Building A Dream: Part Seventeen free porn video

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My phone alarm annoyingly woke me at 5:30 and it took me several attempts of hitting it to shut it up. I nudged Jay who was sprawled out naked on top of the covers and said quietly,

“Wakey, wakey. We need to get ourselves up, showered, fed and out of here by quarter to seven.”

“Nope,” she tiredly replied. “Leave me alone. I want to sleep.”

I reached around and gently caressed a nipple saying, “But today is film day. Just think of all the cock and cunt that’s going to be available.”

In a flash she had jumped out of bed, locked herself in the bathroom and ordered me to get some form of breakfast. The 24 hour Sainsbury Local a short walk away provided me a couple of hot bacon rolls which were eagerly, and quickly consumed by the pair of us upon my return. We both showered, filled Jay’s shoulder bag with extra clothes and within the hour had met up with Cheryl, Phil, Mike, Sue, Keith, Mary, Simon and Jim in the foyer all the woman with shoulder bags also containing a change of clothing. All the woman were wearing short summer dresses and looked very, very fuckable. Jay was wearing her short summer dress also, which had the tendency to blow up with the slightest breeze. A quick grope of her arse revealed the G-String and the jewelled head of the butt-plug. This was going to be a good day.

Kisses and hugs all round greeted us and we made our way to Waterloo, the girls walking arm-in-arm ahead while us men walked behind. The girls giggled as they walked, a slight breeze blowing up, not only Jays dress, but also Cheryl’s and Sue’s, giving the five of us walking behind an eyeful of what we would be seeing much more of later.

”Is that a butt-plug?” Simon asked, nodding down at Jay’s dress as it blew up again and staying so for a couple of seconds.

“Yep,” I said proudly. “She’s really taken to it.”

“You’re a lucky man.” Jim said, also admiring the view. “She has certainly changed since we first met her.”

“More than you know.” I replied as we entered the concourse of Waterloo station.

Waiting us under the central clock was Katy, Kelly, Manus and Sara who had a long tube over her shoulder which I assumed contained the copies of the paintings. They were grouped together and having a casual chat when we approached, giving us a wave when they saw us and again followed by hugs and kisses. Sara did a head count and said,

“Okay, we’re all here.” She handed out First Class train tickets that she and Manus had bought earlier and then led us through the barriers and down the platform to the front of the waiting train. We boarded the train, made ourselves comfortable and minutes later the train pulled out of Waterloo and made its way through the London suburbs.

“This is nice,” Jay said to Sara who was sat opposite us with Manus.

“Our treat,” Sara answered. “If all goes well today and the film is well made, it could go down very well in the Netherlands.”

“You’re serious about marketing it?” I asked. “I thought you were just covering for Mike when you said that yesterday?”

“I was at first,” Manus replied. “But Sara and I got talking last night at our hotel. We’ve got a chance to make a great porno and the bonus of having Mike with us who knows how to market and distribute it. Why not actually do it? Patty is writing an actual *********** and will direct it; it covers Mike’s story perfectly and could be a very lucrative money spinner for all involved. Besides, I would make sure that it’s only marketed and sold in the Netherlands-less chance of it being seen elsewhere.”

As Manus explained the rest of the carriage went silent to listen. Manus looked around him and added, “Of course, I would need all your permission.”

“You’ve got mine,” Cheryl said sat behind us.

“And mine,” said Katy sat next to Cheryl.

“And mine,” from Kelly across the carriage

“And mine,” from Jim. Everybody confirmed that they would be happy to allow the film to be distributed. The only ones who hadn’t confirmed were me and Jay

“Well?” I said to her as she looked concerned. “Do you want to be a porn start and have loads of people see you perform?”

She didn’t reply straight away. The carriage went silent waiting for her to answer. I knew she was thinking of the potential consequences. We know plenty of people back home in High Wycombe and my business is known throughout most of that part of the country. Could we risk the possibility that any member of the community might, by some million to one chance, see us in a porno only distributed throughout the Netherlands?

“Okay,” she said smiling which bought a small round of applause from the group. “Let’s do it.”

“It’s going to be fun.” Sara said turning to Manus and smiling. “This has been some holiday.”

An hour later the train pulled into Dorking Station where we disembarked and walked out into the car park. A mini-bus was sat in the taxi rank which Manus approached, exchanged a few words with the waiting driver and then slid open the side door, beckoning us to get in.

“I arranged this earlier,” he told me as I stood next to him allowing everyone to get in. “It makes sense to have one vehicle and it’s good for the environment. The driver will bring us back here later.”

I boarded, sat on a spare seat at the front next to Cheryl and we moved off for the short drive to Sonia’s house.

“Having a party?” The driver asked. He was a young man in his mid-twenties who drove one-handed, the other arm leaning on the open window allowing the cool breeze to fill the vehicle.

“Something like that,” Cheryl answered just as the breeze blew the front of the dress up. On instinct, I moved my hand to push it down and protect her modesty but as I did, she grabbed my hand and pushed it down over the dress and held it over her pussy, opening her legs a little as she did so. I kept it there not moving for a few moments before I began to move my fingers. I could feel her pussy lips through the thin material of her dress and her thong that I had noticed earlier she was wearing. I kept my eyes ahead in the direction we were going and without saying anything, began to move my fingers more, rubbing her pussy lips which bought a tiny, quiet squeak from her. She opened her legs a little wider and I was able to move my hand freely, slipping it under the short dress hem until I could feel her pussy lips and the moistness that was becoming apparent through the thin material of the thong. The mini-bus started to jerk a little and then bounce on the road causing my finger to gently push little jabs at Cheryl’s pussy. More little squeaks from Cheryl’s mouth followed the rough travel of the vehicle.

