EchoChapter 4 free porn video

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At school, the entire student body seemed to be obsessed with the upcoming winter formal. The girls all had their heads together and seemed to go everywhere in groups, while the guys circled around the outside, hoping to cut one from the pack long enough to ask them to the dance.

I watched with some amusement as the people I had come to know over the last couple of weeks turned into strangers. The dance was this coming Friday and next week was spring break. I was more excited about spending a week with Dennis and gave no thought at all to the dance, other than to watch the mating rituals that seemed to swirl around me.

“Who are you taking?” Bev asked when she sat down next to me at lunch. One big change from back in Texas was that John and Lucy had paid for the lunch program at school, so I was munching on a burger and fries.

“Taking where?” I asked around a mouth full of burger.

“Duh! To the dance!” Bev said, rolling her eyes.

“Not going.” I said, stuffing a couple of fries in my mouth.

Bev turned to me and stared like I had just told her that I was gay or something. The shock and horror on her face almost made me laugh and spray bits of French fry all over the table. I covered my mouth and swallowed.

“Wayne Moore, you are going to the dance if I have to drag you!” Beverly and I had been dancing around each other for weeks, especially since that night on my bed where I told her my story. We had flirted and teased but hadn’t progressed any further and I doubted we would. Still, we were closer and she seemed to think that she had some say over my life these days. A little bossy, but cute.

“Why? I only know a few people here, and I am not all that fond of dances.” I shrugged, taking a sip from my soda.

She leaned in close, “Because Charlene has asked me at least a dozen times a day who you are taking. She had turned down three offers already and if you don’t ask her soon, she will have to choose one.”

Charlene was the girl who rode the same bus and had several classes with Bev. She was very cute, had a body like a gymnast and a pixie haircut that was perfect for her thin, almost elfin face.

“Why would she want to go with me? She is fifteen. She would get teased by the others for cradle robbing.” I asked, shaking my head.

“You are an idiot, you know? You are like, a celebrity. Most of the girls in the freshman class would drop their panties if you asked, probably half the sophomores too.”

I looked at her, honestly shocked. Sure, people were friendly with me and I had several girls I hung out with, but I hadn’t seen any signs that any of them had romantic interests.

It hit me though, like a slap upside the head. I had been ignoring teen girl tittering and posturing, looking for more mature interest. Women in 2020 weren’t afraid to come right out and ask for a date or even a weekend of fun. This was 1981, and fourteen and fifteen-year-old girls didn’t act like that.

In my mind’s eye, I reviewed the last couple of weeks, saw the little looks, the hair toss, the subtle signs of an unsure, sometimes frightened teen girl trying to attract a guy. I had just been laughing about my classmates and the mating dances they were doing, and completely missed the dance around me! I could have been knee deep in young pussy but I was too stupid to see the signs.

Bev must have seen the realization in my eyes because she giggled and lightly smacked me on the back of the head. “So? Who are you taking?”

I rolled my eyes but gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before I got up and marched over to where Charlene was sitting with some of her girlfriends.

“Hi, Char. Got a sec?” I asked nonchalantly. The conversation at the table died out and all eyes were on us. Charlene smiled and blushed.

“Sure, Wayne.”

I held out my hand and she laid hers in mine, then followed me away from the group. We didn’t go far, just enough that the rest of the table wouldn’t be able to hear us.

“It has come to my attention that I am an idiot. I am surrounded by cute California girls and one of the prettiest girls in the whole school rides the bus with me but I haven’t even asked her out. Well, I admit that I can be clueless, I am mostly focused on getting into college next year, but that’s no excuse. So ... would you like to go to the Winter formal as my date?”

Charlene blushed again, but her smile was a mile wide. She pretended to play coy for a moment, thinking about her answer, but she couldn’t keep it up.

“I would love to be your date, Wayne.” she bubbled, coming close and kissing me on the lips.

I slid my arms around her waist, pulling her closer and the friendly kiss quickly became more involved. Her arms went around my neck and held me tight, and I could feel my erection pressed into her hard belly.

“Public Displays of Affection are not allowed, children.” A stern voice called and we quickly pushed back. Coach Deal, the swim coach, was standing over us with a scowl on her face. Her eyes held amusement though, so I could tell we weren’t in real trouble.

“Mr. Moore, you should not be corrupting innocent young women in the cafeteria.” she growled.

“Yes, Coach. Is there someplace around here more appropriate?” I asked innocently. Charlene blushed and covered her face with her hands, but Coach just snorted.

“How about not on school property? I think I need to work you harder, you obviously have too much energy.” Coach Deal said sardonically, turning to walk away.

When Charlene and I turned back towards the lunch tables, applause broke out causing Charlene to blush even brighter, but her smile was still just as warm. I escorted her over to her table, picked up her tray and her book bag, and took her over to my table.

“I thought we should get to know each other better before the dance.” I said as we sat down. Bev was trying to be cool, but when Char looked over and met her eyes, they both squealed and hugged.

“I meant you and I, not you and my lovely cousin. But hey, I am an open-minded guy.” I said with a laugh, earning me a glare from both girls.

Charlene Summers, Char (Shar) to her friends, was the younger of two daughters. Her sister was a freshman at UCSB and living on campus. Her father was a general contractor and her mother did the bookkeeping for his firm. He did mostly contract homes, with some spec building on the side, and made a comfortable living doing so.

She had been born here in Santa Barbara and, except for a few vacations up and down the coast, to Disneyland in LA and as far north as Monterey, she had never left the area.

She was fascinated by the places I had lived, and thought it was super cool that I had been born in Santa Maria, less than an hour north of Santa Barbara, but had lived in four other states, not counting England, before I came back to California.

We spent the next couple of days getting to know each other and, by Friday, she was sitting on my lap, making out with me on the way home. John had offered to play chauffer that night but Aunt Lucy insisted that we didn’t need the old folks hanging around and arranged for a town car. It would take Bev and me to pick up our dates, then to a restaurant for dinner. After dinner it was the dance, then a late-night snack afterwards. Both Bev and Char were excited about the evening of romance

The winter formal was not as dressy as the prom would be, but we were expected to wear jackets and ties, the ladies in dresses. Bev looked fantastic with an off-the-shoulder number in a pale ivory that showcased her tan and blonde hair. Her date was Jeff Tankersley, a sophomore and basketball player. I didn’t know him, though I knew who he was. He seemed popular, as athletes tend to be in school, starting guard on the JV team, and Bev was giddy about being taken out by a ‘sports star’. I was wearing tan slacks, loafers, a navy blazer and a regimentally striped tie.

