go. The law just showed up.”

Cerebus had to agree. He wouldn’t put it past Reed to accuse him of conspiring with the slavers. He had to wonder why the woman was so keen to avoid an encounter with the law, though.

Fortunately, the position of Delly’s door on the balcony meant that they were hidden from view of the lawmen talking to the awakened Madame. With the window that he’d fallen out of only a few steps away, Cerebus paused to see what his old rival planned to do.

“Why aren’t you going after them?” The Madame asked. “My girls have been taken – my guards murdered. There may be more dead upstairs.”

“Yeah, they’re going to jump right to horse to seek justice for whores, thieves, and a half-breed,” the woman standing near Mindblind said in a sarcastic whisper.

“We have no idea who perpetrated this crime, and only a vague notion of which direction…”

That was all Cerebus needed to hear. Reed wasn’t going to do a damn thing.

Not that he’d really expected otherwise.

He headed for the window, the woman right behind him. None of Reed’s men were behind the building – yet another sign that he never planned to pursue any course of action, other than making a show of investigating. The drop to the roof, and then the ground, proved no trouble. Mindblind’s height meant that he had only a short distance to fall when his arms were fully extended. The woman proved quite agile, bouncing down to the ground near him with all the grace of a cat.

The pair crept away from the building at a quick pace. When he turned toward the town, she said, “Are you nuts, half-breed? You’re the first one they’re going to suspect.”

“Gotta get my sword and armor from the inn.”

“You going after them?”

“Yep,” he growled in answer, the tightly contained, slow boil of anger at Delly’s death giving him direction and conviction to do exactly that.

“Want some company?”

Mindblind paused and looked back for a moment.

“They’ve got my sister,” she said, answering his unspoken question.

“Good chance we’ll get killed.”

“Better chance that they will,” she hissed in response.

He grinned, liking her answer. “Yeah, we can watch each other’s backs.”

“Don’t go to the front door of the inn. I’ll take care of getting your stuff,” she said as she led the way. “What’s your name – unless you want me calling you half-breed the whole way.”


She let out a grunt of surprise. “If you think that’s better. Okay, Mindblind, you can call me Raven.”

The rain slackened as the two of them neared the inn. Raven asked him what room he was in, and then led him to the back of the building. Once there, she pulled off her shoes, and ascended the wall like a spider, somehow finding finger and toe-holds between the stones of the chimney and the boards of the wall.

As remarkable as that feat was, Cerebus was even more surprised when she held on to the window sill with one hand, and popped the window latch with the other, using some tool she’d pulled from a pocket. In less than a minute, she was within the room above.

Raven tossed down his sword, shield, purse, and armor, her aim perfect. She then closed the window and climbed down with the same effortless ease that she’d ascended. “C’mon, I need to get some things from my kip. Those fucks will be heading south, so it’s along the way.”

“Good enough for me.” Cerebus belted on his sword, and slipped his shield over his arm, but carried his armor for the moment. He decided that getting out of town was probably the prudent course at this point.

She must have known the muddy trails that passed as roads in the area, because Raven moved unerringly along her way. Mindblind could barely see, as the storm clouds still obscured most of the moonlight that might have lit the path. Eventually, a pair of large structures emerged from the gloom.

Raven led him toward the side of the dilapidated farm house, which had obviously been long abandoned. “It’s going to be a bit of a tight fit for you, but I think you can make it.” She then knelt down and moved a pair of boards, revealing a hole in the stones that built up a cellar entrance. In a matter of seconds, she vanished inside.

Cerebus indeed found the fit tight, and doubted that he could have made it through in his armor. In the end, he alighted on the cellar floor with only a few annoying scrapes, just as a lantern flared to life.

“We may as well rest for the night,” she suggested. “They aren’t going to get far with the roads turned to soup by the rain, and we aren’t likely to get another chance to sleep without setting a watch.”

While she went to replace the boards and a tarp that obscured the entrance, Mindblind took in his surroundings. She had a couple of wooden boxes for storage, what looked like a fairly comfortable sleeping pallet on the floor, and a curious red stone sitting in what looked like a firepit, though it was obvious that no fire had ever burned there.

“It’s magic,” Raven explained when she returned. “Pinched it from some wizard. He was nice enough to have left instructions with the lot of them. I’ve got six scattered in all my kips. Keeps the place warm, and you can cook on it without smoke.”

“Surprised that nobody has found the place.”

“Guy that built it went crazy one night and killed his whole family. Hacked them to bits, then dived off the roof onto a fence post. Everybody thinks the place is haunted, and I help that out whenever anybody snoops around.”

With that, she pulled off her overshirt, revealing that she still wore the long shirt that he’d first seen her in. It was still soaked, and still did little to hide her charms.

Not that she made any effort to do so.

With a complete lack of shame, her pants followed, and then the shirt. When she stood clothed in nothing but a soaked pair of panties, she turned back and smiled at her guest. “May as well get out of those wet clothes, or its going to be a pretty miserable night.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, though the look in her eyes suggested that miserable was the last word he was likely to use to describe this evening, if she had anything to say about it. An image of Delly passed through his mind, bringing with it a pang of guilt, but he bottled it up with the rest of his emotions. To linger on those emotions was to let them control him.

Delly had always told him that he needed to loosen up, let women find out who he really was. Even though she obviously enjoyed his visits, she always made sure their relationship stayed at a reasonably professional level. As she did the last time, she always asked when he was going to get around to finding some woman to poke for free.

Maybe now was his chance to fulfill that wish.

He pulled off his shirt, and kept his eyes on her as she let her panties fall to the floor. A nest of curls as dark as those on her head adorned her mound. She put her hands on her hips and cocked them to the side, offering a crooked smile. “See something you like?” When he nodded, she said, “Saw something that interested me back at the Cat, too.”

