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Lena stopped suddenly in her tracks. The animal was huge and looking right at her. Though the face was cute, Lena wasn’t fooled. The animal’s mouth was wide and panting, and the teeth looked were shard and carnivorous. He looked like he could crunch those teeth right into her flesh and bones, and he looked hungry.

Lena was too frightened to move. The animal was staring right at her. She could turn around and try to run away, but he would no doubt catch her. She might have a chance if she tried to play dead. The animal started trotting toward her. This is the end. She thought back to her mother, telling her not to go outside the village. The forest was dangerous, full of dangerous things. Oh why oh why hadn’t she listened? She was wondering now.

She could feel it breath as it sniffed her. It pressed its cold nose against her cheek then her shoulder then her stomach, sniffing furiously. Then out of nowhere, it licked her. Lena turned to look at the animal. It was as tall as her and covered in white fur.

It nuzzled her face with its furry head, and Lena suddenly wondered why she had been so afraid. The thing licked her again, and Lena hesitantly reached out and ran her hand over its head. She laughed as it wagged its tail.

‘What are you?’ she asked it in wonder. Her mother had been wrong after all. Her mother was way too overly cautious, she thought to herself. The outside forest was fine, it had such wonderful friendly creatures.

Lena continued to pet its fur, which was so soft and fluffy. The thing was about as big as a horse, which gave Lena an idea. Without really thinking it through, she wrapped her arms as best she could around its neck and was just able to maneuver herself onto its back. She discovered that the animal had some sort of necklace tight around its neck. She started to examine it, but suddenly the animal took off.

‘No, no,’ she called to it, holding onto the band around its neck so as not to fall off. ‘Slow down,’ she begged it, but the animal ran so fast. Lena closed her eyes and buried her face in the animal’s furry neck. It seemed oblivious to its passenger, and ran freely through the forest.

It wasn’t until Lena thought that she could hang on no longer that the beast slowed down. Lena immediately rolled off its back onto the grass. The animal trotted off without a care in the world, leaving Lena lying abandoned far from home.

‘Stupid animal,’ she cursed it as she stood up, but what she saw stopped her dead. She was no longer in the forest, but in a strange strange place. She was surrounded by grass. In front of her was a giant building made from some material she had never seen before. To her left was a rectangular body of crystal clear water with stone-like things surrounding it. Lena barely had time to take it in when she saw something that distressed her even more than the unfamiliar surroundings.

Lena screamed as she saw him. He was one of the giants her mother had warned her about, one of the horrible monsters that would do unspeakable things to her. Oh why hadn’t she listened to her mother and staid safely in their little compound? Why had she impetuously gone out exploring?

She knew he had seen her standing there in the grass, just as surely as she had seen him. After the first instant of startled fear, she knew she had to run. There was still a chance. She couldn’t outrun the monster, but perhaps she could find a place to hide, somewhere small to escape through.

She turned and ran. ‘Hey,’ she heard the booming voice call out behind her. There was nothing but empty grass in front of her, causing her to panic. Out of the corner of her eye she saw leafy bushes lining the side of the house. It was her only chance. If only she could escape his line of sight, she might be able to sneak away without him seeing.

She became suddenly aware that her feet were no longer running across grass, but rather something hard and stone-like. She became aware that she was dreadfully close to the big square of water. The man was right behind her, she wasn’t going to make it.

She could almost feel him bending down to scoop her up into his dreadful giant paws. She couldn’t see where she was running until it was too late. She found her self sprawled on top of a hard surface, a surface that was moving rapidly. She was so dizzy she didn’t even realize where she was headed until she hit the water.

There were no more thoughts, only an instinct for survival. The something hard had splashed overtop of where she fell, knocking her lower into the water. She kicked her arms and legs. She gasped, but there was nothing to fill her lungs but water. The water burned her eyes, so she shut them. So this was the end.


James took a swig of lemonade out of the container and put it back in the fridge. It was a hot summer day, and he was not looking forward to mowing the lawn, but knew he had put it off too long. This was his first summer back from college, and though he had missed his parents and home, he found that living with them again was a pain in the but. He had just gotten used to freedom, but was now was being once again forced to do labors around the house. He did get free food again, though, and his mother did his laundry, so he didn’t really feel like he had that much of a right to complain.

