Nelson Enterprises - Action Packed free porn video

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Nelson Enterprises - Action Packed. Here is an action filled episode that includes 4 new fun swaps and some updates on previous swaps. Since the Ball is being held at Nelson Enterprises, the opportunity is too good to pass on. Some unsuspecting important people will be coming to the ball as powerful men and leaving as beautiful ladies. Each of the stories has its own unique conflict and its unique outcome. Previously on Nelson Enterprises: In the last episode, Bill - as Barb - got to meet his former mother-in- law and former sister-in-law but little do they know that they now his mother and sister. They came to help their daughter/sister dress for the big Ball. He makes a faux-pas or 2 but seems to have been successful at passing those off as nerves before the big ball. Bill has gained some deeper insights into Barb's family and a little more empathy for what she had to enduring when growing up. But just them Barb pops in playing her role as the macho husband, chases Amanda and Gloria out of the huge dressing area, locks the door and gives Bill a first class screwing that has him screaming for more and then almost passing out. Barb then leaves him in a limp pile on the floor and heads back out to clean up and put on her tux. The Story Continues Barb (as Bill) has gathered her fellow lady swapettes for a pre-Ball "Guys Only" powwow - plus Monica - at the mansion. They are all ladies who are now in the bodies of very powerful men. They have been this way for 24 to 48 hours depending on the person. Each is missing certain aspects they loved about being female but this is still overshadowed by the feeling of power they now possess and the great fun they are deriving from seeing their men struggling with their new female identities. As of this time, none really wants to remain men any longer than necessary, but there is still more work to be done and more fun to be had. Since Barb is quite comfortable that they are safely alone in the large study, she speaks freely using their normal names and titles. "Ladies, please listen up!" They all quickly turn to face her. "I have had time to visit with only a few of you for any period of time but those whom I have conversed with all are eager to speed up this process so you can return to your bodies and your life styles." She looks around and sees what looks like universal approval. "Not that there aren't some advantages to our current bodies - power being maybe the top most and ease of personal maintenance might be second. Look at how quickly we each got dressed for tonight's big shindig. I am also looking forward to escorting my wife/husband in her lovely tight gown and watching her dance in high heels and be fondled by dirty old men." That triggers laughter and applause from her audience. "But on to the more important business. We have more men who need to be educated and most men learn best through action rather than words. So let's pull out our list of who we want to do next - and let's particularly focus on those people of community status who will be at the ball tonight. As you know, the Ball will be in the elegant ball room on the mezzanine floor of Nelson Enterprises. This puts us in an excellent position to be able to stealthily escort some of our victims into the lab, make the swap and come back to the party. If we can pull off some of the big ones before the auctioning begins then maybe the 'new men' will be more generous with their bids than the former men might have been. We are targeting people who can help us in our plan to change some of the corporate and local society rules that oppress women but I have to admit, that at least one of my choices is more out of spite than noble ambition." From my own notes and notes I've received from each of you, I propose that we go after our narrow-minded Board Chairman, our corrupt sexist Mayor, our famous TV Anchor who helps protect sexist from media scrutiny, our egoistical NBA star and our 18 year old High School Football star who has impregnated more young girls than he threw TD passes. Here are the details: First we take care of our own Mr. Thad Heyerdahl - Our magnanimous Chairman of the Board. He's never earned a penny in his life. He was born to a wealthy family and he rose to power not through competence but through his charm and wealth and sexist ways. He has 2 brilliant and talented older sisters who were cheated out of their inheritance because the father is of the medieval mentality that the son should inherit the kingdom even if he is younger and less skilled than the girls. So when poor ole papa passed away, Thad took control of the family fortune and empire and his sister's lives. He arranged the weddings for his older sisters -weddings of financial convenience for Thad - to men who also believe wives should be seen and not heard. Thad cares nothing for what his sisters' desire and only for what increases his power and influence. This evening he will become his oldest sister and she will take the reins of the family business. He has long preached to his sisters about the hard life of the male and how great they have it since all of the decisions are made for them. Thad's rich playboy days are over but look at the bright side - he will not have to be making any more stressful decisions. The husband he chose to be ideal for Theresa will now be his. So at least from one perspective he got to choose his own husband and that is more than he allowed for Theresa. Secondly we take out our corrupt sexist Mayor Ramsey. He had a brilliant young female assistant - Lindsay Walker. Most people thought she knew more about running the city than he did, but she discovered his graft and corruption. Before she could do anything about her discoveries, he had cleverly framed her and she has been sentenced to 10 years at a very tough women's prison. He not only framed her, but he saw to it that she got the maximum sentence by testifying to help make sure that no leniency was shown during the sentencing phase. She reported to federal prison several weeks ago and has not adapted well to the environment. We met with her and have arranged for her to fake a mental breakdown and get temporarily released to our custody under the auspices that our latest inventions could be therapeutic for her. This is our chance to put the city back in the hands of competent and honest people and to serve justice as well and it will be good to have the Mayor on our side as well. I do hope he loves being in prison with so many lovely ill-mannered ladies. We all know how he loves being close to bad girls. Third is the combination of Ron Elba and Cindy Clark - co-anchors of TV news on the largest station in town. They are both very popular TV news reporters but they appeal to very different audiences. Ron is popular with the Blue Collar NASCAR male workers because they love the way he degrades women and makes demeaning comments about Cindy both on and off camera. He has had several female assistants that have all complained about his insistence on sexual favors. Cindy is a bright young journalist who refuses to play the role of pin-up-doll for Ron and his audience. To keep her job she has had to endure unfair demands from Ron and the station manager and gives them sexual favors on a regular basis and pretends to like it. They want her to appear on camera in non- professional sexy outfits and at promotional outings but she balks at this but occasionally relents. However she is forced to watch her weight and figure or lose her job. Ron is always complaining about how women have it so easy these days. They just need to learn to use their natural physical charms rather than work hard to rise up the ranks. Tonight we are going to swap them and let Ron have to walk a mile in Cindy's stilettos and tight short skirts and low cut tops and learn all about glass ceilings and sexual harassment. And since everyone knows how competitive he is and loves to gamble, he will be offered $10M if he can play the role for 6 months without anyone discovering the change. Any good investigative reporter would jump at the chance to more deeply understand the view point of their favorite news figures so it makes me feel so good inside to make this opportunity available to such a wonderful man - tongue pressed firmly in chin. And our reward will be that the largest TV news program in town will soon be in the hands of a very competent lady who will be our ally. Maybe we will have to next go after the sexist producer but for now let's leave him in place so he can help make life rough on Ron once he is Cindy. Fourth I wish to address the unfairness of High School sports and one particular top sports figure - young Scott McCormick. He turned 18 only a few weeks ago but is full of himself because he is headed off to the big university to become their new Quarterback sensation then supposedly onto a lucrative NFL contract. All that is just grand except that he is leaving behind his former high school sweetheart whom he impregnated and then dumped her when she refused to get an abortion. Now dear April is an unwed mother of a 9 month old daughter - Ellen - and he is free to head off to the big time. He should have been arrested and convicted and at least forced to own up to the child, but no one wishes to soil the image of the local suburban high school football star. He is here at the ball as our guest and we made sure he brought no with him under the guise that we were auctioning him off to the highest lady bidder for the evening for charity. But in the lab we have his former sweetheart and his young daughter. Now I believe we all feel that it is the father's obligation to provide a legacy for his child. In this case, Ellen will inherit Scott's college football career while Scott becomes his own abandoned young child. But do not think us heartless. We will make sure that the 'new' Scott owns up to his child and provides very well for her - but due to NCAA regulations he cannot do this until out of college. By this I mean, that we - Nelson Enterprises - will be providing for mother and daughter and by NCAA regulations we could not do this and Scott remain eligible to play if he were the legal guardian at this time. But young Ellen will shortly find herself to be a tall and well endowed male and having never had the experiences of being a young lady, she will not know she is missing anything. She will have most of his memories and skills and aspirations. But poor Scott will find himself short a few feet of height, and