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By Louis van Amoren The story was in the Dutch language. NOT all words translated. (With thanks at Jose, perhaps the stories also?) As all my stories is also this tell defense of A till Z invented. The persons that are named consist thus in reality totally not. Chapter 1. Pleased I run to my appointment. Relieved and cheerfully anyhow. Until now closed lapses really eigelijk everything superbly. First of all I found a job. Well far from house, in the hague. But I found anyhow work by an accountants office. I am begun yesterday with my new boss and see everything there properly positively out. I must what courses will follow, but that are all in the boss its time, thus no single problem. And now I am on away the other problem on to discharge. A room. I found now accommodation in a small hotelletje, but many it do not puts for. A proper small room, a sink with cold water on the room and a shower at the end of the course. Thus really particular it is not, but it is not also all too expensively. But I wrote on what advertisements and on one letter, I got a reaction. A telephone. And now am I thus on way to that address. It is in one of the older, but better neighborhoods of the hague. I hope alone that the room not already too expensively will be, for then can I it do not pay and go the celebration not through. And that do not hope I really. Through the telephone came it all good over, thus who knowledge, perhaps falls everything yet well with.,. I am it now, stand for the door. Just I look is a calm street yet around, it and stand I for a nice looking forward mansion. A small garden for, under a broad door and furthermore a large window of a room. Only then I stick my hand from and ring I on. Just I must wait, but then the door swings open. A nice looking forward, young grietje in a proper black dress and a white want to square hoarsely there for state in the doorway. Can 'yes, what I do for YOU?' 'Eeehhh......, I last night rang for a kamer....... and I will today along come to come to the room kijken......' 'Yes, that knocks, come YOU only within.' The girl brings me via a large hall to the room. 'Go YOU sit, I will lady even calls.' Full awe look I the room around. It is an enormous large room, but that is it not only. Everywhere hang drape at the ceiling, lie large cloths on the ground, over the banks and be based. The room stands full and hangs fully with all sorts of lamps and lambs, but everywhere stand there depict and images. Much naked men and women over the whole room spread. Also everywhere trinkets. It really too much on is to be named. Quietly I look around. And am I aroused curiosity how it it further looks forward in the house. Perhaps my room sees from it also well so. And how will that ladies it look forward? But that wish becomes on that moment granted. The door enters open and a woman comes the room. I remain overwhelmed stand. Zoiets extremely saw never I yet. The woman is freely large. More large than I with my ??nmeterzeventig. And she is properly robust. Eenmeternegentig certainly. Firstly a proper breast party comes the room within and then the rest. Only a little yet the most her clothing is strikes. Her skirt comes almost till on the ground, but she carries a whole lot of flinterdunne garments over each other off. Superior as skirts draped garments and also several bloezes cover the top. Although, she a proper deep d?coll?t? has in which a part of her proper developed breasts are to see. She is excessive made up, her crimson lips, her eyes greenishly have been made up, have been reprehended even her sharp long nails its bang red. It is real an overwhelming woman. She comes laughing to me closed and sticks her hand out: Am 'you as I certain Michel have the good?' 'Eeehhhhh.... yes mevrouw......' 'Well so, I am Laura...., Laura of Nobles.' 'Day mevrouw......, eeehhh....., I come for the kamer......' 'Yes, that knocks, go even exam periods, then can we just talk.' I go, draped with all sorts of cloths, sit on the appropriate bank. She will sit opposite me and continues: 'How are called you precisely?' 'Michel of Amoren, mevrouw.....' 'I want a few compete from you know. How are old you? Do from where you come? Where work you and tell but something over your training and so. Do you have a girl? In short, I want to know normally everything over you. Begin but.' Just I am alleviate. I must process this waterfall just, but then I answer softly: 'I am eighteen year mevrouw...., my parents live in Brabant and I have here in the city work found by an accountants office. Yesterday I am begun there. I rented now yet a room in a hotel, but I seek actual a room. I followed the secondary school and did after that I yet an automations course. This is level my first baantje...... That is the actual such beetje.....' 'And a girl?' 'I have no girl mevrouw......, with us in the town were scarcely girls and I must leren.......' 'Am you sometimes homo....' 'How mean YOU?' Do 'you have sometimes a boy as a friend?' 'Eeehhh....., no mevrouw..., natural niet......' 'It really would can.' 'Eeehhhh...., no mevrouw......' 'Good, now the room. It is a free large room on the first ?tage. Between your and my room lies the bathroom, that must you thus with me and my maid divide. But I take at that that no problem for you is.' 'Eeehhh..., no lady.' 'The rent amounts to five hundred guilder in the month. Is that a problem?' Just I think. It falls me with. Visit in these and then a large room. But I want to must see the room naturally firstly. As I can say of it naturally nothing. 'I do not think it lady. Would Maar...., I may see the room?' 'Natural, bowl only with.' I follow goes her to the hall and she then for me from the stair. As now and then I see between the enormous number splitten a part of her pillars of bones. Just I must swallow. Above also a kind of hall is with a four doors. She most wise: 'That is the door to my room, I sleep at the back, that is the door of the bedroom of my maid and is the door of your room that. And that the door to the bathroom.' She does open the door and goes to in. I follow her. In the doorway, I remain surprised stand. It is indeed a proper large room. A large tweepersoonsbed, different cupboards, a stretch. Only also here tremendously many drape. Everywhere shut down and depict, neat as under in the drawing room. But it looks forward there well tremendously pleasantly. Really a room round delightfully out on the bed or on the bank to laze away. It is real the trouble landlord. And also well the price landlord. Via someone else door we come in the bathroom. Also the bathroom has been painted and tiled in jumble beautiful colors. And also here again many cloths that hang and lie everywhere. It is a proper large bathroom yet, as between the two bedrooms in. 'How find you the room?' 'Beautiful lady.' Do 'thus you want the room well take?' 'Eeehhh....., yes eager mevrouw.....' Do 'good, when you want come?' 'Eeehhh..., it gladly so quick mogelijk....., YOU say the but.' 'What me concerned can the today already. If you that can regulate by that hotel, then find I the best.' 'Oooohhhh....., if that will kunnen...., quite very eager lady. I want to pay YOU then firstly the rent and then I go to get back my things to the hotel and off to figure.' 'That is good. I want to write out a kwitantie.' Under I pay her and I get a kwitantie for that five hundred guilder. I get the key of the house and I take parting of her. Quickly I go to get back my things to the hotel on. Many it is not, actual yet no case full. And after the settling, I go prevent quickly to my new housing. Chapter 2. If I come by the house, I ring really only nicely. Now already equally with the key in house to fall, find that I actual a little bit not nicely. The maid opens. She smiles sees even as they me: Do 'you really a key have?' 'Yes, that well, but I found one bit oddly the first time already so within to fall.' 'That really nothing gives. Come but know further, you the way?' 'Yes hoor.........' I turn off my case down and stab my hand. 'I will me firstly even proposals, I am Michel....., Michel of Amoren.' She sticks also her hand from and says then: 'I am Loesje. Find you the well, h?, or I must help?' 'Do no hear, thank you well. I find the well.' The girl goes prevent the drawing room in and I drag the case the stair on to my room. There I want to drop down me on the bank. Satisfied I look the room around. It is best a fine, large room. There is central heating, sees patch different cupboards, a bank, a table, a desk, it there through all that quite very pleasant out. And also through a series depict of naked men and women. The lightings is quite indirect, stand or hang everywhere lambs that put on be with thin cloths. Only on the desk, a desk lamp stands that burns normally and covered is not totally. A while I want to sit look so, but then I make open my case and get my things from it. I lay so long everything on bed and make then the doors of all cupboards open. Surprised I look in the cupboards. A leaning and legkast is empty, can in that my things then anyhow. The second cupboard is a kind of toilet table with a mirror. On the box, all sorts of make- up articles stand. The third cupboard is foresee of a small television, a videorecorder and a sounds installation. The fourth cupboard again a leaning is and legkast. A free large even. But the cupboard hangs and lies fully with clothing. It appears well clothing as the woman of the huizes carries. All flinterdunne garments. On the ground, all sorts of shoes stand and put on boots. A little bit strange, but perhaps has they self space too short and it here so long hung. She will remove it well. I mountain of my clothing on in the yet going out cupboard. There yet space is left enough. As many things I have not. Again I look just around, but then I set the television on. There is equal image. Inquisitively I look which stations are there all. But that there are proper what. Yet just I look, but then I go to clean to the bathroom my teeth. After the cleaning cloth I myself out, feature my pajamas at and crawl in bed. It is best a tiring day been, go thus I only once early to bed. It lasts honor fall yet well just I in sleep. I consider yet once my meeting with the woman of the huizes, lady Laura of Nobles. And the maid, Loesje. Oddly actual, I have totally no spouse of lady of Nobles seen. Did or not will they sometimes totally gotten married be? Would I have here a room at a single woman? With a maid. That maid looks forward appears there otherwise properly well, it me an amusing grietje. Long and slender. She is certainly just as long as I. And lady Laura? How did old will they be? Around the forty? But to it stretch anyhow well a proper to pieces meat. Only her breasts already. No leaning- boobs, but real law forward piercing breasts. Yet shoots there of everything through my head. I do not come there from and let it also but so. I will there well achterkomen. And with that thought, I fall asleep. Chapter 3. Three weeks are past gone. And in that three weeks I saw lady one time from the distance and Loesje also but a single time. And actual find I that well misery. I would want to resume best gladly the acquaintance with Loesje. Only until now closed totally no chance. Further everything goes quite good. On the office, my activities are valued best well. At least, I had already different times a compliment and am defense taken along that. And also here in house goes the good. The rooms is really fantastic. And becomes moreover obviously by Loesje also clean held. I mark that it regularly are vacuumed, matter take off and even a time the rams its gezeemd. And warm food do I on office, between the noon. And bread make manage I self on my room, 's-tomorrow the breakfast and 's-evenings also a few sandwiches. I bought a waterkoker, can set thus I self tea and can make also coffee I with all ready bag. No, I must confess that the mine naughtiest expectations too above goes. On my work tremendously to my sense and here on this room also. Subject to then that I scarcely or no contacts with Loesje have can bring about. Only perhaps comes that also yet well. It is ate now friday night, I neat a few sandwiches and consider will go do what I this weekend once. The weekends I spent still here, am been notwithstanding that house I not yet, but perhaps next week. I will to go try one time in the month to house. It is best yet well a precious history. I have naturally well a driver's license, but a car have not I. Thus everything must with the public transportation, thus best well expensive and with difficulty. The train goes yet well, but then I must not goes yet an end with the bus and that in the weekend already at often. Thus I remain over the general well here. Mostly I will walk in the weekend an end, or Saturdays the city in and somewhere on sunday to a sport competition. Self do I here not yet at sport. Home I played football well and getafeltennist, but at this am been I not yet behind an association. It is almost eight hour and I want neat the television start for the new as there is knocked. I get up been frightened. That is the first time that it here knocked becomes. I make open the door and stand eye in eye with Loesje. Does 'day gentleman of Amoren, lady ask or want to drink YOU coffee by her?' The questions surprised me completely. Three weeks I saw not her and now they or I coffee asks want to come drink. Naturally I want that well. Why not. 'Eeehhh....., ja..., natuurlijk..., eager ......' 'Lady expect YOU then over a quarter in the drawing room.' And she turns self and walks to below. I look is disappeared the slender figure after till she and go then again to in. Yet a little bit nervous I saunter away and again. How will that come that they me all at once asks. There really nothing will be particularly. No problems. But that cannot almost. And as the quarter past is, go I to below. Nicely I knock at on the door of the drawing room and as I her "within" hear, go I to in. Again the rooms overwhelmed me. Only also lady Laura. She comes to me closed and gives a hand. Also now is they again excessively dress. Many flinterdunne lay over each other and also now again a deep d?coll?t?. And naturally is they just so excessive made up. 'Day gentleman of Amoren, YOU come in. Or find YOU the well that I YOU by Your first name name?' 'Eehhh...., yes natuurlijk....., lady of Edelen......' 'Afgsproken then, then I name yourself from now on Michel. Only then that gemevrouw must be ended against me also. Me name only usual Laura. Is that good?' 'Eeehhh..., yes mevrouw....., eeehhh Laura.....' 'Go but sit on the bank, Michel. Loesje comes so with the coffee.' I will sit on the appropriate bank and want to sit Laura next to me on the bank. Freely closed even and I smell her perfume. And also this overwhelmed me. Only my attention is diverted. Loesje comes within with a tray. Admiring look up I to her. She carries a quite awful lichtroze bloesje, a well quite very short donkerroze skirt and opposite away a lichtroze square salt marsh, that yet shorter is then the skirt. Hack further donkerroze nylons and lichtroze shoes with superhoge. But what me of the manner brings is that they under the flinterdunne and completely transparent blouse no BH carries. Her boobs are clear visible. And it its beautiful boobs. And as they me the coffee indicates look I in the deep d?coll?t? and must I just my eyes close and swallow. Only then my attention is diverted already again by lady Laura. Also she has taken her cup and is come sit now yet something closer to me. Through the thin lay clothing away feel I even the heat of her sumptuous body. Does 'and Michel, how give birth it here? How goes the on your work? Have your complaints over your room? Do I want to know eager or are it problems?' 