Twins free porn video

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Twins Janet L Stickney [email protected] My sister had put my hair in pigtails wrapped with a red ribbon tied in a bow at the end, which accented the red trim on my dress. I was beyond thrilled that I looked so good. Once she was done I added the red lipstick, then the earrings and a small necklace with a bear as a pendant. The white flats looked great with my white socks. With a smile I stood up and the two of us walked out of the room. our parents were sitting at the kitchen table. Mom saw us first. "You girls sit and eat your breakfast." Not one word about how I looked, or why I was dressed as a girl, nothing! But Jenny looked just like me only in blue, The same dress, same pigtails, the same shoes, My father looked at me and started to say something but a look from mom made him quiet, then he left for work. "What is your name honey?" "Kristen. Kristen Ann." "Nice name. So I have two daughters now?" "We wanted to try it mom! Jenny sounded almost strident. I mean, we're twins already, so why can't we be sisters too?" "I suppose, it's just... If thats the case then Kristen needs her own panties and bras, you know that we don't share those, so why don't we hit the mall? Find her a few things she'll need. Lets see how good a girl she is!" I wasn't planning on that, but mom insisted, so out we went. My sister was holding my hand for security I think. Silly me, I thought she would buy me some panties and a bra, maybe two because that's what she said, but then she dragged us into a big store and started adding shorts, two skirts and blouses plus, after I tried them on, two nice dresses. "For church," she told me. Church?! I wanted to ask why but Jenny shook her head no, so I stayed silent as mom had my ears pierced and bought some makeup for me! Then it was on to shoes where she bought me some girls tennies, a pair of heels and some flats! I was beyond shocked at all the clothes she bought for me. I mean, Jenny and I like to do things together, but dressing up as a girl is definitely something new for us, and I'm not even sure about all this, but I did look really nice, just like Jennifer, and I cannot deny that not one person looked at me funny while we were shopping. Besides that, I was starting to like it! Jenny insisted that I try on all the new clothes, so she and I went into her room. The shorts fit really snug, but clearly showed off my lack of a girls equipment, but Jenny said that she would find out a way to fix that. Mom ignored all that and told me that she wanted me to be properly dressed every day, meaning dressed as a girl, which means hair, clothes and makeup, just like my sister. The first day Jenny took out the pigtails and brushed my hair into a pageboy. I looked really good with my hair down like that. Jenny gave me some new earrings to wear, then the two of us went outside. When we got back mom took me into her bedroom and shut the door. "Take off your shorts and panties honey. I'm going to make you look like a girl." "But how? You won't cut will you?" "No cutting. Just some folding and glue. Now lay on your back and put your feet on my shoulders." Mom quickly made me look like a girl, and as I ran my hand across my new parts she told me to use the bath to make sure everything works just fine. It did, then I got dressed. My hand told me that I looked like a girl! In her room, I showed Megan what mom had done and she grinned at me. There is no doubt that we are twins, especially when we are both dressed as girls. We rode our bikes to the school to watch the guys practice baseball. I cannot play ball because my eyes have a defect, but I like to watch. "That Kenny is so hot Kris!" "Kenny? He's a dweeb!" "Well, who do you like?" "Stan," I said without thinking, then... "What I mean is, he's big and strong, and..." "Handsome. He's handsome Kris. Oh look! Here they come!" 'They' was said Stanley and Kenny, and they were coming right towards us! "What now!?" "Just smile and let me handle it." My sister was trying to save me I think. "Hi Megs! Who is this hot babe?" "This is my sister Kristen!" "But you don't have a....sister." "I do now!" "Hi Kristen, I'm Stan." "Hi Stan," I said softly. He took my hand and pulled me to my feet, looked at my sister and Kenny and told them we were leaving! Then he gave me a tug and I followed him. Before long he had his arm around my waist. "You look really nice all dressed up like a girl." "Uh, thanks. Megan wanted to try it and my mom went crazy and bought me all kinds of clothes." "So... you want to go to the dance on Saturday? I'll pick you up." "You're asking me on a date!?" "Sure. Why not? You're cute as hell, we get along okay, and we both like the dances, so why not?" "I guess. Sure, Why not?" "Great! I'll be over at 7!" By the time I got home I was shocked, overjoyed, and afraid all at the same time. Mom asked me what was wrong