short of all of his football skills and having to grow up all over again. But this time he may find certain athletic doors do not open to him now that he shaves his legs instead of his face. He will not be getting any more girls pregnant but he will have a 2 parent home eventually. It will be a fairy tale ending but he gets to be the princess this time. She pauses and asks if all are in favor of these plans. There was nothing but wild enthusiastic cheering and not a single dissenter. "OK, then here are your roles in each of these papers. Study these documents carefully and do not let them fall into the wrong hands or we will be in big trouble." Monica speaks up. "Since I am the only remaining biological female in the room, I feel a little nervous speaking up in front of so much testosterone." She says tongue in cheek. She gets the laughter response she was hoping for. "That does sound like an awful aggressive list to accomplish in one night. I think we all know that our long range plan is toast if we are discovered before we are ready." Before Barb can answer, Kelly Weir (as Dan Watkins VP of Sales) speaks up. "Yes, Monica has a point but our window of opportunity is small and speaking from the sales perspective, we need to strike while we have the chance or it will slip away. I fear time is more of a danger than rapid action and I for one do not want to remain in this hairy shapeless body any longer than I have to. Have any of you tried to go shopping as a man? No wonder they hate to shop - the selections are boring and these bodies don't lend themselves to very many options. I have also learned that Dan Watkins was allergic to cats, so I now have that allergy and thus I cannot come anywhere near good ole Tiger my cat." Barb cuts in. "Monica can not empathize with what the rest of us are going through since she has not been transformed into a male. But she is very bright and knows we must be cautious even in our haste. The biggest danger is that one of our guys - now as ladies - will speak and in speaking will be credible. But even if not credible, if a number of incredible stories get around, people might begin to wonder. So let's look at each case I've listed earlier." She pulls up her list again and continues. "Scott will be a 9 month old toddler who can barely stand up and mostly babbles - not much danger there. Next we have our beloved male TV anchor that will now be forced to be the female eye candy on the TV set. We have some danger here but this is one of those who we plan to swap back after a period of time plus I find it hard to believe the $10M will not prove very attractive but just in case, I believe we can keep him quiet just out of fear of being abandoned in his new role. But to be safe, we will take a few extra minutes to doctor his memory. He will find that he has lost most of his knowledge of NFL football and is now extremely fluent in female cosmetics and fashions and obsessed with his figure and face and hair. If he makes any attempt to convince anyone who he used to be, his credibility will be extremely small and his future will be far from the one he has long planned for himself. Instead of a shot as anchor on the Today show he would be lucky to be Regis's next side kick or join the gals on 'The View'. Then we have our Mayor. This one should be easy. He has made sure that Lindsay has absolutely no credibility and on top of that she has experienced a serious mental breakdown and is in therapy. So who will believe such a nut case? And considering that he will be behind bars even before he revives, his access to any dangerous ears will be limited except for his cell mate. And lastly we have our wonderful Chairman of the board. In this case we will do some advanced brain programming. Poor ole Thad will not remember being Thad. He will think he was always Theresa and he will be the totally loving and submissive wife that he believes is the role for all women. I believe the real Theresa will want her old body back once she has rewritten the family rules. If that is the case, then Thad will return to his body and we will make sure he returns with the memories he gains as the submissive wife. That should be some fun for later. You know it is not wise to consume all of the entertainment in one huge orgy. We should bank some for future amusement as well as for the sake of mental science advancement." Barb pauses to take a breath while the team gives her some applause and laughter. Monica turns to the group and admits that she agrees. "Damn the torpedoes - full speed ahead! I just can't wait to see the way each one handles their new bodies and roles. Scott so loves driving his sporty car and now he will be riding in the infant seat and watching his former self make out with his new mom. Our Chairman will be married to someone he truly hates but needs to support his wealthy life style. Our know- it-all TV Anchor will find himself the brunt of the sexist jokes and playing second fiddle to his former sub-anchor. And lastly our sexist criminal mayor will be serving time for his crimes and learning the harder side of the female life style." Barb now passes out the sheets that have each of their duties for the next few hours. She reminds them "Read these and commit them to memory and then shred them. We cannot afford mistakes and we cannot afford to have any written evidence. And if you spot any nosy reporters that seem to be a problem, get their names and badges. I can get them evicted for the night and put them on our target list for later. I'd love to create some art work out in our fountain using a few naked men standing like statues." That humor loosened a little of the tension. They disperse to go gather up their wives (husbands) and head off to the Ball. Meanwhile back at the Nelson mansion: Gloria and Amanda work rapidly to get Bill (as Barb) cleaned up and berates "her" for having spontaneous sex with her husband in the closet at such an inopportune time. Amanda just has to take a dig at him. "What were you thinking of gal? You are critical to this ball and you are out of time? I know you are enslaved to your husband and master but can't you moderate his appetites at a time like this?" Bill finds himself floating on air and almost wanting to start singing 'I could have danced all night' or some such light hearted romantic melody. He was acting like a love sick school girl. "Get off my back little sister! You are just jealous because you have no lover and I suspect you never have had one. Bill is a fantastic lover and though poorly timed, the excitement was extraordinary. Bill has a huge penis and he has a deep uncanny insight into how to please a woman." Bill could hardly believe his own ears. He is rattling on like a horny bitch who has just been laid by a master and is eager for the next round. The impromptu encounter with Barb had so intoxicated him he had to wonder why more women were not wild about sex. But maybe the difference comes when the man giving sex to the woman knows how to please a woman. Barb should know. Gloria pulls them back into focus. "Enough of this chatter ladies. Amanda, Barb's hair looks fantastic. Thanks so much but now focus on getting yourself ready. I will help Barb get into her hose and slip and gown." She guides Bill over to a stool and hands him the very sheer panty hose. Bill looks at them and certainly feels quite out of place with such garments but he is also recalling the number of times this evening that he has already sent strange signals to Gloria. Rather than give away his confusion he decides to act silly. He starts waving the panty hose around his head like a lasso and shouting yippee while he tries to relax internally and let more of Barb's knowledge come to the surface. Except for folks who starred in Robin Hood movies, few men have any idea how to slip into such hosiery at all, much less do it delicately for these are an extremely sheer pair. He looks up at Gloria and smiles a very demure little girl smile. "Mom, I am just so damned nervous I'm shaking all over. Can you please help me with these?" Gloria takes pity on her over excited daughter and does most of the skilled work while Bill simply slides his slender soft legs inside. Once both legs are in and it comes time to stand up and finish with the panty section, Barb's mental reflexes are starting to surface once again and he stands up and does quite a good job of pulling them up the rest of the way and even doing an expert job of adjusting them in the crotch and smoothing them out like he had been doing this for years. That success goes a long way toward increasing his confidence. As he walks he feels the hosiery massaging his legs and decides these were a great invention though he is surprised that no separate panty goes on underneath. He could have sworn Barb wore some underneath but he thinks maybe that depended on the occasion and the outfit being worn. He admires the look in the mirror and uses the mirror to inspect all around his body. Meanwhile Gloria has a very sheer slip ready for him. His first instinct is to ball it up like a T-shirt and slip it over his head but opts instead to step into it and pull it up by the straps to his shoulders. Looking at Gloria discretely through the mirror he can see that was a smart move. Now it is time for the masterpiece. Gloria has the gown unzipped and holding it down in front of Bill so he can step into it. Bill is in awe of the gown. The light blue color is breathtaking along with the elaborate trim and the sparkles all over it. As he steps in and Gloria carefully raises it up he is once again filled with feelings for which men have no counterpart. There is no way to feel even the slightest bit masculine while sliding into a gown this elegant. He could feel it hug and caress him as the slimmer sections rise up his thighs as they flare out around his wide hips. The zipper is of course in the back and it starts just blow the peal of his butt and goes only about a quarter of the way up his back. Most of the back is left wide open except for straps up over each shoulder. As Gloria zips the gown Bill can feel it pull very snuggly around his legs and hips and waist. It is a good thing he had the extra hard workout this morning or he would be fighting for breath right now. The front of the gown is most definitely designed to show off cleavage and even help make extra cleavage. Bill's breasts are thrust up and apart as the low cut of the gown leaves little to the imagination. The tight waist and hips accentuate his well rounded hips and flat belly. He tries to look down at his smooth belly