- 2 years ago
- 35
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Introduction: Michelle was 21, and I was 18 at the time. She lived across the hall from me in the dorms. Michelle was the most beautiful girl I had seen. She was a brunette with curly hair who wore glasses, my two favorite physical traits in a girl. And she had a supple pair of breasts that made my crotch tingle every time I saw them. Im not a pervert, but you cant resist biological urges.
I never imagined myself having sex with Michelle. I just really wanted to be with her. I had never met someone, let alone a girl, who I had so much in common with. We both aspired to be lawyers, and we both loved reading and writing. I would make any excuse to study with her or ask her for help, even though I was known as an excellent writer. And most surprisingly, she was into cars as much as I was. We would talk for hours about naturally aspirated V8 engines, turbochargers, BMWs, and a bunch of other crap that you would expect guys to talk about while girls rolled their eyes and continued discussing the cute guy across the hall. Its rare to find a girl who loves cars, and that really turned me on.
Michelle also really cared about me. Whenever I was stressed out, she would ask me if I needed anything, and would invite me to dinner so we could talk and relax. When I got sick, she would offer me vitamins and remind me to sleep early. Once, she even walked all the way down to Walgreens, in the rain, just to get me cold medicine. It was hard for me not to have feelings for someone who cared about me so much.
Of course, Michelle had a boyfriend. What was his name? Kyle. What an asshole. Im not just saying that out of jealousy (although I was definitely jealous). He treated her like trash. Whenever he showed up, he put his arm around her and swaggered down the hall like he was all that. When he met someone new, he would introduce himself by pointing to her and saying, Hey, Im her boyfriend, in case you didnt know. Yes, we know.
Jealousy doesnt begin to describe the half of it. I was absolutely furious. Every time I saw them on the couch, laughing and kissing, I wanted to punch a wall. My heart ached whenever Michelle left to go spend time with Kyle (at his frat house, obviously). And on those nights when she didnt come back, I couldnt sleep. Every thought of what they could be doing together made me angrier. Kyle didnt deserve such a kind and intelligent girl, and I honestly couldnt understand why she would fall for a guy like him.
When I told my roommate about my despair, his only reaction was, Man, youre in it deep. If only I was. But he understood what I was going through. He had a crush on another girl on our floor, who also had a douchey boyfriend. Apparently, she would blabber on and on about how badly he treated her, instead of just breaking up with him. We both agreed that women just arent meant to be understood.
But I so badly wanted to understand. Michelle was beautiful, kind, and smart. Why on earth would someone like that fall for a dick like Kyle? One night, I had a chance to find out.
It was Michelles birthday, and of course, Kyle had forgotten. His excuse was, I had to take care of some frat stuff. And by frat stuff, he probably meant getting wasted with his buddies and banging some random chick. But I should thank Kyle, because this was my opportunity.
You cant just not celebrate your birthday. Ill celebrate it with you. Just you and me. Come on, lets go.
She giggled. But its already 10 oclock.
Well, I hadnt thought that through. What was I going to do? Invite her to dinner at 10pm? Stupid.
Well&hellip, I mean&hellip, we could&hellip, I&hellip,
Wait! I have some vodka left in the fridge.
I was shocked. I moved backwards a little and cocked my eyebrow. You drink?
She laughed and said, Wipe that look off your face. I can do whatever I want. Besides, look whos talking.
She was right. Out of everyone on our floor, I got drunk off the least amount of alcohol, and was the most severely drunk. Were talking collapsing and crawling on the floor, and calling every white person a racist Nazi.
But Michelle knew this. Why would she invite me to drink? Was she looking to get me drunk?
No time to think. Of course I accepted.
We went into her room, and she closed the door. She and her roommate hate each other, so her roommate never stays in their room. She opened the fridge and pulled out an almost-full bottle of Skyy.
Oh, you got the good stuff. And you drank some of it, too.
We all have our own ways of de-stressing. She poured the shots.
To Michelle. Happy birthday. I winked (what the fuck?) and gulped it down.
Call me a pussy, but no matter how much I love to get drunk, vodka burns. I let out a pained sigh and shook my head back and forth a couple times.
She giggled with her tongue between her teeth, so sexy, and mocked, Come on, it cant be that bad.
Damn Russians. Thats fire in a bottle.
Alright, fine. Lets mix it with some lemonade. She pulled out a carton from the fridge.
Well, look whos a little bartender.
She threw her head back and laughed. I loved it when I could make her do that. Shut up! Im only doing this because you cant take it straight.
Mixing the vodka with juice meant we could pour more than a shots worth into the cups. That was how I always got drunk so quickly.
After about 6 cups (yes, were weak), we were laying on the floor. Her cheeks were red. She giggled and rolled her head around, with her tongue between her teeth. I could only admire how attractive she was.
Then she grew quiet and stared off into space, like she was longing for something.
Maybe it was the alcohol, but I suddenly drew up the courage and said, Hey, I want to ask you something. Be honest with me.
I got up, offered her my hand, and helped her up. We leaned against the side of her bed, and I could smell her aroma from her sheets.
She met my gaze with a melancholy smile. Alright. Whats up?
Why Kyle?
What do you mean?
I mean why him? Youre a smart and pretty girl, and hes&hellip, well&hellip, a bit of&hellip, an asshole? I waved my hand in a so-and-so more-or-less fashion, as if to say, That about describes him, right?
She giggled and said, Yeah, hes like that.
What the hell kind of excuse was that?
So then why did you choose him?
She shrugged. I dont know. I guess I just wanted someone to care about me.
What Kyle does isnt called caring.
She opened her arms wide. Please, enlighten me.
Caring is taking the time to talk to someone when theyre stressed. When theyre sick, you take care of them and make sure theyre okay. I looked at her sternly. Caring is telling someone they deserve more than a boyfriend whod rather party with his frat than celebrate your birthday.
Of course we care about each other, Danny.
I put my hand over hers. I really care about you.
She looked at me as if I were a cute little puppy. Awww!
I scoffed angrily, pulled my hand away, and turned around.
She wrapped her arms around my waist. No, come on, Danny! Haha, thats so cute!
I pulled away. Why is everything so cute with you? Im being serious. You dont deserve to be with someone like him. What the hells wrong with you!
