Electioneering free porn video

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Betsy stepped out of her shoes, let her purse fall to the floor right next to the door, and walked over to the couch as if someone had turned up the gravity in her house. She flopped down onto the cushions with a whoosh of breath, and quietly resolved to herself that she wouldn’t even think about moving for at least a few minutes. Even something as simple as finding the remote could wait–all her shows were Tivoed anyway, which was a good thing considering it was seven o’clock and she’d just now gotten home from work.

Betsy’s stomach growled irritably, but she was in no mood to cook right now. ‘Screw it,’ she muttered to herself. Her diet could go to hell for one day, she’d probably burned off enough extra calories running up and down stairs to be able to scarf down a whole pizza without any noticeable effects. She closed her eyes. In a minute or two, she told herself, she’d get up, grab the phone, and order some food. In a minute. In just a…

The doorbell rang. Betsy opened her eyes wide in the manner of someone who realized that ‘a minute or two’ had already turned into seven minutes and was well on its way to more, and stumbled to her feet. She felt a moment of disorientation as she wondered if this was the pizza getting here, but she remembered as she opened the door that she hadn’t actually ordered it yet, besides, the woman at the door was definitely no delivery driver.

Internally, she groaned at the sight of the sharply dressed woman with her blonde hair pulled back into an immaculate bun. *Not another one*, she thought. Three days before the election, and it seemed like they were showing up on an hourly basis now. Betsy couldn’t tell which party this girl was from, her campaign button just had a little display of blinking colored lights that spelled out ‘VOTE’. Betsy hoped this one was just here to ask if she was registered–she’d had to get pretty snippy with the last one who’d wanted her to volunteer at the polling place. Twelve hour days (on a good day), six days a week, and they wanted her to volunteer?

Even so, she opened the door. It always seemed to take less time to talk to them than to wait for them to quit ringing the doorbell. ‘Hi,’ she said, hoping that the bleary look in her eyes and the exhausted tone in her voice would help to cut this short.

‘Hi!’ the girl said in a perky, yet somehow oddly forceful tone. ‘I’m Anna, and I’m with the Campaign To Get Out And Not Vote.’ She pressed a tiny stud on her button, and another set of blinking colored lights traced a circle around the word ‘VOTE’, then drew a line across it. They vanished, and began to trace again. ‘May I come in?’

‘I, um, what?’ Betsy blinked away a little of the sleep in her eyes as she stared in confusion at the blinking button. Had she heard that right? She must have, the button was crossing it out, but… ‘What?’ she said again.

‘Thank you,’ Anna said, stepping inside and taking Betsy’s arm. ‘As you know,’ she said as she led Betsy to the couch, ‘at least a third of the country doesn’t vote in the national elections every two years. We at the Campaign To Get Out And Not Vote think that if a third of the country doesn’t care about something, it can’t be that important, really. We’re hoping on your support to not care about it either.’

‘I, but…’ Was she still asleep? Was this a dream? Was it a joke, maybe, some kind of weird performance art? ‘But, um…voting’s important,’ she said numbly as she sat down. If she was really on ‘Candid Camera’ or something, she at least didn’t want to look stupid.

‘Let me ask you,’ Anna said briskly, ‘do you know how many people live in the state of California?’ Betsy started to speak, but Anna cut her off before she could even get out a word. ‘It’s over thirty-six million. Your vote only counts as one three-hundred-sixty-thousandth of one percent of the electorate, Betsy. Statistically speaking, you’re not important. You’re insignificant.’

Betsy felt a surge of irritation at that, but before she could respond, Anna said, ‘Now obviously, you’re not insignificant anywhere else in your life. Why should you spend so much time and effort on something that just reminds you of how little choice you really have in all the important decisions that affect you? Why should you make such a long, tiring journey out to the polling place, work so hard and make all those decisions, when it’s really not going to matter how you vote? Someone else is going to run your life, Betsy. It’s easier to just accept it.’

Betsy stared in blank incomprehension at the blinking lights on the button as they traced their endless circle, around and around. She’d had way too long a day to handle this kind of conversation. Her head felt all muddy and jumbled from too little sleep combined with the beginnings of a nap cut off as it was getting started, Anna was rattling off her speech so quickly that Betsy couldn’t even get a word in edgewise, let alone think about what she was saying, and politics had never really been Betsy’s strong suit anyway. ‘I–‘

Betsy hadn’t even figured out where she was going with the sentence before Anna trampled on her train of thought again. ‘You’ve already got so many decisions to make as it is, Betsy. It’s exhausting to think about how much you have to decide every day. Just by the time you get to work, you’ve already made decisions about what to eat, about what to wear, about whether to get up or just call in sick. And every single one of those decisions tires you out a little bit more. Just imagine how many choices you’ve made over the course of your whole life, Betsy. It’s a wonder you can even think at all anymore, you’re so worn down.’