but cannot see past the boobs so has to use the mirror to admire his smooth belly. If there was any vestige of his maleness in his groin area, this gown would certainly expose even the slightest bulge. But all is smooth and very feminine. He thinks to himself "Barb you've done a magnificent job with this body and with this plan. I look in this mirror and down at myself and there is very little I feel right now that reminds me of being Bill Nelson." He attempts to take his first steps but that proves quite awkward for one not familiar with how to walk with so little room for the legs to move. The hem of the gown is an inch or two below the knees, thus adding even more difficulty to the attempts to walk. As he turns to take in the side view in the mirror, the tight fit in the back reveals every shapely detail of his AAA+ butt. Walking was going to require a coordination of his feet, legs and hips to sway just right while also taking very short steps. Barb's trained memories had better arise quickly or Bill was going to be flat on his face and Gloria will become even more confused at the way her daughter is behaving. Gloria presents the ballroom slippers - 4 inch heels - and as Bill gracefully seats himself on the cushioned bench, Gloria slips them on and fastens a thin strap around each ankle. Bill stands and consciously tries to ignore the strangeness of the situation and just let the body do its thing. That proves to be very smart on his part. He finds himself moving very gracefully and femininely, admiring himself in the array of mirrors and taking great pride in being so fantastically beautiful. He even finds himself experimenting with swiveling his hips and exaggerating his butt and breasts to get ready for some fun flirtations. Gloria gives her approval. "Barb, I do not think I've ever seen you prettier. Your face is all aglow and you seem so light headed and excited. And that gown and those shoes look like they were designed for that body." Bill has decided that he is going to enjoy tonight and enjoy being the girl tonight - the center of attention for so many important people. That thought both mystified and excited him. Gloria gave him a gentle hug, "You go get em girl! Be loose, be relaxed and be very flirtatious and playful. Have fun and remember every squeeze will add money to the cause." He thinks to himself "Barb, you are going to see how a man goes about using a lady's body to win big bucks. I'm going to crush your fund- raising record from last year." Just then the intercom buzzes and it announces that "Mr. Nelson has arrived and the limo is ready to take them to Nelson Enterprises for the Ball." Bill takes a deep breath and steadies himself. He looks at Amanda and gently caresses her finger tips and thanks she and Gloria earnestly for their help and their support. He then sachets to the bedroom door and then over to the top of the stairs. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs is Barb sporting Bill's tux and big bear grin and looking nervously at his wrist watch. How quaint that now she is the one having to wait on him and getting nervous about it. Bill pauses dramatically at the top of the stairs and then saunters down oh so sexily, showing no signs of being in a hurry and making it very clear that he will be in a hurry for no one this evening. The world is going to revolve around him, the center of attention will be him and he has the curves and the moves to make sure that attention does not get hijacked by anyone else. He can tell that his slow pace and deliberate hip moves is both annoying Barb but also turning her on. He cocks his head and adjusts his smile and he can tell that she is getting an uncomfortable rise from her groin. Being a sexy woman can be very powerful in its own way. As he arrives at the last step, Barb reaches carefully forward, caresses his hips and butt and lifts him so effortlessly and then sets him down on the marble floor. She pulls him in tight and makes a motion to kiss. Bill gently uses his slender fingers to deflect his attempt at a kiss. "Please, you will smudge my makeup. There will be plenty of time for this after the ball. We must hurry on." Barb chuckles lowly and gives a firm squeeze to his buns and as Bill moves towards the fur coat being held by the butler Barb smacks his butt. "Way to go girl. You look magnificent and I know several dozen dirty old men who long for this event for 12 months every year. Your hair smells divine, and your hands and nails look spectacular." Bill blushes and thanks her while he feels the soft fur caress his slender and sensitive shoulders. It feels so regal but he is also a little pleased to be able to cover his bare shoulders and bulging tits at least for the short ride to the Ball. "I feel so fantastic, I believe I will smash the record set last year and I plan to have some of these dirty old men bidding out of control so they can get more chances to gawk over me. Wait until you see the record that I set." Bill says, knowing that Barb is quite aware of how he is challenging her. Barb grins, "Satisfy yourself as you wish. Enjoy who and what you are tonight and do anything you want. I will look over your way from time to time but the boys will be off playing some pool making business plans, talking sports and other guy things. Do you perchance recall who the QB is for the Dallas Cowboys or the running back for New Orleans Saint?" Bill paused and scanned his memory but he could not recall either one. But he could recall the figure skating pair who won the last doubles competition. He gave a smirk and then rattled off the names of some famous dress designers and thought those facts would prove amusing to Barb. Barb held the back door of the limo and assisted Bill as he elegantly slid his round butt into the seat and then very lady-like pulled his feet into the car. Though the chauffer would have normally handled the door, Barb had wanted to do those honors this evening. She closed the door and scurried around to the other side. Inside the Limo they do their normal routine of discussing the names of people who would be at the Ball, their wives' names and some interesting facts they should both recall. But Bill finds himself remembering the wives and their children's names instead of the men and their professional titles and power. He also finds himself recalling outfits the wives had worn to the lasts 10 balls and recalling them in great detail. Barb is openly amused by what she is hearing from Bill. She starts adding in job titles and sports memorabilia about each. Bill is finding himself annoyed that these precious memories were no longer his but now he could list 30 shades of red nail color or gown styles. But he reminds himself to be upbeat and focused. He is most definitely driven by the ambition to beat Barb's past year's fund raising record so he must ignore any other distractions. Besides, why was football so damned important? But he tries again to recall the names of some NFL sports stars but cannot. Barb though is determined to keep Bill as off balance as she can. She leans close to Bill - close enough that their noses almost touch. Bill is startled and tries to back away but the limo space is too cramped to give him any escape. But Barb backs off a bit and displays a very attractive thin jewelry case. Bill feels some very unfamiliar changes going on inside his chest and mind and finds his breath hard to catch. Barb slowly opens the box and inside is an exquisite diamond and emerald silver necklace. Tears start to well up in Bill's eyes and he fumbles in his purse to snatch a tissue to absorb the tears before they smudge his make up. He quickly turns back to the necklace where Barb has already removed it from the box and is placing it around Bill's neck and fashioning it in the back. Bill is recalling Barb's memories of seeing this months ago and loving it so. He is now experiencing her deep emotional charge from now wearing it. Barb lays a big kiss on the side of his neck "I love you so much. You are the most beautiful and wonderful woman in the world and this necklace pales next to your beauty." Barb had achieved her goal. Bill was totally flustered now and Barb knew that there was no danger of any masculine traits arising from Bill tonight. All of his actions in the car were clearly instinctive feminine reactions that demonstrate Bill is all woman tonight. Arriving at the Ball As the driver announces that they are pulling into the NE front circular drive, Bill instinctively checks his face and hair in the mirror and looks lower in the mirror to gaze at the necklace hanging just above his boobs. He then notices Barb's smirk and first starts to feel embarrassed but quickly switches the mood to a flirtatious smile and cocked head and places his slender hand on Barb's large knee. "You remember when you used to be this beautiful and I suspect you miss it some." Just then the car stops and the door is pulled open from the outside. Bill raises his right arm so the attendant outside can assist him to exit in a lady-like fashion before Barb can respond to his last remark. He stands and surveys the driveway area looking for familiar faces and planning his next steps while waiting for Barb to appear from the limo. Again he finds himself instinctively using his hands to adjust the gown around his hips and legs and adjusting the small purse attached to his left wrist. Barb offers her arm in a gentlemanly fashion and Bill lightly takes it and let's Barb guide him to the front door. Bill is grateful that Barb knows to move slowly so Bill does not feel the need to rush while wearing these heels and this tight gown. He gets to walks slowly and deliberately while an inner voice keeps telling him that if Barb does try to hurry him, he should refuse to go fast - for a lady maintains her control if she makes it clear that she is not going to hurry any motion. As he sachets he discovers the massaging action of these panty hose and he is growing fond of the way this gown hugs his hips. They must enter together, ride the escalator together and make their Ball entrance together. But soon after the entrance they are expected to go their separate ways. Even if Bill wanted to go off with the guys as he normally would, he would now feel awkward trying to make conversation about things he no longer understands. So he had better make plans to greet the other ladies but also flirt with the older wealthy men. They first take an elevator so they can ride up to the floor above the main ball room floor. This will allow them to enter from the balcony and make a very