Natural Resistance free porn video

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Natural Resistance By Lyta Somabre "Kenny, hun, have you seen my mascara?" I said to my boyfriend in the next room. "Uhh, I think I left it on your dresser last night." He said back to me. We, that is Ken and I have our little games at night. He likes to be a woman sometimes. I think it's completely cool since I do it all day, everyday. I am a transsexual woman. My name is Camille. I live with my boyfriend whom I've known since high school. Our first meeting was romantic in a chivalrous sort of way, though neither of us saw it as that at the time. "You pussy-ass fag, I think I'm gonna cut off that little prick of yours and make you a proper cunt." I remember those words so vividly. Mike Fredricks had me shoved up against a locker in gym. I turned around to grab my towel and next thing I knew, I was two minutes away from a fierce beating. "Mike, you'll make any excuse to fuck him, won't you?" My savior, Ken said. Mike turned around and had his eyes on a new target, giving me the chance to run away, even if it meant changing in the hallway. After that, Mike and Ken had one of those male showdowns where they look into each other's eyes almost like they're going to kiss. I guess Ken showed his masculinity well enough, because Mike never bothered me again while he was around. As a consequence, I tended to hang around Ken in gym class. We became friends, but my extra low status on the social ladder kept us from ever hanging out outside of school, or even in school on most occasions. "Oh, you are not wearing that tie with that shirt." I told Ken, as his tie was too loud to keep my concentration on reminiscing. I proceeded to help him in that area where he was entirely lacking. Sometimes, he's so bad at putting together outfits; I'd swear he was entirely color-blind. "Thanks hon, you look spectacular yourself." Ken said. "It's not too much is it? I don't want Mr. Edwards advancing on me anymore than he usually does." Mr. Edwards is my boss. He knows about me and my past. We have an unspoken agreement; I let him smack my ass every now and then and he doesn't tell everyone I work with that I have a penis. It's not like I can quit. After I transitioned, it became very difficult to find a job. I think the only reason I was even hired there was that Mr. Edwards was an 'admirer' to put it nicely. To put it bluntly, he was a kinky old degenerate that would do anything to explore those areas of sexual misconduct usually frowned upon by even the most degraded S&M folk. "Nah, babe, it's hot, but you know... sophisticated." Ken said politely. "Okay, now that tie looks all right." I told him as he tried on another. "I don't see why it always has to be a big deal. I'm gonna go in; sit in front of a computer for eight hours and come home." Ken does data entry so his synopsis of his job was pretty much correct. "Well, hon, you gotta look professional if you want to move up that corporate ladder." I told him as I do nearly every time we have this conversation. Both of us were dressed, shaved, and ready for a day of boredom, filled with a simian workload. I arrived at work exactly on time as I do almost every day. Around noon, Mr. Edwards decided that the company dollar was best spent at the golf course. I was happy to have him out of the office. Mostly, I just had to field phone calls and make appointments for him. I began thinking about the coming night. Ken and I were supposed to out to a club and he would be dressed. At 6' 4" and 190lbs, he does not make a convincing woman; he gets a kick out of it though. Besides, when he's like that, he acts all soft and feminine. Those are traits I wished he'd express more often. The day passed and I eventually made it home. We ordered Chinese and cuddled in front of the TV until it was time to get ready. Getting him dressed was always an ordeal. He wanted to wear the sluttiest garments he could find, and I always told him that real women don't dress like that, and if they do they're only looking for trouble. We usually settled on a compromise. I let him use my old breast forms I had from before the miracle of hormonal treatment gave me my set of perky girls. He always complained that they were too small; the forms that is, not my breasts. When we got to the club, which was trans-friendly. I immediately spotted one of my girlfriends and Ken immediately spotted the dance floor. I sat down with Stacy and sipped my screwdriver while Ken (well, Ashley when in girl mode) was making such an endearing fool of herself on the dance floor. "So how are you and little Miss Ashley doing?" Stacy said to me. "We're wonderful, though sometimes he can really be a typical guy. But I'm not complaining I'm a lucky girl just to have him around." "Yeah, I know. You are. If I were into guys I'd be happy to have someone like that around too." Stacy said. She was TS like me, but a lesbian. I kinda felt sorry for her. Some guys will line up for 'special' girls, but lesbians usually seem to shrug her off just because she used to have a penis. She'd been single for the entire time I'd known her. "So you never told me how you two got together." She said obviously beginning to feel her own loneliness creeping in. "Well, about a year ago when I was first starting hormones, I was working at that gay bookstore that went out of business; you know the one on Worchester Avenue. He comes in and I recognize him immediately looking very hesitantly through the fetish wear. I was not yet confident then to go to work en femme, but my face had softened enough that I guess he didn't recognize me. "I decided to have a little fun with him. He was looking at the crotchless panties and I approached him. 'Are you looking for something for yourself...' dramatic pause 'or your girlfriend?' He looked up at me with the most priceless expression. Then he got finally got that look of recognition. 'Oh, Chris you work here?' he says to me." "Your old name was Chris?" Stacy interrupted. "Yeah, but let me continue. He was embarrassed and I tried the best way I knew to coax him out of it. 'I've tried most of these styles on, if it's for your girlfriend, maybe she would appreciate something more comfortable.' "That lowered his guard and he became a regular customer from then on. Then I transitioned. He came in one day shortly after that and I was trying desperately to hide behind the register. He asked if it was me, I reluctantly nodded. After a couple more visits to the store he asked me out on a date." "Wow, that's cool, and you knew him in high school too." Stacy asked. "Yeah, but we were on completely different terms then, of course." I replied. I finished my drink and decided to join my girl out on the dance floor. Ashley kept out there all night, but eventually I returned to my seat to nurse a drink and cool off. I sat down by myself and just watched the activity of all the people. That's when I noticed a guy approaching me from my left. "What's a girl like you doing in a tranny bar?" He asked me. "Cause I'm a great big tranny, seems fitting doesn't it." I replied back to him. "Oh, my bad I thought you were a real girl." He said to me. Those words, those awful, awful words rang in my head and switched the effects of the alcohol I was drinking. I was now going to be depressed for the rest of the night rather than happy and contented. I mean, I was kinda happy that he didn't recognize my born anatomy even in this place, but his unthinking apology had put me in a terrible mood. "Hey babe, let me buy you a drink." He said back to me. "No thanks; I'd rather be by myself right now." He left and the tears began to well up in my eyes. Ashley came by to drain what little was left of my drink when he noticed my turbulent state. "What's wrong, sweetie?" "Nothing, would it be okay if we went home?" "Sure, hon just give me your keys." I gave him my keys and we ran to the car amidst a brewing storm. I don't even like to look out the window of a car when there's lighting striking everywhere. I was glad he was driving. The mixture of the storm, being drunk and my already terrible emotional state left me in no position to drive. When we got home, Ken offered to console me, but I told