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Quae fit circa circuit Rachel Scotland Fan fiction is commonly poorly written - but that should be no surprise, because a great deal of published fiction in paperback book format is crap (1), and badly written, so why should fan fiction be any different? Fan fiction also has the common defect of usually being unoriginal (or derivative if you want to be kinder) and very repetitive. Once again, so is mainstream publishing. How many Lord of the Rings imitators are there? Millions. Star Wars is John Carter of Barsoom done badly, rather than vice versa. And as for bodice-rippers? Well they were and are cranked out by the thousands to standard formulae (even by Barbara Cartland alone, but thankfully no more!) TG fiction as found in Fictionmania is not immune to the above criticisms, compounded by a limited range of topics, and the clear evidence of fetishism, literary would-be wish-fulfilment of fetishes, and near-plagiarism of ideas, themes and characters (not that strength of character development is a feature of the genre!). In particular, the ideas of swap or transformation tend to rely on magic, or poorly explained technology that is indistinguishable from magic. A bodysuit with nanobot technology is - well, it's magic, isn't it? Much of it appears to be set in the good old US or A, and why not? It is, after all, a perfect location for nearly anything. X Files anyone? Buffy? And you can tell, can't you, from the use of colloquialisms for items of clothing or food and the cheerleaders more than from the spelling? It therefore occurred to me to write a spoof, attempting to cover nearly the whole genre, in the form of a report (leaked by Wikileaks?) from an imaginary body, based on the Ministry of Magic from the Potterverse, but far, far, senior. The report contains a rationale for why the setting of so many stories is the USA (Shades of Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter), and attempts to do so using US spelling as far as I am able, with a nod back to UK spelling and terminology when I can (or vice versa). Moreover, contained within the report is information for the transformee who may or may not return to their original form, explanations for what might happen in their futures, and why. I have assumed that the so- called technological explanations are in fact magical, and in line with the thrust of would-be wish-fulfilment fetishes, that in the long run, transformation is beneficial, and the transformee should "go with the flow", as that is in their long-term best interests (and short-term in most cases!). Given my own nature I find the descriptions of female responses far more erotic (and ridiculous, and risible as well) than tales of degradation and near pedophilia which, especially the latter, I find dark, disturbing or downright nasty and try not to read past the point where the content becomes obvious. I've tried to explain why there are so many acts of female vindictiveness and vengeance (avoiding the most obvious conclusion that the female authors are really men with strong Masochistic impulses), and I give magical reasons for some of the most common plot elements. Did you find the nod to Vargas (or is it Elvgren?). If you are a Fictionmania Author (or Authoress! - but unlikely), is it obvious that I read your stories? Is there a hint of Gor? I hope that y'all like it. Draft Declaration by the UN Supreme Council on Magic, regarding Body Swaps and Sexual Transformations, especially in the United States of America New York, December 2013 "Quae fit circa circuit". This declaration is intended to set at rest the minds of all those affected by malicious, vindictive or abusive magical body swapping procedures. Whereas in some parts of the world, magic is improperly regulated, incidences of these procedures have increased dramatically in recent years. Magic is a necessary part of most religions, and is employed by many so-called "alien races" (i.e. magical creatures), and is an integral part of so-called scientific equipment. As a corollary to Asimov's "Any sufficiently advanced technology will look like magic", it is possible to state that "Many forms of magic will simply look like advanced technology", especially in the guise of radio and electronic waves, magnetism, weird machines and inventions, drugs in the form of lotions, pills, injections, medicines, suppositories, enemas, colonic irrigation etc., especially where activated in a magical setting that mimics an alien encounter, abduction or medical procedure, but also in the home, office, medical centre, or a clearing in the woods. The victim must remember that any magical transformation is, in principle, reversible without ill-effect, if done soon after the initial change, and indeed, generally with residual beneficial effects (see below). In the case of a body swap (also known as a mind swap) then it is necessary that both parties remain alive up to the time of reversal and physically close to each other - certainly within sight - for the reversal to work. In the case of transformations of a person's own body, the reversal may require the reversion to an earlier time, or indeed, the changing back of history. The greater the necessary change, the more senior is the magical person required to undo it, and the more difficult the procedure becomes, eventually becoming impossible. However, when a victim chooses voluntarily to remain in the transformed state, the punishment for the perpetrator may be somewhat mitigated, but is never wholly expunged from the magical record. The act of placing, or causing to be found, any magical transformational artefact (ring, medallion, crystal, goblet, potion, bewitched item of female apparel - usually panties, but possibly bras etc) is as much a crime as tricking the victim into its use (for example by getting him to wear bewitched panties as a prank or fetish), or using it against the will of a victim. Body suits are magical artifacts intended to create long-term irreversible change, and should not be deployed frivolously, taking advantage of the slowness of the transition and its initial reversibility for fetish activities. In all parts of the world, magic is officially regulated, with national delegations attached to the United Nations in New York (2). However, depending on the degree of magical backwardness of some societies, magical creatures and persons with some magical ability may operate unregulated. Readers should note that magical backwardness sometimes, but not always, corresponds to technological or societal backwardness, e.g. parts of Africa and the Middle East (3), but not always so. In some respects, the United States may be regarded as magically backward. This emanates from the Salem Witch Trials that disrupted the early progress to formalising control of magic on a European model, the rejection of magic by certain established religions with ranting pastors, the slave trade (which imported much unregulated magic from Africa and the Caribbean) and the suppression of the native American population, all releasing previously contained magic into the wild. Moreover, the wealth of the United States has allowed "collectors" to buy a range of magical artefacts from faraway places, many of which become separated from the full kit-of-parts to cause and reverse effects, and which when discarded cause magical pollution. The analogies with the physical pollution in a throwaway society are clear. Sadly, therefore, many of the cases of abusive body swaps or transformations occur in the United States - rather more per head than in other developed countries. Finally, of course, magic in the United States is anyway less regulated than in Europe, not having centralised residential schooling for magical children, and is much more reliant on home schooling, or in trying to squeeze magical tuition in with attending