Daytona Beach Desire Book IIIChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 23
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At school, the entire student body seemed to be obsessed with the upcoming winter formal. The girls all had their heads together and seemed to go everywhere in groups, while the guys circled around the outside, hoping to cut one from the pack long enough to ask them to the dance.
I watched with some amusement as the people I had come to know over the last couple of weeks turned into strangers. The dance was this coming Friday and next week was spring break. I was more excited about spending a week with Dennis and gave no thought at all to the dance, other than to watch the mating rituals that seemed to swirl around me.
“Who are you taking?” Bev asked when she sat down next to me at lunch. One big change from back in Texas was that John and Lucy had paid for the lunch program at school, so I was munching on a burger and fries.
“Taking where?” I asked around a mouth full of burger.
“Duh! To the dance!” Bev said, rolling her eyes.
“Not going.” I said, stuffing a couple of fries in my mouth.
Bev turned to me and stared like I had just told her that I was gay or something. The shock and horror on her face almost made me laugh and spray bits of French fry all over the table. I covered my mouth and swallowed.
“Wayne Moore, you are going to the dance if I have to drag you!” Beverly and I had been dancing around each other for weeks, especially since that night on my bed where I told her my story. We had flirted and teased but hadn’t progressed any further and I doubted we would. Still, we were closer and she seemed to think that she had some say over my life these days. A little bossy, but cute.
“Why? I only know a few people here, and I am not all that fond of dances.” I shrugged, taking a sip from my soda.
She leaned in close, “Because Charlene has asked me at least a dozen times a day who you are taking. She had turned down three offers already and if you don’t ask her soon, she will have to choose one.”
Charlene was the girl who rode the same bus and had several classes with Bev. She was very cute, had a body like a gymnast and a pixie haircut that was perfect for her thin, almost elfin face.
“Why would she want to go with me? She is fifteen. She would get teased by the others for cradle robbing.” I asked, shaking my head.
“You are an idiot, you know? You are like, a celebrity. Most of the girls in the freshman class would drop their panties if you asked, probably half the sophomores too.”
I looked at her, honestly shocked. Sure, people were friendly with me and I had several girls I hung out with, but I hadn’t seen any signs that any of them had romantic interests.
It hit me though, like a slap upside the head. I had been ignoring teen girl tittering and posturing, looking for more mature interest. Women in 2020 weren’t afraid to come right out and ask for a date or even a weekend of fun. This was 1981, and fourteen and fifteen-year-old girls didn’t act like that.
In my mind’s eye, I reviewed the last couple of weeks, saw the little looks, the hair toss, the subtle signs of an unsure, sometimes frightened teen girl trying to attract a guy. I had just been laughing about my classmates and the mating dances they were doing, and completely missed the dance around me! I could have been knee deep in young pussy but I was too stupid to see the signs.
Bev must have seen the realization in my eyes because she giggled and lightly smacked me on the back of the head. “So? Who are you taking?”
I rolled my eyes but gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before I got up and marched over to where Charlene was sitting with some of her girlfriends.
“Hi, Char. Got a sec?” I asked nonchalantly. The conversation at the table died out and all eyes were on us. Charlene smiled and blushed.
“Sure, Wayne.”
I held out my hand and she laid hers in mine, then followed me away from the group. We didn’t go far, just enough that the rest of the table wouldn’t be able to hear us.
“It has come to my attention that I am an idiot. I am surrounded by cute California girls and one of the prettiest girls in the whole school rides the bus with me but I haven’t even asked her out. Well, I admit that I can be clueless, I am mostly focused on getting into college next year, but that’s no excuse. So ... would you like to go to the Winter formal as my date?”
Charlene blushed again, but her smile was a mile wide. She pretended to play coy for a moment, thinking about her answer, but she couldn’t keep it up.
“I would love to be your date, Wayne.” she bubbled, coming close and kissing me on the lips.
I slid my arms around her waist, pulling her closer and the friendly kiss quickly became more involved. Her arms went around my neck and held me tight, and I could feel my erection pressed into her hard belly.
“Public Displays of Affection are not allowed, children.” A stern voice called and we quickly pushed back. Coach Deal, the swim coach, was standing over us with a scowl on her face. Her eyes held amusement though, so I could tell we weren’t in real trouble.
“Mr. Moore, you should not be corrupting innocent young women in the cafeteria.” she growled.
“Yes, Coach. Is there someplace around here more appropriate?” I asked innocently. Charlene blushed and covered her face with her hands, but Coach just snorted.
“How about not on school property? I think I need to work you harder, you obviously have too much energy.” Coach Deal said sardonically, turning to walk away.
When Charlene and I turned back towards the lunch tables, applause broke out causing Charlene to blush even brighter, but her smile was still just as warm. I escorted her over to her table, picked up her tray and her book bag, and took her over to my table.
“I thought we should get to know each other better before the dance.” I said as we sat down. Bev was trying to be cool, but when Char looked over and met her eyes, they both squealed and hugged.
“I meant you and I, not you and my lovely cousin. But hey, I am an open-minded guy.” I said with a laugh, earning me a glare from both girls.
Charlene Summers, Char (Shar) to her friends, was the younger of two daughters. Her sister was a freshman at UCSB and living on campus. Her father was a general contractor and her mother did the bookkeeping for his firm. He did mostly contract homes, with some spec building on the side, and made a comfortable living doing so.
She had been born here in Santa Barbara and, except for a few vacations up and down the coast, to Disneyland in LA and as far north as Monterey, she had never left the area.
She was fascinated by the places I had lived, and thought it was super cool that I had been born in Santa Maria, less than an hour north of Santa Barbara, but had lived in four other states, not counting England, before I came back to California.
