I Found My Sister Stripping Ch 3 free porn video

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The story continues...

What happened last night?

I try to go over everything I can remember. I went to the strip club with some friends. Had a couple of private dances, one from my sister, that ended up really weird. A sister that I hadn't seen in almost a year, after she stormed out of our very religious parents house. We then came back to Geo's place, where I rode with Dixie and Amber. They convinced me to have a few drinks, and smoke some weed... Then everything gets really fuzzy. I vaguely recall some dancing, and then waking up with three naked women...

What the hell happened last night? I wonder again.

"I'm waiting." I hear Amber yell from down the hallway. I suddenly remember the look in Amber's eyes as she'd walked away from me, and quickly find the bathroom. I could still taste my morning breath, and I dug around for an available toothbrush, and luckily found one still in the wrapper. I brushed my teeth as thoroughly as I could, then began looking for Amber's room.

I finally find her in the second to last room, and my jaw about hits the floor as I walk in. She is lying on her side, wearing a see-through negligee, and fishnet stalkings. Her red hair flowed down aver her shoulders, and a small smile played on her face. I could just make out her nipple piercings under her top. If ever there was a more alluring woman, I had never seen her.

"Umm, hi!" I curse myself for my shyness. As far as I can remember, I am still a virgin... At least, I think I am.

Amber laughs lightly, but somehow I can't take offense at it. "Suddenly shy again?"

"I hope I'm not being to rude, but... Umm... What happened last night?"

"What...? You don't remember?" She searches my face, and must be able to sense I am telling the truth. "Wow, and I thought I had made a bigger impression on you." She frowns slightly, but the frown turns into a sly grin only a moment later. "Come, sit by me, and I will show you."

I awkwardly walk over to her bed, and sit where she indicated. The movement causes me to realize that I have a raging boner, that isn't missed by either of us. Amber just smiles bigger, as she wraps her arms around me from behind, and begins to nibble on my neck. She works her way up to my ears, then whispers, "Geo and Dixie are out shopping right now. Will they ever be surprised when they get back. Until then, we have the place to ourselves." She finishes with a nip at my earlobe.

She grabs my hand, and places it on her slender thigh. Her fishnet stalkings rub under my hand as I begin to move it up and down her leg. I feel oddly exposed, with Amber behind me. Her hand lightly touches my chin, and gently turns my to face her. Our lips meet in a slow tender kiss that somehow seems at odds with how I felt she normally is.

Our tongues mingle, and I snake my arm around her, and pull her into my lap. "Mmm, you're strong," she murmurs when she takes a breath. I rather doubt this, as she is so light, but my mind is distracted as she goes back to kissing me. Her arms wind around my neck, and her kisses become more passionate, more urgent. I allow my right hand to drop down her back, and begin caressing her behind. She moans softly in my throat, then breaks the kiss. "Let's get you out of these clothes." Without waiting for me to agree, she begins tugging at my shirt, and I gladly oblige. Just as I get it off, she is already pulling at my pants. I then begin to undress her, her stalkings looking like nothing more than wound up thread on the floor. Her negligee soon follows, and I am staring at a vision from my most erotic dreams. Her small, pierced breasts, pail flat stomach, a small patch of red pubic hair, and I can already see that her pussy is wet.

"Yum, somehow that looks even bigger this morning." I realize that she was looking at me just as much as I was admiring her. I look down at my fully inflated cock, and can only smile at the compliment. She licks her lips hungrily, staring at my member, then looks up at me, saying "Lay back, cutie. I want to taste that meat."

I happily oblige, a groan as I feel her soft red lips touch the tip of my penis. This must be what heaven feels like, I think, as her mouth surrounds my cock, and I can feel her tongue swirling around the head. Feeling like I owe her at least a little for the pleasure she is giving me, I ask her to bring her body around, so that I can return the favor.

As quick as that, I have her pussy smothering my mouth. A vague memory guides me as I begin to lick her lips, sucking gently, then swirling my tongue up to her clit ring. She moans around my cock adding extra sensations, and I begin to flick the piercing with the tip of my tongue. It only takes a few seconds of this before she starts bucking and screaming, "Oh, gawd, yes! Keep that up. Lick it just like you did last night! Oh, fuck, I'm about to... To... CUM!" Suddenly my mouth was filled with fluid that tasted great. This woman was a squirter! She kept twitching on top of me, her hand having a kung-fu grip on my cock, for a few moments, then spun around. "I want that beast in me, NOW!" Again, without waiting for an answer, she reached back, positioned my cock, and slam herself back on it, impaling herself in one motion. The action must have triggered another orgasm, as she sat there motionless on me, except for her pussy milking my cock, and her eyes fluttering.

Recovery, she growled with an animalistic lust, and bit her bottom lip as she began to slowly rock back and forth on top of me. I Placed my hands on her hips, and slowly began to move her faster and faster. She began grunting every time she thrust back and I thrust up. I could tell that she was getting close again, so I threw one arm behind her and pulled her chest down to my waiting mouth. I locked her left nipple ring between my teeth, and began to play with it like a dog with a chew toy, tugging back and forth. With one arm behind her back, and the other on her ass, I began to drive into her from below with abandon.

My ears began to ring as she screamed incoherently to another orgasm. She went limp in my arms, and I release her tit from my mouth. I roll us onto our sides, and notice that her eyes are closed, and she is breathing heavily. It only takes me a moment to come to the conclusion that she has passed out.

Feeling foolish, I start to pull out from her, when I feel a hand on my ass, and I see that she has recovered. "Where do you think you are going?" I try to stutter a reply about her being passed out, but she effectively silences me with a kiss. "By the feel of things," she wiggles her ass, "You haven't cum yet." She thinks for a couple moments, then a huge smile makes her eyes sparkle. "I have never cum like that, so often. I think you deserve a special treat." In her usual style, she jumps out of bed, before I can say anything, and pulls a couple somethings from her nightstand. A vibrator and lube.

Suddenly having nightmares about what she intends, I start backing away, only to be stopped by her light touch on my arm. "Relax, this is for me."