The sweltering sun hit him as soon as he walked outside. He groaned and started to walk toward the shed. Being outside in this heat just wasn’t fair, he thought. He was so busy complaining to himself that he almost missed her. He happened to catch a little fleck of color mixed in with the grass out of the corner of his eye. At first he thought it must be one of his sister’s toys, but he turned his head and what he saw caused him to stop dead in his tracks. It was a tiny girl.

He instantly remembered all the rumors of the tiny humans that still lived among them. He figured there might still be some tiny people left, but he never dreamed that he would see one. There was nothing misshapen or off about her. Everything about her was proportionate, except for the fact that she was no taller than his forearm.

She stood there staring at him with as much shock as he was staring at her. He could see a look of terror plastered on her tiny face, just before she turned and ran. ‘Hey,’ James called out after her. He didn’t want her to leave. He wanted to know where she came from, he wanted to talk to her.

James chased after her. He didn’t want to frighten her, but he also didn’t want to let her get away. He would calm her down after he caught her. He couldn’t get over how strange it was to see such a tiny little person running around. She was wearing a short dress, one that showed off her thighs as she ran. He perversely wondered what her tiny body would look like naked, and what it would be like to hold such a delicate, beautiful little creature.

James instantly chastised himself. She might be tiny, but she wasn’t a pet. She was still a human with human feelings. He was about to bend down and pick her up in his arms when she suddenly ran straight into his sister’s skateboard, which she insisted on leaving dangerously by the pool.

The girl hit the skateboard with all her momentum, causing the thing to fly forward and knock both the girl and itself into the pool. James was worried the little creature had hurt herself, and he ran and pulled the skateboard out of the water so he could see where the girl was. He could easily see her in the clear water. She was a sinking mass of hair and limbs. She was still shallow enough that he could just sink his arm into the water and grab her around the waist. He pulled her out, and she was instantly coughing and gasping, pushing the wet, tangled mess of hair out of her face.

James watched her with fascination as tried to orient herself after her tumble in the water. It took her about a minute to stop coughing and to get the water out of her eyes and nose and mouth. James held
her firmly and but loosely enough so as not to hurt her. He felt like King Kong holding this tiny woman in his fist.

She looked up at him, and seemed to once again register what was going on. She started to scream and kick her legs uselessly. She punched his hand and raked her tiny fingernails across his skin.

‘Shhh,’ he told the screaming girl. Not wanting any nosy neighbors to see what he had, he quickly walked back into the house. His little bundle was still screaming hysterically, so he cupped his hand behind her head with his thumb firmly over her mouth.

He felt her sharp little teeth the instant he did it.

‘Ow,’ he said, more in surprise than pain, as he pulled his hand away.

‘Let go of me you monster!’ she shouted at him, hitting his hand with her puny little blows.

‘Just hold on a second,’ James tried to tell her. She was trying to squirm out of his grasp.

‘You beast, you beast!’ she kept yelling at him.

‘Be quiet,’ James thundered at her, and she suddenly stopped struggling, seemingly realizing that it was hopeless. He could feel her body shake as she started to hopelessly sob. She put her hands up to hide her face as she cried, and James felt like a heel.

‘I’m sorry. Don’t cry,’ he told the girl. This actually seemed to help a little, since she looked up at him in confusion. Tears were still running down her cheeks, but her sobbing slowed down.

‘I’m James,’ he told her gently. She was looking up at him with trepidation, but with less terror than before.

‘What’s your name?’ James asked her.

She looked at him suspiciously, but seeming to find no reason not to tell him, spoke, ‘Lena.’

‘Nice to meet you,’ James answered.

Lena cocked her head up at James, then looked down at where he was holding her around the waist. ‘Are you going to put me down?’ she asked him.

‘Depends,’ he answered, ‘Do you promise not to run away?’

Lena glanced defiantly up at him for a moment, but then reluctantly nodded. James wasn’t sure whether or not to believe her, but he set her down on her feet on top of the kitchen table. How far could she really get? Her eyes darted around quickly, but she stayed in place. He thought he saw her spending a little too much time looking at the distance from the tabletop to one of the chairs, but then she turned back to him.

