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Thanks to Barney R for the editing. As always, I had to mess with it some more. Therefore all mistakes and omissions are all on me.

She left, he discovered a lot.

Authors Note: This story is a return to my angry persona; I find it an easier formula to write. I am not necessarily abandoning my happier, softer stories; it is that my muse must have a case of the ass right now.

My name is Chuck Torrence; I am an electronics engineer. I had some good ideas for some electronic gadgets while I was in the military. When I got out I patented them. I have since sold most of them after a couple of years of licensing them. If money is the scorecard of life, I hit a grand slam.

I was 34 when all of this occurred. I am 5’ 11” tall, dirty blond hair, blue to gray eyes (mood ring eyes, the color changes from blue to gray when my mood changes from relaxed to angry) and I weigh about 165 lbs. I am no Adonis, but I have never had trouble finding a girlfriend, and when I married I got a dream, in the looks department, for my wife.

Some other important things in my life and personality are; my word means something. When I say I am going to do something, I do it. I have a slow fuse, but when I get angry, lookout. I am not violent by nature, but if you hurt me I will destroy you, either physically or emotionally. I am loyal to my family and my friends. And last but germane to this story, I am a one-woman man. I have never dated two women at the same time, even if I was not in an ‘exclusive’ relationship.

If I am in an exclusive relationship I expect my partner to be exclusive. I have a history of broken relationships and a broken engagement to prove it. I have ended relationships because of no ‘spark’, but I made it clear that that was the reason. However, when I find that my ‘lady’ did not understand exclusive, she found out that that is not a good thing.

Because of this relationship issue, I had joined the army after I found my fiancé’s engagement ring on the nightstand when she was going out for a night with the ‘girls’. I never heard from my ex-fiancé after I made the phone call and thanked her for the return of the ring. She realized that she screwed up.

I served my time in the service, and when I was discharged, I went to work as a consultant engineer for a security company.

I met Sally GilMartin at a Friday night company\customer get together when I was 27. I was immediately attracted to her. She is tall; 5’ 10” without high heels has legs that start at the ground, reach heaven, and go back down the other side to the ground. She has flaming red hair, milk skin, and freckles all over her checks. She also has a smile that lights up her face and makes a dark room bright. At the time we met, she was 25 and introduced me to her ‘boyfriend’ at the party.

As we had a live dance band at the party, and Sally was not dancing, I asked her boyfriend if he would allow me to ask to dance. He looked at me like I was some kind of a weirdo and said that it was OK with him.

Sally said sure, and when we were dancing I found out some things about her life and career. She was the only child, (A lie, as I found out later) and she was being groomed by her father to take over the family company when her father was comfortable that she could. The music ended, and as I walked her back to the table I thanked her for the dance.

When I got back to the company table, I noticed something in my sport coat pocket. It was a note, with Sally’s phone number and a request to call her about getting together.

As she had taken the time to identify her boyfriend, I was not pleased. I got up and walked over to the table and put the note between Sally and her escort and said to Sally, “No thanks, cheating is not my style.” Then I turned and walked out of the room and got in my car and went back to my apartment.

I got back to my place and changed into a set of scrubs that I called my grubbies. I had a beer, turned my phone off, and went to bed.

Saturday, after I plugged the phone back in, it started ringing immediately. When I answered it was my boss, Jack DeSoto, and he was pissed. “What happened last night? You danced with Sally, then came back to the table and I lost track of you.”

I explained that Sally had introduced her escort as her boyfriend, and then slipped me a note with her phone number on it and a request to get together with her. I went on to tell him about my personal relationship philosophy.

He came back with; “GilMartin Industries is one of the company’s largest customers, and Mr. GilMartin is pissed off at what you did. We need their business, and Sally will someday run that company. If you do not make an apology to her you will never be promoted in our company, and if we lose them you will be fired.”