a non-magical school (where the occasional oddities of appearance, dress, speech and mannerisms of magical children lead them to become socially maladjusted or victims of bullying, and in turn, perpetrators of magical sexual abuse). Unlike most crime in the non-magical world, where the perpetrators are men, in the magical world, most routine low-level crime is committed by women (4). The reason for this is that low-level magical ability is much more widespread in women and girls than in men, and it may also be more easily hidden by them. Malicious magical body-swap and body transformation crime is therefore more often committed by women and girls against men and boys. Given the lesser physical attributes of women and girls, magical criminals often resort to this as a "revenge" for physical violence, desertion or unfaithfulness, in the same way that women are more likely to employ poison than men are. Indeed, the administration of magical potions is a form of poisoning. Sexual transformations are considered worse than transformations to animal form (unless this causes the animal to be immediately at risk of injury or death), and transformations to inanimate objects generally less severe. Transformations into items of sanitary protection (as wished by Charles, Prince of Wales) or intimate female wear (e.g. panties) are considered on the strength of the tastes of the victim, and how much they (a) asked for it, and (b) enjoyed being used. After all, Charles seems to have recovered well. Recovering the object once discarded is a barrier to reversal of the spell, and even when reversed, the victim is likely to retain a strong sexual odour from whatever the object was in contact with. One should note here the reports that Charles smells rather like a used tampon. As the majority of female perpetrators of magical sexual violence are low-level, unregulated, practitioners, policing their activities is difficult. However, since every magical event is registered on a necromantograph (5), even if unreported by the victim, then perpetrator and victim may expect, sooner or later, a visit from (in the United States) the MBI (Magical Bureau of Investigation) or corresponding organisations in other jurisdictions. In the United States, unregulated female practitioners of magic are often found in dysfunctional home environments (e.g. trailer trash) as in more affluent settings, girls with magical abilities are likely to be recognised early, and be guided into being able to control their abilities. This is not an absolute rule. The term "rich bitch" is actually a variant on "rich witch" - a malicious, somewhat magical and uncontrolled thrill-seeking or emotionally-damaged rich girl. Many spells, practised by unskilled magical persons have an unfortunate effect of rebounding on the spell caster. This is a natural result of magical entropy. As an example of this, consider the penis shrinking spell (Mentulum Minimus). In the case where the perpetrator and victim share a sexual relationship, the immediate side effect is the unforeseen loss of sexual gratification for the perpetrator. However, the automatic or rebound punishment may include the "Wizard's Sleeve" counter-spell (Manica Veneficus Scriptor), especially if the perpetrator herself embarks on infidelity after casting Mentulum Minimus in response to infidelity or physical sexual oppression, or equally bad, the Landica Insensitiva et Brassica Floribus (or "dead cauliflower clitoris") spell, or the Labia Minora Elongata spell. The High Magical Council in fact regard abusive magical retribution for purely physical offences to be a grossly disproportionate response, forbidden under the Constitution of the Magical United States of America and many equivalent legal codes, and they will punish accordingly. (Physical crimes and abuses are punishable by the non-magical legal codes of most countries as noted towards the end of this declaration and advice note). Abusive adult body swaps and mind swaps may include a voluntary exchange, where one party (usually the natal female who has or uses magical effects) refuses or cannot manage the reversal, or an involuntary (accidental) exchange (with refusal of the magical party to reverse it), or a deliberate forced change. In the latter cases, magical entropy often causes the perpetrator to suffer a debilitating accident, medical condition or even death, with related complications up to and including inability to reverse the swap. These causes tend to be with male-specific, e.g. car wrecks from bad driving, DUI, prostate and testicular cancer, gangland fighting and so on. As it takes the whole resources of the Magical Sexual Crime Unit to deal with these cases, there is an understandable backlog, and delay. In the interim, therefore, the victim should "grin and bear it", and should use behaviour that keeps even the perpetrator safe, even down to re- establishing consensual sexual activity with them in their reversed roles just to keep an eye on them. There are, after all, numerous compensations to being confined in a woman's body and in taking a submissive role: Firstly, the recipient body will almost certainly become younger and better looking than before (as a result of magical entropy). Even the normal sexual response of a non-magical woman greatly exceeds that of a man, and to the man imprisoned in a woman's body, sexual feelings and gratification will greatly outweigh the inconveniences of menstruation and messy body fluid leakage after sex (the latter is part of the post- coital enjoyment for the female body, especially leakage down the butt crack past the anus, down the legs, or drips in the form of "cream pies"). The female body will also greatly appreciate the feeling of a man ejaculating his sperm inside her (6) and this is fully transmitted to the trapped male mind. The magical entropy in the male body when occupied by a female mind greatly increases the heat, fertility, longevity and quantity of semen discharged in an ejaculation, and the extra female magical essence unleashed in the male host body dramatically increases penile size and overall potency. Happily, the greater parts of these effects remain after body swap reversal, if that proves possible. In one more of the compensation effects of magical entropy, the transformed or swapped victim gains enhanced nipple and clitoral sensitivity compared to a natal female, and is far more readily orgasmic, thus heightening the pleasure factor. Secondly, and as a result of the above, where reversal can be fully effected, the restored man usually has gained an insight into a woman's sexuality (as well as increased penile length and girth, and quantity etc of semen ejaculated each time) that stands him in good stead for the rest of his life, with an ability to pleasure, and be pleasured by, the women of his choice; to detect the real orgasm from the fake (if necessary - it usually isn't), and to induce it in a partner at will. In the event of reversal of a swap, and where there is genuine love between the protagonists, the restored female partner usually retains the heightened sexuality and lust as well. In reverting to an abusive relationship the restored female normally becomes more submissive, and field evidence suggests that they develop a liking for rough sex, whipping, clitoral and other piercings, exhibitionism etc. Thirdly, many men trapped in a woman's body will derive gratification (eventually) from the ability to be able to pass for a woman in public. Given the likely changes in appearance, the victim will gain much welcome attention. Being able to pass for a woman in terms of how they walk in high-heeled shoes, swing their hips suggestively, and bounce their breasts while behaving in their feminine role also simplifies obtaining propositions for casual sex. Shopping for women's shoes, clothes and underwear, trying them on and