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Twins By Julie O Edited By Robert A Meals By Jenny V (My Sister!) This story features characters from The Julieverse Stories Jennifer Stevens appears courtesy of Bob Arnold (There's a list of characters at the end of the story) Chapter 1 I parked my Acura sedan in front of the three-car garage, stepped out and stretched before heading up to the front door of my sister's house. I had just driven cross-country in less than five days and I was delighted to have finally reached my destination. Actually house isn't an adequate description; mansion would be a better choice of words. The garage was larger than one of the houses we had grown up in. Then again, most of the homes in this area of Cape Cod were all pretty impressive. Her husband, Mark, was very wealthy, old school, rolling in money wealthy. Don't get me wrong, I didn't begrudge her for marrying well; in fact I liked my brother-in-law a lot. My sister Heather stepped out of the front door and smiled. "Good to see you, baby brother," she quipped. I almost flipped her the bird for that remark. Yes it was true she was older than me, but by only twelve minutes. We hugged and she led me inside. "How was your drive?" she asked. "No problems until I got near the Cape, the traffic was pretty bad on 495," I replied. "I know what you mean, thankfully it will start to die off now that it's almost fall," she replied. "Thanks for coming, Ian." I just smiled back. "Anything for my little sister," I replied. She laughed. "You're only one inch taller than me...that's not that much." "Funny, I feel the same thing about twelve minutes," I replied. She playfully punched me in the arm. "So, what's the emergency?" I asked. She smiled nervously as she led me out to the deck. "I...we... have a proposal for you." When we stepped out on the deck I was surprised that, in addition to Mark, my mom, Mark's mother and sister were already there. There was also a woman there who I didn't know. Chapter 2 I suppose I should give you some background information. I was christened Ian Robert McGregor. Our mother had raised my sister and me in Newport, Rhode Island. Dad had been killed in a car crash when we were six. After Dad died, Mom took over his real estate company and she turned a modestly successful business into an extremely successful business. In fact, the income she got just from the summer rental business was enough to live on for the rest of the year. This enabled her to always be there for us as we grew up. I know that they say that twins are close and have a special bond. Well, I can't speak for all twins, but my sister and I have always been close. I consider her one of my best friends in the world. Sure, we fight and have disagreements, but that's to be expected. Still we also had our own lives. After graduation from high school we went our own ways. She had earned a full scholarship at Brown and I went to the University of Connecticut. She met Mark at a party. He was a law student at Harvard and they immediately hit it off. Mark Preston was from Boston and his father, Carter, ran one of the top corporate law firms in the city. While Mark was pretty down to earth, his family had lots of ties to the old Boston bluebloods. He once told us that while he couldn't trace his family back to the Mayflower, they did arrive shortly afterwards. In addition to being rich and successful, Mark was also dead ringer for Tom Brady of the Patriots; he often joked about people insisting that he give them his autograph. Our family liked Mark from the beginning and we were ecstatic when he proposed to Heather. Our family wasn't prestigious; but it made up for this in being colorful, we had more than our share of black sheep going back to the founding of the country. In fact there was good evidence that part of our family fled Scotland after one of the Jacobite uprisings. To escape the repression following their defeat at Culloden they fled to the colonies with most settling in New England. Many just wanted to settle down and start their lives over, but a few couldn't resist trouble. They weren't criminals, but they believed that there was nothing wrong disobeying a law they thought was unjust. In my research I discovered that several were well known smugglers and many of them were the first to join the revolution. Several of our ancestors participated in the burning of the H.M.S. Gaspee in 1772. While this is now portrayed as an early act of liberty, the truth was that the Gaspee was interfering with the rather profitable smuggling activities that occurred off the Rhode Island coast; at least my ancestors were smart enough to pick the winning side this time. I also found that many served on privateers during both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, which was both patriotic and profitable. I also heard stories that my great grandfather had been a part- time rumrunner during prohibition. He used to pick up the smuggled liquor off the coast and then speed in past the authorities to safety; I guess old habits die hard. None of this seemed to matter to the Prestons as they readily accepted Heather into their family. I think they were happy that their only son was settling down. Anyway, Mark and Heather got married right after she graduated from Brown. The house on Cape Cod had been a wedding present from his family. They both lived on the Cape fulltime. Mark had a law firm and Heather taught high school English Literature. They had what looked like the perfect life. Unfortunately, bad things do happen. Around two years ago, Heather was pregnant with their first child when she was hit by a drunk driver as she crossed the street by her school. The good thing was that she survived, sadly she not only lost the baby but she wouldn't be able to get pregnant again due to her injuries. They had been exploring other options ever since as both Mark and Heather wanted a family. As for me, I finished college a year early and was recruited by a high tech firm out in California. I got a great job working for a telecommunications development firm. The problem was that we were bought out by a larger firm and I was part of the downsizing. While I was upset to lose my job, they did give me a really good buy-out package, so I didn't have to worry about my finances. It was on my last day of work that I got a call from Heather asking me if I could come out and see her. When I asked her what was up, she told me that she preferred to discuss it in person; she did tell me that everyone was okay health wise. I could tell that whatever she wanted to talk about was very important. Needless to say, I immediately packed up my things and headed east. Chapter 3 "How are you doing, Ian?" asked Mom as we hugged. "Good, Mom," I replied. "You've lost weight since I've seen you last," she commented. I smiled back...some things never changed. "Sorry to hear about the job, Ian," said Mark as we shook hands. "I'm not that worried about it. I got a nice payoff and it should last me a while," I replied. "I should be able to get another job in a year. I might take something out of the field just for something to do...or I might just travel." "So they put a no-compete clause in your buyout?" he asked. "Yes, I have to stay out of the telecom business for a year, the good thing is that my technical skills are easily transferrable, I already have a few prospects," I explained. "That's good to hear," he replied. "If you want I can take a look at your contract...I might find an out." I nodded. Mark's sister Kristina greeted me next. She was the same age as Heather and I and we had always got along well. Kristina was a very pretty brunette with short hair. I had asked her out once, but she said that I wasn't her type, still we remained friendly. "So do you think you'll look for a job right away?" she asked. I shook my head. "To be honest I'm kinda looking forward to a break. The takeover was pretty stressful." She nodded and I couldn't help notice that she seemed to be in on whatever was about to be sprung on me. I decided to wait and see what happened. Mrs. Preston stood up and greeted me next. Margaret Preston always was dressed impeccably in the latest fashions. Even though she insisted on me calling her by her first name, I could never do it. Maybe because in many ways she looked like the type of woman you would expect to be a real snob, but thankfully looks aren't everything. She was actually a pretty cool person. At Heather and Mark's wedding reception she gave me a person by person family history of the Prestons. I learned that they also had their share of black sheep and that she had once been a cocktail waitress. "Thank you for coming out here on such short notice, Ian," she said. I smiled and nodded. The mystery woman just sat in her chair drinking her wine. She was an attractive woman who looked to be in her thirties, but there was something in her emerald eyes that told me she was much older. I also noticed her long dark red hair that was styled in a long braid that ran down her right shoulder. I had always had a thing for women with dark red hair. I decided to take the first step. "Hi, I don't believe we've met, I'm Ian, Heather's brother," I greeted. She smiled as we shook hands. "Yes, I know, I've heard so much about you. My name is Aileen Munro," she said. "Pleased to meet you," I replied. "Ian, can I get you a drink?" asked Mark. I saw that everyone was drinking wine and I nodded. "Sounds good," I replied as I sat down. I can close my eyes and remember every detail about that afternoon. It was a beautiful early October afternoon. It was still sunny and warm and there was a nice breeze blowing off the water. I think part of the reason I remember everything so clearly is that I was about to be asked something that I never thought was possible. Chapter 4 "Ian, I am about to make you a proposal," stated Mrs. Preston. "I would like you to listen to what I have to say before you ask any questions." I looked around at the others. Apparently they knew what Mrs. Preston was about to ask me and seemed relived that she was the spokesperson. "Okay," I replied. "Thank you," she said. "First I want to state that no one is going to force anything on you. If you listen to our proposal and decline to accept, no one will hold it against you." I looked at Heather as she nodded at me. "So, what do you want?" I asked. "As you know, thanks to the accident, Heather cannot get pregnant," she said. She then explained how they had seen several specialists and they had all come to the same conclusion, that there was nothing that they could do. I knew how much Heather wanted to be a mother and it broke my heart. "We have decided to try a less traditional method," she continued. "Aileen has special skills and she has agreed to assist us." I glanced over at Aileen and wondered what sort of skills Mrs. Preston was talking about. "How?" I asked. "We would like you to be the surrogate mother for Heather and Mark," said Mrs. Preston. I almost fell out of my chair. "As Heather's twin, you would be the perfect candidate to have their child," she continued. I was about to point out the obvious when Mrs. Preston put up her hand to cut me off. "Aileen has the power to transform you into a would be Heather's identical twin sister. This would allow you to have the baby for them. Afterwards, she would change you back," stated Mrs. Preston. I looked around at the others and noticed that none of them were laughing, so this obviously wasn't a joke. "You would carry the child from conception to birth," stated Aileen. "After you recovered, I would transform you back into a male. I have done this spell several times and it is extremely safe." "I suppose you have questions," stated Mrs. Preston. "That's an understatement," I replied. "Assuming that Aileen is telling the truth, why me, why go through this, why not just use a woman to carry the child?" "We looked into that," said Heather. "Unfortunately, I'm now sterile." "We talked about adopting, but we'd like one child to be ours," added Mark. "I know this sounds selfish, but it means a lot to my family. Ian, I don't care about the money, but if Heather and I don't have a would cause a major problem in my family." Mrs. Preston explained that it was extremely important to Mark's father that they have a child... a Preston to carry on the bloodline. "I take it he doesn't know what's going on here today?" I asked as I reached for my class. "That's correct," replied Mrs. Preston. "We will explain to him...and the rest of the family that you are carrying Mark and Heather's baby." "And how will you explain the fact that Heather doesn't have a sister?" I asked as I held out my glass for Mark to refill. "The spell will also change your identity," stated Aileen. "To the entire world, you would be Heather's identical twin sister. The only ones who would know the truth would be those present when the spell was cast." "So you mean I would have a female identity?" I asked as Mark refilled my glass. Aileen nodded. "It would be as if you had been born female." "Damn," I replied as I drained the glass and handed back to Mark. Aileen smiled. "I know this sounds crazy, but it works." "Heather, what do you think?" I asked. "Ian, I really want a that is as close to being my own flesh and blood as possible. If you really were my sister I would ask you to do this," she said. I nodded. "Mom, what about you?" "Naturally, I would love to be a grandmother, but I don't want to guilt you into this either." I turned to Aileen. "What are the risks?" "The spell has few risks. The issues you would have to deal with are the normal ones associated with becoming pregnant and having a baby. I do want to point out that nearly half the people who do this, don't want to change back." "Really?" I asked. She nodded. "I think it has something to do with having a child. If you decide to stay a woman, no one will force you to change back." I absorbed her words. "Anything else?" Aileen looked at Heather and Mark, who both nodded. "You would have to conceive the child in a natural manner," stated Aileen. I stared at her as I realized what she meant. I then looked at Mark and Heather. "Um, did you know this?" I asked. They both nodded. "And you're okay with it?" I asked. Heather sighed. "It's a trade off. Mark and I have talked about this and we see this as a necessary trade-off...that is if you are willing to do this." "You know that I'm only into women, right?" I asked. "Your sexuality will change with the gender change," interjected Aileen. "I know this is a lot to absorb." I laughed nervously. "You have a talent for understatement, Aileen. Mark, do you have something stronger than wine?" He nodded. "What do you want?