JewelChapter 6 free porn video

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I woke up the next morning, to the smell of coffee and bacon.

I threw on just enough clothes to be decent, and walked into the kitchen, where I saw my girl, fixing breakfast for us. Jewel was humming a tune I recognized as being from a Disney animated movie from long ago, but she was in a bra and panties, a far cry from any Disney animated movie sequence.

"Hi, Joseph!"

"Hi, Jet," I responded. That made her giggle, which made her breasts jiggle, which I enjoyed seeing.

"I don't know how old the bacon was, but it smelled OK to me, so that, and some fresh coffee, was all I dared try to prepare for my man."

"If I'm your man, then you're my woman! What are we doing after we eat today, Jet?" I picked up and smelled the bacon, and decided it was OK to eat.

"Well, I thought we'd labor over our work samples for a while, then maybe look around the city some more. I didn't have anything specific in mind, just work on our 'homework' and start planning on our move to here."

"Yeah, I was thinking about that as well ... all we really need to bring here from Lincoln City is all of our clothes and our computer stuff. Also, our music and movies, Jenn has a DVD player and a TV. That's about all, I think."

"You gonna leave Jenn your collection of porn, Joseph?" giggled Jewel.

"Hey, I worked hard on that collection of material, over the years!"

"Yeah, but now, you got these!" she said pulling off her bra and shoving her beautiful tits in my face, beating me with them. Oh, what a way to go!

She quickly put her bra back on and said, "No more for you, until you've worked on your 'homework' Joseph!"

"But, Jet?"

"Do I have to spank you or what?"

"That's supposed to motivate me to do homework? I don't think so!"

"We can play later. You want to get into SOU, don't you?"

"Yeah ... but I also want to get into my Jet," I whined.

"Hold onto that thought -- Maybe later!"

I went to the laptop and started researching my 'work sample.' I got into it, and rather quickly I had a rough draft of it ready for Jewel to look over.

She liked it, and using it as her model, she went to work on hers as well. Again, she had a rough draft within about 30 minutes, or so.

We called and talked to Jenn. I told her about the conversation I had with Daniel. I also told her that it looked like everything of his was gone, which made her happy. We talked a little to Mom and Dad as well, telling them what we had planned and that we were planning on being home sometime late tonight.

"Let's go open some bank accounts, while we're here Joseph?" Jewel said.

"Good idea, Jet ... what do you think; separate or a joint account?"

"How about a checking account that has both our names on it, that either of us can use, and a separate savings bank account for the money we make while here; that way we won't mingle our personal money, with the money we get from Mom and Dad?"

"Very forward thinking of you, my dear!"

We packed up all our stuff, locking up the place behind us. Jewel had the idea for picking up applications at some of the private elementary schools in the area, to get a job in a non-teaching element to have some 'hands on' experience with children.

We then swung back by the Placement Center to thank Ms. Wright for all of the help she was to us, and we told her we would see her in a few days.

We drove around for a while, getting ourselves acquainted with this community that will become our life for the next three years, or more.

When we come back with more time, and more money, we decided we wanted to visit, and eat at Porters Dining at the Depot, and Jewel wanted to check out the Medford Shopping Center, hoping for a place to shop and get some new clothes.

We headed home, having concluded a quite satisfying trip to the city that is our destiny.

We pulled up a little after 8pm, tired and excited, as well as very hungry. Everyone met us at the door; Stephen was even over for dinner. Good girl Jenn, I knew that they would end up a couple.

We had some of the pizza that had been ordered, and then went up to bed, begging off everybody's attempt to find out what all we did. We were zapped, and needed to get some rest.

The next morning, Jewel and I were the last to get up. We went in and found something to eat and then decided to work on some of our projects. The inclination to not work and play instead was high on Jewel's list, but I reminded her of our deadline.

Begrudgingly, we both went to work on those things we needed. We needed to get to our previous schools and get some information, so we trundled over to OCCC for Jewel and then Lincoln City High School for me.

Even though I had just graduated from there, it felt rather surreal going back to it, but I went to the Administration Building and asked to speak to Mrs. Playcraft. She was a very stacked redhead, only maybe 31 or 32, a lot younger than most of the other teachers at Lincoln City High School. Most guys could never get their eyes up to hers. Now that I see her from a different social perspective, she has pretty brown eyes.