dressing/undressing in the company of friends or a sexual partner are other pleasures facilitated by having the demeanour and appearance of a woman. It is a well-known fact that women's clothing feels and looks better than men's clothing even if it is less practical for many activities (7), and that a woman's libido is heightened by feeling, buying and wearing sexy clothes and lingerie both when dressing or undressing, and this is further exaggerated in the male to female transformee, especially if the dressing/ undressing is under duress (i.e. forced). Many items of women's lingerie simulate, to a degree, bondage, with straps and clips, thus explaining some of their appeal as all women do like to be tied up. The trapped male mind will respond sexually to the frisson of excitement engendered by the feel of silk, satin or lace, and to the restraint provided to the female body he occupies by bras, corsets, garter (UK: suspender) belts, stockings etc. A male to female transformee may be able to exact some retribution from the perpetrator by dressing in sexy clothes, or behaving in a sexually provocative manner, that damages the perpetrator's eventual standing and image in the community following restoration, and even if they are never restored, this dressing and behaviour is stimulating to the transformee anyway. Fourthly, the victim often finds that other members of society, for example the perpetrator's mother, sister or daughter (or other female relatives) and female neighbours become receptive sexually to them, with highly-charged lesbian encounters taking place without needing to be initiated by the victim of the transformation. This does not count as incest, genuine gayness, nor as underage sexual activity (in many jurisdictions) - although only within limits. Fifthly, release from the pressures of work may permit the victim to embark on a project such as writing a book, art, etc (in some ways like the release granted by retirement) that they could only fantasize about before. This does, of course, need to be an activity that the transformee can do within the female persona, and with the physical abilities of the female body, while wearing sexy clothes and being regularly distracted by sexual activities. The Magical Sexual Crime Unit will investigate if delaying reversal will actually benefit the victim in cases like this and consult the victim on the programme for reversal. However, in long-term swaps, the skills and abilities of the host body usually begin to assert themselves and dominate. Where the two parties are successfully reconciled following a reversal spell, the restored female partner appreciates the standing in the community that this activity has given her, usually by becoming more sexually submissive and receptive, is more readily aroused and certainly more orgasmic. A deserted transformee will eventually lose the superwoman capabilities (i.e. no Nobel Prizes decades after transformation). Sixthly, society is organised to come to the aid of women in apparent distress, so some jobs can be left to passersby, for example, a man will almost always come to the aid of a woman whose car tyre needs changing, who is struggling with shopping, or has failed elastic in her sopping wet panties causing them to drop round her ankles while her hands are full. This can often lead to highly satisfying sexual encounters, new relationships, etc., although often in the outdoors, in situations where there is an exhilarating risk of discovery, and in particularly stimulating sexual positions. Seventhly, while male masturbation is considered risible or a form of character defect, in western society female masturbation is seen as a mark of women's empowerment. Taken in combination with the social aspects of women's urinating, including the sound, and posture (sitting or squatting), the need to part the labia and wipe afterwards, etc, you will derive considerable pleasure from this, and can often combine urinating with cleaning up post-coital body fluids (as do natal women), and a measure of self exploration and gratification of the female genitals (more unusual, but not unknown, in natal women and girls, especially to sluts). Not only is this highly enjoyable (orgasmically so), it raises the victim's self-esteem and their standing amongst natal women in their social circle (e.g. as in: "You masturbate?". "All the time". "Gee, you are a real woman!".) even if the latter have never masturbated themselves and have no intention of ever doing so. Eighthly, while transformed or "swapped", the female body may become pregnant. This is accompanied by some minor unpleasant physical side effects (sickness, thrush and other fungal or yeast infections, discharges, stomach cramps and back pains, swelling, water retention, difficulties with urination including some urinary incontinence - in minor cases known as "Oooops moments" - or bladder infections , distension of extremities, enlargement of breasts, episiotomies and labor pains, or tearing of the vagina and vulva), but they are more than countered by the psychological pleasures of child bearing (this is self evident by the behaviour of natal females to scream "never again" when actually in or approaching childbirth, but later to accept - often numerous times - additional pregnancies on the basis of the pleasures of a single coitus or just the feeling of a baby in their arms or at the breast). The transformee is in any case, better able to bear them than a natal woman: labor is also rather shorter in their case - another result of magical entropy. The increased nipple and breast sensitivity while lactating is especially pleasurable, and compensates for the pain when the baby grows teeth, and such matters as nipple cracking, rawness, breast distension, milk retention etc. Transformees never suffer from stretch marks or prominent breast veins. Post natal depression is suffered by some transformees, but the exciting prospect of a new sexual congress with the child's father (or whoever) outweighs the effects of, for example, pain from an unhealed episiotomy, and post-partum spasming of the uterus as it contracts, so that transformees are sexually receptive within a day or so of giving birth and are immediately orgasmic. Having mentioned this, the side effect of the overall orgasmic and emotional gratification is that the victim may elect to stay transformed (and, accordingly, then embark on further adventures in pregnancy as part of an extraordinary sexual life). In short, being transformed into a girl or woman is much, much, better than being born as one, and in turn, this is a whole universe away from the tedium of being born a boy and only developing into a man. The Magical Sexual Crime Unit takes a particularly dim view of a perpetrator who performs a non-consensual transformation (through a kiss, embrace, potion, trick, magical artefact given to the victim, fake medical or scientific procedure etc) who them impregnates the victim and deserts him while in the form of her, especially if the impregnation takes the form of rape. The victim of such an involuntary abusive transformation must beware of the side effects of transformation (again through magical entropy, and conservation of magical energy), which include greatly increased fecundity, longer-duration of ovulation, and possibly the release of multiple ova, such that solely one incident of coitus is likely to result in pregnancy or multiple births. This contrasts with the natal (magical) female's ability to unconsciously control her fertility, despite sexual abuse and rape from neighbours, drunks, stepfathers, slave-owners and worse or working as a prostitute, while living in an abusive home environment, such as a trailer park, social housing estate, slave housing barracoon, bordello etc. Unfortunately, cases of this type are often accompanied (through magical entropy) by the death