The Titchester Chronicles - Michelle (1) free porn video

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New Beginnings

Part One: Light

Michelle found no difficulty settling into her brave new world. She loved the morning honouring of Mr Mead, the camaraderie of the 'D' girls, learning how to walk with poise and assurance in her 4” heels, her growing friendship with Karen and Shan, tolerating, accepting and even encouraging the sexual harassment of her and others, by junior Dom's. Michelle was enjoying life at McCraddock, Banks, Tolliver & Mead.

But not everything was bright. The dynamic between Michelle and her mother, Linda, had changed. Michelle’s greater self-assurance and earning power had surprised and unsettled Linda. Michelle's monthly contribution to the household budget was more than Linda earnt at her part-time job with the Bank. Linda felt superfluous, financially and emotionally.

The other potential cloud was Michelle's best friend, Anaisha, who had returned from holiday. Much as Michelle was embracing her new life, she doubted her friend would understand. She prevaricated over meeting up but finally arranged to see Anaisha that Sunday.

Michelle was still pondering what to say to Anaisha when she met up with Karen and Shan in the 'S' as they always did around 11:15 every morning.

Hitching up their skirts before the door swung shut, the three girls playfully displayed their naked rears in the mirrors before settling onto the toilet pans.

Dangling their fingers in each other's streams and licking them, Michelle briefly raised the problem of Anaisha. Karen was sympathetic, but her advice was limited to dropping the old friend and sticking with new ones who were better suited.

This didn't surprise Michelle. Karen had been an overweight, lonely teenager, so growing up with a close friend was something she never experienced.

The firm was Karen's main priority. McCraddock's had rescued Karen from depression and eating disorders. Paradoxically it had given Karen a sense of worth rooted in her lack of worth and created a genuine value in Karen where previously there had been a void. Karen lost weight, got a boob job, 'I was the only fat girl with A cups', and was fiercely loyal to the firm.

Shan was more nuanced. Don't pre-judge the issue and certainly not on Anaisha’s Indian heritage and culture. Michelle didn’t think she had been, but she was honest enough to admit she may have been doing so subconsciously.

"She isn't a virgin, is she?" Shan asked.

Anaisha wasn't, having recently split with her long term boyfriend, Tom. It was one of the reasons why her parents had taken her on a three week holiday.

"Okay, well just be open-minded. Just be yourself and see how your friendship evolves from there," said Shan.

Michelle thanked Shan as they finished up. They exited the 'S', skirts still riding high, to appreciative sounds and suggestions from some of the junior Doms. Turning, they lowered their skirts with exaggerated slowness allowing the gaggle of 5 boys the chance to get a good look.

“Your pussies on the menu for the 1 pm lunch sitting?” Duncan asked.

Michelle and Shan nodded but Karen said she was on desk duty with Sissy. It was only in her second week that Michelle had been allowed to the 4th floor and the staff cafeteria.

“Consider yourselves booked in with us then,” said Malcolm taking out his phone.

“Yes, Sir,” Shan and Michelle said dutifully.

“Good to see you are keeping staff morale up, girls,” remarked Mary Tolliver as she walked by. “Michelle, Mr Mead's office in 15 minutes,” she said sharply. “You boys back to work,” in a more tolerant tone.

“Yes, Miss Tolliver,” replied Michelle, and the girls dispersed.

Michelle arrived 5 minutes early. She had anxiety about turning up late and disappointing Mr Mead. “You're such a keen girl,” said Judy.

“I serve, Mr Mead,” said Michelle is if that was reason enough and for Judy it was.

“Yes, dear. And what am I?”

“A fat, rancid old cunt,” smiled Michelle.

Judy shivered in pleasure. This was another new dynamic for Michelle. Thursday last she had been summoned to Mr Mead's office to find Judy naked and strapped to a bench. Mead had enjoyed an excellent liquid lunch and was seeking to amuse himself.

“See that naked, old bag over there?” He gestured to Judy.

Michelle could hardly miss her.

“I want you to fist her, and fist her hard.”

“Yes, Daddy,” replied Michelle, moving to stand behind Judy. Tentatively she balled her fist and pushed against Judy's heavily ringed pussy. She slid straight in. A surprised 'oh' escaped Michelle.

“The sow has a cunt like a bucket. Now fist her,” smiled Mead, his eyes glassy from the wine.

Michelle got to work, fascinated by the ease with which she could work her hand in and out of the older woman's cunt.

“Harder, and flavour your efforts with verbal abuse,” instructed Mead.

“Yes, Daddy,” said Michelle wondering what she could possibly say.

“Judy needs replacing soon. Could be an opening,” said Mead watching Michelle closely. A look of calculated interest fluttered briefly on the girl's face, and the loud thwack of Michelle's fist in Judy's pussy said enough.

“You fat fucking bag. I could get my head in that huge hole you call a cunt!” More wet thuds as Michelle screwed her fist viciously into Judy. “They should take you away and put you down you ugly, smelly cow.” Michelle's arm was beginning to ache, and Judy was moaning in response to the physical and verbal abuse. “Your used cunt hole makes me gag, they should staple it up and do us all a favour!” Michelle was getting into her stride.

“I want to see your saggy tits bound and then nailed to your desk. I'll bang spikes through your nipples and make you sit on the fattest, biggest dildo I can find for your slack, stinking shithole!” Michelle was enjoying herself.

“Here, catch,” said Mead.

Michelle looked up and held out her arm to catch the stapler Mead threw to her.

“Staple the pig's cunt,” said Mead.

Michelle hefted the heavy-duty stapler and looked at Judy's ringed pussy. I guess one more piercing won't hurt, she thought. Well, not much anyway. Smiling to herself over her little joke Michelle placed the outer lips of Judy's wet twat between the stapler and punched the metal staple through Judy's flesh.

“And again,” chortled Mead.

Savouring the rush she experienced from inflicting pain on Judy, Michelle eagerly punched in another metal staple. Judy was trembling under her touch, whether through fear, pain or excitement, Michelle neither knew nor cared. Unbidden Michelle kissed the area she had stapled together and punched in two more at Mead's request.

Admiring her handiwork, Michelle was disappointed when Mead signalled a halt.

“Not bad, hole,” he said chuckling, "not bad at all."

“Can I take a picture of her cunt, Daddy?”

“Take several, and then send one to me and Judy so we can both enjoy your artistry with the stapler.”

“Thank you, Daddy. Is Judy thankful, Daddy?”

Mead was enjoying Michelle’s malicious tone. He said: “Let’s ask the fat pig.” He turned his gaze to Judy. “Are you thankful hole took the time and trouble to staple your cunt?”

Judy nodded, her eyes zoned out. “Very thankful, Sir. Thank you very much, Michelle,” she said trembling.

“Wonderful. A very productive session. You did very well, hole, you may go.”

Michelle quickly dressed. “Thank you, Daddy,” she said again. Mead ignored her.

Judy pulled Michelle to one side later that afternoon.

“The staples were very uncomfortable. It took Eshe an age to get them out. I do believe you have bruised my insides as well, dear. Feels like my cervix is ruptured. Still, don't worry.”

“I'm not,” Michelle cut her off. “I enjoyed it. I want to fist you again, and next time I'll do it harder, and punch staples into your gross, lumpy tits. You make me fucking sick!"

A spasm crossed Judy's face as she breathed in the girl's unexpected cruelty. Her lips brushed Michelle's in thanks and she went back to her desk.

Michelle stayed still. The jolt of excitement she received from that brief engagement transfixed her. A young, sneering male voice brought her back.

“Don't just stand there you stupid twat!” A hand snatched the files Michelle was carrying. “Fuck’s sake!”

Michelle smiled at Rob. “Thank you, sir,” he was two years younger. His hardness pressed into her groin as she embraced him.

“Fuck off you dumb cunt.”

Michelle walked away half hoping he would break the rules, jump her and fuck her such was her arousal.

He didn't.

