- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
Authors note:This is based on factual events. If not mentioned, all characters that engage in sexual activity are over the age of 18.
In this variation of the story, I choose to focus on the main heterosexual coupling, so this will be a plot and character driven romance with a fair amount of erotica throughout, however if your looking for a quick fix, you might wanna come back to this one. If not, grab your snacks and enjoy.
Chapter 1: Pinky Promise!
‘Mhhhhhhh,’ I moaned. My eyes closed, drawing a deep breath through my nose, ‘I want you in me so bad.’ My eyes shot open and stared at the oven’s timer: five more minutes. ‘Dammit chicken, hurry up and cook!’
I pivoted in the barstool and let my head tilt back, spilling my black hair over the counter as if it were a waterfall. The slowly baking chicken’s savory aroma hung in the air temping me. ‘If only I didn’t have company tonight,’ I thought and bit my lip, chiding myself for comment.
My friend Taylor was moving to New York from Florida, and she wanted to stay with me while she was in the city looking for an apartment. I owed her more than a few favors for letting me room with her back in Florida before moving to New York. She was a good friend who I have missed since moving here. I was more than glad to see her, not to mention I would have another friend in the city.
Ding! I jumped off the stool and walked around the counter. My feet carried me down the hallway to the door automatically. My hand wrapped itself around the metallic knob, and in one motion flicked the lock open, twisted the doorknob clockwise, and swung the door open. And there she was just as I remembered her: her straightened shoulder-length brown hair—matching her eyes–swooped to the side, her face and ears pierced aplenty, and her curvy five-foot-ten figure was not so hidden in a pair of skinny jeans and a black Tee.
‘Hey,’ she spoke.
‘Hey’ I replied.
‘You need a new bra, Alice,’ she leaned forward, facing my breasts as if she was talking down to a child, ‘They’re still growing.’
I recoiled crossing my arms and guarding my front from her penetrating gaze. By the time I recovered, she had ninja’d though the door past me and was following her nose down the hall, dragging a suitcase in her wake. ‘What’s for dinner?’ she called back.
‘Chicken’ I shouted back. I shut the door, and still flustered, I followed Taylor down the hall stopping at the kitchen.
By the time I entered the kitchen the stove was beeping, signaling that its contents of its belly were ready to be eaten. I donned a pair of oven mitts and approached the oven, like a surgeon prepping for a C-section. I removed the chicken, spinning around and placing it on the adjacent counter below the bar where Taylor now sat. After tearing off the mitts, I doubled-back, closed the oven, and turned it off.
Turning all the stove top burners off with a click, I began to transfer the multiple pots to the counter. After sorting all the dishes to fit on the counter, I fetched the last dish from the fridge, baked macaroni and cheese. Upon setting down the glass dish on the last bit of available counter, I held out my hands, ‘ta-da.’
Taylor stared at me utterly flabbergasted, ‘you cooked all this?’
‘By yourself’
‘Yep, I just followed the recipes,’ I gestured to a number of note cards taped to the cabinets.
‘And you didn’t set anything on fire?’ She was still in complete disbelief, which was completely understandable given the last time I attempted to cook I almost burnt down her apartment.
‘Nope,’ I smiled with pride.
‘Um, okay, um, is it—edible?’
‘I guess we’ll find out’ I chuckled nervously. I pulled a scrunchy off my wrist and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Then I washed my hands in the sink and grabbed two plates from a cabinet. I caught Taylor getting off the stool to fix her own plate but stopped her, ‘nu uh, be my guest.’
Taylor hopped back unto the barstool and started singing her favorite song from Beauty and the Beast. I fixed her plate as she pointed to what she wanted while she sang. She stopped when I slid her full plate in front of her and asked what she wanted to drink.
‘Beer?’ she answered, unsure if I had any.
I pulled a bottle out of the fridge, ‘this okay?’
