Building A Dream: Part Eight free porn video

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Having woken up at about 7:30 that morning I left Jay to sleep and had a shower before making some coffee. She started to stir so I knelt by her and waved the coffee cup around her face letting the aromas bring her to her senses. She opened an eye, then another and slowly sat up.

“Oh, my head,” she said rubbing her temples and taking the coffee from me. “Vodka. Why did I have vodka?” I fetched a glass of water and popped a couple of Alka Seltzer in and once the fizzing subsided, passed it to her which she downed in one before continuing with her coffee.

“It wasn’t your choice,” I replied sitting on the bed. “Sara bought it, probably to help you both relax a bit. How much do you remember?”

She sat up in the bed cradling her coffee cup, her breasts hanging over the sheet, nipples surprisingly hard and red as she looked up, trying to think back to all that had happened the night before.

“Everything, I think.” She went quiet as she finished her coffee before continuing. “What the fuck are we doing? How many different people are we going to have sex with this week? I wanted to go to Madame Tussauds and London Zoo, not sucking and fucking complete strangers through a hole in the wall.” She held her cup up to me and indicated the kettle for another. “We’ve got to put a stop to this and get back to why we came to London.”

“You said something like that yesterday and the day before if I remember rightly,” I said pouring another coffee and bringing it over to her. “And yet we still end up getting involved in some sort of mini-orgy.”

“I now, I know,” she replied. “Maybe we should put our sensible heads on and get back to why we came here. There’s only so much shagging I can handle.”

“Okay,” I said pouring myself a second coffee. “So, does that mean you don’t want to return to the gloryholes? Because you were fairly adamant last night that you would be going back there.”

She didn’t responded straight away. She sat deep in thought as she sipped her coffee before eventually replying,

“I was drunk last night and very turned on. I didn’t know a place like that existed, especially in London. I think I was just acting like a bitch on heat, a combination of alcohol and hanging around Manus and Sara who take everything sexual in their stride, like it’s all second nature to fuck strangers. That girl, what was her name?

“Katy,” I replied.

“Yes, Katy. She was so open about going there for a casual gangbang and I think I envied her. She’s so liberated and goes there for sex on her terms. I respected that. But I think the thing that got me going was the gangbangs. Watching them on the screen really did it for me last night.” She finished her coffee. “But today’s a new day and I just want to do normal things from now on. Can you nip down and grab some food? I’ll give Kylie a ring and ask her to pop in for a quick chat then we’ll go out.”

I went down to the canteen and when I returned with a plate load of sausages, bacon, and a pile of toast I found Kylie had let herself in the room and parked her trolley in and out of sight. Jay was sat up on the bed naked, having discarded the bedsheet while Kylie was sat at the end.

“Hi Steve,” Kylie said, getting up and hugging me before sitting back down on the bed. “Jay was just about to tell me about your friends and what they know about my paintings.”

I sat next to Jay and, between munching on the food, told Kylie everything Sara had told us about the paintings, the purchase and how much they’re worth.

“And since you have provenance, they are legally yours.” Jay said between a mouthful of toast.

“But how do I get them,” asked Kylie, starting to look a little distressed. “I can’t just march in there and demand them and solicitors are hopeless, and what if he’s found out their worth and sold them already?” I could tell that us telling her what we had found out was clearly upsetting her. Jay moved down the bed and hugged her and stroked her hair saying, “It’ll be alright.”

She looked over at me then said the words that would lead us and many others into an adventure that would change our lives forever.

“We will help you to get the paintings.”

Kylie looked up at her and tears had already started to fall down her pretty face which Jay gently brushed away.

“Really? Will you really help me?”

“Yes, we will help you.” Jay replied and gave her a gentle kiss while Kylie hugged her. “But that can wait until another time. You need to get yourself ready for tonight.” Kylie stood up and smoothed down her uniform.

“What’s he like, this Paul?” she asked wiping her eyes and composing herself

“He’s lovely, I think the two of you will get on.” Jay replied standing up and opening the door to allow Kylie to push her trolley out. “We’ll meet you on the concourse under the clock at 7:00. Don’t be late.”

“I won’t.” Kylie said as she pushed her trolley down through the door. She then stopped, turned back and asked,

“You won’t leave me alone with him, will you? You will stay all evening?”

“Yes,” Jay replied, hiding her nakedness behind the door. ”we will stay with you both all evening. Don’t worry.”

Kylie waved as she pushed her trolley down and the corridor and Jay shut the door.

After Jay had a quick wash, stating that she would have a bath before we went out that evening, we discussed where to go and decided to go to the Imperial War Museum, a ten-minute walk away.

Jay threw on a thin cotton top and denim shorts. The top emphasised her great breasts while the shorts were tight and showed her arse off a treat

We went down to the foyer and ahead of us just leaving the hotel was Phil, Clive and Keith accompanied by three woman, who I presumed to be their wife’s, since Simon and Jim had said they had come down to stay. They spotted us as we went through the door and greeted us with handshakes and kisses on the cheek, as if we were old friends.

Phil explained to the woman that we were the couple they had met in the bar and who they had gallantry given their extra fans to, no mention of the gangbang that followed. The woman nodded in agreement, as if they had heard about the situation. They looked briefly at me but looked Jay up and down as if they were checking her out. Phil then introduced the women in turn.

Cheryl was his wife; dark hair, slim, slightly taller than Phil. Mary was married to Keith; dark or dyed hair, slim, huge tits. Sue was married to Clive, Blonde, very attractive. They were all around the similar ages to the guys and dressed in short summer dresses which showed off their ample bosom’s and very long legs. The three of them made an attractive sight. I shook their hands as they were introduced and was surprised to note that they all kissed Jay on both cheeks and not glancing ones, proper kisses, one of which left a lipstick mark on her cheek.

“It’s so nice to meet you,” said Cheryl. “The boys told us how they became your knights in shining armour.”

“Well, we were certainly grateful when they turned up at our rooms with the fans,” I said looking from one to the other, all of whom were smiling at the two of us, but mainly at Jay.

“Me especially,” Jay said, a bit too loud. The statement dropped the smile from the men’s faces before she added, turning to me, “We were finally able to get a good night’s sleep, weren’t we?” The guys faces visibly relaxed, glad that Jay hadn’t mentioned any of the antics.

“Absolutely.” I agreed taking Jay by the hand and giving it a hard squeeze.

“Well, we must meet up for a drink. Are you both free tonight?” Mary asked pointedly at Jay

“No, sorry,” Jay replied looking from each women to the other, three pairs of eyes all fixed on her. “Another time?”

“Definitely,” Cheryl said smiling at Jay. “Give me your number and we’ll arrange something. We’re here for a few more days. I’ll give you a call and arrange something.”

Cheryl put Jay’s number in her phone and we said our goodbyes as the six of them started walking towards Waterloo.

“That was weird,” I said as we crossed the road. “They all seemed a bit fixated on you.”

“Nah,” she said brushing it off. “It’s just a girl’s thing. Woman get on better, that’s all.”

“The lipstick on your cheek is telling me otherwise.” I said and wiped it off with a tissue. “There’s something about those woman. I sensed it the other night from Simon and Jim.”

