Unable To Resist free porn video

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I hope the story isn't too long a read but whatever the case, I hope it's one you might enjoy. As always I appreciate those who take the time to vote and pass comment.

"So tell me, what do you think? Do you think she is going to take me back?"

It was a late Friday afternoon and Pam, a fifty two year old married woman and mother of three was stood by the kitchen sink washing the last few remaining pieces of crockery.

For the third day running her thirty year old son in law Adam, was perched on one of the kitchen stools behind her.

He'd not called because he'd been invited, far from it, but his appearance had nevertheless come as no surprise to Pam. Both he and her daughter had issues with their marriage and Pam knew this was his way of attempting to find out what it was she might have been saying to her about their problems and more especially, if her daughter had plans to take him back.

Pam leant forward, leaving her hands in the water as she contemplated Adam's question. It wasn't the case she couldn't answer, it was more she simply wondered if it was wise to get this involved.

"Come on Pam." He added, sensing her reluctance to respond. "I know damn well she confides in you."

Unseen by Adam, Pam closed her eyes and let out a quiet sigh. She was aware he wasn't likely to give up easily. She took a deep breath.

"So far as I know, I don't think that's what she has in mind. At least, not until you change your ways and sort out whatever financial mess you've managed to get yourself into."

For a moment she waited for his response. There was none, instead she heard the sound of the stool sliding back over the hardwood floor. She lifted her hands from the sink and continued rinsing the crockery.

"It's not quite as simple as all that Pam, " he finally answered, his voice somewhat closer to her now. "I've got a fair few debts that can't simply be resolved at the wave of a wand."

Again Pam took a breath before answering.

"I daresay Adam but the truth is she's not going to take you back as easily as you would want. She wants to see you change....to make an effort."

Adam sighed. "I know, and I've tried Pam believe me, and I am still trying, but there are problems and it's never as easy as all that."

Behind her she both heard and sensed him step closer.

"So do I take it she's rejecting me?" He asked.

Pam stood there, her back still to her son in law as she considered how best to answer but in reality there was only one way to answer.....honestly.

"Yes. For now I suppose she is." she replied.

Just then she felt his hands slide onto her waist. Her body stiffened. As it did, so his fingers began gently massaging her sides.

"And how about you Pam? Are you going to reject me to?"

Pam took a sharp intake of breath as his words washed over her.

"Don't be so silly. You're here now. We're talking aren't we?"

"You know that's not what I meant." He replied, his fingers still kneading the soft material of her cardigan against her sides.

Pam waited, not moving, in part hoping he would withdraw his hands from her waist and step back. Instead she felt the heat of his breath against the back of her neck, followed by his lips as he planted first one, then a second kiss lightly on the nape of her neck.

"Adam!" She cried. "I really don't think this is so wise."

"Why not?" he said as he planted yet another light kiss against the warmth of her neck. "You didn't seem to object in the past."

Pam closed her eyes, her lips releasing a quiet moan as she allowed herself to think about what it was his comments referred to.

It had been almost a year since it had first happened and even now she knew there was no accounting for why she'd allowed it.

Fifty three years of age, her three children having flown the nest she was happily married, or so she'd kept telling herself, and for that matter, at the time, so was Adam, yet for reasons she'd since been unable to explain, the two of them had begun an affair.

She remembered that particular day well. Adam had called over to return something her daughter had borrowed. He had joined her in the kitchen where she'd made them both a coffee and they'd chatted. It was the normal, run of the mill kind of thing that had happened many times in the past.

They'd chatted about nothing in particular. Mostly idle chit chat, mainly about their respective day. It had certainly been no different to any number of other occasions when Adam had called in to see her with the exception, that particular day she'd felt inexplicably horny. She remembered finding herself looking at Adam and imagining what he might be like in bed. Again, there had been no rhyme nor reason why she should have thought such a thing.

It was possible Adam had detected the change in her that day for at some point she sensed he too was taking more than a passing interest in her.

They had finished their coffee and it had been as Pam had reached across the table to collect his cup, his hand had intercepted hers. He'd held onto her fingers as he'd got up off his stool and had continued to hold onto them as he'd made his way to her side of the table. Once there, he'd pulled at her hand encouraging her to get to her feet. He'd leant forward and without so much as a word being spoken he'd pressed his lips somewhat hesitantly over hers.

The effect had been electric. She'd immediately assumed this was purely due to her feeling exceptionally horny but the lightness of his lips upon hers continued to send shivers rippling through her body.