She turned her head and glanced around the mini-bus. Everyone was chatting and not paying any attention to us at the front. She undid her seat-belt and lowered her head to my crotch, unzipped my fly and pulled out my now rock hard cock. She opened her mouth and took my helmet between her soft lips and gently sucked, rubbing her tongue around the bulk of the helmet while gently squeezing my balls with her hand.

Fuck, it felt good but had to stop. There was no way I could cum and not be able to perform today. I let her continue for a few more seconds before gently moving her head away and tucking my cock back in my jeans and zipping up. I carried on rubbing her now very moist pussy and was about to move the thong to one side and enter a finger when the driver pulled into the lane and drove up and into the drive of Sonia’s house and parking between a big van and a Mercedes-Benz C Class. Cheryl took my hand and put it to her mouth, giving my fingers a quick lick as everybody started standing and moving to the door which the driver had opened.

“Here we are,” the young man said as he helped the woman step off the mini-bus. “Mrs Campbell’s house.”

“You know the lady who lives here?” Manus asked as Phil stepped out, being the last passenger.

“Yes, I know Mrs Campbell. I only do taxiing part time. The rest of the time I work at the local garden centre delivering plants and stuff. Mrs Campbell and her old man are regulars.”

‘Oh fuck,’ I thought looking at Manus who was thinking the same thing. This wasn’t good. Manus thought quickly then said to the driver,

“Well, we are all from art classes around London and since Mrs Campbell has a large house, she kindly offered to host a discussion on Venetian Renaissance artists.”

Oh right,” the driver said sliding the door shut. “Not my cup of tea really, art. I like Banksy though. Oh crap.” The driver knelt down beside the front passenger tyre and shook his head. The reason for the last part of the ride being bumpy became apparent. The tyre was flat and judging by the nail protruding from its side-wall, was clearly punctured.

“Oh crap,” the driver said again as he pulled out his phone and dialled a number. Someone on the other end answered and I could hear the conversation going badly for the young man. “Okay, I’ll have to wait here then,” he said to the other person before hanging up and turning to us. “I haven’t got a spare. My boss can bring one out but he’s on an airport fare to Luton and could be quite a while. Do you think Mrs Campbell would mind if I wait here or even sit in on your art talk?”

Manus looked him up and down and something was obviously going through his mind. Before he could answer we heard a “hello chaps,” from behind us as James appeared with Paul close behind who gave us a wave. James opened the back of the van and pulled out a pair of tripods.

“I could do with a hand if you lot don’t mind? The ladies can go straight in. Patty and Mike are already here and moving the furniture with Sonia”

The woman walked up the garden path through the immaculate garden and through the open door while all the men started grabbing the film and light equipment from the van.

Having grabbed all we could carry we walked up into the house and through into the lounge where Patty was stood directing Mike in where she wanted an armchair placed. She was dressed in an all-in-one strapless and backless romper and, I noticed immediately after first seeing her, she looked damn hot. She was tanned and the front of the top part was low enough to allow a decent cleavage. Her long, tanned legs were a marvel to behold. I remember thinking at the time that, although they look great on woman and Jay loves wearing them, to go to the loo I assumed that you had to drop the entire piece of clothing. Stylish, but not that convenient.

“Good morning everybody,” she said as we placed the equipment down. “Sonia’s in the kitchen with the ladies. Coffee’s ready if you want some. A little to the left Mike.”

The sofa’s had been pushed back in the room along with other furniture to allow a large floor space in front. Mike pushed the armchair against a side wall then came over and shook mine and Manus’s hand.

“Hi,” he said getting his breath back from the exertion of moving the furniture. “We’ve been here almost an hour already. We got down too early and had to sit parked on the main road until we saw Neil and the others leave. Sonia’s nice, isn’t she?” We both nodded as Mike continued. “She’s very hospitable. You should see the spread she’s got for lunch. How her old man didn’t notice all the extra food in the fridge and cupboards, I don’t know.”

“By all accounts,” Manus replied, “He doesn’t pay much attention to her anymore.”

“He must be mad. She’s so nice and very, very sexy.”

“How did Patty get on with the *********** writing?” I asked.

“She got onto it the minute we got home. She had it all written by 11:00, printed, stapled and done by midnight. When she gets her teeth into a project there’s no stopping her.”

“She didn’t ask any difficult questions about how we met?”

“No, not a word. She was actually excited about doing this. All the way on the walk back home she started planning and who would do what and when.”

“Did it have any, you know, sexual effect on her?” Manus asked, knowing that Mike and Patty had not had sex for a long time.

“She looked very flushed as she wrote the ***********, but once it was done it was straight to bed and sleep. It’s a shame. I was bursting for a shag after that day’s events.”

Both Manus and I nodded, smiling, knowing that we would be soon be having lots of sex while a frustrated Mike could only watch.

The three of us entered the crowded kitchen where Sonia was pouring coffee into mugs from a big pot for everyone who had joined her and smiled when she saw the three of us walk in. She was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt but looked damn hot.

“I wondered where you guys were. Coffee?” Manus and I nodded and were handed a mug each. “I am so nervous,” she continued. “I could barely get to sleep last night just thinking about it. Neil and his brats didn’t notice my nervousness though. They just grunted at me when I said good morning as they ate their breakfast. I watched the three of them leave then breathed a huge sigh of relief. Then Patty and Mike arrived, she’s very nice.”

