Nelson Enterprises Gets A New Board Of Directors - Chapter 1 free porn video

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Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors - Chapter 1 Bill Nelson is considered a modern day Thomas Edison and he loves the comparison. His latest invention - the 3T Machine - will make him even more famous. But he never thought it would teach him and his all-male Board of Directors how to better treat the ladies in their lives. First Human Trials Bill Nelson, President and CEO of Nelson Enterprises, strutted from his private laboratory looking quite victorious as he threw himself into the large sofa chair. He had done it again! This would be his greatest invention and the papers would again throw superlative accolades at him again. His favorite comparison has been the comparisons with Thomas Edison. Magazine articles love to begin with the phrase "Bill Nelson, this generation's Thomas Edison, has done it again." He looked back towards the doorway and in came his two senior technical assistants - Monica McCullough and Tony Pallazola. Tony had worked with Bill and his company for 15 years and had amassed a considerable fortune of $200M plus (bonus, stock options and shares in patents) and used it to build several personal enterprises around the country. Monica had been with them only 5 years but these had been very professionally satisfying and with considerable financial rewards as well. They were both quite familiar with Bill's erratic hours and this latest stint had lasted 19 hours straight. None of them were even quite sure if the time on the clock was 7 a.m. or 7 p.m. or if the sun was coming up or going down. But they had all participated in one of the most amazing scientific break thoughts ever. They had hooked their minds together through Bill's 3T machine - Two-way Thought Transfer - and had shared thoughts with each other. The future uses of such a machine could not be easily listed on one sheet of paper. The commercial, military and humanitarian uses were without end. The legal and ethical questions were also without end. This is why Bill had kept it so secret. These 3 people were the only ones on the face of the earth that knew of this machine. Several technicians had assembled components by following detailed specifications but they had no idea what the combined pieces were meant to do. Bill was so worshiped by his Board of Directors that they gave him significant annual budgets without accountability. He had never let them down and the billions he had created for them and himself were sufficient rewards to continue earning so much creative freedom. Bill alone was considered to be worth $20B plus. Bill used his wealth primarily to continue funding more advanced research. In his early days as a researcher, he was forced to explain his ideas to DOD - Department of Defense - Bureaucrats and they never really understood his most complex ideas. But now, he had his own funding and did not have to face the degrading need to explain this to a board of people whose combined intelligence might not equal his own. He liked being wealthy enough to fund his own ideas. He did also like to surround himself with many of the accoutrements of wealth - a mansion in town, a summer estate, cars, a plane and a sailing yacht. Oh yes, he also loved to surround himself with lovely play toys of the human female kind. He had one X-wife, who took him for a few million in their divorce 8 years earlier and he would not make that mistake again. His current wife, Barbara - is quite the play toy - a former model and escort. She knew exactly the shallowness of their love and why she was his wife - to fulfill his pleasures. She has a very tough pre-nuptial agreement with severe restrictions on her activities but he can play around as much as he wishes. Monica and Tony are both brilliant engineers and researchers who have the unique opportunity to lead Dr. Nelson's most advanced and most secret research projects. Monica has 2 PhD's - one in Electrical Engineering and the second in Neuro-biological Engineering. Tony has only 1 PhD - Bio-Electrical Engineering but the 15 years of experience with Dr. Nelson was equivalent to 2 or 3 more PhD's at least. Monica has been with NEI for a far shorter period of time but was highly sought after upon her completing the second PhD at John Hopkins - Nelson's alma mater for his 3rd PhD. Nelson saw some special knowledge and capability in her but his motives were not purely professional - more on this also later. Though 10 years Tony's junior, he considered them equals in his trust and in their abilities but he clearly expected some things of Monica he did not expect from Tony. As Monica's supervisor, Tony had enjoyed extracting sexual pleasures in exchange for giving her professional opportunities and Bill occasionally partook of these delights. Monica most definitely held negative feelings for them for it but she grudgingly gave in for where else would she have had the opportunity to perform such advance research? She somewhat became resigned to it from both he and Bill though she was keenly aware that no male engineer had to make such sacrifices. The favors she was forced to bestow had not actually included sexual intercourse but instead degrading caressing and modeling. Mostly they involved having her breast caressed or buns groped while she wore tight or revealing outfits. She could see that it meant a great deal to the men emotionally but there had to be a more gentlemanly way for them to address this need. But together they share dozens of patents and each has taken them step by step closer to their goal with the 3T. They have wanted to not only create sensors that detected brain activity with great detail and on a 3D basis, but find a way to make sense out of those signals. Only recently had they learned how to take those 3D images and transmit them into a destination brain. They had tested this on mice. They taught a mouse to follow a maze and then put it in brain contact with an untrained mouse. After months of failure, they finally were able to get the new mouse to run the maze simply by performing "thought" transfer form the trained mouse. Hollywood animal trainers would pay dearly for such a capability. The breakthrough came when they learned to develop very minute positioning and calibrating abilities into the equipment so that the transmitters could strike precise neurons in the brain and not just come close. After the mouse experiments indicated no harm to the lab animals, it was time for the human testing. But where do you get the right subjects and still keep something like this secret? Of course, you use yourselves but in very carefully controlled conditions. And tonight was that night. They started with Monica as the source and Tony as the designation and using very low power. His reception from Monica was weak at first and so faint, he was not sure the images were from her. Bill slowly increased the power and sure enough Tony experienced some very feminine memories and emotions that had to have come from Monica. Soon Bill was in the loop, sharing Monica's thoughts. Monica was not at all pleased at their voyeuristic use of her. Bill decided to move on to the next steps and he started sending thoughts to them. At first it was very mathematical and scientific thoughts but as the power was raised, more personal thoughts abut his marriage and love lives were exposed. At this point he terminated the sessions for this evening. Now they were relaxing in the outer lounge area of his lab and he was about to toast their success with champagne when he realized it was early morning. So maybe Bloody Mary's would be more appropriate. He sent them both home to get some rest and with clear instructions to continue to keep this all very secret. They would next meet tomorrow morning and were to then discuss the next experiments. But Tony could not wait. His mind was already racing ahead to what he next wanted to test. His mind was not full of magnanimous plans but very lustful plans. Some of those thoughts from Monica just made him sexually hot. But Monica's mind was racing through medical and legal uses that would be so beneficial to society. Tony did not share this mental handicap. Second Human Tests After a long sleep during the day, Tony awakened at 4 p.m. and his lecherous mind was racing. He wasted no time contacting Monica and was pleased to find that she had awakened. He wanted to run more tests that evening and not wait for Bill. He wanted Monica to share more of her female images and he wanted to fill his lustful heart - as if there was any limit to its capacity. Monica was not at all interested and giving him any more such thoughts and was still upset about the tests she had been part of from last night (or early this morning). She was