Even at that stage she'd known what was happening was wrong but as her mind tried to argue that fact, her arms appeared to move of their own accord, reaching out around his body, pulling him in close.

In truth, on that particular day, at that particular time, it was an intimacy her body craved for.

There was no such hesitancy with his second kiss. Their lips met with a very real if unexpected passion and Pam found herself being pressed backwards until he had her pinned against the wall where their lips continued to peck at one another's with an almost feverish urgency.

She remembered it being some minutes before he'd eventually broken from the embrace, to find herself breathing heavily and far more aroused than she'd felt sat at the table.

Still neither of them had spoken a word and as they stood facing one another she'd watched as his hands had reached out and covered her breasts.

Her nipples had instantly hardened to form rubbery like points which strained against her soft top. Her pussy too, had become moist and as she looked down at his hands on her breasts all she could think about at that moment was how she wanted him to kiss her again.

It might have been a case he'd read her mind or that maybe he'd simply wanted the same as her. In any event he'd chosen that moment to lean into her once more.

This time, after their lips had brushed briefly together, their mouths opened and with Pam's hand sliding behind the back of Adam's neck, they started to French kiss.

Pam hadn't been able to believe how simply kissing could have gotten her so aroused. Whether it was her already aroused state, or simply the illicit idea this was her son in law, she didn't know. What she did know was, she wanted more. She had opened her mouth and hungrily sucked on his tongue and lips, keen to show, despite her guilt, she was ever bit as eager as him.

They fought, in an almost frenzied passion, as if each were trying to outdo the other.

Unlike before, where Adam had allowed her up for air, this time Pam sensed he was going for the kill and with one hand still thumbing her right nipple back and forth over her top, his right hand slid down beneath her skirt then up between her legs.

Even then, visions of her husband and her daughter filled her head with guilt. Her mind was screaming for her to put a stop to what was taking place but, despite all her guilt, the moment his fingers slid across the front of her panties, she knew she was losing the battle.

She began to respond, initially returning his kisses, mouthing and sucking on his tongue and as the passion grew she began gyrating her hips, pushing her panty clad pussy firmly onto his fingers.

Had anyone told her, mutual attraction could have happened so fast, she'd have argued differently, but that afternoon in her kitchen, little more than a few minutes after his lips had briefly caressed hers, Pam knew, regardless of what her own mind was arguing, she was about to let him Fuck her. Now here they were, the two of them alone in her kitchen once more

As his lips slid from the nape of her neck to the lobe of her ear, where they continued their assault, Adam knew, like him, Pam was almost certainly thinking of all those months ago and of what had gone before. He slid his left hand between her arm and body where his fingers found and cupped at the swell of her left breast. The quiet moan of pleasure escaping her lips caused him to smile. His finger and thumb found and teased at her nipple and within moments it's rubbery shape was vainly attempting to push its way through the soft confines of her top. She moaned again, this time a little louder as he eased her back against the wall and breathed his next words into her ear.

"You remember too Pam, don't you? That first time we had fun ?

"Nooooo!" Pam moaned as she tried hard to suppress the feelings emanating from her pussy. "We can't! We mustn't!" She sobbed. "You need to concentrate on getting back with Simone. This isn't going to be doing your situation any good!"

"Bullshit Pam!" He cried. "Sure! I've no wish to see my marriage slip away and believe me, I've every intention of resolving the issues but right now you're what I want and we both know it's what you want too.....Don't we Pammy?"

"Stop this Adam please! We need to stop!" she cried as she tried to wrestle herself from his hold.

"Think about it Pammy. Six months ago you and I were having fun and my marriage was perfectly on track. You and I were satisfying one another and I was satisfying your daughter. She didn't have a clue then and she doesn't need to know now. I can see no reason why that can't continue. I wanted you back then Pam and I want you now."

Without giving Pam the chance to answer and taking her completely by surprise he slid his fingers inside her panties, just as quickly sliding them in between her pussy lips. They were slick, a sure sign, if he needed any, she was as aroused as him.

"And this Pam, tells me you want it every bit as much as I do."

She gasped as he slid his fingers deeper causing her to rise up onto her toes. She tried to stem the moan of pleasure escaping her lips by pressing her mouth into his shoulder. He immediately began easing his fingers in and out in a gentle Fucking motion.