We spent the next couple of days getting to know each other and, by Friday, she was sitting on my lap, making out with me on the way home. John had offered to play chauffer that night but Aunt Lucy insisted that we didn’t need the old folks hanging around and arranged for a town car. It would take Bev and me to pick up our dates, then to a restaurant for dinner. After dinner it was the dance, then a late-night snack afterwards. Both Bev and Char were excited about the evening of romance
The winter formal was not as dressy as the prom would be, but we were expected to wear jackets and ties, the ladies in dresses. Bev looked fantastic with an off-the-shoulder number in a pale ivory that showcased her tan and blonde hair. Her date was Jeff Tankersley, a sophomore and basketball player. I didn’t know him, though I knew who he was. He seemed popular, as athletes tend to be in school, starting guard on the JV team, and Bev was giddy about being taken out by a ‘sports star’. I was wearing tan slacks, loafers, a navy blazer and a regimentally striped tie.
Of course, Aunt Lucy had to snap a hundred pictures before we left, and I ended up standing in for Bev’s date.
We picked up Jeff first, then headed to get Char, arriving at her house just before six. I got out and knocked on the front door, getting my first look at her father. He was a monster! Easily six and a half feet tall and as wide as the door, he made Mike, back at JFK, look a little thin by comparison.
“So. You are the one taking my youngest daughter out?” he asked, his tone seemed to say he wasn’t amused.
“I am. Wayne Moore and it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Summers. I am Charlene’s date for the evening.” I said, sticking out my hand.
“Move, you ape!” a voice from behind him said, and he stepped back to let an older, but still beautiful woman take his place.
“Hi, Wayne! Char is very excited about the dance tonight, it is all she would talk about all week. Come in, and don’t let this gorilla scare you. He just looks mean.” she said, smiling and pulling me inside.
“Go and tell Char that her date is here.” She ordered, slapping her husband on the arm. It was not a light slap either, it had some power behind it, but he seemed to not even notice. There was a slight smile on his face and he meekly said, “Yes, Dear.” and lumbered off towards the stairs.
“My husband loves to do that when the girls bring a boy over for the first time, but he is the gentlest man I have ever met.” she confided in me, reaching out to straighten my tie.
Char came down the stairs in an emerald colored dress and matching heels. She had applied just the barest hint of makeup and had a silver chain around her neck holding an emerald stone. She looked magnificent.
“Char, you look stunning.” I told her reaching for her hand. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. Her father, standing behind her, growled but she just rolled her eyes.
“Yes, Daddy, he is properly terrified.” she said playfully.
“Oh? Well, I guess my job is done. Have a great time, baby.” he said in a completely different voice, bending down to kiss her on the cheek.
I watched him pull out a pair of glasses, perch them on his nose and sit down with the newspaper. I just smiled and shook my head, surprised at how I had misjudged the man.
In the car, the two girls chatted excitedly as we headed to dinner. The Restaurant was a nice little romantic place down by the marina, and we had a table that overlooked the water.
Dinner was steak and lobster, though we were too young for wine that would have made the meal even better, and the girls were having a ball. Jeff seemed quiet, but attentive to Bev, so I shrugged it off and spent the meal chatting with the two ladies.
When we arrived at the dance, we saw that they had decorated the gymnasium in a kind of winter wonderland theme, with artificially flocked trees, fake snow in the corners of the room and thousands of twinkling lights that gave off enough illumination that the chaperones would be able to keep things cool, but still gave the illusion of privacy for the dancers.
I could dance, but it was never one of my most favorite activities, and what dances I knew were more formal or, in the fast dances, way out of style. Still, we had fun and I don’t think I embarrassed Char too much. The slow dances were a lot more fun. I got to move in close and feel her breasts against my chest. My cock was pointed towards my belly and Char deliberately rubbed her middle against it, giving me kisses when the chaperones weren’t looking and licking my neck and ear when they were.
I had been keeping half an eye on Bev, and she was not happy. Jeff had split off almost immediately and was hanging out with his buddies on the team while Bev was sitting there at our table steaming.
“Char, baby, Jeff ditched Bev. Would you mind if I asked her to dance a few? I hate to see her sitting over there unhappy.” I asked while we danced.
Char just smiled at me, her hand brushing against my erection. “As long as you remember who you came with, baby, you can dance with your cousin.” Her smirk told me she knew exactly how much I wanted her, and I just nodded.
The next dance, I led Char back to the table, grabbed Bev’s hand and pulled her, protesting, to the dance floor. Once we got going, she lightened up a bit and was smiling. We had fun for two fast dances and, when the music changed, I pulled her in close for a slow one.
“That jerk doesn’t deserve you.” I whispered, holding her close. Bev just leaned in, almost her entire body pressed against me.
“This feels so nice, Wayne. If only you weren’t my cousin.” she whispered, laying her cheek on my shoulder.
“Only by marriage.” I joked, hugging her tighter. I was sure she could feel me growing tall again, but she didn’t pull away, instead moving her middle even closer and I swear, she was purring.
After the slow dance, I led her back to the table and danced with Char again.
We ended up trading off for the rest of the evening, stopping now and again to take a break and get a drink. In the last hour before the dance ended, Jeff came back to the table, seemingly annoyed because I was on the dance floor with Bev. He tried to get Char to dance with him but she shot him down, so when we returned to the table, he looked pissed.
He grabbed Bev’s wrist. “Come on, the team got a hotel room.” he said and began to drag her away. Bev protested, but he was much stronger that she was.
He got three or four steps away before I could get in front of him.
“Get out of the way, twerp.” he growled.
“You can let her go, or we can both get suspended when I break your kneecap. The thing is, I won’t have to worry about missing games.” I told him, not moving.
