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Jon sat on the park bench, lost in a world that included only the limits of his peripheral vision. His thoughts centred on nothing, just enjoyment of the warm summer sun that beat down to gently brown off the grass in Hyde Park.

His bottle of mineral water became tepid, giving off a vapour, filling the plastic container so that it bulged slightly. Egg mayonnaise sandwiches fried in their wrapper destined not to be eaten, at least, not by Jon; perhaps an enterprising crow or homeless person might liberate them from the trashcan sometime later.

He looked up, casually observing the other frequenters enjoying the Mediterranean like warmth that had enveloped London recently. Mostly, the grass was taken up with office workers either eating or too lethargic to waste the energy it required, opting to just lay out and top up their tans.

The rustle of lightweight fabric swishing and creasing as the bottom inside sat a foot or so from him, sharing the bench, disturbed his isolated contemplation. Jon glanced askance to see what the Barbie doll type platinum blonde looked like; pretty good he thought, especially as his askance gaze travelled from her head to a pair of what looked like enhanced breasts pushing the tee shirt she wore beyond what could be described as reasonable.

She turned and dazzled him with a smile that showed two even lines of perfect white teeth.

“Hi.” She said in a sqeaky voice that could have belonged to Tammy Wynette. If she had said her name was Tammy or Barbie he would have had no trouble believing it, but other than hi, she said nothing else, just steadily returned his gaze.

“Um, yeah hi.” As an entrée, it was weak and he knew it. Slightly embarrassed at the directness of her stare, he looked away to concentrate on his brown deck shoes as if the polish were a living thing.

“That dammed dog. Look at him.” Jon wasn’t at all sure she was talking to him, but dutifully looked up. Several dogs were running around, looking like demented, brainless things, a bundle of multi-coloured fur with far too many legs and heads.

“Which one is yours?” He asked.

“The scruffy one.” They all looked scruffy to Jon, not being a dog person.

“The brindle Heinz fifty seven thingy.” She pointed, which was a complete waste because at least four dogs were in a group. Then Jon remembered that brindle described a multitude of colours, like a tortoiseshell cat’s coat. It helped him locate what was probably the ugliest dog he had ever seen apart from a pug.

“What is it?” He asked, fearing the answer.

“The guy who sold him to me said he was a cross. Looked like a dog to me, but never mind.” Jon tried to see if she was making a joke, decided that it was, so politely laughed.

“I’d better call him back before he makes a nuisance of himself.” She squeaked with a laugh in her voice.

She stuck two fingers in her mouth over her folded tongue. Jon waited for the piercing shrillness of her whistle, but it didn’t come. She failed entirely to blow.

“Damned dog never comes when I call him.” She commented.

Jon was trying desperately not to laugh now.

“What was that supposed to be?” He asked.

“A silent whistle. The guy I bought him from said he responds to a silent whistle, one beyond the hearing range of humans.” There was a certain kind of innocence about her answer that nearly creased Jon.

“Seems it’s beyond the hearing of your dog too.” He couldn’t help it any longer, he laughed out loud.

“You really are blonde aren’t you?” He managed between fits of giggles.

She pouted her lips and looked as if she might sulk.

“I’m sorry.” He apologised. “I couldn’t resist it.” Jon stuck his own fingers in his mouth and blew a loud whistle. Four doggy heads turned in his direction.

“How do you do that?” She asked as her knees were getting patted in a come hither gesture to the dog.

“Just stick them in your mouth and blow. I’ll teach you sometime.”

“Where have I heard that before? Line from a movie wasn’t it?” Her eyes betrayed nothing, showing only an innocence that the words belied.

There was an obvious double entendre there, but Jon ignored it

He watched the dog leave its new friends to come trotting to the bench they shared, it’s tail wagging in pleasure sending it in a wobbling motion from the force of the appendage. The nearer the dog got, the more it became apparent that this animal was really not something you might call pretty. The pronounced wrinkles that created a forehead moved up and down in time with its movement. Some of its fur stuck out at strange angles and was much longer than the majority of the rest of its pelt. Two tendrils of saliva drooped on either side of its mouth, looking as if it had swallowed a tennis shoe and the laces were yet to follow the rest down its throat. Its chest bumped against her knees as if using her as a buffer, his chin dropped into her lap, covering her skirt with slime.