every bit his equal professionally and was tired of being a "tension" release for him and Bill. Tony calmed her down, "Monica, relax, it is not you I have in mind this time. Tonight I wish to bring 2 of the ladies from my "gentlemen's club". They should be able to provide far more excitement than that prudish mind of yours ever could. And do not be concerned about them seeing too much and sharing what they know. I have 2 candidates that can be completely trusted and you will understand why once you meet them." Tony is not just a multi-millionaire from the technology industry but he is also a playboy and the owner of several "gentlemen's clubs" round the county. He had never married but instead had a long list of girl friends and has used his fortune not to buy sports teams but instead to buy strip parlors - some high class and some not. And Ellie and Sasha were two of his more popular ladies. Monica did not like doing anything without Bill's approval but Tony held the keys to her ability to grow inside NEI and she felt compelled to follow his lead. So Monica met Tony at the lab by 8 p.m. and she quickly learned why she could trust his two lab volunteers. They were both "exotic dancers" from one of his clubs and neither spoke much English. Ellie is a shortened version of an unpronounceable Iranian name. She is one of the wives of a diplomat visiting the US and she fled to avoid going back to his harem and their home country where her rights as a woman are non-existent. Sasha is her teenage daughter. She claims to be over 18 but Monica suspects that she is more like 15 or 16, but well endowed for her age. Ellie is in her early to mid-30's (they have children young in her country) and speaks very little English. Sasha, being of a newer generation, handles a decent amount of broken English and Tony liked to use her as a language intermediary between him and her mother. Tony has not gathered these strays into his care out of the goodness of his heart. No, philanthropy is not one of his vices, as he would express his feelings on the matter. To Tony, women exist to give pleasure to men and he sincerely believes they derive most of their pleasure back in the same way. He has these two ladies because they have nowhere else to go. They are virtual slaves to him for if they misbehave, he knows how to send them back to what they perceive to be unpleasant pasts. The INS would quickly deport either one so they must maintain very low profiles. He uses their fears to control them and feed his own lust and that of his patrons. Tonight these two guests would help Tony and Monica run longer and more powerful tests that would not only benefit their research, but Tony was hoping would give him some great sexual excitement. Were there any dangers? Yes there might be but both Monica and Tony thought those were minimal. But what ideal guinea pigs these were and where could they possibly find better subjects? If something would go wrong, they would not be missed. Monica has some reservations but she is too driven by her ambitions to speak out. Besides, she sincerely believes there is no danger - or at least very minimal danger. Tony escorts Ellie to her seat, straps her in and places the sensor netting over her scalp. Monica does the same with Sasha. Neither lady likes being strapped in but they are fairly accustomed to performing many strange things for money. Ellie speaks and understands only a small amount of English and speaks with a very heavy accent. Sasha is far from shy or na?ve but is submissive to Tony. Tony and Monica give some superficial explanation to Sasha and count on her to relay it to her mother. The netting is a very fine and delicate array of electronic transducers. One set of sensors is designed to pick up neuron signals from all depths of the brain and triangulate their exact origins. The second set can transmit neuro-simulated signals into the brain onto the exact same location from which they originated in the source brain. This should allow the receiving brain to see, hear and feel what the source brain does. It had proved successful on lab mice and then with Bill, Monica and Tony the night before. Would Ellie and Sasha share some thoughts? Would there be images, hearing and maybe even emotions? Would there even be the sense of touch? The animal tests could not reveal such feedback. The test with Bill the previous evening stopped at a very low energy level. Tonight, Tony and Monica would push it further to test for side effects as well as thought content. Would high power levels pull deeper secrets to the surface? Monica and Tony moved to the control panel and Monica spoke softly into the microphone, "Just relax ladies, this will not hurt!", and she knew that both probably understood little of what she said but she hoped her calm voice would convey the basic message. "It is believed that all normal people have multiple thoughts flowing through their brains and that the conscious mind can focus on a few of these at one time. Each of you is probably aware of a primary thought with a number of fainter secondary thoughts in the background. As we turn up the power, you should see one or more new faint thoughts start to appear. They might be thoughts unlike any you have ever had before and that would be the only clue that they are not from your brain. As we turn up more power, these will become stronger and you should use your conscious mind to try to focus in and concentrate on one or two of these." Monica was not sure how much of this explanation was getting through to these subjects but they were certainly better than simple lab rats. Tony began slowly cranking up the power. At first the facial expressions showed no sign of any change but it did not take long to see that both were intrigued and were starting to react to something unfamiliar. They looked at each other and grinned and then grimaced. Tony and Monica speculated that they at first shared some happy thought and then something darker. They turned the power down and walked over to interview the ladies. Sure enough, both relayed stories about the other's past experiences that they could not have known any other way. They discussed images, smells, words and even some superficial emotions. At this early stage it could not be sure if the emotions were transferred or triggered by what are now shared events. Sasha relayed some of Ellie's childhood in Iran - to details even a child would not have known about its mother. Monica and Tony decided to try again and turn the power up to see if they can get past superficial feelings and memories and into something deeper. Sure enough, Sahsa became horrified and started crying and it turned out she was witnessing Ellie's memories of how her Iranian Islamic husband had beaten and threatened her to make her submissive. Monica was horrified by the stories and Sasha's reactions but Tony was actually sexually turned on and wanted to hear more. Sasha begged not to be put through any more of that. Impatient Tony But Tony was so excited he decided that second or third hand experiences weren't what he wanted anyway. He wanted to take Sasha's place. Obviously no harm had been done and all of the medical equipment showed no harm done to either lady, physically or mentally though there were some deep emotional feelings shown by Sasha. Conversations with them seem quite normal. Despite Monica's protestations that no respectable scientist would perform such an experiment on themselves so hastily, Tony would have none of her protests. He was senior engineer here and he was clearly very turned on. Monica suspected that his deviate brain was beginning to formulate plans for a chain of franchised sex parlors built around this device. He un-strapped Sasha, helped her out of the chair, made sure she was feeling ok and then took her place, but without use of the straps. Only Monica was qualified to run the controls but Sasha stood near her and watched. Tony had her instruct Ellie not to focus on her painful past in Iran but to focus on erotic thoughts form the strip club. As the power grew, Tony was clearly very sexually excited. His breathing, his wide eyes, his heart beat, his wide grin and his full erection - clearly visible through his jeans - made it very clear that he was very turned on. He was now deep inside the mind of a very sexy lady and the thoughts were far more exciting than he had ever imagined. "Turn it higher", he shouted, I wish to drill deeper and see more. Monica nudged it up. Tony called for even more, but she nudged it very slowly. Sasha, clearly in pain to know her mother was being pulled through painful memories at a torturously slow pace, elbowed Monica out of the way and turned the knobs full, "Oh let the damn pervert have a full dose" she exclaimed angrily. "Let's not have this go on all night". Both