Of course, Aunt Lucy had to snap a hundred pictures before we left, and I ended up standing in for Bev’s date.

We picked up Jeff first, then headed to get Char, arriving at her house just before six. I got out and knocked on the front door, getting my first look at her father. He was a monster! Easily six and a half feet tall and as wide as the door, he made Mike, back at JFK, look a little thin by comparison.

“So. You are the one taking my youngest daughter out?” he asked, his tone seemed to say he wasn’t amused.

“I am. Wayne Moore and it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Summers. I am Charlene’s date for the evening.” I said, sticking out my hand.

“Move, you ape!” a voice from behind him said, and he stepped back to let an older, but still beautiful woman take his place.

“Hi, Wayne! Char is very excited about the dance tonight, it is all she would talk about all week. Come in, and don’t let this gorilla scare you. He just looks mean.” she said, smiling and pulling me inside.

“Go and tell Char that her date is here.” She ordered, slapping her husband on the arm. It was not a light slap either, it had some power behind it, but he seemed to not even notice. There was a slight smile on his face and he meekly said, “Yes, Dear.” and lumbered off towards the stairs.

“My husband loves to do that when the girls bring a boy over for the first time, but he is the gentlest man I have ever met.” she confided in me, reaching out to straighten my tie.

Char came down the stairs in an emerald colored dress and matching heels. She had applied just the barest hint of makeup and had a silver chain around her neck holding an emerald stone. She looked magnificent.

“Char, you look stunning.” I told her reaching for her hand. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. Her father, standing behind her, growled but she just rolled her eyes.

“Yes, Daddy, he is properly terrified.” she said playfully.

“Oh? Well, I guess my job is done. Have a great time, baby.” he said in a completely different voice, bending down to kiss her on the cheek.

I watched him pull out a pair of glasses, perch them on his nose and sit down with the newspaper. I just smiled and shook my head, surprised at how I had misjudged the man.

In the car, the two girls chatted excitedly as we headed to dinner. The Restaurant was a nice little romantic place down by the marina, and we had a table that overlooked the water.

Dinner was steak and lobster, though we were too young for wine that would have made the meal even better, and the girls were having a ball. Jeff seemed quiet, but attentive to Bev, so I shrugged it off and spent the meal chatting with the two ladies.

When we arrived at the dance, we saw that they had decorated the gymnasium in a kind of winter wonderland theme, with artificially flocked trees, fake snow in the corners of the room and thousands of twinkling lights that gave off enough illumination that the chaperones would be able to keep things cool, but still gave the illusion of privacy for the dancers.

I could dance, but it was never one of my most favorite activities, and what dances I knew were more formal or, in the fast dances, way out of style. Still, we had fun and I don’t think I embarrassed Char too much. The slow dances were a lot more fun. I got to move in close and feel her breasts against my chest. My cock was pointed towards my belly and Char deliberately rubbed her middle against it, giving me kisses when the chaperones weren’t looking and licking my neck and ear when they were.

I had been keeping half an eye on Bev, and she was not happy. Jeff had split off almost immediately and was hanging out with his buddies on the team while Bev was sitting there at our table steaming.

“Char, baby, Jeff ditched Bev. Would you mind if I asked her to dance a few? I hate to see her sitting over there unhappy.” I asked while we danced.

Char just smiled at me, her hand brushing against my erection. “As long as you remember who you came with, baby, you can dance with your cousin.” Her smirk told me she knew exactly how much I wanted her, and I just nodded.

The next dance, I led Char back to the table, grabbed Bev’s hand and pulled her, protesting, to the dance floor. Once we got going, she lightened up a bit and was smiling. We had fun for two fast dances and, when the music changed, I pulled her in close for a slow one.

“That jerk doesn’t deserve you.” I whispered, holding her close. Bev just leaned in, almost her entire body pressed against me.

“This feels so nice, Wayne. If only you weren’t my cousin.” she whispered, laying her cheek on my shoulder.

“Only by marriage.” I joked, hugging her tighter. I was sure she could feel me growing tall again, but she didn’t pull away, instead moving her middle even closer and I swear, she was purring.

After the slow dance, I led her back to the table and danced with Char again.

We ended up trading off for the rest of the evening, stopping now and again to take a break and get a drink. In the last hour before the dance ended, Jeff came back to the table, seemingly annoyed because I was on the dance floor with Bev. He tried to get Char to dance with him but she shot him down, so when we returned to the table, he looked pissed.

He grabbed Bev’s wrist. “Come on, the team got a hotel room.” he said and began to drag her away. Bev protested, but he was much stronger that she was.

He got three or four steps away before I could get in front of him.

“Get out of the way, twerp.” he growled.

“You can let her go, or we can both get suspended when I break your kneecap. The thing is, I won’t have to worry about missing games.” I told him, not moving.

I have to hand it to Char, she had impeccable timing. Later, I realized that she had seen what was going to happen and had deliberately caused a distraction.

As Jeff swung his fist at me, Char screamed out in rage. “You spilled your soda all over my dress!” Some hapless freshman whom Charlene had bumped into, looked at her in horror. Everyone turned to look. Everyone except Bev, Jeff and me.

His swing was clumsy and slow and ducking under it wasn’t an issue. My kick to the inside of his knee was much faster and, when his leg buckled under him, he released Bev.

He crashed to the floor, howling and holding his knee. I had kicked him hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to do any real damage. The follow-up, a kick to his solar plexus, cut off his cry sharply as he fought to breathe instead.

I took Bev’s hand and reached for Char, pulling them both towards the door.

When we reached the door, there was a crowd around Jeff and I found Coach Mills, the football coach, blocking the door.

“What’s going on, Moore?” he asked, eyeing us suspiciously.