“Um, nice dog.” She looked at him sideways to see if he was still taking the piss.

“No really, I mean it, nice dog. A bit scruffy I’ll grant you, but all in all, a nicely behaved dog.” He felt a sort of embarrassment creep up his cheeks. This conversation was going down hill fast.

“Ah he’s okay. Bit of a scatter brain, but we love each other.” She scratched his head, which made the wrinkles move around, and looked quite comical.

Jon realised that the mutt was quite a bit, bigger than he had realised when it had been playing with the other dogs just a few minutes ago. It’s paws looked to be too big for the animal, out of proportion even for his size. Even more out of proportion was its mouth and snout. The dog didn’t have the classical long face, but looked rather like it might have run into a brick wall too fast one day and shortened the whole thing somewhat. The wrinkles gave it a permanent frown adding to the first impression that it might be in a bad mood. Tentatively, Jon stuck out his hand to stroke the dog’s shoulders. The mal-tempered looking face turned to watch the hand, looking as if it really wanted to separate it at the wrist. Jon hesitated until Barbie, for that is what he thought her name might be, convinced him it was okay, he wouldn’t bite. He stroked the animal, amazed at the softness of its fur and the warmth that the dog radiated. A look of sheer bliss came into its eyes when Jon scratched it between his ears. He concentrated so much on the giving of pleasure to the dog and liked the feeling of calm that he received in return, that he failed to notice the appraising stare he was receiving from his bench companion.

“What’s you name?” She asked after a few minutes.

“Eh? Oh! Jon. Sorry I got carried away stroking Buster here.” He stopped the stroking and returned her gaze.

“His name’s Brute; I thought it apt; my name’s Cindy.”

Jon almost, but not quite, commented on the aptness of her name, remembering the dolls his sister used to have. He managed to stifle the words before they left his tongue.

“Fancy a coffee Jon?” She asked; her head tilted to one side as if she were waiting for sand to fall out of her ear.

Jon couldn’t be sure, but thought that more than coffee was on offer, it was the twinkle in her eye that had him almost convinced, it could have been his imagination too or wishful thinking. He prided himself on being able to hold eye contact and not drop his gaze to the beautiful tits that pointed at him like a dead heat in a zeppelin race. Getting between them was becoming something of a quest for him.

“Um, yeah; sure; why not?” The decision took less than a nanosecond.

Cindy rose from the bench; her skirt rustled in a silky way that hinted at a lining or petticoat. No one wears petticoats anymore, so it was reasonable to assume the skirt was lined. Jon stood too and then realised how tall she was, probably two or three inches over him and she had flat shoes on. Oh my gawd, he thought to himself, a six foot Amazonian Barbie doll. His fantasies rolled before his eyes in less time than it takes to blink. He must have blinked or shown somehow, what was crossing his mind because she grabbed his hand and uttered the words of his dreams… “I’m horny, let’s get out of here.” Briefly, Jon wondered if he had died and gone to hedonistic heaven.

In something of a daze, he allowed her to drag him and the dog across the scorched grass towards Park Lane and her car, one of those enormous four-wheel driven Mitsubishi’s whose name completely escaped him, but had the collective name of Chelsea tractors.

She lived on the first floor of a Georgian house that had been converted to apartments in Loundes Square just behind Harvey Nicholls. Ordinarily, Jon would have taken in the surroundings, even offered a phew of admiration for the gilt scroll work of the newel posts on the stair, the obvious wealth and taste of money in the décor or the depth of pile to the carpet that stretched from wall to wall. Ordinarily he would have, but he only had eyes for her ass it sashayed from side to side in her tight skirt as she climbed the stairs in front of him. It had him in some kind of thrall, mesmerizing him into an automaton with no more self will than a ball of string.

She stopped and unlocked an ornate door on the first floor landing; it swung open to reveal her apartment, no less opulent than the common parts of the staircase. Even the down lighter wall sconces spoke of wealth in their uniqueness and overly stated singularity. This girl had money, more than Jon could comprehend if the apartment was anything to go by.