Cerebus remembered her glance back at the bawdy house, and removed the rest of his clothing while she hung hers from nails on the floor joists above. She let out a purr when he dropped his pants to reveal his hard cock.

She sauntered toward her pallet while he found nails to hang up his clothing, her eyes locked on his bobbing erection. When he joined her at the pallet, she wrapped her hand around his cock and said, “I’m still worked up, because I got interrupted before I could have any fun at the Cat.”

Mindblind growled and stroked his hands over her taut ass. “Didn’t know they had men there.”

“They don’t,” she said, and then gave him a slightly harder squeeze.

When the realization of that statement dawned on him, his eyes widened.

Raven licked her lips and said, “That made you throb. Ever seen two women get each other off?”

“Nope.” He let his left hand glide to her breast and pinched her nipple.

“Love it, but I could never get along without cock.” She nodded toward the pallet and said, “Lie down.”

The pallet was a little prickly from whatever the mattress was stuffed with, but relatively comfortable. He’d barely settled onto his back before Raven straddled him, and squatted down. She was in no mood to waste time, and bent forward over his body, supporting her weight on one arm. Her other hand, she used to guide his cock.

Cerebus grunted as she rubbed the tip of his organ against her nether lips. Once it was slick with her wetness, she eased her hips back and groaned. “Fuck, that’s big,” she breathed in a rush, once the head of his cock had popped inside her.

She squeezed him tight – hot and wet around him – making him want more. He tried to lift his hips, but she rose up with him, not letting him penetrate any farther until she was ready. After a couple of deep breaths, she shifted the position of her knees, taking him deeper into her slippery canal.

With every inch of him that pushed inside her, she let out a groan. Her mouth hung open, and she breathed heavily, steadily engulfing his manhood. At last, she sat up straight on his cock and growled.

He stroked his hands over her legs and hips, drinking in the sight of her impaled on his cock.

“So fucking full,” she breathed, and then started rocking her hips back and forth, stirring his cock inside her. She gasped and groaned, letting her head loll from side to side as pleasure flooded through her.

He’d never had a woman take control before, as almost the total of his sexual experience came from prostitutes. He was more than content to watch her as she rode him, her hips moving in circles, back and forth, and bouncing off his loins. Though she felt amazing, he didn’t feel as though he was going to come any time soon.

Raven’s movements grew more frantic, her breasts jiggling from her efforts. She braced one hand on her thigh, and the other slipped between her legs. Her sounds of pleasure grew louder as her fingers circled over her clit.

“Oh that’s good. Fuck yeah,” she cried out, her expression growing tight, and a rosy flush rising in her skin, all the way down to her breasts.

He could feel her juices dripping down his balls, a testament to just how wet she was. The tight embrace and satiny smoothness of her pussy was beginning to cause the first tickles of approaching orgasm within him, but she was well in the lead.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” She squealed, her ass slamming down onto him with each exclamation. Then, she descended one final time, and let out a high-pitched mixture of a growl and a groan.

Raven trembled atop him, her walls clamped down on him tighter than anything he’d ever experienced. She sucked in a great gasp of air, and then let it out in an explosive breath, her mouth remaining open afterwards, and her eyes tightly closed. Her fingers still twitched fitfully over her bud, every touch causing her to lurch from a sharp jolt of ecstasy.

She lost control in the throes of her orgasm, and Cerebus took advantage of it. He flexed his muscles, thrusting his cock up into her clenched canal.

Her eyes shot open, and she let out a half-cry that ended in a croak. She fell forward onto her arms, but they were too weak to support her. Even as her hot, flushed breasts pressed against his chest, he bent his knees and grabbed her ass.

A loud, staccato scream erupted from her as his cock drove up into her. Held fast in his grip, there was nothing she could do to resist the onslaught. After several rapid breaths, she revealed that she had no intention of resisting.

“Yes – fuck me,” she growled.

After that, she could manage no articulate sound. She growled and gasped, her cries animalistic – almost feral. Her tight expression matched her screams as he took her with all the strength and speed he could manage from the awkward position. Between her vocalizations of almost painful pleasure, Cerebus could hear every thrust of his manhood into her saturated pussy.

Her scream when she climaxed a few seconds later could have very well been mistaken for a death cry. His ears protested at the volume and pitch, but he smiled, nonetheless. Her muscles tightened to rock-hardness in his grasp for several more thrusts, and then went completely limp.

A cough shook her, and then she panted for breath, though her struggle for oxygen was interrupted by his still-thrusting manhood. After a few more strokes, he relented, leaving his cock buried deep inside her, but releasing his grip.

Raven managed to catch her breath, and at last could revel in the feeling of his cock throbbing inside her as shocks of orgasmic energy continued to shoot through her. She moaned and twitched, sometimes moving her hips just enough to make her climax spike again.

Finally, she drifted down from her heights, and let out a long, satisfied moan. “Damn, that was good,” she breathed.

“Hell yeah,” Cerebus growled in response.

“Do you… Do you ever come?” She asked in a languid voice, and then chuckled.


Reaching deep into reserves of strength, Raven managed to lever up onto her arms, and then sit upright with him still inside her. After a shiver from the lingering effects of her orgasm, she lifted her hips just enough for him to slip free. She crawled over him, and lay down on her back in the scant space remaining on the pallet.

“I want it,” she said in a breathless, sexy voice.

Cerebus rolled the opposite way to push up onto his hands and knees. At the same time, she scooted into the center of the makeshift bed as he made room for her to do so. When he rose up onto his knees, she bent her legs, grabbed her ankles and pulled them back until her knees were pointed at her ears.

“Do it. Give it to me,” she demanded.

Eager for that release, he moved to kneel in front of her and guided the head of his cock through the wet curls around her sex. He watched his erection vanish into her depths, groaning from the tight squeeze, and then grabbed her hips.