‘Yeah,’ she smiled, I had remembered the kind she liked when I bought it for her. I handed it to her and poured her a tall glass of water along with it. Then I fixed my own plate and sat beside her. We ate, filling the room with munching and moaning: yes, it was that good.
‘Your right,’ I sighed, ‘I didn’t cook this. It tasted amazing. I must be delusional.’
‘Agreed, you’re crazy,’ she said as I took our clean plates, ‘do crazy people have cable? Or is that a sane people thing?’ She grabbed her beer and headed for the Japanese Katatsu–a Japanese low lying table that has a quilt sandwiched underneath the top–in front of the TV.
‘No cable,’ I replied, ‘Netflix’s on the Xbox though.’
I cleaned up and saved the leftovers in the fridge, meanwhile, much to my dismay, Taylor had discovered the new episodes of Doctor Who on Netflix.
‘I don’t understand how you can watch this,’ I placed another beer in front of her on the table and sprawled out half underneath the Katatsu’s quilt.
‘I don’t understand how you can like anime,’ she countered.
‘Point taken,’ I was too inoculated from the food to think of an intelligent answer in my defense, ‘Different people have different tastes.’
‘I’ll drink to that,’ She took a swig.
‘You drink to anything.’
‘Your point?’ She took another swig.
‘Don’t you have to go apartment hunting tomorrow?’
‘Don’t remind me,’ she finished off her second beer, ‘I might need another.’
‘You could always stay here,’ I said without thinking, ‘I have a spare room.’ I sat back up.
‘You’d be okay with that?’
‘I don’t see why not,’ I smiled, ‘just us two girls living together, no drugs or smoking though.’
Her face lit up, ‘You finally got everything sorted down there?’
‘Yeah,’ I said bashfully, ‘I had the surgery about two months ago—I’m serious ’bout the smoking and drugs thing, Taylor.’
Her face flashed back to normal, ‘Yeah, I know. I won’t be doing drugs anyways, they were very adamant on the drug testing in my job interview, and I don’t smoke.’
‘You already got the job?’
‘Yep,’ she finished off her second beer, ‘starting in two weeks I’ll be a new secretary for the Anderson, Beckworth, and Holly and associates law firm and soon I’ll be a Mrs. Anderson, Beckworth, or Holly.’
‘You’re still going through with that?’ Taylor had developed this plan: she would get a job at some law firm as a secretary, use her charms to marry some rich lawyer and never work another day of her life.
‘Yeah,’ she laughed, ‘It’ll be a piece of cake—so does everything,’ she motioned to my lower half, ‘—work down there.’
‘Yeah, kinda,’ I sighed, ‘The um-equipment is still kinda unresponsive.’
‘Is that supposed to be that way?’
‘Yeah, it’s different for everybody, I think.’
‘Oh that’s good, I guess.’ She got up and walked over the kitchen and trashed her two empty bottles. She returned and plopped herself back down. She put her fist out, extending her pinky finger.
Puzzled, I looked at her, and she said, ‘Pinky promise.’
‘What for?’
‘Best friends and roomies, and that I’ll marry a lawyer and you a doctor.’
‘Why a doctor?’
‘Because doctors and lawyers go together.’
‘Since when?’
‘Since ever, just do it.’
‘Okay,’ I laughed and wrapped my pinky around hers.
‘Pinky promise.’
‘Pinky promise,’ we shook.
She let go and smiled, ‘good, now we have time tomorrow.’
‘For what?’
‘Shopping, a
nd on that note our first stop is to get you new bras.’ She broke into a lighthearted laugh her eyes stuck to my chest.
My lips scrunched to the side in protest, ‘well sorry.’
‘Awww! God, you’re cute! It won’t be hard for you to find a nice guy.’ She smiled, blushing: the alcohol showing on her face.
I highly doubt that. The one thing I’ve noticed about Taylor is that the minute the alcohol starts to influence her she has an instant case of puppy syndrome: anything and everything is cute.
She yawned, ‘Jet lag.’