She showed him into the conservatory at the back, passing through a kitchen that looked un-used, passed a stainless steel refrigerator that was bigger than his wardrobe and into a rattan cane, winged chair with the immortally famous words, “make yourself at home while I slip into something more comfortable”.

At thirty, Jon had had some very good Christmas’s, some really wonderful birthdays, but they had all come together in this very moment he thought.

Brute came over, checked him out and then left him to find his sleeping basket, the size of a small dingy, he curled and soon was oblivious to the world.

“Would you like a drink Jon?” Cindy’s voice wafted around the door pillar.

“Yeah sure.” He shouted back to the disembodied voice.

“Help yourself; Ice is in the fridge.”

“Want one?” He got up to find the drinks, but was at a loss to where they might be.

“Yeah, whatever you’re having will be fine.”

“Um, where are the drinks?” He shouted back.

“Oh sorry, just push the mirror.” Her voice, muffled somewhat, informed him.

He pushed at the mirror gently it had a touch latch holding it in place which released and allowed the mirror to swing open. The wall cupboard behind was well stocked with liquors of many kinds. Jon spotted a Johnnie Walker green label; took two glasses and poured a generous helping into each. The fridge was indeed bigger than his wardrobe, with an icemaker prominent at the left front. He sat back in the rattan chair to wait for her while the scotch cooled in the glasses on a low table in front of him.

Cindy swished into the conservatory wearing a blood red silk kimono with a Chinese stylised dragon embroidered on the back. It was short, even on the average person, it would have been short, but on Cindy, it only came to mid-hip level; also, it was open at the front, resting, parted on her breasts that still looked like a dead heat in a Zeppelin race only more so, now that the confines of a bra had been removed. To say they were gravity defying would have been an understatement. The parted silk showed her pubic area, covered with a lacy thong. Jon’s eyes nearly fell out of his head and if his jaw had dropped much lower, he would have been able to push it back with his feet.

“You like?” She twirled in front of him, alternatively giving him a sight of her scantily clad front and then a glimpse of her sweet ass with the thong disappearing between smooth white cheeks. She had taken a shower while Jon had poured the drinks so, as she twirled, he got sprayed with fine droplets of water as it flicked off of her hair.

He realised he hadn’t answered, but was only able to nod his appreciation.

She stopped twirling and sank into the chair opposite him, tucking her long tanned legs under her. The robe remained open, just covering her aureoles in a tantalising show of they’re here, but just beyond your reach and either side of a cleavage where it might be possible to white water raft.

In an effort to stop staring at her, he reached for his glass then raised it in salute. Gratefully, he sipped the cold liquid, feeling it alternatively cool and warm him as the alcohol slipped down his throat. Cindy returned the salute with one of her own. She drained the glass in one, tipping her head back, flexing her impossibly long neck. He watched fascinated as she swallowed, her throat working up and down in the process. He thought it was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.

Another soon replaced that eroticism as she knelt on the floor in front of his chair. Her body was semi-hidden by the kimono, but showing enough to not hide anything from his imagination. His zipper was drawn down and before he had time to breath or think, she had got his cock out and down her throat as if exposure to air might be harmful to the skin of his delicate tool.

Jon might not be the biggest in the country, but he wasn’t the smallest either and could boast a healthy seven incher when the time was right. This was one of those times. Incredibly, her nose was pressing on his abdomen, she had taken his whole length without so much as a single gag. She adjusted her knees and sat a little lower which allowed him an uninterrupted view of what she was doing. Slowly, her head lifted until only the bell end of his knob was between her lips then, in a reversal of perambulation, she slowly took him back into her mouth until the root of his dick was pushing at her lips.

Now, he had a new record of the most erotic thing he had ever seen. He thought that what had been a seven incher, might now have become a nine incher it was so hard and suffused.

Cindy kept the slow pace of blowing him off. Slowly out until only the end was in her mouth, then equally as slowly in, until her nose was lost in his pubic hair, squashed against his stomach.

At this rate, he thought, I might last for all of three minutes. Reluctantly, he took her face in his hands and lifted her off from her mission. He kissed her lips, bending his back in an uncomfortable arc to do so.