I have to hand it to Char, she had impeccable timing. Later, I realized that she had seen what was going to happen and had deliberately caused a distraction.
As Jeff swung his fist at me, Char screamed out in rage. “You spilled your soda all over my dress!” Some hapless freshman whom Charlene had bumped into, looked at her in horror. Everyone turned to look. Everyone except Bev, Jeff and me.
His swing was clumsy and slow and ducking under it wasn’t an issue. My kick to the inside of his knee was much faster and, when his leg buckled under him, he released Bev.
He crashed to the floor, howling and holding his knee. I had kicked him hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to do any real damage. The follow-up, a kick to his solar plexus, cut off his cry sharply as he fought to breathe instead.
I took Bev’s hand and reached for Char, pulling them both towards the door.
When we reached the door, there was a crowd around Jeff and I found Coach Mills, the football coach, blocking the door.
“What’s going on, Moore?” he asked, eyeing us suspiciously.
“Coach, I am not going to lie to you, he tried to drag Beverly out, saying the basketball team had a hotel room and she was going to be the entertainment. I think he had been drinking.”
Coach Mills glared at me for a moment, looking at the crowd around Jeff, then stepped aside.
“I’m going to look into this, Moore. You better not be lying. Come and see me, all three of you, Monday after you get back from spring break.”
I just nodded and led the girls outside.
When the door closed behind us, a sobbing Beverly threw herself in my arms and cried. Char wrapped her arms around the both of us, kissing Bev on the cheek and telling her it would all be okay.
Our driver was standing with a bunch of other drivers and saw us exit the building. He was a big guy, one who looked like he had been around the block, and he hurried over.
“Everything okay, son?” he asked, his eyes scanning the parking lot and building.
“Had a little problem inside, but it’s okay now, thanks.” I told him. He shepherded us to the car and got us inside, starting it so the air conditioning would be running, then stood outside while we talked and straightened up.
“Thank you, Wayne, I was so scared! I don’t know what came over him!”
I just held her and let her relax. Bev was sitting on one side of me, her head on my shoulder and her arm around my waist. Char was on the other side, her head on the other shoulder and she kissed me on the cheek. She told me she had seen the fight coming and had deliberately bumped into Marty Sherran. She said she felt guilty about blaming him, but more worried about us.
Bev, surprised, but grateful, reached over and pulled Char’s face to hers, kissing her softly on the lips. “Thanks, Char. You are the best!”
Charlene blushed, but returned the kiss and I think, a little tongue. “I wish we didn’t have to go home now.” she whispered.
“We have at least two hours, maybe three.” Bev whispered back. “The dance doesn’t end until midnight, then we were going out to eat.”
“But where would we go? Your parents are home and so are mine.”
I told them to give me a second, extracted myself over their protests, and stepped out of the car, closing the door behind me.
“Manny, I have a problem.” I told him, and he raised an eyebrow, his cigarette dangling from his lips as he leaned against the front quarter panel of the town car.
“Yes, sir. See, we have a couple of hours before we have to get the girls home, and they aren’t quite ready to call it a night. What we would like is a little privacy. I am new in town, and I don’t know the area.” I told him, leaning back against the car with my hands in my pockets.
“Yeah, I can see where that might be a problem. Lots of kids go parking up by Santa Barbara Bowl, when there are no shows on. The cops tend to leave them alone unless they get noisy.” Manny said.
“Yeah, that sounds great, or would if I were driving.”
“Well, you know, maybe, just maybe, I could take you there. I like watching the stars and that is a good place. Might take me an hour, an hour and a half to get a good look at them.” Manny replied looking up at the sky.
“You are a good man, Manny.” I said with a grin, reaching out to shake his hand a slipping him a twenty.
John had insisted on giving me an allowance the same way he gave the girls allowances, and I had not spent a dime since I arrived. John also slipped me a hundred to pay for the meals tonight, making sure that Bev would not be embarrassed if her date didn’t have the money, so I thought it was money well spent.
I climbed back into the car and squirmed back in the middle between the two girls.
“Manny is going to take us somewhere we can see the stars.” I told them, and they both grinned. Bev pulled my face to hers and gave me a toe curling kiss, then Char did the same, her hand slipping down to trace my erection through my slacks.
“Bev, have you...” Char whispered, trailing off. Her eyes, and fingers, were on the bulge in my trousers.
“No, but I wanted to. He told me a story in his room one night, and if my parents hadn’t been home...” she trailed off, blushing.
We spent the ride making out, all three of us exchanging kisses and lightly teasing. When we arrived, I could see a couple of other cars, but they were widely spaced around the dark parking lot. Manny pulled in to a spot that was secluded, with a row of bushes between us and the next closest car. He turned and put his arm on the back of the seat.
“It’s 11:30. I’ll be back at 1 sharp.” he said, then turned and slipped out of the car. We watched him walk away, his hands in his pockets and his head pointed up, looking at the night sky.
I pulled Char into my lap, and her head to mine, kissing her soundly. When she felt my tongue teasing her lips, she opened her mouth and surrendered her own to me. My hand went to her breast, over her dress, softly caressing, kneading and she moaned into my mouth.
When we broke the kiss, she put her forehead against mine, her eyes bright as she took my hand from her breast and placed it on her thigh. “It’s okay, Wayne, feel how wet I am.” she murmured.
“Char, are you on birth control?” I asked, not wanting to be a father yet. “Bev?”
They both looked troubled and shook their heads no. “I thought you might have brought...” Char started to say, but I shook my head. “I didn’t think we would have a chance at this, not tonight anyway.”
They looked dejected, but I shrugged. “There are a lot of things we can do without that, girls. I will guarantee that you will both be screaming my name before we leave.” I said with a leer, my hands reaching down and cupping one beautiful ass cheek.