him I'd rather be alone if I could. He went on to bed, wore out by the night's activities. I sat on the couch and cried. Being drunk only intensified my depression. Why wasn't I a real girl? Why did I have to be trapped with this body and with this past to always haunt me? I remembered when I was young and I pleaded with God to make things right. I went to sit by the windowsill and wished my heart out as I had done since childhood that I would wake up a girl. I then idiotically decided that some ice cream would do me good. I went out the car to go to the grocery store. It was only a brief moment of clarity that kept me from making a dire mistake and driving in that weather, drunk. Instead, I kept crying and curled up in the driver's seat where I eventually fell asleep. I woke up with the sun that morning and a headache that went all the way down to my neck. I realized that I was still in the car and stumbled back into the house, trying desperately to shield my eyes from the devil sun. Ken (still partially in Ashley mode) was sprawled out on the bed. I laid down with him and put my arm over his chest. "What the hell, Ken your breasts feel real." I yelled. "Wha, aww hon just give me a few more minutes of sleep." Ken said in a terribly high-pitched voice. He soon realized the difference himself. "Ahem, ahh, dooo, raaa." He tried to get his voice to break back to normal but it stayed the same. "No, no, no this can't be happening!" I exclaimed as I stuck my hand into Ken's panties only to find a smooth surface broken only by slit. "Hey, isn't it a little earl... what the fuck?" Ken said as he noticed my hands brushing across his new vagina. I looked back at him only just noticing his face, which had been buried in his long hair. He looked like a girl! He looked more like a girl than I could ever hope for. He stood up and I got my first good look at my new girlfriend. She was beautiful. Being bisexual, I could appreciate her for that beauty. Being transsexual, I could despise her for it. I didn't know what had happened. I only knew that it should have happened to me. Kenny would never be able to appreciate it, he was a transvestite. It was all fun and games for him. I tried to cover up my sadness, envy, lust, hatred, so that I could help her with this situation. She had begun to freak out and was currently muttering and yelling while pacing all around the room. "Sit down, Ken we'll figure this out." I said, patting the empty spot on the bed. "What's to figure out? It's pretty fucking elementary. I'm a girl. I don't want to be a girl." "Well, it'll be a lot easier to dress up now." I said trying to lighten the mood. "Dress up! What about fucking work and my family. I don't even remotely look like the same person." The last part came out slowly as she had just caught sight of herself in the mirror across the room. She ran over to it and began touching her face, moving slowly down to generous breasts. As I watched her explore her new body, my facade crumbled. I began to cry. In between sobs, I said, "Not for you, not supposed to be for you. That's supposed to be my body." Ken (now Ashley, I suppose) suddenly noticed the pain I was going through. "Oh Camille, baby, I know that whatever happened was a mistake. This was meant for you, I just know it. If it can happen to me like this then we can figure out what occurred and make it happen again, but to you this time." "You really think so? But how will we ever figure out what did take place last night?" I tried to hang on to her thought about making that happen to me. I think it was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. It was still very hard to control my emotions. Even Ashley's gentle comforting was hurting me. Feeling her soft small hands wipe my tears away only worsened my mood. It was hard to look into her beautiful eyes without breaking into uncontrollable sobs. Once I was able to pull myself together a little we decided to search the house for clues. "Hey Camille, did you get a new purse?" Ashley said holding up a black handbag I had never seen before. "No, that's not mine. What's in it?" Ashley poured the contents onto our bed. I grabbed the wallet and immediately noticed the ID inside. I started to cry again. "This purse belongs to Ashley Rene Porter." The former Ken Porter began to see that she was the owner of the mystery purse. I sat there with her ID in my shaking hand, transfixed at the capital F underneath the sex category. My license didn't even have that on it. Other than that, the bag contained only a few cosmetics. Then I got my hand around a tampon. I picked it up and smiled at Ashley who would now have the full experience of being female, one I would I have gladly taken, given the chance. "Oh shit, you mean I'm gonna have to put one of those things up in my... and all the nasty eww. This is gonna be worse than I expected." I almost didn't feel bad for her. I had this resentment that I couldn't mask at her getting what I deserved, and she wouldn't even appreciate it. The stress was beginning to take its toll on her and as I saw her begin to crack, I pushed my resentment aside. No matter what, Ashley, Kenny, whoever, was my lover and my first obligation was to her. She began to cry, something Kenny almost never did. "What the hell is going on with this world? Had God not fucked us up enough already? I mean, we're decent people. We didn't do anything to deserve this." Ashley managed to sputter out. "I know, honey. Come here." I nestled her head in my lap and gently ran my fingers through her hair. "Understand that I will always stand by you, through this or any other hardship that may come our way." "Besides, if you must acclimate your life to being a woman, who better to make that transition with than me." She smiled at that, knowing that she was indeed in good hands. "I know it's just my humble opinion, but being a woman isn't so bad. It can be really fun you know." "You think? Maybe, I can get used it. I mean, at least I'm a pretty woman." I didn't cry at that statement though I wanted to. Ashley was hurting and I would not allow myself to be selfish enough to burden her with my own pain. "Yes, you are dear. Can I make you some coffee or something?" It was hard to maintain my composure with her so near. I knew I'd get used to it, but at the moment, it still hurt. "Yeah, that'd be great." Ashley said getting up from our bed. I went into the kitchen and she plopped down on the couch. When I came into the living room with two steaming cups of coffee, she was sitting spread eagle on the couch intently staring at a football game. "Oh honey, I don't care if you want to watch football but you can't sit like that in public, you know." "Wha, oh right." She said, putting her legs together. "I was just trying to get my mind off this and concentrate on the game here." She had stripped from last night's Ashley clothing which had become far too big for her. I needed to get out of the house, but I didn't really want to leave her alone. "Honey, you're gonna need some clothes and I don't think mine will fit you. Would it be okay if I went and did a little shopping for you, just to get a few things that you can wear until we get this figured out?" "Yeah, I think I could use a little time to myself to get more acquainted with this body. I can only imagine how much it must hurt you to see me like this." "No, it's not that... Well, maybe a little. Nevertheless, it would be practical to get you clothed." "It's okay, I understand. Just don't be gone too long." "I won't, just let measure you before I go." I got out the measuring tape and soon guessed her size to about a 6. What a fucking lucky girl. "Are you sure you'll be all right?" I asked before I headed out the door. "Yeah, I got the game here and that should occupy my mind for a little while." "Okay, be back in a jiff. Love ya." I went out my car and decided I'd best go to a consignment shop since she doesn't need anything really nice. Besides, we didn't have the money to be spending it anywhere more expensive. Once there, I found a few cute tops and a couple pairs of pants. I even grabbed a little yellow sundress I thought she might like. I thought about back when I first transitioned and how difficult it was