Cindy, unperturbed, undid the buttons on his shirt, pulled the tails from this trouser waistband and up over his head. Her fingernails raked his hairy chest, deliciously plucking at his nipples as the wicked looking talons scrapped passed on a journey towards the button of his trousers.

In short order, she had him naked, still sitting, or rather lounging in the rattan chair; shoes socks pants and trousers were all thrown unceremoniously in a heap away to his right.

She got up to stand in front of him. A small shake of her shoulders had the kimono off and falling to the floor around her ankles. Jon was afforded the first real look at her tits. His imagination had not done them justice. These were perfectly conical, slightly upturned with dark aureoles surrounding nipples about half an inch long in their erectness. He tried desperately to hold eye contact, but failed miserably when she shimmied her hips and hooked a thumb in the narrow elasticated band of her thong. The shimmy produced a tremble in her solid breasts, similar to a ripple effect; Jon’s eyes were straining to escape the confines of their orbital sockets.

Slowly, her thumbs snagged under the elastic and began the tug it over her hips. Gradually, her shaven snatch came into view; the small fold where her clit was hidden was shaped like a hair clip and perfectly bald. Cindy started to bend at the hip, keeping her arms straight as she pulled the flimsy panties down over her knees and then stepped out of them.

She stood up again then parted her legs to step either side of his knees. Cindy bent slowly, ever bringing him towards her waiting honey pot. Gradually the distance between their fuck organs decreased, it was like watching two lovers get nearer in the old fashioned films, the moment prolonged until it becomes almost implausible.

Two inches of distance; one-inch; half an inch, her heat radiating; quarter of an inch, he could feel her wetness, then, first touch as lips met throbbing cock head. She rocked her hips so that his knob rubbed her from clit to cunt in a delicious agony of suspense.

Then a quarter of an inch parted her lips, she was red hot. A half an inch disappeared; an inch inside her, the waiting and wanting building to a crescendo of desire, he thought his dick was trying to grow some more. Then two inches followed the rest of him as she impaled herself on him and began to rock her hips, rubbing her hot clit against his coarse hair. It seemed like only a few seconds before her head was thrown back as she howled her first climax. Her pace picked up; soon she was furiously fucking him, grinding her self against his pubis, driving him deeper into her body.

Jon grasped those wonderful tits, rubbing her hard nipples under the pads of his thumbs. The fact that they were augmented didn’t bother him in the slightest. They melded into a palm shape, fitting perfectly. Again, Cindy screamed her second climax, throwing her head back, droplets of water from her long blonde hair splashed against his thighs.

“Take me on the floor you animal.” She breathed into his ear. “Fuck me into the ground.” Cindy stood to get off of him, then, crumpled, prone in front of him, her legs spread wide, waiting for him to join her.

Jon slipped from the chair, between her parted knees, he knelt and positioned his cock at her entrance then, forced himself into her feeling her juices lubricate his passage. His knees straightened, as he lay buried inside her to begin a staccato of pumping his cock into her willing and wanton cunt. Her knees drew up, allowing him to plunge into her depths, her feet locked together behind him, pulling his ass into her in a frenzy of fuck lust that couldn’t be sustained for too long before one or both of them came.

Ten minutes stretched into hours it seemed; the moment elongated until; Jon reached his vinegar strokes, he was on the point of exploding into her. Her nails had dug into his back in a desperate attempt to bring him to orgasm inside her, he didn’t feel the sharp talons spear his flesh, but what he did feel, rather suddenly, was something very cold and very wet poke at his anus, it could only have been the nose of Brute, the forgotten dog.

Shocked, Jon shot forward, bending his dick at an angle while still inside Cindy, that it wasn’t supposed to go in; it left the haven of her cunt with a pop. He passed over her chest in a headlong momentum his flapping dick slapped her under the chin as his progression continued. His head met forcibly, with the leg of the coffee table, which was surprisingly solid for something made out of overgrown raffia…

The ball, which had hit him, bounced once or twice on the grass and was collected by a giggling little girl who mumbled an apology. The sun had hardly moved, the grass was the same brown and his lunch had now been completely microwaved into a mass that hadn’t been appealing in the first place.

