Passionate FamilyChapter 5 free porn video

When Billy awoke the next morning, his entire body seemed to ache. He had never had such intense orgasms as he'd had the night before, and they had left him almost as drained of energy as he suspected Lisa was. He felt as if he could sleep until midnight, but his half-snooze was interrupted by his mother's knock on the door and her voice saying brightly, "I have a surprise, Billy. Will you be down soon?"
He mumbled agreement and dragged out of his warm bed. He went into the bathroom and looked at his hollow eyes and tangled hair. He surely had not been getting the proper amount of sleep of late, what with his nightly vigil at the peephole and his excessive masturbation. He hoped his mother wouldn't notice the dark circles and the haggard look he had developed. Ma Baylor had warned that this would be one of the sure signs if he continued on his sinful path of masturbation.
He splashed cold water on his face, hoping the puffiness would magically disappear, but it didn't. He dreaded going downstairs and facing Lisa. He just couldn't have an idle conversation with his gorgeous blonde sister and act as if he hadn't seen her actually fuck a man the night before! It had been bad enough when he'd watched her while she was alone but now... she'd been with a man!
He walked down the stairs slowly, listening to the voices that came from the dining room. Someone special must be there, he surmised, for they always had breakfast in the kitchen. He walked into the dining room and found a strange man sitting at the end of the long dining table.
Billy looked him over carefully. He felt, somehow, that he knew the man. He suddenly knew that the man must be his stepfather, Ray Moore, and he blushed and mumbled a gruff hello as he took his seat opposite the man.
"Billy, darling... this is your new father... Ray, " Laura said, beaming at her husband and her son, her eyes bright with pride in both of them.
Billy's blood seemed to be frozen. He couldn't find any words. He had a strange feeling of resentment toward the man, and he couldn't fathom his feelings. He kept his eyes on his plate as the small, elderly woman who served as cook and housekeeper served him toast and eggs and jelly. All the household help lived out and only came in when needed, as Ray insisted that only the family share the house.
The rest of the family launched into a flurry of talk, but Billy's mind was too confused to absorb any of it. He was deeply buried in his own thoughts. They were strange... for the first time, he realized that here was the man who made love to his mother... sexual love, as the man had given to his sister Lisa the night before. It was a sickening and frightening thought, now that he had observed all the intimate details!
Ray Moore grinned broadly at his adopted son over his coffee and said heartily, "Welcome to your home, Billy!" Billy was embarrassed as all eyes turned to him, and he blushed even deeper. He glanced at the handsome face of Ray Moore and wanted to like him, but found only resentment in his heart instead. But he managed to mumble his thanks, and went back to dawdling with his eggs. The image of this handsome, sexy-looking man with his dark- haired goddess-like mother, doing the things to her that he now knew men and women did, offended the thirteen-year-old boy. It wasn't right. He tried not to picture his mother in the obscene positions Lisa had assumed the night before, but he couldn't block the image. His fury and resentment grew until he feared he couldn't contain it much longer.
Glancing covertly at Lisa, he caught her giving him a curious look. He felt a sudden, unaccountable dislike of her, too, because she had instilled the new image of his beloved mother in his mind... the image of a sexy, wanton bitch.
Before, it was so easy. His mother was a goddess, a perfect creature. Now, it would never be the same in the teenager's troubled mind. Not only his ideas about his mother had been twisted, but because of that, also his ideas about everyone and everything. He wondered if the meal would ever end. It seemed as if he had been sitting there in a fishbowl, for weeks. He saw Ray reach out and squeeze his mother's hand gently, and the gesture sent a stab of anger through Billy's heart. He just couldn't sit and watch them any longer, eyeing one another with lust and love. His mother actually glowed, and her happiness was obvious whenever she looked at Ray.
And even Lisa seemed radiant. It was like a plot against him--everyone so happy and he so miserable. He suddenly threw his fork onto his plate with a clatter and pushed back his chair hastily, leaping up and actually running from the room. He had to get out of the house and the horrible scene at the dining room table! In a flash he was through the house and out the back door, where he could no longer hear them calling to him.
He looked at the peaceful garden and then ran toward a giant oak tree at the back of the property. On the far side of it, he dropped to the grass, where he could not be seen from the house, and began to sob--great, racking sobs of despair. He wanted to kill Ray Moore! He hated the man who touched his mother so intimately, and he hated the look in her eyes when she looked at her husband. He wanted to run, but he didn't know where.
