- 2 years ago
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I was sitting at the dinner table when it first hit me. My two daughters were telling me that they had both been selected to attend a weekend band camp in the Poconos. They would leave next Friday afternoon and return Sunday evening.
Suddenly, my pork chop lost its flavor. It was Monday and I had a really bad feeling I would be going to Cleveland next weekend. It was a tremendous shock, yet I felt calm and rational. Had I been blind? Had I missed the signs? Had there even been any signs? Was I jumping to conclusions?
I realized the answer to my last question would come tomorrow at work. There was still one piece to the puzzle. I felt dead certain that piece would fall into place tomorrow. The girls helped their mother clean the kitchen while I sat there, replaying the past few months in my mind. Try as I would, I could remember no unusual behavior or actions. If there had been any signs, they were small and imperceptible.
A short while later the girls called me in to watch the movie they had rented. As I sat next to my wife, Michelle, I wracked my brain. She and our daughters laughed through the movie. I have no idea what the film was about.
I managed almost no sleep that night and I dreaded going in to work, as I never had before. Around midmorning, my worst fears were realized when I was called into my boss's office.
"I know it is short notice, Eric, but I need you to fly to Cleveland this weekend to handle the Jenkins account. I planned on sending Jeffers, but I think you understand this account better. Can you go, Eric?" asked George Stowe, the account manager.
There it was. Part of me reveled in solving a riddle with almost no clues, while another part of me was ill. I thought back to the conversation I had overheard a week ago.
I had taken the elevator down to the lobby after work. Then I remembered I had left my car keys in my desk. I cursed to myself as I pressed the button to take me back up to the fifth floor and my office. As I picked my keys up, I noticed a letter I had planned to mail, so I headed for the room where we place our outgoing mail. To reach that room, I had to pass George Stowe's office.
George was a few years older than I. He was a rugged man with an easy manner and a roving eye. I often wondered why his wife never caught him fooling around. He made tomcats look scrupulous.
"If your kids do make that trip next weekend, I'll be sure to assign him to handle an account in Cleveland," boomed George with a chuckle. "Your pussy will get a real pounding from my big cock for two days straight. I'll tell Marge that I have to go to Cleveland. She never cares where I am as long as I leave her ice box alone."
"Some poor schmuck is going to have his wife fucked senseless by that asshole next weekend while he's doing some shit job in Cleveland," I smiled to myself. "Someday George will fuck the wrong wife and find himself in some deep shit."
With that thought, I put the letter in the tray and, like Elvis, left the building. I forgot about the entire thing. At least I forgot about it until dinner last night when my daughters told me they were going away for the weekend!
I had no reasons to be suspicious. I had no clue that Michelle knew George more than slightly. We never traveled in the same social circles. Yet, somehow, I would have bet a year's pay that I was going to be sent to Cleveland for the weekend. It came as no surprise when George explained how badly the company needed me to wrap up the Cleveland account. It would have been more of a bombshell if it hadn't happened.
I have always enjoyed chess and over the years I have become quite good at it. Michelle quit playing it with me years ago. She complained bitterly about my methods.
"You are supposed to capture the other player's king, Eric, not see how many of his players you can knock off!" she would rant. "Why the hell do you have to be so devious?"
I never bothered to respond to her complaints. Chess isn't a bang-head type of game. It requires finesse, and the ability to turn shit into shinola. I felt that if your bishop is going to be lost, make it work for you, or at least make it hurt your opponent. I developed a knack for turning impending doom into a positive situation. It sometimes took several moves, often away from the apparent conflict, but it was almost always successful.
I came to realize that life isn't too much more than a complicated chess game. I found that if I concentrated on a problem, and ignored the pain of a short-term loss, I could make a bad situation work for me. George fucking my wife would be difficult to put a good spin on, but who said the game would be easy?
"I'll tell Michelle tonight and plan on leaving Friday, George," I responded. "I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity. You won't regret it."
"I'm sure I won't, Eric," chuckled George. "I'll be fucking your wife before your plane lands!"
He didn't actually say the part about how he'd be fucking Michelle, but I read his mind as I left his office. I knew why he was so jovial. He was having a little laugh at the expense of an idiot cuckold husband. I wondered if he would be sharing that little anecdote with Michelle after he plowed her garden.
Over the years, I had learned to think things through, rather than panic and do something stupid. George had my queen. Now I had to knock off some of his rooks, bishops, and knights to get to his king. The question was; how and where should I strike? Would I have the necessary pieces? Perhaps I would, if he didn't realize that I knew he had captured my queen.
The most difficult part of the game for me would be acting like everything was fine at home. Odd behavior on my part would be noticed by Michelle immediately. It was a real shame, but I now viewed her as an opponent rather than my partner. That was not a good feeling, but a very reasonable one, given the circumstances. Mata Hari had nothing on Michelle!
I began to wonder why I was so certain she was fucking George. Couldn't it all be coincidence? Was I paranoid? Letting fear destroy what had been a good marriage, or at least I had always felt it was, would be really stupid. I decided to test my 'unfaithful wife' theory before I took any drastic action. It would also give me time to plan my next few moves and anticipate George's, as well as Michelle's.
If George was fucking Michelle, they had to communicate from time to time, though I had never seen any indication of it. How hard would it be for him to call her at work, or vice-versa? I wasn't a sleuth, or even suspicious, so all they had to do was be cautious. That afternoon, I came up with an idea or two to see if I was the odd-man-out in a love triangle.
"How was work, Sweetheart?" asked Michelle as I came through the door. She always got home half an hour before I did.
"Same shit, different day, Darling," I grinned. "I was thinking that since the girls were going away to band camp this weekend, we should do something together."
Was there a flicker of annoyance on Michelle's face? Was I imagining it?
"Ah, yeah, well, we probably could do something," responded Michelle. "I did promise my mother I would stop by her place on Saturday, but we could work around that. Is your weekend schedule clear?"