“I assume you’ve had introductions of this motley-gang?” I asked indicating all the group stood around drinking coffee who laughed at the comment.

Sonia nodded having taken a sip of her own coffee. “Yes, they all introduced themselves as they came in.” Just then we heard a bang from the lounge as something heavy was dropped but with no sounds of anything broken. This was followed by the exasperated voice of James.

“No Stacey, it doesn’t go there. It’s too heavy to support its own weight. Just move it out the way for the moment.”

“Sorry James,” came the reply from the squeaky voice of Stacey. James came into the kitchen shaking his head and accepted a mug of coffee from Sonia.

“Give me strength,” he said still shaking his head. “That girl better not break anything today.”

“Have you told her why we’re here?” I asked, enjoying the taste of the expensive coffee.

“Sort of. I told her we were filming some people acting and there may be nudity. To be honest, I didn’t know what to say. I thought she might be put off but she just shrugged her shoulders and said ‘okay.’

Just then Patty came into the kitchen and was also handed a coffee. “Thanks,” she said and took a sip. “Mmm…this is lovely. Once everyone is ready could we all take a seat in the lounge and I’ll run through the ***********.”

“No time like the present,” Sara said and led everyone back to the lounge where Stacey was laying a tripod on the floor and we all sat; the woman on the sofas and chairs while the men either sat on the floor or perched against the walls. Patty handed out stapled copies of paper to each of us. Each pack had about eight pages and was typed like a *********** with names highlighted in yellow beside each line interspersed with direction notes, also highlighted. Once everyone had a copy Patty stood in front of the large fireplace to face everyone and began,

“Good morning everyone. It’s nice to see you all again. I’ve written the *********** and I hope it will be satisfactory for your requirements. I’ve adjusted an existing play that we did a couple of years ago at our local am-dram and added some extra cast members, excuse the pun.” This did bring a few loud laughs which she let settle down before continuing. “I’ve based the characters and what they do with what you all told me you were willing to do last night. The premise is that Sonia is home alone. She’s expecting her lover who is coming over to make mad passionate love to her, since her husband has no interest in her in that way anymore. Sorry Sonia if it’s a bit close to the mark.”

“It’s okay,” Sonia said waving the comment away. “The closer to the truth, the better my acting may be.”

“Exactly,” Patty replied turning the first page of the ***********; everyone following suit. “There’s a knock on the door and she rushes to open it, eager to have her daily dose of sex but instead there are three men: Simon, Jim and Manus. They say that they are jobbing gardeners and wondered is she would like some work done. When she turns them down they force their way in and one of them, Manus, forces her to sit down while the others begin ransacking the place looking for money, jewellery etc. Don’t make a mess here guys; just rummage without moving stuff around too much.”

“She begs them not to rob her and says she’ll do anything. Manus will stand in front of her and take his penis out saying, ‘Suck this.’ Sonia reluctantly does so before the others take her clothes off and start groping and feeling her up. This is definitely not to be done in ‘rapey’ way. This must be done sensitively but with a little force. Sonia, you must appear to be reluctant, but not scared. You will take turns sucking them before they take turns to go down on you and then they each have sex with you while you are sucking and masturbating them.”

“This will go on for a short while, each of you men only spending thirty seconds each with each activity before swapping around. Sonia, you will now start to enjoy what is happening to you, but not until the three of them have had their different ways with you; sucking, masturbating and sex.”

“Then the doorbell will ring. You will all freeze and look at each other before whoever is having full sex with Sonia will say to her, ‘answer it and get rid of them of them quickly. We haven’t finished with you yet.’ Sonia will pull on a conveniently placed dressing gown or bed robe, I must check what you have in a little while, and then answer the door. Cheryl, Sue and Mary will be at the door who will greet Sonia as if they know her. You can see in your assigned lines ladies that the three of you are there as you all belong to the same horticultural society and Sonia had promised to show them to share some plants she had grown from cuttings. Sonia will try to get rid of them but they keep talking. Simon and Jim will then come around from behind the door and grab the woman and pull them into the house.”

“We’re naked, I presume?” asked Jim.

“Absolutely and please try to keep your erections when you do this. The woman will be shocked but you will force them into the house and sit them down on the sofa and watch as Manus is having sex with Sonia. The woman plead with you both not to hurt them so you tell them to keep quiet while they finish having their way with Sonia. The three men carry on having sex with Sonia and, as you can see from your ***********s, Cheryl and Sue will try to get away while Mary will be transfixed by the sight on the floor in front of her and stay put. Simon will grab you both and sit you back down and order the three of you to get undressed so as to not do a quick runner. Simon, you will wave your penis in front of their faces as they sit there naked. Cheryl will take hold of it and start to suck it before Sue joins in. Both women eventually join the sex on the floor. This is where you will ‘wing’ it and take turns having sex with the men and each other.“

“Mary will try to edge her way out of the room while everyone is distracted but the doorbell will ring again. Manus, you will get up and lead Mary to the door. You will bend Mary over and enter her from behind, telling her to open the door slightly and look to see who it is and get rid of them.”

Steve, you will be at the door as Sonia’s lover. Mary will try to get rid of him but will have trouble speaking since Manus will be having sex with her from behind and out of sight. Steve will be suspicious and force his way in and go through to the lounge where he will see the sexual activity on the floor. Remember your lines here people. The dialogue in this scene is important.”