of the perpetrator and their host body, leaving the victim stranded in a different sex, and pregnant under conditions of poverty or societal disapproval. In such cases, the Magical Criminal Compensation Unit (MCCU) can usually facilitate a number of small spells, during which the stranded victim finds it easier to accommodate to their new situation, recovers well from childbirth, regaining a better figure, complexion etc than before, and becoming much more sexually receptive and attractive in the process, becomes the lucky recipient of kindness from their original family and friends, and general good fortune such as wins in lotteries etc. These in turn usually permit the stranded victim to develop a much more frequent, stimulating and satisfying sexual life in their female form, to be able to afford to wear all manner of exotic underwear and provocative outerwear, and to obtain vicarious pleasure from the child who invariably turns out to be lucky, beautiful, talented, successful and sexually content. Where possible the MCCU will arrange for happy encounters with potential life partners for the "mother". As the Unit is staffed by magical folk with a strong sense of justice, they are attracted to a victim who "makes the best of it", and they will usually be rewarded better than one who sulks (i.e. who completely adopts a feminine persona with no residual trace of the male). While bearing in mind the above list of benefits to being in the female body, the Council is fully aware that for some male transformees, they are unable to easily overcome their revulsion at sexual penetration by another man (8). While this is eased by sexual acts with the transformee's own possessed body, the Council hastens to assure victims that the revulsion is soon overcome, usually taking just one, or at most two, female orgasms to take effect. Swallowing semen has the same effect. Lesbian encounters are also possible and facilitate the development of an awareness of, and enjoyment in, the female body and sexual role. Advice to a transformee is therefore to enjoy, as far as possible, the experience while it lasts. Become more aggressive sexually (in the female sense) and appreciate the subtleties of the female sexual appetites and responses. As you stand a good chance of returning to your own body, make sure that the female body you occupy develops habits you will later appreciate, and that will become imprinted in its personality and subconscious, so that they are there to good effect on reversal. Examples of this include fellatio, with swallowing, and giving or receiving cunnilingus. Make sure that you thank your male partner - preferably by declaring that you are his slave, even if he has just raped you - and make him fully aware of your orgasm(s) by moaning, whimpering, calling, shrieking etc. It also requires you to develop shopping and clothes-wearing behaviour, for example, make sure that the female body buys sexy lingerie, and wears it always. For example, with high heels, stockings and garters (UK: suspenders); corsets, uplift bras, silky and satin panties (9), etc. Do not be afraid to share your soiled panties with male partners, both before and after sex: if you can, wear panties to catch sexual fluids after intercourse to heighten the effect (disregard the momentary discomfort of sodden panty crotches (UK: gusset) - these occur anyway due to involuntary sexual urges in the female body, and you will get them frequently whether you seek them or not). When in public, do not be shy, but flaunt the body and the female sexuality you have acquired. Sit in postures that let men see your underwear (10), or down your cleavage, or failing that, simply your bare buttocks. Wear revealing clothes where the opportunity arises, and in particular, at the beach or pool, wear string bikinis etc, or go topless or nude. Do not be forced by peer pressure into shaving your pubic area, as many men like to see tufts of hair protruding from your panties or bikini bottoms, but equally, do experiment with it, as other men prefer the shaved or waxed look and find excessive female sexual hair disturbing or repellent. If possible, let your swimwear become dislodged or untied, and enjoy the effect on observers: it will almost certainly bring you heightened sexual awareness yourself, and lead to further enjoyable sexual encounters. Respond with a smile or other encouragement when you are touched or fondled lasciviously, making sure that regardless of the age or appearance of the fondler (or even if they are strangers) that you welcome their attentions. In particular, should they get a finger or two inside your panties, part your thighs to facilitate them masturbating you. After all, this could lead to a full sexual encounter, and at the very least will stimulate the flow of your own sexual juices, leading to another delicious incident of sodden panty gusset (US: crotch). You will discover the great appeal of having your panties or other clothes ripped, or ripped off: this is an unexpected joy available to both natal and transformed females. In the past, when panties were not worn, the same effect was gained by a woman when her bodice was ripped, so note this if the transformation includes time reversal. Take good care of your body through what you eat and drink, and if practical, avoid drink and drugs, large tattoos, smoking, etc. Manage your personal hygiene and hair and beauty regime relative to the culture you find yourself in. Do make sure that your female body acquires a taste for your favourite foods, drinks, and occupations, so that its subconscious behavioural response is suited to you when reversal occurs, so that that you acquire a compliant and submissive partner who is only too pleased to join you in your favourite pursuits and sexual activities. Many women are shy about defecating, and therefore become constipated with adverse effects on their health. With your experience as a man or boy, you will not suffer this hang up, and as a result, you will enjoy better bowel health. However, do not forget to wipe backwards to avoid contaminating the area of the vulva. The feeling of constipation is allegedly akin to having an overfilled purse (UK: handbag) according to a recent television advertisement. Some paradoxes of being a transformee from male to female is that your abuser (having been female once) will never ask you for anal sex, so you will not be put in the embarrassing - although stimulating - position of refusing, and needing then to be forced (as happens sometimes in the much rarer case of women transformed into men). Moreover, you will discover a wider vocabulary of names for the female genitals of the body you inhabit than are available to natal females (whose vocabulary is often, but not always, limited to "down there" with a slight nod) which you think, write and say, even including the four-lettered "C" word (11). Due to an effect known in magical circles as "selective aural non distinction", non-magical people, especially natal females, will regard this as a harmless eccentricity, proof that you are "truly a woman" or affirmation of your status as a feminist or lesbian, whereas they would be outraged if they knew you were a male (even a transformed one). You will know, and use, all the medical terms for parts of the female genitals, and have the ability to place your fingertip(s) unerringly on any specific erogenous zone, sliding in from the top and stopping at exactly the right point for maximum sensation. Turning now to transformations, either of young persons to female, or of older persons to children, the Magical Sexual Crime Unit considers these to be a form of child abuse. Punishments are usually heavy. Perpetrators are sometimes the native mother of the person, or a stepmother, or other relatives and adults, such as priests, nuns, childrens' homes wardens, prophets, mullahs etc. In