ConflictedChapter 3 free porn video

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After turning off my alarm with an annoyed grunt, I got up and drowsily trundled over to my bathroom. Taking a cold shower woke me up immediately, and after getting dressed and grabbing my stuff I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I nearly yelped with surprise as I walked into the kitchen to find Amanda standing in front of the open refrigerator, wearing nothing but one of my sister's sleeping shirts which covered very little of her magnificent butt. She was very evidently not wearing any panties. Her golden blonde hair was hanging down her back, almost teasingly swishing across her butt as she bent slightly forward to search the fridge.

It's just not fair! I thought to myself. The two of them are determined to get me horny everywhere I go! I sighed and cleared my throat, averting my gaze to the ceiling as I did so.

Amanda squeaked as she whirled around. "Oh Damon, you scared me!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. I figured if I didn't say anything you'd be startled once you suddenly saw me standing here," I said softly.

"Yeah, that's probably true ... why are you staring at the ceiling?"

"Um, you're not exactly dressed for company."

"Oh crap!" she exclaimed. "I must have, eh, I think my underwear, I..." She sighed as she realized the futility of trying to come up with any kind of plausible reason for why she wasn't wearing any panties. "I'm not very good at coming up with lame excuses, am I?"

I smiled at her, though like a gentleman I still kept my eyes averted.

"I slept in the nude," she continued softly. "I was hungry for a snack, and I didn't figure anyone would be up at this early hour, so I just didn't bother getting all the way dressed. I'm sorry."

"No harm done here," I said, my mind imagining her lying naked in my sister's bed, even if just sleeping. I had to fight hard not to groan, since after what I'd seen them do in the shower together, the odds of them just sleeping were fairly small. I felt a shiver run across my spine at the thought of Amanda fucking Kelsey in her bed.

"Why are you up so early?" she asked, apparently quite eager to change the subject.

"I've got a swim meet at ten."

"Oh really? Can we come watch?" she asked, sounding intrigued. I heard her slide a chair out from underneath the table.

"Uh, sure, I guess. I'm not sure it'll be all that exciting, it's just a high school meet. Normally I'd just skip it, but it's good preparation for the State-semis next week."

"Hey, you came to watch us. Only fair we come watch you, right?"

I smiled, still keeping my eyes glued to the ceiling. "I hope Kelsey agrees with you on that."

"She will," Amanda said confidently.

"If you say so."



"You can stop staring at the ceiling, you know."

I lowered my gaze and saw she had taken a seat at the table, her partial nakedness mostly hidden. She gave me a sweet smile, and I felt my stomach churn a little. God, she really was amazingly beautiful.

"Didn't you come down for a snack?" I asked, noticing that she didn't have anything on the table.

"Well, I was hoping you guys would have some fruit, but it's in those boxes, and I wasn't sure if I could take that."

"Yeah, it's fine," I said, walking over to the fridge. "They're my fruit salads, but I'll be happy to share one with you."

I reached into the fridge, grabbing two of the fruit salads along with a few cold chicken breasts wrapped in foil. I put one of the boxes of fruit in front of Amanda, returning her grateful smile, then sat down across from her and opened the foil. I eagerly tore into one of the chicken breasts, watching the slender blonde take a few grapes and a piece of melon. As I chewed my chicken, I stuffed pieces of fruit into my mouth at a regular pace.

"That sure seems like a lot of food this early in the morning," Amanda remarked. "Not that there's anything wrong with that!" she added hastily.

"Goes with being a swimmer," I said, my mouth full of chicken. "Got to eat a lot to keep my energy level up."

"How much is a lot?" she asked curiously.

"Seven thousand calories. A day."

"Are you serious?" she exclaimed. "A day? I don't think I eat that in a week!"

I gave her a knowing smile. "That's why I can swim faster than you can."

She giggled as she took another piece of melon before closing the box. She looked at the fridge as if trying to judge whether she could walk over there without exposing herself to me.

"Don't worry about it, I'll eat that," I said, nodding at the box.

She smiled and slid it across the table to where I could reach it. "All that food must be pretty expensive, huh?"

"Yeah, I think my parents would have preferred it if I'd taken up cheerleading too, but I'd look terrible in a skirt," I grinned, causing Amanda to laugh delightedly.

We chatted awhile about typical, everyday things as I methodically devoured the chicken and the fruit, until Amanda started yawning. "I'm glad I can go back to bed and get some more sleep," she admitted.

"Yeah, rub it in, why don't you?" I said wryly.

She giggled. "You and Kelsey are so much alike."

I nodded. "We do both tend to be a little dry."

"Kelsey's not dry," Amanda said with a mischievous wink.

Before I could say anything, my phone vibrated from a text message. Glancing at it, I grabbed my bag of stuff and jammed the last few pieces of fruit in my mouth. "Sorry, but I gotta go. My ride's here."

I averted my eyes as Amanda got up and walked towards me. She put her hand on my arm, and I felt a warm thrill run through me. "Thank you for the fruit," she said softly.

"You're welcome." I smiled. "If you want more later, help yourself. I have to go buy more soon anyways."

"I think I'm pretty full, but thank you."

I nodded as I saw her walk away out of the corner of my eye. I waited about twenty seconds to give her plenty of time to get safely out of sight, then walked out of the kitchen to the front door. Coming into the hallway, I did a double take as Amanda was still walking up the stairs, the bottom of her shirt riding up on her hips, exposing her butt with every step. Rather than avert my eyes, I allowed myself a long, leisurely stare at her divine ass, and her unbelievable pussy. As she reached the top of the stairs, Amanda turned her head and threw me a teasing grin before disappearing into Kelsey's bedroom.

"Fuck," I sighed. My cock was rapidly rising to attention again, and I didn't want to walk out to the car with a huge boner. "Get down!" I hissed at it. It seemed to take great delight in not only ignoring me, but taking several minutes to go soft again.

The meet went pretty much as expected; I crushed everybody in my three distances, and I'd even taken part in our relay event, which we also won without much competition. My coach congratulated me afterwards, but told me not to get too cocky, as obviously the level of competition in the State semi-finals, held next weekend, would be much, much higher.

