- 4 years ago
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Hi Readers, This is Sofia C again. Find below is my new story. Your comments & replies are welcomed at Sofia is a typical woman boss, hard and randy for the girls who work under her. Sofia still has vivid memories of her seduction of her plump little co-worker, the luscious but amazingly naive Suchitra. Suchitra, without being in the least aware of it, was a real cunt-teaser as far as Sofia was concerned. Sofia would ogle Suchitra and her cunt used to tingle every time Suchitra bent over or stretched up to get something, affording a tantalizing glimpse of her panty-clad buttocks that caused Sofia to catch her breath as she imagined what it would be like to get her nose in the delicious cleft between and to stick her probing tongue into Suchitra’s pretty little orifice. So, not surprisingly, Sofia decided it was high time she led the girl in the right direction. The opportunity came one day when Suchitra returned from lunch clutching a plastic bag.
“Been shopping?”
“Just a blouse.
“Let me see.”
Suchitra took the blouse out of the bag and held it up against herself. It was a very conventional sort of blouse, not a bit sexy. The sort that dull married women buy. Sofia looked at Suchitra and wondered what it would be like to lie naked in bed with her. Cuddly. That was Suchitra. Sofia smiled to herself. The poor creature was as innocent as a newborn baby.
“Put it on. Let’s see what it looks like.”
“What? Now?”
“Don’t worry, There’s just the two of us. Come on. Take your sweater off and pop the blouse on.”
Suchitra pulled her sweater over her head, a movement that caused her plump breasts to thrust forward. Her bra was as plain as the blouse, designed for comfort not titillation. And it was the wrong size. Size C tits in size A cups, spilling out from the top and the sides, and her nipples sticking out awkwardly from the rim of the cups like two little rising suns. She put the blouse on quickly and buttoned it up; clearly terrified that someone might come in and catch her with her underwear showing. Sofia came up to her and pretended to adjust the blouse, pulling at the hem and brushing out imaginary creases with her careless hands. Suchitra shivered as she felt the woman’s fingers brush her nipples. If only they wouldn’t stand out so!
“It’s lovely, Suchitra. It really suits your lovely figure. Shows off your bosom a treat.”
The girl blushed at the compliment. And at the reference to her titties. In her family, people did not talk about such things. Fancy her boss thinking that she had a nice figure! Suchitra was surprised that she had even noticed.
“But I am afraid you are going to have to do something about your bra, my love.”
“Wh-what do you mean, Sofia?”
“You need a bigger cup size, love. With those spectacular boobs, I would say a C cup. You can’t expect to squeeze those beauties of yours into anything less than a C.”
As she spoke, Sofia put her hands under Suchitra’s breasts and lifted them as if she were weighing them.
“Hmm!! They really are beauties. You are very lucky to have such wonderful breasts. If I were a man, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you!”
She laughed as she said this, then, without warning, kissed Suchitra full on the mouth, a brief but wet kiss, lips parted lasciviously, accompanied by a squeeze of the girl’s plump breasts. Before Suchitra could react, Sofia broke off and went back to her desk.
“Come on, sweetie. We’d better get some work done before the others return from lunch.”
Suchitra was totally confused. She had never been touched by a woman before in that way, let alone been kissed by one. The funny thing was that she had really liked it, the kind way Sofia had taken an interest in her, and the strangely exciting kiss on the mouth. She looked at Sofia, but the woman appeared to be too busy to bother with her confused young secretary. Suchitra suddenly felt cheated. She doesn’t really care about me. Not really. Suchitra remembered the way Sofia’s fingers had brushed over her nipples, causing them to stiffen and protrude even more than usual, and she blushed. The next day, at lunchtime, it was Sofia’s turn to come back with a couple of purchases. The first was a skirt she had bought for herself, a pleated black miniskirt that she knew would make her look really sexy. Just the sort of blatant sexual self-advertisement that Suchitra could never contemplate. Well, she was going to face some blatant sexual innuendoes today! Let’s see if we can get her plump little canny salivating! Sofia took it out of the bag and showed it to Suchitra.
“What do you think? Am I too old for this sort of skirt?”
“No need to be polite, lovely. I know my limitations. Tell you what. Why don’t I try it on?”
She shucked off her office skirt and handed it to Suchitra.
“Put it on the chair, there’s a darling.”
She stood in front of Suchitra in her knickers, apparently in no hurry to cover herself up. Her panties were so skimpy that they barely covered her fanny. The outline of her substantial cunt was etched under the flimsy material, especially as the gusset was wedged tightly into her slit. And Sofia knew it. She had looked at herself in the mirror that morning, and had felt a real glow of satisfaction at the prominence of her cunt showing through her knickers. She had pulled the knickers up really tight so that they would cut into her vulva, and had not been able to resist a quick wink as she contemplated herself and thought about the effect the glimpse and the promise of cunt might have on Suchitra – if she was lucky. Now, here she was, the moment of truth. Suchitra stared goggle-eyed at her boss’s exposed cunt. Sofia loved it. She put her hands on her hips and wiggled in a parody of a stripper.
“And now the sexy Sofia will reveal all for your delight, ladies and gentlemen. Hold on to your hats and fasten your seat belts while Sofia, performs the dance of the Seven Veils.”
She thrust her groin forward suggestively and grinned at Suchitra. The girl tried desperately not to stare at the woman’s incredible mound. It was so disconcerting. Not only could she see everything that Sofia had got, but she found herself fascinated and even excited by what she could see. Pulling herself together, Suchitra held out the miniskirt as if she was anxious for this strange woman to cover herself up. Sofia took the miniskirt and twirled it round her head.
“OK, Suchitra, I’ll be a good girl and put the skirt on. But I want you to tell me honestly whether it really suits me or not.”
She bent down, her back to Suchitra, and stepped into the skirt. Suchitra looked at the woman’s buttocks and at the outlines of the cunt framed between them. She noticed a trickle of cunt juice beginning to ooze down the insides of the woman’s thighs. She couldn’t help noticing too a strange tingling in her own fanny now, a feeling she only got when she sometimes touched herself under the bedclothes, guiltily and furtively, ashamed of herself for wanting to experience again the good feelings it gave her when she slid her finger over her clit and played with it, rubbing and pressing the little knob of flesh until she was writhing with pleasure. And here was that same gorgeous tingling again, brought on by the sight of her sexy boss bending over and accidentally revealing all her charms. It was a perfectly shaped cunt, with fleshy cunt lips and an intriguing crease surmounted by a button-like little knob of flesh which Suchitra knew to be her deliciously protruding clitoris! Suchitra felt weak at the knees as she realized just how much she liked what she saw.
“What do you think?”
The miniskirt barely covered Sofia’s panties, and gave a wonderful view of her curvaceous thighs.
“Too short? What’s it like from the back when I bend down? Don’t want to excite people, do we?”
