The Weekend
- 4 years ago
- 29
- 0
Kitten sat in one of the few spaceworthy vessels that had been repaired since her husband, and most of her sister wives had left, for the Epsilon Eridani system. In a cubicle beside her, rested her three daughters. She felt much more comfortable, when they were with her. Not that she begrudged Doris or Lam helping out to feed the children, but the Earth women were starting to run things their way, and disregard the millions of years of time taken, to finely hone the Tandra culture and instinct.
Take moments ago, she thought; Doris refused to concede the fact that the babies were as safe in the little ship they now rode in, as they would be in the moon base. Even gentle Lam wanted no part of 'her daughter's' child going out in a ship that was to deliver weapons, to the prize ship they had captured. This simple jaunt would only take a few hours to complete, and all would be back before the children's next feeding time.
The little ship had only a simple computer, and no AI of any kind. It was kind of fun to be so alone, and rely on such simple tools, as the machine around her. It could do only paltry ninety six gravities, and taking the ship to Epsilon Eridani would take months.
She knew from Earth television, that Human mothers routinely took their children in automobiles when on errands. She did not know if she could function well, if she had to put up with all the traffic she saw on Earth.
Almost an hour later, her instruments found the ship as it was slowing down itself, from its nominal four hundred gravities, to match course and heading with her. She waved at the young Tandra males and Human men, through the now transparent shield, and the missing hull plates, as they efficiently took her cargo of missiles, and again accelerated to the next missile platform in their scheduled route. They regularly came back to the moon base, to get a few newly manufactured hull plates installed, and change a portion of the crew for others that had not had the experience yet.
Kitten remembered the happy faces of the crew, and wondered how the others were doing, so far from home.
Captain Shingle took his duties very seriously, and so did his exec, Paul Santo. They scanned the most probable approaches to the system from the data they were given, but did not think that any enemy would cooperate. The computer had many programmes, but relied on being told what to do, still.
In the room with them, were an almost exclusively Chinese bridge crew. If truth were to be told, this crew was even more diligent and resourceful than any of the others they had trained on the long voyages since the expedition to Epsilon Eridani left. Charles and Paul had been able to mesh with them somehow, and the ship responded in some unfathomable way, and travelled many times its maximum speed. Granted this was outside the Mardaf Limit, but this was supposed to only happen with a bonded crew of Tandra and a functional AI. The fact that an AI was not present made the occurrence sound almost unbelievable. Mom had put many devices on the ship and asked them to do this feat many times.
Mom had also allowed this team to remain longer than the rest, to see how it functioned, and hoped to learn even more from the mix. Another watch with a mixed crew of Europeans did not seem to have the same effect.
At present, the crew were searching for any small object to shoot at, to test the accuracy of their weapons. Liang Peng currently had the watch, and nervously looked for targets both animated or hopefully only inert. A small carbonaceous meteoroid only a 300 millimetres across, was at the limits of their resolution at one light minute. He directed the gunnery officer with a long string of data, to lock onto the target and cast a nervous glance at the captain, before ordering a single burst of energy. The screen instantly showed one of the drone images as the meteoroid exploded into fragments smaller than dust.
The captain came up the shorter man, clapped him on the shoulder, and said, "That was a good shot Peng," turning to the gunnery officer, he said, "I see you compensated for our own movement as well, as the targets. Good shooting, both of you."
The two officers worked well, and they seemed to have an affinity for each other, that went beyond the normal mindspeak. There was a small problem with the fact, that many people onboard spoke languages that only a few others could understand. The Chinese language was really a group of languages that other Chinese groups could not usually understand. Tandra was becoming the de facto language of choice, and seemed to smooth out most of the problems once it was mastered.
Mathematics was a different matter, and the Tandra penchant for different mathematical protocols, caused more than one recruit to throw up his hands in despair. It took a very agile mind, to completely integrate all of the data bestowed on them, through the tutors. The segmented mind and the huge amount of data, not to mention the increased ability to concentrate, now put any person onboard, far ahead of any other member of humanity.
In their cabin, Paul was sitting on the back of Charlie's legs and was rubbing oil languidly into his lover's skin. "I have been studying Peng for quite a while, and see that he has changed a lot in many ways, since he was recruited."
"We all have changed, and I doubt if we are done yet. What way did you mean?"