dramatic grand entrance from on-high. As they become visible from the floor, the band strikes up their theme and all eyes in the room turn to Bill and Barb as they step onto the escalator that rides them slowly and majestically to a landing halfway down from the balcony. They are receiving loud applause and some cheers. They have done this entrance many times before but not in these bodies. Barb surveys the adoring mob below but instead of feeling the feminine glow she is feeling power and prestige. She is not feeling beautiful and is not wasting any neural energy doing mental checks of her shape or her hair or her bust line. None of those are important tonight. She is not having any recall of outfits worn by her competitor ladies or distant thoughts of bitter put downs going back years. She is finding this new mind focused on the gentlemen rivals and business partnerships and potential new deals and new inventions. In the past these events all seemed to move faster than she could keep up with but this time it all seems in slow motion by comparison - this sharper faster brain is quite a thrill. She feels very much in control and knows exactly what to do when and who to talk with first. When she thinks of the ladies she cannot recall the deep memories she typically has but more superficial word associations and little concern for the subtleties of their looks. But she is noticing some very attractive younger ladies and instead of noticing their hair or their nails or their jewelry, she is noticing their butts, their boobs, their feet and their smiles. And instead of feeling a jealousy she is feeling an excitement. As Bill surveys the crowd he is also noticing very different sensations now that he is in Barb's body. He is noticing far more color patterns and deeper and richer colors than before. He is picking up fragrances he had seldom noticed before and he is enjoying them and focusing on them and not just letting them pass quickly. He glances at the younger ladies with their shapely thin bodies and finds himself adjusting Barb's body and convincing himself that he looks just as good. He is noticing so many hair styles and as he draws closer to the ladies he is noticing more details about their facial skin and makeup than he normally cared about. Each has their own unique fragrance and as he picks up a scent, a memory of Barb's pops into his head along with an image and he can pick out some of the ladies by scent even before seeing them. As the escalator reaches the floor and the two of them step off together he finds that he likes the way 'this man of his' seems to be shepherding him carefully off the escalator and to the crowd. He also notices how even the men of modest height are now taller than he is - even in these heels. He also notices that the men's eyes glance at his eyes momentarily but then start sizing him up - moving around his hips, down to his toes, up his legs and resting on his cleavage. The men seem pleased with what they see and he finds himself feeling a sense of power in their entrancement and a deep sense of satisfaction in a way that has no parallel to his past experiences. Men are not normally sized up in such careful meticulous eye journeys around their bodies. Barb turns to him, "My dear, your subjects await you so work the crowd and warm them up before we get to the auction. I have some business to attend to with the guys and will rendezvous with you before the auction." Bill inexplicably knows exactly what comes next and his plans seem to appear in his mind from nowhere. In a low voice he whispers in her right ear, "Do not forget, the crowd will be expecting us to have several dances together and I know my part and will play it very convincingly. By the end of the evening last year's auction totals will seem a mere pittance compared to what I will accomplish tonight." Barb nods affirmation and wishes Bill well. "It will be a treat to lead you around the dance floor as you dance backward. I also look forward to hearing about your adventures with the lustful dirty old men you will meet shortly." Bill moves about the floor, greeting his guests and starting to warm them up for action to come. First Victim Barb heads off to rendezvous with her partners for tonight's plans. Just as planned, young Scott is arriving at this very moment and is only now getting free from the photographers and starting to come into the ballroom. Barb and Monica arrive to greet him. Barb begins "Scott, so good to see you. I cannot tell how much it has pleased my wife that you accepted our invitation. Many here are eager to meet you and get your autograph but before that gets underway, Monica and I have something exciting to show you in one of our advanced research labs." Scott is a little nervous but gives a firm hand shake and responds, "Mr. Nelson, I am so grateful for the invitation but feel way out of place here. I am grateful that you provided an escort to help guide me around. But what is in the lab?" "This is Monica our chief engineer and she has an invention that I think you will find very interesting." Barb finishes. Monica picks up where Barb paused, "Yes Scott, please come with us for a quick demo and we will have you back up here at the Ball in plenty of time to not miss any of the fun." As they head down the hallway away from the ball and noise, Monica continues. "We have invented a machine that will assist you to become an even greater QB in college. It will help you understand opposing defenses in just a few minutes and might even help you keep up with your classes so your academics do not endanger your football career." Scott's interests seem very peaked by this conversation. He asks many questions as they take the elevator to the lab floor. As they enter the lab, Monica shows Scott the electronic netting that can fit over his head. She explains that it will help him learn without having to watch hours of game videos or spend hours reading text books. With this secret weapon, he will advance quickly to the skills most college seniors would be envious of even while he is still in his freshman year. Scott is a little hesitant but Barb chimes in. "Scott, let's just give you a brief demo." She guides him to the chair, helps him to get comfortable and assists him to pull on the head netting but he notices the wrist restraints and pulls his arms away from the chair arms. Monica responds to his visible tensing, "We will not be using those for this simple demo. Just relax there as I engage the 3T machine." Scott suddenly sits up as his mind starts to fill with images of exciting football action. He is smart and quickly realizes he is not just seeing images but is actually experiencing the plays. It is like he is on the field playing. His adrenaline rushes and his legs and arms move instinctively with the action. This is like no video game he has ever played. He is deeply immersed in playing a recorded college football game and he can see how this will help him learn the opposing defenses quickly. With this type of training he could enter his freshmen year as if he already has a year or two of real experience. Monica can see he is buying into the whole plan so she is now ready to spring the trap, but first she must get his arms and legs bound. "As a little different demo, let's move away from football and try an amusement park." Scott suddenly feels himself in a high speed roller coaster and he instinctively grabs hold of the arms of the chair and pulls his legs in tight. As he is experiencing the thrill of a fast roller coaster with all of its G forces and ripping wind Monica stealthily fastens the wrist and ankle restraints without Scott taking notice. Monica informs him to hold on a moment while she makes some adjustments. She explains that this machine takes him much deeper than mere visual images to a point he can feel the tension and the emotions and this makes for a far deeper comprehensive learning experience. He then starts receiving some very different images. He is flat on his back and a heavy body is on top of him and its weight is pinning him to the floor. Has he been sacked by a blitzing linebacker? No, for linebackers do not kiss the QB or caress their backs. He is feeling exciting sexual sensations in his groin but different from what he normally knows. He is feeling strong sensual sensations in his chest - not something more than his chest - in his throbbing breasts. But he doesn't have breasts! As the heavy weight on him lifts up a bit he recognizes the face - his face. And the lips on that face suddenly are kissing his lips. What!!! How could he be kissing himself? And even more, why is it so pleasant? What is this machine doing? What sort of sick pornography is this? He can now feel his own penis being pumped deep inside his vagina. What vagina? His vagina? And the sensation is fantastic. His breasts are throbbing. Yes HIS breasts feel an excitement like none he has ever known before. What is going on here? He is seeing this as if it is going on now. He is feeling the motions and even more than that, he is feeling the emotions. Now the sensations change again. He is sitting in a cushion chair and his belly seems so huge. He starts to rise from the chair but it is very difficult and he is experiencing significant back pain and a great straining sensation in his legs as he tries to lean forward and stand up. An arm reaches from the side to assist him and a gentle older male voice tries to comfort him but it calls him April. As he succeeds in standing he now sees the image of a vey pregnant April - his former girl friend - in front of him. He had never seen her get this pregnant for he had broken up with her long before this stage. And how could he be seeing her this way now for she gave birth about 9 months ago. But there she is so he reaches out to touch her but instead his fingers encounter glass. She is on the other side of a large glass pane? No, this is not just glass but this is a mirror and he just starts to realize that the image in the mirror moves as he moves. He looks down to view large breasts on his chest and a very large abdomen. He reaches down with his hands and can feel his extremely swollen belly. He is very pregnant. He is April. How can this be? He also begins to feel another strange sensation - he is soon going to give birth to a baby and he has no husband or means of supporting the baby. He starts to feel the emotional depression of having been dumped by the boyfriend who got her pregnant. Suddenly the pain in his back and belly grow even more severe - to a level unlike anything he ever experienced even