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Chapter 1 Meeting the distribution committee

I’m Brian Driver, age thirty, the owner of several small businesses and real estate in a small upper state New York town. I’ve never been married, but I am the father of two children. Mary, the children’s grandmother, lives with us.

I’ve been estranged from my family since I arrived here, nearly eight years ago. I left home because of a girl. She jilted me. My parents never forgave me for abandoning them, and when I disappointed them by fathering a child out of wedlock, they tried to turn my siblings against me.

Until last night, when my mom called with an assignment for me, I hadn’t stopped to think how important my family is to me. I couldn’t turn her down, she gave the orders and I agreed to follow them. I’m sure that one day we will have a good laugh about the absurdity of that conversation. She was so focused on giving me my instructions that she didn’t ask about her grandson or if I was well.

I didn’t have a chance to tell her that since I’ve been here, I’ve worked my ass off providing for my family, loved one woman, and have earned some recognition in the community I now call my home. Had she inquired, I would have confessed that I’ve done some things that I’m not proud of.

It’s dark at this time of day…four AM, a good time to reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m heading.

Where I’ve been is thirty years of growing up, going to school, falling in love with someone who said she loved me, but didn’t, moving east, gaining employment, and meeting neighbors who would take me in and make me a member of their family.

At the center of the people that I counted as my family, was Margaret (Peggy) Mendon Stover, a widow, who for six years, kept me centered, grounded, and anxious to please her.

Another person that gave me reason to get up every morning was Peggy’s daughter. Amanda and I connected from the first moment we met, and I would have remained loyal to her even if her mother had rejected me. Fortunately, Peggy not only accepted me, she became my lover, business partner, and she bore me a son. She also permitted me to adopt Amanda, which bound us together for life. Even if her mother would not consent to marriage, Amanda and I shared a special bond.

Peggy was ambitious, and for six years, we prospered. Through her stewardship, our small company grew, making members of our community take notice.

That’s not to say that our lives were without strife. Time after time, we experienced death among family and acquaintances. Each time death struck someone down, it became my responsibility to try to explain it to Amanda. Because of our special bond, she accepted what I told her, but the deaths took their toll on her. Amanda became old before her time.

The reason for Peggy’s sudden death was impossible for me to explain, and Amanda discovered that I was not the authority she’d always held me up to be. There was the same level of trust between us, but Amanda changed. She became my confidant, my advisor, taking on more responsibility than an eight-year-old should have to bear.

Peggy not only left me with two children to raise, something I was capable of doing, she left me with a complicated group of companies to run, something I was ill-equipped to oversee.

Eventually, through trial and error, and with the help of friends, I was able to get things under control. There was nothing magical about the way it happened. I did some things that I was not proud of. I also got lucky, making friends with one of my advisors. In addition to Henrietta, I received advice from my dead wife, Amanda, and Marian, a young woman who is positioning herself to become my wife.

As I accept the temporary assignment that my parents have bestowed on me, I’m leaving the company in good hands. John Larkin is young, but everything is in place for him to be successful. I have full confidence in his ability and decision making skills. My bookkeeper, Mrs. Nelson, will keep me informed on every facet of the business.

What lies ahead? My instructions are to get everything that my father has coming to him from an aunt, that until last night, I’d never heard of before. Aunt Elsie was preceded in death by Uncle Mackey Peoples, her husband of over a half century. That’s all I was told about the two elderly people I was suddenly referring to as Aunt Elsie and Uncle Mackey.

Shouldn’t I have been told more? As I drove the last fifty miles, I wondered if Aunt Elsie resembled my father. What did Uncle Mackey look like? What did he do for a living? Had either of them done anything to impact mankind? Was there money involved in the estate? If so, how much money was there? And finally, what had I let my parents get me involved in?

The mortuary was not easy to find, and after getting directions, I arrived late. I was told that the service had been short, and burial was already in progress. I drove to the cemetery as quickly as possible, and saw people getting into their cars.

On the hillside, there was a bright green canopy, with a few mourners sitting on folding chairs. That’s when I realized that I was not dressed properly. It had been my intention to change into my suit before entering the service, but circumstances being what they were, I was still wearing the short pants, a short-sleeved shirt with the tail hanging outside of my pants, and sneakers. Anxious to join the mourners, I got out of my truck, and sauntered up the hill.