She hands me the lubricant, and gets up on all fours. "Now make sure you put plenty of that on my asshole, and that wonderful cock of yours." She reaches between her legs and puts the vibrator in her pussy, moaning as she slides it in and out. My cock had gone somewhat flaccid at the thought of what she might intend, but watching her now, it is brought back to full attention, even hurting a little at how hard it gets.

I quickly apply some lube to my cock, then put some on two of my fingers, and begin to rub her asshole. She moans again as I do this, and I slip first one, then two fingers into her. I am only able to make it to the first knuckles, so I pull them out, and add more lube. Now I can work both fingers in, and soon I am pumping her ass with my fingers. "Ok, I think I should be good. Take it slow, just in case."

I jumped onto my knees behind her, and she giggled at my enthusiasm. Placing the tip of my throbbing cock as the entrance to her sphincter, and slowly pressed forward. Only to end up sliding up her butt crack. I aimed again, and this time forced my cock down a little, and was rewarded with the feeling of her bung hole slipping around the head of my dick.

"Oh, gawd, that's big. Hold it right there, as I get used to it." I held as still as I could, and after a moment, she began to slowly rock back and forth. Every time she moved back she took a little more of me deeper into her nether region. The feeling of her sphincter as it slowly slid up and down my cock was indescribable. She switched on the vibrator, and the sensations increased tenfold as her ass clamped down on me, and I felt the sliding vibrations through her rectum. "Okay, you should be good now. Fuck me, and fuck me hard."

I started pumping, still taking it slow, afraid of hurting her. I also knew I wasn't going to last long. I couldn't figure out how I had lasted even this long.

"I said, fuck me HARD!" Amber's demand brought me back to reality, and taking her request, began thrusting as hard as I could. Sweat began to bead on my back, and we were both moaning and grunting like a pair of wild animals. My hands were on her hips to steady myself, and provide something to grab as I repeatedly pounded into this petite redhead. She collapsed forward onto her pillows, and began moving the vibrator with enough force, I was afraid she was going to start a fire. For that matter, there was a fire burning in my balls, and I screamed, "I'm c-c-c-cumming!" as I shot my load deep into her bowels. This must have trigger another orgasm in her, as he ass clamped down hard on my cock, and even pulled me with her as she fell to her side and began twitching. Her convulsions felt great on my now overly sensitive cock, causing me to twitch also, which only prolonged her own orgasm.

Finally, her asshole loosened its grip, and nearly spit me out.

"Now that is one of the hottest things I think I have ever seen!" a voice says, and I look up to see Geo and Dixie standing in the doorway. Geo's hand is under her white skirt, panties pulled to the side, and is furiously fingering herself. Dixie's hand is down her shorts, and by the glazed look in her eyes, and movements of her arm, she is doing the same thing.

Suddenly embarrassed, I quickly grab one of Amber's blankets to cover myself. "Geo! Dixie! I'm so sorry! I didn't hear you come back!"

"Of course you didn't, little brother! You two were making enough noise to wake the dead, three counties over." Geo smiled at me wickedly, before continuing. "Hurry and put that monster cock away. Ron needs your help bringing in stuff."

I was shocked to hear my sister talk like this. Sure, she was a stripper, and drank and did drugs, but after the puritanical raising of our parents, I was really surprised that she would talk to her little brother like that. I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised, considering I had just seen her masturbating in front of me.

I quickly got dressed (trying to cover myself as both Geo and Dixie watched), and was surprised to hear Amber snoring on the bed. That last orgasm must have been a doozey!

I followed Dixie outside (vivid lewd thoughts of licking her pussy, and fucking her going my mind), and met Ron... Dixie's boyfriend.

"Glad you're here," he greeted me with a firm handshake. He stood a little taller than me, was built like a brick shithouse. He had a military cut to his brown, almost black, hair. "I couldn't move this stuff on my own. I understand you're Geo's little brother?"

"Umm, yea," I reply lamely. This guy was intimidating.

I soon found out that what the two women had purchased were a futon bedroom set, and bedding. The bedding didn't seem like the girly stuff I had seen in the room I'd woken up in, or Amber's room, So I assumed it was for their fourth bedroom. I figured Ron was moving in, the lucky bastard.

I was a little disconcerted to find Dixie constantly shadowing us, never giving me and Ron a moment alone. Not that I wanted to be alone with the man, but the way she seemed so nervous, had me wondering. At one point, Geo came outside and pulled Dixie aside to talk to her. They both pointed at me and started giggling. My face must have gone red.

"Women! Never can figure them out," Ron said right next to me. I was startled, not realizing he was there. We were carrying in the last of the stuff, and as soon as we were inside, he turned and stopped me. "Spill the beans. Why is my girlfriend acting so odd?"

"I-I dunno," I stutter. "I don't remember very much from last night." I told him honestly, and seeing the doubt in his eyes, I decided to embellish the truth. "I just remember having a few drinks, then woke up in bed with Amber this morning." I think for a second, before asking, "She doesn't have a boyfriend, does she?"

Ron guffawed, before answering. "By the sounds of things when we pulled up, your it!"

Ron and I began setting up the spare bedroom, when Ron made an odd comment. "You're a braver man than me." I could only assume he meant sleeping with Amber, and began to get angry.

"So, what do you think?" My sister and the other two women came into the room, distracting me.

"Think about what?" I ask, thoroughly confused.

"About your new room, cutie," Amber replies with her now familiar affectation for me.

"My new..." I trail off as what Ron said now makes a different kind of sense. "But I can't live here. I live at home!" I regret the foolish words as soon as they are out of my mouth.

"You don't want to live here?" Geo asks, hurt evident in her liquid eyes. "How could I as your responsible older sister, possibly allow you to go back to that religious monastery, our parents created?"

Responsible? I wonder, remembering how my sister had gotten an underage kid drunk, and used drugs last night. I keep my mouth shut though, and look to Amber. If I moved in here, I would be closer to this sexy redhead, but who knows what would even happen. Perhaps what had happened a little bit ago was only a fluke, and would never happen again. I would also be under my sister's thumb. I had no idea what that might be like.