“Your just being paranoid, or hopeful,” she said winking. At that the topic was dropped and we made our way to the museum.

We spent the rest of the day going around the museum, followed by a very early dinner in the museum café.

It was about 5:30 when we got back to our room and Jay had her bath. The heat of the day was still warm and, what I would describe as ‘claggy.’ So, while Jay was drying herself I had a quick shower to freshen up.

By 6:30 we were ready to go and match-make Paul and Kylie. Jay wore another very short off the shoulder summer dress with no bra and a quick grope of her arse revealed to me the G-string that I had noticed earlier drying on the windowsill having had its daily wash.

“Have you been washing that every day?” I asked, discretely running my finger up and down the thin material disappearing into her arse crack.

“No, it was a pack of two. I’ve been washing and alternating them.” She replied.

We got to Waterloo about ten minutes later, twenty minutes before we were due to meet them. So, giving Jay more money, I sent her to the ladies wear shop which, being London, was still open. She returned with two more new G-strings which was soon tucked away in her shoulder bag.

We stood waiting under the big, four-faced clock that hangs down in the middle of the station and son heard our names called as Paul appeared. He had made a good effort; smartly dressed, fresh haircut, crevette around his neck hiding the badge of honour supplied to him by Jay and carrying a small bunch of flowers. I was impressed. The old-fashioned gesture of flowers on a first date wasn’t lost on Jay who gave him a big hug after I had shook his hand.

“Is this okay,” he asked, indicating the flowers.

“She’ll love them,” Jay replied looking behind Paul. “and here she is.”

Kylie approached us from a far platform. She looked great. She had a respectable summer dress with matching bag and shoes and wore , what I would describe as a ‘cute,’ summer hat. She looked beautiful.

Jay and I hugged her before introducing her to Paul. “Hi,” they both said, shaking hands before Paul presented her with the flowers saying, “These are for you.”

Kylie took and smelled them before replying with a big smile, “Thank you. They’re lovely.”

We led them to a bar on the upper concourse and found a table by the window. I got a round of drinks in and we all did a ‘cheers,’ before lapsing into an awkward silence. Pauls natural shyness and inexperience with talking to girls was clearly evident and Kylie’s only experience of being with a boy was with one who mistreated her and was probably unsure of how to act or what to say.

I nudged Jay under the table, prompting her to start some form of conversation.

“Paul works in photography,” she told Kylie.

“That’s nice.” She replied saying nothing more. Silence followed so I tried.

“Kylie works in our hotel.” I told Paul.

“Cool.” He replied. He was avoiding looking directly at Kylie.


We all looked at each other with polite smiles, the silence slowly killing the atmosphere. Jay started taking regular big sips of her wine and nudged me as if to say, ‘keep trying.’

“Kylie used to live near Dorking.” I told Paul.

Paul looked at Kylie, smiled and nodded then looked away again.

More silence.

“Paul lives in Wimbledon. That’s not far from you, is it?” I asked Kylie.

“No, not far.” She replied smiling at Paul then looking back at her drink.

Jay stood up, an empty glass in her hand.

“Another drink anyone?” she asked looking at our glasses which were still almost full and without waiting for a reply said, “Just me then.” and went to the bar before returning with another large glass of wine.

The silence was killing the atmosphere. Neither Kylie nor Paul were forthcoming in any way. Their only bond at the moment seemed to be their shyness.

Jay wasn’t happy. I could tell by the big sips of her drink that this was not what she had planned. She hoped they would both get on, have some common ground and maybe, just maybe, hook up together.

“How was work today?” I asked Paul.

“We took some pictures of a lady and her dog in the studio and then some of the high street for a local newspaper article.” He replied. Kylie sat listening but no reaction apart from little nods.

“How about you, Kylie?” I asked, hoping she would contribute more and get some sort of conversation going.

“I cleaned rooms then helped on reception,” she answered and the silence returned. I looked over at Jay and her second large glass of wine was disappearing rapidly.

“Back in a min,” Jay said as she got up and made her way to the bar, soon returning with large wine glass number three.

This was dire. Something had to be done. I tried to think of common interests they both might had and the only thing that came to mind was that they had both fucked Jay. I couldn’t use that though.

It was Jay who fixed the situation and completely by accident. Having got her third drink, she started to wipe her shoe on the edge of the table.

“What’s up?” I asked looking down and watching her.

“Some stupid bugger has dropped cheese on the floor and I stepped in it.” She answered, getting agitated as the offending lump was wiped on the table leg.

I jokingly said, “Mmm….cheddar.” as it dropped on the floor.

“I like cheddar,” said Kylie

“So do I,” said Paul. “But I prefer Brie.”

“Oh yes, I love Brie,” said Kylie turning to face Paul. “Do you like camembert? I really love Camembert.”

“I love a baked one so you can dip bread sticks in.”

“Or biscuits.”

“Or crackers. What other cheese do you like?” Paul was now fully facing Kylie and the odd conversation about cheese went on for a while, before moving to Pate’s and the best toppings for toast. Jay and I sat in silence, listening, and watching. They had become so enamoured in the talk of food and savoury treats, that they seemed to have forgotten us.

After a good fifteen minutes, I held my phone out of sight under the table and sent a quick text before placing it on the table next to my now empty pint glass. A minute later it started to vibrate noisily and all eyes fell upon it.

I answered it and made sure that Paul and Kylie could hear my every word.

“Oh dear,” I said to the voice on the other end. “That’s a shame. We would come but we’re out with a couple of friends and we promised we would stay with them.” Jay looked at me with a puzzled look on her face but a quick tap on her foot let her know to play along.

“No, no,” Kylie said, hearing this. “You don’t have to stay on our account. Is it important that you go?”

“It is really,” I said with my hand over the phone. “A couple of friends of us need our help.”

“Then go,” Kylie said smiling. I’ll be okay with Paul.” They both smiled at me and I looked at the two of them. They looked perfect together and I hoped they would get together a made a go of it.

“If you’re sure,” I said and nudged Jay to get up. I asked the voice on the other end of the phone where they were before saying goodbye and hanging up. We both stood and hugged them both. “We’ll see you tomorrow Kylie. Look after her Paul.”

“I will,” he said smiling and shaking my hand. We had only gone a few paces before we looked around and saw they were both back in deep conversation, our presence forgotten.

“That was sneaky,” said Jay as we walked through the station. “Did you text Manus to ring you?”

“Yes, and it worked.” I replied. “We’re going to go and meet them now.”

“Where?” Jay asked as we stood at the taxi rank as a black cab approached

“At a Spa, apparently.” I answered climbing in and giving the driver the address.

“A Spa? In London? Cool. That’s just what I need after the past few days. A bit of relaxation” Jay suddenly grabbed my arm. “Hang on, I haven’t got a bathing costume.”

Fifteen minutes later we were standing on the pavement on a normal looking high street outside a darkened glass fronted building sandwiched between a dry cleaners and a health food shop. The sign above the entrance announced it as the North and South Health Spa. On the glass, written in big bold and colourful letters, was ‘Sauna, Jacuzzi, Steam rooms, Pools, Massage, Sun Garden.’