all cases, punishments may include "instant karma" to a victim of some other form of abuse, for example, incarceration in a monastery or convent with multiple abusers, or exile to a society that undertakes cruel and unnatural practices (12). The Council believes from testimony it has received, that after time spent in a penal institution of the magical sort, perpetrators become submissive, easily aroused and orgasmic, with a deep affection for being cut across the buttocks by a whip, cane or leather belt, and placed under duress prior to being subjected to bizarre sexual practices that they immediately enjoy despite terror, intense pain, humiliation and degradation. The femininization of very young persons is extremely difficult to reverse, and so the Magical Criminal Compensation Unit (MCCU) normally reacts by bettering that person's circumstances and relationship via minimal but important magical interventions. The punishment usually fits the offence, and is severe. The victim should not worry unduly about shame associated with diaper (UK: nappy) use, as for women this is only good practice for the wearing of sanitary pads for their fertile life (13), and of incontinence pads later, that the transformed person may experience for a lifetime. Male youngsters forced to wear female clothing while in slow transition should be briefed to respond to taunts and insults by pointing out that their future generally contains more and better fulfilling sex than their male taunters are likely to experience, and the male taunters might just experience the same transformation themselves (if they are lucky enough). What may appear initially as embarrassment at being presented in female clothing, or reluctance to wear it, is simply the inability of juveniles to recognize the effect of their own sexual excitement: for example, the reluctance to wear a skirt, training bra or cotton panties with cartoon characters on them will eventually turn into a form of exhibitionism, where the transformee displays their panties, new breasts etc at every opportunity, selecting the shortest skirts, body postures, or other behaviour to facilitate this, although the tastes will certainly veer from cotton with cartoons, to silk, satin, lace, see-through or open- crotch. Careers as pornographic "photo models" or "film actresses" are easy to acquire, and failing that, social security benefits enable single women to get as much sex as they like to give away for free without any form of accountability. The transformation of adult males to young females is less difficult to reverse, but still more difficult than reversing a body swap. This is because the growing up of a young woman causes crises in her surrounding relatives (both pleasurable and unpleasurable) that are difficult to wholly eliminate from their memories. As an example of this, imagine the excitement associated with the father finding the daughter, just deflowered, with his best friend; or finding his daughter engaged in mutual cunnilingus with a neighbour's daughter! This is exhilarating for the young woman so discovered as well as for her father and mother, and highly memorable. Moreover, the sexual development process through and after puberty for a girl leaves an imprint on the victim that overlays their own, earlier, male development. Many transformees find it easier to retain their new identities, simply enjoying the development of the above eight-fold set of benefits (where applicable) of being a young and developing woman. For example, many women complain that wearing pads or tampons, worrying about smell or leakage, and generally feeling "under the weather" (US: a Brit euphemism for ill) - stomach cramps, back pain, vaginal/vulval itching and soreness, increased chance of thrush etc - are disadvantages of womanhood, but when one objectively considers the excitement that surrounds puberty in young girls (first period, first bra and breasts, first pubic and underarm hair and shaving it) and the dismay which greets the menopause (greying hair, hair loss, weight gain, low sex drive and self esteem, sagging breasts, vaginal dryness and lack of elasticity/sensitivity) it is clear that the fertile period of a woman's life (between menarche and menopause) is extremely enjoyable. As a magical transformee, you will always be attractive in comparison to a natal woman, and will not suffer excessive facial hair, warts, skin blemishes, body odour, unevenly-sized or pendulous breasts, over or under weight, excessively long labia, etc., unlike the original witch owner in her true form, although not the appearance used to deceive you. In particular, your experience as a man should benefit you in selecting who to use for your first sexual encounter (14), and how to avoid the risks of teenage pregnancy and reputational damage. What is certain is that apart from some pain and bleeding associated with deflowering (15), your first (and subsequent) sexual experiences will be mind-blowingly pleasurable and highly-memorable. With the benefits of MCCU intervention, you will turn into an attractive, highly-desirable young woman, with a large choice of partners - many more than are available to less-attractive natal females. As the female sexual development overlays but does not eliminate your male sexual appetites, you will be able, as the situations arise, to give incredible satisfaction to both male and female partners, and in particular, you will find yourself sucked into a whirl of teenage lesbian encounters that you will find extremely gratifying and titillating, leaving you with secret knowledge of and power over almost every natal woman in your circle. Where you are able to revert to full masculinity, the residual magical "aura" of these relationships persists, and makes your erstwhile lesbian partners available for heterosexual encounters at your whim. In this case, such behaviour does not count as "cheating" and your wife, friends and family will praise you for being a "stud". In cases where the transformation has been worked on an older man with family dependents, the MCCU attempts more radical transformational reversals. The success rate is only moderate, sadly, but where effective, you the victim will gain deeper understanding of your wife, daughters or granddaughters, and a sympathy that will bond you to them even more deeply than before (this requires great restraint for you not to overstep the bounds of propriety in these relationships, e.g. you must not offer to show them how to put on a bra, conduct a breast exam, insert a tampon for them, offer advice on the size or symmetry of their labia minora or help with pubic shaving just because you forgot yourself for a moment!). However, these younger female relations will recognize your acquired sensitivity (or "feminine side"), and ask you to participate in - for example - watching them shower or trying on sexy clothes, especially with teenage (girl) friends in company generally doing the same, but more brazenly and often in the nude. Where unsuccessful with reversal, the MCCU steps up its rate of compensation spellcasting, and your future life as a woman will be satisfying and fulfilling (as above). While occupying a female body in the teenage age range, many transformees in the United States will have an opportunity to become Cheer Leaders. The combination of magical aura (16), bouncy breasts and the opportunity to display the crotch of your underwear in public will give you enormous popularity with other girls and particularly with hugely built and sexually-endowed football-playing male studs. This gives you many chances to have your panties torn, to be deflowered (and subsequently regularly serviced) by a brute with a huge penis, and other excitements that your fellow cheerleaders will envy (and occasionally hate) you for, but which you will remember all your life, unless reverse transformed, when