Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 11
- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
The next Morning I got up careful not to wake anyone again and snuck out of the bedroom in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I walked into the galley and poured a cup of coffee, I decided that I would take a swim so I walked out the back of the boat and stopped dead, Cathy was taking a shower at the swimming shower, she had her back to me and I watched her as she was finishing up, I sat down on the lounge chair and enjoyed the view as she turned off the shower and started to dry her hair, she was very muscled in a feminine way, she looked very sensual the way she started to dry herself, then she turned around, she was beautiful, she had small pert breasts, a small patch of blonde pubic hair that was almost transparent.
"Oh," she said as she spotted me "what are you doing up soo early" while trying to cover herself.
I looked at my watch 5:45 am "I guess I am up a little early, but I wanted to have that swim you were talking about."
She turned and grabbed her pants trying to put them on without me seeing anything else.
"Don't worry I will turn around, I promise not to look" I stated.
I heard her sigh of relief and waited until she said I could turn around and as I turned I got another glimpse of her breast when she closed her blazer.
"I guess it is foolish to try and hide after you have seen everything" she said with a nervous laugh.
"No not at all, it is your body and you get to decide who sees it and when." I said.
"Yes well I have always been a private person, there are only a few people that have ever seen it as good as you did and they are all women" she said with a blush starting to form.
"So what is it you are trying to say, are you a lesbian?" I asked then said "sorry it is you're business and none of mine."
She laughed "No it is alright yes I am a lesbian, no I do not have a love interest on this boat, yes I find all the girls attractive."
I looked at her slightly puzzled and with quite a bit of admiration, "you didn't have to tell me and believe me when I tell you no one else will ever hear it from me."
"I had to tell you I tried to tell Shannon but she didn't want to hear me, she just told me I was the Captain and I should run the boat as I saw fit."
"I agree with Shannon, it is none of our business and you should run the boat as you see fit." I said.
"Thank you, I was afraid that you might be scared that I was sleeping with one of the crew." She said.
"I was sleeping with Shannon when we were working together, it doesn't bother me much, and the only thing is if there is a breakup then it could get messy, that's why I had to marry her." I laughed.
Cathy grinned and cringed as I got a swat on the back of the head, Shannon had just walked out onto the swim deck. I jumped up and turned to give her a big kiss, she had a look on her face that just about stopped me cold, but that look melted when she saw in my eyes that I was joking.
"Good Morning the love of my life" I said corning it up.
"Good morning, married me so there wouldn't be a messy breakup eh. Just wait now I get half of everything." She said.
"Damn I knew I should have had you sign a pre-nup. " I said with a grin.
"Just remember I help you spend you're first million" she said.
"Yup, that's what you do best spend money, thank god for Rick, he makes it and you spend it." I said.
Cathy went inside the boat while we were verbally sparring.
"By the way there is something I wanted to talk to you about Rick, Julie and Jim" I said.
"Oh, what is that?"
"I was thinking of giving them each 5% of the company for a bonus this year" I said.
"Ok, why did you want to talk to me about it?" She asked.
"Well it is half you're company too, I thought you would want some input" I said.
"No John, you own the company and run it as you see fit, I own half of you" she said with a smile.
"When we get back to shore I am going to our lawyer and make sure you are listed as owning half of my share of the company" I told her.
"I love you and I want you to know that you are an equal partner in everything we do." I said
She gave me a big hug and whispered that she loved me too. I picked her up and threw her into the ocean, and then I jumped in behind her. When her head came out of the water she sputtered something under her breath and jumped on me trying to dunk me, she wasn't having much success when a second set of hands started to help her, I turned around rubbing against a bare set of breasts as I did, it was Julie helping her, I decided that I was going to lose but if I was I was going to have a good time at it so I started to grope them both, I grabbed Shannon's thong and pulled it down off of her. I had my hands everywhere, and I felt myself being groped at the same time, I know some of it was Julie because I had both of Shannon's arms captured when I felt a hand on my balls. I made sure I got to feel four breasts, two asses, and ran my hand over two slits before I called a truce and crawled out of the water with a hard on.
I went over and turned on the shower as Tina came out with some towels, she had a grin on her face and glanced at my cock a couple of times, she said good morning and then turned to climb the ladder up to the cockpit, I thought this was my chance to see what she was wearing under that skirt so I turned off the water and grabbed a towel, I wandered over by the ladder and glanced up, I still couldn't see anything, not enough to make a decision one way or the other. Shannon came over and whispered in my ear, I was wondering too, I still haven't found out either. I looked shocked and decided I had to ask her some questions one of these days.
Michele was playing on the swim deck and I grabbed her to go and raid the galley once I had put on a pair of shorts, Julie and Shannon called out as they went through the boat that they would be on the bow, so I grabbed a snack for Michele and a cup of coffee and joined them, neither had put any clothes on and they were both giving me a good view when I went out to sit down.
We sat and chatted for awhile waiting for everyone else to get up, Jim came out next, he had a shit eating grin on his face and Sharon followed him wearing the dress of the day, nothing. She scooted across to an open chair and sat down right away, she had her legs crossed before she was fully sitting. I looked at Jim and he was as proud as anyone I had ever seen. Rick came out a few minutes after an he was drying his hair so he had gone for a swim, Jim asked if any one wanted to go for a swim, Sharon said yes right away but everyone else said they had already been, Sharon jumped up and dashed into the boat. Once she was gone Rick asked how they convinced her to go nude, Julie said that she just did it by herself, Shannon and Julie had pulled off their bottoms to get a better tan and the next thing they knew Sharon had done the same.
On the way into breakfast I slowed Shannon down and asked her about the bonuses again she nodded and away we went. Once breakfast was over I told them about my plan to give them part of the company as a bonus, they were shocked but very thankful.