"Most of the men were predominantly hetro when they came here, and now they seem to be able, or just have inclinations, to swing both ways now."
"That is because they don't have too many choices. I think there are only thirty or so females in the moon base."
"Hold still there." Paul moved his strong fingers lower, to relieve the tension in the lower back. "I don't think that is it. Even the men that seemed to be getting some attention from the ladies are even hitting on each other. Like minds go together, and I think that is one of the reasons the Tandra genders tended to separate long ago. Our own love has grown; even if it had a few rough spots when we could actually read each others minds. Tandra men or women, I think, would tend to go with people that they are more comfortable with, and that is usually the people of their gender."
"I can see that now." Charley concentrated on the implications, and said, "Do you think in the long term, the Human race will act the same as the Tandra?"
Paul stopped his hands, and thought hard for a moment. "I don't know. Uncle Henry seems to like the ladies better, although that little Roger has more than sex appeal going for him. I have seen Uncle Henry eyeing your cute bum a few times."
"Really? Do you think we should share?"
Paul slapped his lover on his bare ass, and said, "Don't even say things like that. I have put up with you for quite a few years, and don't think there is room for any more." Paul was intrigued at one time, but saw that their relationship would suffer irrevocable damage, if they allowed themselves to wander.
Going off the subject, Paul asked, "How many people do we have to train yet? Last I heard there were literally thousands that want to get some experience on our ship."
"I hadn't looked at the figures for fear that I start to run scared. Much better to take this sort of thing as it comes."
Lam was in trouble. She had said that she wanted the babies, as they were decanted from the vats, in the lunar base. The children were grown to almost a year old by Tandra standards, making them newborn size for a Human. She had sat in a strange chair, and been cured of all her health problems just as her husband Duc was. Her breasts had been stimulated to produce milk, just as her daughter's had, but much more quickly.
She had accepted the feeding of Kitten's babies as her own, much like Susan had done. There were a lot of tears as Susan reluctantly gave up 'her' baby to her mother, just before she left. Susan had kept up the milk production to feed Roger and Bobby, till she had to leave on this dangerous mission.
Doris too, had undergone the treatment, and now fed a tiny baby as well. Now with the new arrivals, she did not know if she and Doris could keep up with increased demand.
'Mom', as Susan called the being in the mountain, had said, that she could make up a formula to feed the hungry mouths. It was hard to accept this, for she knew in her heart, that children should be fed a mother's breast, not from a container.
As much as she hated to admit it, her breasts were empty and sore. "Mom, you were right. Will you give me some formula for my babies?" She said, in Vietnamese.
Doris sat across from Lam, and felt that she had better luck in feeding her babies, for her glands produced more milk, but she saw that she too, would not be able to meet the high demands placed on her. She wanted help, but was hesitant to ask, because the small Vietnamese woman had appeared to be coping so well. The pain in her raw nipples was discounted, because of the great need.
The little babies were so quiet, and well mannered. It was as if adults inhabited their bodies. Their large eyes followed each of the adults around, as if trying to find out all they could, from the sight alone. She was quite shocked when one day she found that she to could speak with her mind.
Charlie, the child she bore, and Paul, had only laughed as she finally was able to master this task. Paul said, "Don't worry, Mom. Later, when you have lived with the Tandra for a while, you will really learn what it is to be able to communicate."
He and Charlie had been right, and she could feel the recently sated children nod off to sleep. She felt a contentment flood through her, mimicking the feelings in the infants. When she had innocently cast her mind out, and found her sons untold millions of kilometres from home, they just asked her to let them concentrate on their job of protecting the system, as best they could. Children were not supposed to outgrow their need for their mother. Her only consolation, were the new babies, that depended so completely on her.
Doris reminisced about the first day in the mountain, and found that she was the new mother of Clarice, and Michelle. The delightful girls had rushed her, and hugged her tight, saying how much they wanted to meet her. Carl explained how they, and both Moesha, and Kimberly had been rescued from those evil men.
She had only a few days to enjoy them, before they all got wrapped up in the preparations, for the expedition. She had demanded that her boys travel back to North Bay, and bring her patterns, material and sewing equipment to her. She wanted to make dresses for the four girls, and all the other youngsters, that they constantly hung around with.