Again she turned her back to Suchitra and bent over, once more revealing the outline of her lovely cunt, which seemed wetter and more visible than ever. Suchitra picked up aroma, that telltale smell of hot wet cunt that she recognized. It was the enticing odor that she had come to envy Sofia as part of her ritual furtive groping under the sheets every night. She badly needed a wink right now, right here and now, perhaps with Sofia watching her. Perhaps that would turn her on the way she has turned me on. Perhaps she would want to wink too. Perhaps we could wink in front of each other. Perhaps we could touch each other. The enormity of these shocking perverted thoughts which her fevered imagination had provoked caused her to catch her breath. What was happening to her? Sofia straightened up then and faced Suchitra. The girl’s cheeks were on fire. Good!
“Haven’t shocked you, have I, darling? Come on, we are all girls together here. It’s just a bit of fun. Sorry about the pussy smell. It’s very hot in here. Either that or all that sexy dancing has got me overexcited.”
She brushed Suchitra’s cheek with her fingers.
“You are a sweetie, and I do love you, and to prove it, I’ve got something else in the bag: a little surprise for you. Take it out and see what you think.”
Suchitra reached into the bag and drew out a beautiful brassiere, a 36 C. It was elegant and lacy and not the sort of bra that Suchitra would ever have bought for herself. She looked at the cups. They seemed enormous. Were her tits really that big? Her nipples tingled as she contemplated the sexy lingerie. She wanted so much to be sexy, but had never dared, except in her secret dreams, when she masturbated to images of herself in sexy poses, being readily fondled by anonymous hands and probed by anonymous fingers. Since her last encounter with Sofia over the new sweater, those hands and those fingers had become female hands with fingernails painted in menacing scarlet.
“Well, aren’t you going to try it on?”
Suchitra realized that she would have to take off the bra she was wearing and expose her naked tits, something she had never done in front of anyone before. But, somehow, with Sofia, it seemed a natural thing to do. With Sofia watching her every move like a cat getting ready to pounce, Suchitra slipped off her blouse and undid her bra. As she slid it down her arms, she became aware that her nipples were standing out stiffer and more prominent than ever, unmistakable signs that she was getting really worked up sexually. Sofia noticed them and Suchitra knew that she had noticed them.
“Sorry! She mumbled. I have no idea why my nipples are sticking out so.”
“They’re beautiful, Suchitra, you don’t need to apologies for being beautiful. I think you have beautiful nipples. I love them. I would love to touch them.”
Suchitra knew at that moment that she would have loved Sofia to touch her nipples. The thought of those deft little fingers with their pretty red fingernails brushing her nipples made Suchitra’s cunt emit a jet of cunt juice. She was rangier that she could remember. And with another woman! What was happening to her? Sofia came forward at that moment; She knew perfectly well what was issuing from between those pretty young pussy lips. Such a sweet smell of cunt. She remembered Sheetal’s amazing stench and how much it had turned her on, once she had overcome her initial revulsion. But it was nice to be close now to such a sweet-smelling fanny. Such a pretty young girl. Sofia took the new bra from the desk where Suchitra had put it. She slid the straps up the girl’s arms, and pulled the cups up to capture those luscious plump boobs that she found so mouthwatering. As she leant forward to fasten the catch, she pressed her own boobs briefly against Suchitra’s before stepping back again. The momentary embrace caused Suchitra to catch her breath. Then she reached round Suchitra again to adjust the straps, deliberately pressing herself against the girl’s trembling body as she did so. She stepped back again and looked into Suchitra’s eyes, a look of pure lust that the girl could not mistake.
Sofia reached up and fussily adjusted Suchitra’s breasts so they fitted snugly in the cups of the bra. Again her fingers brushed fleetingly over the girl’s protruding nipples, sending thrills through the young girl’s body. Then, holding the girl’s hands in her own she stepped back and looked admiringly at her bosom, held and shaped and lifted sexily by the new bra. No unsightly bulges now: it really showed off Suchitra’s tits to perfection.
“Wow! Shilpa Shetty eats your heart out! Suchitra, you look sensational! I knew
these lovely boobs of yours needed a C. Hmm! I can’t resist giving them another squeeze.”
This time she made no pretence of her intentions, but caressed them lovingly, kneading the soft warm flesh with her eager fingers. The material of the bra was so fine and transparent that the girl might just as well have been naked. Suchitra stood unresisting, not knowing whether to respond or take flight.
“You must think I’m awful, fondling your titties like this. Just imagine I am a man who fancies you.”
“I would never let a man touch me!” she said with a vehemence that surprised Sofia.
“OK, lovely,” she said gently. “Then just imagine I am a woman who fancies you!”
She leant forward and kissed Suchitra on the mouth, but this time lingeringly. Suchitra could hardly breathe, she was so overwhelmed with strange sensations, sexual sensations, and exciting thrills coursing through her body as she felt this woman’s lips on hers and felt her breasts pressed against the woman’s breasts and smelled the lovely aroma of aroused cunt. Was it Sofia’s or was it her own cunt that was giving off such a delicious smell? She closed her eyes and pressed herself against Sofia. It was the first time that she had ever been kissed like this, and she loved it. She wanted the moment to last forever. She was vaguely aware of Sofia’s hands caressing her hair and stroking her face, and she was acutely aware of her cunt pressed against Sofia’s and of the steamy heat they were generating, even through the material of their skirts.
“Back to work!” Sofia said, abruptly breaking off their torrid embrace. Suchitra was devastated. She suddenly felt dirty. What had she done wrong? Tears started to well up in her eyes, exactly the reaction that Sofia had wanted to provoke.
“Sorry, sweetie, I didn’t mean to upset you. But there is a time and a place for everything. I tell you what, why don’t we finish early and go out somewhere together. Go for a meal or take in a movie. What do you say?”
That same evening, the two females found themselves sitting in a dark corner of the local cinema. All round them were courting couples, more interested in each other’s bodies than in the film. Suchitra sat stiff with anticipation, waiting and hoping and dreading all at the same time for Sofia to make a move on her. Her clit was tingling more than ever, and her nipples stuck out so far, they were actually painful. Her whole body was one aching longing for something she knew was wrong, perverted, dirty, but she wanted it, whatever it was, just as every night she wanted to feel the comfort of her fingers probing her fanny even though she could not escape the guilt and the remorse that inevitably followed her solitary masturbation. Sofia was nearly crazy with lust as she contemplated the lovely virgin flesh which now seemed to be within her grasp. She longed to corrupt Suchitra into the wonderful depravities of lesbianism. She knew that her itchy fingers were mere inches away from Suchitra’s cunt, and that the girl would go wild with delight when she felt her fanny being invaded by the fingers of another woman. But, for the moment, she hesitated to strike, anxious not to frighten off her prey before she had even started. Still, the fact that Suchitra was here, now, sitting next to her, all demure in her pretty pink dress, was a sign that the girl was happy to be with another woman, even in so innocent a pastime as going to the movies together.