As I climbed the hill, I noticed there was a breeze that was ruffling the fringe on the canopy. In the distance, the sea was splashing against the rocks, causing white foam to linger until the next wave broke it up. If it hadn’t been for the glum expressions on the mourners’ faces, the landscape would have been quite pleasant.

The mourners were wearing dark clothes. One of them, hat in hand, obviously a man of God, stepped out to greet me. I was forming an apology for the way I was dressed when he stopped me.

‘You must be Mr. Driver. I’m Stewart Martin, the Peoples’ Attorney. If you will furnish two forms of identification to my assistant, you may be seated for the reading of the will. Ms. Whitney, will you record Mr. Driver’s information?’

I glanced below, noting how another wave was making the white foam break up. My mind was blank, but if I’d had a thought, I would have welcomed the interruption. Her voice was that soothing. Ms. Whitney was also quite lovely.

‘Mr. Driver, do you have two forms of identification?’

I produced my driver’s license, and watched her record the information. I saw that she was wearing a black outfit. The jacket had a single button, and the skirt had two slits that exposed dark stockings. Her blouse was lavender, with frills at the bust line. My eyes were fixed on her lips when she looked at my picture, and verified that I was a match before handing my license back.

‘Mr. Driver, do you have another form of identification?’

‘I don’t know,’ I said, searching my wallet.

I heard Mr. Martin tell the group that I was representing my father, Raymond Driver, Elsie Peoples’ nephew. ‘He’s driven a long distance on very short notice,’ the attorney added, to explain the reason I was dressed casually.

I offered Ms. Whitney a business card. In addition to proclaiming that Brian Driver was the president of Driver Markets, Incorporated, it gave the street address, e-mail address, website, and telephone and fax numbers for the business. She frowned, and asked if I had something with my picture on it. I didn’t. She asked if she could keep the business card, and I told her that she could.

Mr. Martin was telling the others that my father’s share of the estate was forty-four percent, the same percentage as Mr. Arthur Peoples, who was being represented by Ms. Kindle, his daughter, was entitled to receive. In addition to Ms. Whitney, there were three other females in the group. I wondered which one was Ms. Ki

Mr. Martin then introduced the others. Ms. Dickens represented the friends of the public library, which was to receive three percent of the proceeds from the estate. Ms. Dickens identified herself by smiling at me. She wore her hair short, parted in the center, with bangs that hid about one-half of her forehead. I estimated her age to be in the upper thirties, and suspected her marital status was single.

Mr. McMahan represented the church where the elderly couple worshiped. He waved to me, something that was unnecessary since he was the only other male present. In addition to thinning hair, his other distinguishing feature was a gap between his front teeth. I assumed that the church was to also receive three percent.

Ms. Meriwether represented the food pantry, and Mr. Martin stipulated that its percentage was three percent. She nodded to me. I nodded back, noting that Ms. Meriwether had long, bleached-blond hair, ample breasts, and appeared to be in her early thirties. I wondered how she became selected to represent the food pantry. From the looks of her gaudy jewelry, she’d married well. Was her husband an important member of the community, an office-holder perhaps? Or, had she performed some illicit task at the back of the food pantry? It was fun to picture Ms. Meriwether on her knees, earning her right to participate in the distribution of Uncle Mackey’s and Aunt Elsie’s assets.

Now that I knew that Ms. Dickens represented the public library, and Ms. Meriwether represented the food pantry, I was able to identify Ms. Kindle, the one I perceived to be my adversary. She glanced my way, but her expression was indifferent, like she considered me to be an insignificant nuisance, an insect that she could flick away without expending any effort. Her stare could have melted an igloo.

Still, there was something about Ms. Kindle that held my attention. Like Ms. Whitney’s lips, I was captivated by the way Ms. Kindle’s blonde hair framed her slender face, the way her shoulders filled out her jacket, and the way her breasts stood proudly, even in the heat of the August day. A set of rings was attached to her left hand like they were a part of her. I wondered if she ever took them off.

