Ahriman: The Evolution Of A Serial Killer 14 free porn video

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Introduction: Part 14 Please read parts 1-13 to understand the story, especially before voting. When he came back downstairs after making sure Kaneez was comfortable, he had several supplies with him including gauze, more rubbing alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide. As he walked down the steps, he was surprised to see Giolla kneeling at the foot of the stairs, trembling. The dildo was still strapped inside her, and he was happy to see that she hadnt disobeyed him by taking it out without permission. He stopped in front of her and pulled her to her feet. She was crying, and he tilted her chin up.

What is wrong? Are you that uncomfortable? She shook her head, and he felt a sudden chill flow through him. Where is Samil?

She raised a shaking hand and pointed up the stairs, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He hadnt even thought to check to see if his son was asleep in his room.

Then why are you crying, Giolla?

Her hand moved hesitantly toward his bandaged fingers. He didnt stop her, and she wrapped her small hand around his much larger palm and looked up at him, tears dripping off her chin.

Giolla is crying because My Lord is hurt. Kaneezs voice drifted down the stairs.

Is that true, Giolla? Is that what caused your tears?

Giolla nodded miserably, and he reached out his uninjured right hand to her. She flinched, but he only ran it down her hair softly before using his fingers to dry her face.

Dont cry for me, Giolla. This is nothing to worry about. He gave her a smile, and she blushed fiercely as she dropped to her knees. He continued to caress her hair as he looked up at Kaneez. You are supposed to be in bed, my sweet, he said with a frown.

Yes, Ahriman, she answered, but she paused as she turned toward the bedroom. Did Nokara injure My Lord?

He growled deep in his chest, and Giolla whimpered. He stepped closer to her and held her head against his thigh as he petted her. Yes, he snarled, and she will pay for it in blood and pain.

Kaneez turned back to him. May Kaneez watch My Lord work, please?

His eyebrows rose. You wish to?

Yes, Ahriman. Her eyes glowed with lust and desire, and he grinned.

Very well, but when I tell you to, you go to bed.

She returned the grin. Yes, Ahriman.

He pulled Giolla to her feet again. You will take care of Samil. Make something for supper that will take at least two hours to cook and that can wait longer if necessary.

Giolla nodded, and he smiled at her, bringing forth another blush and a tiny smile in return.

Good girl. He held out his hand toward the basement stairs, and Kaneez walked down both flights. He followed her without a word, his anger growing with every step he took. His entire left arm throbbed with sharp bolts of pain that started in his fingers and ended in his shoulder and chest. He let the pain feed the anger, and by the time Kaneez opened the bitchs door, he knew that Nokara might not survive the night.

He pointed to a bench, and Kaneez immediately sat down on it and folded her hands in her lap. He glared at her, the fury within him rising to the surface. You may stay or go, Kaneez, but you will be silent either way. Not a word, not a sound. She just nodded, eyes wide.

Walking to the sink, he shut off the water and then grabbed a pair of pliers, a Whitehead dental gag, and a length of rope from the shelf. Usually he used the pliers to pinch and pull nipples and clits, but he was going to use them for a different purpose this time. He moved in front of Nokara, tied the rope around her hair, and pulled it taut before tying it to the chain above her. This forced her head up and held it so that she couldnt move. Water dripped into her face, but she still stared at him with defiance. He stared right back for a long moment, and then his right hand whipped forward, grabbed her throat, and squeezed.

If you bite me again, you fucking cunt, I will kill you very painfully and very slowly. If you dont, I may let you live, he growled, and she must have seen something awful in his eyes because she gasped and closed her eyes. Open your goddamned mouth!

She pressed her lips together and shook her head. He snarled, took a step back, and punched her in the mouth. Her lip split, and she cried out.

Open it!

She refused again, and he punched her again, this time in the stomach. She gasped for breath, and he waited. He was not going to force her mouth open. He would give her as much pain as was necessary for her to obey him. He dropped his voice to a cold, inhuman whisper.

Open your fucking mouth.

It took four more refusals and four more punches before she finally relented and opened it a tiny bit.

As wide as you can, cunt!

She obeyed, blood dripping from her nose, mouth, and a cut under her eye. He slid the Whitehead into her mouth, securing it tightly. He dragged the trash can close to him and then ratcheted the gag until her mouth was stretched open almost to the point of dislocation. Then he held up his bandaged left hand and the pliers in his right.