"You bastard Adam!" She almost growled as her hips began to move in rhythm with the fluid movement of his fingers . "This isn't right! This isn't going to do either of us any good!" She replied, her teeth gritted causing her words to come out as a hiss.

"If that's what you want to think Pam...then fine Go ahead and think it, but I'm going to prove you wrong."

He began pushing deeper....faster. Pam leant into him, her hands holding tightly on his shoulders as her pussy continued to delight in the pleasure it was getting.

He was bringing her to her peak. In her mind she was trying hard to fight it, trying hard not to let him see how easily he could pleasure but she already knew it was a lost cause.

He curled the tips of his fingers inside her pussy. It was all he needed to do. She cried out loud as her climax hit, her breath escaping her lips in short, ragged, animal like grunts as she rocked back and forth on his fingers.

He eased back and she moved with him, her body slumped against his as she tried to recover.

He lifted her face so he could look into her eyes.

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that Pam," he grinned.

She lowered her eyes averting his, not wanting to answer. Just like that first time, she felt completely ashamed at giving into him so easily.

He used his right hand lift her chin, wanting to see into her eyes once more, as if wanting to see proof of how much he'd just pleasured her. Satisfied, he eased her backwards until she was rested fully against the wall and for a moment or two he simply stood there, saying nothing, his eyes wandering up and down, admiring how good his mother in law's body looked, despite her years.

With her eyes still closed and almost certainly deep in thought he watched the swell of her breasts rise and fall beneath her soft top to the rhythm of her breathing. The fact her nipples were still pushing firmly upwards against the top told him she was still very much aroused. He reached forward and began playing with her breasts, his palms and fingers drawing the soft fabric back and forth over her nipples, arousing them still further.

"And do you remember what you used to insist I do after I had made you cum Pam?"

She opened her eyes to reveal a wistful, far away look.

"Don't Adam." She whispered. "Don't do this."

Ignoring her comment Adam leant closer, pressing his lips onto her right breast. He began sucking on the protruding right nipple causing Pam to mewl with pleasure.

Driven somewhat by instinct, she reached out to curl her hand around the back of his head. She closed her eyes once more as her fingers combed indolently through his hair.

"Stop it Adam! Please!" she moaned.

Adam pulled back and looked on to admire his handiwork. The evidence was all there, an almost circular, damp patch which surrounded her extended nipple. He reached out to thumb it lightly back and forth before returning his attentions, this time to her left nipple.

Again she moaned and again her hand curled around the back of his neck but this time there were no protestations about him stopping and when a few minutes later he pulled back to admire the view, it was to see the outline of her left breast matched that of her right.

With her eyes still closed and her head drooped Adam once again used his fingers to lift her chin. She found herself looking into his eyes once more.

"Well Pam, have I jogged your memory? Are you going to remind me what it was you used to insist I do?"

She hesitated for a moment before the word "Pussy" escaped her lips.

"Hmmmm Pussy! Yes Pam. I have made pussy cum for you but what is it you used to insist I do?"

As Adam looked into her eyes he could sense she was still resisting. He knew he could probably go ahead and do it anyway but he wanted her resistance broken. He wanted her to know she was his once more. He reached out and began thumbing her nipple and saw her close her eyes.

"Pussy Pam...Tell me what it is you liked me to do with your wet Pussy?"

Again he sensed her resistance, this time recognising it as she bit lightly on her lip. It was clear her mind was in conflict, her body wanting one thing, her mind another. He squeezed her nipple firmly between finger and thumb, yet not hard enough to hurt her. He pressed his lips close to her ear.

"Give in Pam. Tell me what it is you used to love me to do with Pussy."

This time one whispered word escaped her lips. "Lick."

He eased back smiling to himself feeling sure he was close to breaking her.

"Is that what you want me to do now Pam?"

Again Pam bit down on her lip. She knew damn well how wrong this all was. She didn't need telling. Yet despite the fact Adam and her daughter were having problems with their marriage and despite hating herself for cheating on her hubby, here she was, once more, on the verge of allowing Adam to take advantage of her. She wrestled with her conscience as she eased herself back against the wall, her intention to say no.

Adam, sensing her dilemma, stepped forward and drew his fingers along her thigh and up beneath her skirt. She looked down at what he was doing and instead of telling him no, found herself holding her breath. She released it in one loud gasp when his fingertips had breached far enough to glide over the gusset of her panties.

"Don't fight it Pam. Just remember how good it was and admit you want this too. All you have to do is tell me and I'll do it. It will be just like it was before."