and I told her. "Stan asked me to the dance on Saturday and I said yes!" "Then we'll just have to get you a party dress then!" Two days later mom, Megan and I were at the mall buying me a party dress! I saw a few that I liked and tried them on, but both mom and Megs said no so I passed. Then Megan found a sheath dress, all red, with twin straps to hold it up, and was just above my knees. Both mom and Megan liked it so that was my new dress. Then we bought some shiny red shoes and some red earrings and a necklace. I liked the dress and shoes, but I was still confused about Stan asking me out! I mean, he knows who I really am, so why? Megan cleared that up. "Listen dummy, you are just cute as hell dressed up like a girl and you know it. Stan could probably care less about who you really are, just who you seem to be, and you seem to be Kristen." "But what if he tries to kiss me?!" "So what?" my sister said. "Let him. I mean, you're not going to run away with him are you?" When Stan arrived at our door I was standing there in that red dress, my makeup looking great, and for the first time, I wore perfume. I was hotter than hot, or at least I thought so, and by the look on his face, Stan thought so too. Smiling I took his offered hand and we left. Megans date was walking up as we were leaving. She also looked smoking hot in that silver sequined dress and great makeup. Anyone that saw us knew that we were twins, but many of the kids know that Megan has a brother not a sister, so it might be an interesting night. Stan and I were dancing when one of the school bullies came up and tried to yank me away from Stan, but thinking quick, I stomped on his foot with my heels and he yelled and backed off. But we both knew that he and his buddies would be a problem, but several of the other girls and their dates told us that when we leave we'll all go as a bunch. The bullies followed us out of the dance but gave up after seeing the crowd around us. At my front door Stan held me tight and kissed me, leaving me quivering and every nerve ending on fire. Megan was waiting for me in my room. "Those guys are not going to give up Sara. They'll see you out somewhere and get you then! You won't always have Stan or the kids to help, but I have a plan if you're willing." "What?" "They think that you're a boy, right? What if we prove that you're a girl!" "How?" "We can have a pool party at Nana's, but we only invite girls, and make sure we invite a couple of their girlfriends, and have all the girls change in one of the bedrooms at the same time, which, if you invite one of their girlfriends, they will see for themselves that you're a girl! They'll think twice about attacking a girl since the can get jail time for that. What do you think?" "But we're twins! And they know that you have a brother not a sister, so that might not work!" "The way mom fixed you, you look just like I do! It'll work!" "If we do the party Nana and mom have to be there." "But no boys." "No boys." Megan rather than me started asking the girls to come, and made sure to invite two of the bullies girlfriends. We told both Nana and mom why we wanted to have a pool party and they agreed. They both agreed to be there, but would let Megan and I take care of the girls. It was going to be an interesting day. As the girls started to arrive I steered them to the changing room and while the two girls we were watching were all sweetness and light we knew that they were eager to expose me as a boy in a dress. Mom came out and told everyone to change, so they were in the room as I undressed and saw me as I exposed my kitty. I know for sure that they saw me like that because their eyes bulged out. I slipped on the bikini that Nana gave me and sauntered out of the room as if nothing was wrong, but smiling the whole time. Mission accomplished. After everyone left Stan showed up at the door, and once he saw me in that bikini he was all smiles. But I have almost no shape, just like most 14 year old girls. He took my hand in his and put his arm around my waist, which Nana saw. She grinned as he and I went out to the pool. He kissed me and I felt weak in the knees, but mom made him leave so I could change clothes. Megan, mom, Nana and I were sitting at the table when Nana mentioned something that none of us had thought of. "You do realize that now that those girls have seen you, and they now know, without a doubt, that you are a girl, just what do you plan on doing when you start school in the fall? I mean, just how can you disappear, especially since they all know that you and Megs are related, maybe even sisters. And that young man that is hanging around. What about him? I saw you two playing kissy face, so that's an issue as well. As I see it, I now have two granddaughters and your mother has two daughters. There is simply no way around that, not after you proved that you are a girl, is there?" "But I.. we... we were just