Why would she ask that? I hadn't traveled for work on a weekend in almost a year. Was she fishing, or possibly trying to remind me I was going to Cleveland so George could fuck the shit out of her? This was going to be an interesting game! That is, if it was a game and not my imagination.
"I have no plans," I lied. "Why don't we go to a show and dinner in the city Friday evening?"
There were two things about Michelle of which I was certain. She loved to go to shows and she hated to waste money. If she believed I was not going to be around, she would be reluctant to buy the tickets. George was not a theater kind of guy and the chance of being recognized at any restaurant we frequent was too great.
"It's kind of sudden, Eric," wavered Michelle. "We may not be able to get tickets."
"Michelle, we have gotten them on shorter notice than this. Do you want me to go on line and see what I can find?" I asked.
"No, I'll check into if you are so set on a show. Who knows what you'd pick?" bitched Michelle. "I'll take care of it, as long as you are sure you will be able to go."
"Why wouldn't I be able to go? Did you hire a hit man to whack me? Did you read my horoscope and see impending doom for me?" I laughed. "Have you been chatting with Dionne Warwick again? Or was it the tea leaves?"
"Okay, Smart-ass. I'll see about getting the tickets tomorrow, okay?" grinned my once loving wife. "I can do it at work and be paid while I'm looking."
The next day was Wednesday and George called me into his office just before lunch.
"You're getting packed and ready to go to Cleveland this weekend, aren't you, Eric?" he asked. "Did your wife understand how important this is to the company, and to your career?"
Why was he asking about me getting packed? I'm 53 fucking years old and don't need a nurse maid! Could it be Michelle had told him I was making alternate plans for Friday night? The way he mentioned how important it was to my career was a good touch. It was an implied, or inferred, threat. I wasn't sure which word was accurate.
"Not to worry, George!" I chuckled. "Michelle doesn't give me any shit. I have her ironing my underwear and folding my socks. I even told her I was going to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and to have my Sergeant Pepper jacket packed."
George looked at me funny, but didn't seem able to form a response, so I smiled again and left his office.
That evening after dinner I asked Michelle if she managed to order our tickets.
"I found some, Eric, but they are quite expensive. Are you positive you will be able to go if I order them?" questioned Michelle. "Don't think it will be okay to spend that kind of money and then come up with some lame excuse to get out of going."
"Where the hell is this coming from," I demanded. "Have I ever begged off a night of dining and theater? Why are you so convinced I won't make it?"
"I didn't say you wouldn't make, Eric. I just want to be certain that if we spend that much money, nothing will come up to ruin it," she replied quickly.
Was she worried that I was getting suspicious of her reluctance to order the goddamn tickets? Was she dying to ask about Cleveland? Did she know George had ordered me out of town for the weekend? Were my actions confusing her? I grinned to myself as I joined the girls in front of the TV.
I was at my desk Thursday morning around eleven when Michelle called. This was not a common practice, although she did call me from time to time. We chatted for a few minutes, but I couldn't help but feel she was waiting for something and that she really didn't have any reason to call.
Suddenly George appeared by my desk and asked loudly, "So Eric are you looking forward to Cleveland and the Hall of Fame?"
I had returned the phone to the cradle before he had managed two words. His surprise was apparent.
"You bet I am, George. I had Michelle get a Jimi Hendrix wig for me to take," I stated with a straight face. "Maybe I'll have her pick up an Elvis jump suit, too."
My phone began ringing.
"Aren't you going to answer that, Eric?" asked George.
"What could be as important as a little chat with the boss?" I replied. "I'll let it go to voicemail."
George looked at me with his eyes slightly squinted, as if he was trying to decide something about me. Then he nodded, turned and walked from the room.
The phone rang again. Michelle was on the other end.
"Why did you hang up on me, Eric?" she demanded. "Did I hear someone asking you something?"
"I am quite sure you didn't hear anything, Michelle. I hung up too fast," I responded. "I have to get back to work now. I'll see you tonight."
I hung up the phone before she could say any more and considered my next move. It occurred to me that I should gather some hard proof about Michelle's affair. It could be a real help in any divorce action. To that end, I purchased a tape recorder that could be sound activated, while I was on my lunch break.
When I got back to my office, I decided to stash it rather than answer questions about it when anyone came into my office. I went to put it in a supply closet not far from my desk, but when I moved some boxes of paper to hide the recorder, I saw one just like it!
Life is full of surprises! Once I realized what I was looking at, I wondered where the little microphone device was hidden. I followed the wire down the inside of the closet wall and it disappeared under the carpeting. On a hunch, I crawled around my desk looking at all the parts that touched the floor. There the wire was, running up the inside of my desk. I followed it and found the little microphone in a small nook, pretty well protected from my knees, and eyes!
It seemed that someone, probably George, was listening to me. How could I make that work for me? Obviously, I could stir up some trouble for him just by pointing it out to management. That would be if they posted someone to wait for him to check the tape and catch him red-handed. There had to be better ways to turn it to a positive thing. I decided to be very careful what I said in my office. He would know every word I ever uttered! I had to give it some thought.
Later that day, I tapped on George's office door.
"George, I'm sorry to bother you but I just remembered I had promised to take Michelle to a show Friday night. I don't think I will be able to make the trip to Cleveland," I blustered. "Michelle will have my balls if I bail on this. She warned me that if she ordered the tickets, I had better be ready to go, regardless of what came up."
I watched George mull this over. He knew I was lying. He also knew that he should have no way of knowing that I was lying. He had to be careful not to give himself away. It was my bet that he would think I had asked Michelle to order the tickets so I would have an excuse to not go to Cleveland.
"I see what you mean, Eric. Tell you what. I'll buy the tickets from you and take my wife to the show Friday! Then you'll be able to take Michelle to the theater next weekend, or whenever. Will that work?" he practically grinned as he complimented himself on circumventing my pathetic effort to avoid Cleveland.
"Gee, George, I guess it will," I reluctantly admitted. "Thanks for freeing up my weekend."
"It's my pleasure, Eric," George beamed as I turned and left his office.