That was louder than I intended. That tends to happen when Im drunk.
A tear streamed down her eye and I immediately regretted everything I said. I regretted even coming into her room in the first place.
Michelle. Im so sorry. I didnt mean&hellip,
She wrapped her arms around my neck and cried into my shoulder.
I was at a loss for words. All I could do was stroke her back until she calmed down.
Suddenly, I felt a slight pressure going up and down my neck. Then I heard a sucking noise that accompanied each pressure.
Shocked, I pulled away and stood up. Wha&hellip,
She got up and put her face against mine. Her hands were running up and down the sides of my body.
I pulled my head back. Stop. Youre drunk. We shouldnt&hellip, I&hellip,
Im not. I promise. Im not.
I stared into her eyes. I was hesitant, but she was also really hard to resist. I moved my head back to its original position, right up against hers. Our foreheads touched.
I had never kissed a girl before, so I waited for her to make the first move. She touched her lips to mine and pushed tentatively. I pushed back, a little too hard. She gave a moan.
Then she bit my lower lip and tugged it down. My cock was throbbing. I couldnt take it anymore. I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me so I could feel her body against my crotch. The momentum pushed me back and I tripped and fell onto her bed, dragging her with me.
She giggled and started kissing my neck. Instinctively, I took my shirt off. She grabbed it and tossed it onto the floor behind her.
She moved down and kissed my chest, making sure her lips caressed both nipples before moving further down to my belly.
She took her time there, brushing her lips back and forth. It tickled, and I gave a slight spasm. The sucking sounds from her kisses really turned me on, but all I could do was stare at the ceiling, wide-eyed, mouth gaping.
Finally, she got to my jeans. She wrapped her fingers around the waistband and gave a slight tug. I looked down to see her staring back at me, biting her lower lip, her eyes full of desire.
I flung my arms toward my jeans and fumbled with the button and zipper. When I got them open, she tugged at the legs and off came the jeans.
My erection was clearly showing through my boxers, but she teased. She kissed my pubic area and my inner thighs. I wanted to feel her lips on my member so bad.
I moved my arms to guide her head, but she grabbed my hands and pushed them back towards my head.
I held her hands and kissed them as she worked her lips around my throbbing penis.
Then she stuck her tongue out and licked my frenulum through my boxers. The sensation was extraordinary. I arched my back and let out a strained moan.
When she was done with that, she kissed up and down my member. My cock kept bouncing up and down as I contracted the muscles. I felt like I was going to blow right then and there.
Then I felt her fingers wrapping around the waistband of my boxers, and I knew the real pleasure was still to come. She pulled them off slowly to reveal my erect penis.
She put her lips a millimeter away from my shaft and stayed there for a moment. I felt her warm breath caressing my cock, but had to refrain from contracting, otherwise it would bounce up and hit her on the mouth. I was also afraid I would cum.
Finally, she let her lips touch my shaft. I let out a heavy sigh and gripped her hands so tightly I could have broken them.
She didnt bother kissing, just slid her lips gently up and down.
Then she took her hands away from mine so she could put them to good use. She gave one caress down the length of my shaft before wrapping her gentle fingers around it and guiding it towards her lips.
She wrapped her lips around the very tip and gave a soft kiss. Then she wrapped her tongue all around my cocktip to get it moist.
I wanted to watch her do it, so I raised my head, but she pushed me back down with her other hand. I breathed heavily into her palm.
Suddenly, I felt a warm, soft, and wet sensation wrapping around my shaft. I could feel my foreskin retracting and closing as she moved her head up and down. With each retraction, the inside of her mouth brushed against my glans. Her tongue rubbed my frenulum, that sweet spot.
Fuck&hellip, I moaned. Oh&hellip, oh&hellip, ahhhh&hellip, grrr!
She could tell I was about to cum, and released my cock just as I was about to blow. I literally felt the fluid rising to the tip. I gave a sigh of relief and relaxed my body.
I grabbed her hand that was over my face, kissed it, and pulled her up towards me. I sat up against the wall and she climbed on top and sat on my hard cock. She kissed me hard, pushing my head against the wall. She kept her lips firmly pressed against mine for a few seconds.
Then she said, Your turn, fell backwards onto the bed, and reached her arms above her head to grab the bedframe.
I lifted her dress to reveal her black panties. I had never performed cunnilingus, so I didnt really know where to begin.
I kissed her lips through the panties, making her gasp and moan. I just kept kissing the same spot until I noticed a wet spot on her panties that was not my saliva. I badly wanted to taste her fluid, so I slid her panties off. As I did so, I followed her panties with my lips, kissing along her leg until I reached her foot. The panties dropped to the floor and I kissed the bottom of her foot. She curled her toes and spasmed with a giggle.
I set her foot aside and resumed what I had been doing before. At this point, a thin stream of fluid was flowing from the bottom of her opening. I lapped it up with the tip of my tongue and swallowed. She gave a happy moan as I did that, so I figured I should keep it up.
I flicked her clit with the tip of my tongue in an up-and-down motion. She writhed and moaned, and I could hear her bedframe creaking as her hands gripped it tightly and pulled.
She thrust her pelvis up and down, making it slightly difficult to maintain my aim on her clitoris. After a while of that, there was a significant amount of fluid streaming from her love hole. I licked it up like last time, but after it was dry, I tried to siphon more out by directly sucking her vagina.
At this point, she is straight up yelling. Ohhhhhh&hellip, ohhhhhhh&hellip, ahhhh!
The taste of her fluids made me release my own juices, and I could feel the precum leaking onto her bed. I just couldnt hold it in anymore. I owed her more foreplay for what she did to me, but I just couldnt resist.
I lifted my head up from between her legs. She was still gripping the bedframe, eyes closed, head tilted to one side, with a wide smile on her face.
I grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands off the bedframe so I could unstrap her dress. I dragged the shoulder straps down towards her arms and she raised her arms to free herself.
Slowly, I pulled the dress down, revealing her supple breasts and plump nipples. Before I did anything more, I bent down to suck on her nipples and kissed her breasts. She grabbed my hair and tugged hard while letting out a long, whining moan.