“Bollocks.” Jon said to himself, only slightly less vehemently than if he had stood on the bench and screamed it at the top of his voice.

He went back to the confines of his office to complete a miserable day.

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Isabel’s Bedroom, Davidson Residence, Same Time Michael was in sheer bliss as Isabel and Liz kissed all over the skin of his chest while their hands caressed him. He moved his hands to their heads and his fingers ran through their soft hair. Soon he brought Liz up from his chest and kissed her hard but Liz quickly broke the kiss. She felt a pain in her head and turned to face the window sharply. “What?” Michael asked. “My kisses aren’t that bad ... are they?” “Liz?” Isabel asked as she...

1 year ago
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Baajuwali Aunty Ki Chudaai Ki

Hi friends, mera naam hai sid. Jalgaon mai rehta hu. Mai mere sath ghati hui sachchi kahani share karna chahta hu. Mai tab degree ke second year ko tha. Aur mai mobile me sex clips dekhne laga tha. Par mai sirf dekhke se hi khush nahi hota tha. Muze woh chij practically karni thi. Isliye maine mere dosto se baat ki. Mere sabhi dosto ne sex kiya hua tha. Bas me hi virgin tha. Par unhone muze ek rasta bataya. Ki mere ghar ke paas rahnewali sarita aunty ke sath kuch karna chahiye. Unke husband ki...

2 years ago
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Sam and Vanessa Part Three A New Beginning

Sam and Vanessa Part Three: A New Beginning Sam sat at the table, and looked at his mom, and Aunt Mi. You could see the puzzlement on his face, as he thought 'What did I do?' Miyuki started, "Sam. Your mom and I are glad to see that you and Vanessa are friends again. We both hope that you come out of your funk. But, what we really want to talk to you about, are your clothes." "My clothes!" Sam asked. "Yes. Your girl's clothes." "Huh?" "Sam. We're not blind. When you put...

4 years ago
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Turned Into a Bitch For Black Guy

I show up at his place and the door is unlocked. I push it open and he's there on the couch stroking his giant black cock. Since I'm new to this, he tells me to come over and kneel in front of him. He immediately sticks two fingers in my mouth and moves them over my tongue. He tells me to suck his fingers while he asks me some questions: Have I ever been a slut for someone before(No), Do I want him to turn me out(Yes), Do I like his dick(Yes) Am I going to moan like a bitch for him when he puts...

2 years ago
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Sobia Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

Hello desi fans, plz read this 1st,specially ladies. Im Arshaan again from sukkur(pakistan).thanks for liking my stories “sajida bhabee ki zabardast chudai” & “naazish the best fuck”,new readers plz read this 1st.i recieved no: of mails and a lot of encouragement to write another stories,also made many sexual contacts too. Which i am enjoying a lot.this story is about Naazish’s elder sister. This is not only a story,but it is an invitation to those mummies, aunties, bhabhis, bajis,...

4 years ago
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Sitting Pretty

Sitting Pretty by Paul1954 London : Tuesday June 16th 1998 Colin Peterson sat in his office with his feet resting on his mahogany desk. It was 7:30pm and it had been another hectic and stress packed day that had started, for him, at 8:00am. His sales team had just clinched another deal for Birchington Enterprises, one of the fastest rising new breed of advertising agencies, in a company that now boasted seventy five employees - this time last year they had only had twenty - and...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 160 More Shopping Excellent

Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) When things settled down a little, Julia said, "I can change the subject for you, because there's a little shopping we need to do. Now would be a good time to do it." I said, "But isn't the Liaison Meeting due to start at 1:00? There's no way you can get any shopping done in two hours, especially - and this is very important - because we have to have lunch before the Liaisons arrive." "Don't worry. I know exactly what we're buying and which store...

