The GiftedChapter 12: Cindy And A Friend free porn video

Cindy sat in the car; she pressed against Davy's chest as she softly cried into his shoulder for his mom. In her tiny fist, she clutched his shirt as the tears came harder.
"Cindy its ok. She's not suffering from her addictions, and I am sure the Lord is watching over her now," Davy said as he hugged her close.
"I ... I know she treated you so bad, but deep down I am sure she loved you very much."
"I am sure she did, she just had a hard time showing it..."
Davy went quiet as Mike pulled the big Escalade out onto the road, and headed for the freeway. As they started across the overpass, Davy got the feeling again. He jerked his head around to look behind them, but couldn't see anyone that seemed to be watching them.
"Davy? What's wrong?" Cindy asked as he moved out of her arms.
"It's ... I don't know! I just got a very bad feeling that's all. Like ... like the feeling I got when you were kidnapped," Davy replied.
He turned fully in his seat to study the bridge walkways and then he blinked his eyes several times and spotted a man who appeared to be watching them. As they drove by, he kept disappearing and when Davy would look for him, he would find him up in front of them again, watching them as they went by.
"Mike floor it, I don't know who they are, but we are being followed," Davy shouted.
"What where?" Mike said as he reached into the storage compartment and pulled out his pistol.
"Just drive faster!" Davy said forcefully and he felt the big car pick up speed and start going in-between the traffic, and then continued, " Don't be afraid of what happens."
As they went by the man once more, Davy turned invisible and teleported ahead of the SUV to a point where he thought the man would appear. Within seconds of Davy appearing on the bridge, the man stepped out of another gate and watched the car as it drove towards them.
"Who are you? Why do you follow us?" Davy asked.
Morlick turned around and his eyes settled on Davy sitting on one of the beams and replied, "I am a friend who doesn't want to see your world destroyed Davy Woods. That's why I helped you."
"Helped me? Helped me how? Driving me insane with the voices I have been hearing?" he asked.
"No, most of my race is warlike. We are hunted down when we leave our few planets because we have attacked every star empire around us. Our ship crashed here thousands of years ago and we were in suspended animation up until five years ago. The people of my race are very powerful psions, and we use that ability to take over and destroy other civilizations once their tech level reached a high enough technology base that we can use everything on the planet."
"Your planet is getting close to that level, so our leader has declared your race must be culled because there isn't a wing of assault ships to take over. There are only a few hundred of us, and our leader is afraid if you locate where we are hiding you would use your nuclear weapons on us and we would be unable to stop you. So he had our scientists develop a serum which interacts with your human brains and gives you a limited level of some of our minor powers. We can use the full power of our minds to control these "modified" humans. Our leader plans to release them in every nation of your world, to destroy your governments. I have foiled him as much as I can. I was able to find some humans to infect that are basically good people and injected them with the serum. Those people remain somewhat resistant to our mind control, but they can be overwhelmed. They, like the others, have our minor powers too. But you, for some reason I don't know how, have blossomed. You have one of our most powerful abilities, and I still haven't figured out how you got it or if you were injected with the serum."
"What is that? This power you mentioned."
"You have the ability to open a wormhole gate, which is how our ships were once able to travel such distances and take over worlds and enslave them. Well a lot of us were sick and tired of what our leaders were doing, and we started sabotaging the drive systems and causing minor problems. Unfortunately, being from a race of mind readers it is hard to do much without being discovered. Usually, the people who can open the gates are immune to mind reading. The same is true for their mates. Yolanda, my mate, was our gate opener and she sacrificed herself to save your world from conquest, and that's how my ship came to be on your planet. She miscomputed the gate and brought the ship into a mountain, and she was killed. Now go, and hide. Teach your loved one your powers. You have the ability to awaken the powers in people you love and trust. Just be careful who you show them to, because your government would not hesitate to eliminate you as a threat." Feeling a tingle of the recall, he continued, "I must go. We are being summoned back to the ship."
Turning, Morlick stepped through the gate he formed before Davy could ask anything more. Davy watched as the gate collapsed and then turned and stepped through his own gate and appeared in the car next to Cindy.
"What did you find out Davy?" Cindy asked with concern in her voice.
"Well it seems we are not alone in the galaxy."
"What do you mean?" Mike asked as he carefully maneuvered around a semi.
"It seems I was injected with a serum to give me these powers I now have. The guy who was watching us, his name is Morlick, told me his race are conquerors. They wait until a world gets to a certain technology level and then they invade, killing all the inhabitants and taking the world for themselves. But inside their society, there are some who believe it's wrong and are trying to put a stop to them."