He pressed his thumb onto her panties, rubbing the wet lace material purposely back and forth over her swollen clit.

Pam mewled liked a wounded animal as the erotic sensations coursed upwards from her pussy. She knew then, no matter how hard she fought against his advances she wasn't going to say no, that just like that first time all those months ago she was going to let her son in law have her.

She reached for his neck and holding it firmly looked deep into his eyes.

"You bastard Adam!" she cursed at him, then running her tongue over her lips, aware there was no longer any point resisting said, "Lick me! Go on! Get down on your knees and clean up my mess."

Adams grin spread from ear to ear while down below he felt his cock respond to her words, pushing firmly outwards against his briefs.

Months ago when his Mother in law had first spoken to him like this he'd been shocked to say the least, but as their affair had continued, so her dirty, descriptive language had increased to the point he'd soon realised it turned him on more than he could of imagined. He was pleased she'd lost none of her dirty ways.

He quickly dropped to his knees and with Pam now leaning back against the kitchen wall his fingers pawed at the hem of her skirt, pushing the material upwards, up along her smooth, tanned thighs until her knickers came into view. He reached out with his left hand and eased them to one side to reveal a small triangular piece of thatch that appeared to signpost her swollen clit. He swirled his tongue around his lips, wetting them, then leaning close, pressed both his lips and tongue between the folds of her pussy.

Pam mewled out loud and reaching down, pressed both hands onto his head. She knew she was lost.

"Oh you Bastard Adam! Why? Why did you have to start this over again?" She cried out.

He eased his mouth away from her pussy and looked up at her. Her eyes were closed, her lips moist and slightly open.

"Because I've missed you Pam. I've missed my sexy mother in law and I wanted you. I've always wanted you. Even when my marriage was good, what you and I had was so much better. Think about it Pam. Why else did you used to call over to see me of an afternoon if it wasn't to Fuck? You could have waited til hubby came home, couldn't you? You could of had him see to you. Except you knew he couldn't give you what you needed. You wanted it to happen then Pam just like you want it to happen now. Admit it?"

Pam groaned, cursing him under her breath as he pressed his lips briefly over her bared pussy.

"Even those five minute quickies." He laughed, easing back once more. "Do you remember those Pam? Do you remember that time hubby popped out that day. We both of us knew he wouldn't be long. We both knew the risks, but that didn't stop us did it Pam?"

Pam let out a whimper as she recalled the afternoon in question. She remembered it like it were yesterday. Her hubby had, had to pop out to hand some papers over to a client. He'd told them he'd be twenty minutes at the most. And yes. They'd known the risk but back then, she sometimes wondered if the risk was what she enjoyed most.

Almost from the moment he'd walked out of the door they were at one another like a couple possessed and after just a few minutes of kissing Adam had reminded her of their limited time. He'd motioned her towards the sink where, turning her around, he'd lifted her skirt, pulled down her knickers and had Fucked her there and then as she'd bent over the sink for him. Recounting the thoughts in her head, her body trembled as she recalled how easily he'd entered her that day. How wet and aroused she'd been, knowing they had so little time. She'd still been trying to pull her knickers back on as her hubby had been making his way back up the path towards the house. She'd completed the task just moments before he'd walked in through the door. She should have been horrified...ashamed at what she had done. The truth was she'd loved every moment. The risk had driven her on. So much so, she'd been climaxing on the end of her son in laws cock, as her hubby's car had pulled up outside.

Adam pressed his lips back over her pussy. She cursed him once more, this time more loudly. That she hated herself for what she was doing, she couldn't deny, but the sex was so good, so raw.

"The truth Pammy?" He demanded as he eased his lips away to look up at her. "Haven't you missed the fun?"

"Fuck yes!" She hissed. "And I've missed this. Your delicious tongue." She said. "Go on baby Fuck me! Remind Pammy what it's like to be Fucked by that slippery tongue. Come on you Bastard! Shove it up Pammy's hungry cunt. Make me cum again." She cried.

Adam groaned his pleasure as she lifted her left leg and lowered her thigh over his shoulder. She reached down and curled a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him closer still. She started to gyrate, grinding her pussy firmly onto his lips and face.

"Ohhh Baby yes! That's soooo good! So so good!"

She reached down easing Adam's face away from her pussy wanting to look into his eyes.

"Oh Adam! How can my daughter not want this? When you're so capable of giving pleasure?" The words came out as a moan, her comment not so much a question, more a statement.