“Funny place for a Spa,” said Jay leaning up to the glass and covering her face to look through. “I can’t see a thing.” She tried the door and it pushed inwards a few inches before she stopped and looked at me.

“Let’s go.” I said and pushed the door open and we both entered. There was a small reception with tropical scenes painted on the walls. A door was ahead of us next to a closed hatch where a doorbell sat. I pressed the bell and after a moment the hatch slid open to reveal a young attractive woman who seemed to be adjusting the small bikini top she was wearing. Having satisfied it was on properly she looked up at us and said with a big smile,

“Hi. Welcome to the North and South. It’s twenty-five pounds for couples.”

I fished two tenner’s and a fiver out of my wallet and handed it over. The girl pressed an unseen button and with a ‘click,’ the door opened a couple of inches. We walked into a short corridor at the end of which was a big, bright lounge area with sofas, armchairs, movie posters and a big TV mounted on the wall showing EastEnders. Sat in a couple of the armchairs was a rather large older gentleman and another man a bit younger and slimmer, naked apart towels wrapped around their waists. They were watching Ian Beale getting a tongue lashing from Phil Mitchell and looked away briefly from the TV when we entered to stare for a quick moment before turning back to the screen. A counter was at the end selling snacks, drinks, and cupcakes, under a clear cake cloche. The young girl reappeared and straight away took off her bikini top. She had an impressive pair of tits which drew Jay’s eyes straight to them as they were freed.

“Sorry about the delay in answering the bell,” the girl said passing over a couple of white, fluffy towels and a pair of locker keys on an elasticated wrist band. “I can’t open the hatch topless so it’s on then off then on and off, all night long.”

We took the towels and keys from her as she asked,

“Have you been before?” We both shook our heads and she smiled and continued.

“That’s fine. Lockers, toilets and showers are through there,” she pointed to a wide door to the left of the TV wall. She then pointed to the other end of the room. “Through the glass door and straight ahead are the two pools, heated and cold plunge pool and more showers. To the left are the sauna and steam rooms. Up the stairs is the film lounge and private rooms, should you want a quick nap or something, and access to the sun garden terrace. Do you want a massage? It’s twenty pounds for a single massage or thirty for a couple.”

“No thanks,” I said, noticing Jay was shaking her head.

“Do you sell bathing costumes?” Jay asked. This perplexed the girl who shook her head slowly and replied, “No, sorry we don’t. But people don’t normally need them here.”

The penny dropped for me and I asked, “Is this a nudist Spa?”

The girl gave a big smile and stepping back and throwing her arms open she revealed that she was completely naked saying

“It sure is. Ta-Dah!”

Jay dropped her head and said a little too loudly, “Oh fuck.” The girls face dropped as she heard this, possible taking a bit of an offence at Jay’s comment.

“I’m, I’m sorry,” the girl said, now beginning to look guilty. “I assumed you knew. Everyone knows about the North and South. Would you like to leave? I’ll give you a refund.”

Jay looked at me then back at the girl. She stood, deep in thought for a moment then smiled at the girl to put her at ease and said, “No, it’s fine. We’re meeting friends here anyway. We’ll stay for a little while.”

The girl smiled at Jay’s statement. “Cool,” she said. “Well, enjoy your stay and if you need anything, give me a shout.” Many thoughts ran through my head as I looked at the naked girl stood before me asking us if we needed anything. I put them to one side and led Jay to the locker room.

“A fucking naked Spa,” Jay said as she undressed and locked her clothes and bag in the locker, wrapping the towel around her. “I should have known. Only Manus and Sara could have found a naked Spa.”

“Yeah, I know,” I replied locking my locker and wrapping the towel around my waist. “But that’s all it probably is, a naked Spa. Think of it as being like a normal Spa but with no clothes. You can still enjoy a sauna or a steam and you can keep your towel on in there. If there’s no one around in the pool, then you can have a dip.”

“Okay, Mr smart arse” she said, hands on hips facing me. “What’s the ‘private rooms’ then? More gloryholes I bet?”

“I don’t think so,” I replied taking her hand and leading her out. “They probably are just places to have a rest privately. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”

We walked past the two men sat in the armchairs who gave us another passing glance and the went through the glass doors. To the left, side by side was the sauna and steam room and a set of stairs going upwards. Ahead, through an open door I could just make out the two pools to which I led Jay. One pool was quite big in which were several naked bodies in small groups, all chatting. It was a mix of mainly males and some females of various ages. They looked up at us as we entered and a few gave a little wave in greeting with a couple of ‘HI’s,’ and ‘hello’s,’. I gave a small wave back but we didn’t venture any further into the room, just standing by the entrance. The smaller pool was empty and I assumed that this was the cold plunge pool, favoured by people who had just taken a sauna.

We walked back the way we came and looked through the condensation on the glass of the steam room door. Two males were sat in there either side of a female. All were naked and seemed to be having a polite chat. The sauna was empty so we headed up the stairs to a short corridor.

There was about six rooms, all of which had a wide padded bench, a wastepaper basket and low lighting and were all empty of people.

“See,” I said to Jay. “No gloryholes.” She didn’t reply, just shrugging her shoulders and moving further on down the corridor. We passed an open door which, judging by the long sofas and armchairs and big film screen, must be the film lounge. It was also empty of people and nothing was currently showing on the screen. It also had a very long and wide bench that run along the length of one wall. It was a good five metres long and a metre wide. It was softly padded with several cushions were scattered around.

Ahead was an open door which revealed the sun terrace. High walls all around kept the area discrete and hidden from the surrounding buildings. There was sun loungers and deck chairs scattered around and a five-metre square patch of artificial grass in the middle. On two of the loungers sat Manus and Sara, both naked and chatting to young couple sat near them who were also naked.

Upon seeing us, Sara jumped up, her great tits bouncing as she did so, and came over and hugged us.

“You made it,” she said, kisses all round. “How did it go?” she asked meaning Paul and Kylie. We walked over to Manus, handshake from him and a kiss for Jay, and pulled up a couple of deck chairs and told them of the awkwardness of the evening before the ‘cheese’ breakthrough. This made them laugh, even the couple they had been talking to who I assumed had been told about our efforts at matchmaking in advance of our arrival.

Sara reached down to a bucket of eyes and produced a bottle of wine and two extra glasses for us which she filled and passed to us before we all raised our glasses in ‘cheers.’

“So how did you find this place?” I asked taking my towel off and placing it on the floor, not wishing to seem prudish considering the nakedness around me. Jay noticed this but kept herself wrapped.

“Google,” Manus replied. “I typed in ‘mixed sauna,’ and this place came up. We got here about an hour ago. It seems clean and very friendly.” He held his hand out towards the couple sitting close by. “This is Mark and Carol. They come here quite regularly.” I didn’t bother getting up to shake their hands, just waving and saying hello to each other.

Sara looked over at Jay and asked her, “Are you okay, Jay?” This was probably in reference to her still covering herself with the towel.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m okay. Just a bit tired after the last few days.” She replied quickly finishing her drink which Sara reached over with the bottle and refilled.