After breakfast Cathy came in and told us we should all stay inside as the storm that had been chasing us had gotten bigger and we could out run it but it would mean that the storm would catch us in port. She added that there was not real danger as it was still a small storm but there would be some pretty big waves and lots of rain, and the swells were being reported at 10 to 15 feet, she said that some small boats might have a problem but most of them would go into shore once the whitecaps started. She told the crew to get ready to hit the open ocean and get us away from the shore where it would be a little worse, having to maneuver around reefs and things.
The storm hit us within half an hour and it came up really sudden, we all moved to the back of the boat and watched the waves through the sliding glass doors, Charlie came over and asked if we needed anything, she wasn't concerned about the storm at all, we all got some more coffee and sat there just watching. Henri told us that we could see better in the front as the waves were just starting to break over the bow. We all rushed to the front like a bunch of kids to watch the chaos through the front windows, the waves were breaking over the bow as promised, I asked Henri haw bad it could get before we were in trouble.
She said "when they start breaking over the cockpit to get a little concerned as then it would be harder to see" with a laugh.
We ate lunch and played a couple of games of crib, Rick was cleaning up at the crib table, everyone kept mentioning how we couldn't even really feel the boat moving in the waves, every now and then the boat would lurch but that was it.
Cathy came in and said "we picked up an S.O.S. on the radio, there is a sailboat back there that shouldn't be in this weather and they got sideways to a couple of wave and broke the main mast. We are the closest vessel that as any chance of a rescue. What would you like to do?"
"What danger is there to this boat and crew?" I asked.
"There is always a bit of danger in seas like this but we are all very well trained in rough seas and we have all the rescue equipment required to save them." Cathy said.
"What are their chances if we don't go to help?" Shannon asked.
"That is hard to say, we are a half hour away, the closest rescue vessel is two hours away, there are no other boats close that even have a chance of helping." Cathy responded.
"Well that settles it lets go be heroes." Shannon said and everyone nodded.
"Ok we will be bouncing around a little as we get turned around, don't worry it will be fine." Cathy said.
Tina came in from outside, she was soaked; her white t-shirt was almost transparent. She told me she was getting some rescue gear from down below, I jumped up to help her as did Rick and Jim, we all went down and grabbed everything she pointed at. We had ropes, inflatable life jackets, pike poles, and other stuff that I had not seen before. We helped her bring it out to the swim deck where she opened up a cubby hole and attached a heavy rope to a hidden tow hook, we are going to try and tow them if they are still upright when we get there she told us.
We all went inside and Charlie and Henri came over with life jackets on, Charlie handed one to Tina, I asked for one as well, Tina told me that I should stay inside and watch, I told her that I had every intention of helping, Rick and Jim agreed and asked for life jackets as well, Tina called Cathy and asked her, she said we could help but we would have to listen to the crew. Tina turned and assigned each of us to one of them, I got Tina I guess she felt she should look after the owner. Charlie went and got a few more lifejackets and Tina went over with us the need to be hooked up to a lanyard all the time when we were outside.
Cathy rang the bell to signal she could see the other craft; we all looked out the window and saw it lurch to the top of a wave, there were four people holding on for dear life, the boat had capsized, and they were holding onto the keel of the boat. Tina told us there was a change in plans and we would not be allowed to go out, the crew would pick them up but we would not be towing them and then she and the rest of the crew walked outside.
We watched as Cathy brought our boat up close to the capsized sailboat, it was pitching badly if the waves, Tina was directing Charlie and Henri pointing things out and yelling for them to do things, as we got closer to the sailboat, Charlie and Henri used the pike poles to try and keep it from hitting our boat, I was headed to the door to help them when the first of our new passengers scrambled over the side of the boat, I watched as Tina suddenly jumped into the water and grabbed someone, Charlie and Henri were busy trying to keep the sail boat from swinging into us so I ran out grabbing a lanyard as I went, I hooked into the same point as Tina was hooked into, and started to pull Tina in, when I could see her again I saw she had a small girl in her arms, I pulled for all I was worth and got them both on board, I saw Rick come out and grab the two kids we had gotten so far. Cathy said she had to go around again because the sailboat had now drifted away from us, Tina stood up and started telling Charlie and Henri to get ready for another pass, we could see the other two on the sailboat were getting beat up pretty bad, the woman seemed to be losing her grip, the man had his hand wedged into her life jacket. They were both watching us as Cathy spun the boat around in a tight circle. As we came around again Charlie hooked one of the ropes on the sailboat with her pike pole, she pulled it in and Tina and I started to pull on the rope for all we were worth, it was a mooring line and Tina wanted to pull the boat up as close as we could get it, Henri started dropping bumpers over the side to keep the sail boat from doing any damage, just as we got it pulled up tight Tina told me to start letting it back out again, I looked up surprised but started to let it out, I looked around just in time to see Rick taking the Man and woman into the boat, Cathy told us to tie the sail boat off to the back of our boat so she could pull it out of the channel it was in.
Me and Tina fought our way to the back of the boat holding the rope, every time a wave came up the rope went slack then it would suddenly tighten up as the sail boat dropped into a trough, we got it tied to the back of the boat and told Cathy, I could feel our boat surge ahead through the waves when she started to pull away, I stood there in wonder at the fact that we could move so easily in these waves, Tina grabbed me by the arm and drug me inside the boat.
The rescued family was being well looked after, Shannon got them some dry clothes to wear and got some hot chocolate for the kids and hot coffee for the adults, The kids were crying they were so relieved to be rescued and the parents were extremely grateful for our help, Cathy came down with the first aid kit and started to clean up all the scrape and cuts they all had on them, then she made them all take a shower to get all the salt off of them.