She felt it shameful, that Henry and Carl had allowed the women, girls and even boys that looked like girls, to walk around nude, if they wanted to. They insisted that they had to continue wearing their own uniforms, as a way to instil discipline, in the men they led. This might be true, but all the cadets at the academy wore their uniforms too, and they seemed to have quite a bit of pride in doing so.
Moesha was busy; her four year old mouth was sucking on her sister Kimberly's clit and said in mind speech, "What do you think of Clarice and Michelle's, new mother?"
Kimberly moved a little, and hugged her knees to her chest, to give her sister better access to her favourite spot said, "Yes, harder, There. I think she is nice. I know she loves each of us, and would kill to protect us, just like Daddy or Uncle Carl would. She just has funny ideas. If I want to play, like we are now doing, it is not nice to stop us like she did."
"Yes. She wanted to spank me, when I was sucking on Roger, and letting Bobby try to push into my bum. We weren't hurting anyone, and she screamed and screamed. I felt so bad. The thoughts that came from her, made me feel so ashamed, and mommy said we were doing nothing wrong."
"Ya, she said that Aunt Doris was just old fashioned, and needed to live with us for a while, till she understood how things worked here. Suck harder there... yes, like that. Stick your fingers in, and move them around."
"Like this?"
"Oh... ya. I love when you do that. Moesha, I just want to say, that I love you, and I am so happy that you are my sister."
"I love you to. Now just stay still, I have a surprise."
"What?" Kimberly said, as Moesha slipped a small lubricated dildo into her, and gently stroked in and out. She hit the small clit, at the end of every stroke.
In the same room, and on the mats beside the Human girls, Topaz, Kitty, Cloud and Moth rested their heads on each other's thighs. They were all tired, for they and been doing the same as the other girls, but had used the larger dildos, to get them up to size, for when their husband came back. He had treated them like babies, and not done nearly enough to make them happy. Most of the time their orgasms occurred as they saw his image in their minds.
Moth, the youngest at three, asked, "When do you think he will give us babies of our own?"
Topaz the oldest of those present, explained as only an eleven year old could, "You are much too young. Amy is only a year older than me and she is already carrying his baby. You will have to wait for six long years."
Moth started to cry at the impossibly long time. Topaz saw that she had hurt the girl. Her conscience hurt and she pushed her over onto her back, and kissed her lips and continued down her now chubby belly, then between her legs. "Don't worry; it may be a lot sooner, if we can do what Amy did." Moth was beginning to forget what she was crying about, as she felt her long clit sucked up into the bigger girl's mouth, and laved with her pointy tongue.
Moments later the child relaxed from her orgasm in Topaz's arms. Topaz thought of Moth as part of her family, bound by the big Human male Henry, into a very strong unit. She was sorry that she had said such words to hurt a person she loved so much. Her tongue traced the same path again, trying to bring joy, where she had brought pain so recently.
Duc walked through the lunar complex with Bobby in one arm, and Roger in the other. The load was very manageable, even for his slight build, because of the much lower gravity.
Being with the boys helped Duc understand more of what the Tandra were like. He had been very proud of his people's heritage, and then equally proud of his adopted country. The Tandra on the other hand, were far beyond either one of them in culture, law and ethics.
The ethics were a little hard to understand, sometimes like now. The people in this section were not part of the academy, and walked around naked, just as the girls did in the Earth base. To tell the truth, he thought, he could not tell the genders apart. He had only seen the little girls naked, and everybody looked alike. Two males were in a corner, one was behind the other, stroking his penis into the other. Within seconds he had recovered, and their places were reversed.
He knew from the tutorials, that this was common and accepted, but he only remembered this happening in the small village of his youth, but never in the open, where adults could see. He remembered doing much the same as the males here. There were three boys that spent years with him, till they were drawn away by girls. They always seemed to return for some fun though, even when their girlfriends or wives tried to keep them pleased.
As usual, four boys that looked four years old, but actually were about twelve, started to follow him. Nobody was hostile, since Henry came through this place and cleaned it up. It was much like the old time western movies where the sheriff straightened up the town before moving on.
He looked at the boys, and his heart melted again, at their beautiful features. He must have broadcast, for they came closer and one actually reached up and touched his arm this time. When he did not object, he put his hand on Duc's arm, and held gently. The touch made the mindspeak much clearer, and he knew that they had seen him for many days, and wanted to know him better.
