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‘I brought you some food,’ James said gently as he walked into his room. Lena was still sitting against the corner and she stubbornly refused to look up at him.

‘I’m curious what you normally eat, do you have tiny food where you come from?’ James asked. Lena only glared up at him.

‘Here,’ James had unloaded the stuff onto his desktop. He picked Lena up out of the drawer and sat her on the desk as well. ‘Help yourself to whatever you like,’ he told her, motioning to the small range of food he had gathered from his kitchen.

‘You liar,’ Lena accused spitefully, apparently not able to hold her anger in any longer. ‘You told me that you had never seen a little person like me before, but then where did these clothes come from?’ she questioned.

She was standing now, and James could get a better look at her body. The shorts fit her pretty well. Her breasts were smaller than Barbie’s, though, and the shirt was a bit awkward. The neckline drooped a bit and threatened to fall off her shoulder. The shirt was intended to be a belly shirt, so it didn’t cover her torso all the way.

‘They are for a doll,’ James explained. ‘My sister has a bunch of Barbie dolls, they are really popular, and they sell a bunch of clothes to go with them.’

Lena looked at him suspiciously. ‘Here, I’ll show you,’ James laughed as he picked Lena back up in his hand and started to walk toward the attic.

Lena appeared to be very interested in all the Barbie things that were just her size. ‘Look at that house,’ she said to herself and James set her down inside of it. She curiously explored the big pink house. She tried to turn the sink faucet in the kitchen, which of course didn’t work. She opened the refrigerator door and inspected some of the fake food.

‘It’s all fake,’ she told him as she held a tiny plastic turkey that looked life size in her hands.

‘They’re just toys,’ he told her. She walked up the spiral staircase carefully, and lay down in Barbie’s hard, plastic bed.

‘What an intricate doll house,’ she said curiously, looking up at him.

‘So I guess you’re talking to me now?’ he questioned her with a grin. She just glared up at him, making James chuckle.

James reached into the box he had left open from before and pulled out one of the barbies, setting it down next to her. Lena closely inspected the doll that was as tall as her, grabbing its arm and moving it, feeling the hard, smooth plastic.

‘Are you hungry?’ he eventually asked, feeling hungry himself.

‘Yes,’ Lena said, and he picked her up, taking her back to his room.

James set her down on top of his desk where he had set all the food. He watched her interestedly as she inspected the fare. ‘What is all this stuff?’ she asked, picking up a potato chip in both her hands.

‘That’s a potato chip,’ he told her. ‘What sort of foods do you eat where you come from?’ he asked her curiously.

Lena eyed him warily, then hesitantly answered, ‘We have potatoes,’ she delicately sniffed the yellow crisp in her hands, ‘But no potato chips.’

‘Are your potatoes normal size?’ James asked her, picturing a bunch of men digging up a potato that was bigger than they were.

‘Yes,’ Lena looked up at him.

‘I mean, are they about the size of your hand or the size of your body?’ he asked her, realizing that she didn’t know what ‘normal size’ was.

‘The size of my hand,’ Lena answered.

‘Interesting,’ James said to himself. He was getting more and more curious to see the tiny village where she lived, where everything was the same except smaller.

‘Why don’t you try it,’ he said, as she was still holding the potato chip, but not eating it.

Lena looked from him to the potato chip, before she took a small bite out of it. She chewed and swallowed before looking up at him with surprised eyes. ‘It’s good!’ she said amazedly, taking another bite.

‘Wait till you try this,’ he said, handing her a small square of chocolate. ‘Have you ever had chocolate before?’ he wondered, and Lena shook her head no. She wasn’t so hesitant to eat this time, but eagerly took a bite.

‘That is so good!’ she exclaimed, ‘It’s better than anything I’ve ever tasted before!’ She greedily took a few more bites, ‘What else is there?’

Lena tried everything he had brought up. She really liked the cold pizza and cheese puffs. James laughed out loud when he saw how practically her entire face and hands had turned orange with the cheesy powder, and got her a napkin to wash herself. She had some of the vegetables and fruit he brought, but said that her village had those things, albeit smaller. She was more interested in trying the things she had never had before.

‘Aren’t you full yet?’ James asked, amazed how she had managed to fit so much food into her tiny body.

Lena groaned and sat down on the desk. ‘Are you okay?’ James asked her.