I shifted, moving Char to the seat and taking a knee in front of her. I paused to reach for Bev, her smile telling me she was ready to play too. I pulled her down onto the floor with me.
“You can help. I’ll teach you.” I said, kissing her and stroking her cheek. She nodded, turning her face to lick the palm of my hand.
I spread Char’s legs, working my hands up her thighs and pushing her dress up at the same time. I was between Char’s legs and Bev was to one side. She had locked her lips to Char’s and her hand was exploring the smaller girl’s breast while I pulled Char’s panties down. Finding them trapped by her spread thighs, I grunted at my lack of planning and grabbed each side, flexing and ripping them in half.
There was a gasp of shock from Char and both girls were looked down at me, but I just grinned and lowered my head, breathing deep.
Char’s pussy was red and swollen, her smooth clamshell opening like a flower, the pink insides glistening. Her pubic hair was a thin landing strip just above her slit, but her lips were clean shaven. It looked and smelled mouth-wateringly good!
Bev moved down to place her cheek on Char’s thigh and watched as I kissed the soft skin there, working my way up, side to side, then running my tongue along the crease where her hip met her center. Bev groaned when I stuck out my tongue and let it split Char’s lips, licking slowly from the smaller girl’s pucker, delving deeper in her middle and then flicking the tip against the delicate pink clit whose head was peeking out from the hood.
Char was whimpering and when she felt me flick her clit, she came, nectar leaking out in milky droplets.
“Oh god ... what are you doing to me ... more, lick it, Wayne, lick it more!” Char panted and I obliged.
I licked and sucked on her puffy lips, drawing them into my mouth. Then I delved inside with my tongue, pushing it as deep as I could, thrusting into her like it was a tiny dick. Char’s hips were hunching, trying to capture my tongue and I brought my hand up, sliding one finger inside.
I could feel her pussy grasping at it, sucking it inside and, when I pursed my lips and sucked her clit into my mouth, she began to whimper again. My single finger had become two and I curled them seeking and finding her spot, tapping, rubbing, circling. I looked up and she had pulled the top of her dress down, one hand rubbing and pulling on her nipple.
“Bev, help her.” I ordered, flicking my eyes upward. Bev raised her head and stared, then moved and latched her mouth on Char’s other nipple.
Char went wild, clutching Bev’s head to her breast. I dipped my head down again, rubbing harder on her G-spot and sucking on her clit, lashing it with my tongue. Char was grunting and pushing her pussy against me, fucking her pussy onto my face and I could feel a big one coming. Her whole body was shaking, moving, thrusting.
“Oh, fuck oh fuck oh fuck fuck FUCK ... AAAAHHHHHH!!!” Her voice was almost ear splitting in the closed-up car and she convulsed, her back arching so only her head and her heels were in contact, the rest of her body held in the air as she came.
She was frantically trying to pry my head away, pushing me away from her over-sensitive pussy. When I pulled back, she tried to bring her knees to her chest, protecting her poor pussy, but I wasn’t done yet. With her knees to her chest, she had uncovered her cute little star and I attacked it with my tongue, licking and pushing, forcing the tip into her anus.
“OH MY GOD!” she screamed, her ass hunching as this new feeling overwhelmed her already over-stimulated body. I could feel her cumming again, smaller this time, but still powerful.
I backed off, just rubbing and stroking her back passage with my index finger. “Just think, Char, one day I will have my cock right here, buried deep inside of you.
She just whimpered, her ass still wiggling.
“Wayne ... I need you.” Moaned Bev, pulling away from Char and spreading her own legs. I was surprised to see she wasn’t wearing any panties until I saw them discarded, laying on the floor at her feet.
“Please, Wayne? I want it too, make me cum, Wayne, eat my pussy!” she panted, reaching for my hair.
I dove in, sliding two fingers inside as I attacked her pussy. She was so hot and wet and she didn’t want the slow buildup, she wanted to be taken, to be ravaged. I mauled her g-spot, lashed her clit and she loved it. “Yes, do it! Do it! Fuck me, Wayne, fuck me!”
Not without a rubber, but I could do what I threatened Char with. I wet one finger in her juices and teased her little asshole, rubbing and inserting just the tip while I continue to work on her g-spot and her clit. Her ass was humping, chasing my teasing finger, pushing itself on my digit.
I wet it again in the juices dripping down from her pussy and pushed, slowly burying one finger inside of her.
“Oh god, that is so nasty, so fucking nasty! Do it, do it do it!” she chanted, grunting and groaning.
I added another finger and was sliding them in and out, finger fucking her ass, faster and harder. Bev was going wild, fucking back at me, trying to get more.
“Do it, Wayne. Put your cock in there. Fuck me in my little bottom.” she moaned.
Char had recovered and was watching, fascinated. When I raised up, leaving two fingers in her tight ass and using the other hand to try and undo my pants, Char took over. She slid down to the floor beside me and pulled my pants down, freeing my cock and sliding her hand up and down the shaft.
Then, surprising me, she lowered her head and took my cock in her mouth, getting it nice and slick.
“Do it, Wayne. I want to see you fuck her. This is soooo fucking hot!” she panted, pushing on my back, urging me to penetrate her friend.
I knee walked closer, pulling my fingers from Bev’s ass. She whimpered, but when she felt the blunt head of my cock at her rear entrance, she moaned.
“Yesssssss ... fuck me Wayne!” Her own fingers were on her clit now, rubbing furiously, her other hand sliding two fingers in and out of her sopping pussy.
I pushed and felt the head pop through the tight muscle. She gave a little shriek. “OH GOD! That feels amazing!”
I pushed slowly, pulling out and letting the nectar flowing down her crack provide more lube as I pushed back in. Soon my hips were pressed flush against her ass and I was buried to the hilt.