Did I mention that I don’t respond well to threats? I came back with a sarcastic; “Fine, I am putting you on notice that I have my resignation on your desk Monday morning. I will toe the company line, and I will do everything in my power to perform in my current position, but I will not apologize for my personal belief system. If you fire me fine, but I will consider the non-compete clause in my contract null and void.”

I continued; “If it will help the company, I will go and explain to Mr. GilMartin what happened and what I believe in. I will not apologize to the lady.”

Jack said, “I do not want to lose you, dammit, you are the best engineer we have ever had. I will call Mr. GilMartin and tell him what you just told me. If he decides he wants to talk to you, I ask that you agree to talk.”

“I will” I replied, “but your threat is not something I will stand for. My resignation will still be on your desk Monday morning.”

With that, I said my goodbyes and called a couple of friends, Frank Gormen and Bob Meadows, that I had made in the service. They had started an alarm and security systems installation company and had asked me to come to work for them. They would not be able to pay me the same salary but could offer a chance to become a part-owner.

I gave them a rundown on what had happened and told them that if the offer was still on the table, I was willing to listen. They wanted to get together and suggested that we meet Monday evening at the country club that Bob’s dad owned. I was also a member.

I came back with, “How about we go to the club’s Sunday brunch.”

I explained that I was not sure I would have a job after Monday, and if I did, I would not discuss employment with them then, because I was on call for emergency repairs, so I had to work evenings all next week. They agreed.

When I got to the club the guys were there, and so were the GilMartins and the guy from the party. At first, I thought that I was going there was going to be trouble, but after we got seated Sally came over and asked if I could go over to their table for a minute.

I reluctantly agreed, and when I arrived, Mr. GilMartin surprised me by saying, “Mr. Torrance, I want to apologize to you. I did not know the full story.”

“If I had known what Sally had done, I would not have talked to your boss yesterday. I want to introduce you to my oldest child David GilMartin Jr.”

The guy from the get together stood up to shake my hand. He had a smirk on his face, so I did not extend mine right away.

Sally then spoke up. “Please Chuck, David was my ‘beard’ last night so I did not get hit on by every ‘Romeo’ that was there. I am sorry for what you thought, but when I finally understood what you thought, you were already gone.” She continued; “I want to have a chance to know you better, especially someone who has the character that you showed that night.”

I stood there for a second, then I said, “I still do not like that you thought I would ‘poach’ someone’s girlfriend or that you lie to me twice, but I will think about what you said. What you did and what my reaction was has caused me major problems at my work. You need to know that while I now know you were sincere, I still am angry that you did not tell me what was going on, instead of sneaking a note into my pocket.”

I continued; “I am going to return to my friends, and if you decide you still want to know more about me. Contact me at work, or better yet, here is my phone number. I may not be working for a while after Monday. I sorry to be abrupt, but I have some friends without an agenda to talk to. I would appreciate it if you would think about the entire weekend before you decide.”

I went back to eat with Frank and Bob. I told them of all of the happenings from the past two days. They thought my boss was over the top with the threats. They also said that the state courts have voided almost all non–competes except for ‘poaching by a direct competitor.

They offered me a chance to buy into their company. I told them that I did not have the money to do that, but I had some gadgets that I was shopping around and if they pan out, I may loan them some capital at a favorable rate.

Then they offered me a job as their service supervisor. The pay would only be about 75% of what I was making now. I said I would give them a decision by the end of the coming week.

Monday was almost as bad as I thought it would be. I had my resignation in my hand when I was called into the boss’s office. I handed him the letter and turned to walk out.

Jack said quietly; “If you continue out that door before we talk, you can just keep going.”

I stopped and turned around and said, “I intend to. You should understand that after the phone call on Saturday morning. I have already been offered a new position and if you want to play hardball, I ain’t playing. The new job offer is from a company that is not direct competition. Because of that I think you would have a hard time enforcing the non-compete clause. Because I have solved your problem with GilMartin Industries, and I like this company, say what you want and I will decide if I will withdraw my resignation. Be aware, any more threats of job action, and I am out the door. As you said, ‘I will keep on going.’”