I didn't worry about it. Having just had the Olympics in Beijing, it stood to reason that several of the country's top swimmers might not be in Nationals next year—leaving a wide open qualifying field which gave swimmers who were normally on the outside, like myself, a massive dose of motivation. Motivation was something that I could always use more of.

Since I'd been a sophomore, I'd been dominating my high school meets to such an extent that I'd gotten bored with them and lost the drive to train hard. Not willing to let someone of my talents, as he put it, ruin his chances like that, our high school swim coach hooked me up with a personal coach, an old veteran who had trained several world champions in his lifetime. The old coach had gladly taken me under his wing and promised I'd one day make it to the top, as long as I stuck to his rather grueling training regimen. Part of that regimen was increasing my daily calories by quite a lot, to the dismay of my mom's grocery bill, as well as upping the intensity and frequency with which I trained. Because I was unable to access the high school's pool at all hours, he also promptly signed me up to join the swim club where he was employed.

Though I didn't swim in any of the club's sponsored events, since doing that would immediately ruin my eligibility to compete in the NCAA once I went to college, I was able to compete in the club's internal meets, which were held once a week for fun, and I now had access to a pool whenever I wanted to. Another benefit was that I was able to train with guys who were at a much higher level than I was. While getting my ass kicked in practice by Mitch Stevens time and time again wasn't really the way I would have personally gone about getting motivated, I had to admit that my times had improved a lot ever since I'd joined the swim club.

They had improved so much that, in my junior year, Coach had entered me for the State Championships. I'd gotten soundly beaten in the semi-finals, but he said I stood a good chance to make it into the actual finals this year, and I'd been training vigorously for the past few months to prepare.

After the contest was over and what little public that had shown up was filing out of the hall, I stood beside the pool, loudly yawning and stretching. Both my personal coach and the high school coach had given me a few pointers, the former in a decidedly less pleasant tone than the latter, then they'd walked off together, the old coach muttering about 'kids nowadays.'

"Long night, D?" Brian asked with a grin as he walked up towards me, with Erik and Daryll following close behind. They were all members of my swim club, and they'd been teammates and best friends for fours years at Oregon, all of them having graduated the year before. I trained with them a lot, and though it had taken a little time, we were all good friends now, though I hung out with Brian far more than I did with the other two.

They were all dressed casually, since they obviously hadn't competed today. Ever since my car had been in the garage, Brian had been giving me rides whenever I needed one, and Daryll and Erik had surprised me by coming along to watch this meet.

"Nah, I just didn't sleep very well," I said, stifling another yawn. "Thanks for coming, guys, that was cool."

"We had nothing better to do. Why didn't you sleep very well, were you nervous for this meet?" Erik the Viking asked. We called him the Viking because he was from somewhere in Scandinavia, Poland or something, and definitely looked the part.

"No, just..." I very briefly considered telling them about what I had seen in the shower the night before, as a hot scene of two naked girls fucking each other would get me instant cred with them. I was quite a bit younger than they were, and I always felt out of place when they talked about all the college pussy and women in their mid-twenties they were nailing. I weighed it over in my mind a bit more; then, I finally decided against saying anything. It didn't seem right to talk about my sister and Amanda that way. "Just tossed and turned, I dunno."

Before anyone could say anything else, several girls walked close by in the stands, smiling and waving at us and yelling encouragements. I frowned slightly, as I didn't recognize them from school. "Who are they?" I asked.

"I dunno. Go talk to them and find out," Brian grinned.

"Eh ... they seem quite a bit older than me."

"I'll go talk to them," Daryll said confidently. "I need to get me some pussy anyways. Be right back."

Brian laughed as Daryll walked towards the girls. They were smiling almost hungrily as he got close to them, which was understandable, as he was in fantastic shape. We all were, of course; it was one of the rare few benefits of being a top tier swimmer.

"Isn't Daryll seeing some girl right now?" I asked Brian.

"Yeah, but he said she's on the rag, so I guess he's out hunting."

"Why won't he fuck his girl when she's on the rag?" Erik asked, looking confused.

"Who knows. It's just some hang up he's got. Might be a black thing or something, I don't know." Brian shrugged.

"What about you, Del? Have you ever fucked a girl on the rag?" Erik grinned. The three of them always bugged me about how inexperienced I was; at least compared to them, anyways.

"Very funny, shithead!" I grumbled. "You never fucked a Polish girl because she was always bundled up in like twenty layers of fucking elk hide! That's why you had to move here: so you could actually find a hole that you could stick your dick into besides the one in your backyard fence!"

Brian almost choked on his laughter, and Erik grinned widely. "I'm from Sweden, you dumb American fuck, not Poland! Don't they teach you geography at that shitty high school of yours?"

"They sure as hell don't teach him how to get laid more often!" Brian interjected with a snicker.

I blushed but couldn't help grinning. It had taken awhile for them to start treating me as an equal, and I gladly took the ragging that came with it over the somewhat patronizing attitudes they'd given me at first.

Daryll came back a few minutes later, a look of deep satisfaction on his face as he was nodding fervently. "You fuckers gonna owe me!" he said proudly.

"Owe you? You still haven't paid back that twenty I loaned you two weeks ago!" Erik grumped.

"Shut the fuck up and listen, Drakkar-sailing motherfucker!" Daryll said, causing all of us to howl with laughter. "You fools see those fine pieces of college poon up there in the stands?" He pointed at the group of girls he had been talking to, and they responded by waving excitedly at us. From a distance they seemed pretty damn hot.

"What about 'em?" Brian asked, still laughing.

"Well, those girls have invited us to a party tonight," Daryll said with a knowing look.

"Free beer?" Erik asked immediately. He was very fond of beer, especially the free kind.

"Man, fuck the free beer! That party is being held in their sorority house, and I was told that there would be certain benefits, if you know what I'm saying!"

"Fuck yeah!" Brian exclaimed. He turned towards the girls, nodding at them and throwing them two thumbs up. The girls started cheering as they got their confirmation.

"Daryll, my friend," Erik said expansively. "You are a truly, truly fine human being. Forget the twenty dollars you owe me."