“Steve, will be forced by the men to also get undressed, sit on the sofa and watch as Sonia has sex with two men at once, Jim and Simon, while Sue and Cheryl join in with oral sex on each other before everyone swaps around.”

“Manus will carry on having sex with Mary ‘doggy style’ on the sofa beside Steve and Mary will have her face close to Steve’s crotch as she is bent towards him. Steve, you will become turned on and let Mary start to suck you. You will then start to have sex on the floor with whoever is free, I’m thinking Cheryl.”

“Oh goody,” Cheryl said out loud then covered her mouth quickly, realising at what she had said. This bought a few laughs before Patty continued

“Mary and Sue will swap places allowing Mary to join Jim and Kelly. I would like Kelly to perform oral sex on Mary while having sex with Jim. There will then be a loud banging on the door and a woman’s voice will start angrily shouting. Jay, that will be you playing Steve’s wife and you know that he has been having an affair with Sonia and has followed him. She is shouting demanding to be let in so you can ‘kick that bitch’s arse.’”

“Simon will order Mary, who is not having full sex to answer the door. Jay will be shouting as the door is opened but shocked into silence when she sees a naked Mary in front of her with sounds of an orgy in the background. Jay is not alone. With her is her friends, Kelly and Katy, who she has bought along for moral support. They barge their way in and are confronted by the scene before them. Jay starts to shout at Steve but, Sonia, you will follow the *********** here and approach Jay and gently soothe her before seducing her. Sonia, are you ready for your first girl-on-girl action?”

Sonia nodded and said, “Yep, I’m ready. Not sure on my seduction techniques though. I’ve never done anything like that before. While Neil was snoring last night, I watched a few lesbian seduction films on my phone which has given me a few tips. I just hope that I can live up to expectations”

“Just follow the *********** and let what happens, happen. You’ll be okay. While Sonia seduces Jay, Kelly and Katy will stand there in shock and will stay very still, not noticing that they are being undressed by Simon and Jim.“

“So, the situation is, Sonia will have sex with Jay while Kelly and Katy are seduced into having sex with Jim and Simon. Manus will be having sex with Sue and Steve will be having sex with Cheryl. Mary, you will resume your position with Kelly. Any questions so far?”

I looked around and everyone was shaking their heads, content with the *********** and storyline so far.

“Good,” Patty said smiling before continuing. “Just then, the front door will open and Phil, Clive, Sara and Keith will enter. Phil shouting, ‘Honey, I’m home,’ in that bad 1950’s American sitcom style. You are Sonia’s husband who has forgotten his briefcase and have bought your work colleagues with you. Phil will see the orgy before him, including Jay and Sonia having sex and start shouting at Sonia. Sonia, follow the *********** strictly at this point. This is where you get to tell Phil that you have felt unloved for a while now and that you have being having sex with another man because her own husband doesn’t go near her anymore. You can ad-lib here. Treat it as if you are shouting at your real husband.”

“As Sonia is shouting at her husband she will break away from Jay and hug Phil who will hug her back and, strictly following the ***********, sincerely apologise. Sonia will unzip Phil’s trousers as he explains his reasons for the lack of sex and drop to her knees before sucking him. Phil will subsequently get undressed and start having sex with Sonia. Keith and Clive will be approached and undressed by Mary and Kelly who have broken away from Jim and begin to have sex. Jim, you can join one of these couples to receive oral sex. Sara, you will watch what is going on and turn to address the camera for a close-up speechYou can ad-lib and adjust the speech I’ve written, since it is based on the liberal sexual activities that I believe the Dutch are famous for.”

Sara nodded, read that part of the *********** and replied, “No problem.”

Patty smiled at Sara then continued,

“Jay will open the bag that you are carrying and find the sex toys, kindly donated by James. She will undress you as you are speaking and when you have finished your soliloquy you will have sex. How you have sex is up to you, just keep it natural. The three of you will then have joined in the orgy. Again, you will have to ‘wing’ it here when it comes to who’s having sex with whom.”

“After a few minutes, there will be another knock on the front door. Everyone freezes again and looks at each other. I would like Jay to be free here to go and answer the door holding whatever sex toy you have been using with Sara. Jay will open the door slightly and peep around to see who it is. It will be Paul and Kylie who are the new neighbours and have just moved in next door. They have ‘popped’ around to introduce themselves and have bought a cake. Sonia, did you manage to get a cake?”

Sonia nodded and replied,

“I baked one yesterday and hid it. It’s got extra cream just as you asked.”

“Great,” Patty said smiling. “Paul and Kylie try to explain who they are and why they are there but keep trying to peep around the door, since they can hear the orgy going on. They will eventually be invited in and led through to the lounge by Jay. They will walk into the room and be greeted by Sonia and Phil, who must be having sex bent over the back of the sofa so you can both see them. Paul and Kylie will be totally unshocked and non-plussed by what is going on and will step over and around the people having sex to approach, shake hands and start a conversation about them moving in next door and what a nice neighbourhood it is. Follow the *********** here. This is the ‘comedic’ element of the play, sorry, film. They will stand there chatting away while the orgy carries on around them.”

“As they’re talking, I have written in the *********** that Kelly will kneel in front of Paul to unzip his trousers, pull out his penis and start sucking him. One of the men, I have put down Simon for this, will stand behind Kelly and will undo her top and get her breasts out and start caressing them and playing with her nipples. However, you both ignore what is happening to you and keep talking to Steve and Sonia about the house, the nice area and how convenient it is for the shops. Simon will undress Kylie completely, bend her over so Kylie and Sonia are face-to-face and start having sex with her while Kelly will undress Paul and have sex. All the while Kylie will be trying to have a polite conversation as if you are not having sex.”