“Coach, I am not going to lie to you, he tried to drag Beverly out, saying the basketball team had a hotel room and she was going to be the entertainment. I think he had been drinking.”

Coach Mills glared at me for a moment, looking at the crowd around Jeff, then stepped aside.

“I’m going to look into this, Moore. You better not be lying. Come and see me, all three of you, Monday after you get back from spring break.”

I just nodded and led the girls outside.

When the door closed behind us, a sobbing Beverly threw herself in my arms and cried. Char wrapped her arms around the both of us, kissing Bev on the cheek and telling her it would all be okay.

Our driver was standing with a bunch of other drivers and saw us exit the building. He was a big guy, one who looked like he had been around the block, and he hurried over.

“Everything okay, son?” he asked, his eyes scanning the parking lot and building.

“Had a little problem inside, but it’s okay now, thanks.” I told him. He shepherded us to the car and got us inside, starting it so the air conditioning would be running, then stood outside while we talked and straightened up.

“Thank you, Wayne, I was so scared! I don’t know what came over him!”

I just held her and let her relax. Bev was sitting on one side of me, her head on my shoulder and her arm around my waist. Char was on the other side, her head on the other shoulder and she kissed me on the cheek. She told me she had seen the fight coming and had deliberately bumped into Marty Sherran. She said she felt guilty about blaming him, but more worried about us.

Bev, surprised, but grateful, reached over and pulled Char’s face to hers, kissing her softly on the lips. “Thanks, Char. You are the best!”

Charlene blushed, but returned the kiss and I think, a little tongue. “I wish we didn’t have to go home now.” she whispered.

“We have at least two hours, maybe three.” Bev whispered back. “The dance doesn’t end until midnight, then we were going out to eat.”

“But where would we go? Your parents are home and so are mine.”

I told them to give me a second, extracted myself over their protests, and stepped out of the car, closing the door behind me.

“Manny, I have a problem.” I told him, and he raised an eyebrow, his cigarette dangling from his lips as he leaned against the front quarter panel of the town car.


“Yes, sir. See, we have a couple of hours before we have to get the girls home, and they aren’t quite ready to call it a night. What we would like is a little privacy. I am new in town, and I don’t know the area.” I told him, leaning back against the car with my hands in my pockets.

“Yeah, I can see where that might be a problem. Lots of kids go parking up by Santa Barbara Bowl, when there are no shows on. The cops tend to leave them alone unless they get noisy.” Manny said.

“Yeah, that sounds great, or would if I were driving.”

“Well, you know, maybe, just maybe, I could take you there. I like watching the stars and that is a good place. Might take me an hour, an hour and a half to get a good look at them.” Manny replied looking up at the sky.

“You are a good man, Manny.” I said with a grin, reaching out to shake his hand a slipping him a twenty.

John had insisted on giving me an allowance the same way he gave the girls allowances, and I had not spent a dime since I arrived. John also slipped me a hundred to pay for the meals tonight, making sure that Bev would not be embarrassed if her date didn’t have the money, so I thought it was money well spent.

I climbed back into the car and squirmed back in the middle between the two girls.

“Manny is going to take us somewhere we can see the stars.” I told them, and they both grinned. Bev pulled my face to hers and gave me a toe curling kiss, then Char did the same, her hand slipping down to trace my erection through my slacks.

“Bev, have you...” Char whispered, trailing off. Her eyes, and fingers, were on the bulge in my trousers.

“No, but I wanted to. He told me a story in his room one night, and if my parents hadn’t been home...” she trailed off, blushing.

We spent the ride making out, all three of us exchanging kisses and lightly teasing. When we arrived, I could see a couple of other cars, but they were widely spaced around the dark parking lot. Manny pulled in to a spot that was secluded, with a row of bushes between us and the next closest car. He turned and put his arm on the back of the seat.

“It’s 11:30. I’ll be back at 1 sharp.” he said, then turned and slipped out of the car. We watched him walk away, his hands in his pockets and his head pointed up, looking at the night sky.

I pulled Char into my lap, and her head to mine, kissing her soundly. When she felt my tongue teasing her lips, she opened her mouth and surrendered her own to me. My hand went to her breast, over her dress, softly caressing, kneading and she moaned into my mouth.

When we broke the kiss, she put her forehead against mine, her eyes bright as she took my hand from her breast and placed it on her thigh. “It’s okay, Wayne, feel how wet I am.” she murmured.

“Char, are you on birth control?” I asked, not wanting to be a father yet. “Bev?”

They both looked troubled and shook their heads no. “I thought you might have brought...” Char started to say, but I shook my head. “I didn’t think we would have a chance at this, not tonight anyway.”

They looked dejected, but I shrugged. “There are a lot of things we can do without that, girls. I will guarantee that you will both be screaming my name before we leave.” I said with a leer, my hands reaching down and cupping one beautiful ass cheek.

I shifted, moving Char to the seat and taking a knee in front of her. I paused to reach for Bev, her smile telling me she was ready to play too. I pulled her down onto the floor with me.

“You can help. I’ll teach you.” I said, kissing her and stroking her cheek. She nodded, turning her face to lick the palm of my hand.

I spread Char’s legs, working my hands up her thighs and pushing her dress up at the same time. I was between Char’s legs and Bev was to one side. She had locked her lips to Char’s and her hand was exploring the smaller girl’s breast while I pulled Char’s panties down. Finding them trapped by her spread thighs, I grunted at my lack of planning and grabbed each side, flexing and ripping them in half.

There was a gasp of shock from Char and both girls were looked down at me, but I just grinned and lowered my head, breathing deep.

Char’s pussy was red and swollen, her smooth clamshell opening like a flower, the pink insides glistening. Her pubic hair was a thin landing strip just above her slit, but her lips were clean shaven. It looked and smelled mouth-wateringly good!

Bev moved down to place her cheek on Char’s thigh and watched as I kissed the soft skin there, working my way up, side to side, then running my tongue along the crease where her hip met her center. Bev groaned when I stuck out my tongue and let it split Char’s lips, licking slowly from the smaller girl’s pucker, delving deeper in her middle and then flicking the tip against the delicate pink clit whose head was peeking out from the hood.