After that slight distraction, I continued sliding the dress off her, until she was fully naked. It took me a moment to absorb the beautiful sight before me. We locked eyes and she smiled at me, opening her legs.
Her vag was red and moist, and as she opened her legs, her labia parted slightly as well, providing an opening for my throbbing member to penetrate.
I lowered myself on top of her and gave her a kiss. She kept her gaze on my eyes as she used her hands to guide my cock into her love tunnel.
As soon as I felt the tip of my cock slide in slightly, I thrust. We both gave out a loud moan.
She was so soft and warm. I could feel her vagina massaging my cock as she contracted orgasmically. I was so distracted by her contractions that I forgot to keep moving.
She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me in. I shook my head back into reality and continued thrusting.
She clawed at my back, tearing the skin open as she moaned and writhed with each thrust. My hands were gripping the bedsheet as I approached orgasm.
Her head was arched back, and her mouth was wide open. I bent down and licked her lower lip. Acknowledging it, she raised her head and met my lips with hers.
Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming urge to release. My cock felt like it was going to explode. My eyes and mouth became wide open, and I smashed my forehead into hers, pushing her head down into the bed as I went through my final thrusts.
She got the message, and reached her hand downwards. When I absolutely could no longer hold it in, I got up and grabbed her knees. Then I pulled my cock out and she grabbed it. I thrusted and moaned as my cum flew out and spattered all over her body and bed.
After it was all out, I let out a heavy sigh and leaned backwards to kiss her feet, my cock still in her hand.
She twiddled her thumb around my frenulum, making me spasm even after orgasm.
When I was done playing with her legs, I got up and surveyed the aftermath. My cum had gotten up to her breasts, and there was a stream of fluid going up her belly. There were stains on the bedsheet around her, and one large stain below her ass where all the action was happening.
Fuck, sorry.
She giggled. Its fine.
You got a towel?
Yeah, its in the closet behind you there.
I got up off the bed and walked towards her closet. In addition to grabbing a towel, I opened her drawers and found a pair of panties. I walked back over to the bed and tossed the underwear at her. She gave a surprised squeak and scrunched up her face as the lingerie landed on her face.
You might want a new one, I said.
Well, we shouldnt be so quick to put our clothes on, she said with a wink.
That didnt arouse me sexually since I had just released, but it made me want to kiss her, so I bent down and stuck my tongue down her throat. She gave a satisfied moan.
After a moment, I used the towel to wipe off my love juice from her body.
Then I realized I felt incredibly tired, with an overwhelming desire to fall asleep. I collapsed beside Michelle and nuzzled my face into her neck, putting my arm across her chest and resting my hand on her breast.
She massaged my hair and rubbed her face against my forehead while I moved my thumb around and played with her nipple.
My eyelids felt heavy and as I closed them, I could smell Michelles vanilla perfume from where my nose rested on her neck. I breathed one long breath through my nose before drifting into unconsciousness.
I was woken up by a shuffling beside me. I opened my eyes to see a pair of breasts hanging above my face.
Well this aint so bad.
Crap. I didnt mean to wake you. Michelle was trying to climb over me to the other side of the bed.
Where are you going in such a hurry? I put one hand around her neck and the other around her breast and pulled her down.
My heart beat fast as we kissed tenderly, and her moan made me stiff.
Then she put her hands on my shoulders and pushed back. Its almost eleven already.
Then why bother getting up at all? I raised my eyebrows and gave her a suggestive look.
Ive gotta go take a shower.
Ill come with you.
She giggled. We have separate bathrooms, silly.
Fucking dorms. I gave myself a facepalm.
She took my hand off my face and kissed me one more time before getting off the bed. I followed her with my gaze, and was not disappointed.
Michelle stood there, fully naked, a paragon of beauty. She had an hourglass figure coated with a smooth, light tan skin. She had no white spots on her breasts or pelvic area, and the thought of how she achieved that made me grin.
What I loved about her body was its suppleness. I didnt like the western idea of beauty in skeletons. Michelles body had substance. She wasnt obese, but when I wrapped myself around her I felt warmth and softness. Curvy girls always turned me on.
She made her way over to the closet. Her walk could make runway models green with envy. I turned over on my stomach and gazed at her back.
She stood seductively as her hands fumbled around in the closet. One leg was straight, while the other was bent slightly, the foot standing up on its toes.
Her ass was shaped perfectly. Under it, I could catch a glimpse of her labia. Suddenly, she turned around, and I was treated to a close-up view of her front.
I stared at her breasts for a moment, then my gaze made its way down her stomach, stopping at her crotch. The sight of her light brown landing strip almost made me drool.
You done?
I looked up to see her staring down at me with cocked eyebrows. I blushed and put my head down.
I sighed and shook my head. Youre fuckin beautiful.
I heard her laugh under her breath as she wrapped a towel around herself and walked out of the room without another word, closing the door behind her.
I let out a long breath and laid on my back, staring at the ceiling. I couldnt believe how lucky I was.
Grabbing the blanket, I put it to my face and gave one last sniff before getting up and putting my jeans on. I grabbed my boxers and T-shirt and opened the door, not bothering to put the shirt on since I lived right across the hall, and was about to change anyway.
I opened the door right as Michelle was coming in. I bumped into her and my cock flew straight up. The cleavage showing beneath her towel made me clench my jaw. All I could utter was, Oh..
She looked equally dazed. Um&hellip, I left my&hellip, shampoo&hellip, in&hellip, in there. She carelessly pointed to someplace in her room as she kept her eyes on my chest.
Oh, right. I moved aside to let her in.
She tiptoed quickly to her closet. I closed the door slowly and stood there for a second, not knowing what to do, my penis still fully erect.
Then I looked over at Michelle. She was staring into her closet, standing completely still.
I slowly walked over to her and put my arms around her waist. My boner rubbed up against her ass and I spasmed slightly.
I put my chin on her shoulder and kissed her neck. Making my way up to her cheek, I kissed it and nibbled on her ear.
My hands felt up her sides, sliding up the hourglass. I cupped her breasts and gave a light squeeze.
She sighed and turned her head to rub her face against mine.
I kissed her lips from behind as my hands continued to slowly massage her breasts.