Betsy was already feeling tired, like her head was full of cotton candy, but Anna kept right on going. ‘And now, think about how much effort it would be to make a choice about every single one of those candidates on the ballot, Betsy. Every one of those choices, wearing you down a little bit more, and none of it matters. You don’t decide who wins that election. You don’t decide who makes the laws. You don’t decide what those laws are. Someone else already makes so many choices for you, why not go ahead and let them make a few more?’

‘Um…’ It occurred to Betsy that she hadn’t really said a single coherent sentence yet to Anna. She didn’t really know what she would say if she could. She felt like she should refute some of the stuff that Anna was saying, but everything she could think of to counter Anna’s web of words just sounded like empty rhetoric from her high school civics class. ‘I…you should go,’ she said thickly. She’d figure out what was wrong with all this later, she decided, after Anna was out the door and she’d had some time to eat and sleep and concentrate.

‘See?’ Anna said triumphantly. Instead of leaving, though, she sat down right next to Betsy. ‘It took you all this time, all this effort to make even one decision, Betsy, and when you did make it? It didn’t matter. Someone else made a different decision, and you’re stuck with the results. For all the good it did you, you might as well have not even tried to think about what you wanted. You tired yourself out, wore yourself down trying to decide what you wanted, and you would have been so much happier if you’d just let me decide what you wanted for you.’

‘But–but–but–‘ Betsy stammered helplessly as her brain locked up. She’d told Anna to go! That meant she was supposed to leave, not stay here and keep telling her things that confused her because they made sense in a weird way.

‘And now you’re trying to decide what to do next, and that’s only tiring you out even more,’ Anna said, steamrollering right over her objections. ‘Every time your brain tries to sort through your options, you get more and more exhausted, more and more numb, until your mind runs out of gas and your brain shuts down. And you know that none of those options are going to do any good anyway. None of your decisions mean anything. I decide things for you. So your brain runs
on from choice to choice to meaningless choice until it finally gives up and lets me make the right choice, the choice that’s going to happen anyway. Doesn’t that sound so much better to you?’

Betsy stared vacantly at the blinking lights, trying to find some way out of this. She could say no, but Anna would just keep talking. She could say yes, but that would mean giving up and letting Anna think for her. She could tell her to leave again, but Anna wouldn’t do it. She could…could… Desperately, she cast around for any idea she could latch on to, knowing that each effort drained away a little more of her precious energy, but she already felt too sleepy to think.

‘Doesn’t that sound good to you, Betsy?’ Anna said firmly, pushing her back into the couch cushions with her left hand.

Betsy’s breath went out in a whoosh as her mind simply sputtered and died. ‘…yes,’ she said vacantly.

Just saying it felt amazing, like someone was pressing a hand to the crotch of her slacks and rubbing firmly. She almost wondered where Anna’s other hand was, but wondering was too much like thinking and thinking was too much like deciding and she was too tired to decide anything right now. Anna could do that. She’d rather simply agree with what Anna said.

‘And doesn’t that feel good to you, Betsy, sitting there and letting someone else tell you what to do?’

‘…yes…’ The rubbing felt even better, now, and Betsy arched her hips up into it.

‘It feels good when someone tells you what to do…’ Another rub. ‘What to say…’ Fingers on her nipples now, pinching and tweaking them through her clothes. ‘What to think…’

‘yes…’ Betsy couldn’t deny it–someone was telling her what to do, what to say, what to think, and it was swamping her mind with bliss. Her legs slowly drifted apart, and she smiled dreamily when she realized that even that wasn’t her own decision, her body was doing it all on its own.

‘Feels so liberating,’ Anna whispered in her ear, her voice now a husky purr instead of a brisk chirp, ‘so relaxing…’ She punctuated each phrase with an extra-firm caress, and Betsy’s eyelids fluttered as she tried to keep them open, but then she realized that she didn’t have any say in that either, and they slammed shut.