Sofia reached across and took Suchitra’s hand in hers. Suchitra did not object. When Sofia squeezed her hand affectionately, she returned the squeeze without hesitation. Holding hands in the intimate darkness of the cinema was just what Suchitra wanted. It was loving, bold, but safe, still ambiguous, interpretable as nothing more than the affection of one woman for another. If only her cunt would not twitch so! Then she could persuade herself that there was nothing unusual in sitting in the dark holding hands with another woman. But her cunt was on fire, a burning, trembling sensation that could not be denied. Suchitra was already close to orgasm, just because she and this strange woman next to her had squeezed hands! That and her recollection of Sofia’s naughty fingers stroking her nipples, Sofia’s loving hands holding up her breasts, and the sight of Sofia’s lovely fleshy fanny etched clearly through the flimsy material of her juice-soaked panties that time when she had bent down and exposed herself so brazenly to her young colleague’s gaze. Sofia leant across then and kissed Suchitra quickly on the mouth.
“Are you enjoying it?”
Suchitra did not know how to reply to the question. Enjoying what? The film? Holding hands and kissing in the dark? Being with another woman like two lovers? Or did she mean Are you enjoying the throbbing sensation in your fanny and the butterflies in your stomach?
“Ye-yes. I mean, its lovely being here. With you.” The last two words, uttered in a tiny whispered voice, lingered in the air. Suchitra held her breath, amazed at her own boldness in admitting how much she loved being with this strange woman, who was part boss and part lover. Sofia leant across and kissed her again, but this time slowly, lingeringly, parting her lips and exploring Suchitra’s mouth with the tip of her tongue. Couples around them saw what was going on, but did not seem to care. As it happened, there were quite a few female couples around them, anyway, some of whom were clearly enjoying each other in a frankly sexual way. Even the females who were with male partners were looking on enviously at their liberated sisters, wishing that they had the courage to come out and declare their preference for their own sex. Sofia put her arm round Suchitra and the girl gratefully rested her head on her woman-lover’s shoulder, happy beyond measure that someone as wonderful as Sofia should find her attractive. With her free hand, Sofia began to fondle Suchitra’s plump young breasts, feeling their warmth and their firm roundness through the blouse and the bra she was wearing. Suchitra knew that her nipples were standing out quite obscenely, but she didn’t care: she wanted Sofia to know how aroused she was, how much she loved being loved by her. She felt Sofia’s fingers flicking insistently back and forth over her aching nipples and to her amazement felt her orgasm building up in her clitoris like a huge wave about to crash on the shore. She clamped her hand over Sofia’s, pressing it hard against her bosom as the huge wave of her orgasm swept through her body. Sofia knew exactly what was happening.
“Darling, I am so happy for you,” she whispered. “I am so glad that I am the one to make you feel this way.”
“I-I’m sorry,” Suchitra stuttered her usual feelings of guilt and shame overwhelming her.
“Don’t be silly! You should be proud, not sorry!” Sofia whispered urgently into her ear. “Let’s go. Let’s go back to my place where we can be together, really together.”
Suchitra allowed herself to be led out of the cinema, her body on fire and her mind in turmoil. Only the reassuring feel of her hand clasped tightly in Sofia’s enabled her to make what was to be the most fateful journey of her life, a short taxi ride back to Sofia’s house and to another world that she could not have imagined even in her most erotic dreams. Suchitra was at the start of a voyage of discovery that would change her life forever. She, lucky girl, was about to be initiated into a secret world of all-female sex where nothing matters but to give and to get pleasure from the caresses of one of your own sex. Who knows better what will please a woman than another woman? The other women couples in the cinema looked on smiling at the happy couple leaving together, hand in hand. The women who were with a man, or alone, looked on enviously, wishing they could find happiness with a beautiful and caring woman. Sofia and Suchitra held hands tightly all the way home, Sofia in eager anticipation of enjoying Suchitra’s fine young body, and Suchitra in apprehension that she might not be good enough for the wonderful woman whose warm curvaceous body was already making her dizzy with desire. Tonight was going to be a ride on the rollercoaster for both of them. Her cunt quivering in anticipation of the lovemaking to come, Sofia unlocked the door and ushered her young friend into the most extraordinary flat that Suchitra had ever seen in her life.
“Welcome to the Temple of Sofia, darling. This is a place where women can be what they really want to be, lovers of women. Let me take your coat.”
Suchitra was still staring so open-mouthed at the huge picture of a cunt that hung over the fireplace that she did not even notice when Sofia removed her coat. It was like an altar piece, a religious icon, something to be worshipped, the embodiment of womanliness, a stylized but luscious full-lipped pouting cunt surmounted with lovely wisps of pure gold pubic hair. It was a truly beautiful representation of a cunt, painted, she guessed, by someone who worshipped cunt. She thought of the words to describe the mysterious crease between her thighs: vulva, vagina, pussy, and fanny. twat, cunny, cunt, snatch, quim, slit – how did she come to know all these words anyway?
“It’s called Yoni,” Sofia said, following Suchitra’s gaze. “The symbol of our womanhood, the essence of our femaleness, the embodiment of everything we women find desirable and fulfilling in ourselves and in each other.”
“Yes. It is a Hindu word. Much prettier than *cunt*, don’t you think?”
The word cunt hung in the air like an incantation. Suchitra had only ever heard the word used as a term of abuse, and here was this strange woman using it like a benediction, a word to describe something holy, something sacred, something beautiful, something to be worshipped. For the first time in her life, Suchitra felt pride in her possession of a cunt. No guilt, no shame, but a feeling of great happiness that the warm place between her legs with its slithery lips and intricate creases was something which could give pleasure not only to herself, but, more excitingly, to this mysterious and sexy woman to whom she found herself fatally attracted. A gentle throbbing in her groin told her that she was ready for whatever crazy lovemaking was in store at the hands of the gorgeously horny Sofia. She looked again at the symbolic cunt and realized for the first time what a beautiful object a cunt is. She had a sudden urge to masturbate but did not dare to in the presence of another person, even someone as tolerant and easy going as Sofia. Instead, she sat down on the sofa, crossed her legs and squeezed her thighs tightly together to cause a delicious pressure on her clit. She was randy and she knew it. So did Sofia. That discreet crossing of the thighs was one of her favorite tricks, too, a way of masturbating in public without anyone noticing, well, anyone except other women, of course, because all women seemed to learn the trick instinctively, which was why you can find women in any public place, sitting with their legs crossed, swinging the upper leg back and forth. Check the glazed faraway look in their eyes as they bring themselves off, a delicious tingling as their clitoris goes into spasm, just a nice little wink until they can get back home and do the job properly! Sofia smiled at Suchitra, a knowing smile which told the girl that her little masturbatory jaunt had been noted with approval. She went pink and uncrossed her legs.
“Don’t stop, sweetheart. I do it all the time. We all do. That’s what’s so nice about being a woman. It’s really good, isn’t it? Sort of tingly where it matters. But don’t be so stiff. Swing your leg back and forth.” Suchitra did as Sofia suggested, obedient and submissive as ever.
“There! That’s better. I find it’s better if I swing my leg at the same time as squeezing. Really gets to your clit, doesn’t it? Mmm! Makes me want to wink as well. You really are a sexy girl, Suchitra. I am so glad you like masturbating as much as I do. We ought to compare notes on our techniques. After all, I shall need something to keep me satisfied when you are not around, darling. Have you tried it with an electric toothbrush? It drives me crazy!”