While waiting to be called into Mead’s office, Michelle spent a pleasant few minutes abusing Judy as the secretary fingered herself under her desk. Just as she was telling the older woman that she was only fit to fuck dogs she was buzzed in. Quickly undressing, Michelle stood to attention, legs apart and hands clasped behind her back. Mary Tolliver was there and a black man she vaguely recognised.

“Hole, this is Roland Jones. He is head of security and on the building management team. Greet him properly,” said Mead.

Instantly Michelle went to Roland and put her arms around him. He squeezed her arse appreciatively. “Nice,” he said.

Michelle went back to her original position.

“It concerns your home situation,” said Mary “Your mother.”

Mead coughed.

“Linda has become fond of Boost we understand?” Mary corrected herself, not missing a beat. Michelle looked worried. “But we are not here to punish. Rather we want to help, don’t we Selwyn?”

“Your welfare is important, and that includes Linda,” Mead continued. “We understand Linda secured the house in the divorce but has lacked funds to refurbish so we thought we would help by offering to modernise the kitchen and have Boost on tap as it where. Would Linda like that?”

“She would love that, Daddy,” exclaimed Michelle excitedly.

“Excellent!” Mead beamed.

“You are so kind to me, us, Daddy,” Michelle was overwhelmed and started to cry.

“Oh dear, hole, no need to thank us or me. You're one of us now,” Mead came round to stand next to her, his hand resting on her naked rear. “Shall we ring Linda now and tell her about our offer?” He fondled her right cheek.

“Can we? Oh, I've left my phone on my desk.”

“Use mine,” smiled Mead handing his phone to Michelle.

Trembling with excitement, Michelle rang Linda's mobile, stumbling a little over the number. “I have it saved usually,” she said.

The phone rang.

“Put it on speaker,” said Mead.

“Hello?” A woman answered, not recognising the number.

“Linda, its Michelle.”

“Oh, hello dear. Everything okay?” Linda brightened on hearing Michelle's voice

“Great, mum, Linda, everything's fine,” she looked guiltily at Mead.

Smiling encouragement, Mead slipped his finger into Michelle's pussy from behind. She bent forward to help him.

“Put the phone on the desk and spread yourself,” Mead whispered.

Michelle did so and began excitedly telling her mother about the firm's offer. She gasped when Mead inserted another finger. Michelle loved the feel of him inside her.

“Oh, that's wonderful, but we can't dear, I mean it's expensive, and we can't put good people out like that,” said Linda.

“Linda, this is Mary Tolliver, we spoke the other day.”

“Oh, Miss Tolliver, I didn't realise you were there.”

“Its no imposition I assure you, Linda. We value Michelle very highly and to show our appreciation we want to help out.”

“But the cost!”

“If it makes you feel easier than we can defer some of the cost out of Michelle's annual bonus at year-end. Think of it as an advance. We can already see what an asset Michelle is going to be,” said Mary watching Mead working his fingers in and out of Michelle's cunt.

“And we get Boost on tap,” added Michelle her voice carefully neutral.

“Have a look at some kitchen designs, and Roland from our building management team can come round on Monday to see what we can do. Does that sound okay, Linda?” asked Mary.

Linda burbled her thanks.

Mary cut Linda short. “Roland will see you at 11:00 am on Monday.”

Mead reached forward and cut the connection as goodbyes were made. He raised his hand to Michelle's mouth, and she licked his fingers enthusiastically.

“That's settled then,” said Mead. “You can go now,” he said to Michelle.

“Yes, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy,” said Michelle, dressing hurriedly.

Michelle kept her good fortune to herself as she and Shan made their way to the 4th-floor cafeteria. She didn't want to seem as if she was showing off.

The cafeteria was dived into a counter for sandwiches and salads and a seated area for hot food. Subs were not permitted hot food, nor were they allowed to sit at any of the tables. Instead they were required to eat their fare standing at designated spots along the walls. Any sub called to a table could kneel, or sit on a Dom's knee and eat, but was fair game for harassment and humiliation.

The rule for junior Dom's and service sub employees was no fucking without permission from a senior Dom and that was usually only given as a reward for meeting work targets, but aggressive 'horse-play' and 'blowing off steam' was considered good for morale. The line between ‘no fucking’ and ‘blowing off steam’ was a fine one and sometimes blurred.

The two girls queued at the sandwich bar for their pre-ordered lunch and designated table. Shan looked at Michelle. “Banana and jello,” she said. Her look was an unspoken comment on the lack of imagination in young men.

Michelle smiled and picked up her bananas and jello. “Banana is a power food,” she said.

“If we get to eat them,” replied Shan.

A cheer went up as Maggie, an IT support sub in her thirties, managed to get two trifles still in their plastic tubs, to stay on her breasts and was parading herself around table six. The young men were slapping her arse as she went by see if they could get her tits to wobble and cause the trifles to fall. Their comments were barbed and crude. Maggie smiled and pranced, her face flushed with humiliation and arousal at the hands of the younger men.

Senior Doms sat in a screened area where sub associates knelt beside them and were fed titbits throughout the meal. Sometimes a little saucer of wine or water would be put down for them. The contrast between the boisterous bear pit of the junior Doms and the more reserved and serious Senior Doms with their associate subs was marked.

“Table 4,” said Shan and Michelle followed her to where Malcolm and his crew were sitting.

Malcolm grabbing Michelle roughly, sat her down on his lap. His hardness dug into her. He grinned. “Like that?”

Wriggling dutifully, Michelle smiled. “It feels lovely, Sir.”

“I've put you down as my fuck bonus. Got my name first on the list. Just got to hit my targets and then I get to hit you!”

“That will be great. I look forward to you having me.”

“You got that right,” he grunted.

Another hand grabbed her. “Stop hogging the new cunt.” Michelle was half dragged, half fell into Steven's lap, his hand pulling her legs open so he could see her pussy, his other hand clamped hard on her left tit.

Steven did the obligatory grind into her arse as she and Shan were passed around, accepting the groping and verbal abuse with smiles and thanks.

“Time to feed the pussy,” Malcolm said, laughing at his joke as he waved a banana around. “Sit on the table girls.”

They did so with Michelle facing Malcolm and Shan facing Duncan. The other two young men crowded in to watch.

“Now how should a slut present herself?” Malcolm asked.

“With her legs spread, Sir,” said Shan as she and Michelle spread themselves wide.

“You have such a lovely cunt, Shan,” said Duncan, so taken with her he used her name.

“Thank you, Sir,” Shan was genuinely pleased with the compliment.

“Needs lubing up though,” continued Duncan.

“You reckon?” Steven said. “Both seemed wet enough earlier!”

“Oh yes,” declared Malcolm “guys, we need jello lube!” The boys began drumming the table with their hands until a voice from the Senior Dom area told them to, “Pipe down!”

Michelle and Shan dug their fingers into the jello tubs and worked the cold dessert into their pussies. Malcolm watched as Michelle began rubbing herself. Shan was making small pleasure noises as she did the same.

“Now for the fun bit,” grinned Malcolm. He rubbed the end of the banana against Michelle’s jello aided wetness and then pushed it into her snatch. Michelle moaned as it filled her up. The need to have something inside her was a constant of her new life.

“Hey you are hogging the new twat again!” Malcolm reluctantly handed over banana duty to Steven who enthusiastically started to fuck her with it. “You like that bitch? You like having things stuffed in your nasty hole?”

“Oh, thank you yes I love having my cunt filled!” Truthfully she was enjoying having the banana rammed in and out of her. She moved her hips to match his thrusts until it was Duncan's turn. Michelle finished with Mark, who was the quietest out of the bunch.

“Fuck me with the banana please, Sir,” Michelle said to Mark, his watchful eyes never leaving her face. “Feed my dirty pussy!”

Breathing heavily, Michelle and Shan were finally ordered to stop their merry go round as Malcolm announced the next feature.

“The banana race. Which slut can eat the other's banana and get to the pussy first!"

Michelle hesitated unsure of what to do, but Shan quickly pushed her down flat on the table and straddled her in a 69 position. Looking up at the banana dangling down from Shan's pussy Michelle realised her friend had taken the trickier position, which was kind of her, Michelle thought.