I will make sure you never have an opportunity to bite me again, he whispered, and her eyes went wide in recognition and horror. He looked into her mouth and smirked. Lets see, start with the molars or the incisors. He looked over at Kaneez who was watching him intently with eyes almost as wide as Nokaras. What do you think, my sweet? He tapped his front teeth, and she nodded. I agree. The incisors it is.

He grabbed her top left incisor with the pliers, and without any pause, yanked it hard. Nokara screamed in pain, both from the pliers and the fact that his strength almost tore her hair from her head, but the tooth remained in her mouth, He grinned wickedly. Too bad, bitch. Looks like this is going to take a while. He pulled again, and the tooth came out with a sickening ripping sound, a gush of blood, and another scream from the bitch. One down, thirty-one to go, he said with a chilling laugh as he dropped it in the trash can. I noticed you have your wisdom teeth. And dont worry. I wont let you be unconscious for any of it. He quickly clamped the pliers down on her other front incisor, and with another two tugs and two screams, it too was in the trash. He had positioned her head tilted slightly forward so that the blood would not drip down her throat and choke her, and there was already a small pool of bloody saliva at his feet.

He could hear Kaneezs breathing get faster and harsher as he proceeded to pull out each incisor and the canines, the blood flowing freely from the bitchs mouth now. She had stopped screaming, though, and was only whimpering between extractions. Before starting on the premolars, he looked at his mate. She was panting, and her hands were twitching. He walked over to her and swiped two fingers between her legs, thrilled beyond measure to feel that she was soaked.

You have my permission to touch yourself, Kaneez, he whispered in her ear. Shove your fingers deep inside of your cunt. Make yourself cum as you watch me. You may make some noise, but try to stay as quiet as possible. He nipped her earlobe hard enough to draw blood, and she gasped.

Thank you, My Lord, she whispered back, and he walked backward toward Nokara, keeping his eyes on his mate. She immediately dropped one hand to her pussy, thrusting three fingers into her snatch while pinching her clit with the other two. Her other hand went to her nipples, pinching and twisting them almost as violently as he did. He had only grasped the bitchs first premolar with the pliers when she moaned softly with her first climax. Continue, my sweet. Dont stop until I tell you to.

Yes, Ahriman, she whispered, and he yanked hard enough to pull the tooth in the first try. He held it up where Nokara could see it.

Thats thirteen, he said, and she groaned in pain.

Kaneez managed to give herself three more orgasms before he finished with the last wisdom tooth. Hed had to revive Nokara twice during the extractions, but she was awake now, watching in horror as he dropped her last tooth into the trash can with a clang. He removed the gag and tossed it into the sink. Her mouth had been held open so long that she had a hard time closing it, so he forced it closed. She screamed when he let go and spit out a mouthful of blood onto the floor.

He grinned as he grabbed her drinking cup and poured in a measure of hydrogen peroxide and filled it the rest of the way with water. He took it to the bitch and poured a good portion of it into her mouth.

Rinse and spit, bitch, he commanded, and she did so. He repeated the process until the cup was empty, and by then, the bleeding had reduced to a trickle. He jammed the gauze in her mouth and told her to hold it tightly. Then he turned on the cold water again and she gave a muffled shriek when it hit her. He cleaned all the tools he had used as the water washed the blood and spit down the drain. While he was doing so, he heard Kaneez groan through a fourth climax. When he was done, he turned toward his mate.

You may stop now, Kaneez. She gasped in what sounded like relief, but he wasnt finished with her yet. He walked to her and twirled his finger. She turned around on the bench, and he shoved her chest down flat. Keeping his bandaged hand on her back, he lined himself up with her cunt and filled her with one vicious thrust. Nokaras screams, the blood, and Kaneezs moans had made him hard again, amazingly enough considering how many times hed already climaxed that day. He pounded into Kaneezs hot, wet cunt for several minutes before exploding inside her with a primal roar. Kaneez only whimpered, and he pulled out of her roughly. Then he left her on the bench and returned to the toothless bitch.