"I see, so what do they want with you?" June asked as she turned to look at Davy.
"Well it seems I have developed their worm gate ability, it's the ability that can allow them to get home to bring an invasion fleet here."
"We can't let them have you. But how do we stop them?" Cindy asked as she leaned against Davy and hugged him.
"I don't know Cindy, but I am now scared for our world. What the hell am I supposed to do? I have my own problems with my Bipolar to contend with, as well as loving you and keeping you safe."
"I don't know Davy, but we will figure something out."
Cindy looked up at Davy, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and then curled up with her head in his lap. Closing her eyes, she thought of how much she loved him.
'Davy can you hear me?' she thought as she rubbed her hand on his leg.
'Yes love, I can hear you.''Good. I love you, and I feel so safe in your arms or when I am with you.'
'I will do my best to keep you safe my love. I just don't know what we are going to do.'
'As long as we are together, we will survive.'
Davy set his hand on Cindy's shoulder and gently squeezed it. 'Yes we will survive, and have kids and grow old together.'
Cindy smiled at Davy's words and looked up at him. Blowing him a kiss, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
She dreamed of Davy and her getting married. She was walking down the aisle on her father's arm. She turned her head to look at her father and she saw a figure in white on his other arm.
'What?' Cindy started to pull away from her father to confront the other person when a voice spoke to her.
'Sleep, it's not important at this time, ' said the voice.
'Who are you?''A friend. Now let me teach you something.'
'How would you like to turn invisible and read emotions?'
'That sounds cool turning invisible, but reading emotions?'
'Yes you will be able to feel other people's emotions, especially Davy's.'
'I don't need to feel his emotions I know how he feels.'
'You do now, but later you may not.'
'I don't understand?'
'That's ok now this is how you turn invisible and read emotions, ' the voice said and then explained what to do.
'That is so easy, ' Cindy said.
'Yes it is when you know how, now forget it until it's needed, ' the voice ordered.
'Why ... What's going on? Hello? Was someone speaking to me?' No one answered her and she drifted back to sleep.
Terry Hawkins opened his eyes, and looked at the concrete floor. Lifting his head, he looked slowly around. Spotting the large puddle of blood he climbed to his feet and watched as another drop hit the puddle. Looking up he could just see the bottom of some shoes that were encased in the metal beam.
"Yes human, that was one of your men. Fail me and it could be you next," Alirath said in a soft voice.
Turning quickly, Terry's hand went to his hip for his pistol and it clutched at an empty holster.
"Your weapon is here human," Alirath said as she uncurled her hand from behind her back to show the pistol and let it fall to the floor where it bounced until it stopped with the barrel pointing at the human.
"What the fuck are you?" Terry asked as he took a step back.
"Your new master, now where else could the human male named Davy be hiding?"
"I gave you his home address," Terry said.
"Yes and the home was empty. It had been emptied out of all belongings. So where is he?" Alirath snarled as she walked towards the human.
Terry took a step back and then his body froze.
"No human you cannot run from me. Now I want to know where the human is. Or I shall do to you what was done to your lackey behind you," she said as she ran her blue nails along his face.
"I ... I... " Terry cleared his throat and blurted out in fear, "He may be with his girlfriend; my men had taken her so he would have to pay me my money."
"Where does she live?"
"Someplace on the east side of town is all I know, my enforcer Jim Acorn knows where she lives."
"Then find him and get the information for me. I will be back tonight," Alirath said as she vanished.
Terry felt the pressure on his body release and he fell to his knees gasping. Getting up, he staggered to his pistol and picked it up. After holstering the weapon, he walked over and checked on his men. He found them all dead and laying in the heroin that was scattered around the loading dock and he shook his head.
"I am going to kill that son of a bitch. He just cost me three million dollars," he snarled as he turned and ran up the stairs to his office door and walked into the room. Coming to a stop he looked at the empty safe with the door open and swore as he realized all his blackmail evidence was gone along with his laptop.
"Fuckin' son of a bitch!" he swore and then grabbed his phone off the desk he dialed a number from memory.
"Go," replied the voice on the other end as it was picked up.
"You know who this is?"
"Sure do, what you need?"
"Two things, one, I need some men at the warehouse, and two, find me Davy Woods. I want that bastard alive and I want my computer back. Got me?"
"Sure do boss, I will send some of the guys over to the warehouse right now. I will take three men and go over to his girlfriend's place and see what we can find."
"Good, you have three hours to get me some information," Terry snarled into the phone and then slammed the receiver down.