“Okay, you have to use your teeth to unpeel the banana and then eat it down to the other's pussy. On my mark. Go!” Malcolm said.

Michelle struggled to unpeel Shan's banana as the boys cheered them on, and only managed to get at the banana inside by the time Shan was munching halfway down. She gripped Shan's arse and did her best, but Shan had already reached her pussy. Much of the canteen was clapping as Shan sucked out the last bit of banana and Michelle slapped her friend on the bum to congratulate her. Shan did have a lovely looking pussy Michelle thought, as her friend took the accolades.

Lunch was definitely fun at McCraddock's.

Michelle finished her third week in good spirits. Senior Dom Matt, Rosie's son, had put in a requisition for her services, to help him decompress after a stressful week and Michelle spent a rewarding 25 minutes sucking his hard cock, in one of the 4th floor private rooms.

The request had been for a 'slow and relaxing' session and she dutifully took her time caressing his member with her tongue and taking it down her throat as far as she could. Matt seemed pleased with her efforts and was kind enough to smear her drool all over her face. His large, heavy balls especially fascinated her. She took particular delight in taking their fleshy, warmth into her mouth before finally draining his semen with relish.

Michelle was pleased with how she was settling in and hoped she was providing a ‘satisfactory support service’ to the Firm.


Michelle was still wrestling with the Anaisha dilemma as she made her way to Karen’s where they had agreed to meet up on Saturday.

Karen lived with her Mum, and the address Karen had given her was for an upmarket flat in the centre of town. Taking her car, Michelle made the short journey and parked in the guest bay.

The lift door opened on the 5th floor. Michelle walked to the flat at the far end of 6 flats and knocked. Karen flung open the door and hugged her friend. Laughing, Michelle hugged her back and then looked down at the pretty redhead.

“Am I overdressed?” Michelle asked, smiling.

“Oh, don't worry about that,” said Karen dragging her in. “It's my outfit for the afternoon.” It was a black sheer halter-neck babydoll and nothing else. She called to her mum in the kitchen, “Michelle is here!”

Michelle pulled Karen closer and kissed her with passion rather than playfulness, hoping sex was on the agenda for the afternoon. Karen caught her mood. “We can go play in a minute if you like,” she whispered.

“I would like,” said Michelle. Holding hands they entered the kitchen.

Kate Fae looked up and appraised Michelle with a cool look. She was a redhead like her daughter with a pudgier figure and a worn, almost haunted expression. A bottle of wine was open on the counter, and Kate was cradling a big glass.

“So you're Michelle, Karen's new friend.”

“Yes, Mrs Fae.”

“Call me, Kate. Enjoying it at McCraddock's?” There was a hint of sarcasm.

“Very much,” replied Michelle neutrally.

“Well, you girls go and enjoy yourselves. Your first appointment is in an hour, Karen,” said Kate taking a sip of wine.

Karen linked arms as they left the kitchen. “Don't mind her. She's never really got over Daddy passing, and then there was the failed second marriage.”

Michelle nodded sympathetically. She knew that Karen had taken the loss of her father badly and that it was one of the reasons for her problems in her teens.

The room was pleasant. Large double bed with a simple covering. A dresser with Karen's makeup, hairbrushes and sex toys on it, built-in wardrobe with a full-length mirror and bedside drawers with a stack of condoms and a pump bottle of lube. A small sink stood in the corner.

Understanding dawned on Michelle and Karen giggled. “When I was first at McCraddock's, I went a bit crazy and got into some scrapes, so Mum arranged to rent this flat off the Firm for the weekends. It also helps mum out, you know with bills and things.” She leaned forward, and kissed Michelle, her tongue probing her friend's mouth. “You want to see how good I am?”

Michelle reached up to pull off her t-shirt and then unzipped her skirt. She took Karen's hand and guided it to her pussy. Karen's fingers felt cool against Michelle wet hotness, “Show me how good you are,” Michelle breathed.

Pushing Michelle down onto the bed, Karen pulled off her babydoll and climbed on top of her. Their legs intertwined as Karen held her friend down, kissing her hard. They rubbed against each other, enjoying the physical feel of the other's soft body against their own.

“Tilly says she overheard you abusing poor Judy” smiled Karen as they kissed.

“Mmmm. Yeah, Judy enjoys it, and I get off on abusing her, it’s kind of hot.”

“What do you say to her?”

“I tell her she's a bloated, fat cunt and disgusts me,” Michelle saw the spark of interest in her friend's eyes. She flipped Karen over and pinned her down. Karen let out a delighted “Ohh!”

Michelle bit Karen's top lip and pulled on it. “You want to hear what I think of you?”

A dreamy expression crossed Karen's face. Michelle's leg ground into her pussy.

“Please. Nothing horrible is it?” Karen’s eyes were wide and hopeful.

“I don't want to upset you. Much.” Michelle added with a hard glint.

Karen gasped: “Don't you think much of me? Do you think I'm a nasty bitch?”

“I think you are a fucking shag bag. A dirty, nasty whore selling your fake tits and wet cunt for money.”

“Yes, yes!” Karen gripped Michelle's hand and began using it to fuck herself.

“Not that men should pay to fuck your stupid twat-hole. You are lucky they even look you, you disgusting, ugly sack of shit. You make me want to vomit.”

“Oh God, fuck me hard babe, fist my worthless cunt!” Karen's face was contorted and streaked with tears and then spit as Michelle hawked in her friend's face.

“You like my fist in your huge fuckhole?” Michelle was getting a taste for abuse. “A slut like you needs a huge hole for all those cocks to fit in!”

“Mmmm, yes! I have a gaping fuck hole!”

“You are a gaping fuck hole, you just love getting spunked on, pissed on, slapped around, used as a cum rag, bet you like to lez it up with other dirty fuck bags!”

“All of it, yes! I want to be the dirtiest slut in town, I want people to know, and them to spit on me as I walk the streets, oh, babe!” Karen's eyes glazed over, and she squirted on Michelle's hand.

Outside Kate leant against the wall, listening to her daughter wallowing in a stream of abuse. Wearily she closed her eyes and took another large slug of wine.

Karen came out 10 minutes later into the kitchen, flushed and smelling of sex. She grabbed a soft drink from the fridge. “We're just going to get a quick shower, Mum. Michelle is giving the room an airing and changing the bed covers.”

Kate nodded. “Nice of your friend to help out.”

“It is,” said Karen, trying to ignore the underlying tone in her mother's voice. “Michelle is a lovely girl and we get on. It wasn’t nice before when I had no friends,” she added.

Kate relaxed a little. “Oh, I know dear. I just struggle a bit that's all,” Kate hugged her daughter. “And yes you do need a shower although I doubt your gentlemen companions will object if you don't.”

“Thanks, mum,” she headed for the bathroom in time to see Michelle go in. As they soaped each other down Michelle quizzed Karen.

“I see anywhere between 6 and 12 gentlemen at the weekend. Mum vets them all, makes the appointments. With really nice gentlemen I do house visits but not many.”

“Who uses the flat during the week?”

“Other girls. We all have a box with our stuff and outfits stored in the dining room. Mum insists on bringing our bed linen and things. A team of cleaners do the place at least twice a week. As I said I got into some situations that had Mum worried so this way she makes sure I am okay as far as she can. She doesn't ask questions any more and I am happier and healthier then I was. Mentally I'm in a much better place and the Firm made that possible.”

“How many gentlemen are you seeing today?”

“Only three more, and I had better get a move on.”

They rinsed and jumped out, wrapping big towels around themselves just as Kate banged on the door to remind them of the time.

“Hey, do you want to take one of the guys?” Karen asked.

The possibility had crossed Michelle's mind. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. It's more fun sharing, and it's really easy.”

“Will they mind if they expect to see you?”

“They just want a willing hole to stick their dicks in, they're not that fussy,” Karen smiled.

Michelle joined Kate in the kitchen. She had picked out a plum mesh babydoll as Karen busied herself getting ready.

“What do you think?” Michelle asked as she twirled the little outfit.