"Yeah, I already did," Daryll said, still nodding. "Do I always get the pussy or what? I fucking told you so!"

The three of them grinned excitedly, but I felt a bit uncertain. I had never been invited to a college party before, and certainly not to one just for the purpose of fucking.

"What's the hell's your problem?" Daryll asked, a slightly confused look on his face as he saw my hesitation.

"I dunno if I should go, man," I said, causing the other two guys to look at me as if I was from another planet.

"What? Why the fuck not?"

"Well, it's just that ... I dunno. They're quite a bit older than I am, and I'm not exactly experienced."

"Shit! Look D, the only thing those bitches care about is your body and how big your cock is! There ain't nothing wrong with these bodies, and I fucking know there ain't nothing wrong with your cock!"

I grinned and shook my head. Daryll was always so outrageous you couldn't really say anything; all you could do was just grin and go along.

"Daryll, I've asked you before to stop looking at my cock in the fucking shower," Brian complained.

"I wasn't talking about your cock, I was talking about his cock!" Daryll said loudly.

"If you fuckers keep talking about cocks, these chicks will think we're fucking gay! Then, there won't be any benefits tonight!" Erik hissed.

Brian nodded and put his arm around my shoulder. "Look junior. These are the kinds of girls that know what it takes to get a man to paradise. Stop worrying! Let one of those girls teach you the ropes and enjoy the fucking ride."

"Or are you secretly gay, and would you rather jerk off thinking about our cocks tonight?" Erik asked.

"Fuck you right in your fjord, asshole!" I grinned, flipping him off.

"Fjords are in Norway! Jesus, you really make your school look like a prime example of the quality of American education, don't you?"

We all laughed as we started walking off. "See you ladies tonight!" Daryll yelled at the girls, and they happily hollered back at him.

We had almost gotten to the end of the pool when suddenly I heard someone yelling from the stands. "Damon! Damon, over here!"

I looked up and smiled in surprise as both my sister and Amanda stood in the first row of the stands, waving excitedly at us.

"Damn, that is some fine young pussy!" Daryll exclaimed.

"No shit, look at those tits on that brunette," Erik chimed in. "Fuck, she's unbelievably hot!"

"Hey!" I objected. "That's my sister you're talking about!"

"Oh right!" Erik said with a disbelieving snort. "Does she know she's your sister?"

"Fuck, I'd love to spin both those little sluts on my dick all night and make 'em squeal!" Daryll grinned.

I clenched my fists. "Shut the fuck up! That's my sister, asshole!"

"Heh, I'd like to fuck your 'sister' up her asshole," Erik jeered.

I snarled as I charged him, and the next thing coming out of his mouth was a startled gasp followed by a lot of bubbles as my shove sent him flying backwards into the pool.

"What the fuck, D?" Brian exclaimed.

"I told him to shut his fucking mouth about my sister!" I said angrily.

"Wait ... is that really your sister?" Daryll asked.

"That's what I fucking said, isn't it?!"

"Aw shit ... I'm sorry, D. I wouldn't want you guys talking like that about my sister either."

"Your sister is almost forty, has five kids and weighs like three-hundred pounds, Daryll," Brian said stoically. "I don't think you have to worry about us talking about her like that."

"Fuck you, man! You know what I mean!"

Erik climbed out of the pool, soaked to the bone. The squelching sound his shoes made somehow struck me as quite funny, but Erik wasn't laughing. His face was radiating anger as he came towards me with his fists clenched. Before he could reach me, however, Brian stepped in front of him, barring his way. "Let it go, Erik. That really is his sister, and you were being a giant asshole."

Erik locked eyes with Brian, and the two glared at each other for a few moment, even as I was holding my breath. I didn't really have any illusions about my chances in a fight against Erik, seeing as how he towered a good five inches over me and probably outweighed me by forty pounds of pure muscle. Even so, I'd try to rip his fucking throat out with my teeth before I'd let him say anything like that about my sister again.

Finally, Erik lowered his gaze and walked off towards the locker room. "Sorry," he said as slipped past me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Brian put his hand on my shoulder. "I'll deal with him. Don't worry about it."

I sighed deeply and relaxed. "Alright, thanks. I'm gonna go talk to my sister, I'll see you in a bit, okay?"

"Okay. I'll meet you outside." Brian nodded as he and Daryll followed Erik.

"Hey!" I smiled as I walked over to the girls. Both of them were wearing tight fitting jeans and t-shirts, though Kelsey's shirt left her belly button bare. I climbed up over the railing that separated the stands from the pool area, and I gave my sister a big hug, followed by a sloppy smooch on her cheek that made her giggle and squirm.

"Why did you shove that big guy into the pool? Were you two arguing about something?" Kelsey asked.

"Don't worry about it, it's not important."

"You seemed kind of angry?"

"He said something he shouldn't have, so he had it coming."

"What did he say?" she asked curiously.

"It's not important," I repeated blankly.

"Okay ... I'm so proud of the way you did in the contest though!" she chirped happily, giving me a huge smooch on my cheek in return.

"It was just a high school meet, sis. It doesn't really mean anything." I shrugged. "Hey Amanda."

"Hi," she said softly, biting her lower lip. Her eyes seemed to be staring right through my chest.

I gulped as I realized she was checking me out; quite appreciatively too, judging by her gaze. I typically only wore the bottom half of my Speedo, so my chest was naked, and like Daryll had said, there was nothing wrong with my body. I puffed up a little, tightening my abs, and the gorgeous blonde drew in a sharp breath. I thought I could hear her moan softly.

My sister was grinning as she sat down on the railing, turning her gaze towards Amanda. "Looks pretty good, doesn't it?" she asked. Amanda just nodded, still staring at me.

"You two make me feel like a slab of beef!" I said in mock indignation.

"Mmmm, and such fine beef it is," Kelsey said, gently running her hand over my chest.

"Stop that," I admonished her, grabbing her hand and putting it back where it belonged.

"What, I can't show off my fine-looking brother to my best friend?" she complained.

"Look with your eyes, Kelsey, not with your hands," I reminded her.