‘Who are you?’ she demanded, putting her hands on her waist. Despite her bravado, he could see that her whole body was shivering with fear. He felt admiration for the tiny, braveness she displayed.

‘I told you, I’m James,’ he answered.

‘What do you want with me?’ she asked him.

James wasn’t really sure how to answer that. ‘I’ve never seen anyone like you before,’ he answered truthfully.

‘I’d like to go home, then,’ she told him.

‘Where’s home?’ he asked curious now. Did she live with more little people like her?

Lena looked at him suspiciously and didn’t answer. ‘What’s your home like, then?’ he asked, ‘Who do you live with?’

‘I live with my parents. They are going to be really worried about me.’ It was her intention to make him feel guilty for holding her there, and it worked.

‘Don’t worry, I’ll let you go home,’ he told her, and her head shot up with shock and glee.

‘Really?’ she said, as though he had just said the most unexpected and impossible thing.

‘Yes,’ he told her. ‘How old are you?’

‘What does it matter?’ she looked at him untrustingly, ‘Can I please go now?’

‘Geez,’ he said, ‘I’m just curious. I told you, I’ve never seen anyone like you before. How about you answer some questions and then I’ll let you go. Okay?’

‘What do you want to know,’ she crossed her arms.

‘How old are you?’ he asked again.


‘I’m nineteen,’ he told her, not that she cared though. ‘How did you come to be in my yard?’ he questioned.

‘An animal brought me here.’

‘An animal?’ he questioned, ‘What kind of animal.’

‘I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like it before.’ James noticed that she had stopped shaking, and that most of her reluctance and fear slowly seemed to be leaving her. ‘It was big, like a horse, but it was a lot more furry and had a bigger head.

‘Big like a horse?’ he questioned her. ‘You have horses where you come from?’

‘Yes. I have one of my very own. Her name’s Bristles.’

‘Exactly how big is your horse?’ James asked her curiously. The horses must be miniature too, for the tiny people to be able to control them. Lena gestured on her hand about as high as her shoulder.

‘What color was this animal?’ James asked, an idea formulating in his mind.


James burst out laughing, immediately knowing what she was talking about. ‘That was my dog.’ James was laughing at the idea of his family’s tiny, yipping dog being described as horse size.

Lena looked at him in confusion, then in anger. ‘What’s so funny?’ she demanded.

James stopped laughing. Lena was looking at him so haughtily, all signs of fear were gone. He was happy that this little girl had come to trust him enough to stand up to him without fear.

‘Nothing,’ he told her, the dog of course would seem large to her tiny frame.

‘You’ve never heard of dogs?’ he questioned her, and she simply shook her head. ‘I’m curious. How did my dog bring you back here?’

Lena shrugged and seemed to be a little embarrassed. ‘He was about the same size as a horse. I though I might try to ride him,’ she shrugged. ‘I climbed on his back and grabbed the thing that was around his neck. But then all of a sudden he started running so fast, and all I could do was hold on. I climbed off as soon as he stopped.’

‘How long were you on his back?’ James questioned with a smile at the curious girl who got stuck on his dumb dog’s back.

‘I don’t know, but it seemed like forever. I was too afraid to let go.’

‘Have you ever seen a normal size person before?’ he wondered.

‘Everyone I know is normal size.’ James wasn’t sure if she was being defiant or if she really didn’t know that people weren’t naturally her size.

‘Have you ever seen anyone my size then?’ he asked her. If she didn’t know that people weren’t supposed to be that little, he didn’t want to be callous and tell her. And if she only said that out of anger, he didn’t want to sound patronizing by explaining.

‘No,’ Lena shook her head.

‘But you know about people my size?’ he questioned.

‘My mother told be about you,’ she nodded.

‘What did she say? How does she know about us?’

‘My mother used to live with the giants before my father brought her back to our village.’

‘How many people live in your village?’ James asked.

Lena shrugged, ‘I’m not sure.’

‘Are there a lot of people? Do you know everyone?’

Lena shrugged again. ‘I know everyone. I’m not sure how many of us there are. Maybe 500 or so.’

James raised his eyebrows. ‘And you live out in the woods?’

Lena nodded. James found it hard to imagine a whole village of 500 little people living in the forest behind his house.