"I'll give your wife an extra load of cum to make up for the expense!"
I know he didn't really say that last sentence, but again, I knew he was thinking it!
"Did you get tickets to a show for tomorrow night?" I questioned Michelle when I got home.
"Yes, I did," replied Michelle. "Do you still plan on going?"
"Where the hell is that coming from?" I demanded. "You keep expecting me to change my mind. I'd just like to know why."
"I was just, well, it just seems like you... I mean what if," stuttered Michelle. "I'm sorry I seem so dubious. I won't ask again."
I acted annoyed and stalked into the living room with a beer. Michelle must be wondering what the hell I was up to and why I didn't tell her about Cleveland. She couldn't ask because she should have no way of knowing I was being sent there. She knew I was not telling her the truth, but she also knew she couldn't let on that she knew. This was getting interesting. It was forcing Michelle to go against all womanly/wifely instincts. She had me in a lie and couldn't even acknowledge it, let alone chew me a new asshole!
That simple little thought led to my next gambit in the game of silent, creative revenge. I could hardly wait to go into work Friday.
At ten-thirty I picked up my phone and dialed a number I knew was no longer in service. As I talked I watched the little tape recorder in my closet. A small indicator light came on and I knew it was show time.
I pretended to be talking to my brother, Chuck. I did the usual small talk thing for a minute or so. Then I set my trap.
"Chuck, you don't need a book on sex! You should do what I do. It works great!" I asserted.
I waited a few seconds, as if Chuck were speaking on his end.
"Now listen to your older brother, and don't interrupt," I admonished. "Michelle always refused to let me fuck her ass. Then one night after a few drinks I was doing her doggy-style and admired her little brown eye. I just pulled my cock out of her pussy and pushed it into her ass before she could say or do anything. She cursed me and screamed for me to stop. The kids weren't home, so I just kept pounding into her. After a couple minutes, she stopped complaining and started moving with me. Pretty soon she had the mother of all orgasms! When I was ready to cum, I pulled out and pushed my cock into her face. She sucked me dry, Bro!"
I fell silent for a few seconds and then started in again.
"To this day she denies that she loves anal sex. She uses all kinds of reasons and excuses not to have it. Every now and then I just push my cock into her ass when she isn't expecting it. She still screams and curses for a minute or two, but she always has intense orgasms and sucks my cock dry when I put it in her face. It's always an incredible sexual experience."
I felt like I was on a roll so pretended to hang up. Then I dialed a local floral shop.
"Hello. This is Eric Swenson and I'd like to order a corsage and have it delivered to Mrs. Martha Stowe. She's going to the theater tonight, so make it something nice. Please include a card. I want it to say this: "Have a great time with George at the theater. I will be thinking of you from Cleveland. Signed, Eric Swenson." Then I gave them George Stowe's address.
I went home at lunchtime to pack for my trip. I had considered not going, but what would be the sense. It was obvious that Michelle and George had found ways to get together before I suspected anything. I decided to improve my status with the company, just in case George ever left, died, or was terminated. I wanted to be the one that was offered his position. As I was leaving, I asked a secretary to deliver the theater tickets to George. He didn't know it yet, but he was going to need them.
I left a short note to Michelle apologizing for missing the theater engagement, but I explained how George had magnanimously offered to buy the tickets and take his wife to the show. I installed my recorder under the bed and called a cab to take me to the airport. If Michelle were innocent, she would be pissed over my deception, but would get over it. If she were guilty... well, it would be a memorable weekend!
I had a great trip to Cleveland. I schmoozed and ass-kissed to the utmost and I felt it had paid off. I secured the account and made a strongly favorable impression on some of the company's best clients. I strolled into our house around five Sunday afternoon. I saw the bags on the floor and knew my daughters had just arrived home as well.
"Hey, Dad, where did you get that jacket and the wig, and why are you wearing them?" asked Rita.
"Yeah, Dad," chimed in her sister. "You look like Jimi Hendrix' and Paul McCartney's lovechild!"
"How would a 16 year-old kid know who I am?" I asked incredulously. "Most people in their 50's on the flight never even guessed that I'm Jimi Hendrix dressed as Sgt. Pepper!"
"Could it be all the albums and tapes and CD's you have forced upon us since birth?" laughed Rita. "You would have loved the camp we were at, Dad. We practiced some songs from that album. You probably would have cried or something."
I felt a surge of pride as I considered my daughters. They were beautiful, smart, talented and possessed great humor. Even if Michelle had lost her way, she had given me treasures beyond compare. Then I wondered where was Michelle?
"Do you girls know where your mother is?" I asked.
"We just got home, but it is funny she isn't here. Do you think she ran off with the mailman, Dad?" grinned Becky. "Wait, it's Sunday and there wasn't any mail. Not to worry!"
As Becky finished speaking, the phone rang. She answered it, and immediately became quite serious. She answered "yes" three times, listened another minute and then hung up.
"Mom is at Wilson General," gasped Becky. "She just came out of surgery!"
We all rushed out the door and piled into the car. The ten-minute drive was consumed with fear and speculation about Michelle's health. Becky had been told what room Michelle was in and we rushed to it as soon as we reached the hospital.
The girls went into the room, but an older, very stern nurse stopped me with a question.
"Are you Mr. Swenson? Or possibly Ringo Starr?"
"I'm Eric Swenson, but thanks for the guess. What happened to my wife?" I demanded.
"I am sure you are aware your wife has been troubled with hemorrhoids for some time, Mr. Swenson. It isn't too uncommon for women to develop after having children. She came in a few hours ago with some serious bleeding, and related problems. She was taken to the O.R. immediately. She is doing much better now and should be able to go home in a day or two," concluded the nurse.
I nodded gravely in understanding. The nurse started down the hall and I stepped into a nearby Men's Room. Later, I would wonder if my laughter had echoed down the corridor.