in a hard football hit. April's parents take hold of each arm and are guiding him towards the back door and then a car. As he shouts with pain, they help him slide into the passenger car seat which proves to be a very awkward motion and he hears April's mother tell him that his water has broken. The subsequent images and sensations take him through arrival at the hospital, the very intimate prepping by the nurses and the complete process of natural child birth - the pain and excitement that only a mother can know. He shouts repeatedly for them to stop the images "I thought you were going to help me learn to be a champion QB for a college football team. These images have nothing to do with football!" He let's out a huge yell as the doctor is telling him to PUSH again and the nurses help him to breathe. Ouch, the pain is indescribable but suddenly reduces and he hears a baby cry as it emerges from between his legs. And now he is overwhelmed by the emotional sensations of relief and pride as the nurses hand him the beautiful new daughter that he has just given birth to. This baby is so beautiful and it just came from inside of him. Then he suddenly becomes aware of a presence in his mind that he had not been aware of before. "Hello Scott, this is April, With the assistance of these fine scientists and engineers, I have helped you to completely experience the birth of your daughter. Not to experience it as a father typically does but you experienced it from the mother's point of view. How did you like that? To be fair we wanted to you know the whole process so we had you experience conception as you screwed yourself. Then you experienced being dumped by your boyfriends and then being 9 months pregnant and all of the discomfort that goes with that event. Next you experienced all of the nuances of giving birth and we made sure it was a natural child birth - one with no pain killers. And lastly you experienced holding the miracle that came from inside of you. Now you are the mother of a young girl - the single mother of a baby with no official father. How did it feel to be pregnant and then abandoned by the one who impregnated you?" Scott yells back in his mind and in his mouth "Nonsense! I am Scott McCormick - macho mail football superstar. I am not a single mother of any child. Let me out of this contraption before you are all in a great deal of trouble." April's thoughts speak to him again. "My you are so panicked. I thought nothing could scare the great Scott McCormick. You are sweating profusely from your forehead and I detect tears from your eyes. But do not be concerned, for we do not intend to leave you as a single mom. We have something even more adventurous for you." Just then the image of the infant in his arms fades and now he is looking up at April from a very close angle. His head is leaning against one of her breasts and she and everything else he can see seem so huge. April looks lovingly down at him and in her natural motherly baby talk, "Does my little Ellen wish to speak? Oh I know your father may have abandoned you but he is returning now and will not be able to abandon you again. I know you must be hungry." The nurses help her open her blouse and expose one very gorged breast and Scott instinctively attaches his lips and starts sucking April's milk. Slowly everything goes dark. Barb surveys Scott's now unconscious body and on the other side of the lab table the unconscious body of the 9 month old daughter Ellen he has abandoned. Barb gives the thumbs up signal to Monica. Their trap seems to have worked perfectly. If all went as planned, then in a few minutes, Scott's body will revive but inside will be the consciousness of his abandoned daughter. And a little later the infant female body will revive and Scott will discover his future is now looking very different than he had expected. They loosen the straps around Scott's wrists and ankles and the men carry him to a near by sound proof room. They lay him in a comfortable lounge chair. April carries in the unconscious infant Ellen and places her in an infant carrier. They will wait there until both awaken but meanwhile the group goes after their next target. Second Victim As she closes the door Barb turns to her partners in crime. "OK - who is next?" Several of them head downstairs to see who has arrived at the Ball so far. They wish to find either the mayor or their Chairman but the first ones they happen onto are the two TV rival anchors - Ron Elba and Cindy Clark. Apparently they both have only recently arrived and already are going at each other with their normal barbs. Ron first "Cindy, how many times have I told you to dress more attractively. When I am not around to give you fashion tips you dress like an old librarian. Why do you refuse to under utilize that magnificent sexy body." Cindy shoots back. "Ron, your tips are not fashion tips for a professional woman but fashion ideas you have collected from the whores you have slept with. No self respecting women would dress or act that way." Ron starts to answer but is distracted "Oh here is our host Bill Nelson" as he turns and greets Barb and some of her group. "Mr. Nelson, you know we are always grateful for being included among such select company especially since you make the tickets free for the two of us." Barb greets both of them and introduces her group to them and begins laying out her trap. "Ron and Cindy, you know we all so love your evening news and think both of you are talented investigative reports. We did not invite you here simply for the party - though that is part of the plan - but Nelson Enterprises has a new invention that is ready for announcement and we wish to let you 2 be the first media folk to see a demonstration of it." Ron and Cindy look at each other and back at the group and express their gratitude for being so honored. "Please come this way to one of our main research labs. I promise we will have you back here in no time and my associates will make sure the party proves to be very exciting for you." Barb leads them out of the ballroom to the corridor and elevators and into the lab. They walk them around the equipment and let them look carefully and ask a few calming questions. Barb responds "We call it the 3T machine and I could try all night to explain it but a demo is so much more effective. Will the two of you please take your seat in the chairs we have prepared for you? Let us just say that each of you has experienced VR machines - virtual reality - but this takes VR to a whole new level." Ron is guided over to one chair and Cindy the other - the chairs are almost back to back so they cannot see each other. The wrist and ankle restraints are not visible so as to not cause any alarm. They are assisted in putting on the hair nets that hold the instrumentation and Cindy is concerned this will mess up her hair she had specially prepared for the ball. Monica relaxes her "I am certain this will not mess up your hair style and am so confident that I will even guarantee you that when we are done you will not be at all disappointed in the look of your hair." Cindy feels that she can trust such a confident pitch but she has no idea that when they are done, her hair will be quite short and much easier to fix. Barb dials up the 3T and starts with some simple scenarios. First she takes them on a nature walk and let's them discover that this is not just visual but they can feel the softness of the breeze and smell the wonderful aromas. They come to the end of a plateau and there before them is a wide canyon and they are on top of one of the cliff walls. Hang gliders are awaiting them there and they are assisted as they strap in. Cindy insists that she does not know how to fly one of these and Ron of course scoffs at her. "Don't be such a female wimp and simpleton. Obviously this is not real so the skills will come from the 3T machine and not from you -thank god. It won't muss your hair or damage those expensive finger nails." He chuckles at her expense. Just then they launch side by side. Monica coaches them "Can you feel the wind blowing all over your body? You no longer feel as though you are in chairs but you feel horizontal and you can feel the motion as the hang glider shifts side to side." As the gliders accelerate down both can feel their stomachs move up to their throats and they grip tightly. That was the reaction the team wanted and now as the two are heavily focused on the rapid fall they do not feel their wrists and ankles being bound. Surprisingly Cindy lands her glider almost perfectly but Ron makes some clumsy moves and crashes so badly that the glider is wrecked. But since this is VR, he does not get hurt. Cindy is laughing "Man you sure flew that thing like a woman and you even sounded like a woman as you screamed through the crash." She tries to clear the frog out of her throat. Ron defensively shoots back "Oh shut your mouth. You were just damned lucky. I've flown these many times and this simulation must be flawed for as I tried to turn the device the equipment would not move as easily as it should." He tried to reach for his throat because his voice sounded wrong but he discovered his hands would not move. Cindy laughs "Ron, you not only flew that thing like a girl but you even sound like a whining bitchy girl." They turn to look at each other inside the VR and their real and virtual jaws hang wide open. They both look around instead of at each other for certainly the person they are seeing is not what they expected to see. Barb speaks up. "Well you two, do you see why this machine is far more than just VR? You experienced hang gliding on a level far more realistic than mere VR can do. And now as you look around you find this VR is allowing you each to be each other." Both of them gasps as they investigate each other and trade queries to see if that really is the other person. Cindy is the first to respond. "Ron, you look so incredibly sexy. I like your hair and your short skirt. Don't you think hang gliding in a short skirt and pumps is a little over the top?" She can't stop herself from laughing. And then putting on a Sinatra like Jersey accent she adds, "I think I like you as a broad." Ron is upset "What have you done to me? No wonder I crashed that thing - I am a woman driver. No wonder I couldn't turn it, I do not have my normal strength. This is not fair. Undo this right now." He tries to free his arms and legs but they cannot overcome the restraints. Barb decides to adlib some fun so she reaches with her strong masculine hands along the inside of Cindy's smooth legs and inches