‘yesss,’ Betsy groaned out, not even sure of what she was agreeing to anymore, but knowing that whatever it was, she had to agree with it. Making choices was just too much work. It felt so easy, so good, so effortless and relaxing and liberating to simply obey. Why had she ever even tried to think for herself? Why hadn’t she given in and let someone run her life long before now? She couldn’t answer that question, of course. That would mean thinking.

‘Take off your clothes,’ Anna said, and Betsy found herself stripping naked almost before she realized it. That felt wonderful, she realized. It was like she was a passenger in her own body now, relaxing and enjoying the ride while someone else did all the work of driving. Anna could make all the hard decisions like what Betsy should wear, what she should eat, when she should ‘Lie on my lap, face down.’ It made everything so much easier.

She felt Anna’s left hand stroking her hair, her back, her shoulders, soothing her deeper down into this strange, empty trance while Anna’s right hand found its way into her pussy and began to pump two fingers in and out. They slid so easily into her wet opening, and Anna’s knuckle felt so good when it brushed up against her clit on every downstroke, and Betsy was so pleased to know that her grunts and moans of pleasure were utterly involuntary. Anna was dragging every sigh and whimper out of Betsy’s sleepy, mindless body, and that meant she was obeying and agreeing, and that made the pleasure so much better still…

And it felt so good to know that her body wanted more of the pleasure, her body arched up into Anna’s touch, her butt rearing up in the air and quivering in need without her mind needing to involve itself at all. She could just watch and listen and feel, as Anna explained even more about how good it felt when someone else decided things for Betsy. Betsy wanted that, now, but she understood that the best part of all was that she would want whatever she was told to want. That felt so good that she couldn’t help herself, she clenched her pussy tightly around Anna’s fingers and came and came and came. And when she realized that she really couldn’t help herself, she came again, even harder.

‘Good girl,’ Anna said at last. ‘Now, listen carefully, Betsy. I’m going to tell you what to do.’


Jerry rolled his eyes when he heard the knock on the door. It was almost ten o’clock! Didn’t these stupid volunteers ever get any sleep? He stormed to the door, ready to tell whoever it was to fuck off because he was voting for the other guy, but his words died in his throat when he saw just how beautiful this particular volunteer was.

‘Hi!’ the girl said in a perky, yet somehow oddly forceful tone. ‘I’m Betsy, and I’m with the Campaign To Get Out And Not Vote.’ She pressed a tiny stud on her button, and another set of blinking colored lights traced a circle around the word ‘VOTE’, then drew a line across it. They vanished, and began to trace again. ‘May I come in?’


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They had spent eight days jumping in and out of hyperspace, seeing the sights as they had followed the scenic route Ebony had set for them. According to her, they still had twelve more days on the route she had set, though if they needed, she could straighten them out and be at Tortora station in a little under two days at Class 3. Hephaestus was the home of House Jacobs and located relatively close to the frontier, compared to other houses. Tortora station was on the edge of Imperial space...

2 years ago
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Lessons with Stepmom Ch 2 A World of Desires

When I had told them that I'd found work in Arizona and shared my plans for leaving home, she was calm to the point of indifference. She didn't have any private demands to talk to me, she just listened while I went over where I was going and when. I was expecting some kind of reaction from her, but she didn't even come with us to the airport. If I had been a small kid I would have cried. As it was, I almost physically felt that a piece of me was gone. My dad broke news of their divorce...

1 year ago
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Drunk wife cheats

I have been married to the same woman for twenty-three years. Never cheated on her, sure I thought of it a time or two. But I never did it. I just couldn't face myself if I cheated on her. I wish that were true of her though. No, I never thought she would cheat on me. Then again, in all the years we have been together I never saw her drunk either. All that changed last summer. We had been having some difficulties. She was going through a mid-life crisis and everyone was paying for it. She went...

Drunk sex
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Girlyboy Gone Wild Part One

Wearing sexy lingerie for a man is my favorite way to feel like a girl. I’ve been doing it since I was 16 and have never been shy about it. Every few months, I get the urge to do it. So, this month I did it again. To find men to turn on with my sexy lingerie, I placed an ad on the local dating line: ‘Hi. I’m a hot girlyboy who likes older men. I’m having a party in my panties this weekend and I want you to come. It will just be the two of us. All you have to bring for me is your big one. I like...

2 years ago
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Cynthia MartinChapter 35

The next morning Cindy stretched and wriggled her body on the bed. It had been one of the most wonderful nights of her life with Dan. Now her quiet movement was all it took to awaken him. He leaned over and kissed her warmly and then with increasing passion. When they separated he asked, "And how would my bride-to-be like to make love this morning?" She reached for his cock and balls and found that he had his usual massive erection and his scrotum seemed to be full. She looked at him and...