I began to thrust, slowly at first, then faster as she urged me on. When Char moved Bev’s fingers, lowered her head and began to suck on the girl’s clit, Bev went wild. She started cumming and kept cumming for the three or four minutes I managed to hold out before spewing into her, pumping my seed deep inside.
Char scrambled for her purse, pulling out some tissues and handed them to me. I slowly withdrew, Bev still shaking and riding the roller coaster of aftershocks, and when the head of my rapidly shrinking cock pulled free, I pressed the wad of tissues in place to keep my seed from spilling out.
“God, that was so fucking sexy ... I want that too, Wayne! I want you so bad, but I can’t get pregnant. Can you go again? Can you do me like that? I need you inside...” Char groaned, kissing me and tasting of Bev.
“I don’t think we have time, baby, but soon, I promise. I’ll get some condoms and never be without them again!” I swore, groaning as I moved to the other seat, my knees protested all that time on the hard floor.
Bev was smiling at me, her face flushed.
“God, Wayne, I never thought about doing that, but it was sooooo good. Jesus, I think if you ever fuck me for real, I may not survive it!” she giggled, rubbing her breasts through the material of her dress.
“It’s so not fair, you live together! You will get to fuck him any time you want him!” Char pouted.
“With my parents and my little sister around? Yeah, that’s not happening.” Bev grumped, looking annoyed.
“We’ll figure something out, ladies, count on it!” I grinned, reaching for the window controls to get some air in here. It smelled like a cathouse!
By the time we were all straightened up again and dressed, the girls’ dresses looking a little worse for the wear, there was a discreet tap on the trunk. Manny was back and was letting us know it was time.
I opened the rear door and stretched, my back popping. “I think we are about ready, Manny. Let’s give them a second though.” I said. He grinned at me and nodded.
With the door open, the worst of the scent soon dissipated and we were on our way. We drove to Char’s house, Bev giving her a long, loving kiss in the car before I walked her to the door. At the doorstep, I gave Char a nice, but relatively chaste kiss, taking a chance and squeezing her ass for a second.
“Thank you for coming with me tonight, Charlene. I hope this means you will go out with me again sometime.” I said with a smile.
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"Are you sure this is the place? It looks awfully fancy so far." Kate looked down again at the instructions that Sam Dagon had written out for her. "Yes, it says turn right... I keep telling you, it probably is very fancy. Mr. Dagon has a great deal of money, I'm sure." "O.K., O.K. It just seems like we've been driving forever, that's all!" Tim felt in a very ill humor, although he was glad to have liquidated all of his problems with the apartment back in San Francisco without...
My son in laws father came to visit the family for a few days. He parked his motor home in front of the house and stayed in it while visiting. One evening, he and I went out drinking and got to know each other. When we got back, he offered me a tour of his motorhome. It was very nice and huge. As we were looking around, I commented on the storage space and opened a few drawers. One of the drawers had panties and nighties. Since he is single I was surprised and asked about it. He turned bright...
Manner from heaven, a boy in my class had found a book in a drawer when he was rummaging about amongst his mothers underwear, intending to smell and fondle some while he relieved himself as usual. A quick surreptitious glance at a couple of pages was enough for me and after a few threats and a couple of cuffs round his ears I was the proud, if brief, possessor of it on the understanding that he got it back the next day so that he could secrete it back in its proper place. Needless to say I...
Hi iss reader i am Ravi completed my hotel management and in the entry age of 25, having 5.9 height with little bit fatty body and 5″ penis in longer and wider 1.6″ wider and the girl i am talking about is Jiya. She is 21with 5.6 height , her size is 38d breasts 28 waist 34 bumps her colour is like milk and eyes are very deep and grey with long curly hair and her lips are full or rose juice and pink in colour. My English is not good if i have done any mistake plz forgive me Any unsatisfied...
Jill was the mom of my best bud Billy. She was average height, nice tits, great body, and beautiful long blonde hair. She was a looker for sure. About once a month during the summer my family and theirs would go the coast with our sea doos and wave runners and spend long weekends there at beach houses our parents had. Both our families were large and it was always fun. Jill never paid much attention to me, I mean she did not pay alot of sexual attention to me and I did not expect her to. I mean...
"What's that, Honey?" "Could you give me one kiss? I mean a kiss like you'd kiss Millie." "I think I could do that," I said. I rode Sin over to a copse of trees and we dismounted. I put my arms around Wanda and leaned down. She tilted her face up. When our lips met, I could feel it all the way down to my toes. I know Wanda was feeling the same way I was, because I thought she was going to melt and run down through my arms. We held the kiss for a long time and when I brushed her...
With those two indisposed for the rest of the evening knowing Nate she would need to do something to entertain herself until she was ready for bed. All she knew was that she really couldn't think all that good and decided that after a nice hot bath with Amanda's special soap she could figure out what she will be doing for the rest of the night. Steph got up to her room and started the bath while she got undressed. She quickly stripped down to nothing and waltzed over to the tub. She measured...
Novels"Well I have to be on my way on my way to my next class at another place," she said as one let her walk, "don't worry I have a plan" one of them said as they peeked watching her make her way to the girls locker room to change clothing. As she made her way so did they boys, once they made their way to the girls locker room, one of them pulled his phone to record her being fucked by them. As she left the door open they snuck in hiding so she won't notice them, she sigh waking into one of...