I raised my hand and Mr. Martin encouraged me to speak. ‘I make the total to be ninety-seven percent. Is someone absent?’

‘You are quite right, Mr. Driver. As counsel, and overseer of the funds, my fee is the elusive three percent. However, I will not vote on the decisions you make. My assistant will get you started, and she will look in from time to time to see that everything is running according to the way Mr. and Mrs. Peoples stipulated in the trusts, but Ms. Whitney will serve only as a guide. She has no voting rights.

‘Just one final word,’ he continued. ‘Mr. Driver and Ms. Kindle are from out of town, and they are entitled to receive living expenses from the estate. But please keep in mind that Mackey and Elsie were fugal people. They would want you to settle their affairs as quickly, and as economically, as possible. All expenditures will be voted on by the group, with the decision ruled by the majority.’

I realized, as the meeting was adjourned, that the actual will had not been read. The participants had been introduced, and the percentage of the estate that their organization would receive was quoted, but the flowery language that usually gives the reasons for the award of a specific item or a certain percentage, had been omitted.

I glanced at the way the waves were bouncing off the rocks. They seemed less forceful than before. Was the tide changing?

The others were on their way down the hill when Mr. Martin got my attention. ‘Mr. Driver, there is a man who has been the next door neighbor to the Peoples for a number of years. I’ve found Mr. Hubert to be …ah…helpful. He knows the property intimately. I would suggest that you accept his help…ah…guardedly.’

‘Ah…okay,’ I said, and seeing that was all he had to say on the subject, I thanked him for the information. There were a dozen questions I would have liked to ask him, but I didn’t want to be left behind.

As we walked down the hill, I overheard Ms. Dickens, Ms. Meriwether, Mr. McMahan, and even Ms. Whitney, offer Ms. Kindle a ride to the house. I think that we were all surprised when she accepted Mr. McMahan’s offer.

Not knowing where we were going, I followed the four cars. After a few minutes, we came to a stop in front of a very plain looking house. White paint was peeling from the clapboards, the roofline looked crooked, and the front windows were clouded. Above the door, there was a black sign that read: ‘Circa 1797.’

Another structure stood in back of the house. It reminded me of the barn that Peg and I had replaced when we first went into business together. In other words, it looked dilapidated.

I followed the four women and Mr. McMahan to the side door. Ms. Whitney inserted a key, and the door made a squeaking sound as it swung open.

Inside, we were met with hot, stale air, darkness, and filth. The interior reminded me of Mr. Bennett’s house, except that Uncle Mackey’s and Aunt Elsie’s house was darker. After trying the light switch, and concluding that the electricity had been turned off, I offered to get a flashlight from my truck.

‘I think we should meet at the gazebo, and let the house air out,’ Ms. Whitney suggested, and everyone agreed with her. We opened two doors, and the only window that I was able to budge, and we retired to the gazebo.

It was a hot afternoon, but the shaded gazebo was comfortable. There were bench seats around the perimeter, and everyone had plenty of room.

Ms. Whitney began the meeting by saying we needed to elect a chairman of the group. Mr. McMahan nominated Ms. Kindle to the position. Ms. Meriwether nominated me. A show of hands elected Ms. Kindle. The vote was ninety-one to six. Ms. Dickens and Ms. Meriwether frowned when I voted for Ms. Kindle to be the chair.

Ms. Kindle looked around at the other members of the distribution committee before giving us assurance that she knew how to run a meeting. She didn’t come out and say that she was an accomplished parliamentarian.

‘I’m a paralegal by profession,’ she began.

That was good enough for me, and watching the expressions on the ladies’ faces, I could see that they felt the same way. Even Ms. Whitney seemed impressed. Mr. McMahan voiced his concurrence. ‘I knew you were a professional, Ms. Kindle.’

Ms. Kindle looked taken aback for a moment. ‘Let’s move right along. What’s the first order of business?’

‘I move that we have the utilities turned on,’ I said, and Ms. Meriwether was quick to second the motion.

‘Let’s not forget the Peoples’ desire that we operate as economically as possible,’ Ms. Dickens said.

‘Perhaps we should consider the utilities separately,’ Ms. Kindle said. ‘Who’s in favor of having the electricity turned on?’