Suchitra was flabbergasted. She had never dared to speak about such matters to anyone, and here was this woman chatting about masturbation techniques in a matter-of-fact way. She might have been talking about the best way to fix eye makeup for all the importance she was giving it. Suchitra wondered if she would ever be as uninhibited about sex, as liberated as this sophisticated and worldly-wise lesbian. Suchitra knew she had a lot to learn from her mentor. She smiled at Sofia and swung her leg. Mmm! When you did that and tensed your vaginal muscles, the effect was really nice.
“Nice? I’ve got a little present for you, darling, something that will make it even nicer for you.”
She went to a drawer and took out a small red box. From it she took what looked like two small plastic balls joined by a short length of string. She handed them to Suchitra. The girl noticed immediately that they seemed to have some sort of a weight inside them which made them mover jerkily when she rolled them in the palm of her hand.
“Love balls, darling. You put them in your pussy and whenever you make the slightest movement, wow! It’s like fingering yourself only gentler, a more subtle form of stimulation. At first you’ll think that there’s not much happening, but the cumulative effect of having the inside of your pussy massaged is something else! If you overdo it, I will probably have to scrape you off the ceiling! Why don’t you put try them now? Would you like me to put them in for you, sweetheart?”
To Suchitra, who had never revealed her private parts to anyone, who could not imagine allowing anyone to touch her there, it seemed the most natural thing in the world now to sit back calmly and open her legs wide for Sofia. Sofia knelt between her parted thighs, slid her hand up Suchitra’s skirt, pulled her panties to one side, inserted her finger into the girl’s vagina to ensure that it was nice and wet, and then slipped the love balls inside her until only the end of the string could be seen peeping out between her puffy cunt lips. Suchitra was dizzy with the sensations that Sofia’s gentle insertion of her fingers into her pussy had provoked in the pit of her stomach.
“What a beautiful girl you are, Suchitra. You have such a sweet pussy. I could eat you up!”
Suchitra was radiantly happy, and proud that she had been really cool and sophisticated about letting Sofia touch her most intimate parts. And she was even hornier; her cunt was quivering uncontrollably in response to her lover’s wonderful probing fingers
“You just sit back and enjoy yourself, lovely. She dropped her hand to the girl’s thigh and began a gentle stroking movement along the inside of the thigh as she talked. Suchitra was acutely aware of the caressing hand and the way it seemed to creep higher and higher with each stroke as it relentlessly moved closer to its destination. Despite herself, Suchitra parted her legs slightly so as not to impede the progress of that wonderful terrible caressing hand. Her clitoris tingled in anticipation as the woman’s wicked fingers got closer and closer and closer… It was so tantalizing! So near and yet so far! Suchitra held her breath as she thought of the enormity of having another woman’s fingers on her pussy. It had been different when Sofia had inserted the love balls into her pussy. More clinical, like a doctor. This invasion was explicit. Sofia was about to fondle her cunt and there would be no ambiguity this time. She was about to start making love to a lesbian. She wanted to fight it, to stop this terrible invasion, but she also desperately wanted Sofia’s fingers to bring relief to her aching clitoris and to her throbbing cunt. Sofia talked softly and without pausing, scarcely aware of what she was saying. It really did not matter what she said as long as her tone was soothing, reassuring, calming her virginal girlfriend and lulling her into a state where she would be ripe for the lesbian orgy which was to follow.
Sofia’s hand disappeared under the skirt, the young girl’s breasts heaving as she started to breathe more rapidly, the first lingering kiss, the hands on the breasts, the deft way Sofia undressed the girl, skill fully unbuttoning her blouse and slipping it off, the clever way she managed to strip off to her bra and panties herself without alarming the girl, the passionate embrace, the cuddling, then the removal of the girl’s bra – critical moment this, the point of no return – and the slow inexorable progress of Sofia’s mouth as she showered kisses on the young girl’s flesh, her face, her neck and down on to her breasts. Sofia flicked the girl’s protruding nipples with the tip of her tongue before clamping her lips over them and sucking on them. The girl reacted as if she had received an electric shock. Her whole body was trembling with excitement, her face was red and puffy and her lips parted as she gasped for breath. Instinctively she laid back, opened her legs wide and pulled Sofia on to her. Sofia came up and kissed her again tenderly at first and then with increasing passion.
“Would it be all right if I took off my bra too?”
Fancy Sofia asking my permission! Suchitra felt very proud.
“May I do it for you?”
They began to undress each other lovingly, letting their caressing hands stray over every part; their probing fingers explore each crevice. Soon the woman and the girl were both down to their panties, naked except for that one part which was responding most fiercely to their lovemaking. Their fannies they kept covered – for the moment. It was an unspoken decision to leave their panties on. Sofia had decided not to take Suchitra’s knickers off because she thought the girl might feel embarrassed, this first time, to be totally naked. Suchitra, for her part, could not bring herself to remove the woman’s knickers: she had already dared to go much further than she would have imagined possible in her wildest dreams. But her nerve failed her as she thought about those huge puffy cunt lips and that intriguing crease between. And by the awesome heat and wetness being generated by the woman’s might cunt. Matter of time when her cunt and Sofia’s cunt would be uncovered and the ultimate stage Suchitra looked up again at the yoni symbol over the fireplace. She knew that it was only a start of their wonderful journey into lesbianism would reach its climax.
As she maneuvered to get Sofia’s clothes off, she could feel the love balls click-clicking inside her fanny. It was the most unbelievable sensation, as if someone was permanently frigging her with their fingers. Her legs felt weak with the sheer power of the pleasure she was experiencing now. Everything was coming together and threatening to overwhelm her senses completely: the closeness of the woman’s body, the heady aromas that emanated from her body, the tingling she could still feel in her nipples were the woman had sucked them so lovingly, and, permeating the whole crazy happening, the dominant atmosphere of forbidden sex, symbolized by the brooding presence of the yoni Cunt looking down on their lesbian lovemaking.
“Happy, darling?” Suchitra looked into her lover’s eyes and then nodded. How she loved this strange powerful woman! “May I?” Sofia took Suchitra’s hand and guided it between her legs. “I’d love it if you would caress me there, Suchitra.”
Now, for the first time, Suchitra had the initiative. She would decide the pace; she would decide how far they would go. The ball was in her court now, and Sofia figuratively held her breath to see if the girl was sufficiently sexually aroused to overcome her last few inhibitions. Suchitra, for her part, was a bundle of conflicting emotions. She was proud that this wonderful woman would want *her*, Suchitra’s, hand to be the one to caress that awesome pussy, but scared, scared because she wanted so desperately to please her lesbian lover. What if she were clumsy, did the wrong things, poked her fingers carelessly in woman’s groin, hurt her instead of pleasuring her.
“I’m sure I won’t be very good at it, Sofia.” “I am sure you will be wonderful. Just do to me what you do to yourself. Do the things that give you pleasure? Use those clever little fingers of yours on me, darling. Please!”