They had seen how four other boys, had been taken in and loved, just as Roger and Bobby now were. Older males usually took them in for a while, and did many things to make them feel nice.
Duc got small snippets of data, suggesting that they wanted more than some of his time. They seemed sad, that Roger and Bobby got a lot of attention, while they got none. In fact, all their lives, they knew nothing but the volatile machine intelligence, and the fleeting attentions of the older boys and men.
This made Duc pause in his thinking. The boys were just like the boys back in his home village, and no Tandra here would object to him making love to any of them. Lam, Doris and maybe his daughter Susan might frown on him taking some fatherless and motherless boys home to love, and make love to. If he did anything, there was no way to hide it, when everybody could mindspeak so easily.
The yearning within him was very strong though. In any case, his resolve to not touch the boys this way was even stronger. The new babies took up much of Doris and Lam's time, while he had Roger and Bobby. Both of which, were still young, and either wanted or needed to be breast fed like the babies. He loved both of them, but wanted some interaction with older children, more able to understand his ideas and attitudes.
The four boys he met, when he first came to the moon, were back with his wife, learning what was required of them with the tutors. He had grown to love them, as his own sons in many ways. Lam was very pleased, when he gave the boys names of their relatives.
The boys here followed him to the end of the normally blocked tunnel. When his presence was made known, a screen parted to allow them to egress the wide expanse of tunnel behind them. The other side opened up to a gigantic room, fully a hundred metres high, by at least four hundred metres in diameter. There were no trusses or supports, in this small independent dome. A metre above the floor, and along the walls, floated pads, that were covered with rich black loam. In a very small proportion of them, green life was seen. At the moment, they were stationary, but they did move around to get even illumination.
Duc walked to the centre, where the only vibrant life was visible. The new boys followed him in, and stood in awe, of the scene before them. He placed Bobby and Roger onto an adjacent pad, while he took the pack from his back, then took our some small hand tools.
He explained as best as he could what he was doing, and why, to the boys that followed him, as well as his charges. The new youngsters could not see to well, so he picked them up, and sat them beside the others. They all stared in wonder, as a cultivator loosened the soil, around some Dunn cane.
Another plant that was best translated as a kia-berry had been in storage on Earth for millions of years, after having come from the extreme end and the other side of this galaxy. Duc was very honoured to be given such rare gifts. The leaves were dark green and the plant grew almost two metres high in the weak lunar gravity. Dark red berries slightly bigger than a golf ball hung from all along the plant, and under the fleshy leaves. Green, yellow and purple immature berries grew right beside them.
Duc found two deep red berries that were just starting to soften. He carefully picked them, and walked over to 'his' boys. They eagerly stood up and stretched out their hands, to get the fruit as soon as possible.
Duc opened his pack again, and took out a crystal plate. He carefully cut the fruit up into small pieces for their small mouths. There were no seeds, for they were like seedless grapes, and propagated by cutting or runners. Hands eagerly went out to take the fruit till he said, "Boys, you must remember what I said, last time. Eat slowly, and savour the taste of the fruit. There is no reason to swallow it so fast, that it is gone."
The admonished boys went slow for the first piece, and started jamming more into their mouths. So much for boys listening to his words he thought. Bobby was very young, and Roger was still stunted mentally, but improving steadily.
Turning to the others he said, "There are more berries. I know you are not used to eating food this way, but would you like to try some?"
The boys could read the pleasure, the other boys received, from the rich red fruit. Their thoughts were jumbled up, but he knew that they very much wanted to try some.
Duc selected a more mature fruit, and cut the berry into quarters this time, and placed the pieces into their hands. Long thin fingers, carefully took a piece of fruit, and each gave a tentative taste. Large Tandra smiles covered their faces as the pieces were crammed in.
Duc watched as the boys demolished their portions, and he turned to pick more fruit from the plants. The boys were polite, after being told what he expected, and they each ate only pieces allotted to them.
After many berries, Duc pulled out a large clean cloth and wiped the young boys' faces of juice that ran from their mouths, down their neck, and onto the small chests. Turning to the others, he sensed a yearning for a similar contact. He approached the first, and gently tilted the child's face up, and washed what he could, of the juice. It had started to dry, so he took water bottle, and dampened the cloth before he cleaned each boy, probably for the first time in their lives.