He turned off the water and pulled the picana from the shelf. He held it in front of the bitch and said, The teeth were for biting me. This is for disobeying and being a rebellious little cunt! This is what you will endure every single time you disobey me, even if your hesitation is for a fraction of a second. He turned it on and touched it to her right nipple. The scream that was wrenched from her throat was spectacular, and he shivered with delight. He took the gauze from her mouth so that she didnt choke on it, and then he applied the picana to her breasts, to her ribs, to her inner thighs, to the inside and outside of her cunt, to her asshole, to her welts, to her feet, to practically every inch of her body. She jerked and screamed and moaned for over an hour, and by the time he finished, she was crying hysterically and gasping for breath. Lastly, he took the rubbing alcohol and dumped it over her body, causing her to convulse and pass out.

Were not done yet, he whispered in her unconscious ear. Tomorrow we continue. He untied her ankles and wrists, dropping her unceremoniously on the floor. He grinned as he heard something break when she hit. He thought it may have been her wrist or possibly her ankle. Either way, she would be in utter agony the next day, for he had no desire or inclination to set any bones. He would let that pain be yet another reminder that he was her Master and would be obeyed.

Come, Kaneez, he said, walking to the door without a single glance back. The sounds of bare feet obediently padding after him caused him to smile. They walked upstairs, and the scents of what smelled like soup wafted from the kitchen. He saw Giolla sitting in front of the fireplace with Samil in her arms, a bottle in his mouth, and he moved to stand beside her.

Let me have him, Giolla, he said softly, and she immediately stood up and handed the boy to him. He held Samil and the bottle with his right hand and caressed Giollas hair with his bandaged left. You have pleased me greatly today, my pet. She gave him a small smile, and he said, You may take it out if you wish. Make sure it is cleaned thoroughly and put away properly. Is supper ready? Giolla nodded. Good girl. He took her chin in his palm and tilted her face up. You will not touch the bitch in your room, do you understand? You will ignore her as if she doesnt exist. Giolla nodded again. Good. Kaneez, will you let Giolla in her room?

Yes, Ahriman, his mate replied, and the two women disappeared into the basement. He stared into his sons eyes as the bottle was slowly emptied, and by the time the boy finished, Kaneez was in the kitchen, getting their supper. He put Samil into his cradle and sat down at the table. Kaneez placed his food and drink in front of him and then went back to the kitchen for her own. She knelt on the floor beside his chair, and he smiled. Before she took a bite, she asked, What did My Lord mean when My Lord said he wasnt finished with Nokara?

You will find out tomorrow, my sweet, he said. In fact, if you would like to participate, you may. This bandage will limit me somewhat, and I promise that the bitchs pain will give us both great pleasure.

Kaneez would like that, My Lord.

Good. Start thinking of some ways to make her understand her position in this household. I have a strong feeling that she may need to be reminded quite often how to obey me. It may take months before she understands fully what is expected of her.

Kaneez thinks so, too, My Lord.

He chuckled and ate his supper, knowing that the next day would be one of the most satisfying since the day he had sent Mother to Chernobog.

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 02 Ch 01

Single mother Rachel Pierson was working in diner when she met a man who claimed to be a construction supervisor. He had been funny and charming and smart and promised to return the next day. He didn’t return again for eight months. When he did he began stalking her, terrifying the woman. After nearly two weeks of being stalked a Serial Killer who had been working his way down he west coast targeted her and only her stalkers timely arrival saved her life. Turned out that her stalker hadn’t...

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 01 Ch 03

The Stalker Vs The Serial Killer Chapter Three Love and Sacrifice Disclaimer. This series shows disturbing scenes of violence done to both men and women, a young woman being stalked and insights into the demented mind of a Serial Killer. You have been warned. If this type of thing is not your ‘cup of tea’ turn back now, for those brave enough to venture in, welcome and we hope you enjoy. Jacob Lawrence was a former police officer who had been tragically wounded in the line of duty while...

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 02 Ch 02

Single mother Rachel Pierson was working in diner when she met a man who claimed to be a construction supervisor. He had been funny and charming and smart and promised to return the next day. He didn’t return again for eight months. When he did he began stalking her, terrifying the woman. After nearly two weeks of being stalked a Serial Killer who had been working his way down he west coast targeted her and only her stalkers timely arrival saved her life. Turned out that her stalker hadn’t...

1 year ago
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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 01 Ch 02

Close calls and unexpected discoveries. Single mother Rachel Pierson was working in diner when she met a man who claimed to be a construction superviser. He had been funny and charming and smart and promised to return the next day. He didn’t return again for eight months. When he did he began stalking her, terrifying the woman. After nearly two weeks of being stalked a Serial Killer who had been working his way down he west coast targeted her and only her stalkers timely arrival saved her...