Raven groaned every time his balls slapped up against her, the power of his thrusts causing her whole body to rock and her breasts to jiggle. He knew that he wasn’t going to last long, driving his cock home so hard and fast in this position.

“Give it to me,” she reiterated in a growl.

He did exactly that, giving her all the speed and strength he could muster. Droplets of her juices squirted out around his fast-thrusting organ, further wetting the dark hair between her legs, and spattering on his body.

The itch in the tip of his cock intensified, slowly traveling down the shaft. He lost a little of his rhythm as he neared the point of no return, emitting a series of loud, grunting growls.

He slammed his cock home, his body colliding with hers in a sharp smack, and let out a long, loud grunt. His shaft pulsed as spurts of thick white cream filled her pussy full. Only his grip on her hips – and then her knees when she released her ankles to unfold her body – kept him upright. He didn’t think he was ever going to stop coming as he watched her rub her tummy and lick her lips.

“Damn me, but I needed that,” she said after a while.

Mindblind chuckled, and then winced when she mischievously clamped down on his softening organ. He pulled free with a sharp growl, unable to endure her gripping walls any longer in his sensitive state. He sat back hard, and then leaned back on his arms.

Raven brought a dollop of his cream to her lips, the viscous offering already seeping from her gaped canal. She moaned, and then smiled. “Just wanted to thank you for coming with me. There’s no way I could have done this alone.”

“No… No problem,” he responded with a weak smile.

“Besides, I really did need some cock – badly – and I’d heard you with Delly before. She doesn’t scream like that when she’s playing for customers, so I knew you were doing something fun for her.”

When his expression darkened upon hearing Delly’s name, Raven quickly added, “We’ll get the fuckers and make them pay.” She scooted over, giving him room to lie down.

Mindblind collapsed onto the pallet, exhaustion seemingly taking control of every inch of him in an instant.

“Get some rest. We’re safe here.”

He didn’t have much choice. He fell dead asleep a mere minute after lying down.


“Think I’m gonna have to pinch a new mattress before I use this kip again,” Raven remarked when Cerebus sat up after awakening from an increase in light and a change in the sounds of the cellar hideaway. “We pretty much did that one in. Whole place smells of sweat and sex.”

She glanced down at his cock and licked her lips. “Worth it though.”

Mindblind chuckled, and noticed that she’d placed a bucket filled with water next to the mattress. A scrap of cloth hung from the side.

“That one’s for cleaning up. Got some for us to drink, too. It’s right around dawn. Sun hadn’t popped up yet when I was out.”

Noticing that her clothes were wet, he asked, “Still raining?”

She nodded. “Lousy traveling weather. For them too, though.”

Mindblind grabbed the cloth and went to work washing away the abundant evidence of the previous night’s tryst. They could leave the road and make far better time than the wagons bogged down in the mud. It was about the only chance they had of catching the slaver’s caravan.

Once he’d cleaned up and dressed, Raven handed him a small pack. “A few essentials. I keep a couple in every kip. Should be enough for us to survive, if not comfortably. Ready to go?”

“What do you think our chances of finding them are?”

A crooked smile spread across her face. “The slave traders always take the same route south. They avoid the few places where the law might harass them, and the most expensive bribes. People have started calling it the Weeping Way. Weird for any of them to come this far north during storm season. They don’t like our weather. We’ll find them.”

Cerebus responded with a nod and a grunt. He didn’t know exactly what they were going to do when they did find the slavers – he just knew that it wasn’t going to be pretty.

The walk was dreary and dismal from the start. Even off the muddy road, the thick grasses of the plains made traveling unpleasant. The rain came down at a light, but steady pace, soaking them both to the skin in only a short distance.

“There – see that?” Raven noted, pointing toward the road. “Those ruts are a lot wider than normal.”

“Yeah…” he said, not making the connection.

“Draxnians use wider wheels on their wagons. The place is dry, with lots of spots that are sand. The wider wheels help keep them from bogging down as bad.”

He and Raven both turned at the same time, recognizing the sound of a horse moving at a fast pace.

“C’mon,” Raven said in a low voice, and tugged him farther away from the road. She ducked down into the tall grass, facing the road, and Mindblind joined her.

The riders came into view a minute or so later, horses in full gallop. Cerebus’ eyes narrowed when he realized who the lead man was.

“Reed,” he growled, as he stared at the man’s back.


“The captain of the Lakenshire guard.”

“Know him, huh? Must be suicidal, going after them with only three. Wonder what made him change his mind?”

Mindblind doubted that he had. Reed was of old Egorian noble blood, and considered most people beneath him. The only people he really protected in Lakenshire were those rich enough to provide him with the lifestyle that he thought he deserved.

“Have to pardon me if I don’t care who wins out in that case,” he said as he stood back up.

“Ha! I like you,” Raven said, and then twitched her eyebrows suggestively.

“Let’s get going. Whatever Reed is up to, it doesn’t change anything.”

She nodded her agreement, and the pair set out again.


Nightfall was approaching, and the rain had never stopped. Mindblind was constantly blowing puffs of air at the huge drops of water hanging from the end of his nose. If it wasn’t for an image of Delly lying cold and dead on the floor of her room, he’d have turned around and gone straight back home.

“Stand of trees over there. Looks like there’s some evergreens. Good a place to spend the night as any. Bad idea to travel after dark out here. The plains cats can eat you before you even know that they’re there. They stay away from fires, though.”

Cerebus was about to say that he didn’t know if a fire was a good idea, but then saw smoke. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw yet another thin, twisted column fighting to rise against the rain.

She saw him looking around and said, “Bandits, the plains barbarians, and a lot of people living in dirt houses. Nobody will even notice another fire out here.”