On the other hand, my eyes were open now to a whole new world, that I had never suspected existed while living with my parents.

There was just one problem...

"I can't afford to pay rent. I don't have a job." My head droops as I realize just how much I really want to move in.

"We got you covered there," Amber pipes in, grabbing my arm, and giving me a quick peck on the cheek. "Ron here is one of the bouncers at our club. He can get you hired there."

"But I'm not strong or big enough to be a bouncer." I protest.

"Maybe not as big, yet, but that can be worked on. I saw how you moved that furniture around, and you are stronger than you look." Ron told me.

Four sets of eyes stared at me, and I knew my decision had already been made. "I'll do it!" I said, a huge grin splitting my face.

Amber gave me a big hug, and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. Even my sister gave me more than a strictly sisterly kiss. Dixie only shook my hand, but she gave me a wink that I was glad Ron couldn't see. Ron shook my hand also, and informed me that I started work tomorrow night, but to spend tonight getting moved in.

"This calls for drinks!" My sister yells, and disappears into the kitchen. She returns shortly with drinks on a tray. "Ron, this one is yours, non-alcoholic since you have to work tonight, John, this one is yours. There is a little less alcohol. Hopefully you will remember tonight," she adds the last part with a wink and a smile.

Amber had to work too which was dissappointing.

I called my parents to let them know I was moving out, and they yelled and screamed, but in the end, all I had to do was hang up. I was 18, and graduated from Highschool. There was nothing they could do.

Something odd started to happen though, while I was on the phone. I started to get hard. Not only that, but achingly hard.

Amber must have noticed, because as soon as I hung up, she took me to the shower, where we fuck again. This time I was prepared for when she had her orgasm, and supported her till she recovered. Even after I left my load circling the drain, I was still hard. What was going on?

Amber gave me a kiss as she left for work with Ron.

I couldn't hide the hard on under the towel, as I stepped out of the bathroom, and my sister saw it. She only smirked and winked, before I made it to my new room.

My clothes were gone.

I frantically began searching for them in the still cluttered room, even losing my towel in the process.

"Very nice, bum, little brother. Are you trying to find your virginity?"

I spun around, my throbbing cock leading the way, to face my sister. I tried to hide it, but it was no use. "I can't find my clothes!"

"Of course not. I threw them in the washer. You've been wearing them for two days now, and they needed some cleaning. Tomorrow we will get you some new clothes, and after a few days when our parents calm down, we will get your clothes from home."

"Well, what am I supposed to wear in the meantime?" I demand angrily.

"The towel works, or you can wear what you have on now. I don't mind either way."

Something in her tone made me feel really defiant. "Oh, yeah?" I ask, arching an eyebrow, and removing my hands from my crotch. Was it my imagination, or did my sister have an hungry look in her eyes?

"I see Amber didn't seem to take care of that in the shower. Would you like some more help?"

My jaw dropped for a moment. Was my sister propositioning me? Why wasn't I as surprised as I thought I should be? My defiance was still strong, though, so I simply answered, "I doubt you could do any better."

"Oh, yeah?" Before I knew quite what was happening, my sister was kneeling in front of me, my cock slurping in her mouth. At first I was too shocked to do anything, and by the time my wits were returning, I was feeling too good to stop her. She was going at it with real enthusiasm, and soon I had my hand on the back of her head, fucking her mouth. I probably would have cum pretty quick if I hadn't already blown my wad twice today.

"Hey, you two," shouted Dixie from the door. "You started without me!"

Before I knew what was happening, Dixie was naked and on her knees, helping my sister give me one helluva blowjob.

Geo pulled back, and removed her clothes. She stepped up to me, and gave me a kiss that was absolutely NOT a sisterly kiss. I started fondling her c-cup breasts, while Dixie continued licking my cock. I reached my left hand down, and started playing with Geo's pussy, surprised at how wet she already was. I slipped first one, then two, then three fingers into her. Slurping noises filled the room, and the sounds of sex were rampant.

My sister pulled me over to the bed, and lay down on her back, my hand never leaving her pussy, and my cock never leaving Dixie's mouth.

Dixie! "What about your boyfriend?" I asked her.

My cock left her mouth with a 'pop!' as she answered. What you don't tell him, won't hurt him." She then went back to sucking my dick, and I no longer cared.

I looked at my fingers in my sister's pussy, and realized I had slipped a fourth finger in. Geo was mewling and bucking her hips as I thrust my fingers in and out. Soon my thumb followed, then my knuckles, and before I knew what was happening, I was fisting my horney sister. I began to open and close my hand inside her, and she partially propped herself up on her elbows, looking me in the eyes. "Yes, brother! Fuck your slutty sister with your big hand. Make your big sister cum all over your hand. Yes, yes, yes! Ohhhhhhhh!" Her pussy clamped down on my hand, nearly crushing it as she came. Her eyes never left mine the whole time, and seeing the lust and pleasure in them sent me over the top.

"I'm cumming!" I try to warn Dixie, but I'm not sure how much was understandable as I started to blow my load deep into her mouth.

Geo's pussy finally relaxed, and my hand slurped out of her gaping pussy. Dixie got up, and crawled onto the bed next to my sister, and started kissing her. I could see my cum swapping mouths as they kissed.

Looking down, I realized that I was still hard. What is wrong with me tonight? Seeing Dixie bent over, kissing my sister, I get an idea. I owe her for the great blowjob, and here is my chance. Crawling up behind the slim brunette, I position my cock at the entrance to her tunnel, and slowly push myself in an inch. She is super tight, and grips me like a warm velvet glove. I pull out a little bit, and then push in a little further.

Dixie moans into Geo's mouth, and I see that Dixie is playing with my sister's clit. I pick up the pace of, and soon am enveloped completely in Dixie's folds. I stop, just to enjoy the feeling, and feel her milking my cock with her muscles. Geo slides up further on the bed, and Dixie dives into her pussy.