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't care, just as long as it is strong." He stood up and walked into the house. "Are you sure this is the only way?" I asked. "Aileen, if you can change me into a woman, why can't you just fix Heather?" "She already tried," interjected Heather. "The physical damage was too severe." "I'm sorry," I mumbled. "Ian, you have no idea how difficult it was to ask you this," said Heather. "We looked at every other option." Mark returned with a tumbler that had what looked like scotch in it. He handed it too me and I took a sip. It was obviously a really high quality single malt and it felt nice going down. "When do you need my decision?" I asked. "We'd like to do this before the next full moon," said Aileen. "Being a fertility spell, it will work faster during a full moon." "When is it?" I asked. "Ten days from now," replied Heather. "And if I say no?" I asked. Heather fidgeted slightly. "I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't be disappointed, but I will not hold it against you. I have tried to think about how I would react if the roles were reversed and to be honest I don't know what I would do." I smiled slightly. "Ian, no one expects you to say yes immediately," said Mom. "However, I would like you to think it over it before saying no." I took another sip of my scotch. "If you do this, I promise you will be very well compensated," said Mrs. Preston. I immediately glared at her. "IF I do this, it will be because I love my sister. Do you think that I would consider doing this just for money?" I asked angrily. "Ian, she didn't mean it that way," said Mom. "Please forgive me, Ian. My words came out wrong," said Mrs. Preston. "Okay," I replied. I looked at my watch; it was nearly five in the evening. "I think I need to be alone for a while, if you don't mind. I'll be back in a week with my answer." I stood up and after hugging my mom and sister I left. Chapter 5 I didn't stick around for dinner as I had to get away and think about what I had just been told. If it was a joke it was extremely well played out. It also wasn't something that Heather would have been a party to; she wasn't the type. I ate dinner at a small seafood restaurant in Rhode Island, but I was too lost in thought to appreciate it. I loved my sister and had always said that I would do anything for her, but I had never thought about carrying her child. I also wondered what it would be like to be a woman...and to be pregnant. I wasn't ready to contemplate making love to Mark. I stopped in Middletown and after three stops, I got a hotel room for the night. I debated going out and getting a bottle, but decided that I needed to have a clear head to think this though. I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered what it would be like to see my sister's reflection looking back at me. Okay, it wouldn't be her, but it would be close enough. At least Heather was attractive. Both Heather and I had dark red hair. I suppose it came from our Scottish ancestors. She had been named after our grandmother on my father's side of the family and I had been named for my great- grandfather, an officer in the Black Watch, who had been killed in France during the Battle of the Somme. I wondered what my new name would be if I decided to be transformed. I was also slightly pissed off at Mark's family as it was very selfish of them. What difference would it make if the children Heather and Mark raised where their own or adopted? I guess it had something to do with maintaining the family name, but what would happen if I had a girl? Would that satisfy them or would they demand a male heir too? I wished I had asked that question back at the house. Why couldn't Kristina have a baby? I suspected it all came back to the male heir creating the next generation. I doubt that the old guard of the Preston clan would be satisfied with Kristina having a child under another man's name...or even worse having a child out of wedlock. I then wondered how they would react to Heather's "sister" having the baby. Would that be close enough for them? I had a weird thought and I immediately pulled out my cell phone and called Heather. "Thank god you called, where are you?" she asked. "In a hotel just outside of Newport," I replied. "I needed to be alone and think this out. Heather, I have a question; please answer it honestly, okay?" "What is it?" she asked. "If Mark's family so desires an heir, will they accept it coming from me...I mean as your sister?" "Mrs. Preston and Kristina think so," she replied. "Okay, so I will be your sister...they don't have some strange idea of having me be you, right?" I asked. "Damn, you have been giving this a lot of thought haven't you?" she asked. "And I'm sober too...for the time being, so answer my question please," I replied. "No, they had no plan to replace me with you have a more vivid imagination than I remembered," she answered. "You should talk," I replied. "One other thing, how do you really feel about how this will work...I mean the fact that I would have to have sex with your husband?" I asked. "I would prefer that they could just use a turkey baster like Bree did," she replied. I laughed. Bree was a cousin and a lesbian. She was married to her longtime lover Joanne. The last time I had talked to her she was pregnant with her third child. "Um, you know that it may take several attempts to get pregnant," she continued. "If it makes you feel any better, Mark is very good in bed." "Too much information, Heather," I said as I laughed nervously. "Hey, you might as well enjoy it," she replied. "And you won't be pissed at me if I say no?" I asked. "I already told you that," she said. "What about Mark? Will this screw up your marriage?" I asked. "No... but thanks for asking. I know that he is torn between following his family's wishes and making me happy." "Okay, fair enough....what will happen if I have a girl? Or is there some way that Aileen can guarantee that I will have a boy?" Heather paused. "Oh, I hadn't thought about that. I'll ask her." "Thanks," I replied. "So are you going to stay away until you make up your mind?" she asked. "I haven't decided yet. You have my cell phone number so we can stay in touch," I said. "Fuck, Heather, this is the most bizarre thing you have ever asked me!" I then laughed. "It is pretty strange isn't it?" she said. "Strange is an understatement," I answered. "Well, I'm going to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow." "Good night, Ian," she said. "Thank you for being so understanding." "Good night, Heather," I replied. Chapter 6 I woke up early the next morning and despite the cool misty weather that had rolled in during the evening; I drove to downtown Newport and went for a long walk. Thankfully I had spent the last few years in the bay area of California, so I wasn't totally wimped out by the chilly weather. As I walked I thought about the monumental decision that I would have to make in less than a week and a half. I had created a list of the pros and cons of the being transformed. It would be a unique opportunity to see how the other gender lived. I also wanted to help my sister. On the negative side, I wasn't thrilled about the prospect of being pregnant. I guess like a lot of single guys it was a mysterious event that was best left to others. Also being a total research and internet geek I had begun to search for websites that would tell me what to expect. To be totally was terrifying. I knew that women went through all sorts of physical changes, but I had no idea of their extent, and that was just with a normal pregnancy. I didn't bother looking at the mental changes as it was too much to absorb so quickly. After walking around for an hour I found an open coffeehouse. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee was just what I needed. As I drank the elixir of life, straight up, no cream or sugar, I pulled out my notebook and began to add things to both lists. I wasn't keen on losing a year of my life. Assuming that the transformation worked, I knew that my new body would have to be examined and checked to see if I could get pregnant. I also doubted that I would get pregnant the first time. I cringed slightly at the idea of having sex with Mark. I could only hope that if I did this I wasn't a lesbian; although Aileen seemed pretty confident that I wouldn't be grossed out by the idea of having sex with a man. I wondered what would be the implications on my life as a male. Assuming Aileen was telling the truth, my new female persona would have a life history and only those present when the spell was cast would know that Ian McGregor even existed. I wondered what my new name would be. I had checked a name website and couldn't find any Scottish names for women that started with the letter I. I suspected that like most of my relatives I would be named after a relative. My next concern was the fact that Aileen said that I might decide to stay as a woman when this was all over. I suppose that becoming pregnant and giving birth might change a person's outlook on life. That could mean that I might become a wife and mother for my own family. I shook my head as if this would disperse these ideas. I wasn't against the idea of having a family, but I preferred to do it as the father. Chapter 7 Back in my hotel room I searched the web for sites on pregnancy. I also did a quick search of gender change and magic. Granted, this search didn't come up with anything realistic, although I found more than a few interesting fiction sites that were filled with gender transformation stories. While they were fiction, I did take time to read a few of the stories as it did give me some things to debate in my mind. Many of them were simple stories of a male becoming female, often as a punishment or some sort of act of revenge. These stories didn't interest me all that much. I found the stories that focused on the mental side of adjusting to a new gender, especially when the mind didn't change. Don't get me wrong, I didn't think that Aileen was lying to me; rather, I just wanted to be prepared. Then there was the real-life story of Jennifer Stevens. Formerly a male, her transformation seemed to have been triggered by being hit by lightning. Years after her transformation the doctors still don't know how it happened but the fact that it did happen was undeniable. The series of pictures of her transformation taking nearly three weeks to complete was a matter of public record. She's had quite a bit of success as a late night talk show host and actress/director/producer. I suspected that the public curiosity over the transformation had opened some doors for her but she wouldn't have been able to reach the heights she had unless there was some real talent there all along. She'd become good friends with Alexis Eden and I'd seen her quite a few times as she did cameo appearances as a wisecracking diner waitress on the Erin Flynn show. Rumors were flying that Jennifer and her co-star on her latest movie, Adam Tilton, were secretly married and that she was expecting twins. If the rumors were true I realized that my situation would be much less stressful than hers. At least only a relative handful of people would know about my change instead of the whole world. It was then that I thought of another reason to do the transformation. In addition to not having to work, I had few personal attachments in my life. Oh, I dated back in California, but it was never anything long- term. To be honest, I was starting over after the buy-out and if I were to contemplate a temporary gender change, this would be the time to do it. I then thought of another question to ask Aileen. I assumed that with my new personal history I would also have memories of growing up as a girl. The question was would they come to mind, or would I have to constantly be on guard as to not blow my cover. I looked at the lists and the two columns were pretty close. There were good reasons in both categories. I closed the book and shoved it in my computer bag. I decided that I needed to get back out into civilization. Chapter 8 The weather was still lousy, but there were still quite a few people in downtown Newport. I wondered if many of the stores would be closing up soon as they had done when I was a kid. It usually happened after the Columbus Day weekend. I noticed many of the old stores and restaurants that I had remembered from my childhood were gone, but I was pleased to see that Brick Alley, Salas' and the Mudville Pub were all still open. I stopped in Brick Alley for lunch. It had been one of my favorite places when I was growing up here. The cheeseburger was as good as I had remembered. As I ate I noticed two women sitting across from me. What caught my attention was that they were both several months pregnant. I tried to study them, without looking like a pervert. I noticed that they both seemed very happy. I pulled out my notebook and began to take some notes. I was so lost in my writing that I didn't notice that one of the women had walked over to my table. "Ian? Is that you?" she asked. My head snapped up in surprise. "Yes," I replied as I studied the blonde haired woman. "Don't tell me that you don't recognize me?" she chided. I cocked my head and then it hit me. I broke into a big smile. "Kelly Fry!" She held out her hand to show off her wedding ring. "It's Kelly Walsh now." I stood up and gently hugged her. "You married Joe?" I asked. She nodded. They had dated throughout high school. Joe's family owned several restaurants in the area. "Cool," I replied. "So what brings you back this way? I heard that you were in California," she said. "I came out to see my family," I replied. I decided to leave out the rest. "Heather is married and loves living out on the Cape." She nodded. "I saw her a few weeks ago. I'm so sorry about the accident. How is she doing?" "Physically she's doing okay," I replied. Kelly nodded. "So what's up with you?" I asked. "As you can see, I'm about to be a mother!" "Really? I hadn't noticed," I replied with a grin. Kelly laughed. "I know, I know... guys are told not to question if a woman is pregnant unless you see her in labor." I had always liked Kelly; she had the same sort of warped humor as I did. "So, when are you due?" I asked. "Right around New Year's eve, give or take a month. It's my first and there can be some difficulty in predicting the date." "How's Joe taking this?" She beamed. "He can't wait. My god I think he's more exited than I am." "Well, I better let you go," I said. "It's good to see you again, Ian. Oh, do you want to trade cell phone numbers? I know Joe would love to see you." I nodded and we exchanged numbers, although I really didn't plan on calling them. This trip wasn't about catching up with old friends. We then hugged again. Chapter 9 I spent the rest of the day walking around Newport people watching. I noticed at least other ten pregnant women and I did my best to study them from a distance. For the most part they seemed happy, but then again this was Newport and they were all pretty well off, judging by their outfits. I laughed as I thought about what I was doing. I never really noticed pregnant women before and now, thanks to the decision that I would have to make, I began to see them everywhere. I headed back to my hotel room and began to look over the pregnancy websites again. The good thing was that I knew that, thanks to the Preston's wealth, I would have the best doctors that money could buy. Still, I was a little freaked out when I began to read everything that could go wrong. The good thing was that thanks to medical advances, the chances of the mother dying were slim. I then read a section on multiple births and the risks associated with them. Obviously, I knew that multiple births ran in my family and I wondered about the Prestons. One baby would be enough; I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to have multiple children. I wondered how Mom had managed to get through carrying Heather and I for nine months. I picked up my phone and called