Lying on his stomach, his head buried in his hands, the distraught teenager cried softly as he realized there was no way out of this trap he had wandered into. He jerked involuntarily at the light touch on his arm and looked up through his tears to see his sister's pretty face, her soft brown eyes staring straight into his.
"Just leave me alone..." Billy said gruffly.
She sat down beside him on the grass. "Please... what have we done? Please don't act like this, " she pleaded.
He buried his face in his hands, saying nothing.
"Billy, you mustn't be jealous. There's nothing to be jealous of. You're home now. Really part of us."
There was a long silence during which the young blonde searched for words that would correct a misunderstanding. Then she said gently, "Can I tell you something, Billy? Have you looked closely at the wallpaper in your room?"
Lisa asked the question coyly, almost apprehensively. She had asked him that the first day... about how he liked the room, the wallpaper, and all! He lifted his head and wiped away the tears, peering at his sister in bewilderment. Lisa was leaning toward him now, her face very close to his. She went on, "You found the hole in the wall, didn't you? I know you did. I could tell by your face the next day. I made a lot of noise on purpose... I wanted you to find it."
"You mean..." Billy stared at her in disbelief, "you... you... I don't understand..."
Lisa smiled knowingly. "It won't be for long, Billy." She stood up, and he caught a flash of her white panties beneath her miniskirt. He was fascinated by her long, girlish legs and the enticing panty crotch band up between her thighs. Lisa knew she had his attention now.
"Wait for me in your room tonight, Billy... and you'll soon know everything I know... I want to teach you!" She slowly walked away, and his eyes were riveted on her undulating buttocks and her smooth, attractive calves as she left. But she stopped a few yards away and said soberly, "Mother is very hurt and upset. Come on in and tell her that everything is all right. And... remember tonight... be waiting!" Lisa walked up to the back door and disappeared inside.
Billy looked stunned. It couldn't be happening this fast. He took out a rumpled kleenex and dried his tears, then blew his nose. He suddenly felt grown up... like a man! He was already shaping the apology he would give his mother, and he wanted it to sound sincere. He sat still for a time, waiting for his hard cock to soften, so no one would notice, and after five minutes, he rose and went into the house.
It went easier than Billy had thought it would. Both Ray and his mother were gracious and understanding when he explained that he had just become suddenly overwhelmed at his good fortune, and had felt almost embarrassed to accept this new life from total strangers.
Lisa and Laura went shopping, and Ray asked Billy to take a ride into the country with him, to get better acquainted. He had explained his factories and business interests, how he'd gotten started, and he seemed genuinely interested in hearing what had happened to Billy both before and after he had come "home". Billy began to feel that Ray was a very nice man, but he still couldn't feel close to him, as he surmised a son ought to feel about his father.
"We won't push it, Billy, " Ray said. "Let it just grow on us. It will take time for both of us to adjust, but I want you to know, I am happy that you're here with us. Your mother has never been this happy, and I want it to become even better... for all of us."
He drove quietly, then finally said, "I love your mother more than anything on earth. And anything she loves or that belongs to her is part of me, too, and my love. I hope you'll give us... you and me... a chance."
Billy nodded meekly, trying to put the strange dislike of Ray Moore from his mind. But his mind kept wandering back to the sight of Lisa's face when she'd found him behind the tree and promised to be in his room that night. He envisions again and again, the sight of her wispy blonde pussy hairs poking out of her panties, and he remembered vividly how his cock had caught fire at the sight. He could hardly wait for the night to come.
Ray let Billy off and he drove to the huge garage at the rear of the house. Billy went into the house, and not seeing Lisa or his mother, raced up the stairs to his room. He seemed to be always running these days, he thought. Everything seemed to be happening so quickly. He flung open his bedroom door and for some strange reason, ran to the hole in the wall, hoping frantically that maybe Lisa was in her room. But there was no sign of her. Billy signed and wondered how he would ever pass the time until tonight. Still an hour until dinner, and then a few hours after that before anyone went to bed. He got out some books and halfheartedly began to study, but it was impossible to concentrate. All he could see was his tight-breasted older sister, lying naked on her bed, her legs spread wide... pulling her unknown lover's cock deeper, deeper into her narrow, blonde- fringed young pussy.