Jewel went to this school as well, so we needed to be careful while we were here. Mrs. Playcraft came to the counter, and, looking her straight in her eyes, I had asked for a Written Recommendation to SOU, telling her that my sister and I were going there to become Elementary School Teachers. You should have seen the brilliant light that came on in her eyes, when I told her that.

She hugged both of us and said she would gladly fill it out for me, and one for Jewel. She then recommended Mr. Ralston and Ms. Pleather as my other recommendations. She took the forms and promised us that they would be all done by tomorrow. I thanked her again and we left.

"Joseph, if I didn't know better, I'd say she had a crush on you. All of that hugging and touching."

"Quit it, Jet ... I had it bad for her, but so did all the boys. She wore provocative clothes, and bent over a lot. Most of the guys were hard, the moment class started."

"Well, Joseph--we've dropped off our forms, we're closing in on having everything done, a lot quicker than I ever thought we would!"

After three more days, we had it all ready to take back to SOU. We had already created our entire matriculation plan, thinking that was a good idea, especially since we would be getting in just under the wire.

We gassed up the Honda, and headed back to Medford, leaving in the late afternoon this time. After getting a good nights rest, Jewel and I went back to the placement center.

We asked to see Ms. Wright.

We waited for about 20 minutes ... when Ms. Wright came out and said hello; inviting us in. After looking over all we had brought with us for about 10 minutes, Ms. Wright looked up at us and smiled.

"Congratulations to the both of you! I have never read such thought-provoking commentary on the elementary school system. Absolutely everything is in order. Oh, have you looked over the curriculum?"

"Here are our complete matriculation plans, Ma'am!" I said, handing them both to her.

"Well, Joseph ... I see you two have been holding out on me. Oh, these look very well organized. We've also been contacted by two of the local private elementary schools; they took an immediate interest in both of you as being interns, while attending SOU. Are you interested in that, kids?"

"Hell yes ... excuse me, I'm very sorry for that," said Jewel, catching herself.

Ms. Wright couldn't keep from laughing a bit at Jewel's gaffe. "That wouldn't be appropriate in front of the kids, but I understand the emotion. SOU classes start in eleven days. I would get your books for your first semester's classes while you're here. Have you moved into where you're living yet, or are you going back home one more time before things start?"

"Well, Ma'am..."

"Call me Mary Ann, please. I don't feel like a ma'am yet."

"Nor do you look like a ma'am either, Mary Ann!" I said with a smile on my face.

Looking at me, and then turning to Jewel when she said it, Mary Ann asked, "Is he for real, Jewel?"

"Yes, ma'am ... Mary Ann, that's my little brother, always smiling and always flirting."

I gave Jewel a light slap on the shoulder, than realized the possible impropriety of that. That made all three of us laugh.

"These classes you picked, I approve ... now go get your books, you two are going to really like it here. Joseph, control yourself ... flirting these days has its consequences ... and some benefits!" she said with a flirty smile right at me. She even winked at me.

When we got completely out of the building, Jewel rounded on me and said, "Are you crazy, flirting with the Executive Assistant of the ABP?"

"It was harmless, Jet! I just thought it would lighten the mood a little."

"Just remember, what I said to Jenn, you belong to me, buster. Go ahead and flirt all you want, just don't get caught with your pants down, or I'll have you emasculated ... in front of Mary Ann."

"Yes, dear ... let's call Mom and Dad, and tell them we are going to use the School Visa Card they gave us, to buy books."

I called Mom and told her that we got into SOU, and we had better buy books, so she gave me the debit pin number for using the card.

We decided we were going to get the books we would need, for the entire first year of the curriculum, so we went to the campus bookstore and got all of the books. It didn't make any sense to get two of everything; we could share the Math and Education textbooks. But we got two of all of the lab materiel workbooks.

It was almost too much to carry, so we decided, actually Jewel thought of it, to get a pair of SOU backpacks. Then we packed them up and walked out like we were students here.

Hey, we're students here!

We decided also to get a campus-parking permit.

"Well, Joseph ... what else do you want to do here?"

"You want to go out and do something?" I asked.