Jack sat back in his seat. He started to say something, stopped with his mouth open, closed it and started laughing. When he finally stopped laughing he said, “You are one bull-headed asshole, but I don’t like threats either, so I would have said and done almost the same.”

“As for the GilMartin account, I talked to David Sr. yesterday, and he said he wished that all of his contacts had your integrity. He also said that when you went back to your table, David Jr. lit into his sister for using him in her deception. Your job, if you want to stay is safe, but as I was not aware of all of the details, if you leave, I would not even think of enforcing the non-compete. I also want to apologize for making the threats. Like you, I have a temper, and I get my back up and say things I shouldn’t.”

I sat down and listened as Jack told me; “I want you to think about continuing here. You are being promoted to Senior Engineering Trouble Shooter. It will mean a lot less overnight travel, but also mean that you will be overseeing a bunch of ‘bull-headed assholes’. Does that sound like anyone you know?”

I was flabbergasted. I left the office in a daze. When I got to my desk, there was nothing on it except a big note that said, ‘Follow the yellow brick road’ I turned around and saw all of the engineers holding copy paper with yellow bricks on them and arrows pointing. I left and followed to the corner of our department where a mock castle was set up with a desk, and all of the stuff from my area was here. On the desk was a big sign saying HMFIC* Chuck Torrence.

I was totally in awe, and I turned to all of the people. I thank them all for what they had done. Someone in the back shouted, “Look in the top left drawer.”

I did, and there was a toy whip. I started laughing and turned and cracked the whip in the air and screamed “All right slaves, back to the salt mines.”

When the laughter stopped, I went to each desk and said thanks again. I also told them that Friday I was buying a couple of rounds at the ‘Nut House’ a local lounge that we normally stopped at after work when there was no work the next day. I said that everyone could leave their car at work, and I would rent van’s to take us there, and for cabs to take everyone home.

About 3 weeks later, one of my newer hired engineers came and asked if I would go with him to assist on a nagging problem we had with one of the GilMartin plants. I asked for some background, and when he filled me in, I grabbed a software package (in case we had to do a reinstall), and all of the specification sheets.

We left for the drive across town. When we arrived, the security department manager thanked us both for coming. He explained that they had an intermittent security breach signal in their supply room. He added that every time someone checked the room was locked, and nothing seemed to be out of place.

One nice thing about our systems was that we have a recording of all of the security breaches and can see time, duration, where and how the alarms occurred.

I looked over the history of the problems; I noticed that there seemed to be a pattern. All of the breaches were occurring at shift change and through a door that is clearly marked as an emergency exit only. The funny thing was that the problem was occurring in the first and second shift but not on the midnight shift. There was not an every time shift change or specific day problem. It was indeed intermittent, but always at shift change.

I asked to go to look at the door. It was a few minutes until shift change. I looked at the door, the connections and the wiring. Other than noticing a small fraying of some of the wiring, I did not see anything obvious. Shift change came and there was a parking lot on the outside of the door. As the cars left, I noticed that the frayed wires were moving around. All of a sudden, I had a brainstorm. I went up to the door and grabbed the push bar and pulled. The door and frame moved enough to trigger the alarm.

There were surprised looks on the engineer, and the security guys. The plant people saw that the mortar around the door was crumbling. They shook my hand and said that a work order would be produced ASAP.

I told my engineer to replace the damaged wire and when the door was fixed there should not be any more problems. As we were returning to the van to get some wire, I explained to the new man that sometimes, the alarms going off can point out problems that really had only a partial security problem. I told him about some of the problems that I had had in the past. We fixed the wiring, and the plant facilities people were already fixing the door problem.

The next morning, my company phone rang and the receptionist told me I had a call. When I picked up the line the call was on it was Sally GilMartin. She thanked me for solving the problem. I deflected the praise to the quick repairs when the problem was identified. She also said that they figured out that because only maintenance worked the third shift, no one parked in that far lot.