‘You can crash on my bed. Come on.’ I got up and led her down the hall a little ways past the guest bathroom to the second door on the right, my room. She entered quickly behind me with her suitcase, and I went into the connected bathroom and grabbed a stealthy, travel-bag looking black bag. I caught my reflection the moment I flicked on the bathroom lights: my blue eyes shone like azure sapphires against my soft black hair witch draped down the sides of my face and over my breasts protruding from the low-cut v-neck I wore. I stood six feet tall, and my body not-so-proportional: my breasts now—according to Taylor—c-cups made the rest of me look like a stick.
By the time I retrieved the bag and reentered the bedroom, Taylor had stripped to her underwear: a pair of black lace panties with matching bra. Undressed her figure was gorgeous. Her bust was rivaled by her hips, and her slim stomach pierced at her navel. Her legs toned, and her entire body evenly tanned and freckled from the harsh Floridian sun.
‘Like what you see?’ She flaunted.
‘Your gorgeous Taylor, I’m jealous,’ My heart sunk.
‘Don’t be so honest, kiddo.’ She said softly.
‘Well,’ I stuck out my tongue, ‘I wouldn’t be a real best friend if I didn’t say what I really thought.’
‘In that case, you’re not so bad yourself hot-stuff,’ she winked at me sarcastically.
‘Uhuh, sure,’ I ran over to the mattress on the floor and stole one of the blankets and a pillow and then ran out of the room.
By the time I was situated in the living room, Taylor reappeared in an oversized t-shirt, ‘Do you have work tomorrow?’
‘Yeah, I’ll be back a little past twelve.’
‘Okay, Good night,’
‘Good night Taylor.’
She retired for the night, and I was alone again. I powered on the Xbox and played matchmaking on the newest C.O.D. After a few matches I decided that Taylor was most likely passed out, and I should head to bed soon.
I produced my smart phone from my pocket and pulled up the erotic novel I was reading. I laid back and started to read where I left off. It took only a few pages before my imagination took off and I was feeling flushed. I shed my shirt and jeans and scooted away from the Katatsu to stretch out on the floor. I grabbed the little black bag and unzipped it, producing a dilator and lube.
I lay back down and squeezed the dilator in between my legs, warming it up. I continued reading, the sexual tension built as the novel climaxed into a vivid sex scene. The cocktail of my horny imagination and the kiss of the cold A.C. made my nipples hard and gave me goosebumps.
My free hand fumbled with the hook on the front of my bra, but I managed to undo it and throw the bra to the side, freeing my breasts. I began to tweak my nipples, pulling, twisting, and squeezing them sending shivers of pleasure throughout my entire body. I bit my lip and tried to quiet the involuntary moans.
My body was squirming, I could no longer concentrate on the tiny print on my phone. I glanced at the time and grabbed the tube of lube. Squeezing a large glob of the clear stuff on my hands, I spread it on the lukewarm dilator.
Completely skipping to remove my last piece of clothing, I pulled the already wet fabric to the side and work the dilator in to the humid sex. Too fast! I grimaced and gritted my teeth as the sharp pain from stretching too quickly. The pain was quickly killing my mood as I tried to work the dilator in and out without hurting myself any further. I get it all the way in and pulled my panties over it, trapping it in. I felt full, completely stretched.
I begin to relax again. Closing my eyes, I replaced myself with the girl in the novel:
An average built blonde haired man stared back at me. We are connected at the groin. He begins to pump me, pulling out almost all the way and bottoming out at each stroke. I receipted the movement with my hips, shifting the dilator in and out. My right hand found my clit and started to strum it, sending jolts of tingling electricity up my spine and across my body.
The man flipped me on my stomach. He was pounding me into the ground with each stroke, my hand furiously rubbing my clit in response. My body was livid.
And then I hit the wall, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t climax. With a frustrated groan, I flipped myself back over, and I let myself continue for a while enjoying the sensations and slowly started to wind down. I felt warm from head to toe despite lying almost naked in a 55 degree air conditioned apartment. I checked the time. I spent more than enough time dilating. I removed the dilator: I felt empty.