'Ooohhhh...., do no hear mevr......eeehhhh Laura.... Do no hear, the room is really fantastic. I have it here awful to my sense. And on the work, it goes also good. Marriage, it is turned out better than expected all so. And the room find I very amusing. I find that I marriage was lucky.' Carefully I take a gulp of the hot coffee. 'And in the weekend? Do you not bore yourself in the weekend?' 'Eehhhhh...., sometimes well a little bit. It is sometimes well a little quietly. Only then I go Saturdays the city in and on sunday I will look at sometimes a competition or walk what.' 'And 's-evenings?' 'Then read I what or view to the television.' Do 'you go in the weekend once in a while to an exposition or something else on cultural territory?' 'Eeehhh....., nee....., I am not yet been to an exposition or so.' Do 'your no interest have for culture and so?' 'Ja...., surely, but I know here not yet so the way in the city. I also would not know where an exposition would be.' 'Find you the well that I you then a little bit familiar make?' 'Maar....., eeehhhhh....., yes natuurlijk...., but find YOU that no bezwaar...., is it not scarcely for U........?' 'Naturally not Michel. I do not offer is the furrow it you on, thus then me scarcely. Thus, you find the well that I yourself a little bit familiar make here in the city?' 'Ja...., natural mevr.... eehhh, Laura.....' 'That then has been arranged.' Both sip we at our coffee. Only then Laura continues: 'I have for tomorrow an invitation receive for the opening of an exposition. An invitation for two persons. Do you have to accompany sometimes sense me?' The questions overwhelmed me a little bit. But I can say naturally not no. I cannot say that I as something have, for that is not so. And why would I not accompany actual with her? As lunatic is that yet not? She is at least two turn so old probable, would be able to be she my mother. Softly I answer: 'As YOU that would want doen....., I go gladly with YOU with.' 'That then has been arranged. There is well an only.' Do 'Eehh.., how YOU mean?' 'It now an exposition fixed is which you come cannot in an usual costuum or a jeans. I think not that your clothing have that there will become valued. But I think not that one problem is. I will well something for you sort out, I have here yet well clothing that you will fit.' 'How means U......., mannenkleding........?' 'Yes natural men clothing, Michel.' If my cup is empty, I stand on and move my cup on table. Also her cup is empty and set also that I on the table. I will sit again and feel again the vicinity of her body. My thoughts shoot forward to tomorrow. With her to the opening of an exposition. That is what differently than hang around in the city. 'How late begins the eigenlijk.....?' 'We become there about four hour expected. It is go away is asked in the center, thus as we for this reason half four it enough. Do you have a driver's license?' 'Ja.... Laura...' 'Good, then can you ride, then needs Loesje our not way to bring.' 'That is goed... Laura....' Do 'you want go to the kitchen just and ask at Loesje or want to pour she yet a cup of coffee?' 'Eehhhh..., yes natuurlijk.....' I stand on and go to the kitchen. Loesje sit at the table and is yet at the work. 'Eehhh... Does Loesje, lady ask or want to pour you yet once coffee?' 'I come there at.' Just I look admired yet to her beautiful boobs, but then I go back to the drawing room. Again I get sit little space on the free narrow two stretch bank, yet poet they with me. Now I feel her heat yet more awful and deeply I sniff her perfume in me on. Finds 'you not it really not awful, that you carry must tomorrow something other clothing, Michel?' 'Eehhh...., nee....., but what kind of clothing is it then wel...... Is it really not too mad?' Laura laughs: 'Naturally not. A pant, a shirt, a coat, stockings, shoes. I completely want to make it totally, I want to do there also an underpants by. I think that the you fantastic will stand.' Understanding I do not look her on. Is if it normally a pant, a coat and a shirt, then I can attract surely my costume? That ask I then also, but she answers: 'No, that cannot really. Me believe will look forward, you there really good. Wait for now but, you will the morning well see. Loesje comes bring it well with you tomorrow morning.' I want to say yet what, but then Loesje comes within with the coffee and am I again diverted. Quietly I look to the figure for me. She gives the coffee at and also at Laura. Just they signs makes to go away, but Laura says: 'Bowl pleasantly with us sit, Loesje.' Until my surprise goes Loesje at the feet of Laura sit and leans against the bones of Laura on. As remains they sit. And as she so stretch, I can look so in her bloesje. Now I see her breasts yet clearer. And again I must swallow just. Only now Laura asks prevent my attention and also my view aside best well nicely is to be seen. Her breast party is visible for a large part and is best the trouble landlord to look at. What I then also but do. Only further smacks only over what general things. A while after the coffee get I yet a liqueur, but as that glass have been emptied get I really a hint that I prevent to my room must.,. By the door, I say: welterusten Laura, welterusten Loesje.' In chorus, the answer sounds: 'Welterusten, Michel. Welterusten gentleman of Amoren.' On my room, I seize yet just a book. But I cannot concentrate me. The evening defense shoots to go through my thoughts, but also her invitation with to the opening of an exposition. It is really unbelievable. Three weeks I saw nothing of them or heard and now I was invited drink to come coffee and asked to go equal with to that opening. It lasts that evening also yet well just honor I in sleep fall. Only finally I fall really in sleep, a deep sleep. The others tomorrow I make firstly my breakfast ready. After the breakfast, I was me, cloth I me at and do what errands. Bread and siege have I anyhow necessarily, a bottle soft drink drink. On Saturday, I make will eat sometimes what soup from a package and on Sunday I mostly in a cheap restaurant. Round a hour or two mark I that Laura in the bathroom is. I wait is ready till they and go then also to the bathroom. Quickly I want to fill up the bath and then I take extensively a bath. Enjoying sop I myself in the well warm water. After the drying, I do my bathrobe at and go back to my room. Loesje is obvious been already. On my bed, a costume lies. A little bit I look at overwhelmed everything. The costume is donkerroze and of a velvet matter. Must I carry this? Can that not mean they really? But she has emphatic said that I not in my own costume can go. Do I want to attract it then really only? And what, nobody me know is that really, thus it really no problem. I make discharge and pull the belt of my bathrobe the thing out. Nude stand I for the bed and package just firstly an underpants. Now yes underpants. Underpants is a large word. It is an usual a lichtroze, properly transparent and also rather small panties. Yet I pull the at. What now? Stockings. But what kind of stockings. It its lichtroze, flinterdunne knee stockings with donkerroze hearts on it. Also that feature I carefully on. The shirt. Also this is no usual shirt. Also this thing is lichtroze and foresee of namelessly many ruches and tierelantijntjes. And properly transparently. Only also this pull I at and make the knots closed. The accompanying butterfly bow is again donkerroze and of velvet. The pants is donkerroze. Only also now I attract the thing suspiciously. With whole many trouble, I get the pant on. I must go lie even on bed round to get the zipper and the knot closed. The pant sit is real as a second skin around my body and my fallen as a bump clear in the tight pant to see. The pant ends below just my knees, on the edge of the knee stockings. Also the shoes are again donkerroze. But shoes, the being actual more a kind of ankle boot. With a small blokhak. Just I look at myself in the mirror. This is really really absurd. I cannot in this really the door out. Only really I seize the coat and pull the at. I make a knot closed and mark that the coat well quite awful is getailleerd. Moreover is the free short. After my means, the something walks wijduit and it ends approximately on my buttocks. Slowly I run away and again for the mirror. What must I do? Everything remove and say that I not meekan. Is that it something tussengekomen? But that cannot make I actual also. I cannot decide. Only then it needs no longer. Loesje knocks on the door and comes equal in: 'Lady asks or come YOU to her bedroom just. She want to look even or is the clothing good for you.' Hesitating look I her on. There is in her eyes no track to discover that they me it but strangely finds look forward. And thus I follow her to the bedroom of Laura. In the doorway, I want to stand just. Also this room is full of all sorts of trinkets, depict, shut down, patch and know I what all. Only in the middle of in the room stands Laura. Bewildered I look to to. Also she carries blouse a lichtroze with many ruches and bows and know I what all. The blouse is freely transparent and it is clear to see that she no BH carries. Also her skirt is donkerroze, but a split has till almost at her means. If she a step I see does the lichtroze nylons and even just a stiff nudity above one of the nylons. She comes to me to. 'You look forward there really fantastic, Michel. The justest whether the furrow you have been made. I think that everybody jealously will be that I such good-looking companion have. You do not think also Loesje.' 'I think that he many bekijks will have lady.' Laura walks away just me. Then they my wrist takes and does there a donkerroze watch round off, no usual pin watch, but more a small ladies watch. At my other wrist, she does a donkerroze bracelet. 'So Michel, you there are ready for. Yet just my capes turn and can go we. Do you go with?' 'Eeehhh...., yes mevr.... Laura.' And I follow her to below. Via the kitchen go we to the garage that behind the house lies.,. I make the door open. In the garage, an amusing sports car stands. I make the door for her open and help her get in. Self will sit I then behind the steering wheel. Just look I how everything works, but as I it through have, start I the motor, connect and then backward the garage out. Times and then drive away. On to my invitation for the opening of the exposition. In this strange clothing. Chapter 4. In the center, I must stop for a free old, large building. We may get off and want to park a boy the car in a garage. We must a steps on and come then in the right place in a large hall. A man in a livrei greets us and Laura want to see her invitation. The man brings us to someone else hall. >From that look I really my eyes. Thought I yet that I it so separately looked forward, what I now all want to go around exceeded my naughtiest wildest dreams. Not only men in jumble strange creations, but also women in sometimes really completely transparent garments they there meanwhile nothing onderdragen. A large coarse man dress in a garment that long and more than round him away falls comes to us to. 'Hello Laura, fine that you on my exposition are come. I see that you someone have taken along, put us once for.' Laura smiles and gives the man three kisses. Then she says: 'Herbert, I may propose is Michel you at a housemate, this. Michel, this is Herbert, the painter that this exposition organizes.' I stick out my hand, but the man hits a poor round me away and gives also me three kisses. I feel that I red become and salad my eyes down. Bashfully with myself, I want to stand, to bring not in state a word out. But the man says: 'I again further sweetheart must, but I see yourself yet well at noon and evening. Until just now.' 'Eehhh...., until just now meneer.....' He laughs: 'Name me really also Herbert, everybody names me so.' 'Eehhh..., ja... Herbert.....' Herbert turns to greet self again new guests. With Laura, I run further around through the hall. She knows particularly many men. Men and women. And as they with someone talk I am proposed equal. I and get kiss again. As many I have been kissed in whole my life not yet. Some women kisses me conscious on my mouth. Only also a single man kisses me normally on my mouth. I do not dare to protests and let everything only to. Others caress me over my buttocks that in this tight pant clear let off. Laura want to get me a glass of wine for her and must take self I also a glass. I have never yet wine drunk and it is even get used. Only really it tastes well. After a small hour, the official opening of the exposition follows. A few men have what to say and then go we to the space which the paintings all hang. Together with Laura, I make a walk-around along the cloths. It being all rather separate things, but really also a number that the aankijken best well landlord are. And that then mostly nudes are. Thus there is really yet well many for me to see. Always becomes the walk-around interrupted through men that just a talk with Laura hold and sometimes me with it also by involve. As now and then I get pushed a glass in my hands, but I try to drink so little possible. Per end of bill, I must drive back yet. Only further I of each minute enjoy. Of the new, of the unknown. Laura has already a number glass on. She shows self particularly affectionate against me, has her arm round me away hit and has kissed me in such a way single times fully on my mouth. And each turn I want to push her sumptuous breasts against me. And I must granted that the me surely what do. It becomes a fantastic evening. Regularly I get a snack for myself and also well a drink for Laura. Until let goes the through. Pace against a hour or eleven becomes the a little less and gives Laura at that they to house want. Only firstly we must take yet parting. Again I become by different men and fortunately also women kissed. Again I am quoted properly. And then we are outside. The cars is all ready gezet. I want to get in Laura with and row then the vehicle to house. At home I set the vehicle in the garage and help Laura again. Very fixed stands they no longer on her bones and I must her to above help, notwithstanding that her bedroom. On the room let they self on the large bank drop down and signals they that I dichterbij must come. She goes me to self closed and covers my face with her kisses. Her fleshy lips touch want to penetrate into my lips, I a sharp tongue to. Slow bag I somewhat off to under and I hide my face in her lovely breasts. My fingers caress her nipples. Again her mouth my mouth seeks. Enjoying undergo I her strokes. Only then they me release. Just think I that I perhaps by her may remain, but she sends away me really, notwithstanding that my own room. 