As we were ending the call, Sally asked me if I would accompany her to a charity event coming up in two weeks. I agreed.

That started our relationship. We dated for about six months when Sally asked if we could be exclusive.

I told her I already was, but we needed to sit down so she would understand what my attitudes about relationships. When we were finished with the conversation, Sally said that she felt almost the same, but she did wonder if exclusive meant no ‘business dates’.

I asked what she meant by a ‘business date’. Before she could answer, I said that meetings and dinners with clients were not dates, but one on one entertaining of clients, or co-workers at movies, plays, drinks, or similar activities would not make me happy.

Sally looked confused, and said, “Are you saying I can’t take a male client to a movie as a thank you for their business?”

“Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Especially if it just one-on-one or you are to accompany a man from the business along with other couples. If the client or customer offers the same thing, that would break the exclusivity also. It is not a good business practice; it is very easy to misinterpret the meeting.

Sally thought for a few moments, nodded and said, “I see where you are coming from. Now that I think about it. It would be very easy to look at it as wrong.”

That clearing of the air, we dated for another six months when at Halloween I asked Sally to marry me. She laughed at my choice of days and said of course. She said that we could set a date for early the next spring. Because of our apparent differences in worth, David Sr. insisted on a prenup. It was very specific. What we have before is ours if we divorce. What we accumulate we would divide equally except in the case of adultery or abuse. Then the injured party gets all of the accumulated worth.

We had a great wedding, a lot of dancing, and when we left, the party was going strong. We honeymooned in Galveston Texas and on the Gulf of Mexico.

I started to earn substantial money from my patents, but I put that money in an investment account and did not do anything with it except take enough out to pay all of the taxes. I was even given an offer for the sale of one of the older inventions for over a million dollars. I sold it.

We found a home in an upscale neighborhood, and when I saw how much Sally loved the house, I wrote a check for the full amount and told her we were putting down roots.

Life was great until I found the note.

I arrived home from a business trip on Friday at about 7:30 PM. The house was very quiet, no TV, no sounds from the kitchen, no greeting from Sally, no noise at all. Strange, she was a TV addict, even when she wasn’t watching it, it was on.

When I went into the master bedroom to change into my ‘grubbies’ that I wore after work, I saw the note on the pillows of the bed.



I know that this is going to be a surprise, but I am leaving you. I have found someone else. I will be finding an attorney in the next week. I will be filing for a no-fault divorce.

I know I am hurting you with this, but I have fallen out of love with you. I still have feelings for you and I am sorry for causing this hurt.

I have not cheated on you, but this man has taken all of my heart. I know that you will find someone in the future.

Please do not try to contact me. I will only talk to you through my lawyer.

I hope you find a true soul mate.



I was stunned, hurt, and angry. I had not seen anything like this coming. I had not noticed any changes in our family life. The only changes that had occurred were when Sally got angry every time I brought up starting a family. When I brought that up there was a month or longer deep freeze, and at times it was so bad that I called David Sr. and David Jr. and they both claimed they had not talked to Sally. They were surprised when I told them that she left me for someone else.

I called Jack and asked for a couple of days off. I explained what was going on in my life and that I needed to find a lawyer. Jack had been through a divorce and said that his lawyer Ralph Masters saved him a ton of time worry and money. He gave me his lawyer’s number and told me to take all the time I need.

I spent Saturday morning trying to understand what I did to cause Sally to act way. I also thought if there might be something that could point to the possibility that she was cheating. I couldn’t think of anything offhand.

There were no late nights, no nights out with the girls, no out of the ordinary business trips. There were not any old boyfriends that she had said were back in her life. In fact, she complained about a guy from work who was flirting with her to the point where she had to fire him for harassment.

Saturday afternoon, I had a thought. Sally for all of her smarts was a computer ‘babe in the woods’. She did not use a laptop and had an email account that I had set up for her. I tried to explain computer security, and internet security, but she just did not get it.