James was thinking of another question to ask her when the phone suddenly rang. Lena jumped suddenly, whipping her head around to see where the sound was coming from. ‘What’s that?’ she now had a question for him.

‘Just the phone,’ he told her as he went to answer it.

‘Hello,’ he said into the receiver.

‘Hey man, how’s it going?’ it was his friend, Todd.

‘It’s going,’ James said, trying to sound casual. If he was going to tell anyone about the little person he found, it sure wasn’t going to be Todd. The guy could be fun to hang out with sometimes, but James found him to be a general dipshit—a funny dipshit, but none the less.

‘Do you want to go pick up some babes later tonight?’ Todd questioned,
as if he ever got any girls.

‘No, I’m busy,’ James said. He hadn’t really hung out with Todd or any of his other high school friends since the summer began. He felt like college had matured him in some way, and his old friends kind of got on his nerves.

‘Whatever dude, your loss,’ Todd answered, ‘I got some real fine hunnies lined up.’

‘I’ll pass. Talk to you later,’ James said, hanging up the phone. During the conversation, he had been watching Lena the entire time, making sure she didn’t try to do anything stupid like hurl herself off the table and make a break for it.

Lena looked at him curiously when he hung up. ‘What was that?’ she questioned him.

‘The telephone. You’ve never heard of a telephone?’

Lena shook her head. James decided that he wasn’t surprised. He guessed that the little people probably had no way of getting electricity or appliances in their little village in the woods.

‘The telephones always me to talk to people who are far away,’ he explained.

Lena immediately perked up. ‘You mean I could talk to my parents?’ she questioned, eyeing the telephone longingly.

James shook his head, sorry to disappoint her. ‘It doesn’t work like that. The other person has to have a telephone too.’

‘Oh,’ Lena’s shoulder’s dropped. ‘Do you have anymore questions?’ she asked dejectedly.

‘I guess not,’ James said. ‘Though I would like to see your village.’

Lena suddenly started with panic, ‘You can’t!’ she practically shouted.

‘Why not?’ James asked. ‘It sounds fascinating.’

Lena suddenly got a look on her face like something horrible had just occurred to her, like she had made a terrible mistake. The look of terror returned to her eyes and she looked accusingly at him.

‘What?’ James questioned, really having no idea why she was suddenly so upset.

‘I’m not stupid,’ Lena gasped out, ‘I can see what you’re trying to do. I would never, never lead you back to my family and friends! Do what you want with me, but you won’t get anyone else.’

Despite the fact that her quivering had returned, she put a determined expression on her face and tried to set her body as rigidly as possible.

James now looked slightly horrified. ‘I’m not going to do anything to you, and I don’t want to hurt any of your friends either.’ James tried to assure her.

‘You told me you would let me go. If you’re telling the truth, then keep your word. Let me leave,’ she asked him.

‘It’s dangerous out there in the woods. I would take you back to your village, but if you went by yourself, you could get hurt. Do you even know the way back?’ James was genuinely concerned for the small girl who could so easily get hurt or lost out in the forest, but all Lena heard was that she was not allowed to go back on her own. This seemed to confirm her fears, and she started crying, thinking she would never see her family again.

‘Now stop crying,’ James told her gently, but she couldn’t.

James then heard the garage door opening. ‘Oh shit,’ he cursed, knowing that it was his parents coming home.

James quickly picked the girl up and raced her up to his room. She wasn’t even fighting him anymore, just sobbing.

He went up to his room and quickly looked for a place where he could keep her. He opened the deep drawer in his desk, throwing out the few things he had in there and setting the girl down inside. The drawer was deep enough that she could stand up with about an inch or two overhead. There was enough space that she could walk about five or six paces from front to back and about three from side to side. All she did, though, was sit down and continue to cry.

‘James, we’re home!’ he heard his mother call from the kitchen. ‘Did you mow the lawn?’

‘Not yet mom!’ he called out to her.

‘James, you had all day!’ she shouted back, ‘Now you get down here and mow the lawn before the sun sets,’ she said sternly.

‘Coming!’ he called.

‘I’m going to have to leave you here for a few hours, okay? We can talk more in a little bit.’ James started to shut the door, but then felt horribly guilty for what he was about to do.