Sofia helpfully pulled the gusset of her panties to one side and lay back expectantly, closing her eyes in dreamy anticipation of the delights to come when the girl’s fingers finally found their target. Suchitra felt more confident now that Sofia was no longer looking at her. She held her breath as she contemplated the woman’s beautiful cunt, now no more than an inch away from her fingertips. It glistened with the woman’s excitement. The aroma of the woman’s cunt filled her nostrils; it was like the incense in church, seductive and trance-inducing. She bent over Sofia’s supine figure and began to make tentative movements with her fingers along the outer walls of her cunt lips. They were swollen, a wonderful engorgement stimulated by the woman’s excitement. The girl’s touch was quick and light, like the fluttering of a moth round a flame. Although she did not know it, Suchitra was driving Sofia crazy with her tantalizing, teasing caresses. Sofia writhed and gyrated her pelvis, desperate for more.
“Please! Please, Suchitra! Oh God, you’re beautiful! Don’t stop! Please! Oh I love the way you use your fingers on me!” Suchitra was almost put off by the woman’s reaction; by the way she was thrashing about as if she were spinning out of control. Surely my silly little fingers can’t be causing such a reaction? After all I am just an inexperienced girl and she is a sophisticated woman of the world. She must have had much better lovers than me! What Suchitra was too young to realize was that it was precisely because she was so inexperienced, so virginal that Sofia was getting worked up. Sofia was getting her buzz from seducing a young girl into lesbianism. The very fact that Suchitra was now bold enough to be touching her formidable cunt, however clumsily, would be enough to bring Sofia off. Sofia put her hand over Suchitra’s caressing hand and pressed it into her fanny. The girl’s middle finger lay in that awesome gash between the woman’s puffy labia. It was like a valley with walls made of silk. Instinctively Suchitra hooked her middle finger to allow the tip to begin to penetrate the mysterious recesses of the hot wet cavern that lay beyond.
“Aahhhhh!!!” It was a sigh of pure joy, telling Suchitra that this was the moment the woman — her woman — had been waiting for. Encouraged she probed deeper with her middle finger, feeling the ridges of the cavernous cunt and rubbing them vigorously. She marveled at the copious flow of cunt juices which her stimulation of Sofia’s cunt provoked. The size and the wonderful wetness of Sofia’s vulva made it easy for Suchitra to insert a second and then a third finger. She was frigging Sofia’s cunt wildly now, as if she were trying to claw the juices out of it. The woman was in frenzy, thrashing wildly as she felt her climax building up. Without even realizing it, Suchitra so on added her little finger to their three companions. She sank her hand into the gaping fanny as far as it would go, allowing her thumb to press against Sofia’s clitoris, which made her even wilder. Sofia reached down and used her own fingers on her clitoris in harmony with the rhythmic thrusting of Suchitra’s hand deep into her cunt. She reached a long juddering climax that took her breath away. She slumped back and let out another long sigh. Suchitra, her hand wedged in the woman’s cunt, was not sure what to do. She could hardly believe that she had made Sofia come so quickly. She began to remove her hand but Sofia restrained her. “Darling, please don’t stop now!” “S-sorry. Sofia. I thought you had come.” Darling, that it not the end. That is the beginning! We are just getting warmed up. You poor thing, do you mean to say that you stop after the first thrill? Come here! Let me kiss you! We are going to have the time of our lives tonight. A night to remember, sweetie.”
Sofia took Suchitra by the wrist and gently allowed her to withdraw her hand. It was completely wet with Sofia’s juices. Sofia let out a huge sigh as she felt that comforting had withdrawn from her fanny.
“My goodness, for a beginner, you certainly know how to find the sensitive spots! Talking of which, how are you getting on with your love balls? May I see?”
For the second time that evening, Sofia spread the girl’s legs wide apart and knelt down between them. She desperately wanted to suck Suchitra’s cunt through her knickers, but she was not sure how the girl would react. Instead, she showered her thighs with kisses, gradually working closer and closer to the girl’s fanny until the poor creature was trembling all over. Her cunt was on fire now, and she leant back, her eyes closed, willing and happy to submit to whatever Sofia did to her. Sofia gently eased the girl’s knickers off and then spent a long time looking at her tight little pussy. “You really do have the sweetest little pussy I have ever seen, Suchitra, my love! It is so neat. I could just eat it all up!”
She smiled up at Suchitra, then lowered her head between the girl’s legs and began to plant wet kisses all over the warm flesh of her firm white thighs. This time she did not hold back, but inch by inch worked her way up to her destination. As she got closer to the girl’s cunt, she could smell it, a fatally attractive odor redolent of sexual excitement and sweat and just a hint of something earthier. She paused, drinking in the sight and smell of Suchitra’s pussy, and then started to blow gently on it as if she were trying to blow out a candle. Suchitra could hardly bear the suspense, knowing that the woman’s mouth was now all but kissing her fanny. She pushed forward with her pelvis to make the final contact between her throbbing fanny and the woman’s warm wet lips.
“Patience, darling! We don’t want to rush something as beautiful as this. You are so attractive, my love, I want to savor you, a little at a time.” Suchitra slumped back in the manner of one who has done something clumsy and stupid. Sofia, sensing this, immediately came up to kiss the girl on the mouth and to cuddle her lovingly. “Sorry, I didn’t want to tease you. Honestly. I really mean it. You are so wonderful that I want everything to be perfect for you.”
She knelt down between the girl’s thighs and this time planted her mouth firmly over the girl’s pussy. It tasted good. Sweet and sour. Perfect. She slid her tongue between the girl’s slithery labia and insinuated it skillfully into her vagina. With the tip of her tongue she probed deep and found the love balls nestling inside the girl’s cunt. By now her lips were squashed against Suchitra’s cunt lips, a perfect kiss, and one that only a women can truly appreciate. Sofia had no thought but to concentrate on pleasing her young female companion. She licked and probed with increasing vigor, urged on by the girl’s moans and little cries, and by the regular gyration of her pelvis as she sought to move in rhythm to the thrusting movements of Sofia’s tongue up her cunt. I love feedback good or bad as long as it’s honest. Send all feedback to the link below. Pls make sure you put the story title in the subject line so I know it’s not spam.
Sofia was the first Latina who sexually molested me. She had long, black hair, plump breasts, and a beautifully bronzed complexion. Sofia was a nineteen-year old, legal adult when she first started using me for her selfish pleasure. I was still a minor and finishing high school at the time. I never reported to anyone about the sexual abuse that Sofia put me through, simply because I liked it and I certainly did not want her to stop. On one particular winter weekend, Sofia and I met up...
Shortly after I accepted an invitation from Sofia’s parents to their home for dinner one wintery night, I realized that I had previously made plans with Dirty and Suave to go out mailboxing. After much deliberation, it was decided amongst my friends and I that they could pick me up at Sofia’s house after midnight. At which point, we could then proceed to destroy mailboxes on the drive home. The late night hour, as it was rationalized, would provide additional protection from any persons who...
I mindlessly glanced out my car window while waiting for the stoplight and I saw her. She was walking with purpose, a bounce in her step and more noticeably a bounce in her chest. She was braless and that got my attention. She had a look about her, something about a young woman with nice toned legs, short frayed-edge denim shorts and an off-white sleeveless blouse with bouncing tits that can get one thinking hot sexy thoughts. Her hidden breasts looked just the perfect size for her slim frame,...