3 years ago
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My beginning and pathway to group sex Part 5

This is a continuing story.  Please read Parts 1 - 4 to understand where I am in my sexual development. My boyfriend soon recovered from his tonsillitis.   It was easily apparent to him that his brother and I were more ‘familiar’ than before he was sick.   His brother just grabbed me one day when he came in and rubbed his hands over my breasts and scooped them under my arse and rubbed me between the legs, then left. “Has he done that often”? I was asked. “Yeah, a bit” I replied. “Anything...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Hot Encounter With My Neighbour Aarti

Hi everyone. Like you all I am also a fan of Indian sex stories as it provides a very good platform to read about your sex stories and share mine. This is a real incident which I had encountered with my neighbour aarti ( name changed) . Before digging into my story let me introduce myself. I am aryan( well it’s my pen name ?) from Vizag aged 28, with good height of 5’11 above average built and very fair and good looking which i am. I stay in Vizag but I shuttle a lot between Vizag and...

3 years ago
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Winter in Sweden Part 14

Chapter 31 – Masha’s First Time31 Prelude – Sitting TogetherOn a cold December evening Masha and I are sitting together after a long walk through a forest near Cambridge. Masha begins to tell: „I will tell you the story of my first time. Like your teacher story I have never told anyone before. It is not as interesting as your one. But listen. “ 31.1 The Party

1 year ago
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My Sissy Life Part 19

My Sissy Life Part 19 Kristy sat on the couch between Stacy and Jake. I just kept bobbing my head up and down on Jake's cock. "Hey Stacy," Kristy said. "I haven't seen you around in a while. Have you been hiding from me?" Stacy just shook her head. "No?" Kristy asked. "I thought maybe you didn't like how things went the last time we hung out together. I know I had fun." "What happened the last time you saw her?" Jake asked. "Why don't you tell him Stacy," Kristy...

3 years ago
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Convincing the ModelsChapter 3 Convincing Peter

Peter wasn't sure what to expect when he arrived the next day to pose for Debbie again. However, she didn't say anything about yesterday's events, so he didn't bring them up either. The only thing that indicated anything out of the ordinary was going on was the way Peter kept checking the door to make sure it wasn't going to suddenly pop open. He knew he wasn't going to be able to see the door once he started posing though. Once she got Peter posed, Debbie had a dilemma. She had...

3 years ago
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Family SwappersChapter 3

"Please faster your seat belts. We are about to land at Grandview Airport. Please observe the no smoking sign, and remain in your seats until Captain Carson has brought the plane to a complete stop. We thank you for flying with Columbia and hope to have the pleasure of seeing you again." There followed a strident noise as the stewardess did something wrong with her speaker and then finally got it turned off correctly. It was only the second time that Arlene Pickering had flown in an...

3 years ago
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Teenage Tokyo Street Fighters Fuckers Part 3

Groaning...? Where was it coming from...? Where am I...? Geez... My head is pounding... I... Uuuuugh.... Wait... that was me groaning... I had a wrecking ball swinging inside my head.. Just what happened anyway? “Hey, look who’s waking up...” “Well... wouldn’t you know it...? It’s about time. I was tired of waiting on this one to wake up.” Who... was that...? Damn it, why can’t I focus? Wait... Let me open my eyes... I was greeted...

2 years ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 20 Into the Night

When Wesley awoke in the predawn light, he found the air as clear as on those days when they did not go to the city. He felt incredibly refreshed and invigorated. He helped make breakfast and drank of his freshly steeped coffee. He had become accustomed to the Greek method of simply putting the finely ground coffee in the little briki and heating it until the foam formed on top, just before the liquid boiled. He would then pour this into his small cup and sip at it until they were ready to...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Honey Bunny

Happy Birthday Honey Bunny By Cheryl Lynn A short sissy story based on an illustration by Daphne by the same title. Davie was a delinquent, disrespectful and more than his widowed mother could handle. Aunt Harriet stepped in and over time tamed his wild and wicked ways. May be downloaded for personal use only and all disclaimers apply. Comments may be sent to [email protected] Happy Birthday Honey Bunny David sat carefully on the lavender satin padded bench seat. His...

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Gregory knew that for the start-up to succeed, everything had to be perfect. There was a synergy that came from the closeness of minds and bodies. So he formed a real, fermenting, creative community. He rented a mountain villa which had enough bedrooms for all the project partners to sleep in, plus a pool, gym, and domestic help. They would be able to live in their own little world and fully immerse themselves in the creative process. They could work when they were playing and play when they...