He opened the drawer back up and quickly grabbed a clean shirt from his closet, balling it up so she would have somewhere soft to lie down. He was about to close the drawer again, but his mind was suddenly filled with visions of his mother coming to pick up his room or put laundry away, and hearing a tiny voice coming from his desk drawer.

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My name is neeta. I’m a 41 year old wife to my husband prakash and the mother of a 19 year old daughter who is away at us for further study. Most people say i’m not bad looking. Medium length brownish hair, rather long and slender legs, and 34c breasts which are now drooping a bit unfortunately. I was having lunch recently with my old time school gujrati friend beena, who is the single mom of an 18 year old son karan who just recently started at the local college and still lives with her. We...

4 years ago
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Seducing My College Professor

Before I get into the story, let me tell you a bit about my background. I’m a conserved guy. I’ve always been a Milf fan, and always shall be. This happened 6 months ago during my final year of engineering. I studied in a reputed college, and the heroine of the story is Anita. When I was in my third year, sixth semester, she took one subject for me, at that time she was not married. Her assets: she is dusky in complexion with an exceptionally healthy, shiny skin and a long luscious head of...

1 year ago
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Vengeance 17

We sat on a blanket on the stones atop the roof of my three story dorm, looking into the small town that was a literal two minute walk away. It was a cold November night, but snow had not yet started to fall. She wore a hoodie over a long sleeve shirt over a black tank top over a black lace bra. I know because I picked it all out. I had a hoodie and an equal number of layers on also. I sat against the tall chimney and she sat in between my legs leaning against me, her hands and mine in...

3 years ago
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Flirting with Strangers cuckold

When my now husband and I first got together we were just fuck buddies, he was staying in my flat under the agreement we were just good friends with benefits, he would often come home after sleeping out, before he had a chance to wash I would suck his cock knowing that it had just been in another woman (I liked it) well, after a while I found this a little one sided so I decided to make him jealous in the hope we could be more than just friends with benefits, after chatting up a guy (Adam) in...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Sophia Burns Never Meet Your Heroes

SCENE OPENS on Alexa (Sophia Burns), a political intern, arriving at a lofty home. She is a little nervous as she is led into the living room where she waits with bated breath as her political idol, Eleanore Cadwin (Rachael Cavalli), comes down the stairs and greets her with a warm smile. It is revealed that Alexa is a promising intern working for Eleanore’s political campaign. She has called Alexa to her home for a special meeting with her husband Mel (Seth Gamble). Alexa gushes over...

3 years ago
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The Exchange Tower pt 2

Sally Brightwall looked at her fiancé’s boss and an immediate feeling of anxiety swept over her. Although he was smiling pleasantly, the dangerous glint in his eyes told her enough. ‘What do you want Stephan?’ she asked coldly, already suspecting the answer. ‘If you think I’m gonna get on my knees and beg for forgiveness, forget it. I’ll take my chances. When Peter finds out what you’ve done, he’ll kick the shit out of you.’ Stephan looked disdained. He’d expected some resistance, in fact...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 8 Holidays

In the summer of that year, two young American girls in a small town in the rural mid-west decided that a package tour to Europe was too tame for their sophisticated taste, so they booked to visit Tunis for two weeks. The temptations were, in increasing order of importance, guaranteed sun, easily available means of getting stoned, and above all, legal access to alcohol. It never ceases to amaze American youth when they learn that the USA has the highest legal age limit on drinking in any...

1 year ago
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Dreams Within Dreams

Beep ... beep ... beep... Denae’s head hurt so bad that the quiet beeping of the heart monitor was like a droning drill pounding away at her. Her memory was fuzzy, she remembered Hammer holding her like she was on auction. Except then she had barely thought of herself as Denae, the name hadn’t been a practice a habit, then again her balls didn’t ache like she thought they should have if Snake, the mean and ugly fucker who had introduced himself to her by squeezing them ‘til she passed out...

2 years ago
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Picking up a handsome black man

My lovely Victor had flown to New York and next day my company sent me to a quick trip to Chicago.When I got there I called my hubby and he said he was missing me already. Instead of telling him that I was missing him too; I warned him that I would not miss the opportunity to take a little personal time for myself. Victor laughed and recommended me to be careful with black cocks…or my tight cunt would be so sore…That same night I searched adult profiles in the Chicago area. I finally stumbled...