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Jackies Adventures in Utopia A Sweet and Sexy Serial 1

Jackie's Adventures in Utopia: A Sweet and Sexy Serial, #1 By Jackie Quick Good day, sweethearts! My name's Jackie. I live in a place you may have dreamed of, but I'm sure you've never been here: Utopia. I don't mean just any "utopia" with a little "u"; I mean the real Utopia, the one Sir Thomas More wrote about centuries ago. It's a whole lot different here now than it was then, though--come with me and see! Down here, hidden away somewhere between Tahiti and Antarctica, there's...

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memories of a serial killer homosexsual

the sleeping pill had worked great. too. For a moment I feared that the boy was dead. Instead it was stone dead, but sleeping. fell in a few minutes like a cooked pear. I now had to give me to do. drag it down below, in the playroom. So call: the playroom.-I can offer you a drink? - The little shit had accepted - thank you gladly - and there in the kitchen drops down in the drink while he could not see me. then a good mixed and the magic potion that was pretty ready. poor bastard.I was polite...

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The Evolution of Jamie

The Evolution of Jamie Chapter 1: My wife of twenty years stands next to me as I check my appearance in the mirror by the front door. I smile nervously back at my image as I check my uniform and take a deep breath. I have to say I'm a little tense today..... Not that I'm different than anyone else who starts a new job in a different field. "Don't worry honey," my wife Lil says to me. "Everything will work out just fine. It's just like any other new job. I'm sure you'll catch...

1 year ago
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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 3 Evolution

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Seven PostOp

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Seven - Post-Op Linda slept fitfully with occasional intense dreams of her body being mutilated by faceless PVC clad zombies. Her fitful slumber was no doubt influenced by the medical procedures completed on her by the mysterious doctor and Mistress Beth. Linda was uncertain how she would be able to return to her male form with these new breasts. In addition to the breast augmentation there was the unknown work done to her groin. ...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Four Return to Hidden Pleasures

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Reader - the story continues from Chapter One - Hidden Pleasures Chapter Four - Return to Hidden Pleasures As Linda was finishing the kitchen cleanup Lady P strolled in looking lovely and ready to go out. "Linda dear, I laid out some clothes for you. We have a mani/pedi scheduled at Mistress Beth's salon in an hour and then we're taking you shopping." "Yes m'lady," Linda replied. As she left the kitchen Patricia reminded her that...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter One Hidden Pleasures

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Hello Readers. If this is your first exposure to my tales of Linda I suggest you begin with 'A Tale of Submission'. For those returning readers, welcome back. The first book was based on some real-life experiences I had but mostly built around a lifetime of fantasies and attempts at making those fantasies come to life. Unfortunately real life isn't the same as fiction and those fantasies mostly remained unfilled. Nevertheless, they fueled my...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Eight Lady Patricias Training

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Eight - Lady Patricia's Training Rick and Jane's Home.... Pattie stirred as the sunlight lit up the prism in the window. She brushed her hair off her face and as she brought her hand down she brushed the shoulder of the warm body beside her. That touch reminded her of where she was and she snuggled in tight, her breasts pressing against Jane's back while Pattie's right hand slid softly over Jane and rested lightly on her breast...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapters Two and Three Retrospect

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Note for readers - this chapter and the next are a bit of a pause from the story. I felt it important to describe how Linda and Lady P worked through the initial awkward stages of developing their kink relationship while keeping their vanilla one intact. This chapter will look back at the development through the eyes and memory of Linda. The next chapter will do the same for Pattie. If this sort of background explanation isn't of interest to...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Six Surgery

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Six - Surgery Linda's journey to Mistress Beth's was bumpy but with the blankets Lady Patricia had stuffed around her she was not harmed. Eventually the vehicle slowed and then backed up. The sensory restricted slave did not see the rear hatch opened in Beth's garage nor the assistants who lifted her case to the floor. She was wheeled into a small apartment built originally as an in-law suite. Beth had made a number of changes to...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Nine Recovery and the Domme Returns

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Nine - Recovery and the Domme Returns Linda's recovery went well. As promised, Dr. Carter returned the first night to do another examination and to answer any questions. She found Linda sitting up in bed with her gag loosely hanging from her neck. Beth was sitting in a chair while her slave was hogtied on the floor and being used as a footstool. "Welcome back Charlene," said Beth as Charlene entered the room. The doctor looked as...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Ten Celebration conclusion