He had to acknowledge the wisdom of that, and followed her toward the trees. Luckily, the rain was light enough that the evergreen boughs provided a relatively dry spot beneath them. The thick litter of needles would provide cushioning as well – so long as they picked out the sticks and pine cones first. Once they set up the small tent that he carried in the pack Raven had provided, the evening might be tolerable.

It certainly wouldn’t be pleasant, because neither of them were going to get more than a half a night’s sleep.

A fire proved to be no trouble, with plenty of dry tinder and fuel around. Of course, that meant that they’d have to keep a close eye on it. One errant spark could have them sitting in a fireball, no matter the rain that was still falling.

“You’d think that this would have blown itself out a bit in that thunderstorm,” Raven complained as she pulled some jerked beef and hard traveler’s bread from the pack that she carried.

“Haven’t seen a break in the clouds. It’ll keep raining until daybreak, at least.”

She handed over some of the rations, and then took a bite of bread. “First watch, or last?”

Mindblind tore loose a bite of the beef and answered, “Doesn’t matter. I don’t sleep much, and I already had more than I wanted when they tried to bash my skull in.”

“I’ll take first, then. Easier for me to stay up than to get up.” She took another bite of the bread and made a face. “If we don’t find them first thing tomorrow, we can take a little detour and grab some decent food from this little farm town that’s not far away.”

“I’ve got a little coin left.”

She laughed. “I said grab. They’ve got more than enough, and they’re old bluebloods. They grub around in the dirt all day, but they still think that they’re better than everyone else. They’ve got it coming.”

He wasn’t in any mood to argue morality with her, and hardly adverse to saving what little money he had. He of course agreed with her that most of the old nobility still in the country weren’t worth a pile of dung. Given half a chance, any one of them would step on you.

Raven sat close to him as they finished their meager fare in silence. He had to wonder what was going through her head. She was more than attractive enough to have any man she wanted, but she seemed at ease around him. As he thought about it, he felt an odd sort of kinship with her as well.

“You from Lakenshire?” He asked her after washing down the last bite of his meal with some water.

She shook her head. “A bit north of Fightershaven. Place doesn’t even have a name, so far as I know. Just took my sis there because Yasmine treats her whores better than any other madame. Got tired of pinching all the bread we lived on while she fucked anything with a dick, so I took her someplace where she could take care of herself and keep her cunt filled.”

“Don’t get along very well with my sisters, either.”

“Half sisters, I assume. We’re probably a lot alike. Outcasts. Lowborn. The scum of the earth in most people’s eyes.”

“Their problem, not mine.”

She chuckled. “Yeah, you can think that. You can even believe it, sometimes. You wouldn’t have took off if you didn’t think that you were gonna get blamed for what happened at the Cat.”

He shrugged, a little irritated at first, until he took a closer look at her. Her expression was distant – bitter. She was venting. “So, what’s your story.”

“Mom was a whore. I was nine when one of them killed her – busted her head open for the coppers he’d paid her.”

She let out a snorting chuckle. “Thief with a lame leg took us in, and we earned our bread by pinching for him. Once we turned sixteen, we earned our keep in his bed, too. I took better to his teaching, Yani took better to repaying him. Died of something about six years ago. We got it too, but we lived, and I took over his kip.”

Mindblind took it in and found that it put the trials of his own life in perspective.

Most people shunned him, and his sisters teased him – often hatefully – but his mother and stepfather didn’t treat him any differently than any of their other children. His brother nearly worshiped him, and the few extended family members that he’d met had accepted him as well. A far cry more than what she’d had growing up.

“Rasp stank to high heaven, and he was a taskmaster, but he taught me everything I know. Always knew when I was doing good, because he’d pinch us some new clothes or something, even with his gimpy leg.”

Her voice softened a little as she spoke of the lame thief in almost fatherly terms. It helped explain to Cerebus why she’d warmed to him so readily. She was used to far worse, and he was a rare median between the world she knew, and the one she could never walk in.

She shook her head, almost as if snapping out of a trance. “Sorry. Damn rain always makes me like this, especially when I’m stuck out in it.”

Feeling as though he owed her a little in return, Cerebus relayed his own history, as his stepfather had told it to him when he asked. “Mom and Pops lived up along Normandal. They were supposed to get hitched in a few days when the goblins raided the village and took her. They had her for five days before Pops and his brothers found her.”

He could remember the barely controlled rage in his stepfather’s voice when the older man had told this part of the tale. “Three of ‘em killed two warrior goblins and six reds with knives, hoes, and scythes. None of ‘em really remember anything but seeing red when they did it. Hung ‘em upside down from a tree.”

Raven smiled, obviously approving of the brutal violence. Truth to tell, so did he.

“They got hitched when Mom pulled out of it.”

“Not many men like that…” She began, and then suddenly snapped her gaze behind her, though there wasn’t anything but low-hanging pine boughs to see.

A second later, he heard it. It sounded like a female voice – a scream to be more exact. If it were any farther away, they never would have caught the slightest hint of it.

Raven stood up, checking her knives and daggers with quick pats, and said, “That’s my sis.”

“You sure?”

“Trust me. One of them is humping her, and she’s playing along. I’ve heard it often enough until I took her to the Cat.”

Suddenly wide awake, and coursing with nervous energy, he stood next to her and cinched up the buckles on his armor. She dumped her skin of water on the fire, and then kicked the dirt from the shallow pit that he’d dug on top of it as well.

Without another word, they set out into the darkness and rain, side-by-side, with naked steel in their tightly clenched fists.

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cabin tents rented for $25 a day summer.$30 a night winter rate trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Marion davenport Angie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide victim Edward Gaines suicide victim...

3 years ago
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The Family Taboo 8211 Part 3

I am going to continue the story where I left it in the previous part so please read it. I fucked my mother for 15 mins and cummed inside her it was an amazing feeling. I came out of the tub and watched my mom still in bathtub breathing heavily. I don’t know what to say to her. After some time came out of the tub wrapped a towel and went out of the bathroom. She didn’t even look at me. I washed in the shower and came to my room. I thought she felt guilty about his own son. I came home that...