slowly toward the groin. But Cindy does not flinch at all for Ron is the one feeling these sensations. Ron flinches and discovers his thighs are unexpectedly very sensitive as Barb's male hand moves inside the skirt and teases Ron's vagina. His what? Ron swoons and then squeals just like a girl. "Ron, do you see the power of this machine? I stroked Cindy's leg but you felt it. Her nerve sensations are being passed to you and yours to her. Can you see how this machine can give people experiences far beyond just a movie or VR system? And you are only seeing the first level of the 3T." "How many times in the media have we heard you complain about how easy women have it these days? How many times have you nagged Cindy because she is wasting the magnificent body God gave her? And Cindy, how many times have you complained about how easy men have it and that you'd love a chance to give them a taste of their own medicine? Well see what you think of this." Barb makes some adjustments to the 3T panel and suddenly Ron and Cindy find the Virtual Reality has placed them in Cindy's office on one of those occasions where Ron loves to come and demand his sexual favors. But now Cindy is the hunter and Ron the hunted. Cindy is the man and Ron is the female. "OK Ron, this is your chance to discover how easy life is for women and your chance to show Cindy how to behave." Ron is visibly shaking and in Cindy's voice he bursts out "What the hell is going on here? Turn this crazy machine off this instance! This is not a VR experience any man wishes to experience." Just then Barb turns up the power and both black out. The team releases both of them from their bonds and carries them to another of the sound proof holding rooms and lays them each into comfortable lounge chairs. They set the network cameras to record everything and then lock them into the room. They do not leave anyone in there with them for they are adults and can take care of themselves as they awaken. Barb is laughing so hard. "I think I may enjoy this one even more than the way I enjoy watching my Bill struggle with his bras and lipstick. When the two of them wake up, Cindy will be eager for revenge and Ron will find his assertiveness is missing. Later when we return I will layout the terms of the bet that should keep Ron in check and then we can get Cindy to use Ron's stature in the media community to aid our plans. Now let's head back to the ball to trap our next victim. Who will it be?" Small Problem with Bill As they arrive back at the Ball they start looking for their target people. As they pass near the bar they spot Mayor Ramsey and he is already quite intoxicated. This might indeed make him even easier to fool. But who is he drinking with? It's Bill and he is extremely tipsy and flirting with Ramsey and Ramsey is very much enjoying it. He is caressing Bill's butt and back and Bill seems to be encouraging it and returning the physical affections. Barb is shocked - not by Bill's flirtations for that is expected - but by his intoxication. She pulls him aside and whispers "What the hell are you doing? You are drunk or well on your way to it. How many drinks have you had?" Bill is staggering a bit in his high heels and as he slumps down one boob falls out of the low cut gown. Barb chuckles and helps him put it back in place. She finds herself getting turned on and still marvels at how easy she gets turned on as a guy. Bill stands a little more erect and too loudly responds to Barb. "I've had only 3 drinks. You know me, I can drink far more than that before I even get high." Barb grabs a few snacks off of a passing tray, "Here, eat these and they may help dilute the alcohol but they would have been more effective if eaten earlier. Yes I know you are accustomed to drinking significant amounts of alcohol but that was when you were inside this body. Your current body is much smaller - half the size of your normal body - and has a much higher fat to muscle ratio. You cannot handle as much alcohol. You must sip slowly." Barb signals to a waiter to bring some black coffee and hopes to get Bill a little more stable before Gloria or Amanda notice. She escorts Bill to a small lounge and helps him sit and fix his lipstick and hair. Meanwhile she signals her entourage to start working on Mayor Ramsey. "Bill, I can't stay but Eleanor Barnes will stay with you a short while until you are stable again. I wish I could stay but we have only a short time to complete our plans for the evening." Turning to Eleanor "Sorry to ask you to do this but the rest of us are on a tight schedule and I need someone who knows the truth here but is still female. I think you will need to take Bill to the ladies room so as to be a little more discrete." Eleanor helps Bill stand and starts him towards the powder room "Bill, I had no idea you had a drinking problem. You've hidden it so well all of these years." She chuckles some as she gets him into the comfortable lounge area of the ladies powder room. "Tell me, do you retain enough of your science knowledge to recall that women get drunk quicker because of the higher fat content of their bodies and because of their smaller sizes? You must either learn to sip the drinks or get the waiters to give you faux drinks. If you stay tipsy then you just might wake up undressed and in one of the bed rooms with god only knows who. Please do not practice any unprotected sex." That made Bill's eyes get VERY wide. Bill adjusts his hair and gown and looks annoyed at Eleanor. "It's this damned female body Barb has trapped me in. It's not fair. She is supposed to be the matron of ceremonies and I am supposed to be off hitting on the young ladies like a dirty old man. Do you know how many of those dirty old men have already pinched my ass a dozen times? How many bruises will I have by morning? And now I get drunk after only 2 or 3 drinks and instead of wanting to hit on the girls I find myself comparing outfits and hair styles with them and being envious of the slim figures instead of being turned on by their figures. And when I shake hands with them instead of feeling a thrill I find myself noticing the quality of the manicure." Eleanor just loves this so much. Her mind is building a list of men she wishes to put through this school of 3T. How many arrogant insensitive men she has had to deal with in her law practice and she just can't wait to get a change to bring them down to this size and shape and talk woman to woman with them. Just then this very pregnant woman approaches them "Bill? Bill Nelson, is that you?" She says in a soft voice. Eleanor spins around - very startled. "Mrs. Wells? Margot Wells? You gave me a scare. This is Mrs. Bill Nelson - Barbara Nelson. Bill is out in the Ball room." Bill interrupts Eleanor "Oh my god Jeff, is that you? Monica and Barb told me what they had done to you. You are so huge! Is the baby due any day now?" Jeff (in Margot's 7 month pregnant body) waddles closer to Bill. "Bill, look what your wife and gang have done to me. I had no idea she was in your body. She and the others told me that they had an invention that would allow me to help Margot with her bouts of depression. They told me I could reach deeply into her mind and lift her burden. Well I certainly have done that. I was exploring Margot's mind for clues to ending her depression and suddenly I awaken in her very pregnant body. That ungrateful bitch! I have spent so many years supporting that woman and her children and this is the gratitude I get? I feel so huge and so ugly and my back hurts all of the time. But the good news is that I do not think she is suffering from depression anymore. She is now Chief Legal Council to NE." Eleanor is killing herself laughing. "Jeff, you have used religious beliefs to keep your wife barefoot and pregnant all of the time. It is only fair that you now experience what you men put your wives through. I hope I can be at the hospital as you endure the labor pains and birth pains. Oh how I wish more men could experience what you are experiencing at this moment." Jeff struggles to stand while maneuvering his huge belly and struggling with the related back troubles. "Bill, I see you at least are in the body of an extremely attractive slim woman - a Barbie Doll. I heard you complaining about how it is unfair because you cannot drink as much alcohol as you used to. But be grateful you are not having to go through what I am going through." He gently pets his huge belly. "I can have no alcohol and am on a very strict diet for the next 2 months or more. My legs ache from carrying this weight and my back aches most of the time. You know that as Jeff I was constantly in training as a marathon runner but now a walk across the room is my extreme limit. And I was the club champ at billiards but Margot had me playing against her this morning in the game room and crushed me game after game and kept making fun about how I move like a pregnant whale. Do you know how hard it is to bend over a pool table when 7 months pregnant? And since I am still nursing the previous baby my boobs are swollen and sore most of the time. I complain to Margot but she reminds me of how our religion teaches that as the woman, these are my duties. I insist to her that I am the man in our family but she then squeezes my swollen boobs and tells me that the last time she checked no man had these." Jeff gestures to both of his breasts. Bill shakes his head and realizes he does not have it as bad as he was thinking a moment before. He asks where Margot is. Jeff looks over his shoulder and whispers even softer than before. "She is running around with Barb and her team and being very hush-hush. I think a few more men will wake up tonight or tomorrow in female bodies. I'd love to warn them but Margot and Barb have made it clear that if I misbehave they will keep me as Margot or maybe even worse. They told me of one man who is now performing as a pole dancer at a local club and no longer speaks English." He shudders at the thought. Bill decides to inquire more deeply into what Jeff is going through as Margot. "Have you found your tastes have changed? I've never been a big lover of chocolate but now I find the taste is so much richer in this body and I feel like I have an addiction to it." Jeff signals agreement but he did not respond for he seems to be out of breath just from struggling to stand. Eleanor adds her view "Oh yes, you guys have long known how easy it is to please a woman just by bringing her chocolate gifts. I've never met a woman who was not wild about chocolate. But you better be careful in that Barb