It had been difficult at dinner. He had been unable to look Lisa in the face, and it became almost impossible to meet his mother's loving gaze. He feared that she, like Ma Baylor, would be able to read the lewd thoughts on his mind. Ray and his mother went out of their way to include him in the conversation and make him feel wanted, and at ease, but he hadn't been able to respond. Lisa avoided looking directly at him, though she was polite and solicitous, and Billy began to feel like a pampered, idiot child.
Now, he lay under the covers feeling a growing anxiety about what the night would or would not bring. He wanted to be with Lisa--here, or in her room. He had been in this state since he arrived, he knew, and now, he felt his body actually trembling with emotion. What if she didn't come? And--what if she did? He felt hot and threw the covers aside. The beautiful sister he'd just met had seemed so far beyond his reach, and now, she was promising the most important thing that would ever happen to him in his whole life!
He heard sounds in her room, and he held his breath. What was she doing? Undressing? He saw the familiar pinpoint of light from the tiny peephole in the wall, but he was too nervous to get up and look, now that he knew that Lisa had been aware that he watched her constantly.
He heard the sound of Lisa's door open and close, and his heart leaped. Then his own door opened and shut quietly, and he knew that Lisa was in the room with him! He could hear the rustle of her body as she approached his bed, and his heart pounded wildly. He became aware of a shape standing beside his bed, and he let his pent-up emotions release themselves in a gasp.
"Lisa!" he croaked hoarsely.
His sister stood beside him, her pale face and hair the only discernible part of her. Her nightgown was dark and blended into the black background, seeming to be made of some diaphanous material that Billy couldn't identify.
"Hello..." Billy gulped, not knowing what else to say.
"Shouldn't I sit down... or something?" Lisa asked breathlessly. She was frightening in her cool maturity, and Billy went on the defensive. "Yes... yes... sit down..." he mumbled, scrambling to one side to make room for her on the bed. Lisa sat beside him and he could feel her brown eyes boring into his in the dimness.
"Don't be so... shy, " Lisa said. "Isn't this better than watching me through the peephole?"
She startled Billy with her boldness. He didn't want to talk about all those nights of torment when he had spied on her. Almost as if she were reading his thoughts, Lisa went on, "Don't be bashful. We can talk about it. We have no reason to be ashamed about anything!"
She bent over, and he felt her face close to his as her breath came hot against his cheek. The scent of her body was overpowering him, leaving him without any resistance, and he felt his stiffening cock pushing against the fly of his pajamas.
Lisa felt for her nervous brother's face and planted a warm, wet kiss on his lips. Her own lips parted and her tongue slid inside his mouth, sending flames of pubescent passion streaking through his body.
"I guess we might as well start from the beginning, " she said softly. "You do have a lot to learn."
She was sucking on his tongue, as if to draw him inside out, and he squeezed his cock harshly in his hand. Finally, Lisa withdrew her tongue, gasping, "My dearest brother... my own baby brother... I'm so glad you've come to be with us... I want to show you... teach you everything... ! There can't be any holding back between us. We have no walls to keep us apart. We've got to love each other like no one else ever did... I want to be yours completely... and you must be mine..."
Billy's head was reeling madly as he tried to absorb the meaning of her words. It was incredible! She was offering her body to him, in all the ways the shadowy stranger had had her!
She began to strip off her dark swishy nightgown as she continued to speak. "It's not wrong to love like this, Billy... it will be so sweet. You're mine... my own... there is nothing we shouldn't give each other... nothing!"
She was naked now, and she smiled in the darkness. "What would you like first, Billy darling... my breasts?" She pulled his hand out from beneath the covers, and by placing it on her pert, taut-nippled breast, sent wild shivers of desire racing through her younger sibling's body. Her hand was smooth and cool on his sweaty one, and his fingers automatically sought one of her tight little nipples, rolling it between his fingers, and bringing a gasp of pure joy from her lips.
"Yesss... that's right, Billy..." she hissed, "twist it, rub it... play with it... and with the other one..." She threw her head back, enjoying the feel of his hand on her young breasts, and Billy went from one to the other, tweaking, massaging, exploring, savoring the thrill of the first touch of a woman's breast in his hand!
"Oh, Billy... baby..." Lisa gasped as her whole body began to glow with lust.

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