"What exactly do you have in mind, Joseph?" she said.

"I understand that those 14 year old professional dancers, Charles & Claire are coming into Medford for a single night, I've heard they're real good. Want to go and see them?"

"Do we get to dress up, Lover?"

"I'd love to see you in a evening dress or gown," I said lecherously.

"Yeah, I know, but when we got home, you could rip it off me and we could fuck the rest of the night.

"Why don't we go change, get something to eat then go to their Concert? It's at McNeal Pavilion, just south of Raider Stadium? We can leave for Lincoln City early tomorrow morning,"

"Sounds like a plan, I have a dress you've never seen," she said quite lusciously. I'm so lucky to be doing this all with my little brother, who also is my lover and life companion."

"Quiet down a little on the loud 'Oprah moment' Jet. We were planning on keeping this all on the down low, remember?"

"Yeah Joseph, of course you're right ... I'm just so excited I can't hardly stand it."

"Can you wait until we get home to Lincoln City or are you in need of an injection of 'Joseph' before we head home?"

"I may be more interested in Ms. Wright, she did seem kinda hot. I wonder what she was packing under that frilly blouse she had on, Joseph?"

"Are you insane, Jet? She didn't seem like the 'bi' type to me at all. My guess is she's packing a pair of double-d's inside that frilly blouse, as you call it."

"They are actually 36-F's kids, so you two are lovers ... or did I just hear wrong?"

"Ms. Wright ... Mary Ann, we ... well, we are ... uhm," I stuttered.

"So I did hear correctly ... didn't I? Don't worry you two, Oregon, at least Central Oregon, is very liberal ... and you guys will fit in here fine. So I guess that makes me, the only person on this entire campus that knows that Joseph and ... what did you call her, Jet, are both brother and sister, and boyfriend and girlfriend. Hmmm ... I'm certain that we can all work this out, can't we Joseph?" She put her hand on my shoulder.

I could tell that Jet was upset, but we also knew that this woman could cause us a lot of trouble, so Jet gritted her teeth and said, "When we get back here on Monday, come on over. I've learned how to share, I hope you do too, Mary Ann?"

Charles & Claire, along with his other dance partner, Kalista, were really something to watch. Maybe I can get Jewel to take some dance lessons with me; isn't dancing making love, only standing up?

On our trip home, I apologized again to Jewel about flirting with Mary Ann, but now it seems inevitable that a romp between the three of us will be happening sooner, than later.

We got home, and brought inside all of our school stuff. I promptly made some computer labels and labeled everything with our name, an email address, and a phone number.

In an effort to get all of our school application stuff done, we had been fighting our sexual impulses during that time. Now we're home for maybe the last time, for quite a while, so I made a 'do not disturb' sign and hung it on the door, along with a sock on the doorknob. Lastly, I closed the blinds and locked the door ... I wasn't going to let anyone or anything interrupt us, once we got started.

The phone rang.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello, Joseph ... this is Dad, you guys are home? I was just checking, I hope I didn't interrupt anything."

"Dad, Jet and I just got home and were hoping for some 'quiet one on one time.' Why don't you take Jenn and Mom to dinner after work, and maybe a hotel for the night, we're gonna be loud and proud all day."

"God, I envy you two; in love like you are, can't keep your hands off each other, and you're going away to pursue your dreams, together." I could tell that he was getting emotional; so was I. "We won't come home tonight, maybe I can get Jenn to join your mother and me in a threesome?" I heard him laughing as I put down the phone.

"Are we going to be alone, lover?" Jewel asked.

"All night, Dad's hoping to get some of Jenn later tonight?"

"He's her type ... he's got two legs--and a dick!"

We both laughed as we took off each other's clothes.

After getting naked, I lay back and just looked up at my sister/girlfriend/companion. As I stared at her, my dick was getting very big and very hard.

"Need some help with that?" Jewel said.

"Whatever you want, my beautiful and gorgeous sister."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," she said as she knelt before my slightly bent, but hard as steel dick.

She took it in her hand and pushed it up against my stomach. Then she licked the underside of it, making it throb a bit. She took my balls and plopped them both in her mouth and, using her tongue, played with them like they were a couple of M&Ms; really big M&Ms.