I took a few minutes to compose myself. Then I joined my daughters in the hospital room occupied by their mother, my wife. I was stunned when I saw how weak and pale Michelle appeared to be. Suddenly my mirth was completely erased and I felt real concern.
"Hi there," Michelle whispered. "You must be Billy Shears."
I had to smile at her acknowledgement of my unusual costume. Not every woman would know I was wearing a Sgt. Pepper jacket!
"I'm Getting Better," smiled Michelle, "With a Little Help Of My Friends."
The girls and I exchanged grins at Michelle's references to my favorite album. Then she had us laughing heartily when she stated, "They've been 'Fixing a Hole' and it hasn't been any fun!"
"Please, Mom, lay off the Pepper jokes, okay?" Becky whined.
I marveled at Michelle's sense of humor under such painful circumstances. It occurred to me that her humor was one of the things that had drawn me to her those many years ago.
"We all feel terrible that you had to go through this alone, Darling," I told her. "Why couldn't it at least happen when we were home to help you."
"No, it wouldn't happen then," grimaced Michelle. "It certainly isn't your fault. None of you could know this would happen."
Now I was feeling guilty! It was my fault! I knew there was a very good chance of it happening, if in fact, Michelle was having an affair with that damn asshole boss of mine.
The girls and I visited until Michelle fell asleep. Then the nurse insisted we leave for the evening, so we trudged back to the car and drove home.
Before going to bed, I had to find clean sheets and make the bed. There was no sign of the linens that had adorned my marital bed the previous evening. I retrieved the recorder from under the bed, but I didn't dare play it with my daughters at home. I wasn't sure what it would contain, but I was certain I didn't want the girls to hear it! I decided to wait until I could listen in complete privacy.
I was at work at my desk Monday morning when George Stowe strolled into my office. Was it my imagination or was he watching me closely for a reaction?
"How was the weekend, Eric?" he finally asked. "How did everything go in Cleveland?"
"If it went any better, George, I'd shit gold bricks!" I avowed. "The entire weekend went exactly as planned. How did you and the missus enjoy the show Friday?"
"Oh! It was quite, ah, interesting. The wife told me to thank you for corsage. It was very thoughtful," admitted George. "Your wife and kids got along okay with you gone all weekend?"
He was obviously fishing again. I wasn't going to take the bait, however.
"They're all pretty independent," I allowed. "All three are modern women and don't need some dumb man to help them get through a weekend."
After George left, I remembered the recording device under my desk and gave it some thought. I decided I wasn't done with George and would try to think of a way to use it again, if George was dumb enough to fall for the same trick twice. It would seem that an intelligent man would wonder about my anal advice to my brother, considering how he had hospitalized Michelle. Still, I frequently used the same gambit several times in a game of chess, against the same opponent, and often with positive results.
I wrote a meaningless note in large letters and taped it on the left side of my desk by the phone. It would serve to remind me that I was being recorded and to be cautious at all times.
I left work at lunchtime and went home to listen to the recording from that fateful night. I had mixed emotions about hearing it, but I felt it was something I had to do.
It didn't take too long for me to realize I had concealed the microphone too well. It clicked on and off a few times as I listened, but I was unable to make anything out until I heard the bed squeak.
"You'll be inviting me back after you get a ride on my big cock," laughed George. His voice was very clear.
"You Bastard!" spit Michelle. "It'll be a cold day in Hell before I ever even speak to you again. Now do it and get it over with."
"Is that any way for a woman to talk to her lover?" chuckled George. "Here. I want you to suck on this bad boy for a few minutes. I really like that."
"Well I really like considerate, intelligent men. It looks like we're both out of luck, Dickhead," snarled Michelle.
I was starting to get an uneasy feeling that things weren't exactly as I had perceived them to be. Somehow, George had fooled me with some daring move I had not anticipated!
"I expect a little more cooperation from you if you want to get those pictures back, Bitch!" growled George. "Now suck my cock or the deal is off. I've already missed my Friday night fuck session with you because your dipshit husband told my wife about the goddamn tickets!"
After that, Michelle was quiet and George only made an occasional grunt or moan. I was getting a real bad feeling about my clever act of revenge.
Eventually the bed springs began making a regular rhythm and George's groans increased. Then the sound stopped for a few seconds. Then there was a horrible scream! It was followed by language that would make a longshoreman blush.
"Goddamn dumb fuck!" Michelle screeched. "Take that out now, you miserable, rotten fuck-faced shit!"
"Relax, whore!" George replied. "You'll be begging me for more in a couple minutes. You know you love it, so shut the fuck up."
Eventually Michelle's curses turned to sobs and then to a quiet crying. Even an insensitive shit like George should have been able to discern the pain in her sobs. He never slowed down and the bed was making that regular thumping sound again.
My hands were clenched and sweat was streaming off my brow. I listened in horror as George kept up a steady rhythm for another five minutes as Michelle cried and begged him to stop. It was the single most upsetting thing I had ever heard.
I had given up on my queen too soon! I could have, and should have, saved her. Instead, I had sacrificed her, and for what? A pawn maybe! The big laugh I had enjoyed at the hospital came back to haunt me. I had blundered badly, and Michelle had suffered greatly for it.
Why had she agreed to a tryst with George if she found him so repugnant? To what pictures had George been referring?
I returned to work bitter and confused. What was really going on? There was no way of knowing unless George or Michelle spilled the beans. One thing became abundantly clear. George was going down, regardless of the consequences. Of that, I was certain. The question was; how and when?
Michelle came home from the hospital Wednesday afternoon, but was still quite pale and in a fair amount of pain. I did everything I could possibly think of to make her comfortable. She wasn't totally without blame for her situation, but my guilt was almost tangible. I realized that I never wanted her to suffer again and it was my duty as her husband to protect her, not cause her harm. I had not done a very good job with that!
Days passed and Michelle gradually regained her strength. It was obvious to me that she was a troubled woman. Shit, I should know the signs and symptoms! I was struggling with guilt of my own. Together we were a pretty pathetic couple. Thank god the girls were around to bring some cheer and levity into the house.