heart monitors took a big leap and simultaneously both heads hit the cushioned table with a thud. Monica and Sasha both remained frozen at first, not sure how to react to this unexpected reaction by both subjects. Monica quickly disabled both stations on the 3T system but kept the medical equipment running. Monica first ran to Ellie - female empathies she assumed led her there first - and found her relaxed and her breathing rate was slowing to a more normal level. Her EEG and EKG monitors all looked to be showing she was fine and her body was coming down from the extreme high it had just experienced. She made sure the head and neck were resting in safe positions. Monica then turned to Tony to see how he was doing. His monitors also all showed his physical parameters were coming down rapidly from their highs and showed no signs of dangerous biological stress or trauma. Monica berated Sasha for doing something that may have been very dangerous. She pondered calling 911. But all of the medical equipment seemed to indicate no stress or damage that they could detect. Both just seemed to be unconscious. So she decided against setting off any alarms that might risk the secrecy of these experiments. She would just wait and play nurse until they returned to consciousness or some sensor gave her reason to call for medical assistance. Patience was the operative word right now. Monica, Ellie & Sasha start to Bond June 12, 2004 More than they Expected Which of them would come to consciousness first? If it was Ellie, how would Monica work with her? Well, Ellie was still restrained in the chair, arms and legs tied down with straps. Since she had not volunteered for this research, she was not likely to remain calm. Just then Tony started to stir. Monica came over to stroke his back and try to assist him in regaining his faculties. As his eyes began to regain focusing capabilities, he shouted "Get away from me you heathen dogs. You infidels have no right to be using me for your godless experiments." Monica was stunned by such words coming from Tony and wondered if they were just the echoes of sensations he had experienced from Ellie's mind. But Tony's fear and ranting continued as he got up and wandered aimlessly around the room. He appeared to be confused with his surroundings and then he came upon Ellie, still unconscious and still bound. His eyes grew wider, his face seemed extremely confused and he began to visually and manually examine his hands, then arms and then chest and torso. He then examined Ellie's unconscious body with great concern for details. Then he looked in horror at Monica. "What have you done to me? What demon has given you the power to place my spirit into the body of this man? You are clearly the agent of the devil. You must put me back in my body. This machine of the devil must be destroyed." And he seemed to be looking around for a tool to attack it. Only now did Monica start to first glimpse what their machine had done. In Tony's insistence that she keep increasing the power to satisfy his lustful cravings for Ellie's horrible experiences, the output transducers apparently hit a level where they did not just transmit to Tony's brain, but over wrote it. Whatever portion of Ellie's brain had now been written on Tony's brain, now believed that it was Ellie inside Tony's body, but obviously was not completely Ellie. For one thing, it spoke perfect English and it moved the limbs of that body with perfect coordination. So parts of Tony were still there. Monica quickly stopped Ellie (in Tony) before he reached a point of actually inflicting harm to the machine. "No Tony, er I mean Ellie, do not wreck the machine or you will be trapped forever in Tony's body." Even Monica could not believe how quickly she had adapted her thought patterns to this irrational occurrence. If this really was Ellie, then this machine had unexpected powers that must not be lost. Plus, if Ellie wanted back to her own body, this was the only possible way. She continued to talk fast, "Ellie, we did not know this would happen. Search your own mind, now that you are Tony and see what we were planning and expecting." Ellie (in Tony) took on a pensive look and then looked up still puzzled. I do not have any memories that tell me what this machine is or what you expected." "So", Monica mumbled, "you have only Ellie's memories and not Tony's. But somewhere in Ellie's memories of when she and Tony were in mental contact, there must be some impressions of what Tony was up to and none of them included any ideas of swapping bodies." Ellie paused, pondered and had to agree. She slowly sat down "I must take some time to think this through", she breathed out. Monica jumped at this moment of apparent calm, "Ellie, try for a moment to think a few minutes ahead. Soon this unconscious body that once was yours will awaken and if the same thing happened here, Tony is in for a much bigger shock than you were. In a few minutes of his lustful desiring he will have gone from an American man worth over $200M and great prestige and freedoms to being an Iranian refugee female - penniless and with no rights. I am betting that he will be even unable to express himself in English just as you were struggling a few minutes ago. Now think about this for a minute and if you have any sense of humor where you come from, think about what he is about to experience and the power you have over him now. Ellie (in Tony) raises his head from the table and seems to be absorbing these ideas and a small grin starts to form around his mouth. "Yes", Monica decides to push even further, "let your imagination flow and consider your new state in life and Tony's new state in life. The tables are turned and you are now a powerful, rich and American. Work carefully with me and we can make this a better world and teach some lessons to some tough guys. Tony has always had the idea that women exist to give pleasure to men. In a few minutes we will see if he still wishes to view the world in that same way." Tony's Discovery Just as if it was choreographed, Tony (as Ellie) starts to stir. Monica's heart was in her throat with apprehension. If what she had just predicted proved to be true, she had the answer to a wish that her logical mind would never have ever sanely made. She had a male chauvinist pig hoisted on his on petard. Tony had done this to himself. In his lustfulness he had skipped safe scientific procedures and once again Frankenstein has met his monster. He wanted to experience the inner thoughts of a sexy lady and now he was going to get far more than he had bargained for. As Tony (in Ellie) opened her eyes, she struggled to gain her focus and a smile covered her face as she recognized Monica's face smiling back. But a perplexed look quickly covered the face as she realized her arms and legs were restrained. That mind must have been racing with confusion as to why "he" would be restrained. A plethora of Iranian babble flowed from her mouth as she shouted at Monica. Some English words stood out from the babble and Monica was sure some were curse words but with a definitive Iranian accent. But Monica was sure she made out enough to convince herself that it was Tony inside there. Her heart raced along with her imagination. What a fabulous punishment and how many more sexist men could she engineer into similar predicaments? She guided Ellie (in Tony) over to within Tony's (in Ellie) view and Tony became quiet and the horror on her face told the entire story and Tony himself was starting to put 2 and 2 together. The only mirror that Monica could find handy was from her purse so she had to maneuver it around a bit to give Tony a full view of his entire face and a little more. To assist in the attempt to help him face his new reality, Monica came around behind, reached around and tenderly groped both of his newly inherited breasts. "You have long loved this activity and now you have your own set to play with as often and whenever you desire." This generous act by Monica certainly did not assist Tony's transition and Monica was clearly pleased. She leaned into his face and gloated, "I sure wish you understood more English than you do now. Communicating will not be easy but I think we will make good use of that wire mesh on your head. For if we cannot communicate, then much of the fun will be lost." Monica pulled a mesh over her head and signaled to Ellie (in Tony) to take the third set. Ellie (in Tony) was clearly hesitant but Monica assured her that the controls are on very low power and that they would be extremely cautious. Shortly all three minds were sharing thoughts and emotions and Monica was so turned on to feel the stress coming from Tony's mind inside Ellie. Even Ellie (in Tony) seemed to start taking amusement from the sensations. Monica directed her thoughts clearly