Young and sexy, Nancy A. shows that she can be the perfect wife as she brings her husband Martin some tea. Marin doesn’t even get the chance to take a sip before Nancy presses her lips to his, but that’s okay because he’d much rather taste his wife than the tea. Within moments he has unwrapped Nancy from her robe, leaving her slim body clad in just a bra and panties. Crawling down Maritn’s body, Nancy springs free her husband’s long stiffie. She opens her mouth as...
xmoviesforyouI have been having an open relationship with a guy named Nick. He’s 21, stunning, 6’5”, very muscular, brown hair and eyes. He graduated from university a few years early and currently works for his dad’s business empire. Nick lives in this lavish apartment in Central London overlooking Hyde Park and I spend most of my time there. When I’m there I usually cook, clean, train and study. Three or four times a week I spend the night at his and one morning I awoke to the sound of his alarm and...
The reflection in the mirror this morning once again did not meet the expectations or hopes of Carol Litner. In her mind the 18-year-old high school senior envisioned a person more like Jessica Alba. The only thing they had in common was straight dark hair. Carol examined herself in the mirror and critically described her as shapeless. Small breasts, flat ass and no curve to reveal hips, she struggled to exercise and eat small portions but she still seemed 10lbs over weight. She certainly...
This story is slow, possibly too slow for most readers, there is a moderation of ‘60’s styled sex for that was my era. Following my graduation with Fiona, I had become a different man, for now my confidence was sky high and I was no longer the bumbling idiot of days gone by. My main interest at the time was photography, as a kid my father started me off with the ‘Brownie’ Box which was ok for snap-shots and bugger-all else, so as soon as I was earning I made it a point of putting some money...
I could feel him gazing at me from across the bar. Lifting my head so my blue eyes met his. Can he tell that I wanted him? His lips twitched into a rough smile. What was it about him that turned me on? I could feel my pussy begin to throb and get wet, as he undressed me with his eyes. Enough was enough, I couldn?t take it anymore. I downed my drink, told my friends I was leaving and headed for the door.I had just made it to my car when I felt a hand gripping my waist tightly. He spun me around...
I wrote this story for a friend on xhamster, we've been chatting for awhile so I wanted to share with her one of the scenarios I've had running through my mind. I've always had a thing for older women and she is incredibly sexy, so this was my story for her:My job is pretty boring. I'm a butcher at a supermarket, which even these days is a very male dominated environment. The guys are typical meatheads (excuse the pun, if you can even call it that) so they tend to do most of the actual cutting,...
The days began to blend together and Missy and I established a workable and comfortable routine. She really was enjoyable company, not at all like the horror stories I had heard from others who had done similar work. In fact, it got to where we were almost like a married couple, we could anticipate what the other one was thinking or wanting without being told. I was thinking that if this was what witness protection was like, I would like to do more of it! For me, it was the closest thing to a...
HistoricalHi, im priya,chalarojulataruvata kalusukovadam o.k storyloki velite, nannu chakalodu, maa palerodu modatisari dengaru, gammattemitante naku teleekunda,chakalodu choostundaga,palerodu vadi gatti moddato kasideera dengadu, taruvata nenu vaddu ee roju kidi chalu ante chakalodu, na modda chhoodu, dorasani pooku kosam tahataha ladutondi ani choopettadu, palerodu vadi modda to na mokam daggariki vachadu, vadidi inka gatti padalesdu kani choostunte iddari moddalu bale gammattuga undi,nannu...
Aaron’s now Fidelity’s Associate Vice President for Finance, someone with whom it’s good to be acquainted if you’re a Fidelity CPA. Actually, we’re both CPAs, hired at the same time, but Aaron’s the one destined for a corporate future. Back when the two of us hired on, we’d even dated, but as he started his climb, there at the front desk sat Evelyn, freshening her nails. They may be married, but everyone knows she’s still on the prowl. I moved on as well. Perhaps not really “on,” but toward...
Rosa stood at the edge of the dusty road and gazed off into the distance. The unforgiving South Texas sun baked the landscape and buildings, and brought out beads of perspiration on Rosa’s arms and forehead. She had no idea why she continued waiting by the road each afternoon, Jimmy wasn’t coming home. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. The slender, young woman turned to see Pablito, a young pitbull, standing in her shadow. She wiped her forehead with the back of her...
They sat at the small table in the night club, nervously looking around the dimly lit room. The club music pounded as they watched a room full sweaty bodies, much younger than they, enjoying the night. The idea to spend a night out at one of these local clubs seemed like a great idea earlier in the night, but it had become painfully obvious that this was not what Guy and Jamie needed to reconnect in their marriage. They sat silently, apart, sipping their drinks and hoping that the other would...
TabooPlease email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: April 25, 2011) Chapter 33 - The Songs We Sing Dad awakened me a few hours later to allow me enough time to get ready and eat lunch before we had to go. I was a little tired from the wacky schedule, and wondered if going back...
First I created the free Hotmail account, it was a separate one from the other two email accounts that I use all the time for work and to converse with friends. In a perfect world I would not care if anyone knew I was here writing stories, but I have noticed that this world is pretty far from perfect. Then I used the new e-mail to get an account here. I just need to write this, to tell someone. I have previously sent messages back and forth with two other members here. One guy and one gal who...
I took a good long look at my now shoulder length hair. It still looked very straight and masculine in contrast to my wig, but at least I had something to work with now. I decided that it was about time to start wearing my natural hair instead of the very nice, but still uncomfortable wig I’d used for four months now. Since I’d left my old life, my chest had grown between an A and B cup (which I still augmented with inexpensive enhancers, to stay at a C cup), and my body had changed...
In part 1 of BBC we learn that Mike and Gloria are having trouble conceiving due not only to Mike’s low sperm count but the sperm he has are too weak to hold on to Gloria’s egg for a full term pregnancy. During a totally humiliating trip to Gloria’s gynecologist in which she claims that not only is his sperm weak, his penis is not large enough to deliver his sperm to Gloria’s cervix. She then goes on to demonstrate a new sperm delivery system that further emasculates Mike. Join us in part II as...