“Well ,it has been quite a time for you.” Sara replied lying back on the longer and stretching out her long legs. “But you can relax here now. Unwind. We’ll have a sauna in a minute and maybe a bit of time in the steam room. Just unwind, relax and let yourself go.”

“It was letting myself go that has made me so tired.” Jay replied having a big sip of her drink.

“And that’s exactly what I mean.” Sara said with a wink. Noticing Jay had finished her drink, Sara quickly refiled her glass to the top to which Jay started to take big sips, the cold liquid refreshing in the evening heat. After we sat chatting for a while and the wine bottle had been emptied, Sara stood up and held her hand out to Jay. “Come on, it’s sauna time. Coming guys?” she said to the rest of us.

“We’ll stay here for a bit longer thanks,” the young man said as he started to run his hand up and down his girlfriend’s inner thigh. “Well definitely see you later though.”

“Will do.” Sara said with a wink as she put the empty wine glasses and bottle on a table and led Sara by the hand through the door and down the stairs, followed by me and manus.

The sauna was empty when we went in. It was quite wide and had wooden slatted benches either side of the wall, one set slightly higher and set back to the other, like two big steps. She laid her towel down on the wooden slats on the higher step and laid flat on her back on the towel. Jay sat upright on the step below, crossed legs and her towel still wrapped around her while me and Manus sat on the bench on the opposite wall on our towels. The girls started to chat about Paul and kylie while me and Manus chatted about the Spa.

“It’s a friendly place,” he told me quietly, not to talk over the girls. “The other patrons seem nice too. We had a quick swim when we got here to cool off after a day walking around London Zoo in this heat. We were joined by the couple you met upstairs. They come here a couple of times a month, to relax, unwind, get laid and have a sun bed.”

“Get laid?” I asked, surprised.

“Oh yes,” Manus replied. “Apparently, it has a very good reputation for that sort of thing. Sara was thrilled to hear that. I looked for this place because she wanted to have a sauna and a bit of company for chatting and that. When that couple told us that it’s a hot spot for swinging, Sara jumped for joy, especially after you got in touch and said you would meet us here.”

“Well,” I said quietly. “I’m not sure that Jay’s going to be up for any of ‘that’ sort of fun. She said this morning she wants to get back to some form of normality.”

“Are you sure about that?” he asked nodding over at the girls.

While Manus had been talking to me I noticed that Sara had managed to persuade Jay to remove her towel and had joined her on the top bench. They were both sat up chatting, with a gap of a few feet between them. Jay being quite relaxed now as she sat with one leg down on the lower bench and the other on the bench, stretched out in front of her giving Sara, myself, and Manus a clear view of her bald cunt. Sara was sat facing Jay leaning against the back wall, her legs stretched out and slightly parted. Whatever it was they were talking about was amusing Jay as they both laughed several times throughout the conversation. The heat was making us all sweat but it wasn’t unpleasant. Cleansing, I would call it. After a few minutes, I noticed someone looking through the glass door before it opened and two young lads came in. I say young, they looked early twenties and reasonably fit. They looked over at us on one side then back to the girls, trying to decide where to sit.

Sara swung a leg down keeping the other on the higher bench, bending the knee to allow there to be room to sit between her and Jay. The guys, seeing this took their towels off and laid them on the bench between the girls before sitting and looked around to the four of us, nodding silent hello’s. They both sat back and stretched out a little, just keeping from any contact with the girls. Sara was blatantly looking at their cocks, both of which were of a decent size. She looked over at Manus and winked but made no move towards either of the men sat next to her. Jay had shut her eyes and was wiping the sweat from her face that had now started running down her forehead. Her breasts was staring to glisten and shine with the humidity and while she rubbed her face, the man sat near to her had a good look at her breasts and her smooth, shaven cunt. His friend had checked out Sara who was looking at him as he did so, even opening her leg a bit to allow him to get a clearer view of her cunt. He started to lightly touch his cock as he stared at her before wrapping his hand around it and slowly rubbing, growing in his hand as he did so. His friend next to Jay started to do the same, looking at Jay and ignoring us sat opposite, probably thinking we weren’t connected to the girls.

Jay opened her eyes, saw what he was doing and swung her leg down next to the other and crossed them, crossing her hands over herself to cover her modesty. He watched as she did this then looked away, not wishing to get a slap if he did anything inappropriate.

Sara had opened her legs wider and had started to touch herself, slowly rubbing her pussy lips while the man next to her now had a full erection that he rubbed slowly, watching her. Sara winked at him as she swung herself around and opened her legs wide He got up and kneeled on the lower bench and put his face into her cunt to start licking. Sara gasped and held his head there as he moved his head up and down, his tongue attacking her clit while he slipped a finger into her. She bucked and swung her legs over his shoulders and held his head there as he went down on her. I could see him enter another finger as his arm movements sped up as he finger fucked and flicked his tongue repeatedly across her clit. She put her arms up, behind her head and gripped on to the slats on the walls and started to jerk her lower body up and down into him as he bought her to a quick orgasm. She started to let out yelps and quick shouts before loudly squealing and clamping his head between her thighs as she came. She let out several long shouts before coming to a standstill, still clamping his head to her cunt with her thighs. It was all over in a matter of seconds.

The other lad had watched this, wanking his hard cock slowly and then had looked at Jay who had also watched the action. Jay stood up and grabbing her towel, came and sat close next to me. The lad seemed shocked, he hadn’t expected Jay to be with anyone and seemed unsure of what to do. Sara had caught her breath back and reaching over, touched his hand and indicated for him to sit on the higher bench as she stood up then kneeled in front of him, taking his cock in her mouth before the man who had gone down on her, lined his cock up to her wet cunt and slid it slowly and fully in. She sucked the lad on the bench hard and fast. Keeping in pace with the cock fucking her from behind, that lad grabbing her hips for support.

Jay nudged me and leaning over to me and Manus said quietly, “I need a drink and fell like a dip in the pool.”

Manus, who had been watching his wife get spit-roasted and enjoying it by the look on his face, leaned over me and said to Jay,

“Go to reception and ask for a bottle of wine belonging to Bakker. They don’t sell alcohol here so we bought a few of our own and they store it in the fridge. You can have one.”

“Thanks Manus,” Jay said standing and giving him a kiss. “See you by the pool when Sara is, er, finished?”

“Sure,” he said as he went back to watching Sara, loudly enjoying having a cock in her at both ends.

“Jay and I put our towels on, left the sauna and asked the still naked receptionist for the3 bottle of wine, explaining that Sara and Manus had said we could.

We took the bottle and a couple of glasses to the pool where two couples and a couple of single men were in the water in a group chatting. Jay poured us both a glass, downed hers very quickly, refilled it, placed it on a table with the bottle then dropped her towel and slipped into the pool. I slid in next to her and we stayed at the edge, enjoying the feeling of the water enveloping us.