Doing this, I knew it would make me cum quickly, but she knew me by now; she knew if she got me off quick, then our second coupling would be wonderfully erotic and orgasmic. She continued sucking on my nuts, until she heard me start to pant, knowing that I was seconds from cumming, and she wanted it in her mouth.

"Oh-oh-oh, Jet ... I'm so close. Put your mouth back on my dick, please ... let me--let me cum in your mouth?" I cut loose a load just as she put her mouth on me. I must have put a couple of tablespoons in her, because she smacked her lips and quietly said, "Thank you, Bro!"

After I caught my breath, I moved from being on my back to being on her front, kissing her mouth, that now tasted of me, which I had gotten used to. While I was kissing her, I took her breasts in my hands and held them and just kissed both of them all over. I got her nipples between my fingers and rolled them both, which made her moan and tremble at the same time.

Skipping the joy of eating her, I moved into position for giving her one of my 30-minute long 'slow-fucks, ' which she had grown to love, over the last few weeks.

She used her hand to get me harder, and then I slowly put it inside her, pushing all of the way in, making her shudder, and then I started my leisurely paced fuck. She was enjoying it, as was I.

I closed my eyes, and I was remembering that day that I bought her the Rose. It was an early spring day, and I had bought it to apologize to her for telling her that I loved her. Now that I think about that, that was as stupid and romantic as I had been, in my relatively short life.

I remember Mom asking if 'we kissed and made up.' It was more kiss and make out, but at the time I was still forming my feelings for my older sister.

Jewels moans brought me back to the present. She was getting louder, and I placed my thumbs on her nipples, knowing that would get her close to orgasm ... I knew I was very close.

"Jet, are you close?"

"Yeah, Joseph ... real close, any time you want to ... speed up, I'll be there, just push that big dick in your sister, come on bro ... man up, show me what you got?"

I went from my medium speed to a bullet train speed and she was practically screaming at me to slow down--she needed me to go slower?

I took that as a challenge and started churning inside her as fast as I knew how to fuck. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she started to flop around, and I started to cum, and cum, oh god almighty! My nuts burned so bad, I must be using the emergency stash; I slowed down, but went very deep and she gave out a yell that was amazing to me.

I had to stop; she appeared to be out cold beneath me. I pulled out of her and she was breathing but really shallow. I had heard of woman going unconscious during sex, I just never expected it to happen to anyone I had been with. I glanced at my watch to keep an eye on her, but I stayed right next to her, just in case she needed me.

Less than five minutes later, her eyes opened and she looked over at me and asked, "Did I pass out Joseph? Ohmigod, that was fucking terrific."

"It might have been for you, but I've been waiting ... and was kind of worried about you."

We started our packing up our stuff; we kept all of our school paperwork and other such stuff, in our new backpacks.

We went online and ordered each of us the newest IPhone, and a MacBook Air for us to share, having it all shipped to our new address in Medford. I remembered that the entire SOU campus is a Wi-Fi hot spot, so we would always have good and fast, and cheap Internet. That meant that the only computer stuff we would be taking with us, was our printer, a relatively new model that should be enough to last for our three years there.

I took out the card that Mary Ann gave me and called it.

"Hello, this is Mary Ann Wright. How can I help you?"

"Hello, Ms. Wright?"

"Hello, Joseph ... I thought I told you to call me Mary Ann?"

"I know, but my parents taught me to treat my elders with respect."

"Your elders? Boy ... you're quite the Boy Scout aren't you?"

"Eagle Scout, Mary Ann ... with three palms."

"I have two more for you when you get back here, Joseph."

"I was calling to let you know when we would be back in Medford. My best guess is in three days, maybe four."

"Aren't you just the nicest young man, I could just eat you up, and I probably will."

"Thank you, Mary Ann, Jet and I will see you in a few days?"

"Bye, Joseph ... thanks for calling."

Same as Jewel
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My first play

I was alone in the cinema as my friend failed to show up,the place was nearly empty and I was about to go when a man sat next to me. The whole place to sit in and he sits right next to me. He had his hand in his pocket and it was plain to see that he was playing with himself. I was finding it hard not to look as he was jerking all the time, I was shocked when he put his hand in my lap feeling my hard on through my pants,he leaned over and told me to put my hand inside his pocket,he had no inner...