her. "Are you enjoying Newport?" she asked after we finished with our greetings. "You know, you could come stay with me and not stay in a hotel." "I need to be alone to think this out," I replied. I told her what I had been doing. "You always were the logical one," she stated. "Well, you can't blame me for taking my time on this decision," I replied. "Mom, what do you really think of this idea?" There was a long pause before she answered. "I was totally against it when Heather and Mark first told me about it," she replied. "I didn't like the way it backed you into the corner." "And now?" I asked. She sighed. "I'm still a little concerned. Aileen seems to be a nice person and all that, but this is moving into a very unfamiliar area for most of us. I fully understand Heather and Mark's desire to have a child, that, for all practical purposes is their own flesh and blood, but this is a very bizarre solution." "Would you have minded if I had been born a girl and agreed to have their child?" I asked. "Probably not," she replied. "Okay," I replied. "Um, Mom, can we get together and talk about this in person? I have a lot of questions...concerning all aspects of this." "Like what it is like to be pregnant?" she asked. I laughed. "That's the first one." "Why don't you come over to my place for dinner tomorrow night?" she asked. "I'd like that Mom." She gave me directions to her new place. It was a townhouse that was one block from the bay. It was only a few blocks away from the house that we had lived in when I was a kid. "Come over around 7," she said. "Thanks, Mom, I'm looking forward to it." Chapter 10 I had no trouble finding Mom's new place. She greeted me at the door and showed me around. While the townhouse was new to me, I immediately recognized many of the furnishings. Many of the pieces of furniture were antiques, inherited from her grandparents, but Mom had always insisted on using them not as displays but as everyday furniture. Her logic was that that's what they had been built for and not to be displayed as artwork. "I'm glad to see that you kept these things," I stated as I ran my hands over an oak bookcase. "I've always loved this piece." "Well, when you settle down, it's yours," she replied. "Come on, let's have dinner and we can talk." Dinner was an old family favorite, lobster stew. "When was the last time you had this?" she asked as we sat down. "I think it was the last time I was back here," I replied. "I thought I smelled it as you showed me around, thanks for making it, Mom." "You're welcome, dear," she replied as she filled my bowl with savory stew. The stew was as good as I had remembered. "So what did you do today?" she asked as she butted a piece of bread. "More observations, more research, more things added to my lists," I replied. "Any closer to making a decision?" she asked. I shook my head as I swallowed some of the stew. "That's understandable," she replied. "Mom, what was it like when you were carrying Heather and me?" I asked as I reached for the bread. "What do you mean?" she asked. "I mean, I've been reading up on the physical side of pregnancy, but what was going through your mind?" I asked. "It was one of the most special times of my life," she replied. "I was thrilled when I became pregnant. Your father and I had been trying to start a family for a while. Of course I had no idea that I was going to have twins," she explained. "Of course we were so excited when we were told that I was going to have two babies." She then told me what it was like being pregnant with twins. Overall it had been a very uneventful pregnancy and my sister and I arrived very close to the date that the doctor had estimated. "Why didn't you and Dad have more kids?" I asked as I refilled my bowl. "You and your sister were such a handful that we debated never sleeping together again," replied Mom with a very straight face. "We tried leaving you out in the woods several times but you kept finding your way home." "We were brats but we weren't that bad!" I countered with a chuckle. Mom laughed. "I know that. No, we decided that when we wanted to start a family we were only going to have two kids." "So you never regretted not getting pregnant again?" Mom shrugged her shoulders. "I would have liked to have experienced it again, but that's not important any more." I nodded. "So I can imagine what sorts of things are on the no list, but what sorts of things have you put on the yes side?" asked Mom. I took a sip of my Narragansett beer before answering. "Well, there are the obvious things, like I don't have a job and am free right now," I said. "I also really love Heather and would do anything for her...but please don't tell her that!" Mom smiled. "That's not exactly a secret. She knows you care a lot for her." I nodded. "I also have to admit that the idea of seeing how the other side lives is pretty intriguing." "And does that include getting pregnant?" I nodded. "I mean, it is a very interesting proposal. Haven't you wondered what it would be like to be a man?" "Not recently," she replied. "But you have, right?" Mom smiled. "Of course." I grinned back. "Well those are the main things. I am worried about the whole having sex with Mark part and also the thing that Aileen said that I might not want to change back." "That makes sense," she said. "I'm also a little worried about how Heather really feels about this. I mean, I will look like her and will be carrying her husband's child. I don't want to cause stress between them." "I don't think you have to worry about that," said Mom. "They have both talked to me about this. They are also deeply in love." I nodded. "I understand that Mrs. Preston and her side of the family want a male heir, what happens if I have a girl? I'm not willing to do this multiple times for them." "We've also talked about this. While there are no guarantees, Aileen says that the chance of producing a male baby is 75%." "And what will they say if I beat the odds and have a girl?" "Heather and Mark have said that they will then adopt a baby boy," replied Mom. "They really tried to do this on their own. Aileen even tried to help them, but Heather's body couldn't take it. I'm not telling you this to sway your opinion, but so you know that they really are deeply in love. If there was any other way to do this, they would have done it." "Okay, that makes me feel better," I replied. "Do you want some coffee?" asked Mom. I nodded. "Okay, I'll make a pot. Would you please clean off the table?" she asked. "Sure, it would feel like old times," I replied as I got to work stacking the dirty dishes. "Not quite, I now have a dishwasher," she said. Chapter 11 After everything was cleaned up and put away, we sat down in the kitchen to continue our conversation. "I'm glad that you are being so meticulous in making up your mind," said Mom. "I would be worried if you made a decision this important quickly." "As you said earlier, it is the way I do things," I replied. "Yes, but it would have been very easy to say no back at Heather's house," stated Mom. "So what did you all talk about after I left? I mean, what do the others think I'm going to do?" I asked. "Heather and Mark aren't sure, Kristina thinks you'll do it, and so does Margaret," said Mom. "Kristina thinks that I'll do it?" I asked. Mom nodded. "She thinks that in addition to wanting to help Heather that you'll do it just for the adventure of being transformed." "Wow," I replied softly as I drank the last of my coffee. I got up and refilled my mug. "Do you want some more?" Mom smiled and held out her mug. "Thank you." I sat down, still thinking about Kristina's answer. "Very interesting." "She's definitely the wild one in the family," noted Mom. I nodded in agreement. "Oh, what do you think my name would be if I transformed?" "Aileen talked to me about this. She said that it would be the one that I had considered when I became pregnant," she replied. "Okay, I know it's a family tradition to name children after our relatives; so what other female names did you pick out?" Mom smiled as she got up. "Funny you should bring this up. I dug out my old baby book the other day. I will right back." A few minutes later Mom returned with the book. She paged through it and then handed it to me. I looked at the list of names. "Are all of these family names?" I asked. "Yes, from both sides of the family," she replied. While most of Dad's side of the family came from Scotland, there was also some English and Welsh in the mix. Mom's side also came from Great Britain, although one set of her grandparents came from the Netherlands. "Who was Cailin?" I asked. "She was your great-grandmother on my Scottish side. From what I was told she was named for her grandmother who had to flee her village because she was accused of being a witch." "Was she?" I asked with a wink. Mom laughed. "Maybe, but most likely she was just a strong intelligent woman who pissed off too many men." I nodded, she sounded like someone I wished I knew more about. I scanned down the list and pointed at another one. "What about her?" "You mean Kalie?" she asked. I nodded. "She's my grandmother and she's the one who escaped Holland during WW II." "Oh yeah, I remember you telling me about her," I replied. Kalie and her husband escaped to England in 1942. They had been in the resistance and the Nazis had found out. They crossed to England in a stolen fishing boat and after the war they moved to the USA. "Did you ever meet her?" I asked. Mom shook her head. "No, she died in 1958." "Both seem like pretty cool people, I wouldn't mind either name," I replied. "I hope you get your wish...that is if you agree to be transformed," said Mom. We talked for another hour before I left. It had been a very eye-opening night even though I was no closer to making up my mind. Chapter 12 I spent the next few days hanging around Newport people watching and doing additional research. My lists were now both quite long and I wasn't any closer to making a decision. I did have a new list of questions and after calling Heather I called Aileen. "I was expecting your call," she said in a pleasant manner. "I was wondering if we could get together and talk," I replied. There was no reason to mention what I wanted to talk about as that was pretty obvious. "I'd like that Ian. Heather mentioned that you were staying near Newport; I can be out there this afternoon if you'd like. Or would you rather come here and see me?" "Where do you live?" I asked. "Salem," she replied. I hesitated before replying. "Please tell me that's a joke." She laughed. "Of course it is! Actually I live in Rhode Island in Misquamicut, right near the ocean. I'm sure you know the area." "It's been a while," I replied. "Let's meet in the middle at Narragansett." "Excellent," she replied as she named a seafood restaurant. "Do you know it?" "Yes, they have great lobster rolls there," I replied. "Great, why don't we meet there at 1," she suggested. "Okay," I replied. Chapter 13 We arrived almost at the same time and walked into the small seafood restaurant together. To all the world we looked like two friends meeting for lunch, it just goes to show how little most people know about what's going on around them. Aileen was dressed in jeans, a sea green colored sweater and an L.L. Bean raincoat. She didn't look that different from any other local. Thankfully it wasn't very crowded and so we didn't have to worry about people overhearing our conversation. We placed our drink order as we scanned the menu, although I already knew what I was going to have, the lobster roll. "So, I'm sure you have many questions, Ian," she said as she set the menu down. "Just a few," I replied with a grin. "So, how is it that you can transform people, are you a...witch?" I asked, lowering my voice near the end of my question. She shook her head. "No, I am a sorceress, Wiccan is more spiritual." "And you do this for a living?" I asked. She smiled. "In a way, yes I do. I use my powers to help others. Mostly I help people with terminal illnesses make the transition to the next world." "Why don't you cure them?" I asked. She took a sip of her soda. "Death is a part of life, Ian. Even with powers, I can't save everyone; so I ease their pain and help them adjust so that it will be a peaceful transition. My clients seek me out and are ready to move on and they know I can make their last days peaceful." I nodded. "And what about helping people like my sister?" "I do that on a case by case status. I have certain criteria that must be met before I step in," she explained. "Like what?" I asked. "Part of it is the specifics of the case, like why the person can't get pregnant. I also do it based on the feelings that I get from the potential parents. Mark and Heather will be excellent parents," she stated. The waitress walked over and took our order; we both ordered the lobster roll special. "I don't often get to work with twins. The spell is usually very successful when working with twins," she said. "Because of the similar DNA?" I asked. "That's only part of it; what makes it work so well is the emotional ties between the siblings," she said. "How long does it take...I mean how fast does the transformation happen?" I asked. "It usually takes an hour for the entire physical change. However, you'll want to sleep for a while afterwards. When you wake up you should feel comfortable with the changes." "What do you mean by comfortable?" I asked. "Well, you'll still be aware of your life as Ian and this can make you feel some conflicts," she explained. "And I'll look like Heather?" I asked. "You'll be her identical twin, so you'll look very much like her," replied Aileen. "Of course, there will be some differences that occur with aging and personality." "And how soon after the change will I be ready...for...well, you know?" I asked. Aileen smiled. "We'll have to do a full physical on you and then wait to see how your body is functioning. I wouldn't worry too much as this spell has a very high success rate." The waitress brought our food. It smelled delicious. It had been too long since I had real lobster rolls. "Okay, so is this considered white magic?" I asked. I then took a bite of the lobster roll and savored the first taste; it had been so long since I had eaten a real lobster roll. Aileen shook her head. "Actually there's no such thing as white or black magic. While there are spells that are used to hurt others, it's not the magic that is good or bad, it's the person who uses it. We do have a code of ethics that is regulated; abuse of powers can lead to being stripped of them." "I had no idea," I replied as I picked up a fry and ate it. "We became self regulating many centuries ago," she explained. She then told me that she was actually licensed to perform spells on humans. "I suppose that sounds strange to you." I shook my head. "No, actually it makes me feel better about all this." "I'm glad to hear that," she said. I finished my first lobster roll and immediately started on the second one. "I do have another question; you said that some people decide not to change back, why?" Aileen shrugged her shoulders. "We're not entirely sure. Maybe the transformation fills a void in their life, maybe it's the fact that they brought a new life into this world, who knows?" "Well, I like my present life, so I'm not worried about that," I stated. "I've heard that before," she said as she nibbled on