‘I feel sick,’ she said. James cursed himself for letting her pig out so much. It was too much to eat for anyone, let alone someone who had never had junk food before. He was just too enthralled with the ecstatic look in her eyes as she tried all the new things, and how cute she looked munching on the oversized food gripped between her two hands.

‘Sorry, I should have warned you,’ James admitted guiltily, ‘Junk food can make you feel a bit nauseated if you eat too much,’ he told her.

Lena just groaned, and James realized that she was turning green. ‘Oh no,’ he said, picking her up, realizing that she was going to puke. He rushed her to the bathroom and set her by the sink just in time. She leaned her head over the edge of the porcelain bowl, puking up the food she had just eagerly gobbled down.

‘You poisoned me,’ she said between her puking bouts, tears streaming down her face as she emptied her stomach.

‘No,’ James said horrified. ‘You’ll be fine. Just an upset stomach,’ he said. He rubbed his finger against her small back as she continued to puke into the basin.

‘There, there,’ he said soothingly, until her stomach was finally emptied. He turned on the sink to wash the remnants of her meal away and filled up a Dixie cup with cold water.

‘Here, drink some water,’ he told her. She was lying prostrate against the sink, her eyes closed. She didn’t respond. ‘Come on,’ he coaxed, ‘Just to get the taste out of your mouth.’

She opened her eyes, and struggled to sit up. James supported her back, and held the cup for her as she drank some water. James was so wrapped up in what he was doing that he didn’t even hear his sister come to the bathroom door until it was too late.

‘Holy shit!’ Jaime shouted, as she looked at the tiny person her brother was holding. At first glance, Jaime had thought that he was playing with dolls, but then the tiny figure moved.

James’s head whipped around, and he stared at his sister in horror. ‘What is that?’ Jaime asked, staring down at the woman.

‘Just relax for a second, J,’ James said, holding his hands out in front of him, looking a bit wary of her.

‘What is going on here,’ Jaime’s head whipped from her brother to the tiny woman who was looking at her a bit nervously.

‘Just hold on a second. I can explain everything,’ he said.

Jaime stared at her brother in shock, but didn’t say anything, only stared at him, waiting for the promised explanation.

‘Come into my room,’ he said, picking up Lena and carrying her with him. Jaime followed him, and James set Lena down on his desk.

‘J,’ he said to his sister, ‘I would like you to meet Lena. Lena, this is my sister Jaime.’ He said, not really sure where to start the explanation, and thinking that it was only polite to introduce them.

‘Hello,’ Jaime replied.

‘Hi,’ Lena said. She still looked a little sick, but still stood on her feet, looking appraisingly between James and his sister.

‘What the fuck is goin
g on?’ Jaime asked when her brother didn’t start answering her questions fast enough.

‘Okay,’ James said, ‘Knowing that there was nothing he could do but come clean to his sister. Lena says that she comes from a village in the forest out back, where there are other small people like her. She climbed on DeeDee’s back, who brought her to our yard. She fell in the pool, and I fetched her out and brought her inside and gave her some old Barbie clothes to wear.’ James told the basic events of the day, leaving out the parts which made him sound like a total ass, the part about him keeping her against her will.

‘What?’ Jaime said, more as an exclamation of disbelief than one of miscomprehension. She stared at Lena, who stared back at her.

‘This is insane,’ she said, but the proof was right there before her eyes. ‘Laura is going to freak!’

‘No!’ James shouted as soon as the words were out of her mouth. ‘You can’t tell anyone!’ he denied.

Jaime got a mischievous look in her eyes. ‘I mean it Jaime,’ James told his little sister.

‘What are you planning on doing with her anyway? She can’t stay here forever with no one finding out,’ Jaime warned.

‘I don’t know what’s going to happen yet.’ James told her, ‘She’s eventually going to go back to her village. We just have to find it first.’ James said this, though he and Lena hadn’t talked about it. She seemed to have started trusting him, but she might still be too suspicious to let him see her home.

‘Mom and dad are going to find out,’ Jaime said off-handedly. She was studying Lena, who was now lying on the desk, apparently having fallen asleep.

‘She got sick from eating too much,’ he explained to Jaime, who was looking at the little woman curiously. James was looking down at her fondly, and Jaime didn’t miss the look in her brother’s eyes when she glanced up at him.

‘You perv,’ she accused. James snapped his head around to look at her, startled.

‘What are you talking about?’ he asked, outraged.