at Tony's mind. "So mister big shot, you now find yourself quite helpless at the moment. Your uncontrolled lust to feed your horniness from the mind of a sexy woman has now got you trapped inside a female body. And not just any female body, but one that is financially and physically enslaved as an American slave. A few minutes ago you were getting a solid erection from images of her being used by the male patrons of your club. Well I am betting that you have no erection right now and the memory of such will fade long before I intend to let you have another one. And to add to your dilemma, let's list your other immediate problems: - You have gone from a net worth of over $200M essential zero; - You have gone from being an American with all of the rights so endowed, to being an Iranian refugee, with virtually no rights; - You were the owner of a chain of sex clubs for men to now being one of the sex toys; - Oh, let's take that even further, you are an Iranian female, the property of her (no your) husband, who must be submissive to his every whim or he is entitled both legally and morally to beat and torture you until you learn your place. Can you see the image of you wearing one of those Moslem gowns with the veil across our mouth, only your eyes showing and fear restraining you from giving any complaint? - You are now an illegal alien in the US and so afraid to be caught and returned to your husband, that you will submit to scum such as your former self. And such a warmhearted scumbag takes you in and teaches you to do strip dances and give sex to his clients in exchange for money and favors. You have no other alternatives so you must submit; - And one more clever dilemma, you now speak little English and understand only a little more. Locked inside that body is a brilliant man with 2 PhD's but who will know that? If you could communicate with patrons, they would either think you insane or maybe you are spinning some erotic tale. But since the patrons will not be able to make much sense out of your Iranian babble and heavy accent, you will not be able to communicate complex ideas. Tony's mind (inside Ellie) was screaming out. "You cannot do this to me. You owe me. I took you in and trained you on so much here and helped you develop quite a technical and financial base. You cannot repay me this way. Get me out of this tiny body. Ellie was born and raised to be in this body, not I." Ellie's mind, very quiet up to now let loose her rage. She flooded the circuits with pent up anger now that she found she could clearly communicate to Tony's mid. She let loose the degrading situations he forced her into and the feelings of how his patrons abused her. She was just starting to realize that now they are now her patrons and she is just starting to get a glimpse of her new powers and how she might use these to teach people like Tony a strong lesson. What an incredibly powerful machine this is to allow such clear and rapid communications at a level far stronger than just words. Tony's mind yelled back all sorts of threats about what he is going to do to them once he is unbound. He thought of his body guards and bouncers and enforcers (pimps) and how he could just snap his fingers or give a certain glance and they jumped into action for him. Money at the level he commands it is a powerful aphrodisiac and force. He knows how the girls coward from the sound of his angry deep voice and the threatening looks he can put on that powerful male face. He struggled with the straps that held him to that chair. And he was just starting to realize that he now had some limitations he was not used to. Monica's mind broke in. "Face your new reality Tony. Those bouncers and body guards are no longer your tools of enforcement but are now your captors and your task masters. They will not see you as Tony the BOSS but Ellie the slave. You will try to communicate to them, but your broken English will not get through to them. Search your mind. You no longer possess a command of this language. Besides, look at that body you are in. It can no longer intimidate with words or threats. We are gong to move you to your main club and put you in one of the sex rooms and let you explore your body and come to understand your new reality." "So face the sobering truth, you are trapped, and checkmated. You can try to struggle, but I am offering you an alternative. Play along, remain calm and we will not abandon you to any of the fates I just mentioned. And don't get mad at me, for you did this to yourself." Monica then opened a small black bag and pulled out a syringe. Tony's eyes got suddenly larger. "Relax girl," she loved the feeling she got from calling him girl, "if you do not relax you will have a stroke. This will relax you and we'll talk more later." She gave him the sedative and he quickly went limp. Monica turned to Tony's body, "You know those goons that escorted you in? Well now see how good your acting skills are. They now work for you and take orders from you. Call them in here and have them take Ellie's body back to the club and lock her in one of the sex play rooms. Use one that has cameras that will record everything that takes place." Ellie stiffened her back and tried to stand tall and feel authoritative and masculine. She called to Joe and Carl and was quite amused with how they jumped to the sound of her new deep voice and were submissive to her. "Take Ellie back to the club and place her gently into the satin bed of the ?Blue Play Suite' and feel free to change her into something you think will be very sexy." She almost giggled to think what Tony will feel like when he wakes up in his favorite suite and wearing skimpy lingerie. The videos will be priceless. All three have many reasons to seek revenge against Tony - Monica because of the way he looked past her lofty technical credentials and used her womanhood as he would a whore to help him relax during stressful lab long nights; Ellie because of the way he took advantage of her extreme vulnerability to feed his own selfish lust and greed; Sasha for similar reasons as Ellie. Both Ellie and Sasha have strong reasons to hate womanizing men for they were both victims even before meeting Tony. Ellie was one of 22 women in Ahmed's harem and he clearly liked obedient and submissive wives. Ellie had been beaten several times for showing any un-ladylike behavior. Sasha has an abusive father - abusive of the mother and of the daughters. Monica was really not very prone to deep revenge or anger and in fact she was more enjoying the humor of the situation and she intended to milk the irony and paradoxes to maximum humor. She fully wanted to restore Tony to his formed status - well maybe a little reduced - and did not really wish to cause him long term agony once he had learned some important lessons. Ellie on the other hand was almost violent with rage for what Tony had done to her and what her husband (now former husband) had done to her. Ellie wanted a pound of flesh and even more. Sasha was in- between the two of them in level of revenge seeking and more was imagining if she might get the chance to put her abusive father into this same predicament. Monica though needed to control the rages of her new partners or the more involved schemes still to unfold would be lost opportunities. Monica sat Ellie down and spoke firmly to her. "Ellie, do you wish to take revenge on Ahmed or Tony or both?" Ellie had to think and with blazing eyes yelled "Both and Tony now!" and she once again headed toward the room where Tony was imprisoned. "No, pleaded Monica, not yet and not that way!". Show a little patience and plan some strategy and this can be far more rewarding. What has happened here was totally unexpected and you and I and Sasha are the only people on the face of the earth who know the capability of this machine - and of course poor Tony. If we are reckless, we will lose an enormous advantage. Besides, beating or killing Tony will not be nearly as much fun as what I have in mind for him. You must try to think like a man. You and I know the wonderful rewards of being a woman, but that is not the way he is seeing it. He is still male in his mind and he sees himself imprisoned. He is blind to the advantages and will likely be for some time. If we play this right we can gain more revenge through humor than rage." Ellie relaxed a little and stopped pulling so hard. She was only now beginning to realize how strong she was in the body of this former wrestler and Monica almost strained her whole body trying to pull her back. Thankfully Sasha helped though still not sure on what side of this argument she belonged. -- more chapters are in the works ---- (More could follow if people enjoyed this. If you give feedback, please suggest what you might like to see and feel free to give constructive reviews.)