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I had driven us to a walking park in a lightly wooded forest outside of town, directly off the four lane. While it was right on the main road, I knew the park got no traffic at night, and I knew a hill in the park where we could be concealed while we were able to effectively spot any vehicle entering, with plenty of time to recover from whatever we were doing to achieve some semblance of normal appearance. Anyone that found us would know that we were up to no good, but all evidence would be...

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Eporner POV

There’s nothing like being right in the action, leaning over as some babe’s perky tits bounce while you grip their hips and plow that pussy. It’s a daily experience for me, but I know most of you, cucks, haven’t ever felt the pleasure for yourselves. It’s alright. Your time will come. I walk around seeing absolute dime pieces kissing the ugliest, fattest bastards out there. You can rest assured that there’s some chick with poor taste just waiting for you to bend them over for a few seconds...

POV Porn Sites
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Andrew Lake Part 1 Repost My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

Introduction: Hey guys, so my account was rejected by xnxx after I had posted this, so for the sake of simplicity I am re-uploading it here. I apologize for the confusion. Feel free to rate and comment again, and stay tuned for the next parts, assuming my account isnt denied again. My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things...

1 year ago
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Me And My Rekha Mami

Hi friends I am Ashish a normal and shy 22 yr old college going boy. This is for the first time I am putting down my sexual experience online. Hope you guys like it and encourage me for more, because I have lots to say.It happened around 4 yrs back, at a relatives marriage ceremony. I was 18 then and she was 32 yr old. My sexual encounter happened with the help of my mami(Rekha)… She is just awesome lady, with very sexy figure that can envy any lady or girl; with awesome pair of boobs and a...

2 years ago
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I Made My Sister Seduce Me

Hey, guys, it’s only recently that I came across this website when I was told about it by a friend. Read a couple of posts and I thought I’d share my own sex story here; probably the only one I have had, and will ever have, to be honest. I am a 28-year-old average guy, but this sex story began about 10 years back when Yahoo Messenger was still a thing. It was just my dad, my sister who was elder to me by a year and a half, and I live in a big home. Mom passed away when we were little, and I...

4 years ago
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Cat FightChapter 15 Battle

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill’s dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now...

3 years ago
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Farm Help Girls Updated

Farm Help Girls (Updated)----------We were being overwhelmed at the Farm. So many people showing up to board their horses or just to ride on the weekends till summer. Jackson, the farm manager, had threatened to quit unless we got some people to help him out with all the various chores he had to do every day. We all pitched in with feeding the a****ls but all the horses had to be groomed and brushed, and then saddled up for the daily riders. Taking care of the customers' needs and then when...

4 years ago
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The Cable Slave chapter 7 The Gardener

I got a cryptic message from the cable guy one morning saying that some work had to be done in my garden. That was true enough because with all my recent activities I’d been neglecting it. That wasn’t the point of course; this was simply a message that I was about to find myself engaged in some outdoor activities. I told my husband that the money I made from the lingerie business meant I could hire someone to tidy up the garden. I was not too sure what this gardener would do. I was certain he...

1 year ago
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Whacked Round Ass Lass 5 Whipped Reporter Anal LostChapter 3

Here, I was, Charlotta, King High’s court’s runner up queen all those years ago back in high school. When Martha Ann, me and Art the same guy now staring down at me and my friend and fellow teacher, Martha Ann. Wood, yes, best described what I saw at that moment. I realized just not that he was spying on us, but it was crystal, I mean perfectly clear. Yes, indeed he had been watching the show with a hot interest. From my vantage point, I could see that his penis was pink. Hard, a real...

3 years ago
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The Labors of Jasper Episode 22

20Jas0022, The Labors of Jasper Episode 22; 3420 words The quarantine trailer was exactly as Jas remembered it. She looked around. "No other customers, huh?" "None that lived." "I hope you're joking." "Me, too. Now, explain again, using small words. Why did you go to the Moon? Why did you open a rip there?" "You guys made me promise not to open a rip on this world." "And breaking your word is bad. But genocide is okay?" "Do you understand what it's like to have...