I raised my hand, and saw that Ms. Meriwether had her hand up, too. But she was the only one siding with me. It looked like the vote was going to be forty-seven for, and fifty against turning on the electricity. I stated my argument before Ms. Kindle could ask for the ‘against’ vote.

‘Uncle Mackey and Aunt Elsie also specified that we were to finish this assignment as promptly as possible. I do some of my best work at night, but I can’t work in the dark.’

‘There are plenty of candles in the pantry.’

It was a male’s voice, and it had come from neither Mr. McMahan nor me. A man holding a set of hedge clippers stepped out from the far side of the gazebo. ‘Excuse me, I couldn’t help overhearing. I’m Charles Hubert, the next door neighbor. I’ve been meaning to trim the shrubbery since my dear friends departed this earth. Mackey always kept a good supply of candles. I can show you where they’re kept if you plan to use them.’

‘Ah, the helpful neighbor that Mr. Nelson warned me about,’
I thought. ‘Thank you, Mr. Hubert. That sounds like we’ve alleviated Mr. Driver’s issue of not being able to work in the dark,’ Ms. Kindle said, sounding quite pleased with herself. Mr. Hubert looked pleased, too. ‘I suppose the next utility would be the telephone. Does anyone feel the necessity to resume telephone service for the short time it will take to dispose of the real estate, furnishings, and to make the distributions?’

‘Most people have cell phones,’ Ms. Dickens said, and I watched Mr. McMahan nod his head to agree with her. From the way Ms. Kindle had phrased the question, I was going to be outvoted.

‘I brought my laptop computer, and I’ll need a land line to communicate with my family and my business.’

I wasn’t surprised when Ms. Dickens spoke up. ‘I hope you’re not asking the estate to pay for your business expense.’

‘My family includes my father, whose interest in the estate is the reason I’m here. He’s asked that I keep him advised as to the decisions that are made here. But with respect to my business, you are correct, Ms. Dickens. I’ll have the telephone connected at my expense,’ I said, already planning to keep the phone number a secret. If it was to be my line, I was going to make sure that none of the others used it.

‘Mr. Driver, I just remembered that I may need a land line for my laptop also. If it’s all right with you, I’ll share the cost?’ Ms. Kindle asked. I nodded to indicate that we would share the telephone line.

‘Water?’ she asked, shortening her call for a vote to simply naming the utility.

I waited this one out to see if anyone with a sound mind would deny the occupant of a dwelling the very essence of life itself. The show of hands proved me wrong. Ms. Dickens hand remained at her side.

‘That’s ninety-four votes for, three opposed to the estate paying for the water to be turned on. The motion carries,’ Ms. Kindle said.

‘The water comes from a well. It takes electricity to pump it,’ Mr. Hubert offered.

I’d forgotten about him. He stepped from the shrubbery and tipped his hat in a happy-to-be-of-service pose.

Ms. Kindle cleared her throat. ‘Shall we revisit the electricity question?’

This time, the vote was ninety-four to three, with Ms. Dickens still declaring that electricity and water were expenses the estate should avoid.

I smiled at Ms. Dickens, not to gloat, but to show her that I held no hard feelings toward her. She dropped her eyes to the floor of the gazebo, raised them, and smiled timidly. Did I have an ally?

There was still the issue of heating the water. Mr. Hubert supplied the information without being asked. ‘Natural gas is the only other utility, unless you’re planning on re-connecting the cable.’

‘I’m not planning on watching television, but I would like to have hot water,’ I said.

Ms. Dickens raised an objection, which was shot down by Ms. Meriwether, who likened anyone who tried to clean without hot water to someone that lived in a cave. The vote on natural gas carried, ninety-four to three.

The question arose as to who would call the utility companies to order the services be turned on. I volunteered, saying that I had my cell phone with me. There were no objections, and Ms. Whitney told me that she would fax each company to assure them that I had been authorized to act for the estate.

‘Give me time to get back to my office. I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve sent the faxes,’ she said. I gave her my cell phone number.

‘I move that we adjourn this meeting. I need to clean a place to spread my sleeping bag,’ I said, and Ms. Meriwether seconded my motion.