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Nelson Enterprises - Bill Nelson - the morning after. Sorry to take so many weeks but I've worked hard on this story and the edits. I hope it shows. Returning to Bill Nelson's story, we find Bill waking Saturday morning and learning what a grueling routine his female drill sergeant has planned for him to trim down for the Ball. Barb has already taken off to play basketball with the guys but Bill will learn that it takes hard work to be a successful lady of leisure and Barb was...

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Nelson Enterprises Bills dreaded motherinlaw is now mom

Nelson Enterprises - Bill's dreaded mother-in-law is now mom. Preparing for the Ball - Bill has never liked the way his mother-in-law Gloria dominates her daughters but now he is one of her daughters instead of her son-in-law. He deeply disapproves of the way his sister- in-law Amanda looks down on her older sister but now Amanda is his snooty sister. Can he keep his true identity secret while he interacts with them from his new perspective? If they knew his predicament what fun...

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Nelson Enterprises Sports Car to Minivan and Stripper

Nelson Enterprises - Sports Car to Minivan and Stripper Now Tony learns to be the star stripper at his former Gentlemen's club and Jeff loses his sports car and gets the mom-mobile minivan. Barb (as Bill), Ellie (as Tony) and Monica were shutting down all of the equipment and getting ready to head home. They were still laughing about poor Jeff waddling out a few minutes ago. A few minutes ago he had been a very fit middle aged man who was the father of 4 kids, authoritarian...