“So currently: Phil and Sonia, Kelly and Paul and Simon and Kylie are having sex on and around the sofa. On the floor is Keith, Clive, Jim, Manus, Sara, Mary, Katy, Sue, Steve and Cheryl who are all having sex with each other. I have let you all have free reign on the basic sexual activities you will naturally all have at this point.”

“You will see in the *********** that I have added in separate scenes for anal sex, double penetration-this includes double vaginal, double anal and the basic anal and vaginal double penetration, fisting and Watersports. For when we do these specific scenes, we will cut the action and film those scenes with only the persons involved while everyone else has a break. I have a list of whoever is willing to do what and if you look on the back page of your *********** you will see who you are doing what with, if that makes sense?”

Everyone nodded and turned the *********** pages to read them. Sonia put her hand up.

“Watersports?, is that peeing?”

“Yes,” Patty replied nodding. “I’m thinking of filming that in a shower, if it’s big enough or outside if you would prefer?”

Sonia looked slightly concerned and checked the back of her ***********. I checked my own and saw that it was only Sara, Katy, Manus, Simon, and Jim who had their names next to that column. I had kept my own name off that list.

“I’m not sure,” Sonia replied. “It’s something that Neil keeps on and on about. I’ve always considered it beyond the limits of sex and can’t really understand why anyone would want to do it.”

“I thought that,” Katy said to Sonia. “Until the other night when I tried it with Sara and Steve. It’s not as bad as you think if it’s done right.” Sara was nodding as Katy said this and added,

“You don’t have to do it, Sonia. We can film that scene without you being involved and clean up after ourselves.”

Sonia thought about it briefly and said, “Okay. The downstairs shower and the shower in the guest suite are big enough for at least three people in each. You can do it there.”

“Thanks,” Patty said turning back to the ***********. “You will see in the *********** that you are all swapping partners continuously throughout the orgy until we get to the specific activities. The ‘money shots’ will obviously be the last scenes filmed. You will see that I have assigned the relative method of orgasm for each person based again on your individual preferences.”

Everyone turned their *********** pages to the end and nodded with what was written. Patty continued,

“I struggled with how to make the film end but if you turn to the last page you will see that I have come to, what I consider, a satisfactory conclusion.”

We turned our pages and everyone started to laugh as they read the ending. Thinking back now, I must admit, it was very good. Patty’s skill at play/film writing really showed through on this last page. In my opinion then and now, she really should become a ***********writer professionally.

Patty continued,

“James will set up two static cameras in this room and has managed to get an extra hand-held camera for close ups of all the scenes and orgasms, movement around the house and of the facial expressions of each of you, so altogether there are four camera’s. The static cameras will be for the wider shots, set up discretely and, hopefully, won’t be shown in any of the scenes. This is the same for the lighting rigs. James is also setting up a monitor in the kitchen that will show all four cameras together so anyone waiting in there can see what is going on in the lounge while I will be watching on a monitor in here, set up behind the far wall static camera. Don’t, don’t, don’t whatever you do, look at the cameras except for those who are receiving the men’s orgasm on their faces or in their mouths. I want proper looks of appreciation from the woman receiving the ejaculate.”

Again everyone nodded and smiled at Patty.

“In a minute, if Sonia doesn’t mind, we will have another coffee and help James and Paul to set up. Sonia has kindly offered that if anyone wants a shower before we begin then you can. There are four showers available: one down here, one in the main bedroom suite, one in the guest suite and then the family bathroom. Remember to clean up after yourselves, we don’t want any evidence left behind. Sonia has also got spare towels which she will place on the bannister. We will have lunch early at 11:00 that has kindly been provided for by Sonia. Katy will then do all the ladies makeup and I plan for us to start filming at 1:00. The plan is to be completed by 5:30 and then we all help to clear up and get the house completely back to its normal appearance. Are there any questions?”

Stacey, who was sat on an armchair in the corner and hadn’t said anything so far put her hand in the air and asked,

“Are we filming a porno?” James put his head in his hands and shook it slowly and replied to her,

“No Stacey. This in a public information film on how to cross the road safely. Of course it’s a porn film. Haven’t you been listening?”

“Yes,” she replied in her squealy voice, thumbing through the *********** in her hands. “I just wanted to check. So, what shall I do?”

“You’ll be handling one of the hand-held cameras,” James replied.

“Oh,” Stacey said quietly in a disappointed tone. “So, I’m not in the film then?” The group went silent and looked at Stacey who looked quite embarrassed with so many people staring at her. Patty addressed her saying,

“James can’t film everything himself. He will need you on one of the cameras. Besides, this is a porn film with lots of sex with different people. I’m not sure it would be a good idea and what would your father think if he knew that James had let you take part?”

“I wouldn’t tell him,” she replied, starting to look a bit upset. “Honest I wouldn’t. I like sex and, apparently very good at it, according to the boys I’ve slept with. I like sucking, I like fucking, I like anal…”

“No,” Patty said interrupting her, firmly shaking her head. “Sorry, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Sara stood up and knelt next to Stacey and took her hand in hers.

“She could be a fluffer when she’s not holding the camera,” Sara suggested to Patty. “And if one of us woman needs to take a break, maybe a new character could appear to help out. She could be the gardener or cleaner or something.”

“What’s a fluffer?” Stacey asked

“It’s a lady who keeps the men hard during filming. They perform oral sex on the men in between takes.”