Two weeks passed before an opportunity to strike a blow to George's position presented itself. I was called into a meeting of the top brass of the company to give a personal report on my Cleveland trip. It seems that I had done such a bang-up, kiss-ass job, that the business my company did with the Cleveland concern had the potential to double!
Introduction: Michelle was 21, and I was 18 at the time. She lived across the hall from me in the dorms. Michelle was the most beautiful girl I had seen. She was a brunette with curly hair who wore glasses, my two favorite physical traits in a girl. And she had a supple pair of breasts that made my crotch tingle every time I saw them. Im not a pervert, but you cant resist biological urges. I never imagined myself having sex with Michelle. I just really wanted to be with her. I had never met...
Prologue: "Michelle? Did you lose a bet or something sweetie?" "Very funny, Jen. No, I have to stop at Uncle Randy's and pick up the suitcases Mom lent him. He won't even open the door for me unless I'm dressed the way god intended. I've got too much going on today to put up with that shit." "Sorry, as they say, you can't pick your relatives." "Yeah, I certainly wouldn't have picked him. Anyway, I've got the nail dryers we borrowed. Thank you so much, that wedding party nearly...
She felt it like she always did. His large head stretching her open as it drove into her body. She loved that feeling, being opened up and the long shaft of his cock right up inside her. His muscular body on hers soft one, his chest pressing hard against her tits. His tongue in her mouth. It would soon be by her ear and she would hear his heavy breathing as he pumped in and out of her. His hands round and under her, gripping her buttocks. Her hands gripping his and her legs curled...
Michellethis story is about me and michelle"Michelle and I met in college. We both are pursuing a career in the theatre and production departments. She is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Soon she and I became great friends. Her parents and mine were almost neighbours, so whenever we were at home, we used to have these s1eep over’s. She moved in six months back. I am friends with her for at least four months I think. She is 5'8", blonde hair, 32C athletic frame and very, very...
Michelle und myself were working for the same company. We knew each other from college but had lost contact afterwards and now met again recently. She was nice but never really my kind of girl. I knew her as a friendly but very restrained, almost shy woman. She was slim, almost too slim, her most remarkable outer feature were the big blue eyes that seemed to watch you expectantly whenever you talked to her. Right after college she got married and now shortly after the birth of her first child...
Michelle Most of this story is true with a little bit of fantasizing. Guess I am a wannabe sissy and only just a CD. God I feel good! I'm stepping out of the house as Michelle. I don't get to do that very often as my wife isn't to keen on me being out in public. Today I have an appointment with my therapist and it gives me the opportunity to be me. It feels so wonderful walking out of the house with the sound of my high heels on the pavement, my skirt sliding over my nylons, my...
By Louis van Amoren The story is in the Dutch language. I have been asked several times to translate the story into English. Not only do I lack the time, but I am also not conversant enough with English to provide a proper translation. But perhaps there is somewhere a Dutch person with a good feeling for translation, who is willing to translate my stories. Possibly so under the name of Louis, but she may also do that under her own name. (met dank aan Jose, misschien de verhalen...
By Louis van Amoren The story was in the Dutch language. NOT all words translated. (With thanks at Jose, perhaps the stories also?) As all my stories is also this tell defense of A till Z invented. The persons that are named consist thus in reality totally not. Chapter 1. Pleased I run to my appointment. Relieved and cheerfully anyhow. Until now closed lapses really eigelijk everything superbly. First of all I found a job. Well far from house, in the hague. ...
At the bewitching hour of midnight the casino was invariably at full swing. Tonight being Saturday, it was even better, Silk Weaver thought, looking about him at the multitudes of elite who had come to be swindled... expected to be swindled. The gaming tables were jammed, and the din of the slot machines in long rows lining the walls, coupled with the human roar and the even louder pitched voices of the stickmen chanting their litany in response to the fascinating dance of the red celluloid...
Dearest Franklin: I'd never even thought of telling you this, my darling husband. I know. We've been married twenty-five years. We have no secrets. Except this one. It a memory I have cherished for years. A really terrible little event, I'm afraid. I'm embarrassed to even write it down. Don't worry. You'll never know. When I'm done writing this, I'll delete it. But, tonight, with you in Portland on that medical convention, I've given myself permission to write this. And masturbate...
I would book us into a hotel at Gatwick and travel there by train. you would join the train at Croydon wearing jogging pants, tight t shirt and trainers. no underwear. I would wait for you at the front of the train, between the first and second class. you would get on further down and walk thru'. The train will be packed with commuters and you'll have to push thru', they'll all be looking at your tight clothes clinging to your tight body as you make your way up to me, seeing how your leggings...
***Reading prior stories is a good idea, but, not required.***My wife didn't particularly enjoy having her pussy licked. As it's my favorite activity, it's a bit of a disappointment, but, not the end of the world. Our sex life was anything but dull, especially with the recent development of her asking for an open marriage. (Remind me to tell you about that, later.) What she lacked in enthusiasm for cunnilingus, she made up for by being imaginative. The incident about which I am going to...
First time writing a story on here it's completely true an it was amazing. I was eighte*n at the time an he was 22, I'm nineteen now lol but met this guy on grinder only lived 3 houses down worked out pretty good. Started talking for awhile I went to his house an hung out then we made plans he come over later that night . Now I was very nervous because at the time all I've done was sucked a few times an got blown. I Didn't know what to expect anyway he came over at night I was staying in the...
A Memorable Piece Dear readers, I am going to start this off with a letter dealing with spanking that I found on line many many years ago and that still turns me on in some peculiar way. I am going to give you the letter in its' entirety, and then add my comments at the end. I believe the letter first appeared on a web site that was devoted to spanking and was identified only as Letter No. 10. Here it is, in its' entirety. Ralph's Aunt Dear Editor: ...