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Dream brother

100% fiction! In my younger years I saw something I've only seen that once in my life. My brother was getting out of the shower and I decided I wanted to see him naked. I was horny and seeing a naked dick would help me when I masturbated. My eyes popped open and my mouth fell open. His cock was soft but still it was long and really thick. I knew I wanted to see it hard. I walked in as he was drying his hair and grabbed that huge cock. He flipped out when he saw who I was. He tried to speak but...

4 years ago
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Her son

Matt was just f******n when his mom started having sex with him. He was used to his naked mom as he still nursed her every day. She told him it was his duty to please his mom. She brought him naked to her bed and he would nurse as she stroked his young cock. When he was off her tit she then moved down and sucked his cock and his balls. Matt loved sex with his mom. She had never worn a bra so he could nurse her anytime he needed the milk. He loved to watch her mouth suck on his cock. She would...

2 years ago
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Lady in Red Pt 02 Ch 07

When the man’s face came into stronger light, Steve spoke in a challenging manner. ‘You’d better holster that gun, or use it.’ ‘I don’t need a gun to take you down, Hammer,’ replied the man as he tucked the handgun into his waistband. ‘How’s Kate? Is she okay? I’m ashamed to admit that I was a little slow back there. Is she hurt?’ By this time Gwen was next to Kate, looking at the blood on her face and asking her questions, and listening to Kate’s response. ‘Three men grabbed me. I went to...

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White Boys Make the Best Bitches A Club Voodoo Fan Fiction

So I know people were wanting me to do another chapter of Universe of Bubbles, and I might, but this story is where my mind has drifted to as of late and I've finally felt inspired enough to write it all down. T I consider this Fan Fiction, my interpretation of one of my favorite FictionMania Stories. Club Voodoo by Suzette =3049555396163482450 I've taken her character and setting and put my own spin on the...

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Lady in Red Ch 01

I’ve read and greatly enjoyed stories by ‘Magi’ and ‘Nick Scipio’. They inspired me to create my own story of teen angst, love, and loss. To keep the melodrama at a high level, there’ll be some incredible feats and heroic actions. This is no ordinary pair of kids and their adventures will prove it. If Navy Seals, football stars, surgeons, glamorous actors and models, and honest politicians destroy your ability to suspend disbelief, this story may not be for you. It is a work in progress with...

3 years ago
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Valentines Day Experiment chapter 1

Natalie and I snuggled in bed. The television was on, but we had long since stopped paying it much mind. Our hands roamed over each other, and light kisses kept our foreplay even more playful than normal. "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day," she said, in a tone that suggested she was plotting more than reminding. I chuckled and nibbled on her ear. "I know we have dinner reservations, but I was hoping you would be open to something a little more romantic. Something a little kinkier...

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Annies First Lesbian Fun

As I sit here at the kitchen island looking over my final divorce decree papers, a huge smile washes over my face. I can finally choose what to do, make my own choices, without having to answer to a man who saw nothing wrong with banging my sister on his office desk, in the back seat of his car, and in the cabin I now own. I  am now free to live my life and enjoy living my life as a newly single woman."Hey, mom, we're here," I hear Alison as she makes her way into the kitchen. I stand up, turn...

1 year ago
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Love The Internet Ch 03

Continuation Conner took a deep breath then took in his surroundings. Getting to his feet he leaned down and lifted Annie into his arms, and headed down the small hallway to her bedroom. The room was small with a full size bed taking up most of the space. Setting her on her feet in front of the bed, he pushed the robe from her shoulders then pulled off his shirt. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her to him, groaning at the feel of her bare breasts pressed to his chest. Putting...

1 year ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 8 Relatives

Sean and Lee headed for the dome. On the way, Lee called Kyle. “Hey bro’!” “Yes, sis’?” “Have you been to see our incestuous child?” “What!” “Kylee, Sean called her our love child.” “Damn, I’m going to hit that the smart-arse bastard.” “Good luck with that,” Lee replied giggling. “I assume you are heading to the dome?” “Yeah, I have Sean’s love child with us.” Kyle laughed. “Tell him, while mine may be big, she is at least pretty and doesn’t shit like his does.” This cracked both...