One of the couples looked over and smiled. To be polite, we both smiled back which seemed to be some sort of invitation because they paddled over and perched next to us. They were both around our age, attractive and tried to start a conversation about the summer heat and how refreshing it was to be in the spa. I conversed politely with them, but Jay seemed off and very quiet, not really engaging. She politely listened but didn’t contribute to anything being said. The couple sensed this and politely left us, going back to the other group.

“Are you okay?” I asked Jay after we climbed out and dried ourselves off. Jay took a big sip of her drink and quietly said,

“I’m not sure I want to be here. It’s obviously a swingers spa and I did say this morning that I wanted to get back to normality.”

That’s fine,” I said. “Do you want to leave?”

“No, not just yet. It would be rude not to spend some time with Sara and Manus. I like them. When the subject isn’t all about sex, we all get on really well. I really like them and can see us being friends for a long time. We were having a really nice chat about Paul and Kylie before those guys turned up in the sauna and proceeded to fuck her. Come on, let’s go watch a film upstairs.”

She grabbed the bottle and glasses and led the way out and up the stairs. We entered the film lounge where several single men of various ages between twenty and fifty were sat scattered around either sat separately on the sofa’s on the long, padded bench. All were wrapped in towels, some with their hands underneath, clearly rubbing themselves. They all watched us as we sat on an empty sofa, Jay putting her legs up and leaning back on me, a full glass of wine freshly poured in her hand.

The screen was clearly showing porn but had frozen for some unknown reason on a close up shot of a very big, black cock. The men sat around us were clearly getting impatient; a couple of them kept looking at the door, expecting an explanation, the others either looking at the screen or at Jay, tightly covered up in her towel.

The naked receptionist then stuck her head around the door saying,

“Sorry guys, there’s a bit of a glitch. It should start again in a sec,” before disappearing again. A few seconds went by, Jay taking sips of her drink, turning her head to look at the men around her. Some looked back then looked away, others politely smiled, a couple of them winked, their hands still moving below their towels who Jay looked away from and sipped her drink, her eyes returning to the frozen screen just as the film restarted.

The camera panned out from the big black cock, the person it belonged to was approaching a bed where a girl was clearly getting, and enjoying, a gangbang. She was on her knees, a man fucking her from behind while another was laid on the bed in front of her, his cock in her mouth which she sucked with long thrusting movements, taking his length deep into her throat. Another four men stood around wanking, joined now by the black man who was holding a bottle of lube. It looked amateur, filmed on a camcorder in a hotel room. Homemade porn rather than professional-always the best.

The girl stopped sucking and moved forward, pulling herself off one cock before mounting the one on the bed. The black man passed the lube to the man who had been fucking her who then pushed the girl forward over the man she had mounted, squirted the lube over her arsehole before moving forward and slowly sliding his cock in, until she had two cocks in her; one in her arse, one in her cunt. Her shouts of encouragement to the men showed she was enjoying herself, although this was stopped when another man stood over her head and directed his cock into her mouth.

It was like a switch had been flicked. Jay suddenly sat upright at the sight on the screen. She watched wide-eyed as the girl was filled with cocks in all holes. Jay sat upright watching the action and taking big sips of her drink. She reached down and refilled her glass from the bottle, all the while trying not to miss a second. She sipped her drink and started to fidget around, as if she wanted to get more comfortable. With a quick hand movement, she pulled her towel off and dropped it on the floor then laid back on me, legs apart on the sofa and started to rub her cunt lips and clit. Her actions were bought to the attention of the other men sat around. They were watching between the action on the screen and Jay, who very soon had two fingers slowly moving in and out her cunt as she gave out little moans.

She quickly downed her drink, put the glass on the floor and started to play with each nipple; pinching and squeezing as her other hand picked up a bit of speed as she got wetter, allowing her fingers to slide in and out, little squelching sounds coming from the friction. I looked around at the other guys in the room. Several towels had been moved and to one side and they all had their hands on their cocks, all hard and being rubbed as they watched Jay getting more excited and aroused as they girl on the screen received three loads of cum in each hole. Jay spread her legs wider and pushed a third finger in and moaned loudly when the girl on the screen eased her cum filled arsehole down on to cock before another slowly followed from behind, stretching her arsehole wide against the big helmet and rubbing against the cock already in her as it slowly slid fully in, two sets of balls banging against each other as they fucked her arse simultaneously.

One of the men in the room decided to get brave and came and sat at the other end of our sofa. His towel was dropped on the floor and he sat directly facing Jay with his hard cock in his hand, slowly rubbing as he watched Jay. Noticing no negative reaction from Jay or myself, two other men came and stood to the side of us to watch Jay, towels draped over their shoulders and hands rubbing their cocks. They were joined by two others and another man stood at the far end of our sofa behind the man sat in front of Jay. All were blatantly wanking and watching for Jay’s reaction.

Jay stopped fingering and turned around on her hands and knees on the sofa to face me, her legs parted wide, arse and cunt on full view to both men at the end of our sofa. She winked at me then lowered her face to my erect cock and slowly slid it’s full length into her mouth, bringing a few gasps and comments from the men watching to our side. She moved her head up and down slowly as she deep throated me, bringing it out a couple of times with lines of saliva following before taking it fully in again. It felt great to be blown in front of our voyeurs. I could imagine them wishing it could be them. Jay bought a hand between her legs and started to play with her clit as she sucked, rubbing her cunt flaps, and pressing a finger into her cunt. She lifted her head from my cock and turned to look over her shoulder at the man sat at the end of our sofa. Their eyes met briefly and I think that must have been some signal from Jay, just a quick look, because the man moved forward and pressed his mouth to her cunt, gripping her arse cheeks as he licked up and down.

She pulled her mouth of my cock and shouted, “YES, YES!” as he fucked her with his tongue before she carried on sucking me. He slipped his hand under and bunching three fingers together, slid them into her cunt, which made her jerk but not stop sucking. He knelt up behind and with one hand finger fucked her while the other slid between her arse cheeks and started to rub against her arsehole. He dribbled some saliva on to her hole then slowly started to poke his finger in, the tip just moving slowly in and out until it moved a bit further and further until it was fully in. He held it still before twisting it from left to right, slowly at first but quicker as his saliva lubed her up.

The men watching were wanking harder now as they watched. One man got brave and knelt on the floor next to Jay and started to play with her tits while he others moved closer until they were all stood over us, wanking and watching. Jay took my cock out of her mouth and turning to the man with fingers in her arse and cunt said,

“Are you going to fuck me, oh what?” The man looked surprised at her ‘not tot subtle’ comment and took his fingers out of her. After a brief moment he knelt forward and with one swift movement, shoved his cock deep into her. She gripped the sofa either side of my head and shouted, “OH FUCK, YES, YES, YES!” as the man thrust hard into her, digging his fingers into her arse cheeks as he did so.

Two couples came into the room as this went on and stood behind the men wanking close by to us. They stood watching for a bit before the girls whispered something into their partners ear before letting go of their partners hands and moved in front of the men. The girls got on the knees in front of the two youngest men and started to suck their cocks. The remaining two men moved closer to the girl nearer to them and moved their cocks to the girls mouths allowing the girl to move from cock to cock, a hand on each, sucking hard and taking the cocks deep into their mouths.