"Gotcha! You mean kinda like you did this morning?" she teased.

"Wh-what?" I spluttered.

"Oh, don't act so innocent! You were staring at Amanda's naked ass, so it's only fair she gets to stare at you in return."

I looked over at Amanda, who had a guilty little smile on her gorgeous face. "You told her that?"

"Yes," she said softly. "She asked what had kept me, and she badgered me until I admitted it."

"Oh." I felt a little stupid. Having seen what they were doing together in the shower, it seemed fairly logical that Amanda would tell Kelsey something like that. "Well, I guess Amanda is allowed to stare at me then, payback and all. That doesn't explain why you're allowed to, brat."

Kelsey's grin grew positively naughty. "What are you saying? You'll let me look at your body if I let you watch my naked ass in return? I can show it to you right now if you want?"

"Eh ... that's not ... I..." I stuttered as Amanda tried to hide her laughter behind her hand. My sister's eyes were sparkling with mirth as she watched me try to talk my way out of it. "Fuck, you win!" I finally conceded, shaking my head with a wry smile.

"Yay, I love winning!" Kelsey said brightly. She made quite a show of ogling me. "You do have a really nice body, big brother."

I sighed. "Do you two want to embarrass me some more, or can I go shower now?"

"Spoilsport!" Kelsey sighed. "Fine, go ahead and leave us then."

"How did you get here, anyways?"

"Mom drove us here on her way to work."

"So how are you getting back?"

"Well ... we were kind of hoping to catch a ride with whomever was giving you a ride?" Kelsey asked sweetly.

"It would have helped if you had told me that earlier, Kel, so I could have asked Brian about it beforehand," I admonished her.

"Hey, I didn't plan on coming at all, but little Miss Sunshine here begged me for two hours straight until I finally said yes just to get her to shut up about it!" Kelsey grinned, pointing at a blushing Amanda.

I smiled at Amanda and was about to say something when the college girls who had invited me and the guys to their party walked by a few rows above us. "See you tonight, Damon!" they shouted, waving at me.

"Eh, yeah ... bye," I said half-heartedly, watching them leave through the exit above the stands.

"Who were they?" Kelsey asked, a hint of steel in her voice.

"I don't know. Some girls," I muttered.

"Yes, I could see they were girls, Damon! How did they know your name if you don't know them?"

I shook my head with a small grin and patiently waited for Kelsey to catch up.

"Why the hell are you grinning at me?" Kelsey grumped.

I kept staring at her, not saying or doing anything. She still wasn't making the connection.

"Damon!" she exclaimed, sounding irritated.

"Kel, I think they knew his name because it was announced like two dozen times this morning," Amanda explained patiently.

"Oh," my sister said as her cheeks colored rapidly.

I gave her a big kiss on her forehead. "Don't worry, sis. I still love you."

"Good, I'm so relieved!" Kelsey said tartly.

"I'm going to go shower now, okay?" I said as I walked off.

About twenty minutes later we were all piled up in Brian's Jeep as he was speeding along the interstate, taking us back to our place. He had been more than happy to give two smoking hot high school girls a lift. He'd taken the soft top down, and we were all enjoying the beautiful weather.

"Thanks for giving us a ride, Brian," Kelsey said sweetly from the back seat.

"Yes, thank you!" Amanda repeated.

"No problem," Brian said cheerfully as he turned to me. "D, you never told me your sister was so gorgeous."

"Yeah, and you know exactly why I never told you that, too!" I said testily.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Kelsey asked, leaning forward between the two front seats as much as she could with her safety belt on.

"Because it's none of his business, that's why," I said curtly.

"Come on, D, don't go lying to your sister now! The reason you didn't tell me, or any of the other guys, is because you were worried that we'd take an interest in her," Brian grinned.

"I don't see what the problem is with that?" Kelsey asked, her voice oozing honey.

"Well my dear, it's because the other guys and I are, shall we say, very appreciative of the female form, and all the delicious joys it brings to a man. Young little Damon here gets slightly aggravated when people say things like that about his sister!" Brian said gleefully in a horrible British accent, hamming it up for all he was worth while watching her in his rear view mirror.

"Wait a minute," Kelsey said after a few moments. "So when he pushed that blond guy..."


"When he pushed Erik in the pool, was that because Erik had said something about me?"

"Yep!" Brian grinned broadly.

"What did he say?"

"Don't you dare fucking tell her," I warned him.

Brian gave me a shit-eating grin, obviously enjoying himself immensely; then, he made eye contact with Kelsey in his rear view mirror. "I don't want to be crude, so I won't use his exact words, but Erik said something to the effect that he thought you had really magnificent breasts, and that he would quite like to have carnal knowledge of you," he drawled in the same bad accent.

Kelsey squealed and giggled loudly while I ground my teeth together. "If you weren't driving, Brian, I swear to God I'd fucking choke you right now!" I whispered quietly, hoping the girls wouldn't hear me in the back over Kelsey's giggles.

"Quit whining. I'm just telling your sister that some hunky guys think she's hot. Girls her age love compliments like that. I'm not being serious," Brian whispered back.

"I think I'd like to meet Erik sometime soon," my sister announced cheerfully.

I whipped my head around, angrily glaring at her. I knew she was goading me, but I couldn't help myself. "Over my dead body you will!"

"Mmmm, so protective!" she laughed as she ruffled my hair. Gales of laughter from Kelsey and Brian filled the car as I sat pouting in my seat.

"Stop it!" I heard Amanda whisper insistently.

"Oh come on, I'm just—" Kelsey replied, the rest of her sentence getting drowned out in reverberating noise as we entered a tunnel. I turned my head slightly, and from the corner of my eye I saw Amanda and Kelsey whispering quite animatedly before Amanda finally turned her head away, her face clouded with anger.

A few seconds later, Kelsey put her hand on my right shoulder and whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry."

I shrugged and didn't say anything for the rest of the ride home. Neither did anyone else.

"Hey, D, are we okay?" Brian asked as I walked in front of his car on our driveway. Both girls had already gone ahead into the house after they'd quietly thanked Brian for the ride home.