'Sweetheart, you thank well for your accompaniment. I would take along you a next time again gladly, if you have meditate at least in that. Only now you must have to your own room. Welterusten, sweetheart.' My voice sounds answer hoarse as I: 'Eehhh..... yes Laura....., welterusten Laura.' On my room, I look at myself yet just in the mirror. To the well quite separate clothing that I on have, notwithstanding that the lipstick on my face, but then peel I me from my nauwsluitende clothing. The costume hang I nicely on and the panties, the blouse do I in the wasmand. In the bathroom, I was my face, get the lipstick of my face and go then back to my room, notwithstanding that bed. Only also now it lasts honor fall again well just I in sleep. Chapter 5. That Sunday I do not see through Laura and I bring the Sunday also in rest. Monday I go prevent to my work. Also now I do not see Laura and Loesje the whole week. And in my heart, I find that best well misery. My stay at her breasts has done me surely what, but is best the aankijken worth also Loesje in her doorkijkbloesje and also more of my age. Only happy, it is saturday afternoon, if there on my door is knocked. It is Loesje. 'Lady asks or you just by her wants come.' Just I must swallow, for carry also now they nothing under the particularly transparent bloesje. Only really I can bring out without a hitch: 'Good Loesje, I go with you with.' 'Lady is on her room.' Loesje walks for me from to the bedroom of Laura. She goes to within and I follow her. On the threshold, I remain hesitated stand just. She carries against her custom in a spijkerdoorknoopjurk. The dresses is long and comes till on her ankles. Only real many knots are there not closed. Smiling comes hits they to me to, she her arms round me away and kisses me prevent fully on my mouth. Her fleshy lips encompass mine even and then they me let loose. Would 'Michel, you want to do me a plezier?' 'Eehhh..., yes ...., yes natuurlijk... Laura...' 'I have an invitation for a celebration which everybody in nail good must come. Do I want to ask you or want to accompany you myself again?' 'Eeehhh..., yes hoor....., naturally well.' 'Fine Michel. I have Loesje what clothing let seek with each other. Will you that on want to pull?' 'Ik...., ja...., but I have self also well a spijkerbroek......' 'I think not that that the intention of the celebration is. It must something separate be, thus I have rather that you normally the things attract that Loesje has looked up.' 'That is goed......' 'Then now a bath will take. Loesje will put ready the clothing on your bed.' 'Okay, I take quickly a bath.' I go me to the bathroom and cloth from that. The bath is already full, obviously has Laura normally accepted that I it well would do and at Loesje said that she the bath fully had to let walk. Quickly I crawl in the delightfully warm water and was me expanded. Also my her I give a good turn. After the drying, I seize my clothes and go back to my own room. I hang has my clothes way and view then what Loesje kind of things ready gelegd at nail good. Well nail good is it. It begins already with the panties. It has on feels a nail good color only well quite very soft. Also the blouse has that color, but feels really yet well soft on. I pull blouse the at and view then just a little suspiciously in the mirror. The blouse is much too short and ends below just my ribs. With a bow, the two haves at each other can be bound. Further it falls far open. Also the jeans is short. Much too short. It covers but has been decorated just my buttocks and at the underside with fringe. The pant sit ultra tightly around my lower part of the body and also now is the bump of my fallen clear visible. Yet I go further. A few put on boots color in nail good. They come just till under my knees and have a blokhak of a few centimeter. A kind of cowboy boot. Totals overwhelmed look at I myself in the mirror. Can this not mean they really? Can as I not really to a celebration? I want protests and go to the room of Laura. But she is not go there, thus I to below. In the drawing room wait they on me. If I come in, stands they on and hits her arms round me away and kisses me. I and am lost already half. And thus I am a half hour later on the celebration. A garden celebration with jumble strange figures. Not only strange men, but also all particular strange dress and fall neat as last week I scarcely on in my nail case. There is many to see for me, for the nail good do not covers always everything. And sometimes it has well a nail good color, but it is properly transparent. Laura does prevent self particularly too good at the drink. And I particularly good must take care that I also not too much get. For I must drive back. Yet find I that I actual too much have drunk. But it not almost is to be avoided. Different times get I a glass of champagne in my hand pressed, then through a man that me caress, but also through amusing grietjes that also their hands over my buttocks let go. Only fortunately can I the glass sometimes somewhere on a table leave behind without that I it emptied. Quite late on the evening, a girl takes me by my hand and takes me with to the dance floor. She leads me over the floor, quite closed against each other. Enjoyed let I me over the dance floor lead, enjoying the heat of her body that I through the thin matters of her dress and the little that I carry, good can feel. Her hand caresses my bare back and then her hand goes down off to below, over my buttocks. Only then comes there a man by. He takes bit the hand of the girl and dance with us two with. He behind me, so that I jammed in sit between that two. Jumble two contrary thoughts shoot there through my head. At the front the beautiful body of the young grietje only wrapped in that flinterdunne dress, that my hitzigheid to unprecedented height increases, and at my back the man that its body against me pushes so that I a hard bump of its genital organ against my buttocks on feel. The hand of the man slides blouse to in front, in my and caresses my nipples. I try to keep away him off, but I get no chance. My arms cannot get sit I upwards so closed I against that two aangeklemd. The girl bows self somewhat forward and her mouth finds my mouth. I want to penetrate into her tongue to. Enjoying answered I her cushion and am so in tranche that I scarcely mark that the man behind me with its hand to under goes and tries my pant in to push. Finally the music stops and is the dancing ended. The two bring me back to Laura. Again the girl kisses expanded me, but then also the man presses its mouth on my mouth. I dare him not off to keep away and late closed that he be tongue also in my mouth away and again want to play. It is makes to go already far after twelve as a Laura final signs to house. She has again much too much drunk and I must her support to the vehicle. As quickly possible I ride to house. Home I bring her to her bedroom. Above they self want to drop down on the bank. On one or other manner its also the remaining knots loose gone and falls her dress open. It below they complete nude is. I must swallow look as I to the fleshy, but sturdy naked body. 'Bowl sweetheart, Laura want you thank for you good see to.' I go to her closed and she embraces me. She presses my face in her naked bosom. Enjoying play I with her breasts, with her nipples. Laura will lie stretched out on the bank and pulls me over self off. Game want to err I her mouth, late my hands over her body. My pique tries to stand in the much too small pant. Then they self withdraws somewhat. If from the distance I hear her voice: Would 'sweetheart, you want to do something for me?' It do not pushes immediately till me through and she must her question repeat: Do 'sweetheart, you want do something for me?' 'Eehhh...... ja......, natural Laura......' My voice sounds hoarse of emotion. 'I have for tomorrow a few men invited to come what drink and to eat. Would you want to help serve Loesje with?' Just I hesitate with my answer. Do Loesje help serve with? Oh, about which also not. 'Eeehhh....., yes hoor....., naturally I want her helpen....' 'Then round a hour take or celebrate a bath and bowl then to me to. I want to help you then well with cloths.' 'Hoe... how means U......?' 'I a little special clothing sort out for you. Clothing in which you can serve.' I enter there not further into. And go through with her to caress and to kiss. Laura pulls at the bow of my blouse so that that falls open. My naked breast hits now her naked breasts. Also she attracts prevent my body against self. Her hands go over my buttocks and enjoyed answered I her strokes. In a moan of enjoyment, I move me over her body. Only just sudden is the defense ended. 'Sweetheart, you must to bed.' Laura pushes me upright. If I stand, I hit my eyes down. My pique is now clear visible in the much too tight pant. Motionlessly I stand to the naked body on the bank. What I would go gladly further, but I do not dare. Again she says: 'Bowl sweetheart, notwithstanding that bed. I am tired and will sleep also. Someone else turn may you perhaps more.' 'Ik....., ja..... eeehhh...., welterusten Laura.......' 'Welterusten sweetheart. Until tomorrow.' I flee to my room. In one pull, I remove the pant and the panties. On bed, I deduct myself. With savage, I want to get the velletje of my pique on and down. Until I manage bowl and the seed over my belly and my breast spray. Only as I recover from my trance, see I Laura in the doorway to the bathroom stand. I know not how long they it state and what they all have seen. She comes slowly to me to. 'I come yourself yet just a night kiss give, sweetheart. That earned you well.' By the bed they self bows forward and presses a kiss on my mouth. 'Welterusten sweetheart.' My voice trembles as I softly answer: 'Welterusten...... Laura......' But Laura turns self and goes back to the bathroom. Yet just I hear her busy and then it becomes alleviate. Then I go also to the bathroom. Quickly I was the seed of my belly and my breast. That Sunday I sleep in long. Calm I remain on my room. I read what, view just to the television and eats a few sandwiches. And as I I go around promised have celebrate hour in bath. Carefully I was myself and also my her. And as I manage am, pull I a bathrobe at and go to the room of Laura. Laura is not there and thus I will sit only on the bank and watch on her. Inquisitively I look the room around. The sultry air is saturates of her perfume and the smell of her body. The many cloths and rugs make of this room a cave of enjoyment, a harem of a sheik. My thoughts err off to gisternacht. To her fleshy naked body. Just I smile. I may glad be that I above lay, put you for that I under her in the right place would come. Laura would crush me in her love. Only really I would want to make it with. It appears going out me fantastic a time with her. Going out with everything to it on and. Already was the gisternacht really also well well. Games with that lovely body. Games on that lovely body. Yet misery that I not totally nude was, but that strained tight pant on had. Actual I am been dress to go really lunatic so with her with. Only oh, at the other side I have then also my plezier behind. Only then I am frighten on from my thoughts. Laura comes in. With many bustle and movement. 'Hello sweetheart, I neat Loesje helped will help with cloths, now I you just. Do that bathrobe only from.' Hesitating look I her on. She want that I me undress. Only oh, about which also not. She has seen me already almost totally naked. That last briskly can there then also yet well by. Yet I make hesitated a little bit the bow of the belt loose. My coat falls open and then I want to slide the coat of my shoulders. Nude stand I now for her. My eyes knocked down I wait for. But Laura comes walks expanded to me to, slowly they round me off, me look at. I want to smooth her hand over my buttocks. Her hand remains walks they on my body as to in front. Still I want to stand with knocked down eyes. Her hand caresses my pecker, encompass my balls. My pique stands now in full glory. Her other hand caresses my nipples. Enjoying undergo I her strokes. Only then there is knocked and comes Loesje in. I hold been frightened my hands for my fallen. With open mouth, I look to her clothing. She carries a black dress. The dress comes but until halfway her thighs and is completely transparent. Her boobs are clear visible, but under carries they a tiny white square hoarse that just her pussycat covers. Further carries they a few black, flinterdunne nylons that with an elastic upwards want to become held and at her feet a few black shoes with towering needle cut. If they self just turns see I that she no panties carries, the back is completely visible in the thin voile dust. 'Loesje what know must carry you, Michel. She will help you with cloths. I go in bath. If you are manage, can your Loesje further help in the kitchen.' And Laura turns self and walks through to the bathroom. Loesje stands now smiling for me. 'So treasure, I will you just help.' 'Eeehhh....., that is not necessary, hoor.....' 'I have the task of lady, thus help I you dress.' And thus I want to stand, my hands still for my fallen. My pique is become through all emotion fortunately again weak. But Loesje gives me a few black nylons. Neat eendere nylons as she carries. 'They only self attract, treasure. But ups and downs careful, they are very delicate.' And I will sit and feature the nylons on. Carefully I pull remains exam periods they upwards till the elastic edge around my thighs. Also the black is blouse. And just as transparent as the dress of Loesje. Loesje helps me it in and makes the knots on my back fixed. The blouse is free wide, also the sleeves, but they close again tight around my wrists. Loesje want to walk me then in a pant. I protesteer: 'I have yet no underpants at.' But Loesje laughs: 'I carry really also no panties.' 'Only this pant is just as transparent as that blouse.' 'My dress is really also completely transparent. Ups and downs only not fearful, you get also a hoarse furrow.' And I let closed that she the pant upwards pulls, the zipper and a knot on the side closed makes. If I in the mirror look, see I that each part of my body visibly is. But she does square carries me just so small white hoarsely for as they self. My pecker is covers now anyhow. 'So sweetheart, now yet your shoes.' Incensed look I to the shoes that Loesje takes. It being real ladies shoes, but happy are not the cuts as towering as that of Loesje self. Only also below sit surely hack of a centimeter or five. Totals overwhelmed look at I myself in the mirror. My voice sounds hoisted: Can 'I not really so rondlopen.....?' 'Naturally well, I run really also so around.' Are 'Misschien.... perhaps you the gewend.....?' 