I start pumping again, and get a wild idea into my head, (Well, wild for me, at any rate.). With my left hand, I press Dixie's back down, and with my other, I grab a fistful of her brown hair, and begin to pull. This way, she can still lick Geo. As soon as I do, Dixie begins to scream and buck, and I feel like a cowboy in my first rodeo.

"Lick that pussy, Dixie! No one knows how to eat cunt like you do!" As she talks she locks eyes with me again, and begins licking her lips. "Yeah, right there. Oh, yeah, suck it! Suck it!"

Dixie starts to cum under me, but I barely notice, as I am draw in by the look of purest lust in my sister's eyes. I am mesmerized by their liquid pools, their wanton desire. Before I quite know what I am doing, I shove Dixie aside, and position myself over my sister.

"Do it" she tells me. "Fuck your big sister with your huge cock. Make me cum on that monster pole of yours."

Like a man possessed, my hips thrust forward, but my aim is off, and I bounce off her clit. She moans in unfulfilled desire, and I try again, this time my aim is true. I sink to the hilt in my sister's sweet pussy. She doesn't even blink, but she does moan deep in her throat. I drop my head, and begin to kiss her passionately, thrusting into her as hard and fast as I can.

She breaks away from the kiss, screaming, "Oh, fuck yes! Pump your cock into me, little brother! Make me feel it in my throat. Oh, gawd, that feels... That feels... Oh fuck me!"

I roll us around, pulling my sister on top of me. "Oh, shit that's deep!" she grunts, but only grinds her hips down harder on me. Dixie comes over and starts sucking on my sister's tits, and I grab her ass, and place her pussy over my mouth. A small part of me can't believe that this is really happening, but the rest of my mind screams to shut up and just fuck.

I know I am about to cum, but I can't pull out, and I can't warn my sister to get off, as Dixie grinds her pussy down hard over my mouth. My seed shoots out of me at what feels like nuclear strength. My sister screams out, "Oh, fuck, John. I can feel your cum in my pussy! It feels so hot, oh Shit, it's making me cum! Yes, Keep playing with my clit, Dixie. Ahhhhhhh!"

My sister topples over sideways, and I continue to munch on Dixie's pussy until she cums all over my face and falls to the side too.

I realize I am still hard, and only then does it occur to me that my sister must have drugged me with Viagra, or something, to keep my hard like this. At first I am angry that she would do something like that to me, but as I watch her trying to recover, my cum leaking from her pussy, another idea occurs to me.

I quickly run out of the room, returning a moment later with a bottle in my hand. Squeezing out some of the lube, I put it on my cock, and begin to rub it on my sister's anus. She wanted me to be hard, she was going to get it hard. She doesn't even budge as I continue to poke at her butt with the head of my dick.

I put some more lube on, and then position myself at her brown hole. Slowly I slide in, and feel the 'pop' of her sphincter pass the head of my cock. Now her eyes fly open as she realizes what I am doing. "No John! Not back there! I've never let anyone do that!" I lock her in place with my arms, as I very slowly begin to press in. "Owe, owe, owe, John, you're too big. Take it out, PLEASE!"

"What did you put in my drink?" I ask her, enjoying seeing her eyes go large. "What did you drug me with, big sister?"

"Vi-Viagra," she pants, and I stop moving. She breathes a sigh of reliefe, but I don't pull out. I am about two inches in at this point.


She shakes her head, 'no', and I press in another inch. "Okay, okay! I wanted you hard all night so we could fuck as much as possible! It felt so good last night, I just had to have more." I stop moving.

"Last night?"

"Yes! Last night I took your virginity, though I didn't know you were a virgin. We all fucked you, and it felt great!"

By now her sphincter had loosened up a little as she relaxed, and was even milking the three inches I had in her.

"So you figured if you could keep me hard, then you could enjoy me even more?" When she nodded that this was so, I pulled out about an inch, and she sighed quietly. "You took my virginity last night, sister, and tonight I take your anal virginity. I suddenly thrust a couple inches in. Geo screamed. I was now halfway in, and loving how tight my sister's ass was. I held still for a couple more moments, then backed off one inch, only to go two more back in, more slowly this time. I kept this up until I was buried in my sister's ass, as she lay on her side. As soon as I was all the way in, I held perfectly still. Geo was panting lightly, and I saw that Dixie was lightly rubbing her clit to our spectacle. Now, sister, if you had asked me, things would have gone better. Because you didn't, I'm going to use what you created, and fuck your ass hard!" I slapped her ass, and started pumping in and out, picking up the pace as I went.

At first pain registered on her face, but it began to transform into something else. She began to moan, and even tried to grab my hips to move me faster, but the angle was too awkward for her. As she lay on her side, I grabbed one leg, and brought it around to my other side, rolling her onto her back. The look of lust was back, and I began to pound into her harder. I couldn't go as deep in this position, however, and soon came up with a solution.

Slipping my arms under her shoulders, she thought I was going for a kiss, and began madly making out with me. I pulled back hard, and she landed on top of me, smashing both our noses in the process, but also driving me deeper into her ass. Grabbing her hair, I pulled her head back, and latched on to her melon sized tits, her nipples hard in my mouth. Her hand snaked down between our bodies, and I could tell she was fingering herself. This turned me on more than I already was, and I began to pump harder.

Something warm and wet started playing with my balls, and I realized that Dixie had joined into the fun.

"Holly shit! I never knew it could feel this good! Every inch of my body is tingling. Oh, I love it little brother! I love the feeling of your cock in my ass, your mouth on my tits, and everything else! I love it little brother, and I love you, John. Oh, don't stop, please don't stop!" Her words began to have an effect on me, and I knew I was getting close, yet again. "Yes, more! Oh, I feel it! Holly shit that gets big when you cum. I can feel your seed flooding my ass. I love it!" Geo grabbed my head, and yanked it up for the most passionate kiss I have ever had. Our tongues fought with one another, and yet made love in their own way, as our bodies slapped against each other. Every inch of my body felt that kiss, from my curled up toes, to every hair on my head.