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Ten - Celebration (conclusion) As the one year anniversary of her trip to Rick and Jane's approached, Linda marvelled at everything that had happened. Since Lady Patricia returned from her domme training her desire to dominate Linda grew, as did Linda's will to serve. The dungeon was the scene of many sessions and they hosted friends from their expanding kink community. As Linda finished her cleanup from lunch and prepared to return...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Five Lady Patricia Gets Some Training

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Five - Lady Patricia Gets Some Training Lady Patricia's introduction of new bondage toys to secure Linda continued over the next few days and weeks. She frequently visited Eve at Hidden Pleasures to see what was new or to look at the larger pieces of equipment. While she often went by herself, she brought Linda enough times that Linda became intimate with the workshop post. On one trip she spent most of an afternoon tied face to face...

1 year ago
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The Evolution of Sex Pt 01

This story is Part 1 of its series. It follows the lives of a young married couple in 1813. I chose this era because I wanted to explore the evolution of marital sex in a time where many women were forced to marry a stranger. I wanted to recreate how two people could come together and slowly begin to know each other, inside and out. This series is not meant to be completely historically accurate, some lingual anachronisms may occur. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ‘Do you, John...

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The Evolution of Sex Pt 02

This is the second part of the Evolution of Sex. John and Eleanor are much freer with each other tonight, after a week has passed. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was a beautiful summer day, and I had thrown the parlor windows open. The organdy curtains floated serenely in the breeze. I had dressed my hair myself this morning, and the light wind tugged the a few curly wisps free of the simple twist. It had been a week since my wedding night, and I was slowly becoming accustomed to sleeping...

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Evolution of Shitty Anal love it started early

I have always had a fascination with the female ass, since a very young age. And by chance, my very first sexual experience was anal. That is the truth, but it's because I was drunk and inexperienced. I fooled around with my girlfriend's tits, and fingered their pussies, but real sex was just around the corner. I was a freshman in high school (always the youngest in my class) and a girl named Sandra transferred to our school early winter. She was from Texas, and I lived in the north east. I...

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Calendar GirlsJanuary New Years Evolution

CALENDAR GIRLS JANUARY - New Year?s Evolution by Tammy Fairbanks On New Year?s Eve April had mixed emotions. It was a time of reflection; closing the door on the past year as well as new beginnings for the year ahead. She thought of her wife Hannah and her family again with a deep sigh. Hannah was now filing for divorce. The rest of her family wanted nothing to do with her. It was like her old life had completely rejected her. Since there was nothing she could do to change...

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EVOLUTION by Elizabeth Parrris PROLOGUE It was a dying town in Pennsylvania. Provincial; limited and limiting. The mines dominated. There was no future but to go down into the mines and "crack coal." The brighter, more directed boys saw football as a way out. Play in high school and earn a college scholarship; not big time necessarily. Just get out, go elsewhere. For Janis there was no way out. She knew she was a...

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Alicia was plotting rebellion even as she reached to put the last plate onits shelf. I froze her there, her naked body stretched across the counter,arm raised, her feet on tippy toe. Then I waited. It didn't take long. In afew moments she whimpered and made a few small begging sounds as her body startedto quake from the strain. She had a good body and she kept it well, expensiveballet and modern dance lessons in her childhood helped to tone it and fourlong years of high school cheerleading had...

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Shower Evolution of Desire

Early on in my relationship with Michael (my boyfriend), I would cycle through a regular playlist of fantasies involving him when I masturbated. I would start gently rubbing on and circling my clit while thinking about him in the shower. I imagined slipping into the bathroom and seeing the steam rising up the shower as he lathered up his sexy, muscular body. The water is cascading off his broad shoulders and chest, streaming down his muscular arms. I stand naked outside the door and press my...

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SRU Killer

SRU: Killer By Julie It was one of the loveliest spots in the area. The black tarmac of the road wove around the gentle hills. Their slopes were scattered with trees. Newly foliaged with the advance of spring, the trees were covered in dogwood blossoms. The open spaces were filled with a profusion of wildflowers; their colors pleasing to the eyes and their aromas, the nose. The birds were singing their mating songs since spring is a time of rebirth. The rest stop is...

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