having some fun! Trying to look alike!" "Yes, well, that's done now isn't it? You and Megan created a girl named Kristen Ann, who now has a very handsome boyfriend, and now you have about ten other girls who have all seen her naked! That is the reality now honey. You are now a girl." "Just how," mom said, "can I get her enrolled in school! I mean, she has no records!" "I'll call my attorney and ask him. He may have a solution we have not thought of." Megan and I had not thought of that, me becoming a girl full time, all the time! I looked at her and she was as wide eyed as I was. Mom took us home where I went in my room to once again look at what I had become. It was true. I have my own kitty. I lay on my bed wondering just how I could attend school and not get torn apart when the bullies figure it out. By the next morning I was almost ready to end it all, but I simply lay there unable to contemplate my own end. Mom came in and ended my daydreaming. "Get dressed honey. Wear the green skirt and a white blouse. We're going to talk to Nana's lawyer." Just mom and I went, and he did not waste any time. "You may go back to school as a girl, provided that your family doctor says that you are a girl, or you can prove it to the school nurse. I have already asked that all of your school records be amended to reflect your new status. Go see your doctor." Mom drove directly to the doctors office, and He saw us rather quickly. He did an examination and decided that the way mom did things wasn't quite good enough, so he redid what mom had done, which made me look even better and a lot more natural. With papers from him we went to the school and I was enrolled as a brand new coed starting her first year in high school. I wasn't sure if I was thrilled or simply confused. I have zero experience dealing with other kids on a day to day basis as a girl, and barely enough to get by on. Mom did not say anything but I'm real sure that she was angry with Megan and I. "You have no idea what you gave up! Boys have so many more options that girls do! Not many boys get attacked for sex, they get the better jobs and make more money, and they rarely become arm candy! Kristen you have no idea what girls have to do in life, but you are about to get a crash course!" As we all started school I joined several clubs tried out to be a cheerleader and made it! Megan is also a cheerleader, so the two of us were still together. Stanley is on the football team, which meant the the two of us were at all games together, and most kids knew we were a couple. Time went on and eventually we came to Senior Prom, which was the pinnacle of our relationship. Stanley and I planned a fun night, and for the first time I was going to satisfy him. I loved him dearly, he stood by me right from the beginning, and never once gave me any indication that he thought that I wasn't a real girl. I was waiting with Megan for our dates to arrive, hers came first but he looked ashen. "I think I saw Stans car at the intersection! It was really smashed up. Get in my car and we'll go check on him." We got to the accident scene and I could see him, bleeding from the head, but the firemen would not let us get close or touch him. But he saw me and smiled, so I had hope. It took the firemen a long time to get him out before they sent him to the hospital.I had called his mom and told her what I knew and she was at the hospital when we got there. She was sobbing when I saw her, and rushed to hold her tight. It was his dad that told me. "He didn't make it honey. He died in the ambulance, but they told me that he was only talking about you. He loved you, you know that." Stunned at that news Megan and Fred took me back home and stayed there with me. I went to my room and changed into sweats and a tee and rejoined them, telling Megs to go to the prom as planned, and tell everyone why we aren't there. She did not want to leave me, but Fred made her leave. Mom was with me. His funeral was four days later and was crowded with almost all the high school kids and teachers. I sat in front with his mom and dad, unable to look into the casket more that one time. I gave him my cross to hold in his hand as he made his next journey, my tears unable to wash away my pain. A year later I had my surgery to complete myself and finally become a whole woman. To assuage my grief I dove into my studies and worked very hard, as a way to keep my mind away from what might have been. I blew through my bachelors and was working an my Masters degree when I met him. I did not expect or even want to meet a guy, but he and I met at a social gathering and hit it off. One thing led to another and we eventually ended up together in my apartment. I really wanted to say no, but he took me to new heights and made me a woman. Megan will be my Maid of Honor this coming June. I rarely think of Stanley now, I have a new guy who treats me wonderfully, and life is good.