“Very nice,” said Kate “I gather you are taking the 2 pm appointment?” Again her tone was cool.

Michelle nodded. “It should be fun. The Gentlemen’s fee is yours though, it’s kind of hot getting pimped.”

“In that case Michelle I'm more than happy to pimp that sweet ass of yours. Fancy some wine?” Kate accepted Michelle’s olive branch.

The set up ran smoothly. Karen's next 'gentlemen' arrived. Kate saw to business, invited him to freshen up and it wasn't long before the sound of fucking came from the bedroom. Kate listened impassively. Making sure her daughter was okay was her role in this Faustian pact.

Michelle was also listening and enjoying, the sound of her friend getting fucked. She shivered with anticipation at her appointment.

Twenty minutes later it was over and Michelle ducked back into the kitchen. Kate saw to the gentlemen using the facilities, overseeing an embrace from Karen who said how much she enjoyed him 'fucking her slut brains out’, they like that sort of thing Karen told Michelle when he was gone, and then prepping for the next appointment.

The knock came at 2:02, and Michelle waited nervously in the bedroom. Kate explained they 'had a young fresh girl' for him today as he was such a ‘special customer and all’. Kate was giving the punter the sales pitch.

Hearing the bathroom door open, Michelle adopted her stance. Legs apart, hands clasped behind her back. It gave her comfort while she waited. The bedroom door opened, and Kate saw him in.

“Derek, this is Michelle,” she smiled.

Michelle smiled at Derek. Forties, heavy build, plumber and builder by trade. Likes it hard, straight and no fucking about, according to Karen.

“Lovely to meet you, Derek,” said Michelle stepping forward to embrace him. He liked the embrace.

“She'll do,” he said to Kate.

“I'll leave you to it then,” said Kate, closing the door behind her.

Derek began unbuttoning his shirt, stopping when Michelle offered to do it for him. He watched her in silence as she took off his shirt and then knelt to undo his trousers. His cock was erect and hung out from his boxer shorts. Michelle kissed and cradled the head with her tongue before undoing his boots allowing him to undress.

“Suck it some more,” he said.

Michelle obliged. His dick was sturdy rather than big and seemed to match him in both build and personality. Taking him into her throat, she gagged a little, Derek stopped her. “Lick it, use your tongue. Treat it like a lollipop.”

“I like to gag on my lollipops.”

This brought the first smile from him, but Michelle did as she was told.

“And the balls don't forget my balls,” he lifted his ball sack and made her lick them all over, even resting them on her face while she used her tongue on the underside.

“That's good, damn that's good,” he breathed as Michelle rolled on the condom. Reaching down, he yanked her to her feet and twirled her around onto the bed. “On all fours girl!”

Michelle quickly did so. She was ready, eager to be fucked by this stranger. A stranger she had barely known for five minutes and was paying to fuck her.

“Face down, arse up and spread yourself!” Derek gazed at her cunt in anticipation and then just pushed his dick in.

Michelle had lubed up in addition to her natural wetness, and she sighed happily as he entered her. It felt good to be filled.

Derek quickly got into his rhythm and was fucking her hard, his balls slapping against her. Michelle loved that sound. “Nice, tight cunt” he grunted between strokes, “you been on the game long?”

Gasping, Michelle shook her head. “No. Not long at all.”

He paused to steady himself, Michelle pushed her arse back and slid down his slick shaft.

“You're a good fuck,” he said.

“Thank you,” Michelle was now fucking him. She rocked back and forth, controlling the pace to suit her and then felt his thumb digging into her arsehole.

“You take it up the shitter? I'll pay the extra.”

Michelle didn't care about the extra. “You can choose whatever hole you want to fuck me in,” she moaned, rotating her hips on his cock.

Derek chuckled. “Damn, you're keen,” he pulled his cock out of her and rubbed it on her anus. “You're lubed up already. That's what gave me the idea.”

Please stop talking and fuck my arse, Michelle thought. Instead, she said: “I like to please.”

Michelle felt his cock easing in slowly. She had been using the butt plugs so the feeling wasn't a surprise, but this was much more than just a physical sensation.

She was enthralled by the setup, this apartment for whores, and she was one of them, selling her arse to anyone that would pay to fuck it. Michelle had always entertained fantasies of being pimped out, but never as some glamorous high-end escort. It had always been seedy and destructive, forced into fucking in filthy back alleys. A low rent dirty whore. This was playing out in her head as Derek readied himself to fuck her arse. The guilt and shame at these fantasies were gone. The Firm had absolved her of judgement. Michelle was a moral free being, and it was gloriously thrilling.

His hands gripped her hips, and he unceremoniously sank his shaft, balls deep into her arse. Bracing himself, he gripped her hips tightly and screwed Michelle with short hard strokes so that her whole body shook. Michelle's hand reached through to touch his balls as he pounded her.

“OOOh god yes, fuuuck me, fuck me like a cheap nasty whore,” she moaned, spurring him on to greater efforts.

Michelle felt his sweat dripping onto the small of her back as she buried her face into the bed covers, trying to help him penetrate her even deeper. His dick twitched and with a loud “FUUCK!”, he shot his load.

“Yes, yes! Keep it in my shithole!” Michelle shuddered, feeling her orgasm surge through her. He gasped as her arse clamped on his softening member trying to retain him inside her.

“Christ, girl, you're as good as Karen when it comes to the fucking game!” Derek exclaimed with genuine admiration. He gave her arse a complimentary slap as he pulled himself out. Michelle just rested there, collecting her breath, bum in the air. She wondered what her pimped arsehole looked like.

“Can you take a picture of my arse?” She asked him.

Derek was padding over to the sink. Using a paper towel, he pulled the condom off, balled it in the towel and popped it into the wastebasket.

“A picture?” He queried, flicking the tap on.

“Please.” Michelle groped for her phone on the bedside table and opened it for him.

Shrugging Derek dried his hands and snapped off several shots of Michelle’s arsehole. It had a plundered, used look. He passed the phone to her.

“Thanks,” she smiled. “Do you want to use the bathroom?”

“No, I've got to get going. I'll settle up with Kate for the arse fuck.” Derek pulled on his trousers and tucked his shirt in. “You going to be here again?”

Michelle looked at the picture she had just posted onto her work blog. Her arse looked wonderfully obscene. “Probably,” she said. “Kate can organise it if you want to see me again.”

“Yeah, I do. See you around,” and with that, he left.

Using a moist wipe at the sink, Michelle heard Karen come in and received a hug from behind. “Derek liked you. Said you were a good ass fuck. You have fun?”

Michelle grinned and fluttered her hand over her heart. “It was fucking awesome,” she said with feeling, “it felt so good and so right being used like that.”

“Doesn't it? They just walk in, fuck you and walk out again. Oh, we have to be quick I have a last minute blow job request to squeeze in before the next appointment.

All three got to work quickly, and it was barely 15 minutes before the next knock at the door. Michelle stayed in the kitchen with a cup of tea, the Gentleman was out and gone, before she had finished it.

“Next one is a bit longer. Its a role play daddy/daughter thing,” explained Karen as she spat out the mouthwash. “Very kinky. Fun though. You should listen in.”

Karen's last gentleman arrived punctually. Michelle heard a murmur of voices but paid no attention until the gentlemen laughed and said: “I've brought this for Karen to wear,” making her ears prick up.

“You always bring the nicest things,” said Kate. “I'll take it through to Karen, you know where the bathroom is.”

“Thank you,” the man replied.

Hearing the bathroom door close, Michelle went to the kitchen door and waited. She got a glimpse as he came out and then pulled back to remain unseen. Kate chatted with him briefly before he went into the bedroom, calling a name softly as he did so.

Kate came back to the kitchen and refilled her wine glass, “sure you don’t want some?” Michelle declined. “I've put £50 aside for you, it’s the extra payment for the anal,” Kate went on.

“Thanks,” replied Michelle absently, her mind racing. “Does he come here often?” She asked after a few minutes.