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THE BOSSS SLUT 5 Board of Directors Meeting

“Ah, my favorite Accounts team.” My team consisting solely of me and the two Account Specialists I recruited from the 2nd floor were seated around the small conference table in my new office. It had been a little more than two weeks since I had moved into my new office and condo; the same two weeks since spending the memorable weekend at the Woodburn’s. Mr. Woodburn stood in the open door. It was not a common occurrence to find him venturing out of the sanctuary of the 11th floor. ...

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THE BOSSS SLUT 6 Board of Directors Dinner

“Good evening, Sir.” Mr. Woodburn asked me to greet each of the Directors as they arrived. They had been in his home before, just in very different circumstances, so I would only need to guide them in the general direction of the Great Room where he would be entertaining them as they arrived. “Miss James, nice to see you joining us tonight.” I nodded politely. “I must say I much prefer the way you were dressed earlier, though.” He gave me a teasing smile. “Charles has spoken glowingly...

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The Chauffeur 32 The Board of Directors

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Jill, Dakota, John, Mom and I all got up about 4 am. We showered and dressed. Everyone had packed before going to bed. It always amazed me that for less than 48 hours all the ladies had at least two pieces of luggage. Fred was ready for all of us with a stretch limo. He stood there stoically holding the rear door open for us and having the trunk open and waiting. Sammy and Bobby were also up and made each of us an egg sandwich. They had coffee...

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Nelsonrsquos hot mom

Your friend’s hot mom is driving you crazy and you’re thinking of her hot, wet pussy, you’ve got to use every chance to stuff it with your cock…This happened few years ago, when I and my friend were 20 years old and his hot mom was 36. Is it hard to believe or not, but she got pregnant with my friend while in high school. My uncle almost got in trouble, since she was a minor, but anyway they got married and their marriage worked out. Janette’s parents were rich. She is a very beautiful blonde...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 11

I woke up in the morning and realized that we had several branch offices and I had not seen any of them yet. After Shannon came down for coffee I told her that we were going on a trip; she looked at me and sleepily asked where? I told her that we should take the Lear for a little ride and see if it was as good as everyone thought. She excitedly asked again, "where are we going?" I told her, "I planned to take us to a very nice tropical spot called High Level first then on to where ever...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 23

Back from a wonderful cruise and straight back to work. I say back to work but there is not much for me to do there anymore as Rick, Julie, and Jim had come back well before me and really had everything running like a top. I wondered around all of the offices looking for something to do but everyone seemed to be busy and had everything in control. I grabbed Shannon and went out for lunch. "What's wrong John?" Shannon queried on our way into the restaurant. "I feel like I have become...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 9

Three things happened that day at work. The first two were almost innocuous, and they happened almost as soon as I sat down behind my desk and fired up the trio of monitors in front of me. I liked to work with multiple screens, a habit I’d gotten from a roommate back in college. I could code on one screen, open up online coding documentation and forums on the second, and run tests or communicate with my team on a third. It was the kind of thing that saved you a couple of seconds at a time,...

4 years ago
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WSG Enterprises Part 1

WSG enterprises had at least 60 different facilities. The isolation chambers, training rooms, extended stay outhouses, the pharmacy, operations, meeting halls…on and on. Whenever they had a new need or new idea they just built more. It was a very, very expensive business to run, but it was also extremely lucrative. Payroll was enormous. The masters alone made 2 mil a year with the added perk of selecting a new slave each year…and that was expensive for WSG to loan out for a whole year. ...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 16

Rick came into my office "I think we may have a problem!" "Good Morning to you too! What's up?" I said "Sorry boss; Good Morning, How are you this morning, I hope your weekend was a good one, How is Shannon and Michele" he sarcastically said with a bit of a grin, then his face turned serious "I think the Edson office may go Union." I grinned back at him then turned serious; I thoughtfully replied "why do you think that first and secondly have we done anything to cause...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 19

On December 1st I was sitting in my office when Rick and Shannon came in to see me. "We are going for lunch" they told me. We drove out to the industrial area on the south east side of the city. I was wondering where we were going as we did not have anything out in this area as far as I knew. I did not want to ask and be accused of not reading my emails as I knew I hadn't looked at them for the past week or so. Shannon drove us into a large compound with a huge warehouse in the center of...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 2

Dinner was surprisingly normal. I wasn’t sure what I had expected. Maybe for my wife to come home and immediately realize that I had been screwing my stepdaughter all afternoon. Maybe for her to notice that something was different about me: that I had a silent, unspoken air of confidence or something. But no, Barbara clicked into the house on her high heels — late, she’d been working late a lot recently — wearing her tight little pencil skirt and cream-colored blouse, looking like a million...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 6

I lay in bed, my hands tucked behind my head, waiting in the dark. The clock told me it was almost 1 o’clock when the sounds of revelry downstairs started to die down, and I knew that McKenzie was wrapping up her little get together. She must have seen Adrianna coming downstairs and leaving, so she knew that joining us was no longer part of the equation, and I hoped she would be understanding. I hated to disappoint my sexy, horny little angel. As I lay there, breathing deeply and letting...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 8

My heart wasn’t in the code. It might seem like a strange thing to think, for someone who doesn’t know coding as well as I do. But software is just like art to the people who understand it. It requires creativity, a way to look at the problem and see a solution, an elegance in its efficiency and execution. Good code is, I would argue, as artistic as a painting or a famous old book. Only today my art was crap. I pushed back from the desk and rubbed my hand across my face. I was having a...