a French fry. I just smiled back. "Oh, is there a time limit on when I have to change back? I mean do I have it do it immediately after giving birth?" She shook her head. "No, in fact I prefer that you don't change back for at least a week as you need to allow your body a chance to recover from giving birth. But the longer you stay female increases the probability that you will stay female. If someone doesn't change back after a month they usually stay in their new gender for the rest of their life. They also tell me that they're much happier." "How many times have you done this?" I asked. She stopped and seemed to be calculating the number of transformations. "I think you'll be number thirty." I cocked my head and stared back. "You mean you're not sure? When did start doing this?" Aileen laughed and then leaned closer. "I did my first transformation in 1922. We age at a different rate than do mortal humans." "Wow," I replied. "Does that shock you?" she asked as she finished her second lobster roll. "No, actually it makes me feel better knowing you've been doing this for decades. I was worried that you looked too young to know what you were doing," I replied. She smiled back. "I'll take that as a compliment." I laughed. "I guess that didn't come out exactly like I wanted." "I like you Ian, you have a good soul," she said. "Do you have any more questions?" I rubbed my chin and then shook my head. "I think you answered them all." "I'm glad to hear that," she replied. "I have a question for you. If you don't feel like answering it I won't be offended." "What do you want to know?" "Have you ever wanted to be a woman?" she asked. "Not really, I mean I guess I have the normal curiosity of what it would be like, why does that matter?" "No, I just like to know. I have had clients who were transgendered and it's best to know ahead of time," she replied. "Do you also do that? I mean, help transgendered people?" I asked. "I've done it, but I don't seek them out. There's an ongoing debate on that very issue," she explained. "Basically, there are those with powers who feel we shouldn't be helping humans at all. Basically we should let nature take its course." "Obviously you don't fall into that group," I stated. She shook her head. "No, I believe we have powers to help others. I just focus mine on certain groups. I guess the reason I help people like your sister is that I like the change of pace of bringing life into the world. I understand death is part of life, but it does get to you after a while. There's only so much one person can take." I just nodded at first. "That's pretty deep, Aileen. I respect you for what you're doing," I stated. "Thank you, Ian, that means a lot," she replied. "So, you have any other questions?" "Just one, aren't you going to ask me if I've made up my mind?" I asked. She shook her head. "No. When you're ready you will tell us." "Thanks," I replied. "By they way, I enjoyed our conversation." "Well, I hope we can become friends. If you do decide to change, I will be by regularly to check up on you. I'm also a MD," she explained. "Cool," I replied. We skipped dessert and split the bill down the middle. "I'll give you all my decision in a few days," I said as we stood out in the parking lot. "I know that, Ian," she said as we hugged. I watched her drive away and then I headed back to Middletown. I still had no idea what I was going to do, but I had a better feeling about Aileen. Chapter 14 The next morning I was up before dawn. I wanted to watch the sunrise, thankfully the weather had cleared up and I was treated to a magnificent show. I watched the sun slowly ascend out of the ocean. I think it was the first time in days that I hadn't been lost in my thoughts about the transformation. Afterwards, I headed off to get some breakfast. As I ate my eggs and bacon I pulled out my notebook and slowly reviewed my two lists. Taking out a pen, I began to cross off arguments, both for and against the transformation. Two cups of coffee later I had whittled my lists down to one remaining point. I stared at it for nearly twenty minutes before pulling out my cell phone. "Good Morning Heather," I stated. "What's up, Ian?" she asked. I could sense that she was nervous. "Can you get everyone together? I've made up my mind," I stated. "Sure," she replied. "Great, I'll be out there this afternoon," I replied. "Okay," she replied. "See you soon," I said as I hung up. Chapter 15 It didn't take me very long to drive out to the Cape as there was very little traffic. As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed several other cars and I knew that everyone had arrived. I parked next to Aileen's car and then walked up to the front door. I suspected that Heather was watching me, but she didn't appear at the door until I knocked. We hugged and she led me inside. "The others are in the kitchen," she said. I just nodded as I followed her. Mom, Mark, Aileen, Kristina and Mrs. Preston were all seated around the large oak kitchen table. After the greeting, I sat down next to Heather. "I've decided to do it," I announced softly. Heather started to smile and then she began to cry. "You okay?" I asked. She wiped away her tears. "Yes, I'm just so...well; it's been an emotional few days. Thank you so much, Ian!" She then got up and hugged me. Mom hugged me next. "Are you sure about this?" I nodded. "Yes, Mom." "So what was the reason?" she asked. I told them about the list and how I had narrowed it down to just one reason. "What was that, Ian?" asked Heather. "Love," I replied. Heather began to cry again. "Wow, twice in one day, I haven't be able to do that since we were seven," I quipped. She laughed as she wiped her tears away. Mark shook my hand. "I can't thank you enough, Ian. This means so much to us." "You're welcome, Mark." I replied. Kristina hugged me next. "This is the coolest thing that I've ever heard of someone doing for another. You're something else, Ian." I smiled back at her. "Ian, you have no idea how happy this makes me. This is a wonderful gift that you will be giving your sister and my son," said Mrs. Preston. She was the next to hug me. The whole time Aileen sat there without saying a thing. I looked at her. "Are you surprised?" I asked. She shook her head. "I knew you'd do it from the first moment I saw you. I could tell that you truly love your sister and would do anything for her. And I must agree with the others, it is a very kind thing that you are doing." "Thank you," I replied. "So when do we start?" "In a couple of days; I will need to prepare the potion," explained Aileen. "I also need to perform a physical on you, just to play it safe." "Okay," I replied. "But just so you know, I passed my last company physical last month with flying colors." She smiled back at me. "It's a slightly different physical that I will be doing. Don't worry, it will totally painless." "When do we start?" I asked. "We can do it now," she replied. "Heather, do you have a room that I can use?" "Sure, we have three guest rooms," replied Heather. "It won't take long, I just need to run a few tests," she replied. Chapter 16 "Okay, Ian, what I need is for you to strip down," said Aileen as she set down a large leather bag on the dresser. "Um, do you mean all the way?" I asked nervously. She turned and smiled. "Ian, I'm a doctor...and I have been one longer than you've been alive. What I need to do is check your aura and do it correctly I need you to be naked." "What will you have to do?" I asked as I unbuttoned my shirt. "I will run a special crystal over your body. It will allow me to judge if you are strong enough to undergo the transformations," she explained. "It's totally painless and will only take a few minutes. It's also more accurate that modern medicine." "Why did you say transformations?" I asked. "Most people can undergo one physical transformation without any problems. However, I need to ensure that you can tolerate a second change back to your original form...assuming you want to be male again," she explained. "Okay, why would a second change be so difficult?" I asked. "That's an excellent question. While this is a very safe spell, any physical transformation enchantment stresses the body. By studying your aura I will be able to determine if you are strong enough." "And if I'm not?" I asked. "Then I will not transform you," she replied bluntly. "I don't do this to hurt people. I would hate to leave you trapped in a body and identity that you don't feel comfortable in. Does that make sense?" I nodded. "Just one more question, how did my sister find you?" Aileen cocked her head and winked at me. "Who said that she found me?" I stopped undressing and stared back at her. "So does that mean that you sought her out?" Aileen nodded. "I told you that I heal pain. I can also sense it. Your sister was deeply troubled because she couldn't have a child. I didn't tell you this earlier as I didn't want to affect your decision." "Thanks," I replied. "If I had known that I would have said yes last week." "That's why I didn't tell you. A decision like this has to come from the heart and not be swayed by others. It also can't be made out of pity or martyrdom." I just nodded and finished undressing. Aileen pulled the curtains closed and lit a single candle. "Okay, Ian, just lie on your back, this won't take long," she said. I did as she said. "You might feel a slight tingling as I run this crystal over your body," she explained. "Whoa, that feels strange!" I exclaimed. She slowly moved the crystal over my body. Even though she wasn't touching me with it I could feel where it was. "You have a very strong aura, Ian. Do you have any relatives with powers?" "Not that I'm aware of. Wait, there might be one," I said. I then told her about Cailin. "What do you think?" "It's possible; I can run a family genealogy on you if you'd like," she replied. I nodded. "I'd like that," I replied. "Okay, we're done," she said. "You can get up and get dressed." "Is everything okay?" I asked. Aileen nodded. "Yes, you're extremely healthy and shouldn't have any issues with the spell." "I'm glad to hear that," I replied honestly. "Just so you know, I would like to do a second physical after the transformation...just to make sure that everything is okay," she stated. "I guess that makes sense," I replied. Chapter 17 The next few days passed by very quickly. You may think that I may have had second thoughts, but that didn't happen. I had made my decision and I would stick to it. Granted I was very nervous about the impending transformation, I mean who wouldn't be? To maximize the strength of the spell, I would drink the potion when the full moon would be at its highest point in the sky. Aileen tried to explain to me why this would increase the potency of the spell, but to be honest it was beyond my comprehension. She also explained to me in detail about how the transformation would occur. The actual physical transformation would take place over one to two hours. I would then fall into a deep and restful sleep. While I slept the identity aspects of the spell would occur so that when I woke up to the rest of the world it would be as if I had been born female. Only those present in the house would know my original identity. This part of the spell fascinated me more than the physical changes. I mean, I could understand magic changing the physical body, but how could it alter my identity, especially with the way our modern society tracked all aspects of our lives from driver's license to photographs? I then wondered how I would adjust to two sets of memories. Aileen told me that it would be a little disorienting at first, but after a few days it would seem perfectly normal. When I joked about the "little disorienting" description, she laughed said that she was glad that I had a good sense of humor as it would make my adjustment much smoother. She said that the spell was designed to make my adjustment to my new gender as stress free as possible. This was all because the spell was designed to be beneficial. She told me about punitive gender change spells that were not only physically painful, but would also leave the person's mental stated disrupted. There would also be a post transformation physical to ensure that I would be able to become pregnant, and then it would be up to nature. Chapter 18 I arrived in the bedroom where the transformation would take place wearing just a plush bathrobe. Aileen had recommended that I take a long soaking bath to relax prior to the transformation. Heather and my mom were the only others in the room besides Aileen. "I thought Mark and his family would also be here," I stated as I sat down on the edge of the bed. "They only need to be inside the house," replied Aileen. "In fact, if you wish you can be alone after you drink the spell." I shook my head. "I'd rather not be alone...assuming that the rest of you want to be here." "I'm glad you want me here," said Heather, who sat down next to me. "Are you sure about this? I don't want to guilt you into doing it." I laughed. "I want to do this for you and Mark." She leaned over and hugged me. Mom then came over and gave me a long hug. "Okay, let's do it," I stated. Aileen nodded and checked her watch. "The moon is at its highest now." She poured a violet colored fluid into a wine glass and held it up to the light as if she was inspecting it. As she handed it to me she told me that it would have a slight herbal flavor and that most people thought it tasted rather pleasant. "How soon after I drink it will the changes start?" I asked. "Almost immediately. It shouldn't hurt, and if it does, I will be standing by to assist you," she replied. I took the glass from her and sniffed it before drinking it. She was right about the flavor as it sort of tasted like mild herbal mint tea. I drank it all and handed her back the glass. "Try and describe what you feel, Ian," said Aileen. "I feel a sense of warmth sweeping through my body," I replied. "It's rather pleasant actually." The warm sensation spread out throughout my body and I then began to feel a slight tingling. I began to rub my hands slightly. The whole time I was telling Aileen and the others how I felt. Without thinking, I reached up to brush my hair out of face. "Whoa," I exclaimed. I could actually feel my hair growing longer as I held it. "That's normal," said Aileen. "Your hair will be quite long after the transformation and you might want to get it styled or shortened." Heather was staring at me. "What is it?" I asked. "Your's look like me!" I looked over at the large mirror on the dresser and saw that she was right. I now looked like Heather. "There are some minor differences," noted Mom. "Heather has more freckles." "Figures Mom would notice that," I said to Heather. "Your voice! It's so feminine now!" exclaimed Heather. I turned to Aileen. "It appears to be working from the head down." "It happens that way sometimes," said Aileen in a reassuring tone. "There's nothing to be concerned about." I looked down and could see that my breasts were developing. I opened up my robe and watched as they grew. It soon became evident that bra size would be another way to tell Heather and me apart as my breasts were at least a cup or two larger than hers. I cautiously reached down and cupped them. The additional weight on my chest felt strange. I was also relieved when they stopped growing. I looked over at Heath