to even enter the women's section, and I was glad that I had not taken Ashley with me. She would have no doubt been a nervous wreck. When I entered our house, Ashley was not in the living room where I'd left her. I then heard a low moaning in the bedroom. I walked in, knowing very well what I would find. "Getting acquainted with the new body I take it." Ashley jumped and put her hand in the air, not quite sure what to do about the fluid that covered her fingers. "Umm, hey, that was quick. I... well... I had to explore you know." "I understand, I'd probably be doing the same thing in your place." I pulled out the shopping bags and threw her a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. "Oh thanks, these are umm, cute." "You're welcome, look at what else I got you." I pulled out the clothes I'd bought for her. She didn't seem too excited. I thought I would like to dress her up nice and try get her to appreciate the assets she now had. "Wow, bras and everything huh?" She said with some trepidation. "Yeah, you're gonna have to package those things up a little or every man you come across will try to bed you." I knew that she didn't like that idea. She didn't consider herself gay, and I wasn't about to challenge her with the fact that I have a penis. I finally got her to try on a few things but she said that she didn't want me to put any make-up on her for now. We settled in, and tried to make things normal for the rest of the day. I looked around the house for more clues as to what had occurred the previous night but found nothing. Later that evening, I turned on the couch to see Ashley looking at me intently. "What?" I said to her. "You know you are beautiful and you will always be more of a woman than I could be, even with this body." I blushed, but I began to get what she was driving at. "Umm, I don't know how to say this, but would you like to get intimate?" Ashley hesitantly asked me. I knew the question would come up. On the surface, I didn't have a problem with it. I found Ashley to very attractive and I hadn't been with a woman since before I transitioned. On the other hand, our sex had always been her penetrating me. I would now have to use my terrible anatomical defect to penetrate her. I didn't know if I could do it. I decided to give it a shot, if only for her sake. It'd be a shame to be deprived of that experience. "Yeah, we could do that." I told her. She pulled up to me and began kissing me on my neck and shoulders. Once her head was level to mine, I glided my fingers across those precious breasts. They were so much bigger than mine. She stood up and took my hand, leading me into the bedroom. I enjoyed the foreplay. It was interesting to go down on her, though it made my jaw hurt more than oral sex with her used to. Finally the big act, I didn't know if I could do it. Technically, I could, since I was still fully functional. If my engrossed penis was any indication, then it shouldn't have been too difficult. I had her get on top, because if I was going to be penetrating I wanted to try to imagine that circumstances were reversed. She slid down on top of me. My penis relished the feeling, while my mind screamed that it was wrong. I could do no more than lay there with my eyes closed, trying my best to imagine that the sensation I was feeling was a penis going inside of me. She happily bounced up and down on it. I wanted to stay aroused long enough for her to experience a female orgasm. I knew that I would not have one at all tonight. Finally, her screams marked the end of this horrible experiment. I didn't even know how she did it, as I was already beginning to go soft. She pulled off me. I began to cry. I put my head on her bosom and wept gently. "It's okay. We don't have to do that ever again. I'm so sorry, I didn't know that it would be so hard on you." I sat there and listened to her apologize. I thought about the hedge clippers in the garage. Call an ambulance, wait till they arrive, and slice. I just wanted it gone. It was not a part of me. It was like having a railroad spike in your head. You know it doesn't belong there and it makes everything uncomfortable, but removing it would just be too dangerous. We cuddled there, and she held me until I stopped crying. "Did you enjoy it?" I finally asked her. "Not really, not once I realized how much I was making you suffer." "I just wanted you to have that experience. I didn't mean for my hang-ups to detract from it." "Don't do that, you have no right to apologize to me. I was the one who asked you to do it. I knew that you didn't like using that for anything other than going to the bathroom. You have no idea how much it hurts me to see you like this. I would do anything to have our roles reversed. I don't want to sound too ungrateful, but I'm not really excited about my future as a woman." I couldn't fault her for that. She simply didn't have the mind for it. Even with her female body, it was easy to see her true masculinity shine though. We eventually fell asleep, with her spooning me as usual. That night I was plagued with nightmares. I was trying to get dressed, but found it nearly impossible as my penis was hanging to the floor and my vision of it was not in any way obscured. The reason for that was my breasts had disappeared. I woke up in a cold sweat. Soon after Ashley's eyes opened a little. "You okay, sweetie?" She asked me. "Yeah, I'm okay. Go back to sleep." I got up, knowing that I wouldn't sleep anymore that night. I sat in the dark living room, cuddling a mug of hot chocolate. I began to think that there was no answer for our situation. At least no answer for why it happened, but we would have to find a way to deal with it. Ashley wouldn't be able to go back to her job. Eventually, I would have to declare Kenny a missing person. Maybe we could salvage his family. Fortunately, they don't know about me. They think I'm just the live-in girlfriend, which for all intents and purposes is true. If they did know about my past, their religion would likely cause them to disown their only son, well daughter now. That morning after Ashley woke up, I decided to tell her that we needed to prepare for the future as it stands now. "Ash, dear I think I'm gonna need to teach you a few things today. I know that neither of us wants you to stay like this, but you should learn to be able to cope with it and function as a normal girl in society." She sighed, as if she too had come to the same conclusion. "Okay, oh wise one, teach me." The rest of the day, I went over everything from the proper application of make-up to walking in heels. She was very apathetic about the whole thing. I almost got mad at her, that she didn't show enough desire to learn. I had to remember; this is not some teenage girl becoming acclimated to the world of womanhood, this is a guy who has been forced into it. Over lunch, I broached the subject of what to do about Kenny. "You know, I've been thinking about that." Ashley said "What if, when everything changed, everyone's memories of me changed too?" "But I remember the old you." "Yeah, maybe not. Want to try something?" "What did you have in mind?" I asked hesitantly. "Well, if the memories of others didn't change then we will have to report me missing." "Uh huh." I was glad we were in agreement on that. "So you call my mom and ask if she's seen or heard from me. That will fit into the story that I'm missing if she does remember Kenny. If she doesn't know who you're talking about, then we can assume that everyone's memories have changed." "Okay, that sounds like a good idea." I said. I picked up the phone and dialed Kenny's mom, or Ashley's, as I would soon find out. "Hello." it was Ms. Porter. "Hi, Ms. Porter, this is Camille. Have you heard from Kenny lately?" "No, did you two have a fight?" So it seemed that everyone did remember Kenny. "Umm, he left Saturday night." I couldn't have said Friday night because it wouldn't make any sense for me to be calling her two days later. "I haven't seen him since. He said that he was going out for a walk and when I woke up, he wasn't here. "Oh no, you have to contact the police. What if something happened to him?" Ms. Porter was beginning to get upset. I figured that I better try to sound