1 year ago
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Meri Sexy Bhabhi Ki Chudai Sardi Me

Hi guys! I’m Bhoopesh i am from jodhpur i am a regular reader of ISS. Ye meri iss par pehli story hai. Maine iss par sabhi tarah ki story padi hai lakin muje bhabhi ko chodne ki story achi lagti hai. Main aapko meri ek sachi gatana batane ja raha hu ki kaise maine meri bhabhi (uncle k ladke ki bahu) ko sardi k time me choda. Me aapko mere bare me kuch bata du me ek handsome or bahut sexy hu. Muje sex me choot chatna bahut acha lagta hai. Ab me story pe aata hu. Meri bhabhi jinka naam rekha,...

1 year ago
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A Young Daughter8217s Wild Passionate Night

Vishwanath (47) was looking forward to meet his daughter Riya (22) as she was returning from the usa after completing her ms. Riya’s mother Shobha divorced her dad, and didn’t really wanted Riya to meet Vishwanath. Riya always loved both her mother and father equally, she never wanted them to separate but when time came for her to choose between them, she chose mom as she thought she would be devastated without her daughter. Although it was sad for her to leave her father, he was understanding...

1 year ago
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The Meeting Part 3

The meeting between my Master and I will last 5 days. We are still on day one so stay tuned as I promise there are exciting things to come. He smiles at me as I enter the living room barefooted with only my tank top and G-string on. He leads me to the couch and pushes me down. As he lifts my legs to his lap and slowly massages my feet, I look at him and can’t believe I am cheating on my husband. For the first time I feel bad that I’m doing this, however, it feels so splendid and I never want it...

3 years ago
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A Wall of FogChapter 9

Once all of the known foggers were destroyed, the Homlins began a systematic search for humans. Ann, who was used to talking into a microphone became our spokesperson. She recorded a message asking humans to show themselves, explaining that there was no longer any danger from the fog. Since the message was in English, we concentrated our search to Canada and the USA. The Homlins were flying the scout version of the UFO. It was a one-person ship that was no larger than the common light...

1 year ago
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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 14

As if from a dream, Olivia heard a persistent tapping noise. Her overworked body refused to wake up fully, and through the dull half-sleep from which she was being pulled, the tapping continued. Stop with the tapping, her brain screamed. It wasn't a dream, the tapping was real. As her brain registered the noise, Olivia knew what it was, Steve was outside her window tapping to wake her up. She wanted to scream out, "Go away!" Her mother would most certainly wake up to that, if she wasn't...

4 years ago
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Taking The Next Step

Note: Folks, this story is going to take a while to get there. Hope the payoff is worth it. Let me know. This one is from the heart. I was going to break it up into 2 parts — one for the divorce, one for falling in love… but I didn’t. * Dammit, it’s just never gonna happen, I thought to myself as I drove to the office. I can’t seem to figure out if this girl is interested in me. I’ve been single now for months, and despite some calls and emails from other women, I couldn’t get Nashey out of...

4 years ago
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Potion 2

Wednesday, she came to school wearing a skirt that was at least a couple of years old, it still fit her tiny waste, but was way shorter then a girl of her age should be seen in, at least in public. It was a plain number, but she made it look amazing. She wore no panties again, and whenever I sat at my desk in front, she would open her legs and show me her best parts. I hadn't used any of my potion on her after the first time, but it just seemed to fire her up on an almost constant basis....

3 years ago
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The Bar

She walked into the hotel bar, unsure why she had come. The note she had received just said to go to the hotel bar, warring this dress with this bra and panty set both found in a box with the note.She was excited and uncertain as to what to expect or whom had sent the gifts and note. She sliped up to the bar and ordered a drink to steady herself, having never done this before.Just a little ways down the bar he watched her walk into the bar with a subtle sway to her hips. The long black dress...

3 years ago
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Bernies Back Room 3 Jean

I barely noticed as Jean walked into the store, approached the counter and asked, in perfect English but with a delightful French accent, if I had a copy of 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo. I heard the words clearly, but my eyes and brain were focused on the sashaying rear end of a lovely piece of ass with gorgeous tits and nice round hips who had somehow even again resisted my best efforts at seduction and was on her way out of the store. Without even buying a fucking book! Bitch! Cunt!...

1 year ago
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A Sexy Women

This incidence is of 7 years old. When i was in my 12th standard. In our appartment I my brohter, my sister in-law, my mother, and my nephew 5 months old were living . till then then it was not known to me about a women/girl. my sister in-law is very beautiful, and charming and she is very careful to me. because we were living very happily respecting each other. One day i entered in my sister in-law’s room for some money, ( because my brother and my mother was not in home). at that time my...

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