Once they were all cleaned up and dressed in dry warm clothes Cathy showed them to a couple of cabins that they could stay in, she had already called the coast guard and recorded the incident as well as the location of the derelict hull, the father; Tom told us that they had left Seattle the day before and their battery died today, they hadn't known there was a storm coming and it had come on them in the middle of lunch, they didn't realize how bad it would get and never got their sails in fast enough.
Cathy got a statement from Tom and sent him off to get some sleep, she told us that we would be docking in a couple of hours and we would all probably have to give a statement to the coast guard when we got there.
Two hours later we pulled into Coos Bay Once we were docked Cathy called the Coast Guard and let them know where to find us, I looked out the windows I saw that we would be easy to find, and there wasn't another boat even close to this size. The Coast Guard pulled up behind us in a cutter, it was a pretty big boat but it was dwarfed by ours.
The Captain and First mate, asked for permission to come aboard, the Captain asked who was in charge and I pointed to Cathy, she pointed to me. I laughed and explained that I was the owner but Cathy ran the boat and we listened to her. He asked for a statement and she read out of the ships log exactly what had happened from the time she got the S.O.S. call. He asked where the crew of the other vessel was and we told him they were still sleeping, they had a cup of coffee while the rescued family woke up and cleaned up enough to come up and see the coast guard.
Tom came up and told his part of the story, the coast guard captain, was satisfied and thanked us for helping out in American waters. Tom and his family got a ride with the coast guard cutter.
I told Cathy that she and the crew did a fantastic job rescuing Tom and his family.
The storm blew over during the night and the next morning we were fueled up and continued our journey to San Diego, by the time we got to San Diego Sharon was strutting around with nothing on and had a killer tan, Cathy was nude every morning when I got up and usually went topless all day long as was the case with the rest of the crew, I had seen everyone nude except for Tina, we still didn't know what Tina wore under her skirt.
We spent a day wandering around Disneyland and Michele had lots of fun with Goofy, she didn't see to care for Mickey at all, she was frightened when ever she saw him. She thought Goofy was her own dog and anytime she saw him she had to go over and pet him.
After a very tiring day at Disney land it was nice to get back onboard the boat, Rick told me they were going to the airport after supper to take the Lear back to Edmonton, I was surprised and Shannon told me that it was the way she had planned it, we were going to take the boat down to Baja then go back up the coast to Vancouver. I said ok that sounded like fun.
Rick, Julie, Jim and Sharon left to go to the airport and Cathy told us she was going out into the bay to drop anchor, she said it was always safer to moor out in the open water in a city like San Diego as we couldn't get a mooring in a secure area.
We pulled out into the bay and I was really surprised by all the boats that swung way out of their way to come close to our boat, everyone wanted to see who was onboard. After about an hour of that Cathy said.
"Why don't we travel for a couple of hours, I know a small bay just south of here and there will be a little more privacy."
Shannon looked at her and said "I would feel quite a bit safer; the problem with boats is anyone can get on easily."
Cathy looked at her and smiled. "we are all armed here in port, we all have carry permits for handguns on board the boat and we are within a few feet of a gun all the time, if we were to stay here tonight we would have two of us on guard all night long."
I was shocked, I hadn't seen a gun since we came on board but as she said it Cathy pulled out a small handgun she had stashed somewhere on her body, I didn't want to know where.
We left the port and Shannon, Charlie, Tina and me sat out on the deck with Michele playing with the Goofy doll we bought her. I decided it was a good night for me to fall off the wagon so I asked if anyone wanted a drink, Shannon and Tina wanted one but Charlie said she was fine.
I poured us all a glass of Captain's Table rye and brought out a bunch of mix for everyone else, I had Pepsi with mine, we all enjoyed a drink and Shannon got up to get the next round, I decided it was time to go in and give the girls a lesson on how to play crib, boy was I mistaken, Tina won every game, she was very good at crib.
I took Michele to her bed when she started to fall asleep on the end of the couch, I sat with her until she was asleep and snuck back downstairs, the girls were sitting around discussing things I didn't care about so I went up to the cockpit and sat with Cathy for a few minutes, she had put the top on the cockpit in order to keep the wind down, I asked her how the fuel gauges were, she said they were almost perfect, she went on to tell me that she had started a page in the log of all the things they found wrong with the boat and so far all that was on the page was a complaint about the shower in the crew quarters, it had too much pressure. I laughed and told her that the crew could move into the guest bedrooms if they wanted. She told me they already had.
I asked her how she could know about all the small coves and bays this far south of Canada, she explained that her and her dad had sailed up and down this coast when she was a kid so many times that she knew the coast line pretty good, she said that Tina knew the coast almost as good as her and she used to be the skipper on a sailing boat that used to race competitively all over the world, I commented that I had always wanted to learn how to operate a sailboat but never had the time to learn, or the ambition I added, she laughed and told me that it was easy and maybe next trip they would rent a small sailboat to take along on the trip.
We had arrived in the cove Cathy told us about, she had brought the boat into the cove in the dark and I was amazed that she would even try, she explained that when she was in the military they traveled at night as much as in the daylight, they liked to dock at night so there wouldn't be as big a crowd. She dropped the anchor and showed me how to make sure it grabbed then drop the other anchor as a safety; she told me that many people had woken up either on the rocks or drifted out to sea because they had trusted just one anchor. She told me not to worry though as she would get an alarm if the boat drifted at all, the GPS would look after us.
I went back downstairs and saw that Tina had deserted Charlie and Shannon; Henri walked into the room just after I did and said good night to us as I help a slightly drunk Shannon to our room.
The next morning I didn't have to try as hard to be quiet so I got up and was going to go for a swim when I looked out the window and we were on our way already, so I stepped into the shower then threw on a pair of shorts and went to get a cup of coffee, Cathy was standing at the pot when I walked in, she had nothing on.
"A naked woman and a cup of coffee, I have been blessed with nothing but the best" I said.
She turned around with a cup of coffee in her hand and smiled at me "Coffee Sir?" she asked with a slight bow and an obviously fake English accent.