1 year ago
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G.E.N.E.S.I.S. (full version) by Jennifer Chapter 1 Thursday August 7, 5:03 PM The U.S. Research Center for Scientific Advancement & Development My hand was on the light switch . . . ready to flip it off. But before I did, I quickly scanned the room to make sure that I hadn't forgotten anything. I paused for a moment as my eyes met the imposing machine that sat in the center of the room; the sight of it involuntarily causing my mind to shift gears . . . I began to daydream...

2 years ago
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Sex with my Keerthi

Hi this is Sam,thank you for the reply & suggestions recd from many of iss readers.today im going to tell you about the true story when i intially joined the job,i just finished my graduation and i joined the (bpo).Those days because i had g.f(true love),so never had bad intensions on other girls,one day one of my friend(office friend) her name is keerthi(name changed).she was working as hr for some different process and she was a common friend of my friend.she used to do lunch daily with me...

2 years ago
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Anyway, after her father died she had to stay with her stepmother and depend on her for money and a place to live and although they were very wealthy Vera refused to give Cindy money because she wanted to keep her as her sex slave but Cindy will be 19 in 4 months and plans on going to college, she has been doing sexual deeds for her stepmother and sisters for far too long in her opinion. "CINDY!!!" “Coming mistress" Cindy slowly walks into her stepmother’s bedroom where her stepmother is...

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Who Me a Wizard

I was walking down the sidewalk on my way to a Halloween party. I had been torn between going as a Cowboy with the two gun rig or as Harry potter... I compromised I was wearing Harry' s Black robe including the wand up the sleeve. To compliment this outfit I had my two gun rig around my waist and wearing my Cowboy Hat and boots with pointy toes. I know I looked silly but maybe I would win the prize as the most absurd. If they asked what I was I could tell them I was the Western...

3 years ago
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Mom Was Caught In The Trunk

Mom Was Caught In The Trunk I went to the kitchen for a Pepsi and heard Mom calling out. It was muffled and I couldn’t actually hear what she was saying. So I opened the door to the garage and called out to her. She called back so I went to see what she wanted. I could not believe what had happened. Mom was half into the trunk, the top half that is. The trunk apparently broke something inside and the full weight was pressing down on her and in her position she could not lift it...

2 years ago
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Winstons WitchChapter 3

That evening the gaoler showed in more of Nicola's accusers, Widow Driven Snow Blanchett and her fifteen year old daughter, Diana. (It was, you may recall, a tradition among the Pilgrims and other religious types in that part of the country to give their children names -- allegorical or otherwise -- that would hopefully influence them in their future lives.) "Do you intend to leave me alone with these two, Master Gaoler? I know not about Mistress Chastiy, but I am quite certain that Widow...

2 years ago
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A Peasant Girl Chaper 11

So saying, he grabbed Anna by the hair began pumping his hard shaft down her throat, ignoring her feeble moans and choking. "Nice of you to greet me with no kit on too," he grunted, thrusting. "That's the way a father wants to be met at the door. St. Pavel, get ready for it girl!" He pulled her back and pumped his fist on his cock, spewing a fountain of white jism over Anna's face and breasts. "Ah, that hits the spot," he said finally as the spurting slowed. "Clean it off,...

1 year ago
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Speaking With Your Demons03 Proving the Unprovable

“So you’ll be okay for the next hour or two?” “Yeah, we’ll be fine,” Abe assured him. “Meg wants to scrub herself clean, which should take a while. After that, she’s excited about going grocery shopping with the money you gave her.” Phil chuckled. “She’s some kid. I thought she’d want to squirrel some away, but you’d assume she’d want ice cream and cake too.” “No, she’s interested in some decent food for her school lunches, and plans to stock the hotel room so she’ll have something...

3 years ago
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Mountain Girl

The obviously nervous young eighteen year old girl sat on the upside down bucket glancing now and then over her shoulder to make certain none of the playful brats of Mother Grace were sneaking up on her to embarrass her in front of the probing eyes of full-grown men. In some ways, Selena still thought with the mind of a child as well, but now she was of an age when most girls were wedded and expecting the arrival of their first young one, there was no doubt in her mind that she was expected...

3 years ago
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Summer Secrets part 3 of 7

Summer Secrets By Varian Milagro http://varianm.blogspot.com/ Chapter 13 I woke up excited on Sunday. I not only had my guitar again, but I'd be playing with Jill, Brenda and Cindy in just a few hours. I jumped in the shower and shaved my legs. I didn't have a lot of hair on them, but I really liked how they felt when all the hair was gone. I skipped washing my hair since I didn't want to wash the highlights out. I figured that I would wash my hair at the salon on Monday so that...

1 year ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 20

My Wonderful Obsession Part 20: A New Job I'd been thinking about money, or more specifically, the lack of it, since Julia's pool party the weekend before, when I concluded that I needed to look for a different part-time job. The letter from Dr. Cooper only made me think a lot harder about it. I was still earning about four hundred dollars a month from my catering job with the Taylors, but even with the additional hundred or so that Mom paid me it wasn't quite enough to cover my...

3 years ago
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I rang the doorbell and waited. Perhaps half a minute elapsed before the door opened, and the woman stared at me sullenly. She was tall and very slim, almost skinny, apart from heavy breasts; her dark, shoulder-length hair was streaked with grey, and, apart from skimpy gauze panties that were practically transparent, a thin silver chain encircling her right ankle, and high heels, she was completely naked. For a moment, I studied her body, my penis stirring involuntarily: her ribcage was...