2 years ago
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The Titchester Chronicles The Law Firm 4

Michelle hurried upstairs when she returned from work on Friday. Her mother was in the kitchen so she yelled a quick greeting, stripped out of her smelly clothes and jumped in the shower. Scrubbing vigorously all over twice she wrapped a towel around herself and flopped onto her bed. I'll bin the outfits she decided. She put the bottles of Boost on the dresser and checked the time. Hours before her scheduled dose. Linda called up “Tea is ready!” Michelle jumped off the bed, towelled her...

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Hunters Vs CockBlocker

Keiyra's alert eyes scan the streets for any signs of Hunters. As the most successful and renowned CockBlocker, Keiyra never drops her guard. She would never be collared with the dread conCollars the Hunters used, and to her dying day she would kill those who seek to collar her or other women. For being collared was practically a death sentence. The collar could read your thoughts and intentions and can "train" women by shocking them for what their programmers deem as bad thoughts. It could...

4 years ago
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I walk into the club with Sir. I am wearing an off-the-shoulder short black knit swing dress. It shows off my ample breasts and clings to my round bottom. I have to admit, I feel good in this dress. It has been a few months since my relationship with Mr. B ended. I didn't think I would ever get over him until I met Sir. He is a Dom. This submissive/dominant thing is still strange to me, but it feels like what I need right now. It is a weird thing. A man is telling me what to do ... controlling...

3 years ago
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After Tuition Class 8211 Part III

By : Devteen Hi everybody, i am back with the third part of my story “AFTER TUITION CLASS”. After that incident in the pond i became a slave for my friends. Because shyam & sandeep said all the things even i masturbated looking at my moms body, to joy and others. They started to talk dirty about my mom and sister even i was near them. But they acted decently in front of my mom and sister calling them aunty and chechi. But they usually call them “vedi(bitch)”. Even hearing that i didn’t...

2 years ago
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First Cream Pie I ever saw

I'll never forget the first Cream Pie I saw: In the early 70s, I was 15; an acquaintance and myself had been slumming all day in his car. We picked up a girl of about 16 yo we saw that was also slumming (back then, it was quite common for slumming girls to be easy fucks). Anyway we all three slummed for awhile and she and my buddy were getting horny for each other so we all went to her house for the obvious reason of fucking. She lived in a mobile home and no one else was home. She wasn't...

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Blood Sweat and Fears

   He would be arriving shortly to pick me up from work, Usually I had a pretty good idea what he was up to with his late night antics that he has become so accustomed to. My husband and I have been together for about 2 years and we were the best of friends for several years before this. So when it comes to knowing each other we have it down pat.    I was nervous this time, he didn't give me any clues and he usually stumbles up and I don't have a hard time figuring out what he is up to. But...

2 years ago
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8th Gangbang 8211 Boss Aur Uske Customers Part 2

Hello I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmedabad. I am Gujarati. I am 25 years old. Yeh meri story ka dusra part hai. Tino ne kaha “Yes I, I want to fuck this nice piece.” Boss bola “Ok you will get chance, but at one condition, tino bole “What is that? We will do anything.” Boss bola, “Ok, it will be like this, who ever gives us maximum amount of business, will get the chance to fuck her first, then at last we all will fuck her.” Sab taiyar ho gaye, Boss ne sabko papers diye aur bola,...

3 years ago
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Isle of Capri

I don’t know why I’m here. The Isle of Capri had such a lovely ring to it and Italy has always been of interest. It’s been so many years since I had a vacation and so much has happened to me I knew that I had to do something. I thought maybe a few weeks in the hot sun would do me good. I woke up today and realized that it was a most incredible day and that if nothing else, I should go down to the water and see what happens in the Isle of Capri. I don my bikini and put a dress over top of it...

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The Ultimate Fantasy

Paul couldn’t walk fast enough. His heart was pounding and he kept checking the time on his iPhone every couple of minutes. It was only a ten minute walk to the hotel but it seemed to Paul that he would never get there. He knew that Marie has something very special planned for him and he couldn’t wait to find out! The day started normally enough. Paul was up before anyone else in the house and had left at his usual time, just after 8am, to catch the bus for work. The day had been busy but not...