Her breathing was erratic now, and I could tell she was getting aroused. I could barely hold my own, as I felt precum leaking out onto my jeans.
I undid the towel and let it drop to the floor. I cupped her breasts again and fingered her nipples, making her moan. She wrapped her arms behind her around my neck and tilted her head back, eyes closed, mouth open.
I rubbed my lips against her neck as one hand moved down her body while the other remained cupping her breast. When I got to her crotch, I rubbed my palm down her pubic area, feeling my middle finger course through her thin layer of hair.
Then I put my whole hand over her vagina and rubbed back and forth. She whimpered and writhed as I held her tightly against me, my cock throbbing against her ass. It felt kind of scratchy, since it was actually rubbing against my jeans. I wanted to take it off and rub my hard member against her bare ass, but I couldnt let go of her tit and pussy. Anyway, I owed her after giving her almost no foreplay and then fucking her for 15 seconds before cumming all over her.
I started to notice that my hand was getting wet. I slowly lifted my hand from her snatch. As I did so, I saw a string of fluid connecting my palm to her vag. The string broke as I took my hand further away.
I looked at my hand and saw that it was glistening with orgasmic fluid. As more precum leaked from my desperate cock, all I could think of was tasting her juices again.
I let go of her and she turned around. She rubbed up against me, her breasts on my chest, and sucked on my lips. As we made out, my hands squeezed and rubbed her supple asscheeks.
Suddenly, she backed off and put a finger on my lips as I tried to continue kissing her.
Wait. Before we do this, I need to know something. I need to know that this is real.
Does this feel like a dream to you?
No. I mean that this is real. That were real. That its not just&hellip,
Now I put a finger on her lips. Listen. My feelings for you are real. Every time I see you, I get butterflies in my stomach. Id do anything just to spend time with you. You think I actually need help with my writing? No, I just want to be close to you. I want you. I want you next to me. I want you in my life. I want you. But right now, I really want your body. I whispered that last sentence into her ear.
She sighed with relief and nodded. Okay. Okay. Im sorry. I felt the same way, and I just wanted to make sure you did too.
Then let me show you how I feel. I nodded towards the bed.
She grinned and climbed onto the bed, bending into a doggy position. She flashed her ass at me while moaning seductively. I could clearly see her blushing moist pussy, and couldnt wait to taste it.
I jumped onto the bed behind her, and practically swallowed her cunt. My mouth spanned the length of her pussy while my tongue dug in and wiggled around, lapping up all the sweet fluid within.
That may have come unexpectedly to Michelle, as she screamed and nearly ripped her pillow apart. Ahhhhh, fuck! Yes, yes, YES!
Jesus, be careful. Other people might hear us. I leaned forward and put my hand over her mouth as I nuzzled my face into her neck.
What are you gonna do to shut me up? She turned over onto her back.
I gave her a deep kiss that lasted for several seconds as we breathed into each other. She gave a long but quieter moan.
I kissed down her neck until I reached her breasts. I kissed all over her suppleness, then licked her erect nipples. She raised her legs, stretched her toes, and whimpered while biting down on her lower lip.
I slid my lips gently down her belly, feeling her slight contractions as I did so. Before I knew it, I felt her pubic hair on my lips and extended my tongue to get a taste.
Not wanting to make her scream again, I gently tickled her clit with the tip of my tongue. She moaned quietly and whimpered as her toes clawed at my back.
I wanted to make her come, and since she seemed to enjoy my tongue on her clit, I just kept repeating that motion until she began breathing heavily and writhing all around.
Like last time, it was hard to maintain my aim on her little dot, but I kept at it. Then, her breathing became moaning, and she put her hands on my head and tugged hard at my hair.
Awwwwwww&hellip,. Ohhhh&hellip, AH! Ohhh&hellip, yes&hellip, yes&hellip, Danny&hellip,
Suddenly, she let go of my head and grabbed the sheets as her body spasmed. I happily continued licking her clit, but she shoved my head back with her foot.
I just sat there and watched her writhe and moan as a river of fluid streamed from her swollen pussy.
After she calmed down, she rubbed her feet against my stomach. Oh, that was amazing.
But I hardly heard her. I saw her smooth, white feet on my belly, the black nail polish on her toes.
I ripped my jeans open and wrapped her feet around my throbbing shaft. After 3 strokes I spurted semen all over her vagina, and added to the large stain that was already below her hole.
I leaned in, gave her breasts a couple of kisses, then made out with her lips.
She reached behind her to her desk, grabbed some tissues, and wiped my fluid from her pussy. It took her a while, since there was a lot. I took the tissue and got up to throw it away.
Suddenly, I remembered something. You know, I hate to ask this now, but&hellip,
I broke up with Kyle.
I had to refrain from laughing with joy. You did? When? What happened?
Last week. Like you said, he was an asshole.
Yeah. You didnt see that before you hooked up with him?
For the record, we never hooked up. And&hellip, I wasnt confident back then. I just took the easiest guy I could find.
Im pretty easy to find. I was right in front of you this whole time. I put my hand on her cheek and stroked it with my thumb.
She put her hand over mine and closed her eyes. I know, she whispered. I should have seen it. The way I felt when I was with you. I just&hellip, I didnt know what to do.
Its okay. Were here now.
She opened her eyes and smiled widely. It was the brightest I had seen her in a while. So how long have you&hellip, you know&hellip,
I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had seen the moment I saw you.
She laughed. Oh, come on. Thats so cliché,.
No, its true. The first time I saw you, I thought, Damn, Mias roommate is beautiful. That was before I even knew your name. That was when I thought Mia was a nice person! Damn, Michelle, Ive liked you for a while.
She giggled and put her head on my shoulder. But you dont really believe in love at first sight, do you?
No, but seeing you had an effect on me. I truly thought you were the most beautiful girl I had seen. Then I got to know you, how much we had in common, and you cared so much about me. I&hellip, I just fell for you. And seeing you with Kyle broke my heart.
Im sorry.
Its okay. Youre with me now. Nothing else matters. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and kissed her forehead.
Listen, Danny. The fact that I was even with a guy like Kyle&hellip, I just dont know how good I am with relationships&hellip, I dont want you to&hellip,
Look, whatever happens, happens. If it works out, great. If it doesnt, then Im glad we tried anyway. All that matters to me now is that Im with you. And Im glad it was you I lost my virginity to.