I sighed and walked over to him, then shook his hand. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's not your fault. She just pushes my fucking buttons sometimes, you know?"

Brian nodded sagely. "Girls will do that to you."

"I thought that only happened with girlfriends?"

"Fuck no! Sisters will do it to you twice as bad, especially when they're her age," he said, nodding towards the door where Kelsey and Amanda had disappeared.

"How do you know?"

"Got three sisters myself; two of them younger than me. Denise is about your sister's age, and Erin is two years younger than her. Believe me, I'm going through all the same shit you are, only I get it twice."

I laughed. "I'm guessing the reason you've never told us about your sisters is—"

"The exact same reason you didn't tell us about yours," Brian finished my sentence. "We're all fucking bastards, and we don't want to see our sisters with any one of the other guys, because we know exactly what we'd do to them!"

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Surprise Homecoming  Leaving home earlier that evening it was still warm and pleasant outside so the last thing I expected was rain when I headed home. I was just meeting a couple of friends at the local club and decided to walk so I could have a couple of beers. A couple of hours later I said my goodbyes and left my friends to it. They had just ordered more drinks but I promised Jay I wouldn’t be late and left them to it. Stepping outside I could not believe how the weather had changed in the...

2 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 31

Six hours later. Time: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 2:17 PM Ashley and Hannah pulled up to a nondescript lamp store with their bikes and two side-cars. Nondescript, that is, except for the flashing white light on the high sensor node. Ashley waved at the sensor just inside the locked door. The sensor responded with a red-blink-pause-yellow-blink. It was the signal acknowledging their arrival and a command to hold their current position. Ashley nodded and dismounted her bike to stretch. What...

2 years ago
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After 10 years

Ace walked into the large cheaply decorated room, looking around. Damn he didn't see her. He had hoped he would run into Allison, after ten years he still hadn't forgot how beautiful she was. He walked over to the bar ordering a beer, and carried it over to an empty table facing the door, now he couldn't miss her. Ace was 28, and he didn't look bad he thought, tall 6'5 strong frame. He had deep green eyes with jet black hair. He reached up and ran his hand over his buzz-cut hair. He always kept...

Straight Sex
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womanly experience 5 self bondage

I was around 18 or 19. Still in high school. My father went out of the town for thee weekend and I found an interesting blog on the Internet about a self-bondage girl. I knew that I had to try this while I had a chance.It was summer so I prepared everything I needed and left it in the tool-shed in our yard. I buried two pairs of keys on different sides of the yard - one is to the inside of the house and the other for some handcuffs.Then I got all naked and went out into the yard, locked the...

2 years ago
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Forbidden LoveChapter 5

The rest of the week was a blur to me. I was walking on air from the realization that I had actually caressed and sucked my mother’s breast and more importantly, she had not protested and she had not been drinking, so she knew what I was doing. I could still feel her hard nipple searing the palm of my hand and the soft nub between my lips. Then of course there was the kiss ... a kiss like few sons would ever know, but I knew and I felt incredibly privileged. Her lips had been soft and wet...

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the lakeside

School had finished for the summer and as John sat on the wall outside his house on a hot July day,he wondered what the hell he was going to do in this godforsaken place .His parents had separated a few weeks ago,and John and his mother had moved here from the city,he had not got the chance to make many new friends and none of them lived nearby. John really missed the city,for a eleven year old,the city was a huge playground,the thing he missed the most was the seafront, where he had spent all...

3 years ago
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A Silly Thing

Emily looked around the hotel room. The double bed was both luxurious and realistic, made of white linen which felt soft to the touch. There was a bathroom with a shower large enough for two people. The most impressive feature was the view. She stepped onto the balcony and took a deep breath of fresh air while admiring the sunset. Although the sun had almost entirely disappeared behind the mountain that dominated the landscape, the sky was still a gorgeous shade of pink. For a minute, she...

3 years ago
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The Honey Dew ListChapter 6

Damien awoke Tuesday morning to clear evidence that he had been used all night long in his sleep. He looked to his right on the bed and there was Tara, naked as the day that she was born and quite stunning as ever. Since she had to get to work, too, he tapped her on the shoulder and she woke up, rather groggy, limping to the nightstand for her glasses. The dried cum on her thighs told more than a tale, as did the lipstick on her buns. Realizing that she had been intimate with Damien and his...

2 years ago
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The Chocolate Rose

Now. Prince Arrik peered out of the Palace tower window, his breath misting on the thin diamonds of window glass. As far as the eye could see, and he could see a long way over the flat terrain from this high up, the ground lay white in a thick layer of freshly-fallen snow. More thick soft white flakes gently floated down from a still leaden sky. His mother had forecast the snowstorm yesterday, so he shouldn’t have been surprised. The Queen was so wise and he had yet to learn such...

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The Skype Porn Aftermath

My eyes widened and I felt like my room transformed from a sauna into an igloo. "I'm sorry, Sharon," I whined, while looking at her 5'8 figure. "You are fucking sorry!" she screamed, running to me. "You pull this shit and you are sorry?" she growled, pointing at the computer. A single tear came out on my left cheek. "Yes?" I whispered. She glared right at me, while leaning towards me. I got a close view of her pretty face, brown hair and eyes as it was completely clear. She halted six inches...

College Sex
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ThirtyOne Days A Bitch Chapter 1

Introduction: Daisy Bitch has got only one month to get pregnant, failure to do so of which it is punishable severely. $450 million dollars might just be suffered forfeiture of in one single dead of the night. Aged, frail, but a greatly rich manIan Bitch grew to be a prevailing multi-millionaire all in credit to Preston Dick. A youthful, irresistible and atrocious man: monstrous at the same time and causing so plenty a people to be transformed into dominant millionaires on one requirement that...

1 year ago
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NaughtyMag Mella Wrestling With Mella

Job: Student; Age: 19; Birthday: August 30; Height: 5’5″; Weight: 110 pounds; Bra Size: 32A; Panties: Victoria’s Secret; Anal: I like fingering; BJs: Swallowing is yummy; Masturbate: I do it a lot; Lives: Lincoln, Nebraska. Mella is a big fan of WWE wrestling. “There’s something about big, sweaty guys throwing each other around like ragdolls that turns me on,” she told us. When we asked if she likes getting thrown around by big guys, she responded...