I smiled back at her "Yes please m' lady" I replied.
She laughed at my pathetic attempt at an English accent.
I grinned and said. "You seemed to have gotten into the nudity thing pretty good?"
"This is the first time I have felt so at ease with the people I am around to even consider this, besides it feels so free it is great, and my tan lines are fading slowly" she replied.
"Well I am glad you feel comfortable around us, and yes I have noticed the tan lines disappearing as well." I said.
"Everyone seems so free on the boat I have really enjoyed the trip so far."
"Speaking of the trip, why did we get underway so soon this morning?" I asked.
"Once the sun came up I saw that it isn't quite as private a cove anymore, there are houses all around it now, so I decided we would get an early start on the day." She told me.
"Ok, well who is steering the boat while you are prancing around with no clothes on?" I asked with a grin.
"Charlie is steering the boat and she is doing it while prancing around with no clothes on as well." She said with a laugh.
I got up and took my coffee out to the sun deck and Cathy followed me, "it is nice to have someone to talk to with my morning coffee" she said.
"Oh, you don't talk to the crew in the mornings?" I asked.
"No I usually talk to the night watch while the coffee is brewing and then I come down and have a cup, lately I have been waiting for you to get up, you get up the same time every day within a few minutes." She stated.
"Yes I haven't been able to sleep past 6:00am since high school" I said.
I sat on one of the loungers and started to relax, this was the life a cup of coffee, sitting on a boat, talking to a beautiful naked woman. This was the stuff people dreamed of. I was sitting there talking to Cathy when Shannon came in, I stood up and gave her a kiss good morning then took Michele from her, Cathy went to relieve Charlie, Michele started to play with her toys, Shannon came back from getting her coffee and sat on the lounger in front of me, when I looked up at her she smiled and blatantly crossed her legs while stretching her hand out and casually running her finger up her slit, she laughed at my expression and leaned forward.
"Good Morning" she said.
"Yes it is a great morning." I replied.
She looked down at my crotch and said "I see you are enjoying you're self anyway."
"I always enjoy myself when I am in you're company" I said.
Shannon got up and went to the galley she asked us if we wanted anything whiles she was there, I didn't but I told her to grab a snack or Michele. When she came back she came up behind me, I was on my hands and knees playing with Michele, she grabbed the waistband of my shorts and pulled them down.
"The dress of the day is no clothes." She said as she lifted one of my knees to remove my shorts.
She reached out and scratched my balls for me, then went around to sit down, she smiled at me reached down and scratched herself while I was watching, then crossed her legs.
"That's better, I like to see the effect with out having to try and see through clothes" she said.
I looked down and saw I was half hard, Michele started to ask for her snack so I sat her on a lounger and passed her the yogurt Shannon had brought her, and then I sat down in a lounger facing Shannon. She kept her eyes on Michele as she scooted forward opening up her legs while she leaned over to help Michele with the spoon, now Michele had been using a spoon for months and doing quite good at it, Shannon was horny, and she wanted to make sure I was too, she didn't have to try hard I was already there.
Henri stuck her head out and told us breakfast was ready, we went in to sit down at the table, Shannon started to stroke me under the table as soon as she sat down, I glared at her for a second, we couldn't do anything until Michele had a nap and that would be a couple of hours away, I didn't want to walk around with a hardon that long. Shannon didn't seem to notice and kept stroking me as we ate, after breakfast Henri got up from the table and grabbed Michele saying.
"Come on little girl I want to show you how to fish for the big ones" as she went out of the dining room,
Once she had left the room Shannon was under the table with my cock in her mouth in an instant. It didn't take her long to coax the cum out of me and I filled her mouth and she swallowed as fast as she could, I looked down at her and smiled as she was watching my face. She cleaned me off with her tongue and got out from under the table, I grabbed her hand and took her to bed, I started out by licking her toes and then continued up until I had achieved my goal of her pussy, I made sure she came several times before I moved up to her breasts, I spent a little while there and moved up to kiss her on the lips, She reached down and guided me into her. We made love slow and sure, every time I got close Shannon would slow me down and just cuddle me, in the end I couldn't take it any more and pounded into her, we both came together and it was heaven.
We were lying there cuddling when I asked her.
"So Shannon tell me why you check out the other women as much as I do, or maybe even more?"
She sighed a big sigh "I have been dreading this conversation, but ok I will tell you, you are only the second man that has ever made love with me, I tried it once in high school, he was clumsy and it was unsatisfying, I was consoled by one of my friends and one thing lead to another and we became lovers, I had never thought of myself as a lesbian but I did enjoy having her in my bed, after high school I lived with a girl in college and we were never apart, she left to go home to France a couple of weeks before you called me, after I met you I knew you were the one that I had wanted all along and started trying to seduce you, so I guess I am bi-sexual" she added "does that shock you?"
"No, I noticed right away that you had an eye for women and if anything it turned me on, I don't know if I would want you to invite someone home but I am turned on by the thought at least." I replied.
"Every now and then I get turned on by a woman but I always think about you and I am at peace with what I have, I love you more than anything. If you ask me though I will entice a woman into our bed, but you wouldn't be allowed to fuck her, she would just be there for oral pleasures." Shannon said.
"I do not want to fuck anyone but you honey, but I do enjoy looking at the women you surround your self with." I said with a glint in my eye.
We got up and showered then went down to see if Michele had caught anything, Henri had a couple of tuna on board and told me that we were trying for Marlin now, Tina was playing with Michele, she was on her hands and knees, every now and then the wind would catch her skirt so I sat down behind her to see if I could figure out the puzzle of what she was wearing under her skirt. I sat there and cursed the skirt for being just a little too long and it didn't lift in the wind as good as I wanted, I got up and walked over to where Henri was fishing and she asked if I wanted to try for a while, I said sure and she told me that I had better get a good pair of shoes on and a pair of shorts as the harness would bite into me pretty good, I went and got dressed for fishing when I got back Henri had already gotten up out of the fighting chair and had everything ready for me, Cathy called out over the intercom that we were going into a school of Marlin right away, I sat in the chair and Henri strapped me in, within twenty minutes I had hooked a Marlin, Henri said it was a big one.