'You there also well on will get used. Come but with to the kitchen, we now must at the work.' I follow and hesitated Loesje to below. In the hall see I my body at all sides reflects and I feel that I red become.,. But in the kitchen, I become at the work gezet and have I no time more at my clothing to think. Well I peep so now and then to the beautiful body of Loesje. She has really beautiful boobs. And also her buttocks may be there best. We make together all sorts of snacks ready, set glass ready for the drink. Loesje gives must do always at what I and follow I obediently her advices on. Against six hour comes Laura also below. Admiring look comes in I closed as she the kitchen. She has been dress again quite very separate in all sorts of garments with tremendously many ruches and other ribbons and more by that thing. Her skirt is foresee around of all sorts of splitten and as they away and again walks is a large part of her thighs to see. Also at the top, there is to be seen in abundance and falls to enjoy there many. Laura looks everything after and gives yet what indications. And round half seven come the guests. Two women and two men. That will say hear the two women with each other and the two men. The women its a bunch and also the two men form a few. Loesje has steered me to do the door open. Both bunches do particularly nicely against me and I am expanded kissed. I bring takes put the four to the drawing room and Laura care of the. And we must at the work. Together we serve the urges and the snacks. Their wishes and fulfill have as they that. We remain also the whole evening in the drawing room and look closed how they eat and drink, how they with each other openly going out, while Laura that stimulates. There becomes properly drank, drinks is Laura only till my surprise less then as they somewhere else. Halfway the evening the two women deliver us from our salt marsh and now everything is real visible with us. I have trouble my pique under control to hold, especially also because now also the pussycat of Loesje clear visibly is between the small tuft of pubic hair that in the form of a heart have been shaved. As now and then I have to concentrate real trouble me. Also becomes there regular danced and become also Loesje and I there by concerned. That evening I dance celebrate with all the guests, as well with the men as the women. And all four attract me write poetry against self. Only as Laura me with Loesje I want to dance let the just really with difficulty. Through the thin matters that us cover feel I the heat of her body clear. Altogether becomes one particularly pleasant evening and have I actual is no sorry that I the admitted to help with serve. Already I must carry for that reason this strange clothing. It is all far go away in the night as the four. We do they uitgeleide till at the door and again we are expanded kissed. Their hands caress our bodies during the parting. If they are holds Loesje way and I yet everything just on. Glass, scales and so go in the vaatwasser and also the drawing room make we prevent a little bit at side. It is half four be and go back as we finally ready to the drawing room, notwithstanding that Laura. Laura is yet properly sober and she takes us both by a wrist and takes us with to above, notwithstanding that her bedroom. In the middle of in the bedroom remains stand they. She laughs against Loesje: 'Bowl Loesje, you help Michel >from the clothes. I want approaches see him.' Just want I it self do, but Laura signals that I Loesje her course must go let. And Loesje helps me firstly from my blouse, the pant follows and until end get I also my shoes and my nylons rid. Nude stand I for the both women. 'Michel, cloth you Loesje only from.' At that task, I satisfy gladly. In the shortest times, I have her from her dress, her shoes and her nylons helped. Hands in hand stand approaches we now both for Laura. 'You may me together undress. And meanwhile you that do want I your mouth everywhere feel.' Just I look hesitated to Loesje, but as she I help begins her. Together we remove blouse firstly the from Laura. And in the meantime we kiss her, firstly her face and neck and then her fantastic breasts. Each we suck fast us at a nipple. Our hands caress her body and help her then further from her clothes. If also she nude is let they self on bed drop down and pulls us with. And each at a side we going out with Laura, kisses we her, caress we her, play with the fleshy body. Turns lick and suck we Laura ready. Her juices walk over our faces. And as Loesje Laura ready licks, play I with the breasts of Laura and the other way round. Laura comes turn countless ready and also Loesje only already through her pussycat against the body of Laura to rub. At my almost the whole time hard standing pique becomes totally no attention spent and although I a number turn almost ready bowl, remain I really unsatisfied. Yet I fall after that hours lasting free party really yet freely easy in sleep. Vermoeid of all experiences. Half over the body of Laura with at the other sharp Loesje. And despite my uncomfortable position, I sleep fixed. Chapter 6. There is no alarm that me wake. But Laura makes me and Loesje caressing awake. Been frighten I want to come upright, but Laura has not me yet sturdily fixed and I can get away. I have not the foggiest idea how let it is and I must to my work. 'Good tomorrow beloved. You make can have breakfast just together the breakfast ready, then we three in bed.' 'Eeehh.... good tomorrow, Laura....., good tomorrow Loesje,' I answer with a sleepy voice. Laura let us now lynx and we go both still naked to below, notwithstanding that the kitchen. In the kitchen come I till the discovery that the all ten hour is been.,. Much too late naturally. I will but even bells that I a little later bowl or perhaps yet better or I a going out morning can get and that I this afternoon again to the work come. But the naked Loesje diverts me. Admiring look I to the beautiful formed body, the lovely boobs, that I past night different times against me felt, the beautiful around of her buttocks. I try to caress her, but she keeps away me off. 'No Michel, in bed by Laura may you me touch and caress, but more also not.' 'Maar....., about which niet......?' 'I give not round boys, Michel.' 'Oooohhhhh......, maar......' But she spends is ready further no attention at me and the breakfast. We bring everything to above, notwithstanding that the bedroom of Laura. Next to each other in bed, Laura in the middle breakfasts we. Just hold after the breakfast get to come I the chance way from the bedroom. A lot of time there is to be rung no longer. In the bathroom, I was myself quickly a little bit and on my room cloth I myself on. If I I want am want to go quick to my work, but Laura calls me yet back. 'Sweetheart, I expect yourself tonight sift hour in the drawing room.' 'Eehhh... ja..., that is good Laura...... Until vanavond.....' And I flee to my work. Once on office, I must come in the course of the noon with my boss and get I a terrible uitbrander. This must prevent no longer, certainly not in my proof period. If this lifted yet a time, I stand irrevocably on street. I try him yet manner to make that I not well was, but then had I only must call. Thus a real fine noon it becomes not. After the work, I get only somewhere a bag frites with what it by and go then back to house. In the bathroom soft drink I me what on and care then that I sift hour precisely in the drawing room am. As well Laura as a Loesje sit in the drawing room. As soon as I come in, says Laura: 'Set you even coffee for us, take self also but a cup.' Amazed I look her on. Loesje is not really her maid and I. Only really I do dedicates what she. In the kitchen, I set coffee and as the ready is set I everything on a tray and bring the to in. Nicely I give first Laura her coffee and after that Loesje. Self will sit I on the other bank. Stalks look I to Loesje. She carries shorten again an ultra skirt and her bloesje is again completely transparent. Laura is as usually in a series garments dress, that actual also little to guess leave. If the coffee is on, says Laura unexpectedly: 'Cloth you out, Michel.' Hesitating look I her on. Here, in the middle of in the room, before that two women? But she repeats her task: 'Bowl Michel, cloth you from.' Perhaps comes there prevent a delicious free party. Thus I stand on and feature my coat of my costuum. Then my shoes and my socks, then my shirt and pant and until end also my underpants. Nude stand I for the eyes of Laura and Loesje. Both let go their looks over my body. I feel that I red become. The voice of Laura sounds soft: 'Kneel before me down, Michel.' If in trance I want to fall me through my knees and kneel before her down. 'Kiss my feet and stopper then your head under my skirts, Michel. And then so want to sit.' Again I follow her task out. I kiss her both feet and stopper then my head under her skirts. Her bones its >from each other and I my head slide can press between her thighs upwards till I my mouth on her pussycat. As I want to sit and enjoy I the smell of her pussycat. Even I want to sit so. Then my body shocks. I want to go soft hands over my naked buttocks, the hands of Loesje. Her hands slide between my bones through to my balls. Softly my balls are massaged and stands my pique now again in full glory. I let enjoyed slide my mouth over the pussycat Laura and slip my tongue to in. The hands of Loesje leave my buttocks and caress now my nipples. Softly they my breast and my nipples kneads. I mark at Laura that they different times ready comes. And also I have to hold trouble me in. Only just on time the stroke stops. Yet even and I will spontaneous be ready come. Only now I may come under the skirts from here. With a still forward piercing pique I stand prevent for Laura and Loesje. 'You can to your room go, Michel. I have you this week no longer necessarily. Saturday evening I want to take along yourself again to a celebration. I expect celebrate you then saturday afternoon round hour with me in the bedroom. Welterusten, Michel.' Hurried I seize my clothes and wish both also welterusten. Then I flee to my room. In the bathroom, I deduct myself. It becomes a tremendous discharge. Chapter 7. The whole week I am good on time on my work. And it goes fortunately good, no dumb mistakes or so. The first days of the week, I see till my sorrow no Laura and also no Loesje. And I am already fearfully that the level defense Saturday becomes before I one of the two will see. But thursday evening round a hour or half twelve, I lie even already in bed, goes the door unexpectedly open and comes Loesje in. She has not knocked even and honor have state in the middle of in the room I in it very. 'Lady expect you in the drawing room.' 'Now nog......, but I lie already in bed.....' 'That is not awful. But lady want to talk just with you.' 'Eeehhh......, now well then, I come so, just something attract.' But Loesje hit back the covering. I have nothing at and lie nude in bed. Quickly I hit my hands for my fallen. 'Lady has said that you so with wanted to come, you need nothing at to pull.' Hesitating come out I my bed. Just I want to take yet something on to pull, but Loesje takes my wrist and pulls me with. To below, notwithstanding that the drawing room. By the door they me let alone and goes they to the kitchen. Yet just I remain hesitated stand for the door, but then I tap at the door and as I her 'within' hear calls, go I to in, still a hand for my fallen. Laura stands in the middle of in the room. With a red face, I look to her. Laura carries hack a final transparent black n?glig? and a few slippers with superhoge, through which they high above me from torent. She waves with her hand: 'Go on the bank lie, Michel.' Reluctantly I run to the bank and there stretched out on will lie. If a panther creeps Laura to me to. For the bank remains they stand. Would 'you want to lick myself ready, Michel?' 'Eeehhh......, ja..., natural Laura.' 'Thank your sweetheart.' I look closed how they the bow of her garment loose makes. The coat falls from her shoulders. Totally nude stands they now for me. Admiring, but also a little bit fearfully I look up to her. Then they a bone set over me away and crawls she on the bank. On both sides of my head now a bone is and then they self want to fall slowly. Her head is now above my fallen. Her pussycat hits then my mouth. 'Go your course value,' provokes they me on. And I set my mouth at the work. I suck fast my mouth at her labia, press my tongue in the deep damp cave. Then I moan. Of pain. Laura has taken my pique in her mouth and bitten there hard on. My pique stands in full glory and I feel her teeth in the meat of my pique push. Just I stop with licks and suck, but hear as I >from the distance her order, go to lick I further at the same time her. I forget forget everything round me off, I the pain in my pique, forgets the hands of Laura that my balls hard-handedly knead. If in trance lick and I suck her kietelaar, her full labia, with my hands caress I her fleshy buttocks. And I go through till they moaning and almost screaming ready comes. With her full weight they self want to fall now on me. I become almost geplet through the enormous mountain of meat. With trouble get I her bones something from each other so that I breath can get.,. Laura remains a while lie so, comes then she slowly upright. If she stands next to the bank, looks down they on me. My pique stands still. If I to my pique look, see I that her teeth in it stand. But Laura turns self and walks to the door. She calls Loesje. Loesje comes from the kitchen. Together with Laura, they come to me to. Both stand now next to the bank. The voice of Laura sounds hoisted: 'Loesje you will give a napkin, Michel. Then you may deduct yourself in our presence.' Loesje gives me a napkin and I take the at. Hesitating look I of the one to the others. Will they that mean? Must I deduct me in their presence? That do not dare I. But Laura repeats her words: 'Bowl Michel, pull you off.' My pique is become almost weak, but then I seize my pique with the napkin hold. Slowly my hand goes on and down, my pique becomes more hard. Then my hand goes more fast on and down. I forget the vicinity of the two. Sighing and I go panted further. Always quicker and more quickly. Until I stop can it no longer. With a cry, I spray the seed over my belly and my breast. Panting want to lie I. Only then it sounds cool: 'Your belly make and breast clean with the napkin, Michel. Loesje will give you it yet a few.' Her words bring me back to the reality. With knocked down eyes and a red face of shame, I make my belly, my breast and my pique clean. 'Throw that troop in the garbage can and bowl then back, Michel.' Quickly I stand on and go to the kitchen. Just round the corner stands the garbage can. I throw the drenched napkins in the bin and go back to the drawing room. Still entire nude watch Laura on me. 'Will lie, Michel.' Again go I on the bank lie in expectation what it now again will happen. Her voice sounds: 'I want that you yet once ready come, Michel. You pull off.' Disbelievingly I look her on. Only from her looks understand I that they it means.,. And thus I seize my pique bite and try to get him upright. But it goes let difficult, thus I my hand on and down go with my weak pique. Finally I get him a little bit upright and goes the better. But it lasts honor manage really yet a whole time I bowl. Also now I spray my seed over my belly and my breast. Again I get to make a few napkins the business clean. Until end I bring prevent everything to the garbage can. Yet nahijgend come I back in the room. I hope that it now have been ended. 'Go that stand, Michel.' Quietly I follow her order. With knocked down eyes, I stand for her. Laura turns to Loesje. 'Michel my n?glig? may carry, Loesje. Help him it just in.' Loesje attracts makes me the n?glig?, she the bow fixed. In the mirror, I see dust my naked body in the flinterdunne voileachtige of the garment. And I hit my eyes eddy from shame. 'I have feature in the whisky Michel, serve a glass for me in, before Loesje a parafait d' amour and for you self also a glass.' 'Eeehhh......, ja..., good Laura.......' By the bar, I serve a glass of whisky and two glass with the purple good in. Firstly I give Laura her glass and then the liqueur at Loesje. Self seize I also my glass. Just I hesitate. Where will I will sit? But Laura says: 'Come here