1 year ago
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PervMom Cory Chase Merry MILF Christmas

Tall blonde Cory Chase is one of those new age ladies who is very open about sex with her stepson. Today, as she is prepping for Christmas, her boy sees her getting dressed and tries to squeeze one off in a stocking! Cory gives him an early Christmas present by sucking his thick cock. Later, Cory is getting ready to hang some mistletoe up when her dirty stepson gets a naughty idea. He holds it over her cunt and then kisses her clit in the kitchen! A couple days later, Cory wants to give her...

3 years ago
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How We Began Swinging

Dear Reader. I'm an Australian writer and use English spelling and Australian slang. If you can't with the fact that at times words will end in 're' or that there will be a 'u' in colour, please stop reading now. (Yes, we've had complaints.) CUCK WARNING! This story also contains married folk enjoying sex with other people. If that subject matter offends, stop reading now. If you've read that warning and still choose to send us an anonymous email, our response to you is at the end of...

2 years ago
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Pie Treat

When the garage door finally closed behind me, securing my car in the garage, I let out a tremendous sigh. I was so exhausted – what a week! I felt the tiredness fall over me like a heavy cloak, weighing me down, dragging me down. I rolled my head on my shoulders just to try and work some of the tightness out of my neck. The door to the garage opened and my wife moved into the light. I turned my head to look, and got the best possible greeting! Usually we have sex daily. We’re still young,...

1 year ago
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Degrading Aunt And Family To Be My Sex Slaves Part 8211 2

This is the part 2 of degrading my aunt and family to be my sex slaves…. In the previous part, I drugged my aunt Reema and had sex with her in the sleep… Took a video and later blackmailed her to fuck me… And made her my slave…   Now that Reema aunty was my slave I thought of breaking her mind and make her addicted to sex and intern addicted to me… We had continuous sex sessions after I return from class. Some days I would fake becoming sick and fuck her all day long without any breaks… Her...

1 year ago
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James Makes A Decision About Annes Relationships

James is upset about his wife Anne's relationships with her lovers. To marry Anne he signed a prenuptial agreement to share her with other men. Anne has an overactive libido. She has had this since she was 11 years old. She is now in her early twenties and beautiful. Frequently the phone rings at home in the evening or phone messages from men for Anne are received. Anne is gone a lot. My name is Anne. My husband James and I have been married for 2 years. We are in our early twenties. We met in...

3 years ago
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Wife takes huge knob

I gave her the opportunity to back out after we saw the size of Marks huge bulbous door knob he had on the end of a upwardly curving 8 inch shaft which twitched with excitement. We had just returned from a nude walk around a pond at night with two other guys and we had already fucked her, we had a filing cabinet that was sturdy and the right height and size to let us fuck her. so we padded it down with quilts, and pillows as usual and despite her fear prepared to let him enjoy her....

2 years ago
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Our life turned fantasy

You come home one day when the k**s are with a friend or family expecting to spend time with me but you see I'm watching fights or sports with a guy friend so you come to the living room to have drinks and try to hang out. Eventually you go to the bedroom because you were expecting us to spend time together. I follow you in to the bedroom and see your upset but instead of letting you say anything I throw you on the bed and rip off your clothes. I put you on all fours and start taking you from...

3 years ago
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Full Assistant

Samantha was desperate. The recession had devastated the job market, so that when her firm had laid her off she hit a brick wall in her attempts to find work. Due to the falling housing market her mortgage, already months overdue, was now worth more than the house; and her car was also worth less than the outstanding loan, which was also behind. She had used up her savings, had credit cards that were all maxed out with no way to pay them off, and she had a student loan that would follow her if...

4 years ago
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Little SisterChapter 3 Boston

The summer between my junior and senior years was the first big change. All the social sciences require field work. The one I chose was to the slums of Boston. In some ways, it was like living in the flat, without the homework. My alcove became a dorm bed, with half a closet and a military foot locker. Showers were communal and hot water a rare privilege. Food was done on a chore schedule. Same old, same old. Forty hours a week I spent working at a transient shelter. Another twenty were at a...