Michelle Morgan Chapter 1 - New Job As far back as I can remember, I've always been a cross dresser. I'm male, and I've never considered myself to be transsexual, but I've always been attracted to femininity; not just as an admirer, but also as a participant. Yes, I do find females to be sexually and romantically attractive, but I also appreciate (and study) women in the way women appreciate other women. Your mileage might vary, but to me, there's a clear distinction between the biology of...
Hi guys.I am drew (name changed), 20 years old and I’m a boy. And the sex story I am writing is a fiction and is only for fun. I hope you will enjoy it. Please do forgive for any mistakes.And this () is my account, I love to hear your feedback. Going into the story… I’m Raj. I work in a MNC firm. I earn solid, but that only costs most of my time in the office. I’m 32 and got married recently to an angel faced girl, anupama. She is tall girl with voluptuous body assets, fair skin, at 27 age. I...
I could hear my Master´s phone ringing in the kitchen. Master was just finished in the bathroom after having showered. A quarter earlier, he had just fucked my sissy cunt deep and long. I was still strapped over the homemade rig that was built and adapted to be able to fix me in exactly the position Master wanted me. Wood and steel mixed, loops, leather straps, clasps, metal bars. Everything matched fully to fix me for his sadistic games containing everything from painful whippings to long and...
Fred came home after a long day at the quarry. He through open the door and yelled, “WILMA, I’m HOME.” Fred braced himself for Dino’s loving attack but nothing happened. No yelping dog, no running paws coming at him, nothing. Fred was confused, then he looked to his right and standing in the doorway to their bedroom was Wilma. Fred dropped his lunchbox and stared. Wilma was wearing that white skimpy outfit she had shone him from the Fredrick’s of Hollyrocks catalog last month. Fred’s...
After the tryst with Bruce and his drunken cousin I considered myself lucky to have only to be taken By the two of them. That night I slipped into a tub of very warm water to soothe my aching anus, reading up on anal sex and finding out that warm water and Vaseline applied to the wounded area would ease the pain. That night as I slept I dreamed about having sex with Bruce and was flabbergasted by the thoughts I had. All the next day I wondered if I was turning gay. Being taken against my will...
The high school hiking club was almost finished with their ten mile hike. Shelly saw the Lake Tahoe hotel approaching and urged her kids to finish strong. She noticed James staring at her sweat-stained blouse, the blouse she had purposefully unbuttoned to show just a bit of breast. She knew she could have him anytime she wanted; it was as obvious as the grin on his face. She also knew that he adored her and that he took every opportunity to try and get a peek down her blouse or up her skirt and...
Guys, I have a sex fantasy of getting fucked in inappropriate places while someone is watching me and my partner with lusty eyes. Recently, I had attended a wedding reception event in one of my friend’s house where this fantasy was fulfilled. Not only my sexual fantasy was satisfied but I also managed to taste and teach a BDSM lesson to a spoiled brat’s horny cock. You guys might want to get that bottle of lube for this story. ;) I had gone to my friend’s wedding reception and my college time...
I gently bounced a ball off the ceiling, catching it in my hand as I did so. That was it, my summer was gone. Recently I turned 17, so I'm in my last two years at school. After unpacking my stuff into my room for the year, I had nothing to do. There was a new sleeping arrangement this year, each boy would share a room with a girl - as that is how my boarding school thought we would learn to respect each other, and people's privacy. I heard a knock on my door, a soft knock, one that sounded like...
Straight SexFORTUNE TELLER.It was a few minutes after 11:00 at night, but the sign lite this late at night meant she was still open. People probably need their fortunes told late at night with a few beers in them. That's when people get into fights. Break up. Late at night is when love is lost and love is found. It is the time when tragedies occur and dreams come true. Both are impossible to believe and change a person forever.I turned into the driveway.The old crone slowly hobbled through the dark curtain...
This was not what I had planned for my day off, I can’t stand supermarkets and do my utmost to avoid them. My girlfriend, Lucy, normally takes care of the grocery list, but had been called into work as they had some urgent order to complete, so the shopping list was left in my less than capable hands. I wandered up and down the aisles, trying to find the items from the list and to be perfectly honest, making an absolute hash of it. I tried to concentrate, but there were far too many sexy women...
Straight SexBreak-ups are miserable. The pain, the jealousy, the wallowing! When my foxy stepsister Willow Ryder comes into my room to cheer me up, I’m just NOT in the mood. She tries her best and even tells me she recently broke up with her boyfriend, but I’m not having it. When she pulls out her perky little teen tits, my mood starts changing. I (Apollo Banks) try to do the right thing, but this girl is insistent! We start kissing and then she goes right for my cock! She is impressed with its...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: The Early Years ( Chapter 2 ) Girlfriends 1 It would be a good idea to read the previous chapters as knowing some of the history involved will certainly help in understanding the underlying theme of this and any other future chapters. As I have mentioned in an earlier chapter Im 32 years old. What I havent mentioned anything about is whether or not I have a girl friend or I am married. Well to set the record straight, I am in between girl friends and not currently married. No...
This is a tale (?) about a good friend of my Mother.My Mum is 89 and legally blind. She can just manage to make out who someone is if they are as close as a metre away. Beyond that and it’s a blank blur. She also suffers from hearing loss, so that can catch her out at times.My name is Jim, and I’m a live-in carer for Jan, my Mum.The youngest of 9, it was always my “duty” to look after our Mum. Now, at a single 39 years old, I have no love life to speak of, aside from my computer (porn) and my...
From that day on, anytime they went to the lake they wouldn't let him come in the canoe, and they started making him sleep on the fold out couch. The girls had convinced their parents to get two full beds instead of the bunk beds, but he always noted that one bed looking untouched whenever he went in to shower in their bathroom in the morning. He flipped the page, watching his sisters develop before him. Their chests grew to their present day B cup, their bodies lithe and athletic....
The girls might as well have stayed at Brock’s house. He wasn’t sleeping. He just sat in the recliner and stared at his ceiling. His life had so much potential--maybe it still did--but things just kept getting more and more complicated. It was barely past 7 a.m. when his phone started to ring. He figured it was someone from next door wondering if he were awake. He was partially right. “Hey,” a cheerful Mel said into his ear. “Did I wake you? If not, go back to bed and I’ll call in a few...