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She felt it like she always did. His large head stretching her open as it drove into her body. She loved that feeling, being opened up and the long shaft of his cock right up inside her. His muscular body on hers soft one, his chest pressing hard against her tits. His tongue in her mouth. It would soon be by her ear and she would hear his heavy breathing as he pumped in and out of her. His hands round and under her, gripping her buttocks. Her hands gripping his and her legs curled...

3 years ago
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Michellethis story is about me and michelle"Michelle and I met in college. We both are pursuing a career in the theatre and production departments. She is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Soon she and I became great friends. Her parents and mine were almost neighbours, so whenever we were at home, we used to have these s1eep over’s. She moved in six months back. I am friends with her for at least four months I think. She is 5'8", blonde hair, 32C athletic frame and very, very...

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Michelle und myself were working for the same company. We knew each other from college but had lost contact afterwards and now met again recently. She was nice but never really my kind of girl. I knew her as a friendly but very restrained, almost shy woman. She was slim, almost too slim, her most remarkable outer feature were the big blue eyes that seemed to watch you expectantly whenever you talked to her. Right after college she got married and now shortly after the birth of her first child...

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Michelle Most of this story is true with a little bit of fantasizing. Guess I am a wannabe sissy and only just a CD. God I feel good! I'm stepping out of the house as Michelle. I don't get to do that very often as my wife isn't to keen on me being out in public. Today I have an appointment with my therapist and it gives me the opportunity to be me. It feels so wonderful walking out of the house with the sound of my high heels on the pavement, my skirt sliding over my nylons, my...