1 year ago
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Orgasm Deficit

Last winter my wife flew out to spend a week with me on a jobsite. My assignments away from the office seem to be increasingly longer and more frequent, so we were looking forward to quality time together. Unfortunately, as so often happens, problems developed, cutting into our time together. My cheap short-term studio apartment was no fit place for her to spend time alone. A major winter storm was forecast for the weekend. We were concerned about making her flight, as she had commitments...

2 years ago
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The sweet smell of excess supernatural sex

Tom realised he was lost. Hopelessly and utterly lost. And with the light fading fast, he probably had less than an hour to find shelter for the night. He knew exactly where he’d gone wrong, taken the wrong track at that three-pronged junction a mile back. But there wasn’t time to back-track at this hour. Press on and hope to find a field barn in which to spend the night. After coming down from university, Tom had rashly elected to tackle a solo 60-mile wilderness walk across south Wales,...

4 years ago
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Male Enhancement Pills and the Wifes Sisters Part I

Introduction: Who knew that buying something informercial would change your life so drastically? Thank you for taking a shot reading my story. It will start a little slow for most of your liking, as I really like to take care in making you care about the characters, and I try to make people seem as real as possible (Except for having extreme physical features — that is TOTALLY UNREALISTIC!). Hopefully you dig it and if you would, please offer some constructive criticism. I originally...

2 years ago
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Mark Lupin 1 Feeling desired CH 1

You may call me Mark Lupin I dont want to seem cold or anything, but I would prefer it if you did not know my true name. Im 16 years old and I live in Canada. Im white, not too tall, but Im very strongly built. Its not like I had rock hard abs or anything, but Im pretty large and muscular. My hair is long and dark brown, just like my eyes. I may be young, but I still have a little beard I need to shave every once in a while. Im smart, very smart and also very popular even if Im quite the...

3 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 10

"Merry Christmas, Gunny," I murmured leafing through the instruction manual for one of the control consoles. "If you need any help with the computer side of this stuff, just let me know, but it looks like it's fairly straightforward to set up and program. Tell me who you think you can trust to help with the placement and hookup of these units, and I'll send 'em down. Anything you don't need to deploy should be moved out of that cave to a more secure location, but this little spot might...

2 years ago
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Finally Nailed My Aunt

HelloLush Stories readers. I am Kritagya, 27 years living in Kolkata. I am tall and slim have a fair complexion and look cute. If you like the event that I am going to narrate then please do send in your views to . The main character of my story is my Aunt. She is an awesome lady. I bet any one who looks at her can't ignore the erection in their pants. Her boobs size are 34B and her hips are 38. She is a bit plump on her waist and very short in height but when she wraps her selp in a saree...

2 years ago
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Student Nurse Part 2 Lingerie Purchase Payoff

Student Nurse, Part 2: Lingerie Purchase Payoff Lois and Aline had experimented with the nurse’s uniform and the lingerie, so they knew their potential. Nearly transparent, the uniform showed her sexy undies quite well in most light. A slip and a lab coat gave her options to preserve modesty. After her last final, Lois returned to the dorm, showered and changed into her nursing uniform. She pulled the stockings up her legs and fastened them to a sturdy, white garter belt trimmed with lace. A...

Straight Sex
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Dog and His BoyChapter 2 A Real Bargain

Linda looked outside and said, "Honey, let's go back through Nevada and take the northern route home. I want to stop in Las Vegas and win some money. Wouldn't it be fun to gamble a little?" She had an expectant smile on her face. Charley said in a patient voice, "Honey, I know you know very well, people don't win all the time in Las Vegas. They don't even win much of the time. If they did, the casinos would all go broke." Brian's Dad was a practical man, not given to dreaming. He...

4 years ago
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I was nineteen then. I had no father and only mother looking after our family by doing daily wages. During rainy season daily wages works hardly to come by. I was forced by motherto bring necessary food items at local vendor. The shop owner’s son Sewalal who was in mid twenties used tolike me and sell items to me at reduced rates or even on credit basis. The same facility was not extended to my mother. He often kisses and hugs at any given opportunity at the shop. Somehow he made me to believe...