K needed a ride to her friend's place and didn't have cab fare, of course, I could help out a lady in a miniskirt, however pale, with long-legs, full booty and distress out. So we went to O's and watched television for a few minutes. O got ready for work, we had polite conversation about things in the day while K told her about how I was so nice to give her the cab fare and was such a gentleman. O looked at K. K looked at O, said nothing for a few minutes, and unzipped my pants before...
A few years ago, I moved back in with my parents. I became depressed after the man I loved (supposedly) died while touring in Afghanistan, and I needed the support. When I moved back in, I discovered just how big of a whore my little sister had become while I was away. (And how big of a slut she had been without my noticing.)One Friday night she left to attend a college frat party while mom and dad went on date night. With nothing to do so early in the evening, I decided to do some chores. I...
Two days before the wedding, the flights I had arranged for my out of town guests started arriving. Town cars were shuttling them to the hotel from the airport and that night, Ashlee and I met them at a small reception in the hotel. My extended family managed to all find time to come to KC and some of Ashlee's family was there as well. We had a nice banquet for everyone and we circulated through the crowd welcoming everyone. Of course, both families were very impressed by the fact that I had...
Betsy stepped out of her shoes, let her purse fall to the floor right next to the door, and walked over to the couch as if someone had turned up the gravity in her house. She flopped down onto the cushions with a whoosh of breath, and quietly resolved to herself that she wouldn’t even think about moving for at least a few minutes. Even something as simple as finding the remote could wait–all her shows were Tivoed anyway, which was a good thing considering it was seven o’clock and she’d just now...
At the time of experiences with Catherine I did not understand what was happening fully. Although as I mentioned I'd been a bully in school and thought I was very outspoken, in reality I was obviously very insecure, in fact perhaps a bit introverted. At least when I met new people, or was in a new environment I didn't say much and kept my thoughts to myself until I became more familiar with the people to start venturing my opinions. The following Wednesday afternoon I was off work from 2 PM...
LesbianI’m ramya.. I’m from Hyderabad. I’m 5.2feet. I am white in complexion and have long hair till my ass. My size is 36-34-36 I’m 36 now.. I got married when I was just 14. My husband is 32 that time .at that small age I don’t know anything about sex.. He used me like a doll in his bedroom… I can’t bear the pain… He uses to give.. He have a cock only up to 4.5″ But at my 14th age that is a rod… As the time passes I became pregnant when I was 15… And I gave birth to a cute boy when I’m 16. His name...
Life With sisNot my story, I just cleaned up a post by a retired user "batoutofhell"If one thing is certain, life is full of changes. Just when the girls were starting to plan their trip to Virginia Beach, mom and dad had a meeting with Stephanie to tell her that they really didn't want her to go that far, besides with plane tickets it was going to be really expensive. They suggested picking some place that they could go to by car no more than a one day drive. There was some arguing and crying,...
In the morning I slowly started to wake up to a very pleasant feeling. As I became more awake, it felt like someone sucking on my cock. I opened my eyes and saw my beautiful mother staring up at me with my dick engulfed in her wonderful mouth. She took her mouth off it and held it like a cigar as she said, "It's about time you woke up. Little did I dream two days ago that I'd wake you up by sucking on your, on your pe..." "Cock, Mom. If it's in Gray's Anatomy, it's a penis. If it's...
The sound of the rain beating against the outside of the windows was so soothing that Ian just lay in bed, listening intently in the predawn hours. He had woken up to Jill stretching her body languidly beside him, her eyes still shut, her lids like a curtain behind which only she knew what visions floated. He’d never seen anyone so beautiful in his whole life. She was his Soul Friend, as the Gaels said. There in the pale gray that still fought against the sun’s rays, she was an angel. He leaned...
We had a new account executive visit our office this week. She was from southern California and came up to do some training and meet the staff. I was introduced by her co-worker. “Brad, this is Linda. She’s a new AE and will be with us all week to learn how we do business. I hope you are available to walk her through some stuff later in the week?”I should have been pissed. My week was shaping up to be really busy and I didn’t have time to “babysit” a new AE - even for a couple hours. As I...
Theodore Roosevelt once said "If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow", but an experienced woman knows that if you have got him by his prostate, you own his balls!For those keen to try prostate milking, a quick guide for him and her:1. He should empty his bowels and use a small enema to clean up before you start.2. He should also COMPLETELY empty his bladder before you start because he will need to relax his prostate in a similar way to urination to allow his sperm...
Jack and Jill went up a hill, to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after. Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, who had a twin sister named Jill. They lived with their widowed mother in a small cottage at the bottom of a big hill. You may even have heard of them. There was a well known poem that was written about them going up that hill to fetch a pail of water. But what you probably DON'T know is the REST of the story of what...
The Encounter Part 02 true story by VLSo there I was in bed with the wrong girl. I had come to visit Kim, an on line cyber-sex friend, and ended up fucking her little sister Megan by mistake. Although they were a few years apart, they looked quite similar. I know that’s a lame excuse, but really I had been expecting to find Kim ready and willing to get down and dirty. So I didn’t stop to think twice when the girl I did find, who was wet and ready, didn’t quite match what I was expecting. In all...
I sat there and stared at her incredulously. It took a few seconds for what she had said to register and in those few seconds my mind went back in time. I'd met Tanya Louise Marshall on the first day of school when I started the eighth grade. She had just moved to town and didn't know anyone in the class. From the first time I'd laid eyes on her I was lost. I introduced myself and she gave me a big smile and said that she was glad to meet me. My eyes followed her everywhere she went and...
“In January 2014 in the town of Sidi-Slimane, Morocco, a wanna-be jihadist named Haamid Muhammad put out a call for fighters against the great Satan - the United States - from a local internet café. Sidi-Slimane is 50 km north of Rabat,” I said. “Within 2 months he gathered over fifty fighters, with no money and few weapons. A Saudi junior prince Aabad Aabzaari was in Morocco and was one of the people Haamid befriended in the internet café,” I said. “Money suddenly became no problem and...