TeenIntroduction: Batwoman goes in search of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, only to find her fill-in, Holly Robinson. It was all going so well. A simple looting of a rich persons home of a few baubles, and what not. Yep, everything was going so well until she found herself blacking out from something hitting her. She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. Where am I? she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. ouuuhhh…...
She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. "Where am I?" she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. "ouuuhhh..." she groaned in pain. "As to the where, you're in an adult toy factory. As for the why, because I saw you and decided you might be the one person that can give me what I want." Stepping from behind the hanging woman, Batwoman let the fingers of her left hand trace Holly's right thigh...
Just who is Sofia Gray? Well, I’ve been browsing the site named after her for a little while now, and still, I’m not exactly sure. I couldn’t tell you if she’s a real person or a fictional character, but maybe that doesn’t matter all that much. Perhaps the only important thing is what you can find on the site, which is going to be some kind of paradise to a specific type of pervert, the kind who likes whacking off while wearing a pair of used panties like a motherfucking superhero mask.The big...
Buy Used PantiesHi guys, I’m Amaan from Hyderabad and I’m gonna narrate you my first and greatest experience of my life. I’m 22 years old and completed my B.Tech. I worked in a BPO, call center during my inter holidays as I had a lot of time to start my engineering. I was quickly selected there for night shift. It was a great office and people too. The manager name was Aparna; she was very sexy yaar. Everything was perfect but the story is not about her. There were 6 men and 4 girls working with me. 2 girls...
Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...
Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the authors. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given proper credit. We would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send us. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy it! Wonder Woman and Catwoman...
A TYPICAL WOMAN! By Sylvia Who? 1. A TYPICAL WOMAN! "CLANG": For the fifth time in the past ten minutes my high heel missed the clutch as I steered my wife's Jaguar into our secluded drive and for a moment was unnerved by the jarring 'crunch' of gears. - "Typical woman" I tittered to myself as I slid the car to a noisy halt on the gravel outside the front door and thankfully switched off the engine at the end of my ordeal, trying to control the rising tide of elation at having...
A REFLECTION OF BATWOMAN TO HER SISTER ALICE Belinda She is a fan of the TV series "Batwoman." Eagerly awaited the first episode and even with the previews wonder who would play Batwoman. In later previews, becoming aware of the other characters; one character she remembers from watching the movie "Enigma." The additional character she remembers in the previews is Alice. Batwoman and Alice seem to strike a special reflection with her. She could tell...
25 years ek mahanati employee tha but bahut chalak bhi use pata tha ki uske boss ke dimag main kya chalta rahata hai use bhi uski boss ki tarah company main ucha mukam hasil karna tha and who kuch bhi karne ke liye tayyar tha.uski wife usha 21 years bahut sundar thi par sath main bahut aalsi.gahr ka kam chod tv and makeup main hi jada time bitati thi aur high standard life jine ke sapne dekhti thi. Who jada kamuk nahi thi, balki uska dimag bacche jaisa tha kapil ki Tarha samjhdar aur chalak bhi...
Previous stories: My Family Holiday With Boss: Mera naam raja hai main paiso k liye bahut poesssive hu.hamesha bivi kamaya ko job karne ke liye kahata hu par who nahi manti. Meri salary kam hai 6k/month isliye main condom bhi afford nahi kar pata. Waise kamala ke dad se paise lete rahata hu, thoda bahut aish karne ke liye main off main accountant hu aur sham ko ghar 8 tak aajata hu. Ek din mujhe pata chala ki off main mere boss ki personal secretary 6 month ka maternal leave par hai. Kisi kam...
For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...
indian storyNote: ——I am NOT the author!I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereI signalled BINDU to go and open the door.she opened the door and welcomed myboss saying "aaiye sir most welcome".but when she saw that baburao was alsothere with the boss she got a little bit confused, because she was expectingonly one boss also understood her predicament and said smilingly"ohmrs harish,he is my friend baburao,he has come with me ,if you...
This is the story of how my eighteen-year-old girlfriend turns a complete fuckslut for my very old big dicked boss.My name is Seth.i'm an average 20-year-old guy.I met my girlfriend Lisa a couple a years ago at school. We met in the marching band of all places.I thought it was strange that a hot girl like her was in the marching band. She has long blond straight hair. She's small. only 1,60meters "tall" got a flat stomach, tight bubbly butt and loves yoga, so she's flexible too.This story takes...
Hi friends this is Vicky again with my another story aapne agar meri sari stories padhi hongi toh samajh gaye honge ki meri mummy kitni badi chuddkar hai bahut mardo se chud chuki hai.mujhe unki chudi dekhne me bahut maza aata hai maine khud unko kai mard ke sath chudte dekha hai Mai aapko fir se mummy ke bare me bata du unka naam varsha singh hai aur is bar unki chudai kisi aur ne nahi mere boss ne ki jiska naam raj Sharma hai pahle mai aapko kuch details bata du maine kuch din pahle ek...
Hello all the readers of iss , this is saahil here and I am a big fan of this site , as this is providing an easy and safe opportunity for everyone to share his/her sex experiences and even fantasies . I , like most of us have got few real experiences in life but today I am here to tell abt something that is quite different . The story is abt my mom sarita . Let me introduce first myself nd mom . My age is 19 and mom is 39 Although mom is 39 but she don’t look more than 30 , her figure 36D 30...
IncestCooking with My Boss My life changed one night when I was simply leaving work with my boss. It had been a good day. I even had a successful flirting session with two ladies, who I supposed where friends. One was an Asian woman, older than me, but very attractive. Her friend, a blond with short hair and pretty green eyes, seemed to be more around my age. My boss had been in one of her moods that day. She ran a small retail store and thought she was queen of the world. I...
My boss had been in one of her moods that day. She ran a small retail store and thought she was queen of the world. I knew she had been irritated when she saw me talking to the girls. Her name is Annie, and I would guess she is about 37, ten years my senior. I have to admit she's attractive, though it annoys me to do so. She's taller. Her hair is cropped short on the sides, longer and tinted red on the top. It comes down in perfectly straight layers to just above her pretty brown...
Mera naam sumit hai mai Indore me rahta hu meri family me mai aur mom hai. Mere dad ki death 5 years pahle hi ho chuki hai. Meri mom ka naam divya hai. Unki age 40 yrs hai.wo mnc me job karti hai. Mom ka figure bahut hot hai unka figure size 34 30 36 hai. Unke boobs bade hai unke hips bahut phule hue aur bahar ki ore nikle hue hai.Mom saadi pahnti hai unki skin ka rang fair hai wo dikhne me vidya balan jaisi hai. Unko dekh ke koi bi mard ka lund khada ho jayega. Ye ghatna kuch mahine pahle ki...
MY WIFE AND MY BOSS By Distant LoverWhen my wife and I had been married for nearly a year we began to look forward to our anniversary. No, this was not our wedding anniversary, although we were looking forward to that as well. The anniversary we were really looking forward to was of an evening a month before we got married when my boss took my finance's virginity while I watched.At the time neither of us really wanted it to happen. Because I was a virgin myself, I wanted to marry one, and...