Rick came into my office "I think we may have a problem!" "Good Morning to you too! What's up?" I said "Sorry boss; Good Morning, How are you this morning, I hope your weekend was a good one, How is Shannon and Michele" he sarcastically said with a bit of a grin, then his face turned serious "I think the Edson office may go Union." I grinned back at him then turned serious; I thoughtfully replied "why do you think that first and secondly have we done anything to cause...
On December 1st I was sitting in my office when Rick and Shannon came in to see me. "We are going for lunch" they told me. We drove out to the industrial area on the south east side of the city. I was wondering where we were going as we did not have anything out in this area as far as I knew. I did not want to ask and be accused of not reading my emails as I knew I hadn't looked at them for the past week or so. Shannon drove us into a large compound with a huge warehouse in the center of...
John woke up looked around the room, the clock said 6:00am, what a way to start a day off. John didn't need an alarm clock as he had not slept past 6:00 since he was in high school. Well better get up and make some coffee, the same start to every day. John stretched, scratched his nuts and then went to wrestle with his morning hard on and relieve his full bladder. After washing up he then made coffee and started to reflect on his life so far. Let's see as of today I am 26 years old, what...
I started to look through the papers for houses that might appeal to me now that I could afford one. As I was looking through the realty section of the local newspaper I spotted a picture of a girl I went to school with, she was now a realtor. I called her and asked her if she would like to meet for breakfast the next day, my treat. Shannon was stunning when she walked into the restaurant, she still had long blonde hair and a figure models would kill for. She saw me and sauntered over and...
"OK Rick, start the meeting and tell me where we are going", I said looking around the table. I knew everyone at the table except for one girl that was in her 30's, dressed in a nice business suit, she had a nice body. "With our planned expansion in mind I have brought our new personnel Manager Julie Smyth, Julie has looked over all of our top people and has come up with 5 candidates that she feels would make good managers and I agree with her recommendations", Rick explained. "Now...
"John is that you?", I heard as I answered the phone. "Yes, Julie it is, what can I do for you?" "Could you please come down to the office, I think we may have a problem", Julie spurted out. "OK, I am on my way", I said as I sat on my deck relaxing. I drove into the office wondering what could possibly be the problem; normally either Rick or Shannon would call me. When I got to the building the security guard told me that everyone was waiting in my office. Once I was on the...
Friday morning started the same as usual but around noon, Rick and I were left to our own devices. Before she left Shannon leaned over, kissed me, and said, "I will see you tomorrow and you had better not be late for the ceremony." My parents showed up around 2:00pm and we sat around and bullshitted for a little while. At about 5:00pm Julie came and got my mother for the bridal shower, I looked around the beach and there were a few guys but not one girl in sight so Rick said that he and my...
Tuesday morning when Shannon and I walked into the office everything looked like it was back together. I walked into my office and you couldn't even tell that anyone had done anything in here. I walked out of my office and went into Shannon's office and it looked good as well. "Not like we left eh," I said. "No, it looks really good," Shannon replied. I turned around and walked from office to office, I couldn't see anything out of place at all. I headed downstairs to talk to the...
We were on our way to the airport the next morning when my cell phone rang, it was Jim telling me that the federal government had received a tip that we were cheating on our taxes, they had come and seized everything on the accounting floor, I told him to get a hold of our lawyers and make sure they had the right to do this, Then I hung up and had Shannon call the plane and let them know we were headed home instead of to Edson, I called Rick and asked him if he was aware of what was going on...
Shannon went into Labor at 4:30am and I had a beautiful daughter at 5:01am both were doing fine, I wandered around the hospital talking to my parents and Shannon's parents as well as all the people that dropped by the flowers while we were in the hospital. Two days later I took my family home and we showed Michele her room Shannon and I had set up for the baby, I had to explain to our daughter Michele why the room was wallpapered with hockey wall paper and all the toys were sports related, I...
When we mentioned Jamaica to Rick he talked us into going to a golfing resort in Jamaica, it was in a place called Runaway Bay, and they had a beautiful resort right on the beach with a fantastic golf course. We checked in at the front desk and Rick went to arrange for tee times for us, none of the rest of us really golfed but we figured we would enjoy it for Rick's sake. Julie and Steven went to their bungalow while Shannon and I went next door to our bungalow, Shannon was changed into a...
"James the laptop you supplied me has stopped working could you please have someone bring me a new one?" I asked. "UMM, sure I will come up with a new one right now." James replied. When James came into the room I had the laptop opened but the screen was about 6 inches away from the rest of the laptop, He stopped in the door and asked. "What happened?" "I was on my way to work this morning and I put the laptop on the roof of the car in order to get Michele into her car seat, I...
"The biggest problem that we have seen lately is the fact that there are just not enough trained personnel available for all of the projects we have going on right now and we are not keeping up in either the Mechanical or Electrical divisions." Rick stated during our monthly update meeting. "Where are we seeing the most problems right now? Or is it everywhere? I asked. "It would seem that the northern operations are having the biggest problem. We have a lot of people that are refusing...
I noticed that Shannon was away from the office a lot more than usual, she seemed to be gone for the whole day at least once a week, I asked her about it and she would just say she was looking after something for Rick or Jim or James, Always someone else, I told her that maybe she should hire an executive assistant to do some of the errands, she told me that she liked to get out of the office sometimes. The only time I really noticed was when she wasn't around to go for lunch with...