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The SwapChapter 7

"Are the kids in bed asleep?" he asked. "Yes, I tucked them in a few minutes ago." answered Samantha. She looked to Alex with determination. "Is tonight the night?' "... Yes. I've asked Tai Lin to go for a moonlight sail." "Good. Now we'll be rid of the bitch forever." "I just wish there was another way." "Look, darling, I do too. I don't like this, but she's left us no other option." "You think the coast guard and police will accept it being an accident?" he...

2 years ago
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Office Lovers

It’s three on Friday afternoon, and I am losing my mind with boredom at work. I’m ready for the weekend and my favorite Friday treat. For the past two weeks, I’ve had a standing date at the Hilton DoubleTree hotel with my new lover. I’m lucky to have a friend to cover for me. I tell my parents I’m at her place, and they don’t ask any questions. Unfortunately, I can’t stay with him all night because he has to get home by eight. I’ve gotten used to him dropping by my office on Friday to give me...

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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 9

Chapter 9 The first couple of visitors that Saturday was awkward for everyone including the clients. They had not expected the girls to be friendly. One of them even thought it might be a trick to sucker him into doing something dumb so the girls could make fun of him. Betty’s regulars were delighted to see the girls naked and polite, though. One of them had tipped them twenty dollars when he left. That was enough to spark their interest in continuing to play the role of hostess. Karen...

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My Wet Dream 3 Under the Oak Tree

... I remember that special day on our farm like it was yesterday... I love horses, and I love taking care of them. Riding my horse over our farm was probably the most satisfying thing I have ever done. I especially love riding my horse, wearing a dress with no panties. My pussy is always wet, with the hard leather seat of the saddle pressing against me until I was slick with my own cum. In the hot afternoons, I like to sit in the pasture, under a tree and watch the horses running around...

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Cupids Kiss Ch 09

Four pair of eyes trailed her down the stairs and made Psyche feel like a fly under a microscope. Cybil’s worried looks and Harold’s defensive posture over his plate made her want to run back to her room. Somehow life in the mental institution seemed easier to her. It wasn’t enough that she had Aphrodite to deal with but now she was in the middle of a family blow out. She sat down at the end of the table and glared at her family and her psychiatrist. ‘What?’ she grouchily murmured and threw...

3 years ago
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Meri Pyari Bahan

Hi friends, this is LOVE GUPTA. 6feet average body married and very satisfied to my married life. Isliye aap sabse nivedan hai ki kripya mujhe galat na samjhein par mujhe mails jaroor karein. My id is I am a regular reader of antervasna & humesha nayi stories ki talaash mein rehta hoon. Mujhe yahan stories padhna bahut achha lagta hai. Maine kareeb saari stories padhi hain par 95percent stories kalpanik lagi. Anyways mujh mein 1 yahi kami hai ki main jhooth nahi bol sakta. Fir maine itni...

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Teresas Torture The Epilogue

"Teresa's Torture - Epilogue!"Some time after I finally saw the film in 2001, the infamous film of my Stepmum's prostitution to an exclusive BDSM circle to save us from debt and bankruptcy, I visited a sex shop in a big city in the South.Minding my own business, perusing the goods, I was surprised to hear a customer ask the staff for the sequel to Teresa's Torture! Initially I thought somebody had recognised who I was and was taking the mickey. No, they were serious. Looking toward the counter,...

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Schwules Internat 0810

Der erste der Worte fand war William „krass, ob die das schlucken?“„Das werden sie, denn sie kennen mich so gut, dass sie mir das ohne weiteres zutrauen. Der Brief wird auch so abgeschickt, dass er zum Schulanfang, übernächste Woche ankommt. Erst dann werden meine Eltern mich vermissen.Mein Vater wird ganz still sein und versuchen nichts nach außen dringen zu lassen. Denn sonst könnte er seinen Posten in der Regierung verlieren und meine Mutter sagt `ja´ zu allem was mein Vater bestimmt“...