Char was whimpering and when she felt me flick her clit, she came, nectar leaking out in milky droplets.

“Oh god ... what are you doing to me ... more, lick it, Wayne, lick it more!” Char panted and I obliged.

I licked and sucked on her puffy lips, drawing them into my mouth. Then I delved inside with my tongue, pushing it as deep as I could, thrusting into her like it was a tiny dick. Char’s hips were hunching, trying to capture my tongue and I brought my hand up, sliding one finger inside.

I could feel her pussy grasping at it, sucking it inside and, when I pursed my lips and sucked her clit into my mouth, she began to whimper again. My single finger had become two and I curled them seeking and finding her spot, tapping, rubbing, circling. I looked up and she had pulled the top of her dress down, one hand rubbing and pulling on her nipple.

“Bev, help her.” I ordered, flicking my eyes upward. Bev raised her head and stared, then moved and latched her mouth on Char’s other nipple.

Char went wild, clutching Bev’s head to her breast. I dipped my head down again, rubbing harder on her G-spot and sucking on her clit, lashing it with my tongue. Char was grunting and pushing her pussy against me, fucking her pussy onto my face and I could feel a big one coming. Her whole body was shaking, moving, thrusting.

“Oh, fuck oh fuck oh fuck fuck FUCK ... AAAAHHHHHH!!!” Her voice was almost ear splitting in the closed-up car and she convulsed, her back arching so only her head and her heels were in contact, the rest of her body held in the air as she came.

She was frantically trying to pry my head away, pushing me away from her over-sensitive pussy. When I pulled back, she tried to bring her knees to her chest, protecting her poor pussy, but I wasn’t done yet. With her knees to her chest, she had uncovered her cute little star and I attacked it with my tongue, licking and pushing, forcing the tip into her anus.

“OH MY GOD!” she screamed, her ass hunching as this new feeling overwhelmed her already over-stimulated body. I could feel her cumming again, smaller this time, but still powerful.

I backed off, just rubbing and stroking her back passage with my index finger. “Just think, Char, one day I will have my cock right here, buried deep inside of you.

She just whimpered, her ass still wiggling.

“Wayne ... I need you.” Moaned Bev, pulling away from Char and spreading her own legs. I was surprised to see she wasn’t wearing any panties until I saw them discarded, laying on the floor at her feet.

“Please, Wayne? I want it too, make me cum, Wayne, eat my pussy!” she panted, reaching for my hair.

I dove in, sliding two fingers inside as I attacked her pussy. She was so hot and wet and she didn’t want the slow buildup, she wanted to be taken, to be ravaged. I mauled her g-spot, lashed her clit and she loved it. “Yes, do it! Do it! Fuck me, Wayne, fuck me!”

Not without a rubber, but I could do what I threatened Char with. I wet one finger in her juices and teased her little asshole, rubbing and inserting just the tip while I continue to work on her g-spot and her clit. Her ass was humping, chasing my teasing finger, pushing itself on my digit.

I wet it again in the juices dripping down from her pussy and pushed, slowly burying one finger inside of her.

“Oh god, that is so nasty, so fucking nasty! Do it, do it do it!” she chanted, grunting and groaning.

I added another finger and was sliding them in and out, finger fucking her ass, faster and harder. Bev was going wild, fucking back at me, trying to get more.

“Do it, Wayne. Put your cock in there. Fuck me in my little bottom.” she moaned.

Char had recovered and was watching, fascinated. When I raised up, leaving two fingers in her tight ass and using the other hand to try and undo my pants, Char took over. She slid down to the floor beside me and pulled my pants down, freeing my cock and sliding her hand up and down the shaft.

Then, surprising me, she lowered her head and took my cock in her mouth, getting it nice and slick.

“Do it, Wayne. I want to see you fuck her. This is soooo fucking hot!” she panted, pushing on my back, urging me to penetrate her friend.

I knee walked closer, pulling my fingers from Bev’s ass. She whimpered, but when she felt the blunt head of my cock at her rear entrance, she moaned.

“Yesssssss ... fuck me Wayne!” Her own fingers were on her clit now, rubbing furiously, her other hand sliding two fingers in and out of her sopping pussy.

I pushed and felt the head pop through the tight muscle. She gave a little shriek. “OH GOD! That feels amazing!”

I pushed slowly, pulling out and letting the nectar flowing down her crack provide more lube as I pushed back in. Soon my hips were pressed flush against her ass and I was buried to the hilt.

I began to thrust, slowly at first, then faster as she urged me on. When Char moved Bev’s fingers, lowered her head and began to suck on the girl’s clit, Bev went wild. She started cumming and kept cumming for the three or four minutes I managed to hold out before spewing into her, pumping my seed deep inside.

Char scrambled for her purse, pulling out some tissues and handed them to me. I slowly withdrew, Bev still shaking and riding the roller coaster of aftershocks, and when the head of my rapidly shrinking cock pulled free, I pressed the wad of tissues in place to keep my seed from spilling out.

“God, that was so fucking sexy ... I want that too, Wayne! I want you so bad, but I can’t get pregnant. Can you go again? Can you do me like that? I need you inside...” Char groaned, kissing me and tasting of Bev.

“I don’t think we have time, baby, but soon, I promise. I’ll get some condoms and never be without them again!” I swore, groaning as I moved to the other seat, my knees protested all that time on the hard floor.

Bev was smiling at me, her face flushed.

“God, Wayne, I never thought about doing that, but it was sooooo good. Jesus, I think if you ever fuck me for real, I may not survive it!” she giggled, rubbing her breasts through the material of her dress.

“It’s so not fair, you live together! You will get to fuck him any time you want him!” Char pouted.

“With my parents and my little sister around? Yeah, that’s not happening.” Bev grumped, looking annoyed.

“We’ll figure something out, ladies, count on it!” I grinned, reaching for the window controls to get some air in here. It smelled like a cathouse!

By the time we were all straightened up again and dressed, the girls’ dresses looking a little worse for the wear, there was a discreet tap on the trunk. Manny was back and was letting us know it was time.

I opened the rear door and stretched, my back popping. “I think we are about ready, Manny. Let’s give them a second though.” I said. He grinned at me and nodded.