I went to the home office and fired up the computer. I checked the internet history and saw that there was a new email account. When I tried to check it out, I saw that it was password protected. As Sally was not computer smart, I knew she had to have the password stored around the office somewhere. The first places I looked were under the blotter, the bottom of the keyboard, and the sides and bottom of the computer chassis.

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It was well after dark when we approached the winter camp. The camp was as I remembered it the night before with several fires going but no visible sign of habitation. I had previously cautioned Iega and we approached with care. There! I saw the shadow of movement at the edge of one of the fires. A woman scout. "Hello," I called out, "It is I, Dac. Hello." Three figures darted across the opening toward us. Two to the sides and one towards the front. "Dac?" Sheel's voice, "Who is...

4 years ago
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My Aunt Gomathi With Big Juicy Ass 8211 Part 1

Hello people. My name is Prabhu. This is a story about my aunt Gomathi who seduced me and made me her plaything. First, let me describe her. My aunt Gomathi wasn’t related to me by blood. She was married to my mom’s younger brother. My aunt had long flowing black hair, golden wheat coloured skin, paired with a pear-shaped figure. Her breasts weren’t the biggest or anything, but it was just right and no to mention that her plump, juicy ass more that made up for it. She and my uncle had been...

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My sister invites me to fuck her

I am a widower and my sister, Audrey, is a widow. She lives in a bungalow not far from mine. Earlier this year I took my caravan to a campsite in the south of France by the Mediterranean. When there I went to a nudist beach every day and became brown all over. When I returned home I went to Audrey's bungalow and she commented on my sunburnt face. She said that the weather on the campsite must have been very good. I told her it was and I was brown all over because Id been on a nudist beach. At...

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Five stallions and one Lady

-Who is that woman? Johnny was loking out the window in the barn. -She has been sneaking around here for several days Johnny and his buddys-Carlos,Pete,Peter and Lenny- was curios. All five guys are bodybuilder on parole from jail. They are around 23 to 25 years old They used to work out in the barn The woman was in her forties and good looking. They called her. -Looking for someone? Peter asked. -Well,You guys have fantastic bodies and have always been attracted by big hansom bodybuilders....

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A sorority girl seduction part 2

It was a week since she went into a lesbian club and had her first sexual experience with a girl. In the days that follow, she noticed the change within her when around other women across the campus. She started noticing other women's bodies in ways that she had never done before. She saw an attractive woman reading a book on a bench wearing a short skirt. Alicia couldn’t keep her eyes from the woman's thighs, and when she opened them for a brief moment to get more comfortable, she exposed her...

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Mike was trying to sleep. Actually he was trying to act like he was sleeping. But even the dead would have awoken by the racket his wife Stephanie was making. He heard her stomp across the floor to the door of their bed. "Alright Mike. It ends here and it ends now. You either tell me what's going on or... or, damn you Michael talk to me." Michael rolled over. "There's nothing to talk about." "Michael. Honey. Our sexlife has dropped to almost nothing. You hardly touch me anymore. And...

2 years ago
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A Nintendo Fans Lust 2005 Version

Legal Stuff: There are sexual scenes in this story and heavy language. Do not read unless you are 18+. Story: In the final room, I was up against Bowser, Ganon and Mother Brain. With my final blow, I sent all of them flying far away out of the castle and bam, they were gone, I had defeated them with my final blow. Later on that night I walked back to Peach's Castle to talk to Peach, Zelda, and Samus about my accomplishment. I got to the door and opened it and they were sitting at a...

4 years ago
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Anonymous RevengeChapter 4

Smirking heard Randall Malloy climbing nosily up the stairs. It was about two in the morning, so good old Randall must have gone out for some drinks after he was fired. Smirking thought with some glee, good old Mr. Anonymous probably wanted to drown his sorrows after his firing He'd really be pissed to know that I spent a couple of hours in his apartment sharing some wine with his wife and fucking her... Smirking had been sitting on the steps of the apartment building when Susan arrived...