‘Wait!’ Ms. Kindle said. ‘I have one request. Can someone suggest a moderately priced motel? By the way, I’m going to need a ride to and from.’

‘You’re not…,’ Ms. Dickens began, becoming speechless for a few seconds. ‘You’re not suggesting for a second that the estate is going to foot the expense of a motel, moderately priced or not?’

‘Mr. Martin was quite specific regarding the estate paying for living expenses. You just heard Mr. Driver say he’s going to make a space for his sleeping bag. You don’t expect me to occupy the same house with a complete stranger, do you?’ Ms. Kindle’s face looked drained as she finished her speech.

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Maid to Order -- Interlude (Part 3) "I was sort of hoping you might help me out tonight," Kayla said. Her question didn't seem directed at me. "What did you have in mind?" Marisa responded. "Well, since so many of your "gurls" can't or won't, I was hoping you might fuck me with your strap-on tonight. I need it bad." Marisa laughed. She glanced over at the alarm clock. "We might have to combine our activities," she said. "I don't have time to wait for you to finish round two...

3 years ago
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Son Swapp Part 4

Greg fucked Nancy slightly faster and harder. That first time feel of such a tight, wet and warm orifice was just too much for the young teen to handle as he, without warning, held his breath and began to cum in his mom's vagina. She could feel every spurt and every pulse of his throbbing member and wrapped her arms and legs around him. Her own son was depositing his seed inside her which now made them infinitely bonded. After his cock stopped ejaculating, they embraced so they could enjoy his...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Kate 11012018

One of the things that makes 21 year old Kate special is she’s a real daddy’s girl, and by that we mean she likes daddy cock. She lost her virginity to her stepdad on a camping trip when she was just 14 and that just stuck. During the day, this sweet and innocent looking girl is a receptionist at a school, which is great for her as she gets to see plenty of of DILFS (dads she’d like to fuck!) and you can just imagine her sitting there giving you a shy smile while her pussy...

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Have You Ever Danced with the Devil

Our eyes met from across the revelling Mardi Gras crowd. His eyes, revealed from beneath the half mask of leather he wore, were bright blue, deep, and dark with intensity. The mask, itself was red, double horned, and molded into the most sinister expression. Below the mask, the lower half of his face showed thin wine stained lips set into a wicked grin, framed by a golden goatee. For just that brief moment, his lusty thoughts were visible and it was even more apparent that I was the target of...

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Private Monika Wild A Buttaholic Debuts

Today in Private Specials, Rimming Ladies 2 we have a real treat and it comes in the form of debutant Monika Wild, a stunning teen with a phenomenal little figure and sexy tattoos who has come to measure up Kai Taylor and gets much more than she hoped for! Watch Monika on her knees get a good serving of cock, gagging and deepthroating before showing off her rimming skills with some ass licking action. Then enjoy the sight of this sexy teen as she enjoys a hard fuck that will have her moaning...

2 years ago
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Moving Around 4

Moving around 4 Special Agent Mike Stateman and Special Agent John Burrows stood in front of a room full of other Agents of the Magic Enforment Agency. The pair were breifing a room of 50 agents, about Edward Parlin's activities and about how he was broken out of their custody by an unknown party. The pair went on to explain that the mission of the task forces is to track Edward and his associates, Then to bring them to justice, They're authorized to use any means necessary, wire taps,...

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Beach Blanket Gang Bang

It had been a long, hot day in South Central Los Angeles and the A/C in the building where Cathy worked had been out since before noon and she had spent much of the day working on her computer with streams of perspiration running down her back and cleavage, soaking the back of her white, satin blouse and outlining where her bra cups stopped and the swell of her breasts rose out of the lace that strained to contain her round, plump "C" cup breasts.The mid-fifty redhead was still very pleasant to...

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Red Orchids Ch 04

‘TEMPTATIONS’ EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANT: Simply_Cyn Author’s Note: ‘Many people have asked about a secondary character in this story, Sheila Crane-Messing from ‘The Finer Points of Sheila.’ This story takes place in the time frame of chapters 4 and 5 during her pregnancy. Thanks!’ *** It had been three weeks since Ellen Gordian returned to her job at Clarkson Real Estate. As Sheila had predicted, Mr. Clarkson was only too happy to get Ellen back on the payroll. She...