“What? Oh 'Mr Smith',” snorted Kate, “fairly regular. Always the same thing. Brings a new outfit. Catches his daughter in bed masturbating. Fucks her as punishment. Men!” Kate shook her head. “It's not even as if Karen can look anything like his daughter, assuming he has one. Where are you going? Michelle!” hissed Kate.

Ignoring her, Michelle went to the bedroom door and listened in, curling her finger in the lace of her outfit.

“I'm sorry, daddy,” Karen's voice. “I can't help touching my self. Oh, daddy, please don't put it inside me.”

“It’s for your own good!” A male voice thundered.

“Yes, daddy, that feels so nice, spank me as well, daddy. I deserve to be spanked and fucked!”

At that point, Michelle opened the door and walked in. She thought Karen looked very cute in the sari the gentleman had brought.

“Hello, Mr Dara. Did you enjoy your holiday?” Michelle asked brightly.

Anaisha's father looked up in stunned horror, his cock impaled in Karen's pussy. “Michelle!” He stammered and then an anguished. “Oh, fuck!”

Part Two: Hello Darkness

Michelle parked outside Anaisha's house and made her way to the front door. She was dressed in a fetching pink top and tight jeans skirt. Humming a song from the radio, she rang the doorbell and waited.

It would be fair to say that yesterday there had been scenes at Flat 26, Planchett Gardens, Titchester.

Kate yelled at Michelle. Mr Dara yelled at Karen and Kate. Karen yelled at no one. Michelle looked thoughtful.

“If you wouldn't mind leaving us,” Michelle finally said to Kate.

“Don't bother! I'm leaving!” Mr Dara yelled, the condom dangling from his now flaccid cock, made the statement more comic than dramatic.

Without a word, Kate left. She needed a glass of wine.

“Sorry, Karen,” said Michelle. Her friend shrugged. She was enjoying the drama.

“Do you like seeing me naked, Mr Dara?” Michelle lifted her outfit to show her pussy. “How long have you been fucking your pretend daughter, and do you really want to fuck Anaisha?”

Michelle saw his cock twitch as he looked at her cunt. Or maybe it was thought of fucking his daughter. Or both.

“I have nothing to say to a whore!” He spat the words out.

“Oh, I think we have a lot to say to each other,” said Michelle sweetly.


“Michelle!” Anaisha hugged her best friend. “Let's go through to the kitchen.”

“You look well, babe. Holiday did you the world of good. Tea will be fine, thanks.”

Anaisha busied herself, making tea. “It did, we had a lovely time. I wish you had been with us though, but then you wouldn't have got this great new job, tell me all about it!” She handed Michelle her tea

“No, it's all about you today, tell me everything, what you saw and did, what it was like. I feel so guilty for not seeing you earlier.”

“That's okay, I know what it's like when you get a new job, and you were there for me when I broke up with Tom. He was such an arsehole,” Anaisha looked around quickly to see if her father was there.

Michelle quashed her strong instinct to defend Tom, reminding herself she had to play by the old rules. She listened as her friend chatted happily about her trip to the USA and Canada, her mind drifted back to yesterday.


Faris Dara had quieted down, Karen had slipped off the bed, removed the condom and said: “Tell us about your daughter,” she smiled up at him and took his cock into her mouth.

“She's lovely and my best friend,” Michelle replied for him.

“What is she like? Is she sexy?” Karen asked, running her tongue down his shaft, and cupping his balls.

“She is very sexy, Tom loved fucking her,” said Michelle. She came over to them and ran her hands over Dara's chest, teasing his nipples with her lips. “Anaisha used to beg for his cock in her pussy, she is such a naughty girl, you should punish her.”

Dara let out a strangled moan. “Yes, she should be punished.”

“You should spank and fuck her,” said Karen, working her mouth on his cock with greater urgency.

“Do you want to fuck your sexy daughter?” Michelle continued.

“Oh, please yes,” he gripped Karen's head, shuddered and came in her mouth. “That could be Anaisha's mouth,” purred Michelle.

Dara, his eyes closed, nodded.


“New York is amazing it really is, we should go, just the two of us, what do you reckon?” Anaisha said.

“I think that would be great and now I have a good job I can afford it.” The two girls fizzed with excitement at the prospect.

“Is your father in?” Michelle asked.

“In his study. Do you want to say hello? He's been in a funny mood since last night, and with mum away helping out grandpapa,” Anaisha made a face.

“How is your grand-dad?”

Anaisha looked troubled. “Not good, its really just old age so what can you do?”

Michelle was sympathetic. “I'll pop in and say hello. Maybe I can cheer your Dad up,” she slipped out of the kitchen and went to find Faris.

“I didn't think you would have the nerve to show here!” Dara snapped as Michelle knocked and entered his study. He was in a funk.

“Anaisha is my best friend. Where else would I be?”

“After your behaviour yesterday and talking about helping me, well you know,” he said irritably.

“It's what you want, isn't it?”

“Yes, no, yes, it's not happening. Now get out!”

Michelle took the capsules from her skirt pocket. “It can happen. We just need time and some help. We can start today if you like.”

Dara stared at Michelle. “Who the hell are you?”

“Someone who knows your daughter very well, probably better than you, and is willing to help.”

“But why?”

“Because it’s what you want,” replied Michelle. And because it may help push Anaisha into my new world which is what I want.


It was Karen who suggested Michelle contact Eshe if she wanted advice on making girls, 'receptive'. Michelle was dubious but found Eshe's number in the Firm directory on her phone and pinged her a message. Five minutes Michelle received a response.

‘Sex, weight, height, ethnicity?’.

"Cool," said Michelle, typing out the details.

‘Okay. Where are you now?’.

Michelle gave her the address.

‘Stay there will see you in about an hour’.

Eshe arrived, handed over a clear plastic bottle of 5 capsules along with dosage instructions and advice. “Don't force the subject, play on emotional ties that are already present, enhance them, subvert them. It's more about bending than breaking.”


Michelle played this advice in her head as Anaisha's father paced the study. She asked: “So are you in?”

“Yes. Now go. I don't want to know what you are planning. If you need me to play a part, or something then, well, call me, I guess.”

“Okay,” said Michelle. She went back to the kitchen.

“You were there a while. What were you chatting about?” Anaisha asked.

“You. What a great daughter you are, how lovely you are and how much he loves you.”

“Oh!” Anaisha was taken aback but flushed with delight. “He is the best Dad,” she said.

“And kind of hot.”

“Michelle!” Anaisha exclaimed in mock horror.

“Well, he is,” laughed Michelle. “Think I've always had a thing for him,” which wasn't entirely untrue.

“Well, hands-off!” Anaisha threw a tea cloth at her friend. “And stop thinking lewd thoughts. You have sex on the brain.”

“True,” said Michelle. “But he is all yours, and you're very lucky. Want another cup of tea?”

“I'll have some green tea thanks then maybe we can go to my room and go through some of the outfits I bought in the States. I thought they would have a heart attack at how much boob I was showing in some of them.” Anaisha giggled.

Michelle handed Anaisha her tea and both girls trooped upstairs.

One street up from the Dara house, Jake screwed up the crisp packet, brushed some crumbs off himself and put the scrunched packet into the cup holder of the white van they were using.

“So, just to get this straight. This new piece of pussy is going to roofie her best friend so her dad can fuck her?”

Eshe looked up from the back of the van. “Yeah, that's pretty much it,” she said, cupping the headphones to her left ear.

“Man, that is hot. Fucked up, but still hot,” said Jake opening up another packet of crisps.

Faris Dara started at the knock on the door. He had a knot in his stomach and was alternating between apprehension and arousal.

“You can come and see us now,” said Michelle.


“Anaisha's room.”

Feeling slightly unsteady on his feet, Dara followed Michelle up to his daughter's room. Anaisha was lying on her bed, skirt bunched up and showing her panties. Michelle kissed her softly. “Look who's here Anaisha, it's your strong, handsome daddy, I think he is so hot and sexy, but he only has eyes for you, isn't that right?” She looked at Faris.