3 years ago
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Though both of us had been divorced nearly two years now, we seemed to have very different approaches to our life style paths. Megan, having not had c***dren, had been dating regularly since she had, as she put it, found her freedom. I, on the other hand, devoted my time to raising my eighteen year old son Ryan. I suppose my focus on his up bringing was to compensate for his fathers complete absence but it also filled a void in my life that for several years, lacked any sincere company of a...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Summer Day 08022016

Summer Day likes size. Let’s face it, size does matter, and Summer’s like almost all women out there. In fact, when a girl says something like, “size doesn’t matter” and “it’s the motion of the ocean”, what she’s really doing is trying hard not to bruise your frail ego. What sets this scene apart is newcomer Dredd’s first appearance on the Dogfart Network. Truth be told, they don’t come much bigger than Dredd, who keeps the same...

2 years ago
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Isolated with Tommys step mom 2

I guess my first title was to long so I made it shorter. After making love for the first time in my life, Lora and slept in each others arms that night waking up only to make love again, but with me pulling out instead of adding to my cum already inside of her. I remember the first time I pulled out and shot my cum on her very fit yummy, she used her fingers to scoop it up licking it off her fingers. She said that it was the best tasting she had ever tasted. It made me wonder how many others...

4 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 34

And who was sitting outside the door to Laura's apartment when she arrived home after an exhausting and thrilling night of fucking with Sandra Robinson? Chanitra. "God, I thought you'd never get here," she said, getting to her feet. "You look like you were out all night, screwing a football team or something." Then a flash of realization hit Chanitra. Her friendly face suddenly grew long, her eyes stricken with unpleasant truths. Tears even came quickly to her eyes. "Oh shit," she...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Se Liye Maze

Hi friends I’m Mohit from Delhi. Me ISS ka regular reader hu me aj aap sabke sath apni 1 real story share kerna chahta hu if you like or interested please mail me on my email id Ye bat 2,3 mahine pehle ki h mere gher me rent me 1 new married couple rehte the unhe 2,2.5 saal humare gher me ho gye the me unn bhaiya ki jo wife thi unhe bhabhi bolta tha or bhabhi dikhne me itni gazab maal thi ki mann krta tha me Hi pehle suhaagrat bna lu uske sath wo 3,4 mahine me wo humari family k sath boht ache...

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Ultimate MasterPC

You finally have a copy of Master PC. You read so many stories about the computer program, but you never believed it could possibly be real. The world is now your oyster, but you need to clarify some things about yourself first.

Mind Control
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Just an Older Dude IIChapter 8

Before doing anything else I called Fiona and invited her and Betty to join us for dinner at Hornsby’s. She gladly accepted the invitation for both of them and we decided to meet around six, then seven as the girls wanted to dress up for us. I let Jiggs take first dibs on the shower and shaving exercise. Then I followed. We dressed casually, clean jeans, crisply ironed shirts, boots and smiles. Hornsby’s is a brightly lit restaurant, and as I had called and made reservations we were quickly...

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Accept Yourself the Way You AreChapter 4

When I got home that evening I wanted to tell Mom what Ms. Needham had said to me. "Mom!" I called as I came in the house, this time I didn't go up to my room to get undressed. When I went in the living room I saw Mom had the digital video recorder set up again along with the cloth back drop she'd used when she made the mask movie. "Oh Sweetie, I'm glad you're here. We have company coming over for dinner." "Who?" "My boss, I'm in line for a big promotion at work and I'm...

1 year ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 4

I arrived in time to see some of Neil’s friends arriving. There weren’t any really familiar faces; I doubted I had met any of them. I knew Neil had other friends, but this really brought home to me that my brother and I just weren’t as close as I had thought. I felt sad for him that he felt he had to keep this part of his life separate and a little pissed off with myself for not noticing. I hopped out of the car and had a good look at these people turning up. They were all very well dressed and...