I got up and walked to the kitchen and cleaned up and then disinfected and washed the dilator. I returned it and the lube to the black bag and threw my tee back on: I was cold again.
Straightening up the mess of the room I made, I threw my bra, jeans and black bag under the table. Then I flattened out the blanket I was laying on and grabbed the pillow that somehow made it to the opposite side of the room.
Back in the kitchen I mixed a glass of chocolate milk and took my bi-daily medication, dissolving it under my tongue. I watched my breasts jiggle unrestrained underneath my shirt. The little hard nipples poking through and grinding against the soft, thin fabric, I bit my lip and giggled at the feeling. I finished the glass and returned to dive underneath the blanket. After a quick glance at my phone to set the alarm and turn it off silent, I dozed off.
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Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." I was puzzled. Even through my post-orgasmic fog I recognized that statement as the verbal shorthand that signaled the commencement of foreplay. Not just any foreplay, mind you, but a foray into the brave new world of light consensual bondage. What confused me was the fact that I was lying spread-eagle in bed, my arms and legs fastened to the head and foot posts, and blindfolded to boot. I cleared my throat. "You want to start over?" I...
Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." Once upon a time, this statement, uttered in bed, indicated some sort of feminine hygiene emergency, and the one who 'needs to go to the store' was - and is - generally me. Lately, the statement has taken on new connotations, signaling the commencement of foreplay. Not just any foreplay, mind you, but a foray into the brave new world of light, consensual bondage. What caught my attention this time, however, was the tone of voice behind...
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Chapter 3 — October, 1941 Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 With thanks to Doug, Elliot and Pepper for editing and support and for Jimmy B. * Although the blue tail-rudder blended well with the sea below, the plane’s chrome-yellow wings and fuselage screamed ‘Here I am!’ to anyone looking for it. Reaching its ceiling, the plane abruptly flipped over upside-down and headed toward the water almost two miles below. He could feel the wind vibrating the wire rigging between...
Hi. This is my first ever story on Indian sex story. I have been reading is from past 4 years. Today narrating my first fictional story. I am Naveen (name changed). I am from Belgaum. I am ‘5” and a 5’ tool. Let me introduce to my neighbor aunt. She is Sangeeta (name changed). She is tall about, 5’6” slim and size 30,28,32. She doesn’t have big boobs, she is a bit dark in color which is the most attractive thing in her. She looks beautiful. She lost her husband a few years back. She has a son...
You're sitting on a hot, lonely beach somewhere, with a new man. You don't know him all that well, but you know you want him. You have a basket of goodies with you, and you take out a small plastic container of strawberries, half coated with milk chocolate. You open the container, and hold it out to the man to take one. He reaches his hand out, and then withdraws it, looking into your face. "Umm... Listen, that would be great, but could I suggest something?" Your eyes lower a little,...
Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Tuesday, January 5th, 1932 The next morning, Bethany Rose stood by the car, nervously waiting for him to come out. He saw her standing there, watching through his library window. ‘Well, how about that?’ He finished dressing and went downstairs. He grabbed a doughnut from the plate and now found both women next outside, Bethany still at the car and Eliza waiting in the doorway. ‘Who’s going to watch the children? Can’t just leave them...
I was never afflicted by pigmentation paralysis and it was never an issue in my life.One evening, that mindset was put to the test, nonetheless, when I met the most incredible black man at a party. Jasper, the man in question, was unbelievably good-looking and had a regal bearing. From the moment I met him, I was totally captivated by him. I had never been on a date, let alone slept with an African American. In fact, I hated the term African American. On a continent, where everyone other than...
Gay MaleChapter 7 Lose your wife, lose your life and lose your soul Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Tuesday, December 29, 1931 They didn’t return from the airfield until well after dark. It had taken several weeks to get the plane safely flyable again. James wanted it to be a surprise and tried to have at least a few hours each day working on the Jenny before coming home for dinner. Bethany had found his calendar with ‘Jenny’ and times and dates and thought he was stepping...