Finally we both needed air, and we broke the kiss. I realized that the sensations on my as yet still hard cock had changed. No longer did I feel the tight softness of my sister's ass, but instead, an odd cold wet roughness. Looking around my sister, I saw Dixie had a cleaning clothe in hand, and was cleaning my dick.

I just lay back, too exhausted to do anything else. My sister, rolled off me, and almost seemed to be in la la land, as she kept murmuring, "I love it brother. I love you."

The bed shifted, and I saw that Dixie was getting ready to mount me. I felt like a piece of meat, but was too tired to stop her. I fell asleep about her third orgasm, and my second.

That's how Ron and Amber found us (Geo lying naked next to me, and Dixie still riding my cock) when they arrived home early. Apparently the power had gone out in that section of town, so everyone was sent home early.

To be continued at a much later date, I am afraid...

Thank you once again for all those that have voted my stories so positively, and for those that have commented. I am honored that you like my work so much. When I started, I figured I would write 1 story, and see whether it took or not. I have kept writing for those who have enjoyed it. I have tried to incorporate your thoughts and ideas into the story, & hope you enjoy what I have wrought. The only thing I can ask is: If you vote negative on my stories, please leave a comment as to what you didn't like. I always try to improve.

Unfortunately, I will be without internet for a couple days, so don't know when I will be able to get the next chapter out. Please know that I am working on it, & I promise to get it up as soon as I can. Thank you all once again!


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I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister’s fourteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the eighteen-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father, had such a look of shock on her face. For once, the bitch was speechless. Her mouth worked. Her hazel eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Her normally sultry face looked...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 2 Baby Sisterrsquos Sweet Cherry

Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister’s pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The sixteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy, he prayed to the newest god to be awakened by a Halo. Thank you for your teachings. “Oh, Alex,” moaned Alexis, her fingernails clawing at his back. “Oh, you’re as good as...

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Sisterhood of Sin 25 The Gift Of Sister Pain

"Will you spank my husband for me?" I could tell that Lini had been leading up to some kind of request of me, but this was the last thing I would have guessed. We were in bed in our cabin at at the fish camp. She had licked my pussy earlier and I had just finished fucking her with my strapon and then snuggling beside her to watch the fire that we had lit earlier to take the chill out of the room. Tonight is our last night here and we are sipping our second glasses of our favorite drinks. Lini...

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Sister Takes on Sisters Discard

CHAPTER 1 TV was roaring away in the TV room unwatched in the Maynard household as the family waited for one of the passing vehicles in the street to turn into the driveway. Faye Maynard worried that something might have happened. Eldest child Michele (31) was coming home from LA with her fiancée Danny who was two years younger. Michele had called twenty minutes ago to say they were fifteen minutes away. None of them had seen Danny beyond low ‘rez’ emailed photographs. Athol rubbed his...

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My sisters sister

A tale of concrete cows By Lina S. Ian hugged me. It was a nice and honest embrace. "I'm glad you're alive and better already. When Catherine called and told me something happened, and you are in hospital I came right away. Can't remember being ever so worried about you." After parting from the embrace he squeezed my left hand which made me wince a bit. I still had an uncomfortable cannula in there. "And you don't remember anything? I'm so sorry Chelsea." "I'm okay, I'll get...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 4 Redemption and Girlfriendrsquos Sister Sex

Mark Elsa fired about a hundred questions at me like rifle shots at a carnival, expecting me to instantly respond with the first answers that occurred to me. I did, but I wasn’t sure I was giving the answers that would keep me in her good graces. Some of her questions and comments confused me, especially where involving her sister was concerned. I couldn’t fathom what she was suggesting. Elsa had started to smile a lot, and the initial sad look on her face had given way to glee about...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 4 Twin Sistersrsquo Anal Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn’t in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a mewling sound, wanting to go back to sleep. I wiggled my hips. There was something in my butt. Thick. A...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 3 Groveling Leads To Sisterrsquos Involvement

Mark I was shocked and felt like my gut had been ripped apart. Worse, I knew it was my own damned fault. I showed up with a corsage in my hand to pick up Elsa, and instead I found the dress I’d bought for her, plus all the accessories, and a caustic note on the front door. Further, the bouquet of flowers I’d sent her the day before lay on her doormat, obviously stomped on by her comings and goings. I got the message. She was royally pissed. Elsa had apparently discovered who I really was....

4 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 80 New Sister Wives and Housemates

Mark My dear friend and lover, Brita Jean Thorsen, was one of the most influential women in Europe, and except for the Queen of England and one or two others maybe one of the richest. She was the chief executive officer of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. She was a multi-billionaire. She was beautiful. She was a slut. Brita had loved the day and a half she’d spent in front of the cameras with Rolfe and Juul filming her slutty behavior. Eight men had fucked her,...

1 year ago
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Sisters friend and Then sister better format and gramer

Mikayla and my sister’s name is Shayna. So one night very late I and my sister’s friend were sitting talking to people on the internet. She was asked if she'd ever fingered her self and she said yes. I kind of got excited but it didn’t go anywhere that night and she walked out the door and shook her nice round ass a bit. She has 32 Cs a nice ass and a gorgeous face. So we'd all play board games every Friday of the week. But one night it was different Mikayla had brought a friend over and...

3 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 13 New Office Dress Code and a New Sister

Mark The first hint I had a problem at the office came the Monday after Melanie had spent the weekend with Elsa, Cindy, and me. We had a very romantic weekend, and I apparently had distinguished myself by making love continuously to all three women Friday night, and all day Saturday and Sunday. It wasn’t that I was fucking them and having orgasms all the time; I’m only a man. I did, however, become exceptionally attentive to each of them, displayed my vulnerable inner self to them, and made...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 3 Twin Sistersrsquo Incestuous Secret

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint’s cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint’s basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all so overwhelming. My entire world was turned upside down by the revelation that my twin sister, older than me by...