1 year ago
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The Sudanese Seductress Part 2

The Sudanese Seductress Part 2 The next day seemed a prolonged torment for both of us. The hours dragged by and our minds were turning to thoughts about what would happen that night. I wondered about stopping at the convenience store on the way home. I hadn't been there for a couple of days, but that didn't mean a thing. I decided to text Whitney. "Hi sweetie, would you like me to call in the shop this afternoon to see you? Or would you prefer to wait until tonight? xx" "Hi!...

3 years ago
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I am an Exhibitionist

Seriously...? Nobody responds to these stories on xhamster. I'm telling you now... Any story I will share here is true! I get no physical satisfaction by sharing fantasies.Any story you see me post is completely true and it gets me off to know you've read it. But nothing is better than receiving your comments, good or bad. So I challenge you... Don't be a lurker... respond to shit you see on here!My GF was friends with 2 strippers who liked to party. One was a tall brunette (we'll say...

3 years ago
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BOUND by katelyn michelle Reggie came back for another go. I'm sure Jacqueline, my wife and mistress, was quite pleased. Reggie is the only man other than Alex, her boyfriend, to fuck me (and even then, Alex wasn't really fucking me so much as using me when Jacquie couldn't accommodate him). For Reggie to come back means that he liked how I fucked him, which means I was good to him, and that means that I was trained well. After Alex moved in, I became their live-in sissy maid and...

2 years ago
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Oral Devotion by loyalsock

Sherri and Gloria were a little early as they returned to school from lunch and a lot of k**s were still milling around the hall, just killing time until fifth period started. Sherri turned to Gloria and said, "Ya know, I'm still hungry, how about you?" Gloria looked at Sherri and saw that look in her eyes! "Now wait a minute Sherri, we gotta be in class in less then fifteen minutes, and we don't have time for that right now," Gloria pleaded! "There's always time for Jell-o babe," shot back...

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Explorations By My Command

Author Note: This story is purely a work of fiction, and any resemblances to actual persons or situations are purely unintentional. Remember, folks, always keep it safe, sane, and consensual. As someone who’s long been fascinated by psychology, I suppose it was pretty obvious that erotic hypnosis, when I discovered it was a thing, would easily make it onto my list of kinks. Haven’t tried writing a story using the premise before, though, so I’m interested in feedback, either positive or...

2 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter One

It was the summer of '65 and a bunch of my mates and I traveled down to Ohope Beach, on the east coast of North Island New Zealand, for a boozy camping holiday. We descended on the town on our motorbikes, having ridden down from Auckland. One of the fathers had delivered a tent and some camping gear for us, as he drove through to Opotiki, where they had a holiday bach. This was the main reason we had chosen Ohope Beach as our summer destination, and the fact it was meant to have dozens of girls...

Wife Lovers
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in trouble with the boss

"Shit!" The data analysis report I sent in was from the wrong week. How could I mess up again? Fuck fuck fuck I thought. I'm so getting it this time. It's third time I have messed up this month and Mr. Williams is not happy. "Jenny! Come to my office now!" Everyone looked at me. The men using it as an excuse to stare at my cleavage, barely held in by my slightly see through white blouse, and my perfect perky ass in the black pencil skirt that kept rising up. But I didn't care. Because Mr....

3 years ago
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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Eight Stefans Schoolgirl Fantasy Cured

Zofeya Caldwell sighed heavily as she reluctantly pulled the coat hangers containing her old St. Katherine’s Girls’ school uniform from her wardrobe. She shook her head as she looked at the navy blazer with the school badge on the left breast pocket and then at the black, knee-length pleated skirt. Next, she smiled at her short-sleeved white cotton blouse and her old school tie. The twenty-year-old woman could not believe what she was having to do in order to please her boyfriend. She had...

1 year ago
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Encounter with Mike 1

Summer was almost ending and I was around 20 y.o. It was my 2nd to the last day at the beach resort where I spent two weeks. I woked up late that morning after a night of hot sexual encounter with another guest. I took a quick shower and wore my speedos... I was planning to head to the pool and spend some time in the Jacuzzis there. When I stepped out of my room, I heard noise of moaning and some dirty talks of pleasure... I realized that the cottage in front of mine is rented. The guests have...


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