upset too or suspicions would be raised. "Damn it, hopefully, he'll show up soon, but I'd better go ahead and call the police just in case." I talked with her a little more and tried to sound confident that her son would show up. I finally told her that I had to get off the phone so I could call the authorities. "Well, I guess everyone remembers Kenny." Ashley sighed. "Yep, I'm going to go down to the station and report you missing then." Ashley told me. "Okay, hun just make sure you have a solid story first." I did. That's why I told Ms. Porter that he had walked out so that we could keep the car and not have to dump it somewhere. I got to the police station and told them my story. Thankfully, I was able to pull up some tears, and I think I came off as genuine. The officer that I spoke to was very nice and walked me out to my car, asking if I was okay to drive. I told him I was, and headed back home. When I got home, I once again found Ashley lying out on the couch, watching some sporting event. "How did it go?" She asked me. "Okay, I guess." I sat down in front of her and asked, "What are we going to do?" "Well, we don't really have a lot of bases to cover. We already did the police and family thing. I don't have many friends outside of work and I suppose you can call them tomorrow morning to tell them that I'm missing." I guess, I'll get a copy of the newspaper and start looking for a new job. She looked sad, but also kinda relieved that she finally had an excuse to quit that dead-end job. Luckily, she did have plenty of computer skills. But then again, Ashley probably didn't have any credentials or references. "You know, I may be able to get you a position at my work. Ms. Lee's secretary just quit last week." I said in an attempt to be helpful. "Okay, you ask around about that and I'll look elsewhere too." Ashley then focused on the television. "If you're going to go job hunting, you still have a lot to learn about how to hold yourself and stuff." I told her. She looked up at me, knowing I was right but not wanting to have to go through anymore femme lessons with me. After about an hour or two of lessons, we were both getting frustrated. I decided that maybe the best way to get her more involved was to force her into a situation that would require her to act as a woman. "Ash, I know you won't like this idea, but let's go out to eat tonight." "What? I can't go out like this." "Well, if you mean butt-naked like you are now. No, you can't. But if you put some clothes on, I think it will be okay." She looked scared. She had every right to be. When I first started dressing full-time, I would nearly starve myself rather than go to the grocery, and have to face people in public. "Okay, but if I start to freak out, we leave." She stated adamantly. "How about I give you a little help there? I still have some Xanex. Do you want one? It would help you stay calm." I offered. "Yeah, I think that could help." I drug out my old prescription and handed her one. Then, I began looking for a decent outfit. She disregarded the sundress I had bought her immediately. We settled on some pants, a T-shirt, and a pair of flats. She still didn't like it. I didn't entirely understand why, she had always taken such pleasure out of dressing-up before, but then again, she would never have gone out dressed unless we were going to a club and nowhere else. I managed to get some make-up on her without her squirming too much. I decided to drive to a little Italian place down the street. The Xanex seemed to have kicked in a little. She still seemed nervous, but not yet freaking out by the time we got to the door. I got us a table for two, and the host led us into the restaurant. It was surprisingly busy for a Sunday night. "What can I get you two lovely ladies to drink tonight?" The waiter asked us. Ashley seemed very nervous so I ordered for both of us. "We'll both have a glass of pop." I told her. It might've been easier to order beer for her, but I wasn't about to do that with the drugs floating through her system already. Besides, it may only take a couple of drinks to get her toasted now. When it came to ordering, I had to speak for both of us. "You know, you're probably gonna have to talk when you go in for a job interview." I told her. She whispered. "I know, it's so hard. I'm afraid everyone will know what I used to be just by looking at me." "Ash, you don't have to worry about that. You don't have a male voice or beard stubble or even an Adam's apple anymore." "Shh, don't talk about that here. Someone might hear you." "Okay, first thing you gotta learn about being in public. People don't give a shit about you. Look at everyone here, they're all having their own conversations. People have enough problems in their own lives; they're not going to eavesdrop on our conversation." She looked around the restaurant. I wish I had been right, but she spotted two guys at the bar that did seem to give a shit about her. She also made the mistake of making eye contact with them. "Oh no, those guys are looking at me." She was starting to freak out a little. I was going to try to calm her down when I noticed the two guys get up and start walking towards our table. "Okay, calm down. I will handle this." I reassured her. "Hey, would you ladies like some company?" The tall, dark- haired one said. Ashley was about one step away from crawling under the table and curling up in the fetal position. "No thanks; we'd prefer to be alone." I told them. "What about your friend here? It looks like she could use some male company." The tall one said looking at Ashley with a powerful lust. I was now beginning to get mad. Some guys just don't know when to relent. I grabbed Ashley's hand. "I assure you that neither of us is in need of any male company." I smiled at her and she tried to do the same. "Oh, I see how it is then." The tall one began to walk away with his friend. "Fucking dykes, what they need is a real man." I overheard one of them say. "Okay, Ashley. See, everything is okay. They thought you were a woman. Which I guess, was maybe not a good thing, but I dealt with them." She looked up at me and she had gone entirely pale. "I don't like this. If I were still a guy." The last part she whispered. "I'd want to kick their ass for saying that to you. But what can I do now? I'm not strong anymore. I'm completely defenseless." "No, you're not. No offense babe, but men are simple creatures. They can most always be fooled or manipulated. But you are right, in that you shouldn't go walking through the east side after dark." We finished our meal in relative quiet. Ashley dug through her purse and paid for both of us. I decided that she might need some more practice before going to a job interview. No one was going to hire her while she was playing mute. When we got home, we both went straight to bed. This time there were no sexual escapades. The alarm woke me Monday morning. I knew the first thing I had to do was call Kenny's old workplace. The receptionist who took my call seemed completely disinterested that a fellow employee had gone missing, which just made it that much easier. Otherwise, I may have had to field questions, if the coworker had been more distressed. Ashley eventually shambled into the kitchen. "I called your work." I told her. "Oh, what did they say?" "They said to call them back if you turned up and that they would try to keep the position open as long as they could." "Yeah, I'm sure they'll be completely lost without me." Ashley said sarcastically. I handed her the classifieds. "I hate to make you do this so soon after... all this, but you know we can't afford for even one of us to be unemployed. All you have to do today is look for something. Tonight, we should go out and find you a proper business suit." Ashley reluctantly agreed. I went to work and inquired about the position left open as Ms. Lee's secretary. She needed the help so bad that she set up an interview for the next day. I worked hard the rest of the afternoon. My boss had met some new clients over the weekend and I needed to do a workup on their accounts. When I got home, I found Ashley butt-naked and asleep on the couch. "Wake up, hon. I have some good news." She started to wake. "Huh, wha?" "I