“Yes, I love my little girl,” he stammered then realisation dawned. He grabbed Michelle's arm and whispered incredulously. “You've roofied my daughter?”

“Well, what did you think those capsules were for? Or when I said we needed some help? Besides they are much more subtle than that. It puts her in a kind of suggestive trance with no recollection afterwards, except maybe as a dreamy sleep.” She looked down at where Faris was grabbing her arm. “You’re hurting me,” she said calmly.

Faris shoved her aside and sat next to his daughter. He stroked her cheek and lent to kiss her. “Daddy's here,” he murmured.

“Daddy,” she sighed and smiled.

“Give daddy a hug,” he said and let himself be embraced. Faris nibbled his daughter's ear. “Does that feel nice sweetness?”

Anaisha giggled. “Yes, daddy, do it again.”

“I will sweetness, I promise.” Faris broke his daughter's embrace and looked at Michelle, “okay, what do we do now?”

“Just do what you are doing, cuddle her, kiss her, stimulate her. Tell her how nice this is, how good it feels,” Michelle knelt by the bed. “Your daddy is hot and sexy, he must be a nice kisser,” Michelle murmured to Anaisha.

“Nice kisser,” said Anaisha, “like daddy kisses.”

Faris bent down, kissing Anaisha on the lips, and then used his tongue as she opened her mouth.

“Put your hand in her knickers,” advised Michelle, her hand was caressing her friends pussy over her panties, the soft spring of Anaisha's bush felt nice to her touch.

Hesitantly Faris pushed his finger into the leg of his daughter's panties, he kissed her again with more force. Michelle watched as Faris groped inside his daughter's knickers, she could smell Anaisha's sex. Instinctively she slipped her finger inside, exploring her friend's dense mat of hair and the wet folds of her pussy. Acting as one they both pulled Anaisha's panties off, and Faris buried his middle finger in his daughter's cunt.

“You like my finger in your twat, sweetness? Making you nice and wet for daddy's cock?”

“Cock,” Anaisha repeated and smiled.

Michelle pulled up her friend's t-shirt to reveal a white bra, she leant forward, kissing the swell of Anaisha's large breasts.

“I want to see her tits,” her father said, and Michelle obligingly scooped Anaisha's soft boobs out of the bra cups. They both fastened onto her large, stubby nipples and Anaisha began moaning as she was stimulated by her father and Michelle.

“Cum for daddy sweetness, ask me to fuck you,” whispered Faris.

“It will feel so right to fuck your daddy, Anasiha. I wish I was you so I could fuck your daddy. You are such a lucky girl,” urged Michelle.

“Ahhh yes, fuck me daddy,” Anaisha burbled

“You should suck daddy's cock first, that would be fun and feel so nice,” Michelle went on. She caught Faris eye and nodded to him. She wanted to see his cock in her friend’s mouth.

Taking his cue from Michelle, Faris knelt up, unzipping his trousers. Michelle watched he fished his hard cock out of his pants and rubbed it over Anaisha's lips.

“Go down on her,” whispered Faris, “make her cum as she is sucking me.”

Obediently Michelle did so. She pushed her friend's legs apart and stuck her face in Anaisha's black bush. Her cunt was fleshy and warm, Michelle's tongue alternating between burying itself deep and teasing her friend's clit.

“Okay sweetness, take daddy's cock,” he pushed his hardness between her lips. Instinctively she began sucking him, small gasps of pleasure escaped her as she moved her hips in tune with Michelle's tongue on her pussy.

“That's it, sweetness, suck on daddy's cock,”

Anaisha mumbled an enthusiastic response.

“Be careful, Mr Dara,” cautioned Michelle as he jammed his cock further into his daughter's mouth, causing her to cough and choke.

Faris nodded and pulled back. He contented himself with gentle movement, letting his daughter suck him at her own pace. Settling back down and listening to the sloppy gurgling noises Anaisha's was making on her father's cock, Michelle lost herself in the warm, musky scent of her friend's pussy. She was hoping to make Anaisha cum at the same time her father emptied his balls into his daughter's mouth. Michelle was off by about 15 seconds.

Quickly climbing off the bed, Faris moved out of sight of his spluttering daughter. Anaisha's eyes were open, and she seemed to be trying to focus. Michelle held her friend and motioned to her father to leave.

“I'll clean her up. She'll be out of it for a while yet,” Michelle made soothing noises and used her tongue to clean out her father's semen from his daughter's mouth.

Twenty minutes later Michelle joined an agitated Faris in the kitchen.

“She okay?” He asked.

“Sleeping, she'll be fine. "Michelle rinsed out the cup, which contained the remains of the green tea she had spiked earlier.

Faris nodded, his mind racing ahead. “Man, that felt good. When can I do it again? Is there a limit on how many times I can use the drug?”

“No, but she'll be confused. It's best done when I'm around so I can reassure her.”

“I'll do it again tomorrow evening and maybe suggest we take Wednesday off, have lunch and then do her.” Faris ran his own Travel Agency where Anaisha also worked. “Her mother will be away all week, maybe longer. You do tomorrow evening?”

Michelle nodded. “I'll be here,” she could see the almost manic excitement in his eyes. “I should be here when you fuck her,” she said

“You mean you want to be here,” he came over to Michelle and pinned her. “When did you get like this? Why are you helping me?”

Michelle felt his pressure on her arm, his hard aggression, stoking her sexually heightened state. “Because you want it,” and so do I, she thought.

“So I get what I want?”

“Yes. You don't have to ask either,” Michelle added deliberately.

Faris grinned. “I wasn't going to.” His fingers popped open the button on her skirt. “You'll help me fuck my daughter, addle her mind so that she wants to fuck me?” He pushed her back onto the kitchen table.

“Yes,” Michelle's heart was racing. She helped him pull off her skirt.

“No panties,” he sneered as he groped her.

“No, Sir,” Michelle gasped as he hooked her legs over his shoulders and pushed his finger into her cunt.

“I'm going to fuck you, and I don't want you to make a fucking sound.” He slapped her hard around the face to reinforce his point.

The side of Michelle's face stung from the blow, and she quietly acquiesced. The rough wood of the kitchen table pressed against her back. It was a table at which she had spent many a happy evening with the Dara family. A part of her mourned the passing of these innocent memories.

Michelle looked up at the contorted face of the man who had struck her and was now intent on fucking her. The lust and contempt were writ large in his eyes. This was a man she knew and liked and thought liked her. A kind man, a good man. This dark stranger in his place simultaneously distressed and aroused her. Her darkness reached out to his and embraced it.

Faris bent her legs forward. Her knees pushed into her breasts as he levered himself to fuck her with added venom. The pain caused her to wince and he backhanded her, less force this time but his knuckles jarred her cheek.

“I told you to keep fucking quiet!” He spat at her and saw the tears brimming in her eyes. It excited him, it excited them both.

His spittle was streaked across her face and in her eye. She cried quietly as he fucked her, her tears mingling with his spit, his cock slamming hard into her young body.

Grinning, Faris wrapped his hand around her throat, seeming to want to cause as much distress and hurt as possible. It was if he was blaming her for his actions with his daughter. Michelle grabbed his wrist but didn't fight it. Her eyes held his, and she signalled her submission. Her hand fell away from his, and then her body betrayed her as she came and came hard.

It was some thirty minutes later that a confused and groggy Anaisha began to stir. Michelle lay beside her in the bed, seemingly asleep. Dimly, Anaisha noticed the side of Michelle's face seemed reddened and puffy.

“What?” Anaisha’s voice sounded strange to herself.

Michelle stirred. “Hi, babe, think we dozed off.”

Her friend’s eyes looked as if she had been crying, Anaisha thought.

“Yeah, I guess,” Anaisha turned over, and Michelle cuddled up to her. “I had a weird dream. Kind of a sex dream,” Anaisha said. She suddenly realised she was damp between her legs.

“That's nice,” said Michelle sleepily.

“Yeah. It was kind of hot, except I think it had my dad in it,” Anaisha admitted feeling embarrassed but wanting to get it out.