1 year ago
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Brothers Sisters Vol I CumCovered Sister

“Please? I have been obsessing over this idea for months! Can’t you please help me make it happen?” I looked Helen over from head to toe. She was a strangely built woman, but attractive nonetheless, at least to me. She had a very round head, and a preposterously oversized chest for her height. Her waist was surprisingly slender, but her rounded hips and full backside gave her an irresistibly womanly shape. I need to back up a little bit. Our relationship, at least in its present...

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The weather is so nice today. You could not ask for a more perfect day to get naked and run around the creek. It’s been a while; your muscles are getting a good stretching as you reach out even further on the next stroke. “I should make it out here more often”, this is the first thought you have every time you arrive. Probably would if you were to worry more about yourself and less of all those around you. You are always taking care everyone one else. Well, not today. After swimming for...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 17 The Four Sisters Go On The Prowl

Mark I’d lost control of the situation. Four estrogen-laden members of the human race took over my condominium, my mind, and my sex organ. From the time I woke up in the morning until I fell asleep, usually in the haze of wonderful sexual exhaustion, I thought about the four of them all day long – Elsa, Sheila, Cindy, and Melanie. Days usually started with a blowjob, sometimes from two of them. All day long I knew that Melanie and Sheila are working near me without panties on, regardless...

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A Sisterly Surprise

At just over six and a half feet, Jared Williams had been widely recruited by a lot of major universities. With dark brown hair, near emerald green eyes and a build that turned a lot of women's heads, Jared knew he was an attractive looking guy. And as such, he could have dated just about any girl he'd set his mind to. If Jared had one flaw however, it was that he was extremely shy, innocent beyond words. Nearing twenty years of age in just a couple of month's Jared was still a virgin,...

4 years ago
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A sisterly Surprise

Jared discovers his sister's long held secret.At just over six and a half feet, Jared Williams had been widely recruited by a lot of major universities. With dark brown hair, near emerald green eyes and a build that turned a lot of women's heads, Jared knew he was an attractive looking guy. And as such, he could have dated just about any girl he'd set his mind to. If Jared had one flaw however, it was that he was extremely shy, innocent beyond words. Nearing twenty years of age in just a couple...

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Kissovak was spending a few days with his old high school buddy, Chris, and his sister, Olivia. Kissovak hadn't seen Chris in years, and when he found that he would be in his town on business, he had called to say hello. Chris had insisted that he stay with them, instead of at a motel. That evening, after a good dinner, the three of them were sitting in the den sipping wine and talking. "By the way, Olivia, how did your class go today?" Chris asked his sister. "Great," she grinned. "Wait...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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2 Sisters 8211 Part 1 Driver And Neighbour Fucks My Sister

Hi ISS readers, I am Uday. This story is completely fictional and it has many parts. The sooner I write the next parts depends on your response. If you like the story and if you wish to read the next parts, then give a like and leave a comment about what you find nice. More likes and comments would be an encouragement for me to take time off and write the next parts. Now, enjoy reading. It was a nice cool afternoon. The bedroom of Sushila was the only place that was very hot now. Her 3...

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The Sisterhood of Diana

THE SISTERHOOD OF DIANA - by Jean Camille Chapters 1 - 4 Chapter 1 Had I not accepted that ride at the bus stop, in the middle of a thunderstorm, the drastic change to my life would never have happened. It was a rainy evening, and in the midst of a downpour, a big limousine pulled up directly in front of me. The face of the elderly lady at the wheel seemed warm snd very friendly. "You poor thing. . .Can I...

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Sisterhood of Sin 18 The Entrapped Man

It's not easy to ask a woman, and a friend, to witness the humiliation of your husband, but it had to be done. I place a call to the only woman that I trust to get the job done, aside from the one who is already helping me on this task. "Hello, Mrs. Blanc." "Hello, Mrs. Riviera." "What's up, Cate." "I have a favor to ask and if you don't want to do it, you're the only one I trust to suggest someone else." "What do you need?" "I need an actress in a role play scenario. There wouldn't be much...

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The SisterhoodChapter 23

It was a day celebrated in loving by the Sisterhood on both continents. All the Sisterhood on the European continent were now in residence within the high wall of the University. The gates stood locked and impassable to all others. Back in the States, the remainder of the Sisterhood were similarly sequestered on Jane's estate. The professors baffled in both locations, but complacent. All of the Sisterhood had informed the other University they would be absent until further notice. The...

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Sisterhood of Sin 1 The Punishment

It was just a silly love story that I published on a smutty amateur erotica website, and it all went horribly wrong. It was based largely on the real-life redemption of my marriage, after infidelity almost ended it. But I used too much of my real life. Too many damning details made it traceable back to me, and now there is Hell to pay. My name is Marie, and if you haven't read the twelve parts of the Last Wives Club story, that's okay. I will briefly re-introduce the main characters and attempt...

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The Sisterhood Part 2 5

Part 2 It has been almost 36 hours since Juliet had seen Jim Duggan at her plush home. She was concerned that he had not reported back. His phone rang unanswered and so she decided to visit his offices once again. She did not relish driving to that particular neighbourhood, much less running the risk of meeting Jim's odious landlord. But she was desperate for any information. "Melissa, I am going out. Have Thomas pull the Corvette around to the front of the house," she asked, as she...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Two and Three

Chapter Two The concert lasted for almost two hours. Emily had just finished her third encore, the international remix version of the third single off her second album in the last six months, "Hip Hop Clodhopper." A cadre of men and women had surged her as she danced off stage. Emily had been practically carried by the throng all the way back to her dressing room. As she stepped in the door closed behind her. Emily barely noticed. She walked over to the makeup table, sat down and...

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The SisterhoodChapter 21

Ron and Barbara spent almost three months of real-time in the cubes talking with Steve at leisure about physics. An hour or two at a time, of course. Barbara found herself willingly seduced by him. She downloaded herself into both cubes so that Ron would have a lover too when he visited. Cindy added herself to the fold of both cubes. She enjoyed Steve's conversation and intellect as much as Ron and Susan. She also very much enjoyed his lovemaking. The cubes had a profound effect upon the...