She sighed and gripped me tightly. You put too much faith in me.
Theres no one else Id rather be with right now, so who am I supposed to put my faith in?
She chuckled and gave me a kiss. It sent sparks down my body, even after all wed done.
Michelle and I did work out. Weve been together for 4 years now. Michelle graduated two years before me, but fortunately went to our own universitys law school, so we lived together in an apartment off-campus. It offered us more privacy, and we could sleep in the same bed. It also gave us a start on our life together.
Ive decided to attend an out-of-state law school, as it offers me a different experience and suits my chosen career path more. Michelle and I had a long discussion about this, and she will try to find a job in my state once she graduates law school in another year. I dont know how were going to cope that one year apart, but Im sure well manage.
Of course, the sex is great. We make love about 3 times a week, with no specific pattern. Sometimes I see her, and I think Im the luckiest guy in the world. I hug her tightly, give her a deep kiss, and cherish her. Other times, I see her and I see this incredibly sexy woman who Id love to ravish on a bed. Not that I dont cherish her every day, or that theres a day when I dont think shes the most beautiful woman on earth. But you feel differently every day.
Shes picked up on my foot fetish, and often teases me with her toes. Our sex life has progressed from those secretive meetings in her room in the dorms. Nowadays, we fuck anywhere we feel like. I quite enjoy the couch. Weve done it on the dining table, on her work desk, on the floor.
Shes thinking about using the pill, so that I can cum inside her for more pleasure. Im glad shes so devoted to satisfying me, but Im not a fan of taking drugs unless its absolutely necessary. Plus, nothing turns me on more than seeing my love fluid spattered all over her beautiful body. And I think shes into it, too. Being able to see how much cum she milks out of me gives her confirmation that shes pleasuring me to the full extent.
I love Michelle, and Ive told her so many times by now. Fortunately, she reciprocates the sentiment. Theres no one else Id rather spend my life with, and Im excited to see what lies ahead in the future.
I thought I would never see her again. Actually I hoped I would never see her again but there she was, standing in a crowd of about 100 people for an accountants’ convention. Even though she had her back to me, there was no doubt in my mind that it was her. She was dressed to the ninth, in a knee-long, sleeveless and open-back black dress, her full dark brown hair cascading off her shoulders, her feet clad in some 3-cm high stiletto heeled pumps. She was in deep conversation with a group of two...
Prologue: "Michelle? Did you lose a bet or something sweetie?" "Very funny, Jen. No, I have to stop at Uncle Randy's and pick up the suitcases Mom lent him. He won't even open the door for me unless I'm dressed the way god intended. I've got too much going on today to put up with that shit." "Sorry, as they say, you can't pick your relatives." "Yeah, I certainly wouldn't have picked him. Anyway, I've got the nail dryers we borrowed. Thank you so much, that wedding party nearly...
She felt it like she always did. His large head stretching her open as it drove into her body. She loved that feeling, being opened up and the long shaft of his cock right up inside her. His muscular body on hers soft one, his chest pressing hard against her tits. His tongue in her mouth. It would soon be by her ear and she would hear his heavy breathing as he pumped in and out of her. His hands round and under her, gripping her buttocks. Her hands gripping his and her legs curled...
Michellethis story is about me and michelle"Michelle and I met in college. We both are pursuing a career in the theatre and production departments. She is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Soon she and I became great friends. Her parents and mine were almost neighbours, so whenever we were at home, we used to have these s1eep over’s. She moved in six months back. I am friends with her for at least four months I think. She is 5'8", blonde hair, 32C athletic frame and very, very...
Michelle und myself were working for the same company. We knew each other from college but had lost contact afterwards and now met again recently. She was nice but never really my kind of girl. I knew her as a friendly but very restrained, almost shy woman. She was slim, almost too slim, her most remarkable outer feature were the big blue eyes that seemed to watch you expectantly whenever you talked to her. Right after college she got married and now shortly after the birth of her first child...
Michelle Most of this story is true with a little bit of fantasizing. Guess I am a wannabe sissy and only just a CD. God I feel good! I'm stepping out of the house as Michelle. I don't get to do that very often as my wife isn't to keen on me being out in public. Today I have an appointment with my therapist and it gives me the opportunity to be me. It feels so wonderful walking out of the house with the sound of my high heels on the pavement, my skirt sliding over my nylons, my...
By Louis van Amoren The story is in the Dutch language. I have been asked several times to translate the story into English. Not only do I lack the time, but I am also not conversant enough with English to provide a proper translation. But perhaps there is somewhere a Dutch person with a good feeling for translation, who is willing to translate my stories. Possibly so under the name of Louis, but she may also do that under her own name. (met dank aan Jose, misschien de verhalen...
By Louis van Amoren The story was in the Dutch language. NOT all words translated. (With thanks at Jose, perhaps the stories also?) As all my stories is also this tell defense of A till Z invented. The persons that are named consist thus in reality totally not. Chapter 1. Pleased I run to my appointment. Relieved and cheerfully anyhow. Until now closed lapses really eigelijk everything superbly. First of all I found a job. Well far from house, in the hague. ...
All things in life are the result of changes, big or small, that take place from one moment to the next. A man and woman who enter the same elevator, and therefore meet, and decide to go on a date, which works out to the point that they marry and have children, could have completely different lives if either of them had taken the stairs. Any time we drive somewhere, we operate a four thousand pound hunk of metal, making it hurtle down the road at high speed, while other hunks of metal just as...
It was a vacation of firsts for me—my first blackberry tequila, my first crab and callaloo, my first Creole cock.The three of us had met these well-endowed cockerels at the restaurant of the resort we were staying at. Marcus was a waiter. He had two friends. My girlfriend Darcy was the negotiator.I wasn’t fucking any of them, I told them, despite what the tequila was telling me to do.“Well, we’re not a trio of dainty ladies in Victorian-style dresses and white gloves having tea,” Darcy reasoned...