3 years ago
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Age Doesnt Matter

18 year old Tessa snapped at 52 year old Rita “I said now. Go to the spare room and take your skirt and knickers off because I am going to thrash you.”   The time had come for Tessa to give the older woman an Authority spanking, to show which of the two was in charge. The 18 year old or the 52 year old.   Tessa stood with her hands on her hips, tapping one foot, waiting for the older woman’s response.   Rita directed her comment at Janet, Tessa’s 43 year old Mother. Whilst she thought she...

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A lesbian Prostitute wife

Life sometimes takes such turns that one can just be a mere spectator and be a passenger in the seats of time. Sometimes, one cant fight or control the situations and could just flow with the directions of time. I choose this platform for tow reasons . first being cant express my self other than this forum and 2 love many a stories in this site.Well, let me start by describing the whole conditions. I am a doctor working as health researcher in a reputed health care organization . My life was...

3 years ago
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Sucking cock on video for my Maam

Let me tell you a bit about my Ma’am… her name is Ajay and she is hot! I had always looked at women like her and thought that they were out of my league, and truthfully, she is. I have no idea how I got someone like her, but I am thankful everyday that I am hers. We had been seeing each other just a short time when I told her that I was looking for someone who would be more dominant in the bedroom. I had been a closet submissive all of my life and had been looking for someone to take...

2 years ago
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PMQuest Chapter 01 Some kind of Prank

Full Introduction A young man wakes up to find himself no longer in his cozy bed back at Fiore, instead rising from a soft patch of dirt with nothing but his socks, his underwear, and a vague memory of his training as a Pokemon Ranger. The rest of his past is a blur, but he'll soon find that he won't have much time to rediscover it. Female Pokemon on this island seek him out with dark, lustful intentions, planning on capturing him for both their own satisfaction and the pleasure of one...

4 years ago
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Husband takes the Bait Both BlackenPT2

Peg was up before Paul and Ron. She had showered and brushed her teeth. She seemed to have a funny taste in her mouth and throat, kind of bitter. Memories of her dream wouldn't seem to come to the front of her mind. She seemed to remember sucking and swallowing sperm from a dick. A dream didn't come with taste, did it? No more alcohol for her! A drunk can't even remember their dreams!Ron woke up and heard Peg rattling around downstairs. He walked across the hall and shook Paul awake. "Listen."...

2 years ago
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Ellen at Leisure Femdom World

Her black tailored business skirt stretched across her hips in a perfect fit, the white blouse tucked into the neat waistline withouth a bulge or ruche in sight. The elegance of her attire was emphasised and confirmed by the males in the room with her, and when she relaxed back in her leather chair and crossed her legs with a gentle sigh from her sheer stockings, those same males stiffened to full erection almost as one.Ellen looked at them appraisingly. They were fine specimens certainly and...

1 year ago
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Road Trip

I am vimal from indore, I am 25 years old. This story of me and my boyfriend for 2 years ankit. Ankit was my sister’s boyfriend, after our chance encounter, I beacame ankits new bitch. I have had given my self completely to his service. Its been two years. Ankit mujhe bhopal lekar jaa raha tha. Usko bhopal me kuch kaam tha. Aur wo chahta tha main bhi uske sath chalu. Ek baar ankit ne kahaa to mera naa karne ka sawal hi nai uthta. Maine apne ghar me bahana banaya, aur friday ki shaam ankit ke...

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Fucking My Dream Aunty

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers! I am a follower and a big fan of this website. After reading so many stories/encounters or experiences of people, I felt like it is my turn to share my encounters with women.I am going to share some real life incidents. This is not a story. I have not added any artificial masala and all. But I have changed the names of the women and my name. This is a real incident with this hot aunty. First, let me tell you about me. I am the only son of my parents. My...

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Patrolling the Mage Mall

I was a couple of years on the force before I got a new assignment. They said I had the knack for knowing when something was going down or finding people or evidence. I carried my duty bag through the stone arch and into what almost looked like an alley. I could feel something and knew that was not what it was. One moment I had been looking at a dirty alley and another moment I stared at colorful displays. Strange animals were everywhere and things floated in the air and I shook myself as I...

2 years ago
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“Keep your voice down,” Zach hissed forcefully. “You’ll wake her up…if you haven’t already.” He was fighting a losing battle to calm down the naked blonde. Everything had been going perfectly until she started in on Jamey again. He wished he could turn the clock back about twenty minutes, when they were still chest deep in his swimming pool, her lithe legs encircling him while he lifted and plunged her onto his rigid cock, guiding her slight weight with broad hands over her petite round ass....

Straight Sex
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Casual Sex With Horny Girl Met On Matrimony Site

Hi everyone, my name is Rahul. This is my first story here and a real one. I am 31 years old and after a recent breakup, I moved to to find a perfect match. I have a good height of 5’11 and an average body with a 7-inch dick. I have fucked many girls in the past but this experience was the best one. So I met this girl Riya (name changed) on and we started chatting and vibing. Soon the chats turned to sex chats and nude video calls! Let me describe her, she was an...

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The neighbours Daughter Part 4

I hadn’t really thought about it before, but it is true that my time in the airplane toilet with Cindy was the first time since Christmas that Mandy had not been on my mind totally.However, as soon as I got home and back to my normal routine Mandy started to take over my life again. If you’ve been following the story up to now you will know that she has me completely under her spell. Every time I thought about the view up her skirt, her panties, the lovely smell of her excited pussy and...

2 years ago
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Rashidha Chapter 16 Night clubs

In my last story, I mention a bit about clubs. Well, sometimes I do go to clubs with my friends. And things tend to go south. I don`t go to these places that often but I can recall some good moments spent there. I like partying, I mean, who doesn`t. My way of party is, of course, slutty. I think that`s no surprise. My parents don`t mind that because being slutty is part of my nature and that I`m responsible enough to either say no or fuck. But with some alcohol and hours of dancing, it is hard...