With the door open, the worst of the scent soon dissipated and we were on our way. We drove to Char’s house, Bev giving her a long, loving kiss in the car before I walked her to the door. At the doorstep, I gave Char a nice, but relatively chaste kiss, taking a chance and squeezing her ass for a second.

“Thank you for coming with me tonight, Charlene. I hope this means you will go out with me again sometime.” I said with a smile.

Same as Echo
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A Blind Date Went Bust

Hello, beautiful and handsome! My pen name is ManMad (because I’m a man who is mad for sex). Funny right! This is my first story after reading lots of stories, I thought it payback time. I’m good looking, fair, with good meat to satisfy. (Interested only in females). That’s a bit about me: Now not much wasting your time lets come to the story. It’s a real one not a fantasy but the names used are fake just to hide the privacy. It’s my first-time story, so please bear with my writing...

3 years ago
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Tabbys Dinner Date

We've arranged to go out for the evening.  I meet you at your apartment to help you get ready.  I've had your hair dyed Lucille Ball red and I tease it and spray multiple coats of hair spray.  It is stiff and huge.  Then I apply your make up for the outing.  Bright blue eye shadow with false eyelashes.  Strong blush and glaring red lip stick.  Going to your closet I look thru the clothes you've purchased at my request.  I select a very short denim skirt, white halter that barely contains your...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 1 DisplacementChapter 11

"OH MY GOD! WHAT WAS THAT!" thought Dusty as he waved his hand around at the dust in his room. "Did a bomb just now go off in here?! If so it was a bad one, it only took out the wall." There was a very large hole in the wall where his bed used to be and the bed was now a pile of heavily burnt and damaged kindling. But Dusty was without his towel and he was standing there on display as naked as the day he was born. Lori might have appreciated the view if she wasn't staring stunned at...

2 years ago
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Synergy Part 6

Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 6 I had been looking forward to a quiet weekend trying out my new hover board, but again I had to postpone due to an unscheduled event after the dean put up a notice on the board at school. Denise and Mandy went right over to read it. Mandy motioned me over and I was a bit curious to what it said. The notice stated that the freshman sophomore and junior classes were going on a field trip to the zoo in Atlanta. The school's rules state that for...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 69

Then she snapped her fingers and asked, "For that matter, did the name, Taylor, come up today?" When he nodded, feeling totally bewildered, she exclaimed, "Oh, shit! This is going to be really funny now." "Would you kindly tell me what's going on, Kris? It's pretty clear that you know, or at least have a pretty good idea." "First, Bill, back to your little joke: In your opinion, what's a large fortune?" He slowly shook his head and then said, "I don't know... $100 million, I...

2 years ago
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A Southern WarmingChapter 24

Instantly, all my skills as a winter driver were put to the test. I'm sure that most of my reactions were automatic responses to the situation unfolding in front of me. I turned the wheel one way to avoid a collision and then instantly turned it the opposite way to prevent going into a spin. Most of what I was doing was watching the scene unfold before me, as the ice underneath the vehicle was dictating most of the direction of travel. When I was a young driver, I used to put my car into...

1 year ago
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Taking Care of the BoardersChapter 5

Time was standing still for Rhonda as Bobby was thrusting hard and steady, keeping her orgasms coming quickly. Bobby could see the pleasure he was bringing this older woman and kept up his rhythm. When he could hold back no longer, Bobby unleashed his cum into Rhonda yelling, "Slut, take my cum baby." Rhonda gathered her senses and began to encourage him to fill her with cum. Bobby then collapsed onto her saying, "Damn, that felt good." Rhonda laid there with his dick inside her until he...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 299

The drive home didn't seem nearly as long as the drive up had. I wasn't anticipating my arrival home as much as I had been my arrival at the farm. All the renovations were completed. All that remained, for the time being, was just the battle of wits with the case officer. Actually I couldn't see us being at odds over the pending operation. I kind of liked the idea of blackmail parties. I had never done anything like it, but there was a first time for everything. My immediate problem was...

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I dreamt of Mary last night. It felt so real, like a recent memory, rather than a dream. It had that feeling of fondness, two souls brushing up against each other like feathers; a gentle caress that leaves a lingering feeling of closeness and intimacy. My wife Carol and I were there with Mary and her husband Daryl. Mary was sitting up on the bed with her back to the headboard. My head was resting on her lap, her hands idly running through my hair. She was looking toward the end of the bed....

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"Two weeks on the beach!" Ben thought to himself. It was going to be worth all the money it was going to cost. It was also going to be worth all the time he had spent researching the perfect beach, the time spent trying to outguess the hurricane season and the effort of beating down the travel agents for the best prices and the nicest place to stay. To say that Ben and Ally were looking forward to it, after working their butts off at their jobs without a proper break for the last several...

1 year ago
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HotMILFsFuck Ally Cooper 03222021

Welcome back fucking HOT AS FUCK Milf Ally Cooper who’s fresh off her BlackAmbush scene the day before and this girl killed it. Ally thought she was working with Jake yesterday and he got to sample some of her tasty goods, getting quite the blowjob to remember from MILF Ally. It was her first sex on camera and her first BBC ever letting Jax Slayher pound that bedazzled pussy all the way to pound town. Go check it out. Anyways, Ally is picked up outside her hotel and Jake is excited and quick to...

2 years ago
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Filipino Maid and the Spoiled BratChapter 2

Joanne used to bring her baby, Daniel, to our house while she worked. It spooked me, I was sure that kid looked like me. No one else seemed to notice. Even my bitch mother said she found the little fellow cute, and kept Joanne on. Probably because she couldn’t find another maid. I finally made love with Julie; and it was a life changing event. She was a beauty, she was my girlfriend, we were in love; I’d been infatuated with Joanne, but my love for Julie was different. It wasn’t secret;...

4 years ago
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BBC what your Husband Cant Blacken

Sarah is a 23 year old blonde babe. She has D cup breasts, a slim waist and a dynamite ass. He dancer legs are world class. She has been married for two years. She married Joey for his money.Her husband, Joey, is a college graduate and makes good money. He is 5ft 8 in tall, 165 lbs and has a 5 inch cock. He loves Sarah with all his heart. She is his first and only woman. He was a virgin when they met. He is all but useless in bed, but she puts up with him He provides with all the money she can...