Each was given a drink of water, and Duc turned to get back to work. The sated boys watched him cultivate the soil on the two metre by thirty metre pads. When he was done one side, the pad elevated, and then rotated so he could do the other side as well.
When he was done the with the platforms of berries, he worked on a type of plant that gave different flavoured leaves on each stem. This plant was great for salad, and many other dishes.
Two more pads sported Dunn cane. It was a very tall plant, much like bamboo, except many times closer together. Mom promised that the stems would provide a good tasting beverage, in their hollow centre, and the fruit was much like rice, and hung in clumps from the stems. One pad, could feed many people, because of the plant's productivity.
The final type of plant produced large gourds, similar to pumpkins, but grew to a length of almost two metres, and about as big around as his thigh. The fruit was green now, but promised to be very nutritious, when ripe.
Duc had taken over only ten of the pads, when Mom had directed him to this room. It would be too difficult to try to bring many more into production, and his needs were not that great.
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(I am extremely sorry for the hiatus. I've just been busy for a while and had a big writer's block when it came to erotic stories. But now I'm back. For you guys: you are allowed to fuck other women than your family in this story if you want to add on to this story. That's why I couldn't decide wether to label this story as incest or mind control. Anyway, happy reading!) You've always gotten hard-ons from your family members. It's a bit disturbing, yes, but who can blame you? Your family...
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Masturbationi received the email on a wednesday afternoon at 5pm. All it said was be my house friday night at 7:30 pm sharp! Do not dare be late. It does not matter what you wear as long as you wear a thong under your clothes and your 6" heels. The moment you arrive at the house you will strip and the rest of the directions will be given to you then. As i sat an read it i could feel my pussy already throbbing and getting wet. i knew Sir just got some new toys and wondered what they were and if He was going...
It was a very difficult situation to get accustomed to, at least not many people knew about it. She had expected me to break up with her, obviously; but she really didn't want me to. I asked her she did this to me, and she detailed how terrible I was in bed; just with foreplay and confidence. So I asked her why not just break up with me? Because outside of the bed, I was the greatest guy she ever met. It wasn't even close.I kept trying to make sense of it. But it was no go. In the end, she told...
Within a few months Sue had been taken under the boy’s wings or cocks to be more accurate – by this time they were round every weekend doing the garden they told me, but by the way Sue was limping Sue’s cunt was the only farrow they were digging! Most nights whenever I called round Id find her naked but stockings, shattered, sitting on a cushion, cum leaking out of her both her holes – the boys called round from college she’d tell me - Their randy little sods.One night she was all excited – I’m...
The Red Prom Dress By Stats It was my destiny. I have been living full time as a girl for twenty months. I just finished my second year of college. To my complete surprise I achieved an A average. I am sitting on my bed with my legs folded in front of my breasts. My arms are on top of my knees and my mouth is resting on my arms. My hair falls loosely around my feet. My beautiful peach colored toenails are nestled in the waves of my hair are like pearls. I move so my forehead...
It was well over an hour before they both were dressed and went to the kitchen. Someone had already made coffee and there were bakery goods on the table. Jesse poured them both a cup of coffee and they each took a roll. Adam followed her outside where there was already a crowd around the pool and at the bar. ‘Well it’s about time you two decided to join us. ‘ Sandy said. They made their way to where Sandy was now talking to a small group of women. Jesse sat on the lounge chair, leaving...
It was getting real close to Christmas and everyone was really getting into the holiday season. The weather that Saturday afternoon was really cold. The temperature had dropped below zero and the winds were pretty brisk.Pat, my wife's sister, called about 2:00 p.m. and said she had been called into work and that her boyfriend, Joe, and she would not be able to make it over that evening. Pat said she had to work until 9:00 p.m. and she was going to have Joe bring over Sue's Christmas present. I...
Chris was on her way up the stairs to her apartment. It was a typical day. She had run three miles and stopped to pick up the morning paper. At twenty-one years old Chris was a knock out. Standing five feet seven inches tall and weighing one hundred twenty-five pounds. Her measurements were 36c-24-36 and she ran every day to keep her shape. Her hair was long, down to the middle of her back and jet black. It was a stunning contrast to her piercing blue eyes. As she walked through the parking...