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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 1

John woke up looked around the room, the clock said 6:00am, what a way to start a day off. John didn't need an alarm clock as he had not slept past 6:00 since he was in high school. Well better get up and make some coffee, the same start to every day. John stretched, scratched his nuts and then went to wrestle with his morning hard on and relieve his full bladder. After washing up he then made coffee and started to reflect on his life so far. Let's see as of today I am 26 years old, what...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 3 Real estate

I started to look through the papers for houses that might appeal to me now that I could afford one. As I was looking through the realty section of the local newspaper I spotted a picture of a girl I went to school with, she was now a realtor. I called her and asked her if she would like to meet for breakfast the next day, my treat. Shannon was stunning when she walked into the restaurant, she still had long blonde hair and a figure models would kill for. She saw me and sauntered over and...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 4 Expansion

"OK Rick, start the meeting and tell me where we are going", I said looking around the table. I knew everyone at the table except for one girl that was in her 30's, dressed in a nice business suit, she had a nice body. "With our planned expansion in mind I have brought our new personnel Manager Julie Smyth, Julie has looked over all of our top people and has come up with 5 candidates that she feels would make good managers and I agree with her recommendations", Rick explained. "Now...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 5 Trouble Looms

"John is that you?", I heard as I answered the phone. "Yes, Julie it is, what can I do for you?" "Could you please come down to the office, I think we may have a problem", Julie spurted out. "OK, I am on my way", I said as I sat on my deck relaxing. I drove into the office wondering what could possibly be the problem; normally either Rick or Shannon would call me. When I got to the building the security guard told me that everyone was waiting in my office. Once I was on the...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 8 Hawaii

Shannon had us to the airport in record speed, we arrived there at 5:30am I looked at my watch and said, "You know this being the owner thing isn't all it's cracked up to be, I shouldn't have to be here this early." Shannon looked at me for a second and said, "Well as a lowly employee with a mean boss this is what it will take to keep him off my back for a little while, I am sorry that you had to find a girlfriend that has other obligations in life." Then she smiled a big smile and...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 9 the wedding

Friday morning started the same as usual but around noon, Rick and I were left to our own devices. Before she left Shannon leaned over, kissed me, and said, "I will see you tomorrow and you had better not be late for the ceremony." My parents showed up around 2:00pm and we sat around and bullshitted for a little while. At about 5:00pm Julie came and got my mother for the bridal shower, I looked around the beach and there were a few guys but not one girl in sight so Rick said that he and my...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 10

Tuesday morning when Shannon and I walked into the office everything looked like it was back together. I walked into my office and you couldn't even tell that anyone had done anything in here. I walked out of my office and went into Shannon's office and it looked good as well. "Not like we left eh," I said. "No, it looks really good," Shannon replied. I turned around and walked from office to office, I couldn't see anything out of place at all. I headed downstairs to talk to the...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 12

We were on our way to the airport the next morning when my cell phone rang, it was Jim telling me that the federal government had received a tip that we were cheating on our taxes, they had come and seized everything on the accounting floor, I told him to get a hold of our lawyers and make sure they had the right to do this, Then I hung up and had Shannon call the plane and let them know we were headed home instead of to Edson, I called Rick and asked him if he was aware of what was going on...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 13

Shannon went into Labor at 4:30am and I had a beautiful daughter at 5:01am both were doing fine, I wandered around the hospital talking to my parents and Shannon's parents as well as all the people that dropped by the flowers while we were in the hospital. Two days later I took my family home and we showed Michele her room Shannon and I had set up for the baby, I had to explain to our daughter Michele why the room was wallpapered with hockey wall paper and all the toys were sports related, I...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 15 Vacation

When we mentioned Jamaica to Rick he talked us into going to a golfing resort in Jamaica, it was in a place called Runaway Bay, and they had a beautiful resort right on the beach with a fantastic golf course. We checked in at the front desk and Rick went to arrange for tee times for us, none of the rest of us really golfed but we figured we would enjoy it for Rick's sake. Julie and Steven went to their bungalow while Shannon and I went next door to our bungalow, Shannon was changed into a...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 17 Fun at work

"James the laptop you supplied me has stopped working could you please have someone bring me a new one?" I asked. "UMM, sure I will come up with a new one right now." James replied. When James came into the room I had the laptop opened but the screen was about 6 inches away from the rest of the laptop, He stopped in the door and asked. "What happened?" "I was on my way to work this morning and I put the laptop on the roof of the car in order to get Michele into her car seat, I...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 18

"The biggest problem that we have seen lately is the fact that there are just not enough trained personnel available for all of the projects we have going on right now and we are not keeping up in either the Mechanical or Electrical divisions." Rick stated during our monthly update meeting. "Where are we seeing the most problems right now? Or is it everywhere? I asked. "It would seem that the northern operations are having the biggest problem. We have a lot of people that are refusing...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 21

I noticed that Shannon was away from the office a lot more than usual, she seemed to be gone for the whole day at least once a week, I asked her about it and she would just say she was looking after something for Rick or Jim or James, Always someone else, I told her that maybe she should hire an executive assistant to do some of the errands, she told me that she liked to get out of the office sometimes. The only time I really noticed was when she wasn't around to go for lunch with...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 22

The next Morning I got up careful not to wake anyone again and snuck out of the bedroom in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I walked into the galley and poured a cup of coffee, I decided that I would take a swim so I walked out the back of the boat and stopped dead, Cathy was taking a shower at the swimming shower, she had her back to me and I watched her as she was finishing up, I sat down on the lounge chair and enjoyed the view as she turned off the shower and started to dry her hair, she...