got you an interview tomorrow." I tried to sound enthusiastic. "Tomorrow! I can't be ready by then." She protested. "Yes, you can. Just gotta be confident, girl." "Please, don't call me that. I'm not a girl." "Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be hurtful." I apologized. "So what then, shopping now?" She asked. "Yeah, I'll help you get ready to go out." I dragged her into the bedroom and put clothes on her as well as a light spattering of make-up. "I hate this stuff; I can't touch my face at all while it's on." "But it makes you look so pretty." I put the hand-held mirror up to her face. "Yeah, I look pretty, yippee. Maybe even more guys will hit on me tonight." She said dryly. Her mood seemed to be sliding down the longer she was in this form. I finally got her out of the house, with the help of another Xanex. We went to the mall, and she was right. More guys were looking at her. Luckily, none of them approached us. I had her try on pantsuits till she nearly cried. We finally decided on an androgynous suit that she hadn't thrown a complete fit over in the changing room. She seemed determined to be butch. That was okay with me. I'm not one to criticize anyone's gender presentation. She had done well enough in the mall that we decided to get something to eat while we were there. She ordered a burger or something and after handing over the cash, the clerk said, "Thank you, ma'am." Ashley seemed surprised to be addressed like that. I know it took me a while for me to get used to it, and I wanted it. We ate in peace, until I saw Stacy running up to our table with shopping bags hanging from both arms. "Hey, babe. Doing some shopping?" She said and then sat down next to us, and relieved herself of the weight she was carrying. "Hi, Stace. Oh, umm. This is Ashley. She's a friend from work." I said, hoping that Ashley would get the gist of what I was trying to pull here. "Nice to meet you." Stacy said, and stuck out her hand. Ashley shook it back with more power behind the grip than most women normally use. After that handshake, I could see Stacy looking her over for telltale signs that she was a man. Fortunately or not, she didn't find any. "So what are you two out looking for tonight?" Stacy asked. "Just some clothes, we both needed some stuff for work. So it made sense to go together." I told her. I think I made it clear by my lack of enthusiasm that she was invading where she wasn't wanted at the moment. We talked for a little while, but she was quickly up with her bags and trudging of to her car. After she left, I said to Ashley. "You didn't say a word. I'm not saying anything about politeness, so don't get mad at me. You just need practice socializing with other people." She just held her head down quietly. I just stared at her, unsure of how to get her to open up more. It was then, that I noticed a tear fall onto her uneaten fries. "What's wrong, Ash?" She just got up and headed to the car. I followed her out, shopping bags in tow. "What, why can't you talk to me, Ashley?" I pleaded with her. "That's not my name! We can't play this little game anymore; stop trying to live your life through me!" She screamed at me in the empty parking lot. I dropped the bags, and ran to her. "Kenny, I wasn't trying to use you for my own amusement. I was only trying to help you get used to your situation." I held her head to my shoulder and let her cry. She started sputtering. "Jesus, now I am crying. Maybe I am just a silly woman after all." "No, you're definitely not silly, and no matter how you may look; I'm coming to realize that you're not a woman either." I got her and the shopping bags into the car and we silently headed home. When we got in, I knew that we had to talk. She started first. "Camille, I can't do this. I don't want to do this. I'd give as much now to be a man again, as you would to be a genetic girl." She was still on the verge of tears. "I'm so sorry, honey. I didn't think. I shouldn't have treated you like a woman. I had no right to do that to you, or to force my expectations on you." "It's okay, we'll figure out something. In the meantime, it looks like I'm transsexual too." "Okay, Kenny. I can accept that. I won't treat you like a woman anymore. I'll use the right pronouns and everything. No matter how you look, you are still my man." He smiled at that. I could relate, when people started referring to me properly; I always had a stupid grin on my face. Sensing that, he said. "And I'm a damn lucky guy to have a girlfriend as supportive as you are." His interview wasn't till the next afternoon. So he could stay up longer than I. I gave him some Internet sites to go to with relevant information. With Kenny left at the computer, I curled up in bed with my comforter. I woke up the next day feeling pretty refreshed. I reset the alarm to wake Kenny up so he could be awake when I came in on my lunch break to fix him up a little. That morning was not too good. Mr. Edwards was there and being a royal pain. None of my work was good enough, and every time I got up for so much as to get a cup of coffee; there was his hand attached to my ass. Lunch was a welcome break, even if it meant that I would have to work on getting Kenny ready while sacrificing the actual meal part of lunch. I opened the door and heard Kenny moaning from the bathroom. These were not the happy moans produced by masturbation. I found him in there fooling around with the packaging of one of the tampons that came from his purse. Apparently, he had a visitor while I was at work. "Oh, God this sucks." He said. "That does suck, but it looks like you have it figured out so far." "I can't go to that interview today. I feel too awful." She moaned. "I'm sorry, but you can make it for just an hour. You wouldn't actually have to work today. Besides, Ms. Lee needs someone for that job soon. I'm afraid if you don't take that interview today, that you won't get hired." Kenny got up and ambled back into the bedroom. I followed and helped him with the clothes. I went light on the make- up so as not to annoy him too much. I felt bad during the whole exercise. He had complained last night of me dressing him up, and here I was doing it again. I tried to convince myself, that it was only for the interview and if he gets the job, then he can tone down the femme thing a little. Once finished, I herded him into the car despite his protests. I tried to verbally give him what instructions I could on how to conduct himself, but I don't think he was listening. We walked in together, but I went back into the office part to work. Kenny was left in the lobby, experiencing a kind of pain and desperation that I knew too well. I didn't hear from Kenny for about an hour later. He called from the house to tell me that he got the job. He couldn't believe it, but he said that his computer skills had been his best asset. I was so surprised and happy, that I decided we'd do something special tonight. A few minutes before Kenny was supposed to pick me up, I stopped by a men's wear place around the corner from my office. I bought a suit in his new size so that we could both be comfortable tonight. When the car pulled up, I stuck the suit in the back seat. "What is that?" Kenny asked, half-afraid that it was a new dress or something. "It's a suit. I thought you'd want to look handsome for our date tonight." I told him reassuringly. "Oh, we have a date tonight? And where are we going on this date?" "I thought maybe, out to eat and a movie." I suggested. "Okay, I'm feeling a little better, but not much. I think I may be able to handle that." We got home, and I had Kenny try the suit on. It fit nicely, but I silently scolded myself for not getting something to bind those breasts. I took off all of his make-up and put his hair in a low ponytail. All in all, he did look quite dashing, but he didn't really pass as male. "I still look like a butch woman, not an actual man." Kenny lamented. "Well, that's sometimes the way it is, at least until we can intervene with hormones. Which reminds me, I'm getting you an appointment with my doctor. He will probably prescribe you some." "Probably! What if he doesn't?" "Then we can try another doctor, or if need be, we can get them over the