“I can do that.” Stacey said with a beaming smile.

Patty looked over at James who shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

“Okay,” she said and wrote something on her *********** in pencil. “When James doesn’t need you, you can ‘fluff’ the men. If we need another actress to give someone a break, we’ll add in a scene when you appear to join in. Is that okay?”

Stacey nodded and smiled. “Thank you.” She said as Sara continued to stroke and hold her hand.

“You had better not tell your dad,” James said shaking his head.

“I won’t. I promise.” She replied.

“Excuse me,” said a male voice from the corner. “Since this is definitely not an art discussion on Venetian Renaissance artists, what would you like me to do?” Everyone turned to look at where the voice came from and, sat in the corner, unseen and forgotten about by all of us, was the driver of the mini-bus who must have come into the house carrying the film equipment and not left.

“Oh fuck,” exclaimed Sonia who up until now had not noticed him in the house. “Chris, what are you doing here?”

“I bought most of these people here today in my mini-bus.” He replied, aware that everyone was looking at him. “I’ve got a puncture and the governor’s on a trip to Luton and won’t be able to help until much later. I did ask if I could come in and wait and ended up helping to bring the stuff in from the van. I was going to say something but I got handed a coffee and sat in here. I’m sorry. If I can help in anyway then I’m at your service. I can’t go anywhere.”

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” Sonia kept repeating, clearly distressed, her face in her hands.

“It’s alright, Mrs Campbell. I won’t tell your husband, or anyone. I can see that this is serious so you can rely on my discretion. I am happy to help though if you need things shifting or someone else to help with the filming. I’ve watched enough porn to know what goes on in these types of films.”

“Can we really rely on your discretion?” Manus asked very seriously. “This isn’t something you can go gossiping about down the pub with your mates. This is Sonia’s, I mean, Mrs Campbell’s life we’re talking about here and her marriage.”

Chris put his hand on his heart and said, “I absolutely promise you that I will not say a word. I’m happy to help. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”

I looked over at Cheryl, Mary and Sue and, judging by the expressions on their faces and the way they looked at each other, I think I knew what they wanted him to do.

Sonia looked up at Chris. “Do you really promise? Neil can never find out, ever. Well, not until I want him to. All of this is because of him anyway.”

“If it’s any consolation, Mrs Campbell…” Chris said

“Sonia, please.”

“Sorry. Sonia. I’ve never liked your old man. He’s rude to me and all the staff at the garden centre and I’ve heard how he speaks to you sometimes, so if this is some sort of revenge act, I’m more than happy to help.”

Sonia looked at Patty who was again crossing out and adding writing in her ***********.

“Okay,” Patty said. “You can help to move the furniture around if we need to make adjustments during filming. I’ve also bought a Polaroid camera. If we have to cut and stop filming you can take pictures so we can resume at the same positions. You can also help with the hand-held cameras if required and pass tissues, wipes etc. when required.”

“Fine by me.” Chris said, happy to be part of things.

“Are there any other questions?” Patty asked the group.

“No questions,” James said producing a large holdall. “But I have bought some other equipment as requested by Sara.” He began to empty the contents of the holdall on the carpet by his feet. “I’ve got brand new dildo’s, Strap-ons with replacement heads, a couple of vibrators, some nipple clamps, plenty of flavoured lube, a couple of bottles of extra-strength poppers and some of these for the men.”

He tossed a packet of pills over to me. It was Viagra 100mg strength. He continued, “Just in case, although I recommend that all the men takes one regardless. You might get a slight headache afterwards, but it’ll be worth it.”

“Nice,” Keith said as the packet was passed around for everyone to see. Patty let the murmuring settle down before she continued.

“I will direct off camera so remember to look to me discretely so I can give you direction. Try to learn the lines; there’s not too many but they are crucial to the story, especially the final page when the sex stops. If you forget a line, try to ad-lib, everybody else do the same. I know there isn’t much time but learn what you can. Okay?”

I looked around and everyone nodded in agreement. “Right,” Patty said standing up and looking at her watch. “It’s now 10:00. Quick coffee then let’s get the equipment set up. Ladies, if any of you want to take a shower and get changed, now’s the time.”

We all stood and Phil, Clive, Keith, Jim and Simon looked to James for direction on the equipment while Paul and Phil started to set up the lights on their tripods. Chris stood with Mike and Patty looking through the *********** and I heard her explain the camera angles that she had earlier agreed with James and telling both men where the furniture needed to be and when they had to be moved.

I went into the kitchen and picked up a tray of mugs filled with freshly brewed coffee for me and the men in the lounge and I heard Kylie ask Sonia,

“Can I see my paintings please?”

“Of course,” Sonia said smiling and took her by the hand to the dining room which had its door shut all the while we were there. I followed as they went in and watched as Kylie stood admiring her paintings; the reason for us all being there. She looked happy and upset at the same time so Sonia put her arms around her a gave her a hug.

“Sara’s got the copies. We’re going to replace them at the end of the filming then you can take them and do what you want with them. Are you okay?”

Kylie nodded and wiped away a tear.

“It’s just so strange being back here. I grew up in this house and hardly recognise it. These paintings are the only things that remain the same.”

“And they’re yours to take and rightly so.” Sonia said still holding Kylie tight to her. “Neil won’t even notice. Nobody ever comes in here and, if he does notice, I’ll just plead ignorance. They’re just old paintings that have been on the wall all the time I’ve lived here. What do I know or care?”

“Thank you.” Kylie said and kissed Sonia, which surprised her.