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TWINS Part 1 My sex life sucked. Growing up in a tiny country town under the watchful eyes of my dad, the County Sheriff sucked. I celebrated my eighteenth birthday last Friday and, as hard as this may be to believe in this sexual liberated day and Age, I was still a virgin. I wasn’t a virgin because I wanted to remain a virgin until I married or some silly shit like that, I was still a virgin because every boy I knew was deathly afraid of my father, Mr. Dudley Do Right. Hell, I was lucky...

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Twins by DKB So, you may be asking, what's it like going out with an identical twin? Well, it's really just like you'd expect. It's a bit confusing at first, especially if he doesn't tell you and when you meet his brother the first time you think it's him and they laugh about it so much, which is a bit childish. But when you get to know them well you realise they're not exactly identical. Chris is just slightly taller. And Sam's lips curl slightly differently when he smiles. And Chris...

1 year ago
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Introduction: This is a fictional work, based partially on actual events from my childhood. My brother and I were twins. I was born 6 minutes before him, and I never let him forget I was the older. We grew up on a small farm a couple of miles outside of town. Our father had a job other than farming, though. We just had a few cows and horses, chickens, and a garden which produced enough vegetables for our family, and a little left over to share with friends. We lived in a rather old, two story...

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Thanks to all the authors in the Swarm mailing list for the help on canon questions and their editing prowess. Too many to list, but Omachuck stands out, having put a lot of time into this and my next one. Brooke, Nuke Danger, Zen Master, all of them contributed and helped make this readable. All remaining errors are mine and mine alone. I wished, not for the first time, that the asshole would do something, anything that would let me get us out of his house. I felt guilty because that...