OutdoorI'm not proud of what happened. In fact, most of the time I feel disgust for myself for the weakness which brought it about. Most of the time... but the rest of the time the memory brings on a surge of physical excitement and longing.I've often tried to excuse myself by remembering that it had been a long time since I had made love to anyone at all. It was about six years since my wife had stormed out, never to return, following the unending rows between us over her uncurbed spending habits...
IncestAshley sat on the floor crying. She was such a cluster of mixed emotions she could not seem to get control of any of her emotions. Ashley had always considered herself a strong 'type one' personality. She was always quick to take charge of a situation and did not submit to anyone. Yet, she just had. She had let a man she barely knew tie her up, whip her with a riding crop and then fuck the shit out of her. What made it worse was she enjoyed it. That was by far the strongest orgasm she had ever...
BDSM"What do you think?" Lisa asked Bobby as he poured over the print outs documenting the battery of tests that had just occupied the past few hours. "Well, there's not much. No unusual blood chemistry, nothing odd on your EEG – you are exceedingly normal in all the usual ways." "So what's next, professor?" "I'd like to get you in for an MRI. We have a subtly different brain construction than normal humans, nothing noticeable unless you were looking for it. But that's going to take...
“So, what brings you here, Ms. Pierce?” the young, male psychiatrist asked. “Well, um … I can’t orgasm.” “Have you ever had an orgasm?” “No sir,” she meekly replied. The beautiful woman focused on her hands resting in her lap. The decision to enroll in the expensive three-day program was her last resort and Gwen was desperate. If he can’t help me, she thought, no one can. “And you’re married.” “Yes, to my husband Grayson. I love him so much. He’s been very supportive of my decision to come...
ReluctanceThe package was by the front door as I pulled the truck into the driveway after work. I forgot all about ordering it until I realized that tomorrow is Valentine's Day.It was hard to buy anything for my wife Linda, because she never seemed to give me any clues as to what she wanted. I picked up the lightweight package and took it into the house, but didn't open it. I just wanted to make sure it was the right color.It was a very bright red, and very shiny metallic texture. You could see your face...
ExhibitionismIt all started this past Thursday on my lunch hour. I was feeling especially girly that day and I decided to make a detour to my favorite little adult bookstore/lingerie store. I walked in and slowly browsed around, looking at the lingerie and dresses, just enjoying the feel of all the different fabrics and the unique, incredibly sexy smell that is a combination of stripper perfume and sex toys, with just a hint of dirty old man thrown in. There is nothing hotter than...
Whitney Wright is used to having people lust for her. When her friend, Alexa Nova, tells her that her sister, Aiden Ashley , just came out as lesbian, Whitney is shocked. Her first thought is that Aiden will OBVIOUSLY be unable to resist her charms, which will just make things awkward since she’s not gay. However, Alexa bursts her bubble by letting Whitney know that there’s nothing to worry about — Aiden told her that Whitney’s not her type. Whitney’s unable to let...
xmoviesforyouJimmy Wilson hopped down from Jerry Smother's large four wheel drive truck, waving as it pulled away, and with his shoulders drooping walked up the driveway toward his mother Barbara's house. He had been living there the last two years since he had graduated from college and mostly she took every chance to remind him that he was a guest. More recently, she had made it clear he should feel free to leave at any time. She always been cold, as mother's go, and generally Jerry was happiest to avoid...
My name is Jake, I'm 19 years old and this is a story about me and my hairdresser Sophia. Sophia is a 38 year old brunette, she's married to Ryan and they have an 8 year old son. She has been my hairdresser for a few years now and I've always had a thing for her. She is a self-employed hairdresser with her own hair salon at home. This story took place last week. On Tuesday I called Sophia to make an appointment to cut my hair. She told me that I could come around 7 PM on Thursday. It was 6.35...
MILFAfter breakfast, while Dave and Jill readied the RV for departure, Peter setup his pup tent next to the trailer and stored his gear in the 4WD. Jill gave Peter a big kiss and hug and again thanked him for letting her go away with Dave. "Just make sure you have a good time. I really want you to enjoy yourself, especially during the night" Peter reminded her as he squeezed her hard against him. "I'll remember the slogan 'make love not war!' Is that OK? Jill said with a smile, as she...
Apparently the teachers had gotten together over the summer and decided that Thursday was going to be test day. Even Bob was in on it. The only classes I didn't have tests in were PE and my TA spot in Bob's beginning class. It was not much of a consolation; Coach Barnes announced that we would be starting the Presidential Fitness Test on Monday and Bob informed me that I was responsible for grading the tests from the beginning psych class. The good news was I aced all my tests, including...
I was introduced to Hiroko by a mutual friend in Osaka. This all happened before things got weird with the virus.I thought she wanted to meet me because I was a foreigner and she wanted to practice her English, but as we talked over drinks at the bar, she revealed that she was married and that her husband was very bi curious. Well, we were in a gay bar after all, so she probably assumed that I was gay or bi. They had swung before, but the other couples were not bi in any way, and he had...
So my wife and I were invited to a house warming party for one of her co-workers. Her Friends name is Sarah. She asked me if I remembered who she was of course I said no. But who could not remember Sarah she is a shorter blond woman very pail in complexion with the body of a gymnast. She is Slender with small b**sts. I remembered her for her striking physical features and that my wife had told me “if I was not married to her that she would have been a good match that is if she was not...
In the end, neither one of them remembered what the argument was about. They just knew that is was serious enough to have both of them at opposite ends of their apartment. It was beyond venting now, just casual stares of wonderment and disbelief. However, time is of the essence and of course, and still being in love they continued their routine of dinner, dessert, and dishes. They feigned politeness as she washed and he dried, barely cracking a glance in the others direction. The water...
Well last nite i had written the story of my introduction and all about my family and background etc…. company bla bla.. Well Thankz Thankz Thankz thankz Thankz for greeting me like that way and to encourage me to write the full story.. As i have many i will exite u all with a dramatic version in my story…. For all you all As i have many i will exite u all with a dramatic version in my story…. For all you all Lets Start…… After a week of interview:- Ring Ring Ring to my cell Sir :- Hello...