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My Black assowner is back on base

So finally after like forever the cock that I worship, the one that made me his bitch then handed me over to a friend when he took a new job, has rotated back to the base Im on. There I was minding my own business when my phone buzzed with a WhatsApp message. I figured it might be the guy whose cock I had been sucking every couple days. When I opened the app though there he was in all his hard, thick amazingness. I think my clitty may have actually leaked a little just seeing a pic of him...

4 years ago
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My Boyfriends Cock

He can't drink because he lost a kidney, thank God he got another, and quickly decided to give it up. I wasn't drinking because I saw the monstrous things it does to people. Like my mom for instance. My parents are divorced and I have one sibling, a younger brother-Tyler. He's 8 and loves to be active, he's ADHD. Anyways, Liam and me were thinking about actually having sex tonight. We haven't got the chance because my dad, whom I live with, is always home hosting a...

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Eternal Darkness Chapter One

________________________________________________________________________________ As always please rate and comment. This is the sequel to the Eternal Awakening story, and for those who feared that the story had ended, think again! All the characters are coming back as Richard's journey continues! Eternal Darkness Chapter One: Unannounced Visitors Richard stood out in the cold snow at an intersection, the Do Not Walk sign staring him in the face. Traffic slogged...

3 years ago
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Beckys after school surprise

"Oh god!" I yelped fearfully as Dr. Roberts pulled my white cotton panties down to my knees.He had me bent over his desk with my little plaid skirt hiked up, so that my bare white ass was now fully visable. I tried to stand up, but he put a hand on my back, holding me down against the desk."No!" I cried, "Please!" as his other hand reached up, and started rubbing my virginal little pussy."What are you doing to me?" I wept, tears streaming down my face.He suddenly let go of me, and opened his...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 460 How Can I Suck at Shooting Pool

She isn’t wrong. Playing pool only involves angles, just enough power, and knowing where to hit the cue ball to make it move how you want. I am a grandmaster in all martial arts. How can I suck so bad at it? “After all that we discussed, son, it looks like shooting pool is at least one of the places you need more practice. I bet you still suck at bowling, too,” dad told me. “It is good to know that there are still some things your old man is better at doing than you.” I can’t believe I am...

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story two setting up my girl for a gang fuck

Introduction: weve talked about my sharing her with other men during foreplay and fucking, which made her hot and wet. she loved the idea of being shared, although she didnt really take me too seriously until it happened. i apologize ahead of time for the poor quality of this story. although i hope it isnt, im sure its cliche. i sometimes feel awkward writing things like this, but my girlfriend thought it exciting to post something for the world to read. although i have marked this as a true...

1 year ago
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The Cat and the Willow

The Cat and the Willow By grrl9 Chapter I. It had been a long day and all I wanted to do was fuck. This was good for two reasons, one: because it relieved the stress of the world, and two: because it gave me a few extra dollars. I'm not a prostitute. Those whores stay on the street because they're not smart enough to be in the big leagues like I am. So when I got home and was ready to start...

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Eddie the LoverChapter 3

When I tell you that those rich WASP women at the country club were passionate fucks, I'm not lying. I guess it was because their husbands were too busy making money on Wall Street to pay attention to them, or they were bored after too many hours of tennis and golf, or something like that. All I know is that day when Eddie Morris fucked Mrs. Madison Freemantle on the piano in the ballroom of the country club, her friends just about attacked me in a frenzy of lust. They swarmed over me like...