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MyFriendsHotMom August Taylor Richelle Ryan 24895

Mrs. Ryan is making a HUGE Thanksgiving Day spread. She’s invited the neighborhood to her house and her friend, August from college. Richelle and August are int he kitchen small talking around the feast. Richelle is ranting and raving about her son’s friend Lucas, who is also coming to dinner. These horny MILFs seem like they want to get their hands on some rooster instead of the turkey! Come to find out, Lucas is still a virgin. Both ladies place a bet on who’s going to...

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PatrickChapter 5

In the middle of dinner, the phone rang and Mum answered in the kitchen. I was talking to Rob, and so I didn't overhear. But when Mum returned she said: "You're going to be quite happy, Pat" and sat down to continue eating. I waited a minute or so and took the bait. "Why will I be happy?" "Rachel's coming back to Perth." "Really?" "Yes. That was Michiko. The earthquake the other day seems to have frightened her parents – Rachel's grandparents. The tsunami in the north raised...

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Friends With Benefits The Beginning

It is said friends with benefits cause problem in real life. It happened to me, I am Tarun ( and this is my incident of making out with a friend (Sanchi) and getting attached to her to the extent fucking her. It goes back to my college days. Our batch was of around 49 people and two class representatives (one male and one female) were selected for ease in conveying massages amongst other classmates. I was one of the representatives and Kurmi, (a typical hot...

4 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 5

Sunday morning Jessie got up at went downstairs to watch whatever sports were on. He had been a sports fanatic all his life. If it involved anything physical and testosterone laced, he was all over it. He decided to skip his shower today and sat himself down comfortably on the couch. Jessie flipped to the football game and quickly caught up on what was going on. For some reason though, he couldn't get into the game. He decided to flip the channels some, tough man,...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 37 Megan At Last

“I didn’t invite you here to look at my records,” she said. “Why don’t you pull those curtains closed, and come here?” She had taken off all her clothes, and was standing at the entrance to the kitchen / bedroom area. Behind her she had turned on the bedside lamp that we had bought in. I went to the French doors, locked them, and pulled the curtain closed. Meanwhile, she had put a record on the turntable, and turned off the light in the living room. “Bed,” she commanded as the music started...

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I would like to share with you the experience I have just been through in as much detail as possible. I will not disclose the names of the locations for various reasons. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Bryce. I'm 22 years old, and have just graduated from a state university. I'm originally from a suburb of a city about 200 miles from my college, both in the same state. I'm 6 ft tall and weigh about 165 pounds…pretty "normal" build. I have brown hair, blue eyes, and am...

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Private Misha Cross Anal Sex Education Gone Wild

In Private Specials, Social Media Sexy Influencers Misha Cross has come with her sexy tattooed body and incredible sexual appetite ready to teach you all about the wonders of anal. This horny star is here to give you a real practical lesson with partner Pascal White and wastes no time warming up and playing with her tight little ass. Misha then shows why she’s the deepthroat queen and gets that cock warmed up with some incredible blowjob and gagging skills before the main event, a hardcore anal...

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Loraine by Bashful Jack walked into the office of his new boss for the first time. He had just started at the insurance office. His boss, Mr. Johnson, was in a meeting so Jack had to wait in the outer office. Jack didn't mind the wait, he got to meet Mr. Johnson's pretty young secretary. Her name plate on the desk read Loraine Walker. She was a true beauty, long blond hair the color of honey, sky blue eyes and flawless skin. She had perfect C cup breasts and the dress she...

2 years ago
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An Evening With Seductress Wife Tanvi

I am writing after a long time. Had been thinking about penning this down for several months. Finally got right mood and attitude to write this incident that cherish my memories always. This is with my wife Tanvi who is 26 years of age, around 5’3” tall with slim and slender body. However she has got developed 34C boobs and very slim waistline and 32 butts. She is fair, smooth skin and looks delicious with these round and firm boobs that stand on their own. Sometimes she doesn’t wear bra, even...