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Meri aor meri babi ki garma girm chudayi

Main Mohan fm hayrana se kafi mahino ke baad es site pe apni ek new kahani lekar aaya kahani aaj se thik 8 saal pahle ki hai aasha karta hun ki pahle ke tarah es baar bi mujhe aap aapna aecha response doge. Story padne se pahle land wale apna land hath main nikal le aor chut wali apni chut main ungli karma suru kar de because kahani bahut interested hai vaise to aap ko peta hi hai mere hathiyar aor power ke bare main phir kuch new reader ke liye beta deta hun mera land 9.5 inch longa and...

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The Prescription for a Naughty Girl

Dr. Eric Lyons was a dedicated and kind physician, who had treated patients with diabetes for fifteen years. He specialized in diabetics in their late teens to their mid-twenties. Being diabetic himself, he understood taking over responsibility for one's own care was part of staying well, not to mention avoiding the condition's deadly pitfalls.Usually when dealing with a patient who was having problems with medications, glucose testing, injections etc. , Dr. Lyons found that by discussing his...

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Tiny Way to Die

Hi all, so this is a story that I have brought over from This story was originally called "Tiny Way To Die," and it was originally created by a chap by the name of 'chaos'. Link to said story here: Now as for why I brought this story over from, well, I noticed that the original has been largely neglected by the site, only getting updated once every 3-4 months or so. I decided to bring the story over...

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The House Party

The Hell Fire Club The Hell Fire Club The Earl of Kirkross  The Hon Peter Fraser watched his elder brother The Earl of Kirkross introduce his future wife to the other guests. She was a beautiful women in anyone eyes. Her long blonde hair shimmered in the bright sunlight; she was slim, high breasted with long tapering legs. When she walked her hips swayed from side to side she could have graced any catwalk. Angela Fitzsimons was the pick of her year, well educated and from an...

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Vestas Hearth 21

Vesta's Hearth Chapter 21 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 Vesta's Hearth is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Vesta's Hearth is not considered suitable reading matter for minors In the final chapter of Volume 1, Helen goes home to the Caf?, buys a case of champagne, dances with Adam and buys a nest. 21 I was so alive on the way back, I heard every b...

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Nani Ko Sote Waqt Choda

I am a very old reader of indian sex stories site stories but didn’t know whether it was true or not but I always wanted to try sex with some women who was elder than me but couldn’t get chance but I always waited for the right movement hii dosto mera naam ddragon hai aur basically me mumbai se hu but apni study ke liye pune aya hu yaha mene ek falt liya hai rent pe aur me 22 saal ka ladka hu gym karta hu body achi kasi hai aur marathi hu aur lund ki baat kiye itna lamba aur mota hai ki kisi...

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The Buddy Booth

Right in the middle of 8th avenue, sandwiched between a restaurant and a garment shop was a store whose windows were plastered with images of scantily clad women, bleached and faded from years in the sun. They served at one time as advertisements, but now mostly to shield the customers on the inside from pedestrians on the street. I had passed by this place a hundred times on the way to work and eventually got it in my head that I needed to check it out. I'd been in porn shops before on a...

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Company TripChapter 5 Jims Story

What an incredible first day. It started the minute I met Rick's beautiful wife Wendy. At that time, I never would have thought that hours later I would find my cock buried in her perfect body. What a fantastic woman she is. That first night of our trip was a dream come true. I must admit that I felt guilty the next day. I thought of my wife Kim. I knew she would be shocked to hear about what the five of us did. She would probably kill me if she found out that I had been unfaithful. I just...

4 years ago
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Lost Virginity To Next Door Sexy Akka

Hi, readers, I am Jay, I am from Bangalore. I am going to tell you a story that happened a few years ago. First, let me tell you about myself I am Jay, height 5.5 ft and an average body built. Now coming to the story. I had finished my pre-university. I was done with my college admission and was waiting for my college to start. One of my neighbors had lost her husband a few years ago, and now in the husband’s house, they were not ready to take care of her. So, they kicked her out of the house....

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Motel Stay

Some years back my husband was being transferred ( he was military ) and we were going to a remote base and were shipping our car to the base and were doing this in Seattle, we drove there and found most of the hotel / motel were booked due to a convention in town, but bound a place not to far from the port and air port, not knowing the exact time or day of shipping the car we had booked the room for 5 day this was early Thursday and hubby's flight was Friday night and mine was Monday incase we...

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