Charles Dera is out on a mission and one thing he finds in his travels is that petite island babes love to fuck! Avery Black can not wait for Charles to take her into a hut to fuck. He picks her up spinning her around so her shaved pussy is in his face and his cock is deep in her mouth! Avery loves how that hard cock feels deep in her throat and soon she feels it deep in her pussy too. Avery gets all sloppy with her blowjob and Charles gets all sloppy when he cums all over that delicious tight...
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Live Trans Sex CamsIn einer fantastischen Welt leben dutzende Völker mehr oder weniger friedlich zusammen. Wähle deine Geschichte.
BDSMThis is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18. "Please close the window, Anna, I'm going to catch a cold" I grimaced at my sister Ashley. It was the month of June, and it was very humid and unbearably hot. The only way I could survive a...
Poor little Latina teen Gina Valentina is really not having a good vacation. She left her boyfriend after catching him cheating with some local trash. Now she’s got no money and noo place to stay. She wanders into a bar and finds someone sympathetic, a kindly bartender who just happens to know a place that caters to girls in just her predicament. Gullible Gina gets whisked off to the seedy looking Hostelxxx by the brute Boris and quickly learns a harsh life lesson; nothing comes for free....
xmoviesforyou"good morning" "Good morning" Moon propped himself up with his elbow. He picked up his shirt, put it on and put all his tricks and things into his jacket: smoke bombs, shuriken and put his sword on his hip, adjusting it. Today was Moon's first misson without Snowhalk. "do you really have to go by yourself" "yes, Heron said so. Since im the eldest" "you can be all old if you want to" said Snow halk with a teasing grin. "at least im mature..." "mature? you hit Groundspider...
The following morning before sunup, I dressed and kissed her on the forehead as I crept from her room. I made my way to the livery stable and woke the man. I got Buster out and was on the trail in a half hour. I rode most of the day without seeing anything. Around dusk I came to a rise. There was a wagon in the trees. I called out but there was no answer. I rode up to it and noticed a little uphill from it was a new grave. There was a stick cross on the grave to act as headstone. All it said...
My name is Stacy, I am 62 years old, fit body with long curly black hair, nice breasts and a big bum. My husband and I still have sex yet it has not been as hot as it once was. One day I came home from work. The door was unlocked, but I thought it would be too early for my husband to be home? I walked in the house, the smell of sex was in the air. I walked up stairs and could hear moaning, I wondered what the fuck was going on. As I opened my bedroom door I saw my husband ass fucking the...
A highly sexed black mother, is also a pervert in that she has secret cameras in her gorgeous 18yr old daughter’s bedroom. I am Michelle. I’m forty-three years old and I’m a single, black - from British Guiana - mum to Crystal who is eighteen. I have a nice detached house in the St Cross area of Winchester in Hampshire, England. Crystal has always been able to get really cute boyfriends, usually quite a lot older than her, although she is never with them for long, maybe only a few weeks. I...
I was lying in bed in the afternoon, getting ready to take a nap. My boyfriend wasn’t home and so I tossed and turn in the large empty bed. I had the blankets wrapped around my warm body. I slept completely naked, and so occasionally while I rolled over in bed, the blankets would ride up between my legs. At first I payed no attention to the softness of the cool blankets, but eventually I could feel it arousing me. Eyes closed, I would roll around and purposely allow the blankets to rub into my...
Dear Diary Thursday, August 11th, 2020 That morning I set up my camera phone and sucked Pat’s dick like it was the sweetest banana I had ever tasted. He came quickly, and I smiled at him. Pat’s eyes were full of stars after he orgasmed. He wasn’t used to a surprise blowjob in the morning, and he lay back on the bed and sighed with relief. It seemed my husband was willing to forget about my antics last night as long as I kept him satisfied. I put on my sheerest dress and lowest cropped top...
My Puritan whores are both naked. Walking ahead of me at the end of chain leashes attached to dog collars around their necks. Josephine, my wife, a beautiful ginger. Her long red hair piled up so it only flows halfway down her back. Revealing the freckles that cover her pale body and dot her sweet round ass. Walking next to her mother was my sweet Abigail. A bit shorter with a bigger ass. My delectable Muffin only has freckles on her face and shoulders. Her darker red hair was curly, and...
Three days later... “I have to admit ... Eugene’s heart was the tastiest part of him. He took a little longer to finish off, but then he was a porker, wasn’t he? A nice, hearty Riesling and a rice pilaf go well with long pig, I dare say. We’ll definitely have to do this again, won’t we? With some other prick, that is,” Reba commented as she patted her belly in satiation. “Always grab the porkers, though. We can live well off the likes of them. Always mean, nasty guys who are also porkers,...
It was my first day in a new job, it wasn’t the greatest job but it paid the bills. I was working for a local cleaning agency where we contracted to clean private residences. My first assignment was to clean a house in one of the affluent areas of town. As I was given the details one of the other girls gave me a sly smile and a wink. I figured she was just being friendly, how wrong I could be. I was told that there was to be nobody home while I was there so when I arrived I opened up all the...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen. Prologue If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us, like we're the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the...
By five o'clock on Friday afternoon the teens were set. The stage was 50' X 30' and included the Hilton's concert grand at stage right. The band was set up in their usual configuration with Dewayne at the right front, Tony center with the ubiquitous fourth microphone and Kyle at stage left. Tina's keyboards were between and to the rear of Dewayne and Tony. Rebecca's position mirrored Tina's and both girls' equipment was on a platform raised 8" from the stage floor. Jerry was, of...
(Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) As usual he was right on time, 10:30 on the dot. I felt an enormous sense of relief when I saw him, I almost shouted for joy. I rushed into his arms and he hugged me tight just like he did before and kissed me. Then he suddenly controlled himself and was more gentle. Oh dear, I thought, he hasn’t got over...
Kristina's life had improved drastically in the past two years. Most people would consider getting a divorce at thirty years old pretty bad. A divorce due to her husband's infidelity with his coworker. And his other coworker. Not to mention her own older cousin. The divorce had been swift and uncontested. He had tried to show remorse, but she would have none of it. She now had half his assets, including a small chain of coffee shops. Her revenge had only begun once Kristina had control over...
Hi friends I’m Sunny once again with my new incident that I’m going to remember forever in my last story I told you how I fucked my mami and those who haven’t read my last story please read it will help you connect with this story better for those who are reading my story for the first time. I’m Sunny now 21 is a horny boy who has fucked many girls and ladies and is very fond of mature woman. I have even fucked many women in my family which I’ll share with you one by one in this story. I’m...