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Sandras Awakening Ch 09

What a great week, Sandra remembered fondly, although she still could not believe what had been happening, or what she had been missing. To many years with the same man caused more than a few guilt pains. She just couldn’t figure it out, Tom had wanted her, Damien had wanted her, Cindy still wanted her, why didn’t Sam? ‘Well, I think that’s just going to have to be his problem!’ she said out loud to herself. She had gone shopping, with her new sexuality, her clothes seemed to be stuffy and...

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La Chatte Heureuse The Happy Pussy Ch 6

Chapter 6: Shibari“Lady Nicole is a closet expert at Shibari,” says Brooke when the eight of us are sat down for our evening meal.“I’m what?!?” I exclaim. “What on earth is Shibari?”“Japanese rope bondage,” replies Stephanie. “Is this true?”“I know how to do a few knots and a handful of bondage ties, but I’m a long way from being an expert in anything like that.”“Well, let us be the judge of that,” says Monique. “Brooke, go and fetch an assortment of ropes from the store room.”“Yes, Madame...

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Finally they meet

Sarah on the other hand was seperated from her husband. They have a little boy 5 years old. She booted her husband out after he had gotten laid off six months earlier and wasn't putting any effort into finding a new job. She had been fucked once, by her husband since she had booted him but it was a spur of the moment thing. She managed to keep her pussy happy with her dildo and porn movies. But this was all new to her because her pussy has only known one cock and the thought of a...

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More Than Enough

Life has been getting more and more frustrating. I am a 23 year old girl and still a virgin. Been satisfying my sexual urge all by own using you know what. I had all the opportunities to loose my virginity but luck wasn’t on my side. I stay alone in an apartment for the past 2 years. No one was there to question me on whatever I do. I had the privilege of having the complete freedom that any girl of my age wanted. But I didn’t have the only important thing – a boyfriend. I’ve been single my...

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My Friend Kate

I decided to have a few friends over one night when my parents were gone on holiday, it was only a few people, like 4 or 5 (including Kate obviously), it was a sort of movie and pizza night. “Hey John, how are you? Was what most people greeted me by when they arrived. “So what should we watch?...I have Kill Bill, Taken, Atonement, Saving Private know...just choose something” “I think we should watch Saving Ryan’s Privates...I mean Saving Private Ryan” “Oh come on Joe...

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Sold into Submission

"Clang Clang Clang!" went the closing bell as the NYSE stopped trading for the day. Visibly shaking, Marco slowly gathered up his papers and started putting them in his desk drawer when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Marco - my office - now." He turned to see his boss walking away in the direction of the small corner office from where he monitored all the action taking place. Slowly rising, he followed. "How could I have been so fucking stupid?" he kept on asking himself as he entered the...

4 years ago
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Horny Beyond it all

I keep picturing you. I can see you touching my body making me shiver. Why do you do that? Why do you tease me? I want you so badly. Just the thought of you is enough to wet my panties throughout. You think it's all a joke. But I crave you. I keep picturing our sweaty bodies together entangled in embrace. Your body completing mines. Ripping me apart with your dick. All I can do is keep moaning: "I want you...I want you...more... give me more...dont toy with me... give me all you got." as I fall...

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Vixen Graduates

Vixen stepped down from the school bus, extending her long leg clad in skin-tight two hundred and fifty dollar designer jeans, and a slim foot wearing lizard boots that cost twice that much. Her pussy still steamed from the pawing her father had given her that morning, while she ate her breakfast cereal, massaged his cock and watched the climax of his latest porn flick on the kitchen TV. He just loved her tits, for which he had paid a lot of money, and her tight-lipped pussy, which he claimed...

2 years ago
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By Choice or by ForceChapter 12

The two of them strolled back to the house hand in hand and talking happily together – as they made a few tentative plans; totally unaware that they were watched from the bedroom window by Aunt Trudy. “Michael is with the girl again?” Jonathon asked from his sick bed. “Yes ... they have become very close – much like James and Iris.” she smiled a little smile, as she thought of the other couple. “I think that things happened too fast between the two of them in the beginning though, and so...

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