“Your welcome,” she said and gave her a final hug before we left the room, shutting the door behind us.

The next hour was busy. A constant stream of women walked around the house in towels either going to or exiting the shower followed by the sound of hairdryers. Katy set herself up in the snug just off the lounge and had her makeup equipment neatly set out and two chairs facing each other ready to prepare the ladies beauty. The cameras, monitors and lights were set up on their tripods and cables ran around the backs of the furniture to multi-point extension leads and were being tested.

I went into the kitchen where Sonia was being assisted by Stacey in setting out a vast buffet of food on the large kitchen island. Mike was right; it was an excellent spread of sandwiches, different cuts of hams and other cold meats, sausage rolls, salad, dips, hummus, cut French bread, cheese sticks and there was plenty of it. Sonia placed a pile of paper plates on the work top and said to me,

“Could you let everyone know that lunch is ready please?”

I wandered around the house letting everyone know and shortly afterwards, the kitchen was full of people with plates full of food eagerly being consumed by all. The woman had changed into even sexier and shorter summer dresses while the men stayed in the clothes they had travelled in. Once everyone had finished eating Katy announced that she was ready to do the makeup and that the ladies should make their way through to the snug. The woman followed Katy through and took it in turns to be made up. Katy’s skill certainly showed as each woman had their appearance changed to that of full beauty, not that any of them was without their own natural beauty.

Sonia went upstairs and returned having changed into a low-cut, strapless, short summer dress. She took her turn in being made up and then came into the lounge and looked around her.

“Are you okay?” I asked, sensing her nervousness.

“Yes, I’m fine.” She replied. “I’m just surprised that this is actually going to happen. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I’m going to be doing things today that are way beyond my comfort zone. I just hope I enjoy it.”

“You will,” I said putting my arm around her. “You’ll be fantastic. Think of his as the first day of the rest of your life.”

“Thanks Steve.” She said as Patty came over holding her ***********.

“We’re nearly ready. I just want to get everyone in here for a final brief.” She said, again marking something on the *********** in pencil. With that the group started to come in and either sat or stood around. When everyone was present Patty looked around at everyone and said,

“Okay, we’re ready. Everybody will wait in the kitchen until they are needed. You will go out the back door and then around the house to the front. Be sure to read the *********** and don’t miss you que’s. Have you all read and learnt your lines?”

Nods, thumbs up and several ‘yeps’ answered her. She turned to James who was stood behind the cameras with one in his hand and asked “ready?”

“Just say action and we’re off.” He replied. Paul turned on the lights which gave a bright, but soft glow to the surroundings.

“Let’s do it then.” Patty said. “Everyone apart from Sonia is to go in the kitchen and keep quiet. Simon, Jim and Manus. Go and wait by the front door. I will shout action and Sonia will start acting in here. Mike will be outside with you and will time thirty seconds before you guys ring the doorbell.”

Everyone moved out of the lounge and into the kitchen apart from Manus, Jim and Simon who exited the front door and waited outside. Since I wouldn’t be needed for a while, I stood next to James who had the camera up to his eye and panning around, checking the opening shots. Patty moved behind one of the static cameras and stood next to Chris and Stacey in front of the tripod mounted monitor. Sonia sat on a sofa, picked up a magazine and pretended to read it. Patty then said to Sonia, “ready?”

“Yes.” Came the quiet reply.

“Okay,” Patty said. “ACTION.”


Same as Building a Dream: Part Seventeen Videos

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My wife and our new neighbor part seventeen

The following morning I got a call from Christy. She had gone to check on Kevin and he was no better. He couldn’t get out of bed and he was very short of breath. I told her to call an ambulance and get him to the hospital.Greg met her at the hospital and it appeared that Kevin had a heart attack during the night. He was on life support and Christy was devastated. I went to the hospital to join them and we all prayed for Kevin.It was about five thirty in the evening when Kevin left us for good....

2 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Twelve

Continues directly on from when Jay has finished telling her husband Steve about the unplanned orgy with the three wives and has just asked how he and Manus got on with getting into the house in Dorking to check out the paintings. “So, how did you get on?” Jay asked. I wasn’t sure how to answer. I knew I had to tell her that both me and Manus had fucked Sonia but how I would go about that was an uncertainty. “We got on okay,” I replied, trying not to sound guilty. “We met Sonia, got in the...

4 years ago
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My story for BrwNEyedDream Part1 Fiction

It's the holiday season and parties are happening everywhere, how did I get so lucky so come across the party you are attending. I notice you as soon as I walk into the room, as I'm sure every man and a few women did to as they walked. You are wearing a silky green dress, it is formed to your every curve and cut just right to reveal amazing cleavage. I can feel my heart begin to race as I know I must somehow meet you, but you are surrounded by a crowd and I'm not much for opening lines. I make...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Angels Part 1 Cursed Life5

Chapter 1 If someone were to ask just who “she” was, I wouldn’t be able to answer, as I hadn’t the slightest clue. A hallucination? Some kind of angel? For the past five years, I would greet each morning with the last warm fingers of a dream clinging to my mind. I’d roll on my side, and lying next to me would be a girl of my age, but with beauty unmatched by anyone else on the planet. With liquid smooth skin as soft as ripe fruit, a complexion shade like that of molten bronze and...