4 years ago
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Problems and SolutionsChapter 13

Once the Beechcraft Baron was past Lithgow there was little to see. Flat is flat. It was only a bit over an hour to Parkes. The next leg ... Parkes to the Darling was even less fascinating. Eddie had been a bushpilot for a decade, then worked for the Flying Doctor Service [the RFDS one of the largest and most comprehensive aeromedical organisations in the world. It provides emergency and primary health care services for those living in rural, remote and regional areas of Australia]; “now I’m...

2 years ago
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Wechat To Wagamon Trip

It was the month of February and I was bored at home(cochin).I was going through the new app I downloaded in my mobile(wechat).I was checking out the feature called people nearby and found many people in it but all with fake profile pics.I had no interest in anyone because none have used their own pics and it was difficult to trust anyone. So I closed the app and thought to sleep for a while as I had nothing else to do. After sometime I got a notification from wechat.The notification tone from...

3 years ago
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New Life Chapter Two

*Please read part one. Thanks!!*I had fallen asleep in the dark room after Sir had left me alone in there after our encounter. I woke up to the sun shining through a big window. I was now in a king size bed, complete with a soft mattress and a down comforter. I looked around at my surroundings. Where was I? I must have been moved from that room. The door opened up, and the smell of breakfast wafted in behind it. A maid walked in, carrying a tray filled with eggs, toast, and fresh fruit. There...

1 year ago
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Encounter at the OperaChapter 1

1st Act. I still have the last notes of the prologue in my head. The first act starts in a blur. We are watching now Floria Tosca in a passionate discussion with Cavaradossi in the church. Puccini’s music always makes the same impact on me. I have been exposed to these notes a zillion of times, and I cannot resist it. I am trapped. I stand in the corner of the gallery, one of my favorite places. It is one of the few places where standing people have a full picture of the interaction...

2 years ago
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Learning Curve Part 2

"You know what's hotter than a kiss from the right person?"Although May heard her words, it took her a few moments to realise she had been asked a question. She thought for a few moments."I don't know," she stared into Scarlett's eyes.Scarlett coiled herself around May a little tighter, she put her mouth close to May's ear and whispered, "A kiss from the wrong one!"May absorbed those words. They could be taken in many different ways, but most of those ways were filled with excitement. Even with...

2 years ago
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A Bad Day For My Husband

A BAD DAY FOR MY HUSBANDMy Husband,If you had gotten off your lazy ass you might have found yourself a job. Instead, you laid around whining that we never had any money to do things. You left the house in total filth, refusing to clean. So, I would have to wash the dishes, vacuum, dust, and take out the trash. After working all day and cleaning up after you, how could you think that I would want to give you a fucking blow job?Since I knew that you didn?t have any money, I also had to do the...

3 years ago
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A Day in September

                                                               A Day in September     I was 40 and my marriage of twenty two years was officially over.  I say officially over because, as marriages go, mine had actually been over for the last two years, but it had happened so gradually that Bryan nor I  had  noticed.   All of my personal things were packed and ready to go. Since the house and what it contained obviously meant more to Bryan than I did, it was all his.  Our three children were all...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Nicole Aria Alina Ali Seducing My Straight White Best Friend

Nicole Aria is frustrated as she has a text conversation with her boyfriend, who is being a jerk while off camping with his friends. When her best friend, Alina Ali, finds out about this, she insists that Nicole dump him already. But, since Nicole doesn’t seem to be ready for that yet, maybe they can make him jealous instead! When Nicole asks how they’re going to do that, Alina suggests that THEY get together to have some fun. Although Nicole is straight, the thought of making her...

4 years ago
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Crazy Family Wedding 8211 Part 6 Fucked The Groom

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well! So this is the final part of the series. I hope you all enjoyed it. It was really fun writing about it and brought back all the memories as I penned down the experiences. Let’s not waste any time and get right into it. Things were sorted between me, mom, and aunt Selena in a way I did not imagine. I was now feeling much better. I didn’t have a hint of fear in me now and was back to being myself again. Mom and I snuck out a few times and kissed and...