Chapter 12 Tickets to Paradise Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 With great thanks to Pepper Pace, Elliot and Reverend Joe for reading the rough drafts and support… and to Martine, the love of my life. * Late Thursday, March 3rd, 1932 The El Segundo house Dinner was over. Roast pork with apples sauce, mashed potatoes with butter and peas… how she always knew what he liked, John didn’t know but was grateful just the same. Of course, after Bethany Rose talked with her...
Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." I loved to hear my chocoholic say the code words for our little experiments in light, consensual bondage. Some of our most exciting sex was during these games. She said it on Monday morning, an hour before the alarm was supposed to wake me for work. She won the coin toss, ending a two win streak for me. I was bound as usual to the four posts of our bed, and she rode my face into the sunrise. There wasn't time to reciprocate that morning....
Partially edited by Alexis Siefert Copyright © 2002, 2003 The "Knights" portion of this story was originally submitted as an entry to the Virago Blue Challenge as a flash story (under 1000 words). It contained no sex, but maintained continuity with the rest of the "Chocolate Morsels Universe." A follow-up was always intended. "Daze" is that follow-up. I wasn't happy with it. I decided to submit it to a jury of my peers, in the best forum for improvement in the
Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla Copyright 2023 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Clark did a waddling shuffle with his cup until it was near the middle the table. "Hello there Mister Artificially-And-Naturally-Strawberry-Flavored- Non-Dairy-Dessert-Beverage!" TC imitated Clark's actions with his own cup, nearly knocking over the plastic tray filled with our combined orders of slowly cooling french fries. "Hello there Mister...
Going to the Airport to catch your plane to take you to the Seminar all is on your mind is your Chocolate Lady that will meet you in the city where the Seminar is being held. For two years now you have talked to this lady and all you have seen was an old picture of her. Not knowing what to expect when and if you saw her, but hoping that she was a bathing beauty. In flight, as you were sipping on a cup of hot coffee as the plane was getting closer to your destination, all of a sudden when the...
EroticCake? Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Sunday, February 14th, 1932 Valentine’s Day The sound of laughter filled James’ library as he read the Sunday paper. Al Capone was now serving time at the Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta. Should have sent him to Alcatraz, see how he’d like that. A knock on the doorjamb caught his attention. He saw her standing in the doorway… the sight of her was enough and he put his hand down trying to keep his arousal down. She walked in and sat...
This had to work. For what he paid, it better! The money wasn’t the issue… it was having had to fuck that old crone that was the worst. He still shuddered at the memory. Thank God for the man who invented the condom! The only way he’d been able to get it up and keep it up was to fantasize about LaRain… but then the old crone had actually seemed to enjoy it and the sound of her crackled old voice attempting a moan had almost shriveled him up to nothing. He shuddered again and reached down to his...
Chapter 8 God, I hope we never have to do that again Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 * Monday, January 4th, 1932 Eliza pushed the vacuum across the rug. The noise was enough to wake the dead, as far as she was concerned, but it made cleaning the house so much easier she was willing to put up with noise. She was worried. James had not come out of his room for two days, now. There had been several calls from the different stores asking to speak to him, almost demanding...
copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Christmas morning, 1931 James Ewart’s home El Segundo, California Breakfast was a crowded but almost silent affair. The children had all eaten much earlier and were playing with more Christmas gifts that had magically appeared under the small but beautiful tree. Eliza knew her sister and she knew something had happened last night. She heard the door close and the sound of her sister’s crying. Yet, this morning, she was smiling at Mr....
‘We have to have sex, Jimmy, otherwise…’ Copyright @ All rights reserved, 2011 * Christmas Evening, 1931 Rather than fall down and look foolish, she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dim light still present in the room from the moonlight. Bethany slid out of her slippers and sat on the edge of the bed. ‘Jimmy, I’m sorry that Lizbeth brought back sad memories.’ He moved over on the bed to give her more room. ‘No, Bethany, they weren’t sad memories, they were good memories. I needed...