Internet." This was gonna hurt, paying for two sets of hormones and two sets of doctor visits. If only I could exchange my testo pumps for his estro pumps. Unfortunately, science has yet to figure out how that can be accomplished. "If I start taking testosterone, I won't be such a head case anymore, will I?" "Well, maybe a little at first, but you should level out to your normal self." It still kinda hurt when I thought about it. I knew his situation, but I still couldn't help feeling a sense of ingratitude. He has such a nice face and soon it'll be covered in facial hair. It was very hard to remind myself, that he is not a woman and these changes are as necessary for his well being as the changes I'd made to my body. I wondered if he thought the same about me; that I'm taking for granted all my born male 'assets'. "You look marvelous though. Do you still want to go out?" I asked him hesitantly. "Yeah, I guess so. Just make it somewhere toned down." So we left for the restaurant. When we got there, the host greeted us. "And how are you two ladies tonight, party for two? Smoking or non?" Kenny just looked down at the floor apathetically. I answered the host and we were seated. "See, I told you I don't look like a man." Kenny spat out. "I'm sorry, you'll get there eventually. As much as I hate to say so, you should expect it to be very hard along the way." I wasn't going to allow him to have any delusions about what was to come. There was going to be ridicule and discrimination from places he'd never expect. I remember thinking that only children and serial killers could be especially cruel, but my own transition taught me that most everyone has the capability. And then, almost as if in demonstration of my point, the people in the next booth started laughing and saying things like; "I wonder if she pisses standing up." I began to fume at them, but I soon realized that Kenny's face was red, not a blushing red, rather a rising crimson rage. I could see that he wanted to get up and say something, but I think his confidence was shattered by the disappearance of his physical strength. "Don't pay them any attention dear. I don't know why, but when it comes to gender presentation, most people throw the natural niceties of day-to-day life right out the fucking window." I tried to console her. We finished our meal without anyone raising a fist. Eventually, our neighbors quieted down and found more interesting things to talk about. When we left, Kenny asked, "Could we skip the movie and go on home." "Sure, I'm sorry about that. It just happens sometimes. We deal with it and move on." I knew that was little help, but I couldn't pretend like that was a freak occurrence. Back in the house, Kenny was taking off his suit. He looked so cute and androgynous, that it was hard to not try and initiate some sexual activity. I abstained and we fell asleep in each other's arms. Kenny and I got up that morning, dreading the day ahead. He kept away from any article of clothing that was in any way feminine. After much debate, we finally found something just nice enough to not look sloppy for the first day of work. The morning was spent in either argument or silence. Something was going to have to be done for him soon, or he would just waste away. We drove together to work and separated to our respective stations. We had different lunch breaks, so he wasn't there when I nibbled on my ham and cheese sandwich that day. Lisa, one of the other secretaries, was. "Hey, you helped that new girl get hired didn't you?" Lisa asked me. "Yeah, why?" I asked back, wondering where she was going with this. "Umm, how do I put this... did she used to be a man?" Lisa asked in a whisper. I almost cracked up with laughter. Never had anyone here ever suspected me, but in one day, Kenny was already raising suspicions despite the great body he had. "No, she didn't. Why do you ask?" I wasn't about to ostracize him or me from the rest of the staff by telling the truth. "I don't know, something about the way she walks or holds herself. She seems very mannish." And then as if to lighten the mood a little, she added, "None of the feminine graces that you or I have." "Well, yeah, she is a little tomboyish." I agreed. Lisa then went on at great length about her husband, and what an oaf he was. I listened to her and offered advice where applicable. I didn't have much to say though, as my man was never as bad as the one she was describing in the person of her husband. We left the office together, and I drove since I could tell that Kenny had had a bad day. I tried to probe him about it but got only an "I don't want to talk about it." in response. I stopped to grab the mail, while Kenny trudged into the bedroom to rid himself of all the women's garments. I was going through the mail when Kenny came back into the living room wearing only a pair of his old boxers, wrapped tightly around his big butt. That's when I noticed a letter addressed to Ashley Porter. It was from a local bank. "Look, hon, your new identity got a letter from the bank." I said, handing him the envelope. "I swear to God, if it's a collection notice..." He trailed off as he read the contents of the letter. "Oh my fucking God, we're fucking rich!" She handed me the letter, which as it turns out, was a quarterly account statement. The balance was not only a positive amount, but an enormous one as well. I jumped up and screamed in excitement, hugging Kenny with all my strength. Ashley seemed to have enough money make things work out for us. We wouldn't have to work for a long time and we could now afford all the hormones and surgeries we wanted. I think we stood there in our embrace for a long time, each of trying to foresee all the possible applications of this money. We decided that we would both call in sick tomorrow and go to the bank to verify this statement. If everything worked out, we'd quit our jobs and get properly started on some serious transitioning. That night as Kenny slept, I stepped out on the porch and looked up at the clear starry sky. I remembered something my dad once told me while gazing at a similar sky. "You know, son, it's pointless to wish on stars. I mean, even if they did grant wishes it would take them like 8 million years to get here. If you were going to wish on anything; I think a storm would be best. Storms can actually bring about change, but they're probably too chaotic to trust." Then I remembered that the night everything happened there was a terrible storm and I had indeed wished that night. I wondered if my dad's drunken ramblings actually had any truth to them. I chalked it up as one the many unanswerable questions in my head. Even if it were true, I would be too afraid to risk trying it again. I eventually went to sleep, and for the first time in a few nights; I slept well. That morning, Kenny and I went to the bank. It turned out that the letter we received the previous day was absolutely authentic. We took out some money to have fun with, and started to plan for the future. Life became much easier without the hassle of work. I did get Kenny an appointment with my gender psychiatrist. Kenny was soon referred to an endocrinologist, who prescribed him testosterone. When the changes actually begin to happen to Kenny, I was truly happy for him. I knew what he was going through was much like when I started hormones. He didn't turn out too bad either. He was really handsome and didn't have much trouble passing at all after the mastectomy. Speaking of surgeries, I got one myself. I was finally healed. We really didn't do much anymore. We were happy to be in each other's company most of the time. I made some crafts and tried to write a book or two. Kenny spent a lot of time with the local support group. He designed a website for them, and we occasionally threw parties at our new house. We had been modest with our money, neither of us wanted to go back to the corporate world, but we did do a few nice things, including moving to a better neighborhood. I think after our ordeal; we appreciated each other so much more. We had both experienced the other side of things and had to relentlessly fight to make things right for ourselves. That mutual understanding made us almost inseparable.