1 year ago
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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 3

Barbara was gone by the time I’d showered, dried off and come back downstairs. She’d left a note on the kitchen counter: Headed out for a workout and then to stop by the office. See you this afternoon, darling. XOXO There was little heart at the end of the note, an unexpected and surprising gesture of affection. Or maybe, I thought as I rolled up the piece of paper and tapped it thoughtfully against my chin, not so surprising after all... I was starting to realize that whatever these...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 10

I was doing up my tie, the steam from my shower still clouding the edges of the mirror. I heard the door to the master bedroom open but didn’t glance around. “Kenz?” I called. I cursed softly as my fingers fumbled the tie again. “Damn it.” Barbara had always helped me out with this. I’m a grown man, and I could get it done by myself, but it was always a nice little ritual — Barbara would finish my tie, give me a peck on the cheek, and tell me how handsome I looked. Of course, I’d never...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 1

"Gobble, Gobble, Gobble." "Wahbo, Wahbo, Wahbo." "Gobble, Gobble, Gobble." A month ago I would have been yelling at them to keep quiet or to find something else to do or to go to their room and play. God knows I'd heard it enough times over the last three days. But they really weren't bothering anyone and they were all playing together. And they were happy. This time it had been Laurie who initiated the game and my two who followed but each of them had started it countless times...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 2

I followed John from Perlione's over to his house. As we pulled into the driveway, he rolled down his window and motioned to the left. I noticed that the driveway was made of bricks, like a chimney and there was an additional section where he was pointing that was not in front of the garage. I pulled over to the left as he drove straight into the garage. As soon as he got out, he placed a call on his cell phone and disappeared through a door in the back. I let the kids out, then we went...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 3

I got my things arranged and helped the kids. It had seemed like so much stuff when we were packing it but it was little different from moving into a cabin for a two week vacation. Oh, I guess there were a few more toys, DVDs and books. One thing I knew we were going to have to do was call Alex. You see, kids are shorter than most people and the housing industry rarely takes that into consideration. The first problem I saw was the closets. None of the kids were tall enough to hang up their...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 4

I released the intercom and turned around to see three pairs of eyes looking up at me. My daughter broke the silence. "What can we do?" I could make a couple of cans of tomato soup and a stack of grilled cheese sandwiches with the equivalent of one eye shut and a hand tied behind my back. But when I looked down, there were three little people who were counting on me not to. They wanted me to find something for them to do so that they could help; something to make them feel useful. Jill...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 5

The soup pot looked clean enough to hang back over the stove. Posie's snout was covered in tomato soup orange/red when I picked her up and pulled her away from it. I got a paper towel and wiped off as much of the mess as I could. She made it difficult, wriggling and trying to get to my face to lick me the whole time. John said to me, "Is Billy going to be all right in the tub by himself?" "Shoot! I didn't even think about him having his own bathroom." I put Posie down and hurried...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 6

There's a lot of false glorification in the world. Some people call it hype. Jerry used to call it B.S. Thanks to Madison Avenue and its penchant for making each new product sound like the answer to everything that has plagued mankind since the creation, the bar has been lowered across the board. People who don't deserve it are touted as something special. I'm not saying it's evil or malicious or anything like that. But when a particular brand of lipstick is supposed to solve all problems...

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 7

A nurse came into the room to check Jamie's IV. She said, "Just a couple of minutes," and sat down on the bottom of the bed, careful not to disturb the three girls. "Did you know that Rita and Jamie have been taking the bus and walking for a couple of blocks in the dark to get home after Jamie's treatments?" John asked her. "No Sir, I wasn't aware of that." "We're taking them home tonight, but it bothers me that after tonight they'll be right back to walking home in the dark....

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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 8

I gasped as the garage door started to open and I saw a couple of objects glowing red, in the back, near the door into the kitchen. Like something you'd see in an old horror film when they broke into a pyramid. Or a newly discovered mummy, just after everyone's turned away and the camera's still on it. "What's that?" I gasped. "It's Posie," said Laurie. "She always waits for us when we get home." Sure enough, the overhead light came on and there she was, sitting on the rug,...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 236 School Board Boarding

I think I would rather hang out in the clinic to help kids get off the floor with the obstacles versus having to deal with the school board, but I said I would take care of it. I made it home in time to have dinner with mom and dad. April had missed me, but she knew I was close enough to be back quickly if she needed me to comfort her. I let mom and dad think I had been at Paula’s this entire time. It isn’t lying if they didn’t ask where you had been, and they made their own assumptions. No...

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting. Her Mistress ran her fingers along Jennifer's cheek and then lightly flitted them over Jennifer's nicely puffed and well glossed lips. She smiled at the gurl. It was a wicked and leering smile as well as a proud and reassuring one. Jennifer was already in such an enveloping haze of lust and arousal that she barely registered her Mistress's touch. She did however, register the tug on the leash clipped to the collar around her throat as her Mistress, Carol, led her...

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The Dildo Board Game

Loosely based on a dream I once had "Shawna and Jake are coming over right?" Felix asked his sister. Felix was a man of average height and build with short blonde hair. 'Yeah, tonight is game night after all," his sister, Jenna, responded. Jenna was a pretty redhead with C cup breasts. "What do you want to play?" Felix asks. "I don't know, any suggestions?" Jenna asks back. "Not really, whatever works for me," Felix says, "Hey you think Jake will ever confess to...

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Directors proposal

Director Ganesh acharya called Disha and said "I am sorry Disha I am unable to cast you in this movie of mine. But we will work together soon ". Disha cut the line and threw her cell phone in anger and frustration. "Why does this keep happening to me?....I needed this movie so badly. Why did he refused me?....I must find out that which bitch has snatched away my role from this project. " She was in her nightgown. She wore her stockings and put on her red coloured heeled sandals. She took out...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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Headhunting For The Board

(Chorus) More than friends We will be lovers In the dark I change my skin One last kiss And it will be over May your sweet dreams Come to an end In this hideaway In the land of darkest night I'll take your breath away The pleasure and pain is mine If you'll be with me You will sleep forever Dream of an ecstasy The pleasure and pain More than friends We will be lovers In the dark I change my skin Change my skin 'Change My Skin', Christopher Franke, "Raven"...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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