2 years ago
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The House that Jo Built Chapter Four Sex Thighs and Videotape

Mark watched as Blake went to town on his mom's panties, the rest of his buds also stroking their cocks on the couch and in the chair nearby. The same porno was on the tv, this time showing two women dressed as elves sucking off two guys wearing santa hats. "They're so soft," Blake said, stretching the lace across his head while wrapping the stringy waistband around his base. "Yo, Mark," Ant said from the chair, his eyes locked on the TV. "I dare you to suck me a little." Panic...

2 years ago
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Home Invasion part 1

He walked up to his home like he did at the end of every work day at 6:30pm.  He pulled out his keys.  Inserted the key into the lock.  Took a deep breath, and turned the lock.  He waited for the k**s to come running up screaming, "DADDY'S HOME"!  Silence.  He said hello, but no one answered.  Strange he thought.  He poked his head back out the door to see if his wife's car was outside in the driveway.  It was.  He turned back around only to catch a glimpse of something black and shiny that...

1 year ago
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Special 25th Anniversary Gift from Loving Wife Part 3

Alissa came to me the next day and said, "I'm so excited! I booked us for a week at Beaches Turks and Caicos! They have a great scuba program and it's all-inclusive, so we don't have to worry about a thing! I booked the last week of October, we have 3 months to shop and make sure we have the right outfits. How exciting is that, Amy?" I excitedly said. "That's awesome Alissa, I always wanted to dive there, it's supposed to be amazing" she quickly agreed and said, "I knew you always wanted...

3 years ago
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Brief Encounter

Brief EncounterI never really expected a reply. After the wife and I parted company just over a year ago, that side of things had become a thing of the past. You could say it had been a thing of the past for fucking years.“You haven’t got a bum”, “Oh no, your cock is ugly”, and “don’t ever cum in my mouth” were just some of the quotes I was given. And now I was sitting waiting for a 30 something rendezvous with a young lady that I’d only just started to exchange texts with;• hiHi xxMonday at...

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Futa Bait

The existence of the mysterious Futa gender had never really impacted your life. You had learned about their existence in biology lessons of course, learned that about one 10th of the population were born with the anomaly, possessing both male and female genitals as well as an increased average size (in all areas), and learned that due to their apparent overactive libido, they tended to live in communities away from the general population. The closest of these communities being a small town,...

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Slave of the OutcastChapter 29

It was Saturday Evening, somewhere around 8PM. Charles was spending the night at Ivy's, lying to his mom that he was spending at Brady's. They were inside Ivy's bedroom, eating cooked pizza, drinking coke, and eating garlic bread. They were sat down on Ivy's bedroom sofa, eating and watching over her large near-cinema sized flat screen TV. The two other girls Megan and Katherine went out for the night, leaving Ivy all alone with her slave. As for what they were watching, it was Francis...

4 years ago
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Brandi and Her Step Dad Freaky Friday

It hadn't taken very long. Just three months after her new stepfather had moved in, and Brandi was having an illicit affair with him, and all right under her pretentious mother's nose. She would have never imagined such a thing possibe; For one, she had despised the intrusion Jason and his young daughter Stephanie had brought to her home. Her mother was a workaholic, rarely at home, and that had suited the dirty-minded preteen just fine. It gave her all the free time she needed to...

3 years ago
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A Sisters Bet Parts Two and Three

Part Two - TrainingBy the end of the first week, I had almost mastered walking in heels and had gotten more adept at doing my makeup.Jessica continued to tease me. “How about it, bro? Do you want to give up yet? You could end this by admitting that being a girl is better.”“Hell no, I won’t give you that satisfaction.”“OK, but remember, you have another week of this to go.”“That’s difficult to forget.”“You know, I bet you secretly like this.”“Yeah, right.” I already realized that, but I wouldn’t...

1 year ago
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How Zaheer Fucked His Elder Cousin

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. Those girls and guys who haven’t read my previous stories are requested to read them and enjoy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy shagging. This story was submitted to me by one of my readers, Zaheer from Bangalore. I’m specifically saying in beginning itself that this story is no way related to me and no details of my reader or his family. I’m narrating it in his personal perspective so that it’s easy. I am Zaheer (name changed),...

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How I Fucked My Neighbour And Make Her Pregnant

Hi this is my third story but my first and second story did not publish, reason I don’t know well I am sarhad from J&K,32 age and married from last 7 years having 2 kids, I am very much attracted towards sex. I am 5′-9″ with good body and my tool is 8″ long and 5 inch thick, I enjoy when ever having sex. The story which I am going to write down here is a true story which happened to me two year back when I was in Delhi. I have got my flat in Delhi too. This story is of my neighbor Mrs. Agarwal...

3 years ago
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5974 Beautiful Burst of Semen

His love is for me,His thick cock is for me.His beautiful bursts of semenand all his intense joy,all this, my lover brings me.When we are apart,my sexual worship becomes digital.God Bless iPhone technology!Five hundred miles distant, I can seemy lover stroke his glorious erection,enjoy him squeezing his balls,as he moans and comes for me,all this, my lover brings me.And I save my best orgasms,And I save my best joy,And I save my cash,And I save my ambitions,And I save my best love,to share with...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 2 Popping the Twinsrsquo Cherries

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My rump stung from Lee’s slap. I shivered, unable to believe this had just happened. My body buzzed from the orgasm the naughty, American teenager had given me while my twin sister, Kimiko, whimpered and shivered before me, my face pressed into her silky bush, her tangy, incestuous juices smeared across my lips and cheeks. I had just eaten my twin sister’s pussy and ... enjoyed it. She’d ordered me to eat her pussy, and ... I’d done it. I’d...

2 years ago
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E E Ch 03

Part 3: The story continues. Mack smiled at Ginny. She was holding her hands on Cookie’s swollen tummy feeling the baby kick. Ginny giggled, ‘Oh! That was hard one, I think you have a soccer player in there.’ Mack laughed out loud, ‘There goes another one.’ Mike ran by chasing his 19-month old son. He grabbed the boy and swung him in the air. The child was giggling with joy. Mike put the boy down and he ran straight to Mack. Mack swooped him up and hugged Little Mike. The boy laughed at the...