I had a horrible sinking feeling as my Mum smiled at us. “What do you mean Aunt Pat?” Cal asked. “Well, it’s all right for you to kiss each other in front of her, but no wandering hands or anything.” “Mum, are you trying to tell us something?” “No, but you’re growing up. And I know you’ll feel things, want to do things.” “Oh, you mean like sex Mum?” I asked. She blushed, I swear, I made my mother blush. “David, your sister is present.” “It’s all right Mum, I know what sex is. I just...
Jade Lampkin sat across from Mark Smith, she was dressed in a gray wool business suit her stunning legs were crossed, Mark on the other side of the table was signing documents. With a flash of the pen he signed the last one."Okay that's it, anything else before you go?""Yes we are going to need your social security card, ID and of course your credit card number to make this final."Jade cracked a smile as she looked at Mark, almost seductive. Jade got a great thrill out of what she was doing....
My parents had just informed me that we were going to the annual Labor Day weekend blow out at Jim and Cara's house. I wasn’t very excited and didn’t want to go. However, my parents would never leave me for an entire weekend alone. I had a party last month when my parents were out, and several things were broken and stolen. My parents didn't trust me at all now.I’m usually a good girl. However, my friend Jessica talked me into having a party. She invited everybody she knew, and they all came,...
Threesomes-Zoe -hair colour blonde -eye colour brown -breast size 36D -Security guard -hair colour black -eye colour green -penis size 11 inches long 2 inches wide Zoe woke up in a cold room on what she thought was a metal bed. Then she felt it, a kick in her belly. What was that? She thought. She looked down to see her belly had swollen quite a bit. What followed worried her more so, she felt a wetness flood her crotch. Then she finally understood...she was...
Shall we join the "My Porn Club"? Ever wanted to browse a porn site with amazing torrents with premium porn rips while also feeling like you’re some super edgy hacker? No? Well too bad, cause that’s exactly the feeling you’ll be getting on I’m not even talking about this in a bad light, I just love the way this place makes me feel the moment I open up their homepage. It’s all so dark, as you’d expect with any work that you might be doing with a terminal or anything similar. Even...
Porn Torrent SitesThis is a rewrite of ‘Vegas’, combining both Books. While maintaining the theme, it offers a completely different and fresh take for the main characters. Grateful thanks go to the best editor in the world — thesoundandfury – not only for his editing, but also for the constant encouragement, suggestions, and for helping me to become a better writer. Chapter 13: A Night Out ‘I still can’t believe you reached the final table, pop,’ Joshua Smith told his father as they drove them from Las Vegas...
My wife and I recently were talking about dick size. She said she didn’t understand why guys were so hung up on size. ‘Size doesn’t really matter’ she said. I said, really guys weren’t the ones hung up on the size of a damn cock, but it was the women who were fascinated with it. I said ‘the women not hung up on size are the one’s that haven’t had a really big dick yet.’ ‘What do you mean?’ she said. I said, ‘Angelique if you ever had a bigger dick, you would probably go wild as shit.’ ‘I...
Big butt, fat ass or DAMNNN SHORTY GOT A BIG ASS! We can say all of these to Nina Kay’s marvelous ass. Today big Lou caught up with her while she was getting her make up done for a random bj shoot but instead had her show off her ass and twerking skills to see if she was AssParade material. Nina did not disappoint, you get a whole lot of ass shaking fetish before we get to see go wild on a big cock. This girl knows how to work the pole, after a good sucking and tit fucking we see her getting...
xmoviesforyouHello my name is manas. This story is about me and my gf’s (saloni) first sex . This is my first story so sorry if I commit any mistake Hope you will like my story I am a 21 year old guy having smart personality and athletic body . My dick is almost 7 inches .And saloni is a cute fair and avg heighten gal with 34-30-32 stats and can give any guy an instant hard on. Yeh kahani 2 saal phele ki hai jab humare (me and saloni) 12th boards just khatam hue the. Hum pure din free hote then saath me...
I didn’t think places like this actually existed, or if they did, I figured Berlin, San Francisco, Amsterdam, some other den of sin, sodomy and vice… but Melbourne? Well, there I was so there you go. To be fair the ‘dungeon’ I was housed in was just a converted brick garage on a half-acre block in the inner eastern suburbs, not actually within the bowels of some gothic castle. But it is quite surprising what you can do with some velvet hangings, soft...