Here’s the deal. I’m not going to give you some bullshit story; I’ll just tell it like it happened. I know I’m really pathetic. I’m not a bad looking guy but for some reason I can’t get any chicks, so I spend my free time looking at pornography and thinking about one special person. That person is my younger sister. I’m not going to give out her real name or even make one up. I’m 21 years old and have fantasized about her ever since I used to take baths with her when we were kids. I know that...
Incest“My bra is so tight today.” Just as the words left Sabrina’s mouth her top ripped open and her breasts exploded into view, leaping out of her bra. “What’s happening?” Sabrina asked, the panic in her voice as clear as day. Her breasts, surrounded by her shirt, hung down. They were smooth and round. “What’s going on?” Jen asked, she woke up and tried to figure out what she missed, “Are you doing it with Sabrina, Alene?” She shot at her. “I wasn’t doing anything!” Alene protested, but before...
I am aware that all have been bored with the typical stories of fucking my friend’s mother of fucking aunty etc. But I still have something more to share about my relations with my aunty. If you like it just give me feedback at I am from Gujarat. This is the story before 10 years when I was in my college and studying at Ahmedabad in a hostel. Now the days also I visit Ahmedabad at least trice in the month for business purpose. But that time I had to stay there for tree years for doing my...
IncestThanks to Barney R for the editing. As always, I had to mess with it some more. Therefore all mistakes and omissions are all on me. She left, he discovered a lot. Authors Note: This story is a return to my angry persona; I find it an easier formula to write. I am not necessarily abandoning my happier, softer stories; it is that my muse must have a case of the ass right now. My name is Chuck Torrence; I am an electronics engineer. I had some good ideas for some electronic gadgets while...
I’ll never forget the taste when he stuffed your panties into my mouth. Soaking wet and right on my tongue…you were musky and sweet. I savored it, sucking on them softly. Your scent filled my nose and I breathed it in deeply. My eyes traced your body, devouring every new inch of bare skin as he finished undressing you. He stood behind you with his hands on your hips, as if forcing me to look…forcing me to acknowledge your nudity. Was he trying to make me jealous? Was he really that clueless? He...
Hi, this is my first story. I am from Chennai and this story is when I finished school and was attending college. It is about how I lost my virginity to my schoolmate. You can share your comments on I was a shy boy at school and rarely talked with the girls in my class during college. But I used to have huge boners by seeing a few of them and even jerked off in the bathroom. But I never got the chance nor the guts to lose my virginity at school. Unfortunately, I joined a men’s college and I...
So if you know who, and what, we are all about then you know we are all about true unknowns and sexual firsts on Camera. Even though today’s exploitee, Chanel Summers, made her sexual debut over at our casting site, we just had to have her after Rick told us just how fucking cute and special this girl is. Yes we bent the rules a bit, but fucking aye if this girl isn’t super hot with a knockout body to boot, who really fucking cares! Now she did do another...
xmoviesforyouMeg Brown and the Principals Office A short story of one Chapter………Meg Brown had always been a good girl, even at home her parents had no real reason to spank her . She had been over her Mothers knee a few times but that was years before and wasall but forgotten.Her primary school used the old fashioned over the knee spanking and the cane for the naughtiest boys and girls but never severely and Meg had managed to avoid it.Now she was eighteen and was looking forward to college and a...
If you're male and you can remember when you were thirteen, then you can remember jacking-off all the time. No, not some of the time, all of the time. Every minute you could be alone. I did and I just seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of semen that I couldn't ever deplete no matter how hard I tried. And I tried hard. I had a stash of naked pictures and a couple of Playboys which added fuel to my lustful fire and spent all my days in school dreaming about all the girls I knew, imagining...
Alicia was daydreaming in her office about how many people are exhibitionistic, probably more than they would like to admit. Maybe some of them aren’t fully aware of it but judging from what she’d been seeing throughout the past 4 years a lot of people enjoy the idea of being watched or find the chance of possibly being watched rather exciting. Throughout these 4 years that she had been living in her apartment building she had seen some erotic play several times per week. Of course living in a...
My mind was somehow always filled with lines. Angles and intersections. Properties. Distances. Distribution. Patterns. I was perfectly willing to pass the blame to my first teacher of mathematics. Mr Williams sowed a seed and I was unable to let it die. Numbers and arithmetic were of minimal interest to me, but show me a diagram, a plan or the skeleton of a building and I was entranced. Father was not an imaginative man. His head was filled too, it seemed. But not with lines. His obsession...
Hello everyone! Here is a quick introduction about myself before I get into sharing 3 really personal and intimate experiences with all of you. I am Sonali and I am 27 years old. Yes, I know you all want to know if I am married or not, and the answer is unmarried. While my parents are looking for a perfect husband, I am out there being a perfect chick for a few lucky guys. I am 5’5″ tall, black long hair, black eyes and the information which you all are looking for is 34-28-34. I work in a...
first about me 44 northeast of england now happly married this happened about 15 years ago when i lived alonethe internet wasnt so advanced as it is now so after hours in chat rooms being approached by guys i thought why not give it a try i chatted to a guy after phone sex so he gave me his number nervously i dialled him up, to my surprise he sounded quiet normal we chatted about how long we,d been in chat why we were looking for aguy, then i asked what he was doing, wanking and asked if i was...
smiling back at her. She rolled over and pulled him into her arms. She hugged him close and he seemed to nuzzle into her chest, even with his cum all over them. Neither one seemed to care at this point. They fell asleep in each other's arms. She awoke once during the night and looked to see where he was, and saw a few candles were still lit and saw him curled up next to her, their bodies touching. She looked down and was amazed that his cock was still erect and seemed to glisten in...