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Lucky In Love

Ethan led the way up the stairs to Anna’s bedroom, not sure if he was about to become the luckiest man on earth or the sorriest.  Anna was his younger sister’s best friend, and she had talked him into taking her virginity, saying she wanted to do it with someone the first time who know what he was doing.  Nothing like a little pressure to perform.  Anna was a freshman in college and Ethan was a grad-student at the same university.  They had bumped into each other a few times, but he had never...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 12

She hung up, checked herself in the mirror one more time, and, opening the door, called down to Frank, ‘All right, you can come up now.’ She backed up until she was standing away from the bed in front of some bookcases and stood there until he came into the room. I have no idea as to what he was expecting, but his face had a stunned expression as he saw her. His mouth gaped open and he just stood there, speechless, until he was finally gasp out, ‘My god, Sandy, you’re beautiful!’ He didn’t say...

1 year ago
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Satisfying My Bhabhi

Hey friends, I have been a fan of ISS for more than 2 years now. Reading here a lot made me do one live sex and publish it for all of you. I thank all of you first . I am a Bangalorean 22 years of age. This incident with my bhabi happened about a year ago in 2012 July. My brother was in Bangalore with his family. He had to shift numerous jobs because of recession. Then he decided to come over to Chennai and get settled here. Since he could not leave the current job immediately he had to stay...

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A Guy and his 30 Getting Closer0

"Yes Master I obey," Nyrae said then the memories were flooding back. He'd been warned that interfering with the Ever Last Master would bring the wrath of the entire council upon him. Nodding he went on, the Ever Last Master would be very well hidden there was nothing that could find him. Juno nodded to that, true by all means; he and his Jinn would be rewarded greatly when all was done. Then Juno remembered, 'you and your Jinn will also be of great aid when the final battles...

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Valentine8217s Day With Dad And Mom

Hello, my Dear Readers,  We all have our own kinky ways of celebrating Valentine’s Day with our special one. Have you ever wondered how our parents celebrate?! This story is based on the very thread. The story is narrated by Prateek. Happy Reading! I looked straight into my dad’s eyes, still not sure if it was all just a dream. I stood naked in the bedroom of my parents, with my hard cock positioned straight against the hole of my mom’s pussy. And as my dad nodded his head, giving the...

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My Technology Teacher

Hi readers I’m Ali and before I begin I would like to say that this is my first story on here do please be gentle with me and right then, I’m an ordinary teen boy that has his thoughts about females with long legs and high heels. My appearances are: A tall slim body probably with the height of 5 foot 8/9, I have a nice body with shows off my 6 pack and I would say overall I am an athletic person. This story is about how I lost my virginity to my technology teacher when I was 18. Its starts off...

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Aunt Beulahs Soup

"She's too skinny, your girlfriend," Joe's Aunt Beulah said. "She needs to eat more, put some meat on her bones." Aunt Beulah was from the old country, and even though she'd lived in America for 30 years, she still talked like she just got off the boat. She was a voluptuous woman with big curves, an ample chest and thick legs. She wore thick makeup all the time, and her hair was dyed bright red even though she was in her 60s. She clinked when she walked because of all the jewelry she...

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Babysitting Lucy

It was Bradley's very first job - babysitting Mrs. Braun's seven-year-old daughter, Lucy. Mrs. Braun had told Bradley's mom that she would need a babysitter on Saturday's for the rest of the summer as she took a teaching certificate class. I was going to be pretty easy money for the thirteen-year-old Bradley, taking care of a seven-year-old during the day and on a weekend too. He figured they could play most of the time. What a great way to make money, and Mrs. Braun was going to pay him...

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Batteries Not Required

BATTERIES NOT REQUIRED Hazel Evans parked her car just down the street from the 'Naughty But Nice' adult store and sat there trying to work up the nerve to go in. She thought back on the nights when the need for relief in her pussy was almost unbearable! A year ago if you'd have even suggested that she'd even be considering visiting such a place, she'd have said you were crazy but she was horny! Her husband of twenty years had suddenly lost all interest in sex, leaving her feeling totally...

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Majedar chudai majedar principal ki

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Ek baar mera tabadala kuchh mahino ke liye Gaziabad huwa tha....

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First LoveChapter 12

When the weather began to thaw Ryan began working at his dad's construction company, something he'd done since puberty. It was hard work, but it worked his body out well enough he supposed. He worked on the weekends, which meant he had less time to spend with Jen and his friends, but he was making a lot of money. He vowed to save it so he could get a car as soon as he got his license. He turned sixteen in November, and he calculated how many hours he would have to work till then to get a...

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Rick Makes His Bed

Rick Makes his Bed    One Part Only        Author's note: This story takes place in the not too distant future. It is NOT science fiction. The time period is about twenty years in the future.        Nancy and Rick had been married for about ten years now and their marriage had been fairly normal up until one day. Rick was an executive for an international company and spent a lot of time traveling around the world and they were very well off. Some would even say they were rich. Do to all Rick's...

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My horny Southern girls

After being seduced by Tina that night she keeps coming back for more. I thought her Daughter was a good fuck but she can’t hold a candle to her mother. Carla was young ,super tight teenager that loves to spread her legs but; she didn’t have the oral skills her mother has. While Carla was having fun in college fucking all the college boys ,her mom focused her attention on me.Her experiences with other men through out the years had made Tina interested in exploring new ways to get off.She...

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The Fortunate Tailor

The old Foole acknowledged the polite round of applause that was his due and he accepted another full blackjack of the good inn-brewed light nutty ale. He drained it in one long pull down into his thirsty throat and with a twinkling smile returned it to the serving girl to refill. She nervously looked behind across the tap room but Mine Host was absent, in the kitchen loudly berating the spit boy to turn the handle faster on the large joint hung over the roaring kitchen fire. The coast being...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 02Chapter 22

[West Georgia] I left there and went by Ted’s. He was outside working on a plow as I drove up. Lois was beside him to hand him tools. “Hi,” I said. He said, “Hi, or should I say, ‘Greetings, oh great one?’” He grinned. “What the hell?” “I’ve been talking to Janice and your dad. They both told me of your elevation.” As he said, that Lois had put down the tools and came to me giving me a full body hug with some neck nuzzling. “Thank you for leading the salvation and giving me the...