1 year ago
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High School Hung Pt 1

Puberty hit me hard towards the end of eighth grade. I had to deal with some pretty bad acne and being physically bigger than all the other kids. I also took notice that my penis became considerably longer and thicker. I would tug on it and it would grow more. The briefs I wore were extremely tight and I measured myself at a limp 5 inches and a hard 6 ½ inches. I was too embarrassed to ask my conservative mother any questions, so I chose not to wear underwear underneath my pants. School went...

3 years ago
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The Contest

Drew: The Setup I got into this thing kind of in the middle. But then I made it my own, so to speak. At first it was just a rumor being spread around the clubhouse. How the rumor started, I couldn't guess. Swear to God! Kinda. "Did you hear about the contest", I heard one asshole say to another asshole in the locker room. I had gotten out of the shower and was donning a clean, dry rugby shirt to clear my soul of another wasted afternoon swatting at balls. I barely heard the first asshole...

3 years ago
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My Crossed Life Chapter 3 Practice Makes Perfect Jennis First Blowjob

Who was this girl? Just minutes ago, Missy was giving me an incredible blowjob. Now she was casually reminding me to make sure I turned over to balance out my tan lines as she sipped from her glass of water like nothing had happened. I was looking straight up at a nearly perfect sky for a September weekend day, feeling the warmth from the sun beating down on me. Three months ago, I was playing dress-up with this girl as a dare and somehow it had progressed to being her little sex project. Part...

2 years ago
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Nadiarsquos desire

The two people sat on the sofa and a person could see that Nadia was clearly fed up with her husband, Donny. "I wanta know something and I want a 'real' answer this time," Nadia said with a slur in her voice, wishing that she hadn't had three back teeth pulled last week. Donny was sick and tired of her constant bitching and complaining, he looked at her and replied. "Should I even ask?" he said and Donny wished that he'd never come home from work early. "What's wrong with me?" she asked and...

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Close Encounters of the HeartChapter 1

I was kinda lost, to tell the truth, and I wish I could say I'm somebody important, or I was doing something important, but I'm not and I wasn't. I was on some road, don't even ask me where. Just sort of cruising around and I saw this guy standing by the side of it. I'm not supposed to pick up hitch-hikers, I knew that, but I wasn't ever what you would call a good girl anyway. I wasn't a bad girl, don't get me wrong, it's just that I liked to bend the rules sometimes. He was on the...

1 year ago
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The Slow QuickstepChapter 5

The next three years passed unexceptionally. Toby did not apply to do extra maths. He felt he needed to reserve his energy and enthusiasm for his last two years of school, continuing in the meanwhile with his sports and most of all his beloved piano playing. His enjoyment of Allie’s company never faltered, her seeking his help with schoolwork that she found difficult (less than easy Toby would have said), his help and encouragement with her piano playing which was largely when Nessa or her...

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James and SonChapter 10

After giving my son and my father time to bond, I continued taking Leo around to meet the rest of the family. He exchanged scents with them, they welcomed him with lips and tongues. Things were just getting started and most of the family hadn’t arrived yet, but there was already some pretty hot action happening around us. Leo wanted to offer up his ass to everyone he met, but I had priorities. We sat back and cuddled on a couch for a while, enjoying each other’s bodies with our hands. Then,...

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Addicted To Semen

Addicted To Semenby Mimi XMy heart was pounding as I approached the room. I still wasn't sure why I decided to do this. I knew that there could be some danger. But the allure was stronger...The ad said some guys were looking for a woman who loves cum, and there'd be no forced or unwilling sex – just cum.I was intrigued, so here I am at the hotel – and I knock on the door.A well-kept man in his mid-40's answered the door and invited me in. He didn't ask my name, and I didn't ask his. I saw a...

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DDFBusty Amber Jayne Big Boobs Bounce On Big Black Cock

Amber Jayne impresses us again with a naughty interracial performance with Mr. Longwood that will certainly cause your wood to be reaching long. The trainer has just begun working with Miss Jayne whose body is already in bangin’ shape. The coach has of course noticed the curvy ass and big tits of his client before, but when the glamour porn goddess’ 32DD’s come popping out in the changing room, he lusts for the moment he can pop himself inside of her. The blonde babe tempts...