The man stood at the far end of our sofa moved alongside Jay behind the sofa and reached down to grope her tits as they swung with the momentum of the thrusting cock behind her. She pushed herself up off me and turned her head to take his cock into her mouth, allowing me to move up off the sofa. Jay stopped the man fucking her and spun her body around to face the man behind the sofa. She resumed sucking while the other man moved behind her, reached around, and grabbed her nipples and carried on fucking her.

This went on for a while, Jay occasionally screaming out and yelling as the man fucked her before taking the other cock back into her mouth to carry on blowing him. The other girls moved and allowed the men to fuck them; one girl straddling a man, his cock buried deep in her as she sucked another while the other girl was fucked doggy, another man knelt in front of her and holding tight on to her head as he fucked her mouth.

I moved and stood next to the man with his cock in Jay’s mouth as he began to moan and take deep breaths as Jay deep throated him. He then gripped her hair and started to face fuck and let out a yell as he came. Jay kept her own momentum up as the cum shot out of the cock and down into her throat. Her throat contracted as she swallowed, the man keeping his movements in and out of her mouth long and regular to allow him to empty into her. He let out a long moan as he came, shutting his eyes at the pleasure on pumping deep into Jay’s mouth. He bagna to slow before he finally let go of her hair, removed his cock, and without a word of thanks or anything, picked up and wrapped his towel around him, swiftly walked off and out the room. This must have been the trigger for the man fucking her. He quickly pulled out of Jay’s wet cunt and moved around the sofa and lined his cock to Jay’s mouth which she opened wide just as he came. She kept her mouth open and used her tongue to quickly rub against his helmet as jet after jet of hot cum shot into her mouth and over her lips, lines of cum dribbling down over her chin. He gripped his cock and together with wanking and the tongue lashing on his helmet, emptied him of his load, collecting a big pool of cum on her tongue while it splashed in and on to her. Jay wanked the last drop from his cock, looked up at us both and having showed the large pool of cum on her tongue, closed her mouth and gave a big swallow. The man stepped back and we both watched as Jay licked her lips, collecting all the cum into her mouth and used her fingers to scoop and collect any that was on her chin and cheeks, licking it off her and swallowing it all.

This man was more polite than the other. He offered his hand to Jay who shook it as he said, “Thank you, thank you very much,” before wrapping his towel around him and also leaving the room. Jay leant on the back of the sofa facing me and smiled. I smiled back, lent down, and gave her a kiss. My tongue exploring her mouth and finding little traces of salty cum to taste and take into my own mouth.

I looked into her eyes and she smiled back at me and stroked my face. “I’m so lucky to have you,” she said as I put my arms around her neck, pulling her close to me. “I can’t explain what goes on in my head and what makes me do these things. It’s all new to me. I’ve never considered myself to be a nymphomaniac but I think that’s what I’m becoming. I see that,” she nodded towards the screen where the girl still had repeated cocks going into her arse one at a time as a line of men waited in line to fuck her, “and that’s what I want. It’s probably the drink and the situations we’ve found ourselves in but I suddenly find myself wanting to be full of dick.”

“It’s okay,” I said kneeling down and hugging her over the sofa. “I love you and whatever makes you happy makes me happy. Look at Manus and Sara. They are obviously very much in love and very happy, yet how many men and women do you think they’ve fucked over the years. Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? Who now’s, but it works for them. We’ve got a few days left of our trip. If you feel the need to let go and have fun, then do it. But not alone. I must always be there to protect you.”

Jay sat up and nodded. “I couldn’t do anything without you there. I need you to be with me. This is only something we’re doing together. Always.”

I kissed her again and asked, “What do you want to do now?”

Jay nodded towards the screen where the girl had a cock in her arse, one in her cunt and another that was coming over her face, and replied, “That.”

I kissed her again and she said in a loud voice as she turned to face the middle of the room, “Right. Who’s next?” only to discover that no one would be next.

Two of the men had obviously cum and left. The two girls were both on their knees, sucking their partners while the remaining two men were knelt behind them and, judging by the expressions on their faces and the puffing and moaning as they slowed their strokes as they fucked the girls, had just simultaneously cum. I walked around and sat next to Jay. She looked disappointed. We watched as the two men stood and, picking up their towels, left the room. The girls stopped sucking their own blokes, stood up and also left the room, hand in hand with the partners. We were the only ones left in the room.

Jay turned to me and said, “Well, that’s that then.” She reached down and refilled her wine glass with the last remaining wine in the bottle and turned back to the screen. The girl was on her knees with a circle of men wanking and cumming over her face. Cum covered her closed mouth, lips, cheeks, forehead, and hair as the girl stayed still to receive it all. Jay watched and sipped her drink as the film ended and the screen went blank.

I stood up and held my hand out to her and we left the room and headed out to the sun garden. Manus and Sara were lying naked on the loungers and seeing us, waved.

“How was your swim?” Manus asked as we sat on the loungers next to them

“It was okay,” I replied as he topped up my wine glass and refilled Jay’s as she held hers out to him. “We’ve just been in the film lounge.”

“We saw you,” Sara said, lying back naked on her lounger with her eyes shut. “You looked like you were having fun. We didn’t want to disturb you and decided to come out here. Was it fun Jay”?

Jay took a big sip and replied, “It could have been better.”

Sara sat up and held her hand out to Jay who took it. “What do you mean, it could have been better.”

Jay didn’t answer. I don’t think she knew what to say so I said it for her.

“I think she wanted a gangbang.” Sara raised her eyebrows, gave a little laugh and pulled Jay to her feet, and moved over on the lounger indicating that she should lay with her, which she did, snuggling close to Sara as she held her. Sara stroked her hair and said,

“My poor darling. What has happened to you?”

“I don’t know,” Jay replied quietly. “I just feel like I want a lot of anonymous cock in me. I thought It was going to happen in there, but it didn’t. I now it’s not right or normal, but I suddenly get so very fucking horny. I just want lots of anonymous cock. Do you feel like this? How do you overcome the feeling? That ‘itch,’ that needs scratching?”

Sara hugged her and stroked Jay’s naked body replying, “If I get that ‘itch,’ I scratch it. In Amsterdam sex is more open and readily available. If I want a cock then we go out and find one. If I want a quick gangbang, we go to the gloryholes or clubs or we arrange one at our house or book a hotel. If Manus wants to fuck some arse then we find him some arse. If it gives pleasure to the both of you then embrace it. Don’t go thinking it’s unusual or wrong. Our bodies were designed to enjoy sex, so, go out and enjoy it. Just be careful. Never do it separately, always together. The experience must be shared.” She kissed Jay who responded and opened her mouth to receive Sara’s tongue before resuming their cuddling, Jay leaning her head on Sara’s naked breasts.

We were alone in the garden and the sun was setting. We sat there quietly, sipping our drinks, and enjoying the coolness as the evening replaced the hot sunny day.

“I have an idea about how we can get Kylie’s paintings back,” Manus said, sitting up on his lounger and facing us.

“How?” I asked, sitting up myself.