‘You like her,’ Jaime accused. ‘Gross James. That’s just gross.’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just feel responsible for her.’ James was a little flustered by his little sister’s comment, which put a voice to what he feared was true. He did have some tender, inexplicable feelings for the girl. But nothing would come of it, so he pushed it aside.

‘Listen,’ he said, grabbing his sister’s shoulders. ‘You just have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone about her. Okay?’ his question was more of a command.

‘All right,’ Jaime held up her hands in surrender, and James let go of her shoulders. ‘If…’ she added, and James sighed and looked at her. It was just like Jaime to try and get something out of him.

‘I want you to set me up on a date with Todd,’ she said, crossing her arms, waiting for the challenge she knew her brother would give her.

‘Todd? Todd Clifton?’ he questioned disbelievingly. Jaime nodded.

‘Absolutely not,’ he denied, shaking his head in stunned disapproval. He had no idea that his sister had a crush on his former best friend, or would want to go out with him.

‘Then I’m telling everyone,’ Jaime said stubbornly.

James eyed his sister. She could be unpredictable sometimes, and he wouldn’t put it psat her to tell, just to spite him.

‘Why would you want to go out with a loser like him anyway?’ James tried a different tactic.

‘Nice way to talk about your friend,’ she said scathingly.

‘No, no way,’ James said, scolding himself for even entertaining the outrageous thought for a minute. ‘He’s nineteen years old!’

‘So?’ Jaime replied.

‘You’re thirteen!’ He couldn’t believe that she didn’t see how ridiculous she was being. ‘I’m not going to set my baby sister up with a nineteen year old pothead,’ he complained. He knew he was being unfair. Todd did smoke pot occasionally, but he wasn’t a mush-for-brains druggie by any means. Still at that point, he didn’t care. He wasn’t going to let his baby sister around some nineteen-year-old horn-dog.

Jaime’s mouth screwed up in anger. ‘Fine. I’m going to go tell mom and dad right now. She stomped out of the room, and it was only another second before James followed her. ‘Fine, fine,’ he said, catching her by the arm. ‘I’ll see what I can do.’

Jaime squealed and jumped up and hugged him. ‘Thank you big brother!’ she said happily, ‘Are you going to call him now?’ she questioned.

‘I’ll call him tomorrow,’ he said resignedly.

Jaime glanced at the clock. It was only around 7:30. ‘It’s still early. You can call him now,’ she said, eagerly pushing him toward the phone. Rather than argue with her, he picked up the phone and dialed Todd’s number, figuring that his friend would already be out. To his surprise, Todd picked up.

‘Hey man, you change your mind?’ Todd’s voice questioned from the other line.

‘Uh,’ James looked over at his sister. Rather than have her eavesdrop, he decided to just go hang out with Todd for a little while. His also figured it would make his friend a little more willing to help him. ‘Yeah, actually I did.’

‘Cool.’ Todd replied.

‘I’ll meet you at your house,’ he said, hanging up the phone.

Jaime looked up at him expectantly.

‘I’m going over there for a couple of hours,’ James told her, ‘Watch over Lena, okay?’ he asked her. Jaime nodded. Despite the fact that she could be a brat sometimes, he knew that he could trust her with important things, when it really came down to it.

‘Long time no see,’ Todd greeted his friend as he waited in the opened the door leading from the garage to his room in the basement.

‘Yeah, how’s it hanging?’ James greeted him, giving his friend a half hug and a pat on the back. ‘How’s college going for you?’ Todd questioned as he sat down on the couch. His room was exactly what you would expect from a community college dropout who was living in his parents’ basement. The coffee table had chip bags and game controllers strewed over it. There were crumbs ground into the carpets and dirty laundry everywhere. The only thing that appeared to be clean in the entire place was a basket of neatly folded laundry in the corner, obviously put there by his mother.

‘It’s good,’ James answered. He thought about asking his friend how things were going for him, but he knew that he was working at the local grocery store, and he didn’t really want to sound like an arrogant jerk by making him say it.

‘I’ve got a favor to ask you,’ James said, diving right in.

Todd laughed. ‘Ah, so here’s the reason for your visit,’ Todd said, making James feel guilty. There was good-natured smile on Todd’s face, though, showing that he wasn’t angry, making James feel a little bit better.

‘Um, you know my sister, right?’ James asked, not really sure how to ask his friend to take his sister out.

‘Yeah, sure. Jaime right?’ Todd nodded. He picked up a bag of chips of the table and offered some to James, who shook his head.