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 2

Dinner was surprisingly normal. I wasn’t sure what I had expected. Maybe for my wife to come home and immediately realize that I had been screwing my stepdaughter all afternoon. Maybe for her to notice that something was different about me: that I had a silent, unspoken air of confidence or something. But no, Barbara clicked into the house on her high heels — late, she’d been working late a lot recently — wearing her tight little pencil skirt and cream-colored blouse, looking like a million...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 6

I lay in bed, my hands tucked behind my head, waiting in the dark. The clock told me it was almost 1 o’clock when the sounds of revelry downstairs started to die down, and I knew that McKenzie was wrapping up her little get together. She must have seen Adrianna coming downstairs and leaving, so she knew that joining us was no longer part of the equation, and I hoped she would be understanding. I hated to disappoint my sexy, horny little angel. As I lay there, breathing deeply and letting...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 8

My heart wasn’t in the code. It might seem like a strange thing to think, for someone who doesn’t know coding as well as I do. But software is just like art to the people who understand it. It requires creativity, a way to look at the problem and see a solution, an elegance in its efficiency and execution. Good code is, I would argue, as artistic as a painting or a famous old book. Only today my art was crap. I pushed back from the desk and rubbed my hand across my face. I was having a...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 1

John woke up looked around the room, the clock said 6:00am, what a way to start a day off. John didn't need an alarm clock as he had not slept past 6:00 since he was in high school. Well better get up and make some coffee, the same start to every day. John stretched, scratched his nuts and then went to wrestle with his morning hard on and relieve his full bladder. After washing up he then made coffee and started to reflect on his life so far. Let's see as of today I am 26 years old, what...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 3 Real estate

I started to look through the papers for houses that might appeal to me now that I could afford one. As I was looking through the realty section of the local newspaper I spotted a picture of a girl I went to school with, she was now a realtor. I called her and asked her if she would like to meet for breakfast the next day, my treat. Shannon was stunning when she walked into the restaurant, she still had long blonde hair and a figure models would kill for. She saw me and sauntered over and...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 4 Expansion

"OK Rick, start the meeting and tell me where we are going", I said looking around the table. I knew everyone at the table except for one girl that was in her 30's, dressed in a nice business suit, she had a nice body. "With our planned expansion in mind I have brought our new personnel Manager Julie Smyth, Julie has looked over all of our top people and has come up with 5 candidates that she feels would make good managers and I agree with her recommendations", Rick explained. "Now...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 5 Trouble Looms

"John is that you?", I heard as I answered the phone. "Yes, Julie it is, what can I do for you?" "Could you please come down to the office, I think we may have a problem", Julie spurted out. "OK, I am on my way", I said as I sat on my deck relaxing. I drove into the office wondering what could possibly be the problem; normally either Rick or Shannon would call me. When I got to the building the security guard told me that everyone was waiting in my office. Once I was on the...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 8 Hawaii

Shannon had us to the airport in record speed, we arrived there at 5:30am I looked at my watch and said, "You know this being the owner thing isn't all it's cracked up to be, I shouldn't have to be here this early." Shannon looked at me for a second and said, "Well as a lowly employee with a mean boss this is what it will take to keep him off my back for a little while, I am sorry that you had to find a girlfriend that has other obligations in life." Then she smiled a big smile and...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 9 the wedding

Friday morning started the same as usual but around noon, Rick and I were left to our own devices. Before she left Shannon leaned over, kissed me, and said, "I will see you tomorrow and you had better not be late for the ceremony." My parents showed up around 2:00pm and we sat around and bullshitted for a little while. At about 5:00pm Julie came and got my mother for the bridal shower, I looked around the beach and there were a few guys but not one girl in sight so Rick said that he and my...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 10

Tuesday morning when Shannon and I walked into the office everything looked like it was back together. I walked into my office and you couldn't even tell that anyone had done anything in here. I walked out of my office and went into Shannon's office and it looked good as well. "Not like we left eh," I said. "No, it looks really good," Shannon replied. I turned around and walked from office to office, I couldn't see anything out of place at all. I headed downstairs to talk to the...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 12

We were on our way to the airport the next morning when my cell phone rang, it was Jim telling me that the federal government had received a tip that we were cheating on our taxes, they had come and seized everything on the accounting floor, I told him to get a hold of our lawyers and make sure they had the right to do this, Then I hung up and had Shannon call the plane and let them know we were headed home instead of to Edson, I called Rick and asked him if he was aware of what was going on...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 13

Shannon went into Labor at 4:30am and I had a beautiful daughter at 5:01am both were doing fine, I wandered around the hospital talking to my parents and Shannon's parents as well as all the people that dropped by the flowers while we were in the hospital. Two days later I took my family home and we showed Michele her room Shannon and I had set up for the baby, I had to explain to our daughter Michele why the room was wallpapered with hockey wall paper and all the toys were sports related, I...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 15 Vacation

When we mentioned Jamaica to Rick he talked us into going to a golfing resort in Jamaica, it was in a place called Runaway Bay, and they had a beautiful resort right on the beach with a fantastic golf course. We checked in at the front desk and Rick went to arrange for tee times for us, none of the rest of us really golfed but we figured we would enjoy it for Rick's sake. Julie and Steven went to their bungalow while Shannon and I went next door to our bungalow, Shannon was changed into a...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 17 Fun at work

"James the laptop you supplied me has stopped working could you please have someone bring me a new one?" I asked. "UMM, sure I will come up with a new one right now." James replied. When James came into the room I had the laptop opened but the screen was about 6 inches away from the rest of the laptop, He stopped in the door and asked. "What happened?" "I was on my way to work this morning and I put the laptop on the roof of the car in order to get Michele into her car seat, I...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 18

"The biggest problem that we have seen lately is the fact that there are just not enough trained personnel available for all of the projects we have going on right now and we are not keeping up in either the Mechanical or Electrical divisions." Rick stated during our monthly update meeting. "Where are we seeing the most problems right now? Or is it everywhere? I asked. "It would seem that the northern operations are having the biggest problem. We have a lot of people that are refusing...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 21

I noticed that Shannon was away from the office a lot more than usual, she seemed to be gone for the whole day at least once a week, I asked her about it and she would just say she was looking after something for Rick or Jim or James, Always someone else, I told her that maybe she should hire an executive assistant to do some of the errands, she told me that she liked to get out of the office sometimes. The only time I really noticed was when she wasn't around to go for lunch with...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 22

The next Morning I got up careful not to wake anyone again and snuck out of the bedroom in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I walked into the galley and poured a cup of coffee, I decided that I would take a swim so I walked out the back of the boat and stopped dead, Cathy was taking a shower at the swimming shower, she had her back to me and I watched her as she was finishing up, I sat down on the lounge chair and enjoyed the view as she turned off the shower and started to dry her hair, she...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 3

Barbara was gone by the time I’d showered, dried off and come back downstairs. She’d left a note on the kitchen counter: Headed out for a workout and then to stop by the office. See you this afternoon, darling. XOXO There was little heart at the end of the note, an unexpected and surprising gesture of affection. Or maybe, I thought as I rolled up the piece of paper and tapped it thoughtfully against my chin, not so surprising after all... I was starting to realize that whatever these...

4 years ago
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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 10

I was doing up my tie, the steam from my shower still clouding the edges of the mirror. I heard the door to the master bedroom open but didn’t glance around. “Kenz?” I called. I cursed softly as my fingers fumbled the tie again. “Damn it.” Barbara had always helped me out with this. I’m a grown man, and I could get it done by myself, but it was always a nice little ritual — Barbara would finish my tie, give me a peck on the cheek, and tell me how handsome I looked. Of course, I’d never...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 1

"Gobble, Gobble, Gobble." "Wahbo, Wahbo, Wahbo." "Gobble, Gobble, Gobble." A month ago I would have been yelling at them to keep quiet or to find something else to do or to go to their room and play. God knows I'd heard it enough times over the last three days. But they really weren't bothering anyone and they were all playing together. And they were happy. This time it had been Laurie who initiated the game and my two who followed but each of them had started it countless times...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 2

I followed John from Perlione's over to his house. As we pulled into the driveway, he rolled down his window and motioned to the left. I noticed that the driveway was made of bricks, like a chimney and there was an additional section where he was pointing that was not in front of the garage. I pulled over to the left as he drove straight into the garage. As soon as he got out, he placed a call on his cell phone and disappeared through a door in the back. I let the kids out, then we went...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 3

I got my things arranged and helped the kids. It had seemed like so much stuff when we were packing it but it was little different from moving into a cabin for a two week vacation. Oh, I guess there were a few more toys, DVDs and books. One thing I knew we were going to have to do was call Alex. You see, kids are shorter than most people and the housing industry rarely takes that into consideration. The first problem I saw was the closets. None of the kids were tall enough to hang up their...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 4

I released the intercom and turned around to see three pairs of eyes looking up at me. My daughter broke the silence. "What can we do?" I could make a couple of cans of tomato soup and a stack of grilled cheese sandwiches with the equivalent of one eye shut and a hand tied behind my back. But when I looked down, there were three little people who were counting on me not to. They wanted me to find something for them to do so that they could help; something to make them feel useful. Jill...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 5

The soup pot looked clean enough to hang back over the stove. Posie's snout was covered in tomato soup orange/red when I picked her up and pulled her away from it. I got a paper towel and wiped off as much of the mess as I could. She made it difficult, wriggling and trying to get to my face to lick me the whole time. John said to me, "Is Billy going to be all right in the tub by himself?" "Shoot! I didn't even think about him having his own bathroom." I put Posie down and hurried...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 6

There's a lot of false glorification in the world. Some people call it hype. Jerry used to call it B.S. Thanks to Madison Avenue and its penchant for making each new product sound like the answer to everything that has plagued mankind since the creation, the bar has been lowered across the board. People who don't deserve it are touted as something special. I'm not saying it's evil or malicious or anything like that. But when a particular brand of lipstick is supposed to solve all problems...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 7

A nurse came into the room to check Jamie's IV. She said, "Just a couple of minutes," and sat down on the bottom of the bed, careful not to disturb the three girls. "Did you know that Rita and Jamie have been taking the bus and walking for a couple of blocks in the dark to get home after Jamie's treatments?" John asked her. "No Sir, I wasn't aware of that." "We're taking them home tonight, but it bothers me that after tonight they'll be right back to walking home in the dark....