it will (sadly) be instantly forgotten leaving only a residual fetish. This brings us to the final category, which is where the transformee has voluntarily accepted transformation as an altruistic, unselfish or charitable act, for example, to allow a (twin?) sister or friend to have the children she is unable to conceive herself. Occasionally, the transformee discovers the advantages of retaining the transformed state, and chooses this path for their life. In this case, there is no crime, and indeed, it is regarded as a successful magical outcome. Where an altruistic act leads to retention of the transformed state (usually female) the Magical Rewards Committee (MRC) attempts, in the same manner, as the MCCU, to better the circumstances of the transformee. This also applies where the transformation cannot be undone, for example, through death of a participant. Where the transformee undertakes the transformation as an altruistic act, but then is denied reversal maliciously or accidentally, and the MRC is unable to perform the reversal, there may be criminal proceedings in cases of malice, and the victim is rewarded with magical compensation by the MCCU along the usual lines. Charitable voluntary surrogacy also increases fecundity, since artificial insemination does not work in this case, and natural magical gender-compensation demands that necessary coitus does not lead to the father and surrogate (transformed) mother establishing a lasting relationship to the detriment of another woman, even across multiple pregnancies (the Magical Law known as "Samaritana bona, non potest fieri meretrix" comes into play). While their intercourse is both stimulating and orgasmic, the two participants will always know that their coitus is neither for romantic love nor lust between them, but for the benefit of another, and this affects the nature of the relationship which stays unromantic while the magical transformation lasts. One might describe this as true Platonic friendship, but with ground-shakingly good sex. Moreover, following orgasm, the surrogate's vagina magically rarely leaks any semen or body fluids, so that coitus is relatively "clean", notwithstanding that repeated intercourse may take place during each encounter. This means that the surrogate female regrettably cannot enjoy the seepage of semen down her butt crack and anus, down the legs, or drips in the form of "cream pies" referred to earlier. The surrogate mother is commonly conscious of the instant of impregnation, which may be more significant to her than sensing her partner's ejaculation (which usually precipitates orgasm in a transformed female) although that is great too. Bizarrely, the natal sister, friend or relative may also become conscious of this moment through magical telepathy, and experience an orgasm without physical stimulation (Gaudens pluribus in unum - sadly misappropriated by the designers of the US Great Seal as well as the Wizard of Oz). Swappers are warned not to undertake body swaps with a pregnant woman, as in some cases the mixup may put one or other of you in the fetus's body. Transformation from female to male occur just as regularly as vice versa, but rarely feature in accounts of the process. This is because of a variety of factors, including death in the male body (which is in any case shorter lived than the female one, and tends to be older to start with). This may result from a variety of male conditions such as prostate or testicular cancer that may be latent to start with and activated by the swap, or violence provoked by inadvertent female behaviour in the body, such as smiling across a bar, starting a conversation in the restroom (especially while looking at the guy in an adjacent urinal stall), or just saying to a stranger that he looks nice today. You also cannot complement a woman with a brute in tow. Being trapped in a man's body starts out feeling good with the increased muscle strength and sense of empowerment, but undertaking hard, dirty and difficult jobs, and if you can get and keep a female partner, putting up with her incessant whining about things you know aren't all that bad, may provoke you to violent domestic crime, and then subject you to incarceration and rape (that you would have found so much easier to bear in a female body). Intra-familial swapping is frowned upon (e.g. child to parent) as this may lead to sexual encounters of the boy or girl with the other parent causing some seriously difficult to handle mental states, although shockingly good sex. This notice only relates to the use of magic to effect body swaps and transformations. Physical crimes in the non-magical arena are dealt with elsewhere, usually in accordance with civil and criminal law for non- magical persons. Voluntary transsexualism, with or without gender reassignment surgery, does not count as a magical intervention, although some participants may declare it to be magical as far as they are concerned. Note that there are significant differences between jurisdictions, with, for example, female genital mutilation, ladyboy activity, underage sex etc quite accepted in some cultures or religions but outlawed in others, and the magical and non-magical laws of the United States of America are not, and cannot, be enforced everywhere, to our great regret and to the astonishment of many members of the US Government, media and press. Signed, on behalf of the Council: [Redacted] --------------- 1 But readable, all the same. 2 Which is why, to non-magical folk, the city appears to be populated by an excessive number of oddballs, as is also the case with cities such as London, although their history of oddballs is longer! 3 Persia, India and Egypt have long magical traditions, and are correspondingly well-regulated in magical terms, even though chaotic socially. 4 But the most serious magical crime is usually the work of a very evil man. 5 Necromantographs are installed widely in magical centres throughout the world. Modern developments in this magical technology include the display of the locations of the perpetrator and victim, the nature of the spell and magical artifacts (if any) employed. 6 Additional pleasure is obtained from "one in the face", sperm over the breasts (the "pearl necklace") or belly, or in the mouth. Natal women enjoy this too. It may take a few moments to overcome a revulsion against the idea of being penetrated in the first place (see below). 7 Most of the alternative activities neither a transformed nor natal woman would want to do anyway. 8 This tolerance is one of the factors not retained on reverse transformation. 9 Younger girls may find that pastel-colored cotton panties and trainer bras have essentially the same effect on themselves and others. 10 Panties that is to the UK reader. Better still, let them see your pubic hair or vulva by not wearing any. 11 Hint: this is not "Crap". 12 This should not be considered a cruel and degrading punishment, as it simply replaces the inevitable victim with the candidate for punishment: someone was going to do it, as this is a shitty world. The punishment of abusers in turn is done by other means. Victims are not always the perpetrators of earlier crimes, but they are sometimes. The distinction is that earlier perpetrators genuinely get to like their mistreatment, and innocent victims do not. 13 Not simply during menstruation, but also to contain post-coital leakages. The latter is less exciting than having spunky panties, but you can't have it all ways all of the time, and needs must. 14 Although if you choose someone quite unsuitable, you will find it more thrilling! (And have more chance of being impregnated with just the one shot). 15 Many natal women do not suffer as badly as transformees. This may be due to horse-riding. 16 For example, most genuine males will be able to instantly recognise that you are available for sex.