"I can't believe she knows what she's missing. She really is a silly girl Adam."

Pam's hands held his face more firmly as she continued to look into his eyes.

"Make me cum for you baby! Make Pammy's pussy squirt for you!"

She pulled his face firmly back between her legs groaning as he went diligently back to work with his lips and tongue. She was loving it. Fifty plus years of age and loving every lewd moment of her son in laws attentions. She was going to cum. She was going to cum hard for him and she knew this was only the start, that after she'd cum...after he'd licked her pussy clean of her juices he would plunder her. She didn't know how and right at that moment she didn't really care. All that mattered was the knowledge, very soon he would be pounding his lovely thick cock into his mother in law's wanton pussy..


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Simply Irresistable

It all began the day you found an old brass ring, half buried in the sand while down at the beach. You picked it up, turned it over a couple of times, then put it into your pocket. Looking back now, you can't remember what made you keep it. Perhaps you hoped to reunite it with its owner, perhaps you wanted to keep it for yourself. All you know now is that your life would have been very different had you left it behind on that fateful day. With the ring at the bottom of your pocket, you...

2 years ago
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Simply Irresistible

WHAT! You say you're under eighteen or over 35 and still living with Momma. Or is it that you don't like stories with a transgender theme? Then - DUH! - don't read this! Simply Irresistible By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2001 It was a cheap carnival, the kind you expect to find in the parking lot of the Piggly Wiggly. In on Friday; out on Sunday. Sitting on a bench on the midway, Steve could see the trash all around - candy wrappers, drink cups, a few religious brochures, and,...

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The Resistance

He pushed the peddle down a littler further, hoping to reach a suitable camping spot before darkness fell. He was never too sure when he would come across a Reign checkpoint and there was an ordered curfew for this area. If he was spotted or heard after dark, they would hunt him down and find him. He scanned the edge of the forest on his right and looked for a break in the trees. Finally, he saw one. About a hundred feet ahead of him, a dirt road curved into the trees and seemed to disappear....

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The Pokemon Rocket Resistance

All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. After used to battle other Pokemon most Pokemon grew irate and powerful enough that they overthrew their human captors and now would even use them in 'Human Battles', though their new battling is more sex than battling, as a form of retribution. Most Pokemon however use their new human "friends" as slaves and don't subject them to the pain of battle but still use them manual, mental, and sexual slavery. A group of resistance fighters,...

3 years ago
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Mother in law resisted

If you've read my previous stories you'll know I was sleeping with my mother in law several years ago. After a few months we decided it was wrong and put a stop to it. Although hard cos she was amazing in bed we managed to stop fucking, Fast forward a few years and me and my wife are having problems in the bedroom department after giving birth s year ago she went off sex completely I tried my best to be faithful but after several months I ended up fucking a local slag I confessed to my wife...

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How Daniel broke my resistance

What I have to tell you is very true I know because it happened to me some years ago. This was only about a year after I was brutally and viciously sexually assaulted relentlessly by Daniel, Bruce and Charlie, three of my urban secondary schools bullies. Had I not decided to skip class and hang out in the trees behind the athletic field I would not have been in such a position. If I had had the courage to report the incident to my councilor or the authorities maybe I would not have been in such...

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Path of Least Resistance

Story Title "The Path Of Least Resistance" from Alamo Preacher Chapter One It was the stag film that started it all, though, looking back I can now see how many things had been leading up to it over a period of time. The stag film however, seemed to be the beginning and I can remember that evening so clearly, every detail is etched on my memory. It was, in a very real sense, the end of the beginning. We were sitting in the living room of our apartment, Julie and me. We were...

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Natural Resistance

Natural Resistance By Lyta Somabre "Kenny, hun, have you seen my mascara?" I said to my boyfriend in the next room. "Uhh, I think I left it on your dresser last night." He said back to me. We, that is Ken and I have our little games at night. He likes to be a woman sometimes. I think it's completely cool since I do it all day, everyday. I am a transsexual woman. My name is Camille. I live with my boyfriend whom I've known since high school. Our first meeting was...

3 years ago
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Sometimes you cant resist

It was my first semester of my Sophomore year of High School, and I was in trouble. I've never been a ladies man, always the dork. Always shy, and here I was in a class full of teenage girls. I stuttered every answer to every question, and the seating wasn't exactly conducive to avoiding eye contact. Small tables, with two people on each side, facing each other. I was facing a freshmen, a girl named Charley. She was pretty, not gorgeous, not a stick, plump, rounded. And she, for some...