So we get a hotel room, and I get a little vodka to drink for myself. Little did I know there was some friends coming over. When they get there the guy is drinking with me, and his girlfriend says that she's going to get one of her friends. I really didn't pay no mind to what she said cause I asked if her friend was going and everyone said no. So while his girl is gone we drink all the vodka that I had. And she brings more and the female that everyone said wasn't going. They drink on the vodka...
The ringing phone interrupted her train of thought as she reached out and snatched the receiver off the hook. “Hello?” She wedged the phone into the crook of her neck, freeing her hands to once again dance over the keyboard of her laptop. “Hey, it’s me. I heard a rumor that you were thinking of making fried okra for the BBQ tomorrow. If it’s true I’ll email you a rockin’ recipe and worship you forever.” “Hmmm, that sounds like an offer I might...
Straight SexI had to shorten some of the time passage, and change names so I wouldn't give away real information, but I attempted to retain it's natural beautey as a story... and yes I'm more of a romantic kind of guy.... SOOORRRYYY! I don't like stories which give no character development, and just jump into two strangers having intimate sex, so if you're here for that jump to chapter 5 Chapter one: Teases me. Allison was so beautiful in her Blouse today that I couldn't wait to get home and...
The man that sat two rows away looked average and bored as he sat down, not even glancing my way as he checked his phone before turning it off and buckling his seat belt. As the plane took off the lights dimmed and the cabin remained silent. I accepted the blanket a flight stewardess gave me and settled in with my head against the cool window. A hand brushed my shoulder and I moved, started, looking all around me. It was the man, he raised his hands in mock surrender before...
I looked up at him hovering above me, James smiled kissing my lips, I closed my eyes massaging my lips agianst his. He ran his hand over my leg and up my shirt. I bit his lip lightly and he smiled leaning up and sitting back staring at me beneath him. He ran his hands up my shirt and over my bra, I smiled up at him. He always knew how to tease me, I bit the corner of my lip as he lifted my shirt over my head. I stared at his body running my fingers up and down his arms, and tugging lightly at...
Straight SexHey everybody! This is Arshad (name changed) here. You haven’t been introduced to me yet, this is my first story published on Indian sex stories. I’ve been a reader for over 3 years, so I thought it’s time to become a writer. People describe me as a jolly, fun loving and eccentric guy. I’m sturdy built, 5’11 and have a thick, hard loving machine. With this story I’ll begin the chronicles of my sexual adventures. Dim the lights, lay back and enjoy it however you wish ; – ) This encounter...
This is my first submission to Literotica! My story has distinctive references to the game Dragon Age Origins, but you don’t have to know it as I only borrowed names and places and not the complete plot. Please rate and comment! I would hate to waste your time, so know that this story takes its time and this first part has no sex scenes. My focus on these first chapters are mostly character development. You have my word that I will post the continuation of this as soon as tomorrow depending...
You are Emma; a blonde American girl just out of high school, using the summer before you start college to have fun in Rio de Janeiro. This is a picture of you: Almost as soon as you get to Rio de Janeiro it's like a dream come true. Incredible beaches all around you, every woman is sexy, it really feels like the heart of Brazil. You walk around through some neighborhoods and see some of the tourist sights like the giant statue of Jesus. Then you head to to a random neighborhood and get lunch...
TranssexualSlowly I enter the bedroom, squinting as my eyes adjust and survey my surroundings under the dim light of the sunset coming through the open patio doors. A tropical breeze blows the curtains inward sending a pulse of warm salty air into my lungs. I look towards the large canopy king bed to find you sleeping naked on your back spread across the crisp white sheets. I pause to take in the view of you with the top sheet pushed low between your legs so your beautiful cock is exposed. Your chest...
Finally I had set aside a weekend with nothing to do, got directions, and went to visit him. I knocked on his apartment door, and he opened it within a few seconds. He must have been waiting for me. I stepped inside, set my backpack down and took off my sandals. John was a very tan, smiling bald man about my height, 5'10 and 160ish pounds. His eyes were big, always seemed to be wide open, and his smile would have been a tad creepy if I hadn’t seen pictures of him and been prepared for...
MAU: NEW LOVE 2 By YONI I sat there and explained what dating meant and what we were expected to do. She had some objections to my explanation. "But this is my home," she protested and then added, "Yet it is your home also. How can you pick me up to go places if we both live here?" "Well that is simple," I replied, "We will be girlfriends who are sharing an apartment. I figure over the next few days we will know whether or not we are good with each other." "But you said that...
Ravi could not accept the fact that he has gay sex with his own nephew and his virgin ass was broken into by Naveen! The days that followed was bad for both Ravi and Naveen as Ravi was embarrassed and very pissed, and Naveen was freaking out if his uncle might cause him trouble. After Naveen’s repeated pleadings, Ravi came down and made a deal with Naveen that they both never ever think or talk about their sexual encounter, as though such a thing never happened! Deal was made and they both...
IncestMillicent is a character from a vignette in one of the parts of ‘Epiphanous’. Her circumstance fueled a storyboard in my mind that I think was worth exploring. This is not a story of great wrongs and retribution. There is no bitch burning and from my perspective there is no judgement of right or wrong. These are people who might do what others would not or not do what others might rush into. There were no real people harmed in the writing of this story and it is not a collection of my...
"Call me Miss Berry," she says. I keep forgetting. To me, any woman who was married is a Mrs. But she's separated, or divorced now, but not necessarily on the market. She's done with the routine, but she still has needs. And that's my purpose in her life. I knew Eva Berry through work. We weren't coworkers, she wasn't my boss and I certainly wasn't hers. I was the IT guy at her work so i'd run into her often. If I had a guess, I would have said she's about early 40's. There was the...