4 years ago
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Only Time Will Tell part II

Winter is upon us now. Rick and I have now been carrying forward our arrangement since the summer. We have been having a lot of fun with each other, perhaps too much fun for us to call it casual any longer. I bite my tongue knowing Rick doesn't want serious. I have now found myself staying at his house most nights. He works mostly nights, and me days, so we typically only see each other in passing. It beats living in the guest house at my mothers. Please... there's also no other place I would...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Lamb of GodChapter 2

Shortly after midnight, with the inspection area miles behind them and their trip half over, no one had yet made a move to resume the games. Buddy was up front but asleep and leaning against the door. The others were in the back--two sleeping, one thinking, two playing a dumb arm-slugging game. Karen wore only the blouse and shorts and was snuggled up to Bob, not so much to be loving, but to talk privately. With the radio on, they didn't need to whisper, just talk quietly and close. She...

2 years ago
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Twin AngelsChapter 9

The Port Traffic Control Center called up on CH 16, and told us to go to another channel to get our instructions. We brought up the channel and reported in. They gave us a little briefing. Daddy started up the starboard genset, made sure all the routing switches were set so all batteries were charging. When everything was ready, daddy reported that we were standing by. It was dark, but we had installed very good LED lighting on the lower spreaders on the masts. The lights shone down on the...

1 year ago
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MomDrips Riley Reyes Double The Cum

Riley Reyes is a modern woman. When her man struggles to make ends meet, she does not sit around to bitch and moan. She takes things into her own hands. Under the cover of darkness, she fucks rich men for big bills. And with a bombshell body like hers, its no wonder how she is able to stack the cash so quickly. When her husband finds out, she is afraid he will be angry, but Instead, he is thankful. In fact, he is so grateful, he feels the urge to fuck her with some other guys cum already inside...

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Mom goes camping

My husband died in November leaving me with two teen-age sons to raise by myself. He also left us well off. Enough so that I would never have to work again. However, I am young enough to miss him badly. I loved my husband but for sometime before his untimely death. We had not done much in the husband wife department. I had always enjoyed sex; I was easy to climax and somewhat adventurous. During our sixteen years of marriage I had read a few books that suggested that there were more than one...

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when i was alone

I knew all about masturbation but yet never tried it in fear of getting caught my parents. The first time I tried masturbating my parents were out at dinner on a date. I loved it. I just couldn’t stop. I was addicted to it. I played with my self until my parents came home. A week later I popped my cherry with a pen. Oops I am trailing off sorry. Any ways I was in my room when my mom called up to me and said “Sally I am going to the store would you like to come with?” I replied, “No thank...

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understand what it means to be a bisexual male chatper 5

His forceful nature had become unstoppable after he found out that I wanted it rough. The problem was that I didn’t want it rough I need it. I wasn’t happy or excited without it. As he held me against the wall I felt my breathes came fast as he stared into my eyes. His mouth smashed against mine and his tongue forced its way in my mouth. When he pulled back I saw a glint in his eyes that I had never seen before. His breath brushed against my skin as he neared my ear. “It’s been a very long...

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The Chosen of DestinyChapter 3

Silence. Hate it. I fuckin' HATE IT! Especially when it's coming from Alex. Michael thought as they flew down the highway, going about eighty. It looked like they were out in the middle of nowhere. He hadn't seen a house for miles. And besides feeling bad that Alex was mad at him, he was furious with himself about losing control, again, on a boy none the less. Then the motorcycle started to slow down a bit. And they pulled into a drive way that had a run-down looking house at the end of...

4 years ago
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How I Took My Cute Girlfriend8217s Virginity

Hey guys, this is my first story on iss, I’ve been reading a lot of stories here but all of them sound like fantasies.. So I wanna share my dick raising real story of my first encounter with my gf. She was a virgin and we’ve been in a relationship since a year. We were in relationship for a long time but it being long distant….we never got to fuck each other except for some foreplay and smooches. We have been doing some vid sex on Skype but one day when we were both back home in our city…we got...