“Told you he was hot,” said Michelle smiling. “I wouldn't worry. It's only a dream,” Michelle squeezed her friend reassuringly. “Go back to sleep. Everything is going to be fine. I promise.”

“Thanks, babe.”

Michelle kissed her best friends forehead and watched over Aniasha as she slept. Humming softly, Michelle finally drifted off to sleep, comforted by the dark memory of the afternoon and the warmth of Faris Dara's semen in her cunt.


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Witch Chronicles 13 Aftermath

WITCH CHRONICLES 13: AFTERMATH By JRD Lois and her two "sisters" walked into the bar. Even though she and one of her siblings were obviously too young to drink, no one in the bar cared enough to run them away. They sat at a table, and a woman who might have been pretty when younger came up and asked, "What'll you have?" Lois said, "Scotch." The woman nodded to Lois's sisters. "And them?" The two had already started fondling each other. "They'll entertain themselves." The...

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The OConnell Chronicles One Mans Art

Untitled Document The Chronicles of Jerry O?ConnellThis is the second part of an intended chronicle detailing the works of a ratherunpleasant man by the name of Jerry O?Connell. ( the first part being ?The Objectof His Affection?) Jerry is a physician, of sorts, who deals in the art of women,modifying them to suit the needs of his clients. He has a long and sordid history,which should be detailed in future installments. Some installments of this chronicle,such as this, will feature Jerry as a...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Intern Meant Tramp

In truth, he'd exaggerated the knowledge and accomplishments on his resume more than a little. At this stage, Josh had no choice. He'd been looking for gainful employment for almost two years after college with only a handful of interviews to show for it; none of which panned out. In recent years it had become much more difficult to establish a career, particularly for young men. Women were ascending in every field; especially a certain kind of woman. Vanessa, the head of IT, was one of...

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The Family Pet The OConnell Chronicles

Author’s Note:  While this is another chapter in the O’Connell Chronicles it is intended to stand alone. For those unfamiliar with the O’Connell Chronicles I would direct you to the first story in the series ?The Object of His Affection?. For those hoping for another tale in extreme body modification – well, this is probably not the story you are looking for. Just the same, it will likely hint at future tales (providing I can manage sustained inspiration and figure out how to bring my ideas to...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Futa Gym Shower Slut

It had been an interesting six months that led Andrew here. While home for winter break, his parents announced he wouldn't be returning to college. His mother, in particular, had decided the investment was no longer worth it. His father supported her decision wholeheartedly. Andrew was told that new opportunities for young men with no degree were opening up in their area. He had no idea what kind of jobs his parents meant, but he took them at their word. Mother allocated him a weekly stipend...

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Chronicles of Kresh 2 The Culling

Disclaimer: all characters in the story are 18 or older, and all events are entirely fictitious. Remember, this is a fantasy. Always follow your dreams, the darker and kinkier the better! ******** The smoldering ruins of the Choi village were like a fine wine tasted with relish to Warlord Kresh as he strode down the main thoroughfare. Two naked young women, their wrists bound with rope in front of them, were yanked along by leashes attached to makeshift rope collars, the end of each leash...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 5 Quiver Full of Toys

This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...

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Witch Chronicles Christmas Intermission

Here's that Christmas Story I mentioned. Actually I had two other ideas for Christmas stories, but thinking about it, I determined that the story ideas would work better as more fully fleshed out stories, non-seasonally oriented. I was almost going to skip it and move right into Witch Chronicles 12, but this idea popped into my head. There's a lot going on in the Witch Chronicles world not directly revealed in those stories. So I took an idea from the first story and wrote this,...

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The Honeymoon of Rick and Michelle

Rick and Michelle splashed happily in the surf on the small desert island. They were on the first full day of their honeymoon, and had eyes only for each other. They were oblivious to the handful of other people who were scattered up and down the seemingly endless beach, as well to the three men who carefully watched them from the protection of the thick grove of coconut trees that bordered the narrow beach. Rick and Michelle had arrived late the night before after an exhausting trip...

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The Feminization of Michelle

The Feminization of Michelle By Aleisha James Author's note: Despite the dark aspects of some of my stories, I do not in any way endorse the use of force or pain to compel anyone to do anything. This story, as with all my stories on this site, deals with issues of an adult, sexual nature. No-one under the age of eighteen and no-one who finds forced feminization stories to be offensive should read any further. If you are still reading, then you are an adult with an interest in...

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Rise of Michelle

The Rise of Michelle By jasmine This is a dark tale of a woman tormented by years of abuse and torture. She grew up enslaved and tormented by her sisters. The torment served not to destroy her but in enraged her and destroyed her compassion. What was left was an empty shell possessed by hatred and evil. Her name was Michelle Groves and this is her story. In fact she was born Michael Groves. His sisters hated their brother, because of what he was, and what he represented. They were...

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Second Chance At LovePart 4 Michelle

I decided to ask Michelle Hoover to the Valentines Dance at school. I knew her from a couple classes. She's pretty and quite tall and thin. Probably about 5'-10". Her thinness probably made her tits look more prominent. She has shoulder length dark brown hair. I asked her one day at lunch about a week before the dance. We sat together at lunch every day until the dance. We got to know each other pretty well as we talked. Michelle has a great sense of humor and is fun to talk with. We...

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Sarah Humiliated by Michelle

It was always the low point for Sarah when she had to go to her step-sister, Michelle’s, house. Sarah hated going to Michelle’s and normally only went every other week when she and their mum were invited over for tea. Sarah had always been treated so badly by her step-sister who had always tried to control and manipulate her, but whenever they were both with their mum she was all sweetness and light. It was an act they both put on so as not to make their mum feel bad.Michelle was...

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It was dark. It was raining. I was tired.   I was also nervous. I considered calling the whole thing off, but it was too late now. She was waiting. I peered through the rain spattered windshield, between the squeaking wipers in a vain attempt to make out the names written on the overhead street signs. ‘I really should get some glasses,’ I muttered to myself as my eyes squinted to see through the driving rain. This was the first time I would be meeting a girl off the internet. And although...

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Marks Sster Michelle

My buddy Mark and I have been friends for a long time. We've been thru a lot together, and have done a lot. Up till last Saturday, though, I wouldn't have believed what happened could happen. I started going out with his sister Michelle about five months ago. His Dad Married her Mom about twenty years ago, and they became brother and sister that way, when he was 14 and she was 10. Mark's 34 now, and I am 32.Ever since I had known Michelle, she was a total slut. But she had a nice body on her,...

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The Beginning pt2 Michelle

Introduction: A continuation of my budding career as a massage specialist Im already getting carried away, moving too far ahead too fast. Lets get back to the beginnings. Michelle was my second Saturday appointment. She was hesitant at first. She was afraid her newly acquired hubby would get jealous. As it turned out Hank was not the jealous type. As a matter of fact he was all for it, as long as he could go to some woman to get his own massage. Ellen had mentioned how my magic fingers managed...

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Michael Michelle

BRAT.TXT MICHAEL MICHELLE By Marcia Sampson Poor Karen. As if life wasn't hard enough for her, having to get up an hour before the sun to clean her landlady's house in exchange for rent, followed by a business day of taking care of two baby boys, one of whom was an uncontrollable antisocial brat, followed several nights a week by two or three hours cleaning someone's house after her all- day baby-sitting

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The Beginning pt2 Michelle

Michelle was my second Saturday appointment. She was hesitant at first. She was afraid her newly acquired hubby would get jealous. As it turned out Hank was not the jealous type. As a matter of fact he was all for it, as long as he could go to some woman to get his own massage. Ellen had mentioned how my magic fingers managed to totally relax her and guaranteed her that I could do the same for her. At about this time Ellen had only been in for a couple of sessions. Ellen was always satisfied...

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I was sitting at the dinner table when it first hit me. My two daughters were telling me that they had both been selected to attend a weekend band camp in the Poconos. They would leave next Friday afternoon and return Sunday evening. Suddenly, my pork chop lost its flavor. It was Monday and I had a really bad feeling I would be going to Cleveland next weekend. It was a tremendous shock, yet I felt calm and rational. Had I been blind? Had I missed the signs? Had there even been any signs? Was I...