A Second Interview. . . or how to make another slut wife porn videoCheryl pulled her sheer blouse back on, causing the cum on her breasts and neck to stain and darken the material. She now pulled her mini skirt up and made a crude effort in stuffing the tails of her blouse into the skirt. Now, she adjusted her hose, and slipped her high heels back on.I had not told her I had started the video tape, but just left her to getting herself setup for another interview for our porn video library. I...
I am back and have decided to start a new story thread. It is fun to write on other people's stories but there is nothing like creating one of your own. I had one before but needed to take a Hiatus from writing and ended up deleting all of my old work. However I am back now and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. These stories will involve my favorite fetishes which are enf, bra stuffing, panty stuffing, diapers, humiliation and embarrassment. Some stories will involve a lot of sex and...
"Hey can I do that for yer?" Bill had still been lost in the past and he was brought back to the present by the nasally almost whining sound of the newcomers voice as she perched herself astride one of his knees. He didn't answer, instead he looked across at the couch. Peter was stretched out on its length while his daughter's silky pussy was wrapped around the massive length of hard flesh that was his cock and her mother was feeding her soaking wet slit to his hungry mouth and tongue....
“That was wonderful,” said Charlene. They were lying on their backs side by side, holding hands, and basking in the afterglow. “You’re my best friend, Lainie, and I think I am falling in love with you.” “I love you, Charls. I have for years, but I don’t think you really love me, and that’s okay. We have felt this way for a long time, and I’ve gotten used to it. But I love you too much to let you fall into the trap of confusing lust with love. Wait until sometime when we see each other first...
A few years ago I was sent out to Paris on business. The first night was spent as Billy No-mates in the hotel watching French television and I don’t speak French! Second night I wandered out into the night and spotted a porn cinema. Now ever since I was about a f******n years old when I was introduced to Parade I have always had something of an interest in porn, so I plucked up courage and went in. The cinema had 4 screens, a.k.a. dingy viewing rooms, so I decided to go to No. 1. I felt as...
“HELP ME SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!!” a young woman yelled as she was dragged in through the front door by a grinning Jackson. He had her by the neck of her collar as everyone in the bar type area laughed and grinned at the pitiful woman. She was attractive, with dyed blonde hair cut into a messy bob, and huge brown eyes. She was in some sort of uniform, but it was torn up so bad that nobody could make out for sure what it read. She panicked, looking around the room at everyone, hoping for...
It had all been going so well. Linda had me cuckolded and I had agreed that she needed those bigger black cocks to satisfy her increasing libido. There was a little pushback from me when Linda had invited three of her hung black friends over for the weekend, she had acted like a real slut for the entire time taking them whenever and where ever they had wanted. Linda had anounced the following week that she thought that we could do with some input from a counsellor and had arranged for us to...
My Bow-Legged Sister-In-Law My lovely thirty-eight-year-old wife has a thirty-six-year-old sister Angie that had recently been divorced and was once again sowing her wild oats. Angie was staying with us until she got herself together. That could certainly take a while. Our daughter was away attending college so her bedroom was available. My wife just laughed it off whenever Angie would walk out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her hair. She certainly was a sexy...
The life of a writer is often a solitary pursuit not to mention its lack of rewards and recognition. I find a moment of happiness whenever I receive a message of support or an acknowledgement of a story read, but physical gratification is outside the realms of the online storyteller. Recently I received correspondence from a new admirer of my work and it appeared as if they were working their way through my story list at SOL so in my replies I started to suggest stories they should try and...
It had been a long and grulling first day so despite my intentions to stay awake I had gone to sleep almost immediately after I had heard the lock latched on the outside of my door. I heard the clock in my room strike 12:00 and felt it was a good time to take a look around. I checked my room door and found it was still locked. I locked the room from the inside and lit my candle. Without making any noise, I made my way down to the recess between the parlor and the library. I extinguished the...
Saturday, April 30, 2005 (Continued) Dinner wasn't at a fancy place, but I enjoyed it more than the movie. Our waitress was subjected to the sight of Ava's hands being inside Carol's top, clearly rolling Carol's nipples. The poor girl (the waitress I mean; not Carol or Ava), didn't know where to look. She knew where NOT to look though, and for the rest of the meal refused to look at Carol. Unfortunately for her, on her second visit to the table, it just so happened that I was doing the...
CHAPTER 6: Auditions Jay and I walked over to the upperclassmen men’s dorm where the auditions for life drawing were taking place. I couldn’t believe I was going to volunteer to get naked in front of girls. Jay laughed. “You’ll get used to it and learn to enjoy it. We got in line with forty other guys. They took two guys at a time inside. The first two were done in less than thirty seconds. Some guys stayed inside for up to fifteen minutes. I had no idea what the difference was. Finally it...
BisexualMy name is Mann I stay in Goa, Mapusa I am a professional from technical background working in a industrial estate as a manager. I am writing a true story which I have experienced in my life while traveling in my car. One fine day in the morning when I was traveling to join my duties suddenly on half way of my journey I saw a women asking for a lift, I stopped and saw she was in a hurry to reach her destination, she requested me if she can join me to the nearest bus stop which I will be passing...
~ Loving wives ~ Brian and Jenny had been married for 7 years and they loved each other very much. Due to an unexpected windfall on the lotto they had decided to have a second honeymoon at the same place as the original one. They booked into the same hotel/pub and were able to secure the very same room. When they got there they had the same views of the seaside and the long stretches of beach but the Pub was a little run down and the area had fallen on hard times with a number of the...
After my first bi experience i didn`t really know how i felt about what actually happened, but knowing that if i met up with dave again i could at least get another human being to touch my cock made it very tempting to meet up with him, especially as girls that i knew were not giving out.I was o.k Sunday/Monday going about my business but by Tuesday i was thinking about daves big cock and how he could help me out, and then by Friday i was thinking all sorts, how it would feel to be touched...