3 years ago
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north Indian housewife in 7 days treatment part 1

My name is Anita Singh. I live in a small town of Uttar Pradesh. Presently I am 32 years of age, married. I got married at the age of 25 to Rajesh, who was a shop-owner. My married life started smooth and I was happy with everything. Rajesh and I shared a very good and close relation. My sex life also was quite regular and satisfactory. But bitterness in my life started when Rajesh and I decided we are going to have an issue after two years of our marriage. When even after one year of...

2 years ago
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Nicole was at one of her husband's boring law firm parties. Nicole was a very attractive brownish-blonde haired woman. Nicole had awesome stats at 5ft.-10 tall-36D-23-34 measurements and was a slender 120 pounds. Nicole never shaved her natural hairy body and had thick brownish-blonde hair in her armpits. Nicole also had a thick brownish-blonde hairy pussy with thick hair all the way up her hairy belly to her hairy navel. Tonight she was hoping the boredom at her husband's party would be...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Ms London Third Appearance

What is it about these southern moral majority type politicians that they just love that hooker pussy. The whiter and older the man the darker and sweeter he wants that berry. Now we’re talking some serious phat ass big booty and massive titty stacked berry here as Ms. London is no twig of a girl. No sirree. She is some thick ass prime classic sweet black pussy. But this southern Senator don’t care. He just can’t resist the charms that Ms. London has to offer. Her ass is so...

4 years ago
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It started with one message

This story is for a friend. It's what I hope happens one day. Hope she likes it.Boredom crawled into my life yet again and drew me to the distractions bought on by a starved libido. Xhamster had always been something I did with my ex and while it did bring bad some tough memories, my need won out over memories. Men can be jerks and perhaps a change of pace was in order. Of course they have their uses, but too often they're uncontrollable assholes that have the world's smallest brains located in...

2 years ago
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Straight Coworker sucks my cock

Back at my old job I worked with many different people. One in particular was a guy who was pretty straight forward and open with just about anything. Nothing was off limits. We'd make jokes about everything. He of course had a gf who also worked with us, and I myself had a gf. One time his gf wasn't around and we ended up talking about her. He talked about how she sucked his cock. How they experimented and how he had to show her how to suck his cock. Cupping his mouth jokingly. I jokingly...

1 year ago
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Pt 2 Innocent The Story of a Habitual Masturbato

The suction of that hose on my clit sent waves of ecstasy through my body. My teenage pal just sitting there watching, and rubbing his cock. "I've never met anyone like you Innocent." I just nodded, I was so wrapped up in my own self pleasures. I arched my back and stuck my fingers deep inside my warm,wet cunt. I moved them in and out as fast as I could, bringing me to the ultimate climax.Panting and a little flustered I sat up and started to laugh. It was the only thing I could do. I just...

4 years ago
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Hypnosis Weight Control 4

Cynthia (Cin to me) has been using hypnosis to lose weight. Her brother David has implanted a secret phrase that puts Cynthia into a deep hypnotic trance, ready to receive his suggestions. He has successfully convinced her that she needs his help to have an orgasm while masturbating. His most recent accomplishment, with a little patience, was to have her fuck him. Now her girlfriend Yvette is coming into the picture. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years...

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Grace and I had known each other for a very long time, seventeen years in fact. In all that time, though we’d loved each other for at least fifteen of those years we’d never consummated our love. There were reasons: when we first met, I was married and I loved my wife. Later, by the time my wife’s constant infidelity had destroyed that love, Grace was married and in love. Later still, when I was divorced Grace was still married, albeit unhappily, but hanging in there for the sake of her kids. ...

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John Watsons Insane Story

"Damn!"John Watson, popular young college professor, groaned as an errant ribbon of cum arched over the safety net of toilet tissue in his lap and landed directly on the mouth of a big-breasted Penthouse magazine model whose picture had been the focus of his fantasy. More and more of late, John found himself stroking his own cock in attempt to satiate his horniness. His almost perpetual state of arousal was taking a toll on his mental health.It started with the daily parade of lithe young...

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Mother Daughter Softball Fun 11

I pulled into the parking lot as the bus pulled in and the girls all came up to greet me as I checked who made it. My daughter was out sick and the girls came up hugging on me "Who is going to pitch at practice?" I looked up and one of the girls on the other team was pulling shorts on under her sundress and showed me an amazing tight white ass. She turned as smiled catching me looking. I shook it off with teh blood flowing "Where is Ashley?" Ashley was 17 or 18 and was homeschooled due...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Jade Jantzen Molly Mae Girls Behaving Badly

Jade and Molly are notorious for taking advantage of any situation they can, and their dads know this. Thats why before they leave for their weekend fishing trip, they lay down the rules heavily. No boys, no alcohol, and stay in touch at all times. The girls agree, but know they are just going to walk into the other room and plan out how to get around all the rules. After they relocate, the dads notice Molly left her phone out in the open, with naked pics right on the home screen that she sent...

1 year ago
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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 7 Like a Virgin

There was to be an administrative day off at the schools for the 17th, so we were going into a long weekend. Lois and I had driven to class, but I went ahead to the history classroom while she worked on some lesson materials. When I got there, the students were bullshitting. Arlene Russo, as usual, was surrounded by flirting jocks and other admirers. A little above average height, her figure was strong but womanly. Arlene’s hair was a striking dark copper-red, falling to mid-back. Some...

2 years ago
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second part of my night

he had his pleasure I had mine,we went back up stairs.smiling we all sat around the bar laughing and joking.All the time I looked at J.his smile his manner I could see why he ran a place like this.A swingers club is perfect for a man like him ,oh and a single woman like me.You meet all sorts of people ,many of them over the years have become really good friends,and no I haven't bedded them all !There are some I would have loved to mind you but a girl has to pick and choose carefully I think...