Chocolate Kisses 2: Pearl Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Chapter 4 – Early December 4th, 1941 It was one week after Thanksgiving that Bethany strolled leisurely into the kitchen and dreamingly ran her fingers along the counter, a sleepy smile on her still somnolent face. She stopped for a moment and fed a macadamia nut to their parrot, Jolly Roger, brought home after the dog died. Eliza brought over two cups of coffee, sat down and poured milk into hers. ‘Bethany Rose…...
Introduction: A story of my favorite Fuck Toy Friday. Chocolate Cake I picked up my phone as I drove and dialed the number. Hello he said. Im on my way Good was his response. I turned onto his street and into his open garage. He shut the door behind me as I got out of my car. I walked to him and he reached out and patted my ass as we walked together into his house. This snowy weather sure sucks, and just listen to that wind I said to him. Yes he agreed its a good night to stay in...
We had met at a seminar the month before, and had been messaging and chatting since. She was 38, married with two teenage kids, starting to rebuild her career, having taken a break. I could see she was a go-getter, fiercely intelligent, and going to be successful. If I had vacancies in my company, I would have head hunted her. Instead, here we were on another course (long booked ahead), planning to meet at the hotel. She was about five-foot-eight, to my six-feet. She was half Scottish, half...
HumorIt all started with me in the kitchen baking a chocolate cake, I had bits of flour in my hair and on my face and even a speck of chocolate on the tip of my nose as I stood there in short shorts, over the knee black socks, tank top and a sweater that was zipped up halfway. My hair was pulled into a messy bun and had flour in it- it was mid afternoon when you walked in and leaned on the other side of the counter I was sitting on, you chuckled as you took in my appearance. "You still look...
First TimeCopyright © 2002, 2003 Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." Of course, that meant I needed to go to the store. I occasionally joke about having married into royalty. She tosses that "imperial we" around quite a bit. She was sitting in front of the computer when she made her pronouncement, so I wandered over to see what inspired my latest Saturday shopping trip. I fully expected to see, or or any of a dozen chocolate-related sites....
I had a 5 acre yard just outside a rural town with lots of trees around my place. This was a lot of work to keep up but I love to putter on the yard all weekend. My shop was across the yard from the house with trees in between so if anyone came to the house I would not notice unless they came to the shop. My wife went to her moms every Friday night and the kids had all moved out. I was 48 in fairly decent shape. I'd been in the shop for an hour when I had to take a pee. I would...
Introduction: Becky comes back to sell more chocolates with her friend After lunch Becky and Nicole hopped on their bikes and cycled out to my place making plans as the came. If my wife came to the door they would try and sell her some chocolates and ask about chores in order to earn some spending money. Becky told Nicole not to let on that she had been there the evening before as she didnt know what I might have told my wife if anything. But how are we going to get Mr. Thomas to do anything...
I first met Jessie during the summer when she would come to the Senior League baseball games to watch her son play ball. I was the coach. As with most youth athletic programs, some parents come to the games, some don't, but as the season wore on and the team was winning ballgames, more of the moms were showing up and sitting in the stands behind our benchSeveral of the moms were hot and dressed the part with short cut-offs and halter tops, but Jessie is the one that always stood out, and I'd...
InterracialI picked up my phone as I drove and dialed the number. "Hello" he said. "I'm on my way" "Good" was his response. I turned onto his street and into his open garage. He shut the door behind me as I got out of my car. I walked to him and he reached out and patted my ass as we walked together into his house. "This snowy weather sure sucks, and just listen to that wind" I said to him. "Yes" he agreed "it's a good night to stay...
Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 * Epilog: September 4th, 1985 HONOLULU (AP) Rear Admiral James Ewart and his wife of over 50 years, Bethany Rose, died within moments of each other, Friday, August 30th at their home in Popukea. Although a fighter ace during World War One, the admiral and his wife were members of the Office of Naval Intelligence starting with the attack at Pearl Harbor and they kept their hand in as consultants until 1983. Services will be held at the...