Sitting down, Terry opened his desk drawer and pulled out his bottle of whiskey. Opening the bottle, he took a swig of it and sat it down on the table as the warm liquor burned down his sore throat, as he cried out, "Son of a bitch. That hurts." Looking over at the TV he continued, "Where's the damn remote?"
Terry turned his head to look for the remote, and before he could do anything, it suddenly slammed into his face. He felt his nose break, as he cried out, "Ow! Son of a bitch?"
Grabbing the remote Terry hurled it at the wall. He watched as a two-foot hole appeared in the concrete wall. The remote flew through the hole and landed in the road outside the building.
"Holy Shit!" Terry said as he got up, and walked over to the hole and looked out at the bay.
Looking down at his hand, he turned and did an underhand throw at his desk and nothing happened.
"Hmmm. I wonder why nothing happened that time?" he said as he turned and looked down at the remote, and then continued, "I wonder?"
Pulling his pistol out of the holster, he ejected the clip and removed a round. Inserting the clip, he holstered the weapon and looked at the bullet. Looking at his desk he did another underhand throw and watched in amazement as the metal desk flew across the room and through the plate glass windows. The bullet landed on the floor and rolled around. Walking over he bent down, and picked up the round. Blinking in surprise as he saw it was twisted and partially flattened on one side.
"Well, I'll be dammed," Terry said as he grinned.
Mike drove the big SUV off the Bay Bridge exit and they headed up I-80 North. Going past the Golden Gate Fields Race track, hundreds of police cars, fire trucks and ambulances headed into San Francisco.
"Wonder what's going on?" Mike said
The sirens awakened the two teens out of their nap, and they turn to look out the back window of the car and their eyes followed the emergency vehicles.
"Dad, there's a big ball of smoke coming from the city," Cindy said as she spotted the smoke plume.
"You don't think there's been a terrorist attack do you Mike?" June asked as she reached for the radio controls.
The radio came on and June turned it to one of the local news stations. "Hello folks, this just came into our newsroom. The ten-story FBI building located in central San Francisco has collapsed. Its feared that there are hundreds dead in the rubble, but that number is unconfirmed. We have dispatched our news crew to the scene and when we have more we will let you know."
"Oh my God, those poor people," Cindy said from the backseat as she turned around.
June silently nodded her head and tears ran down her face as she thought of the people they had met who worked there when Jimmy Hanson was stationed there.
"Mike, this is too coincidental, we call Jimmy for help and the local FBI building collapses," June said.
"I know June, I wonder if the aliens that want Davy are behind it?" Mike said as he changed lanes.
Davy closed his eyes and concentrated on the alien who contacted him but received no indication that he had heard him. His mind was reaching out and he caught a mental scream of agony.
Seventeen-year-old Samantha Cowlings opened her mouth to scream. The only sound to come out was a silent scream. The man holding her arms pinned kept whispering in her ear but she couldn't hear him. Born deaf, she never knew what sound was so she couldn't make them very well. Her shirt had been yanked over her head and was wrapped in her arms along with her bra. Sam tried to kick the man who was yanking on her pants and then a hand came around and slapped her face and she lay there stunned. She felt her pants and panties being ripped off and the man was on top of her kissing her naked breasts.
'Help is coming, once you have been rescued you will meet the man you have been waiting for.'
'What? Who are you? How can I hear you? Meet whom?' Samantha cried out with her mind.
'A friend and you will find out who I am later. I am a telepath, and you will know him when you see him. His name is Davy and you will love him with all your heart, ' said the voice.
"Get off at the next exit, find a secluded place to park I will find you," Davy shouted and then he vanished.
Davy reached out with his mind. He saw all Samantha's history. It was not pretty. Her mother had abandoned her as an infant, and her father was killed in a car accident five years ago. She had been placed into the foster system to be raised. He could feel her fear building and her pain from the slap. Appearing in the abandoned home, Davy, started walking towards the closed bedroom door at the end of the hall.
As he approached the door, the voice came to his mind again.
'Davy stop!' the voice ordered.
'I can't. They are going to rape her!'
'If you go in like that they will kill you or her. Do you want that?'
'No, tell me what to do, ' Davy begged.
'Then watch and learn, ' the voice said. It showed him how to use illusions, and how to use his healing powers.
'I understand, ' Davy said.
'Good now go, and rescue her. Love her, keep her safe.'
'But I love Cindy, ' Davy replied.
'Are you saying your heart doesn't have enough room to love more than one? How ... human you are.' The voice said and then left as a mental scream of pain shot through Davy's mind.
Davy started walking again, and he was drawing in his power. His anger was rising that anyone could rape a deaf child. He pulled his fist back, and brought it forward, slamming it into door. The door, the doorknob and the frame shattered into a million pieces.

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