“We will have to meet your Kylie to discuss the plan. We need to know the address of this ‘Neil,’ and everything about the people who live there. The new wife and the offspring’s. Their ages, habits, likes, dislikes. I have a plan and we would need to know all that.”

“Okay,” I answered getting interested. “I’ll set up a meeting. Can you come to our hotel tomorrow morning? She’ll be working then”

“Sure,” Sara replied. “Manus has given me a brief on what he’s planning but it won’t be instant. It’ll take a bit of arranging and time and we’ll need more people, people we can trust.”

“Great,” I said. “I’ll ring Kylie in the morning and arrange ac time for her to come to our room. 10:00 good for you guys?”

“Sure,” said Manus standing up. “It’s getting dark. Shall we go back in or call it a night?”

The evening light had started to dim with the sun going down and we all stood up and wrapped the towels around us.

“What would you like to do, sweetie?” Sara asked, taking Jay’s hand as we walked back inside.

“I need a shower and then I would like to leave “Jay replied as we walked past the empty film lounge and booths and down the stairs. We went past the empty sauna and steam room and into the lounge which was also empty apart from the naked receptionist who was engrossed in watching some crime drama on the big TV and headed to the mixed showers.

After showering and getting dried and dressed we left the building and stood out on the pavement, looking for a cab.

Having waved down a black cab and climbing in the cabbie turned to us and asked, “Where to.”

There was a brief moment of silence before Jay made the decision for our next destination.

“Soho,” she said.

To be continued in part nine when Jay scratches her ‘itch’ and the idea to retrieve Kylie’s paintings is planned.


Same as Building a Dream: Part Eight Videos

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I Dream of Angels Part 1 Cursed Life5

Chapter 1 If someone were to ask just who “she” was, I wouldn’t be able to answer, as I hadn’t the slightest clue. A hallucination? Some kind of angel? For the past five years, I would greet each morning with the last warm fingers of a dream clinging to my mind. I’d roll on my side, and lying next to me would be a girl of my age, but with beauty unmatched by anyone else on the planet. With liquid smooth skin as soft as ripe fruit, a complexion shade like that of molten bronze and...

2 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Fourteen

Follows on from part thirteen. Arrangements have been made for the group to meet that night at Kenny’s, a gloryhole and sex cinema in London later that day to discuss the porn film to be made the next day at the house in Dorking where we will somehow get Kylie’s paintings back. Steve and Jay are going out around London for the day where Jay has every intention of being very, very naughty. We took the lift down to the lobby and strolled out of the hotel. I could feel eyes watching us as we...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream part 8

Living the Dream, part 8 By Malissa Madison Monday after dinner we gathered around seeing that there were almost two dozen girls waiting to sign up for Tai Chi. We'd gotten permission to practice and I'd chosen our music, 'KISS, Greatest Hits.' The first song was Detroit Rock City, and everyone seemed to be standing on edge. Miss Karen dropped out fast, then after about three minutes Sophie dropped out. They couldn't keep up with me. My blades clashing, I challenged everyone as I...

1 year ago
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My dream girl part 3

Disclaimer: I have not gone through and edited any of this story, I am looking for the readers to point out the mistakes, any and all tips are appreciated, thank so much. The story ends whenever you guys want it to be, now up to now all of this is true, with certain events turned up to create a more sexual theme. This story does not have a happy ending though; I am looking to extend the events of the story so please give me ideas that you would like to be inserted to spice up the reading. I...

2 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part eight

Transition to Vikki, chapter eight, the tale continuesFirst of all, apologies to all. I know it's been a year since the last episode. What can I say !!, depression's a bitch. Made only worse when you lose interest and belief in your own creation. I'm getting back to myself and the interest in telling the rest of this adventure is returning. Sorry for it taking so long, but..... Vikki is back in business.Bright light filtered in through the open window. Between it, and the slow waving of the...

1 year ago
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This is just a quickie that I wrote for my own amusement. I was in a somewhat odd mood when writing this one. Heavyweight By Morpheus I leaned back in my chair, taking a good long look at my computer monitor before announcing, "Work sucks and the company stinks." Of course I paid little attention to the fact that I was telecommuting as always and that the only person around was myself. Sometimes I did miss the old water cooler conversations, though certainly not enough to...

2 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Ten

Hello reader. You may be reading this and thinking, ‘Part Ten? ‘Can I really be bothered to the read the first Nine?’ Well, that’s up to you but I would recommend it as the events in this whole story are a mixture of fact and fiction and, in the long run, you will not be disappointed. We righted a wrong. A girl we met that week legally owned some paintings that were worth a lot of money and her stepfather had them in his possession. The main theme of this story is how a group of us helped to...

3 years ago
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A BOY Can DreamCant SHE Part 2

This is a work of adult fiction and any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is not intended. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. I am not responsible for those who choose to ignore the above and read this story. This story may not be reproduced or posted on another site without the express permission of the author. [email protected] A BOY Can Dream...Can't SHE? - Part 2 By: Simonne...

1 year ago
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Dream Cottage part one

“The question you've got to ask yourself is. Do you really want Edward; or are you prepared to start over again? But make sure you're not making your choice out of spite or revenge. Because the second time around, things will be harder with two young children, and the chances of finding a good man won't get any easier.”“But even if I wanted to keep my marriage together, and I give him another chance; what's to say I can ever trust him again?”“It comes with time. I know what he's done must hurt,...

Straight Sex
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Dream Of Deepti 8211 Part 1

Hello, friends. Hope you all are enjoying your love life to full. About me, I am a 40-year gentleman. I am from Chandigarh. After a lot of thinking, I thought to share the best experience of my life. This is a true experience & not a sex story. I am a normal looking man. 6 feet in height. I am not too handsome or playboy type person. I am married, having a kid also. I have a beautiful wife. So never thought of getting someone other in life. My sex life was also good. But as you know, as the...

1 year ago
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Building a Dream Part Seventeen

My phone alarm annoyingly woke me at 5:30 and it took me several attempts of hitting it to shut it up. I nudged Jay who was sprawled out naked on top of the covers and said quietly, “Wakey, wakey. We need to get ourselves up, showered, fed and out of here by quarter to seven.” “Nope,” she tiredly replied. “Leave me alone. I want to sleep.” I reached around and gently caressed a nipple saying, “But today is film day. Just think of all the cock and cunt that’s going to be available.” In a...

3 years ago
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Dream Came True With Mami 8211 Part 2

Hi, Its Madan here.. “Appreciation is the best motivation” I thank each and every reader for your feedback. But unfortunately I dint get any mails from Hot aunts and Bold girls. But I believe that after reading my second part, readers will give feedback. Who has not read, Kindly read my first part ie “Dream came true with Mami”. Back to the story..! Time: 11.40pm Yes..! It was Jagarana time for me..! My hot maami was sleeping beside me: Her mother was sleeping beside her at last. Enough light...