‘Hello, I suppose I should introduce myself. I’m Peter Nathan. No doubt you’ve been hearing a lot of new names lately.’ He had seen her around the office for a few weeks. He thought she was kind of attractive, tall, about 5’7′ with small breasts and a lean build. He shook those thoughts from his head. He usually didn’t bother to meet new people for a while but he seemed to be walking by her fairly often, either on the way to the rest rooms or coming back from the coffee shop. He didn’t want...
Chapter 6 There’s no glory in death… Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Monday, December 28, 1931 At seven o’clock sharp, James sat down to the breakfast. Eliza, surprised to see him returning to his usual pattern, poured him a glass of cold fresh orange juice and went to fry a couple of pancakes and an egg, ‘sunny-side up.’ She glanced at him several times while the food was cooking, wondering if there was any significance to his early rising. As he finished his second...
In the tale, ‘Chocolate Kisses,’ the characters of this story, were introduced. That tale related a forbidden romance in Depression Era Los Angeles. James Ewart, 45, a World War One fighter ace whose children were viciously murdered. His wife, Catherine, committed suicide after becoming pregnant with the murderer’s child. Years later, he fell in love with Bethany Rose, a colored woman. Bethany Rose, 33, a college nursing student who dropped out due to the Depression. She and her Jimmy moved...
copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved 2011 Venice, California Tuesday, December 8th, 1931 James Ewart drove north along the coastline to Albert Kinney’s vanishing dream. Venice, built with such fanfare twenty-five years ago had become nothing more than the backwash of an oil field. In 1930, amid much enthusiasm, the Ohio Oil Company struck oil. While it boosted the local economy with new wealth, the physical degradation caused by the drilling just changed the nature of the area’s...
It all started with me in the kitchen baking a chocolate cake, I had bits of flour in my hair and on my face and even a speck of chocolate on the tip of my nose as I stood there in short shorts, over the knee black socks, tank top and a sweater that was zipped up halfway. My hair was pulled into a messy bun and had flour in it- it was mid afternoon when you walked in and leaned on the other side of the counter I was sitting on, you chuckled as you took in my appearance. ‘You still look...
It was a delicate balance, the temperature and texture of the chocolate I was preparing to pour over his cock. It wasn’t really something I was prepared to get wrong, so I worked carefully, meticulously. Of course I had to test and taste it often, but one has to make sacrifices for true art. I gently warmed the thick cream in a double boiler with a stick of cinnamon, carefully avoiding bringing it to the boil. The chips of dark Lindt chocolate melting in the cream took on a warm gloss as they...
Chapter 1 This story is about my Mom and Dad. They both had passed away a few months apart. Mom went first at age eighty-one and Dad at age eighty-four. They had been married sixty-two years. This story only covers a very small aspect of their lives. Every two years we have a family reunion at Lola Valley Park, in Michigan. It been going on as long as I can remember. Throughout the years, as our elders passed away, the next generation of our family continued on with the tradition. My...
Hi all. This is varun. It was in December 2015. I accepted a project in Pune in the month of November from an java coaching institute. My part was to train students in aptitude for placements. I was given with 8 days to cover all the topics in two different batches c1 and c2. 4 days in Nov and 4 in December. In d month of Nov my training went very well and all were very impressed. Everyday students used to come up with doubts and for my suggestions. The last session finishes at 4. But I used...
"But how are we going to get Mr. Thomas to do anything with us since we will both be there?" Nicole asked Becky, feeling her apprehension mounting. Nicole felt a growing excitement but also was a bit scared at what they were planning on doing. Nicole knew that she loved putting a dildo into her pussy but a real cock she didn't know if she was ready for that. "Becky I don't know how far I want to go, maybe if something gets started I could watch you and Mr. Thomas if he's okay with...