1 year ago
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Best shopping trip ever

There is this little boutique not far from where I work. I often go there at lunch time to check out the sexy outfits. This day turned out to be a very special trip. I walked in and there was a sales girl I had not seen before, she looked to be about 40, beautiful and a great body. She was helping another customer so I just began to browse as I usually do. I was over checking out the heels as she finished with the other customer and then she came over and introduced herself. "Hi I am Julie, can...

Oral Sex
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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 13 A Star Is Born

Mark took Willow by the hand, "Come on and let's go exploring. This is a fantastic place." They wandered around outside and stood watching as one of the trout, then another leaped into the air to snap a bug. Suddenly a goldfish came up to do the same. It was almost full dark and the lights over the pool attracted every flying insect in the area. Willow looked around at their magical surroundings. "I never saw anything like this place before. I never believed they really existed except as...

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Broken Promises

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. All mistakes are on mine. She broke a promise, a date, and my heart. It was the Saturday after Easter it was also our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party. I am Richard, Rich, Jacobson, 49 and am a very successful inventor, writer, and OTC stock trader. My wife was Susan (Sue) Williams-Jacobson, 46 and was the owner of the most successful real estate company in the West Michigan area. We have two living children, Richard (not junior) 22, and a...

1 year ago
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Loyalty test

If you have read my last two stories "just before the wedding" and "spa assessment" you would know my wife, seema and myself are very close. Me and seema have had sex on and off in her office when ever I wana get a little of that sexy pussy. She has a great body with 36C boobs smooth skin and brown hair and a round ass. After the spa incident we decided to become partners, the three of us. I would handle the management and they would take care of the ground work. Seema had got married to my...

Cheating Wifes
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Fem chocolate candy for horny white girl

Lynn slowed to a stop as the traffic light turned red. Her thoughts were of Tonisha, hundreds of miles away. She wondered what she was doing tonight. She missed her friend and lover tremendously. She had broken up with her boyfriend because of her inability to overcome the attraction she felt for other girls, especially black girls.As she drove down the street she realized she had to move on with her life which consisted mainly of going to classes at the local college. Lynn had tried out for...

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Son of Chronos Book 1 OriginChapter 5

Matt followed Molly and Ruth to his bedroom and closed the door behind them. “Are either of you on birth control?” Matt asked. “A bit late to be asking now isn’t it?” Molly asked with a giggle. Matt Frowned and Molly cringed when she noticed “That smart alack remark just earned you ten lashes. Neither one of you was asking me to use a condom in the heat of the moment.” “I’m sorry Master. I use an implantable rod.” Molly replied meekly. “I’ve been using the patch but I’ve been considering...

2 years ago
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Funeral of a Good Girl

Megan pushed back her glasses, squinched her big blue eyes tight shut for a moment, and rubbed them. They’d only been working on this project for an hour or two, but she looked as tired as Tyrone felt. This was the hardest project in class yet, and both of them probably wished they could be paired up with someone else. The professor didn’t cotton to switching out of the assigned teams, though, so unless one of them suddenly dropped out of the class, they were stuck together. Which caused...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 7 Family Matters

When my alarm went off at 5:00 am Monday morning, both Joey and I tried to reach over and shut the damn thing off, neither of us succeeding because we got into each other's way. When I gave up and let him do it, I felt the satisfaction he got from knocking it off the table, but then I had to reach down and drag it over to me by the cord to finally flip the alarm switch off. Joey had experienced two hysterical fits during the night, and neither of us had gotten much sleep because of...

1 year ago
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MrC Jon and Montgomery

I walked in to Mr.C room. Mr.C, was my American history teacher. His first name Carl and last name Fernan. I absolutely hated Mr.C, but had heart for him way down deep inside. I knew he was a good man, I had just hate him because he was always so sarcastic. He wanted a friendly relationship between all his students but still picked on all them. For me, I was always getting picked on. You see, Mr.C is hispanic, I'm country. So, Mr.C is always making fun of my country accent. I always want...

3 years ago
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A Little Outdoor Fun

I scan the Craigslist ads for casual encounters. This being London, there are loads of them. Every so often I click on one. I respond to a couple, but most are just bullshit. Then one catches my eye. It says “Schoolgirl for outdoor fun.” I click on it. “6form schoolgirl wants to meet guy for outdoor fun. I’m offering outdoor blowjob. Compensation needed. Email me with a time and your location in the subject.” I click respond. I send her my a little info about me as well as “8:00pm Kentish...

2 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 3 Moving Furniture the Earth and the Heavens All in 10 hours

I knew I wasn't finished for the day, even after the long day I'd had. Since Kitty and Chalise had cleared the rest for takeoff, they'd all be sure to be climbing into the cockpit, as it were. I knew that Cate was still discussing the events of the day on the phone with Kitty and Chalise, as she often did, so I was waiting before going to bed until she was available. I figured I'd have to dedicate tonight to either her or Shani, although I was pretty sure I'd be spending it with Cate. As...

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Sexy bi orgy

‘Go man! Fuck that cock!’ All of his bi mates urged him on the slide over the bench and let the big guy fuck him in his tight little arse. He was straight, which was why this was such a hard decision for him. His girlfriend wanted him to do it, in fact she was busy sucking off two of his best mates now, and even they were making out. He looked at the big ripped guy they all invited over to his house. His mates Noel and Jack & his chick Chrissy all decided that it was time to break Luke in. He...

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Ashleys Spring Break Captivity

As long as she kept reminding herself that it was a joke, she was fine ????????  As long as she kept remembering that it was all a joke, she was fine; she was just another girl on stage in shorts and a tee-shirt. But it was getting harder to treat it as a joke when all these other people were telling them what to do and where to go; how to stand and how to walk, and smile, smile, smile. It was they started taking it seriously that she got nervous.?Because? it was a joke, and it had been...

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