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Natural Part 3

Natural ? Part 3 Note: Joe and Karen Lossin are having some marital difficulties. Karen thinks its because Joe is frustrated because he can?t dress around her. There is a problem with Joe?s dressing but its something inside Joe. Together Karen and Joe try to resolve the inner conflict that Joe is experiencing. The ride home from Mary?s that Sunday evening was a memorable experience for both Karen and Joe. Karen thought it was the most pleasant three hours she had ever spent...

1 year ago
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Natural Chastity 2

Natural Chastity. Chapter 2. Getting in Deep. Steve just stood both shocked and amazed at what was before him. He moved towards them with both nervousness and excitement. The strain he felt on the CB told him that he was enjoying this. What he saw was a white and pink outfit. He first pulled on a bright pink pair of frilly knickers, covering his CB. Next he pulled on a pair of white woollen tights. He pulled them up and...

4 years ago
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Natural Chastity 4

Chapter 4 A Rough Time. Steve saw, to his horror, a steel framed bed, but with metal railing design sides and ends. It also seemed to have a top. Thats effectively a cage he thought to himself. Next to it was a medium height dresser with a plastic covered matress on top of it. Steve was helped on to the mattress on the dresser and laid on his back. The cold from the plastic, made Steve shiver and Sissy Sue opened a drawer and produced a pink disposable nappy, she then eased up...

1 year ago
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Natural Chastity 6

Natural Chastity. Chapter 6 Dressing up (part 2) "You have given me no choice in the matter," Goddess said, as she reminded Sally of her failings. "You must look upon this as a positive. How can you know the feelings of others, if you haven't experienced the feelings yourself?" she added. Sally sort of knew where she was coming from but thought some of her ideas for her experience were a little extraordinary and out of her comfort zone. Goddess retreived something from behind...

2 years ago
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Natural Neighbors

Al pulled into our driveway and was about to unlock the door when, ignoring the lurid view I gave some neighbors, I swung it wide open. I struck a sexy, breathy, uncharacteristic pose for my shocked husband and greeted him eagerly, gleefully, with phone cam in hand, sweaty and naked. I snapped a shot of his surprised and delighted face as he took in my slim, shapely, flushed body. "Welcome home, love. Meet our new neighbors." I pivoted and pointed to the living room and the three naked people...

1 year ago
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Natural attraction

We where two friend living together for 2 years, in this apartment. One day, we decided to invite a friend we've met 1 month ago. We asked her to come on friday night to watch a film on tv, with us. I am Maria, a with blue eyes, 5 feet 7, 24 of waist and 40 of bust. I trained myself in . My friend living with me is Claudia. She is brunette, 5 feet 6 with 38 of bust. This friend who is coming tomorrow is Jane, a brunette of 5 feet 6 and probably 36 of bust. She seem shy but friendly. So, she...

1 year ago
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The Shiny LadiesChapter 18 Resistance

It was five hours later, around midnight, when Kay and Leslie came out of the break room. All the worshipers were completely spent. They were sprawled over floor, exhausted. The Ladies were busy raiding the vending machines. "Whew! What a workout," said Leslie. "I don't think I could fuck another man, if my life depended on it." "Liar," said Kay. "You're still horny, you just need some calories. She put her hand on top of Leslie's pussy. The newest goddess gave a little...

3 years ago
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Like a GentlewomanChapter 4 Resistance

Annie was shocked to have a guest, let alone a peer, enter by the kitchen door. Esther merely asked her to fetch mother. “Dear,” Mother said when she was far enough down to see George, “who is this.” “This is Lord George. He has asked me to marry him. I have accepted.” She turned to George, who was stupefied, but not so much as to miss her expression. He took her in his arms and kissed her. The kiss was emphasized by her total cooperation, but limited by his consciousness of her mother’s...

1 year ago
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Summer CampEpisode 31 Passive resistance

The next morning, none of the campers stuck their nose out of their cabins until the cowbell rang, calling everyone to breakfast. At that moment, from several cabins, both on the girls' side and on the boys' side of the invisible line that Ethel Baker and Jonas Small had drawn to segregate the sexes, one could here a rallying cry. Then, one by one, first the more daring, then the more faint hearted, all the kids trouped out of their cabins. Not one single camper, from the oldest like Robert...

2 years ago
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Unnatural BehaviourChapter 2

When by chance I had glanced from my bedroom window and caught Selina bitching with Biff in the garden, my heart had sunk. The pair of them were clearly having a ball; much to my disappointment. For some while I’d realised that as my daughter developed, so too had Biff’s sexual interest in her! On occasions I’d observed Selina pretending not to notice when Biff poked his snout up into her pussy! That little bitch enjoyed it! What was a mother to do with a such a wayward girl? What annoyed...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation The Beginning of the End

Thanks for waiting patiently here is Chapter 8! Supernatural Nation: The Beginning of the End He ran through the forest at a speed that would have awed any human who had caught sight of him, but no human saw him as he raced through the trees. Jumping over fallen trees and dodging low hanging branches he ran not daring to slow as the insane laughter of the monster followed him. All of his guards had died on the creature's blood soaked talons...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation First Encounter of the Furry Kind

Chapter 3 The shifting of the bed and the rustle of sheets brought Anthony to full wakefulness instantly. Sasha was moving quietly peering at the floor in the pre-dawn gloom. She bent at the waist giving him an excellent view of her perfectly shape butt and when she straightened he again saw the lacerations on her back and anger spiked through him. In her hands she held her shirt but couldn't seem to find the rest of...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Stripping

What if you found a Genie's lamp, except all your wishes were twisted into rendering you naked? Or what about a witch that you unknowingly anger, who hexes you with bad luck and embarrassment at the worst possible moments? Maybe some magical creature gets loose, bringing naked havoc with it? An amulet granting some supernatural power at the cost of modesty? Or something more sci-fi, like a mad scientist unleashing a cruel invention onto the world! Or perhaps the character IS a scientist, with...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Underwear

The neighborhood was quiet as the delivery truck pulled in, The tall red-haired driver got out and picked up the large box with a smile, whoever sent this had paid a fortune to have this package delivered today, but didn't feel the need to pay for the extra security of a signature, the driver supposed it wasn't his problem, he gently placed the package on the welcome mat, then knocked three times before returning to his truck. He pulled out his phone "Hello? yes ma'am package has been delivered...