2 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Fourteen

Follows on from part thirteen. Arrangements have been made for the group to meet that night at Kenny’s, a gloryhole and sex cinema in London later that day to discuss the porn film to be made the next day at the house in Dorking where we will somehow get Kylie’s paintings back. Steve and Jay are going out around London for the day where Jay has every intention of being very, very naughty. We took the lift down to the lobby and strolled out of the hotel. I could feel eyes watching us as we...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream part 8

Living the Dream, part 8 By Malissa Madison Monday after dinner we gathered around seeing that there were almost two dozen girls waiting to sign up for Tai Chi. We'd gotten permission to practice and I'd chosen our music, 'KISS, Greatest Hits.' The first song was Detroit Rock City, and everyone seemed to be standing on edge. Miss Karen dropped out fast, then after about three minutes Sophie dropped out. They couldn't keep up with me. My blades clashing, I challenged everyone as I...

3 years ago
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The Other Side of Me Part Seventeen

The Other Side of Me - Part 17 by Limbo's Mistress As ridiculous as it might sound, I had hoped that Shelly would offer to spend the night with me. After the evening I'd gone through, I wanted the comforting touch of someone who knew the truth about my situation and gave a shit about me. Unfortunately, soon after our discovery that my absentee phone was currently hanging out at de Casa la Kappa, Shelly yawned and stood up to raise her arms high over her head and bend her back as...

1 year ago
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My dream girl part 3

Disclaimer: I have not gone through and edited any of this story, I am looking for the readers to point out the mistakes, any and all tips are appreciated, thank so much. The story ends whenever you guys want it to be, now up to now all of this is true, with certain events turned up to create a more sexual theme. This story does not have a happy ending though; I am looking to extend the events of the story so please give me ideas that you would like to be inserted to spice up the reading. I...

2 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Ten

Hello reader. You may be reading this and thinking, ‘Part Ten? ‘Can I really be bothered to the read the first Nine?’ Well, that’s up to you but I would recommend it as the events in this whole story are a mixture of fact and fiction and, in the long run, you will not be disappointed. We righted a wrong. A girl we met that week legally owned some paintings that were worth a lot of money and her stepfather had them in his possession. The main theme of this story is how a group of us helped to...

3 years ago
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A BOY Can DreamCant SHE Part 2

This is a work of adult fiction and any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is not intended. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. I am not responsible for those who choose to ignore the above and read this story. This story may not be reproduced or posted on another site without the express permission of the author. [email protected] A BOY Can Dream...Can't SHE? - Part 2 By: Simonne...

1 year ago
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Dream Cottage part one

“The question you've got to ask yourself is. Do you really want Edward; or are you prepared to start over again? But make sure you're not making your choice out of spite or revenge. Because the second time around, things will be harder with two young children, and the chances of finding a good man won't get any easier.”“But even if I wanted to keep my marriage together, and I give him another chance; what's to say I can ever trust him again?”“It comes with time. I know what he's done must hurt,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Dream Of Deepti 8211 Part 1

Hello, friends. Hope you all are enjoying your love life to full. About me, I am a 40-year gentleman. I am from Chandigarh. After a lot of thinking, I thought to share the best experience of my life. This is a true experience & not a sex story. I am a normal looking man. 6 feet in height. I am not too handsome or playboy type person. I am married, having a kid also. I have a beautiful wife. So never thought of getting someone other in life. My sex life was also good. But as you know, as the...

4 years ago
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My wife on the porch part seventeen

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the nights that she goes to Marcus’s house next door and sucks and fucks with him. The rest of the nights I get to sleep in her bed with her, albeit clothed but at least I share her bed. We had arranged to go out to eat on Tuesday and I arrived home at my usual time from work. She went into the shower first leaving me in her bedroom getting my clothes ready for our dinner date. She came from the shower wearing just a towel and I wanted to take her right there...

3 years ago
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Dream Came True With Mami 8211 Part 2

Hi, Its Madan here.. “Appreciation is the best motivation” I thank each and every reader for your feedback. But unfortunately I dint get any mails from Hot aunts and Bold girls. But I believe that after reading my second part, readers will give feedback. Who has not read, Kindly read my first part ie “Dream came true with Mami”. Back to the story..! Time: 11.40pm Yes..! It was Jagarana time for me..! My hot maami was sleeping beside me: Her mother was sleeping beside her at last. Enough light...

1 year ago
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Dream Came True With Mami Part 3

Hi.. Its Madan here.. “Writers create more Readers” and off course “Readers create better writers.” I would like to declare in the beginning itself, ‘your each feedbacks made me to write this next part’. Basically I am a lazy guy, but also writing for you my dear unknown friends. Your five star rating made me happy. Fine.. As usual thanks to you for reading my story and giving feedback. I expect same support, guidance and feedback from you. [Especially Hot aunts and Bold gals]. Back to...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

1 year ago
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Living the Dream part 9

Living the Dream, part 9 By: Malissa Madison I couldn't deny it, it was a miracle that I was alive. No one asked the questions I knew they were wanting answers to, they were just happy for now that I was still living. I eventually saw all of my family over the next two days, save one. Even Jon Paul had come to see me. My two oldest girls lay curled up together in the plush hospital chair next to the bed. My baby Becca slept cradled in the crook of my left arm. "Jon Paul, I know...

3 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Twenty

The porn film is in full swing at Sonia’s house in Dorking but then there is an unexpected visitor ringing the doorbell. Everyone went quiet in the kitchen as well as the rest of the group in the lounge. I looked around did a quick head count and added the lounge group. Everyone was accounted for so who the fuck was outside? The action in the lounge had come to a complete stop, nobody moving nor saying a word. “Who the fuck is that?” whispered Jay loud enough for the group in the kitchen...

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