James continued as his friend munched. ‘Well, apparently she likes you or something,’ James shrugged.

Todd raised his eyebrows at him. ‘No kidding?’ he asked. ‘But what’s the favor.’

James tried to keep the look of disgust as he pictured this guy taking his sister on her first date, and just forced himself to ask the question. ‘Could you just, maybe, take her to he movies one night.’

Todd raised his eyebrow at his friend, setting the bag of chips down. ‘You want me to go on a date with your kid sister?’

James’s eyes narrowed at the way he phrased the question. ‘Yeah, I guess so,’ he said. ‘You’d just have to take her somewhere one time. Two hours at a movie then bring her back home.’ James was feeling more and more apprehensive the deeper he got into this thing. He was already starting to worry about his little sister, and Todd hadn’t even agreed yet.

‘Uh, yeah sure. I’ll take
the kid out. What the heck.’ Todd said, leaning back against the couch.

James was surprised at how easily Todd agreed to do this. James hadn’t even had to bribe him with money yet, which he for sure thought that he would have to do. This made him suspicious.

‘Todd,’ he said threateningly, ‘If you even lay one hand on my baby sister, I swear to God—’

‘Dude, dude,’ Todd cut him off, ‘Are you going to threaten me when I just agreed to do you a favor?’ he asked, though he had a teasing grin on his face.

James looked at him warningly. ‘Come on man,’ he said, ‘I wouldn’t make a move on my best friend’s sister,’ he said sincerely.

James once again felt guilty. Best friends. James hadn’t really thought about Todd that much since going away to college, but now he thought back on their time together in high school. Though they hadn’t discussed it back then, he guessed they were best friends.

‘Yeah, sorry.’ James said. ‘Thanks.’

‘Sure,’ Todd shrugged, ‘When do you want this to happen?’ he asked.

‘How about Saturday?’ he questioned. ‘You can pick her up at six and have her back by eight?’ James questioned.

‘Yeah, okay,’ Todd agreed. There was a knock on the door and some guys came down into the basement.

‘What’s up?’ there was a general greeting all the way around. James recognized two guys from high school, and they greeted him with warmly. There was another guy who James didn’t recognize, and Todd introduced him as a new friend.

They were discussing their plans to go out and meet up with some girls when James felt like it was time for him to leave. ‘I got go,’ he said to Todd.

‘What? You’re not coming with us?’ he asked.

‘Nah, I have stuff to do early tomorrow,’ he made up an excuse.

One of the guys from high school and Todd made a minimal effort to get him to stay before giving up and James made his escape.

As he drove home, he started thinking about Lena. He wondered if she was still sleeping or if she had woken up. Then he started wondering if she had woken up, what she would say to Jaime. What if she convinced Jaime to let her go? He felt a slight panic before he realized that even if that were the case, they wouldn’t go anywhere at night.

When he got home, he found that Lena was in fact still asleep, though a pillow was under her body. Jaime had fallen asleep in his bed, and he picked her up and carried her to her room before going back to his own bed. He found that he had some trouble falling asleep, and he simply lay in bed, watching Lena until he finally closed his eyes for the night.

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When they got to Scarsdale, Kennedy simply walked towards the taxi stand, Ferinc in tow. She waved him to get in the next available cab. "I'll be a second," she told him. "Sure, Kennedy." Kennedy took eight quick steps, grabbed the man who'd been following them and smiled. "Walk with me." He shook his head, but didn't say anything. She pulled a ballpoint from her purse's outside pocket and pressed it against his skin. "This contains a quick nerve-toxin. If I inject you with it,...

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night encounter

NIGHT ENCOUNTER By:benu It happened few years back when I was unmarried and 27 years old. I had enjoyed sex few times, but not prostitutes, but this incident true one is very special and I am not able to forget it till date. I was posted at Paradip Port, Orissa for some construction project and I was first to arrive to construct site office etc. Through the sub-contractor of office I appointed a advasi lady for cleaning of office, to serve tea and for other office activities on labour supply...

3 years ago
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Butlers DelightsChapter 12 Dinner For Two

At one of the dinners for the Emir and his wives, there was a telephone call for the Emir just before the dessert was served. During dinner he had been sucked by both of his wives, and the evening was clearly going to follow the usual course of such evenings, ending with some sexual games during and after coffee and liqueurs. Tonight was different; after the telephone call, the Emir said that he had to go and deal with a problem, and would be an hour or two. "You finish your dinners. I'm...