3 years ago
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The Girl Next Door1

We grew up together. We went from the stage where girls were gross and disgusting to accidental touches and awkward flirting. She was always my angel, my idea of perfection. She was the kind of beautiful that almost hurts to look at, and she was the type of girl who simply was oblivious to how perfect she was. I am not sure what I did in a previous live to deserve the affection of someone like her, but every awkward flirt, or "accidental" touch was reciprocated in kind. She was my...

2 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 10

An overgrown Martian, that's what she looked like Allison decided. No wonder they were laughing at her out in the hallway! She'd be laughing, too, if she weren't so close to crying. And of all the people it could have been, it had to be Barclay! At least if it had been someone from their dorm floor, they could have all had a good laugh and went on with life. As it was, Allison was going to dread eating meals across the table from the guy. The timer buzzed, indicating it was time for the...

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A Steamy Shower

I don't generally write in "second person", but I wrote this for my husband to describe one particularly hot morning...I hope you can put yourself in his shoes and enjoy the story the way I intended it! "A Steamy Shower" The alarm rings at 5:15 a.m. and I smack it without even waking up. It goes off again at 5:23, and I grudgingly roll myself out of bed. You’re up already, the early bird, brushing your teeth at the sink as I stagger, squinting, into the bathroom. Dodging your hand that shoots...

Straight Sex
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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 04

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 04 - Life gets back to normal ------------------------------------------ And it did. It took a week or so and the first week back was not good. I felt so ashamed of my behaviour in London. So much so that I even wore clothes in our apartment. Ryan slowly pulled me round and it wasn’t that long before I was bouncing round our apartment totally naked. A couple of weeks later we looked for a place to get my...

3 years ago
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The Naturist 2 Nudism and New Relationships

The most significant change for me was Jessie. She pretty much moved in and was now in my bed nightly. Not that I could complain; Jessie was an insatiable lover. We went to bed making love and woke up making love. And afternoon delight was on the menu when both our schedules permitted. Jessie and Christy still spent a lot of time together. Mostly just doing girl stuff or talking, but I would occasionally hear their lovemaking. They had both become much more open with their affections but...

4 years ago
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Georgia on My MindChapter 7

"Mr. Lauderdale we're going to be on approach in just a little bit," Olivia said after she had gently awaken Jamie from his nap, "if you would like to freshen up before the Captain puts on the seat belt light now would be a good time." "Thank you I think I will." He felt the urge to pee so he needed to use the bathroom anyway. In the bathroom he splashed cold water on his face, buttoned his collar and tightened his necktie before he used the toilet. Just as he started to pee the door...

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New Years ResolutionChapter 6

New Year’s Resolution-JuneJournal entry-I've had many questions going through my mind the last couple of weeks and honestly I don’t have any answers right now.  Hopefully after finishing writing in out and exorcising some of my thoughts on paper, solutions will show themselves.First, how is the relationship with Molly and my kids progressing?  MJ and Erin are the most important people in my life and even when they leave the nest, that won’t change.  If Molly’s feelings for me are as strong as...

2 years ago
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Mom Fucked By Her Employee And Her Son

Meri mom ka naam omana hai .. Wo dikhne me sexy aur khoobsurat hai unki gand aur boobs bade hai…Age 45 size 42-38-40 isse aap sabko pta chal gya hoga meri mom ka figure bikul ek baar jo unko dekhe unko chodne ka mann hoga aisa fgure hai.. Height 5’5 hai aur gori hai… Ab me story me atha hu ye 1 saal pehle ki story hai…Mere dad 3 saal pehle death hogai accident se sooo tab se mom apna aapko satisfy nai kar pathi thi sex unki life me kum hogaya tha meri mom bht sad rehthi thi….Par wo ek company...

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Lost at SeaChapter 6

This kiss was different. The first had been a question. This one was a demand. It was hungry. Not overly aggressive, but fierce with desire. Janie moaned into his mouth and one of his hands found the back of her neck and gripped a little harder than he probably should have. Her fingers were twined in his hair again. After a brief eternity their lips parted and their foreheads came together to rest on each other. “Wow,” Will said faintly. Janie nodded against his head. She was suddenly aware...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Jessie Saint Vera King Kiss And Make Up

Juan Loco and his adopted sister, Jessie Saint, have had a thing going on. Unfortunately for Juan, Jessie decides mid stiffie ride that they shouldn’t be doing this. Climbing off her brother’s dick, she tells him she doesn’t care if he has blue balls, she’s done. Juan says he’s gonna go tell his stepmom, Vera King, and if she won’t take his side then he’ll fuck her too. Jessie knows that her only chance is to get to her mom first. Jessie gets her chance...

3 years ago
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My Daughter inlaw scores and so do I PT2

I cant help myself thou, knowing ill be alone with jess over rides all else so we hop in my truck and head to Franks. usually i take both of them places so jess rides in the middle but even thou were alone she still slid over to the middle as i put it in reverse she smiled at me cuz my hand was right against her twat so when we got there my dick was already hard as a rock Frank answerd the door wearing only a robe come in guys have a seat. (Frank) staring at jess's frame, what brings you here...

2 years ago
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Encounter On The Bus

I was 36 at the time. I worked swing shift and rode public transport. I’d catch the midnight bus. One afternoon I was on the bus and I noticed a homely, very large woman in her fifty’s. She had a small female child on her lap. As I watched, she kissed the child’s face several times. I became aroused and hard. I thought to myself, ‘I’d love to have her kiss my face like that.’ I decided I was going to have her. I didn’t know her. I didn’t know if she was married or involved, but I knew I wanted...

3 years ago
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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 13 Installing MindControlled Passions

Dean Michael I needed coffee. “Have fun,” Kimmie said, wrapped up in her house robe, her face flushed. I had just made love to her. She wanted to have my cum in her pussy. My wife had a naughty grin on her face as she watched us heading out the door. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do with that.” I had the new mind-control device slung under my arm. I grinned at her as I glanced at the coffee table where her laptop was set up. The original mind-control device was installed down in the...