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FITZChapter 13 The Fall of the House of Hawkins

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Fitness By Flash Elena

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The Fantasy Fuck Store part 2 lovely mature ladies want a man for private girdle fittings

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FITZChapter 12 Adventures in India and Arabia

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FITZChapter 17 The Main Event

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Romantic Fitness

Be aware that there is a scene where the male eats his own sperm. If you are not into that then don’t read it. I wrote this for my wife initially. I hope you enjoy it as much as she does. ***** The instructor was quite hot. Leti had been having bad thoughts for weeks about her new fitness instructor. She was midway through a pose that worked on the core muscles but she craned her neck to view the instructors tight buttocks covered in spandex. The problem was, Leti hadn’t had sex for ages,...

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Cheating Girlfriend with fitness instructor

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Andy Griffith Porn Parody Part One

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Misfit Hours

Misfit Hours I slow to a stop to allow Rita to gain some distance. It's a pleasure just watching her walk plus I want to see her reaction to the kind of attention she draws now. She's still learning how to handle it and needs the practice. The tight pencil skirt, the tailored cotton blouse and even the 4" pumps suggest a smart business woman who's taken off her suit jacket for a nightcap. The seamed stockings, perfectly aligned with the thin heels, and the long red nails flashing...

4 years ago
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New Neighbours Part 2 The Fitness Assessment

I knew Rachel was coming round early but wasn’t expecting her as early as this as I had only just got out of bed and was still in my boxers drinking coffee in the kitchen when she ambled down the garden path, I wasn’t sure if boxers was the most appropriate attire seeing that she had only a white sports bra which highlighted her perky 34b’s to perfection and a pair of matching white yoga shorts which were so tight that you could have driven a train through her thigh gap, I certainly wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Fitness Freak Ordeal

Chapter 1 Chapter 01 ?Waking To Rape ???? ??I had a very normal reaction when the drug wore off and I woke up with a stranger on top of me pounding away.? I started screaming my head off.? His reaction was normal, too.???? ?Shut the fuck up, bitch,? said Oscar delivering an open palm slap to my face stunning me.? ???? The whole side of my head went numb and I tasted blood in my mouth.? I inhaled to resume screaming, causing Oscar to draw his fist back threatening me.? ?You don?t...

4 years ago
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The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald A Tale of the Verse

(Important note: this story is largely non-erotic, any sex that occurs will happen only when logically demanded by the plot and is incidental to the main thrust of the tale. If it does happen it will be suitably steamy however...) It is the Year 2532. In the wake of the 'Miranda Wave' public outcry on the core worlds has completely revised the government of the Alliance and ousted its former leadership. Gone are the days of secret eugenics projects on backwater worlds and training facilities...

3 years ago
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Fitness is a Cruell Mistress PT I

There had to be a way for me to get in shape without any effort. I had stormed away from Megan after she had blatantly called me fat and so I decided to walk around the town. I came upon a store that I had never seen before; Nottingham Spells. Hmm... maybe this shop had what I needed. I entered and was overcome with the scent of incense and sage burning. It almost felt as If I was transported to another world. Thousands of objects were lined on the shelf. Gems that held the key to power...