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TeenyBlack Aaliyah Hadid I Can Put My Fist In My Butthole

Aaliyah Hadid is an extremely hot and curvy ebony teen. Her tits are perfectly large, her ass bounces with ease, and her pussy is softer than cashmere. She also has quite the strong neck, making her the perfect receptacle for your long hard dick! For todays shoot, this self proclaimed little hoe bared all and rocked our producer’s cock into outer space and back! Seeing her black pussy get pounded was a spectacle, and watching her take a huge shot of cum to the face was just icing on this hot...

4 years ago
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At the office

I had many opportunities to enjoy some stroke time at the office. I owned the place so it was easy for me to play any time I got horny, which was several times a day. I had just shaved my cock that morning, and loved to stroke after a good clean shave. I knew that there would be times during the day that I could jack in front of girls walking by my shop. This particular day there was a lady that came by, she had come by many times and often came in said a few words and left. Well I had on a...

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Casey By Lott Goo By the time Casey was eight years old, he understood the differences between the two genders. He had good role models - his surrogate family, the Anderson's, and his parents. And while he couldn't recall ever meeting a bad man, Casey generally had trouble admiring males. It was different with women. He adored them. He liked everything about them. Casey had a lot of free time to think. His parents left the house early each day and returned late at night....

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Anns Confessions

The true story of a once sexually deprived woman My name is Ann; I am from Chicago and now live in Florida. In Chicago I had a perfect life with a decent man and my two daughters. We lived in a good upper middle class neighborhood and were happy. The only problem was my husbands sex drive; or the lack of is the way I should put it. I was a virgin when we married and refused to have sex for the first five days of our honeymoon. I finally gave in on the sixth day, my husband was well hung...

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High Heels

Friends had told me about my hubby many times, that he is cheating on me with other women. I don’t know why I didn’t react on that. It did bother me, but our sex life had changed into a once in month or less, and that one time was usually a fast job. I would lay on my back, legs fully open and he does his job pretty much in few minutes. If he’s over me 5 minutes he’s doing overtime. Usually it’s over by 2-3 minutes without me getting any kind of orgasm out of it, So I don’t count that as”sex”...

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My first gangbang

So Gunther used me as his sex toy for the next couple years. I had a lot of fun adventures over those two years and I'll tell you all about them. In good time but the first one I'll tell you about is my first gangbang. CSU was playing against Nebraska. Gunther had picked up a CSU cheerleader uniform for me and told me I was going to be hostessing a party during the game. While I had been shared with a couple of Gunther's friends before he hadn't subjected me to a full-on gangbang yet, I was a...

2 years ago
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Heart of the MountainChapter 5 Strange Bedfellows

Iden watched as Isabelle went back and forth, creating a pile of fabric that she had sourced from all over her cave. It was comprised of silken curtains, canopies from lavish beds, and elaborately embroidered drapes. There were billowing dresses, extravagant tunics, and gowns made from the finest satin that must have once been part of some wealthy woman’s wardrobe. Instead of blankets, she had assembled piles of fur coats and warm capes. These fineries alone were probably worth more than the...

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The Breeding Contest

Things were different in the breeder's world. In the hundred years since the great epidemic a great many things had changed from the way they were before. For starters, the epidemic had wiped out over three fourths of the world's population. Most of the males that had survived the original infection were rendered sterile. The ones that weren't were almost rendered obsolete by a radical feminist movement that took over governance for the next 75 years. Scientific advancements during this time...

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Not Statistics

Many thanks to my editor Erik Thread. If there are some errors still, its only because I played around a little with the final edits that Erik sent across. "So, Judy, are you getting married to Jack once the divorce is through?" My wife had informed me a week prior that she was divorcing me and marrying her high school boyfriend, Jack Ripper. She looked up from her plate. "Yes. You should be receiving the divorce papers tomorrow. I am asking for no support for me, no alimony. I just want...

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Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned

bymajukes©"Forgive me father for I have sinned. It has been one month since my last confession."Father Mulroney recognized Tommy Reynolds' voice clearly and smiled to himself with the expectant sweetness of this innocent boys' latest confession. Would it be looking at a girl across the quad again? Perhaps he felt guilty for eating too many sweets before bedtime. The Father chuckled lightly and waited for the naïve eighteen year old to speak."F... Father?" Tommy said slowly. "I'm in desperate...