A love of boss ... 1 of 31 ... Submit by: belle_ame Author: Bilitis A love of boss ... 1 31 ... Bilitis Chapters 1-3 In the real Christine, who has been my model; to Evelyn who both helped me in my difficult times, Natacha At my tender without which life would be so different. To all those and all those who try to overcome the difficulty of loving 'differently', despite the prejudices and who do not give face still many obstacles on our path. 1. A new chief of staff The news was finally...
My Mean BossI was lucky to get this job since I didn't have great grades in school inspite of spankings by my parents for bad grades. They at least respected mymodesty by having me go to my room and putting on my pajamas before goingback down to lean over the back of the couch for my spanking. They justused a ping pong paddle which wouldn't have been too bad if there hadn't beenso many spanks. They based it on my grades. "A" no spanks, "B"20 spanks"C" 30 spanks and "D" 40 ...
Introduction: A young virgin. A horny mob boss. Need I say more? I awoke to a throbbing headache. Every heartbeat was an explosion of pain. It took all the strength I had just to sit up. My head spun for a second before I allowed my eyes to flutter open. Tears blurred my vision, making the world appear as a distorted mess. All I could see were colors and shapes. I tried to speak, but only a faint squeal escaped. My throat was dry, keeping the words that difficultly formed within my brain from...
I am working in a private company. My wife is beautiful with perfect figures. I have been having sex with my wife everyday but I also fantasize about my having sex with another guy. I work for a big private company, and we colleagues at work normally sit together during weekends and my boss also sits with us. In a chat my boss casually told that he has a huge dick of 10 inches, and I realized this is the one that should ram into my wife’s pussy. I went home and told manju about my boss and how...
This is a story about a typical housewife, with a typical family in a typical suburban setting. The 32 year old housewife’s name is Christi. Christi shares a house with her husband Mike, that’s me, and our 5 year old son. Christi is an exotic beauty with long dark hair and lovely big brown eyes. During Christi’s pregnancy with our son, she put on a few pounds. For years she struggled with diets in order to lose the weight and get back her shape. Recently, with determination...
Pleasing Her BossIt was another hot day in the Florida sunshine. Keith looked up at the clear blue sunshiny sky as he closed his tool box up for the last time. He’d been working down in Southwest Florida for the past several months working on construction sites. He was really going to miss this hot weather. Sometimes it became a little unbearable in the summer but you couldn’t beat working outside here during the winter months. Keith couldn’t wait to get back home to his wife Michelle. He sat...
Introduction: A young girl takes an office job with an old friend. Five years ago, Abby strolled into the meeting room and into my life as a 18-year old having just completed high school. I still remember what she wore: red gym shorts, a blue tank top and black flip flops. Her light brown hair came down loose to her shoulders, swaying as she sat down in the seat next to me while we both prepared for the first day of orientation for a summer job for which we had both been hired as temporary...
It was another hot day in the Florida sunshine. Keith looked up at the clear blue sunshiny sky as he closed his tool box up for the last time. He’d been working down in Southwest Florida for the past several months working on construction sites. He was really going to miss this hot weather. Sometimes it became a little unbearable in the summer but you couldn’t beat working outside here during the winter months. Keith couldn’t wait to get back home to his wife Michelle. He sat down on the...
It is happened and still happening at my place. I am a guy working in a private firm. I married and brought my wife to my work place. She worked earlier with some company as receptionist cum secretary. She was little extrovert and I am not. To support family, I told her to look for some job. During that time I happened to meet my boss in some shopping mall, he saw my wife for the 1st time. Our firm is a proprietary firm and he is the owner of the firm. We chatted for some time. He was speaking...
Hi this is Neha with a new story. It is a must read story on lesbian love. I must request my readers not to come ip with fuck proposals. I am a 100% lesbian and don’t need any male invitation. Please email me at [email protected] was working late on a Saturday. Mithali, her beautiful boss had a huge project that had to be completed by night. Sushmita loved working for her boss, Mithali, a strikingly beautiful woman, in her mid-forties. Mithali is almost 5 feet 6 inches, nice legs,...
Hi this is Neha with a new story. It is a must read story on lesbian love. I must request my readers not to come ip with fuck proposals. I am a 100% lesbian and don’t need any male invitation. Please email me at Sushmita was working late on a Saturday. Mithali, her beautiful boss had a huge project that had to be completed by night. Sushmita loved working for her boss, Mithali, a strikingly beautiful woman, in her mid-forties. Mithali is almost 5 feet 6 inches, nice legs, firm thighs, slim...
LesbianDisclaimer: This story involves cuckold, interracial, and old vs young themes. If you dislike these genres, please don’t continue to read. Being a new home owner can be stressful. It can be even more stressful if your job was on the line. That was the case for me as my workplace was downsizing and changing into new management. They were already firing people and I didn't know my standing in the company. My wife Lisa was worried that I may lose my job and wanted me to inquire with my...
She sat on the bed, her rump still stinging from the discipline John had meted out to her. She was still aghast that he had brought his boss to observe. From the kitchen, she heard John and his boss chatting. Some muted discussion, some laughter, then silence. The sound of footsteps began echoing down the hallway. The volume rose until the light was blocked out by the boss. In the doorway stood a tall silhouette of a man in a suit. "One thing I always look for is a person who knows how to take...
HardcoreHello guys. I am Maya. I am from Mumbai. I am a happily married woman. I am 36 years old and my hubby is 37 years. I have a voluptuous body and my figure is 40c-30-41. I am 5’9 in height, fair looking with long hair. My hubby is also a smart guy. He works as an IT manager in a MNC. I am a secretary in a production house which is into movies and modeling. I myself do a little bit of modeling sometimes. I have been working here for the past 5 years and its fun. Let me share with you a little more...
Just in time, the doorbell announced the arrival of my Boss and his wife.I rushed to open and, to my surprise, I found just Nathan standing there alone. No traces of his sexy redhead wife Suzanne.My Boss said he was sorry about his wife; but Suzanne had one of her headaches so he hoped we would not mind him just coming alone to our invitation for dinner.I just said we were fine, hoping his wife would be better…Nathan and I sat down to have some drinks.Then my gorgeous Ana walked in to greet...
Hello friends… this is rajesh, thanks for your feedback on ‘feelings of my cousin’, am now posting my cousin sisters experience here as she has no time and posting in her own words. My name is Haritha and is 26 years old. I am married for 6 months and happy. The story that I am going to tell you happened 1 week ago. I am a very happily married woman with a very good husband who cares me and satisfies me all the time. Coming to about I am 5’3″ height with a structure of 32 28 34. Though I am so...
PART 1 I met M at the work place, he was the CEO of a major corporation that I was working for. I was in my mid 20s then, and was at middle level management in the company. I enjoyed working for M and was learning lots from him about organizations and business under his tutelage. Little did I know then, that I would also be learning many other things from him. M was a boss with outstanding leadership skills and almost everyone in the organization both men and women held him in very high...