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Bell Whistles SecretsChapter 7 Whats Next

As we gathered things together, we found that we had almost forty-four pounds of gold. The gold cross alone weighed close to six pounds. In addition we had twenty-three uncut emeralds of various sizes, most of which were larger than the tip of my small finger and almost a pound of gold jewelry plus the signet ring. Truly this was a pirate's treasure worthy of the name. After the emptying of the chest we were quiet and introspective. The only activity occurred when Elise snapped another...

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Journey of a Pain Slut The Epilogues Epilogue A Little Ghosting

The Little Girl’s coming…She’s already here. She slips through the casement; she’s smelling your fear… I knew the house all too well. The electric gates, the double-garage, the stone cladding masking an unremarkable, yet essentially overgrown and ugly pretentiousness. I knew the hallway, the turn of the wooden staircase, the landing that led to the bedrooms and his study. Not his anymore. I knew where she would be sleeping. Alone now, in that huge bed. Perhaps she’d been watching the TV,...

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Cocktail Party Groping

Bree is invited to a cocktail party by some friends of friends of mine. The party is at the Dallas Country Club. There were between forty and fifty guests, which barely made a dent in all the space they had available in the ball room. She is wearing a mid-length fairly low cut black cocktail dress. As usual, that is all she is wearing. The dress had darts in the front so there is some support for her breasts. It is obvious to everybody that she wasn't wearing a bra. On a few occasions she...

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An Unknown entity has entered the earth looking for someone who will inherit the power this unknown entity have. This entity circled the world to find not the worthy one but the capable one. This entity can neither be good or bad, does not seek peace nor looking for a place to destroy. A month after looking for candidates, he found several possible people to inherit the power. Decided on the candidates, the entity went into a form of an old man. He now uses his omnipresence ability. A soaring...

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Old Friends Johnny and Peggy Ch 01

We hadn’t seen each other in years. In High school we had dated but suddenly stopped, for reasons that were never really clear to me, but we had always been friends for the entire time we knew each other back then. She was always the girl I felt had been ‘the one’ and wondered about in my private moments. That girl you just can’t quite get out of your mind and never could dislodge from your heart. Most of us have one. She was mine. I had hoped in vain for years of seeing her at reunions,...

4 years ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 8

The Earther fleet returned to normal space south of the star's pole and far enough out that they had plenty of time to decelerate to a relative standstill vis a vie the star. The first step was to listen to the FTL radio to determine if these were the FBs. Indeed they were, so the next step was to contact them and try to put a stop to the senseless campaign of extermination the FBs were following. The Earthers did not want to exterminate the FBs, but they would if the FBs refused to stop...

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Cuckold Eunuch

Cuckold Eunuch I lay naked on the floor, as I always did when Sam came home from one of excursions.It was late, about 1.00am as she came bursting into the bedroom.“Ah there you are, Darling, all ready for me! I have collected some lovely creamy cum just for you!”Sam was wearing a short skirt and high heels and an open jacket under which she had a bodice type top that pushed up her C cup boobs making them seem way larger.Brushing her long brown hair over her shoulders she then lifted up her...

1 year ago
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masturbation over pics

This isn't me saying that I masterbated over some girl's nude pics, it was more like the exact opposite. One time a girl who knew me, spoke to me over the phone saying how she loves masturbating over my MySpace Pics. Which is really crazy cause normally wierdos or other people would do that, so here is the reason about it.....3 years ago, some girl named Kelsey said that she liked me, and that she saw my MySpace pics as sexy. She would tell me one time that she would go on my profile, she said...

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Club Fuck

I looked into my phone … again for what seemed like the hundredth time this was the third failed attempted to find an adult store in Chinatown, something you wouldn't thing would be too difficult but I hadn't taken into account the fact that they close down fairly quickly and the ones that were there were, well, crap. Google Maps showed my location exactly overlaying my final destination. I looked up ,,, nope, not there either from the dishevelled signage on the store two doors down it had once...

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Spring Break Corona Style ndash Part 3

This is a Re-Post of a Story from my last Profile, Jessy49. I have changed the title and up-dated it to reflect Current Events. I hope my Consistent Readers will enjoy my attempt a Dark Satire.DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction; I do not condone any of the actions described in this story. All aspects related to real life persons or events is strictly incidental. Attempting the following Inc(e)stual Acts in real life is Ill(e)gal and Immoral… unless you wish to spend the rest of your life in...

2 years ago
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Oh Brother Part 3 of 3

I sit in my world of sexually charged self-pity wondering how or what I did to get myself into this predicament. I squeal loudly as John again pounds his swollen member up into the depths of my wet tight pussy a few times and then relaxes, leaving his cock embedded balls-deep within me. Without moving, I feel the strong shaft throb against my inner walls and the bulbous head pulsate with each heart beat. His arms are still wrapped around my back, holding me in place for my brothers impending...

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A chance meeting... then, again, in different circumstances, a glimpse across a room brings questions, possibility and longing. Feelings you were previously unaware of. Although.... This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright KLS 2008. Reacquainted By Kristina.L.S. I'd been living in the old house for several months and...

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Lunch Hour

She couldn't believe the gall of that man! They had only been working together for a few weeks, and he just would not stop hitting on her! He wasn't rude about it, no reason for a sexual harassment suit. And to be totally honest with herself, she kind of liked the attention. Sure, her husband told her she was beautiful, but she just didn't feel it. Until HE came along. That evening she went home, her husband called and said he was working late... again. She decided to pamper herself. After...

4 years ago
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Show and tell in Ms Fitchs class

Moving up between her legs he sniffed at her crotch and discovered what smelled like a bitch in heat. Ms. Fitch tried to move him away and yelled to Mike to get him away but to no avail as Mike's classmates held him back as they watched the dog move it's head under her skirt. Many of the male student pulled out their stiffening cocks and began masturbating as the dog worked under Ms. Fitch's skirt. Ms. Fitch was a young twenty three year old newly graduated teacher and was very attractive....