2 years ago
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One Fit Sizes All

ONE FIT SIZES ALL By Persephome © 2017 Synopsis: Vic brought home a beautiful dress as a present for his wife. She loves it but says it's too small. He insists it's not. She says prove it. His life will never be the same. Chapter One Vic needed some new jeans. Usually his wife bought them for him but when he asked her to pick some up for him she told him. "Vic, this is a three day weekend. I made plans and I have way too much to do today to take time to buy you jeans....

2 years ago
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Stranger In Gym Turns Out To Be A Real Fitness Freak

Hi all, This is my first story on ISS and I hope this story make you guys shag of like hell and girls wet like a rainy day This is Nishad. I am currently staying in Pune and working in a renowned MNC. Pune is indeed a city with lot of possibilities and you never know when your luck shines for you :D You are sitting in a cafe and you suddenly start talking with a girl and you hit it off pretty well, then if you are good at it, there you go you are laid ! As simple as that.. I love this place...

3 years ago
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Fitness Training To Girls 8211 Part 1

Hi all this is another experience of mine while fitness training for those who are reading me for the first time. I am based at Ahmedabad working in an MNC at a senior post and travel across Gujarat for my work. You can send me your feed back on This is another experience of mine while providing fitness training. I hit my gym on regular basis but not daily and I have been following same gym for last 5 odd years and now I am almost like a senior member there. It is during winters when I was...

4 years ago
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Fitness Training To A Couple 8211 Part II

This story is the continuation of my previous post ‘Fitness Training To A Couple. I am 28 years old working at a senior post in Finance company. I travel across Gujarat for my work. I am a fitness freak. You can write your feedback on I got something in my mind and told them that this also helps in your digestive system. It’s superb for those having constipation. I placed my hand on their lower stomach from back moving my hands from the space between their legs. I told that this is the area...

2 years ago
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If the bra fits wear it Part 2

"If the bra fits, wear it..." Part 2 I am looking in the mirror at my bra and how it holds my man boobs. I am prouder of how I seem to fill my bra. It's just dawned on me that I actually have bigger breasts than my wife or daughters. Oh my god! I, the man of the house am the one with the biggest tits! My dad was always telling me that I did not measure up. My life had always seemed to be about failing to meet his expectations of me and so I have never struggled to understand...

2 years ago
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Fit Girls

Reddit Fit Girls, aka r/FitGirls! Do you have a certain type you are mostly into? I mean, it is obvious that you do, if you decided to browse through a subreddit called r/fitgirls/. I think the name here speaks for itself, but if you are unsure of what this place has to offer, I am here to make everything a lot clearer. You are welcome to explore what this place has to offer, or you can take your time and read the review if you have never visited Reddit.On the other hand, who has never seen...

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Fitness Model Moms 4

Amy, now pregnant with her son’s child, deals with regret and shame, wondering what her late husband would think if he knew of this ultimate sin she committed. Since I wanted to write a story that explores the afterlife, I figured this would be a chance to do so. -1- Martin was 640 light-years from Earth. Moments ago he witnessed the star, Betelgeuse, go supernova. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” the being known only as The Guide, asked him in a calm androgynous voice. The red...

3 years ago
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Fitness Fun With My Client

Hi, I’m deep from Mumbai and I’ve been reading Indian sex story for the past few months, and I’m a dance and Fitness instructor. This sex story took place about 3 months back during our Zumba Session. Now to the sex story- I take personal Dance and Fitness classes around Mumbai and I’ve got a hot and chubby client who has a really big fat ass and tits her name is Ruchi, she’s short but her figure is smoking hot, she can turn anyone on in an instant. One day when I went to take her class as...

4 years ago
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Essentially LisaChapter 4 Fitness Babes

Lisa and Jenn were walking back to their apartment after a very long and strenuous workout in the complex's exercise room. Both ladies were wearing exercise gear; spandex outfits, with towels draped over their shoulders. Usually, the pair of college students went to the local fitness club to get in their workouts. This afternoon, however, they decided to stay closer to home and exercise in the apartment complex's spacious fitness room. Jenn opened the door to their apartment, then followed...

2 years ago
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Precision Fit Apparel

Chapter One "Please", she said, "I want you to come with me to pick out a new dress." Kathy knew that I didn't like to go clothes shopping with her. She always took so long to make a decision, always having to sort through all of the racks of clothing, always asking my opinion on one or another, and always ignoring my advice. I quickly scanned through a laundry list of excuses in my mind, but before I could utter a protest she said, "Look, I need something new to wear to...

4 years ago
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Show and tell in Ms Fitchs class

Moving up between her legs he sniffed at her crotch and discovered what smelled like a bitch in heat. Ms. Fitch tried to move him away and yelled to Mike to get him away but to no avail as Mike's classmates held him back as they watched the dog move it's head under her skirt. Many of the male student pulled out their stiffening cocks and began masturbating as the dog worked under Ms. Fitch's skirt. Ms. Fitch was a young twenty three year old newly graduated teacher and was very attractive....

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Friends With Benefits2

Around the beginning of year 11, a girl named Jess transferred to our school. She was incredibly pretty, easy to get along with, quite the tomboy, and had no problems getting physical with guys. She wasn’t a virgin, but certainly didn’t sleep around. She didn’t really like the popular groups, so started hanging around with me and a few of my friends. Soon everyone was after her, and who could blame her, she was about 5’4” had long brown hair, a firm ass, and about a 32D size bra. She was...

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