IncestSunday I woke to a bouncing sensation. Opening my eyes, I was treated to the sight of Lisa, completely naked, bouncing up and down on my dick. As with most mornings, I was rock hard. 'Morning stiffness', I've heard it called. "Oh, yes." Lisa whispered. Apparently she hadn't notice that I'd woken up. "Oh, yes," she whispered. "Oh, yes. Oh, fuck me, Mira." I reached up and grasped her boobs. They weren't overly large, but they were very pretty and soft. "Mira," she...
I just left my weekly visit to the grave of my late wife, Stephanie. We were married for almost 40 years, when she died from a very rare blood disorder. Our wedding anniversary was July 1, having been married in ‘68. Her death was almost four years ago, but it still felt like last week. My name is Herman, but thankfully as a youngster I was kidded so much, I was allowed to go by my middle name of Gregory. I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1950, but raised in San Antonio, Texas for most...
Urvashi ko din mein choda…..Mera naam raj sharma hai.Hanumangarh keep aas paas ki bhabhi ya housewife mujhe mail kr sakti hain. Reena ko chod kr maza aaya.Main urvashi ko raat mein chodna chahta tha.Reena ne bhi mere bare mein urvashi ko kafi kuchh bta diya tha.Reena bhi urvashi ko chudana chahti thi. Urvashi jab jagi to 8 baj chuke the.Main uske kamre mein gya to wo jaag gai.Wo mujhe dekh kr muskrai.Reena thodi der mein chay le aai.Hum teeno aapas mein baat kr rahe the.Urvashi thodi der mein...
NB: Please click 'Start Game' to enable proper tracking of choices, inventory, etc "The Frozen Hearth. How fitting" you think wryly, before shifting closer to the dying fire in a vain attempt to conserve some heat. It's glowing embers were the only persistent bane to the pressing gloom. The Inn was fairly deserted; the only other patron being a solitary Altmer who kept his face hidden beneath a grey mages' cowl. He feverishly took notes while munching on some bread. You'd heard the keepers...
FantasySunday, July 12, 2009, 8:30 AM What’s taking him so long? Tricia pondered as she looked through her drawers for today’s clothes. Joey was in her shower and had been in there for nearly half an hour. I hope he doesn’t use up all the hot water. She was sniffing her clothes from yesterday, deciding which ones could stand to go another day. So far everything pretty much reeked from sweat. Washington D.C. summers were brutal on her wardrobe. One good heat wave could seriously mess up a decent...
One day, our parents was leaving town because they have to attend meetings in their own companies. Our daddy is an engineer at a city project and mommy would be the financial manager of the said project. So, Sis and i were left on our own. This made her "abusive" for she brought in Aidrian who was 3 yrs older than Michelle. She was so flirty on him in the living room that she had me on my own room. "Damn!" I thought. What happened for the next few hours was terrifying. I was...
I had a lot to think about. Carol and Aunt Ellie had opened my eyes, expanded my horizons, and frankly, rattled my world. What was previously impossible and untouchable was possible and very touchable. Whether my ultimate goal, my burning desire, of making love to my Mother, Tammy, was possible was yet to be determined.I don't want you to think I was looking at this whole thing as an exercise in ego, or some guy trying to see how many notches he could get on his belt. I had kind of fallen into...
An adult novel of sexual slavery and service. Written By Miss Irene Clearmont. Copyright © 1998/1999 Revisions © 2011 Synopsis: Miss Denise Arden Lamont renews her friendship with an old university friend, Kathy. Kathy has always been rather curious in her choice of male friends and indulges herself in training them. As Denise slides into this dark world of sexual slavery she becomes entrapped by the evil Miss Clearmont whose appetites for malevolence and vice know no...
All work stopped, all talking ceased, all eyes turned as the door to the side entrance opened and Stephanie stepped hesitatingly into the office pulling her suitcase after her. For a few moments life seemed to stand still. No one moved. Even the customer Tracy was serving stopped her explanation. She had no idea what was happening but she knew something was about too. David, sitting alongside Stella discussing her artwork, turned slowly and said coldly, "You're late Steph. Put your case in...
Adolf Hitler – August 1944 “Defend Paris to the last, destroy all bridges over the Seine and devastate the city.” A black and white film titled “Is Paris Burning” is a quasi-documentary produced as a French/American project about the liberation of Paris in August 1944 by the French Resistance and the assistance of Free French Forces during World War II. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can watch this film for free. There are multiple street scenes of Paris spliced into the film...
Caught Tied securely the floor to ceiling racking and totally immobile, I could only look on in sheer freefall panic at what was happening before my eyes as Jennifer Danes one of our senior partner solicitors suddenly entered the room and strolled into view! Not only was I bound helplessly from my head down to my ankles, but a shiny red ball gag rendered me speechless as events quickly spiralled out of my control. Not that words could have changed a single thing at that point, but I...
Something happened the other day that reminded me of a past escapade in my life.A few years ago I was around 35 part of my job was working for a company that would buy old run down buildings close to town centres to operate as branch offices. Their business wasn't top class and done on the cheap but we were making money so didn't care. One property came up on the coast which was pretty remote and I met with the boss to agree what we would be doing. They already had a small office in the town...
Ella Knox and Jade Baker, two best friends, are dressed in nightwear and sitting comfortably around each other. Jade thanks Ella for letting her spend the night. Her landlord said the plumbing issue should be fixed the next day. Ella says it’s nothing, she’s excited for them to hang out. It’s been forever since they stayed overnight at each other’s place. It reminds her of old times…when they used to do each other’s hair…talk about boys…freak each...
xmoviesforyouJenny was more than a bit nervous. She was, in fact, scared silly. Not that she really had reason to be scared; her husband would not hit her. However he would have a fit when Jenny told him that her sister Mary had shown up at the front door in dire need of a place to stay for a while. Mary and Mike did NOT get along at all. Mary tended to be catty, and Mike got sarcastic, which was unlike his normal easygoing self. But Mary was her sister, and Jenny just couldn't turn her away. Mike...