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By Louis van Amoren The story is in the Dutch language. I have been asked several times to translate the story into English. Not only do I lack the time, but I am also not conversant enough with English to provide a proper translation. But perhaps there is somewhere a Dutch person with a good feeling for translation, who is willing to translate my stories. Possibly so under the name of Louis, but she may also do that under her own name. (met dank aan Jose, misschien de verhalen...

2 years ago
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You Will Not Forget This

After a night out on the town, we find ourselves in one last pub. We had both had a few drinks that evening. Our thinking is that the dark, quiet atmosphere of this newest club would help us clear our heads for the drive home. The music hums in the background as we settle down across from one another at a corner table. It is the perfect spot to smoke a joint, people-watch and commiserate about the evening thus far."I know I already told you this, Alexandria, but you look super hot tonight baby...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Cory Chase Katya Rodriguez Sheena Ryder The Daughter Next Door

Cory Chase and Sheena Ryder, two loving wives, are feeling frisky as they watch the next door neighbors’ daughter, Katya Rodriguez, drying off after using their swimming pool. Since she’s over so often using the pool, Cory and Sheena have both grown to like her — even lust for her. How could they not?? When Katya moves inside to chat with the wives, they learn that she recently broke up with her boyfriend. Katya’s not too heartbroken, though, since this means...

1 year ago
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Chudayi ke Din Chudayi ki Raaten II

Main Sudha, ek bar fir se aoni chudayi ki kahani jari rakhti hoon. Mera raat ko Papa ke saath mausi ki chudayi dekh kar utejna se bura haal ho gaya tha aur fir meri behan Namita ne mujhe jo maza diya, maine kabhi sapne mein bhi nahin socha tha. Meri behan beshak mujh se chhoti hai, par chudayi mein meri guru hai. Usske bheege huye chumban essey thay ki meri chut se ras ki nadiya behne lagi thee aur jo maza mujeh apni behan ke mukh se aur haathon se mila, kabhi nahin mehsoos hua tha. Usske baad...

2 years ago
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Crossdressed bondage

She was proud of her position. Headmistress of the Finishing School for TGirls. So many beautiful shemale girls had left her careful administration and gone on to happy lives, or sometimes porn careers. Sometimes they had been bought outright to be used as sex slaves, but always they had gone in the best possible way.She smiled as she looked down at the latest batch. The youngest were 18 and they were often brought in by rich families that didn't know what to do with their very effeminate boys...

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It all started when I bumped into an old work colleague. She was the most beautiful blonde-haired woman, I had ever seen with a breast size of 36D and she was only twenty. She had beautiful body to go with it and a matching arse, but her best feature was her feet. Her skin was like butter and she had a rose tattoo on her foot. She had the sexiest Russian accent to go with that rocking body; it would get you hard every time she spoke. She was working in a small clothes shop, (it does not matter...

2 years ago
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My Journey To The World Of Desires Part 5

Teacher was in her early 30s . She had never been married. I presumed she might have got laid during her college times. Now that she had been teaching for many years , the chances of sex for a school teacher was nil. She had a social reputation which had to be maintained at all costs. When ladies reach 30s , the charm of sex no more lies in the curiosity , for all aspects of sex are covered. So flashing my dick would make her repugnant and not at all horny. That would also show that I was not...