4 years ago
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Its All About Communication

It's All About Communication I saw our new neighbors making love. Brandy and Sharon? Yes. What did they do, Sue? I didn't really look too carefully. Right. Give me the details. Did they kiss? Yes, Dan, of course they kissed. Who kissed who? First Brandy kissed Sharon, and then Sharon kissed her back. Did Sharon do it like this? (Kisses Sue) No. You were doing it like Brandy. Sharon was wilder and planted kisses all over Brandy's face and neck - like this....

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Demon InvasionChapter 8

White House, Washington, DC “Mr. President, I hate to disturb you so late in the day, but we just received a report from CIA headquarters. It is rather long, so I will summarize it. They have finally located the source of the monstrous creatures that have invaded America. There is an installation in the mountains of North Korea very near to the border with China, and your input is needed. In this installation is some sort of machine which is capable of transporting beings from one universe...

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My Sons Black Roommate

I was a forty-six year old trophy wife, even if I do say so myself. I work out three to five days a week to stay fit. I am five-feet-four inches tall and I have a 36D 28 34 body shape. My husband is a senior vice-president for a Fortune 500 company and he travels a lot.Recently he left on one of his week long trips. I decided to visit my son, Mike, at his college where he is a senior. I took a hotel room near his apartment. He and his roommate talked me into going drinking with them.His...

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Amanda explains why she likes to deepthroat guys and how she performs her task

I’m not sure she’s doing anything wrong. As I’ve said before, I don’t know why many women can’t deep-throat, even when they say they want to. I do know there are women like me who find it natural and enjoyable to take a cock in their throat. The best I can do is to pay attention during oral sex and to report what I experience in the hope that I might offer some insight or encouragement to women who want to please their bf. Yesterday (Saturday) seemed to be the day...

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You BetchaChapter 11

“Your turn, Bro. Truth or Dare?” Becca asked me now. “Truth,” I answered, feeling a bit more candid. “Do you feel affection for all five of us?” my sister demanded to know. I looked at the five cuties who already teased and tantalized as well as flirted with me, all of whom had been physically intimate with me. I naturally felt no shortage of love for Becca, her being my own sister. Heather wormed her way into my heart in stages while we became fuckbuddies. Melanie charmed me by a...

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Older Woman Holiday

This is a story that takes place on a Holiday. You pick which Holiday It also a tale of 3 mature women that hang together. They are 3 women with an appetite for young men and women (especially virgins). They are 3 women who loved to get into trouble and have adventure The characters Beth- Beth was black with short black hair and big hazel eyes. She was 55 and had a tattoo that said Wild child on her ass. She used to be an exotic dancer and made a good fortune at it. She was sassy and very cool....

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A Day in the Life

As if rising from a tranquil pool on a summer’s day, I come slowly awake. Without looking at the clock, I can tell it is still early and the sun has not risen yet. I float languidly in that twilight realm between fully awake and asleep, my brain disconnected, thinking of nothing in particular. I stretch slowly and become aware of the warm female body in front of me. My hand is resting comfortably on the round fullness of a breast, my hips snugly against a pair of soft buttocks. My nose detects...

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The morning after a night out with my sister

I'm going to re-post a series of stories I wrote under an old profile - the next chapter is on the way - so keep checking backPart 4Continued from my other stories...feel free to read those first to set the scene.I woke, feeling a slender arm d****d over me, gently stroking my cock which is getting harder in the knickers I'm still in from the night before.I relax and enjoy the feeling of nails through the black lace. Before long Jane's hand slides inside my knickers and takes her cock in her...

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Blondie part 2

Introduction: this is part 2 which i wrote to follow up and continue the part 1 story. of course i did add some to part one while i proof read it. still i hope you will enjoy them . Blondie part 2 by me It has been a couple of years since Blondie and her son started having sex with each other. During that time they have experimented with just about everything they could think of. Also during this time, Dagwood had run off with one of his secretaries. Blondie got a divorce and her and her...

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Wife Getting Her First BBC

Ever since I was a teenager dating girls I have always wanted to watch my girlfriends fuck another guy. Of course this never happened and I kept my desires to myself. When I got married during sex I began to tell my wife fantasies of her fucking other men, particularly black men with huge cocks. At first she acted like it didn’t interest her. But each time I told her my fantasies and lay next to her playing with her pussy and whispering my fantasies into her ear she would get more and more...