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Palais Part 2

PALAIS 4. Charise just had finished her final preparations when the stage assistant bustled into the dressing alcove, calling for the girls' attention. "All right ladies, time to go," he babbled in his thick Gaelic brogue, "everybody take your places please." A burst of excited chatter followed this announcement as the girls deserted their dressing tables and flocked towards the Grande Stage. The atmosphere was tense with expectation. Tonight, they'd be doing...

1 year ago
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Master pops his mommywhores anal cherry

It's been a few days since my sweet sub turned me from his mommy-dom into his personal fucktoy. He has really enjoyed his new role as my Master, as he has used my mouth and pussy several times already, he has made me crawl on the floor and beg for him to fuck my face. He has shot his cum on or in me several times per day.I'm in deep sleep in our bed, exhausted from the days activities, sleeping naked as my new Master has told me to do. Suddenly I feel something. I don't wake up fully, not...

4 years ago
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AxemanChapter 33

Natasha spent the night in Nat’s bed, since Nat hardly ever used it anymore, and left at five Friday morning with a wave. I waved back, half awake. I worried about Ed and had not slept well. At 7:30, I dragged her out of bed and drove her to UE’s training facilities. She dressed, located two reinforced foam swords, and came at me. With only a few breaks, we worked on control for the following nine hours only stopping for water and snacks. She was way too erratic to trust in a...

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Thats So WrongChapter 28

Day 6 (13) –Duke and Richard cont. Duke strutted out the Spa exit, Tammie giggling on his arm. Suki waited with his oblivious parents. Barbie moaned in her husband's arms while he passionately shoved his tongue down her throat. Suki watched impassively. "Ah, there you are!" She motioned Duke over. "Ready for your meeting?" Goosebumps traveled up Duke's arms and across his chest. No. Not in the least. Richard pulled back, nodded to Suki. She turned to lead them off. He met his...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 84 A Very Good Place to Begin the Story

December 18, 2000, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “Did you eat?” Mary asked when I arrived at Mayo on Monday evening. “I had lunch while Samantha and I were flying back from Pontiac, but not dinner.” “How did that go?” “About as well as expected. Samantha is torn about her dad and it doesn’t help that Brian regards Noel Spurgeon as a complete scumbag.” “But you don’t.” “Not the way Brian does. My problem with Noel is how he treated Samantha growing up, and then how he tried to...

3 years ago
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First and Ten Part 7

First and Ten; Part 7 By Nancy Cole Chapter Twenty Two I had but one day to myself with which to sort through the handful of dung my visit to Khalje and Aaron's latest revelations had left me holding and prepare myself, psychologically, for a week that promised to be as fun and exciting as a root canal. In the process of doing so, I found myself beginning to regard Brer Rabbit in a whole new light. When he took on the tar baby, he really hadn't been...

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Staying with Aunt Fay

Introduction: Her name was Fay Banks, but to Milton Vicars she was Aunt Fay who was married to his Uncle Thomas and his aunt needed assistance over the summer. Aunt Fay had offered to put him up for three nights in exchange for his labour and during this time Auntie Fay would cook, clean and feed him but little did Milton and Fay for that matter realise she would end up offering something a little more unbecoming of an auntie and more a lover and he would end up providing her with a fix the...

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Abused Stepdaughter Part Four

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of imagination, including all the incidents, characters, and places, it is intended for adults only; you must be 18 or over to read it. I am taking a break from my usual Family Love...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 274

This explains why friends forward jokes. I’ve never thought of it this way before. A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a...

2 years ago
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What have I woken up Part I

It was a time before midnight when I woke up from a window banging open downstairs in my still to-be-tamed country home. It was a dilapidated building, with lots of rot to be replaced, lots of cracks to be repaired. Its location, miles away from people, made it perfect for isolation that my lover Quinn and I were seeking.I looked at my phone - there was still no connection and thus no message from Quinn; he'd had a three-hour web conference, late hour for him, early for the other side of the...

1 year ago
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A Friend in NeedChapter 26

"Yeah, Charlie, I'm sure it's all right with Greg and Mandy. I'll ask them. But what's happened that you want to come up that quick?" Traci was concerned about why her brother Charlie had called. "Dad's leaving Mom for sure this time. She took almost all their life's savings and hired some shyster lawyer to try and get Ricky an appeal. She still can't accept that he's done what he did. Dad's locked their accounts up, including the credit cards, and she's been screaming at him...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 160 Stone Dreams

I went back inside rather than watch everyone leave; I was going to miss them, and worry about Anders and Solona, and somehow watching people go was just harder than it should have been. Or maybe it’s just my lack of sleep? Alistair caught up to me before I got far, pulling me against his chest and just holding me. I didn’t cry – and was rather proud of myself for that fact – and rewarded myself with a soft, lingering kiss with my husband. “We should get some rest,” he whispered to me, his...

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A Mothers MistakesChapter 10

Chris Hudson's world had changed in ways he could have never imagined. A few weeks ago he was a typical teenager, trying to get into his girlfriend's pants, partying with his friends, and playing lacrosse for his high school team. Suddenly he was a more mature, if still young man that was more than a little infatuated with his thirty eight-year-old mother. He no longer cared that he didn't have a girlfriend. In addition, lacrosse, always his first love, didn't mean that much to him any...

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A Happy Hour to Remem

My pussy has been throbbing almost all day. Damn, I am so wet and that is just making me hornier. Sitting here at work like this is torture, I can't wait to see Chris at happy hour and get our weekend started. The last two weekends have been such a blast, exploring with a home sex video that we ended up putting on line. I can't wait to see what happens next. And even if it's just the two of us, no video or anything, it will still be great. Sitting at the bar waiting for Chris, my first drink...

3 years ago
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Through the Looking Glass Part II The Discovery

Part II The Discovery - Through the Looking Glass. Anne’s stride had purpose.   She had heard something and Robert was nowhere to be found.   She panicked slightly hoping that Robert was alright.   She hoped he had not hurt himself on one of his early morning walks around the property that she knew he enjoyed so much.    She realised that she had virtually ignored him since the shower fuck last year and had been feeling both guilty and a little horny lately.   She just could not bring herself...


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