4 years ago
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Too Tired To Resist

I wake to the feeling of her sliding into bed behind me. She’s coming home from work and it’s late. I can smell the scent of her sweat from long day of hard work teaching lessons at the ice rink. I’m exhausted too. The two of us are in our twenties, trying to make ends meet in a ski resort community with a ridiculous cost of living. For me, a twelve hour driving shift is the norm, today was thirteen hours and full of complications. At this point I’m certainly too exhausted to start anything,...

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She Just Couldnt Resist

The front door opened and Mike peered round the door frame. “Where’s Emily, where’s my daughter?” shouted Jan, as she shoved past Mike and headed for the lounge. Mike never had a chance to stop her as he was pushed to one side. Jan was through the door and immediately clasped eyes on Emily on all fours, raising her head from Maggie’s pussy as both women heard the commotion in the hall. “Mother,” Emily cried as she turned to face her. “What the fuck are you doing Emily, get home right now,”...

4 years ago
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Too Tired To Resist

I wake to the feeling of her sliding into bed behind me. She's coming home from work and it's late. I can smell the scent of her sweat from long day of hard work teaching lessons at the ice rink. I'm exhausted too. The two of us are in our twenties, trying to make ends meet in a ski resort community with a ridiculous cost of living. For me, a twelve hour driving shift is the norm, today was thirteen hours and full of complications. At this point I'm certainly too exhausted to start anything,...

4 years ago
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Help From Stranger That I Couldn8217t Resist

Hi,  guys, this is Renee for you again. Loved your emails every bit of it. I tried to respond to every mail I could hopefully you guys find me on facebook using and we can be good friends. It’s been a long time since I shared my story. I decided to share another story of mine in Hindi on public demand. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy and apologise for any mistake.   Toh ye kahani pichle mahine ki h ki kaise maine paiso k liye ek anjan insan ko santusht kiya. Jaise ki aap sab jante h ki mera...

4 years ago
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Tried To Resist

all started one Friday night after a long day at school. It was the first semester of freshman year in high school and a guy named Paul and I had become great friends. I had planned a small party at my house for about 10 guys and girls. Paul was staying at my house because his parents were out of town, so he rode home with me once school got out. Being that it was mid December, it snowed a lot. Before we knew it, a huge snow storm had come in and shut down everything in the city. None of my...

3 years ago
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My lovers Son proves too much to resist

If the truth be told, I am not a woman who lusts for young boys, it's not something I have ever thought about, or dwelt on, even in those quieter moments, when ones inner feelings tend to take hold, lustful thoughts, forbidden sex, where no law or person can intervene, its you, your darker innermost secrets and desires, combine to weave you into a playful fulfillment, you, your thoughts, and the gentle vibrations and fingertips, your tools, gliding over your hot and moistened flesh, you writhe...

2 years ago
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Just Could Not Resist

A couple of years ago I was so horny I found myself jacking off to all kinds of things that I had never experienced. I would check out different websites but never really felt safe with any of them.One day I was on Craigslist and decided to check out M2M. I saw a lot of photos of guys showing their cocks and then there was this one where a guy was just looking for a jackoff buddy. I was tempted to respond but then changed my mind. Next day, after thinking more about it, I decided to take a...

4 years ago
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See Was Too Hot To Resist

Hi, main —— hoon…maire email id hai …. aur aap sab se apni real life story share karna chahta hoon…main mandsaur ka rehne walan hoon… baat tab ki hain jab main 18 saal ka tha.. aur apni 12th ki studies poori kar chuka tha..aur grdauarion karne ke liye ..kisi achhi jagah i mean university ki talash kar raha tha… tab mere doston ne bolan ki “tu mumbai kyun nahin chala jata padhne ke liye mujhe ye idea sahi laga aur maine gharwalon se baat ki to vo raaji ho gaye….fir maine mumbai ke ek colg...

3 years ago
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Slaves Is It Rape If She Doesnt Resist

The covered truck drove through the gates and past the bit white house. It pulled off the concrete roadway onto the dirt track that led to the quarters. The small unpainted buildings were set in a circle. Nine small houses each one room, twenty feet square with a door and two windows. They were not proper houses with sheet rock covering the wall studs, but the roofs would keep out the rain and each had a small kitchen with a pantry and two beds against the back wall. Now they were new, but...