It was a hot summer July afternoon. We were returning from the beach in the van. We had the kids with us and one of them asked if they could have a sleep over. Kim looked at me with excitement; it was something we had been looking forward to since we started sleeping together for a while. The opportunity to pleasure each other without being rushed. We immediately said yes. When we returned home we had dinner and let the kids watch a movie. When the night was over and the kids went to bed Kim...
As the day approached, he found it hard to distract her, but fortunately they had shown him how to ‘mask’ his thoughts. He was nervous and because even though he loved them dearly and they him, he still occasionally found himself thinking that it was all a dream and one day he was going to wake up and all would be gone. But when they met for lunch that would all go away and the girls would show him what he really had. During this time, Jackie started withdrawing from him, her morning greetings...
Adam heard the car pull up in the drive, and knew what it portended. He managed to hide his smile as his mother noticed the sound and walked over toward the window. "Oh — well, it's Christine. I wonder..." She trailed off and dropped the feather duster she held. A second later, she hurried toward the door and fumbled to open it. Adam faintly heard Becky's voice greeting his mother as he stepped into the doorway she'd just vacated. Now he did smile as his mother squealed in delight and...
When Chanel Shortcake shows up at my door with a big smile on her face, I feel like I’m dreaming. I’ve always had a thing for her, but I could never make a move since she’s my daughter’s best friend. But today, she shows up at my front door and gives me a seductive stare, so I invite her to hang out by the pool. Once we’re all alone, she strips down and slides her bare, dripping pussy onto my meaty boner. I fuck her hard and fill her up with my cum. There’s a first time for everything, I guess…
xmoviesforyouIn the last chapter, I described Michelle’s two week vacation with Shaun in Las Vegas, then my weekend with Ginger. We’d both been stranded with our extra-curricular lover for an extra day due to a heavy snow storm. When I arrived home after work that evening, Michelle was home waiting for me. We embraced and kissed much as we have for the last seventeen years. I was nearly desperate to kiss my wife after the pleasure I knew she’d had with Shaun. I needed to know she still loved me. After all,...
Wife LoversSo again after getting fucked by my friend’s son, I was confused about what should I do? He was lying naked next to me, my hand was on his soft cock, and some cum drops were still there on my lips. Adam had feelings for me, and I was attracting to him too; which wasn’t good at all. I had tried, and I was still trying not to get closer to him; emotionally. I loved having sex with him, teasing him, and being naughty with him. I loved when he asked innocent and naughty questions, but I was also...
MILFMonday morning was a different story. My State Department cell phone was ringing at 0600. All the powers wanted to come and talk with the five this morning. I guess asylum was not out of the question if the stakes were big enough and the information was valuable enough. I fed them breakfast pancakes, waffles, steak and fruit with ice tea, orange juice and lemonade, along with today’s issues of the Iran and Pakistan papers. All the big wigs arrived and after I gave the introductions, I went...
by Vanessa Evans Part 08 Matt was on mornings so on his way to start work he came to see me. I’d asked for another card key for him and he let himself in and woke me with his mouth chewing my clit. I love it when he does that. Jason again spent a lot of time opening and closing my legs on the side of the pool but he did tell me that I wouldn’t need many more lesson as I could now swim lengths just as good as the quests who use the pool to get their daily exercise. My response was to tell...
We talked for quite a while. Licinia wanted privacy and people stayed away. The two didn't have enough silver to swing much in the way of starting a business. I said, "Here is the way I see that we can make money. I mentioned that fish is expensive. Is this true here?" Licinia answered and said, "Yes, hunting is easy but catching enough fish is much more difficult." "You have made nets before but I can show a trick that will allow you to make nets much quicker. The longer it is a...
Candice deserved to know. If I got tagged for the murder of the fourth rapist, the authorities would have a lot of questions for her. Considering everything she knew about me, I was sure Dr. Card made extensive plans should the day ever come. "Did you follow me last night?" Ahmo asked. I wanted to laugh at the expressions on our dad and Catherine's faces. My adopted mother was a first-rate bitch! Dad tried, especially before I hit the terrible teens. To be fair to him, any strain in our...