A week later, Ken moved in, he had two girls helping him, they were both very beautiful, both had yoga pants on showing off their perfect bubble butts, tights shirts showing off their amazing bodies, clearly they went to the gym quite often. I never really looked at other guys before, but I couldnt help notice Ken's shirtless perfect body, he was ripped from head to toe, clearly he and these girls would go to the gym together, i was quite jealous but still hopeful that he would introduce me...
Hello, friend, this is Humraaj here with a brand new storyline. This is a story about a normal guy who got lucky enough to make the most of the situation that came in front of him. This would be a new series and I hope you guys love it. In case you want to contact me, you can mail me at It was a very routine day of my life. I was in my work and in between was checking my phone as usual and chatting with a few friends. Suddenly a pop up appeared with a message of ‘HI’ and it was from an unknown...
8:45 PM, the dressing room is buzzing, everyone is putting the finishing touches on their make-up. Most of the girls are already in costume, G-strings, pasties, and high heels or boots are standard for all the girls. They individualize their outfits from there, the usual stuff you see at a gentlemen’s club, cowgirl hats and vests, French Maid outfits, leather dominatrix corsets with matching thigh high boots, and schoolgirl tops and skirts. Michelle decided to go with the schoolgirl look. Since...
Teenage is a time when the hormones are hyper active. It just needs a thought to stimulate and Johnny gets hard. It’s also a time for guys to be naughty, careful and shy. Naughty and careful as they visualize every other female naked and fantasies and take chances with them. Shy as Johnny stands up and makes it hard for them to conceal in public places and family occasions. I was 18 that time and hyper, all that is said above was happening to me too. We were living in Malviya Nagar. Our monthly...
Well, I saw Sarah and Tanya were looking at how she opened her lips and kissed passionately. Right before my eyes. I heard her munching, I could feel her desire to see their tongues playing a wild game. They looked at me, looked tense on my tail, which had now risen again, despite (or perhaps because) of the penis ring. The wires were now more visible than ever before, the acorn fat and plump, like a stretched membrane. She looked me one last time in the eye and then crawled between my legs....
Here is the story. I was online in a yahoo chat room and I was chatting with a Filipena chick from LA (30yrs) she live off of Riverside dr. by the 2 fwy and the 5 fwy. She was a hair stylist and I told her I could use a hair cut so she said she would do it for $40 so I said sure. We got along really good and I gave her $60 and I drove from Orange county (45miles). This went on for almosta year. She started flirting with me a lot now she was a solid 8 goodlooking and really cool. She started...
My name is Shahnawaz, I am from Lucknow but currently residing in Ahmedabad. I am pursuing my MBA from a well renowned college in Ahmedabad. I lost my virginity when I was in BBA 2nd year, I fucked a girl who was in 3rd year. She was absolutely into me. I did everything I wanted to do with her. I tasted her pussy & I made her taste my cock. She was brilliant in sucking my dick, I fucked her in all styles. Yet I wasn’t very pleased by her because she had small sized boobs, however she had big...
Hot sex in a train carriageA man came into the smoking compartment without removing his cigar from his mouth. "It's nice here," Beatrice shook her head and laughed at him kindly. "I do not understand English!" "And ick only Biske German. But no matter. You beautiful woman, "he grinned broadly and gave her his huge paw. For a while they stood silently side by side and Beate thought he could feel the entire concentrated power and muscle of this giant. Heat waves durchjagten their bodies and made...
D’Oh!Jon sat on the park bench, lost in a world that included only the limits of his peripheral vision. His thoughts centred on nothing, just enjoyment of the warm summer sun that beat down to gently brown off the grass in Hyde Park.His bottle of mineral water became tepid, giving off a vapour, filling the plastic container so that it bulged slightly. Egg mayonnaise sandwiches fried in their wrapper destined not to be eaten, at least, not by Jon; perhaps an enterprising crow or homeless person...
Straight Sex________________________________________________________________________________ As always please rate and comment. This is the sequel to the Eternal Awakening story, and for those who feared that the story had ended, think again! All the characters are coming back as Richard's journey continues! Eternal Darkness Chapter One: Unannounced Visitors Richard stood out in the cold snow at an intersection, the Do Not Walk sign staring him in the face. Traffic slogged...
"If you don't like the idea of me being home late again, you can always come along and help me." said Mary with a pout."You must be k**ding!" I responded to my wife, "I'm completely wiped out by the time I finish work, the last thing I want to do is to start helping you with your trade fair exhibition!"We continued our breakfast in comparative silence; the only words spoken being curt requests to pass the coffee or sugar. This was typical of my wife to spring this on me at the last minute....
BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'SThe following is a true story that actually happened to me. I am really not fucking concerned whether you believe it or not. I just feel it needs to be told...for anyone willing to listen. It begins in the hallowed halls of Central High School, where I attended.There was this girl named Tiffany, whose guts I absolutely fucking hated and believe me the feeling was mutual. As far as looks go Tiffany and I were about dead even. As far as popularity goes, (I may have been...
I own a remote piece of property in the Midwest, but not so far outside of town as to be unable to make an occasional run for groceries and spend time in the local bar. The locals were friendly and help me when things go wrong as they often do out in the woods.My cabin is basic. It has running water and electricity but heating is with a wood stove. Some of my time is spent with a chainsaw cutting dead trees, then splitting the wood getting ready for winter. Being isolated and somewhat of a...
Straight Sex"Baby Candy" by Baby Jennie A fantasy 'Dominated, Diapered and Petticoated' tale for all you big babies to enjoy. Please note; this story is based on a 17-page short story entitled 'Candie' (author unknown) I re-wrote and posted in a few places years ago. I decided there was too much narration, not enough dialogue, and too little exposition. Then there were complaints that I made the main character too young, so to avoid any (unwarranted) accusations of kiddie-porn, I upscaled all the...