Introduction: My wife strips for my sleaze of a boss and gets coerced into fucking him like a whore. I found this story somewhere on this site and just did a second draft of it. Enjoyed the premise, so all props to the original author, just wanted to try something different. Amateur Night It was one of those nights where my wife and me went for happy hour in the afternoon. We got pretty buzzed by 8 pm. We were on the way back home and took a detour to avoid traffic. In the path of the detour...
My girlfriend was working as a receptionist and a special vet clinic for just over a year and she wasn't overly happy there, she enjoyed the people and the job but wasn't quite what she wanted to do. So I decided that on my day off I will go and surprise her. I took her flowers and a box of chocolate all her work friends said how cute it was I askd if she could take a break so I could talk to her, she did and we went into what seem to be a a storage room of some sort. I was able to lock it so...
Kate was the only female at an all male construction site. She was not there to build homes. Kate was sexy and nasty. She loved sex and she especially loved cock and cum. Every day the boss would take her to the supply room and strip her naked and first he would suck her tits and finger fuck her and then drop his pants to his knees and fuck her ass hard. Then he would fill her ass with his warm cream and then let her lick his cock clean. He would finish by sucking her nipples and fingering that...
My Stressed-Out Boss By FLA527 Another in the Shooting Stars series A TG - RS story Gerald Simpson sighed heavily, it had been another long day. Made even worse because my unit had to work late due to a project upper management assigned our team. Anyway, finally all seemed to have finished their assignments and were heading out. Going around, checking in to make sure all had turned in their work and thanking them for pitching in by staying late. And as I moved through the area,...
I love my job and I love the work I do. I think that's helped by the fact that I have one of the biggest crushes on my boss. I feel the need to please him in everything I do and so in the last couple of months, I've really delved into my work and became insanely focused on that. I often work late at night and all weekend, just so I had could give my boss some positive news.My boss could see how hard I was working and would often comment, saying that whilst it's always great for progress in the...
Office SexMy company recently brought in a new boss to take over our branch since the former retired the previous month. He is a black man. Tall, broad-shouldered with a chocolate complexion; he's got the build of a quarterback, and he's married. I am his secretary; my name is Alicia.I have been with the boss going on six and a half months now and I could tell that he's got a thing for the ladies. He certainly enjoys flirting with them and sometimes I've noticed how often he tends to keep late hours...
This is my hubby's very first story!! I loved it so I decided to share, hope you enjoy!The following is a story that is not true but one that I hope soon comes to pass…My wife and I have been in a very fun hotwife/cuckold relationship for several years now. I am not a traditional cuckold, no cage for me, no humiliation. I do like it when she says she likes another guys cock more than mine or that their cock was a lot bigger. When we have sex we love telling each other out fantasies. Its been...
I was a middle class man not so rich ,i was studious and got admission for engineering .While in college i noticed a girl who was having big ass and boobs,but was not so beautiful but her looks were average .I didnt like her for her beauty but was so impressed by her ass.Till then i havent seen any girl having that big curvy ass.I used to masturbate thinking about her ass.At that point of time i didnt know wat exactly was fucking but i knew some things.As time passed i became close to her .We...
So I went to school, got bullied like always, the same 3 big guys, they are one year over my grade, one escorted me in the bathroom, they told me to get undress, I told them, come on guys, do we have to do this every time? They said, Yes, we have too, in till you understand that your ass belong to us, I said, but I do everything you guys ask me too, they said very mad, stop winning and get ready for your Boss unless you want to get a beating again, I said, OK, Ok, ok, no beating again, just do...
For the past twelve years, I have worked at a small manufacturing plant in my town. After five years of dedicated, loyal service I was promoted to foreman and just a few months ago after my boss retired, the owner chose me to be the new plant manager. I'm proud that I achieved this before I hit 40 (I'm 38). I've been married for 10 years and have two young k**s. Life has been pretty good to me so far. It's been an easy job so far; we only employ around 40 people and many of them have been here...
I was home alone that night, relaxing inside a hot bath tub after a long day at the office, when my cell phone rang. It was my boss…"Hi Ana…could you work late tonight and help me entertain a client?”He added he needed to take the new client to dinner outside. And when I accepted the proposal, he begged me to wear something sexy…My boss picked me up later. I was wearing a tight short red dress. It was low cut showing off my huge tits. A pair of red stiletto shoes completed my sexy outfit. My...
Richard's fingers fumbled as he folded the paper in his hands. The origami swan was not turning out as expected and he soon realized there was no hope for the creation. He threw the paper wad at his cubicle wall in defeat. The work day couldn't end soon enough.A glance at his computer monitor revealed only three minutes had passed since he last checked the time. He sighed and leaned back in his swivel chair. Just before he was about to close his exhausted eyes, he heard the office door open. He...
Though I have started writing, but I am still in dilemma that I should write my sexual experience or not, because in my perspective changing name can never be enough to hide the identity especially from the person with whom I got involved sexually and certainly if that person will read this, it will be disaster for me because this is about my sexual encounter with a sister of my boss, and worst impact of this will be, I will lose my job. Still with changed names I am starting to write down with...
She sits on the leather chair fidgeting. Her boss has called her into his office clearly upset about something. "Diane," his boss started. "I heard that you were doing something of the questionable nature during office hours." "Sir?" "Have you been sending personal emails during office hours instead of doing your work?" "I-I'm not, sir." "I heard otherwise," his boss said raising a brow. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." "Oh it's not. You're fired." "Sir, please. I promise it won't happen...
Group SexThe perfect night with my boss Two days ago, I had the perfect night with my new boss. I changed jobs in April after a few weeks of personal turmoil (more on that in another story?). I t wasn’t the first time that my boss and I spend the night together, but it was the greatest one up to now. Call me a slut for sleeping with my boss, but I can’t help being attracted to older men. They are so gentle, careful and experienced. They treat me like a princess, so I can’t help treating them like a...
I received the first assignment from my Boss about two weeks later. His contractor from Istanbul was coming. Ibn Mustafa Halid. I remembered this name because it was also a test for me if I would meet the expectations of my boss. At the beginning I had to get him accommodation in Victoria. I went this morning before noon. The receptionist, who remembered me as a whore in tight sweaters, miniskirts and stilts, looked at me in surprise. This time I was dressed in a light blouse, gray skirt over...
I had a really bad week. Actually, bad would be an understatement, shitty would be more appropriate. Problems after problems had punctuated my Days. I managed to get a new job as an assistant executive at an accountant firm. For some reason, I was the only man working in this office, and since I was the new guy they were bullying me. I thought that I might just need to pass the week and it would stop.I decided to change my mind by going to my favorite bar. It was a really popular one, it seems...
The perfect night with my boss Two days ago, I had the perfect night with my new boss. I changed jobs in April after a few weeks of personal turmoil (more on that in another story?). I t wasn’t the first time that my boss and I spend the night together, but it was the greatest one up to now. Call me a slut for sleeping with my boss, but I can’t help being attracted to older men. They are so gentle, careful and experienced. They treat me like a princess, so I can’t help treating them like a...
Straight Sex