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You Can Never Go Back

Janet was a married mum of two and 38 years old who owned her own florist shop. She looked great for her age with a figure that turned many an eye, she had been with quite a few men before she met and married her husband. It was undeniable that she was one of the happiest married women people knew, they all were amazed at her love and devotion for her husband. Janet loved him completely and their sex lives were brilliant no problems there, she still loved and lusted after him. However she was...

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Evening Breeze

It took a fumble or two with the locking mechanism, but then the glass doors slid apart, and I stepped out on to the roof garden.I was immediately hit by a wall of hot city air and a barrage of noise from the busy streets below. My godmother had forewarned me when she loaned me the apartment, for six months, that the days would be like this but that by evening the streets and the temperatures would calm down.I was just out of Uni and moving to the Big Smoke for a much sought after internship...

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Making of Jane

Jason H. was a small boy who had suffered from heart problems as ac***d and had not been permitted to play the "rough games" other boyshis age played. At age 11 he was finally given a clean bill of healthand allowed to be a normal boy, but he was shunned by the other boysbecause he didn't know how to play football or baseball or basketballor any other active sports. Whenever, the other boys had to pickteams, Jason was always the last one picked due to his lack of skilland small size. This...

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General SidChapter 15

Sucking on her index finger, Laura watched Sid working with the men. They were practicing a new tactic for dealing with men marching four abreast. She thought he cut such a dashing figure riding his horse with a lance leveled at the targets. Watching him made her wet between the legs. When he would pause and wave to her, she thought her heart would explode. Although Sid had been busy leading the army, he had given Laura more of his time than she had expected under the circumstances. When he...

2 years ago
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The Milf And The New Neighbour

The new family next door are all very friendly, especially Dan. I love to watch out of the window around 4pm to see Dan saunter up the drive his hair tousled, eyes sparkling as we wave to each other.I am home alone feeling very naughty. My mind is full of lustful thoughts. I devise a plan. Dressing carefully in my little white dress which skims the cheeks of my peachy bottom and reveals my long, shapely, toned legs to perfection. I head to the telephone. My heart racing I dial his number,...

1 year ago
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Bravo ForceChapter 7 Thinking it over

The young woman changed the subject while Pru pointedly occupied herself with food. The chatter ranged across unimportant subjects until they had clearly all finished their lunch and Terry rose, with suitable goodbyes, and took Pru back to his office. Pru turned on him. "What is this, Terry? Where did you get that information? And what did she mean by that business about wanting my body?" Terry raised his hands in mock surrender. "Easy! When you agreed to come for an interview, I did a...

1 year ago
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PhoenixChapter 6

Watching Greg, Hanna and Cheryl work was an education. I'd thought Irene and Alex were fast. These three dropped in and out of modules in Claiborne 1 as if they had the complete source code in front of them. They made a lot of very tiny changes, some in modules I had never even considered. When they were done, they saved their work rather than compiling it. "First," Cheryl said, "let's look at the way Claiborne is right now." She touched a key, and we saw the same things we'd seen...

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Grandpas EducationChapter 7

Poor Joe Traynor sat at the kitchen table looking like he'd just lost his last friend. The impact of our mutual realization was still sinking into his overloaded brain. All that was left to decide was how we'd cope with the reality that, in one way or another, all of us were somehow related. "God, Roger, how the hell did we get ourselves into such a god-awful mess?" he wanted me to inform him. "Just one of those things, Joe," I tried to ease his personal guilt. "You and Jeanette have...

1 year ago
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Accidental Enjoyment With Anni Bhabhi

By : Funlover.Aravind Hi everyone, I am a regular reader of ISS. I used to read many stories and mastrubate on my own, i am going to narrate a story which happens in my real life one week before. My brother is working in MNC Chennai we are staying in Chennai my brother need to go US official last week so he went, I am working in am BPO as Team Manager so i used to go night shift and used to sleep in morning. This incident happened two days before, in my home my father mother, my brother, Anni...


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