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Our First Weekend

I woke up in a pleasant daze, a bit later than I usually would, confused in that wonderful morning way about why the light through the windows was so bright. I made a guess that I must have been pretty tired last night to have forgotten to even close the blinds in my bedroom. I became even more aware of the open blinds as I realized that I was naked under my heavy comforter and soft sheets. Why did I sleep naked? I stretched, and remembered. It all came rushing back as felt the touch of...

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Shahina 8211 Incest And Sex 8211 Part 3

“Shahina, get up beta!” I heard a voice and was still on the bed. I woke up and saw dad standing there. “It’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Come and have food” he said..”Ya dad. Just give me some minutes.” I said and removed my blanket. My nighty was hiked up till my breast. I looked at dad and he gave a naughty smile. I came out of the bed, adjusted my nighty. “I think, someone had good time while I was asleep.” I winked. “somebody had good time last night” dad winked back. “and someone enjoyed...

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My New Girlfriend Kay

My New Girlfriend Kay I am single and I met this woman over an Internet dating service. I like a woman who is in command and knows what she wants, plus, according to her bio, we enjoyed the same activities, movies, books, etc. After a few phone calls, we finally decided to meet at a restaurant on a Tuesday night. I really liked the way she looked. Kay is a blond, with a nice build, and is as tall as I am. Two things I really liked about her were her great smile and her perfume. We saw each...

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Tarts Vicars Party

l had been invited to a Tarts & Vicars party whichwas being held to raise funds for a local football club, now as l was between girlfriends and l didn't have much of a sex life l agreed to go.So there l was standing in a corner dressed like a vicar watching a group of middle aged women all dressed like tarts dancing in the middle of the dance floor, as virtually everyone was in a couple l was thinking of leaving and going home when suddenly the DJ annouced that the next dance would be one...

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Wake up

I was walking home from a party, a boring one at that. My car broke down a few blocks away and I just didn’t have the patience to wait for the tow truck so decided to walk. I was in a bad mood, pissed, disappointed of my evening and to top it all off, it was starting to rain! It felt like life had won one over me and I was about to just drop it all. When you’re in a bad mood, you’re in a bad mood!I arrived at my door and quietly search for my keys. My neighbour’s a bit too nosy and will peek at...

2 years ago
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HOW THEY HAVE SEXACCOUNTANTS are good with figures.ACTORS do it on cue.ADVERTISERS use the "new, improved" method.AMBULANCE DRIVERS come quicker.ANSI does it in the standard wayARCHEOLOGISTS like it old.ARCHITECTS have great plans.ARTISTS are exhibitionists.ASSEMBLY LINE WORKERS do it over and over.ASTRONOMERS do it with Uranus.ATTORNEYS make better motions.AUDITORS like to examine figures.BABYSITTERS charge by the hour.BAILIFFS always come to order.BAKERS knead it daily.BAND MEMBERS play all...

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Group Study Fucking

Hello friends I am back again with another little story. I did not know under which topic I should have put this story couple incest or group since I like incest I will put it in that. Also I would like to thank ISS for providing such a beautiful platform that makes people share their sexual fantasies. I would request all my dear readers to please rate his story 5 or 1 and if you don’t like it so that next time I can narrate my sexual experiences better. I will try to keep the language simple...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 32

Once again, Dave could have skipped this month's trip to New York, except for the need to bring Shae home. Spending the time with her made it worthwhile, and he was anxious for the waiting to be over with. For the most part, the rest of the trip could have been done over the phone or not done at all. He visited Aaron Tietelbaum, more for a face-to-face than for a document signing since they'd been calling, faxing, and e-mailing back and forth regularly. Aaron had been able to defer and...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 196

I listened as the girls filled me in on today’s work. Lorrie had rented an entire wing of commercial buildings in the industrial park on Kent Island for a campaign center. It was only a few miles from the home office and a few more from Morton. It was just five hundred yards from the east end of the Bay Bridge. Being an industrial building, it was divided into very large offices and large empty work areas. Baltimore Office Supply was delivering office equipment and setting them up now as we...

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Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

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GloryHole Sarah Jessie 12252021

Sarah had one of those nights tossed and turning with her pretty little head filled with naughty thoughts. While dressing for work the next day for her boring old job she noticed she picked out something extra slutty. By the time lunch had rolled around, she was all worked up and not sure what to do about it. The bathroom stall at work would not be able to contain these moans she needed to make. She remembered her GF telling her about the Glory Hole and how a girl could get her needs filled...


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