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My Stepsister Hailey P6

So, there we were in the car, my stepmother, Father, my stepsister Hailey and me heading to my aunt and uncles house for my cousin's birthday.It was my cousin Samantha's birthday , she was just turning 18, and like normal tradition all the family were invited to celebrate it, at my uncles house. So we put on our best clothes, me and my father in shirt and trousers, my stepmother and stepsister in very pretty dresses, climbed into the car and made our way to the next town where they lived.As we...

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The Heatwave The Sisterhood of Sappho Part Two

The Sisterhood of Sappho (Part Two) At the top of the stairs leading down to the main hall she encountered Jo, wearing a short black dress and carrying a tray of drinks, her sun-streaked hair now freed of its leather clasp, flowing freely down her back and reaching nearly to her buttocks. As Judi approached Jo looked her critically up and down and nodded appreciatively. “Looking good!” she grinned. “Someone’s in for a treat tonight – makes me wish it was my turn to serve as Acolyte, instead...

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Sisterly LoveChapter 13

Climbing off the bus the following morning, I made myself a promise that I wouldn’t let the excitement of my Aunt’s coming to visit that night take away from the John Travolta-like walk from the opening credits of Saturday Night Fever I had practiced since the girls fought over me. I had been right to think I would be the talk of the school today, especially since Becky and Regina were suspended for the remainder of the week. Both boys and girls peeled away as I strolled down the corridors...

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The SisterhoodChapter 25

Susan prepared herself in the small bath adjoining the inner chamber in the Temple. She hadn't been in the temple since Barbara's induction to the eleventh order as her first official duty as High Priestess some six months past. That was another odd thing. The rod wasn't calling for higher orders for those well deserving of them. She was alone in the temple. Having bid others to give her privacy, even Jane. She was about to do something she had never done; She was going to pray to...

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The Heatwave The Sisterhood of Sappho Part One

The Sisterhood of Sappho – Part One Judi allowed the Bentley to coast gently up the drive towards where Aldrington Hall lay nestling regally in a verdant fold in the Surrey hillside. It was hard to imagine a more quintessentially English scene, she thought, as she drank in the imposing façade, slumbering gently in the golden light of the afternoons lengthening shadows; the great British stately home, glorious residence of generations of landed gentry. Actually, she knew this to be an illusion...

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My Stepsister Hailey P3

It was a bright sunny day when my Stepmother said we should go for a bike ride like we used to do when we were younger."Really?" I groaned unhappily, because I always hated those bike rides."No it'll be great!" said Hailey eagerly, before looking at me and smiling."Then that settles it!" my stepmother said happily "You guys go get ready, and i'll get your father to load the bikes on the car!"And so quickly Hailey skipped off to her room, where's I trudged off to mine, really not enthusiastic at...

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Sisterhood of Sin 7 The Cunt Whisperer

My sex life has really sucked since the night I took a pathetic victim of spousal abuse from his home to a safe house. Since then, Mr. Fuscia has come a long way toward recovering while I have been haunted by the things I witnessed and the things that I did to him on that night. I've since become his sponsor and he has become my second male protégé, having taken the oath after I convinced him that we had more to offer him if he committed to an alliance. I visited him at the safe house and...

Group Sex
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The SisterhoodChapter 3

As she had been away from home for several days, once back in her house in Pacific Grove, Jane took a long hot, luxurious bath. But the package on her table seemed to call to her. She ignored it as being a figment of her imagination. She went to bed. She awoke in the morning feeling very odd. Something was inside her. In her vagina! It hurt like hell! What the fuck? She managed to get hold of the jagged edge with her fingers and remove the object. It was the rod from the cavity. As she...

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My Stepsister Hailey

When I was still a k** my father divorced my mother and married another woman called Veronica, she was a beautiful tall woman with long brown hair and clearly loved my father a lot.She also had a daughter from her first marriage called Hailey who looked a lot like her, and was about a year or so older than me, but as we grew up Hailey began to run wild, and eventually they shipped her off to boarding school, and except for holidays, I hardly ever saw her.Then when she turned 18 she finally...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 14 A Sister Dates and a Small Group Plays

Mark I knew something was up when I got home from the west coast Thursday morning. I’d slept on the plane – my own personal red eye – coming from Silicon Valley, and was in the office at seven-thirty. Melanie was already there, being hyper efficient, but there was an air about her that told me that something was amiss. Since I was still learning her moods and emotions, I didn’t ask her anything, but hoped she’d feel comfortable enough to come to me eventually with whatever it was. I hoped...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Prologue and Chapter One

The following is a story that's been bumping around in my head for the better part of two years. It's one of those where the hardest part has been how to start it, especially considering how confusing the beginning is. As with most of my other stories (yes, even the incomplete ones) it deals a lot with identity, particularly with characters that remember being one person but have the body and memories of a completely different person too. It's also a spy story because, well....who...

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The SisterhoodChapter 15

"Susan?" Jill asked, laying in her arms. "Mmm Yes, my bride?" Susan answered softly, playing her fingers idly though Jill's hair. "Has Cindy talked to you yet?" Jill asked. "No, she decided a week ago. She's still working up the nerve to talk to me." Susan chuckled, softly. "Why's she so timid?" Jill asked. "As if you didn't know. She's afraid I will oppose her taking the sixth level of Gongyla. I guess I scared her pretty badly when I made all that fuss before we first...

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Im Having Sex With My Stepsister But Fantasize About My Stepmother Part 2

The last few weeks have been very interesting. I can't stop thinking about my stepmother. The urges have been unbearable at times. My stepmother and I have not had sex in a few weeks. I constantly jerk off in her panties. I just dream of sucking her nipples. I loved when I fucked her. Her breasts were so firm and didn't even move. My stepmother is a natural size 38D. She’s so experienced and her pussy was just the best thing I ever felt. It really did feel like I was fucking velvet. I just...

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My Stepsister Hailey P5

As we sat in the kitchen eating breakfast on that bright summer morning, my stepmother said eagerly "Hey, why don't we all go to the beach today?""Yes!" exclaimed my stepsister eagerly "We haven't been for ages, and I want to work on my tan, before I go off to university!""Yes, why not!" agreed my father, and so as everyone else was eager to go, I said yes as well, and then we headed off to our rooms to get ready.Half an hour later we were in my fathers car heading for the beach, and because it...