4 years ago
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Too Good To Resist

By the time I was eighteen I was married and pregnant, by the time I was twenty my husband had left me with a two-year-old son to raise and no forwarding address. Of course, I applied for a divorce and got one very quickly thanks to the fact that no-one could find the sod so there was no contesting of the divorce, at twenty-one I was free yet still lumbered with a kid to bring up. I suppose in a way I took out some of my anger with my ex-husband on my son Max; don't get me wrong I loved him,...

3 years ago
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Millennium Products II the corruption of LindaChapter 3 Linda tries very hard to resist

Linda walked down the school hall almost trembling. The thirst was very strong, and she knew what would satisfy it. Worse was the fact that she couldn't help but stare at every boy's crotch, imagining his penis, thinking how would his sperm taste. And it made her so horny that her panties were already soaked. In a few more hours she would be dripping! "Hi Linda!" Linda was startled by Nicole's voice from behind her... "Earth to Linda. Do you hear me?" Debbie said as she approached....

1 year ago
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Auntie cant resist

Note : This story is completely fictional! Aunt Mauree flew in on a cool spring eve.I had no clue she was visiting until I recieved a suprise call. I had recently moved into an apartment and she wanted to see it. So,I gave her directions and she showed up later that night. She strolled in with her luggage and set them down. I asked if she needed a place to stay. She said,"If you don't mind." I instantly approved seeing that I always stay with her when i visit her. I was more focused on her...

1 year ago
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To Big To Resist

100% fiction! After having my brothers 9.5 inch thick cock explode in my mouth, I knew I had to have it inside my wet pussy. My pussy wanted his huge cock inside it. He stayed hard after I sucked him off. I came twice as I enjoyed him in my mouth. I have never been so horny. My pussy ached for him. I pushed him onto his back and straddled his beautiful cock. I was so wet he slipped easily into me. His thick cock filled my pussy. I came instantly. I never thought I could take a cock so big. It...

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I cant resist

This story is fictional! I was in my car on my way to my sister's house , I haven't seen her and my neice and my sis's boyfriend. My job keeps me busy in Honolulu city I don't get to go to the country. So I took 2weeks off to visit them it's been a year since I saw them even though we are close. Alana my sister is 45 and i'm 42 and my neice Star is 25 my sister's son moved to the mainland for colledge. I was married once but I caught my wife cheating on me with guest at her hotel. I had some...

2 years ago
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IrresistibleMy wedding day... I suppose all brides cry on the day of their wedding. But maybe not for the same reason my bride was crying...---------------------------------------------------------Becca and I had been engaged for nearly a year. Being that we both came from prominent families we had a huge wedding planned. All of New York society would be in attendance. Her father tried not to show it but he was incredibly perturbed at how much he had to shell out for this huge wedding."I don't...

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Crescent City 2 Irresistible

Crescent City 2 - Irresistible By The Professor "Nice ass!" I sighed. I was in no mood to be hit upon by Rodney Jackson again. It was the third time this week. Somehow, I had missed him on my walk from my car just off the Tulane campus to Dinwiddie Hall where my two o'clock Theory of Magic course met. If I had spotted the beefy linebacker instead of thinking about my readings for my class, I might have been able to dodge him. "You look fine, Mama!" his deep voice boomed, and...

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Tea Party 33 Least Resistance

Author's Notes: Thanks to everyone for reading, reviewing and sticking with the story. I think in the future I'm going to try for less exposition and shorter, single part works. Enjoy and comment! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was at the end of a long aisle. Its edges were surrounded in impenetrable darkness, but at the end I could make out a circle of light where two people were working on something. I started walking towards...

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A Complete Lack Of Resistance

The music was loud. I could feel the beat of the bass notes shake my belly as I sat at a table close to the dance floor with my partner, Emily. We had difficulty hearing each other talk, what with the music, and everyone close to us trying to shout over it. I started to look around me, people were dancing, mostly in pairs and some were just chatting, probably getting to know each other. I watched the pair of red and blue disco lights illuminate the ceiling, and periodically, the people on the...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 18 Resistance

It was five hours later, around midnight, when Kay and Leslie came out of the break room. All the worshipers were completely spent. They were sprawled over floor, exhausted. The Ladies were busy raiding the vending machines. "Whew! What a workout," said Leslie. "I don't think I could fuck another man, if my life depended on it." "Liar," said Kay. "You're still horny, you just need some calories. She put her hand on top of Leslie's pussy. The newest goddess gave a little...