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 8

I gasped as the garage door started to open and I saw a couple of objects glowing red, in the back, near the door into the kitchen. Like something you'd see in an old horror film when they broke into a pyramid. Or a newly discovered mummy, just after everyone's turned away and the camera's still on it. "What's that?" I gasped. "It's Posie," said Laurie. "She always waits for us when we get home." Sure enough, the overhead light came on and there she was, sitting on the rug,...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 7 Distractions Interaction Satisfaction Reactions

Otto looked up in surprise as I strode into my office in the Fortezza Nuova. “I did not expect to see you until the end of the month, Colonel.” I could see he was disconcerted, annoyed even, by my earlier than expected return, and I sought to assure him of my confidence in his abilities. “Believe me Otto, I was extremely loth to leave Florence. Although you are more than competent to manage the impending inspection I deemed it a politeness on my part to be present when Duke Leopold arrives...

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A Woman in Full Sharons Journey Continues Part VIII Actionable

Part VIII - Actionable When Sharon awoke Sunday morning, she saw it was a little after eight - too early for Jocelyn by any standard, and certainly now. She slipped out of bed and padded silently into the bathroom. She closed the door and slipped off her knee-length nighty and panties. She glanced in the full length mirror mounted on the door. She had managed to drop a little more weight, so that her waist was slimmer than ever. Her breasts had filled out a little more over the...

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Nelsons hot mom

Is it hard to believe or not, but she got pregnant with my friend while in high school. My uncle almost got in trouble, since she was a minor, but anyway they got married and their marriage worked out. Janette’s parents were rich. She is a very beautiful blonde woman with an awesome gorgeous body. If she didn’t get pregnant and marry, she would have become a super model. Even at 36 she looked very fresh and sexy and I think the one who was fucking this woman was a very lucky chap. Her tits...

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Alexa Chapter 37 Action and Reaction

Alexa Chapter 37: Action & Reaction Not only was school waiting for us as we returned home after spring break, but so was winter. The cold and snow continued on. And on. And on. It was a downer that threatened to erase the great memories of our chance to see friends and make new ones. The saddest one in the apartment though may have been Katie. She, like we had last fall, had fallen in love with London. Not just the sights but the friends. She wouldn't stop talking about...

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Pinky In Threesome Action

It’s a mystery on how I missed this website for such a long time. Anyway I’ve been on this site for almost a month now. I always wanted to share my real experience online. For a long time, it dint happen cause of one reason or the other. Anyway, finally decided that I will share one of my experiences for the first time. I am Manu, a Keralite (name changed) 32 yrs 5’9 inch tall with a good physique. My marriage was a disaster as it lasted only for a month as my ex-wife was still in love with her...

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Actions and Consequences Part Two Every Action has a Reaction

It had been six months since I cheated on my husband. During that time I had tried to tell him. How do I tell my husband that I had slept with another man, not only another man but a black man? A black man while we were on vacation with our kids, while my husband was in the next room tending to our children.Every time I got the nerve to tell him, I backed down. I knew it would mean the end of our marriage. Timothy was raised in the deep south, while I was what some people called “city south.” I...

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The Einstein Extraction

My name is Bruce McCoy. This is my story. Seventeen years ago when the Darjee announced the coming of the Sa'arm to selected humans, my parents had not even met. They both grew up in California and met in college. They were in the last days of their wedding plans when Average Joe's XV was running. They married several days before the President's announcement. My dad and mom took the CAP test and scored 8.6 and 8.5 respectively. They initially wanted to wait until they graduated before...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 6 Extraction

Tribune William Whitefeather stood in the middle of the Washington, DC restaurant, having just given more-or-less the same lecture as his underling Sub-Decurion Anthony Chan had given to his charges in Florida and at approximately that same moment Major James MacAllistor was giving his lecture to the audience at the school concert in England. A quick survey by the AI had assured him that he didn't have any extractable volunteers aside from his old friend Henry Hollister. At his feet, three...

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Star Trek Enterprise Universes Collide Welcome to

There are many realities, more diverse then just good and evil; there are different shades of each, all influencing the behavior of every person in that universe.‘How far out are we Travis?’ asked Captain Jonathan Archer, staring intently at the view screen from his Captain’s chair. The Enterprise was investigating a strange tear in space and time, forming near the border between Vulcan and the Andorian space. Because both Andoria and Vulcan could not trust one another, Commander Shran had...

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Action in the Theatre by LadySheroticaWhat a lousy end to a long weekend! I could only blame myself for waiting until Monday morning to check plans with my friends only to find everyone busy already. As if mocking me, the sky had clouded over as well, spoiling any thoughts I might have of going to the beach or walking. My mood darkened along with the clouds as I aimlessly drove around town, hoping something, anything, would catch my eye and provide some distraction. Lately, a cloud of boredom...

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Lights Camera and Action

Chapter 1 My name is Vince and for my 16th birthday my Grandparents gave me a digital movie camera. They had purchased the camera to take on a cruise recently. Grandma had discovered that Grandpa had been filming the young women on the cruise with lots of upskirt and under table stuff as well as wet t-shirts and bikinis. My parents gave me a laptop computer with software to edit the films from the camera. This was all really handy as I was in the Audio / Visual class at high school. Mr Chek,...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 37 Lights Camera Action

June awoke to the sound of her alarm clock and looked at the clock through blurry eyes. It was 5:30. She now regretted that she had set the alarm for such an early time. She went to bed early last night, hoping to get a fresh start the next morning. It wasn’t because she was eager to get to Alice’s for the movie shoot. No, it was because she wanted to think about her role in it and how well she would perform. She had a restless night thinking about how Alice might punish her if she made...

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LegaciesChapter 20 Vacation on New Yacht Report of Successful Sea Action Partners for Claudia and Yen

All of the ladies had gathered for our morning run before I arrived which was a significant change. We set off at a fairly fast pace as our stamina and strength had been improved significantly from out twice daily exercise sessions and were back well before or regularly scheduled breakfast time. The hot subject for the day was quickly raised with all voicing, "When will we leave for vacation on the yacht?" I turned to Mat and asked, "How soon will the plane be ready?" She indicated that...

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The extraction

It was a Saturday morning and I was on my home from a friends birthday party. I had left at one o’clock, because people had started to throw food and empty bottles around the place. I felt drowsy. I had had too much myself and just wanted to go home. Passing the local supermarket I crossed the high street. There was white van parked a few steps in front of me. The street lamp above it flickered and made my eyes water in the semi-darkness. As I walked passed the van, the engine started and...

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Attraction reactions

——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...

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THE Harem Tales 2 Girls Just Wanna Have FunChapter 10 After Action Action

The thing about Michael’s ladies, violence makes them horny -- kicking ass makes them really horny. This wasn’t a nanite thing; it was apparent in the nights before nanites. Nanites just added stamina, lots of stamina... The after action action shouldn’t have been a surprise, not really. Rachel had jumped Michael’s bones shortly after they had taken out her husband’s killers and rescued Cathleen. Cathleen had bonded with them both that night, and Carole had ridden him to completion at her...

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The Case of the Errant Clergyman A Holmes and Hove NovellaChapter 2 Of Action and Reaction

Holmes sat, and thought. The more he thought, the more maudlin he became; eventually he emitted a deep sigh. Almost in resignation he opened a locked drawer in his oaken desk; with care he slid it open and unfastened the tin that lay within. For a second he stared at the dried leaves, then as if motivated by some alien desire his left hand scooted across the leather desktop and snatched the oldest of his pipes. He needed clarity, ultimate focus, his friend was in danger. He, Ned Holmes, had...

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