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Im having sex with my stepsister but fantasize about my stepmother

My father recently married my stepmother. She’s a very sexy looking woman. She tells everybody she's a dancer, but she’s really a stripper. I think that’s where my father found her. She’s my father’s third wife. My father is always getting married. He’s a player and loves to have a sweet piece of ass on his arm. My mother left him years ago, because he couldn't keep his zipper up. He cheated on her with his secretary. My mother had a nervous breakdown and was unable to take care of me. I live...

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My Stepsister Hailey P4

Saturday was my big game, the season was over but our team had got to the cup final, and now our little town was going to play in one of the biggest football games we had ever played in, and I was one the key midfielders they were going to rely on.So, Friday night I eat well, had a light run down the park and back, and then got an early night so I would be fresh for the game the next day.However, the next morning I didn't count on my hot brunette stepsister, slipping into my room early to wake...

2 years ago
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StepsisterBy  Sonya  EsperantoStory:FIRST WEEK -  Monday Later AfternoonJames  was  out  by  the  backyard.  He  was  smoking  a  cigarette,  oblivious  to  the  fact  that  he  was  being  watched!!  His  backyard  faced  a  cliff,  that  overlooked  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.  He   lived  in  a  big  mansion,  on  the  top  of  a  hill,  somewhere off the coast of  Miami,  Florida. He  quickly threw away the cigarette,   since  he  believed  his  parents  would  be  home  any  moment!!  James ...

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The SisterhoodChapter 13

It seemed to those around her that Susan sailed through her eighth level like it was nothing. In fact she felt staggered over the step. She was beginning to have difficulty shutting people off. It seemed that half her time was spent with someone else's feelings crowding her own. But slowly she would learn to retune herself. As had happened when she first mentally spoke to Jill. It needed to be done, so she just did it. They gave Jane two days off before they joyfully started Jill's sixth...

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Defiled Stepsister

Defiled Little Stepsister "You really need to get your act together," Tiffany told herolder stepsister, Kelly. "The people you're hanging out with arenothing more than a****ls, disgusting street thugs. Why are youdoing this to yourself? Don't you want to attend college, meet anice man, settle down and have a family like I'm going to do?"Tiffany continued as she unpacked her clothes from the suitcase. Kelly stared back at her beautiful, younger stepsister withcontempt, but said nothing. ...

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Stepsister8217s Skillful Mouth 8211 Chapter One

Carmelita eyed Mark’s stiff cock with lust. She knew the devilish glint in her dark eyes told him better than words that his new Stepmother was more eat-hungry now than fuck-hungry. She was standing before him, naked from the waist down, baiting him with her cunt, while her wet pink tongue licked still another invitation across her plush red lips. Suddenly her heart was pounding faster when a wicked little smile creased his lips. Without waiting another second, she dropped to her knees...

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sisterly love

sisterly love.It was a weekend in the middle of summer. I didn't have much planned since I had to work early in the morning so I headed to bed early. What a bummer right? Well I was awoken in the middle of the night around 2am. I received a call from my brother in law to pick up my sister. She had been to the club and she was drunk. She only went there because the drive as well was drunk. They had nowhere else to go! So I got dressed and headed over to pick up my sister. My brother was working...

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My Stepsister Hailey P2

After having fucked my beautiful stepsister I really didn't know what to say or do for the rest of the day, it was amazing, and I did enjoy it, mainly because she had a beautiful tanned slim body, and her pussy was so wet and warm when it rode my cock, but she was still my stepsister and now I was really confused.Then eventually it was time for dinner, and my stepmother had made a big family meal to celebrate my stepsister coming home, and so I took my seat at the table beside my stepmother and...

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Fucking my sisters new sister in law

Several years ago I met and became very friendly with my sisters future sister in law. At a point I asked her out. She was really nice and a lot of fun to be with so I suppose I should have been prepared to have my nuts drained dry that first night! I hadn't planned on trying to fuck her but one thing let to another and pretty soon we were fucking like mad. Before I entered her she sucked my cock until she tasted my pre cum, licking and sucking on my balls and fondling my sack. I fingered her...

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Sisterhood of Sin 20 Clothed Females Naked Cate Bait

I take a deep breath, self-consciously adjust my mask, cinch up the belt on my trenchcoat and prepare to walk into the roomful of women. I'm wearing little else and the room is uncomfortably warm. But the trenchcoat is only a prop. I won't be wearing it long. I'm about to embark on a new phase of my association with the sisterhood. Barbie Malibu is introducing me. "When I try to come up with a sister who has come further, accomplished more, and shared more of herself with us than our guest...

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Sisterhood of Sin 2 Rule Number One

"For a few minutes, we've had seven members on our Red Council. What you do now determines whether we'll still have seven, or even whether you will still be able to honestly count yourself as a sister. Your coat and mask were bought at our expense. If necessary we'll be able to find a black card sister who would wear them, to carry on the legacy of Cate Blanc. If you fail to redeem yourself, you will leave here with neither of them." The prospect of losing my mask really hurts me. They must...

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The Sisterhood

The search for the sisterhoodSince the death of his wife, Philip had felt empty and alone. He wanted to be involved with other people and for years now he had known of the OWK – where dominant women ruled and men were their toys and pets. He had never visited but craved the type of domination they offered. He also knew that within the organisation was another more secret society the Sisterhood who were dedicated to the long term subjugation of male slaves. Eventually with great difficulty he...

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Brotherly Love Sisterly Love Part One

Brotherly Love, Sisterly Love - Part One RICHARD My brother and I were especially close, as twins often are. We shared everything, including all our thoughts, feelings, experiences and desires. Even though we were eighteen, we still shared a bedroom too. It wasn't like there were things that we kept private from each other, it was the two of us wanting privacy from the rest of the world. This closeness and togetherness was often particularly valuable to us as neither of us had...

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