2 years ago
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My brother and I are massage therapists and we are also identical twins. Since our names are similar, we are called J+J or simply JJ. We occasionally take each other’s clients. We masquerade as each other. Few of our clients know we’re two different people, as we’re usually not in the clinic at same time. When I do massages, my clients are nude but draped with a sheet or towel. Some clients prefer to remain uncovered which is fine with me. I always enjoy the view. I have a client named L,...

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My brother and I are massage therapists and we are also identical twins. Since our names are similar, we are called J+J or simply JJ. We occasionally take each other’s clients. We masquerade as each other. Few of our clients know we're two different people, as we’re usually not in the clinic at same time. When I do massages, my clients are nude but draped with a sheet or towel. Some clients prefer to remain uncovered which is fine with me. I always enjoy the view. I have a client named L;...

Group Sex
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My brother and I are twins, but not identical. We are both tall, over six feet, but he's dark whist I'm fair. Ever since our mid teens we have been active on the girlfriend front. But we have always had this one rule, 'No poaching girlfriends, otherwise all things are fair. I have dated old girlfriends of his and he has done likewise. His current girl, Sue-Ann, is a curvaceous redhead who gives me a hard-on every time she comes near me. I can't wait for him to chuck her, but I may be in for...

3 years ago
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“I don’t hear anything,” screamed my wife from outside of the door. I shrugged and looked at the woman sitting on the bed beside me. She was naked and so was I. I wasn’t ogling her boobs, although I knew how awesome they were. I was pretty sure I knew what they felt like, even though I had never touched them. “Give us some God damned time!” she screamed back at my wife, in almost the exact same tone and timber. She stood up and positioned herself in front of me. Her body was thin and...

1 year ago
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My twin brother and I are lovers. Does that shock and disgust you? It does most people. But when I tell you my story, I think you'll understand. My name is Erica Griffin. My twin, Eric, and I were born to Andrew and Sophia Griffin, the best assassin team the Organization had ever seen. They both died on a mission when we were just a few months old. The Organization (we never had need to know its real name) took it upon itself to train us, to replace our parents. From the time we could...