4 years ago
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Like a GentlewomanChapter 4 Resistance

Annie was shocked to have a guest, let alone a peer, enter by the kitchen door. Esther merely asked her to fetch mother. “Dear,” Mother said when she was far enough down to see George, “who is this.” “This is Lord George. He has asked me to marry him. I have accepted.” She turned to George, who was stupefied, but not so much as to miss her expression. He took her in his arms and kissed her. The kiss was emphasized by her total cooperation, but limited by his consciousness of her mother’s...

2 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 31 Passive resistance

The next morning, none of the campers stuck their nose out of their cabins until the cowbell rang, calling everyone to breakfast. At that moment, from several cabins, both on the girls' side and on the boys' side of the invisible line that Ethel Baker and Jonas Small had drawn to segregate the sexes, one could here a rallying cry. Then, one by one, first the more daring, then the more faint hearted, all the kids trouped out of their cabins. Not one single camper, from the oldest like Robert...

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Gemma stood in front of the en suite mirror, her dark hair falling over her shoulders in loose waves as she readied herself for the night ahead. She wore only a pair of black lace panties, partly to avoid getting makeup smudges on her dress but also because it gave her a warm feeling wandering around half-naked in front of her husband. She stroked her lashes with one final coat of mascara and stepped back to assess her efforts. Zack chose that moment to appear in the open doorway, his hazel...

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Author's Notes: This story is inspired by the story Irresistable by Robopoop. I realized that this was a good concept that no one has touch for over 4 years and I wanted to expand upon it. Know that there will be use of pics in my chapters and hope any other authors do the same. Feel free to write your own threads and create a new path. On we go! I pulled myself out of bed on a warm summer weekend in the three room apartment I borrowed from an aunt. After I was awake enough not to trip over my...

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Gemma stood in front of the en suite mirror, her dark hair falling over her shoulders in loose waves as she readied herself for the night ahead. She wore only a pair of black lace panties, partly to avoid getting makeup smudges on her dress but also because it gave her a warm feeling wandering around half-naked in front of her husband. She stroked her lashes with one final coat of mascara and stepped back to assess her efforts. Zack chose that moment to appear in the open doorway, his hazel...

Wife Lovers
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Six Times A DayPart 140 Simply Irresistible

"YES! YES! YES! MASTER! OH, MASTER! AAAIIIIEEEE!" Alan was fucking Brenda's ass hard and fast. He'd already been fucking her at a good pace for over ten minutes and was getting tired, but still he kept on drilling her back door. Susan and Suzanne had gone to his room so he and Brenda could have some semblance of privacy in Susan's bedroom. "OH MASTER! PLEASE! PLEASE! YES!" She kept yelling "please," and for the life of him, he couldn't understand what the "please" was for...

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I don't have much that I can complain about in this world. I have a job that keeps me busy and pays me well. I have family that loves and supports me unconditionally. All my friends want is for me to have fun, and someday find the one for me. However there is one thing that I would love to change. One thing that would make my life just that much better right now. I really wish I could get laid. No matter how hard I try I just can't seem to get any one to fuck me. I don't want to sound...

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Kill or Be KilledChapter 7

Evening was coming the sun had already passed the top of the mountains and it would be dark very soon. We could see the warehouse and the people walking around it. It looked like three or four people but we were trying to make sure we knew exactly how many before we made ourselves known. They seemed to know what they were doing, as only one would move at a time while the others watched. They had circled the warehouse twice before stopping at the main entrance. We had carefully moved closer...

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Giving My Husband To The Babysitter mff

Today, Jeff and I are your average, middle aged couple with two busy careers and two rambunctious c***dren. But this hasn?t always been the case.I met Jeff in college. His roommate, Evan, dated a girlfriend of mine, Sarah, for a couple years. In that time, Jeff and I were often thrown together socially as we each independently tagged along with our respective friends, either to concerts or on trips to Evan?s family?s cabin on a nearby lake. I wouldn?t say that we dated. We really didn?t see...

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Finding Love On A Bus

I had first noticed her smart business-like appearance, she always had a very expensive looking suit on. By now, I had counted somewhere around fifteen different suits, or combinations. She always had tights or stockings with gorgeous high heel shoes. I knew she sometimes wore stockings because I saw the top of one when she was in the middle of rising from her seat and the bus gave a sudden lurch, she had been thrown back to the seat, a little untidily, and there was that glimpse. Her...

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