The break was pretty short and not a success. We were standing just outside the building and before we got a chance to talk about anything a couple of the other kids came over. Two girls I instantly classified as A-list bimbos (I later found out I was spot on) were chatting me up, pointedly ignoring Fran. A tall and massive rather arrogant type came over and started playing with one of the bimbos' bra elastic in a possessive manner. Out of the blue he asked "So George, are you into...
Hello doston mera naam Yash hai, aur aaj main aapko sunane jaa raha hu mere aur meri chachi ke beech ki chudai ki kahani. Ye tab ki baat hai jab main college ke 1st year mein tha aur meri age thi 18 saal aur meri chachi ki age thi 37. Ab main aapko batata hu meri chachi ke baare mein. Unka naam hai Preeti, tab unka figure tha 36-34-38 tha, jo ab badh ke 40-36-38 ho gaya hai meri mehnat ki wajah se. Mujhe jab pehli baar sex kya hota hai pata chala, tab se hi main chachi ka deewana hu. Ek baar...
The Retreat Jeff knew he was being set up. It wasn’t as if Diana had never done anything like this before; she had, in fact, done it many times. Taking another bite, his thoughts continued. Kei is cute as can be and, if I’m not mistaken, I can see nipple bumps on the front of her blouse even though she appears to be wearing a bra. Hmmm, it surely seems as if she’s excited. Okay, maybe my women are right and I do put off some kind of pheromone or something, but that only happens when I’m...
This is the story of my sexy mom getting banged hard by a pastor. Hi this is Sandy and am 22 years old and am from Kerala.My dad is a driver and he is a drunkyard and my mom is a house wife.Am doing 2 year degree and having good marks.Dad is never good with us he is a fraud loots money and drinks fucks sluts and customer who are alone. His hobby is drinking all time but never bothers about us.Mom is much worried about him.We are praying for his well being and he is always boozing a lot.Telling...
Cheating WifeMatchmaking from the Grave As I stood at the wall of the park that overlooked Pilsen in the Czech Republic, I realized that I was hungry and that I should look for some lunch before hunting for the cemetery that I had come to find. I had set out that morning, driving from Frankfurt, Germany to the city of Pilsen in search of a cemetery where a very good friend of my sister’s had been buried six months before. She had died in a terrible accident back in the States, but her sister had wanted her...
SeductionThis one is compliments of thedad4909 Two Newfies walk into a pet shop. They go directly over to the Bird section. Gerry says to Paddy,”Dat’s dem.” The clerk comes over and asks if he can help them. Yeah, we’ll take four of dem dere budgies in dat cage op dere,” says Gerry, “Put dem in a peeper bag.” The clerk puts the budgies in a bag, and the two guys pay for the birds and leave the shop. They get into Gerry’s van and drive to ‘Come-By-Chance ‘ until they are high up on a hill and...
Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Three Daisy Begins Her New Life as a Sissy Maid She took and held three enema bags before I allowed her to get out of the tub and she was emotionally, sexually, mentally, and physically broken. Not permanently, that takes years to accomplish, but she had given up and began the process of accepting that she was powerless and too weak to resist me. To keep her in the right frame of mind, I grabbed her by her hair and walked her...
It was a great night, mum looked fabulous in a short, lightweight summer dress, one of those wrap over things that showed rather a lot of her lovely legs when she sat down. Her breasts were getting their fullness back too and it showed by the way they jiggled as she walked."I wonder how many of these women were dressed by their son," she whispered as we stood at the bar waiting for our drinks, she smelled wonderful, and I longed to kiss her neck, to nuzzle my mouth into her flesh, to taste...
IncestJulio Vasquez sat at the breakfast table and glanced around; Mama and Papa were elsewhere. "Bonita? That woman ... What did she look like?" Bonita eyed her brother and smiled widely. "You would be horrified, Big Brother." Pursing her lips, she added, "It was good, wasn't it?" Julio masked his irritation. "Perhaps." "Would you see her again?" Bonita asked. "I didn't SEE her the first time!" Julio quelled Gabriel with a glance. "You didn't answer my question," Bonita...
First off I should say that Aunt Martha has always been my favorite Aunt. They, she and uncle James lived in Southern California but always came up to visit at least once a year. Twenty now, I was going to transfer to a college close to Aunt Martha and she invited me to stay with her as Uncle Charlie had passed away about four years earlier. I passed on the invitation wanting to experience the college life and the freedom I thought it would provide now that I was out on my own. I visited...