2 years ago
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hot wife jackhammered

TRUE STORY My friend and I had been using my hot, slutty, cock loving wife as our own personal whore for the past couple of month's. He was coming over every other day and I only had two rule's "no kissing and treat her like a porn star type fuck toy"! But his stamina just wasn't cutting it, I wanted to find a guy that would fuck her really hard for more than 5 or 6 pump's before blowing his load in her luscious fuck hole. It was hard for our regular fuck buddy to think of her as a slutty,...

4 years ago
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Bicycle Mechanic 1

Saturday afternoon is a lazy day for me, but a day at the mall for my daughter, Cindy and her mom. Cindy is 18 and my wife is now 39. They are both the loves of my life. Cindy, a long legged blonde, is in her senior year at high school and is planning to go to a prestigious college up north in the fall. That is the reason why she and her mom were at the mall. Cindy was getting a clothing overhaul. She had nice clothes but my wife wanted her to be ready for school and a Saturday while school was...

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Cuming of AgeChapter 3

I finally got in the shower white Günter filming the entire time, and other than the filming, he left me alone to try and clear my head and decide what I could do. Finally I finished and he told me to get on my hands and knees and made some adjustments to the shower knobs and had this weird wand in his hand. His friend, who I now knew as Harvey had joined us and had taken over the camera while Günter inserted this metal thing into my ass. He said I was getting an enema and was to hold the...

2 years ago
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The Story of Ann Chapter 10 All for One and One for All

Introduction: My story continues with more fun with Jacks group. The Story of Ann Chapter 10 All for One and One for All Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter to my readers on here, Mother Nature has been sending snowstorm after snowstorm here, which has been keeping us all busy on our ranch as well as we were busy with the holidays. I will include a paragraph from chapter 9 to help set up chapter 10. There is not much any one of us do that does not bring hurt to someone or at least to...

3 years ago
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Make It Up To Me

My heart was pounding, I was sweaty all over and my ears felt like they were going to explode. I glanced sideways towards Matt. I guess he knew I was staring at him because he couldn’t help but keep a smile off his face. He looked over at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his and put his hand on my waist and pulled me against his side, as if he was trying to protect me from all the drunken people around us. I returned my focus back to the stage and starting singing along with the next song....

2 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 35 Split Ends

Martin snuggled next to Claudia in the darkness and embraced her tenderly. She rested her head against Martin's chest; he could tell she was still weeping. "Shhh," he said tenderly. "Do you think you'll be able to find Angel?" Claudia asked softly. Martin sighed, "I hope so." Martin and Frank had never traveled far from home. Claudia was worried about their trip to Reno. She was afraid that she may not only lose her daughter, but if they weren't careful, she was afraid she would...

3 years ago
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mistress TERIE car wash part 1

The bus turned left and finally abonded the city now it was a straight road about half an hour long journey to reach my destination Mistress Terie wonderful home, what trepidation i felt and how excited i was ,it has been a long voyage but finally i was about to meet her.......MIstress was surprised and not when I accepted her offer, of washing her lover s car while they are doing sex upstairs at home ,but I will be near her, MISTRESS TERIE and all day,for me it was a big first that a woman...

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A Sons Lesson

As I walked into the room my son quickly closed his laptop, blushing. I put my hand on his shoulder, leaned down and said, "You don't have to hide it, James. I hopped onto your computer last night to check my email and saw what you have been searching for." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked over to the kitchen sink.Obviously embarrassed he just looked at me and gave me a crooked smile. "You know, Mom, I was thinking..." he said and then trailed off as he opened his laptop back...

2 years ago
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Ashley part 11

"Bet THIS wasn't how you thought you'd spend the New Year!" Laura teases as we sip our hot, sweet drinks, surrounded by some of our friends, some of our families... And a few people I never thought I'd get the chance to hang out with! "So then, you two," the unmistakable voice of Jamie-Lee Milton- one of the most famous transgendered people in the country- asks as she sits down opposite me and Laura. "How long have you got before you're back at school?" "Ugh, we go back TOMORROW,"...