2 years ago
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Natural Beauty

“Woo hoo! I’ve got a date! Finally a real, proper date!” Ellen dropped her phone onto the table and punched the air, “You little beauty!!” Her fleeting reverie was interrupted by a tinny, laughing voice from the table, “Ellen? Ellen! I’m still here.” “Bob? Is that you?” Ellen looked around, confused, until she noticed that the screen of her iPhone was still lit up. “Oh shit, fuck!” she cursed, bringing it back to her ear, she’d never been much good with technology, “Bob?” “Well,” he laughed...

3 years ago
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Natural Chastity 3

Chapter 3 Sissy Training Induction As the handle turned, Sally placed her right hand on Steve's left shoulder and eased it down. Steve instinctivly kneeled. The door opened and the pair were greeted by a tall person in a pink sissymaids uniform complete with white tights and white shoes, gloves and a lace trimmed hat. He was at least six feet tall but quite slim, which only emphasised his height. He curtsied and spoke. "Hello miss Sally, we have been expecting you." She ignored...

3 years ago
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Natural Born Slut

Laura started her career as a slut at the age of 13 in the backseat of an old Chevy with a guy she'd just met. Well three guys actually, and they'd picked her up as she walked down the street. The guy in the back seat was particularly cute and when he told her to get in she did. He told the driver to keep driving and started kissing Laura and it made her feel so good. She felt even better when he put his hand under her bra and fondled her breasts and better still when he pushed the...

2 years ago
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Natural High

I am lying on a blanket sunbathing nude at a secluded cabin by a lake. I can feel your presence before I ever see you. You move along the shore with slow, sensuous steps. Already I can feel the heat from your body…. Or is it my body that is on fire? You move closer now and l can see your sensuous body. The hunger in the pit of my stomach spreads like wildfire. You place a cool cloth over my eyes that soothe them and to assure I can’t see what you’re about to do. You have me roll over on my...

2 years ago
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Natural Beauty Part 2 The Date

After a few months of chatting online with Bob, Ellen had agreed to meet him for dinner, followed by a night out. Not having dated since her husband, Ken, passed away, she was rather nervous about it and had used just about every beauty tip in the book to get herself looking good… **** Ellen caught herself admiring the tight little ass of the young Italian waiter, as she followed him to the bar area where Bob, her date, was waiting. “Stop it Ellen!” she chastised, smiling, “He’s young...

3 years ago
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Leslie just got out of the shower. Her legs were freshly shaved, her hair clean, her body dripping wet and fresh. Her wet red hair flowed down her back so perfectly, dripping tiny droplets of water down her back. Her smooth vanilla skin was bright and shiny from her recent soaping down. Her nipples perky and hard from the brush of cold you get after leaving a hot shower, her breasts covered in chill bumps as drips of water slid down them. She was perfect in her current form as she looked into...

4 years ago
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Natural Pt 2

Leslie at her tanned, brunette neighbor through her sliding glass bedroom window, puzzled as to how she didn’t notice she was being watched. She sat up in her bed and leaned against the headboard, not bothering to cover up. ‘You like what you seen?’ She grinned, licking her lips. ‘I’ll tell you what. If you can climb through that window, I can show you how to have some fun.’ The neighbor smiled, putting her hands on the window sill and pulling herself through, letting her slim body snake down...

1 year ago
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Natural Beauty Part 3 A Night At The Circus

As the driver navigated the short distance to the circus ground, Ellen took the opportunity to re-touch her make up. She tilted her compact mirror this way and that as she reapplied her lipstick, powdered her face and aimed eye drops into her slightly reddened orbs until she was satisfied with her appearance. She remembered with a grimace how Bob’s heel had pressed against her leg but when she examined it, she was relieved to see that there was only a small pull in her hose. Barely even...

4 years ago
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Natural Order

Newcomer! Welcome to Pleasureville, the shining bastion of suburban living. Join the townsfolk as they navigate life. Enjoy your stay and remember, classics always make a comeback!

3 years ago
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Natural life order

I made him look bad, i should have never brought up his grade, his mom and dad angry warned him he would be cut from the basket team if he cant get them up He started drinking too fast and looked at me like he would kill me as the night went on and i was afraid of his parent leaving me alone with my roomate, taller than a head, stronger black guy''thanks for the night and meal you too take care and you be better get those grade up''''oh yeah mom i will''''good night''the door close he look at...

1 year ago
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Natural Chastity 7

Chapter 7 Graduation Still dressed in the majorettes uniform, but with the punishment mask, Chrissie stood and awaited the instructions from Sally, and the extent and type of punishment he would receive. The other girls, also remained dressed in their majorettes uniforms, also stood and waited for Sally to make the first move. Sally looked around the room, deep in thought and studied the array of equipment on offer. She was not familiar with much of it, but thought that...

2 years ago
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Supernatural Nation The Gathering Part 1

Chapter 6 The ringing of his cellphone woke Anthony but the sound cut off after only two rings as Risa answered it. "Hello," Risa said in a slightly groggy voice. "Yeah, he's here just a second," she said, holding the phone out towards him. She mouthed the word hospital at him as he took it and then got up and headed for the bathroom. "Hello," Anthony said into the phone. "Hi, this is Dr. Carver at the hospital. I am calling to get...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation One Steps Back Two Step Forward

Chapter 5 Anthony sat in the chair beside Liz's unconscious body and held her hand and worrying. It had been a week since his father had attacked Liz and Kylie had been healing Liz each day she visited and the doctors were calling Liz's rapid healing miraculous but found nothing special when they checked her blood. One doctor who specialized in rapid healing came in to ask Anthony if they could examine Liz...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation Prophetic Dreams

Chapter 2 Anthony ran through the dimly lit forest in pursuit of the small black wolf barely any bigger than a pup. It raced ahead of him leaping fallen trees and dodging shrubs at top speed. He ran after it mimicking the furry beast's movements and the forest blurred by. He was running so fast unable see his surroundings and completely focused on his target. Suddenly he burst from the tree line he...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Seduction

You walk into the bedroom, and she's already there waiting for you, giving you that sexy look. You just saw her downstairs, but there's no mistaking that sexy purple mist of her blinking into bed. You never thought it could be possible for a person to travel in an instant like that...until you met Alexis, that is. For some reason, she can things, things you thought were impossible. You know many would freak out upon seeing the things she can do without any thought, but not you. It's...

2 years ago
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Supernatural Exhibitionism

Natalie Lawmaker is our main character. She loves to be exposed, and has done so thousands of times while getting away with it. The reason she never got into any trouble was because she was always "special". At a young age she found out she could wipe peoples mind, and started playing with it. As she got older she also managed to make people behave the way she wants to. After all is done she can even erase all the memories people have of her of that day from large groups of people at the same...

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