Hi I hope all are enjoyed my previous part 1 & 2. I would like to share the 3rd part of the story with you people which we had on the final day. After I fucked her on the BMW and we both went to sleep for the night. We both are tired for the erotic sex at the day. In the morning I think almost 8 in the morning. I was sleeping nude under the blanket protector. But suddenly I had some nice feeling. I am not sure it was dream or reality. I am getting some kind of feeling on my cock. I am too lazy...
Strawberry pancakes and maple syrup! What a thing to have for breakfast! Epic. It was incredibly serious why they were here, but Grace couldn’t help being excited. San Francisco. America. This huge hotel with all glass and so much space, including a huge swimming pool that she’d had a swim in already with Mia. It was true: everything WAS bigger over here. She was looking forward to driving down to Mountain View in their dark red ‘rental’. She played with pronouncing it ‘rennle’ in her head....
Lynn closed the door to the motel room and walked to her car. Her luggage held in one hand, the Dream Catcher and purse in the other. Walking to the rear of the Saab, Lynn sat her luggage down and put the key in the slot and turned it. As the trunk opened she took notice of the lights by the highway. ‘Grill’ lit up like a beacon in the night to an empty stomach. She put her suitcase in the hatch and closed it. She raised the Dream Catcher up and took a glancing look as she walked to the...
Everything seemed normal around the house after the wild weekend I had with my step mother. About the only difference was I looked at her differently now. Before she always turned me on and I loved to look at her, but I tried not to get caught. Now I wanted her to see me undressing her with my eyes, and I also noticed how she looked at me when no one else was around. We had always had a good relationship, but now you could tell we were a lot closer. I did not realize how our lives were going to...
IncestHalf Priced Sale(Original Equipment)Chapter oneMarie left a trail of dirty snow on the floor as she walked up to the meat counter and considered the prices on the choice cuts of meat she would need for her party on Saturday. The meat girl on display had a regulation hood that covered her face and the back of her head. Her hair was either cut short or tucked under the hood. By law, no hair was allowed to be visible on a meat girl display. These hoods, or more specifically the electronics...
How The Big City Changed Me III By Chiara Upon arriving at Nadine's apartment, it was clear that the girls were having a great time already. They were drinking Margaritas and were already feeling no pain. Gina looked amazing! She had on a leather mini skirt and a sexy halter- top and here face was made up perfectly. Did I say she looked amazing? I thought to myself that I could easily fall for her if I wasn't in this ridiculous situation of pretending to be a girl. Suddenly...
A month after my first (deliberately!) unsuccessful attempt at getting Sophie pregnant, Chloe and I went back to see Sophie and Lucy for round two. Just to set the scene up again, a quick description of the four of us.Me: just over six feet tall, dark hair, average build, seven-inch dick. Adventurous in the bedroom. Straight.Chloe: my girlfriend. Five feet nine inches, UK size twenty, busty, slightly overhanging belly, dark hair. Straight.Sophie: five feet ten inches, UK size fourteen, curvy...
TrueThis is how a heart breaks Six months ago. ...Sara woke from her usual nightmares. Weak and shaking, she barely managed to get herself up and deal with the waking world. She had thought things were getting better, she had made such progress, but lately things had gotten worse again. The first set of dreams involved the case that had sent her on leave from being a social worker. It had seemed like a very straightforward case. A young boy, about 5 years old, had lost his parents in...
My sister & I Hello, my name is vishal. I live in Australia. I lived in a remote place where ther is no Indians around for hundreds of miles. I have done a lot of incestious things in my life. When I was 14 I had an incident with my mother. When I was 16 I had an incident with my sister. Two years later I had a incident with my mom’s sister. I am 21 now and this incident happened 5 years ago when I was 16. Let me decribe my sister for a second. My sister’s name is Prithi ( not her real name,...
IncestHi ISS friends and this is Lang and I am from Shillong, Meghalaya (North east India). This is the first time that I am sending an old real life story which happened in 2007 to be published in ISS and I hope you will like it. I used to work as a lecturer in an institute. One the day I joined the institute I had eyed one female co-worker who seemed to be very sexy. Her name was Lily and she has two children and a drunken husband. She had a great and sexy body nice tits, nice ass, and sexy...
It was the smell that woke me….it was food and I was so hungry since I was too nervous to eat before I arrived yesterday. I got off the bed and made my way to the little kitchen but I was surprised to find that the smell had not come from there. I checked the cupboards and the fridge but they were empty except for some bottles of water. I grabbed one and chugged it down, hoping that it would satisfy my hunger temporarily. I made my way into the shower, thinking that I should clean up a bit. I...
[This is the continuation of my earlier story which readers might find it helpful to read first; all names are fictitious]For the next few days after being tied up and ****d in the marital bed by her lodger, Julia was in a state of bewilderment and mixed emotions. The event in question was a ‘first’ for her in several ways: it was the first time during her marriage that someone other than her husband Jim had had sex with her; it was the first time she had been subjected to any v******e during...
The Twins were efficient workers and seldom complained about anything. Isador gave them a dollar each raise in the fall of 1905. Michelle and Melissa stopped putting money in the bank. The pair wanted to get the other a very nice Christmas present. They instinctively knew what each liked. That winter the fog and rain came back with a fury. For several of their days off Michelle and Melissa stayed home in their room reading or making love. Michelle started a diary writing things down of their...
Author’s Note: Last we saw of the love infatuated couple, they were at a party with Jay’s cousin Moira. A party that was being held by Jeanette and just as we left off looks like there was going to be some games at this party. Jay didn’t know what these games were until he was cornered into saying yes. Does this new twist mean this is the beginning of the end of the relationship between Jay and Amanda? Will Jeanette’s confession change the dynamic between her and Amanda? Will Jay’s dick be the...