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Of all the aphrodisiacs in the world the most powerful is being a twin ... Hey, Darren, come quick! Don’t you ever knock? Waddaya mean, knock? On the door, before you come in my room. I may be just your brother, but I’m entitled to my privacy, y’know! Waddaya want anyway? Privacy? Why do you want privacy for? WHAT do I want privacy for, dumbo! Stop correcting me! Try getting it right then! Ok smartass, WHAT do you want privacy for? Well, I may have been doing something, you know,...

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Mike was 18 years old, too old to be eating cold breakfast cereal, he thought, but his mother didn’t feel like cooking him oatmeal this morning. Instead, she was lazing in bed, putting off getting up until she absolutely had to. He was just drinking down the last of the milk when both of his twin sisters walked in, still in their robes. “Good morning, Mike.” they said, in unison. They did that often, speaking the same words, dressing alike, and generally synchronizing everything they did. He...

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Saturday morning and I was standing by the kitchen window looking at the peaceful garden I had created. The cash win hadn’t been a fortune but it was enough for me to give up work and, at 45, give up work and take life easy with my twin sons, John and Paul.“Morning,” they said as they came into the kitchen. I smiled at them. At twenty they were tall and well built and each sported a nice nine inch manhood. We never wear clothes around the house and I watched as they bobbed and swung before...

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BROCK I walk into the kitchen to get something to eat, as I started to head back to my room, my twin sister, she is older by 5 minutes, steps out in front of me and knocked me back into the kitchen. “What was that all about Jessica? I didn’t do anything to deserve that.” Jessica stood there for a minute looking at me. “What did you do?, “ she asked. “It’s not what you did Brock, it’s what your good for nothing friend didn’t do last night.” “Well, what did steve do this time, “ I asked my...

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Derrick and I were married not long after college not so many years ago. He’d been pre-med and I was completing a law degree when we’d met and only a few months later we were married. Our honeymoon as abbreviated by his school obligation to volunteer (is it really ‘volunteering’ if it’s mandatory?) at a clinic in Bolivia for the summer. While he was there, he contracted a foul disease from the filthy, third-worlders and he came back to me sterile. My dream of being a mother was over. His...

2 years ago
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Derrick and I were married not long after college not so many years ago. He'd been pre-med and I was completing a law degree when we'd met and only a few months later we were married. Our honeymoon as abbreviated by his school obligation to volunteer (is it really 'volunteering' if it's mandatory?) at a clinic in Bolivia for the summer. While he was there, he contracted a foul disease from the filthy, third-worlders and he came back to me sterile.My dream of being a mother was over.His brother...

Wife Lovers
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We always knew we got along too well you could say. Always by each other's sides. We used to call it playing mommy and daddy. We'd take turns playing daddy. The rough one. We still joke to this day by saying hi daddy when we want to kiss at night. Most nights she crawls into my bed unless she wants a big solo sesh in her bed where she'll spread across the bed legs bent up and spread wide as she plays loudly with herself. I'll hear the wet smacking of her pussy being pounded over and over until...

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My wife, Sherry, is generally quiet and proper. But even so, she absolutely loves sex with me, though in a sweet, affectionate way. She actually can't seem to get enough. But there have been a few times that she has *really*surprised me. The first time was before we were married. We had been living together a few weeks and were really getting along well. One night after we had just turned in, she grabbed my head and kissed me. That may not seem like much, but Sherry was usually more passive...

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I started getting hard at the thought of Kelly when I was 16. We were at the pool and she just bought this tight black bikini that flaunted everything. Watching her come out of that water and walk towards me, ass bouncing and boobs jiggling, I had to leave the room. She was just so hot. Ever since then could jerk off to the thought of her. I know it might seem wrong, but it felt right. I have been doing that once or twice a week now. My parents left for work that day so Kelly and I were...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

First Name = Hero (Male) Last Name = Sidekick (Female) It's another boring day at your new job, working as assistant librarian at the local library. You'd only been there for a week and a half, but you've already learned that you have very few visitors. Books just don't have the appeal they used to. So basically you just wander around all day or, when the boss is away, take naps in the fiction section. You are currently asleep in the corner of the library, a copy of Don Quixote draping over...

1 year ago
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Teenage Seduction

For a long time I have been aware that times have changed since I was in high school. I just didn't know how radically they had changed. To a large part, those changes are due to birth control pills and women's liberation that happened before I was in high school. My daughter Rebecca brought me up-to-date.Becky came home late one night, woke me up and told me all about having sex for the first time. "I did it, Mom. I did it. Barry and I had sex tonight, and it was surreal. Just like you...

1 year ago
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Another America

The Lifestyles Enforcement Agency(LEA) is more expansive than it appears. There are departments within the agency to handle different aspects of its purview. Division One handles marriages and have records of all ceremonies throughout the states. It has the power to perform marriages. Division Two handles prostitution and have put into place many health and safety regulations that must be followed. They also are in charge of license distribution for the many whores, pimps, and madams. Any legal...

3 years ago
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Night Nurse

Nancy was a really devoted nurse. Great nursing is a gift that very few people are born with, you either have it or you don’t. If you are empathetically challenged, then it is not your calling. In the oncology section of the hospital she worked in, Dr. Johnson recognized her special talent with the terminal patients and often made mention of it to her. In fact, he was the one to advise Nancy to become a freelance night nurse and do her own thing. Many terminal patients who were not going to...

Straight Sex
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Hi friends, thanks for the support you have given me. I have been asked to continue the story about my sex adventures with Mariya. This is the story when we met for the second time. So enjoy. After my first sex with Mariya, she was all i could think of. I kept thinking about the way she smelled; her cunt, her ass and so on.Her sexy brown skin, petite body, wet lips...all kept me awake at nights.I so wanted to meet her, but my wife was always at home.I was waiting for a right...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 18

"Are you still on the team?" I asked as I slipped my arm around Robbie's back and cupped her breast. "Don't know. Don't care. Feel good." I had a feeling that she wasn't talking about the hand that was gently toying with her already erect nipple. "We got the job done," she elaborated. "Did Parker say anything?" Tami asked from my other side. We were sitting on Robbie's bed, our backs leaning against her headboard, and I had a tit in each hand. The stereo was playing something...

2 years ago
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Puddles of Leaves

Dennis trudged across his lawn through the leaves to the shed. He flipped the latch and retrieved the rake he had bought his first year in this house when he was faced with his first fall. He had moved into this, his first house, a few years ago, that autumn had been quite the surprise for him as he realized the true cost to owning your own house. His backyard was littered with trees, which were great in the summer because the yard was shady, keeping it pleasantly cool even when the...

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My Mother Her brother My Sexual Tormentor

OK, my uncle Joey was a p**o, and because of his affliction, I showed him my pussy, each morning, before going to school.Uncle Joey's sister, my mother, was a wild girl in her twenties, always on a high, looking for a fix, would find a stunning blond, having her bottom scrapped against a rough brick casting of a wall, up some dark alley, as the 'Fixer', shagged the shit out of her, and created me, and you wonder why, 'I am all fucked up'? 'Hurry, or you will miss your bus', mother would call...

1 year ago
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My 1st Date

I sat on my fathers porch swing becoming anxious with every set of headlights that had passed by. "Damn him for living on such a busy road.." I said as i looked at my watch. "8:15 hes late.. go figure" I was 18 at the time. Just had my birthday 2 weeks before my 1st date with Josh, I was 18 years old. I'm 6'0" and wore a size 12 pants and a 34D Bra. I was shapely but not fat. I had curves in all the right places. I lived in Ohio but visited Alabama twice a year see my dad. Then there was Josh...

First Time
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Stranger In The Car

I am a 42 years old lady, Rathna a widow. Living in Bangalore . Husband passed away few years back. I have just one daughter who is studying in residential school. I am leading a quiet life. My only goal in life is to see better future for my daughter. My sex life was nil and forgotten. I spend most of the evenings visiting temples and my earnings are through my own rented buildings. One day I was invited by my friend who lives in other part of Bangalore for her daughter’s wedding. She insisted...

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New Neighbor cuckold

Brendan had moved into an apartment after a rather difficult divorce. It was not a habitation that he wanted since he was used to living in a traditional suburban home with his ex in one of the more affluent areas in Orange County. The complex that he had chosen was quite upscale but the only opening that was available was a one bedroom flat which had another floor above those on the lower level. Brendan never thought anything of it when moving in. He was happy to not have to move new furniture...