3 years ago
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Meeting Their Match

He was nervous as he'd ever been. He sat at the bar constantly looking at his watch. "Was it 7:30 yet?" he thought. The last few days had been amazing. They'd talked every night so far. It had started off just another username on a website. Robert had been single a while. He'd tried bars, but never felt comfortable enough meeting new people like that. Late night TV had given him his answer. Commercials for websites were constant after 11pm, just like infomercial. Each sold their own...

3 years ago
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Next FemDom pt 1

my phone rang, it was her. i was not expecting this call."hello Mistress", i said, my voice crackling with the unexpectedness of the call."Get over to my place now bitch. Your presents is demanded.""Mistress i cant...""NO EXCUSES BITCH! Twenty Minuets." and she hung up.i didn't know if i would be able to get ready (and while i did not know what exactly was in store for me, i knew that whatever it was, i needed to be ready), and over there in time, but i had to tryi rang the bell. the door...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 561

The Retreat “Yeah, as I said, my Clan Queen engineered this, so let’s go check on her. Want to ride back the way you came down?” he asked as he teasingly grabbed for her. “No. I certainly do not,” Tosha said while fighting a giggle as she danced out of reach. After you, “M’Lady.” There wasn’t anyone in the living room so Jeff and Tosha went on to the game room. Their timing perfect, he opened the door to a blast of sound as Selina edged Arlene out to win. Jeff’s first thought was that...

1 year ago
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Hosed on the Street

Dashing out of the strip club with $1200 in hand after five hours in the champagne room, I was ready for a night out with Gibson. I called him on my drive home to make sure he was ready to go clubbing. My sexy man was getting dressed when I entered the master bath. He was wearing jeans and a trendy, untucked dress shirt I recently picked up for him at Buckle. I quickly changed into my skinny jeans, a black lace bra, my favorite black blouse that is two sizes too small, and 5" platfrom heels....

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My sexy neighbor

Hi Dear ISS readers hope you liked my earlier story. This incident happened when i was in college studying in 12th standard. I was staying with my parents at Thane. Since my dad was a central govt employee we were staying in his office quaters. Our neighbor was a woman in her thirties i used to call her Suman kaku. She had two children who were small, once she had a reception problem in her tv because of antenna she requested me to mend it as i was at home i climbed the terrace and did the...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 11

The Monday early morning swimming practice session was shorter than the previous week's practices; the coach was fairly pleased with the team's performance on Friday so he had the team doing straight laps, skipping the drills. "I want you to work on endurance today," he told the team, "so stick with one stroke and do ten laps; then go to your next stroke. We'll do an hour of laps today. Later in the week we'll need to work on our early start problem," he told them. After practice,...

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Cuckolded by a forceful Dom ndash last 2 months

THIS IS PURELY FANTASY - part 3 of 3 partsInto the fifth month Cuckman suggested that my wife take part in a proper boudoir photo shoot. He would arrange an appointment for her to attend a studio and be made up and then photographed in sexy underwear. Cuck then said that the studio he had in mind was near to him so I would have to book a hotel and pay for it for her stay as it would be more convenient. The shoot was to be late afternoon so she could travel up and check into the hotel before...

3 years ago
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Adventures of a Indian Wife

Pramila wanted to strike a full blow at the chubby face of her husband who reached climax on barely his 12th stroke. He was panting hard as he had climbed a mountain. “Was it good?” Narendra had the balls to ask his wife. “Yes! Very exciting,” she said pushing away his plum body, whose weight now made breathing difficult for her. Narendra fell on the other side of the bed – panting hard. In less than five minutes he was snoring. But Pramila was wide-awake. A fire raged in her body. She was...

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Double TwistChapter 166

“There are many challenges to long distance running, but one of the greatest is the question of where to put one’s house keys.” —Gabrielle Zevin, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry 18 SEPTEMBER 2021 We got home early yesterday afternoon and had to spend time with parents who all wanted to know how the trip had gone. We decided the easiest way to cover things would be to have everyone out to the house for dinner. Mom and Betty are most concerned about the frequent trips to wherever they...

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