1 year ago
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Jody always knew how to make a buck. Not only that he usually knew how to let YOU make it for him. He knew angles that none of us ever thought of and after he came up with an idea, we would all sit around discussing them. After we had all had our say on how to make this one work he would take parts of each suggestion and form it into a working solution. Somehow it always worked! It was the summer we all turned 15 that he came up with his most brilliant scheme. He had spent part of the summer...

2 years ago
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Ninas Abenteuer

Mein Name ist Nina, ich bin 23 Jahre jung. Mein Körper misst süße 152 cm, aber die haben es in sich. Meine langen pechschwarzen Haare sind seidig und legen sich glatt um meinen Kopf, meinen Hals und meine Schultern bis hin zu den Brüsten. Ich bin ein kleiner Fitnessfreak und für meinen Körper habe ich - wie mir gerne gesagt wird - Monstertitten. Meine Oberweite beträgt 75 D und zum Glück sind sie rund und straff. Meine Brustwarzen sind klein und hellbraun, meine Nippel ebenfalls. Meine kleinen...

1 year ago
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JIMS wanking gets him in trouble part 6

Amanda walks into jim's room jim is still asleep amanda reaches under the covers takes hold of jims cock and slowly strokes it , jim groans in his sleep and rolls towards amanda as she strokes his cock harder and faster , jim opens his eyes 'wh wh what are you doing he asks'Amanda carrys on stroking his cock harder and faster not saying a word jims cock is rock hard now and dribbling precum amanda stops stroking and rubs her hand all over the tip of jims cock coating her fingers in precum then...

2 years ago
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Magical LabyrinthChapter 12

"Rebecca, you've been as quiet as a mouse since you got back from your date. You and Robert didn't have a fight, did you?" "Huh?" "I've been watching you. You try to study, but then you pick up and just stare at those $5 bills of yours. Are you having trouble with money? Maybe I can help... " "What? Oh! Oh no Susan. I'm fine with money. These are crisp $5 bills. I was idly admiring the workmanship... And Robert and I didn't fight. We had... an amazing time. We've gotten to...

2 years ago
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Little sis was drunk and unconsciuos so why not

Don smiled at Joyce, his sister’s best friend, “We can just roll her onto the couch and you can stay the rest of the night with me.” “Yeah,” she chuckled, “you wish. We tried that once and you fucked it up, big time. Besides, I have a hard eight incher out there in the car waiting for me.” “I had to try… let’s just put her in mom’s bed. It’s downstairs and she’s gone for the whole week. Tomorrow she can wash mom’s sheets and park her big ass in her own room. You sure you won’t stay?” “Uh,...

1 year ago
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BFFs Melody Marks Lilo Mai Alice Pink Beach House Bums

Lilo Mai, Melody Marks, and Alice Pink are excited to hit up this empty beach house mansion they have heard about. The family that owns it leaves it vacant for a few months a year, so they sneak in and enjoy the lavish living for themselves. But when they strip down for some topless tanning, our stud shows up and is shocked at the gall of these trespassers. His family owns the house, and he is going to call the cops! These girls think fast, surrounding the snitching stud with their fat titties....

3 years ago
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Chronicles of a Male Dancer Chapter 1 Show time

Introduction: An introduction to the world of Oliver Perry Chapter 1 Show time The characters, locations and events in this story are entirely fictitious and any likeness to the real world is merely coincidental. Oliver Perry, this is your five minute call, please make your way to the side stage immediately, called the cold, metallic voice of the speaker in my dressing room. I wrung my hands nervously as I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before I rose from the rickety wooden...

3 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 57

Feb 3d, 2020 Hello Everyone, It’s been a bit since I posted. On the disability issue I’ve received my first denial. My lawyer is filing the appeal and then we go see the judge. My lawyer said it will take about a year I have a new toy to play with. The sensation of falling forward. The place I’m at isn’t moving like when you’re drunk or sick. It stays the same. I experience the sensation of falling forward. I’ve stumbled more than once to keep myself upright. I also lost the ability to...

4 years ago
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Make Your Wife Cuckold You

Confusing hah... well I only want to say that women don't cheat with the intention of deriving pleasure from making their husbands cuckold, while the men or husbands sometimes want their wives to cheat and they derive pleasure in it. I faced similar situation, derived pleasure in secretly fantasising about my wife cheating on me but do not know how to make it a reality. I have overcome it and now I am a very satisfied cuckold with an equally satisfied married life. Cuckold is a fetish, a...

2 years ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 24 Secrets Revealed

Reverend Ebenezer sat at his desk and sipped Jack Daniels. He rarely drank because the evil of strong drink was one of the things he railed against when he wasn't railing against the evil of extra marital sex. Perhaps the surprising thing is that he drank rarely, considering the way he handled the sex bit. In any case today he was trying to recover from a very stressful week. The alcohol was one part of the stress-cure. The other was Ruth Tanner, young Felicity Tanner's mother. But first...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter and the Shrieking Shack 2

Harry got out of bed and woke Ron up so that they could go down for breakfast before school started. Ron was always rubbish at getting up, but today, he bounded out of bed and stood there, proud, right up to the point where Harry said warningly, “Err mate. You’ve got a boner.” “What? Oh shit!” Ron quietly exclaimed and sat down again so as to hide himself. Ron looked around the dormitory and saw that luckily there was no one there, and he wasn’t that uncomfortable about Harry...

3 years ago
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College life 2

The next morning Monday, I was up before the alarm and nervous about thefirst day here at college. I quietly got up and headed to shower. When Iopened the bathroom door, there were quite a few guys doing the same. Idid my best not to look but I compared like any other gay guy would. I sawa few I would mind getting to know better but knew I had nothing to beashamed. There was one guy, fat and hairy already at the age of 18 plus hehad a small dick on top of that. I waited on a shower stall and...

1 year ago
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A Pantyhose Story

I come over to your place and knock on the door. You answer the door wearing a tight fitting black top, mini skirt and pantyhose. You give me a kiss as I walk through the door. After the door is closed, I give you a kiss back. I reach under your skirt and grab your pantyhose covered ass and pull you too me as I kiss you. You take me by the hand and lead me into your bedroom. You tell me strip as you take off your top. I stare at your perky tits as I start taking off my clothes and I ask...

2 years ago
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Collateral Damage Book II the SacrificeChapter 10

Tuesday morning, I was finally in my office and I was about to start looking at what I should be doing next, when Laura entered my office and closed the door behind her. “Will, I’d like have a few words with you.” “Just tell me how can I help you, Laura.” I didn’t like the smile that formed at the corner of her mouth. “Jeanie told me.” Even though I knew my face didn’t reveal anything, my mouth suddenly felt dry. Yet, I was not sure if Laura really knew something, or if she was fishing...

3 years ago
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The Young Master Chapter 1

By Smitty Simon ([email protected]; http://smittysimon.blogspot.com) It was supposed to be the best day of my life...and maybe it was, but definitely not in the way I planned. My 21st birthday...my first day as a man, as a true lord of the Manor...my first day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not very manly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to play with had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a kid right about to open the...

3 years ago
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showa sex

U washin.off.in tha showa i come.in.behind ya grippin yo body kissin.it.sofly rub yo towel dwn. Nd up yo chest afta every lick kiss.and bite i.wipe and massage yo neck nibble sofly on yo ear rubbn washin yo kitty sofly ass rubbin all on me u grip my dic sofly i rub tha slit.of yo pussy and press on.yo clit rubb it slow up n down givin yo breast a hug and a grip iflip u round and lean u under the showa head ifings uslow as i french.kiss yo.kitty easy slobbin slurpin.it deeply til u grip my head...

2 years ago
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Hot train woman

I was in a hostel in Delhi, and my home town was in Calcutta. During the summer holidays, i would dread to take the long journey by train. I got a call from my mother, that one of her friend’s daughter is also traveling to Calcutta, and since she was alone, it would be better if i escorted her. I was in no mood to escort a delicate darling, but had to call her, and agreed to meet her. When i saw kavita, i forgot all about being an escort. She was extremely fair, almost milky white, 5 feet 3...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader Making the Team

First thing you need to know is, I come from a small town. Not a farm town specifically but small enough to be straitjacketed in many ways. But we enjoyed life. High school was fun. In a mildly risque sort of way. My body was in great shape. When I was young I started in gymnastics and really got into it. I loved the thrill of flying, bouncing and stretching. I found that I liked being an extrovert. The more attention I got the more I liked it. The tight uniforms, the postures. All got me...

3 years ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 26 The Teachers

Sidney Burns stretched sleepily as his alarm went off. He knew he had a full day ahead of him. They had a special assembly set for the afternoon and he wanted to present the staff to the students so that they could see the changes that were occurring as a result of what had been going on over the past few days. No one had been expecting the rapid transformation that had been occurring but it had swept the school. It was as if everything has been on the edge of a cliff, just waiting for the...

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W Little D 04

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference...

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DogmanMore Shopping

My coke spayed from my mouth at Kari's words, and I looked at her in shock. "What?" I blurted out. "Only if you strip and parade naked for him, will he fuck you," Jane said. I started coughing and gasping for my breath, as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. Shaking my head, I walked out doors and looked across the desert. Wiping my eyes, I leaned against the porch support, and started thinking hard on what was going on with the women here. 'We are making them more attracted to...

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Robbing the BunkerChapter 19 Peters World

The trip to Peter's world was short. No one experienced the discomfort they had in traveling to Fry. We had just started to experience the tingling sensation when the machine abruptly re- materialized in a large open space, like a warehouse. The amount of silver Michael had usually transported was small, so I had hoped that there wouldn't be a reception party. Luckily the warehouse was empty except for a shiny black car. We loaded up in Michael's Model A Sedan and looked for a clue to...