1 year ago
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Dream Came True With Mami Part 3

Hi.. Its Madan here.. “Writers create more Readers” and off course “Readers create better writers.” I would like to declare in the beginning itself, ‘your each feedbacks made me to write this next part’. Basically I am a lazy guy, but also writing for you my dear unknown friends. Your five star rating made me happy. Fine.. As usual thanks to you for reading my story and giving feedback. I expect same support, guidance and feedback from you. [Especially Hot aunts and Bold gals]. Back to...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

1 year ago
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Living the Dream part 9

Living the Dream, part 9 By: Malissa Madison I couldn't deny it, it was a miracle that I was alive. No one asked the questions I knew they were wanting answers to, they were just happy for now that I was still living. I eventually saw all of my family over the next two days, save one. Even Jon Paul had come to see me. My two oldest girls lay curled up together in the plush hospital chair next to the bed. My baby Becca slept cradled in the crook of my left arm. "Jon Paul, I know...

3 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Twenty

The porn film is in full swing at Sonia’s house in Dorking but then there is an unexpected visitor ringing the doorbell. Everyone went quiet in the kitchen as well as the rest of the group in the lounge. I looked around did a quick head count and added the lounge group. Everyone was accounted for so who the fuck was outside? The action in the lounge had come to a complete stop, nobody moving nor saying a word. “Who the fuck is that?” whispered Jay loud enough for the group in the kitchen...

2 years ago
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Dreamscape I

Part 1 of a multi-parter. Dreamscape 1 By Diana Kimberly Heche No, this isn't right! None of this is. I stopped in mid bite, then chewed the pancakes more slowly, straining my senses to search for the qualities that I loved in them so well. Nothing. It was not that they were bland in the traditional sense, they were completely devoid of taste altogether. Impossible. I picked up the glass of orange juice and brought the pulpy liquid to my nose, inhaling vigorously for a...

1 year ago
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My wife on the porch part eight

It’s been a month since Robert, my wife’s lover moved in with us and just over one month since she imposed the sex ban on me. One month since I have seen her gorgeous body, one month since I have seen her in her underwear, one month that the only sexual relief I get is from jerking my self off. She continues to sunbathe in the nude with our next door neighbor every Monday afternoon and takes his cum in her mouth during their shower together after their sunbathe session. Last weekend we were...

2 years ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part eight

Jason loved the photographs that Shane took and I was lucky enough again to clean their cum from her pussy after he had made love to my wife that night.The next night was the first of my four punishments and I had to watch her walk to Kevin’s house to spend the whole night with him.I went to bed early and worked myself off to the visions of Christy in bed with our elderly neighbor and I was woken up at six the following morning with a text from her.“Good morning baby, Kevin has unlocked the...

3 years ago
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Living the Dream part 2

Living the Dream Part 2, Dinner and the Swap By Malissa Madison ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Authors note; While this story and the characters in it are fictitious, some things come from real life experiences. The Author is a DID survivor with multiple personalities, and more than a few of the characters are modeled after them. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'd fallen asleep feeling relieved,...

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Dream Came True With Ashwini Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hiiee..! Its Madan here.. Ya the same Madan who had written 7 episodes of Dream came true with Mami. I always read your feedbacks and see 5 star rating to my previous writing which is motivating me to write another saga. Yes I am presenting another story now Dream came true with Ashwini aunty..! In the beginning I declare that as I told it will be a saga and for that I need time gap between episodes. Kindly be patient and enjoy the stories. I describe small points also to give you Yes. To the...

1 year ago
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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

3 years ago
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My dream girl part 2

Disclaimer: I have not gone through and edited any of this story, I am looking for the readers to point out the mistakes, any and all tips are appreciated, thank so much. The story ends whenever you guys want it to be, now up to now all of this is true, with certain events turned up to create a more sexual theme. This story does not have a happy ending though, I am looking to extend the events of the story so please give me ideas that you would like to be inserted to spice up the reading. I...

2 years ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XXIII 8211 Dream Fucking

My dear Friends I am back with another sexy experience MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY – DREAM FUCKING. I believe that sexual satisfaction is right of every one. And responsibility of sexual satisfaction is more on the male partner in the act. But it is observed that, in many cases females left unsatisfied by their male partner. I am sure that you will agree with me on this. Sex is an art and you can satisfy your partner if you know this art well. With this message, I start below my dream...

3 years ago
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Ill Make it a Date Part Eight

I'll make it a Date, Part Eight: Tabitha's Story Introduction I have been telling my story of how I met and fell in love with Tabitha, and everything that followed in our first week together. I hope that I have given you some idea of how much I enjoyed that time. We were madly in love and it was unbelievable that we had a place where we could be intimate in complete comfort and privacy. I was the luckiest man on earth. So far, everything I have written has been from my point of...

1 year ago
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Building a DreamChapter 3

One day while Sam was working in the field a bedraggled group of Indians came wandering up to him. At first he was worried and picked up his rifle. When they didn't make any threatening moves he relaxed. Between his poor Caddo and their poor English he discovered they were basically escaping or running away from the reservation they had been on. Their family originally came from this area and they wanted to return to it. They begged for food. If he would not feed them all they begged for...

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Dream Comes True With Priyanka Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, this is Rohan. I have been reading the stories in ISS since last 2 years and I am a big fan of it. But never really got a chance to write my own sex story, though I have had several small oral counters with my gf and ex-gfs but they weren’t that steamy and hot. About me: currently I am in my last year of graduation from a reputed college in bhubaneswar and I am a resident of it. I am a friendly guy. I am tall enough for any lady highest heels (6ft 2in) and so does my d**k (7) to...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIChapter 30 A Kiss to Build a Dream On

I drifted awake in a sea of warmth, feeling both languid and content. I was thinking of the exquisite feelings from last night when I started as I remembered who I’d spent the night with. That is if I hadn’t been dreaming. I sat up abruptly and looked around me. ‘Thank God,’ I sighed with relief. It had been a dream. The body keeping me warm was Duke. I picked up my phone and called Adrienne. “I had the best dream last night. It involved you and Kate.” “I wonder about you sometimes. I...

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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

2 years ago
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Water rushes in to meet her toes, wiggling things in the sand, petite and pretty. A wistful sigh escapes her as she turns her eyes to the horizon and wonders once more where he might be? What he might be doing? Her Dreamer. Does he think of her like she does him, she wonders. Does the night caress him with the softest brush of its lips, the darkness creep over his skin all shadows and longing and prickle his flesh with a kiss? She smiles as she closes her eyes and turns her face into the...

Love Stories
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Dream Of Deepti Part 8211 2

Hi, indian sex stories dot net friends. Hope you all will be enjoying your life to fullest. First of all, I want to say thanks to all the readers for their wonderful compliments. This really has encouraged me to write my experience further. For all those who have not read my previous experience they can read it This is infact continuation of that part only. So dear friends, I am again going to cherish my memory of life. So after I released my cum shot in her hands, we both became silent for...

2 years ago
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The Medieval Marine Part Eight

Luke had just planted his explosive when he felt the first arrow find its way through his armor and hit his leg, but he had no time to think about it for the explosive would be going off in fifteen seconds. He made sure that it was planted right and turned to run. That’s when he felt the second hit. This one was serious for it was in his abdomen. Before he could get out, he was hit once more in his leg. He fought through the pain to make sure that he was out of there in time. He ran out...

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