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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 26

"Are you mad?" Gronnus roared. Jollis stood, calm and implacable, and regarded the Overlord. "Is there a problem with the offer, Overlord?" "I would say there is a rather large problem with it! My remaining slaves are worth three times that amount!" "My Masters beg to differ. This is their offer. You have only to accept it." "I do not accept it!" Gronnus yelled, shaking his fist. "They are cheating me! I paid far more than..." "You did not hear me properly, Overlord," said...

2 years ago
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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 8

Introduction: Selena faces new threats and revelations A/N My dear readers! Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me and this story for so long. I sincerely apologise for the wait between this chapter and the previous one, I really have been writing whenever I am able. I doubt any single chapter would be worth a whole year of waiting, but as with everything I write I have poured my soul into Part 8 and I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it. As always PLEASE rate, comment and email me! I love...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 41

In the parking lot of the Senior Towers Gus said, "So you coming up or not?" "Gus, I am flattered, but I just met you," I answered. "If you can't trust an old Marine, who can you trust?" he asked with a charming smile. "Okay, but I reserve the right to leave at any time." "Fair enough. At least you can relax nobody will have any idea where to look for you." he said. "Well this van stands out like a Siamese cat at a dog show," I commented. "Ah, but there are over two...

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The New Man of the House

Mother called me the week before Christmas Vacation. I was just finishing up the first semester of my Senior Year of Med School and getting ready for a three week snowboarding trip in Colorado with a group of friends. She wasn't quite crying yet, but I could hear a quiver in her voice.I had been an only c***d and mom and I had become extremely close after she and dad divorced. She loved to take me shopping with her and would always come out and model for me after she had tried the clothes on in...

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Split Tails RanchChapter 6

The drive was like any other I had ever been on. Hot, dusty, filled with stubborn animals who didn’t want to leave their home range. By the third day we had them almost trail broken and life was getting easier. The old brindle cow who had assumed the lead position was up before daylight most days, ready to begin the journey. I decided she would be spared the fate of the others and would bring her home with us. A good lead cow is as valuable as a good hand. We’d been on the trail for four...

4 years ago
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The Fox and the Wolf

Author’s note: all characters portrayed inthis story are eighteen or older. Feedback is welcomed, desired and appreciated. Just don’t hurt my feelings! The classroom was a mess, people separated in loud companies, guys throwing paper airplanes, gals talking loudly about their nails or hair and others sitting quietly, waiting patiently by the seats they had chosen for the rest of the school year. It was raining heavily outside, so what little time the class had before the lessons started, they...

3 years ago
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Dont Judge A Book Part 3 Chapter 17

Wednesday 8th May 2019, early eveningVeronica and I had spent a wonderful day together. We had breakfast and took a very happy Haley to school, then returned to her condo and made love for the rest of the morning. We just about found the energy and self-control to drag ourselves out of bed and head to a local restaurant for a light lunch, followed by a walk in the park before it was time to collect Haley and head home.A perfectly lovely late afternoon and early evening had ended with Haley...

Wife Lovers
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Alonein the Woods

'...' thoughts. 'I'm going to fucking kill her.' I keep repeating over and over as I'm forced to walk home. 'Oh don't worry Alyssa, I won't get fucking hammered and leave the party without you.' I think of all the things I wish I could do to Elle, getting even more pissed because they're all illegal. Earlier in the night we went to a Christmas party together. Booze, drugs and slutty elves. Dressed in a short red mini skirt, boots up to my knees and fishnet stockings with a...

1 year ago
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My sex starved didi

I am Jogesh from mathura dist interier village, i brought up in village at the age of 20 i got a supervisor job in a autobakery at merath ,i finished bakery course, during my course i was away from vaction i went to native spent ten days the time i went my sisters home ( my fathers brothers daughter) she was 33 and i was 19 ,i spent 8 days with her she and me very much attracted ,she sad all her personal stories , i also told my institute stories. She was divorsed ,first one...

1 year ago
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Playing Bagpipes By A Lady In Bus

Hello readers. This is Sarfaraz Khan back with another exciting and unique story about playing bagpipes. I think most of you know about me from my previous stories. I’m a 23 year male from a South Indian city. Those who haven’t read my are requested to read and enjoy cumming hard. All my stories are unique in their own ways, and I try hard to avoid repeating similar stories. So this story is like that and I leave to upto you to decide if it is real or imaginary. So it happened that I was...

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