3 years ago
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Sarah left me 8

Next morning I woke up with Lilly still pressed against my body. Sarah and Angie were in the bed with us. Since it was a work day for all of us, there was no time for sex. We all four crowded into the shower together. It was very crowded in there, but still quite fun. Sarah suggested, “Phil? Do you think we could find a way to have a bigger shower stall, with multiple jets? It's really too crowded for four people.” I decided to make a larger shower stall my next project. It worried...

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His Little Forbidden Fruit

I am so frustrated with you and your lack of caring for me. So, I am going to write a farewell letter to my fake ass secret lover.Before I write the letter and send it to you, I want to try and remember why I am with you, to begin with, and why I should stay. It will help me decide if I am going to send it or not. As a Social Psychiatrist, I should know better than to allow myself to get into this situation.One of my favorite times ever spent with you was when we were coming back from a...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Upon Reflection Ch 02 Beyond Good and Evil

The next week passed uneventfully. Maddie was still reeling from her breakup, and couldn't bear to see how Darren and Amber were all over each other in public, though she felt that her blackout the previous week in Cassandra's room in the basement had somehow helped, as though Darren had been less important to her after looking in that mirror. And, all the while, in the back of her mind was a constant reminder of how eager she was to go back to Cassandra's room, even with how off-putting her...

Mind Control
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Hunters Moon Ch 01

Chapter One — Discovery Please be aware that the ‘Hunter’s Moon’ series of stories may involve minimal sex. I’m doing this as an experiment in writing. For those that are looking for strictly sex, this story is not for you, but keep reading if you wish. I would also like to mention that many of my ideas may come from other stories of varying media. So if you notice a similarity to another story it is usually by coincidence. So prepare to embark on the first chapter of ‘Hunter’s Moon’. ~~~~~ ...

1 year ago
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Pickup LinesChapter 11

Lyle McFadden awoke the next day to Mary riding him while Stacey sucked his balls and Noelle sat on his face. It was one hell of a way to start his day for sure, and he got the distinct impression that there was a secret agenda, likely the work of his former sponsor, Kat. She was especially kind to him of late, even more than usual, and she had never been cruel to him in the first place. In any case, he wasn’t going to protest this improvement upon his already good fortune. He didn’t know...

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Wife8217s Hot Navel

Hi All, This is my another real story I am going to narrate about the fuck happened years back with my friend’s sexy hot wife Nithya. Adding flavors is not avoidable in my story because the readers should feel the craving of the slutty house wife Nithya. I am not going to describe about her much. But one thing…she is ditto of actress Neetu Chandra. She is very beautiful…. A mind flowing hotty. She married my close friend suresh three years back. Their wedding was love marriage…and she belongs...

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Hampsted Village Part 4

Chapter 15Across the street from the pre-founder’s day party behind the huge white pillars of the Winthrop-Miles estate, young Scarlett’s tongue and jaw ached after hours spent discovering the pleasures of another woman with Cass Tucker. She started off the day in a carload of friends bound for a day of shopping downtown, but after she wandered into Cass’s dress shop the outside world faded away. Cass knew she had a keeper the moment she saw the well endowed redhead crossing the street in...

3 years ago
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Now How Did That Happen

NOW HOW DID THAT HAPPEN NOW HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?  By Aaron Oliver  At first it was irritating.? Then unbelievably frustrating.? But I never expected what came next. It began one Friday evening just before midnight.? I was deep inside my wife, moving rhythmically and rapidly approaching the brink.? Jeanne was bucking beneath me, gasping, then exploding into a noisy orgasm.? I started to follow ? and then the telephone rang. Jeanne pushed me off, reached over and grabbed the receiver.? I...

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BlindsidedChapter 4

It's funny, I suppose. When you've changed so much, you don't expect anything else to remain the same. I drove around the town square and nothing had changed. Well, I had changed, quite a lot. I had arrived in town the night before and stayed with Evie. Truth being stranger than fiction, we had spent the night in unsullied chastity, even if there was only one bed at her place and we had both slept in it. The spark between us that had flared up so brightly for that one evening had pretty...

2 years ago
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London Journalist Girl8217s Erotic Massage 8211 Part 2

I lay on my back exposing my breasts and showing my clean shaved vagina by spreading my legs and with the lust of Nish touching me there. He looked into my eyes, came closer and asked, “How are you feeling, birthday girl?” “One of the best sessions I am having so far”, I replied opening my arms to hug him and cuddle him. When we hugged each other, our naked bodies were not ready to part off and we started kissing. Nish was a juicy kisser, we sucked each other’s lips, fought with our tongues,...

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Biff was the campus jock. He was handsome, muscular and hung. He had a big thick cock and loved to fuck. Today he had the head cheerleader Sue naked in his bed. He had given each tit a good thirty minute work out and her pussy over an hour and now he wanted his massive cock sucked. He pushed her mouth to his cock and told her "Open wide and take my big dick. I want to see your mouth stretched as I push it in your mouth. Then I am going to watch it invade your cunt and your ass." He rubbed the...

2 years ago
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Getting Even Closer To Alan Greg

I sat down on the bed, and they each took a side of me.I took a cock in each hand. "Which one of you would like to let your wood feel my pussy walls first?" I pondered, turning my head multiple times. "I'm only your mom, so don't be shy."Neither of them immediately spoke, but according to their faces, they loved the idea. I couldn't even decide which one to take a ride with first, but as I put the question out there, I waited for one of them to step up to the plate."You really want to have...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 17 A Long Road to Travel

July 1982, Milford, Ohio It was getting close to the time that both Kara and I had to leave, and Kara was still crying softly as I held her in my arms. I simply held her tight and occasionally kissed her hair and whispered that I loved her in her ear. “Kara honey, are you going to be OK to have lunch with your mom? Do you need me to call off my lunch with Anna and stay with you?” She sniffed, “No. I need to pull myself together. Mom’s expecting me and I don’t want her to worry or be...

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EvilAngel Avery Adair Young Tight Avery8217s Pussy Pounded

In a skintight mesh dress and hoop earrings, adorable, 20-year-old minx Avery Adair is a tight, young beauty that loves her job — namely, pleasing big cocks! Avery reveals her soft, natural boobs and perfect ass to director/stud Mike Adriano, and he hungrily tongues her sensitive asshole. The sweet slut bobs her head on the director’s giant dick, gagging and slobbering. Soon her greased booty is bouncing as her pussy rides his throbbing pole. After a thorough pounding, Mike lets...

1 year ago
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My date with Ben part 2

I got a call from Ben Monday morning, and he needed to talk to me urgently. His wife was going to be coming to the proposal meeting that he had talked about and she was looking forward to seeing me there. Ben asked if I would be able to be free for the day on Thursday. My work schedule was light, and the thought of going to a business meeting with them seemed interesting, so I accepted. Ben promised that if everything went smooth and his company won this project, that he would reward me...

2 years ago
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My fucked up weekend in San Diego

Hey guys, it's been awhile, some of you have been asking for another story and I didn't have a new one...until this weekend. As some of you know who chat with me, I'm a dancer here in Las Vegas. Anyway, I work with this girl who is like the biggest slut in the place but she can be cool too, she is the only other girl I know who admits to like getting gangbanged so we kinda bond over that cause she makes me feel a little more normal, shes 28 and let's just call her Crystal. Anyway, she has this...

1 year ago
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Junes Journey Chapter 1 The Plan

Email from Robert to June - Robert’s MCD Fantasy  Dear June, the log/story you asked for: June, I tried to write this like a log, but since I knew you were going to be reading it, it just became a letter to you. Hope that is good enough. I’m trying. I think I captured the essence of our adventure. You and I had tried chastity games before, you even bought a few chastity belts for me. It always seemed like it would be fun to me to get really horny wearing an MCD and after an unbearable period of...

3 years ago
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Janet Takes it in the Ass

Introduction: chapter six to my story I last left you with just having had sex with my dad for the first time. I enjoyed it and he did as well. I also left you with some questions that were on my mind. This chapter will answer some of them. The next morning when I got up I went down to get some breakfast, my dad was at the kitchen table. My mom was in bed as she worked the night shift at the hospital last night. I fixed myself some cereal and I sat across from my dad. He was reading the...

4 years ago
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Preachers Pulpit Parishioners and Ch 02

-IAN I saw her as soon as they walked in. Her face wasn’t familiar although I knew her husband. Was Samson her husband? I had never paid attention to Samson’s ring finger before and I couldn’t see it from here. Even trying to get a closer look during altar call didn’t help. She wasn’t what I called ‘fine’ but extremely sexy. The way she walked around the offering table…ummm. She wasn’t wearing anything revealing but cut to fit her body. A simple navy dress that skimmed slightly over her hips...

2 years ago
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my new submissive family

I am sitting here in a restaurant drinking coffee thinking about the events that are about to transcribe. This is not a random choice but several years work. I have been using some of my vacation working on this project. I had earned lots of vacation and was able to take a full month off. I chose this northern city because it is away from my home, so no one knows me here. I am several blocks away from the family whose lives are about to be redirected. They were chosen, watched, tracked,...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 237 the Elegant Plan Goes Slightly Wrong

I looked toward the airstrip check point. The two guards were still sleeping, while in a sitting position. There was some kind of trick to it, I was quite sure. To this very day, I have not learned it. I can nod out, but I can not sleep soundly in that position. At least not so soundly that when the man next to me has his head explode, I wouldn't react in some way. Even when that happened the second one didn't even stir. It is true that except for the fire cracker sound of the .22 Magnum,...

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