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The Girl Next Door

“Who did you? Well, besides the whole football team,” Mark said. “ha ha!” I said and paused for a second. “Oh, wait I forgot. Fuck you.” “Let’s see. You started with Tony. He was a linebacker and dumb as hell. I’m kind of amazed he could even string together two words to ask you out.” In his best caveman imitation, Mark said. “Ma... Ma... Mackenzie... da... da... date... Toe...Toe... Tony tonight.” “You’re an asshole.” “How could you date that idiot?” “He’s really cute and has an amazing smile....

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 8

By the time Joe arrived at Joanne’s house, it was late. After setting his bags in his room, he checked on Joanne. His best friend slept with her. A tangled sheet covered her waist and only one leg of Eddie. Joe couldn’t help glancing at Eddie’s penis, looking a little crusty and tired, the way he felt. Joe sighed. It seemed to awaken Joanne, even though he’d kept it quiet. She smiled at him. He watched her beautiful mature body carefully rise off the bed. She put on a white terry cloth robe...

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I Have No IdeaChapter 6

I want to talk about Ellie Hess. For a moment, I wasn’t confused. This girl, this woman loved me. I wanted to be loved. I wanted her to love me. She proved eager. She loved helping me discover the lack of limits this island had. She was excited to get my hands on Traci, Kelsey, Zenya, Dakota, or Nastya. I excited her. I couldn’t imagine myself with a girl like her. The thirteen year age gap didn’t help, but it wasn’t the problem. Her beauty was way out of my league, but it wasn’t the...

2 years ago
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Journey into the PastChapter 13 Recovery

It seems that women were always deciding my position in bed; I was once again between two lovely women cuddled up to me. Hild had hold of my head and was showering kisses all over my face, with tears running down her cheeks and mixing with the saliva from her mouth and mixing with my tears. We must have looked a sorry sight. I had to pull myself together and said to them both. "I will never forget Jane, but we must get on with our lives, my mourning is over. I still have one wife by my side...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 50 Hero Worship

January 19, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “That was VERY interesting!” Kara said as we bundled up to walk to the hospital to get Jessica. “It was,” I agreed. “I was surprised at how many people stayed. And there were some interesting revelations.” “Jack and Becka?” “Yes, but also her tattoo and piercings! She had the exact same piercings Abbie had done!” “I thought you weren’t supposed to stare!” Kara giggled. “I caught myself. But all things being equal, I’d rather have looked at...

4 years ago
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Sometimes loosing a bet is not bad

Coming to the story one day mom has asked me give a parcel to her . I have travelled half the distance and it started to rain lightly I thought I would make it to her home without any problem but due traffic i could not and I was completely drenched in rain when I reached aunts house. I rang the bell and aunt has come and then she gave me a towel to dry. I thought rain would stop soon and I can go home back. But it did not happen it rained even heavily. Aunt has insisted me stay over...

2 years ago
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Space Merchant

This is a WIP What fetishes to expect: Everything goes (everything within the rules). That doesn't mean that I have a checklist, but I won't avoid something if I want to add it. However most options are avoidable. How the system works: I understand that everyone wants to read every page, and that is hard with a game mode. However the game mode was needed for this story. I have tried to make things repeatable, and I will add later a way to revisit planets you have visited before. There is always...

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The Story Of Roger Part 7

Roger cleaned her skirt up the best he could and Ella said she would bury the skirt in the washing basket hoping her mother wouldn’t see it too closely. It was an enlightening evening having got confirmation of her relationship with her father; he had her trust so maybe she would open up further as time goes on.Roger loved the feel of their panties and was saddened to give them back even though Ella’s had a slight rip, she had promised him to bring over a supply if she could sneak them out and...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 141 Do You Want to Know a Secret

Once Alan, Glory, and Suzanne were safely inside Glory's apartment with the door closed, Suzanne felt no shame in once more running a possessive hand over the prominent bulge in Alan's shorts. She even made sure that Glory could clearly see her fingers and palm working on his bulge as she purred sexily at him, "I'd love to take care of this for you, Sweetie ... right here, right now..." Glory held her breath as she saw a stiff rod pressing through Alan's shorts like the shorts weren't...

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Lily stood in the shadows from the light that glowed in the porch of the large house, rain soaking over her raincoat and dropping from her dirty blond hair which fell midway down her slender back. She was still in college and the years of her life so far had been full of struggles. She was orphaned when she was nine and had come to live with her uncle who had little money and a heavy alcohol habit that took what little they did have. For the second time her delicate fingers lifted and pressed...

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Humiliating The Bengali Teen

That hot summer afternoon, joginder was sitting on his couch, staring at the tv, his mind somewhere else. He was thinking about the steamy, hot sex session from the last night. His twin daughters were extra-willing and extra-adventurous. God knows what took over the two of them. They literally wore him down. He was so spent that he couldn’t wake up in the morning. And when he did wake up, he found two mouths wrapped around his hard cock. According to him, it was a miracle that he was hard once...

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Sex With Virgin Cousin

The below story is a true incident.This story is how I had sex with my innocent cousin.This incident happened when I was in my 2nd year of engineering.As we engineers study only the day before our exams,while I preparing for the exams I used to watch a lot of porn and study.One day it so happened that, while I was watching porn my leg suddenly fell down.I was sitting on the sofa and seeing that. In front of me one of my cousin, who was 18 was sleeping.My leg fell right on her stomach and I was...

4 years ago
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La corista capitulo 3

LA CORISTA CAPITULO 3 Daniel y Julia Fueron a la estaci?n de bomberos para averiguar porque hab?a estallado su casa? - Mire la explosi?n le provoc? una fuga de gas- -Una fuga de gas destruyo mi casa!- Bueno es muy probable que haya tenido todas las ventanas cerradas y el gas estuvo como acumulando durante muchas, muchas horas; luego quiz?s alg?n corto en un aparato el?ctrico o un falso contacto o dos cables pelados que por alguna raz?n se tocaron ocasionaron La chispa qu? hizo estallar todo- -Ves Jul...

1 year ago
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Fucking Friends My First Anal

And also my only anal. We were (and still are friends) and there had always been some sexual tension. MSNs started to get dirty, he told me that he liked to be in charge in bed and I told him that I was absolutely the opposite and for the first time since we'd known one another, we were both single. We lived in different parts of the country. One thing led to another and I had found myself on a train and we spent the weekend fucking. Bliss. Fucking and friendship. We knew nothing more should...

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Fantasies can come true Part 1

Rachael had just landed a big job in the city and had been given her own penthouse flat in a small apartment block. She was a petite woman with long brown hair and green eyes. She had perfect facial features and a long neck that led down to her perfectly proportioned body. She had 32b tits which were complimented by her pert ass and thin waste. Although she was only 5ft 4 she oozed confidence and class. She arrived at her new apartment which had a large well lit balcony over looking one of the...

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I had just ended a relationship that threw me into a weird place in my life. When I finally decided to move on and try something new I came upon internet dating. I had known about it but never tried it. So I gave it a shot. The first few weeks were kinda shocking to me. I am a handsome man but I don’t think I am better than anyone or above anyone. In fact a lot of times I was kinda shy. I was getting daily responses from all types of woman. So I began meeting them. The first girl I met was a...

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Sissify Yourself

Behaviour Modification and Sissy Training1. Think about why you want to become a girly girl before you do it.Having the clear goal of looking great and being happy because of it, will add to your self esteem. Which in turn will increase your attractiveness through radiating self assurance. If you just go through the motions, it will show."any "female" can present herself in a feminine and alluring way with patience and practice, but before you can captivate and entrance even an audience of one,...

3 years ago
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Saga of Sam JonesChapter 2

This period was a great time for me. I was sleeping next to a woman whom I loved and who loved me just as much. Our family was growing up. They were all being educated by Kenny who was getting older, but was still just as sharp as ever. Samson was the brightest one of the kids who lived on the ranch. He was ten in February, 1890. On his birthday, Kenny, myself, Mary Eustis, and Jessie withdrew to the living room, banishing all others from listening to what Mary Eustis had to say to my wife...

4 years ago
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Betrayal Ch 06

When her eyes fluttered open, Derek was sitting next to her, wiping her forehead with a damp face cloth. ‘What happened?’ ‘You fainted.’ ‘I did?’ ‘You did.’ ‘I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to.’ Derek leaned down and kissed Emma’s wet forehead. ‘Hush. It was the most wonderful thing you could have done.’ ‘How come the bed is all wet?’ ‘That’s you, too, I’m afraid. That last orgasm was a wet one. You squirted again. A real gusher.’ Emma was completely embarrassed and hid her face behind her...

2 years ago
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Divorcing My Vibe

Anna walked in the door, shutting it with force just short what could be considered a slam. She absently tossed her purse on the coffee table, and headed straight for the shower. She felt as if she had a cloud of stale cigarette smoke hovering around her auburn hair from the bar, and she reeked of beer because some drunk had spilled it all over her while delivering the worst pick-up lines she'd ever heard. One more night of the world proving to her that all the men were married, gay,...

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