After that night, over the next few weeks we got into a routine of mad fucking dates. She’d come over and we’d tear it up. Sometimes we’d have a drink first but usually she had some fun, creative idea to make things interesting.One time she wore tights and wanted me to undress her with my teeth. But as soon as I got those pants down a few inches I just started in licking her pussy and she gave up once she came on my face. She whipped off her clothes and we fucked and sucked for the next few...
InterracialAuthor’s Notes: This is a work of fiction, and perhaps even fantasy. There is some sex in the story, but not a lot, and it’s certainly not a ‘stroke story.’ Maybe someday there will be Metzler Cell. The way science is progressing these days, it wouldn’t surprise me. I was just imaging what I might do if I were Harry Zheng and I were in his place. I’ll be interested to hear what you think. My thanks to ErikThread and DaveT for their editing skills and technical advice. * I have an active...
copyright @ calibeachgirl all rights reserved, 2011 Chapter 2 – Late September, 1941 On Thursday morning, the eighteenth the sun rose to bathe the island in bright rainbows and the light fell across Jim’s face. ‘Ohhhh,’ Jim moaned, pulling his pillow over his head. ‘Damn, baby, you’ve got to talk to those girls of yours to be quiet in the morning.’ He felt a hangover pounding but had nothing to drink the night before. As a matter of fact, he hadn’t had anything to drink since the first girl...
Introduction: Part 2 of Chocolate Fun! yea the first part was bad, but i think i did better on the second one. please read both and tell me if i did better Part 2. Sorry everybody that read part 1 and thought it was shitty. I took peoples advice and I think this one is going to be better. Maurice shouts out at Monique What are you doing you dumb bitch! Im tanning you moron! Monique shouts back at him. Why dont you have your clothes on? Asks Maurice. She replies with Im trying to get rid of...
FROM THE BOOK: CHOCOLATE TABOO LESBOSA HARDCORE EXPERIENCEEvanny is sitting in her chair, with her eyes stiff and her fists tense, she has small bruises on her face. In front of her are two women, whom have just escaped from prison and took refuge in the Bordeaux apartment. One of them has short hair and her left arm is full of tattoos, her figure is thin, her name is Kayla. The other one, who is her girlfriend, is as voluptuous as Dominique, she, like her lover, has short hair and a single...
Isabella Brown was a snotty twenty one year old student, on a holiday with her two best friends from university in Santorini, Greece. They stayed in a small hotel and went down to the beach everyday to catch some rays and swim."Come on, Isabella, you got to come out with us tonight," urged one of her best friends called Lucy Dixon. She was a petite blonde with baby blue eyes. Isabella groaned and sighed heavily, as if she didn't say yes to her friends they'd just go on and on and she'd never...
Straight SexWhen I woke up the next day, it felt so good to be sandwiched between two hotties in the coldness of Shimla. Jia was still sleeping and her soft nude body was covered in a blanket but I saw the left part of her ass outside the blanket. I went to her soft ass and kissed it. Even though I was tired and it all happened in haste, I enjoyed fucking her ass. I kissed it one more time and saw the stains of cream on her ass and ass crack. I sucked the cream from her ass and started eating her booty....
Bill sat at the security desk and passed the evening watching the customer service representatives leave for the day. Of the 200 women that worked there, few had escaped his sex fantasies. At 7:30 everyone was gone. He read the newspaper until 8:15 when the phone rang. “Security, Bill speaking.” “It’s Mae, Sugar,” she said with a faint southern accent. “Everyone else is gone. Why don’t you be sure to lock the front door, then come on back here to escort...
It was Larry's senior year in high school. He'd had several girlfriends in the last two years but there was one girl in his class that he wanted to spend time with and he knew his time was running out. Her name was Carina and she was a very sexy young black girl who'd moved into town with her family a year earlier. Larry asked Carina if she'd go out with him one Friday night and when they were at a movie enjoying themselves, he leaned over and asked her if she'd be his date for the...