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Les fminisatrices Episode 3 Michelle

R?sum? de l'?pisode 2: Yvette Nicolas se lia d'amiti? avec Yvette, la bonne, qui s'av?ra ?tre en r?alit? le mari de Doria. Yvette lui raconta son histoire, ce qui encouragea Nicolas ? accepter sa f?minisation et sa nouvelle vie. Agathe, sa petite amie, lui faisait d?couvrir de nouveaux aspects de l'amour. M?me sa m?re semblait accepter, et m?me appr?cier cette situation. Petit ? petit, Nicole rempla?ait Nicolas, et ses doutes semblaient ?tre oubli?s. Jusqu'au jour o? Michelle, la petite amie de D?borah, la s?ur d'Agathe, ar...

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Michelle had been working part time at the gym for the past six months and had recently been given the responsibility of locking up in the evenings. She enjoyed working there, since it gave her the opportunity to use the gym equipment. Tonight was a typical night as she had just changed into her street clothes was now making her rounds making sure everything was in order. She locked the front door, then checked that all the machines were turned off and that everyone was gone before...

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My cousin Michelle

Introduction: First time with my cousin. Were both Korean My cousin Michelle and I have always shown affection towards one another. We were very close, even from a young age. Because Michelle and I were always hugging, and leaning our bodies into each other, people always assumed we were dating, this is where my sexual thoughts for my cousin was birthed. Because Michelle was also a very beautiful girl, and I had already fucked our mutual cousin, Jane, the thought of fucking Michelle seemed like...

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My cousin Michelle

It was when we were both 16. I think Michelle was 15 at the time, but was turning 16 later on in the year. Michelle had a great body; I have always said she had the body of a porn star. Her tits weren’t the biggest, but proportioned to her slim figure. A 32C sized bust. Her slim figure featured a flat stomach, pencil-thin legs, and great curves on her hips, stomach and back. If she were a swimsuit model, a curve on her back would lead directly to her juicy ass, and a curve went down her...

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I thought I would never see her again. Actually I hoped I would never see her again but there she was, standing in a crowd of about 100 people for an accountants’ convention. Even though she had her back to me, there was no doubt in my mind that it was her. She was dressed to the ninth, in a knee-long, sleeveless and open-back black dress, her full dark brown hair cascading off her shoulders, her feet clad in some 3-cm high stiletto heeled pumps. She was in deep conversation with a group of two...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 25

Welcome back everyone to the last chapter of The Runesmith Chronicles: Oni and the Farmer! I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I have written a book ... gotta say, it feels pretty damn good. I should start posting chapters for book two in a few weeks as I’m still working on outlining and planning right now. Just want to say thank you all for coming along on this wild ride with me! Keep an eye out for updates on my blog over the next couple of weeks, I am...

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The Mangini Chronicles Vol I

The Mangini Chronicles Volume 1 (blackmail, humiliation, pictures, M/F, M/fff, F/Fff, n/c, bdsm, oral, anal, teen, high school) The Mangini Chronicles Volume 1 (blackmail, humiliation, pictures, M/F, M/fff, F/Fff, n/c, bdsm, oral, anal, teen, high school) Description:This is the first volume of what I hope to be many about High School Head Master, Eric Mangini.? In this volume Eric begins the manifestation of his dark desires by entrapping and blackmailing a student into sexual...

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The Kristal Chronicles Story I Chapter 4

The Kristal Chronicles - Story I: The Birth of a Hot WifeChapter 4 - The Shared WifeWith Krystal clearly ready for another round of fun, I nodded to Roger, and said, “you’re up again, she drained me and I need to recharge.” He looked thoughtful for a moment, pondering the next activity...and then the light turned on, and he broke out in a big smile. He took Kristal by the hand and led her to the sofa. He sat her down, spread her legs apart, and then knelt down in front of her. I knew where this...

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Ask and Embla does Michelle

"I think you need a new bra," Vicky said to Embla. "I have noticed the ones you got is a tad too small." "Hey," Embla exclaimed. "These suckers has really exploded in the last year. Hopefully, they will not grow anymore." "They are perfect as they can be." Vicky purred. "So better take care of those puppies, right?" "But bras are expensive." Embla moped. "My treat, besides, I expect you to pay me back in a different way. ." She winked. Ask sighed, more sex? He should...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 4 Young Justice

Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...

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Making Her Cum at the Cinema The Isabelle Chronicles Part 1

Introduction: This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles ************************************************************** This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles. Some of these stories are real, some are semi-real and some are just fantasy. Can you guess which is which? *************************************************************** It was a Monday night in the middle of a sizzling summer and I had only one thing on my mind: you. The...

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Sissy A Flame From the Bitchmaker Chronicles BY

Sissy A Flame -From the Bitchmaker Chronicles SM-BLACK1st off, this is a story for sissies everywhere who adore and worship big black cock. If you can’t hang with that shit, move the fuck on. 2nd. I’ve tinkered with these events to protect the innocent, the not so innocent, and definitely the guilty. These stories are a blend of fiction, intermingled with actual experiences to present the powerful energies that connect dominant Nubian / Black alpha males with totally sissy, beta, omega, fem,...

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Hungry Housewives 8211 Milf Chronicles 8211 Part 2

Hey everybody! This is Arshad here, from Mumbai, continuing my story of the Hungry Housewives – Milf Chronicles. About me : people describe me as a jolly, fun-loving and eccentric guy. I’ve been called a ‘Gentleman on the streets, Tiger under the sheets’. You can contact me at : Also, quick thanks to ISS for providing a great platform to express ourselves here, and get mingling with great like-minded people. Now we quickly get to the story. Please read the first part (if you haven’t) before...

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our fuck budy Michelle

The best thing that ever happened to my wife and I was moving to Atlanta where we knew no one. My wife worked for a hospital and met our best friend and fuck buddy Michelle. She was single and my wife and I started to hang out with her. They became close and drank most Fridays after work. One Friday night Michelle stopped by after happy hour and my wife told me that Michelle hasn't been with a guy in 8 months and was horney. Michelle was embarrassed I told her maybe Dave can help you out. What...

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The Making of Mistress Michelle

“Are you crazy Michelle? You’re not gonna put that shit on the internet, on a porn site?!”Michelle pulled back her long blonde hair and looped a squishy around it to get it out of the way. She was sitting cross-legged on her bed in a black knee-length t-shirt, computer in lap. She looked up over her shoulder at her girlfriend Stacey and blushed bright red.“Yes, why not? I’m never get asked on a date, never know what to say when I am. Boys only looking for one thing. Why not put my fantasies out...

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The Sebastian Files Michelle

SEBASTIAN: Why would you argue about that? MICHELLE: I didn't. That was them. They were a little drunk. We were all drunk. We'd had enough of the family gathering and we were hiding and being bad. Except we didn't plan on being that bad. SEBASTIAN: Indeed. Can I ask, who has the better body? MICHELLE: Oh, probably my sister. She's stunning. But my brother is pretty hot too. It's close. Call it a tie. SEBASTIAN: So they were arguing... MICHELLE: They were joking around. We...

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My Crazy Life 1 Michelle

I have written a lot of stories, and I believe I have a creative imagination. Because most of the stories are my fantasies, my main male characters tend to resemble me. This might quickly lead an astute reader to confusion, because in the various stories, my wife is either a nymphomaniac, or she's dead, or she left me for either a younger or an older man. My only answer is that to some extent all of those descriptions of her are true.Actually, we have been married more than thirty years. A lot...

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My Way With Michelle

My name is Skye. I'm just a typical 16 year old boy who plays baseball. My older sister, Michelle, and I were really close as we were growing up, considering we were two years apart. But, when she became a senior she became really popular. 18 year old Michelle started to stay out late with her friends and party on the weekends. So as time passed by, the two of us sorta drifted apart. Michelle became busy with her social life and I became busy with baseball. If it weren't for baseball, there...


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