Story: Bikini Boy Author: Jakladd contact info [email protected] Bikini Boy I was the boy my father had hoped for after 3 daughters before me. Life in our suburban middle class two-story house was as normal as anyone else's. My dad was a loving father bringing me up and doing the things a father likes to do with his son - baseball, fishing, camping, working the garage. Then came the divorce. The fights, the yelling and screaming about the "other woman" resounded through the house...
My sister Maureen and I have been lovers off and on for twenty years now,continuing even after she got married and had two c***dren. I loved fucking her when she was pregnant, making that swollen belly jiggle with each thrust. During these periods was a winfall for me because her husband was so put off as the pregnancy progressed he could no longer maintain a sustained erection. Maureen's hermones were going berserk and she ridiculously horny. If I didn't see her for a few weeks I was greeted...
Angel knew Frank all too well. He was her first pimp, and had stolen her virginity when she was only seven. At the time, he was her legal gaurdian, so it made it easy for him to torture her and pimp her out to his friends. That’s how she met Rich. He happened to be one of Frank’s friends, and when he offered to fork over money for her, Frank jumped on the offer and suddenly Angel belonged to Rich at the illegal age of eleven. Sure Angel had tried to escape many times, and in fact,...
That was when she caught something at the corner of her eye and turned to see her son standing in the connecting doorway between the rooms. Lauralee rolled off the bed and fled for the bathroom, her legs flashing and her breasts bouncing, acutely conscious of her nakedness. Robbie had seen her doing that with Bettina; she was sure of it. There was no way the boy could have missed what had been going on, and Lauralee's insides drew themselves into shameful knots. Her son had seen his mother...
It really has not been that long since the first time I ever had sex with another woman. I had never thought of it as revolting or anything like that. And in fact by the time I first did it I had fantasized about it and actually once made an attempt at it. Right after college I rented an apartment in New Orleans with one of my three closest friends, Rhonda, a sorority sister from college. Our next door neighbors was a lesbian couple close to our age. Rhonda and I became good friends with them...
Hi Readers, This is Sofia C again. Find below is my new story. Your comments & replies are welcomed at Sofia is a typical woman boss, hard and randy for the girls who work under her. Sofia still has vivid memories of her seduction of her plump little co-worker, the luscious but amazingly naive Suchitra. Suchitra, without being in the least aware of it, was a real cunt-teaser as far as Sofia was concerned. Sofia would ogle Suchitra and her cunt used to tingle every time Suchitra bent over or...
LesbianA Company Party:The company party Friday night had been even wilder than I had thought it might be. Of course, my husband Phillip didn't want to come in the first place and when I had insisted, he did little more than talk business with some of his friends. That left me pretty much to my own devices, which was fine with me. My husband hadn't fucked me in three weeks anyway. Not all the men here were interested in talking business; some of Phil's colleagues preferred the company of large...
You type your passcode into the electronic clock on machine and begin your 8 hour shift at Greenfields Golf Resort. You only have the job in order to pay for your university studies, but honestly its a pretty cruisy job. Your co-workers are pretty fun, and being in such a nice area, you dont have to deal with the annoying general public that some of your mates are stuck with in fast food restaurants. In fact, Greenfields is one of the most luxurious golf courses in the state, so you get some to...
TeenEveryone loses when cheating is involved.Matt wakes up to a new, nightmarish reality.Reality really sucks, at least mine does. What the hell am I supposed to do now? The woman that I love more than anything, and that I thought loved me the same, fucked my former best friend Jim. How the hell do we get past this? Can I get past this?First thing I need to do is get healthy again, then go kick Jim's ass. How dare that asshole? He was supposed to be my best friend. Instead, he takes the first...
Hi ye mera pehela story hai I am a business man jada time mere pass nehin hota hain so please agar koi galti hojati to please mujhe batana aur mail bhi karana mat bhulna and hi myself Laxman from Berhampur Odisha I am very good fan and reader of ISS story’s. My age is 29 very good sound health fit body and look is so hand some ye me nehin keheta friends kehete hai and hello friends today like many of us even I have my own sex experience to share with you all. I hope you guys will enjoy it and...
CLANG-ER, CLANG-ER, CLANG-ER, CLANG-ER, CLANG-ER. The feverish ringing of a hand bell rudely roused me after being asleep for only a few minutes, or so it seemed. I knew I had to get up and quickly too otherwise I would have to wait to get a space in the lavatory. An unexpected bonus of choosing my bed was that it was closest and I had a head start on the others and managed to get the far end hole. Will plonked his bottom alongside mine and whispered "Good morning," and then had to force...
This happened years ago, when I was a curious and horny 13yr old boy. I had moved schools and was still in touch with my best mate, Paul, who would take the time to come over for occasional visits. We were normal, good mates, and soon, we became closer still. He was a nice looking boy as i recall,full lips, and a nice slightly browned skin...we would often sit and play with lego or build models together, but as we began to reach puberty, our interests changed. It was on one of his visits to me...
In college I earned free room and board by working the front desk of my dorm. It was an easy job that consisted of answering the phone, buzzing in visitors, and using the master key when residents got locked out of their rooms. Since I usually worked the afternoon shift, I also sorted the mail. Mostly I just occupied myself by reading for class.The dorm was a high-rise with eight floors and about 400 residents. A lot of people moved off campus after their freshman year, but I decided to stay....
As usual this story is exclusively my property and can’t be republished or redistributed without my permission. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and not-so-innocent. Any resemblance to people living, dead or non-existent is merely a coincidence. * Zack gave Adele a little squeeze as they relaxed on her sofa and watched a movie. Adele snuggled into him and grinned. It had been about six months since Adele had made her leap of faith and opened up to Zack. They’d decided to take it...