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Jan becomes a slut

Jan was eighteen years old and laying on her back looking up at the ceiling fan in her apartment thinking back to when she had her first sexual experience. It was a little over two years ago, and it was with a married man. And as far as Jan knew his wife didn't know.When Jan was fifteen years old her parents were both killed in a car accident. Her parents had put in their will that Jan would live with their oldest and most trusted friends until she was at least eighteen years old.Jan didn't...

Straight Sex
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SRU Copying With A Voluptous Body

Spells R Us: Copying With A Voluptous Body by Yvonne Moore Michelle Adler was a secretary in a large bank, she was 28 years old. She had been married for 2 and a half years but her marriage didn't turn out as she had expected, her ex husband turned out to be a bum, besides, he said he never wanted to have children. She had her divorce last year. Michelle was still as beautiful as always and she liked to show it. She was about 5ft. 5in., her heavy long, dark brown hair, hung below...

1 year ago
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The Fire With In CAW7

Introduction: CAW7 The fire Within. The woman walked down the curved staircase into the tavern proper. There at the tables the men stood. Turning at her entrance they looked her up and down. Her red hair swept up held back with diamond studded combs fell in curls down her back. Her low cut gown showed off her breasts as if nothing there at all. She watched the eyes of the man closest to her stopped at them as he licked his lips. Looking into his sparkling ocean blue eyes…she felt she was...

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Holiday in Barbados

My wife Linda is a good looker and cannot say no to sex with men or women, She is mid forties and once started will have sex multiple times at one session. She has a great body and take me to bed eyes. We had taken a seven day holiday at a resort hotel near Bridgetown Barbados. it was first class and had a great pool. On our second day we had been out and came back late afternoon to the pool. We heard a lot of chatter and then became aware of a well known airline crew making their way to the...

Group Sex
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my first time in egypt

i would like to say this before i start parts of the story are true but to keep the persons involved out of any trouble i changed the names and added a few things to arent completely true so my story is both fantasy and true this is the first female i had and she was not to be the only one her boss was the second one and because she and her husband are wealthy and very powerful i will not get into names at this point but the one in the picture was a very hot fuck and ill tell you how i came to...

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Mindy Holmes Epilogue

Mindy Holmes: EpilogueMindy did find success in the corporate world. She rose to prominence quickly… first as a scholar with acknowledgements from many renown universities and intuitions that she had attended and then received degrees and citations of honors from… all proudly framed and displayed throughout her large corner office in the penthouse suites of her fathers corporation. She was the undisputed Second In Command and the heir to the kingdom when the appropriate time came. She was in...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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my secretary1

Lisa is a beautiful young lady of thirty-three years old. To look at her you would say she was twenty or maybe twenty two years old. She really does look that young. When she had told me her age I actually found it hard to believe. I've never seen such a gorgeous woman before. I wondered what she looked like when she really was twenty. She's an absolute knockout with her 5 foot 5 inch tall, petite body. She's got shoulder length strawberry blonde hair which is always perfect, that is...

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Charlie and KarenChapter 16

After getting the new staff settled in on Monday Karen arranged another visit to Luke's SM studio. Charlie wanted to go to see if he could learn Luke's technique and Helen wanted to be punished by him again. She fixed it for Wednesday night but asked if he could get more guests there. "Especially men, there'll be two of us to be used this time." Karen wanted to set off early so they could have some fun with Helen on the way but Charlie said no. "It's not fair to leave Gilly to do all...

3 years ago
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The Handsome Man Next Door

Introduction: Hannah gets herself a taste of her fathers best friend and decides she needs much, much more. A/N: Constructive comments always welcome and no advertising your kik, or your email etc, in the reviews section. Also, positive votes show me that Ive done a good job! ———— Mum and dad had been friends with the Harris for five years before I had gotten myself into my little predicament. They had moved in next door when I was 12, just before I delved into the most awkward stage of...

1 year ago
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The Waiter Part 2 First Night On The Floor

Erin sat with his eyes closed, his back against the cold bathroom tiles. Between his legs, his cock hung, semi-hard, a drop of cum dangling off the tip. Absentmindedly, his hands caressed his cock. As his fingers grazed the tip of his cock, without thinking he suddenly raised his finger to his mouth and sucked the drop off his fingertip. The sweet saltiness covered his tongue and he sighed happily.Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching, and he sat bolt upright and leapt into the bathroom...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Miss Britt Memories 5

"Lisa dear, Margret has requested your presence at her house this coming saturday. Seems she needs someone to help clean and straighten up her closet and other things. I offered your service so saturday I will be taking you over around noon and I will not be staying. You will be in her charge as to what she wants done and I must insist you obey or punishment will be in order. Do you understand me dear?" "Yes Miss Britt......perfectly." Saturday Miss Britt dropped me at Margrets...

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The Locket

What is it…?" He asks for probably the 12th time. "Just open it!" You tell him impatiently "It's a booby trap isn't it?" He says accusingly "It's a prank" "No!" You insist. "Now friggin open it!" You're sitting on the floor of Dr. Robotnik's garage, the never ending mess of genius strewn about the two of you. He has a neatly wrapped Christmas gift on his lap and he keeps looking from it to you, and back again. He turns it over in his hands one last time before quietly huffing to himself. He...

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Getting Laid With A Tinder Girl From Lucknow 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Ankit (name changed) and I am back with a story with a Tinder Girl. I am from Lucknow and I am 25 years of age. This incident occurred a year ago when I got a match from this girl in Lucknow. I promised not to disclose her identity and I won’t. Her name was Kajal (name changed) and she was around 23 years of age and was doing Masters from Lucknow itself. After getting to know each other and sharing our expectations, we sort of hit it off. She was constantly asking me for my...

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